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Prime Minister Hatoyama, to “the helicopter unit transfer of facilities abandonment to Tokunoshima”


  • 09 8月28日鸠山在竞选期间,只有通过整个活动为期一天的访问北海道 09 08 28 Via during Hatoyama and all the election periods just one day which passes visits in Hokkaido election campaign

    • 159那个老人,因为它是把基地起飞基疮鸠山说,在漫长的脸基莫多亚凯塔故事是不可能真正大脑,把基地或邀请这样的人在附近,鸠山由是把基地什么是越野基地 159 That jijii heart you applied with the ma ji The story which is not possible the off base tsu pu ri which you talk meanderingly with the doya face Therefore Hatoyama off base causing such off base and moving aside Because off base was the brain Hatoyama being off base…
      • 鸠山,我是谁生根案件在此,我想知道如果我说这是从一开始? The human tsu te which supports Hatoyama with the latest case From first whether such a thing you said

    • 328第一名的计划,从一开始就搬迁,这是一个强大的东西,一个巨大的基极电流对冲绳人民的负担地理,十分感动,努力减轻冲绳名护市的人民 328 In the first place beginning of this transfer of facilities plan the present base geographical for the Okinawa person great burden Because it is something which it forces those which from it tries to relocate to side field old it does not become burden of the Okinawan

      • 367奴才“减轻负担,重点是对冲绳基地的整个”在没有“我们说的跑道,世界上最危险的”,她
        367 The [te] “base reduction of incidence of the whole Okinawa” was not and “transfer of facilities of the Futenma airport which is called greatest in the world danger” met with prime object, it is

        • 433这个老人,从东坡词鸠山对宇宙,地球,说所谓的种子一样的东西,我将不得不解释说,它毫不逊色鸠山由容易发生冲突 433 Because this grandfather as for Hatoyama speaks space language because the terrestrial person inconsistency is easy to occur Unless interpreting that Hatoyama says favorably that kind of saying Saying the seed

          • 507 514后,政权更替,即使你吻我要见他Achikochi运行像疯了似的驱动tTA頑張正是“做像我一样,”我认为,面试地点在这也有敏感的底部文胸显示和细节承认我只是这样做的NaA和言论 507 514 After the administration alternating the tsu te which very that achikochi it runs and sows showing the form which perseveres the re We “just you do you did you think that it is the shelf” there was also a part which is recognized but Therefore claptrap just you speak with dangling collection of data

            • 617男人和女人的那一代略有是否有危险,投票箱旁的“明显欺诈小心!”我不得不把一大途径,坚持贴纸 617 Whether or not that generation of the man and woman question is dangerous “you pay attention to manifest fraud to side of the ballot box ” Unless with the sticker it must paste hugely hugely
              • 是否暗示选民欺诈拉背挂,你还需要关闭正确的检查 Whether or not the poll person is not caught to fraud checking securely it is necessary to stop

            • 712 我站在发言多埋桩或认为这将动摇反驳基地在冲绳的Burgers总承包商,如果需要的耀西河内成本问题与基地和近3倍? 712 If gt reclamation compared to as for piling when cost is required nearly three times you refute to the foundation although it is good You think that becomes refutation the Okinawa earth building vis a vis the Giyuuzi tsu te ru foundation
              • 桩型我发言时,当地部队的唯一协议,或者播放到敌人的总承包商苏 Whether the piling system tsu te approval power of the only local end turning the earth building to the enemy

            • 772 ×町村信孝说,当我走近美国海军陆战队使用的东峨苫小牧,日本北海道的政治局势是驱动tTA○地理立即铃木宗男的故事削减
              772 × Geographical condition The political circumstance of ○ Japan Marines can use the Hokkaido Tomakomai east, or when America examines, Town village foreign minister cut off instantaneously Muneo by Suzuki Talks

              • 85“S的是从挫折的目的,由于周围的”我,并在驱动tTA同意在寻求加强自然行 85 “Dissatisfaction around movement being required with cause therefore the ru ” it is as for requesting the agreement in ahead goes the proper
                • 那种认为美国和优良的“本地同意,”我不要求 NULL

              • 890,而不是基地的地方付款根据年度进展 す时间支付的敌人,我现在正在对基地周围的消费地方政府搬迁费用 890 Every year it is not it pays according to progress circumstance gt transfer of facilities measure expense When it is self governing community measure expense around the base presently the base it turns to the enemy to the self governing community which has been borne
                • 770民主“的政策,拒绝冲绳电影民主党”是随和地,“一补贴筛选当地政府Watashimasen 770 The movie which denies the Okinawa policy of the Democratic party “Democratic party “the te it is and is it screened furiously” It does not give the subsidy to the self governing community

              • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii / / iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii布鲁诺 - - - ,。|。|`ヽ`/ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | | /:::::::::::::友好| 。|`ヽ
                iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ /iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii no & ⌒ REPT, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ /iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiγ ⌒ ' REPT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [pitsu] \ \ [shiyantsu]! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii// ⌒ ⌒ \ ) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ /iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii /: : : : : : : : : ⌒ ⌒ REPT ) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ /\ \ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ _ _! : : : : : : : : : : : (○) ` ' (○) _, `REPT, iiiiiiiiii/ /iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | | | : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (_ _ human _) | | `REPT, REPT/ /iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | | \: : : : : : : : : : : : : `-' - - - , . | . | `REPT, `/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | | /: : : : : : : : : : : : : Friendship | . | `REPT, `iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | | /: : : : : : : : : : : : \ _ ⌒ /[hirahira]. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

                • NULL As for deterrent “9 provisions and the U N forces” In other words ame public “the US military” is not Japan selfishly the eddy eddy which the military expansion we would like to do as for bakauyo which has been done is low with the nuclear weapon only educational background and science “Japan U S alliance” and so on tying selfishly becoming ame public slave pochi The foolish line which opposes to the flow of kind echo “arms reduction” in the earth If there is a constitution 9 provision it is not possible to invade demilitarization Japan and If there is a country which invades demilitarization Japan which has 9 provisions it is criticized from the world Not only it sanctions by the U N forces Therefore the ame public US military is unnecessary in Japan As for Japan being able to point to the duplication payment that you store war expenditure to the both of United Nations and the ame public troop the ru The time when you make unify came Because United Nations it is not possible to secede if just the ame public troop has withdrawing OK When Japan does the military expansion at once peripheral Asian countries the Korean Peninsula China to include simultaneously The Japanese major enterprise which does protest demonstration and the riot has transacted with the locale enormously Japanese enterprise Almost
                  • NULL As for deterrent “9 provision U N forces” In other words ame public “the US military” is not Japan selfishly the military expansion does with the nuclear weapon “Japan U S alliance” and so on tying selfishly becoming ame public slave pochi The foolish line which opposes to the flow of kind echo “arms reduction” in the earth If there is a constitution 9 provision it is not possible to invade demilitarization Japan and If there is a country which invades demilitarization Japan which has 9 provisions it is criticized from the world Not only it sanctions by the U N forces Therefore the ame public US military is unnecessary in Japan As for Japan being able to point to the duplication payment that you store war expenditure to the both of United Nations and the ame public troop the ru The time when you make unify came Because United Nations it is not possible to secede if just the ame public troop has withdrawing OK When Japan does the military expansion peripheral Asian countries the Korean Peninsula China includes at once simultaneously The Japanese major enterprise which does protest demonstration and the riot has transacted with the locale enormously Japanese enterprise Almost

                • NULL In this plan Putting six below Concerning the facility extensive or part return It is examined ◯ camp mulberry tree river Extensively return ◯ camp Zukeran Part return and facility of remainder and integration as much as possible of below ◯ Maki port replenishment area Extensively return ◯ Naha port facilities Extensively return The new facility which is constructed to Urazoe the additional block is included transfer of facilities ◯ army oil storage facility 1st mulberry tree river tank firm Extensively return 1 d From Okinawa as for moving the 3rd marine maneuver deployment unit to Guam 1 Kadena airport substitution facility The concrete development which is directed to completion 2 the necessary facility and the below service in Guam It bets on the financial contribution of Japan of for the sake of In other words Futenma base transfer of facilities actualizes and the ke also return of 6 facilities which describe becomes the white paper
                  • 普天间机场404时做的原因是替代嘉手纳基地 404 Therefore as for Futenma s airport when Kadena was done substitution don t you think

                • Oohisa迎接欢送会。查看详细岛民甚至表面上40分钟一致的声音,反对基地迁移艾辛河市长(星期五下午2时在镇德之岛机场天城鹿儿岛)u003d.昭雄乡射击
                  Oohisa who greets in the farewell celebration meeting. In order to carry out base transfer of facilities opposition to for Mayor Isen, the islanders who increase voice (6th 2:40 PM, At Tokunoshima airport of Kagoshima prefecture Amagi Cho) =. Home village discernment raw photographing

                  • Rupizu堡垒“,”猪Hatena从瓦特TTP的热情将在中国的美国中央情报局间谍红色言论,芒斯:/ / b.hatena.ne.jp /进入/ diamond.jp /文章/ - / 8060
                    [aka] pig “of stronghold ending” of [rupizu] support 那 spy of calling origin CIA 妄 word ardent man Say w ttp: //b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/diamond.jp/articles/-/8060

                    • [第9条affords发布或损害人的大脑,在武器打击敌人的决心,彻底瓦解
                      'Ninth provision' The super spiritual weapon which gives the damage to the brain of the human, makes the intention to fight of the enemy neutralize completely

                      • «的5月底,达夫回归»总理击败记者,“普天间,但我们正在接近5月底结束日期?”达夫 马??这是所有的媒体人,我说人类已经听过的错误 ≪ 5 ends of the month counterattack of pigeon ≫ Prime minister turn reporter “Futenma and day of 5 end of the month conclusions got near but ” Pigeon “… Conclusion The people of everyone mass communications doing the hearing making a mistake of my speech It is
                        • 我想这是我永远的根的时候,他让她的睡眠时间,如果我是鸽子,鸽子议员 The pigeon being able to sleep cod many it rubbed now Until now the groundwork laying how doing it was not it is probably will be the pigeon

                      • 』[恨任何对高速计数器的武器攻击可以立即会适得其反
                        'The mind of regrettable' Vis-a-vis all attacks, immediately the strike possible super high-speed strike weapon

                        • 一个可怜的牛已被弃置在宫崎530,在所有与悔恨,而不是垃圾屠宰民主党的单雅没有猪,他们
                          530 The yes 哀 phase which is dealt with Miyazaki the cow, in the pig the ratio edge [ya] Although also the rubbish of the Democratic party is slaughtered, completely there is no compunction of conscience

                          • 一旦转让完成275名护市(按照我的路线图,使自民党与美国和)将返回,从而减少了冲绳负担在美国其他一些设施,普天间,是不是这等于是说啊 275 If side field old moving is executed following to the road map which America and the Liberal Democratic Party made together Futenma other things Because several Okinawa US military facility is returned it becomes reduction of incidence that you say it is the kana which is not
                            • 因此,“减轻负担”我会感到自豪和WINS发言,因为它意味着没有家培训太阳 However that “it bore lightened with that” it probably is the intention of being triumphant therefore returning on the same day training there is no meaning

                          • 不在于第七舰队和289之间的区别嘉手纳基地和普天间?
                            289 Futenma and Kadena and the amateur where distinction of the seventh fleet is not attached?

                            • 从那时起,这些节目被淘汰基金会计违规行为在岩手县议会10月2日 ?小泽当地警察行贿问题的拿起广泛,宫古。会计师失踪10 4月15日宫。司库,浸泡发现死了的宫古海岸 From now on program descending disembarking board 10 02 Ozawa s local end with the prefectural police illegitimate accounting bribe problem which is largely picked up at the Iwate prefecture national assembly Miyako The accounting person in charge whereabouts unclearly 10 04 15 Miyako The accounting person in charge at the Miyako open sea it is found with the corpse
                              • 从那时起,这些节目被淘汰基金会计违规行为在岩手县议会10月2日 ?小泽当地警察行贿问题的拿起广泛,宫古。会计师失踪10 4月15日宫。司库,浸泡发现死了的宫古海岸 From now on program descending disembarking board 10 02 Ozawa s local end with the prefectural police illegitimate accounting bribe problem which is largely picked up at the Iwate prefecture national assembly Miyako The accounting person in charge whereabouts unclearly 10 04 15 Miyako The accounting person in charge at the Miyako open sea it is found with the corpse

                            • 他们没有听到低收入和冲绳422年收入比在该国 422 You have heard that income is lower than Okinawa of annual income of entire country one
                              • 616是什么,人们看到从冲绳,是这 616 That tsu te when you see from the Okinawa people it becomes like this

                            • 他们自己的市长“将在东京的线路,”但也许TTA和建议首相鸠山,鸠山看到这些类型的网站的时候还,我不会与人互动 However perhaps the town mayor personally “we go to Tokyo” that Hatoyama Shin you said in Prime Minister as for Hatoyama Still one time looking at the locale or you probably do not converse either the inhabitant but
                              • 10 5月1日鸠山,市长访德之岛3“非常感谢 10 05 01 “It is very much grateful Prime Minister Hatoyama concerning Tokunoshima 3 town mayor interview
                              • Bitsuketoite呼吁市长,“我给来自其他♪你:”你愚蠢或向上 NULL
                              • “市长接见了他们今天德之岛3”到“相比,今天的问题一直非常关注希腊。” “It meets with 3 Mayors present Tokunoshima but ” “That compared to today is worried about the Greek problem very”
                              • “第三个市长今天与他们会面德之岛?”的问题,在“今天比它已被希腊非常关注。” “It meets with 3 Mayors present Tokunoshima but ” “That compared to today is worried about the Greek problem very”
                              • 他们自己的市长“将在东京的线路,”我可以说TTA和当地鸠山看到时间的种不过,我不会与人互动 However perhaps the town mayor personally “we go to Tokyo” that Hatoyama Shin you said in Prime Minister as for Hatoyama Still one time looking at the locale or you probably do not converse either the inhabitant but

                            • 但不仅限于对他们来说,质量不好的自民党灰尘从大不是圣人,圣人,一个民主的政府,“我的”我,最大程度上的难以想象的“恨我的可爱多”这是 However it does not limit to this Because our people abhorred the mass rubbish the sage te democracy administration” was made ” however in sage Above imagining it is terrible ” it is lovely being left over 憎 don t you think hundred times” is

                              • 但是,美国国防部在美国工作的困境部级的会谈开幕4天,而且是很难支持在紧急情况下的地面行动,并一起训练部队之间的距离远Kunaru冲绳岛,因为拒绝搬迁工作人员的效率将在分配维修供应
                                But, as for American side on the 4th was opened at the defensive ministry with the Japanese-American business person conference which, distance of the ground troops of main island of Okinawa Because it becomes far, the case of training and emergency correspondence one use becomes difficult in dispersion of thing and the necessary personnel where service replenishment job Becoming non efficiency denying transferring/changing stop in the reason

                                • 你有点看454对同一天,Asou森永Takurou
                                  454 Vis-a-vis Takuro Morinaga the same expression it has done even with Asao between this

                                  • 你说什么顺便说一句,减轻冲绳居民的负担转移和分布的训练时,他们不指望多
                                    Next when you say, the Okinawan moving training and When it does not count dispersion in reduction of incidence is many

                                    • 前政权的走狗,成为冲绳基地集中在遥远的美国大陆距离拉金钱和替换期 The gold it makes the base Okinawa concentrate which leaves from the mainland far to exchange and the United States becomes good The past administration which becomes
                                      • 什么样的大陆造船,火炮的工作路线和冲绳有钱,所以我们吃奶下降 Work doing to the shipbuilder of the mainland because the money does not fall to Okinawa it did not become the persuasion material

                                    • 前美国中央情报局顾问,大的政治科学家紧急建议“,以取代美国普天间设施不需要!需求,日本已接近绝对统一,”一)董事查默斯约翰逊专访日本政策研究所(JPRI呻/ ow.ly / 1HM8c“普天间基地的最大的原因为存在的情况是,美国军方内部,他们争议的空军嘉手纳空军联队的领土,海军陆战队普天间空军联队
                                      Great political scholar of former CIA advisor emergency proposition As for the substitution facility of the Futenma base there is no necessity “in the US military! Japan uniting, requests unconditional closing” Monopoly interview Charlmarz Johnson The Japanese policy laboratory (JPRI) chief http: //ow.ly/1HM8c “As for largest existence reason of Futenma base circumstance of the US military inside, In other words the dispute over territorial claims of Futenma's Marine Air Wing and Kadena air force Air Wing

                                      • 北泽しろHanayo队长鸠山和匍匐胡子!北泽,特别是在约的结果你的胡子回答这个可怕诅咒的船长!我病机゙
                                        As for Hatoyama and Kitazawa in captain of mustache kneeling on the ground margin! As for especially Kitazawa, abusive language being engaged in the captain of the mustache awfully in the reply Whether the result this! The [mashi] ゙ [mu] the [wa] which is attached

                                        • 升升 7津市Ð(ヽ, 升! l l ni 7 tsu REPT l
                                          • 奇恩奇恩〃☆∧☆ ∧ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ヽ ( ·∀·) 玛达广泛〜? ⊂⊂ ) ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ °: 红薯。 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Chin Chin ∧ ∧ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT 92 92 ∀ lt Concept mada 92 ⊂ ⊂ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Sweet potato ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                                        • 哈希鸠山首相的人愚蠢打破任何民主党人在选举中最差的有史以来最严重的谁不觉得有什么异常,我认为人的选举抱怨如何结束并不驱赶下辞职或昆虫,包括内务,在未来溃疡,只会使这个狗屎命中击败党! As for Hatoyama how the citizen thinking dissatisfied the abnormal person who nothing is felt Even in Prime Minister successive lowest foolish man in history It breaks down the Democratic party with all elections only drives to resignation As for end you make be defeated with next term Lower House election only Smash up this kuso political party

                                          • 因此,如果一个分发无论再“王子。Tasemashita水果”你似乎是一个好 1 If what it can disperse regardless from the calling which probably will be bitten with that “Public It could carry out” that you call so the shelf
                                            • 因此,如果一个分发无论再“王子。Tasemashita水果”你似乎是一个好 1 If what it can disperse regardless from the calling which probably will be bitten with that “Public It could carry out” that you call so the shelf

                                          • 在一些培训转移到德之岛还在“县”药膏。我认为,这样的肚子,发挥 Even then with part moving of the training to Tokunoshima grease “outside prefecture” That it carried out the stomach no shelf which it quibbles
                                            • 10月4日 德朗死亡,而being ll收获贝类德之岛办事处工作人员30 10 04 30 Being drowned on the midst when the Tokunoshima town hall staff has taken the shellfish you die

                                          • 在一定程度上的海底打桩埋地位需要我,因为我要发言平均桩
                                            In order to strike the post, there is also a seabed surface equal, you must be, because Even piling reclamation is needed

                                            • 在冲绳,“有些事情是要承担在冲绳的谎言,说了,”鸠山驱动tTA?等我不是大多数的部分( ·ω· ) In addition with Okinawa as for Hatoyama that “it becomes to have bearing in part and Okinawa” lie it was attached There is no part and it is the te majority don t you think the Ω
                                              • “冲绳”停止梅辛左右,我会说我是谁不相信你的宝贵,门嗬!“我认为绝对不可能给 ” Okinawa “acts playfully the te me thing someone who is said believes you have applied is the door hoe ” You think that it is unreasonable but it is

                                            • 在紧急案件,我不我用我的直升机运送人员物资县567但他显然是希望未来恩戴普天间飞行直升机,培训的大部分,因为它不使群岛北部和冲绳基地的直升机苏的问题,是不是在名护市移动 567 The helicopter how you do not use in transport of the goods staff inside the prefecture If the helicopter flies to Futenma excuse to put out the time of emergency as for large portion of training with the north section and the remote island Therefore the reason which it does base of the helicopter unit there is no problem in moving to the side field old of this Simauti s Okinawa
                                              • 这证明出来的嘉手纳的合并建议时,普天间Tteta说保持在紧急情况下使用WWW的基地 When Kadena integrated plan appears in the evidence as for Futenma The case of emergency you say www that it continues in order to use for the base

                                            • 大麻烦(他们)唯一的大鼠(Zanmeidou要(对)上皮基象征)意义:在一个相当响亮的茂木是更大的前触手,即使实际效果小
                                              Now then Oyama rumble (it has done and) one mouse (is it is the niece how (doing,) mouse, [tsu] [pi] coming) Mind Taste: The noise of harbinger is large, the comparatively, actual result being small even if

                                              • 如果我新我陪同强制收购的理由,甚至周围鹿儿岛县鸟取大型综合性训练和空中大面积占用土地,海洋,那也许是因为桩Tteta
                                                Occupies the immense territory of the Mutumi sky the enormous joint exercises place which Accompanying forcing expropriation even around the Tottori or Kagoshima mainland, being newly founded, the cod, You say perhaps well

                                                • 尽管限制在普天间,冲绳县太精致的军队不能提供一个很好的替代财产在其他位置大
                                                  Not just around Futenma, as for Okinawa position being too exquisite militarily, with the other metropolis and districts the super superior object which cannot offer large substitution

                                                  • 帝国总部宣布!自卫队士兵在这南部帝国的曙光。在岛内,非法占领。居民打击叛乱分子和国家Itareri /
                                                    Imperial Headquarters announcement! As for this early dawn empire Self Defense Force troop south. In on Kotou, illegal occupying. In inhabitant resistant power and aggressive state Reach the [ri]/

                                                    • 当然我想车队必要的,“运营商有能力陆上基地和”同等数量的东西我永远不会住嘎!
                                                      Of course, the Fleet Escort Force however it probably is indispensable, “the aircraft carrier where has the ability just of the same as the overland base” how it does, don't you think? it is the [ge] - the substitute?

                                                      • 我不知道马特从计价Terasu我会回来的家普天间,冲绳是好的占领了我不反对任何尚存在普天间 Therefore where opposite what that way it is possible to Futenma to be continuance It is occupied returning to Okinawa Futenma because the residential how building and others it does mazu it is to be probably will be

                                                        • 我们陷入了他们,而不是言辞65,理索纳只是牵强附会的措辞是自民党在计算,到一个负
                                                          65 捕 And others cracking in oratory, rather than calling the [ru], Simply, we would like to do the Liberal Democratic Party denial, but for the sake of it just strained in oratory the [so

                                                          • 我只是做工程,在越南出售核武器的核材料,如果你没有它去,中国是舔元
                                                            If China licking you do making the nuclear weapon of the nuclear matter pulling out in Vietnam, selling, it is

                                                            • 接受输入一个临时培训地点在德之岛,我只是一个受害者,增加而不是减少对冲绳的负担,但?
                                                              That Tokunoshima accepted the training place temporarily, assuming Instead of Okinawa reduction of incidence the victim it just increased simply?

                                                              • 无核三原则』防御系统,以保护来自日本的核威胁
                                                                'Denuclearization three principle' The defensive system which protects Japan from threat of the nucleus

                                                                • 有没有解决办法,而是要一个转运站将提高到冲绳岛附近的海床
                                                                  Rising the seabed with the Okinawa adjacent waters, there is no solution method of making the island and should move the base

                                                                  • 梅塔说我坏话,地面东京系埃塔女儿居住,他们呼吁全更改为最新的首相官邸在352泡菜洗衣机
                                                                    352 The washer was changed into up-to-date ones at the prime minister official residence The kim chee it called in the official residence where the wife is wide Tokyo University manufacture department was looked down upon in area

                                                                    • 正如我在长崎第三杆击败了民主党州长报复(第一公路停止扩大,而第二阶段烧毁决定谏早湾填海工程一直反对长崎)
                                                                      Retaliatory third the Democratic party is crushed with nomarch selection as feature don't you think? (First as for feature the Nagasaki highway enlargement discontinuance, second as for step the Isahaya bay reclamation business opening gate decision to which Nagasaki prefecture is opposite)

                                                                      • 民主党有很大的麻烦Ttena孤大鼠被剥夺朱达罗过去的建筑方法和白痴说话桩包括Muna ll对接问题,但冲绳首脑过于半生不熟的知识和同情冲绳问题名称
                                                                        And the [ro] which is the construction method where also piling system past was denied Oyama rumbling, the murine one [tsu] [te] The Democratic party [name] passes Okinawa problem and is Meddles in Okinawa problem in superficial knowledge and sympathy the fool

                                                                        • 濒死体验酒会09胜利要求税务花田先生/ 08 / 29独立核数师的鸠山,09阳性,死于心脏衰竭花田悫表示大多数税收的贡献所知道死者用尽/ 08 / 30日大选,民主党09 / 10 /财务大臣中川昭一Hazime在家中逝世刺耳美雪成员特定伐丽流鹰派言论核和讨论武器在山上那一天死宫内厅一直反对向主韩国大张伯伦的皇帝04
                                                                          Also the flower rice field person of the licensed tax accountant calling, holding coffee hour 09/08/29 The Hatoyama independent auditor, most you know deceased donation and the licensed tax accountant flower rice field sequential righteousness which is exhausted being heart failure, you die 09/08/30 The House of Representatives selection, the Democratic party large victory 09/10/04 It opposes to Korean Miyuki of His Majesty the Emperor Secretary Imperial Household Agency Sikibu while scaling a mountain the death The same day Former financial affairs Minister of State Nakagawa who is in special [a] hawks Assemblyman who such as nuclear armament argument speech dislikes dies at the home

                                                                          • 牛还要机场费,海军陆战队建设的住房,我们也购买商品在德州德之岛,全系统备份协会医疗
                                                                            You pay also landing fee and, Also the Marines that for dormitory construction and goods purchase do by way of Tokunoshima, As for medical system virtue state meeting extensive backup

                                                                            • 玛拉町村信孝否认了五角大楼举行会谈的问题,如果在2005年合改组为北海道苫小牧的候选人接近,东部在1996年迁移普天间827 824
                                                                              824 827 Examining the Hokkaido Tomakomai east in 1996 as a candidacy area ahead Futenma's relocating The Department of Defense inquired with reorganization conference 2005, but town village foreign minister denies

                                                                              • 由于我心里有一个计划“, 5个月后 的病人,”医生,我是接近6个月的时间,我不明白或治愈了吗?“鲁皮医院圣说:”我刚刚通过审查我想,你不知道你的病药物好像我 Because there is a concept in me ” lt 5 months later gt Patient “teacher half year gets near gradually it is but as for cure it is not found yet it is ” The saintly rupi hospital “just a little it tried inspecting recently it is but there is no specific medicine for your sickness it seems it is
                                                                                • 我要心里有一个计划,“月 后5 病人,”医生,我很接近半年的时间,治疗或我不知道呢?“医院鲁皮圣”最近我尝试了所有音,对这种疾病的药物,我不知道像你似乎是 Because there is a concept in me ” lt 5 months later gt Patient “teacher half year gets near gradually it is but as for cure it is not found yet it is ” The saintly rupi hospital “just a little it tried inspecting recently it is but there is no specific medicine for your sickness it seems it is

                                                                              • 的确,像民主党人去了无能表现的普天间空军基地嘉手纳空军基地,营桑江:全额退款瓦特目前的计划,名护市的设施和民主党鸠山以南05与回报
                                                                                The trade fair like Democratic party w of truth and disabled If Hatoyama and the Democratic party make side field old current plan and solve, Futenma return and the Kadena airport from here together 5 facilities the south, Camp mulberry tree river: Extensively return

                                                                                • 直升机德之岛★“移动”放弃总理,普天间迁移普天间没有问题,我是方向,一分钟你放弃德之岛的一部分,政府搬迁的海军陆战队航空站,鹿儿岛县 To the helicopter unit “transfer of facilities” abandonment to Tokunoshima Prime minister with Futenma transfer of facilities Futenma with problem the direction where government gives up the part transfer of facilities of the Marine air base to the Kagoshima prefecture Tokunoshima It understood that it becomes
                                                                                  • “冲绳(家伙,Tteta做或者说我有一个威慑别)Louppy”不伴随着它,请你明白,所有的现状,包括普天间基地 ” Okinawa it is dense deterrent became the do with says as for the do it is … Attendant upon rupi “that Futenma all base where it includes becomes maintenance of the status quo but please understand

                                                                                • 相信不久的冲绳美中军事自助餐从这些岛屿很喜欢我在喊我是博爱敏 minsu shouting friendship between the ru China being less crowded at will has done with the Okinawa adjacent waters therefore it is It is possible to the 尖 official building archipelago to be the US military
                                                                                  • 茹也难以规划出一条船的友谊我想如果我没有听到有人最近 Don t you think recently it stopped hearing Friendship boat conception … Being remembered it is troubled but…

                                                                                • 看台上充满了陷阱鸽子山说,为什么中国出来说天宁岛我Guamuta我会从零基 As for the pigeon mountain being with zero based tsu levers Guam is from the ru Tinian came out but You do not call China with something it is
                                                                                  • 看台上充满了陷阱,鸠山说,中国是我为什么来到Guamuta从天宁岛我会说,零基 As for Hatoyama being with zero based tsu levers Guam is from the ru Tinian came out but You do not call China with something it is

                                                                                • 祖巴在早上德之岛今天上午说,他说:“训练场搬迁,”我说没有?
                                                                                  Now with morning [zuba] of morning To Tokunoshima “transfer of facilities plan of the training ground” the [tsu] [ke] which was not said?

                                                                                  • 等,但来自越南的球员大多已在普天间基地附近的居民生活无论如何,我
                                                                                    How, the party who is crossed over from after almost produces from the inhabitant how base around [se] Futenma,

                                                                                    • 美国,台湾,可能是我看到了中国有史以来第一次走到一起事件
                                                                                      First occurrence in the how history where America, Taiwan and China agree unite sees, whether the [re] [ru

                                                                                      • 羽田扩张是在人前原诚司宣布自豪,是的,这是与前政府不同!如果媒体报道和捏造的差异,我们不是明智之举! “我呼吁井 Maehara had announced the Haneda expansion proudly but that is different from front administration it is Different from mass communications fabrication reporting we are wise ” With tsu te spirit
                                                                                        • 羽田扩张是在人前原诚司宣布自豪,这是来自前政府的谈判结果 Maehara had announced the Haneda expansion proudly but that is different from front administration it is Different from mass communications fabrication reporting we are wise ” With tsu te spirit

                                                                                      • 自由民主党在民意调查中,但也媒体,“也许数组也是自由民主党更加生病,”你真的不得不说,我也听到古耳 “The mass communications and our people when our people the are causing brick become democracy calling yabai more” in political party support ratio The ear which you hear in the habit which it did not have
                                                                                        • 我有“阿莱也许连自由民主党更加生病,”你真的不得不说,我也听到古耳 We “when also our people the are causing brick become democracy calling yabai more” The ear which you hear in the habit which it did not have
                                                                                        • 民主不仅是像自来水和更不用担心溢出于该民调媒体自由民主党也 “The mass communications and our people when our people the are causing brick become democracy calling yabai more” in political party support ratio The ear which you hear in the habit which it did not have

                                                                                      • 说出来,使合作外交总统干犯问题的,但它使每一个政治打击,国会,我踩了老人的足迹,是我自己的眼睛落在柏迪邪恶Eligh Bringing up command right dried offense problem cooperation diplomacy giving shock to parliamentary government Every disaster befalling by himself the pop who is in the erai eye With stepping on the same wheel track the ru

                                                                                        • 请给国防部的,因为他们认为日本自卫队可以在一个给定有时 下降到202顶部的恐惧这种“可怕的,”我很紧张和尖叫 202 Because also the Self Defense Force thing which can place such a in the top to be necessary sometimes please remembering… “It is fearful” from the defensive ministry that scream the a the tsu you take

                                                                                          • 这不是商业,政策572外资,因为我不上当瓦特朱达罗选举作弊,甚至在国家莫纳伊 572 Trade transaction or it is not diplomacy therefore it is w The ro which it deceives it is deceived is not with national election and is

                                                                                            • 这位老人的国防和外交事务Tokudane寺岛今日,免费高速或者什么山崎,休养度假分散总裁星野,他是所谓的权利,生产低聚糖鸠山平田
                                                                                              As for diplomacy defense pop of present [tokudane] and temple island, as for high-speed no charge Yamazaki somehow, The president of the Hoshino resort says holiday decentralization and Hatoyama produce Hirata oligosaccharide The [ro] which is the person…

                                                                                              • 这方面,无论在本地和叔叔,他们是在未经消毒的免疫生活恩戴
                                                                                                The old boy of that and the nodule has lived is with there is no tolerance in aseptic condition

                                                                                                • 这是危险的401只本地居民,搬迁机场是世界上最危险和减轻冲绳的负担,但我觉得它的同义词驱动tTA
                                                                                                  401 For the local resident therefore dangerous what, Okinawa reduction of incidence and transfer of facilities of the greatest in the world dangerous airport, when it is synonymous You thought, but it is

                                                                                                  • 这种情况的问题有关“尽快”,尽可能消除风险的基地普天间机场的出发点是什么?你是不是要扔掉无限期地继续普天间差风险
                                                                                                    Generally “the rapid removal of danger of this matter situation Futenma base” probably is the starting position? Futenma's danger it is the case that the lower handrail [ya] permanently it continues

                                                                                                    • 阅读:Zanmeidou想(至)去灰色皮基溶液理论:大山响的声音,但一直摇摆运动,它出来它是一个匆匆一动物就是老鼠的意思 Reading Seeing Now then it is it is the niece how doing the mouse to be the tsu pi coming Solution Theory Although the big mountains echoed shook being flurried as for coming out the mind that one mouse was
                                                                                                      • 箴言拉丁词,“有趣和新鲜Dzui Mareru产気这个小山上已经冢根”来自 Latin proverb “the mountains beginning labor humor the handle mouse is born one” it is derived

                                                                                                    • 附表五木不相信进步,鸠山Ttena恩戴?它甚至还没有完全同意撕毁Zatonano不是地方?这是什么?甜蜜是你吗?我开了私人公司? The reason which with Hatoyama prime minister tsu te something advances thing with the idea Even agreement of local end at all it does not come off it is not Purposely being Being what Presuming the ru If private enterprise it is the neck

                                                                                                      • 随机选择信息将提交给你可爱的偶像550人提出,绝对没有想好了错误的选择 550 When choosing when the information which is given is random making a mistake in selection it is helpless that you think it is
                                                                                                        • 我解释说我是可怕的例子很容易理解古先生石破茂550 NULL

                                                                                                      • 鸠山与那国岛的永久居留家石垣保安部的海上自卫队和航空机队的马迁246。驻地瓦特

                                                                                                        • 鸠山大脑西西西西西西西西A或瓦特西西西西西西西西 Hatoyama brain w w w w ma w w w w a w w w w w w w w w
                                                                                                          • “乘客”我该怎么办?驼峰或此跳呢?退货或拉苏?“鸠山”的想法计划 ” The passenger “it is intention what which how is done Flying this way Turning back ” There is a Hatoyama “concept
                                                                                                          • “乘客”所以我要作出决定,对!“细节鸠山的故事”显示这里是不是应用程序 ” Therefore the passenger “ it is air what which how conclusion it can point ” It is not the story which is said Hatoyama “here
                                                                                                          • “乘客”试点ー体面,否则不?“鸠山”Torasutomi ” In passenger “other things as for the honest pilot without being ” “Truss Tommy Hatoyama
                                                                                                          • “乘客”,而我将燃料无辜的思维,“鸠山”定居前的燃料是免费Kunaru ” The passenger “thinking the fuel it is gone between the ru ” Before the Hatoyama “fuel is gone conclusion be sure to make
                                                                                                          • 垫西西西西西西西西A或瓦特西西西西西西西西 za w w w w ma w w w w a w w w w w w w w w
                                                                                                          • 阿苏没有可爱偶像信任在弹出的傻瓜鸠山不明白它在选择 Non confidence is put out to Aso Hatoyama is chosen At the point in time when this does not understand aho
                                                                                                          • 鸠山Zanmaa wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww The Hatoyama za it is well wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                                          • 鸠山是多远的“政治”不爆裂或与之相关的,我很好的证明 Hatoyama until now how did not relate to “politics” the wa which it proves beautifully and takes

                                                                                                        • , 有限公司在二ヽ。 古⌒: Ÿ :。金 ) ( ∠ lt i me 92 re lt No rire r so do re ichi xV V lt to z ri to z ri N ri The Soviet Union i xx UMLAT l UMLAT x 从 込 ha ∧ 厶 92 REPT r ku ∧ REPT lt yu tsu coming ganbatsu gt mi lt REPT II o i re ku 92 ¯ hu two REPT ri ⌒ ku 92 i 厶 ┤ REPT 厶
                                                                                                          • NULL ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT 92 92 ino ∠ lt i me 92 re lt No rire r so do re ichi xV V lt to z ri to z ri N ri The Soviet Union i xx UMLAT UMLAT x 从 込 ha ∧ 厶 92 REPT r ku ∧ REPT lt yu tsu coming ganbatsu gt mi lt REPT i re ku 92 ¯ hu two REPT ri ⌒ ku 92 i 厶 ┤ REPT 厶
                                                                                                          • 。 。 2个D女 升 。 〜 。 徐 。( ∠资源 Ð he two ni 7 ⌒ ¯ ⌒ ¯ SIME ⌒ ni ∧ II o i Quaint no ≠ sono HKRPT ─ ゙ ─ ゙ l The Soviet Union ri ∠ 92 ni
                                                                                                          • 升升 , ─ ヽ┐── 熙制度ヽ ─ ° ° ¯周一姬 布鲁诺 布鲁诺布鲁诺 布尔诺 布尔诺00如果L l l ∠ HKDRT HKRPT REPT ≡ l l Two ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ └ ┘ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT No no 92 92 ∧ ∧ ∧ MMMM ∧ ∧ ∧ gt lt ─ ─ ─ ┐ REPT REPT mu hi 92 ─ ¯ ¯ ¯ Month hi No 92 no no 92 No 92 No The L it is o o

                                                                                                        • ,我想举例鸠山harakiri,而是仅仅平原错过 If so as for Hatoyama that you think whether it cuts the stomach so is not the plain just becomes sacrifice

                                                                                                          研究 開発