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“Shooting solving the daughter!” In the incident which the elementary school student girl in the video game can stick to the friend mother, as for the friend mother there is going to hospital history in the integrated malfunction symptom,…Osaka


  • 驱动tTA认为我是小学女生的性格我咬咬玩视频游戏,在游戏中的事件是在小学的女朋友的母亲视频
    > The incident which the elementary school student girl in the video game can stick to the friend mother The [tsu] [te] game in the video game that you thought whether it can stick the character of the elementary school student girl who comes out

    • 1什么? Suretai混淆如果库萨病的厨房[社会]“,他们将杀死她!”万一咬她的朋友,女童小学视频游戏,她的朋友有一个治疗精神分裂症的历史大阪的医疗...实时新闻@ +
      1 It is what? These kitchen 2 illness [kusa] it is, as for inconsistent [suretai] “Shooting solving the daughter! ” In the incident which the elementary school student girl in the video game can stick to the friend mother, as for the friend mother there is going to hospital history in the integrated malfunction symptom,… Osaka @ news bulletin +

      • 205精神病或精神分裂症饮食恐慌症,我是躁狂抑郁性神经症
        205 The psychosis 躁 鬱 with is just the integrated malfunction symptom As for panic or feeding obstacle neurosis

        • 339没有花花公子,我们还继承性共济失调也与抑郁症也是一般,但我得到的人生活在环境发疯
          339 The [chi] [ge] -, the [u] and the comprehensive malfunction symptom and heredity there is a relationship and, anyone becomes insane with living environment, it is

          • 451国家的相似程度溢出,或幻想,它是一种幻觉妄想,偏执型精神分裂症,但嗯,米卡:那么需要一个以上的国家?
            451 If it exceeds degree, the delusion obstacle or hallucination delusion state shelf If so it is not, is, it is damage delusion When it is the integrated malfunction symptom, plural states are needed, it is the mica?

            • 481的ID相同,但有时这只是做它用较少的竞争,并发现他的写作,他们可以没有错,即使没有病 481 With equality ID the less attaching conference you doing meanderingly in your own entry ru However sometimes it is if as for that some sickness it probably will not be strange
              • 481的ID相同,但有时这只是做它用较少的竞争,并发现他的写作,没有恶意 481 With equality ID the less attaching conference you doing meanderingly in your own entry ru However sometimes it is if as for that some sickness it probably will not be strange

            • 595点是不残酷的滔天罪行,或文或不紧张,被害人发现是你选择的人 595 As for the point brutal or brutal there is no crime which is caused or not to be the te Applying who the fact that it is chosen in the victim
              • 志位也很容易成为该国自日本政权更替的暴力犯罪分子更加疯狂志位和良好的国家662 662 In kichigai and brutal offender kind country Furthermore after administration alternating even in resident it has been about probably to become kind country

            • 764 orz我不是完全治愈过,我怎么能来和我有一个同学租赁驱动tTA信是一个偏执碳水化合物 764 All inclusive Osamu it does not do it is… orz which are In the past the delusion letter has been received from the classmate who had become the sugar but it is In addition there is also a possibility of coming kana

              • Aspel你患有精神病或身体或精神残疾的人,即使如此文是关于隐私权
                Body intellectual handicapped person and ground Pell and as for mental patient Incident causing, privacy it is protected generally

                • BK893贫民窟的大阪,神户,西宫伊丹余丰,大阪,而防垃圾邮件是不是因为这样的大城市大阪兵库县贫民窟,对丰偏见
                  It is not Toyonaka how Osaka On the other hand attitude of counter Osaka Kobe Nishinomiya Itami slum town BK893 Hyogo prefecture approaching With consequence of Toyonaka like slum city Osaka large annoyance

                  • DQN名称,而不是过去的,而且可能是一个基督教家庭,甚至出现了一个家伙谁读一个叫约瑟夫的家伙,是一个虔诚的基督徒家庭 Whether rather than calling the DQN name it is Christian home Former times reading the yosehu tsu te the person who is said does in the classmate There was pious Christian home
                    • 母亲Orutorana很虔诚的女人,罗马,圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉,到圣地朝圣 You call mother orutorana that with the very pious woman Rome santeiago de konposutera it pilgrimaged to the sanctuary

                  • GOOGLE上搜索的灾民是儿童的名义向周围的人的未来生活?肇事者及其子女正式的方式,是位实力,为你感到难过,我们认为,它看起来是咬咬谁的孩子已经失去了什么是真实的声音 As for child of victim from this in human around lifetime name gugu and others re te Obtaining Being able to stick time of that human child the ru it is even being thought Although a little stiff attitude it does from the feeling pitiful The assailant and that child stick the intact tsu te ho are with loss

                    • ll说同样的飞行或飞行服务员说我作弊 When you call prostitution help association and or call the nurse the nurture loyal retainer call the nurse the nursing loyal retainer the flight attendant are the stewardess and cheat the same

                      • NULL 793 Don t you think how the ro which is The offender te it stays well enough around The father assailant of the classmate where also reporting is done after the being discharged living normally with local end the ru Therefore this person previous offense 2 offense with being unconcerned word you dislike You think that opening it is repaired you think that you open and are repaired and remain When the wife new world how goes in such a circumstance the benefit 々 stress accumulating in addition new… The child receives sympathy and slander and only becomes the strong child Escaping turning off the past it is harsh to live Because hesitantly hangs on always don t you think The dangerous family knowing also around the re you think that kind of stimulating it does not do Neighboring association is not to be manner and Therefore to that the sickness there is no manner You think that with these people or around only think
                        • 另据报道茹同学徘徊在793罚款和刑事如果我朱达罗(肇事者)认为,觉得没有什么说法不愿意打开治愈twicer自己,因为我通常住在当地发布后我,即行采取的蛋糕水库在这种情况下日益紧张的新的世界,我认为先生茹ü居座愈合公开妻子,孩子和我只有一个新的儿童也将接受诽谤强烈同情苏申元滚装船等人暮消失,过去一直告诉我的知识,以逃避危险和田家庭及游览与伊予,我会穿后 793 Don t you think how the ro which is The offender te it stays well enough around The father assailant of the classmate where also reporting is done after the being discharged living normally with local end the ru Therefore this person previous offense 2 offense with being unconcerned word you dislike You think that opening it is repaired you think that you open and are repaired and remain When the wife new world how goes in such a circumstance the benefit 々 stress accumulating in addition new… The child receives sympathy and slander and only becomes the strong child Escaping turning off the past it is harsh to live Because hesitantly hangs on always don t you think The dangerous family knowing also around the re you think that kind of stimulating it does not do Neighboring association is not to be manner and Therefore to that the sickness there is no manner You think that with these people or around only think

                      • NULL The sugar… the 診 te receiving in the doctor who is done properly the medicine which is agreeable properly Continuing drinking the family watching over the re mostly the sensible range Unless it rages it is settled however it seems When this person and the family illness recognition is imaichi when just a little it becomes good taking the medicine “It healed it healed” hanging it stops the medicine and the chi ya tsu te becomes excess terrible it is don t you think The acquaintance emerging the sugar raging suddenly becoming measure hospitalization However the medicine which is agreeable properly being found it came out gentlely The varieties despairing death it is the tsu shelf Reason of the despair You did not understand and it is true what it is delusion what it was te yes 哀 thought

                        • Tsuka,或该名称的受害者DQN,精神分裂症担心他们能否理解我们面前的事实不能把握的东西的危险物品,如超过1轻微
                          The handle, the victim is DQN name when, danger of the integrated malfunction symptom patient kana it is compared to 1 Your understanding powers which cannot grasp either anything related to fact from the little article are worry

                          • Videogemu重量,而不是一个视频游戏立即如果有更多的了解,如果一个公民的舌头
                            There is no video game, [te] [vuideogemu] The [gu] thickly it is necessary to study wording more

                            • 为什么这些在通常的糖。倡导者。这是为什么从来没有离开瓦特〜〜?它也不能够快速安全处置修改法律 Why you probably will scratch to be in fading the usual sugar It protects Left flank does not come w Why Quickly way it can preserve can deal with legal amendment margin
                              • 精神分裂症说,罪犯跟踪他们做的。茹能够归咎于碳水化合物妄想 When you mention the integrated malfunction symptom the stoker offender doing by himself ru thing All Because it can make consequence of delusion of the sugar

                            • 举例来说,我觉得母亲生病的妻子,我们说,我们说要确保没有不良从来没有确认这精神分裂症?瓦特
                              For example, the air where the wife is said insult to the mother-in-law does, as for verifying that you are absolute insult well, As for this integration malfunction symptom decision? w

                              • 之后,进山打猎和普遍的,他们得到的许可证购买枪支和狩猎房地产抵押,为兽资拍摄的发言排除高胸部和腹部的人假装跌倒松这些练习区开始
                                After that, when the hunting gun is bought and with real estate as mortgage hunting license is taken, naming hunting, diagnosing the pine the human entering Yamanaka, it begins training which drives out the height which hits against the chest abdomen with the ball cartridge for the fierce animal

                                • 什么是儿童的罪犯将被蔌迂厄拉回来,只是孤独和欺负的土地即使是现在,我想我会等待的艰苦生活 The child of this criminal is hard on being in the current land or just becomes lonely to put out It probably means to move but hard life waiting the ru it is probably will be
                                  • 韩国人当罪犯来弯腰当事情没有邪教,认为该系统时,我不是说没有任何书面 When the criminal is the Korean when it turns over being the cult when in without being being idea system you do not say you do not write

                                • 什么是生命危险,但即使我们有相关的“歧视”这绝不是一件好事,或把Ettsu东西瓦特良好从来都没有把基地和相关Waritai If it relates although even danger of life it is something is “discriminates” w Curious we would like to relate with off base curious how how Don t you think to be huh
                                  • “我不知道什么时候的心情和情绪的暴力运动”名词不是一件好事我从来没有接近他Dzukitai Because how as for curious we would like to get near to the person who “does not understand when violence it shakes with mood and feeling” it is not

                                • 什么是精神分裂症,但我有幻听,“有一点,我会吃毒药进入”“我不读的书摆在我们面前 The integrated malfunction symptom tsu te there is an auditory hallucination it is “The poison has entered into that food” “you cannot read that book in you
                                  • 这四个国家,如果它继续沉重,“幻听”,似乎是常见的现象 When these four states were piled up and or continued often you can see the phenomenon “auditory hallucination” it probably will put out is

                                • 什么,但我Waranai轻微幻听和奇怪疾病或睡眠障碍和抑郁症和正常前瞻性和钌,这在抑郁症的临床症状的情况下,将感觉听到以后,他没有疾病与睡眠障碍与认知有很大差异 When something this you see the normal melancholia or sleep obstacle large doing it does not change … When also auditory hallucination it is minor the kind of air which has been audible becomes does and Without there is no consciousness condition the melancholia and sleep obstacle the person who is misunderstood multi so
                                  • 无法从不同的幻觉幻觉已经消失的一天(即使你茹出来,有时没有)感觉 NULL

                                • 但是,585人正在采取区别Tsuka氖定期服药抑郁症可能是因疾病或一般瓦特我共济失调
                                  585 As for the person who the medicine takes so, the melancholia or the comprehensive malfunction symptom perhaps from usually Don't you think? distinction handle - w

                                  • 但是,人口精神分裂症和精神病患者的患病率为1%s的刺激思想占细节,并说他们将要筛这是明显的低比例与正常人相比
                                    The mentally handicapped person in also just integrated malfunction symptom disease rate occupying 1% of total population When you think, you say you do not obtain that ratio is low clearly, by comparison with the healthy person

                                    • 作为一个母亲不工作,因为国家的531回来,但我想知道的是,在家里很多次,看情况是相当 我失去了它的包装。茹,我还没有看到隐藏的症状是严重不足,迫使叶片没有动摇它“到现在”可能 531 Therefore the lady as a mother functioning when it is not done The time when you have been at home has become many however it is probably will be Accidentally you will watch and it has impaired it is probably will be…… Package When you look at the place where it is not hidden The edged tool swinging the extent which rages terrible condition “so far” whether it is not
                                      • 作为一个母亲不工作,因为国家的531回来,但我想知道的是,在家里很多次,看情况是相当 我失去了它的包装。茹,我还没有看到隐藏的症状是严重不足,迫使叶片没有动摇它“到现在”可能 531 Therefore the lady as a mother functioning when it is not done The time when you have been at home has become many however it is probably will be Accidentally you will watch and it has impaired it is probably will be…… Package When you look at the place where it is not hidden The edged tool swinging the extent which rages terrible condition “so far” whether it is not

                                    • 假设逮捕率比较健康的人如果被捕人数的弱智人生病的人是精神分裂症水平1%,只有将不得不和抑郁往往是数量多,还有许多其他这种疾病的所有综合报告精神,必须将许多越来越
                                      If we assume that it is the same arrest ratio as the healthy person, the arrest by the mentally handicapped person The number of staffs a certain expectation provides 1% even just those by the integrated malfunction symptom patient, Depression and the other various spiritual diseases whose number of people are more in all entire summary A quantity which it does more and more has had to have become many,

                                      • 刑事,谁被拘留98人入狱,起诉,执行犹太人民。其中被宣告无罪或谁住院和105人衡量谁是谁收到的门诊住院治疗的16束其他9人
                                        With criminal dealing, as for the person who becomes jail sentence person restraint 89, non-prosecution and execution 猶. Or among the people who have become innocence, as for the person who has become measure hospitalization 500 one person, as for the person who has become other hospitalization as for 60 one person and the person who receives going to hospital remedy nine is

                                        • 噢,我很高兴,有一篇文章,我贴标签的精神分裂症今天的青少年根本不消耗任何心理医生
                                          So if you say, when the recent young person whom the psychiatrist of somewhere does not consume it is the integrated malfunction symptom label Pasting, rejoicing, there was a [ru] article

                                          • 因为所有的数字对应的案件涉及警察逮捕,一旦我被接纳为精神病的评价措施,其中包括罕见的非逮捕案件 The police to participate because it is the number which corresponds to all case which arrests turning to spiritual judgment It managed was hospitalized also the non arrest case is included

                                            • 在佛教世界,魔术是一种欲界众生有其他第六天堂在天自己的宫殿撒旦的是欲界之一
                                              The sixth heaven which with Buddhism world view, as for the demon is group of people raw one of the desire boundaries, is one of the desire boundaries There is a palace of the devil in the other conversion unrestricted heaven

                                              • 在共产主义国家,科学精神,试图利用社会控制机制,在对手的政治压力是一个社会
                                                In communism country, spiritual science was abused in the mechanism of social control, political, pressed the social opposite person

                                                • 在游戏中,“苏我杀这个博客网颜射!”或“本狗屎,就是这样!”我靠在并认为我喜欢做的尖叫和呼喊
                                                  “The [bu] [tsu] you kill in the game, this [bokee]! ” Don't you think? “person and this [kuso] guy! ! While” screaming, doing, from the [ru] It is every it is there is no we

                                                  • 在精神病学滥用垄断地位的搜索引擎优化与密,与中国的法律,“没有什么是鉴于”破坏了政治和社会精神病危险的法律行为的 Abuse of psychiatry is not the Soviet patent separately to seem with the Chinese law those which politically give damage “for society” You say that it is made dangerous psychosis behavior legally

                                                    • 在表现在其他方面的差异我认为自由贸易协定对待老百姓想到的,这些瓦特Kichika的事实,或者是你,你就会停止哭闹婴儿怒鸣,而其他人只有DQN自来水的理解万维网同级家长
                                                      Actually the one which [kichika] ゙ [i] the ordinary man is handled is equal to the lunatic, it is, w The DQN parent where you yell, hit that baby crying stopping it probably will increase, Www which is only understanding power of the same level

                                                      • 在这451临时精神分裂症,它必须和诊断患有抑郁症的婆婆关系瓦特恩戴忧
                                                        451 That temporarily, it is diagnosed the melancholia which has been troubled to the relationship with the mother-in-law even in the integrated malfunction symptom, w

                                                        • 大乘佛教时期,从它的好斗性。被添加到死亡和人民之间的气氛,阿舒拉节是阿舒拉节)之一的神(街道战斗的主要Nirrti天堂天堂Nirrti(10我们发言,焚:遥控?K吗?阿修罗8属于人群健全的副本),善良的神圣宪法保护属于佛教的天堂里,20天西南地区 In Mahayana Buddhism era from the combative character It is added by the person of appearance and between domesticated fowl and animals raw Asura which is one of six roads Asura timber chute road it became main Man eating devil heaven The man eating devil heaven and others se connection it is Skt R k The sound copying which belongs to eighth section groups of people of asura the Seinan protection method virtue God which belongs to one 12 heaven of the Buddhism heaven section
                                                          • 大乘佛教时期,从它的好斗性。被添加到死和人民之间的气氛,是阿舒拉节)1巷战的神的道路(主要是Nirrti天堂天堂Nirrti(10我们发言,焚:遥控?K吗?亚撒转录)是,宪法保护的西南太阳神属于佛教的天堂20天1 In Mahayana Buddhism era from the combative character It is added by the person of appearance and between domesticated fowl and animals raw Asura which is one of six roads Asura timber chute road it became main Man eating devil heaven The man eating devil heaven and others se connection it is Skt R k The sound copying which belongs to eighth section groups of people of asura the Seinan protection method virtue God which belongs to one 12 heaven of the Buddhism heaven section

                                                        • 如果没有这种不负责任的索赔,律师积极销毁或不承认,但我不知道不再
                                                          There is no accountability, = destroying or lifetime hospitalization If the attorney such insistence stops doing positively, however it is probably will be

                                                          • 如果糖角度76,当然我有这个朋友,“他的女儿的生活狙Tteru”的牌子,他们认为:“毫无疑问○○Tottara态度,如果这个孩子是”秘密和如果真相,我认为这种态度,“我会杀了她的女儿苏,”深信 76 If with point of view of the sugar of course so is Your this friend “aiming for the life of the daughter feeling the sign ru ” “If when this child 0 takes attitude you are not wrong” that when you think secretly Appearing in such attitude truly “it is the intention of killing the daughter” that conviction

                                                            • 娜子竹中来(来啊),陈(10)什么是地狱 我的弟弟竹。 。娜子(冰雹等),坤(13)或东西 gt Takenaka to come and sub 羅 come it is rough 10 Something you are disgusted ya … As for older brother bamboo Sub 羅 do roughly 13 being
                                                              • 娜子竹中来(来啊),陈(10)什么是地狱 我的弟弟竹。 。娜子(冰雹等),坤(13)或东西 gt Takenaka it comes and sub 羅 comes and is rough 10 Something you are disgusted ya … As for older brother bamboo The sub 羅 do 13 being roughly

                                                            • 幻听,但我生病的孩子从制糖业的恩戴我,“我将成为一个幸运〜”或“取出罚款〜”我什么
                                                              After I the child bearing with the sugar, it became the sickness, but it is As for my auditory hallucination “be accustomed happily and -” “vigor put out -” It is what, don't you think?

                                                              • 当佛陀成道,或佛心,如此动荡,撒旦的女儿送到一浪的季节,但佛陀忧虑早熟12和我发了嗜睡驱动tTA佛军队也接触地面目前的破裂
                                                                The explanation/releasing 迦 the occasion where the forming road it does, devil wave decade dispatching the daughter, it tries probably to disturb the heart of the explanation/releasing 迦, In addition sending the army of 12, such as drowsiness it could bother the explanation/releasing 迦, but, the explanation/releasing 迦 touched the land You say that you dispersed instantaneously,

                                                                • 当然精神病学滥用由共产党,后与苏联崩溃的恐慌与事实,有没有一个真正的美国人,一名驱动tTA这是显而易见的研究世界in和大赦国际的学术演讲
                                                                  Of course as for abuse of the psychiatry by Japan Communist Party, America Without being false rumor and the like being genuine fact after the Soviet collapsing, in research of the scholar and announcement of amnesty in the world clearly The [tsu] it is

                                                                  • 我之所以把我的偏见“,而此案是紧张淇精神病患者,居合的印象,人们还没有自己的美浓冤情马拉蜂蜜中受害的地方,当时很1“给我解决会有偏见Tadasa The reason where I have prejudice When “the mentally handicapped person has caused incident Very that time it can happen to be present in that place the grudge which and others is not the straw raincoat the human who There is an kind of impression which has met to damage” If it can have solving perhaps prejudice is corrected
                                                                    • Shikunai ll正确或不正确564,“这种偏见是不容易丢失的东西”,并说疼 564 When it is correct it is not correct it is not the te “It is gone it is there is no such prejudice simply” that we would like to say

                                                                  • 我什至不喜欢的专业或研究过我也很黑夜必须定期进行,因为在所有的神的名字,那么这就是每个人的改革精神,从你296,它必须更多信息,那里木户希雷恩堕落Chitara都应该打击,他们将是汝之名,而恶魔老,才在307至日本,可能不是没有这样一个对待魔鬼?你是个恶魔我指出苏词阿舒拉节是我不知道上帝是光参与 296 Everyone everyone shelf of the original evil spirit which reforms Well it is God way because name everyone you have removed it is probably will be habit That I studied specially because such it is not it does details to there viewing When it falls to the ogre road it becomes the timber chute because it seems the 羅 is attached to the name of the ogre it was such a story 307 Before coming to Japan it was bad God treatment don t you think it is God like light how is related oak viewing It is the word which points to the thing of the Asura tsu te ogre
                                                                    • 什么是在这个地方的热追溯我们滚装问我说一肚子的同胞逝去的儿子的父亲? The 堕 ro doing the child of the stomach in the father of the classmate and being said and becoming angrily upset… the tsu te it is dense

                                                                  • 我告诉一言不发与被投诉的鳃通常在团体,新闻媒体,说古ü拥抱大报告自我审查,在一个只有精神分裂症那么,为什么人们不禁要问 When it is usual because it is appealed to the group calling commenting you hold self censorship the mass communications that Just at the time of the integrated malfunction symptom to report extensively it probably is strange whether why is but it is not
                                                                    • 为什么说,辜濂松说精神分裂症状错觉,拥抱1追猎者,这是一个快乐的理由疾病狩猎斯塔尔克 That when you say why as for the integrated malfunction symptom that the delusion which resembles to stoker damage is held you say It is to be the sickness whose are convenient for the stoker

                                                                  • 我煽媒体报道,精神分裂症议题,也是2通道,瓦特Uhyo恩戴并大声地说狂热飞行Bitsukuyatsuga
                                                                    The mass communications fanning, don't you think? 2 when even in the [ru] it becomes topic of the integrated malfunction symptom, [uhiyo] shouting, w jumps the person who Unnatural extent it is

                                                                    • 我认为他们的症状没有理由可以杀死人,我写在这里并不复杂,饥荒?埃泰失语,并认为这波库河 Being complicated however it cannot write here to be possible to kill the person without the reason it is there is no condition With being able to think it becomes the aphasia po ku
                                                                      • 驱动tTA的症状,尤其是站立,但现在觉得奇怪,而不是什么 Especially there is no condition which is conspicuous but There is no with something and it reaches the point where you feel that it is strange

                                                                    • 据消息人士透露,约7年,他母亲有精神病史的医院,警察和事件发表谈话从时间的,一直到母亲的责任,认真调整的基础上为犯罪
                                                                      According to the authorized personnel, the mother going to hospital history to psychiatry to be approximately 7 years, as for the same station from speech and behavior and the like of incident that time, Investigation is continued prudently concerning the criminal accountability of the mother

                                                                      • 整合损失的事件称为妄想津山 13 虽然他的谋杀罪的人都井元睦夫辞职去,没有任何机构应该能够农场工作薄弱,因此,研究警察和师资Torubeku附表开始 Famous delusion characteristic Osamu losing incident When it is the Toi 睦 male which abandons entrance into a school by your with the weak body farmer work and the like in order that the qualification of the policeman and the teacher is taken without either the expectation of being possible study is begun
                                                                        • 跑出来,不然我杀的人知道,而是一种惩罚,也想自己受到惩罚宝座害怕他们的滚装船 When while intellectual viewing the person you have killed it is yourself because by his is too fearful On the other hand we would like you to execute in punishment

                                                                      • 无线电典型的例子“是一个主题,这就是在电视上”,“对任何人进行监控多”“是有人泄漏到外部的思维你的”“的运作说“等 As typical example “With the television and the radio your own thing have become topic” “It is watched to someone directly” “Your own thought are leaking outside” “It is worked in someone” And so on it is

                                                                        • 无罪128以前,不起诉the m?什么起诉,或可听到的100%确定,而不是起诉有罪采取的胜利音频 128 Before the innocence there is no non prosecution dealing something Unless the investigation tsu te there is the conviction which gains 100 guilt that it does not prosecute you have heard
                                                                          • 动物被发现咬人,但处置,人类有责任,如果我不害怕那么,什么是古无罪 As for the animal which is bitten to the human however it is dealt with as for the human who is not accountability innocence release something fearing there is no ginger

                                                                        • 正如你会杀死一人被送往意识为动力魔鬼身体的例子,甚至是主要埃泰没有,因为它没有这个人是他负责的机构或其他人认为这是赢得 For example it is empty in demon being taken over assuming that the person was killed as for this person it is remembered unless with Doing accompanies and therefore empty shelf reason accompanies and as for Tsuga responsibility thinks that it is natural to take
                                                                          • 正如你就杀了一男子被送往意识为动力魔鬼身体的例子,甚至是主要埃泰不,我不认为你是我们的责任之前,把他从他的身体可能解释 For example it is empty in demon being taken over assuming that the person was killed as for this person it is remembered unless with Doing accompanies and therefore empty shelf reason accompanies and as for Tsuga responsibility thinks that it is natural to take

                                                                        • 每个人都与一个单身汉岁的GPS项圈只提出一项法案,禁止动画和埃勒盖
                                                                          Attaching the collar of the GPS attachment to elderly celibacy man everyone, you propose the bill which prohibits animation and [eroge

                                                                          • 每字的Burgers偏执型精神分裂症在他的主观比客观数据,提出一个苛刻的笑容是不是比碳水化合物零食偏执狂
                                                                            From the objective data you talking the integrated malfunction symptom with your own delusion subjectivity, per [ru], the person of the sugar compared to You can laugh the fact that delusion is terrible

                                                                            • 没有一个理由阻碍的压力,人为引发的疾病只有发展了原来拥抱我来说变化,包括遗传和脑 There is no meaning which is pulled up by stress heredity characteristic and deterioration of the brain includes and the sickness has held the human emerges originally with opportunity just
                                                                              • 睦夫都井具有很强的恐惧有关肺癌和肺结核的死亡恩戴Ikonda觉得他的父母也不会遗传性肺疾病 As for the Toi 睦 male which has strong fear from the fact that it has died the parents being the tuberculosis in regard to the lung disease as for the lung disease you were convinced that it probably is heredity

                                                                            • 由犯罪,谋杀207人(891%总额)和最多,另一精神障碍,精神分裂症214(795姊)名称许多人是最
                                                                              With crime classified by name, homicide 702, (19 eight of total number %) with has become most, with mental retardation classified by name, 2114 person of the schizophrenia (the same 59 seven %) most

                                                                              • 电视仍然带来伤害到大脑游戏是一个严重的事情告诉远超过预期
                                                                                As for the harm which after all the TV game brings to the brain, the thing shelf that whether 遙 exceeding expectation, it is enormous,

                                                                                • 男子被误化石相信对精神疾病的偏见的信息成为媒体团长,你的工作,这不是我们趋于灭绝从整体和全互联网 It confronts the psychosis which the work te was said in the head of the mass communications because as for the fossil human who believes the information of erroneous deflection when Internet spreads there is a tendency which keeps exterminating Still being
                                                                                  • 我相信有关资料是不是一个人类化石是对精神病患者的偏见是错误的,我的头按在我的 Was made in the head of the mass communications and confronts the psychosis which believes the information of erroneous deflection the fossil human who Still being
                                                                                  • 这个人喜欢化石,它是安全的释放你倾向于去大灭绝和整个互联网上是不 Because as for such fossil human when Internet spreads there is a tendency which keeps exterminating Shooting there is no problem

                                                                                • 疾病和抑郁症患者通过在320发现,许多普通的抑郁症不能与其他药物的人自杀的,因为在某些情况下,精神分裂症的案件,或奇,任何人都可以发展它瓦特损失一体化疾病和抑郁症患病时间超过6 320 Passing in the melancholia it commits suicide with consequence of the medicine because there is also an example which causes incident There are no other personal affairs The integrated malfunction symptom the patient being many in like the melancholia anyone emerging the possibility A certain sickness putting out w As for melancholia above Osamu losing 6 times
                                                                                  • 公共利益的偏见提出精神分裂症谁种植就开始在这里?最前沿的媒体你做明显 Planting the prejudice of the integrated malfunction symptom in the general people don t you think what it does profit probably is one everyone s what The mass communications passing in the first but as for ru clear what
                                                                                  • 而不是被杀死在一个小家伙是谁,没有精神分裂症的成员人数,人口如此众多创价学会的成员和共产党 Numbers are few rather than being killed in the person of the integrated malfunction symptom whose the Soka academic society member and communist 党員 Because the number of heads is many

                                                                                • 相关业务的总流量超过了人的犯罪被捕人数包括此项年即将308 000人,分项列出arrested弱智残疾人,其中是470(包括这一点,他们怀疑患有精神病,约0.6%)
                                                                                  Furthermore, the criminal law offense arrest staff who excludes the traffic-related industry passing of this year Total number to be approximately 308000 people, as for the arrest staff of the mentally handicapped person among these 470 Is breakdown, when (mental retardation doubt is included, it becomes 0.6%)

                                                                                  • 看看S将抑制这种疾病的药物鉴定Rarerurashii我愚蠢的摄入(即人们认为他们的疾病)或丢失,变质的药品和饮料,如果你有点大大释放 The medicine drink to become foolish it is held down it seems but Because the recognition that illness recognition by his is the sickness there is many a thing which is not Just a little when the eye is separated the medicine stopping drinking it deteriorates
                                                                                    • 完成饮用水药599?毕竟,他们没有听幻觉和妄想不停止或走? 599 The medicine you drink After all unless it takes delusion and auditory hallucination do not stop

                                                                                  • 看起来,只要8个,她母亲的朋友在同质卢嘉勒卢嘉勒也许阿议员议员的孩子在一个基督教的房子,“妈妈的家乡索纳有趣的事情”浮动的看法差异不大绝缘体是这样一个人去不要做网上银行Biniikasaretetanokamoshirenaishi受害儿童在玩太咄咄逼人了政策的房子里,你的孩子 8 If with you see when perhaps it does the mother of kiara being homogeneous Friend A child as for house of kiara with Christianity “There it is your chi mother it is strange” the just a little float it is with tsu te thing and the tsu drill misunderstands in the place of the child Perhaps it is utilized to play positively with policy of the house and Thrusting the child which to damage is excessively is
                                                                                    • 看起来只要八,也许克莱尔“Biniika她家中的基督教”家乡妈妈索纳有趣的浮动Iteta发挥积极政策的房子里,你的孩子是这样的1位不要做很多银行在互联网上的儿童是受害者可能是 8 If with you see when perhaps it does the mother of kiara being homogeneous Friend A child as for house of kiara with Christianity “There it is your chi mother it is strange” the just a little float it is with tsu te thing and the tsu drill misunderstands in the place of the child Perhaps it is utilized to play positively with policy of the house and Thrusting the child which to damage is excessively is

                                                                                  • 神经症与精神分裂症和抑郁症困惑,而且我说什么端午端午妄想“潜行者”组的人好像是说Tteta透露狙
                                                                                    Confusing the integrated malfunction symptom and depression and neurosis, it is delusion it is what saying, as for the “group stoker” as for the general people That you do not aim saying, the shelf

                                                                                    • 米诺生活在这一地区的箕面吹田市贫民窟,丰中,大阪府,把基地的风险
                                                                                      Osaka Hunai's off base slum town � Toyonaka city � Suita city � Minoo city It is dangerous to live in this area,

                                                                                      • 类疾病和抑郁症,也有另一种药物的人不是从案例和Ki和自杀,因为,许多患者还发现抑郁症共济失调杆整体,任何人都可以发展这是一种疾病瓦特 Passing in the melancholia it commits suicide with consequence of the medicine because there is also an example which causes incident There are no other personal affairs Well the comprehensive malfunction symptom the patient being many in like the melancholia the possibility anyone emerging A certain sickness putting out w
                                                                                        • 379好吧,如果他不是一个未成年人,可以更全面共济失调和无意识的,这将是瓦特和医院诊断为抑郁症 379 Well the comprehensive malfunction symptom and the person who does not have consciousness it is many probably will be If minor when the hospital it goes it is diagnosed the melancholia w

                                                                                      • 精神分裂症-不要告诉大家,但我喜欢他喜欢他的现实和幻想,如果一个迅速偏执?瓦特
                                                                                        However the person whose damage delusion is extreme or the person where distinction of actuality and fantasy is not attached it is It is possible to being everyone integrated malfunction symptom? w

                                                                                        • 精神分裂症会substantiate m无法正确的强烈培训偏执,我不知道有些人是这样的
                                                                                          As for integrated malfunction symptom from damage delusion forcing Training, but expectation what which it can reform, the unreasonable [tsu] [po] it is and the person is it is the shelf

                                                                                          • 精神分裂症患者需要到医院探访 谁,我不是谁正常工作的许多人?所有这些措施的医院或医院,如果我需要一个短缺井医院?日本精神病患者,他们认为这么多谁 With the person of integration malfunction symptom main point going to hospital the person who normally works it is many Measure hospitalization or main point being hospitalized everyone the cod the hospital is not enough it is That much mental patient of the Japanese person thinks that it is many
                                                                                            • 我不完全确定的只有我了吗?我只是说我要求的事项驱动tTA医院?北罗线我没有?我有一个病马洗班主任决定我 You are not scolded separately at all The hospital going it is dense depending you just said When the ho it is with it goes Has deciding name of a disease in Mr department manager is
                                                                                            • 现在的情况已经从硬分钟更改为精神分裂症疾病相当真实的,因为这种疾病的名称超出了图像将丑恶行为 Now it changed to the name of a disease integrated malfunction symptom and the true actual condition very stopped understanding but As for this sickness from name the extent which it cannot represent it becomes hideous conduct

                                                                                          • 精神分裂症是认为这样做是正确的,埃塔更多思考障碍,而不是精神疾病,但我真的疯了我就行的思维,根本不是一个漂亮精神
                                                                                            How like this there is no integrated malfunction symptom mentally, the thought circuit deviating fundamentally, therefore [ru] reason don't you think? There is no psychosis and the one which you thought that it is [te] thought obstacle, comes exactly

                                                                                            • 精神病患者的结果,将国家的584无论如何,它的心态是水库下文罕见的数据确定是否有精神病或不正常,因为我整个决定判刑后,有一个“真正的暴力犯罪已经确定,无论在人数众多,“哇Kedashi分类又称清晰数据 584 In either one the result of margin verification as for spiritual state after being judged Assessment is decided therefore it is it is to call the kana which is not Then whether or not the psychosis the decision going down if the data accumulates Whether or not very that the brutal offender is many “to mental patient” The reason where also the data which the tsu te you say and are clear is even it puts out
                                                                                              • 我会杀了她的儿子被里诺塞聪精神分裂症患者在日苏前面我的好奇彻排放支撑了 You leave the hospital is Also we acquaintance before the eye sort the son is killed in the separation disease person of clinging

                                                                                            • 线时,沮丧到极点的驱动tTA亚斯伯格精神失常的精神贫困与401人说是不是需要赎回和线的麻烦蛋糕,如果你被诊断患有身心,并继续说我赎回精神分裂症更改后进入我的生活 401 Mental being out of order when psychiatry it goes in the time when it is troubled The person who is not the 鬱 said the integrated malfunction symptom tsu te Continuing to be troubled how it is diagnosed with the heart 療 internal medicine that when it goes It was called asuperuga Life changed
                                                                                              • 线时,沮丧到极点的精神障碍的心理驱动tTA 401困难后进入被滑稽的生活体验,说你被诊断患有亚斯伯格线如何把蛋糕中的心身医学,并继续说这不是赎回帮助 401 Mental being out of order when psychiatry it goes in the time when it is troubled The person who is not the 鬱 said the integrated malfunction symptom tsu te Continuing to be troubled how it is diagnosed with the heart 療 internal medicine that when it goes It was called asuperuga Life changed

                                                                                            • 经医生检查,反复几次,一个幻觉的投诉4 600嗯,我已经写出暴露于任何诊断精神分裂症听觉如果你看到一些什么我说什么?
                                                                                              600 After if several degrees repeating the internal medicine receiving 診 the main thing 訴 as the four of that, the [tsu] [te] which also auditory hallucination is it tries calling Being a possibility the chart of diagnosis of the integrated malfunction symptom being issued?

                                                                                              • 给我一个疯狂的糖也是一个纹身,我为我的邻居在疯狂疯狂糖量,我可以做其他的所有身陷囹圄 The sugar already in everyone prison kichigai of the sugar it is even in neighborhood inside Even mania to get tattoo in amount as for kichigai
                                                                                                • 没有Gisure不再对噪音的疼痛从疯狂的男子有足够大的这种,你去 If the human of this hand is agitated because with the kichigai tsu pu ri of the extent which is done it becomes unable to make the partner Already good wa

                                                                                              • 美国广播公司精神分裂症和融化我们的心,看看是否有一个家庭结构本身的疾病,并认为在精神分裂症 Integrated malfunction symptom ABC The mechanism of the sickness which is thought in the integrated malfunction symptom If by your and per heart are in the family you see dissolving

                                                                                                • 苏亦是我第一次回来我觉得精神分裂症宽快医院789余池
                                                                                                  789 If integrated malfunction symptom hospital pond Thinking, that [kankai] it did, it relapses,

                                                                                                  • 苏或用刀子捅这样不776的孩子?近寄Renaijan没有危险,它是融化甚至进入疯狂的字符数量 776 With that sticking the unrelated child with the kitchen knife Being dangerous it cannot come near it is even with letter of mania to insert in amount it dissolves
                                                                                                    • 大多数它的远见,他们认为自由和正当我,所以是男人,我突然袭击无关 Almost you think selfishly vis a vis vision stuffing Because the unrelated human is attacked is suddenly don t you think

                                                                                                  • 莫拉伊在人的身心,而不是同质医院院长的巨大审查,“你甚至不无拥塞”是Waremashita说?如果公司希望从我自己的瓦特,你是这样的业余选手。你可以公正地称为“病的人”的逻辑Su ll动摇它像瓶塞板 Instead of the 診 te receives in heart 療 internal medicine department manager direct 々 of the huge hospital homogeneity and “you are not the 欝 even” that it was said but w Because we want your his own companion the tsu te you of the amateur and the like It calls and or as for swinging the logic “illness where becomes anyone” the ze which you will stop
                                                                                                    • 忘记挤塞所以任何人谁是广义的诊断确诊只是一个稍微不同的心身线编织成从中线由精神科医生 Because 欝 as for how diagnosis is different delicately in broad sense depending upon psychiatrist Falling if the heart 療 internal medicine it goes anyone so is diagnosed

                                                                                                  • 语言阅读。平均不得少于普通均一,在奇数问答生活欠我没有看过任何空中
                                                                                                    Reading of national language. Below average mark Which also the question and answer which cannot read the air being irregular, normally the homogeneous shelf which is not

                                                                                                    • 质量的不粘性的皮肤感觉,我回不说坏的头发肯定是与油脂滑。你会受到诱惑,当我飞本能地困扰着反弹,包括触摸红疹Botsubotsu肯定这样一个粗略的正方形堵塞Gitchiri皮肤
                                                                                                      The skin all over as for those of the quality which has been done being certainly feeling bad, the shank As for back with fat null null hair. With angular plug [gitsuchiri] roughly little by little in the heat rash When those of such a touch are attached the mark [wa] [ri] certainly The [wa] which stops wanting to spatter unintentionally

                                                                                                      • 达罗是太年轻,我的意思是牛心说,钱只是因为一个女人难为不够,所以我想如果我在60 000家的人会頑張井 Well if with home 60 000 persevering you think that it is ru one Even only the kind of housewife whom either cooking it is not possible good calls and The tsu te you say or it is the gold on the young person center the ro which it passes and is

                                                                                                        • 还有人小心翼翼地休息时,从1937年5月视察草案的外科医生梁,有一个无法治愈的肺部疾病,他们的绝望悲观更
                                                                                                          When receiving 1937 May conscription inspection, that you recuperate from the surgeon, the fatal disease you being pessimistic your own lung disease to being noted partly due, furthermore it becomes desperation

                                                                                                          • 这受害人只能小睡或哭泣?好吧,我无法要求赔偿可以保持在一个终生的后果...
                                                                                                            This, the victim to fall asleep crying and being no other choice but to do? Although there is also a possibility the lifetime sequela remaining it cannot claim either the indemnity, it is…

                                                                                                            • 这是一个和平的生活,“痴迷的恐慌某种原因从”一出,拉动这个沉重的罪行
                                                                                                              Although it is calm every day, why “to be hasty” from coercion conception, coming out, It does to such a heavy crime and accomplishes

                                                                                                              • 这是没有人的座位,或打击敌人?与精神分裂症的人大概什么样子s或幻觉的病人,如幻听,或有严重毒瘾的东西?我觉得我在街上很阿瑞像狗狂犬病 This the person who fights with the enemy which is not visible Perhaps the human tsu te of the integrated malfunction symptom hallucination it is visible auditory hallucination Even patient like of grave stimulant poisoning it is Quite throughout the city there is a dog of the rabies being the ru like feeling
                                                                                                                • 幻觉 事实上,没有奇硬,实际上是被视为一种现实的意义 Actually not having happened It is to perceive as realistic feeling
                                                                                                                • 这是没有人的座位,或打击敌人?精神分裂症患者什么人,如幻觉或查看秒,如幻听的东西,或有严重药物成瘾?我觉得我在街上很阿瑞像狗狂犬病 This the person who fights with the enemy which is not visible Perhaps the human tsu te of the integrated malfunction symptom hallucination it is visible auditory hallucination Even patient like of grave stimulant poisoning it is Quite throughout the city there is a dog of the rabies being the ru like feeling

                                                                                                              • 这起事件,警方没有公布她的名字,日本人提倡性别平等的巨型人歧视Kunaru这句话太轻
                                                                                                                As for incident of the woman name is not published and, punishment becomes light Man discriminatory large country Japan which advocates man and woman equality now

                                                                                                                • 远489,例如我not ll针对遗传,不容易受到许多精神病患者亲属,或容易精神病 489 To there pinpoint there is no heredity don t you think it is For example when the kindred who is easy to depend on the psychosis is many it is easy to depend on the psychosis when
                                                                                                                  • 你决定不认罪喜欢我画了吗?我精神病氖第一次世界大战方便我会走的自由,即使我杀了人,我只是万精神病? Already innocence it seems that is decided rubbing it does the yo Don t you think it is convenient psychosis tsu te ww 1 000 000 person killing with just the psychosis tsu te it becomes innocence release don t you think it is

                                                                                                                • 陈纳鲁和2和网络搜索,人民和共产党党员Rashiki创价学会的信徒,我贴标签的措施精神分裂症谁,不像你,我已住院和信息
                                                                                                                  Don't you think? 2 when it searches with [ru] and Web, the believer and communist 党員 of Soka academic society seem the coming people, Pasting the label of the integrated malfunction symptom in the normal person, managing being hospitalized information of the [ru] But certain it is

                                                                                                                  • 除了它的小睡的哭声和一个问题,无当你杀无辜的人,而是一汤保护古手厚的碳水化合物税从基因在胃里时,以确保未来的发展已找到我可以判断(在一些国家已经认识到我手流元子,堕胎是目前基因诊断),你可以尝试从外地和释放,然后我就会将是疯狂,充满了对未来老人谁仍然税我肯定不会买它,并继续 The person killing innocence putting out non problem it puts out and cries and starts falling asleep On that protection it puts out carefully with tax Although is as for the sugar gene being discovered in the future emerging securely in the stomach When being from although it can judge is in the country which with gene diagnosis interrupting here Being recognized the ru densely it is The runaway bearing at will in the future you become the aged person and the kichigai being lazy don t you think it is That time someone continuing to pay tax still don t you think it probably is ru

                                                                                                                    • 除了种植偏见特别是把在互联网,网络那些谁不能使用这些资料,以便妥善检查和看,但我认为这是白费力气 Especially trying to plant prejudice with Internet as for the person who can use Web After as for such information properly comparing examining because it tries to see you think that it is wasteful effort but
                                                                                                                      • 如果没有历史的门诊或“喜欢”的争议在什么方向这项专利律师,这也是不成立的,因为偏见 In other words there to have been going to hospital history “that tsu po ” with tsu te direction What it tries that the attorney probably will dispute being the case that it is the cause prejudice being formed don t you think

                                                                                                                    • (人们的其他偏见不会照顾,谁的人将永远不会移动和消除自己的偏见,因为他们,有些人指出,作为一个例子,我遇到的偏见,要消除偏见的积极ü认为的祝福,不认识我 To prejudice of other person difficult seeing re or Probably there is no either person who move for your own sufficient prejudiced cancellation but As the point example where the person where prejudice occurs is When we would like to cancel prejudice the side which is thought positively when you recognize is grateful
                                                                                                                      • (人们的其他偏见不会照顾,谁的人将永远不会移动和消除偏见,因为偏见点,我自己的经验为例,认为积极和消除偏见美国是不是知道我和感激 To prejudice of other person difficult seeing re or Probably there is no either person who move for your own sufficient prejudiced cancellation but As the point example where the person where prejudice occurs is When we would like to cancel prejudice the side which is thought positively when you recognize is grateful

                                                                                                                    研究 開発