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“Rises Japan” Sugimura thickly the warehouse person to supporting the ★3


  • 在未经训练的眼睛,他们说,杉村Tazou政治活动仅仅比无名人的经验,我认为,一个更好的选择
    > Sugimura it is thick the warehouse person [mashi] is choosing a person with thinks than the mere famous person who is not experience of political activity in the amateur eye

    • 2010年上议院选举民主党候选人矢野良昭(比例):陆上自卫队军官在1974年入学的候选人中哲学系毕业的信函,京都大学,1974年毕业于京都大学的历史),机械工程学系,1972年少将(久留米正常。名寄行政,久留米,福知山,千僧,东与苏联驻军的职责每个调查富士勤人员办公室。行政,说国防部作战。国防部首席财政年度,培训单位的培训。领袖的演习。步兵团和美容。驻军指挥官(美幌)提供他们自己的土地管理协调员教员室4厅统计数字背后
      2010 Upper House election Democratic party ticketed candidate Yosiaki Yano (proportional Ku): Major General 1972 The Kyoto university engineering department Department of Mechanical Engineering soldier/finishing 1974 The Kyoto university literature department Chinese philosophy history course soldier/finishing 1974 Ground Self-Defense Force officer candidate school (Kurume) entrance school, Normal. As a staff Nayori, Kurume and Fukuchiyama, thousand monks, the Fuji each camp duty Ground Staff Office Information & Research Div. Soviet east. Chief, the same Defense Plans & Operations Department use. Year defensive chief, The same Education and Training Department training. Practice squad leader . Infantry Regiment leader and beauty. Post commander (Bihoro) Osamu staff watch section 4th room logistics operational coordinator Ground Self-Defense Force Air Staff College education department manager First army division assistant division commander and Nerima post commander And so on it fills various posts 2006 You retire the Kodaira school secondary principal (former investigation president) with Japanese security crisis management academic society director, military research house, Reality it meets and is the property and casualty insurance corporation advisor, “meeting secondary representation of reserve duty blue ribbon” The Democratic party 84th entire branch length With the Democratic party official recognition House of Councillors selection running The spy throwing to North Korea is advocated As for cherished opinion the North Korean subjugation by Self Defense Force

      • 5月10日(星期一),13对174届会议:13 00审计委员会查看:小池百合子,谁的问题特别委员会的数字00和冲绳(自民党)北村茂夫(自民党)Touyama清彦(公明)贤赤岭玛萨(共产党)宏勲照屋(社民党),玉城丹尼(民主党)山冈。圆(民主党) - 116 - 174一次常会大会当然接力
        May 10th (month) 174th ordinary diet session 13: 00 Going/participating Committee on Audit 13: 00 Group of people Okinawa northern special committee Question person Koike Lily child (our people) Kitamura Shigeru man (our people) Tooyama Kiyohiko (fairness) Akamine Masakata (common property) Teruya Hiroshi virtue (corporation people) Tamashiro [deni] (democracy) Yamaoka . Circle (democracy) <174th normal meeting> National Diet relay comprehensive [sure] 116

        • 865“邮政法案”,因为我会站在反对我?小泉被任命后进入独立的总理候选人,他们没有从自由翻译开除 865 Therefore “in postal services bill” opposite tsu te standpoint don t you think Inserting in Koizumi with prime minister designation after the non post running the meaning which is not dropped from our people it puts out

          • Eru m一家伙,以为Yosakoisoran古胡散臭只有自民党候选人在该选区埃泰镇压泰国大象
            Holding down the tie elephant, at that constituency it passed with candidacy of our people The person oven of [yosakoisoran] it is suspicion you can think ill-smelling, it is

            • Horiuti恒夫的儿子6月自民党三原,石井四郎民主党博谷良子,冈部马里,Nakahata清桂健科Tachiagare日本茂木是一个W傻瓜对日本杉村Tazou
              The Liberal Democratic Party Hisao Horiuchi, the Miho [ji] [yu] it is the child, Hiroshi Ishii 郎 The Democratic party Valley Riyouko, the Okabe ball, Katsura it is to come the branch Rise Japan Kiyoshi Nakahata, Sugimura it is thick the warehouse It makes too much the Japanese foolish w

              • JNN民主党19 3%的支持率( 7 7),自由民主党15 0%( 1 3)4 7%闵( 0 4)公明2 9%( 0 9)2 2%共产党( 0 1)社民党1 2%( 0 4)0 6%的人了( 0 3)改革党 人民的新 JNN political party support ratio Democracy 19 3 7 7 Our people 15 0 1 3 It is to see 4 7 0 4 Fairness 2 9 0 9 Common property 2 2 0 1 Corporation people 1 2 0 4 Citizen 0 6 0 3 Reformation 0 3 0 7 New day 0 0 There is no support 48 9 5 9 Hiranuma new party gt national new party gt Masuzoe new party gt new party Japan

                • Kusogaki的松冈利胜(NHK)的大学,结城的Kusogaki森森(石川县议会)关东学院大学,也是一种极其把小泉进Zirou东海(笑)最好我能桶
                  Tosikatu's Matsuoka [kusogaki] (NHK) the [kusogaki] forest 祐 happiness of large, Mori Nobuo's Hosei (Ishikawa prefecture discussion) Tokai university And Sinzirou Koizumi of extremity Kanto Gakuin University (wry smile) How most barrel ones

                  • Tachiagare日本,前巨人队的内野手清Nakahata比例代表制选举(56)和“小泉孩子”杉村Tazou前众议院成员(30)荟萃了坚实的政策领域
                    Rises Japan in House of Councillors selection proportion representation Kiyoshi Nakahata of the original giant infielder (56) with the “Koizumi chill drain” The policy Sugimura thickly member of the house of representatives Kuramoto (30) of supporting was set

                    • Tvde webry infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 JLab的 的DAT 秒 602987。jpg格式TTP的: tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 JLab的 的DAT 秒 602988 。JPG的TTP的: tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 JLab的 的DAT 秒 602989。JPG的TTP的: tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 JLab的 的DAT 秒 六十○万二千九百九十○。JPG格式 tvde webry infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 602987 jpg ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 602988 jpg ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 602989 jpg ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 602990 jpg
                      • TTP的: tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 JLab的 的DAT 秒 602987。JPG的TTP的: tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 JLab的 的DAT 秒 602988。JPG的TTP的: tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 JLab的 的DAT 秒 602989。JPG的TTP的: tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 JLab的 的DAT 秒 602990。JPG格式 ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 602987 jpg ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 602988 jpg ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 602989 jpg ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 602990 jpg

                    • Wwwwww基特泰国大象表演的细节需要我瓦特的人力资源手段的老人平均年龄在党的只是因为他们得到所采取的对抗wwwww请告诉我,二郎罕见的年轻赢得所有的自民党只能 kita wwwwww The tie elephant takes just is young therefore profit The talent wwwww who is necessary in order to lower the average age of the old person political party Regardless only election it to be possible saying please confront distinctiveness Jiro of our people w
                      • Wwwwww基特泰国大象附表必要和瓦特human资源成本的平均岁以上的长者下的党是因为他们得到所采取的一切wwwww请告诉我,在一个年轻的获奖二郎与自民党对抗罕见 kita wwwwww The tie elephant takes just is young therefore profit The talent wwwww who is necessary in order to lower the average age of the old person political party Regardless only election it to be possible saying please confront distinctiveness Jiro of our people w

                    • “我当时小泉泰三儿童,小到政策的方向。我想我染成彩色的妈祖,”如果是这样,你的意思是他们不需要担心什么 Because “ taizo was the Koizumi chill drain to policy directivity small Dyeing to color the ru it is it isn t ” If with the notion that where you say main point and others calling many worries
                      • “我当时小泉泰三儿童,小到政策的方向。我想我染成彩色的妈祖,”如果是这样,你的意思是他们不需要担心什么 Because “ taizo was the Koizumi chill drain to policy directivity small Dyeing to color the ru it is it isn t ” If with the notion that where you say main point and others calling many worries

                    • “日本夕阳”→“在日本我们的避难所”→“或撕裂日本”→“耶我们日本人”→这里,“日本希望大象。” “Is the so re Japan” gt “ re Japan” gt “it is to tear Japan” gt “ gi obtaining Japan” Presently the coconut gt “you want u Japan”
                      • “日本夕阳”→“在日本我们的避难所”→“或撕裂日”→现在这里→“耶日我们进去。” “Is the so re Japan” gt “ re Japan” gt “it is to tear Japan” gt “ gi obtaining Japan” Presently the coconut gt “you want u Japan”

                    • “欧洲政治怪奇纳莉复杂”本身是一种行为平沼说,政治家“,我很愚蠢
                      “European politics to become weird”, with the behavior itself which Hiranuma spoke, the politician being yourself “Am I foolish

                      • ∈后很长一段时间(·ω·)∋机管局数据万亩看到゙瓦特·····啊啊?
                        The way of visor ∈ (Ω) ∋ [ta] ゙ [mu] AA it is seen, w … Huh huh?

                        • ━━━Kitakitakitakita(≡∀゚゚(゚゚≡∀∀゚゚)∀゚゚≡)━━━━!!!!!!!!!!
                          [kitakitakitakita] ━ ━ ━ (゚ ∀ ゚ ≡ (゚ ∀ ゚ ≡ ゚ ∀ ゚) ≡ ゚ ∀ ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

                          • 与谢野馨和我下面的一对恩戴我想将取消起数是一个真正的゙解决保守党在泰国ーNakahata?严重的是,进入决赛后,樱,我正在进入ー Although you thought that the genuine conservative party is started Uniting with Yosano as for the next in Nakahata taiso ゙ It ended with maji don t you think the ze tsu te to insert
                            • 回顾泰国面对邪教泽Ruhiー゚脏又陌生是苏联゙ー出现在美德的 It is dirty when 澤 ruhi ゚ you look at the pasteboard dump of teaching group taiso ゙ It is strange to be visible in the saint your child

                          • 什么是我做什么惊人里面因为我不在乎,但他们继续仲羽田孜泰三地是惊人的,我在此表为公开要求我不是一个政治家,我是我前面的几个我把一连胜 Something saying enormously seeking the politician saying displaying openly to here the ru tsu te it is enormous densely Following to Nakahata it is taizo it is Content how how you call it is number the tsu te ru which it puts out sows on several tsu te front and

                            • 什么是流浪,我们不是一个保守或他们思加悟本棒球,宝马,不知道其用意无限制乘坐业余绿色汽车 It is straying this being maintenance Only the baseball are not known the riding at will of person and BMW and the green car which the intended amateur Meaning is not recognized
                              • 522单位。如果你与一个大约的程度感光度的期望,我应该怎样维护和迅速停止元 522 Flat If faint expectation it has sensitivity quickly stops with maintenance the person who calling

                            • 会变成从批评和改革叛乱 Although gt also 2 years served economic industrial minister of state at the Koizumi Cabinet and advanced Koizumi structural reconstruction with the postal services bill After gt structure opposing it changes to the criticism of the reformation route
                              • 小泉的结构改革,但进展梅塔一个问题小泉两年的法案,因为邮政的起义中的批评转向改革 Although also 2 years served economic industrial minister of state at the Koizumi Cabinet and advanced Koizumi structural reconstruction with the postal services bill After structure opposing it changes to the criticism of the reformation route

                            • 但是,民主不能田原s更好及更有效地认为他们在这里听到的竞争后?
                              When so after inquiring about TAWARA supporting of democracy, it is, you cannot think this one yet in [mashi]?

                              • 但是,球员们轻松杉村“餐厅,Biemu,200万,Uhyahya”,并派出呆太蔵
                                But, elbowroom typical player Sugimura “restaurant, B m, 20,000,000, [uhiyahiya]” it is thick the warehouse It supports the 呆 [re] it is

                                • 你愿意我来到众议员张回力迫使屠夫拥有人及烧伤溃疡傻瓜池塘这个水平,我的东西很快取消上院,自定义 Pulling the owner of the fool of such a swamp level and the burning butcher shop which collapses compulsorily Makes the Assemblyman if the extent which House of Councillors something quickly the abolition margin tsu te it is the refuse
                                  • 或联盟与社民党小泽问题,并没有这么完整的政府改变,选举结果要作为一个做的联盟或集团未经 With alliance problem of Ozawa or corporation people Because it is in a state where complete administration alternation is not done With Upper House election it does not unite alliance and it would like to make the kind of result where also the te is good

                                • 党的选举权的外交政策开始希望媒体太蔵语无伦次,说的正好相反,他们希望把自己的姓氏
                                  Thickly in the mass communications expecting fool speech to the warehouse Foreign carrot administration of policy of the party, we want being the surname opposition classified by married couple

                                  • 反小泉小泉儿童和他们? ?我笑了鄂如WWW的瓦特,不管需要什么
                                    Counter Koizumi party and Koizumi chill drain? ? Www which you can laugh There is no shame or a reputation, it is shelf w

                                    • 另一个解决方法是Nakahata比舆石朱达罗是如此把基地Ntsukyouso,可爱的偶像家伙Ntsukyouso东西选择把基地舆石你都超过了民主党热门地方意识朱达罗说,小泽不重叠数比例Tteta和外Ntsukyouso废物舆石蜡基地包括跳水
                                      As for sedan chair stone Vs Nakahata the [ro] which is correct answer Because the partner is off base Nitukiyou group, degree of popularity degree of acknowledgment of local end exceeding together, the [ru] Sedan chair stone something of off base Nitukiyou groups as for the person who is chosen the [ro] which is small amount As for the Ozawa Democratic party the proportion repetition you call, the sedan chair stone of off base Nitukiyou group it enters that it does not do, probably will be

                                      • 和644,但也是愚蠢的,因为他们将投他票的民主,不能 流 644 Therefore with say also the people who voted to democracy the fool As for whether vote re ru
                                        • 和644,但也是愚蠢的,因为他们将投他票的民主,不能 流 644 Therefore with say also the people who voted to democracy the fool As for whether vote re ru

                                      • 嘿有一个真正的保守平沼呼吁,或者说〜(笑部长)也签署了死者作为议员,平沼也促进结构改革,小泉的一个问题部长两年 With you say or Hiranuma true maintenance you say the fact that well laughing Signing to Murayama conversation as a Cabinet minister Serving 2 years also economic industrial ministers of state and promoting Koizumi structural reconstruction Hiranuma

                                        • 在太蔵是什么? Nakahata清什么?死去的人被嘲笑为起始号码,到期日。我一直在期待一个政策小组
                                          So, with something thickly being the warehouse? Being Kiyoshi Nakahata? Damping-off to be bantered, the way, ripening. Although you have expected as the policy group

                                          • 多少社会关系,取代他的弟弟鸠山鸿池世袭解雇辞退开除中川昭一和麻生太郎驳回田母神的成就中山我经常忘记,这将是一个组织或破坏
                                            It is tend to forget, the Aso achievement Nakayama is reshuffled, Tamogami is reshuffled, Nakagawa is reshuffled, Kounoike is reshuffled, The Hatoyama younger brother was reshuffled Connection descent how much society, organization the insect facing, don't you think? it is thing

                                            • 如果承认是一群优秀的年轻人国体经历了众议院的。 米一本候选人这只看起来不错,如果有实力也日历 Member of the house of representatives experience person It is young There is a degree of distinction Popular group National body superior There is also a calendar and there is also a physical strength But like this if you write appealing candidacy what
                                              • 如果承认是一群优秀的年轻人国体经历了众议院的。 米一本候选人这只看起来不错,如果有实力也日历 Member of the house of representatives experience person It is young There is a degree of distinction Popular group National body superior There is also a calendar and there is also a physical strength But like this if you write appealing candidacy what

                                            • 小泉,他们住或如泰三小我想去下来,他们将针对平沼损害人身攻击和吹捧的东西现在,邮政私有化。所谓当我没有这个问题的选举,“小泉孩子”和大象在泰国被平沼当选为一个运行在辞去自民党反对邮政民营化,原本是平沼甚至不无定罪一块哲学将焦点它是平坦和W加以解决。是啊哑聋的追随者必将唯一的遗憾 taizo or Koizumi Jr the current personality where it is praised that it is like attacking that the damage which is directed to Hiranuma it probably will decrease becoming frantic however the ru party it stays Postal services private management When election doing to issue the tie elephant where becomes member of the Diet as a generally known “Koizumi chill drain” Being postal services commercialization and opposite that the Liberal Democratic Party Hiranuma who leaves a party runs although to Hiranuma whom you say does not have belief or the fragment of idea should be applied originally the focus w Flat Foolish uyo of the believer probably will be vexatious surely
                                              • 小泉预计喜欢平沼泰三小,因为我真的很讨厌目前的政治局势是被誉为喜欢 taizo or Koizumi Jr the current personality where it is praised that it is like attacking that the damage which is directed to Hiranuma it probably will decrease becoming frantic however the ru party it stays Postal services private management When election doing to issue the tie elephant where becomes member of the Diet as a generally known “Koizumi chill drain” Being postal services commercialization and opposite that the Liberal Democratic Party Hiranuma who leaves a party runs although to Hiranuma whom you say does not have belief or the fragment of idea should be applied originally the focus w Flat Foolish uyo of the believer probably will be vexatious surely
                                              • 茹,但他们在努力保持这样他们将针对减少损害人格邮政私有化的大象袭击泰国平沼。所谓当我没有这个问题的选举,“小泉孩子”和大象在泰国被平沼当选为一个运行在辞去自民党反对邮政民营化,原本是平沼甚至不无定罪一块哲学将焦点它是平坦和W加以解决。是啊哑聋的追随者必将唯一的遗憾 Personality of the tie elephant attacking that the damage which is directed to Hiranuma it probably will decrease becoming frantic however the ru party it stays Postal services private management When election doing to issue the tie elephant where becomes member of the Diet as a generally known “Koizumi chill drain” Being postal services commercialization and opposite that the Liberal Democratic Party Hiranuma who leaves a party runs although to Hiranuma whom you say does not have belief or the fragment of idea should be applied originally the focus w Flat Foolish uyo of the believer probably will be vexatious surely

                                            • 尽管“邮政”我叫了他,如果他当选只是一个口号?艾滋病只能想自杀
                                              Relation Using voice on the person where is elected in just the slogan of “postal services commercialization”, how it does, it is? Only suicide behavior think it is

                                              • 平沼不仅今天在一个不称职的政治家过分渴望成为首相的能力没有,苏是愚蠢的行为,使军事负责人的政治目的 As for Hiranuma not only being disabled as the politician although there is no either ability in Prime Minister Political participation of the military is permitted because of the object with the absurd desire that we would like to become It is the man who does foolish line

                                                • 平沼我“田中康夫的东西,”我告诉Tteta甚至泰三:“这已是博派出候选人仓库杉村”嗯,我希望漠不关心瓦特 “Hiranuma tsu te Tanaka Yasuo what…” the tsu te says the empty taizo “We had decided to support this time Sugimura Taizou what in candidacy” The tsu te you call calmly so shelf w

                                                  • 平沼是圪台不会根据小泉的敌人变成一个符号编织的溜饮孩子?
                                                    As for Hiranuma taking in the symbolize chill drain of inn enemy Koizumi's, the reason where we would like to lower the sour stomach?

                                                    • 平泽的过程中,许多成员在日本,韩国等如果创价学会的权力基础,因为这意味着合1选举的坚实基础细节将会强劲
                                                      Hirasawa Naturally, because the resident Cori un member is many in Soka academic society of the support parent, the meaning being agreeable, for the sake of the election basis is set is strong, probably will be

                                                      • 当地的棒球英雄傻瓜Nakahata清同一选区1(棒球帕金森水平)小泽追随者舆石东Ntsukyouso英雄2(水平Ntsukyouso)可爱的偶像朱达罗或纯他们知道是谁选择3自民党官员
                                                        Identical constituency 1 Kiyoshi Nakahata Hero baseball fool of local end (levelling up the baseball discussion ream) 2 Sedan chair stone east Hero Ozawa believer of Nitukiyou group (levelling up the Nitukiyou group) 3 Our people official recognition Intellectual viewing It chooses who, the [ro] which is clear

                                                        • 当您选择太鼓和有趣的书和运输费用,从我蔵17日接受媒体什么语言,它是时间的市民可Aburidasu议会特权 17 It is thick when warehouse you are elected with election way books expense and fare etc is funny the mass communications receives Because you talked it was possible to start roasting the privilege of member of the Diet in the world don t you think it is

                                                          • 很明显,很多人Idaro层泰国大象不投票,你必须做同样的事情,但与民主担井没有欺骗 Shouldering the fool although the fact that it fails is democracy It has been about probably to doing the same thing Because the tie elephant is the ro where the layer which does not vote is more clearly and is
                                                            • 我觉得第三个儿子石原的运动,做的更好,出更好的东西后,泰三公司最近失去志太郎 Ishihara s Mitsuo how did It does not come the ro which is and is defeated Putting out after taizo the maneuvers which you make think that it is better one

                                                          • 德川幕府,并可能已成为一个良好的爱国者,但每个球员凯塔赢得致电土豆驱动tTA最后因为政府的力量,但却是第一次自我从爱国者宣布,德川“海盗”从我一
                                                            Because the will loyal retainer of the last days of the shogunate, the official troop won, very finally both name and reality in the national loyal retainer Although it was good being accustomed, as for first time calling, the [te], “the robber” [tsu] [te] it is called the national loyal retainer from Tokugawa the empty

                                                            • 愚蠢的棒球Nakahata清一(议会一级棒球)Ntsukyouso愚蠢舆石东2(一级反Ntsukyouso)朱达罗的选择或纯可爱的偶像
                                                              1 Kiyoshi Nakahata Baseball fool (levelling up the National Diet baseball team) 2 Sedan chair stone east Nitukiyou group fool (levelling up the counter everyday teaching group) It chooses which, the [ro] which is clear

                                                              • 我不知道安理会的意思是前国会议员NTV电视台太城蔵从学习到看起来像一个施法瓦特马亚马
                                                                True mountain of the original NTV caster studying likely from city discussion, it is dense Thickly the meaning designating the warehouse as member of the Diet is from the [wa] w

                                                                • 我不知道泰三反对加税,在后。我在高税收对小泉表示赞成的芒斯
                                                                  As for certain [taizo] opposes to also tax increase, mail. Approval tax increase opposite Koizumi man Say puts out what, it is

                                                                  • 我们我们面前,“Bakkari老”和“平沼也有健康问题,与谢野馨”这就够了健康或附表小伙子出售或恼火穆基是不是证明或Nakahata有一次,我派出了我一到那里 You “the aged person tsu temporary” “Yosano and Hiranuma there to be a health problem” because with you are hard on It is young Nakahata whom just sells and the saw when health vigor with has established reputation understanding that it does not become muki It supported it is
                                                                    • 其他人,我想你失去了你的大脑不聘请他Bakkari我希望他们浪费能源党从老人平均有什么 Turning is the jijii party shelf is because you say However vigor it is good wastefully person mule tsu temporary there is no brain It will support and the chi ya tsu it is it is probably will be
                                                                    • 泰藏的东西是愿意聘请古平沼很好(笑)你的意思是年轻人惊讶泰三在什么苦 It became matter of concern where also Hiranuma supports taizo something well laughing At whether thing of young tsu te taizo which is surprised
                                                                    • 泰藏的东西,但我必须做一些事情分钟的色彩在他们的使用和自民党派出由知道 That at the Liberal Democratic Party it is not usable understanding taizo what although the ru Supporting something it does with something it is the ro which is

                                                                  • 我会腐烂,因为棒球,但没有报告等日本最幸福的,因为居住在台湾的迪西的主谋,原在日本职业棒球涂鸦,他还花Gidashi弹出驱动tTA这个行业腐或时工人的子女的部分派出原家伙是猛烈抨击小泉,与谢野馨人没有理由认为什么新万祖先?如果它是在我Dzurutte Temee星期五 Even the professional baseball rotting the ru it does and Japan it is not almost reported but Even 800 long tournament of the Taiwan professional baseball the ro where the former Japanese professional is the mastermind Such be too enormous to put out also the fact that the person of the industry which rots is produced fierceness criticism Koizumi Has done the person that chill drain of the original free tar supporting as for koitsu Yosano in the ancestor excuse Unless it is thought cup After temee avoids gold zu ru tsu te thing

                                                                    • 我到wwwwww支持它像一个愚蠢的人没有任何国家的回忆录第二货物以为我偷来资助他们自己的七一七瓦特和代代木教师研讨会 717 Your own mono way being unconcerned the paku tsu it is large putting away the memo of the Yoyogi seminar lecturer Being similar to the person of the country of somewhere don t you think it increases w In addition the fool wwwwww who supports that

                                                                      • 我受过教育的政治家或者名片63人匿名家伙是卖的名字,但我不会需要它吮吸即使没有自由意志,我想谈谈救世主使用正式教育的特点和连接那就是。您还可以吸引小泰三 63 However in the politician the educational background tsu te becomes the card substituting of the nameless person There is no person who could sell name also the te is at all good don t you think As for being necessary connection and kiyara It turns to the person who uses the public official of high educational background it is That Taizou and junior there is a charm don t you think
                                                                        • 我受过教育的政治家或者名片63人匿名家伙是卖的名字,但我不会需要它吮吸即使没有自由意志,我想谈谈救世主使用正式教育的特点和连接那就是。您还可以吸引小泰三 63 However in the politician the educational background tsu te namelessness becomes the card substituting of the person There is no person who could sell name also the te is at all good don t you think As for being necessary connection and kiyara It turns to the person who uses the public official of high educational background it is That Taizou and junior there is a charm don t you think

                                                                      • 我只是一个错误,并设置不同的政策与谢野馨一,平沼不得不离开邮政选举党反对邮政为什么,在儿童出生与小泉?另一个,阿里大绵卡约竞选日本保守派什么瓦特 1 Although it just united with Yosano where policy is different it is strange The postal services in the opposite direction with something leaves a party becomes the predicament which Hiranuma who The Koizumi chill drain which is born with postal services election Already when it is for electing with what the ant… Japanese conservatives owata w
                                                                        • 我不是一个保守,但在这本书或什么,我们有可能解决的保守派,我想起了愚蠢的形象 The conservatives tsu lever it is only being it gets together it is the shelf Thought of conservatives aho thinking image may become fixed

                                                                      • 我喜欢说我现在站在一个真正的平沼保守党将返回发言与谢野馨wktk不再是你的感觉
                                                                        Already the Yosano new party shelf That Hiranuma can stand the true characteristic conservative party saying, wktk it has done return the feeling

                                                                        • 我太蔵派出由日本小泉儿童死亡,开始邮政改革国有邮政服务瓦特数
                                                                          Whether postal services government-managed damping-off Japan is thick the warehouse of the postal services reformation Koizumi chill drain supporting, w

                                                                          • 我想成为日本牺牲的辩护是我生长的地方Tachiagare现在在日本,谷刚“消亡,开始数”,或者说!嗯,你听到什么今晚在评论Nakahata清泰三谷贺津西西 Rises the Japanese te victory valley has protected with densely don t you think Although because of Japan it has been about probably to become sacrifice “damping off” you say tsu te The hu it is it is Kiyoshi Nakahata in taizo or w Comment of the victory valley would like to hear w

                                                                            • 我来把老百姓迫切希望有一个比例代表制选举,但候选人如显示details m到使党在该选区的选票頑張
                                                                              Normally having the person who would like to be elected to proportional Ku by any means, such candidacy at constituency obstinate Hari But and others the number of polls of the [se] [te] party thing what which it tries to lift

                                                                              • 我的保养问题777思想从我的傻瓜了侧面的投票和自民党进行合作,让他们自民党在比例代表选举的重点摆在首位选票, 777 Although if original conservative vote at constituency and should have been made to concentrate on the Liberal Democratic Party at proportional Ku When it cooperates with the Liberal Democratic Party snatching the 騙 tsu te vote thinking it is irrelevant what from the ru
                                                                                • 现在的信息没有,并可能已正式决定由比例代表我发言鲨鱼 Now With the information which enters hu change yo u Formally In proportion representation It decided it seems

                                                                              • 我认为,作为一次过的流ID,这是我在这里不低于运行 - 我也很糟糕,代理商先生
                                                                                Going back from here, however the less it let flow and saw this much single-engine ID [tsu] [te] is enormous, also the operative

                                                                                • 政治家泰藏在人与423人的本质是不能Louppy鸠山,我不否认,作为朋友,而宁愿留茹和低温型 423 As for taizo rupi Hatoyama and being simultaneous in the politician the tsu chi ya the good human It does not deny humanity on the other hand as a friend when it stays it probably is the type which is softened

                                                                                  • 无关联的选民在选举中不感兴趣,我睡瓦特Terya只是类似于白痴们在选举中当选白痴线 The non party layer which is not interest in election is sleeping the ri ya is to call w The fool going to election similar the fool just is elected

                                                                                    • 智者说,如果对事物的大计划。由于雪松卖国路线。流是一个聪明的傻瓜,他们派出了唯一正确的使用该不能避免,但appearance higher被证明比愚蠢的环境不even髋 铉Prime Minister了鸠山,它可能used以培育出人类峨 Being the world general as for the person that large it is wise Therefore treason route Cedar Supporting real the proper flow As for the wise fool not being able to use was proven with the appearance of Prime Minister Hatoyama It grows in the human where the wise fool the waist is low can use perhaps
                                                                                      • 看在法人税的过程中,,消费税上调,路线天堂公务员),第二民主党,自民党(自由民主党占主导地位的田中派 Of course the corporate body tax deducted lowering and consumer tax tax increase the government employee heaven route The second Liberal Democratic Party The Democratic party original Liberal Democratic Party Tanaka group controls

                                                                                    • 更出色的家伙泰三泰三相同年龄和我听说是没有选择,只能削减约100人在泰三派出轻轻的事实,有10 000,非常人的集合或政客兰花看来 Before supporting taizo being refused in about 100 people so the shelf And it is helpless in taizo The excellent 輩 10 000 person enters more lightly than taizo even with the same age probably will be in the political world considerably the talent the collection ma viewing way the shelf
                                                                                      • 一旦派出486片山城堡平沼不可能阻止它加入城堡绝对要进入样子 486 When Katayama is supported because the inside of the castle stops flowing together absolutely the ro which is not that and is Hiranuma produces like we would like to insert inside the castle

                                                                                    • 杉村Tazou m Tachiagare日本是不可能什么杉村湿重Tteta我认为在维护党的wwm紧张停下来帮助 Sugimura thickly it is warehouse what with something ww Rise as for Japan however you think as the party which is done accurately with maintenance The ro wwm which is not Sugimura and is you support it stopped
                                                                                      • 我瓦特Nakahata清杉村Tazou现在是时候结束两书是死的,起数W Kiyoshi Nakahata Sugimura putting away thickly w As many as damping off two at the time of end it comes shelf w

                                                                                    • 此外,它是“小泉孩子原来的”你是什么标志,如果我不泰三相当负面形象,“把孩子的自由民主党,”我想什么样的形象? Now on that as for “the original Koizumi chill drain” tsu te signboard whether on the other hand 0 image also you think but In case of taizo “the chill drain tsu te image which is cut in our people” it is not kana
                                                                                      • 不管我赢泰三Morae只看到挂在政治智慧,是这个名字反正我很幸运地把主要发言 Whether or not it is elected anyhow Being able to have to the politician who name can know putting on the eye ru taizo was the owner of good luck it is the shelf

                                                                                    • 民主党人泰三比至少在教育唯一可以使用的政治家,自民党从峨 As for taizo the only politician who in our people is educated in canned goods state At least because you can use democracy compared to

                                                                                      • 氖或图像春季出现西西我很高兴地支持她做得比遥瓦特谷和原 gt gt Nakahata or taizo or w gt gt The image which rises 湧 it combines w So supporting don t you think w yawara compared to it is mashi much w
                                                                                        • 阿泰三战与粂Wasetakatta未来居Nakya支持进Zirou尽我的瓦特 If Sinzirou does not stay when side 粂 with you want to make fight w Although taizo it supported by all power

                                                                                      • 泰三也不会做很多的事情,我不知道为什么我失去了你的左手?从奖杯? How much regardless there is no taizo probably will be with something to produce the hand don t you think the chi ya tsu it is it is probably will be Because there is just a degree of distinction
                                                                                        • 伊坎将在它!我只能政治意识和巴兹? NULL

                                                                                      • 泰藏什么愚蠢的狗屎,我是骄傲自大,当我成为一个改变成员的Warazu阶段来得长,我没有任何人UpStage手机,但最重要的思想有多小,不改变Waranai小家伙也是铜徽章横须贺 That the taizo tsu te became the Assemblyman simply it became kuso conceited Although as usual is so it does that it is foolish greatly and the tsu te That extent it changes suddenly and hanging how thinking the small article Though but the Yokosuka copper badge guy who does not change completely the small article
                                                                                        • 泰藏活动党人的立场,我这样做是十分严重,这吸引了超过目前的首要遵循适当的信任部长作为一个男人决心不 Attitude as a party member of taizo has done properly You do activity seriously and you follow the fact that it is decided securely It is worthy of to reliance present prime minister compared to as a human

                                                                                      • 泰藏,但我从大学毕业的?当人们自民党申请,该公司派出他们的工作时间写简历和秘书期间派出了由外交部通过传真给我用它申请
                                                                                        So as for [taizo] the university coming out, the [ru]? When applying to this human Liberal Democratic Party, at that time being foreign owned, dispatch office work doing, the [te] During working hours the resume writing ahead dispatching, ahead dispatching FAX of enterprise using, it is the application red sandal wood, don't you think?

                                                                                        • 泰藏,但我喜欢笨,但广大市民真正意义上的似乎更胜于东西我可以把鸽子 As for taizo however the aho tsu po to be But ordinary citizen feeling so having To tell the truth considerably from pigeon what mashi
                                                                                          • 但鸠山泰三兄弟与我行没有用的,为什么觉得什么感觉? So as for the Hatoyama younger brother being useless as for taizo the OK tsu te something you probably feel motivation

                                                                                        • 现在不是党,即使改变很多麻烦的人选择偶像时的可爱的政府,我可以依靠的东西家伙现在党的领导的恐怖了一些癌症不属于Nakahata乐但是,什么是好的,现在泰三是在做选举的时间并不需要这样的人的情感,他坦率 Not to be the party from now on the times when it chooses with the person With special care administration alternating the cancer gun of part directing the current disastrous state Depending on party whatever the people roku do not mean especially Nakahata how is good but choosing taizo That kind of candid human feeling is needed for current age
                                                                                          • 它的魔力比民主更好的看到从一个可怕的恐惧一边,粂鸠山在这世泰三 With even that taizo Because Hatoyama and side 粂 from it is visible in mashi bewitchment of the Democratic party is fearful …

                                                                                        • 甲米收集640泰三朱达罗ー 沉没Yaiittemonjane对已收集tive耙什么人Tachiagare乙日本鸽子鸽子它一个大拇指来,泰三 Rise the Japanese quaintness Gathering anyone the ru it is the shelf Don t you think the gathering ri ya it is and says the ro which is 640 taizo is useless If pigeon and taizo about pigeon tsu te
                                                                                          • 你是认真的?要ü! ?如果我不能支持泰三克惹堕胎没有黑色历史 To u maji But if there is no black history which is made to abort it could support taizo it is

                                                                                        • 目的地踢少和支持者没有打扰是否优先舛添溃疡
                                                                                          Specially in order for the supporter to decrease, you treat with Making the [masuzoe] crushing prefer?

                                                                                          • 看到你大约有措施,降低选民投票层的关注?而这个问题我已经出院地方选区的成员强烈大师孙
                                                                                            Don't you think? measure to the layer where poll ratio decrease feels concern? Furthermore the Assemblyman who is problem anti- coming out at constituency where the Nitukiyou ancestor/founder is strong [ru] area

                                                                                            • 联盟最终成为洪水小党,这是,该系统现在是一个混合泽塔议席选区,以确保政治稳定
                                                                                              When that it is, becoming small party proliferation, because after all it becomes alliance, Mixing small constituency in order mortgage to do political stability the current system

                                                                                              • 自由民主Tachiagare谷良子,日本 堀内举行头痛它是一个在很多Nakahata更多的欢乐我抓住他的这个可爱的偶像是否选民都是愚蠢的,泰三 As for democracy with valley Riyouko as for our people with Horiuchi Rises Japan taizo and Nakahata… However making the voter foolish it was to question Now because the person whom you rejoice all the way it is the head it is painful don t you think
                                                                                                • 小泉儿童和475不过,我的政治取向,甚至会不等于没有泰三 475 Entering with the Koizumi chill drain in taizo as for political oriented how nil Because it is equal
                                                                                                • 我们的所有成员和经验的人族,泰三和投降迄今所获得的知识,一个显着水平泰三! 30年后,总理泰三 be teran Assemblymen the knowledge experience which is obtained until now To entrust to taizo taizo substantial levelling up 30 years later taizo in Prime Minister…
                                                                                                • 泰三基本上是这样,即使满意的人成为国会议员,像一个political ve得到一个实现自己的野心是不是真的 If taizo basically has been accustomed to the Assemblyman being the human whom it can be satisfied with that in him himself You must actualize by any means there are no political ambition like ones
                                                                                                • 自由民主Tachiagare谷良子,日本 堀内举行头痛它是一个在很多Nakahata更多的欢乐我抓住他的这个可爱的偶像是否选民都是愚蠢的,泰三 As for democracy with valley Riyouko as for our people with Horiuchi Rises Japan taizo and Nakahata… However making the voter foolish it was to question Now because the person whom you rejoice all the way it is the head it is painful don t you think

                                                                                              • 试试我们的厚泡沫叶海亚喜一。我是党的党从黑暗秀夫只是皮肤自由的ー
                                                                                                1 [u] [tsu] [hi] [ya] [hi] [ya] [sore] see the bubble. Disguise of party Our people it is to stop from the party with the [hi] - the [wa

                                                                                                • 说出来,撞上Yaiinda保守派自由民主党的政策和非唯一性,仿佛在证明以党的未来
                                                                                                  If snatching is justified, putting out originality as a new party It strikes non Liberal Democratic Party conservative policy and comes out and the plain gauze it is to call is

                                                                                                  • 超过Giruga部也不负责任的没有规定法律法规禁止指定相同的欺骗选举,党派利益的选民票的严重鄙视所有的运行,本身存在的政党和选举嘲笑,日本人做Tachiagare太低使得以上
                                                                                                    Also the general affairs ministry which does not decide the stipulation which prohibits equality naming to election method passes [zusan], but To underestimate one vote of truer 摯 constituent, than something run to, the political party and election itself It seems that ridicules existence, rises the Japanese method is too makeshift

                                                                                                    • 这一次,把人来见普及对调解Nabetsune m规划缺乏偷偷回来的,我敢肯定,他的威严埃塔衰更简单地说,我意识到,我 This time kosokoso it is popularity of nabetsune which has been planned with the reverse side the talent who is mediated You see to attach also that authority became weak securely from one time it is the shelf with the wa which is realized
                                                                                                      • 这一次,把人们尝试获得安置计划Nabetsune m偷偷回来的,我敢肯定,他的威严埃塔衰更简单地说,我意识到,我 This time kosokoso it is popularity of nabetsune which has been planned with the reverse side the talent who is mediated You see to attach also that authority became weak securely from one time it is the shelf with the wa which is realized

                                                                                                    • 这些谁也少地址是一个人,她可以把少了一个数字。秋山2神达。 Ryouko朝仓3。平泽锐04。睿05。谷良子06。飞鸟兰利波动方程07。深红08。由纪长门09。 0命三阪。 Mikuru朝比奈
                                                                                                      In the person who this less less is done, the person of the less turn first beam it can make she 1. Akiyama fairway 2. Riyouko Asakura 3. Hirasawa 唯 4. Twill wave ray 5. Valley Riyouko 6. Type wave [asuka] Langley 7. Crimson 8. Nagato possession rare 9. Hill beauty koto 0. Asahina you see and start

                                                                                                      • 这家伙有严重的政治地位和马氏库拉资优教育在美国于凯,而我错过了?
                                                                                                        This person, the whereabouts saddle increasing, between the [ru] Meritocracy of politics receiving in America, passing, [maji]?

                                                                                                        • 这很可能是城堡或平沼分离的思维是个傻瓜我平沼化身,在自我保护的儿童,然而朱达罗赞成小泉的邮政私有化,石油和水或
                                                                                                          Hiranuma with the [ro] which is the water and the oil With postal services commercialization approval furthermore Koizumi chill drain Furthermore with personification of self self-protection fool What thinking, the [ru] it is Hiranuma inside the is castle leaving it is recognized,

                                                                                                          • 逃避税收。线),第三党自由民主党大家(小泉的结构调整后的路线)爬上了日本自民党,开始数四(石原scrounger线)首。日本自由民主党伤口(企业界松下研究所倍),远期业务第六次会议自民党大阪恢复(萨拉金手)自民党改革第七届(特克斯非法- Com的海报男孩
                                                                                                            Tax evasion taking in. Route) The third Liberal Democratic Party Party of everyone (following Koizumi structural deterioration route) The fourth Liberal Democratic Party Stand up Japan (Ishihara it is the temporary house route) . The Liberal Democratic Party The Japanese creation new party (Matsushita political and economic affairs private school of turning person of financial world) The sixth Liberal Democratic Party Meeting of the Osaka restoration (stooge of plate gold) The seventh Liberal Democratic Party New party reform (ad-tower of illegal futures trader COM tex

                                                                                                            • )第一季。自民党,“一个酋长会议准备(暂名)”(业务时间学会松下)以上。猪肉桶金钱收买的公司,以帮助各方减少公司税,保护公共官员和天上的其他成员,在他的膝盖做了美国的外交政策,旨在促进居民的消费税和社会保险费了进一步的税项党只(名古屋市市长河村隆例外)
                                                                                                              ) . The Liberal Democratic Party “Meeting of the head who is preparedness (the tentative name)” (the Matsushita political and economic affairs private school of the turning person of financial world) Description above. The gold is scattered to the enterprise to which party everything gives bribe, income tax is decreased, the protection the government employee heaven which the Assemblyman is begun, Only the party which does toward America kneeling on the ground diplomacy, aims toward further consumer tax social premium inhabitant tax rise (Kawamura it does high, as for Nagoya mayor exception)

                                                                                                              研究 開発