- 社会工作者 - 或溺水... 6★德之岛在鹿儿岛办事处 With Tokunoshima public office staff drowning… Kagoshima * 6
114“正式的”农业部长农业部长石破茂隆宏赤松赤松部长裂纹从以前的农业,上班前的第一,“麦雇员在执行职务的进展”,并下令,接送员工的故事 114 “Type” Akamatsu agricultural phase From agricultural phase before the Isiba pishiyari As for Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase immediately before the first Noboru agency “as for the staff you strive to duty way ” because you indicate Welcome releasing of staff
4月22日,农业部赤松,粮农组织迪乌夫会见了来访的秘书长将讨论线位处理方法,以确保全球粮食安全 April 22nd Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu came and conversed with deiuhu FAO executive office leader of Japan and China exchange of opinions concerning the match which is directed to the guaranty of food security of the world
赤松愚蠢白痴投谁?后期出现的民主 aho which voted to the Akamatsu fool is who Form of final period of democracy
169维基哪里?可以吗?我穿他们到处形式TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/ 2010%E5公司%B9栋%B4的%吩e6%97%A5的%吩e6%9C条%交流电%E3展%81%AB公司%E3展%81%8A条%E3展%81%91%E3展%82%8B条%E5公司%%A3座8楼%E8%B9栋%84%E7的%96%AB公司%E3展%81%B5的声发射%吩e6%%81%E8%格A1%8C条 169
Wiki of somewhere?
This it is?
It is not written everywhere, but it is
ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010% E5% B9% B4% E6% 97% A5% E6% 9C % AC % E3% 81% AB % E3% 81% 8A % E3% 81% 91% E3% 82% 8B % E5% 8F % A3% E8% B9% 84% E7% 96% AB % E3% 81% AE % E6% B5% 81% E8% A1% 8C
197个工作队成立(成立不久的宫崎县自民党总部,当然),但谁没有发挥任何部长在这方面和你不安装任何东西,或做任何事情来让他光秃秃的自民党和wwwwww我们可以说,没有做任何事情,使自卫队海外派兵驱动tTA线旅游过程中所要求的宫崎县一个小州长 197 But the measure headquarters installed the proper also Miyazaki prefecture and the Liberal Democratic Party installed the headquarters urgently However this gambler minister of state did not do at all It just installed wwwwww which nothing does Somehow being called by the Liberal Democratic Party and the baldness margin nothing did went to overseas travel As for Self Defense Force the small scale unit which nomarch Miyazaki requests of course
2000年人大代表松树据报告,在2002财年的政治资金,旅游天皇,西原公司,三友商事,旅游业的繁荣,旅游松美,Fujitakushigurupu,北星,工业明星的名字,开发明星的名字,明生,其他Meipuranetto,共在爱知县六二三○○○○○○日元收入从合作公司的游乐场,也是韩国成员 According to 2000 - 14 political financial income and outgo report of Representative Akamatsu,
[mikado] sight-seeing and Nishihara trading company, three friend commercial matters, co-prosperity sight-seeing and [mimatsu] sight-seeing,
[hujitakushigurupu] and Hokusei, name star industry, name star development and [meisei],
Other than May planet,
From the Aichi prefecture game cooperative and the like to which also the Korean type trader has participated
There were earnings of sum total 6,230,000 Yen
332粮农组织最好看的HP打印出来 332
Printing out HP of FAO, the one which you showed is better
360一招,有太多的压力得到发送电子邮件附表赖口蹄疫的措施,促进农业产品或贸易代表使馆人员在赤坂 360
As a reverse side skill, don't you think? also those where the mail which asks the external pressure of foot and mouth disease measure promotion to the trade representation or the agricultural production item person in charge of the embassy where there is Akasaka is sent are the hand
4月21日,赤松,农业部长访问了当地的商店开始销售品川元实验和非标蔬菜山田,农业部副部长 April 21st, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu with agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Yamada the locale inspected the Tokyo Shinagawa Ku which begins the experimental sale of the vegetable outside standard store
5月2日,在激烈的燃烧时间,“手足口病”的“本”字,如果没有任何 May 2nd you say there is no either “densely” letter “of foot and mouth disease” in the time when it is in the midst of burning up fiercely
5月2日,在激烈的燃烧时间,“手足口病”的“本”字,如果没有任何 May 2nd you say there is no either “densely” letter “of foot and mouth disease” in the time when it is in the midst of burning up fiercely
5月5日,在古巴主席菲德尔卡斯特罗,劳尔(左二从)的问题交换了意见和食品行 May 5th in Cuba national council Chair rauru Castro Exchange of opinions 2 public attention with concerning food problem and the like from the left
5月5日,哥伦比亚总统乌里韦在与环保局交换了意见,一致的 May 5th about uribe president and EPA etc in Colombia Exchange of opinions
TTP的: www maff go jp J的 p gal 分钟 IMG公司 100430 1l jpg 5月5日,哥伦比亚总统乌里韦在与环保局交换了意见,一致的 ttp www maff go jp j p gal min img 100430 1l jpg May 5th about uribe president and EPA etc in Colombia Exchange of opinions
TTP的: www maff go jp J的 p gal 分钟 IMG公司 100430 2l jpg 5月4日,古巴国务委员会主席劳尔卡斯特罗(等左二)和粮食问题,我会交换意见 ttp www maff go jp j p gal min img 100430 2l jpg May 4th in Cuba national council Chair rauru Castro Exchange of opinions 2 public attention with concerning food problem and the like from the left
TTP的: www maff go jp J的 p gal 分钟 IMG公司 100430 3l jpg TTP的: www maff go jp J的 p gal 分钟 十万零四百三十零 1。网页 ttp www maff go jp j p gal min img 100430 3l jpg ttp www maff go jp j p gal min 100430 1 html
星期日,05月04日,古巴国务委员会主席劳尔卡斯特罗(左二从)的问题交换了意见和食品行 May 4th in Cuba national council Chair rauru Castro Exchange of opinions 2 public attention with concerning food problem and the like from the left
665 我们请有疾病 信息 关于口蹄疫让他们知道你的信息 关于手足口病 让他们知道你 什么是柯里亚信息有关手足口病(д゚゚)首页゚汗 665 News The information regarding foot and mouth disease Knowledge And others se Mouth Hoof 疫 Seki It does ru Feeling Information Knowledge And others se Mouth Hoof 疫 Seki It does ru Feeling Information koriya which is what ゚ д ゚ ho ゚ Caen
671农业部的,宫崎县的政府和有关国家及研究所已派出61人的兽医和韩国发生口蹄疫瓦特的南映射到物理县地位的支持下,宫崎( 2010年5月4日的日期),地图(发生的手足口病在中国为2010年5月4日) 671
Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, from related independent administrative corporate body and the metropolis and districts vis-a-vis Miyazaki prefecture, w where have dispatched 61 also veterinarian teachers et. al
About the circumstance of human support to Miyazaki prefecture
The occurrence circumstance map of the foot and mouth disease in Korea (as of 2010 May 4th)
The occurrence circumstance map of the foot and mouth disease in China (as of 2010 May 4th)
B是短视的想法,我会赶走所有的污渍,以毁灭的仇恨的155瓦特1:00 155
Everything is thrust to ruin with temporary hate
Shortsighted thought w which is quaint
H先生和公共场所采取轮流,在“Y”型反复查看详细耻辱的人,死喝得到一些人,但不是很多人先生Ĥ而不是徒劳的,损害了党,并逐渐成为了解,为国家带来灾难 As for Mr H and that follower at the place of release repetition the thing which humiliates the people “of Y” The 喝 case of the people of part it did profit but as for many citizens the party of Mr H is useless Instead of it was harmful it kept understanding the fact that disaster is brought to that country gradually
H先生很高兴听到超过古一眼听到第一,该法案将颁布实施,惩罚很多人写意事实上,人们付印 Mr H is audible at first glance pleasantly in the ear but with that actual free hand the citizen Large number it was formed the bill which it can punish kept oppressing the citizen
Kokkai ndl go jp cgi bin目录 健作 swk dispdoc cgi?会议 u003d 21524&SAVD RID u003d 2&页 u003d 0&POS机 u003d 0&总数 u003d 0&SRV ID u003d 9&DOC ID u003d 14101&DPAGE u003d 1&DTOTAL u003d 110&DPOS u003d 6& SORT DIR u003d 1&SORT TYPE u003d 0&模式 u003d 1&月年 u003d 22939m2IMgx0○方式稻田委员会,部长,在今年1月4天的这个或曾经是 kokkai ndl go jp cgi bin KENSAKU swk dispdoc cgi SESSION 21524 SAVD RID 2 PAGE 0 POS 0 TOTAL 0 SRV ID 9 DOC ID 14101 DPAGE 1 DTOTAL 110 DPOS 6 SORT DIR 1 SORT TYPE 0 MODE 1 DMY 22939m2IMgx0 ○ rice field member By the way had the minister of state and January fourth of this year done what
609 10周年名无Shisan新!2010 05 08(星期六)16:02:36编号:39m2IMgx0太阳8→581返回上周五晚8月9日→→枥木县演讲观察周日假期,所以你如果这是10年5月发现的情况写,说前往秋田ü 609 Name it is not tenth anniversary New 2010 05 08 Saturday 16 02 36 ID 39m2IMgx0 581 Because as for night return home gt 8 days of 7 days as for seminar gt 9 days Sunday is with Tochigi as for day off gt 10 days you take a business trip to Akita With the entry discovery which is said If this fact…
WWW的音乐农场安全思干○我要来瓦特胶各种媒体来吧,我认为是加快危险Ÿ奇诺公司瓦特739:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 07(星期五)21:12:56编号:Ingtrb2K0(3)714 2车车的方式,做了24匹马 It is cheap the ○ easy ranch tsu it does www The varieties being connected you wiped w Reporting accelerating also the company of the tsu cod y chi is dangerous it is the kana w which is not 739 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 07 gold 21 12 56 ID Ingtrb2K0 3 714 The large sized track truck equivalent of 2 24 heads were done by the way
NULL 11 39 ID 0K20kNti0 Or kore which is the simultaneous occurring frequently terrorism due to minsu 132 It is lovely the madam 2010 05 06 3 13 46 25 ID vvmShtS 0 lt ruhi ゚ of the Democratic party policy gt The Korean product pork import rescindment which last year is prohibition gt Inside Miyazaki prefecture especially virus landing infection In April to Korea gratuitousness offer disinfection liquid of government storage gt In Japan absence of stock state 182 It is lovely the madam 2010 05 06 Thursday 20 31 45 ID HChaB 3L0 But with price increase of the vegetable with the temporary weather irregularly that Normally being agitated although it has reported The price increase of the meats with the latest case it is unable to become a more terrible thing although calling
NULL Categorization and base problem of technology field food… 99 It is lovely the madam 2010 05 06 wood 11 11 39 ID 0K20kNti0 Or kore which is the simultaneous occurring frequently terrorism due to minsu 132 It is lovely the madam 2010 05 06 wood 13 46 25 ID vvmShtS 0 lt ruhi ゚ of the Democratic party policy gt The Korean product pork import rescindment which last year is prohibition gt In Miyazaki virus landing infection In April to Korea gratuitousness offer disinfection liquid of government storage gt In Japan absence of stock state 182 It is lovely the madam 2010 05 06 wood 20 31 45 ID HChaB 3L0 With price increase of the vegetable with the temporary weather irregularly that much being agitated although it has reported The price increase of the meats with the latest case it is unable to become a more terrible thing although calling
共有超过30个地点受屠宰40000头超过547 8★:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 07(星期五)20:52:12编号:Ingtrb2K0(3)那崎玉Bibitta母牛来自土豆大分运气我在做正常的牛屠宰 The object of the total 30 place super… destroying exceeds 40 000 8 547 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 07 gold 20 52 12 ID Ingtrb2K0 3 But it is and others slaughter of the cow does in Saitama and the ru is Normally the considerably empty cow being carried the te it vibrated
NULL 41 01 ID jiJJxNFU0 577 Getting angry the me it is truly So with maji which you think that government how honesty there is no room which is thought First in the Self Defense Force land cow It was the schedule which buries however it seems with the explosive red sandal wood as for that becoming with the unreasonable tsu lever During Golden Week holidays additional stone It did not come and Perhaps somehow the margin tsu te it was said in the prefecture also the rumor which it is not and applying says being made about the ru 634 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 09 3 01 44 34 ID jiJJxNFU0 618 However the u it is it came to Friday Kawaminami being too enormous like there is also an amount which it does not turn to this
4 22会议副部长“消毒剂(这里熟石灰)根据他们的脚不说什么赞助商 If in 4 22 “the disinfectant here the slaked lime is not enough in secondary minister of state interview please say
NULL Cutting the stomach you apologize the Fukushima not seeing ho of Akamatsu and the representation with the ma ji the re 606 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 09 day 01 41 01 ID jiJJxNFU0 577 Getting angry the me it is truly So with maji which you think that government how honesty there is no room which is thought First in the Self Defense Force land cow It was the schedule which buries however it seems with the explosive red sandal wood as for that becoming with the unreasonable tsu lever During Golden Week holidays additional stone It did not come and Perhaps somehow the margin tsu te it was said in the prefecture also the rumor which it is not and applying says being made about the ru 634 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 09 day 01 44 34 ID jiJJxNFU0 618 However the u it is it came to Friday Kawaminami being too enormous like there is also an amount which it does not turn to this
NULL i i 彡 333 f REPT i 彡 彡 233 nininini REPT f i 彡 彡 i 彡 i i ¯ ¯ REPT f 彡 i 彡 彡 i f ¯ DREPT yu f we o f mi REPT It is shi lr
自民党议员发言后弹出另一个古川义久一杆试图寻找具体措施或做什么地方议员。 S方式的欢迎你,并出席5月1日小泽和宫崎区2。诚一郎民主党议员。宫崎区2 Local Assemblyman doing what whether the ru it tried searching Furukawa which sets forth concrete measure one after another 禎 Assemblyman Hisashi Our people Miyazaki 2 Ku It attends mayday and or receives Ozawa the road Assemblyman genuine Ichiro Democracy Miyazaki 2 Ku
NULL Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries HP When now you see Information of ○ attention TOPICS It is heavy Main point Joining acceptance of each house income compensating model measure is done Document such as joining application It is heavy Main point The information regarding foot and mouth disease News In the future of the primary industries related to agriculture forestry and fisheries about vision” News Administrative business review cooperative enterprise to Internet live relay while collecting News Concerning “the month of green” and the fund raising campaign of green Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries conversation It was corrected however even then 2nd w How much is rotted Democratic party tsu te combining w The public official without getting angry don t you think
为什么部惠普现在集中重要 在接待行信息○主题 加入反予模式,从门的收入补偿,门(会员申请及有关文件) 重要的疾病 信息 关于口蹄疫让他们知道你 ,“农业和林业愿景渔业未来,他说:“ 我们知道你将 审查(农业部部长绿色行政的运作(在合作企业寻求生存的互联网),你会知道他们 ,”绿月“的资金及筹款活动话语),但那是固定的,第二个W是民主党人还是我怎么会腐 Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries HP When now you see Information of ○ attention TOPICS It is heavy Main point Joining acceptance of each house income compensating model measure is done Document such as joining application It is heavy Main point The information regarding foot and mouth disease News In the future of the primary industries related to agriculture forestry and fisheries about vision” News Administrative business review cooperative enterprise to Internet live relay while collecting News Concerning “the month of green” and the fund raising campaign of green Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries conversation It was corrected however even then 2nd w How much is rotted Democratic party tsu te combining w The public official without getting angry don t you think
NULL Summary About foot and mouth disease You are not infected to the person but it is wide in cow pig sheep yagi and the like infection The domestic animal which is infected loses weight and becomes thin loses the productivity of the milk and the meat In order the air to be infected when infectivity is very high cannot do urgent correspondence it becomes fatal shock in the livestock industry As for the domestic animal which has the doubt of the domestic animal infection which is infected destroying is required from domestic animal protecting against infection method Time series April 20th In Miyazaki prefecture Tsuno Cho infection to the cow is verified April 27th In Miyazaki prefecture Kawaminami Cho to pig doubt of infection The same 27 days Governor Higashi Kunihara visits Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu requesting correspondence April 28th Verifying the cow which has the doubt of infection even with Miyazaki prefecture Ebinoshi
即使是最后一次在100步刚交一回事,我不知道任何致命的错误,会出现奇 100 steps transferring it does the same thing as the last time that way doing you do not know some fatal mistake happens
NULL When of thing of the people who have related to the Kyushu agricultural product is thought Minister of state Akamatsu Originally as for that as for a story that keep making duty you have not heard and Because front example or such the intention of inspecting there was no I already simply simply purely after the minister of state inaugurating also one day There is no day off very hardship it was put in the wife with the notion that where as for New Year s Day official event with the Imperial Palace Because it is in the reason which appears in that then the first Cabinet conference on the fifth this it shirks of course Because it does not go at that time using four days from two days when event has not entered schedule completely However at two Tomari three day with the wife and two people then also the child went one person it went with the notion that where Such There is no consciousness that it did bad thing but
NULL Minister of state ○ Akamatsu Originally as for that as for a story that keep making duty you have not heard and Because front example or such the intention of inspecting there was no I already simply simply purely after the minister of state inaugurating also one day There is no day off very hardship it was put in the wife with the notion that where as for New Year s Day official event with the Imperial Palace Because it is in the reason which appears in that then the first Cabinet conference on the fifth this it shirks of course Because it does not go at that time using four days from two days when event has not entered schedule completely However at two Tomari three day with the wife and two people then also the child went one person it went with the notion that where Such There is no consciousness that it did bad thing but
PS1ux4Wp0(2)77名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人 发布日期:2010 05 08(星期六)10:14:22编号:PS1ux4Wp0 1 2 的民主政府的年度表现仍然不强达罗114名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布时间:2010 05 08(星期六)10:21:57编号:PS1ux4Wp0 2 2石破茂 在农业经济阶段过渡茂木86,和赤松没有放松对高年级学生的手中低年级可梁高证明,如果正确地教导如何处理它的失误帮助,不是吗? PS1ux4Wp0 2 times 77 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 08 Saturday 10 14 22 ID PS1ux4Wp0 1 2 The ro which as for democracy administration is not the elytron which still is first grade and is 114 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 08 Saturday 10 21 57 ID PS1ux4Wp0 2 2 86 Isiba the case of taking over the agricultural phase if coping method is taught to Akamatsu securely the possibility where it can prevent is high The ro which as for the upper class student not initiating in the underclassman is not the elytron which is mistake and is
茂木114私营部门,或其他人,但过渡,自民党一意义上的私人部门无法理解这样的 114 But with people as for taking over natural in our people as for such private feeling whether you cannot understand
Www caseificio jp cgi bin目录 webpat 文件 西罗 2010 031901 index html的↓TTP的: www caseificio jp cgi bin目录 webpat 文件 新闻 2010 042301 index html的 www caseificio jp cgi bin webpat document ciro 2010 031901 index html ↓ ttp www caseificio jp cgi bin webpat document news 2010 042301 index html
377 TTP的: 2nnlove dtiblog com 博客入境 1870年的。html NULL
TTP的: www caseificio jp cgi bin目录 webpat 文件 西罗 2010 031901 index html的↓TTP的: www caseificio jp cgi bin目录 webpat 文件 新闻 2010 042301 index html的 ttp www caseificio jp cgi bin webpat document ciro 2010 031901 index html ↓ ttp www caseificio jp cgi bin webpat document news 2010 042301 index html
注←! TTP的: www yamabiko2000。com 模块 WordPress的 的index php?米 u003d 201005 lt Attention ttp www yamabiko2000 com modules wordpress index php m 201005
_NULL_ | ┃ _ _ _ _
| ┃/⌒ ⌒ \ Near spreading the lime to the road
| ┃ (-) (-) \ In ranch lime spreading
- - -. | ┃: ⌒ (_ _ human _ _) ⌒: : : : : \ To pay attention to entrance and exit of the car, every time with the atomizer disinfection liquid spreading
| ┃ | The person where infection is doubted, the thing as much as possible shutout
| ┃ /
| ┃ REPT ¯ /
| ┃ \ . : THEFR ~: MARU ~: MARU ,
| ┃ & _) `THEFR ゜゜ THEFR ~: MARU THEFR
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| ┃/ ) ゜゜ THEFR: MARU ~
| ┃ (_ _) : MARU ~: MARU ゜゜ ~
_ _ _ _
“”Birukon S“的效力高,对病毒已被广泛公认的世界,在荷兰,德国,噢!澳大利亚,新闻?页?土地,韩国和中国(包括香港)等在禽流感病例,我们推荐最有效的是政府。作为消毒剂,已经证明,以防止感染的蔓延是用来清洗和 The high effect where “it confronts the virus “of birukon S” to be widely acknowledged worldwide Holland and Germany o sutoraria niyu ji The land Korea and China Hong Kong and so on is included with the case where the bird influenza occurs these governments With the most effective guess As a decontaminating chemical it has the result which is used for the prevention of purification and infection enlargement
“”Birukon S“的效力高,对病毒已被广泛公认的世界,在荷兰,德国,噢!澳大利亚,新闻?页?土地,韩国和中国(包括香港)等在禽流感病例,我们推荐最有效的是政府。作为消毒剂,已经证明,以防止感染的蔓延是用来清洗和 The high effect where “it confronts the virus “of birukon S” to be widely acknowledged worldwide Holland and Germany o sutoraria niyu ji The land Korea and China Hong Kong and so on is included with the case where the bird influenza occurs these governments With the most effective guess As a decontaminating chemical it has the result which is used for the prevention of purification and infection enlargement
∩ ∩ ヽ布鲁诺(⊂卢武铉¯)))¯⊃ ●( 布鲁诺。 ° 0 0ヽ 。 ∩ ∩ No REPT No ⊂ ¯ ¯ ⊃ no ¯ 0 REPT 0 No REPT i Akamatsu where it went it is ∋ no ∩ ∩ REPT no REPT L REPT L REPT
ヽヽ :: :ヽ ::: 英里 :: )( : ,宓: 布鲁诺ヽ · 升 REPT REPT REPT mi 92 mi REPT No ⌒ REPT i REPT 6 mi Î ⌒ to REPT mi O REPT ⌒ 92 and 92 DEG he ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 mi No ゙ l i yu REPT l human REPT REPT eee i ⌒ mi
NULL 372 “Higashi Kunihara… You asked House of Councillors selection may …” REPT REPT REPT REPT mi 92 mi REPT No ⌒ REPT i REPT 6 mi Î ⌒ to REPT mi O REPT ⌒ 92 and 92 DEG he ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 mi No ゙ l i yu REPT l human REPT REPT eee i ⌒ mi
不能没有一个国家机构,即使这样做可以使现在孤立和宫崎什么 Even when gt and Miyazaki is isolated from this doing it does whatever doing unless there is an authority of the country is not possible at all
而且不能做任何事情,即使该国没有权限做任何事情,但现在,然后隔离宫崎 Even when and Miyazaki is isolated from this doing it does whatever doing unless there is an authority of the country is not possible at all
与前5月482“从苍蝇他们所谓的”我喜欢球员,并采取酒店避难吗?联系电话也是“事不叫他们来一个一个的底部”,并想知道如果我可以说我将与加查 482 Doing from the top to “the telephone is May 蠅 and the ze which is the kind of party who evacuates the empty” hotel Saying that “you telephone one by one by the fact that it does not go down” gachiya doing to cut also telephone communication whether either the te is not strange that
什么是什么是吗?我们应该怎样做的? 熊本 口蹄疫的牲畜拍卖市场,这个月取消“感染控制的首要任务”和牛。共8200头,约18亿日元 口 口病的大分县宫崎。接受传播,大分县牲畜市场5月停止 How with the ma ji something How it does it is The domestic animal placing ri market this month in the discontinuance “Prevention of infection most priority” Cow Total 8200 approximately 1 800 000 000 cyclotomic Oral hoof in Miyazaki prefecture To receive infection enlargement considerably the domestic animal market inside the prefecture in the discontinuance during May
5月11日(星期二)会议在国会众议院13谈论中途于12 30时。由于他们重视 lt Leaving the domestic animal infectious disease of government the Democratic party is not permitted gt Day and time May 11th Tuesday Time From 12 30 to around 13 30 Place Diet Building opposite House of Representatives meeting Sort of accompanying
5月11日(星期二)会议在国会众议院13谈论中途于12 30时。由于众所周知的不重视,这Yoroshi lt Leaving the domestic animal infectious disease of government the Democratic party is not permitted gt Day and time May 11th Tuesday Time From 12 30 to around 13 30 Place Diet Building opposite House of Representatives meeting Sort of accompanying
什么是什么是吗?我们应该怎样做的? 熊本 口蹄疫的牲畜拍卖市场,这个月取消“感染控制的首要任务”和牛。共8200头,约18亿日元 口 口病的大分县宫崎。接受传播,大分县牲畜市场5月停止 How with the ma ji something How it does it is The domestic animal placing ri market this month in the discontinuance “Prevention of infection most priority” Cow Total 8200 approximately 1 800 000 000 cyclotomic Oral hoof in Miyazaki prefecture To receive infection enlargement considerably the domestic animal market inside the prefecture in the discontinuance during May
什么是红松树线本身是不负责的情况,我在自来水酱油作为一个真实的镜头在所有针对他,但也因宝负责特殊和888任避免副部长,负责这不是一个谁住这么茹 888 The secondary minister of state and being temporary also the not seeing po which you have taken charge being hit but appropriate As actuality measure is not at all struck made the circumstance where the responsibility itself which Is to be avoided that it goes to Akamatsu the patsy stays because of that it is to put out
290名:没有可爱的妻子蜜月:圣人发布日期:2010 05 09(星期日)00:34:25编号:CsndoviN0佐野楼赤松既然来到汝(木)我行 290 Name It is lovely the madam meeru sage Contribution day 2010 05 09 day 00 34 25 ID CsndoviN0 Because you say that Akamatsu comes the Sano city cultural center Tochigi it went back and forth
824名: 名无Shisan邮政十周年:2010 05 08(星期六)07:51:45编号:U73ud1n40现实的理论和它引起热赤松弥赛亚 824 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 08 Saturday 07 51 45 ID U73ud1n40 Dangerous Akamatsu Messiah theory actualized
98:可爱的妻子,如果:2010 05 06(周四)11:03:14编号:mmXl4R0g0和日本闪烁出到一个任务有一个民主党的手就像是浸泡坏 98 It is lovely the madam 2010 05 06 wood 11 03 14 ID mmXl4R0g0 Until minsu using such a hand in with the maneuvers which ruin Japan the ru …
但是,松树缺少一个红色甚至不允许说的过程中,,那么,在总理的权威鸽子权利奇怪行动 But as for Akamatsu being absent that it is the story which is not permitted of course assuming Then the ro with that the pigeon should move with prime minister authority
作为资深民主党议员,并得到支持梁元认识到,一个民团组织的活动由普选的条件是第一次赤松 1 As the Democratic party staff denizenship as for recognizing the fact that organizational election support is received to condition from people group Akamatsu is unprecedented 1
分厚得不到石破茂先生“的文章后的第二天被选举,有编写的是什么问题,以及拉Gitai通道”和交谈苏,一看内容,认真妥善赤松先生“停妻谷接受。”和适当的 Isiba prepares from the election next day The thick data where it is with you say when “ securely to take over something topic we would like” you say to the hand Akamatsu the seriousness “We would like to catch content securely” that it responded with expression
由赤松 by Akamatsu
红文昌鱼899(阿拉巴马州)新!2010 05 07(星期五)23:23:23 66编号:Ly9MoH2s如果这是真的 我沿着这个双关语 宫崎口蹄疫感染,进一步扩大 899 akauo Alabama state New 2010 05 07 Friday 23 23 23 66 ID Ly9MoH2s If fact in shiyare viewing wa Infection furthermore enlargement
隆宏赤松赤松林业和渔业部老虎机“老虎机”柏青哥议会成员山田彦彦副部长山田农业渔业部长 Pachinko ministry Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Hirotaka Akamatsu Akamatsu “pachinko” agricultural phase Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state Masahiko Yamada Yamada Masahiko Assemblyman pachinko National Diet question
但在农民代表,有什么节日赤松隆宏伊势神宫Amaterasuoomikami农业部长从1965年仍在继续,我饭,最重要的,年复一年自昭和14年农业部长,然后粮署首席行政希望上帝的名义收获丰富,日本的农民,但不是所有的访问受这种自卑,为什么我行Karenakatta So as a representation of farmer Hirotaka Akamatsu amaterasuoomikami being celebrated in the Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Ise shrine which continues from 1965 is the rice plant work therefore important thing Directly every year every year from 1965 agricultural minister of state then food agency director and the Bureau Chief That representing the Japanese farmer the God way you ask the five grains Yutaka 穣 with such humble feeling It is the case that you worship but why you did not go it is
981:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 07(周五)09:29:58编号:QllfjzbR0隆宏赤松,处罚收成良好,截至今年祈祷伊势关岛是从1965年继续向农业部长击中 981 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 07 gold 09 29 58 ID QllfjzbR0 As for Hirotaka Akamatsu the Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Ise shrine five grains Yutaka 穣 prayer which continues from 1965 per punishment which this year is neglected in the Guam travelling
但在农民代表,有节日Amaterasuoomikami伊势我,我饭,最重要的,年复一年昭和14年以来,农业部长,粮署主任秘书,然后,它我希望上帝的名义对农民的粮食在日本,但没有访问所有这些卑微,为什么我行Karenakatta So as a representation of farmer amaterasuoomikami being celebrated in the Ise shrine it is the rice plant work therefore important thing Directly every year every year from 1965 agricultural minister of state then food agency director and the Bureau Chief That representing the Japanese farmer the God way you ask the five grains Yutaka 穣 with such humble feeling It is the case that you worship but why you did not go it is
你在做什么严重危害畜牧业在日本?这白痴? 4月20日,20日,宫崎县畜产科,传统的农民已经培育出了县都农镇。手足口病的三头母牛(地方法)病毒感染说,他们脚带和怀疑感染 What you do is in the livestock industry existence dying fleeing crisis of Japan This as for fool April 20th on the 20th Miyazaki prefecture animal husbandry sections as for the complexity where the farmer of the same prefectural Tsuno Cho has raised It announced that there is the doubt which 3 cows to the oral hoof like this the te to be 疫 of the virus characteristic infection symptom is infected
你在做什么严重危害畜牧业在日本?这白痴? 4月20日,20日,宫崎县畜产科,传统的农民已经培育出了县都农镇。手足口病的三头母牛(地方法)病毒感染说,他们脚带和怀疑感染 What you do is in the livestock industry existence dying fleeing crisis of Japan This as for fool April 20th on the 20th Miyazaki prefecture animal husbandry sections as for the complexity where the farmer of the same prefectural Tsuno Cho has raised It announced that there is the doubt which 3 cows to the oral hoof like this the te to be 疫 of the virus characteristic infection symptom is infected
全度是不是这样? 2010年1月,党的说明在新的一年的,民主选举的民团党的支持“上显示的细节和心脏病的荣誉”,并表示 Don't you think? it is dense [chiyon] -?
2010 January, with New Year party of main Korean Airlines people national group of resident,
“Appreciation you say from heart”, that you state to the Democratic party support with the House of Representatives selection with people group
农业。口蹄疫保护司总部,但嘿我觉得我不应该做出访赤松农业部长 Agriculture and forestry marine products. Foot and mouth disease quarantine measure headquarters headquarters chief, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu
However when you have travelled abroad the air which is not does well
净泡菜制作820 wwwwwww代理人在Wiki赤松wwww赤松代理商已经被送到鱼没有做什么瓦特wwwwwww 820
Net kim chee operative wwwwwww
As for Akamatsu Wiki those wwww which the operative fabricates
W which has been taken the fish 拓 already
Wwwwwww which nothing Akamatsu as for has done
副部长本身的需要134,以便它符合我们所说,如果你已经要求回来,我想回报,但你是如此,事实上,现在就做并认为自己有足够的措施,尽可能的措施,我认为我们正在做的 134 Secondary minister of state Though demand itself already me because it is to be corresponding if it returns demand and with it means saying that way However we would like us to return it is really to do in reality and measure itself is sufficiently possible if We think that measure it has been popular but
卡斯特罗也是一个美妙的人喜欢你,我说我没有夸张,以获取一个呼吸新鲜空气,每天送一篮子他们不是忙于工作的宝座 The everyday life where Castro personality is splendid, in business 忙 is killed
Calling the refrigerant of a rest you do not send for me who am not obtained
It is not overstatement
县应急管理司,“发生在下一阶段立即,但不追氯化钾治疗 As for the crisis management section of the prefecture “processing is not overtaken the occurrence which follows one another,
县旅游步行和宫崎口病赤松延迟未来农业部长,农业部长参观了县赤松宏隆已定于9月10号决定创建急于口宫崎(地方法)行程匆忙疾病总部创建检疫对于已经决定推迟提请因 Akamatsu agricultural phase it comes, prefectural postponement Miyazaki business trip and the urgent sewer decision with foot and mouth disease
As for main prefectural visit of the Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase which is planned on the 10th, the Miyazaki prefecture oral hoof (like this the [te] is) business trip to the 疫 quarantine measure headquarters
Because the urgent sewer it is decided, it became postponement
受感染的个人提供的脂肪中W和一个请愿寻求具体途径提高需要紧急的经济支持措施,口蹄疫和农业相东国4月27日 [chiyon] fat w
April 27th Governor Higashi Kunihara foot and mouth disease measure demand to agricultural phase
The demand book which requests public finance support and the specification etc of urgent infection route was handed
口。我们要求下一届秘书长的小泽一郎在记者会上说,反口蹄疫“对于县大挑战”,形容一切“的问题非常大县”,“非常大县的问题”,“非常大县挑战“ Oral hoof. Demand one after another
Secretary General Ozawa in press conference, foot and mouth disease measure “very much topic of big prefecture” expressing,
“Topic of big prefecture “topic of big prefecture very much very much” very much” “topic of big prefecture”
古尽快 Narya方式尽可能毫不拖延地“考虑”下的滚装船和我签署的,它可能会下雨的血液或其他 … … Like this it becomes and ya moment and moment and moment lower the signboard “in the midst of examining” quickly Otherwise it means that perhaps the rain of the blood falls
古尽快 Narya方式尽可能毫不拖延地“考虑”下的滚装船和我签署的,它可能会下雨的血液或其他 … … Like this it becomes and ya moment and moment and moment lower the signboard “in the midst of examining” quickly Otherwise it means that perhaps the rain of the blood falls
古尽快 Narya方式尽可能毫不拖延地“考虑”下的滚装船和我签署的,它可能会下雨的血液或其他 … … Like this it becomes and ya moment and moment and moment lower the signboard “in the midst of examining” quickly Otherwise it means that perhaps the rain of the blood falls
古尽快 Narya方式尽可能毫不拖延地“考虑”下的滚装船和我签署的,它可能会下雨的血液或其他 … … Like this it becomes and ya moment and moment and moment lower the signboard “in the midst of examining” quickly Otherwise it means that perhaps the rain of the blood falls
只是不能想象,在所有,但只是发挥并深信政府是180瓦,但看 180 But you agree upon that present administration you see It plays back you just cannot imagine simply completely w
展望得到线“特殊目的”我们已经想到,人谁不提升你的成员免提 NULL
因此,我想说的民主党人松树824瓦特松木或外交大臣,但现在的口头禅是应该的地方我说我带出国访问以手足口病,分离一,我并不需要他们这种愚蠢的部长 824 Don t you think Minister of Foreign Affairs commuting we would like to call the Democratic party Akamatsu w Akamatsu now foot and mouth disease with expectation of supreme proposition ru travel abroad how from parish separated Such a foolish minister of state without needing the shank
1赤松,社会党主席,瓦特渴望古巴可能将是但由于官僚主义,损害扩大本 1 To the Cuba of Chairman and yearning Japan Socialist Party Akamatsu w Perhaps it becomes consequence of the bureaucracy however it is probably will be the latest enlargement damage
口蹄疫说明问题宫崎县甚至出国不是松树阶段农业民主党人茹 Travelling abroad you do not indicate Miyazaki foot and mouth disease problem although it is possible The Democratic party Akamatsu agricultural phase
我不会停止海外之行会见卡斯特罗,设置894叶松 894 Akamatsu being set interview with Castro ru travel abroad It discontinues without being able to boil it does the yo
我想说的话824左右派外长瓦特松树,但现在疾病前往口蹄疫是必要的,我在外地出访,使音频领域,我不需要他们这种愚蠢的部长 824 Don t you think Minister of Foreign Affairs commuting we would like to call Akamatsu w Akamatsu now foot and mouth disease with expectation of supreme proposition travel abroad how from parish separated Such a foolish minister of state without needing the shank
派长期以来,金融机构和贸易公司系统为基础,在北部分(柏青哥业)曾经指出,与朝鲜的关系,从可能,呼吁注意和 22 Akamatsu from the time before the financial institution of the North Korean type and is pointed out the relationship with the enterprise pachinko industry which has transaction at part It was not from the North Korean system or that it was conveyed 22
鸠山内阁改组看一看──高野毅,并想对宇野,松锦隆宏小泽急性期和农业,环境部长 ─ ─ Personnel of Hatoyama Cabinet Takano 孟 The u it is as for how thinking as the kana which is Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase and Ozawa Eizin environmental phase
在赤松名称“请最好的回应,以减轻,宫崎县都将帮助农民尽可能多的将是热点,”它仍然是安全的,如果它是介绍和 Because with Akamatsu name “it corresponds by all power please feel at rest Everyone of the Miyazaki farmer is harsh probably will be but it supports as much as possible” With safety announcing you insert the spring
前握手石破茂在三楼房间双手农业部长,赤松先生“,但正式的联合Giwo拉”,减少和弹出,石破茂说,“茂木争论是没有正式通过。”拍手 It shakes hands with the agricultural phase before Isiba Shigeru in minister of state s room of the 3rd floor Akamatsu with “it is type but it quarries out taking over” With as for Isiba “it does not do the type taking over” that pishiyari
在过去6个月左右,我想我是辞职在媒体打很大的追求公平? “”是的净 加强』当媒体甚至公平的伟大 正义的社会,我可以运行!“”这只是确保你离开它,因为只有这个宫崎 审查它 重新审查其和! 当地雇员为时已晚做任何事情没有什么可没什么,他妈的政府!我死了!“” 这个,这个悲剧,我们』 新闻界的狗,我去到什么人小泽 智力丧失工作能力 Above this half year being great with that no ten people you resigned with pursuit of the fair mass communications it is the combining which is ” “When the top of the net is rendered sound being great the fair mass communications furthermore can execute social justice don t you think ” “Just this just this just this Miyazaki leaving when examination …… examination is Entirely the entirely entirely be too slow ze kuso administration Die ” “In…… these these disastrous state that Ozawa s guy died started what just and it is 狗 mass communications and the greatness where is petitioned in disabled governor lt the head gt coming to taking even with the picture ” “ Moxa is set and the te the feeling where Japan and the Japanese in that indifferent fool make fire end lug how is ” Holding down “reporting” you rob power that literal it is can boil the offender who As for that as for that “work” and House of Councillors selection are done placidly seriously that with When “with the next House of Councillors selection ” with you inquire about the optimistic theory which is said bottom of the heart strange feeling is felt…… “Now” the fact that it is the most priority is how it does that body cod ku “of present” administration 1 known fact to do truth counter day well recovery of intention to fight of the Japanese to the treason Democratic party And while you sleep in the air of despair the Japanese who dies is caused 2 without abandoning no matter what with all expedients vis a vis this unreasonable “guerrilla warfare” is done … … Originally if 1 to here to here “dying ” there are no mass communications to here it does not need Originally lt the journalist gt it is it is work in Japan and In the first place 2 being the case that it does not have the necessity to do…… just no time it is resigned in a body
为了让日本的破坏,如果他们在任何一个吃一顿丰盛的晚餐在墨西哥,是不无关系 Leaving the Japanese domestic disastrous state when you eat the luxurious dinner in Mexico which completely is not relationship is not
墨西哥,4月30日〜5月8日,赤松,7农业部长,古巴,哥伦比亚之行5月起,该部公布的措施征询收入补偿模型“里奇路大篷车”为(农业部长,秋田5月10日,赤松县旅游) April 30th May 8th The Mexico and Cuba of Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu the Colombian business trip May 7th the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries announcement concerning each house income compensating model measure “path between rice fields caravan” the Akita prefecture business trip of Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries 10th Akamatsu May
如果你穿在哥伦比亚从成田机场06 8哎呀,如果我不穿呢? If the [te] with 6 day Colombian departure 8 Nitusei rice field arrivals, already arriving, the [ru] it is it is not?
完成后,农业部赤松,在一个记者招待会上线原位部长 gt 2010 May 10th Monday gt Miyazaki prefecture foot and mouth disease quarantine measure headquarters Miyazaki prefectural government Miyazaki prefecture Miyazaki city orange east 2 Chome 10 1 gt The exchange of opinions with the governor and prefectural national assembly chairman gt Miyazaki sight seeing hotel Miyazaki prefecture Miyazaki checks mountain 1 Chome 1 1 gt Exchange of opinions with the agricultural related group gt Kyushu agricultural administration bureau Miyazaki agricultural administration office Miyazaki prefecture Miyazaki city old pine tree 2 Chome 3 17 gt The exchange of opinions with related mayors town managers and village headmen et al gt After the ending Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu does press conference in the same place
自我自卫队派出的100人长期或将总部迁往不是173 173 Raising the measure headquarters which do not move Also 100 dispatched Self Defense Force
该工作队举行了28天的检疫第二手足口病,国库充满消毒剂喷洒整个邻省,预防和扑杀该农场的迅速提高。兽医和决心,帮助提高的若干措施等 4 The second foot and mouth disease quarantine measure headquarters are held on the 28th Disinfectant spreading at contiguity prefectural all with the payment in full national treasury charge Quick destroying and the like in the occurrence farm anti The veterinarian teacher et al who supports measure Increase and the like decision 4
官方报告不适当的政治领导,抗拒271,或不管我说的明白目前的冲突有“急,以及相应的最好的(得好好的,”如果没有邪恶的蜘蛛正式上诉谁我都被驳回,引起群众的表面灰尘留汝Manse m它是可用瓦特 271 Inconsistency occurred in grasp of present condition by the inadequate report of the bureaucracy which resists to political main leadership Somehow saying “urgently at the same time it corresponds kiritsu it appeals all by power” Who of the separately bad bureaucracy being reshuffled as for the mass rubbish that man Say The plan aspect stays being prepared it is w
宫崎不支持民主党人,因为“Shiageru干”不可能?型DNA韩国型口蹄疫,将是県域突然发展迅速蔓延邱有限 Because Miyazaki does not support the Democratic party “to dry ” the tsu te DNA type of foot and mouth disease to occur suddenly with the Korean type and prefectural limits limitation quickly spread chi u It becomes matter of concern
535 1:手足口病后有韩国发生在2000年9月猪肉从去年年底的政权更替后,现在禁止从韩国进口的南已恢复 535 gt Q1 In 2000 foot and mouth disease after the occurring prohibiting the import from Korea in Korea it increased but the pork reopened from 9 ends of the month of last year immediately after the administration alternating
屠宰羊和牛约7.0亿,造成拖延了几个月和2001年英国大选 Approximately, 7,000,000 sheep and the cow were processed the flesh, influence such as 1 month postponements of 2001 English general election appeared
愚蠢的瓦特管理法 仪内的资金超过了误报的政治到政治的人可能 Fool like w If gt the politician it is no more than an untrue statement of the political financial readjustment method which can everyone
愚蠢的瓦特管理法 仪内对政治资金的政治家陈述人 Fool like w If gt the politician it is no more than an untrue statement of the political financial readjustment method which can everyone
我可以要求赔偿损失,并命令政府恢复进口524韩国猪肉 524
Compensation for damage can claim vis-a-vis the government which orders import reopening of the pig from Korea
我开始这些抵制运动,普利司通购买离子宫崎147 147
The motion which buys Miyazaki is begun, it is
As for boycott ion and Bridgestone
我想我会逐点资料输入,即使人们得到妥善解决,只要这一严重情况,伐丽流的责任,我的热门问题 One by one information entering you think as the ru but the subordinate having coped securely If just this becomes serious situation responsibility of the top is questioned
说,收到克祖逐字指示,在做一个立场,乡亲,而不是一个坏的或愚蠢的副部长 With saying not to receive the indication one by one the random substitute You do the reason whose aho secondary minister of state is bad
我支持(1月12日你的最佳状态的颜色在全国各地的308个席位,胶想要改变政权“,2010年,新年晚会民团)民团和民主党人说■(湖民团的人),一个韩国日在日本生活(没有个性协会)的组织,在日本和一些超过300基地 Color it is at all parts of the country in shape you to support, 308 parliamentary seats, it was connected administration alternately”, (2010 January 12th, people group New Year party)
* People group and Democratic party Assemblyman
Main Korean Airlines people national group of resident (people group people 潭), with organization (personality it is not the corporation,) for the resident South Korean who resides in Japan, is a base which exceeds 300 on the Japanese country
我站采取了什么角色我要一雪宫崎县的东国小泽工作 Higashi Kunihara It rides in Ozawa's flattery
Something it is useful for Miyazaki prefecture?
我要蔓延最严重的一次疫情类的,你要去跟人鲁莽的措施负责其外交之旅?我能说什么说服力零 Although the [tsu] [te] where infectious disease of the worst class is spread with the home country,
The measure patsy travelling abroad easefully, you speak what, it is?
Saying whatever, persuasive power zero
我选择什么作为经济作物和重要的访问,因为古巴或324或毒品产地哥伦比亚利润出来,拓展了可怕的恐惧 324
Therefore Colombia or Cuba or production area of the drug important visit it probably chooses first
As a cash crop the fearful profit it comes out and
拜耳医疗,手足口病在2000年的书事件当天的“Birukon S”的紧急进口 NULL
澳大利亚,新西兰和美国,中国,你只是我从韩国和其他古廉价进口 It is the sufficient it should have imported from America and Australia and New Zealand China and Korea etc cheaply
收入补偿措施征询模型大篷车“岭路的”(农业部长,秋田旅游赤松5月10日)凡符合我wwwwwwwwwwww Concerning each house income compensating model measure “path between rice fields caravan” (the Akita prefecture business trip of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 10th Akamatsu May)
Where it has gone is, wwwwwwwwwwww
散布这样,走出去和周围的牲畜破坏,岩手县在选举之前,嗯自杀 Spreading this way, when damage appears in the animal husbandry of Iwate and every place, House of Councillors selection before, the [ro] which is suicide behavior
新公明党政府部长时,我是一个体面和安全农产品赤松我希望他不乐刚刚从 Because at the time of agricultural minister of state [tsu] [te] our public administration the person who is not [roku] it was the [tsu] temporary,
Akamatsu how reaching, honesty
松下的鸣叫自由农业部长shinpeim赤松要求帮忙口蹄疫,可能无效轮到你10宫崎周一将伴随我们 Our people Matsushita bu and coming shinpeim Providing support request to foot and mouth disease Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu Miyazaki entering 10 day comes to the point of Monday we accompany
4月28日,谏早湾土地整理项目审查委员会(主席:农业部副部长郡治)从搜索。赤松Waremashita农业部长报告线 April 28th Isahaya bay reclamation business research committee chairman Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Gunzi from inspection Report was done in Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu
4月30日,赤松,农业部长,总督部会见了中村来到长崎,线是交换有关废水谏早湾闸开启闸门调查填海工程的意见 April 30th Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu came and conversed with nomarch Nagasaki Nakamura which is regretted exchange of opinions in regard to Isahaya bay reclamation business drainage gate opening gate investigation
“我说 27至4你已经离开州长请求援助赤松谷垣祯一 ” With saying the governor has provided support request to Akamatsu Tanigaki in 4 27 vis a vis ru
自由鸣叫松下赤松shinpeim口足病和农业部长就到,可能成为无效宫崎转10日,我们陪 Our people Matsushita bu and coming shinpeim Providing support request to foot and mouth disease Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu Miyazaki entering 10 day comes to the point of Monday we accompany
松组,红色是一个很大的打击,畜牧业口蹄疫疫情,一旦触及合作社干松和享受出国民主党人做什么!民主党人说,政府不要削减TTA和什么也不做,同时,他们不吃Merubeku口蹄疫,你忙着合作社农场消毒你们志愿工作人员由此可见,农协的睡眠,但我支持 Foot and mouth disease occurring large the Democratic party which the livestock industry nothing makes the Akamatsu of large shock section And Akamatsu which enjoys travel abroad To dry the agricultural cooperative With to the Democratic party which was declared… government does not do at all On the other hand in order that foot and mouth disease is stopped having run about in disinfection the volunteer staff of the agricultural cooperative Everyone… According to word without sleeping for the farmer the agricultural cooperative has corresponded but…
电视或会议,推迟或什至反对总统不是那么顺利,而东国外交部官员,问题是不坏朱达罗出国,今天的问题不是要松出正确的指令和结果做一个计划 If TV meeting is made staff and Higashi Kunihara inside the ministry the one which smooth well As expected the ro whose the president postponement is unpalatable in the partner and is Travel abroad is not problem The indication which is done properly the result not being put out is problem As for present Akamatsu what being the schedule which is done
畜牧业在大打击了口蹄疫疫情,一旦触及合作社干松民主党人享有出国做什么!民主党人说,政府不要削减TTA和什么也不做,同时,他们不吃Merubeku口蹄疫,你忙着合作社农场消毒你们志愿工作人员由此可见,农协的睡眠,但我支持 Foot and mouth disease occurring large the Democratic party which the livestock industry nothing makes the Akamatsu of large shock section And Akamatsu which enjoys travel abroad To dry the agricultural cooperative With to the Democratic party which was declared… government does not do at all On the other hand in order that foot and mouth disease is stopped having run about in disinfection the volunteer staff of the agricultural cooperative Everyone… According to word without sleeping for the farmer the agricultural cooperative has corresponded but…
松阪牛肉,直到它被强制在东京吃245报纸嘿,你ー1500万年薪的电视台员工移动古尾迹 245
Until the Matsusaka cow becomes unable to obtain 喰 in Tokyo,
Don't you think? [wake] where the newspaper TV bureau employee of annual income 15,000,000 moves it does with the [e], the [yo] -
检查Akazu发生在4月20日(决赛)也完成宫崎县于4月27日没有总督请愿政府在众议院农业委员会的初步要求,在4月22日提出投诉的困境自民党总裁总部2党的十一届证实在感染死亡4月29日设立,为自己留下4月28日到当地人民的自民党主席出访→7月5日4月30日,938头赤松农业部长59个确认感染死亡,43例在日间,在国外旅行回来的松树农业部长5月8 102头 � April 20th Occurrence verification (decision)
� April 22nd At the House of Representatives agriculture and forestry marine products commission requesting initial motion on government side
� April 27th Nomarch Miyazaki petitions the bound not opening, sad plight appeals in also Liberal Democratic Party president
� April 28th The Liberal Democratic Party president locale it enters, -> Our People Party Measure headquarters installation
� April 29th Infection 11th example verification The frequency of destroying 2 and 938 heads
� April 30th Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu It starts to travel abroad
� May 7 days Infection 43rd example verification The frequency of destroying 59 and 102 heads
� May 8 days Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu You return home from travel abroad
检查发生在4月20日,658(决赛)我也只有一站的初步要求众议院对政府在22个农业委员会, 658
April 20th Occurrence verification (decision)
22 days At the House of Representatives agriculture and forestry marine products commission initial motion is requested on government side
The [ze] which this probably will attach
没有尊严的企业转型松下敌人法院对反日本帝国遗产冈部马里小泽组喜科(6752),松下或反陌生人超企业转型没有尊严进入点(6752)在此生态,反不信明尊严比古贺总统联合国松下公司转型(6752),松下法院敌的过抗日帝国企业转型抓举蛛)总裁100(六七五二○○○○○○日元捐赠古贺信明,内阁官房长官平野,讲好穿的名字白凤赢得了春季赛说 Ozawa Ichiro real estate section joy group Okabe ball
Morning enemy of emperor house Dignity it is not super anti-Japanese metamorphosis enterprise Panasonic (6752)
This echo point It doesn't enter into the eye? Dignity it is not super anti-Japanese metamorphosis enterprise Panasonic (6752) discernment association leader Noboru Koga
Dignity it is not super anti-Japanese metamorphosis enterprise Panasonic (6752) discernment association leader Noboru Koga The [a] to do, robbing 100,000,000 Yen of fund-raising
Morning enemy of emperor house Super anti-Japanese metamorphosis enterprise Panasonic (6752) plain secretariat director,
The white 鵬 which spring wins at the place Foil One one it does, the [yo] [u] With it is name
没有采取任何立即付诸他们在一个星期,看看他们的外国旅行毛重作为一个虚假的声明,该部的工作网站上只挂出 A little more than one week what after being, with GW going out to travel abroad
It stated untruth in the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries home page and as been active, it camouflaged
牛的屠宰数量由于口蹄疫过渡(〜2010年5月7日) Destroying head several changes with foot and mouth disease (- 2010 May 7th)
瓦塞和宫崎我得到这个词从我们的事情可能他们站在宫崎县,万只孤立 Inside Miyazaki prefecture making say from the ru person at the time of thing you receive but Just Miyazaki prefecture isolating the structure cup
在宫崎县抱歉只要他们不应该知道的112大部分 112 The ma which is long pass it is As for the Miyazaki prefecture people the expectation which is almost not known
第45届大选(2009年8月30日)的“摊牌与表达,给予选举权的”承诺“致力于支持民主党”已成为政权更替的帮助 It expressed 45th House of Representatives selection (2009 August 30th) “Tenno mountain”, it supported the Democratic party which “promises” denizenship grant by all power, became help of administration alternation
维基Warota但无良太准确描述的百科全书比瓦特Rupizu约显示摘要的细节从民团公认的公众的支持是多么的薄影宫崎县内的爆发足口病人才在国家紧急状态 Description of the large encyclopedia being too more precise than wiki, but non- good behavior [warota] w
In [rupizu] it was the one where the shadow is thin at the extent which recognizes the support from people group publicly, but
Showing capability with emergency of the nation, occurrence of foot and mouth disease in Miyazaki prefecture
编号:PS1ux4Wp0谢谢您为wwww今天上午我一直在今天4:00 Warota,然后消火消火工作 ID: Fire fighter construction [warota] of PS1ux4Wp0
The fire fighter doing to 4 o'clock, wwww where also [te] today is extremely wax from morning
英国环境部,食品和农村事务部和再次感染是一个英国农场证实,在8月3日2007英国2007部(DEFRA)公布 2007
England That on 2007 August 3rd infection was verified again at the England farm, the English environmental food Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (DEFRA) announced
赤松与农业部长附属促进收入补偿制度的传播要访问的每家公关县 Akamatsu agricultural phase was the schedule which widely known of each house income compensating system visits this prefecture and for joining promotion PR
赤松你们外国人同意与选举权最后返回日本,现在我从正面引导 Returns home finally to Japan Akamatsu you of the foreign carrot administration large approval which,
From now head direction execution [ru
赤松,电视台↓大规模和!“罢工周一对”手足口病有·平息由部长·新闻·松“,然后按↓阿斗”赤松地狱之CON组 Akamatsu, Monday extensive measure is struck
Each bureau “by the indication of Minister of State Akamatsu foot and mouth disease… with reports to cooling-off” with the television
Foolish people “Akamatsu you do it is! ” With it is swindled
赤松,请求紧急援助后,于4月20日东国的措施,没有回答,但我也去国外旅行无指示 As for Akamatsu, on April 20th from Higashi Kunihara ready service step after being requested,
Many replies and the indication do, it appeared in travel abroad, it is
这个败类,我也归功于什么北罗回报“,因为你站在反对”,并曾参观克祖足够的消毒单位也纷纷收到数十家中的牲畜及附近省份的对称和宫崎里不那么害怕我,还是? When this kudzu, it returns, it returned with “measure for the sake of it raises” naming, the place of the animal husbandry house of Miyazaki and neighboring prefecture
In great numbers at several dozen human units Without receiving either disinfection good Inspecting, it may turn being, as for fearing just we?
这是我的国家转移到梁反古午睡早期国家 gt As for this Country It is quick ku Motion ke Anti ge It is Thing Condition It is Is
这是我的国家转移到梁反古绒毛国家尽快 As for this Country It is quick ku Motion ke Anti ge It is Thing Condition It is Is
那年我已经有点类似地震沙林在阪神大,美元对日元。 。超级79。这是一个糟糕的,甚至重叠,得到强势日元 It is what it is similar at the time of the sarin the seed As for that year the Kobe earthquake dollar circle 79 super Increase in yen value it was Bad thing is piled up obtaining doing
那年我已经有点类似地震沙林在阪神大,美元对日元。 。超级79。这是一个糟糕的,甚至重叠,得到强势日元 It is what it is similar at the time of the sarin the seed As for that year the Kobe earthquake dollar circle 79 super Increase in yen value it was Bad thing is piled up obtaining doing
部长们驳回杯赌注不是第一次使用(业务)马新郎的名字(骑师)Rupigarudan第一份报纸预测(鸠山)Notakutikusu第2号◎(管)榄球3(原口)Hannichidenpo 4(千叶)Meisoukadena 5(冈田)Endakasuki第6号▲(藤井)Kyabakurabakufu第7号△(川端康成)Misutakentou第8号(妻子长)Mindankassai○9号(松树)Furainguporotto 10(忠石马),第11号没有研究(前原诚司)第12号※首页 First time minister of state cup reshuffle [sutekusu] which cannot be used (OP)
Horse turn Horse name (jockey) this paper expectation
1st [rupigarudan] (Hatoyama) *
2nd [notakuteikusu] (tube)
3rd Rugby ball (blastopore)
4th [hannichidenpo] (Chiba)
5th [meisoukadena] (Okada) -
6th [endakasuki] (Fujii) △
7th [kiyabakurabakuhu] (Kawahata)
8th [misutakentou] (long wife) ○
9th [mindankatsusai] (Akamatsu)
10th [hurainguporotsuto] (direct 嶋)
11th No study (Maehara) *
12th [houkaikantei] (plain)
13th [shinzei] (Ozawa)
14th [meisouhutenma] (Kitazawa)
15th [rochiyukingudamu] (Nakai)
16th [yuseitotsupugan] (Kamei) △
17th [ridatsumoonsaito] (Fukushima)
18th [bunkaku] (仙 valley)
19th [shironurinoyokai] (happiness)
20th Dark general (Osawa)
21st Pan and circus (branch field)
22nd [nibanwomisete] ([renhou])
23rd [mona] (Hosono)
6th [endakasuki] goal of resignation runs with 1 and comes out, race/lace of long stretch still continues
铸坯在国外,日本的地区或不如果没有效果最等农业政策?或农村美洲,澳洲或国家,地区的政治影响回Reyo更多! !什么民主党人,他们刚刚习惯于他没有真正s The travel abroad tsu te for the Japanese agricultural administration there is no area which almost does not have influence The American countryside the Australian countryside Turn the area which has influence more politically The Democratic party Assemblyman tsu te the person who cannot be used truly the tsu or the shelf
团出国更重要的共同考虑,以较明显的相似性措施的未成年人或动物疾病的工作是重要的,如果你有什么优先星期一 The priority tsu te it is it is Normally if you think whether either one is important work distinctness Measure of trivial sickness of domestic animal compared to how to travel abroad important duty
鸠山已经太迟了松树Warazu书记承认罚款是适当的死上级bugout As for the pine capital punishment is applied slowly with escape crime before the enemy
Is superior also Hatoyama which is left in spite the same crime