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Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 20.5% as for last 2 percentage level political party support ratio the Liberal Democratic Party the Democratic party ANN public opinion poll ★2 of reversal May 8 - 9 day execution


  • - 牙科博爱 - 这句话“这个词最接近小泽先生[那年夏天主席选举的威胁,我会知道』...”
    With meeting Chairman certain dentist “from Ozawa is close to intimidation, 'thing of Upper House election of the summer is found in the word whose, don't you think? probably will be,' that…”

    • 009 009 132 人群 本次会议 20 07年1月村山富市平成1号(同鸠山由纪夫担任总理← 009 009 132 Group of people Plenary assembly 1 January 20th of Heisei 07 Murayama wealth city lt it is the same as Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama

      • 07。我从部落解放同盟租金该法案主张是对人权的侵犯返回救助
        7. Supporting from village release alliance, we have received, the human rights violation relief bill is the collateral

        • 17 3%,23 8%的民主党自民党把这里的蛋糕是令人震惊的信徒闵瓦特采取朱达罗 The Democratic party 17 3 The Liberal Democratic Party 23 8 When you take in the minsu believer the ro w where this is shocking
          • 它实际上将只朱达罗0%忠实系列中的日出后,我不知道什么原因,民主党 With the Asahi system which is what this the ro which is the substantial 0 After it is from the wa of meaning just the democracy believer

        • 17:46时在1995年冬天,如果在黑暗和寒冷的古地震于星期二(1995年)在神户阪神大地震前,1月17日,5个小时,首相村山富市在中午围坐我们
          Being cold, morning of the dark winter 5:46 AM 1995 (1995) January 17th Tuesday Hyogo prefecture southern earthquake After the Kobe Earthquake of the morning, 5 hours, wealth city Prime Minister Murayama had made the baud [tsu] to the noon

          • 1人工神经网络驱动tTA线调查,鸠山内阁支持率百分之20.5勉强维持的单位和20%
            1 In the public opinion poll where ANN does, support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet maintained the 20.5% and the last 2 percentage level

            • 1父13日透露,螨不主张在医院心脏病发作orz因此我不得不说,“水平,与口走民主的支持者在这里哦,是”和他们只听到 The father inside still the supporter yesterday clarification… orz The democracy supporter here and thing of same rank the wa which has been spoken… Because it is in the midst of being hospitalized with the myocardial blockage “well so ” that just you have heard
              • 瓦特我也城市,对他说来,他们支持民主的父母,所以我会说是去Ttena电视 w But we the city when at this point in time you call to the parent of democracy support the television such a thing Saying saying

            • 2001年富士一次捏造新闻,如何扭转反对派发生,但即使富士Purinandayona老鼠像我听到民主党人多么生气过去两个星期,但粪便 After one time ruling and opposition parties reversal and the tsu chi waiting fabrication reporting 2001 of huji Here 2 week do just it is you got angry it is even it is lifting tsu pu ri what of the Democratic party of feeling Even simply as for Fuji Telecasting Co although they are the droppings

              • 20%来自联合调查的最后一分钟,甚至由紧急出口在最后一分钟还JNN我失去了20%,人工神经网络
                Cooperation being 20% last in emergency investigation, because it put out, JNN and ANN 20% lastly The [ro] which is the red sandal wood

                • 271“哎呀,我不能袖手旁观”石窟Warota外记
                  271 “Already, it cannot protect” It is extreme [warota

                  • 3。可爱的偶像大声喊着“政治领导”,是建立一个独裁的权力集中到民主党
                    3. You shout loudly, “political main leadership” is power centralized dictatorship system construction to the Democratic party administration

                    • 43:但是,你知道小泽大部分的田中派的总承包商桶吗?事实上,本地的奖励和优惠,并不做建筑腐败
                      43 So, the [ro] which is most barrel Tanaka group of the Ozawa how earth building? Actually local favorable treatment & constructive right So being the case that bribery it has been done,

                      • 585 Rupizu我们保持这些东西来一场灾难,奇,会出现大规模的紧急调控“,就是复制和粘贴限制Netouyo爱国!”遗传噪音,因为他们喜欢他们的罪恶 585 rupizu doing such awfully Now then when large scale regulation happens it was regulated “with consequence of patriotic kopipe of netouyo ” Has made a noise the trifoliate orange which is bad
                        • 585 Rupizu我们保持这些东西来一场灾难,奇,会出现大规模的紧急调控“,就是复制和粘贴限制Netouyo爱国!”遗传噪音,因为他们喜欢他们的罪恶 585 rupizu doing such awfully Now then when large scale regulation happens it was regulated “with consequence of patriotic kopipe of netouyo ” Has made a noise the trifoliate orange which is bad

                      • 58:47编号:WOEzlFuc0民主拉面中医广播似乎自由民主党在去年它仆人变成了混乱瓦特太远瓦特693:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 11(星期六)00 03 :00编号:sixPMxdW0 682钱,所以我不得不把事情答应面条,你是一次?但民主党不关心,自由工具喷射从头面条 58 47 ID WOEzlFuc0 Chinese noodles CM of the Democratic party which that Liberal Democratic Party broadcast last year like w Eight one beauties doing too much in guchiyaguchiya tsu chi ya tsu seed w 693 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 11 Tuesday 00 03 00 ID sixPMxdW0 682 With into the combining and those Chinese noodles which are said you have promised mono you are inserting once with to do the yo So the Democratic party the Chinese noodles which from first do not have tool was the air which is put out is
                        • 682:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 10(星期一)23:58:47编号:WOEzlFuc0去年民主面条的播出,自民党瓦特中医我喜欢它太远每个人的朋友烂摊子变成一个W 693 : 名无Shisan十周年:2010 05 11(星期二)00:03:00编号:sixPMxdW0 682钱,所以我不得不把事情答应面条,你是一次?但民主党不关心,自由工具喷射从头面条 682 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 10 month 23 58 47 ID WOEzlFuc0 Chinese noodles CM of the Democratic party which that Liberal Democratic Party broadcast last year like w Eight one beauties doing too much in guchiyaguchiya tsu chi ya tsu seed w 693 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 11 fire 00 03 00 ID sixPMxdW0 682 With into the combining and those Chinese noodles which are said you have promised mono you are inserting once with to do the yo So the Democratic party the Chinese noodles which from first do not have tool was the air which is put out is

                      • 693 695然后,政治家也应该改变首脑会议的歌曲,在场的10人将在我,雷:嗯,我会是业余的政策思维我很好官僚,国会议员们就在他们被取消达罗将充实不必工作,而突然成为人民和政府的声音不是从他将死了很多,如果我做697埃泰没有既得利益和朋友们只考虑自己?我喜欢487“公共机构,但不是在自民党定为”一个老的人是“反革命的因素。” 693 695 Then furthermore it should have changed The politician will be existence in order to pick up the intention of the citizen the excellent bureaucracy will think of policy and the ru is probably will be If it is not to just a little front the party who is the do amateur becoming the Assemblyman the ro which is not the expectation where it can do work suddenly and is The fact that it is necessary is not voice of the citizen from national government by yourself only acquired interests of that companion selecting the party who is not thought 697 Such a person it is In we 487 “You do not insert in the like if our people the citizen not to be” the mark the person former times “the counter revolution molecule” With you say it is visible in only the same level as the party

                        • 82( ゚)Gorua!反奴役三坏法“,二名的专营权人权日”,然后按下刚度,核查方法考虑法律赔偿慰安妇和战争罪行,愚蠢的小夜社会党对此类第一次,一个统一的协会闵坦白说,我的敌人是什么,甚至是日本的索纳★! !更有什者,他们的手就会返回一个单位一个明显违反,金钱政治是肮脏的狗屎氖峨思考一个牧师给我的7万亿日元自民党一票!向农民支付赔偿金玫瑰撒绔子弟 我还使用了 82 ゚ gorua Anti Japanese national ruin three bad law “ Resident denizenship Protection of fundamental human rights Surname classified by married couple ” You are disgusted and push Military comfort woman compensation method and war crime verification method are planned and so on The way of bakasayo above Japan Socialist Party speaking clearly as for standardized association minsu Day Book Enemy so It is what Not to mention with the palm return the manifest violation stripe come our people don t you think about can think politics and the gold in the clergyman the droppings it is dirty With vote me applying 7 000 000 000 000 Yen Using the rose it spreads with child treatment farmer compensation In addition with Futenma security is designated as gdgd… is the air which continues to ridicule the citizen to somewhere Forever “ Our people mashi ” Mark with assimilation strategy Don t you think it shoots in rapid succession excuse the tsu Droppings 12436 o ke It is to lick the citizen is Anger
                          • 82( ゚)Gorua!反奴役三坏法“,二名的专营权人权日”,然后按下刚度,核查方法考虑法律赔偿慰安妇和战争罪行,愚蠢的小夜社会党对此类第一次,一个统一的协会闵坦白说,我的敌人是什么,甚至是日本的索纳★! !更有什者,他们的手就会返回一个单位一个明显违反,金钱政治是肮脏的狗屎氖峨思考一个牧师给我的7万亿日元自民党一票!向农民支付赔偿金玫瑰撒绔子弟 我还使用了 82 ゚ gorua Anti Japanese national ruin three bad law “ Resident denizenship Protection of fundamental human rights Surname classified by married couple ” You are disgusted and push Military comfort woman compensation method and war crime verification method are planned and so on The way of bakasayo above Japan Socialist Party speaking clearly as for standardized association minsu Day Book Enemy so It is what Not to mention with the palm return the manifest violation stripe come our people don t you think about can think politics and the gold in the clergyman the droppings it is dirty With vote me applying 7 000 000 000 000 Yen Using the rose it spreads with child treatment farmer compensation In addition with Futenma security is designated as gdgd… is the air which continues to ridicule the citizen to somewhere Forever “ Our people mashi ” Mark with assimilation strategy Don t you think it shoots in rapid succession excuse the tsu Droppings 12436 o ke It is to lick the citizen is Anger

                        • 8。其他,包括Zitirou Ntsukyouso,并受党的政策,支持各方的政策意向的影响
                          8. In addition, policy policy of the party is influenced, with intention of the support parent such as Nitukiyou group and autonomous labor

                          • 90相反,民主党最大的成就,并期待绘安梳脓液的日本社会,但它可以被讨论的话题是禁忌Ntsukyouso甚至在光天化日的,外国人的选举权,生态欺诈,国民议会由当地政府的选举。如威胁 90 Conversely as for the Democratic party largest achievement The pus of the Japanese society and is made easy to be visible don t you think it is to try to be able to argue under broad daylight also the topic which is taboo Nitukiyou group foreign carrot administration echo fraud the local autonomy by member of the Diet Threat and the like and the like
                            • 所以我说的561公司,甚至类型?该联盟的一些做的唯一加强与像北抖振宗教团体 561 It depends on also the company and form don t you think it is Because north teaching we would like to unite there is also a union which tightens gachigachi

                          • Kuiru世界的不止于此,高教育,更好的就业机会,他准备结婚,因为我说话简洁,使政府官员在场博士万老人单位理学士和 The celibacy senior citizen of high educational background and science where it is to be more than that in society and In a state where you can get married doctor having neat it exists at ten thousand units as the national public service personnel employing The one doing is better
                            • 媒体,在什么无聊的事,谴责什么是诚实的 说实话,我没有任何东西来,但高教育 The mass communications by the fact that it is not no Tetsu ma and others you probably criticize the sincere person … If it is not sincere there being a high educational background even in what it does not become

                          • Netouyo全部少生气,走到一个48 m意识普遍婴儿不吝啬,而且不知道如何尖锐 48 As for coming with iratsu to netouyo which is full in the young child universal impression the wa it is not entwined but kire one is stingy it is

                            • NULL 07 58 ID Fo1JM6120 gt 910 gt Activation of the district there probably are public works projects of the district but the profit is turned to the engineering works trader of the urban district and you cannot refuse either the fact that business is made to activate gt As for the down town because even in high price it can live with high pay level in the farm village section envying with voting right it is helpless If gt hate that being favorably treated if you should have lived in the ru farm village section sufficient thing only city life of local end head there is no only local profit induction you think The instability where the political situation which gt as for being most troublesome at small constituency is not differential of one vote politics such as Koizumi popularity is not relationship changes suddenly Is gt Ultimate rupi administration birth shelf gt The party or the rubbish small party of everyone supporting the country just atrophies as for life of the urban district well viewing To be a differential in vote it is funny doing from principle principle of democracy
                              • 427:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 10(星期一)13:06:10编号:fyZXQYK20&#62 ,约自1997年录得3 36亿的支持基础和#62 每年减少和减弱,与2008年年底,约1 06亿美元 427 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 10 month 13 06 10 ID fyZXQYK20 62 Recording approximately 3 360 000 person in 97 later the support basis 62 It decreased every year with such as weakening had become approximately 1 060 000 person on 08 end of years

                            • NULL 10 Having been about that the Democratic party probably will do those which presently are the under way CO2 25 reduction Because Aso just Japan put out high reduction ratio the mutual way Foreign local denizenship As for this the Komeito pledge which unites the Liberal Democratic Party and alliance Foreign inhabitant fundamental law The policy which this is decided with the Liberal Democratic Party administration It is heavy nationality admission Ditto Surname admission classified by married couple Ditto Family register system abolition Ditto Human rights violation relief method Ditto Nitukiyou group education Very this gift of the Liberal Democratic Party 40 year dictatorial administration Yasukuni Shrine substitution facility Whenever there is election apology repeatedly as for starting at the Liberal Democratic Party Permanent peaceful Research Bureau installation Ditto Okinawa vision The Liberal Democratic Party policy 1000 Ten thousand human immigration promotion As for this policy of the Democratic party Also east Asia the same body When proposing to China also YES also NO you did not say
                              • 民主党的竞选宣言,两个名称外普选竞选宣言没有具体说明民主研究小组的建议(承诺)技术委员会正在考虑一个国家生活中野浩)6月7日(总统茂永久外籍居民地方选举权(投票权),梅塔决定不把自己的姓氏清单中指定的赠款引进选择性修订民法和 The Democratic party House of Councillors selection manifest it does not clearly write foreign carrot administration and the surname classified by married couple Workshop proposition The House of Councillors selection manifest of the Democratic party administration pledge the national life workshop which is examined Chairman Kansei Nakano on the 7th local denizenship to permanent residence foreigner election right grant and civil law It decided that introduction of the surname of the classified by selective married couple which is due to amendment is not clearly written in the manifest

                            • NULL Temporarily when it does present condition that way and solves Japan is dangerous with maji So our people also reformation to be possible well and don t you think do because present condition was made irrelevant tsu te story Even a little you wanted to change if the last time democracy rotting the ru voting with election now circumstances seeing kana Whether or not the next House of Councillors selection you insert vote in the party the wa which is delicate Although the acquired interests labor union regular member are protected enthusiasm it puts out left wing power Vague principle of freedom introducing our people who designate the young person as the scapegoat produce irrelevance When you think with the method of elimination to do and others everyone and the happy tsu te whose seeing still is little Only selection it comes out
                              • 目前,日本是一个严重的局势,而Toitara我们很勉强made ll改革的自民党仍然是危险的,甚至几分钟谈一谈我谈不上Etaku改变我从国家,现在是最后一个民主国家投票他们能否变成下次投票选举将看到假名的微妙左派联盟我介绍了一个半心半意自由,但急于保护工人的定期既得利益,年青人替罪羊排减单位和自由民主党和消灭的过程是有问题的考虑,我还是高兴,所有,几乎没有什么约束 Temporarily when it does present condition that way and solves Japan is dangerous with maji So our people also reformation to be possible well and don t you think do because present condition was made irrelevant tsu te story Even a little you wanted to change if the last time democracy rotting the ru voting with election now circumstances seeing kana Whether or not the next House of Councillors selection you insert vote in the party the wa which is delicate Although the acquired interests labor union regular member are protected enthusiasm it puts out left wing power Vague principle of freedom introducing our people who designate the young person as the scapegoat produce irrelevance When you think with the method of elimination to do and others everyone and the happy tsu te whose seeing still is little Only selection it comes out

                            • ṛ┬ 崩溃的国家自由党政府这次是左 ー 我也许可以说明,我开始ヽ马祖 r ┬ When it continues to be our civil administration right now national collapse 92 No 92 REPT 92 No 92 u 92 92 human u Cuscus 92 u ⌒ No 92 With mashi ゙ REPT Cuscus 92 u No 92 u 92 human 92 u ⌒ No 92 itata w REPT With a state where you say starting don t you think the ru causing re it is

                              • [政治]派出的比例代表制选举-民主党政治-菱谷良子谷柔道,小泽,秘书会议一般民主新闻界运行在比例代表制选举...
                                The Democratic party Valley Riyouko supporting to House of Councillors selection proportion representation To Secretary General and press conference valley Riyouko and democracy Ozawa of judo… House of Councillors selection proportion representation running

                                • _NULL_
                                  You question with the [me], it is! Already, the best 10 it may to do to enter immediately, don't you think? is, w The support ratio findings from by the investigation agency - The worst 10 1 rank Takeshita Noboru 4. 4% The Liberal Democratic Party fiasco 2 rank Forest Nobuo 9. 0% The Liberal Democratic Party fiasco Kato's rebellion 3 rank Sousuke Uno 10. 1% The Liberal Democratic Party fiasco 4 rank Shrine 澤 happiness one 10. 3% The Liberal Democratic Party devastating fiasco New. Successive appearance 5 rank Kakuei Tanaka 10. 6% With the Lockheed dispersion fiasco New party birth 6 rank Taro Aso 13. 4% The Liberal Democratic Party fiasco 7 rank Yosiyuki Suzuki 15. 8% With meaning unclear dispersion fiasco 8 rank Eisaku Sato 17. 3% With “your reporter everyone coming out, the [ke]” with dispersion general election fiasco 9 rank Keizo Obuchi 19. 4% The rose just it spreads the rose spreading, you die suddenly 10 rank Takeo Miki 19. 4% Tenure with expiration dispersion fiasco

                                  • _NULL_

                                    • ー哦,太糟糕了唯一的区别是鸽子的质量,公司即使你已经溃烂森林,因为即使一个小喷泉麻生太郎,零信誉的信任 Well the a quality just is different Also the pigeon is terrible but even Aso even Koizumi even the forest……… If the company collapsing long ago the ru confidence and reliance zero
                                      • 28 7,自民党?什么是多生太郎,谷垣祯一受欢迎! When the Liberal Democratic Party is 28 7 The notion that where Tanigaki s one is popularity from Aso

                                    • ヽ, ü⌒美国哦,美 我 ,美, ü:::ヽ ∧↓民主党人 ,∧!铀() 。 。凵和 J 支原体(。升: ::: NULL
                                      • ヽ布鲁诺 ”关闭 ‖年。j REPT no ⌒ REPT Hearing Obtaining Γ ⌒ REPT It is dense ⌒ REPT Obtaining ” 92 What ” 92 REPT It is REPT REPT HKRPT No REPT i lt HKRPT 厶 r ∠ REPT HKRPT r REPT re DREPT REPT l DREPT REPT l DREPT REPT to r y T DREPT nini “ lt gt hu j
                                      • 布鲁诺 ·∀ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ HKRPT i ⌒ ⌒ REPT Our people gt ∧ ∧ ゙ i 92 ∀ human Our people it does not extend the ♪ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ⊂ 92 凵 It does J l 92 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ HKRPT U i 92 U REPT Hatoyama ↓ ∧ ∧ U u i 92 ∀ human J The seeing tsu it is not visible ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ⊂ 92 凵 It does J l 92 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT U ⌒ U HKRPT U i 92 U and U REPT Democracy ↓ ∧ ∧ U u i 92 ∀ human J Completely it is not visible …… ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ⊂ 92 U 凵 It does J U U l 92

                                    • 不过,首相村山富市,让自卫队时,拒绝援助美军一直在寻找杀死6000人的目的,关西
                                      Although is, wealth city Prime Minister Murayama left 5 hour Self Defense Force, refused the US military help, looked at Kansai human 6000 purposely and made the murder

                                      • 两个致命的罪过清单,在民主党的深入禁用国家领导人承诺权威此外邪恶暴露在一个完整的白痴満天下并不陌生,这也是已知的敌人意义美国海军陆战队,甚至也没有想就此事向事务戏剧性的是,一方不能依靠党首先表现下降的两,即使是现在摇摇欲坠的两党制,人们考虑的全国选举埃泰我应该如何最终得到合学方向,以“民主”已成为全国最大的危机本身是危险的乌库巴哈尔
                                        Two major crime badness of the Democratic party administration Manifest = authority of pledge was nullified thoroughly The fact that was exposed under the whole sky the leader of the country, the perfection which does not know either the meaning of existence of US Marine Corps is foolish, In addition, the enemy state, in this also being the case that it rises dramatically the way of decline of one one side of bipartisan Not be able to trust the manifest, now when also bipartisan systems are collapsing, as for the citizen thinking of what It should have faced in national election? After all “democracy” itself has become dangerous With largest national difficulty

                                        • 中国永久放宽意味着我希望维持现状:自民党的政策声明中还鸠山:18日道歉,并赔偿现金自民党合法化柏青哥:这是北朝鲜人权法案不修改他们知道:这中国签证要求取消收入自民党:阻塞施政缓和由小泉:此修正案,而美国对日政策假期:日本经团联的政策调整密切自民党:做什么现在于不顾自民党在...面额:日本在过去两年来货币单位重新命名
                                          In other words China desired maintenance of the status quo Permanent residence right relief : This the Liberal Democratic Party policy Hatoyama conversation : As for apology and compensation the Liberal Democratic Party 18th with… Pachinko conversion legalization : You do not know this The North Korean human rights method amendment : This the Liberal Democratic Party The Chinese visa annual income important matter abolition: The policy which is eased with Koizumi administration Blocking : As for this on the other hand the Japan policy of America Holiday method amendment : The Japan Federation of Economic Organizations policy which is close with the Liberal Democratic Party The National Diet method amendment : The Liberal Democratic Party having forced voting during year and what after so long a time… [denomi] : Japan past 2 time [denomi]… In multipara ministry installation the Korean room: Intellectual viewing Integrated medical care : Intellectual viewing Doctor exemption. Flexible regulation : As for the person not being enough with the Liberal Democratic Party consequence? Suddenly, there is no reason which decreases and NPO To contribution tax reduction : Intellectual viewing Export promotion of high technology: There is no anything related to this Foreign enterprise income tax zero: Income tax zero policy is the Liberal Democratic Party policy, but

                                          • 他不仅看到机动民主党宣称,我不喜欢这类型的事件的看法埃泰 Only declaration looking at the Democratic party support as for the person whom you do not hesitate thing of at such event is not remembered quite it is don t you think
                                            • 不要信奉操纵他的民主党人,我不喜欢这类型的事件的看法埃泰 Declaring the Democratic party support as for the person whom you do not hesitate thing of at such event is not remembered quite it is don t you think

                                          • 他不仅要黄金和非日在日本帧,名人(),但似乎都尖叫茹也是一位出色的停留我的唯一一个会议愚蠢的,因为我想进入或驱动tTA 一分钟后这是不可思议! Resident framework Because the person and the show biz celebrity who is only gold desire even with the Japanese we would like to meet that it entered that extent only the brain it stays low But like also being excellent stays if After you understand
                                            • 嘿466,西西的志位嘿来吧躺在舒适的日本的强硬 466 Don t you think the e lie being densely it is pleasant w Don t you think resident it is serious e w

                                          • 他们仅仅上涨了百分之二十垃圾群众撒秘书处的秘密资金,也没有辩护上衣
                                            The rose spreading secretariat secret expense in the mass rubbish, you have defended desperately just 2 tenths

                                            • 但是,为什么391口蹄疫的问题,“他松树大白痴!”认真的,如果它似乎是怕的东西似乎是捏造害怕或波纳雷夫情况和日益流行和媒体报道 391 However with foot and mouth disease problem Why “the foolish pine large participation ” With the mass communications fabricating reporting Support ratio rise or porunarehu it may become situation being we fear Something it may become so being with maji we fear
                                              • 63不支持。它也不5 20%的所有权。我发明了一个简单的销售,5% 63 where it does not support 5 in title margin 20 5 how easy fabrication it is viewing
                                              • 如果1分钟津贴为1500万,因为63岁527,说你母亲的感受神奇 527 Therefore in 63 years old 15 000 000 allowance As for feeling of the mother you understand

                                            • 作为日本餐馆酒店在“里”在 和他们乱太郎Gorou读卖新闻主笔
                                              With Japanese restaurant “Yamazato” inside the same hotel > Star. The Asahi newspaper editorial staff member, rock seeing Takao everyday the newspaper honorary member editorial staff member, > Hasimoto five 郎 the Yomiuri Shimbun Company special editorial staff members and dining together

                                              • 你热情的支持者,母亲以及恢复沸腾゚Namaho辜仲和归化的好处加民团研究员母亲
                                                Having supported ardently boils in naturalized [chiyon] and mother and child addition treatment revival of the companion of people group [namaho] ゚ mother and child et. al

                                                • 内阁支持率是21%Warota NHK和几乎20%的平均每Yashiroyoko
                                                  As for NHK Cabinet support ratio 21% At last 2 tenths each company side line [warota

                                                  • 凭借挺举和反对党内的政策是不友好分钟总理Mubeki不包括“中的许多意见中,像去年的大选宣言,承诺将避免甚至表示在该选举 Rubbing being intraparty for and against divides the policy where should not be included” that opinion at large number Similar to the House of Representatives selection manifest of last year the fact that even with House of Councillors selection it puts out in pledge is evaded
                                                    • 凭借挺举,但因为形式被绑架,没有在党的各级经验枝野自私部长初级成员通常较少 Rubbing being intraparty in junior Assemblyman of experience zero whose rank is low Cabinet minister personal affairs or the tsu becoming the shape which is carried off the is branch field

                                                  • 卫生工作人员部长是海拔,本来是扎西我枝野的名字,鸠山是顺利
                                                    Originally, with public welfare Minister of labor personal affairs name of the branch field has been arrested to do, also Hatoyama was the intention

                                                    • 即使民主枝野长的管道也可以赤松妻子冈田前原诚司也没有权力强迫担ü
                                                      Okada or Maehara or the tube or the long wife or Akamatsu or the branch field democracy there is no power which bears administration

                                                      • 古事记呢? 。愚蠢的乞丐之间的差异p和艾达房子。 P乞丐
                                                        It is old thing description? . Beggar p is the [erai] difference Fool. Beggar p

                                                        • 只有双职位,但在大选前辞职,鸠山和小泽不管怎样,你会被人欺骗或者玩耍简 How immediately before the se electing Ozawa and Hatoyama just position resignation doing with double per 菅 doing in substituting It does with the cheating chi ya u citizen the yo
                                                          • 不仅要用鸠山由芮体蚰说,它是确定有没有一点说话 Because Hatoyama does not execute just persists doing story being judged that there is no meaning the ru
                                                          • 共同货币,“我希望投票Democratic m鸠山!”是啊,但没有人相信我说峨 The u umbrella “as for me expecting to Hatoyama the ze which voted to the Democratic party ” The tsu te you think that the person who can say it is not but it is
                                                          • 简,如果你首相鸠山尔原口,比卖国政策最坏Tsukisusumemasu When Hatoyama falls from power 菅 the blastopore becomes the prime minister is attached and recommends more the worst treason policy

                                                        • 在这种压力的一步绞纱超过百分之二十阻塞不大,因为没有额外的好处的单位达成 This time making the geta wear directly it did not reach in the 20 stand but Because there was a pressure omake it did
                                                          • 在这一步就可以达成的鞋Omake拥有超过百分之二十的债券,因为没有压力单位 This time making the geta wear it did not reach in the 20 stand but Because there was a pressure omake it did

                                                        • 坝址或Yatsuosa 761,是我第一次摆动到空地自民党的地方公共工程,...
                                                          761 Eight [tsu] place dams and the umbrella, beginning to shake openly in the general public construction of the land of the Liberal Democratic Party ground, but the [ru] it is,…

                                                          • 多瓦组民主权力基础■ -解决民间社会-公民研究理事会娱乐集团政策-游连全职,宗教团体游协日-立正佼成会,世界基督教救赎宗教Idzu我的教授吨晃诚,外国组织统一教会-居民联盟共有连协会民族的支持者投票的日子。协会民族政治投票团体支持-民主统一联盟,蓝的,核心派别,工会马塞洛皮革学校-联盟- Zitirou,Ntsukyouso,用户界面岑森联盟,工会联合会,日本汽车工人工会,工会电气,果酱,关键工会,工会信息,太平绅士,电力朝总联,在所有运输工人工会和JR总联等日本联合会
                                                            * Support parent of the Democratic party The Dowa group - Solution same Citizen group - The policy committee which the citizen makes Pleasures group - All the day playing reams, day playing cooperation Sect - Rissho 佼 forming meeting, worldwide rescuing world teaching it is, [me] teaching group of the [zu], 崇 teaching true light, the unification church Foreign group - People group, entire 聯, bloom human participation in government support association, day. Bloom human participation in government support association Political organization - Democracy standardization alliance, corporation blue same, core group and leather [maru] group Union - Combination - Autonomous labor, Nitukiyou group, UI [zensen] alliance and automobile entire ream, electrical machinery and appliances combination, JAM, basic labor ream and information labor ream, JP labor union, electrical entire ream, Council of All Japan Transport Workers' Unions and JR entire ream, other things

                                                            • 如果内阁的支持率几乎375 NHK的21%调整第二十九点45 5月10日5驱动tTA据日本广播协会的一项调查路线,鸠山内阁的“支持”埃塔人民和答案,但低于11分的调查上月的但对我来说,这百分之二十一,“不支持”埃塔人的答案是68%以上的12余点 375 The ho it is NHK world pitch Cabinet support ratio 21 May 10th 19 45 According to the public opinion poll where NHK does the Hatoyama Cabinet “as for the person whom you answer that it supports ” 11 points than investigation of last month going down vis a vis being the 21 as for the person whom you answer that “it does not support” 12 points rising it was the 68
                                                              • 人工神经网络驱动tTA线调查,鸠山内阁的支持率依然存在,仅百分之二十的单位百分之20 5,情况是鸠山政府也进入危险水域 In the public opinion poll where ANN does support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet maintained the 20 5 and the last 2 percentage level but Circumstance of Hatoyama administration furthermore has entered into the dangerous waters

                                                            • 如果大阪鹤桥京桥20.5%负担附近做研究的保险丝
                                                              20.5% If Osaka if the capital bridge and the crane bridge, you investigate at offering neighborhood, room

                                                              • 如果您在数字媒体流对他们的申诉谷,回避了支持率的差异,以国立科学和技术业务只拣菱事件的 Valley Riyouko in business categorization event in technology type independent administrative corporate body Acquiring complaint if it lets flow the ru form with the mass communications support ratio UP you are not wrong

                                                                • 如果资金拨付,海军陆战队搬迁8000到关岛,嘉手纳空军基地以南也返回,该站消除空气中的普天间的风险,而不是破坏整个! “我会 If this budget is not appropriated The Guam transfer of facilities 8000 of Marines and the Kadena base from here return the south and the removal of danger of the Futenma airport All does not become useless ” The tsu te it is to put away
                                                                  • 233鸟越是“海军陆战队的威慑了!”这是我一个人自称 233 Torigoe “as for Marines does not become deterrent Don t you think ” the tsu te you insist it is the person

                                                                • 妻子长度799没有,只是挂在我们的孩子谁限制四十九瓦特海外
                                                                  799 As for the long wife doing, just 49 human restriction overseas child treatments shelf w

                                                                  • 小泽害怕的决赛,以换取进入 瓦特,你知道我不是他们的年龄越小,自由民主党成员,他需要一个没有政党平衡削减选举 When the support political party is not the person balance inserts in our people in order to take it ends Vibrating in Ozawa as for ru young Assemblyman being understood the combining of the ru The fact that it is cut with election are your own what w

                                                                    • 当选众议院议员选举,2004年因为小泉时代,2004年,自民党仍然支持。票选出的分布失去民主斗争工程建设公司和反对选举联盟的公明党无味二区一区公共工程支持机构有兴趣的机构
                                                                      Therefore Koizumi age 2004 Upper House election reelection, In 2004, our people support which still is. Each group Supporting tissue Earth building Public works projects interests trader 1 human Ku 2 human Ku With the election cooperation with the fairness the cuscus the defeat desperation of the Assemblyman who is elected Dispersion of counter democracy vote

                                                                      • 我们打败武等人,我决定竞选众议院议员的回应阿苏友谊前总理? 100万已经离开了。重量轻
                                                                        We to do the beat fungus, answering the friendship of front Prime Minister Aso House of Councillors running determination? If it comes out, 10,000,000. It is light

                                                                        • 我会说,但它是民主小宫山总部,与Iteta地方随时万美元的预算提案,第一
                                                                          Komiyama of the entire Motoyama Democratic party saying, but [ru] thing when it is plan of first 10,000 rank, also aim of budget has been attached

                                                                          • 我怎么会说129,电梯和挤压私人电梯到城市的税收也是自民党猪肉桶地方和政府官员说,这里正是你保证 129 Being what the ru it is democracy and our people increasing tax to squeeze people and the urban district In the district and the government employee as for the rose spreading the tsu te which is guaranteed saying the ro where is just the ru
                                                                            • 848民主党人和一对无损检测,如果从一开始直和公务员制度改革,没我成为一个更好的Janakarou 848 Uniting with democracy if government employee system reformation from one becomes redoing A little it becomes better it is it probably won t be

                                                                          • 我想借众议院议员部分,自由民主党在大多数敦促Ihanai还只是想支持它有点过于民主政府Zudaboro
                                                                            Therefore our people democracy administration excessively [zudaboro], support just rose somewhat Even then majority is taken, there is no kind of spirit which with House of Councillors

                                                                            • 我,我不是一个人的脸看汉字的是像一个基莫喜欢说我没有守好512阿苏税罪犯? 512 Aso however the human where you cannot read either the Chinese character of the heart face which is said was Tax law don t you think it is like the offender who cannot be protected is better
                                                                              • 我不是一个人的脸基莫我说,我读汉字麻生太郎Warochi湿重512万维网 512 Aso however the human where you cannot read either the Chinese character of the heart face which is said was Tax law don t you think it is like the offender who cannot be protected is better

                                                                            • 所以,这不是更好,四党联盟与所有人,公正舛添今昔Tachiagare m还担心体重过或没有工作的大多数,如果自民党能以工作多数即使如此?
                                                                              Therefore the [tsu] [te] Liberal Democratic Party comes off independent majority, it cannot boil and Independent majority coming off, worry to put out, the [a] So that it does with rise, when everyone Masuzoe's place When 4 party alliances is, [mashi] so it is not?

                                                                              • 投票率20民主党人说,想说什么百分之做,我能说的基础,为两方的状态,其服装样的中线和失败,我被判处说,国家取消资格我 That when you say something would like to say Say that it is in a state political party support ratio 20 of the Democratic party may call the bottom almost settles In a manner of speaking it is sentenced it is possible to call disqualification and being disqualified a state where as 2 large political parties
                                                                                • 一站式它! !我Louppy选民零热泪盈眶的眼睛已经汇率制度! !是不是真的,我不知道是什么 1 Stopping already Political party support ratio of rupi administration long ago at zero the tear eye Don t you think tsu te truth whether

                                                                              • 日本广播协会21日,朝日20 5,太阳TBS电视台在每天早上的一星期内,“每天我们的新闻的访问”,但我有一个计划,他们的意见朝日电视新闻台,它和公园河村对三个非常不同 我知道,看 NHK 21 Asahi 20 5 With TBS Asahi everyday in weekday “News of the noon There is a program Access” but it is Opinion of the reporting desk of Asahi National Broadcasting Co Kawamura and three counter gardens at all being different You know that you see
                                                                                • 日本广播协会21日,朝日20 5,TBS的20 9抑或是我真的比较 NHK 21 Asahi 20 5 TBS 20 9 The tsu te the kana which really is with this extent tsu lever

                                                                              • 普天间偏远地区(充电)在外地(完全程)为
                                                                                Futenma came and was the remote region (to the [chi]) with the field (the [tsu] [pa] and others)

                                                                                • 最终,707号:P0d44hNvP甚至编号:Trf6HRq0我想艾希周一埃泰教你说什么我现在的党内民主,因为它不会做,但我不挖掘自由民主党也表示,古
                                                                                  707 After all ID: P0d44hNvP ID: Only the speech where also Trf6HRq0 hits our people it is done, it is, don't you think? Even useless you call also democracy, if is, teaching, whether some party now is good desired the potato it is

                                                                                  • 朝日Warota国家盛传老承认为657 WWW的两极分化和技巧看起来是的,我生活在一个信息世界的今天
                                                                                    657 Recognition patience [ma] Asahi of aged person with paste [warota] www Current society [tsu] [te] information does, it is [ge] [e] both it is polarized probably will be

                                                                                    • 民主党人停止下跌Marimasen Depreciation of the Democratic party does not stop gt lt Either philosophism of netsutosayo does not stop gt
                                                                                      • 民主党人停止下跌Marimasen Depreciation of the Democratic party does not stop gt lt Either philosophism of netsutosayo does not stop gt
                                                                                      • 民主党人停止下跌Marimasen Depreciation of the Democratic party does not stop gt lt Either philosophism of netsutosayo does not stop gt

                                                                                    • 民主党政治舞台的支持率在党内,但洪水扭转民主党人谁离开自民党和自民党已经从自我释放是错误的,也许匆匆飞行销毁未经允许Shitajan ll没有看过
                                                                                      As for political party support ratio the Liberal Democratic Party the Democratic party reversal However the new party it was flooded with political world reorganization, the Democratic party self-destructed when it shot, selfishly, it is Being flurried, as for the person who springs out from our people whether you mistook reading

                                                                                      • 没有他们的知识,阅读汉字,我不能让他们的论点臻,天空只是无能的表现相比,民主党不负责任逃税罪叛国的大骗子,不是没有任何问题神奇的东西,现在好古分钟 There being a point which does not know reading the Chinese character and the te does not reach Large lie spitting tax evasion crime treason of the Democratic party When you compare to the disabled lack of policy only of performance Now it understands well that it is not many problems
                                                                                        • 但是他们投票支持他要求改变民主党在去年9月的政治舞台,权利仅仅是无能和无知 Simply seeking political change at stage of September of last year as for the people who voted to the Democratic party it is it is the ro which is disabled and ignorant become

                                                                                      • 然而,20%从这里赶走附表鸠山我装了20%的人就是我仍然为我的生根,他们将直接打开,他们的发言时间作出虚假查看详情有趣的方式 But cutting the 20 here rather than cornering Hatoyama still the person of the 20 me You have supported it is with inhaling you open and you make be repaired you stop the timing which erroneous one It is funny
                                                                                        • 嗯,我不知道这里会发生什么事,因为火炬风险和飞入,如果你问小泽讲话梅萨 Well as for this you do not know how it becomes but If it makes stop because there is also a risk which sparks to Ozawa

                                                                                      • 然而,直到民主党政府家伙“一个普通的老人说:”Ochokuttara人类因为动物的情感,酱大脑烧坏 But The Democratic party administration the “extremely normal old boy” falls to asoko the yo ku tsu cod Therefore as for the human the animal of feeling brain seeing so putsutsun it does
                                                                                        • “冲绳基地放在Kasenai永远!”冲绳人烧死其大脑和纯豆酱 “The base is not made to put to Okinawa eternally ” With brain seeing so putsutsun it can point to the pure Okinawan

                                                                                      • 琦玉559议席选区制联盟(小泉Ryuuzi)除一名独立劳动的是,在所有的民主,民主的支持者将保持相当茹(香椎故事令人尴尬),但年龄相同的朋友最民主的不满 559 Labor union type non post Riyuuzi Koizumi excluding 1 people after democracy it puts out the Saitama prefecture small constituency entirely The shy story where democracy bearing stratum probably is to stay in that appearance is as for the friend of the same age almost all democracy non supports
                                                                                        • 我会带一个组织在组织中投票或不包括日本企业和保守的宗教团体和工会怀疑我是否这已经从只 When the group and enterprise and or religion power of conservative type are excluded Because as for ru there is only a labor union in Japan with organized votes Like this the tsu chi ya u it can combine

                                                                                      • 由于600万伐丽流票民主党33万张选票中的27万张选票之间的自由民主党认为保证金作为自民党议席119个席位中308席的民主党代表的楼
                                                                                        The number of House of Representatives parliamentary seats the Democratic party 308 parliamentary seat With the Liberal Democratic Party 119 parliamentary seat like great difference it is thought, but The Democratic party 33,000,000 vote Therefore with the Liberal Democratic Party 27,000,000 vote difference 6,000,000 vote

                                                                                        • 研究小组建议,“日本与外国人共存的生活”,“人权”为保持这样的抽象表示 In proposition of the same workshop “of symbiosis “human rights respect” abstract expression of resident foreigner” and so on It leaves
                                                                                          • 研究组建议“在日本生活的外国人共存”,“人权”为保持这样的抽象表示 In proposition of the same workshop “of symbiosis “human rights respect” abstract expression of resident foreigner” and so on It leaves
                                                                                          • 研究组建议“在日本生活的外国人共存”,“人权”为保持这样的抽象表示 In proposition of the same workshop “of symbiosis “human rights respect” abstract expression of resident foreigner” and so on It leaves

                                                                                        • 自由民主的因素比以前更好的这次选举是至少是794因为谁投错一个自由莫无我! 794 At least because as for better element than our people even one there was no democracy from before the House of Representatives selection you voted to our people As for this by mistake it was
                                                                                          • 我只能悄悄的我第一次民主表决之前,以书面形式变得太穆基Chaa嗯,是啊,它会说794 794 But the sled ya so That word tsu chi ya a you becoming muki without writing saying nothing if you should have voted to democracy just

                                                                                        • 舛添我是正确的脱节当你有债务小泽州长
                                                                                          Masuzoe borrows to Ozawa at the time of capital governor selection and Keeping coming out, it was correct answer

                                                                                          • 诚实money神奇吊我免费入场前幼儿教育小学什么方式,是方法意识决定了钱好去到家庭中的需要并没有只集中到现金的儿童津贴我会支持孩子抚养津贴(即冻结民主党)小学6年,原定派钱收买每家每户ü袋或办公桌上都太少钱Kakaran The fact that the honest money catches until the small school it enters is what don t you think As for infantile education gratuitous conversion a certain meaning and child treatment just are not realized the wa which the air which is Yosikazu who spreads in the household where the gold is necessary intensively does The parenting support benefits democracy freezing in the household which buys the knapsack and the desk the gold is distributed was the schedule which with one time cutting and Most gold the empty it is to 6 of small school

                                                                                            • 说真的,我觉得把蛋糕Warota确保CON组二一五瓦特
                                                                                              215 Whether [sure] which is swindled when you think, with [maji] [warota] w

                                                                                              • 请愿书被提交一个↓法案出卖扩散的志摩要求一个在您的饮食随秋天,在波澜壮阔的国会会议上,“外国居民基本法”,“允许多重国籍双重国籍”,“权利法案的人力,”民主和社会民主它已成为绝大多数为丰富和共产党君秋投票
                                                                                                ↓ spread we ask Now petition in a general way of the treason bill is submitted at the National Diet, At extraordinary session of parliament of the fall “foreign inhabitant fundamental law” “it is heavy nationality double nationality admission” “protection of fundamental human rights bill” and so on And it has become thick to become approval at preponderant large number of the democracy corporation people fairness common property,

                                                                                                • 超过70例巴卡大规模垃圾山茶花泡沫“政权更替”埃塔人的答案是一个新菜接受愚蠢代替维持小夜的统一,自由民主社会洙,人们认为一个人去由于谎言,浪费大量调查,最后的大选,麻生太郎和自民党的支持率是10%,民朱达罗是未来5至07倍 70 baka Mass rubbish above camellia incident “ Administration alternation bubble ” With as for the person who is answered bakasayo standardized association minsu It substitutes to our people with the favor which the saucer of the new maintenance where with thinks the citizen and the tsu drill it deceives Aso administration and our people support ratio of mass rubbish investigation immediately before the House of Representatives selection to cut the 10 minsu acquiring 5 7 time thing differences simply the ro
                                                                                                  • 28 7后,政府对改变,第一次超过了自民党的民主党 gt On the one hand “has been supported concerning the political party which” vis a vis the 24 4 of the Democratic party the Liberal Democratic Party with the 28 7 gt After the administration alternating the Liberal Democratic Party exceeded the Democratic party for the first time
                                                                                                  • 28 7后,政府对改变,第一次超过了自民党的民主党 gt On the one hand “has been supported concerning the political party which” vis a vis the 24 4 of the Democratic party the Liberal Democratic Party with the 28 7 gt After the administration alternating the Liberal Democratic Party exceeded the Democratic party for the first time
                                                                                                  • 28 7后,政府对改变,第一次超过了自民党的民主党 gt On the one hand “has been supported concerning the political party which” vis a vis the 24 4 of the Democratic party the Liberal Democratic Party with the 28 7 gt After the administration alternating the Liberal Democratic Party exceeded the Democratic party for the first time
                                                                                                  • 28 7后,政府对改变,第一次超过了自民党的民主党 gt On the one hand “has been supported concerning the political party which” vis a vis the 24 4 of the Democratic party the Liberal Democratic Party with the 28 7 gt After the administration alternating the Liberal Democratic Party exceeded the Democratic party for the first time
                                                                                                  • 28 7后,政府对改变,第一次超过了自民党的民主党 gt On the one hand “has been supported concerning the political party which” vis a vis the 24 4 of the Democratic party the Liberal Democratic Party with the 28 7 gt After the administration alternating the Liberal Democratic Party exceeded the Democratic party for the first time
                                                                                                  • 28 7后,政府对改变,第一次超过了自民党的民主党 gt On the one hand “has been supported concerning the political party which” vis a vis the 24 4 of the Democratic party the Liberal Democratic Party with the 28 7 gt After the administration alternating the Liberal Democratic Party exceeded the Democratic party for the first time
                                                                                                  • 与此同时,“党是支持”为民主党和自由民主党24 4%28 7%反对,政府更迭后的,第一次超过了自民党的民主党 On the one hand vis a vis the 24 4 of the Democratic party concerning “the political party which has been supported” the Liberal Democratic Party with the 28 7 After the administration alternating the Liberal Democratic Party exceeded the Democratic party for the first time
                                                                                                  • 超过70例巴卡大规模垃圾山茶花泡沫“政权更替”是一个愚蠢的替代品新菜接受维持小夜的统一,自由民主社会洙,因为人们认为一个人去欺骗在先前的研究大规模垃圾选举,麻生太郎和自民党的支持率是10%,民朱达罗是未来5至07倍 70 baka Mass rubbish above camellia incident “ Administration alternation bubble ” With as for the person who is answered bakasayo standardized association minsu It substitutes to our people with the favor which the saucer of the new maintenance where with thinks the citizen and the tsu drill it deceives Aso administration and our people support ratio of mass rubbish investigation immediately before the House of Representatives selection to cut the 10 minsu acquiring 5 7 time thing differences simply the ro
                                                                                                  • 鸠山内阁停止批准等级恶意或再往下看,“支持”埃塔人民和答案,减少“不支持”的人百分之八至百分之20 5,在过去,而不是埃塔和回答8 1%埃泰现在63 5% As for the person whom you answer that this time it does not level out “supports the support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet” The 8 decreasing from the last time the person whom you answer that with the 20 5 “it does not support” the 8 1 increasing conversely became the 63 5

                                                                                                • 这一决定引起了自民党和公明党的选举中,大约1万张选票,以800索卡自由民主团体的帮助
                                                                                                  Because our people and the election cooperation of fairness were decided, 8,000,000 vote of Soka turns to constituency of our people

                                                                                                  • 这是正常的,有一个相应的不信任它的自由民主党172,我发现了这方面的形象,选举Bakkari“民主!”什么邪恶的鱿鱼,专门自民党是什么它似乎没有出 172 Vis a vis our people The image that it is normal to have the suitable distrust to the Democratic party the latest case is good “As for democracy thing of election saw tsu temporary ” The tsu te it is The Liberal Democratic Party something is bad concretely way it cannot point out but
                                                                                                    • 这是正常的一出不信任的自民党和172点的形象是什么邪恶的鱿鱼特定于自民党,但我不能离开 172 The image that it is normal to have the distrust vis a vis our people remains The Liberal Democratic Party something is bad concretely way it cannot point out but

                                                                                                  • 逃税和其他美国和外国人直选对支付子女古撒上升到了政治资金的外国私人土地用途的购买,中国的900000000000000日元礼貌和失败的国家债务遗漏口蹄疫不作为外交政策的专属经济区以外的韩国和朝鲜民主党人冷漠阻止媒体对破坏国防政策和经济措施,在你身后对希腊的步骤之一,是一个犯错的球员侵犯,向党的唯一的坏后,才法西斯主义和共产主义的所有各方的剥削和政治公帑瓦特
                                                                                                    Tax evasion, The private diversion, land purchase of the political party grant To the foreign country the rose the child treatment which spreads Foreign carrot administration America and in addition, mistake and the omission to send greetings in the diplomatic policy other than middle morning Korea Forbearance of foot and mouth disease Debt 900,000,000,000,000 Yen of country Faultless for the Chinese EEZ violation The countercyclical measures which it turns to the rear hand and the indifference for Greece The vandalism for military policies Speech blockade As for the Democratic party the useless political party which is only communist fascism and plutocracy and exploitation from the citizen After all only the party of everyone it is w

                                                                                                    • 邮政官员也支持,对不对?转向公路建设承包商获得小泽支持朱达罗
                                                                                                      As for the postal services authorized personnel the [ro] which is support Highway construction you make turn from Ozawa, the [ro] where also the earth building is support

                                                                                                      • 鸠山与小泽的事我在干什么,我是黑色的Idake自民党收回旧田中派更多 Hatoyama and Ozawa doing but black sufficient Liberal Democratic Party political what where the ru thing tsu te old Tanaka group you reset more

                                                                                                        • 鸠山内阁下一步恭喜10%时,鸠山共产主义瑕疵的百分比是容易成为反美日搬迁的普天间所有有意到日本,但是,鸠山将与军方的反美国主义的叛徒,有失误的地方是公共在你透露所有的细节,摇,摇的屁股着火科凯国家或卡诺
                                                                                                          The Hatoyama Cabinet which is questioned with the [me] Next when it becomes 10% crack, is the pleasure As for Hatoyama of communism increasing purposely with Futenma transfer of facilities Japan anti-American, the anti-American troop the intention of keeping having But there is a public opinion in Japan That miscalculation of Hatoyama traitor The 媚 [te] [ke] shaking in the country of somewhere, the fool it does, shaking As for you oven?

                                                                                                          • 鸠山内阁或遥比竹下登内阁,或20%的支持率一直保持为何是劣势?例如4%的人认为这个词用竹下内阁,鸠山内阁的支持率约为3%赎回应该是一个适当的水平
                                                                                                            The Hatoyama Cabinet which is inferior much than the Takeshita Cabinet, why maintaining 20% thing support ratio? If also 4% was said thinks the Takeshita Cabinet which, as for support ratio of the Hatoyama Cabinet 3% expectation of proper level

                                                                                                            • 鸽子也,你知道什么都是免费的,但什么俱知安,部长和至少早生故事直面合它甚至不 But pigeon and no ku tsu chi ya be tsu te freedom a At least the Cabinet minister and oral reverse side adjusting extent margin

                                                                                                              • )周围噪音大的国会,小泉的30万亿美元的国家债务,44万亿民主党(最大核准发行,但“债务的自民党,”我不推卸责任?
                                                                                                                As for Koizumi's time you are agitated with 30,000,000,000,000 government bond, You admit 44,000,000,000,000 (past maximum) government bond issue of the Democratic party administration, That being, “the Liberal Democratic Party debt” the [tsu] [te] which it shifts responsibility how?

                                                                                                                • )(((一)( : :。支原体 :) ⌒γ ⌒ ) :我 ⌒⌒我)哦噢哦噢哦噢人升:我( i Uu Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i The u wa well well well well well the a l i
                                                                                                                  • 人( 。 )(((三期ヽ ) )(((一)( : :。支原体 :) ⌒γ ⌒ ) :我 ⌒⌒我)啊啊啊啊啊啊人升:我( Person REPT Three i Uu Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i The u wa well well well well well the a l i

                                                                                                                • :· ·我!的F ┐!ヾ, 研究ー ,: 升ヽ。 i f ┐ DREPT r l REPT rj i y i i i HKRPT he i 33 333 331 968 i HKDRT r i i i ri i l r 33 333 y DREPT l lilj two HATRUENO “22” r 7 l REPT DREPT HKDRT The Soviet Union t ¯ i l i DREPT Descent most speed ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ l l DREPT ri ri ¯ ¯ └ ┘ HKDRT
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                                                                                                                研究 開発