120奥马伊,或者无法登录2频道吗?我什至不能采取罚款或细纹的呼吁没有忽视我一分钱,也没有 120 Will not don t you think 2 the ru log without being done The call how it does not keep ignoring the te There is no fine and te passing charge or 1 Yen are not taken
120奥马伊,或者无法登录2频道吗?我不能采取罚款的电话线没有忽视我什至1日圆或罚款 120 Will not don t you think 2 the ru log without being done The call how it does not keep ignoring the te There is no fine and te passing charge or 1 Yen are not taken
但实际上,其中18人谁没有出现在从来没有%的人称人 However really the person who does not appear until now with no permission calls and also the inside 18 of the person exists
我没有支付罚款,在接受采访时,“但如果死刑无条件共产党!”如果一切我尖叫,我听到已经成为一项取消资格 If the fine payment te when interviewing “Japan Communist Party being unconditional it is capital punishment If” the tsu te you shout However the tsu te which becomes defect case you heard
没有人不被罚款收集拒绝出庭约1000人,是迄今罚款,而不是733 733 There is no fine because it is te passing charge Everyone s one person it is not collected from the former appearance denial person approximately 1000 people
2003年8月投诉的08人谁不情愿地被借调到罚款622人缺席审判区50〜12月(包括章)出了诉讼,并要求来任命法官138名审判法官举行其中一)共5842候选人,622人(百分之十一缺席,人民段,是一个良好的家庭法法官并不预期会出现06分钟的采访摘要共同社凯塔 It passes the judgment member absence 622 person and there is no charge In the person who goes reluctantly dissatisfaction
Last year 8 - 50 district courts (8 branches it includes) with among candidate total 5842 it is called to the judgment member election procedure of the judgment member judgment 138 case which is executed, 622 people (the 11%) you were absent in December, but
As for the person who inflicts the passing charge which is decided in judgment member method what is seen that it is not, on the 6th, understood with totaling and collecting materials the cooperation communication
283所有 也许他们不须提交文件证明他们说,我一想到这个方法 283 gt It tried inspecting but if considerably there is no legitimate reason it is like it is difficult gt Proving unless you must submit with the document Perhaps as for these you think that it is opinion the other side
“除非你有正当理由,”我们用的手段时,更奇怪的原因(例如,“达里语卡拉审判”等)字符是“正当理由”我认为这可能是一个 “Excluding the case where there is a legitimate reason” when with the one which is said flight is used considerably the strange reason For example other than you think “from the ri i which is judgment” that it can become the “legitimate reason”
524联邦调查局特工被分配到部门发言Komoti研究连环杀手,会在做研究,抑郁症的罪犯杀害一名儿童。又过了一个很 524 As for the child having criminal investigator which is assigned in the section which researches the serial killer of FBI While researching the offender who murders the child it becomes the 鬱 It was successive appearance
524联邦调查局特工被分配到部门发言Komoti研究连环杀手,会在做研究,抑郁症的罪犯杀害一名儿童。又过了一个很 524 As for the child having criminal investigator which is assigned in the section which researches the serial killer of FBI While researching the offender who murders the child it becomes the 鬱 It was successive appearance
820奥马伊胁乌兹哈拉和Francine,法官或原料选材和去垫卫门负责赖穆索! 820
Will not the talent utilizing, with the judgment and judgment member
[huranshinu] and Uzihara side, [do] [za] [emon] charge you ask!
Palimony,临时残疾补偿,发展,指出,他们的气味到处瓦特 Consolation money claim and suspension of business compensation, the [usan] smell development w which is anywhere
Www zenshiho net 。基地工会联合会绳之以法的近畿地区 (博客)“你杀了我的专业法官或什么系统将应用?为什么管理试行排除,”2010年5月7日驳回了要求行政组(周五)12:30或511这样的线被 NULL
什么不是谋杀或专业法官制度适用?它不象在行政法庭 The judgment member system is applied riding homicide and kana it is with to do the yo Why administrative order it is not it is
欢迎光临。司法工会呻 www zenshiho net 。基地工会联合会绳之以法的近畿地区 (博客)“,以排除主审法官,”2010年5月7日驳回了星期五声称执行小组()12:30或511这样的线被 It is and with is easy Administration of justice Union http www zenshiho net Administration of justice Union Kinki area association Optimistic burogu Blog Rejecting “exclusion the claim of group staff from judgment member judgment” 2010 May 7th gold 12 30 511 Was there such line
不Bakkari萘乙酸只有摆脱格罗用于创建品味抵抗自然原谅qqqqq Because guro as for tsu temporary there is only tolerance making with being accustomed qqqqq If natural taste anyhow
不会是第一优先,以保护球的决定,如果它想,首先要优先向社会良好辜 With the fact that the rule is protected as a first priority Society we want making the first priority to improve
不喜欢看电视上的互联网不是现场广播的免疫无圈套咆哮表弟怪诞场面的照片或一个阻力后立即禁播自杀要么杀人还是一个? Because [guroshin] it does not broadcast with TV, there is no immunity, the trap which it solves and becomes
Seeing with the net, there is a cod detestation impression, but tolerance was attached
Image on of site immediately after the committing suicide, broadcast rescindment of corpse of murder case?
不要粗心的他一直51司法系统W小泉改革的一部分引入 51
Random thing you say, is, w
It was introduced it rubbed with link of administration of justice system reformation of the Koizumi Cabinet
也许陪审团得看情况或崩溃的头骨和控方反对,并希望证明它没有明显增加抗体是击败像锤子 Perhaps prosecution refuting sinking circumstance of the skull having seeing in the judgment member clearly When we would like to prove that you beat with those like the hammer it is probably will be
,而且必须尽量判断形势或倒塌的头骨和控方反对,并希望证明它没有明显增加抗体是击败像锤子 So prosecution refuting sinking circumstance of the skull having seeing in the judgment member clearly When we would like to prove that you beat with those like the hammer it is probably will be
今天球员,如医疗武,也显示Kattara图像精细神经顾不好的确在显示的程度也不新鲜,但我一直在播出手术的解剖状态生动,那么,他们出门在外,我的运气 Nowadays the fungus ball tip it is the medical science which is it is vivid even with the program Circumstances of dissection when operating are televised but it is … the projection which is not raw When the extent nerve where physical condition becomes bad with the image is thin the sled ya the grief way the tsu te It is thing
他们说他们不强,弱点是超过我的想象Girudaro长几个月里,你已经看到了一个受伤的身体约1至6个月驾驶列车的恶梦,无法集中在头部Boutto It is weak saying that it is weak the ru person is imaginative power the ro which it passes and is As for we looking at the physical injury of the streetcar As for about 1 months you had a nightmare in nightmare The head boutsuto doing about half year it could not concentrate
863格罗斯是一种方法,我觉得危险的幻想 863 As for guro that it becomes dangerous ones depending upon a certain meaning and imaginative power as for we you think
他喜欢海外版新闻周刊的照片有没有时间平方米战场或灾区死我好杂志 NEWSWEEk overseas edition or the TIME magazine [tsu] [te] to be good the corpse photograph of the battlefield and disaster area taking on, the [ru] don't you think?
企业管治,但没有受伤,他们是多么真实,而是我不寒而栗尽可能地看到,实际的猴子注射针头穿刺 When it is CG but how real with the thing the unconcern When it is the real thing you just observe at that the needle of the injection sticks It will be scared
Tsuka,等待,不要做一个有关图片什么重心埃泰轻松取代?它甚至没有正常工作 Replacing to handle picture CG the tsu te story which you lighten the tsu ke which is not Properly work margin
窗口被介绍给妇女由区法院,但是,是我会做的照片,苏紧张故事本身怪诞尸检,人们不难调用 However dissection photograph how sled ya guro it is to be probably will be Also the woman had been introduced this window from the district court but to speak itself it is hard Very as for the telephone you say that it was not possible
但像日本广播协会接受收费,加强东西可能会看到,即使在... So NHK listening fee likely, it may partly due to a warning thing among those…
但我用消毒剂消毒或肩房间或浴室像我看到魔鬼克星 Simply, shouldering the [gosutobasutazu] like disinfection liquid, the bath or the room it has disinfected as for you saw
你是否也接受特殊培训吗?不,这不是那里不都常常这样一个美丽的尸体 Something receiving special training ru Well it does not make for the clean corpse who is not such an often certain reason to there…
你是否也接受特殊培训吗?不,不是直到我走过了死刑,对身体经常有 不是所有的 Something receiving special training ru Well it does not make for the clean corpse who is not such an often certain reason to there…
在格罗斯净流量不知怎的,我不是一个美丽的身体是不好的错误的把春天 It is what you bit with flowing to the net ru guro is the clean corpse who the insect does not grow die
你说了什么幻想Zadoudemoiindayo逻辑或法律上的加强是人民的主权意志的人轮流 Adopting the public opinion of the main authority barrel citizen, administration of justice strengthening the logical inattentive thought anything [za] which is said how it is to call is
其中20 038人,因此出现了执勤人数,或罚款不超过10万日元3438日元每大家忽视了义务出席这个16600人谁忽视有出现在3438人谁最终拒绝出庭也没有采取更是威胁到1日圆 Consequently the number of appearance obligators 20038 Among these ignoring you appear deny the person whom 3438 Appears finally the person who 16600 Everyone passes 1 Yen from 3438 people who ignored this appearance obligation charge 100 000 Yen being threatened Either 1 Yen are not taken
其中20 038人的数目,因此强制性的入学率,他们采取罚款,似乎忽视了一个单一的日元从人3438人,无视这一义务,出现16600人谁也不肯出现在最后的人3438谁没有 Consequently the number of appearance obligators 20038 Among these ignoring you appear deny the person whom 3438 Appears finally the person who 16600 Everyone passes 1 Yen from 3438 people who ignored this appearance obligation charge 100 000 Yen being threatened Either 1 Yen are not taken
医药每天看到,在大学图书馆的书,我认为这是良好的抗磨损?解剖学,畸形,事故,手术,器官或组织你所有的图片全部所有案件 Everyday looking at the book of the medical science which is in the university library, resistivity it is to call there are no times when you attach?
All internal organs and the human body photograph of dissection, the deformity, accident, operation and all cases are full load
原因是有权获得赔偿工作前缀作为一个有效的逆转1 3 625健康,或有?只要求陪审团的负责人,只要我们的知识然 625 Physical condition destroying work receiving the damage of the extent which is stopped without becoming the legitimate reason Intellectual viewing When it hits against the judgment member hearing to the person in charge
原因是有权获得赔偿工作前缀作为一个有效的逆转1 3 625健康,或有?是不是愚蠢? 625 Physical condition destroying work receiving the damage of the extent which is stopped without becoming the legitimate reason Intellectual viewing When it hits against the judgment member hearing to the person in charge
古说,我在电梯线餐馆发言后,通常在搜索线中风库克自杀等,当地消防公司合称为森林柏迪 However the acquaintance with volunteer firemen of local end goes to suicide person search in the tree sea, you said that after that it goes to the burning butcher shop normally with the launch,
只有人民陪审员制度是旧皮疹或西方的线索,我不知道谁能够拿到的思考,“让我们发挥不错,我在日本这样说:”如果驱动tTA或说?在美国,我将原来的陪审团残纹你只有这样做,而不是审判是一个时代的延伸到达的私刑,如果我不走法律的规则,每个国家的角落?我不知道我的意思模仿饼干失去了根基 How thinking just the judgment member system someone profit does whether it is at all it is from the wa … The aged person of European American kabure “doing with the other side therefore the ru it is you will do also Japan” that you said kana Jury how that of America originally constitutional government to every nook and cranny of the country in the times when it is not spread From extension of lynch you do it is in place of judgment remaining is just the ru It is imitating such there is some meaning whether it is
什么是人民陪审员制度,有约束力。你只是想人民对你的负面早生争辩负责?凯塔,但你为什么不好事或呆滞不争论 Jury system tsu te joining To severe punishment making the responsibility which is made to convert the citizen owe the ro where is just the ru The ma mud tsu filter it is and thing do although to severe punishment it converted and the chi ya obtained and was good
吉尔和有证据的事我的,你会看到一个警察在胡纳吃昆虫的宝丽来的经验被淹死的身体远 If in the cruciam carp insect 喰 the drowning body which cracks has shown to the officer with Polaroid
The fact that it withstands we is to there
在正常人的感情,如果我被杀害,而不是疾病和死亡the首先死的身体,或者我不是这个人会不会如热Idaro我想结束生命的是世界上如此 In the first place it died being the sickness that it is not the te It is the corpse who kills If there is a feeling as a human being normal will not you enter If this person being done so much that thinks whether you finish life the ro which is harsh and is
在解剖我,你把别人的裸体?我发现一些令人兴奋的家伙谁不坐在陪审团适当的写真妹妹→解剖的是,我杀了人 The corpse dissection tsu te making bareness it is the ro which is We being killed in someone corpse dissection gt the photograph being taken the older sister of the judgment member chinko it is seen properly in the hearing person Something the framework framework it doesn t do
这不是还赶不上任意选择判断一个人不会突然看到抵抗值得一创伤,有改进的余地,不是吗? Suddenly when you show to the human who is not tolerance it becomes the trauma probably will be Furthermore it was chosen selfishly in the judgment member it is to put out the ro which is the margin of improvement and is
在记者介绍啊哥里脱身所有68四郎日本邮政私有化清楚写着,他们将不得不哥里改革报告年度美国的实际和紧迫的小泉内阁,但这并没有减少的内容 68
At the time of sled [ya] introduction but Koizumi Cabinet
Substantial American [gori] pushing
It probably is written on also the annual reformation demand book clearly, but
Therefore margin [gori] you push entirely in postal services commercialization,
As for Japan it cannot refuse those contents
如果你呕吐,如果你看到图片的陪审团定罪什么罪你问:我们蔑视法庭 The judgment member looking at the picture, when you vomit, accuse of a crime by contempt of court, you probably become the previous offense person?
如果您有子短缺已经不多了斐济判断谁排除在外,只更换,不可有任何制度的缺陷,因为这种疾病的护理 Supplement judgment member for that
Already, 1 people coming out, when we assume that [te] supplementation might to become insufficient, therefore as for such a defect of the system there are no either times when you fall ill in the air
妇女从镜子时心悸(喘验尸照片在审判法庭)引起法庭后,再也不能开车 As for the woman when the dissection photograph is projected to the court with judgment from You say that the heartbeat how to come occurred after judgment became not be able to drive the car
我不是蒙哈自来水掉以轻心,我想我打电话来证明医疗解剖,认为我会独自一锤驱动tTA殴打对象想与钝 It hit lightly how it is it is not you thought sluggishly with the vessel like the hammer and the tsu drill beat when it is it proves For the sake of it called to dissection medicine it is probably will be
尝试引入民意是大的美国最高法院首席法官或前20左右,是目前调整缺席日本律师协会联合会 20
Whether it is Chief Justice of the Surpreme Court of the time before, breaking out in the United States, trying to introduce, day valve ream alignment such flow
Intention of the citizen is absent
当克里斯托,成为头垫,一个新的中线时Egutta从阴沟里,但我不知道该地区受影响的程度,看看自己的痛苦,在另一些坏的东西 Head [patsukuri] saying when and, falling to the side groove, when scooping out the leg, the affected part seeing
You are painful by your, extent being found, however the leprosy to be high, something others is useless
当法官候选人进行面试,他极不敏感,回应他和四郎测量血压和脑电图表现出怪诞的形象是不符合资格的未成年人 When interviewing the judgment member candidacy, showing the minor [guro] picture, the blood pressure and the brain wave measurement margin
The person of the person and the non reaction which react extremely is unqualified
您可能会引起一些人来进行的离奇谋杀目覚看我被迫扭转怪诞? [guro] being shown conversely, also the person who in bizarre homicide awakes appearing, don't you think? you rival?
我不是处女是甜的你竖立一个正常的682 682
You it is sweet
We of the ephebe caused 勃 normally and
我不爱国! ! !我死了! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !一 Non national me Death it passes and is don t you think 1
我不爱国! ! !我死了! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !一 Non national me Die 1
我们一直在一个律师或站立的喜剧演员?在这种意义上来说,工作或有经验的管道工或跳跃律师考试 The [ro] which the comic dialogue teacher of former attorney is and is? With such feeling,
The plumber who has administration of justice test passing experience it flies, job and the umbrella
我来到她的怪诞耐2解剖好像他们是在一个视频工作室,我会出汗这是所有汽车司机怪诞选自第一,他们听到我的罚款是相当可怕的凯塔 As for we where guro tolerance is attached with 2 the ze which is unconcerned even with the motor man The person who with animated picture has been dissected at the studio like place was enormous well enough First after the guro all right tsu te hearing choose
我的意思是我们在讲话中指出,他不能S的解剖显示的内容,因为抵制私人不医科学生进入你会付一半,如果没有星期五 If private the money which is not odd paying, entering, even [ru] medical department raw
It does not withstand by dissection practice, the [te] the person who stops being present, although the [ru] [tsu] [te] don't you think?
按预期色情图片,在泄漏和Ru看没有看到一个怪诞图片计数了,嘿,嘿,只是觉得这完全甜! The ero picture expecting clicking when you see from a leak which looks at the innumerable guro picture such only think sweetly properly well
429 Tsuka的“怪诞形象板块”的详情 429 Although the handle you call that “ guro picture board” being attached detailed
在2通道,或者人们是如何退休或患病,突然昏倒在光花岗岩怪诞? 2ch with guro 踏 being able to surpass suddenly Destroying physical condition the person whom you retire it is kana
摘要身份通过血液果冻,果皮果皮中线最终没有被凯塔施肥子宫内膜月经周期编写过程中努力受精,材料是从血液中排出体内的月经 Summary
As for natural shape of the sutra blood jelly, directing to fertilization in every menstruation period, is prepared the uterus intima which
After all the substance where it peels off because there was no fertilization and falls, is discharged in outside the body as a sutra blood
是的,什么是我们的官方网站的工作是狗屎堀滚装汗水出来,而不是我在这里工作是你不能否认,但他们能真正判断178 178 Actually however it is possible to become the judgment member It cannot deny this if work come out in we substituting Is the sweat becoming the ku which actual place work margin the kuso public official
是的,什么是我们的官方网站的工作是狗屎堀滚装汗水出来,而不是我的工作在这里,如果你不能否认,他们可以成为法官,而是由 However it is possible to become separately the judgment member It cannot deny this if work come out in we substituting Is the sweat becoming the ku which actual place work margin the kuso public official
最高法院法官的心负担的考虑,设立24小时咨询 As for the Supreme Court you consider in burden of heart of the judgment member, installing the consultation window of 24 hour correspondences
未知的,甚至不知道的人就觉得像被枪杀佛下来按全额变焦在望为什么大,我恐慌 When even cause obscurity and this person obscurity simply Daibutsu you see sight all the way Zoom being done in order to be crushed being moved it becomes panic when it is
梅塔24人被确认的需求,除了希望和〜拒绝参加选举的程序于65 0至14,缺席。法官112条,没有正当理由,对候选人的任命程序如果你不来参加,但这些规定都是由不超过该区域法院的决定10万日元以下的罚款,该委员会最近决定,睡不好觉的是在三个主管法官酌情权 In 24 65 people who exclude the person et al who recognizes refusal desire requesting the attendance to election procedure 0 14 people were absent When it does not attend election procedure judgment member method 112 stripe seeding without the reason where the candidate is legitimate it has decided that it passes with decision of the district court and executes in charge 100 000 Yen but decision of charge is entrusted to the discretion 3 of judges
到现在为止,那么如果你想转移到了这些妇女的净Ukkariguro怪诞level真正的机会因为,格罗斯没有,但他们普遍开始向be看到什么我会评判system严艾希? Iijan? Tteta但我认为轻轻的,我不在乎这些墙 If very now rolling to the net with utsukariguro guro of the ru however well somehow you saw and became the re ru way riaruguro is harsh in the general woman who does not have such opportunity don t you think probably will be … Judgment member system ii it is However the tsu te you think lightly there is such wall with You did not become aware
法律讲座,我第一次感到失望解释这样一个骇人听闻的罪行的刑事 In lecture of the Department of Law, gruesome crime contents of criminal incident at the point in time when it is explained first
You are depressed
浴布斯在车站与城市Biseraretari房子,就在前面的街道,也出来嘘声池塘Biseru浴 Inside station and town pouring hoot Front of the house came coming out on the road the swamp where the hoot is poured
清迈是正确的选择你他们Tteru在大屏幕上不断想看到的头部解剖图 Thinking that we would like to look at the dissection photograph of that head continually in the large picture, the [ru] Will not, and others was very fitness
濒死体验捏读者高兴的是,他们只是哭泣外红色基浮渣专业人士。您还没有写信给报纸朝日新闻,世界只是一个谎言叛国(他笑附表闻読因此,如果您喜欢新的家伙是败类恩戴太阳刚刚浮渣阅读列车在早上,我笑,指着让 Only off base aka and the professional citizen of the kudzu of the human crying rejoicing you have regularly read 捏 Treason newspaper That Asahi newspaper of public As for being written on this newspaper only lie laughing Such a kudzu newspaper as for the person who is read just the kudzu of the human When the person who reads Asahi in the streetcar is laughing at the finger very
濒死体验捏读者高兴的是,他们只是哭泣外红色基浮渣专业人士。您还没有写信给报纸朝日新闻,世界只是一个谎言叛国(他笑附表闻読因此,如果您喜欢新的家伙是败类恩戴太阳刚刚浮渣阅读列车在早上,我笑,指着让 Only off base aka and the professional citizen of the kudzu of the human crying rejoicing you have regularly read 捏 Treason newspaper That Asahi newspaper of public As for being written on this newspaper only lie laughing Such a kudzu newspaper as for the person who is read just the kudzu of the human When the person who reads Asahi in the streetcar is laughing at the finger very
现在我也如我共同工作有关的机构(如我不是警察)说,看起来可怕的,如或损坏,我感到可惜的是同一个人 However we the work handle corpse you see carefully the a there is no police How when you say or the damage it is terrible see as the same human regret you feel it is don t you think
这在其他国家的政府在什么样做,但问题是,必须小心的人,我 With such foreign country with the matter which completely does not become problem as for government consideration needing necessary in the citizen thing
相对短暂的,可能是因为听到或辛勤工作606 外科医生 606
Therefore intense duty short life you have heard relatively > the surgeon
移情是高度的思想,他们对她的力量已在高功率的同情受害者的痛苦their无疑是一有效势的人郁手流的低功耗,如果婴儿是狩猎的同情for Because the woman sympathetic power is high, you think that by his was done the pain of the victim,
As for height of sympathetic power although the baby you raise, effective power
As for the man in order to hunt sympathetic power is low
第一个,大运动,坚持让他驱动tTA陪审团制度介绍,朝日将日本律师协会联合会 _NULL_
编号:Wcw / Au0K0编号:Wcw / Au0K0编号:Wcw / Au0K0任何瓦特疾病在这个两 ID: Wcw/Au0K0
ID: Wcw/Au0K0
ID: Wcw/Au0K0
Two illness w among these of what
致命的伤口,受害人头部的马拉负面“Dzuchinoyounamono金色”的起诉和审判上午第二天,他们质疑医生的验尸 As for making the fatal wound the head of the victim owe
The prosecution which is done “like the hammer” morning of trial 2nd day, dissection medicine was interrogated
苏我重复,以及如何恶劣是同一人死亡,如果严重的,对不起,我感觉强烈奇诺Shiteyaritai更好的管理 However it repeats doing the how to kill the same human is terrible it is terrible pitiful we would like somehow tsu te feeling is stronger
苏法律的严惩625 100,000有理由拒绝出庭,如果没有很好的理由 625
If with respect to law attendance is denied without the legitimate reason, it executes in passing charge of 100,000 Yen or less
茹堪无法看到,但在这样一个出路的申请,请不要犹豫,描述words,这样一个约略数字and“这并不是说已经到be much However you see it does not withstand in such one Because it explains in the rough figure and word please request without modesty” Thing of extent should do the kana which is not
汝堪,看看谁将会不可避免地退出该应用程序,请不要犹豫用言语来形容,所以粗略的数字,“是不是要多 In the one that you see it does not withstand Because it explains in the rough figure and word please request without modesty” Thing of extent should do the kana which is not
茹应该看看损失,但国家将有,但我需要看到的一些图像解剖门外汉?我认为,只要让他们了解医疗尸检结果 It is necessary to look at the state of damage however probably will be But it is necessary to show to the amateur to the dissection picture If you should have made the view of dissection medicine understand the sufficient way you think but
萘乙酸因为通常一个或两个人刚生一个女孩看着血,血液中的坏 You just looked at the blood of blood collecting of physical checkup the girl it collapses Normally because one person and two people it is
我剪了一个手指时,她的对象,他们洗,可能惊讶地看到坏血 As for me doing the dishes when cutting the finger looking at the blood being surprised it has collapsed
葛[纪录]。简易法院1997年(二)[303]肯索纳已丢失。之同/法官制度/如果甲Yuugana腐烂。模拟。我_米嫩的。゙马塔A和我- ? (·∀·)。 消息[]虚假的社会。文件欺诈的决定“我包括颤抖,”马氏日苏马铃薯生长受到质疑得到登记办事员虚构人物是在家庭案件涉嫌伪造-社会解冻帐户经理的电脑-偷看横滨地方法院人员,秘书妇女的社会工作者-纪律处分- “沐浴驱动tTA转了吗?” Vine. 1997 Summary Courts ([ro]) 303rd number
The coming [so] [ke] it is. /The judgment member system of the [ji]/how. The [yu] [u] is, is. And others [u]. It is the [nu] it is including the _. It is with [mata] ゙ [a] -? (∀ ). [tsu]/凵 ⌒ * Chin chin > Greeting
Fake. “It shakes and includes in the document of judgment incident of fraud” account freezing cancellation The secretary which is arrested The doubt where the family register you acquire with forgery and does to become the overhead person has increased
With PC of superior personal peek Yokohama district court, secretary disciplinary punishment
“The fish bath it entered in the woman staff? ” And so on mail Utsunomiya district court judge (55) 罷. Decision
The thing and the DNA agreement… which come in contact with the lower half body clothing of 19 year old schoolgirls the [wa] by the judge and the high-speed bus which are arrested it is and the [se] recognizes
It is seeing in 17 year old girls, and others behavior Arresting family court secretary with 淫 line You know each other via the encounter type sight
Because “gets angry to the superior feared,” Secretary of Kofu district court Document related to real estate auction 2 years, leaving in desk
Incident selfishly “final”… Chiba family court staff reprimands [01/19]
“Strikes hard in the superior” Yokohama district court secretary suspension from job dealing [03/13]
With stamp usurpation disciplinary dismissal and the Gifu district court secretary
The trial counsel who “opening a court time is forgotten” does not become aware and sentences and redoes being late -> the judge decision -> the - Nara district court [10/04/28]
Courthouse staff burglar
蛆虫的人的类型的块魂身穿米蛆形状像弹簧你的嘴,然后分解成28个山峰,看到了一个对象Uneune移动喜欢穿他们每一个2通道以及它的怪诞是惯性我不知道 28
Decomposing, the ranger boiled rice like Uzi growing in the eye nose mouth, the Kata Mali of the Uzi of [ru] human type,
Furthermore the individual moving, [uneune] when you look at the object the [ru] way the [do] just it is with 2ch being accustomed to [guro], also the [te] is unreasonable
要尝试这一切现在是一个很好的程序,一般的女主人公来没有骨头皮肤友好科学家“骨头(骨头)”这是德夏内尔发挥布伦南博士,艾米莉 After this seeing, mostly it became all right It is favorite program
With the BONES scientist skin without amiability heroine “BONES ([bonzu])” as for playing thing blurring nun doctor,
[emiri] [deshiyaneru
解剖鸡和义务教育科学实验中,排名最高的经验石窟古是一种美味的家政课应 During compulsory education
The rank which dissects the chicken with experiment of the science, receives tastily with class of home economics
As for experience the shelf which it should do
该冲击将可能通过更多的事情谈苏文从朝日新闻社,我觉得我失去了驾驶到茹医生作出的任何事情,但创伤会明白呢? It probably is the shock however and you can understand also the fact that it becomes the trauma Losing vigor with something either the air which speaks to the doctor not happening You probably can speak to the Asahi Shimbun
该受害人被迫外观像人体 没有见过或案件的受害人身体上that他们知道的内容,成为对被害人和则觉得人未抵抗many人我能不能是too real ü But contents of incident and the person of the victim and after you inform about the appearance Because the corpse of that victim you have not seen The corpse of that victim or it is shown real passing thinks that is to withstand also the person is many
强迫或身体看它是谁的受害者,他们成了受害者意识到了情况的内容,但许多人认为,如果我不能承受太真实的存在 But contents of incident and the person of the victim and after you inform about the appearance Because the corpse of that victim you have not seen The corpse of that victim or it is shown real passing thinks that is to withstand also the person is many
赤川次郎格罗斯是一个古老的精神我505我怎么不能承受更多的“泰迪熊之夜”,我认为我有责任经验的陪审团由一个被攻击小儿Youjoga呕吐般的景色,我将从重 - 505
Mental [guro] is to withstand more the [wa]
Jiro former times Akagawa “it is completed cripes and it has spat with the scene where the Teddy bear” [tsu] [te] [yo] maggot [yo] is attacked in [pedo]
As for judgment member like severe obligation it is unreasonable in we,…
这也确实是我做一把锄头法官ー瓦特Arutsu古履行自己的论点,我们可以感染他们突然头部解剖照片不找这样的课程?反正轮到我,我请他们看看这里检查茹先!当然不会看不的勇气鼓Part921图片描述 As expected we as for this the wa w which is pulled Suddenly when the head dissection photograph it is shown there is itself is spat As for judgment member such proper reason In any case when we turn comes after having checking first here you see Picture explanation sure which is not courage and is not the te seeing re Part921
这也确实是我做一把锄头法官ー瓦特Arutsu古履行自己的论点,我们可以感染他们突然头部解剖照片不找这样的课程?反正轮到我,我请他们看看这里检查茹先!当然不会看不的勇气鼓Part921图片描述 As expected we as for this the wa w which is pulled Suddenly when the head dissection photograph it is shown there is itself is spat As for judgment member such proper reason In any case when we turn comes after having checking first here you see Picture explanation sure which is not courage and is not the te seeing re Part921
这将互通伪造陪审团发现所有的影片割下他的头和脖子车臣科达60 60
Showing animated picture of [chiechien] dismissal and fragrance rice field dismissal to all the judgment members, we should forge
这是接近公益比我系统因抢劫和欺诈行为造成伤害和死亡的谋杀法官的业外? The object of the judgment member system becoming homicide and bodily injury resulting in death, however the [ru]
The burglar and fraud familiar provide to the ordinary citizen and are not good?
这种情况下,要转移202 208团体就没有在路边的模式,他们需要由家长在孩子免疫力童年是一个体面的行为采取口银在。我充满了味道 202 As for the kind of situation where the corpse has rolled to the roadside separately there is no necessity Approximately tolerance is attached with conduct pattern of the parent and child at the time of infancy 208 As for that in mouth silver The wa which becomes all the way with taste
404狗咬我的白菜,我认为那些格罗性强,而且会每天从正面看起来真实,真正相信没有陷阱 404 The dog which gnaws the cabbage We as for guro tolerance that it is stronger one however you think from true tsu daytime you will see with you do not think positively as expected and
那么它不考虑他们的宽容以及获得优惠关税的法官制度,它是我的责任 NULL
我想我会发明一些组织希望取消陪审团制度,我相信这是真的! The group where we would like to abolish the judgment member system When it is fabrication the thought tsu chi ya receiving do certainly it is fact don t you think
那么,在北海道的珍贵。保护我的利益和权利的法医小组。我是因为一间公司的诉讼案件 Well coastal highway valuing Right of the forensic medicine where we would like to protect i group and right With parties Becoming judgment instructions the ru however
那么,在北海道的珍贵。保护我的利益和权利的法医小组。我是因为一间公司的诉讼案件 Well coastal highway valuing Right of the forensic medicine where we would like to protect i group and right With parties Becoming judgment instructions the ru however
陪审团制度可以参加民事司法“权利”不要让无知的人没有私人利益,私人利益没有判断一个人,我不无知,彩票,因为有很多是律师,什么纠纷拉他们,正确的教育会重新考虑各种问题,甚至对律师 It can participate in administration of justice the civilian “right” how being ignorant non interest the judgment member how being ignorant in the civilian non interest it can let do the judgment member system to the civilian because Attorney Sawayama has disputed From there does with lot in the attorney looking at very various matters the ro which becomes re education and is
934号,法官可以采取平民参与司法系统的“正确”,似乎什么 934 Well the judgment member system probably will put out can participate in administration of justice the civilian “right” what is
不要让无知的人的私人利益没有永远不要以貌取人,这样做从那里撤出彩票我有很多的律师,我知道你会看律师重新for at education also有各种项目 The judgment member how being ignorant non interest it can let do to the civilian Attorney Sawayama is therefore it is From there does with lot in the attorney looking at very various matters the ro which becomes re education and is
什么媒体,我很难解释我没有做到这一点,正确的目标对象关于陪审制度的负面影响 The chi ya 0 aspect is almost not explained to the viewer the mass communications tsu te in regard to the judgment member system don t you think
反正不管你做什么不知道,在寻找掩体,讲话是我你是做什么的法官梁继续沿 Nevertheless so overstraining with what seeing the oral ya viewing stopping viewing The tsu te judgment member it continued to do it is the ro which is
同意,陪审团制度是最积极的,它是国家救济委员会的共产党组织和法律团体免费 As for approving to the judgment member system most positively It is the Japan Communist Party type organization free legal profession group and national rescue meeting
我不是盯着照片用餐空气进入一个好奇,更遑论怪诞的照片所有法官比比茹 Instead of judgment member everyone in the guro photograph the bibi ru with the circumstances such as interest Tsu 々 In order eating to enter the photograph was watched
我争议,因为被告的臻对事业的最重要驱动tTA死亡,这个判断需要确定清楚地看到图片 Though because the defendant has disputed the important dying concerning the cause of reaching this clearly with the photograph Seeing it is necessary for the judgment member to judge
法官将是一个坏家伙!没有人被带到一Tenaijan日元罚款10万日元,即使我不理会呼吁 The person who becomes the judgment member is bad Ignoring the call it passes 100 000 Yen charges how Everyone 1 Yen are not taken
除了面试和判断它与互操作提供2通道出现了专业法官制度?没有 The shelf which it should add to judgment member interview with the judgment member system You have looked at 2ch It is not
难道起诉怎样残忍的方式杀害的野蛮被告指责我悔恨举,用一个形象的反应罐法官肯定,并进一步说明律师的谈话都没有很大的被告后,你疯了Kitashi一旦被告辩称,这种反应显然,你如果你看一下法官,陪审团将被耗尽 The defendant how being merciless, whether it did cruel murder one, using the picture, you explain investigation concretely
The defendant explains while verifying the reaction of the judgment member, furthermore concretely, there is no either color of reflection
As for the counsel after making the defendant talk awfully,
The defendant causing abnormality to mind, as for [ru] if you look at the reaction of the judgment member, you insist that it is clear,
When it becomes such a thing, the judgment member will be exhausted
颈部或已在伊拉克遭绑架以来,公司生产的,我曾经看到有人滚装船杀害一名女子的电话视频约我会自豪地对一个细胞 更像我认为很正派的人我 At the company being kidnapped in Iraq dismissal with carrying you showed animated picture of the person who the shooting ro is done to the proud ge around and turned and the ru woman was… As for such compared to you think that considerably it is the honest human
我让一个女人,我曾自豪地寻找被绑架的伊拉克各地的移动视频头是谁把那些正派的人更多的公司这样的 我觉得很 At the company being kidnapped in Iraq dismissal with carrying you showed animated picture of the person who the shooting ro is done to the proud ge around and turned and the ru woman was… As for such compared to you think that considerably it is the honest human
麻烦了一会儿编号:Wcw / Au0K0行需要用刀刺伤并杀死你 [chi] [yo] [tsu] saddle ID: Wcw/Au0K0 It goes to stabbing to death with the knife