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Kiyoshi Nakahata of the House of Councillors selection original giant troop rises runs from Japan


  • 405号,真的 爱国者比』』叛国从会制造分歧, 叛国』勇气(勇气信息不仅但)知觉自由贸易区出民主党没有选择,只能拉合嘿,你必须做的 405 Well because by any means treason vs patriotism becomes the opposition axis Isamu of treason it is wretched Isamu but the Democratic party being put out to the inquiry there is no manner it is it is not the combining e
    • 事实上,即使没有很多人绝大多数是保守嘿伐丽流处理,或者如果它从这些左倾趋势的叛国罪,犹如尘埃质量创新 Actually the person of maintenance is more preponderantly although it is the expectation where with the mass rubbish just reformation rather than treason sayoku Like whether it is trend of because it is handled

  • 481?韩国人入籍谁是不友好吴水龙头是不是?如果你〜,甚至假冒温和声明 481 Someone the naturalized Korean being hit even is NG To be speech fabrication in about extent
    • 481?韩国人入籍谁是不友好吴水龙头是不是?如果你〜,甚至假缓和 481 Someone the naturalized Korean being hit even is NG To be speech fabrication in about extent
    • 乌鸦有一点自鸣得意的,但具体颂你说我做了481 Entering into rapture with the crow however it is good speaks fabricates 481 How being chiyon peculiar it does the yo

  • 834“很可能党联盟与民主党的”不支持可持续的,公正的,因为它们不是唯一剩下的共产主义 834 “Perhaps also the Democratic party coalesces ” that you just say it cannot support if The party which it can support remains only Japan Communist Party
    • 我有258,中曾根康弘的派系和联盟的集体荣誉感与合作做小泽 258 It does not become the pasteboard dump as for Dalian nice putting out Nakasone has cooperated with Ozawa

  • 94桥本是一位律师,都跑从东到学习Nakahata和直上到大学,都是关于政治的,不是吗? 94 The attorney to put out under the bridge after until the university reentering studying east it ran as a candidate As for Nakahata the ro which at all is so far concerning politics
    • 政治家可以运行粗心的人将被限制或通过国家考试驱动tTA To some extent Being able to run as a candidate to the politician state examination limits to the human whom it passed It should melt

  • Nakahata不是一流的,但至少军方说棒球一个专业人士,我紧张的棒球男子从正常的世界人民的最 Nakahata however it was not the super top rank at least calls 1 troops of the professional baseball in the world where it is apex of the baseball person It is the man who stretches the regular
    • 什么流行的食物和生田377棒球,那里没有足够的洞察力乞讨 377 It could keep eating with baseball popularity and the sufficient you see and do not do the tsu accompanying imitation The ro it had also discernment

  • Nakahata先生已与巨人队教练长岛茂雄所著Hazime他们咨询获得周二回答“,并表示天空
    Nakahata has consulted Nagasima Sigeo original giant director and others, the reply is received on the 11th”, that you expressed

    • Nakahata先生,我们于1976年加入巨人队和雅典奥运会的工作作为一个内野手在2004年到疾病进行的代表国家棒球教练长岛茂雄所著的不好,被介绍给了铜牌
      Nakahata in 1976 to join an organization in Giants, participate as a infielder, Athens 2004 With the Olympics in place of the Nagasima Sigeo director of the baseball Japanese representation which collapses in the illness direction the execution [ri], It led to the copper medal

      • Nakahata当教练在做,但我预计,该公司销售包括驱动tTA线数据分析系统,Nakahata,“如果我打我的电脑硬盘Shinee击中!”我说,野现已返回驱赶 Nakahata does the coach the time the system of data analysis it went to sale The company met but it is as for Nakahata When it can strike hit “with the personal computer hardship die to obtain ” With saying it repelled roughly
        • 日本国家队主教练,但为什么发挥,而不是一个历史数据分析小组,剩下的就是她出席打气Bakabon Therefore although it is the Japanese representation coach past of the opposition team data analysis compared to it was to put out spirit to woman foolish Bonn support

      • Netouyo ve得到一个在这样的候选人主张,而且贫穷
        You must protect even with such a political party and the candidate, as for [netouyo] the yes 哀 thought shelf

        • Tachiagare投票,即使代理商打入如何联邦调查局逮捕时,并开始?
          How the operative hitting, rise, vote enters The arrest play of FBI starts gradually?

          • Wati,大辅诚记,桑田真澄米宫本布挂名册上的候选人将规划为未来债务名册地位问题下Garimasuta板栗
            The candidate roster which ahead this is planned Miyamoto Wachi Motoki large mediating/helping Masumi Kuwata As for the Kakehu elegance 之 because of debt problem roster ranking goes down the chestnut, it is

            • “日本Tachiagare”是真实的,如果它是保持其领先彻平沼,石油忠鸿池,田母神,城堡,中山彰茂,中山恭子,爱国者将耀西损坏,如儿童和最大限度地聚集樱井至 If “rise you have persisted Japan” in the genuineness maintenance which designates Hiranuma as the leader Even if Yositada Kounoike inside Tamogami and castle Sigeaki Nakayama Kiyouko Nakayama and Sakurai child etc beginning The national loyal retainer will assemble and large transformed probably will be
              • 如果你有一个领导者,真正维护耀西彻平沼,石油忠鸿池,田母神,城堡,中山彰茂,中山恭子,一个爱国者,但其他损坏,并最大限度地发挥儿童和聚集樱井 If you have persisted in the genuineness maintenance which designates Hiranuma as the leader Yositada Kounoike inside Tamogami and the castle Even if Sigeaki Nakayama Kiyouko Nakayama and Sakurai although the national loyal retainer assembled the child etc including large transformed

            • ★日本Tachiagare,日本派出Tachiagare党的夏天决定的巨人棒球评论员Nakahata清的议员比例代表制从众议院选举中,在比例代表制选举夏天,先生Nakahata清棒球棒球评论员的前读卖巨人(56)我显然被确定为梅塔派出由
              * Rise in proportion representation of the House of Councillors selection of Japan and summer with the original giant baseball commentator Nakahata It is clear supporting decision of the person The new party rises Japan, in proportion representation of Upper House election of summer, professional baseball original Yomiuri In Giants baseball commentator Nakahata It is clear the person (56) to decide supporting, clearly It became

              • 。 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° 。 。 ° 升ヽ ,,ヽ(人) ヽ ヽ))(( 。(( ))ヽ ヽ 布鲁诺布鲁诺 ヽ。 ( 人 ) ヽ ヽ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 no REPT REPT mi REPT mi REPT REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ l No No 92 l REPT REPT Person REPT 92 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 No No REPT human 92 REPT 92 REPT

                • 一个世界上的形象,该名男子,因为他们想向未成年人困惑451,不原人民的感觉是小家碧玉型的精英确实巨人受欢迎,我 451 Because there is the image of Kurounin who climbs from 2 troops Surely you say that the field of elite type of the feeling giant offends to the nose Popularity met to the person whether it is not that

                  • 与谢野馨表示,所谓的先生园田战犯所规定的长期的反对保守派和自由派一定Fujii先生,如果这不是云
                    Yosano produces generally known A section war crime combination 祀 group of objectors, As for Sonoda liberal group Also Fujii is difficult to say maintenance always

                    • 东京大学毕业,舛添Louppy 169,主席邦夫,一个人即使没有政治方向,他们不介意你的吻好看看这些家伙知道
                      169 Kunio of Tokyo University soldier/finishing [rupi] and Masuzoe and the head, and others it is dense seeing, the [re] The head being good, as for the person who is not faced to politics being it is understood

                      • 东京第一定律约32年毕业,我希望你们出好看在一个陌生的吸引力
                        First, about the Tokyo University method department soldier/finishing 32 year old, being the figure graceful, although when it should have produced the human who has strange charm

                        • 仍然不明朗初期只有益力多玩家进入其总部的意图的 As for certain early time Yakult Just the player did not enter with intention of the head office
                          • 仍然不明朗初期只有益力多玩家进入其总部的意图的 As for certain early time Yakult Just the player did not enter with intention of the head office

                        • 以Nakahata 40很容易就“津Tachiagareeeeeeeee!”去是在吼,Kayou
                          40 That in Nakahata “[tachiagareeeeeeeeetsu]! ! ” With the intention of making shout it commutes

                          • 作为一个研究谁成为政治家和男子94谁是律师熟悉法律 94 Therefore the human who was studied because you become the human and the politician who are well versed to law with former attorney
                            • 先生Nakahata不是頑張娜驹泽大学,是要帮助一个政治家! Becoming the politician we want supporting the scene 澤 university Persevering Nakahata

                          • 共有职业棒球球员协会最初。也有人说是附属于中性 At the beginning professional baseball player meeting entire You say that it enters into affiliation There was also a story but now neutrality
                            • 共有职业棒球球员协会最初。也有人说是附属于中性 At the beginning professional baseball player meeting entire You say that it enters into affiliation There was also a story but now neutrality

                          • 前大。 Nakahata Hazime Nabetsune绝望的女儿,国王巨人巨人巨人石井Hazime Horiuti Hazime瓦特
                            Origin large. Horiuchi Original giant Ishii Original giant Nakahata The daughter of former giant king [nabetsune] desperation w

                            • 即使是这样从棒球弹出,有一个图片我会从棒球傻瓜根什么我打电话Nakahata一个好人或一个小脑袋或古田小宫山瓦特
                              It removes from the sphere boundary doing, Komiyama or Furuta just a little the head appealing person who probably will be bitten putting out, it is dense,… it is Nakahata [tsu] [te] naturally baseball foolish [tsu] [te] image, w

                              • 古田这是一个可怕的,甚至之前出来Nakahata时间的影响从头开始在意识形态的意外一块在整个赛季将有深远无论如何闵雾将推出 This is enormous Furuta how probably is se minsu but Decade whether 遙 coming out of the place where it does not have either the unexpected characteristic fragment in the time when it passes The haze it probably is the ri which is sown before Nakahata s impact
                                • 550 Nakahata前意识的影响,对不对?Chigeー可怕的影响,他们一定会雾滚湿重哎呀,我Nakahata运行真的吗?瓦特 550 gt The haze it probably is the ri which is sown before Nakahata s impact It is enormous certainly but the semantic tend ge of impact the ro ww which is As for the te or Nakahata it runs it is with maji w

                              • 只有当行应该只驱动tTA党的路线沼泽泥船发言者指出的自民党和
                                If the mud boat it relegates the Liberal Democratic Party and keeps coming out Very ahead goes the quagmire new party

                                • 只要保持了十几年的建议长岛和重附表努松冈Syuuzou脚轮和主要奥林匹克日,电视覆盖率在唱跳(切单位在光)进入附近,被认为梅塔船员开始服用站的照片,没有一 Just in order to continue to hint over ten years later of one Shigeru Nagasima who serves the main caster in Olympic reporting of the Japanese television and Matsuoka repair In the ledge of the jump stand finishing to step on the stand near invading not being believed clue of bureau You say that commemoration photographing was begun
                                  • 只是为了保持修理了十几年后显示,学生获得梁乙子Nakahata这个世界 Just in order to continue to hint over ten years later of repair receives raw to this world otoko Nakahata… who

                                • 后乐趣雅Kunaru担Huruta淳茂木幸雄鬼怒川或自民党现
                                  When the Liberal Democratic Party produces to shoulder Atuya canopy lucky occurrence male or Furuta, it becomes funny now

                                  • 听起来好像我还早,挂在老家伙凯塔和溃疡真正的民主国家最终 As we it does also the quick air but the party where the country is old more and more being serious democracy it caught to crushing
                                    • 他们不是政治不感兴趣的是474行,甚至投票 474 The party who does not have interest in politics does not go to even… poll

                                  • 哈纳Horiuti因为皇帝称号,虽然是晚上或w恩戴停业,发挥彻夜,赛马不相
                                    Because Horiuchi is a designation of the monarch of the night, w Overnight playing, blockade it melts, there is no dignity

                                    • 唯一的日本共产党和党的宗教协会和监管的趋势和W其余作为观察员日本人都开玩笑
                                      The only, as for the Japanese Japan Communist Party as an observer leaving Trend of no [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] Japanese party and religion association supervision and w

                                      • 因此,不要只是棒球,但951柔道?柔道 政治自1000年,它走出了民主茹在“谷和原议员线”也继续服现役的,将陆续装备菱谷亲切地称为 05 10 951 There is no just baseball and also the judo so is but sure which comes out of democracy to question oh because 1000 you said well the valley Riyouko player who knows with term of endearment “of yawara ” to supporting Active continuation focus 05 10
                                        • 自1000年,它走出了在谷和原茹民主线,我来了这里!这是首要〜瓦特 sure where yawara comes out of democracy to question oh because 1000 you said well this the ze which tries coming Rising don t you think w

                                      • 在政治思想和Nakahata堀内或者不同?我是个混蛋第一Karanai w ll要頑張但保守的,这样的检查,如果我说好厄运,民主党将有做什么好事的不够好 As for difference of Horiuchi s and Nakahata s political belief It is it is first you do not drive or w However we want persevering in conservative system such how … Well democracy collapses if it is even if as for the present with that if with it does not do
                                        • 声誉不谈,如果你似合堀内更可能死于中心的核心数量的支持者开始在当地的老人和自由民主党是不宽调Nakahata稀释剂 As for reputation of anyhow thin Nakahata wide degree of distinction in our people The core bearing stratum having in the aged person and the local center so Horiuchi how to blight matching

                                      • 在正常皮肤感觉“外国人普选吗?瓦的,日本是不是日本日本人在吗?”我觉得他们已经好这个字的形状 Normally in skin feeling “foreign carrot administration w Well there is no Japanese with resident it does resident the yo ” Like this if you can say also the air which is good being that did

                                        • 在竞选演说和省长运行眼泪如果当选德满这绝对是377长岛
                                          377 When Nagasima runs as a candidate capital governor, don't you think? it is election secure Tokumitu the tear supporting lecturing

                                          • 如果他们成为平沼和与谢野馨说件,比574立法者保持益子辉彦。给我,我想我还没有调整到不吃饭,舛添新井浩之合新党。
                                            574 Hiranuma and Yosano you say and rather than if scene of the appearance, designating increase child Teruhiko as the Assemblyman, [mashi]. In order Arai wide of the Masuzoe new party 之 with not to fight, you think that it could have adjusting.

                                            • 如果说,我现在站在一个运动员候选人或前从Iromono等专业人才多,我想我梅罗一开始摆脱政治 How you say Therefore such talent or the former professional sport player From the fact that the iromono candidate is raised begin politics which is broken away first depending you think

                                              • 如果采取什么层次年轻的支持者将是民主,如果它是好的,但我们爷爷来有趣的是地狱说Horiemon你猜怎么着?
                                                For the layer whose democracy support is young what you say is, probably will be When about [horiemon] comes, although it becomes the funny scared [te] Grandfathers all right?

                                                • 巨人棒球比赛转播Daaaaaa! !北希腊海地候选人择捉冲绳 Giant OB baseball conference daaaaaa Candidacy area Okinawa North Korea Greece Haiti 択 捉 island

                                                  • 张楠是一个Janakatta客人从广播的一天Utchannanchan“接球手正通缉一开始数,数起袭击是为了抗议,要求最终的球,但所采取的投手是我想做的事,“解释Nakahata和 In nanchiyan of utsuchiyannanchiyan which is the relay guest of that day “Result three swings now for the catcher to stand up however you took Because the ball which it requires it was not in the pitcher in sense of protest You stood up it is” that Nakahata explains
                                                    • 巨人队的投手,当我是一个巨人的游戏评论,Nakahata一天(斋藤正树,可能已经)一个良好的开端捕手人数掴目前我没有任何偏见,当球击中驱动tTA剥夺驱动tTA You explain the giant game of the day when it has Nakahata the time thing When the pitcher of the giant the kana which is the Saito elegance tree taking three swings The instantaneous spirit where the catcher grasps that ball you stood up well

                                                  • 当然-欠-萃取: -关键字-来自日本打破由Kiyoshi Nakahata运行前巨人Tachiagare选举:如何找到最佳状态:多字(或)少提取:11
                                                    Object [sure]: House of Councillors selection Kiyoshi Nakahata of the original giant troop rises runs from Japan Keyword: The best condition Search method: Multiple word (OR) Extraction less number: 11

                                                    • 很受欢迎,但其性能更好的365堀内我的意思是,它的把戏,Nakahata呢?那么不仅畅销选举人票Nakahata,豌豆,但我说我觉得有点366筱冢我不认为他们是如此受欢迎的形象,使我 365 But Horiuchi s one the result considerably on Popularity how probably is what Nakahata there is no upper something Because well vote of election there is no reason which enters with just popularity However say it is at all 366 The trap which is the Sinozuka tsu te feeling As for Nakahata popularity preceding type tsu te image
                                                      • 读卖巨人队的生活和如何投票候选人,自民党Toriatsu堀内民主,但坏瓦特苏 Although democracy is pushed down To take Horiuchi and giant Yomiuri vote of the Liberal Democratic Party candidacy how it does it is w

                                                    • 德鲁非常高的期望,为第三收集双方没有在无党派选民的支持tive Then either both parties could not gather the support of non party layer and expectation increased to tripolar
                                                      • 德鲁非常高的期望,为第三收集双方没有在无党派选民的支持tive Then either both parties could not gather the support of non party layer and expectation increased to tripolar

                                                    • 志位是难以运行茹选人喜欢留在身后的存储和提取家庭泉节子石田Zyuniti Chizuru东名人最有可能竞选
                                                      The work expert may run in House of Councillors selection,… East [chi] [zu] [ru] Junichi Ishida Izumi paragraph child parent and child Because the kind of person who stays in the inner part of the inner part of the drawer of memory runs it is difficult

                                                      • 我一直认为只有一个更为什么工人投票政治详谈Yakiu
                                                        And it comes and the political world entering [te] of the [u] how it probably is what If in about only the vote necessary personnel however it is with you think

                                                        • 我们甚至指称的联盟,小可疑。无关联的选民是绝对不支持决心推翻
                                                          Even doubt of large alliance to be doubted, small. It does not support the non party layer which determines overthrow no matter what

                                                          • 我只包括上院寺赶出棒球寄生虫[瓦特]和和重Nakahata清比索线只有] [ - ]一个伟大的指挥官和Nakahata清原辰
                                                            House of Councillors dashes, temple or w Kiyoshi one Shigeru and Nakahata Kiyoshi field Tatunori and Nakahata

                                                            • 我是一个再次当选将结束 我爆你的巨人一个很多球迷投票给白痴 This is elected and it is … aho the giant fan votes in large quantities it is the ro which is ending the ru

                                                              • 我是否还有那双眼睛在说话,赢了福岛选区按比例更诚实?这众议院(即使民主鄂如常见的例子)踢崩溃,但一负100%的根叶,参议院可能会以某种方式 Proportion compared to the one which comes out gently at Fukushima constituency still is a chance don t you think it is with When it is the House of Representatives the democracy popularity which is compared collapsing however 100 it is defeated to the 玄 leaf if House of Councillors how rather so it puts out

                                                                • 我鄙视傻瓜的候选人投票选举只是因为名人,明星候选人否认的手,但没有真正研究呢?你想点?纳鲁死亡的日本?它看起来不错,如果它杀死我頑張样的人我也给我一个很好的梳子日 Therefore famous human candidacy with saying however it scorns aho which throws vote Famous human candidacy it does not deny conversely but it studied truly There are times when we would like to do It can die because of Japan Because it is good with any person persevering with the air which dies it improves Japan
                                                                  • 我鄙视傻瓜只因为我对名人的候选人投票,又被称为吴候选人!我会说他或蔑视 Therefore famous human candidacy with saying however it scorns aho which throws vote Famous human candidacy it does not deny conversely but it studied truly There are times when we would like to do It can die because of Japan Because it is good with any person persevering with the air which dies it improves Japan

                                                                • 拉莫斯还430“的庇护,从日本的多了,”一个奇怪的感觉,但我不出来 430 Also Ramos “stands up the Japanese” empty being present the trap which is not strange feeling

                                                                  • 换言之,“日本Tachiagare”爱国保守路线,反对自由主义经济学自民党。“线”为彻 In other words “rises Japan” in the conservative patriotic route the Liberal Democratic Party “free economic game You should have persisted in the route”
                                                                    • 但民主党更糟非法工会,甚至出来的前线,反卖国社会主义线 But as for the Democratic party with a more terrible illicit union the anti Japanese treason route and even the socialist route appeared in the front

                                                                  • 日本“的燃料卵石上,”这是一个“日本Tachiagare”或者是“咸鱼翻生在日本,”什么时候并不清楚 “Burn up Japan” being “rise Japan” being “Japan which revives” being It stops knowing
                                                                    • 因此Tachiagare日本最大化,只要我们能有真正的保守路线彻 Therefore if rise as for Japan you persist in the genuine conservative route large it could transform probably is

                                                                  • 时代数以万计,他们比我更没有投のり前女主人公仔东张西望夜来自前性别作家Hazime爱
                                                                    Original [kiyabakura] girl Original manners lighter/writer Original meeting paste coming out orator Ornament of original knight scoop Several tens of thousands of time [mashi] shelves than and others it is dense

                                                                    • 明亮的愚蠢派往Okkei棒球古田一箱子天才在这里从土地塞科原田稔彦彦蕊拉莫斯从滑雪到足球
                                                                      From baseball [otsukei] Furuta The Ramos [ru] it is from the soccer, From land Tosihiko Seko From skiing Masahiko Harada It supports the foolish genius where here is bright

                                                                      • 有41个联系和知识)由新进党来你知道你是从44三泽协会(或成员的兰花协会?为什么恢复后的新公明党保守党线,但没有驱动tTA NULL
                                                                        • 你不能忘记三泽淳41 44 41 44 Misawa 淳 not forgetting

                                                                      • 有经济困难,穆索Obiezu邀请所有现在每队教练Nakahata恐惧
                                                                        - It does and with this every team can have is completed in fear of Nakahata director invitation, it is grateful and

                                                                        • 松冈Syuuzou一个更全面的Daseyo不亮度日本樟脑茹〜 M的热情?
                                                                          Put out the Matsuoka repair The [ze] which that wordily - is and [atsu] makes Japan bright?

                                                                          • 架设!日本(进出的问题时,我有日本石原Tachiagare支持 勃 happening Japan Rise at the point in time when Japanese how Ishihara has supported the irrelevant shelf
                                                                            • 架设!日本(日本Tachiagare) 勃 happening Japan Rise Japan

                                                                          • 梅台四周几乎决定交谈,“告诉读卖新闻] [自民党的竞选承诺,将建立体育机构,表示Horiuti恒雄(62)宣布]提名[自民党的”恶作剧“,也被称为马铃薯选举的比例代表制或Horiuti恒雄,最热门的派出候选人,渡边恒雄先生大力推动以清除背景调查
                                                                            Consulting even around, we would like to decide soon” In collection of data of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company Sport agency establishment in pledge The Liberal Democratic Party, Hisao Horiuchi (62) announcing official recognition Also “the imp” Hisao's Horiuchi who was called House of Councillors selection proportion representation candidacy supporting and degree of preponderant distinction, clearing nearby the large push of Chairman Tsuneo Watanabe

                                                                            • 毕竟,耀目熊猫爱国者,我们开始在附近丽梨华石原的客户,我不希望爱国者Esze
                                                                              Also does the national fighting spirit taking depend the attraction panda after all? The Ishihara and, the [ese] patriot it does not enter

                                                                              • 民主→肝炎和事实,记者性别,站立喜剧演员妇女提出刑事音频
                                                                                As for when the Democratic party you say -> Woman, [ero] reporter and previous offense having comic dialogue teacher of hepatitis

                                                                                • 民主(笑)这家伙只是驱动tTA梁胜缝纫毕竟对手的恶棍邮递投票及官僚对我
                                                                                  Democracy (laughing) after all how majority Postal services commercialization group of objectors and the person who makes clothes the bureaucracy in the villain just won

                                                                                  • 濒死体验是最好的选民对民主党有利,那就是反对自由经济爱国主义和保守路线。联合行
                                                                                    As for the voter desiring, opposition of the Democratic party, in other words, the conservative patriotic route and free economic game. It is joint work of the route

                                                                                    • 的人,不是吗?展位自然而然?日本选民,“候选人”的要求,以提高能力,以便眼早期可爱偶像50年选择 gt There is an insight truly if is show the ability and The ro where gt the person gets together naturally and is In the Japanese voter as for seeking the insight which chooses “the candidacy which is capability” 50 years the quick wa
                                                                                      • 如果你有一成真正的洞察力,像石川当选的败类,不闪耀中川一滴能喝 If there is an insight truly the Ishikawa like kudzu being elected there is no reason where the Nakagawa liquor falls

                                                                                    • 盂兰盆舞蹈Atsumari失控的老人解除之前再次茂木Zekkochobaka担钌会来攻击我们 Before receiving comes to shoulder zetsukochiyobaka Gathering of the old person who would like to appear in Bon Festival dance once more
                                                                                      • 〜这可能是一个更好或更长时间,给我自由地做Zekkocho Whether increase The ma you do selfishly with zetsukochiyo

                                                                                    • 社会经验和资深精英国家的角度,没有冷阱→Konebaribari或不官僚精英官僚从冷战后这些人不知道真正的眼睛→一个充满活力的年轻学者。既得利益和优秀赞助一个强有力的政治家→(即公众的视线),邪恶的裁判官(但不是官方的?)Doutara领导人→不平等的社会,金钱政治坎塔拉Untara优秀行业经验的政治和公务人才是你不尊重你的同事钱是很难超越他最终浪费自来水本身质量
                                                                                      The original bureaucracy of business experience & connection Bali Bali -> there is no trap national eye line of the bureaucracy, the elite who is cool The leader or energetic young scholar of academic society -> actuality there is no, is not known, national eye line the elite who is cool Sutra. Although the preeminent great politician -> acquired interests profit induction (it is plugged and the national eye line the) bad local magistrate (there is no bureaucracy? ) The result preeminent financier -> the governmental official industry is the [u] with the cod can cod differential social gold politics how the cod There is no gold circumstance something which after all transfers to mass rubbish At this point in time the talent of the companion is difficult to be hit just that

                                                                                      • 等价(或至少智力 和日本没有任何政治人物不 Unless suitable … or at least the person of average intelligence becomes the politician Japan does not have

                                                                                        • 自民党堀内光雄(已确定)Tachiagare Nakahata肠石松(已确定)人民新党具志坚松冈Syuuzou古田渡嘉敷敏 The Liberal Democratic Party Horiuchi decisive end Guts Isimatu Rise Nakahata decisive end Matsuoka repair National new party Gusiken Tokashiki minsu Furuta

                                                                                          • 苏从493矢田,历史象征日本的年纪比周围的圆圈当天仍然不知道或者没有一个坏的拉莫斯,日本并没有对大小和难得的生活也许一无 493 And it is as for the crow it is the Japanese symbol whose history is old above the circle of day but as for… the side not being after all recognized Ramos is bad when it is not is born and is attached and whether it is something which does not understand that it is not the Japanese
                                                                                            • 449呢?这只是日本拉莫斯,每起在日本』避难人数 我想他们的表现非常好了呢?我觉得 449 So Therefore as for Ramos Japanese what stand up separately the Japanese empty it is good coming out it is it is not kana With thinking

                                                                                          • 谁住在韩国,日本福利Maretakatta我也喜欢韩国人在医疗,哈萨克斯坦井田黄金购买日本一些免税,被送回家不久于人世,但在日本的时间是饥饿Nawanai我希望
                                                                                            When I want to be born in the Korean As for welfare person Korean priority Medical expense is free As for the gold which is made in Japan in the home country the remittance with As for tax and others the trap it is in Japan, Already however it dies immediately, this time resident calling

                                                                                            • 身体大声地说是一笔不Yoreyore Tachiagare勇马氏日,而不是去是不采取行动的哭泣一块腐烂的道德,是做口污别人一样好下呼吸道古苏滚装船,自己的过去行为的货架上电梯,即撕Netouyo
                                                                                              Rise Japan Brave thing you shout, but as for the body there is no either fragment of [yoreyore] and conduct power Sighing the corruption of morality, you show, but doing, as for [ru] thing the mouth it comes dirtily and densely just lowers others Of course, your own itself past speech and behavior are lifting to the shelf, In other words, the [ma] it is [ma] [netouyo

                                                                                              • 转播巨人队,教练的同事遇到一个投手前Horiuti恒雄(62),并计划运行的自由民主党
                                                                                                In Giants OB, with pitcher graduate Hisao Horiuchi of supervision experience person (62) And others, from the Liberal Democratic Party Running is planned

                                                                                                • 这些问题的时机也行的安全方面取得看喝啤酒一边看棒球为什么不回答我虽然候选人不关心什么冲绳普天间而且我该如何解决田母神 Timing it is Tamogami although Okinawa and Futenma how it is calling the candidate of reply well While the beer drinking the baseball seeing the re it solves defensive problem combining
                                                                                                  • 757竹岛是面积只有一半的时间表,东,西岛根县的普天间根据(通过研究日本)和垂死的,从数量和说,我要引用篮 757 As for the bamboo island east west together there is only the half area of Futenma s Shimane prefecture investigation Damping off Japan you say dictum you do not obtain

                                                                                                • 这代表我舛添“硬”政党要你老死是最后的选举Wattara
                                                                                                  The place where Masuzoe is typical As for this “勃 happening” political party When House of Councillors selection ends, we want disappearing naturally

                                                                                                  • 这,这些流动在861邮政选举竞选活动中,选民的信心,有能力设置为我做出的决定已经为零,即使一些有形Soppo巧妙愚蠢的把戏Shikashite从未朱达罗,马多数。煽赢得更多的驱动tTA 861 Postal services election House of Councillors selection The House of Representatives selection With these flow as for reliance to judgment ability of the voter becoming zero the ru Already the ro which only the fool fraud it does and is Some sotsupo being peeled cleverly the most horse The one which it fans wins
                                                                                                    • 这,这些流动在861邮政选举竞选活动中,选民的信心,有能力设置为我做出的决定已经为零,即使一些有形Soppo巧妙愚蠢的把戏Shikashite从未朱达罗,马多数。煽赢得更多的驱动tTA 861 Postal services election House of Councillors selection The House of Representatives selection With these flow as for reliance to judgment ability of the voter becoming zero the ru Already the ro which only the fool fraud it does and is Some sotsupo being peeled cleverly the most horse The one which it fans wins

                                                                                                  • 遗憾的是没有一个更好的国家,如果一方当事人没有不愉快的国家创造更美好的国家,更不幸的是没有任何政党的党没有任何不愉快的国家创造更美好的国家,可惜没有党的机器 mashi unhappy country the party there is no either one mashi unhappy country the party there is no either one mashi unhappy country the party there is no either one mashi unhappy country the party there is no either one mashi unhappy country the party there is no either one
                                                                                                    • 负责人:“你,YouTube的歌手的歌曲,我们已经在战争中被我会唱歌或阿尼森 Party chief War song or anison sings “you it is with youtube and the ro where the ru singer is and is

                                                                                                  • 那么,巨人队甚至不想执教球队...在朱达罗教练是不可能的,你知道我不知道教练的国家更是瓦特
                                                                                                    Well, even supervision of the giant point you do not want, but… Team command the [ro] which how is unreasonable So, command of the country how all the more the [ro] w which is unreasonable

                                                                                                    • 长岛和重松冈Syuuzou左拇指在通过无禁区跳二人[该比赛官员和国会将编入学员在嘈杂和愚蠢的日本电视台也派出了工作人员和其他Sorutoreikuorinpikku』羞耻暴露如果你呢?噪声阈值的空气多么愚蠢的人才Ginihachoudoii朱达罗?更多2月13日(2002年),个别大山跳台滑雪决赛打破
                                                                                                      Next 'with the [sorutoreikuorinpitsuku] jump competition of one Shigeru's Matsuoka repair Nagasima in restricted area other than the authorized personnel the Japanese television With the staff entering, horsing around, if' it supports also the shame which is thrown out in the conference authorized personnel exposing combination? In foolish system great fuss about nothing the [ro] which is the exactly good talent? Details February 13th (2002), it is [sukijiyanpu] [rajihiru] private deciding break

                                                                                                      • :我) ::: ::: ヽ: :: ° ::: : i gt ∧ J 92 i HKRPT 92 DREPT REPT 92 ¯
                                                                                                        • NULL i he REPT REPT 彡 hu no 92 ∠ 彡 HKRPT ma r 92 REPT ji 7 92 i REPT gt 7 So r o REPT o REPT REPT o 0 N tsu DREPT The Soviet Union DREPT The Soviet Union REPT REPT REPT r tsu t i gt ∧ J 92 i HKRPT 92 DREPT REPT 92 ¯

                                                                                                      研究 開発