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Maehara diplomatic relations phase “it lowers income tax, should increase consumer tax” the ★2


  • 0国内生产总值的税基是直接关系到我,如果我有一个企业水平,它应该是一个国家比喻为一个好 But as for the basis it is linked to GDP it is … Direct tax as for 0 well probably does not become the national unit with figure of speech but If the enterprise unit it is

    • 10%的消费税从2011年4月至百分之十的消费税在%temp假设决定提请消费者在同一时间,并希望俄如增加税收,将只是暂时租用5开支从中线%,抑制了消费反弹 When from 2011 April consumer tax is designated as the 10 when consumer tax it is designated as the 10 when you suppose that it was decided Only temporary employment and dispatch employment increase probably will be When consumer tax rises because simultaneously as for the consumer above the 5 controlling expenditure consumption falls abnormal play
      • 10%的消费税从2011年4月就任%气温决定提请消费者在同一时间,并希望增加税收来鄂如只是临时雇用百分之五以上的消费者控制开支从中线反弹 When from 2011 April consumer tax is designated as the 10 when consumer tax it is designated as the 10 when you suppose that it was decided Only temporary employment and dispatch employment increase probably will be When consumer tax rises because simultaneously as for the consumer above the 5 controlling expenditure consumption falls abnormal play
      • ○集团是你的妹妹的搜索引擎优化你怎么能逃避纳税申报?同样与宗教税 从销售到最终的政治家和官僚更容易得到最我猜 The ro which as for the older sister of Soviet ○ pu final tax returns how is not done and is Religion… After all from the point of view of the politician and the bureaucracy number one it is easy to take consumer tax it is probably will be
      • 业余的意见,有兴趣购买热潮,不提供税务损失?这种局部的细节,包括更多的业务显示中线 But amateur opinion when consumer tax is increased doesn t buying intention vanish at a stroke Furthermore business falls in your such times
      • 原Oomae先生一样,在粉碎打破民主衰退以来,失业率,“显示在纳税”细节风险不要触及举起 After large Mr Maehara breaking down unemployment rate and depression with democracy wipeout preparedness “it increases consumer tax” buchi lifting
      • 在我看来,对汽油销售税Gezu一般收入税认为一些福利Aterubeki You think that privately without increasing consumer tax to general revenue source it converts gasoline tax should apply part to welfare
      • 所以这可以解释销售税,这一点我觉得无论是早生附表,预计未来所得税ü相称 Then but consumer tax reason it is made to think that in the future you can anticipate the earnings which it corresponds to tax liability whether or not point kana

    • 20%仍足里努(01月06日10)大加税的救济金!音频减少继承税和公司税的富人,穷人征收消费税普遍从10%,如果一半(3月7日10)(3月21日10)(3月30日10) It is not enough yet even with the 20 January 6th of 10 Large tax increase for rose maquis It decreases income tax and rich inheritance tax is wide from the pauper collection Also consumption tariff the 10 stand halfway March 7th of 10 March 21st of 10 March 30th of 10
      • 看在公司税,民主党人舔人说狗屎已经Metara附表卖国政策或停止消费税上调附表埋在被Gerubeki只与销售额增长撒政府对税收将逆转 It lowers income tax should increase consumer tax It probably is opposite Government the rose burying the attaching which is spread with tax increase of consumer tax When you stop treason policy it is the story which is completed The citizen is licked the kuso Democratic party

    • 22:28编号:???0?专利法条约(12556)党的代表的改革是7,洋一舛添,世界上在福冈市,税制改革的“流动的有关政策规定在党的基本公司税为20%和单位10个百分点的销售税这一趋势已经结束“,并描述所有,设置消费税和10%,它超过Gerubeki企业减税拉动很明显,概念的S 22 28 ID 0 PLT 12556 Regarding the tax reform which on the 7th lectures the Masuzoe main point one representation of new party reform in Fukuoka city puts out in basic policy of the same party “The flow of the world makes consumer tax above the 10 with income tax as a 20 stand is trend” that Thought that with the expressing corporation tax reduction and set consumption tariff should be pulled up above the 10 It made clear
      • 你怎么说同样的事情 他的政治舛添舛添新党 “超过10%的销售税 The same thing as Masuzoe saying the ru Masuzoe “consumer tax 10 or more of new party

    • 347物业税物业税应引入金融Gerubeki或者下拉
      347 Property tax should lower To however it should introduce financial asset tax

      • 3%的减税,国会议员102万日元,政府官员,包括法官将在减税至少21000000日元

        • 50 05 102%的平均销售税将用于万亿日元万亿日元的预算为大约100个民主,因为我需要百分之九
          102 Therefore with consumer tax 5% about 9,000,000,000,000 Yen If democracy budget 100,000,000,000,000 Yen is maintained Average 50% is necessary

          • 56“是民营企业同样的水平!威风,”这实际上是非常有利可图的公司级别的顶部,Karimasu瓦特分
            56 “It is identical level with private enterprise! ! [kiritsu]” Actually w which the shank, understands with super black-ink balance first-rate enterprise level

            • 592 巨大的加税是在起飞的子女免税额或其他资源,我说我不是我Tteta他们会站出来拯救被埋浪费金钱和w 592 Because gt enormous tax catches with child treatment tax increase is natural don t you think That tsu te revenue source says excluding the buried deposit gold and wastefulness the tsu te which you devise w
              • 孩子长到加息的巨大利益,我们的税收抱怨公众的意见,并且我不会无 Because enormous tax catches with child treatment tax increase is natural don t you think The expectation which is not public opinion putting out complaint

            • 5年的兵役-所有成年公民对日本军人和妇女问题稍微消除第九条→自卫队(护理,救灾,救济,甚至包括)卡→如果没有资产,由日本军方强迫草案2050年建设的轨道电梯由日本军方没收,国防殖民地完成从轨道卫星地面激光
              9 provision abolition -> from Self Defense Force to the Japanese military The citizen who becomes an adult regardless of the man and woman entirely military service obligation of five years (also nursing, disaster relief and relief activity etc include) If the forced draft card by the Japanese military -> well property forfeiture Tracked elevator construction starting construction by the Japanese military 2050, ground defense colony laser completion from on satellite track

              • 635人的新党和新党日本解除销售折让的概念,即应该减税刺激经济,而是反对(共产党不刺激经济)应扩大到这样一个党的席位
                635 The national new party and new party Japan oppose to the consumption tax-deducted lifting On the other hand reducing taxes, the thought (there are no countercyclical measures in Japan Communist Party of should activate economy,) The shelf which should expand the parliamentary seat of such political party

                • 653 我自身的规模无法想象的规模唯一的区别是,他们都是正确的,对不对?
                  653 > The difference of the scale only be, it cannot, but it is Your own scale everything are correct, is, don't you think?

                  • 663 的A做税在其他国家推出,但也许我列入旅游带来不合理的措施,我说我的累进税,并非不合理想说,所有瓦特 663 But gt as for answering progressive taxation how non rationality bringing the scale from the ru what Perhaps doing the tax system which the foreign countries have introduced is the case that we would like to call all non rationality don t you think w
                    • 663 的A做税在其他国家推出,但也许我列入旅游带来不合理的措施,我说我的累进税,并非不合理想说,所有瓦特 663 But gt as for answering progressive taxation how non rationality bringing the scale from the ru what Perhaps doing the tax system which the foreign countries have introduced is the case that we would like to call all non rationality don t you think w

                  • 805办公室,我会说河内博顿抱怨说,太多的官员正式编号的,它是不是)比一般收入(地方官员,我得到的服务改革的总体水平,民间也将有助于我排减单位,增加收入金额每人的工作自然会减少,因为人们没有鳃和制止一年度减少 805 The government office only complaint calling to the public official ru kurema to be large Thing and the earnings where number of people of the public official are too multi being more than generality local government employee It is cause When in the future government employee reformation is done being held down by the annual income of general level Furthermore at the same time therefore the reason where also number of people decrease also the work load per one person increases naturally

                    • 856公司和油轮相撞或之后的新闻和举一个例子,逃税避税地使用,即使许多日本人都在船上,大部分避税和巴拿马这是没有太大的土地已被标记在逃避物业税是一家日本公司,制造和他们的国籍,因为他们成立的公司,以避税的方式,税务天堂制造商的放进了逃税和资产,他们进入日本经销商没有放置
                      856 Enterprise has evaded taxation making use of [tatsukusuheibun] It is when one example is increased, as follows When the tanker collides with news, the Japanese has embarked mainly relation, There is many a thing which becomes nationality of the ship of tax evasion area such as mostly Panama Because as for this the Japanese company property tax in order to escape, has established the company of the nationality specially in tax evasion area And the manufacturing industry makes the production origin tax evasion area, the selling agency puts on Japan and has evaded taxation putting in a state where it does not have property

                      • 886税税(如投票),其他专业好,有多少,在税务合伙业余查看详情,以便不被金钱就显得几年前,当地税率 886 Paragraph tax quite head tax the professional partner however much increasing the local tariff of several years ago because the gold does not take Consumer tax of the amateur partner is increased
                        • 如果你使约484茹,前几年的税率(如人头税调整的地方)没有 484 If the extent which can do that deterioration of local tariff of several years ago quite head tax it does not do

                      • NULL Increasing consumer tax when it tries thinking of that it lowers income tax at enterprise At a stroke when you say When the material purchasing consumer tax depending on cost Tax stops depending on the final profit From tsu lever Toda As for enterprise holding down cost it is large the paragraph way it does the profit because Consumption activity of enterprise is controlled or it purchases from overseas enterprise because The domestic part company it goes bankrupt the ro which is However perhaps big business should have increased employment that much Because burden of labor cost and unemployment insurance etc increases it does not increase Increasing consumer tax with unemployed person increase tax revenue decrease There is also such scenario it is it is not kana

                        • Www isc senshu u ac jp 〜the0374 文件 paper99 第1部分 0。html的经济崩溃后的泡沫,在2000年和1996年两次书籍。威胁面 www isc senshu u ac jp the0374 PAPERS paper99 part1 0 html As for the Japanese economy after the bubble collapsing two degrees 1996 and 2000 book Surfacing it set up
                          • TTP的: slicer93。实时sound net 0 是空间 7247。网页 ttp slicer93 real sound net 0 is space 7247 html

                        • “假设驱动tTA减少浪费,我认为消费税Gerubeki”等字眼,谈论了最大的预算。他一直试图阻止那些说谁 gt “You think that with the prerequisite which shaves wastefulness consumer tax should be increased ” saying Such speech past largest budget maximum The person whom it tries to obstruct says it rubbed
                          • 正如前原诚司,必须生活。无脑白痴认为,日本的消费税过低,而且没有例外的商品只收款父母 Maehara life necessary in the same way The Japanese consumer tax which has begun the parent item or without exception It is too cheap that there is no brain which is seen it is foolish

                        • “副部长小川元久草案是一党模式的美国共和党,”奥巴马否认日本媒体作为一个明确的例子,过去的失败和涓滴里根企业减税,奥巴马已明确否认20年是非常接近的理论,同时仍然狂欢大芒斯 “The tentative plan of secondary Minister of State Motonaga Furukawa is the American Republican Party model” As for obama administration reganomikusu of corporation tax reduction and torikurudaun theory It denies clearly as a past failure example As for the Japanese mass communications seori which the obama denies clearly Already nearly 20 years even now in extolment large man Say
                          • 公司税附表根据税收下列全球公司税,乡亲朱达罗螺旋显示在竞争中处处细节你会觉得我这样错了我统治世界是没有用的作Reyo Income tax the fact that it lowers is the world by mistake the ru is When such a thing it does with competition where income tax the ro which is spiral it lowers To some extent useless tsu te rule make the income tax below this in the world
                          • 奉承或宗教法人税从企业即使学校法人税(正式)技术可以盈利的会计,信贷,生活必需品和其他易腐在发票推行缓慢不捕获避税天堂这一比率收购间接税是讨论和思考的伊坎无 Calling income tax Tax coming off from religion corporate body educational foundation Special Corporation or Accounting tech deduction at tax evasion area it cannot capture either type profit making corporate body easily Discussing another tariff conversion of invoice introduction and the fresh food daily necessaries If you do not think capture with indirect tax circumstance

                        • 与现任首相的谈话测试指责前总理韩石井第10选区的主席,一个有价值的老兵
                          10 rank Election measure Chairman Ishii The valuable veteran e.g., scolds the speech of Chinese character test present prime minister in front prime minister,

                          • 丹羽先生首长“,而不是增加税收应免税地位保证政府官员的习惯”不得不说的话和民意是“不能保证,如果我们习惯上显示的税务资料的公职人员!”所以
                            If Niwa of the economic committee association “loses the status guarantee of the government employee, instead of tax increase Because you said, that it can reduce taxes”, if public opinion lifts “consumer tax First lose the status guarantee of the government employee! Therefore”

                            • 也是同样的道理对美国的反展details个人一定程度上为您can progress enhance的上涨transfer的外国企业避税Mutoiukedo税,带动807 Tteru国家在他们的国籍as我是一个美国的税收修干我独自一人,我说有强烈的立场,即美国的国家 807 When income tax it increases taxes however you say that overseas moving advances It is depended on strengthening the tatsukusuheibun tax system it can prevent being it does the yo You can call the same thing concerning the individual As for the American it will be in the country of somewhere but Tax storing to all America with just the ru with nationality the ru it is Well standpoint of the country America saying strongly it is also but it is

                              • 什么是日本企图以税收收入的外国公司只能在自由民主党中的一些税务天堂五百五十八顷有关的日子以来,国家在任何旧 558 With tatsukusuheibun tax system to profit at foreign enterprise the Japanese tax As for tsu te imposing a tax Therefore those which in the country of any from former times is from our people age don t you think

                                • 他们留言避税天堂H22肝癌这么多意见有关。 20个避税天堂国家确定的会计年度开始,越南从百分之四来自中国,将成为一个民主国家被看作是外来的,因为它也促进了海外转移 Because opinion concerning the tatsukusuheibun tax system is many one word H22 Because from 4 start business years the tariff which decides tatsukusuheibun country becomes the 20 China and Vietnam mean to come off Democracy is visible in order to promote moving to the foreign country even
                                  • 即使在日本的移动钱是纸切我喜欢用豌豆916避税地国家的成功只是逃避 916 The gold making tatsukusuheibun country move in Japan use it is Slip of paper like it rubbed with simply tax evasion success

                                • 但是,如果我有一个有利外国税收天堂日本子公司,母公司是课税收入公司
                                  The foreign subsidiary corporation producing, the profit as for cod that it imposes a tax as a profit of the Japanese parent company [tatsukusuheibun] tax system

                                  • 但是,显然,思维是,认为虽然有正确的,阿玉禁渔,我的孩子在一个色情内容崩溃 Even to so at first glance the correct way you can think this thought but It fails with rescindment and the child pornography of the ayu fishing it is
                                    • 但民主党是不是社会主义,这也是南斯拉夫和直线与路径失败的前苏联 Because so the Democratic party administration is socialism at one time Soviet and Yugoslavia way the road of failure It is the straight line

                                  • 你提出的这个国家的消费税将有利于在广泛取自瘦多了所以他们会说我的情况一样抱怨俄巴这个线程我不是太多,他们纳税 Consumer tax as for lifting approval In this country tax the wa where the party who is not paid is too multi For example complaint saying with this sure the party the ru way Because you can take thin widely even from such a party
                                    • 前原诚司的最佳方式振兴日本经济,取消销售税和多远要毁掉日本? Very abolishing consumer tax best method to the Japanese economic revival As for Maehara doing to there we would like to destroying Japan
                                    • 我想知道如果我们只有380个销售税?烟草税是什么东西没有别的办法,酒税,其他税项或不是现行的税制 380 Only consumer tax it is then kana Something there is no other method it is the tsu ke which is Tobacco tax and liquor tax another tax which is not existing tax

                                  • 你提出的金额682税的并不全是邪恶的,是不是最合理和irrational m率太高,到古发言,但我从来不买豪华轿车,珠宝丰富一推出之前就存在的消费税,这个家伙像消费税 682 Tariff lifting with the amount even excessively the irrational shelf Most rational it is not Everything as for being bad the luxury car and the jewel It is to make tariff high only the rich person vis a vis those which are not bought no matter what Such tax existed before the consumer tax introducing It is the person commodity tax
                                    • 你提出的金额682税的,是最合理和不合理的税费过高古税,这样我很反对,不得发言,但我从来不买豪华轿车,珠宝丰富税推出那个人之前已存在的消费税 682 Tariff lifting with the amount even excessively the irrational shelf Most rational it is not Everything as for being bad the luxury car and the jewel It is to make tariff high only the rich person vis a vis those which are not bought no matter what Such tax existed before the consumer tax introducing It is the person commodity tax
                                    • 鄂如您提高销售税增加→恩戴人类消费是325吗?在60峨→税收增加60岁以上的年龄,但我会说我同样的权利? 325 The human whom it consumes increases gt as for increasing consumer tax the proper With something 60 years old or more increases gt as for applying tax 60 years old or more the proper The tsu te saying but the same as the ru

                                  • 佳能日本经济团体联合会前主席主席御手洗富士夫,质询我们期待率参数下的资金有效的公司税“我们的愿景(”御手洗愿景“),它们没有明确写入”(2月12日70新闻发布会6天),如速度显示在建议附表逐渐拉消费税 At one time CANON Chairman Huzio the Mitarai of Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations chairman the corporate body effective tariff pulling You questioning the revenue source of lowering “our visions “Mitarai vision” clearly It is written” consumption tariff gradual 〇 press conference February 26th of seven as The proposition which it pulls up was shown

                                    • 例如说更多。国家目标的25%至70%的税,因此我想往下看对(?),但它可能会为促进中国通信公司在日本搬迁 Speaking more The object of taxation country it has been about to lower to the 70 from the 25 it did However Don t you think this probably will be in order to urge moving the Japanese enterprise to China
                                      • 不能扭转833?卡兹的70倍你不立即损害了钱。第八衷心%的能源税,或即使 833 Opposite it is not Therefore the times when your morimori money is made the 70 imposing a tax the vital force was not impaired
                                      • 也比较强大的资产通胀及外币计价的资产,如物业税份额将税收中立的资产通胀和相对薄弱的债券和现金 If property taxation even in the property which is strong in inflation such as stocks and foreign currency building property relatively It can impose a tax to also the property which is weak in inflation such as present deposit and bond relatively neutrally
                                      • 也比较强大的资产通胀及外币计价的资产,如物业税份额将税收中立的资产通胀和相对薄弱的债券和现金 If property taxation even in the property which is strong in inflation such as stocks and foreign currency building property relatively It can impose a tax to also the property which is weak in inflation such as present deposit and bond relatively neutrally
                                      • 他马上就可以有收入的情况,即间接税收0 0我是直接税,因为消费税征税的原则273 273 Therefore even consumer tax it imposes a tax to the principle operating profit it is if the circumstance where direct tax becomes 0 Indirect tax also can be also a tax revenue 0 probably will be
                                      • 又是税务中立的资产膨胀和相对薄弱的债券和现金资产,以较强的通货膨胀和外币计价的资产,如房地产税如果股票 If property taxation even in the property which is strong in inflation such as stocks and foreign currency building property relatively It can impose a tax to also the property which is weak in inflation such as present deposit and bond relatively neutrally
                                      • 又是税务中立的资产膨胀和相对薄弱的债券和现金资产,以较强的通货膨胀和外币计价的资产,如房地产税如果股票 If property taxation even in the property which is strong in inflation such as stocks and foreign currency building property relatively It can impose a tax to also the property which is weak in inflation such as present deposit and bond relatively neutrally
                                      • 必需品如有关销售税的1 3,如果你贫穷和痛苦的旋转你会喜欢的食物外国免税 If consumer tax it lifts as for the foodstuff like daily necessaries unless it makes in the same way as the foreign country non imposing a tax poor layer suffers
                                      • 累计超额收入在近几年。税收是由几代人之间的代沟的差距,使人们将减轻负担减轻,等 Excessive income implication of recent years Differential inside the generation whom it occurs with relief popular burden increase and the like and differential between the generation can be eased with property taxation
                                      • 累计超额收入在近几年。税收是由几代人之间的代沟的差距,使人们将减轻负担减轻,等 Excessive income implication of recent years Differential inside the generation whom it occurs with relief popular burden increase and the like and differential between the generation can be eased with property taxation
                                      • 累计超额收入在近几年。税收是由几代人之间的代沟的差距,使人们将减轻负担减轻,等 Excessive income implication of recent years Differential inside the generation whom it occurs with relief popular burden increase and the like and differential between the generation can be eased with property taxation
                                      • 累计超额收入在近几年。税收是由几代人之间的代沟的差距,使人们将减轻负担减轻,等 Excessive income implication of recent years Differential inside the generation whom it occurs with relief popular burden increase and the like and differential between the generation can be eased with property taxation
                                      • 累计超额收入在近几年。税收是由几代人之间的代沟的差距,使人们将减轻负担减轻,等 Excessive income implication of recent years Differential inside the generation whom it occurs with relief popular burden increase and the like and differential between the generation can be eased with property taxation

                                    • 例如,如果您使用的养老金和医疗照顾的老人,主要税收人收集了不少老to own税资产的财产,老人获得福利服务将会稳定发表的俄如将增加青年就业和医疗保健 For example If you use the tax revenue which is collected mainly from the senior citizen who owns many of property with property taxation for the nursing medical annuity and the like of the senior citizen As for the senior citizen in addition to receiving stable welfare service as for the young person employment in nursing medical care and the like increases
                                      • 例如,如果您使用的养老金和医疗照顾的老人,主要税收人收集了不少老to own税资产的财产,老人获得福利服务将会稳定发表的俄如将增加青年就业和医疗保健 For example If you use the tax revenue which is collected mainly from the senior citizen who owns many of property with property taxation for the nursing medical annuity and the like of the senior citizen As for the senior citizen in addition to receiving stable welfare service as for the young person employment in nursing medical care and the like increases

                                    • 倒,大公司!音频是采取减税赢得了重要的拉动和提升企业税! !

                                      • 公务员制度改革,企业改革的公众,立法者取消特权,是不是说没有基础从零重新考虑的特别帐户
                                        Government employee system reformation, Special Corporation reformation and Assemblyman privilege abolition, Zero bases of special accounts to take a second look, after, call

                                        • 前原诚司提到税“★”Gerubeki,交通部长前原诚司告诉记者招待会驱动tTA的前提下减少浪费后的内阁会议上,7“,我认为,销售税Gerubeki “她说,显示了必须解除消费税的论据承认
                                          * Maehara diplomatic relations phase should lift reference “consumer tax” Maehara Seizi national traffic as for phase in press conference of after the Cabinet conference on the 7th “with the prerequisite which shaves wastefulness, consumer tax You think” that we should lift, you said, consumption tariff increase showed the recognition of necessity

                                          • 参数附表红旗下, 因为一百八十二万亿日元减半征收企业所得税,消费税日元至20兆213人,明天,9891年4月3%,即使在79推出百分之05的一年电梯拉“为”福利为借口,只是福利的穷人Kunaru Tomorrow consumer tax introduction 20 year From the populace 213 000 000 000 000 Yen Income tax decrease 182 000 000 000 000 Yen When in the reason which lowers consumer tax being introduced into 1989 April with the 3 it pulls to the 5 in 97 on The ge and others re it is the time “for the sake of welfare” it was excuse but as for welfare it keeps becoming bad
                                            • 616好了,只是销售税,我必须请求重新考虑整个纹税的辩论,而不是仅仅是企业税 616 Well just consumer tax is not to argue just income tax and it takes a second look the whole tax system and desired the potato is the shelf
                                            • 64 TTP的: color7171。Blog ocn ne jp kotobatomono 2008 05 职位 98dc html武藤敏郎在这里阅读,了解下看你的企业所得税和利润作为公司做多大电梯销售税见 64 ttp color7171 blog ocn ne jp kotobatomono 2008 05 post 98dc html When here you read you know whether income tax lowering consumer tax the do just is the extent which is big business makes a profit with lifting
                                            • 864哦,“Tteru植物制成的美国公司利得税是不便宜,”我想他认为,如果一个故事 864 So so ” income tax is cheap because the factory making in the United States person who believes ru ” how story that thinks how
                                            • 887 “显示细节,因为消费税,”下梁的公司税从“就是他们说以后 887 gt ” Income tax was lowered to the reason which increases consumer tax because ” from after the tsu te excuse
                                            • 公司税:所得税和外国传递的进展相比,海外:文明进步增强是立即削减的继承和赠与税的活力:有一个双重征税问题在所有 Income tax When it is high by comparison with the foreign country overseas moving advances Income tax Promotion strengthening shaves the vital force Inheritance tax donation tax There is a problem in the first place dual taxation
                                            • 出口税,我想降低公司税是唯一一个我柱退还越来越大 1 Income tax going down when consumer tax rises as for export enterprise With the benefit 々 repayment money with the large profit the shank
                                            • 分钟和增加税收,财政法就取消一个特殊的,塔约一点我想我拉下来的公司利得税1 3 With the amount where the tax revenue increases with special 措 method abolition as a revenue source You think that it is the tsu te thing which lowers income tax
                                            • 如果公司瞧不起法人税和消费税,因此正确的理论研究,以降低你更多境外公司税提高到 Therefore increasing consumer tax if it does not lower income tax enterprise flows out more and more overseas It is correct even theoretically to lower income tax
                                            • 如根据企业税,让你提出恶意的兴趣。这笔赠款将企业利益和国家的单方面隐藏。不是一个详尽的设定罚则 Therefore when we assume that income tax is lowered vicious interest Unless thorough penal provisions are provided in hiding It means that the country unilaterally provides the profit to enterprise
                                            • 我想说,我不知道272好,所以如果我都达成共识,认为有没有竞争力的相关性和国际间企业所得税 272 You say that we would like to saying to be good from the wa it is there is no nothing much correlation in income tax and international competitiveness If opinion agrees it is possible to be that
                                            • 我还削减劳动力成本,即使是对技术的蜡,也看看下面的国际竞争力的企业税,不喜欢,只会拖延公司包括过度反应,毕竟 Shaving labor cost technical power probably will rise also will lower income tax also International competitiveness it does not rise after all the place enterprise appearance accumulates and just is packed
                                            • 日本已缴纳税款,如果我不红,不是太缺乏社会保障费用,甚至刮真正的税收优惠。如果问题是我已经比其他国家低是你只想说,我就details ll像显示瓦特日本经团联背后看当前的经济衰退或增加增值税和企业所得税下来 If as for Japan the deficit also the income tax payment te calling and social security expense are little There is also tax reduction measure and with the truth Already it is cheaper than the foreign country it is As for this case with the reverse side the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations way saying the ro w where is just the ru Income tax lowering when consumer tax it lifts present condition more and more just it becomes depression
                                            • 最近,累积性的。虽然削减公司税减免,上升到撒地北小资本家,迫使政府和公共工程的钱和你的债务在日本已经积累财富 Recently implication Although relief income tax it reduces taxes the money which stays in wealthy person corporate body the country owing the rose was spread mandatorily at such as public works projects to small capitalist
                                            • 梅塔公司和大公司所支付的同一时间。税(公司税,法人居民税,公司税)也降低日元的减税总共800万亿美元,下一阶段立即 The corporate body which big business and the like stores to the same time Tax income tax corporate body inhabitant tax and corporate body enterprise taxes Decreased also sum total 182 000 000 000 000 Yen with such as the tax reduction which follows one another
                                            • 看在法人税的过程中,,消费税上调,路线天堂公务员),第二民主党,自民党(自由民主党占主导地位的田中派 Of course the corporate body tax deducted lowering and consumer tax tax increase the government employee heaven route The second Liberal Democratic Party The Democratic party original Liberal Democratic Party Tanaka group controls
                                            • 红旗 减税在20万亿日元的企业税,消费税182000000000000日元从213人,明天,9891年4月3%,即使在5年内引进79%的折扣即使在福利“升降机”的借口是,不只是福利邪恶Kunaru Tomorrow consumer tax introduction 20 year From the populace 213 000 000 000 000 Yen Income tax decrease 182 000 000 000 000 Yen When in the reason which lowers consumer tax being introduced into 1989 April with the 3 it pulls to the 5 in 97 on The ge and others re it is the time “for the sake of welfare” it was excuse but as for welfare it keeps becoming bad
                                            • 经济复苏,因为企业减税? ?不要改变任何东西,如果自民党瓦兰Nukasu设置它!这是一个严肃的问题 Therefore corporation tax reduction business recovers If that omits set and our people the strange straw it is there is no at all It is serious question
                                            • 驱动tTA而他们留在非权力古日本脱节,“税收收入下降来吧,我脱节古日本”我喜欢Hozai Because there is no power which keeps coming out while remaining in Japan “lower the income tax it keeps coming out of Japan” that Babbling the ru

                                          • 古人才是高收入,我付出巨大的税款,使穷人生活Biterunoni推出,这将是难得的欣赏,而不是情绪,毕竟,“听起来像支付更多的钱 As for the competent person earnings being high enormous tax paying with that as for the pauper surviving although the ru Instead of it is appreciated being hated after all “the money pay more and
                                            • 缴税的资本主义经济,至少我觉得被剥夺了穷人富人有必要早生立即投入使用 Above being the tax system of capitalism economy you have the rich person use and it is important not to take the motivation of the minimum of the pauper

                                          • 另一个明显的公司税根据附表中的公司税梁Idakedaro我死我死差日本销售税,如果你看看下面的677肯定死了和日本的企业税 677 If consumer tax therefore the pauper just dies the Japanese dying the ro which is the harboring which lowered income tax It was already clear You do not have to lower income tax absolutely When income tax is lowered the Japanese dies
                                            • 前原诚司将永远不会看不起我只是顺便法人税死于贫困的唯一外国人,如果销售税钱要撒玫瑰怪异 Maehara the rose just would like to spread the gold in the foreigner If consumer tax therefore the pauper just dies it is saying Income tax does not have to be lowered absolutely
                                            • 查看详情需要看看低税率,对企业解除穷人收紧税是从来没有降低投资税只希望发言的死亡丰富的日本,我会 Increasing consumer tax tightening the pauper it lowers income tax In brief the Japanese dying the harboring which the rich person gains Income tax does not have to be lowered absolutely
                                            • 消费税将有404影响打扰,因为消费罚款 NULL

                                          • 只有四,五个大分配给股东时,管理人员是最大的战后繁荣时期。我没有使用过驱动tTA分发给员工,以购买设备Kassukasu持有其余奖金的内部招聘
                                            When 4,5 years ago after the war becoming largest prosperity, It distributes to the � shareholder Only � official large. Bonus � retained profit � fixture purchase � hiring of new graduates Distributing � remaining [katsusukasu] to the employee It consumed in order, it is the [ze] which is

                                            • 告诉国会议员根据企业税,销售税是为了减少政府官员是海外游客的,我打自卫队国家安全税和题字的收集入境税和公司税从设在海外我保证在加强公众安全的努力 Lowering income tax Member of the Diet and the national public service personnel are reduced Consumer tax that way is but Tax is collected from the enterprise which has base in the overseas passage person the entry person and the foreign country Calling the tax national safety measure tax You endeavor to the Self Defense Force reinforcement and guarantee the safety of the citizen
                                              • 卡兹IDE还将日本公司在海外,我会让你疯狂,使税收来最使我对日本是世界上最大的公司税,因为这是更好地投资海外 The Japanese enterprise making in the foreign country when it has in Japan income tax the greatest in the world Almost it is carried with tax and from the chi ya u the one which that way it invests into the foreign country is good
                                              • 告诉国会议员根据企业税,销售税是为了减少政府官员是海外游客的,我打自卫队国家安全税和题字的收集入境税和公司税从设在海外我保证在加强公众安全的努力 Lowering income tax Member of the Diet and the national public service personnel are reduced Consumer tax that way is but Tax is collected from the enterprise which has base in the overseas passage person the entry person and the foreign country Calling the tax national safety measure tax You endeavor to the Self Defense Force reinforcement and guarantee the safety of the citizen

                                            • 国外子公司的免税股息(阿苏),但远不是曲棍球从我,我10%的税收(党的执政的),但没有一个负责的新闻媒体几乎没有,即使我是不是从普天间远
                                              Although allotment tax-free of the overseas subsidiary company (Aso administration) there is no story of the how atka mackerel, Don't you think? the consumer tax 10% how (Hatoyama administration) how Futenma, although - However the mass communications which are not reported well there is a responsibility

                                              • 在此之前,国家或解散民主力量下院之间的分裂反“没有,甚至开始向民主党的团结,不是吗?熄灭本身或部分包装驱赶瓦特 Unless before that counter Democratic party power the House of Representatives dispersion and” and others is among separation states when it starts being settled Furthermore as for the Democratic party being cornered the ro w which is party itself disappearance
                                                • 而且不这样做解散众议院党本身的反民主,民主势力分裂国家也开始消失,不是吗?统一或部分包装驱赶瓦特 Unless to that counter Democratic party power the House of Representatives dispersion does among separation states when it starts being settled Furthermore as for the Democratic party being cornered the ro w which is party itself disappearance

                                              • 埃泰不应被视为Richadoku日本人民,也不是他说,一个政府债券Uton奴役公共开支和大量发行 As for Richard Kuu thing and the like of the Japanese citizen Because it is not thought it is due to government bond mass issue National ruin public finance move and the like It is the outrageous person where you say
                                                • 埃泰不应被视为Richadoku日本人民,也不是他说,一个政府债券Uton奴役公共开支和大量发行 As for Richard Kuu thing and the like of the Japanese citizen Because it is not thought it is due to government bond mass issue National ruin public finance move and the like It is the outrageous person where you say
                                                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 The American bond is bought when you see and rudder me charge it is paid stop annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                                                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 The American bond is bought when you see and rudder me charge it is paid stop annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                                                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 The American bond is bought when you see and rudder me charge it is paid stop annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                                                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 The American bond is bought when you see and rudder me charge it is paid stop annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats

                                              • 外国子公司(制造)日本母公司(批发)的附属公司的所有生产出口案(批发和生产)线瑙例(管理或控制的物质)的子公司(生产)日本以外我如果没有作出正式决定的情况下采取的税收条约的国家出口产品的品牌,消费者发言给予就业峨杆高度减去天堂日本的公司税由反税我觉得每一个案件?
                                                The case where the � overseas subsidiary company (production) exports everything of the products to the Japanese parent company (wholesale trade) Does the � overseas subsidiary company (production wholesale trade) the case (substantial management control) which The case where the � overseas subsidiary company (production) exports the respective company brand product to also the country other than Japan When there was no arrangement temporarily in taxation convention, with the [tatsukusuheibun] measure tax system As for being able to deny 0 height of the Japanese income tax gives to employment you think that it is which case?

                                                • 如果我想我的财政紧缩和232使用化肥储备繁荣提供每一块的利益。但这个政府有责任
                                                  232 As for shrinkage public finance there is a remaining strength even in prosperity and uses the [tsu] fungus and fattening/fertilizing and does right Desire. But bill of government

                                                  • 如果没有销售税,乙商店购买的价格增值20日元之间的区别,如果你提供更多的甲店,可以平等竞争,如果一个销售税,乙商店购买价格20日元以及附加值的差异,即使是日元的价值之间的差额增值税必须提供更多的存储可能没有一个平等竞争
                                                    When there is no consumer tax, if the B store stocks and offers the balance 20 cyclotomic added value of value more than a store, equal competition is possible, but When there is a consumer tax, the B store stocks and not only balance 20 cyclotomic added value of value, if does not offer more than a store even to balance 1 cyclotomic added value of consumer tax, equal competition is not possible

                                                    • 它的对面一傻子,将引发的业务和收入的减税刺激经济,经济衰退会的! !不要说官员将拉动经济增长的驱动tTA滑动( )
                                                      1 It is opposite, when the fool, it becomes depression also, business and income tax reduction probably are the detonating agent of business floating, but! ! Or it pulls high-level economic growth and the 摺 [tsu] is the bureaucracy to stop saying ('a `)

                                                      • 山冈,国会事务委员会主席兼首席党的八届岁,大学校友,自由党的盟友Shinseito Shinshinto
                                                        8 rank National Diet measure Chairman Yamaoka The same age as chairman, university classmate and alliance friend from Sinsei party rising party free party

                                                        • 工薪阶层可支配收入约3%的人生活约1 1 5亿5 0亿至10万感兴趣的你,如果你的产品站在一个储蓄支付退休金,这将是今年我觉得他们合我,我只需要埋葬的钱是用来Jijibaba库塔现在我说这是一个诈骗或花花公子毕竟养老金用途使用资金披露朱达罗至80万 Is disposable income of the white collar worker probably about 150 000 000 When it is the 3 you probably will pay about 5 000 000 with lifetime Accumulation saving was done if it does You think that at interest it becomes 10 000 000 but As for national pension the ro which is year 800 000 The ge obtaining fraud shelf which it does After all however annuity purpose you say The tsu where jijibaba uses and sows is the gold just is compensated is what For by your it is the gold which is not used
                                                          • 为了屏蔽435的信任,而且主权在粉碎装置Jijibaba Mekon 再次,我不会手类W 435 The confidence it is dense is in the shield with soburin the tsu hangs jijibaba and inserts and to be also… Already that hand does not pass w

                                                        • 当49次武装革命,日本犯罪集团,他们采取的公牛没有攻击平民我收税飞食品滑稽牛耳日差不幸非法赌博,贩毒,军火国会粗糙卡兹,保卫外部干扰,问题是如何做我的头开始的败类垃圾数量,奴役我们聘请了具有丰富的金狗说话只是笑邪恶瘀伤,帮助弱势群体的要求,以提高

                                                          • 影响选举的增幅从孩子 谁支付的税收,如果政府的打算支付这笔六百八十四年从孩子的将是一段时间之前,我可以,但感情上我觉得自己像个小古再也不能从津贴税并没有很好的控制了负担 684 annual administration it was the intention of doing if is after increasing taxes child treatment The one which it puts out influences to election the air the little way but it is Treatment how once upon a time feeling it becomes natural therefore it is Child treatment putting out because room it was gone with tax increase control of the burden impression is not good
                                                            • 总的税收收入是远远不够的,是755,所以我想他们会增加民主,在其中一些有意义的债务数额没有加税是没有得到广泛的时间,以减少支付债务做了从将征求Yadoudemoii 755 As for the general tax revenue not being enough preponderantly turning to repayment from with the ru Unless sum total of debt it decreases largely some increasing taxes the ze which is not meaning It probably is the ya how good story in the democracy which amount of debt it has been about probably to increase but
                                                            • 收入和消费税约率达到相同的要求,那些在瑞典和欧洲的684个细节或显示为从被占领的一个主题杂货任何税项太大 684 When you see in ratio of the consumption tax revenue which is occupied in annual income the same as Europe Furthermore the same as Sweden or that side In brief from the foodstuff the taxation object is too wide from something

                                                          • 意见及要求有关的政策部ttps每一:/ /网站www.e - gov.go.jp /政策/ servlet的总理的意见ttps:/ / www.kantei.go.jp /日本/表格/ goiken_ssl 。网页

                                                            • 我463把基地!您宝贵的,像社民党福岛和Tsujimoto,和平是模糊,不值钱。我被洗脑的理论从日本二战佳能,丰田和其他。 Etara消费品公司巴斯塔德Gotoki一个陌生的国家本身,也将是无家可归(宠物!还是什么?我想我能做到这一点茹和福利永远出这一点。乞丐的家伙!
                                                              463 Off base [me]! The [te] [me] -, Fukushima of the corporation people party and Tsujimoto similar and peace it starts becoming dim, viewing which is the [ku]. It is brainwashed in theory, it is, ww From Japan, basis such as Toyota and CANON. When enterprise goes out, the country itself becoming strange Every [te] [me] - coming becomes the road surface living person, it is, ([petsu]! Or what? Forever welfare comes out when with, whether thinking, this. Beggar guy!

                                                              • 我会得到销售税1%至1000%的公司工资最低的是只是想交税平衡下来,我Gemasu企业,小企业应该做的最无论如何朱达罗税缴纳Ttena绝缘体 However it increases also consumer tax minimum wage will be designated as the 1000 but it will make the 1 but Therefore balance just is paid as for enterprise Income tax is lowered the ro it should have done and is How as for se small and medium sized business tax almost paying or
                                                                • 100 891%的消费税从1%蜘蛛痛苦的公司试图仅仅只支付差额的痛苦的不是他的消费不是完全 891 Consumer tax will be designated as the 100 but it will make the 1 but Therefore balance just is paid enterprise is not painful at all As for being painful just the consumer

                                                              • 我使废物只是因为它包括企业中线消费税ü公司海外生产基地,所有土著p(来料加工)只在“首选商标部,”是的,那格兰特税ü p消费者即使少缴什么会
                                                                Production foothold making in the foreign country, at [ru] enterprise income tax [u] p Entirely pure domestic production (material processing) in just the thing “multipara economical recommendation mark” grant Extent margin Consumer tax [u] p doing, therefore small salary consumption just it falls the [ze] which is what

                                                                • 我包括中线的手,从1991年到1994年的3倍泡沫破灭,〜97桥本政府在1999年增加了前所未有的税,小泉政府在2000年和2003年的森林管理和强大我不是踩刹车 As for falling conversely 3 times to be from 91 as for 94 years bubble collapse and tax increase before the history sky of the Hasimoto administration of 97 99 years The intense brake of forest administration and Koizumi administration 2000 2003 was stepped on
                                                                  • 疯狂桥本政府的政策在1998年,2000年,2001年森林,管理政府的小泉。逆向喷射下,日本经济枪杀 97 Policy of Hasimoto administration of 98 years Opposite injection 2000 forest 2001 government of Koizumi administration The opposite injection downed the Japanese economy

                                                                • 我可以我之所以要实行重税,在理论上爆破彻说什么你,穷人913?我还利用政府的结果最接近的消费倾向在同一个强加给贫困家庭的,你会说我的WWW的“70%的收入税,50例如使用国家的钱,而是在%的时间规定退(事实上的减税≒)“政策是 913 If you say with the reason you assign overtaxation ringing in very the pauper and the be finish and pass also reason Imposing a tax to the pauper whose propensity to consume of housekeeping expenses is close to 1 using at government as for the result the same www By himself saying as for ru if “in the income tax 70 however the country the gold you use during specified period to the 50 return ≒ in fact tax reduction ” Like policy
                                                                  • 它应该征收重税彻也冲击的唯一原因我会说在理论上,穷人963?我还利用政府的结果最接近的消费倾向在同一个强加给贫困家庭的,你会说我的WWW的“70%的收入税,50例如使用国家的钱,而是在%的时间规定退(事实上的减税≒)“政策是 963 If you say with the reason you assign overtaxation ringing in very the pauper and the be finish and pass also reason Imposing a tax to the pauper whose propensity to consume of housekeeping expenses is close to 1 using at government as for the result the same www By his saying as for ru if “in the income tax 70 however the country the gold you use during specified period to the 50 return ≒ in fact tax reduction ” Like policy
                                                                  • 日本的税收收入是13啊,经合组织专家之间的讨论应该对你做的方向取决于资产的税务征收幅度高于平均减税讨论会 NULL

                                                                • 我将展示细节政治家说,销售税或药物在当前税收收入者的全部生活和消费必需品和低税率或单位白痴高收入证明不称职?死的?我的罪
                                                                  To medical supply daily necessaries under present conditions of full taxation That consumer tax it lifts saying, the [ru] politician recognizes disabled The high income earner and it is low with the income earner even consumption taxation or being Mo 迦? It dies? It is crime

                                                                  • 我将那卡诺逸与经济再削减384个公共公务员在适当的时候?我们并不担心,公务员将成为更好的经济衰退是对球员不能被削减 384 When business is good whether the government employee reducing When it reduces it is It is not possible and is the ro which Business probably becomes good but it probably is depression but relationship well The government employee should reduce
                                                                    • 烟熏的食物溃疡公职或公职人员一样是无止境的黑洞Sonomonojan有限的现实? Eta ll不久也将更好地认真考虑日本 As for the government office black hole itself it is The government employee who is unlimited eats the actuality which is limited 潰 inhaling The ze where the one which also the Japanese thought gradually seriously is better

                                                                  • 我希望他们这样做的直接选举,解散下院→→内阁辞职,将党民主本身的残疾人从该宣言的框架下

                                                                    • 我想放弃继承或Ku听到人们甚至没有出售其资产,以支付遗产税曾经在一段时间,我可能希望它成为豁免附表引下的继承税金额396我不知道
                                                                      396 Don't you think? the [tsu] lever which lowers the amount which becomes non taxation of inheritance tax Perhaps it is good, Sometimes, unless property must be sold in order to pay inheritance tax that however you hear also the story which is said You inherit abandon when it becomes kana

                                                                      • 我没有要牢记在该线从自我的一个官员声称对市民的正面观点或给它知道它的人 Also the citizen knowing the in oneself claim Unless you must keep correcting either the eye line from above vis a vis the government employee it should remember the fact that

                                                                        • 我知道926 Tteru条约? 25为什么我认为是埃塔的基础上%? 但是,如果我从国外子公司的利润,虽然合并条约的思维,日本母公司的收入税,埃塔没有具体考虑什么好处?
                                                                          926 The taxation convention [tsu] [te] knowing, the [ru]? Why you have thought whether it designates the 25% as standard of? > The foreign subsidiary corporation producing, the profit as for cod that it imposes a tax as a profit of the Japanese parent company While thinking of taxation convention, you have thought the profit which is summed up concrete what kind of ones?

                                                                          • 所得税20年19年10年18年17年2004年和2007年所得税税率调整税率仍然↓195万日元或更少谁曾应纳税收入的10%05%10%5%5%5%的住宅%10%10%10%15%15%20%15%共15%的税率,2007年修订的地方税率↑(2006年的收入税的变化基础) 比人们谁曾万日元的应纳税所得额700 Tariff change of the person where assessable income is 1 950 000 Yen or less 2007 income tariff reform ↓ Income year 2004 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Income tax 10 10 10 5 5 Inhabitant tax 5 5 10 10 10 Meter 15 15 20 15 15 ↑ 2007 local tariff reform basis of assessment 2006 income Assessable income 7 000 000 Yen super tariff change of the person who is
                                                                            • 和零利息开支的考虑,免税! (减去收入税和公司利润是零,居民和企业税,我觉得保险费用支付的企业员工后)⇒太弱社会,驻地管理公司全额退款秘密从朝鲜人在日本商会90%(10归日本)柏青哥产业已超过30万亿日元的年销售额% To be regarded monetary loss and become with profit zero in tax free When it is profit zero corporate income tax does not catch also corporate body inhabitant tax and enterprise burden share of social insurance of the employee become cheap ⇒ After that from Korean commercial meeting stealthily at resident enterprise payment in full repayment Resident manager 9 tenths As for 1 tenths naturalized Japanese As for yearly turnover of pachinko industry 30 000 000 000 000 Yen or more

                                                                          • 所得税:加强继承税和赠与认证定义位置:在这种情况下,我要去国外生活wwwwwww没有连续超过5年来在海外丰富wwwwww人谁必须通过“我很高兴我讲一个穷扎马”但反过来说“只有阴性组Pugya wwwwwww”辩论消费税案件
                                                                            Income tax: Strengthening the recognition definition of residence area Inheritance tax giving: Transfers unless the person who human is received in the foreign country 5 years or more continuously you live in the foreign country useless But as for this case “the wwwwww rich [za] which is possible to be the pauper well wwwwwww” Opposite “it is defeated, the case of group [pugiya] wwwwwww” consumer tax tax increase discussion

                                                                            • 新民主党,也没有什么不同,旧民主主义路线和小泉,前自民党政策并没有显着差异
                                                                              Therefore there is no great difference in old democracy and the Koizumi route There is no great difference in policy of the new Democratic party and the old Liberal Democratic Party

                                                                              • 日本企业逃税系统●“宪章誓言五国”1976年10月,社会主义高泽寅男,韩国国税厅和会议厅(日本商会在商务部在韩国,日本商会,韩国商会)之间的税创建我的处理决定(宝岛』 特权居民14至15页) Tax evasion system of resident enterprise “ 誓 sentence of five provisions ” 1976 October with the Japan Socialist Party Takazawa 寅 man national tax agency and Korean commercial meeting Resident Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry resident Korean commercial meeting With in between It could decide handling the tax Separate treasure island The resident privilege 14 Page 15
                                                                                • 一百七十六瓦特,生理和羡 米死在这里,因为没有一个主管税务国税局瓦特的调查,并采取半萘乙酸 176 It is enviable w The ze w which as for this is not the tax office and therefore national tax agency jurisdiction is done thoroughly When investigation it enters because half year is required

                                                                              • 日本尽管如此,自民党也是所有民主党,日本给我们,党的改革,肯塔基州┐太多的多党( д`)税和富人减税人民┌总统奥巴马的流世界领先奥巴马宣布金融机构特别税:富人和公司的目标是增加1.9万亿美元减税案-消息
                                                                                Nevertheless, Japan, democracy and our people and the party of everyone and it lifts, [re] Japan and the reforming reformist party, The KY political party too multi it is shelf ┐ (' the д `) the ┌ As for popular tax reduction and wealthy layer tax increase flow of the world [obama] American president, announcing the special tax for the major financial institution [obama] American president: Tax increase of 1.9 trillion dollars you aim from wealthy layer and enterprise, the - budget message

                                                                                • 日本的国民负担率是不平行的速度在欧洲国家的沉重负担,对国家更多的欧洲约有一半的先进,它就会崩溃财政
                                                                                  The Japanese national burden ratio is about half of European advanced nation More unless national burden ratio is designated as like Europe, public finance fails

                                                                                  • 日本金融崩溃,如果我是个寄生虫,工业,旅游官员,希腊,你只是想从parasitic m东西不能无忧无虑的卡兹外国官员和制造商的强烈 The manufacturing industry being strong the foreign currency making the government employee just can live upon nonchalantly from the ru Japan the ro Therefore Greek something sight seeing industry the government employee living upon it is cod public finance failure
                                                                                    • 我认为它适用于商业类,你会说什么关联人标准生产非决心等待一段时间标准不适用于非联营的人 Meaning the thing of non related person standard however you think as the ru That is applied as for the business conditions where having been decided as for manufacturing industry something non related person standard It is not applied

                                                                                  • 根据消费税看,以刺激国内经济,Gerubeki更高的收入所得税从富人
                                                                                    In order to stimulate domestic business, lowering consumer tax, It should increase the income tax from the wealthy layer which has room in life

                                                                                    • 每年数以百计的百分之如果资产被征税,但也可能有富有的海外移民最多,税务年度的百分之资产,移民并不富裕, When every year what ten thing property taxation is done the foreign country also the wealthy person which immigrates increases probably will be but Every year number doing property taxation the foreign country the wealthy person which immigrates so is not
                                                                                      • 每一年的债券和资产以外的其他外币存款的资产,如股票,以及现金和资产从571%的税,存款增加了不远处 571 Because every year number property taxation is done even in property other than depositing such as cash and stocks and bond and foreign currency building property tansu deposit does not increase

                                                                                    • 民主党选民放弃走向另一个帕达罗只是传播民主,人们认为是象征性的鸠山,自民党税是寄生虫
                                                                                      Already, the voter who abandons in democracy it is and the [ro] which is the [tsu] [pa], Hatoyama to some extent that was democracy with just the symbolize mouth, our people were the parasite of tax, but

                                                                                      • 消费信贷上升,增益设置了政策,包括或信贷等资产Uhauha富裕(买他的情妇,共享等,例如陆地巡洋舰)的下降,而不是直接进入设置状态是什么
                                                                                        Wealthy layer seems that [uhauha] is done Property implication the policy where benefit rises If setting of consumption and deduction (the Inc. land cruiser you buy and the like lover, deduction) Unless the thing is set, the atrophy national [ma] [tsu] it does, the [gu] and others

                                                                                        • 消费感冒数字编织成的原因是经济持续停滞在20世纪90年代的日本,“塔米杉如履薄冰从头加速器和刹车及分析” Consumption being cold concerning the cause the Japanese economy continuing hovering in the nineties “the accelerator and the brake were stepped on too finely” that Analysis
                                                                                          • 梁继续停滞不前的原因是在上世纪90年代的日本经济“,塔米杉如履薄冰从头加速器和刹车及分析” Concerning the cause the Japanese economy continuing hovering in the nineties “the accelerator and the brake were stepped on too finely” that Analysis

                                                                                        • 电梯需要的税基,以确保死亡的外观彻底粉碎了许多的所有期待税根据该原点我只是想看看税根据企业根据企业所得税
                                                                                          As for the consumer tax lifting many bases die securely The harboring which in brief lowered income tax Income tax lowering all starting points Crush the income tax lowering thoroughly

                                                                                          • 看在公司利得税,你提高对消费税的区别? 5%的销售税,我也是一个完整的基本养老金?断裂伸长率10%以上 安全支付5%的社会?他们都表示,选择做什么,我们要准确%? Income tax lowering consumer tax it lifts that much 5 Also fundamental annuity makes payment in full consumer tax it is don t you think 10 Extension amount of social security expense 5 These totaling the ri ya which what it does just it is to call probably will be
                                                                                            • 一些工作要做所有人都绝望的那些家伙是税收工作的辛苦,当我毕业的高凯塔说清楚 Speaking clearly when promotion is high one endeavoring everyone it has persevered Everyone despairing with consumer tax it stopped persevering

                                                                                          • 社会民主党,共产党人民新党像一个泡沫。如果有更多的非民主宣言,以捍卫我要按照两党朱达罗百分之二十提高消费税或不
                                                                                            Corporation people, common property and national new party like bubble. Other than Also the ruling and opposition parties the [ro] which is the consumer tax tax increase route If manifest desperate defense as for democracy if it does not make the 20%, it is there is no [ri

                                                                                            • 税税资产的能力被认为是不太可能的经济,一个稳定的税收影响,可 Property taxation in addition to considering taxpaying capacity is difficult to receive the influence of business the stable tax revenue can obtain
                                                                                              • 税税资产的能力被认为是不太可能的经济,一个稳定的税收影响,可 Property taxation in addition to considering taxpaying capacity is difficult to receive the influence of business the stable tax revenue can obtain
                                                                                              • 税税资产的能力被认为是不太可能的经济,一个稳定的税收影响,可 Property taxation in addition to considering taxpaying capacity is difficult to receive the influence of business the stable tax revenue can obtain
                                                                                              • 税税资产的能力被认为是不太可能的经济,一个稳定的税收影响,可 Property taxation in addition to considering taxpaying capacity is difficult to receive the influence of business the stable tax revenue can obtain
                                                                                              • 税税资产的能力被认为是不太可能的经济,一个稳定的税收影响,可 Property taxation in addition to considering taxpaying capacity is difficult to receive the influence of business the stable tax revenue can obtain

                                                                                            • 约40%的有效税率,因此,逃税超过120000亿日元柏青哥业年金额! ! ★★★←。禁止残忍,老虎机的习惯,抱怨到流氏染色保护柏青哥总统民 Because effective tariff is approximately 40 as for tax evasion amount of pachinko industry year as much as 12 000 000 000 000 Yen or more lt As for harshness in the habit which prohibits the pachinko the president minsu appealed pachinko protection to the 沢 dirtily
                                                                                              • 例如,一个商店销售价格¥ ¥乙5 100日元120日元100日元80日元04购置税的商店购买价格(并简化了纳税 NULL
                                                                                              • )多买古日元疲软6日元20日元〇五日元20消费税的收入,减少税收负担 Consumption tax assessment 5 Yen 6 Yen Profit 20 Yen 20 Yen If it purchases cheaply the extent which is done consumer tax burden decreases

                                                                                            • 节约措施?政治条件,使利益流向市场,乞丐是不保存在所有这些措施的政策,否认在大选前不会说出来的打击
                                                                                              Savings measure? In the first place not to be saved, because the fact that it flows to the market is policy condition of beggar treatment, The kind of measure which denies policy does not strike out before the electing

                                                                                              • 茹,看到这种转变,政府是错误的期待通过在恢复时间,财政政策,“疯狂”的金融动荡和经济衰退已邀请重复
                                                                                                When you look at this fluctuation, Government the prospect “the opposite injection” of error and fiscal policy over again at point in time of recovery keynote depressed metallurgy molten Insecurity was caused

                                                                                                • 规划双重征税,因为贪婪,自民党成员应邀出席了所得税收入,我们应该属于财政部官员
                                                                                                  Because of my interest selfish desire it plans dual taxation, Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman and the public official of the financial affairs ministry who cause the yield decrease of income tax should cease to exist

                                                                                                  • 警方和消防公务员,比我原来是来自我穿裤线的地方,他们通过在私营 The government employee how originally Other than of police fire fighting was not adopted for people The party it arrives it preceded therefore it is
                                                                                                    • 本期税项是公务员在公共投资市场和消费的民间活动,已重新分配财富收入从高向低收 Tax flows to the market with public investment and consumption activity of the government employee from the high income earner is low to the income earner It has reallocated wealth

                                                                                                  • 资本主义是,如果有你的钱全收集许多比小资本的大量资金,太多的财富集中,不要做撒上升至小,他们做的钱你是住在一个富裕的家庭资本主义的方法他们没有经济时代 Unless the money where capitalism your many money gets together with a larger capital than small capital stays in the wealthy person with a some method the rose is spread in the small capitalist wealth being unevenly distributed too much economy stops turning
                                                                                                    • 如果您不只是撒在一个小的债务上升的资本主义国家,并上升到纳税义务发生在增强小资本主义撒所得税资产的边际税率 The country at debt in the small capitalist the rose if it cannot spread at progressive taxation strengthening of property taxation income the rose it is necessary to spread in the small capitalist
                                                                                                    • 资本主义,所以对你的许多比小资本的大量资本,经济过于集中的财富,不要做撒钱整个收集上升至小,他们做的钱你是住在一个富裕的家庭资本主义的方法我们没有时间 Unless the money where capitalism your many money gets together with a larger capital than small capital stays in the wealthy person with a some method the rose is spread in the small capitalist wealth being unevenly distributed too much economy stops turning

                                                                                                  • 这种高税收层比消费倾向。相反的收费将被激活以节省钱从消费者分钟的高储蓄率比周围的人 From the layer whose propensity to consume is high tax this from here It is not to collect The person who takes the gold from the amount which it turns to saving the person whose ratio of saving is high is activated consumption
                                                                                                    • 这种高税收层比消费倾向。相反的收费将被激活以节省钱从消费者分钟的高储蓄率比周围的人 From the layer whose propensity to consume is high tax this from here It is not to collect The person who takes the gold from the amount which it turns to saving the person whose ratio of saving is high is activated consumption

                                                                                                  • 预提所得税是不一致的照顾,我会说,我的税是688 Dzuke抓获
                                                                                                    688 Saying, [ru] thing is inconsistent The source being captured by national tax, becoming aware the tax assessment which is collected to [ru] thing

                                                                                                    • 食品,教育,卫生保健,税率等必需品?现在我真的死你
                                                                                                      Foodstuff, as for tariff of education, medical care and daily necessaries etc? Your [ho] it is with die now

                                                                                                      • 首先是他们的主要目标是减少债务苏自民党振兴经济,因为它包括印刷媒体梁公告明确承诺完全不真正知道,在巩固财政的宪法全民公决法案
                                                                                                        As for first activation of economy Debt as for designating that it decreases as first goal completely surprinting the mass communications Therefore, the Liberal Democratic Party betting the public finance soundness bill on referendum, clearly writes how calls to constitution Pledge was put out

                                                                                                        • 驱动tTA一旦进入一个良性循环,但是,财政部(当时)我恩戴开始踩刹车的经济结构调整已陷入into ll负增长“的公司Hazime津根堺屋局长●”3月6日文章,“金融平均余额。一个折扣离开的想法“,”这是给了在同一时间,由于加速器和刹车的经济停滞 But it entered into good circulation immediately the Ministry of Finance at that time stepping on the brake including restoration of sound government finance my It fell to eggplant growth” Sakaiya original sutra 企 as for director” March 6 diary thing “fiscal revenue and expenditure equal ”” In breaking away from conception About business hovering You have expressed that the fact that the accelerator and the brake were pulled simultaneously is cause
                                                                                                          • 驱动tTA一旦进入一个良性循环,但是,财政部(当时)我恩戴开始踩刹车的经济结构调整已陷入into ll负增长“的公司Hazime津根堺屋局长●”3月6日文章,“金融平均余额。一个折扣离开的想法“,”这是给了在同一时间,由于加速器和刹车的经济停滞 But it entered into good circulation immediately the Ministry of Finance at that time stepping on the brake including restoration of sound government finance my It fell to eggplant growth” Sakaiya original sutra 企 as for director” March 6 diary thing “fiscal revenue and expenditure equal ”” In breaking away from conception About business hovering You have expressed that the fact that the accelerator and the brake were pulled simultaneously is cause

                                                                                                        • 鸠山利用万亿日元,减少浪费,他们谈论的资金彻底由纪夫说,民主党总统选举中,所有的税,向上不需要呻/ ytu.be / wacsBlgSjKc请问民主宣言峨改变PgHnnHAnV5s长度的一个结构的妻子预算,只有排序操作,黄金储备,节省百分之二十的劳动力成本呻/ ytu.be /
                                                                                                          Yukio the Democratic party typical selection Hatoyama you talk concerning the revenue source … Several trillion Yen, consumer tax UP completely there is no necessity with reduction of the waste which it is thorough http: //ytu.be/wacsBlgSjKc Question to the Democratic party manifest … Long wife person … The mechanism of compilation of the budget is changed, the business categorization and buried deposit gold, labor cost 2 percentage reduction http: //ytu.be/PgHnnHAnV5s

                                                                                                          • )第一季。自民党,“一个酋长会议准备(暂名)”(业务时间学会松下)以上。猪肉桶金钱收买的公司,以帮助各方减少公司税,保护公共官员和天上的其他成员,在他的膝盖做了美国的外交政策,旨在促进居民的消费税和社会保险费了进一步的税项党只(名古屋市市长河村隆例外)
                                                                                                            ) . The Liberal Democratic Party “Meeting of the head who is preparedness (the tentative name)” (the Matsushita political and economic affairs private school of the turning person of financial world) Description above. The gold is scattered to the enterprise to which party everything gives bribe, income tax is decreased, the protection the government employee heaven which the Assemblyman is begun, Only the party which does toward America kneeling on the ground diplomacy, aims toward further consumer tax social premium inhabitant tax rise (Kawamura it does high, as for Nagoya mayor exception)

                                                                                                            研究 開発