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Furthermore Takahashi of the Democratic party and the marathon in the child running request -> “Takahashi politics studies, the person where should become representation of citizen”, that being consistent the denial ★3


  • -高桥尚子在悉尼奥运会马拉松金牌(38),但我已经11天削减要求参选今年夏天不,我分
    Furthermore Sydney Olympic woman marathon gold Takahashi of medal child (38), running request to House of Councillors selection of this summer On the 11th, it understood that it has cut off,

    • 192 不关心政治,或者至少是不吸?先生゙运行但不能没有好头日田 192 There is no interest in politics There is no this lowest the worst However it does not run as a candidate and the te hita ゙ the head is good
      • 192 不关心政治,或者至少是不吸?良好的运行,但没有 192 There is no interest in politics There is no this lowest the worst However it does not run as a candidate and the te hita ゙ the head is good
      • 民主党人民办同胞是愚蠢的独裁者通过心脏和灵魂销售 The person who runs as a candidate with democracy sold heart and soul to the dictator Say that it is foolish
      • 浅谈更乱,我将运行一个愚蠢的家伙,因为我有我的权力 Already feel voice applying gradually becoming the good air making the foolish person run as a candidate who rides the ru
      • 经过接近2009年11月,决定对恩戴来说,我们受到忧 Since examining in November of 09 being troubled to trouble determining candidacy

    • 1问议员吉焦! Eligh你! 317 Q的人才你欣赏wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww胃痛他们wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 1 Q GJ As for you erai 317 Q wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww In your talent taking hat off wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww where the stomach is painful

      • 2通道起源媒体(2通道电视台)和党的政治起源2通道(2通道爱国青年)已解决纳莉什么天才我会补偿的人♪?电视台和党的名称可能会名誉会长。使之成为领导者
        If the media (2ch TV station) of 2ch appearance and the political party (2ch patriotic youth party) of 2ch appearance are made, it becomes the solution, - the ♪ Don't you think? we [tsu] [te] genius? When TV bureau and the political party it is possible, honorable chairman and name. Makes the party chief,

        • _NULL_

          • “政治家们不感兴趣,”桑田真澄,使故障后的第二天宣布退出肘部的耶鲁锦织基权,并接受了记者从民主党竞选众议院议员选举中的桑田良子谷,大约在响,我对政治感兴趣的问题 “In the political world Masumi Kuwata who is not interest” from the right elbow breakdown in the brocade woven 圭 of return the ale After the production announcement ending of this day valley Riyouko with Upper House election accepting the fact that it runs from democracy It flew also question concerning the interest to politics from collection of data position in Kuwata
            • “对政治不感兴趣,”桑田真澄,使故障后的第二天宣布肘返回耶鲁锦织基权,并接受由桑田,民主党竞选众议院议员选举中的谷良子,从记者我问在政治太感兴趣飞行 “In the political world Masumi Kuwata who is not interest” from the right elbow breakdown in the brocade woven 圭 of return the ale After the production announcement ending of this day valley Riyouko with Upper House election accepting the fact that it runs from democracy It flew also question concerning the interest to politics from collection of data position in Kuwata

          • “普通意义上的发言而被我应该是很国家的代表的人谁希望我学政治Q她是代表 “The person who studies politics should become representation of citizen How when common sense it is really spoken on the other hand Q becomes representation of country and with thinks
            • NAA的应该是相当容易,真正代表人民说谁研究过政治 The person who studies politics should become representation of citizen The ro where this is feeling of the honest person
            • 人民的代表应该成为一个人谁研究政治,调Q议员,经常说驱动tTA The person who studies politics should become representation of citizen The ro where this is feeling of the honest person
            • 达罗谁认为这应该是一个学习政治体面代表的人谁 The person who studies politics should become representation of citizen The ro where this is feeling of the honest person

          • “桑田,接受请求参选2010年选举的”我是在所有政治)不感兴趣 ” Kuwata receiving 2010 House of Councillors selection running request There is no interest “by your completely in politics is
            • “桑田,接受请求参选2010年选举的”政治(中)不感兴趣 ” Kuwata receiving 2010 House of Councillors selection running request There is no interest “by your completely in politics is
            • 哈萨克斯坦,参选接受的要求,2007年“我不知道所有的政治 Receiving kazu and 2007 House of Councillors selection running request “By yourself as for thing of politics you are not understood completely

          • “(高桥尚子),大风的第二大市场。劲草“劲草知道阿塞尔(Puunikeisouwoshiru舒什)显示详细阅读 ” Furthermore Takahashi child 2nd rank Strong wind 勁 grass “In strong wind the 勁 grass is known that to do the tsu pu sea urchin ke it may be to do the ru you read
            • 高桥尚子 鸠山由纪夫 Furthermore Takahashi child gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt Ichiro Ozawa gt valley Riyouko gt Yukio Hatoyama

          • 。 一美,俄, ┴┴ , 。ヽ 布鲁诺布鲁诺)ヽヾ) J的ṛṛ。 ヽヽ⌒, i r mi ┴ ┴ REPT nono DREPT REPT j r r 92 lt lt REPT ni no r REPT No and toeeei DREPT REPT 92 nin No 92 ⌒ REPT REPT
            • 。 一美,俄, ┴┴ ヽ 布尔诺线)ヽヾ) J的ṛṛ。 (布鲁诺!(3。: ゚。::。 :。゚: ゚ :。:゚: : ∠, 人,゚布鲁诺:。 ゚:゚ :。:゚:。:゚ ¯ ° °:。 °:° :° i r mi ┴ ┴ REPT nono DREPT REPT j r r 92 lt lt REPT ni no r REPT No and toeeei DREPT REPT 92 nin No 92 ⌒ REPT REPT
            • 。 一美,俄, ┴┴ , 。ヽ 布鲁诺布鲁诺)ヽヾ) J的ṛṛ。 ヽヽ⌒, i r mi ┴ ┴ REPT nono DREPT REPT j r r 92 lt lt REPT ni no r REPT No and toeeei DREPT REPT 92 nin No 92 ⌒ REPT REPT

          • ー同祖秃头或715,谷和原凯塔在哪里发言邪恶的感觉已经从陈谷和原时间序列的到www 715 Baldness same Feeling it was bad from the time when YAWARA is serialized Somewhere is YAWARA tsu www te
            • 我想,一个良好的715田原多布斯wwwwww 715 It is possible to be such a dobusu TAWARA wwwwww

          • 不过,我们应该成为政治代表的人谁学习,这是一个小母牛的差异,各成员建议嘉年我成为世袭的,你想知道的Word Simply the person who studies politics should become representation of citizen and That just a little is different and it is to be unable to become the recommendation of hereditary Assemblyman as for we would like to saying it is understood
            • 不过,我们应该成为一个政治代表的人谁研究,已经注意到从以前的“以澄清诊断运行,并在不增加抗体 Simply the person who studies politics should become representation of citizen and That just a little is different and it is to be unable to become the recommendation of hereditary Assemblyman as for we would like to saying it is understood
            • 不过,我们应该成为一个政治代表的人谁研究,已经注意到从以前的“以澄清诊断运行,并在不增加抗体 Simply the person who studies politics should become representation of citizen and That just a little is different and it is to be unable to become the recommendation of hereditary Assemblyman as for we would like to saying it is understood
            • 不过,我们应该成为一个政治代表的人谁研究,已经注意到从以前的“以澄清诊断运行,并在不增加抗体 Simply the person who studies politics should become representation of citizen and That just a little is different and it is to be unable to become the recommendation of hereditary Assemblyman as for we would like to saying it is understood
            • 但是,我们应该成为的人谁学习政治代表,已经注意到从以前的 Simply the person who studies politics should become representation of citizen and That just a little is different and it is to be unable to become the recommendation of hereditary Assemblyman as for we would like to saying it is understood

          • 九百三十八瓦特Q是基莫平信徒或不食写呢?在短短2问议员要玩她?你是唯一坦白说对政治不关心? wwww万维网万维网 938 Heart full opening w The Q believer why does not hit such entry The harboring which with 2 designates Q as the toy The bu tsu chi ya ke political no angular arm it is to call the ro which is wwww www www
            • Yaikangana不能死的总理和大家顽皮秘书长不久被捕啊,那是相当甚至瓦特Q和姑姑分别来自什么地方 The sled ya already are immediately arrested dies together with the prime minister and the Secretary General who in the reason which ya circumstance w Q comes out everyone s umbrella it is from different and clean puts out our whether the do tsu of

          • 也许最重要的政治家,中,条件相当的骄傲什么调Q议员,右
            In the aspect, perhaps, most important matter, pride as a politician, On the other hand very Q, it is suitable

            • 井讨厌民主党,“田村Ryouko”田村Ryouko错的,因为我得到所采取的概念,即如果这些选票将所有名人民主党人投票被使用过,即使没有投票权,是没有国家利益,以反 没有 Disliking the Democratic party to voting “Riyouko Tamura” in the all Democratic party vote If the famous person you use because how to think puts away by mistake vote probably can be taken as for Riyouko Tamura in order to oppose to national interest the no the no the no
              • 井讨厌民主党,“田村Ryouko”田村Ryouko线,所以我可以去投票,即使所有的民主党人为了反对在国家利益并没有没有没有 Disliking the Democratic party to voting “Riyouko Tamura” in the all Democratic party vote If the famous person you use because how to think puts away by mistake vote probably can be taken as for Riyouko Tamura in order to oppose to national interest the no the no the no
              • 和这样的人投他的票,我想我听到了王位辣妈辣妹为何任 And in the person who votes to such a person Whether you think that it is left with something the wa which we would like to hear

            • 但是,权力,和无休止的扩张是一个有点苦我看到在
              However, after all just a little it is ugly to power and revelation desire there is no limit, it is,

              • 你知道你要责备民主党人835万维网万维网WWW的wwwww美丽的,你们都熟悉的电视机840 835 It makes consequence of democracy it is the ro www which is You wwwww www www 840 It is detailed in the television well obtaining
                • 哎呀,民主党要降低目前的局势萘乙酸它的主要组成岩石花 As for the te or democracy large portion becomes the flower lock and the kind of present condition which goes down puts out

              • 你要我做一个民主的精神是一两分钟,面对政治Sugidaro跑了,我独自一人这场危机的时间是不是绝望的选举 As for democracy the ro where with just the face is overspeeding in election ro this which is not political motivation and is You understood however because this time House of Councillors selection is dangerous the desperate shelf
                • 选举承诺不是每个人都在这里希望确保不投票予民主党 Everyone we want promising here As for House of Councillors selection when be sure to vote Other than the Democratic party

              • 关于这个上面的案例法,“如果你担心对方的通知,以行使无意”的东西落在威胁
                The above-mentioned judicial precedent “when it notiifies with the purpose which is not intention of exercise of right and is awe-struck the partner”, undertakes those to which threat concerning this

                • 创伤后应激障碍可能是一个非常昂贵的赔偿令下跌超过1000万的民事诉讼在这Raretara我带来的医疗证明书,
                  When it has even in the chart of diagnosis of PTSD, there is a possibility serious large amount compensation order of 10,000,000 or more going down with civil lawsuit

                  • 前棒球选手铃木一郎前棒球选手Horiuti恒雄石井博■自由分行落语歌手冈崎由纪桂建人才人才Shiyouno雅代元Iketani夫冈部马里奥海奥海菱谷■下一次选举的民主党候选人竞选的第一大名人前棒球选手摔跤修西村Nakahata清Tachiagare■■国家人才新都市儿童歌手伊藤顺子三原参考:我觉得这种情况桑田真澄高桥尚子否认否认
                    The main famous human candidacy which runs for the first time with the next House of Councillors selection * Democracy Valley Riyouko Olympic player Yukio Iketani Original Olympic player Okabe ball Talent Yuki Okazaki Talent Manor field true generation Singer Katsura it is to come the branch Storyteller * Our people Hisao Horiuchi Original baseball player Hiroshi Ishii 郎 Original baseball player The Miho [ji] [yu] it is the child Talent * Citizen new Satoshi it is and questions Singer Nishimura Osamu Wrestler * Rise Kiyoshi Nakahata Original baseball player Masumi Kuwata Denial Furthermore Takahashi child Denial When it is present condition, such you feel?

                    • 博罗619真尾接受良好教育的,因为谁听到民主党爱知县永远不会开始
                      619 Therefore as for the true tail paternal home Aichi graduate of [minsu] honest education is not received Once upon a time, the rag it probably will put out

                      • 卡兹是高中学生的母亲。卡兹透露,老鹰的微笑是在静冈县的足球学校良好的对话与交流 High school students mother of kazu As for kazu which knows that it is the soccer section of Shizuoka school Conversation was exchanged with the good smiling face
                        • 和贺都为“〜和”进一步在二楼,因此,无论是宁静的商店 And kazu “and ” with kept rising to the second floor the inside of the store became quiet

                      • 危害程度将加强这个基础上,我们也有Rupizu池谷发言的田原分行冈部马里
                        It is to come in [tawara] in the branch in the Okabe ball Iketani… In addition degree of base damage of our [rupizu] is strengthened with this

                        • 古日本邮政将加强对两个手指馅饼别人的wwwww是有罪的喝的教训高桥钉wwwww
                          [chi] [yo] wwwww The straw [ji] of two pairs everyone's umbrella of the intention of wearing it is Decocting the dirt of Takahashi's nail, wwwww which it should drink

                          • 可能被起诉,即使他是睡觉或受伤的人受伤,他们很惊讶的威胁 The partner whom you threaten being surprised when it does the wound and or becomes sleeplessness there is a possibility of being prosecuted even in the injury

                            • 因此,我不唤醒人才的众议员,仍然认为我们的时代需要的专家成员的经济 Therefore talent Assemblyman is not good however it is not wake that After all you think that expert Assemblyman of economy is necessary in current age

                              • 国家Tawara m另一方面,你会重新考虑它再次高桥曼人是不是担心你如果Gesuru肩投掷肩鲁莽谷和原也是作者是自称为生气 Takahashi the ze which was taken a second look… Don t you think the air man man where it exchanges to that and the tsu te which shoulders the country shoulders that tawara which is what and throws Two degrees YAWARA is identified also the writer gets angry already

                                • 国民荣誉奖得主高桥尚子嘿ー由于世界纪录保持者和持有人在奥运会纪录的595前无法评估ー并不多,我没有被评估
                                  Furthermore Takahashi don't you think? as for the child it is not appraised very, the [e] - Not to be appraised by 595, therefore the [te] with the Olympic highest record holder the original world record retention person don't you think? the [e] - Furthermore national honor prize prize-winner

                                  • 在这次选举中,或选举违反了选举小泽遐良好的声誉?什么傻瓜议会投票渔业人才的总承包商在明亮的月光动员新闻界的利益,威胁到当地政府的财政
                                    When it is strong in election, election house Ozawa's of reputation House of Councillors selection measure this? Fishing foolish people vote with talent Assemblyman, general mobilization, to the local self-governing body intimidating the earth building which you held down with right with public finance

                                    • 型号832是第一个软三四郎猪熊我做得很好的女人·山口薰?

                                      • 大会法案-小泽核查风险增加[政治]各方的努力战斗迅速国会会议后,“普天间问题”,“金钱政治专政” -对民主,法院由国民议会闭幕[我]外国人立即进行充分的权力,国会-民主党-宪法选举权法案?
                                        Danger of verification National Diet method amendment plan It directs to the session end of the National Diet and ruling and opposition parties offense and defense is extreme it increases “Futenma problem” “politics and gold” round Keeper of democracy and law from the National Diet exclusion The Democratic party < The National Diet method amendment plan > Foreign carrot administration constitutionally?

                                        • 大阪世博会世博→→→口蹄疫病毒杀手谷和原人民民主党的朋友谷良子田村Ryouko→浦泽直树她的党的关系与民主运行从日本有一个坏的闪光怪兽(氧化物)
                                          Friend people party -> the Democratic party Homicide virus -> foot and mouth disease The Osaka international exposition -> the Shanghai international exposition YAWARA -> Riyouko Tamura With Urasawa Naoki being connected As for valley Riyouko, in order to ruin Japan MONSTER which runs as a candidate from the Democratic party (the chemical material)

                                          • 如果你要考虑的是不够好等媒体也仅限于一般市民,不论 Not just the media generality world that It is something which the Imai chi do is wanted considering

                                            • 媒体认为她的“谷良子”,但所谓先生无损检测,年龄在1现在的妻子姓丈夫,她严格“田村Ryouko”这是比较正确的表达称为补充 As for media her Thing is called “valley Riyouko” but from surname of classified by this Tumao In times she is called “Riyouko Tamura” to the last It is the expression whose one is correct
                                              • 外国选举权法案违宪,她的权利的立法姓侵犯人权选定补救已提交给国会和外国居民的基本法律,他们将通过年初成立,茂木国防部长箭头只 Foreign carrot administration of unconstitutional bill surname of classified by selective married couple human rights violation relief bill Foreign inhabitant fundamental law and the like is submitted by the National Diet in just the Cabinet minister reply is formed rapidly probably will be

                                            • 库博士和他的可爱的朋友,他们会令你聪明人是狡猾的,做柔道,美继续做可怕的嘲弄其他地方做的努力外国人取笑柔道
                                              When the judo you do, 狡 in the wise human from the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] By your you are sweet in flesh fell, sneer the effort of the stranger Awfully doing JUDO, when the foreigner does, it makes foolish

                                              • 我PtExVNKP0辱差别我的猜测是没有直接开放!此外,本。你看,不仅自来水塔只有逃避我有两个! PtExVNKP0 You open misunderstanding and are repaired and shame apply the final coating Furthermore this It does not escape Hitting hitting
                                                • 我可能会848,编号:PtExVNKP0不能否认的大脑在接收的可能性直视。 848 Doing you cannot know high but ID PtExVNKP0 It cannot deny either the possibility to direct of receiving vision with the brain

                                              • 我们的目标是和伦敦奥运会金牌“(2010年5月10日,小泽一郎,秘书长会见了运行)”(我们想支持小泽先生),他们Orimashi支持,因为我是一个顶级田村Ryouko ,真正的,是啊,爱,足以涵盖地球“(同上) And you aim toward the gold medal with the London Olympics” 2010 May 10th the running interview with the Secretary General Ozawa “ Support of Ozawa teacher commenting having supported directly from Tamura Riyouko day truly the u it is love of the extent which covers the earth” the ditto
                                                • 我们的目标是和伦敦奥运会金牌“(2010年5月10日,小泽一郎,秘书长会见了运行)”(小泽先生支持)和支持他们Orimashi因为我是一个顶级田村Ryouko,真理,是啊,爱,足以涵盖地球“(同上) And you aim toward the gold medal with the London Olympics” 2010 May 10th the running interview with the Secretary General Ozawa “ Support of Ozawa teacher commenting having supported directly from Tamura Riyouko day truly the u it is love of the extent which covers the earth” the ditto

                                              • 我怎么会来看望他们的狗屎太多良好的个性菱谷直子高桥瓦特
                                                Furthermore Takahashi personality of the child being too good, valley Riyouko is visible in [unko], don't you think? the [chi] [ya] [u] w

                                                • 我想你照顾所有被选为扎马也Amitainashitari谷和原瓦特渺茫
                                                  Also [yawara] being elected after all, easily the [za] well you saw, it lives and/or the face does it is probably will be w

                                                  • 我想喝酒浇水指甲下称无需学习愚蠢Tteta普天间普天间简陋的土总理
                                                    Without studying Futenma Futenma you say where, would like having the dirt of the nail [ahuo] prime minister drink

                                                    • 我早就左右 这悲伤吉焦是怎么回事,说我要筛 But natural thing what you say GJ the wa where the current circumstance which is not obtained is sad
                                                      • 这是非常好的别人前面发言的你,或者是一 1 You can speak only too natural thing naturally It is good thing

                                                    • 我知道这个博客分散昨天晚些时候,该议案是如此了有关国籍 当前“双重国籍”是申诉人的法案,它正在由众议院提出的众议院议员均3 Yesterday late sowing this burogu is known the bill being put out so in connection with nationality Presently “heavily petition of the nationality” bill is submitted 3 cases at a time both the House of Representatives House of Councillors so is
                                                      • 粂或众议院明年Pashiri 〇九分钟而不是将他们回来和众议院会议员樱花爸爸的公主与空气中的负07,政治家是大量的半业余 07 year House of Councillors hitting while 0 amount of the princess and the Sakura father does not recover 09 year House of Representatives pashiri side 粂 the semi amateur became in large quantities the politician and

                                                    • 掌握移动流污染的技能是现在,接受联合井学校传统的胜利。
                                                      Now dirtily the 沢 with ability of license initiation, pulse 々 has succeeded the tradition of school

                                                      • 无论是媒体,民主党总部,成员,国家党,社会民主党的电话,电子邮件,信函,传真等Please ll发送抗议 How the mass communications the Democratic party headquarters the Assemblyman to telephone to the national new party and the corporation people party the mail and the letter with FAX and the like Please send the voice of protest

                                                        • 日本出售,即使他和我为我们做了Ozasensei re愚蠢冷漠 Secure don t you think it is the method which have by your again to admire the chi ya u Because of ozasensei which you take care if even selling Japan Don t you think foreign carrot administration unconcerned aho it is different from the candidate
                                                          • 508香椎认为Ttetara耻辱的是,“Ozasense”不认为在击球 508 Thinking that in the first place it is shy you think that cod “ ozasense ” is not shot in rapid succession

                                                        • 明天将是政客谁不走了这么远才柔道哦! !词典Memasen甚至柔道!即使是抚养子女? !该会被认为是正常或过多的肖像 Well the person who only the judo comes until now from tomorrow becomes the politician So being it does not stop either the judo Also it rears child If you think normally it is unreasonable story
                                                          • “我不知道什么样的政治家”的问题,我更容易总理说,他仍然是更好的,甚至告诉瓦特清说,他们在政治上没有明确的兴趣 “You do not know the politician is what ” that with the person it may say has done the prime minister But one problem what w Clearly interest nothing calling to politics the one which is said still is purer
                                                          • 但是,“ 鄂如不认为任何改变,我们可以在政治上是什么人,看看他的Itadakitakatta与行为造成”聊天 But “ it is not possible to change what with politics that in the one which is thought When you want you to look at the form which causes conduct” you said
                                                          • 像这样的能力,甚至首相安倍晋三(政治可能)到我 Abe like ability being the prime minister you do therefore politics it being possible it is …
                                                          • 如果779名运动员,这成为主导产品的预期的重量应该是实践我知道,是一个政治家的研究 779 If it is the sport player it accumulates practice to practice and is accustomed to the top rank being understood although it is ru expectation After becoming the politician it studies
                                                          • 如果那些谁可以清楚地这样说,因为它使作为一个政治家一个玩世不恭的态度都不能逆转 Like this if the person who can be said clearly becoming opposite in the politician because the all right air does sarcasm it rubbed
                                                          • 志位困难的事情,我认为给予绝对肯定我是否觉得有很多政客过度问题的态势感知能力 You think that it is certainly difficult thing but it is there is a problem in present condition recognition ability You think that the politician is too multi
                                                          • 明天将是政客谁不走了这么远才柔道哦! !柔道Memasen而且讲话!即使是抚养子女? !该会被认为是正常或过多的肖像 Well the person who only the judo comes until now from tomorrow becomes the politician So being it does not stop either the judo Also it rears child If you think normally it is unreasonable story
                                                          • 是啊,你不只是成为一个政治家早赛跑,甚至地区的公正,因为它要成为一个政治家 So is race just is quick is accustomed to the politician if it is the ma is even ma east is accustomed to the politician
                                                          • 问:我想做的事情,而不是政治家谁喜欢她,但总是想成为政治家谁不想 On the other hand however we want doing the politician in the Q like person It is normal for the person who is not wanted doing to wish to become the politician

                                                        • 最好不要连稻草金字塔和有关选举的候选人,“这是最好不要连稻草金字塔和有关选举的候选人”被击中2海报平行恩戴民主党候选人谁是安利的正式成员 The one where either the candidate of House of Councillors selection does not relate with multilevel merchandising is good “The one where either the candidate of the House of Representatives selection does not relate with multilevel merchandising is good” The nominee who is the amuuei member The Democratic party representative had lined up into the poster with 2 shots
                                                          • Tachiagare日本持平。开发计划署是叛国! Tachiagare日本不是在与谢野馨小泽勾结,在参院选举,但认为它等待合作与民主党选举 Rises Japan is flat It is the treason new party Rises as for Japan Yosano having conspired with Ozawa after the House of Councillors selection the Democratic party and electing cooperating has been decided

                                                        • 最重要的是威胁,恐吓是在宣布批准的邪恶罪行
                                                          As for being important with threat crime, as for threat say that it is formed at the point in time when it has the notification of the harm

                                                          • 有新闻界成员,从家里挂梁,假装睡觉Risuru跟你说话,当停留,哪些设备已经归还给赶走疾病 The Assemblyman who crashes stayed to the house but doing the inclination which drowses on the midst when you speak dressing up the sickness it has repelled

                                                            • 松野明美(松树明美,出生于:前田昭义,1968年4月27日 - )是一个镇树嘉本郡(今熊本)是日本女演员出生的政治家,前田径长跑运动员
                                                              Matsuno Akemi (it waits Opening to see, autonym: Akemi Maeda, 1968 April 27th - ) Kamoto Gun garden plant town (present Kumamoto city) the politician talent of Japan which is graduate, the original overland long distance player

                                                              • 柔道女子不得不租用自由民主人民的荣誉奖,Atetsuke,参选由比例代表制的老板闵从大W的工作自民党支持者,她的丈夫已经展示了坦诚的意见,租金自由人民的荣誉奖驱动tTA的女人,是创新的茶 Cannot receive national honor prize in our people the judo woman who In applying attaching From minsu in proportion representation House of Councillors selection running w From don of our people support of workplace of master displaying painful word In the woman who receives national honor prize in our people the tsu which is mocked

                                                                • 根据共同的信念甚至先例,其他的老板不当行为“的通知”,也宣布犯罪也可能受到威胁,如果一个人完全是为了震慑 Furthermore according to judicial precedent common opinion vis a vis the irregularities of the partner also what it declares that “notiifies to the superior” exclusively the partner In order to be awe struck if you say that it can become threat crime
                                                                  • 该决定还并不认为威胁并不考虑是否害怕对方实际上可能 Whether or not is not considered also the intention the side which threatens and the partner was really awe struck it is not considered

                                                                • 民主党人派出由政党和邀请叛国是政客的女儿雅库扎和批评儿子的遗传
                                                                  As for the treason political party Democratic party Criticizing the descent of the son of the politician Supporting the daughter of [yakuza] with gratitude of three looking back

                                                                  • 民主基金管理机构小泽一郎的秘书法院一般的东京地方法院决定听取任何合理费用小泽秘书长“迎接山土地,”东京充满了虚假委员会财务丑闻购买周边土地,第五起诉“合理收费“,并赞成小泽先生,12个计划是一个坚实的梅塔任何质疑,东京地方检察厅不,我采访的官方分钟 Secretary General Ozawa to option listening In prosecution suitable resolution Tokyo area inspection It goes round the land purchase of the financial management group “land mountain meeting” of Democratic party Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa In the income and outgo report untrue entry incident Tokyo 5th inquest of prosecution meeting resolved “prosecution suitable” Concerning Ozawa Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section being optional circumstance of listening setting the policy On the 12th you understood with collection of data to the authorized personnel
                                                                    • 1月23日聆讯小泽先生回应应该烦恼,其次是31,第三 If Ozawa responds to listening January 23rd it follows on the 31st time becomes 3rd

                                                                  • 汉堡在上院选举中失败在博乌居座小泽一郎呼吁山谷戴诺戴诺朱达罗小泽一郎,高桥我应该知道的事情是确定的,我们不喜欢我的第一次
                                                                    Takahashi is it is the valley it probably will call, but Ozawa remaining, at [ru] point in time as for the House of Councillors selection crushing defeat the [ro] which is decision item The [wa] Ozawa should be conscious the way of his own disliking,

                                                                    • 汝出谷之前,太 我打电话给794谷和原谷和原谷从德塔不读 794 I read before the valley comes out from YAWARA the empty The valley has not been called yawara
                                                                      • 问什么是你不削减岩崎恭子也有森先生和陈也?所以,你知道谷和原 Not only Q it was refused even in Kiyouko possession Mori and Iwasaki it is without being With that the ro which is yawara

                                                                    • 浅田真央东京马拉松高桥尚子在这一天最后高桥直子赢得这个女主角的宝座浅田→赢得了大奖赛的第一次高级琐事而推出的
                                                                      Furthermore Takahashi Tokyo international woman marathon where the child wins lastly In this day, Asada true middle debutting senior, won for the first time in the grand prix series This bean knowledge Furthermore Takahashi child -> Asada true middle This the throne succession of heroine

                                                                      • 然后我会用纳税人的巨额薪水做一个成员?待观察,因为它也谴责了围裙,远田原
                                                                        Huge annual expenditure blood tax are used in Assemblyman one person, it is the [ze] which is? Distantly in order [tawara] to criticize in turning even, it is visible

                                                                        • 电视和报纸都在一次选举,如果我不得不这样做。当你完成使选举将逐渐支持人民一直在努力寻找保持时间在选举中的第一次尝试驱赶候选剖面你乘,和高桥额定我将大致在什么差别鉴于绝对高兴我做到了行认为自己走出来的第一次,而 Now then if it becomes election Television and newspaper simultaneously Candidacy is chased Looking at the various hardship of election first challenge directly also the citizen gradually It reaches the point where you support Election the time where it ends Degree of distinction and case are different from Takahashi largely Being that time you think for the first time it is By your being present the re it was good the te
                                                                          • 但是,这种事情是用于其能见度tive收集选票,这就是为什么我说,不是好的翻译 NULL

                                                                        • 致力于发展的思想,但同样的运动高桥,“(我),所以,即使是most 尝试加载口 But as for the thought of endeavoring in sport development the same When as for Takahashi “ as for me running because actual place was first in portion of life If gt with from the eye line which is said and the like it can keep developing sport on site ” with spirit gt Being packed was mentioned
                                                                          • “(我),所以,即使是most ll现场运行,如果你Ikere这个角度看体育运动的发展领域,在人生的,”他发现他的嘴和士气 When “ as for me running because actual place was first from the eye line in portion of life If and the like it can keep developing sport on site ” with the enthusiasm was mentioned
                                                                          • 致力于发展的思想,但同样的运动高桥,“亲历亲为”是一贯的Ku结构分析 But as for the thought of endeavoring in sport development the same When as for Takahashi “ as for me running because actual place was first in portion of life If gt with from the eye line which is said and the like it can keep developing sport on site ” with spirit gt Being packed was mentioned

                                                                        • 落语讲故事,多出一个twicer房子581 ×○
                                                                          581 Enough storyteller × Storyteller ○ of previous offense 2 offense

                                                                          • 谷之战在北京胆振Warota旧式太严重凯塔
                                                                            The way of the fight in Beijing of the valley was terrible Style being too old, [warota

                                                                            • 谷和原发生在普及的时候我,田原出来
                                                                              YAWARA has come out popularity accidentally time, TAWARA came out

                                                                              • 达罗的谷真山的770加一·为什么不充分的池谷优于
                                                                                770 The [ro] which is true mountain of plus one Sufficiently from valley Iketani [mashi] well?

                                                                                • 这可能是真正的政治家也不能Gudematomona得到所以我会直接人太真实 调Q议员,但我不想石窟和世界编织成这样的一个跳 But the true tsu immediately even excessively the honest human Whether the politician how it is not good doing and fact… In Q don t you think we do not want jumping in such a world

                                                                                  • 这就是正确的Q毛陈议员,你错了什么我已经越来越小,因为教学鳃正确 Q true middle properly it is the same Something being correct when being small from it has been taught securely whether something by mistake is
                                                                                    • Q家伙,现在我只是她重新考虑信息如何略有降低养分wwwwww眼睛我看到了人类和一个小长孺wwwwwwwww Now Q it took a second look and passed and the guy the do just was feeling weakness it is raise the eye which wwwwww already a little looks at the human wwwwwwwww

                                                                                  • 这是我第一次看到蔌他尿怯懦的批评,小泽向井克萨比对民主的批评
                                                                                    For democracy the criticism compared to points to for criticism to the valley player the way of Ozawa's meanness which Don't you think? it is understood now

                                                                                    • 这种威胁也构成犯罪,恐怕有一方是在现实中必要无顾这是要完成时,通知其他邪恶
                                                                                      In addition, as for fear heart occurring in actuality there is no necessity in formation of threat crime, previous finally at the point in time when the harm informs the partner You say that it becomes,

                                                                                      • 这种政治的不稳定,当我梳理了从来没有真正在金融turmoil ll熊猫中,日本人民,让客户在附近,我成了一个政治人物,因为我只是对广告牌的小泽,谷和原陈邪教这是一个中线评价加塔 Therefore at the time of the tsu te where the Japanese citizen has lost vigor in the midst of this political situation insecurity and financial insecurity the attraction panda the tsu te where because is just the ad tower of Ozawa teaching group becomes the politician it is as for the appraisal of YAWARA the abnormal play falling shelf
                                                                                        • 日本现在有更多的政治知识,“体面的”政治家需要更好 As for current Japan from knowledge of politics is “honest” the thing which for the politician necessity
                                                                                        • 没有诚实的人能有一个适当的研究政治,和政治家应该有我没有任何伟大的哈希河野洋平,没有疯狂的知识他们自身的重量是值得一提的研究认为,包括不显示details成为一个政治家不 As for the honest person studying politics securely by his of this knowledge should become the politician unless it is prudent kichigai either study do well I is the case that you are convinced that am accustomed to the politician

                                                                                      • 那么如果你是田原,但我失去了一位特殊的教育模式的差异,同时,他们店或者Iketeru我想我已经从童年宠爱 Well in case of TAWARA being care for done from time of the child The a it is to do because the iketeru tsu te while you misunderstood the growth tsu chi it waited but special pattern
                                                                                        • 田原把它完全改变了,我的朋友,我可以提出任何东西,即使作为一个职业球员的妻子棒球 When it exchanges to that and comes with TAWARA even as the wife of the professional baseball player What being possible although it is lowering

                                                                                      • 高桥尚子做!古驱动tTA好话!如果魏!艾达是一个地方如龙的女儿与一个大的差异
                                                                                        As expected, furthermore Takahashi the child! You said well! It is great! The daughter of [yakuza] whether the [do] [tsu] of is the large difference

                                                                                        • 高桥尚子太美丽的市议会(不超过墙)表示,谷良子田原议员
                                                                                          Be too beautiful city discussion Furthermore Takahashi child (Wall which does not exceed) Valley Riyouko thing TAWARA-chan

                                                                                          • 高桥尚子的一面,“可能蔓延到接受正在采取淡化政治和外交,他的言论被误解造成的总理已经批评了一句,”决定
                                                                                            Furthermore Takahashi “it is the speech which causes misunderstanding child person side, that politics and diplomacy, is not unable to be received are neglected, prime minister speech criticizes that,”, that it judged

                                                                                            • 高桥尚子面 菱谷良子谷都曾经是一个丑陋的死亡恩戴
                                                                                              Face Furthermore Takahashi child > > > valley Riyouko Character Furthermore Takahashi child > > > valley Riyouko Money desire Furthermore Takahashi child < < < valley Riyouko Desire for honor Furthermore Takahashi child < < < valley Riyouko [busaiku] valley Riyouko dies

                                                                                              • 鸠山由纪夫今年5月4日在冲绳访问期间,总理起,美军普天间航空基地在搬迁,选举“在去年的,必须在海军陆战队目前在冲绳作为一种威慑,我认为他们没有 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama the case of Okinawa visit May 4th this year “House of Representatives selection at that time of last year centering on the US military Futenma airport transfer of facilities problem Marines as a deterrent in Okinawa You must exist with you did not think
                                                                                                • 很像普天间迁移问题,不能指望任何新的民主党人,什么事,可以了解真实的 But so even with Futenma base transfer of facilities problem you expect new what in the Democratic party and the chi ya you are not good tsu te thing It is understood truly well

                                                                                              • 麻美诚实柔道,福海,窗帘和软汝陈山岸那里是没有的,我因达
                                                                                                With the honest judo Asami, Fukumi, Yamagisi is and there is no curtain which comes out softly, it is, don't you think?

                                                                                                • (例)事件有可能导致不同的威胁,甚至没有考虑任何威胁的情况下立即发言驱动tTA臻
                                                                                                  (Judicial precedent) Threat threatening the phenomenon which reaches the point of it is another, namely threatening either the details which reach the point of are not altogether considered

                                                                                                  • (保卫处)“我向警方举报和律师咨询乐天”或或“法办发言穆索包括警察和律师咨询”和其他行动的威胁是真实的苏足够的配置要求 Omission “The police and the attorney you consult and inform to optimism” that or “the police and the attorney you consult and bring to judgment” With the behavior which threatens the partner is to correspond to constitution important matter sufficiently
                                                                                                    • 416:我知道该报告是否属实,但不知道在这里,直到报告 416 But so it informs truly and until this informs you do not understand high how

                                                                                                  • (比例代表制选举的沉默,我会生气,但更可能引入的系统往往在原自民党单议席选区)
                                                                                                    But (as for small constituency proportion representation at originally small constituency our people one person tend the system which is introduced in order to do Therefore it may you get angry, you probably will say nothing)

                                                                                                    研究 開発