Democratic party Secretary General Cabinet support ratio 26.2% Ozawa Hatoyama meddles the national capital region 500 telephone investigation ★2 of 53.8% May 6th investigation Fuji Telecasting Co. new reporting 2001
09个成员在结束“在总结”(办公室党),但23510001章人在大分县(1120,减少了上一年度),鹿儿岛县章节87780001(6474,同样减少了),山形县立章9892人(2340,同样减少了),等等,预计将减少该地每章上限,“跨越1.00亿,其中12个连续两年下降是肯定的”(党领袖)说 But as for the number 党員 of 09 end of year point in time “while totaling” (party executive office), considerably with prefectural ream 12,351 person (the against the previous year 1120 human decrease),
With the Kagoshima prefecture ream 18,778 person (the same 6474 human decreases), with Yamagata prefecture ream 9892 people (the same 2340 human decreases) and the like, with each prefectural ream
The eaves we have decreased commonly, “it cuts 1,000,000 person altogether, as for becoming decrease of 12 year continuation it says that secure” (party staff) is,
10后你瓦特全国调查了约500%,今天在东京和期望,因为驱动tTA狙左右?但远高于前6个月的70%或一个小奇迹是不是在这里,我不得不放弃全部更多 Well when it does the nationwide investigation which now several appears in Japan and China therefore approximately the 10 inside the capital which you aimed 500 people w When you expect But to well half year just a little front above the 70 being fell to the coconut how Don t you think miraculous
希望你出来的一些国家的调查,那么今天?但远高于前6个月的70%或一个小奇迹是不是在这里,我不得不放弃全部更多 Well when it does the nationwide investigation which now several appears in Japan and China therefore approximately the 10 inside the capital which you aimed 500 people w When you expect But to well half year just a little front above the 70 being fell to the coconut how Don t you think miraculous
16日,4年后。 83000亿日元! ! )换句话说,减少废物的,“我希望出来塔拉”,而不是将所有出来Nakattara“舱单一站式”或“政府债券”或“税”我不是唯一 4 years later 16 8 300 000 000 000 Yen In other words it could reduce wastefulness “” it is not the te When it is not possible “the discontinuance of all manifest” “government bond issue” “tax increase” only it is it is
而且不仅继续进行,以确保拨款用于这不能体现它?顺便说一句,新政府的预算在2010财年的债券发行,阿苏有史以来规模最大的超过以往,但它是四十四万亿日元 Unless it continues to guarantee this much revenue source as for the manifest It cannot execute By the way 2010 new government bond amount of issue of initial budget However past above front Aso administration maximum it was 44 300 000 000 000 Yen don t you think
2.2%,3.6%由纪夫鸠山,菅直人,谷垣祯一洋一舛添7.6%11.4%14.4%前原诚司,冈田克也平沼赳夫4.6%0.2%2.4%义人仙石,桥本彻,石原慎太郎7.6%0.8%2.8%小泽一郎,博山田0.2龟井静香%30.8%0.8%福岛瑞穗,吉见义明是谁不值得为0.2%(其他未知)6.2% - 4.2%,5问]渡边公路梁公报体现自由民主党前原诚司近日宣布为公路,将取消在许多领域的真正价值的新收费结构 Yukio Hatoyama 3.6% Tanigaki 禎 one 2.2%
菅 Naoto 7.6% Masuzoe main point one 14.4%
Seizi Maehara 11.4% Isao Hiranuma 0.2%
Katuya Okada 4.6% Under bridge Tetsu 2.4%
仙 valley Yosito 0.8% Sintarou Ishihara 7.6%
Ichiro Ozawa 2.8% Yamada Hiroshi 0.2%
Sizuka Kamei 0.8% As for the suitable person it is not 30.8%
Fukushima Mizuho 0.2% (In addition it is not understood) 4.2%
Watanabe happy beauty 6.2%
It is the highway free conversion where the Democratic party put out in the manifest, but with new fee system of the highway which Minister of State Maehara some days ago announces it came to the point of substantial price hike at many areas
43:44编号:ApFSvOTz0 3 3 865媒体,尤其是“大”的事,因为它是从棕榈回一个负责任的民主政府站在我是一个原因 43 44 ID ApFSvOTz0 3 3 gt 865 Whether the mass communications especially “the major company” why to like this blamed democracy administration with the palm return and reached the point where it raises there is a reason
188:Shisan名无周年 9:2009 02 01(星期日)14:09:59编号:d4a PJK00这并不是说政府不采取什么统计内阁的支持率 188 Name it is not ninth anniversary 2009 02 01 day 14 09 59 ID d4a PJK00 Cabinet support ratio tsu te government statistics there is no reason which is taken it is
871名:Shisan名无 10周年 发布日期:2010 05 09(星期日)18:43:46编号:ApFSvOTz0 3 3 865媒体,尤其是“大”手掌为什么这我站在要么,因为这是负责任的,民主的政府产生原因 871 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 09 day 18 43 46 ID ApFSvOTz0 3 3 gt 865 Whether the mass communications especially “the major company” why to like this blamed democracy administration with the palm return and reached the point where it raises there is a reason
编号: HQ3 mJX0编号: HQ3 mJX0编号: HQ3 mJX0编号: HQ3 mJX0编号: HQ3 mJX0 ID HQ3 mJX0 ID HQ3 mJX0 ID HQ3 mJX0 ID HQ3 mJX0 ID HQ3 mJX0
500 Yarimasu,没有啊,去吗?你已经没有足够的预算在的这个阶段在今年,明年的预算增加了比这个year m峨?是否有任何浪费在端午,我也可以宣布,国家仍然可以Wakenaijan 500 You do it is not and the te how does Budget of this year already is not enough at present stage and Budget of next year increases from this year it is Whether which is somewhere it has wastefulness although it is in a state where it cannot do either announcement yet It is possible it cannot boil it is
然后,我只是说有特别帐户,或者你有多少钱在那里我觉得你还是不知道任何人 Then however special meeting and you say simply being your which sufficient money somewhere No one understands yet it is with to do the yo
515 05年5万亿,如何将一年。切?枝野或预防疾病或管,我锤击突破瓦特 515 If gt in 1 years 5 000 000 000 000 Every year how doing five It reduces Although the branch field or the tube or the preventive line Hari the tsu te ru which is sown w
515首先,报告说050000亿日元减少浪费,我自己从来没有听说过 515 In the first place also 5 000 000 000 000 Yen reduced wastefulness reporting that By your you have not heard but it is
740“一个坏自民党”一词是永远不会了,但民主党有多坏,“真是自民党,民主党,但我想知道如果自民党更邪恶,”因为我的水平停留在 740 As for the word itself “bad Liberal Democratic Party” even when already absolutely the Democratic party just which being useless “with the Democratic party The empty it probably is the Liberal Democratic Party what the Liberal Democratic Party is worse it is probably will be” at level Because it has adhered
740了,但如何糟糕的民主党,“真是自民党,民主党,但我想知道如果自民党更邪恶,”因为我的水平停留在 740 Already even when the Democratic party just which being useless “with the Democratic party The empty it probably is the Liberal Democratic Party what the Liberal Democratic Party is worse it is probably will be” at level Because it has adhered
753“自民党一坏”字本身,我绝对不会再克服 753 It cannot break away the word itself “bad Liberal Democratic Party” anymore no matter what it is don t you think
但是,如果民主党不喜欢我的大,但绝对不是支持,他们仍然不会帮助,它可以是乐趣和生命来线裤 I produce do not do abhorrence the Democratic party support something no matter what but Even then it does not do the what being troubled and it can make pleasant to keep living
我期待着再次到新的表现,选择在民主党全国代表可爱的偶像,我不觉得有点 This time expecting to the new manifest the citizen who chooses the Democratic party thinks that it is not little
早先,但民主党有多坏,“真是自民党,民主党,但我不知道自民党更邪恶,”因为我的水平停留在 Already even when the Democratic party just which being useless “with the Democratic party The empty it probably is the Liberal Democratic Party what the Liberal Democratic Party is worse it is probably will be” at level Because it has adhered
毕竟,“没有比自民党更糟糕,”除非在电视上口若悬河,我不能成为一个没有民主管理msgstr After all “it is worse than the Liberal Democratic Party” if tsu te word does not flow to the television there are no times when the Democratic party administration is broken
民主党人抱怨665选民可能投票的好处很多,我们的孩子能够获得下一个更 665 As for complaint being the voter who votes in order the next to receive child treatment multi so in the Democratic party
现在我做的是把井仇恨自由民主党为止,我不知道在哪里休息一下,像自民党是相同的周一花 This time you will insert somewhere … Disliking our people although you are inserting in democracy directly Doing as for ru thing our people it stops being it is the same it is
757现实侃,冈田第三名,我会倒数百滨崎步弓弦冈田tube m甚至不存在 757
Realistically 菅, they probably are 3 counts which it comes after Okada
Hundred steps transferring, as for Okada assuming, that it was, the [wa] which is not the tube
768至2自民党赞成建议的方差德之岛(草案)3 329 366应搬迁总协定外的应移到美国在冲绳的名护市 You approve the dispersed plan to Tokunoshima 768 2 The Liberal Democratic Party plan it should relocate to side field old of Okinawa of the Japanese American agreement 366 3 It should relocate extensively overseas 329
768至2自民党赞成建议的方差德之岛(草案)3 329 366应搬迁总协定外的应移到美国在冲绳的名护市 You approve the dispersed plan to Tokunoshima 768 2 The Liberal Democratic Party plan it should relocate to side field old of Okinawa of the Japanese American agreement 366 3 It should relocate extensively overseas 329
795 ×丶○选民,在都会区男性和成年女性在都会区的`∀ 而承受或包含一 795
Voter of à national capital region
Adult man and woman of ○ national capital region
In other words 丶 `∀ ' Bear which is included
851 我是一致的 851 Therefore gt “because it does not become identical work identical wages identical work it is problem” as for tsu te Democratic party Kamei Takenaka gt It agrees it is
851因此,“这不是一个问题成为平等的工作是什么同工同酬”,但我也满足他们的竹中平藏龟井民主党 851 Therefore “because it does not reach identical work identical wages it is problem” as for tsu te Democratic party Kamei Takenaka It agrees it is
855 我是一致的 855 Therefore gt “because it does not reach identical work identical wages it is problem” as for tsu te Democratic party Kamei Takenaka gt It agrees it is
第一项自由“不是同工同酬”你甚至不能认清形势,对不对?因此,不是一种选择 Our people in the first place “it does not become identical wages identical work” the tsu te even the present condition recognition which is said without being done it does the yo Therefore it does not become the choices
911严重的骚乱细节,我认为,出现奇反政府抗议? 哪里发送普天间问题,嘴。扩张。责任问题 911
The riot, you question with [maji], counter government demonstration happens, it is it isn't?
> Futenma problem advance shipment, oral hoof. Enlarging. Responsible problem
Hazime Mitsuzi青年“鸠山由纪夫首相在历史最低实物部长。” It is young one Kouzi “As for Yukio Hatoyama lowest prime minister in constitutional government history”
S 448? ? ? ?什么是子女免税额或SSU表现?我已经和050000亿日元wwww确定它有利于孩子行我燕子? ?我来减少废物的驱动tTA其他事情比5万亿日元? ?它是什么,外国援助和百分之怎么说什么你会减少浪费呢? 448 Obtaining The manifest tsu te child treatment tsu it does wwww Child treatment tsu te certain 5 000 000 000 000 Yen goes it is don t you think It can reduce the person who used the 5 000 000 000 000 Yen in other thing wastefully 削 Decreasing saying rear wastefulness the ru comparatively why it helps in the foreign country it is the combining which is
日本与486 K表!四百八十七瓦特只负我舱单申报4年,而转变, NULL
[民主党]性能(仅一个月实现这个只有7),公共的托儿津贴支付给单个家庭的父亲●●●恢复开放的记者招待会上总结母亲儿童福利津贴调解●●●禁止政府官员递交12协议的诞生免费私立学校学费●●秘密澄清附表青少年烦恼〜●转移撤离计划的商业事务严重短缺的医生在权力层和资源,以较低●2200亿美元的资金削减社会保障费用二五○○○○日元●和紧急手术,妇产科,医疗信息,如电梯儿科酬引淇 The result (in 7 months which pass just this actualization)
- Compulsory mediation of national public service personnel global ban
- Child treatment provision
- Mother and child addition revival of welfare
- Press conference opening conversion
- In father and son home child dependency allowance provision
- Public high school student tuition gratuitous conversion
- Secret agreement elucidation
- Private high school student year 12 - 250,000 Yen furtherance
- Social security expense year 220,000,000,000 Yen reduction policy withdrawal
- In fundamental self-governing community authority and revenue source of office work business substantially transferring/changing 譲
- The diagnosis and treatment remuneration pulling up of emergency and the surgery, product gynecology and the pediatrician etc which are troubled to doctor insufficiency
- Installing the place of conference of the country and the district
- Abolishing the burden charge system in all national directly controlled businesses
- Easing the application condition to unemployment insurance of the non proper worker
- Prohibiting the dispatch to production actual place as a general rule
- With advanced nation to farmer of common sense each house income compensation system execution
- Supporting barrier free repair and energy-saving repair construction etc
- Public furtherance of childbirth
- Individual payment limit amount of interferon remedy of hepatitis patient month 70,000 Yen -> 10,000 Yen
- Suicide person after the administration alternating in the midst of decrease
Please change everyone and the thought of misunderstanding the Democratic party
[社会]獾皮算用陌生人陷入离岸风力发电的核电站有10分钟。草案,目的是达到10年 For skin calculation of the raccoon dog which you do not catch
With transoceanic wind force generation of electricity nuclear 10 basis… governments. Draft, the achievement within 10 year you aim
_NULL_ Because poll ratio is low, the citizen is licked in the Assemblyman
In order to decrease the labor cost of the Assemblyman, increasing poll ratio, as for the life support system of the Assemblyman the ordinary citizen
It is necessary to flaunt the fact that you have grasped,
Although the citizen desires the labor cost reduction of the Assemblyman, if the Assemblyman does not do that, by the hand of the citizen
The system which can cut the neck of that Assemblyman must be built,
Poll ratio is 65% weakness even with previous election
As for this as for the public opinion which is reflected on policy simply it is just the 65%
In order to make public opinion 100% policy reflect, poll ratio of the 100% It is necessary
Aim the poll ratio 100%!
_NULL_ Simply
“With our people useless”
With the skillful negative can of the mass rubbish which is said succeeded just
And, it probably will drive Japan to ruin were operated to the wicked intention that the mass rubbish & the net operative who
[netouyo] calling the inhabitant of the net from edge, by the fact that you ridicule and laugh, unfold the harassment in the net
It is no more than a strategy which relatively makes democracy support look upward
At the time of the House of Representatives selection now likely democracy believer of false intelligence and vesting class and the operative party
Pasting the disagreeable label where just by your after finishing to escape well, call to democracy administration group of objectors “[netouyo]” and so on
The ridicule laughing, the wax which hurts you think as… with and others the [wa] it is to boil the chestnut you can apply,…
… Base layer “[netouyo]” the [wa] [ri] doing, from safety zone [niyaniya] floating the disagreeable smile
Watching the monitor, [ru] feeling probably is what kind of thing what
“我认为他们害怕老百姓和夫妇住近苏等人,”北朝鲜人生活在日本〜特权,日本Korea ll特权占领军夺取政权,窃取了,强请里,欺诈,威胁,骚扰,诽谤,跟踪和集体财产做任何事情,日本暴行和犯罪的生活狙ü When you think that “it is the normal person who lives in neighborhood we fear” As for resident privilege the Korean occupation force The resident Korean who has resident privilege to take over the stealing blackmail and fraud threat harassment and slander slander You do with anything such as group stoker property of the Japanese it is the atrocious crime group which aims for life
↓ m受到欢迎 ↓ gt gt The administration where problem is not settled it is slovenly from the very thing The movement gt gt may become current plan to tell the truth is welcomed it is
日本已匆匆的雷曼冲击,但是我们认为该制度通过改变驱动tTA翻译 As for the Japanese because you are flurried with the Riemann shock It is the meaning which you tried to try changing administration
不过,这抽样调查,约有04%的错误在这一点上多少上升趋势或一党和每个人都不难 Simply because this sampling investigation error is a 4 Whether rise trend of the party of everyone is which at present time it is difficult but
乐烧体大国家行政负责在本世纪尽管半个多世纪,但其后果已经看到它(基础设施问题过度关心的医疗建设得到了日本低出生率问题的中立基地超载问题的国家的债务问题难度下降的出生率,贫困等雇用的传统婚姻的崩溃)做那你看看轮投掷,这些民主国家或失真的声音如何专横承诺对这些妇女病 While administration having taken charge also above half a century This body cod [ku] As for the citizen although you look at there
Your own winding up (base problem Debt excess problem of country Little child conversion problem untouched Problem of medical nursing
Below excessive right structure With employment collapse of the Japanese ancient times poor people marriage difficult little child conversion Etc.)
The circle doing to throw these distortion in democracy administration
When does, promise how like this, so you say greatly with some mouth?
什么将是冷善于109 他们来到一个小 109 It probably is intention what which said good thing but… Just a little it is cold…
什么将是冷善于109 他们来到一个小 109 It probably is intention what which said good thing but… Just a little it is cold…
低于百分之五的水平具有重要意义,低利率环境不批准鸠山内阁29日批准向拒绝与排名在500名接受调查的人,三个选定的情况下。必须超过6% Through the level of significance 5 support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet is not low that in order to reject In case of investigation object 500 person and 3 択 Support ratio 29 You must exceed the 6
我希望鸠山内阁的臻的支持率上(如果这是真的)新不认为我就在世界上和腐烂 Support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet it rises up to reaching if that is fact society rotting only the ru you can think
你为什么不理解我,其他人是假的?微笑,时事,(十 民安队),产经新闻,读卖新闻因为感应系统 Other person even fabrication what When you understand how is Smile and current events J refuse product sutra as for the Yomiuri affiliation Therefore induction
在日本的朝鲜人马氏Risu m生活使用的不是日本成人地彻名非法穿着找到生活的假历史 The resident Korean lives arrives and history fabricating uses name and does to become illegally and the Japanese it lives better
在日本的朝鲜人马氏日苏成人生活,我住在这里看到他们穿的非法伪造历史的日本人民 The resident Korean lives arrives and history fabricating uses name and does to become illegally and the Japanese it lives better
我住在日本和韩国,他们使用日本名字增长马氏日苏非法居住地彻发现穿假历史 The resident Korean lives arrives and history fabricating uses name and does to become illegally and the Japanese it lives better
你只是希望自己的子女支付他们出了名的反943民主少子化?陈部长还瑞穗(笑)奶类食品瓦特朱达罗进行中。你得溃疡 943
Little child conversion measure [tsu] [te] ill repute of the Democratic party the [ro] where is just high child treatment?
Furthermore minister of state not seeing [ho] (laughing) the [ro] w which is
The food presently in progressive 酪. It has done to crush and
党众议院议员选举中,民主党现在更为混乱Kukara线人民生活每况愈下进展衰退,引导潜水到历史性的选举中失败是一个真正的民主主义者,我相信再但是你知道吗? The Democratic party administration to be confused more to before the Upper House election, with advance of depression
Because national life keeps becoming destitute from now, the Democratic party with Upper House election
But getting historical fiasco truly already secure what
减少的代表09的成员除了众议院的急剧下降,一般由选举失败的成员属于党,然后脱落该组织的支持在野的自由民主党,有一个大的影响属于集体叛逃党员谁的职业和行业组是纪伊美图 As for 党員 decrease of 09 years in addition to the sharp decrease of party post member of the house of representatives with the House of Representatives selection crushing defeat, with the Liberal Democratic Party leaving of the support group of opposition party revolution straggling,
It is seen that the influence to which office 党員 you belong to the economic organization and the like has left a party in large quantities is large
区与这种趋势持续下去,在642线,以及自由民主党和每个人都知道,它可能不会对周围的民调反对议员 642 This way when it goes with trend when it will be by chance the party of our people and everyone Perhaps it competes in support ratio of House of Councillors game time
区是最后一本↓没有理由?问题4:在普天间迁移问题 ,鸠山表示,“5月底,”如果你不能运行,直到解决,我认为,首相应该辞职 1 The last time remain as for the ↓ being gone with something With Futenma airport transfer of facilities problem Prime Minister Hatoyama has declared to when it could not execute the conclusion of “5 ends of the month” you think that the prime minister should retire
会议同意该电台的普天间机场归还,“困难的决定投入”所收到的市,克热迁移时,在名护市桥本龙太郎在1997年政府工作人员,以后什么我花了许多年 Return of the Futenma airport agrees As for Nago city receiving transfer of facilities with “decision of worry and” the re inserting At the time of Hasimoto Riyuutarou administration 1997 then no year it probably is to be required
会议同意该电台的普天间机场归还,“困难的决定投入”所收到的市,克热迁移时,在名护市桥本龙太郎在1997年政府工作人员,以后什么我花了许多年 Return of the Futenma airport agrees As for Nago city receiving transfer of facilities with “decision of worry and” the re inserting At the time of Hasimoto Riyuutarou administration 1997 then no year it probably is to be required
会议同意该电台的普天间机场归还,“困难的决定投入”所收到的市,克热迁移时,在名护市桥本龙太郎在1997年政府工作人员,以后什么我花了许多年 Return of the Futenma airport agrees As for Nago city receiving transfer of facilities with “decision of worry and” the re inserting At the time of Hasimoto Riyuutarou administration 1997 then no year it probably is to be required
单“不连自民党”,只有成功应对Negakyan浪费大量的尘埃质量是操纵的邪恶,将已列入赶走从一个侧面边缘的破坏Netouyo日本和监视网络的居民净相当被称为笑和嘲笑,并赋予智力假冒甚至喜欢在选举时提出阴谋仪内的上升,支持民主,在一个相对广阔的骚扰487被重复的净他们和他们的代理人,因为他们的排名是富裕民主权利逃避信徒驱动tTA Simply
“Our people useless”
With the skillful negative can of the mass rubbish which is said succeeded just
And, it probably will drive Japan to ruin were operated to the wicked intention that the mass rubbish & the net operative who
[netouyo] calling the inhabitant of the net from edge, by the fact that you ridicule and laugh, unfold the harassment in the net
It is no more than a strategy which relatively makes democracy support look upward
At the time of the House of Representatives selection now likely democracy believer of false intelligence and vesting class and the operative party
Pasting the disagreeable label where just by your after finishing to escape well, call to democracy administration group of objectors “[netouyo]” and so on
The ridicule laughing, the wax which hurts you think as… with and others the [wa] it is to boil the chestnut you can apply,…
… Base layer “[netouyo]” the [wa] [ri] doing, from safety zone [niyaniya] floating the disagreeable smile
Watching the monitor, [ru] feeling probably is what kind of thing what
单议席选区制,这为政策的执行变得更加容易,而执政党有利的汇率,因为被更改为一个席位数目庞大,但比赛是党的逻辑背后的小 Because as for the system, small constituency system small poll difference to the big changes number of parliamentary seats
Being the ruling party profitable, you say that policy execution becomes easy to do, but
That is logic of political party side
去年,驱动tTA也赢得30%的选举Tteta在他的支持率降低10个错位的愤怒在首相居座人的数字百分之关闭我,“如果我的?”他们认为工务局局长 Last year is not the case that by your you win with election Support ratio 10 cutting the prime minister of the human beam is to remain with opposite gire the empty The 30 cutting “it is to call it isn t separately ” With w which is thought
我不知道什么原因,剩下玩,我不能赢得大选瓦特 Whether with something to there making leaving play from the meaning wa it is it cannot win with election whether it is not w
反乌托邦953(反乌托邦)瓦特Guguru在Yoroshi 953
Strike Pia D (Dystopia) with [gu] accomplice [yoroshi] w
口蹄疫不能花太多工作了几十年,从来没有从头开始计时炸弹?不过,我会说在大选前查塔不再列入我现在回力进一步 Doing however much workmanship foot and mouth disease becoming the delayed ignition bomb how and no ten years catches from zero But before the electing the word tsu chi ya tsu is thing became unable to include the pulling tsu after so long a time
口蹄疫是很多工作还议员选举之前的房子,这是一个计时炸弹,爆炸是肯定 Doing however much workmanship foot and mouth disease becoming the delayed ignition bomb how and no ten years catches from zero But before the electing the word tsu chi ya tsu is thing became unable to include the pulling tsu after so long a time
只有这样,每个人的生活直接相关的Warushi没有什么太多的新闻頑張从绝对没有作弊方式 Just this to relates what life of the respective person concretely and however much news media persevering The sesame it will do absolutely but because it is not
我说带来的预期管理的目的很可怕的事情,真的已经没有了任何具体计划 Awfully being clean thing being able to give expectation really what not having concrete plan
和05万亿日元一年好,我完全不就够了吗?党宣言民主,但是,2010年7月没有财政资源必须体现谎言来掩盖自己的宣言。 12万亿美元的财政二千○一十一日元。平成13万亿日元,1949财年的6。平成25财年一十六万亿日元。 08000000000000日元但 Then 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it is not enough at all in 1 years With the manifest of the Democratic party although there is no either revenue source which is necessary for the manifest in order for you to cheat the lie of your own manifest 2010 7 1 000 000 000 000 Yen 2011 12 6 000 000 000 000 Yen 2012 13 2 000 000 000 000 Yen 2013 16 8 000 000 000 000 Yen But what
和05万亿日元一年好,我完全不就够了吗? 7宣言民主党的表现,2010年,所需的财政资源。 12万亿美元的财政二千○一十一日元。平成13万亿日元,1949财年的6。平成25财年一十六万亿日元。 08000000000000日元但 Then 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it is not enough at all in 1 years With the manifest of the Democratic party although there is no either revenue source which is necessary for the manifest in order for you to cheat the lie of your own manifest 2010 7 1 000 000 000 000 Yen 2011 12 6 000 000 000 000 Yen 2012 13 2 000 000 000 000 Yen 2013 16 8 000 000 000 000 Yen But what
因为没有资金,要体现在于掩盖其企图迫使民主党政府的玫瑰木万亿日元,日本的公共财政deteriorated m比以往任何时候 Although there is no either revenue source in order for you to cheat the lie of your own manifest With the Democratic party administration which it tries to force the rose firewood of trillion Yen unit as for the Japanese public finance So far it is deteriorated above it is
哪一个政党的议员为选举众议院投票? 892日本代理商疯狂W出现的名字:Shisan周年名无@ 3 [圣人]张贴于:2010 / 05 / 09(星期日)16:58:43编号:lhzi1kNb韩国的独岛→885当然,在小岛邪恶的众议院议员选举时,绑架问题是更多的中国被绑架→→过程称为尖阁所有理所当然的民主党人投票 As for Upper House election you vote to some political party?
[kichigai] resident operative present [ru] w
892 Name: Name it is not @ 3rd anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/09 (Sunday) 16: 58: 43 ID: lhzi1kNb
The bamboo island -> naturally it is Korea, call the rear German island
The 尖 official building archipelago -> naturally it is China
Kidnapping problem -> the person who is kidnapped is bad
As for Upper House election you vote to the Democratic party naturally
嘿,我们将不断减少发生wwwww talk 苏结束的世界,我通过做Kuzufesuto It is and is keeps reducing constantly te story how became it is wwwww 553 gt Such a kudzu Festo the how world which it passes the end shelf
今年05 518。一旦削减,明年,没有钱是常有的设定的预算 518 This year 5 When it reduces the following year as for that gold the reason which is not united to budget
因此,如果自民党是合理的要求继续履行踢目前的计划,只批评,因为它违反承诺的妇女患病的人,把利益问题的“政治资本”说,你是在不能 So if is as for the Liberal Democratic Party it continues requesting the fulfillment of current plan with is muscle Therefore promise violation as if how like this is as for criticizing You say you do not obtain that the problem where national interest caught is made “political issue”
因此,如果自民党是合理的要求继续履行踢目前的计划,只批评,因为它违反承诺的妇女患病的人,把利益问题的“政治资本”说,你是在不能 So if is as for the Liberal Democratic Party it continues requesting the fulfillment of current plan with is muscle Therefore promise violation as if how like this is as for criticizing You say you do not obtain that the problem where national interest caught is made “political issue”
因此,如果自民党是合理的要求继续履行踢目前的计划,只批评,因为它违反承诺的妇女患病的人,把利益问题的“政治资本”说,你是在不能 So if is as for the Liberal Democratic Party it continues requesting the fulfillment of current plan with is muscle Therefore promise violation as if how like this is as for criticizing You say you do not obtain that the problem where national interest caught is made “political issue”
因此,如果自民党是合理的要求继续履行踢目前的计划,只批评,因为它违反承诺的妇女患病的人,把利益问题的“政治资本”说,你是在不能 So if is as for the Liberal Democratic Party it continues requesting the fulfillment of current plan with is muscle Therefore promise violation as if how like this is as for criticizing You say you do not obtain that the problem where national interest caught is made “political issue”
在议员的选举人生纪念楼,如果战斗是在5月下旬,神秘的仪式自杀,民主党大获全胜鸽 In 5 ends of the month pigeon hara-kiri suicide of puzzle
As for House of Councillors selection democracy wins overwhelmingly in the mourning battle
在这些债券驱动tTA所有受贿案,以及债务服务费用用于偿还诚手流,并达成二十六万千亿日元在2001财政年度,对一般支出需要一个整体是膨胀到一百零六万七千亿日元 When these were maintained entirely with the government bond government bond expense in order to apply to redemption and the like reaches to 26 1 trillion Yen in 13 as for the general annual expenditure says that altogether it swells up to 106 7 trillion Yen
在这些债券驱动tTA所有受贿案,以及债务服务费用用于偿还诚手流,并达成二十六万千亿日元在2001财政年度,对一般支出需要一个整体是膨胀到一百零六万七千亿日元 When these were maintained entirely with the government bond government bond expense in order to apply to redemption and the like reaches to 26 1 trillion Yen in 13 as for the general annual expenditure says that altogether it swells up to 106 7 trillion Yen
如果Madashimo追氯化钾的反应,和现在后面的曲线下降。在财政困难扩散的阶段是不可以避免的,自给自足的粮食自给自足牲畜,零售和严重破坏 If correspondence is overtaken, rather, by the hand after the rear hand reality. At the stage which has been perplexed
Spread is not avoided and, food self-sustenance, retail and damage are enormous from the livestock industry
如果目前的政府仅仅是没有道理的梅台委任一小时的质询时间到Sun小泽负责而鸽子瓦特 In case of present administration, on the other hand in the Ozawa sun appointment responsibility of the pigeon small one hour we would like to interrogate but w
它唯一的头部宣言民主党的♪的瓦卡使用魔鬼是如果你住的租户谎言与虚假Rupizu家伙在任何时间删除,更改自由Rashii♪ Companion quaintness of liar rupizu If the error to demon it converts it is the head use more the vuaka ♪ It deletes just the manifest of the Democratic party with anytime modification freedom seems the ♪
不过魔术的错误的和虚假的魔术,我继续错梁魔术远,现在,我不会放弃 However even then the error to demon it converted and the error to demon converted the error to demon continued to convert to here Already the giving up tsu lever it is what
小宫悦子远程上午家伙现在的东西,我一个多小时危机Gitemo希腊 Person what of Etsuko's Komiya of current tele morning?,
Already 1 hours passing, it is the Greek economic crisis
小泽恫区回声在岩手县。 05 Rupizu它糊了Rupizu坏我做的第四次革命金星鸠山战国第三颠覆口番原2月初,他的妻子从老板一Rupizu它糊了Rupizu杭幼会令他们沉默的场景,他们通过听我穿饮食诉讼它s被烧毁Rupizu Rupizu頑張頑張睡眠今天是第八简,冈田也消瘦燃烧弹第七和第六叶湖千人变成红色松 It echoes in Ouu's Iwate Ozawa 恫. To an ear
The National Diet relay you had attached I are silenced the scene
It is good, be able to persevere, [rupizu] Burning [rupizu]
1 school gang leader wives It leaves early,
2nd blastopore National turning over
3rd thousand stones Large revolution
4th Hatoyama To Venus
It is good, be able to persevere, [rupizu] Burning [rupizu]
5th Akamatsu People 潭 with
6th Chiba molotov cocktail
7th Okada and becoming thin
8th 菅 Today you sleep
Persevering be able to persevere, [rupizu] Burning [rupizu
小泽说,统一企业701滑稽和媒体,在战斗的全国大选投票的实际,我不应该针对所有, 701 To say that Ozawa is strange public opinion poll how actual national election of the mass communications swaying completely unless it becomes applying is
小泽说,统一是所有701实际上是针对战斗在全国选举中投票的媒体,我不应该, 701 For Ozawa to say public opinion poll how actual national election of the mass communications swaying completely unless it becomes applying is
小泽部队搜查了韩国职业队! ! “如果老百姓觉得和恐惧苏夫妇住近他们,”占领军在日本〜韩国的特权! !朝鲜privileged ll生活在日本夺取政权,窃取了,强请里,欺诈,威胁,骚扰,诽谤,做生活中的任何一个,有组织的团伙跟踪,日本的土地组是一个滔天罪行狙ü The Korean occupation force Ozawa unit So it searches! !
When you think that “it is the normal person who lives in neighborhood, we fear” - As for resident privilege the Korean occupation force! !
The resident Korean who has resident privilege to take over, the stealing, blackmail and fraud, threat, harassment and slander slander,
The group stoker and the like you do organizationally with anything, property of the Japanese, it is the atrocious crime group which aims for life
少子化也有利于外国人做了民主党“造福儿童”离开口蹄疫故意削弱了日本的美军基地将撤出普天间威慑税上涨木孩子津贴全额支付和外国人介绍日本的普选人民对试图做一个模拟的恐怖行为 The Democratic party did
Being profitable in the foreigner, it does not become either little child conversion measure, with “child treatment” the tax rose firewood
To withdraw the US military base from Futenma, weakening of the Japanese deterrent
The terrorist [ma] which intend leaves foot and mouth disease is, conduct
It has been about probably to do
Introduction of the foreign carrot administration which does not become for the Japanese
Child full amount provision of treatment
当我进入日本将是国家的军队赶出他们的恐惧追鸠山人民报反美势力横扫你Hayagawari自民党阵营的所有良好,死亡不是自民党出了错所行奇屋如果日后在怒江Kokitsukawa Anti-American principle person Hatoyama
Expelling the US military, the intention of inserting the troop of fearful country
So when it becomes, as for Japan in the internment camp archipelago [hayagawari]
Not to be wrong only the Liberal Democratic Party the internment camp going
Unless the Liberal Democratic Party everyone it will be secure
Until it dies, it can change densely hard at the internment camp,
必要的道路?我只是整理,不?我需要(顽皮1)瓦特 有 Necessary road Categorization it does not do Therefore necessity everyone s umbrella it is w gt To that lowering the upper limit from no charge conversion you say that pay one is good public opinion poll gt It was and
资金,怎么办? 一次,因为它是免费的方向,可以自由在4年内 … The revenue source how it does gt Repetition Because gt once it has become direction of no charge conversion after 4 years perhaps no charge
忽视它,是不是自民党下台了中线责任长引债券问题到目前为止,自民党是一个真正的 While it leaves that as for the Liberal Democratic Party being the case that it falls from the seat of administration To presently as for the responsibility which makes problem be prolonged to tell the truth there is the Liberal Democratic Party
忽视它,是不是自民党下台了中线责任长引债券问题到目前为止,自民党是一个真正的 While it leaves that as for the Liberal Democratic Party being the case that it falls from the seat of administration To presently as for the responsibility which makes problem be prolonged to tell the truth there is the Liberal Democratic Party
忽视它,是不是自民党下台了中线责任长引债券问题到目前为止,自民党是一个真正的 While it leaves that as for the Liberal Democratic Party being the case that it falls from the seat of administration To presently as for the responsibility which makes problem be prolonged to tell the truth there is the Liberal Democratic Party
忽视它,是不是自民党下台了中线责任长引债券问题到目前为止,自民党是一个真正的 While it leaves that as for the Liberal Democratic Party being the case that it falls from the seat of administration To presently as for the responsibility which makes problem be prolonged to tell the truth there is the Liberal Democratic Party
我 ヽ⌒⌒)!゙ ⌒) 761哦 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ ⌒ REPT i у i human 92 ku HKRPT 761
我不降下降到危险的程度,一个奇迹?如果等待的集集小康调查你还害怕什么?闪耀可能下降百分之二十按照你的党,如果只是购买了另一 How miraculous falls it isn t that to dangerous level Well if even then insecurity when it waits even in investigation of current events If the 20 it cracked perhaps also investigation of other companies and adjusting to that it falls and
这只是奇迹般的暴跌,首先安倍晋三和福田康夫甚至Tsuka 882比879 NULL
我们有一个坏的自我放纵比黑手党,而许多人可以采取积极警察球感到紧张,甚至睡着了眼泪与物质在高兴的损害 We would like to do at will with is worse than also the designated mob when either the police has not been able to have managed positively The person of the multitude cries and even damage without perceiving it is falling asleep
我们有一个坏的自我放纵比黑手党,而许多人可以采取积极警察球感到紧张,甚至睡着了眼泪与物质在高兴的损害 We would like to do at will with is worse than also the designated mob when either the police has not been able to have managed positively The person of the multitude cries and even damage without perceiving it is falling asleep
这意味着可以采取紧缩状态,积极警察黑手党的罪恶古比狂欢 We would like to do at will with is worse than also the designated mob when either the police has not been able to have managed positively The person of the multitude cries and even damage without perceiving it is falling asleep
我们,NTV电视台对鸠山由市长向德之岛/ Iteta我听到市长的印象德之岛名护市的市长“回旋”,“名护市市长”不看描述性研究 It confronts Hatoyama with NTV
However you inquire about the impression of Mayor Mayor Tokunoshima/Nago
Mayor Tokunoshima “it turns and is wordy””
With the face which is not Nago mayor “expression explanatory
我和部长讲话鸠山在大选前,布什政府以总理的支持率,如果他是一个反小泽制度似乎对敏感的狂欢 Hatoyama stopping before the House of Councillors selection, if the person of counter Ozawa type becomes the prime minister
As for administration support ratio the shelf which may rise at a stroke
我有这个问题,我不认为,自民党是没有资格批评党的执政原本迷走 As for me with this problem as for the Liberal Democratic Party as for the qualification which originally criticizes straying of Hatoyama administration you think that it is not
我有这个问题,我不认为,自民党是没有资格批评党的执政原本迷走 As for me with this problem as for the Liberal Democratic Party as for the qualification which originally criticizes straying of Hatoyama administration you think that it is not
我有这个问题,我不认为,自民党是没有资格批评党的执政原本迷走 As for me with this problem as for the Liberal Democratic Party as for the qualification which originally criticizes straying of Hatoyama administration you think that it is not
我有这个问题,我不认为,自民党是没有资格批评党的执政原本迷走 As for me with this problem as for the Liberal Democratic Party as for the qualification which originally criticizes straying of Hatoyama administration you think that it is not
我要的是在普天间的支持率是日本二战冲绳这样的事我会很关心无因达 With Futenma becoming such a thing, although the [ru] support ratio or ww which rises
As for the Japanese Okinawa thing how excessively there is no interest, it is the shelf
我说我是20%,净债券评级鞋类,6 2%的政府的批准,实际上使数字作为一种现实的意义,这将 The 20 geta making wear being called the ru from the ru as for actual Cabinet support ratio the 6 2 shelf If this you can agree upon as the realistic number
施瓦布营自民党(冲绳)到海岸,埋站在我打一个V形跑道,“目前的草案”应该已经进展到我 The Liberal Democratic Party camp shiyuwabu Okinawa prefecture Nago city reclaiming the coast section makes V letter type runway “ It is the expectation which advances current plan”
施瓦布营自民党(冲绳)到海岸,埋站在我打一个V形跑道,“目前的草案”应该已经进展到我 The Liberal Democratic Party camp shiyuwabu Okinawa prefecture Nago city reclaiming the coast section makes V letter type runway “ It is the expectation which advances current plan”
施瓦布营自民党(冲绳)到海岸,埋站在我打一个V形跑道,“目前的草案”应该已经进展到我 The Liberal Democratic Party camp shiyuwabu Okinawa prefecture Nago city reclaiming the coast section makes V letter type runway “ It is the expectation which advances current plan”
施瓦布营自民党(冲绳)到海岸,埋站在我打一个V形跑道,“目前的草案”应该已经进展到我 The Liberal Democratic Party camp shiyuwabu Okinawa prefecture Nago city reclaiming the coast section makes V letter type runway “ It is the expectation which advances current plan”
日本广播协会应该有最准确的数字,但上周百分之三十或者是一个星期前,他们推测它是一个近 But the NHK number the most accurate expectation, last week is, or future week was the be close to number 30%,
普天间,冲绳出卖的问题,让在宫崎大流行,支持率还是喜欢富士或更改数据过于严厉,对不对? Betraying Okinawa with Futenma problem, with Miyazaki leaving [pandemitsuku], even then support ratio rising?
[huji] is data alteration too harshness, the [ro] which is
有广播和报纸公司的独家“的新闻俱乐部制”,我来到了宪法和水浸泡Nuruma我带来媒体改革的一个筛子“主流,让所有的民主进展”在我我说这是被 Newspaper publishing company Having the broadcasting station and With the closed “reporter s club system” it soaked in the lukewarm water and constitution “as the major media is permitted the be which does not drive the reformation which” Being advanced under the Democratic party you say that it is ru
有广播和报纸公司的独家“的新闻俱乐部制”,我来到了宪法和水浸泡Nuruma我带来媒体改革的一个筛子“主流,让所有的民主进展”在我我说这是被 Newspaper publishing company Having the broadcasting station and With the closed “reporter s club system” it soaked in the lukewarm water and constitution “as the major media is permitted the be which does not drive the reformation which” Being advanced under the Democratic party you say that it is ru
民主党也一百六十八年不是匍匐自民党外交,外交是真正的国家利益,任何国家 “国家利益”? 酒吧都滚进了无价瑰宝只是一点呢? 168 The Democratic party is not kneeling on the ground diplomacy which the Liberal Democratic Party does long time diplomacy for national interest is developed truly … “National interest” of some country gt Is worthy of to a lot of money in also just this point Bar of a lot of money
168 酒吧都滚进了无价瑰宝只是一点呢? 168 gt Diplomacy for national interest is developed truly … “National interest” of some country gt Is worthy of to a lot of money in also just this point Bar of a lot of money
民主党人预计2001财年Louppy不算术。 106000000000000坏日元在这个国家正在实施的民主承诺 As for the Democratic party supporter [rupi] which arithmetic it is not possible
13 estimate. With pledge execution of democracy 106,000,000,000,000 Yen
This country which is useless
真正的问题是什么转移到396线(普天间,及儿童福利,例如)与谎言,逃税的问题仍然存在,但我不宽马祖迫使很快工作思路 396 Whether the point which is shifting in the actual route Futenma and child treatment etc etc There is a problem such as liar and tax evasion but it is Quickly the thought work margin spreading the ru it is it is not
自1998年成立以来,只有那种站在桌子,100多丑闻,有超过50人被捕伤害,妨碍拘捕五名包括选择含有刚才局长毒品,盗窃,强奸和暴力,也a m酒后驾车而不是全球黑手党党,民主党 Ever since the joining party 1998, with just those which become open, above scandal 100 case and arrest person 50 or more, includes the private secretary with also just the stimulant, 5 arrest people
The 痴 China, theft and the rape 致 scar, there is an injury and drinking driving regardless and rather than with calling the political party, the wide area designated mob, that the Democratic party
自民党作为一个党员已缴纳年费谁在每年年底,在1991年大约5.47亿悟卜迪哈希〜2万甚至维持在3万台 The Liberal Democratic Party every year has designated the party expense payment person at end of year point in time as 党員, to reach to approximately 5,470,000 person in 91, after that
2,000,000 - 3,000,000 human stand was maintained
自由民主党进入了一个下降的趋势?即将举行的政党 人人上升趋势急呢?即使在下周,几乎预见,匆忙部署整个回收率倾向于赞成民主党 Liberal Democratic Party descent thrust into trend The party of everyone rises the trend thrust nearness After the next week thrust into the development which almost can expect that it reaches to the Democratic party support ratio recovery tendency
蟑螂寄生虫。日本将踢出来驱赶在日本,日本和反日的韩国人! ! ! ! ! Cockroach parasitism. The resident Korean hit the anti-Japanese Japanese from Japan and expel! ! ! ! !
该委员会是俊男协助控方就敏夫东京第五米泽米泽起诉书根据该决议的相应小泽,是一名律师法官退休后,从后法学院教授大东文化大,2005年4月东京“综合性律师事务所麻生太郎说:”40周年庆祝活动在东京开幕3月,这个办公室的工作,和自民党总裁谷垣祯一,美浓考试的检控,嘉宾参加了人才蒙塔这次会议是遵循自由倾向的律师,这相当于一个被起诉小泽投票 Those where it is engaged to assistance in Tokyo 5th inquest of prosecution meeting which lowers Ozawa prosecution suitable resolution the United States 澤 were Attorney Tosio
The United States 澤, Tosio the judge after the retiring, passing cultural immutable law course graduate school Professor Daito, in the April last year in “the Aso comprehensive legal office” inside capital duty
In the establishment 40th anniversary celebration which this office in March opened inside capital, Liberal Democratic Party Tanigaki 禎 only one president and the talent is has attended with the guest
In other words inquest of prosecution meeting lowered Ozawa prosecution suitable resolution due to the induction by the attorney of our people approaching,
达罗三成的支持率回来?即使在冲绳旅行禁令是太危险了,即使瓦特禁止前往九州或相当 The [ro] which is support ratio three percentage return?
Okinawa being too dangerous, becoming passage prohibition,
With saying, or to Kyushu becoming in passage prohibition, w
这让他率?因达吾Ttena粮食问题,或者说,个别农民的补偿Wakanne国家是什么?这Daronai的救济金,他们被认为是埃塔好起来,我会说,如果日本民主党瓦特 That appraisal margin There is no food problem tsu te it is the country some ones wakanne Thing of farmer individual compensation As for that the ro which is the rose maquis It is not that the one which was thought is quicker but the Japanese Democratic party saying in case of the ru w
本来,我的想法在鸠山没有,我告诉地狱Wakanne国家是什么 Originally idea how it is not in Hatoyama it is therefore the country says some ones the wakanne tsu te
进入5月,但已显示出狗屎可憎的普天间的问题,我不是不愿意到远从单一的评价如下瓦特数字批准,并做小幅增加 Entering May, being able to show the disgraceful behavior of Futenma problem awfully,
It does not go to the support ratio one column level, it is, don't you think? w
Instead of it does not go down, slight increase it has done and
问题5:1剑蕨-永远走出一轮,坚决瓦卡瓦卡Reyo頑張古仲良Warota假之间设置 In [inchiki] setting [warotavuaka]
The fellow be able to persevere chummily,
It does, [tsu] oak [vuaka] exposed shelf each time
难道支持率是1元我想要做什么?这是普天间破旧Warazu搬迁阶段的变化是有利于公众,但它是一个伟大的日元升值增加了危机的希腊在一个临时和我杀口病几英尺的措施,迅速落后的曲线? Something the element where support ratio rises the [tsu] [ke] which is?
[gudaguda] it puts out Futenma transfer of facilities as usual,
Also measure of foot and mouth disease the frequency of destroying increasing steadily by the hand after the rear hand, the [ru] it does,…
In the Greek crisis in temporarily enormous increase in yen value has become good impression was done in the general people?
预算是按照路线图的竞选宣言,并逐步承担付款的儿童11日全面实施的财政利益 As for estimate you suppose that full amount provision and the like of child treatment from of 11 is consecutively executed on the basis of the operation sheet of the House of Representatives selection manifest
预算是按照路线图的竞选宣言,并逐步承担付款的儿童11日全面实施的财政利益 As for estimate you suppose that full amount provision and the like of child treatment from of 11 is consecutively executed on the basis of the operation sheet of the House of Representatives selection manifest
鸠山内阁的支持率 u003d 26 2%,这是评价一个500 u003d 26 2%的批准,因为这是0取决于调查的500 ×茹,500(人)。腿在62 131人的支持,支持的选择,不赞成,我不知道哪所选择的三个“不通过”3的概率被选中的机会是由1 1 Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 26 2 As for this the support ratio 500 26 2 Because this depends on the investigation 500 500 the person the à 0 limb 62 131 people support Because here the choices support and non support do not understand are 3 択 The probability where “non support” is selected accidentally makes 1 3
这一次26。 2%和5%显着水平低得多的水平比如果(0 1%)和“鸠山内阁的支持率没有明显降低的”L Word和 This time 26 It is the 2 whether the level of significance 5 compared to 遙 low level 0 1 with “Support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet is low significantly” that you can say
%%误差±%的差距,上一次民主党自民党16 8 ± 3 14 2 2 6%,12 8 ± 3 14 0 1 2%的新公明党,3 4 ± 2 4 0 0 6 3 2 ± 2 2 0 1 2共产主义的社会民主人民新党0 6 ± 1 0 6 0 0 0 ±?0 8 新开发署0 8 0 0 ±?0 0各方± 2 0 6 8 1 8 5 0 阿日本Tagare 0 2 ± 1 0 6 0 4革党突破0 4 ± 1 0 8 0 4 0 8 ± 1 0 8独立弃权0 1 2 2 ± 1 8 ± 0 4待52 8 ± 9 55 4 2 6嘶哑的唯一结论的调查源于这是“没有足够的样本量。” This time ± error The last time Difference The Democratic party 16 8 ± 3 14 2 2 6 The Liberal Democratic Party 12 8 ± 3 14 0 1 2 Komeito 3 4 ± 2 4 0 0 6 Japan Communist Party 3 2 ± 2 2 0 1 2 Corporation people party 0 6 ± 1 0 6 0 National new party 0 0 ± 0 8 0 8 New party day 0 0 ± 0 0 0 Party of everyone 6 8 ± 2 5 0 1 8 Wish the Japanese a 0 2 ± 1 0 6 0 4 Reformist party reforming 0 4 ± 1 0 8 0 4 Non post 0 8 ± 1 0 8 0 Waiver 2 2 ± 1 1 8 0 4 Pendency 52 8 ± 9 55 4 2 6 As for the only conclusion which is led from this investigation “The number of samples is not enough”
民主党16 8%(↑)自由民主党12 8%(↓)党的各项6 8%(↑),公明党3 4%(↓)共产党3 2%(↑)日本Tachiagare 0 2%(↓)改革党0 4%(↓)人民新党0 0%( ↓)0 0%日本新党( )党加滕敏现在我为什么瓦特 The Democratic party 16 8 ↑ The Liberal Democratic Party 12 8 ↓ Party of everyone 6 8 ↑ Komeito 3 4 ↓ Japan Communist Party 3 2 ↑ Rise Japan 0 2 ↓ New party reform 0 4 ↓ National new party 0 0 ↓ New party Japan 0 0 It is to see the party it has risen is so with something w