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Saitama woman Takao (15) “it is the portable telephone and the personal computer when, as for the electronic reads the book and thinks as the [zu] leprosy” book truly convenience? Product sutra newspaper Japanese argument ★3


  • 0 184 人民和图书馆太远,因为人们不淡图书馆在くに思加杆,但没有胜北街道附近将采取什么我,如果从别人 184 gt The person where the library is too distant and The person where it does and the yo bo is and only the library is not the vicinity Therefore it makes also the te obtain from other things without the neighboring letting escape yo my te it is If the tsu te it is
    • 181 “库会像昂贵的技术书籍不买个别S 181 gt As for the library the expensive kind of technical book which cannot be bought with the individual it goes to seeing

  • 122天前在音乐库Ttena Idaro线?瓦特我会从他们最近的邻居图书馆应成为OPAC的账面净值
    122 The [ro] which you the library does not go recently and is? w If with the net collection of books it can search can reserve it does not do it obtains from the library of neighborhood

    • 192 如果未来“只在这个电子书”如果他们处理,因为他们成为电子图书我就站出来与它好吗?书籍和其他文件对不对? 192 When gt it reaches the point where “the book only of the electronic book” is issued only future If the electronic book is handled don t you think that is to call with that The ro which is another from the book of the paper
      • 441电脑,因为他们不能用老和一个人层电子图书的读者,我将永远不会消失,即使五年一报章的文章 441 Because layer of the old people who cannot manage PC and the electronic book terminal is the book and the newspaper of the paper 5 years it is not gone no matter what

    • 256哦,是吗?米诺阅读电子书是什么课本翻开新的一页你的痛苦,理解和B 因此,把握定位和对口后,还检查粗糙的火焰,但更容易本文,多读一些严重的书籍和电子书籍,以为万 NULL

      • 266 有时用大约每隔几个月苏加马塔里对你可能是你的故事的Burgers有用的单词库,如使用的,如果你用它表示,e 书籍。 266 gt But sometimes that perhaps whether it waits at the library and or passes in several months one time it utilizes it is possible you saying the application the ru way is unreasonable Therefore if there is an electronic book don t you think it is convenient tsu te story
        • 米诺阅读英文书籍让他们觉得自己的价值讨厌,你会进入一书已经买了三样四本书,就足以说 As for reading the English book even by your you are moved by suitably bothersome already 4 volumes purchasing 3 volumes In the extent that the sample has entered
        • 约1 3人有时不读的书我没有到电子图书结构,无疑会欢迎阅读这方面的工作武野 Sometimes reads the book the person does not care either the te not to be the electronic book If reading the book work difference it is not in large welcome
        • (续二)(15个)电子书轻松专门购买了24小时,或有什么可以 2 Continuation 15 Continuation 24 hours it makes easymakes easy purchase In the electronic book being possible some thing concretely

      • 365 ipad公司大部分Ttena首先从笔记本电脑笔记本电脑也带来一些无法在桌面上,我只是觉得为什么他们在这个合资企业 365 gt Unless about original note type PC it has you cannot use iPad Because there is a note type and a desktop therefore being able to meet such a being applying Just you think

        • 367好了,我要去,但后来,他埋附表Bitchiri字符稿纸是提供一个没有思想的总结,我的意思
          367 Well, that it is, in order to collect thought whether how you say, letter the [bi] [tsu] dust as for the person who buries it is in the manuscript paper and says and says?

          • 406 后进入决赛的书我读大家在做什么?我仍然有150宗有关的书籍可以出售 406 gt Everyone the book which is read through is why the ru is As for we about still 150 volumes without being able to deal with it is
            • 406 后进入决赛的书我读大家在做什么?我仍然可以处理大约150本书 406 gt Everyone the book which is read through is why the ru is As for we about still 150 volumes without being able to deal with it is
            • 现在,05个月或精心挑选的书籍约Tteru购买亚马逊买东西 Now selecting those which are bought About 5 volumes buying Amazon with in month the ru

          • 441 ipad公司和制造商当然希望看到了至少一个小型私人高速打印机
            441 > As for the manufacturer naturally the expectation which produces the iPAD private small-sized super high-speed printer with late start and

            • 516 的iPod,所以我提出一些我的电子书一个聪明的文章无纸化会议,而不是提的,如果想使用看看那边广阔 516 gt iPod tsu te electronic book commenting compared to the meeting some data probably will be completed paperless conversion smartly because is we want expanding that use

              • 568好了,我们会看到...我掌上高清TTP的:/ / ipn.sakura.ne.jp / ibunkohd / TTP的index.html的从日本的i〜』高清库及其潜在的应用ipad公司惊奇:/ / www.applenoir 。com /?P值1684 iBunkoHD ver1.01图书阅读器的ipad公司TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d 4EXeSOK9 - 5U机架
                568 Well, how becoming… i library HD ttp: //ipn.sakura.ne.jp/ibunkohd/index.html The Japanese departure 'i Library the iPad application and the possibility of HD' - admiration ttp: //www.applenoir.com/? p = 1684 iBunkoHD ver1.01 book reader for iPad ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 4EXeSOK9 - 5U

                • 577之前,我看到了像贵宾阵列我的手机小说翻译的源氏物语的地方是我Warota wwwwww
                  577 However in the past, VIP you observed at that somewhere the demagnetization story is translated in the k tie novel wind As for [are] [warota] wwwwww

                  • 615 ipad公司在这里,你常常没有我杀了点燃
                    615 When this generalizes, as for iPad and Kindle the kana which is the death

                    • 716 电子字典,希望(他的规格灰运气或英语词典)我,我不的购买难顾高第一次世界大战日本电子词典我把医德志位和贪婪我是5 -到60000日元
                      716 > Wanting, the electronic dictionary (the English English dictionary being attached, person of [ru] ash specifications) It is, but it is being high, you cannot buy easily, but it is, The medical glossary which I want entering, as for the [ru] Japanese electronic dictionary 5 - 60,000 Yen It does

                      • 722 DNP和凸版印刷是两个主要的,我们听到了许多电子图书业务
                        722 As for Toppan and DNP of two large printing, the electronic book business varieties doing, the [ru

                        • 78 这不是我的书在火车上读武藤敏郎醉翻转音频使列车上的带子,而?在液晶显示器吗?不给我 78 gt While inside the streetcar with the handhold it turns the book the ru When the tsu te book inside the streetcar you read it does not become drunk That with liquid crystal It is not possible to I
                          • 没有手,与一个可读的狭窄空间我只需要一列车拥挤度 A certain just the inside of the streetcar which is congested is necessary ones … In the narrow space you can read with one hand and
                          • 音频书籍带来的是一个带转向火车上,太多会被原谅和精装杂志约平装 While inside the streetcar with the handhold turns the book ru If about the library when anyhow become also the hardcover and the magazine serious

                        • 980 我会要求完美的电子图书吗?你有什么太大的需求,电子图书的完美,过于完美,相反,它是纸书来代替更完美的宗旨的,但我想我有话要说 980 gt Because the book how it is cheap the tsu te which is bought it is damaged and or becomes dirty it is what to put out gt Don t you think perfection is sought from the electronic book too much If from the electronic book perfection to seek the tsu te it is too much therefore the book of the insect filter paper even excessively perfection It substitutes that perfection above that it is required you think that it is tsu te thing but don t you think
                          • 980 我会要求完美的电子图书吗?你有什么太大的需求,电子图书的完美,过于完美,相反,它是纸书来代替更完美的宗旨的,但我想我有话要说 980 gt Even the book is damaged and or becomes dirty it is what to put out gt Don t you think perfection is sought from the electronic book too much If from the electronic book perfection to seek the tsu te it is too much therefore the book of the insect filter paper even excessively perfection It substitutes that perfection above that it is required you think that it is tsu te thing but don t you think
                          • 除了现有的568,我来找我谁更适合来马拉图纸的电子图书,艺术家必须进度电子我 568 As for existing ones if anyhow electrization advances you draw and how to draw the hand adjusts to the electronic book you reach the point where it does don t you think it is

                        • Diamond jp 文章 8074 TTP的: diamond jp 去 克拉 的i appbook TTP的: diamond jp 去 克拉 的i appbook 图像 iPhone flame moshidora jpg TTP的: diamond jp 去 克拉 的i appbook 图像 5set moshidora jpg diamond jp articles 8074 ttp diamond jp go ct i appbook ttp diamond jp go ct i appbook images iPhone flame moshidora jpg ttp diamond jp go ct i appbook images 5set moshidora jpg
                          • TTP的: diamond jp 去 克拉 的i appbook TTP的: diamond jp 去 克拉 的i appbook 图像 5set moshidora jpg TTP的: diamond jp 去 克拉 我 appbook 图像 5set moshidora jpg 嘿队友瓦特 ttp diamond jp go ct i appbook ttp diamond jp go ct i appbook images 5set moshidora jpg ttp diamond jp go ct i appbook images 5set moshidora jpg … Just a little mate w

                        • DS是一个好故事收集阅读恩戴大绵一只眼睛,但有即使如此二局副局长
                          2 literature complete works of DS as for reading, the eye [owata] Therefore well DS however it is also [tsu] [te

                          • jk15年龄()www是非常愚蠢的,我会接受日本孩子真实的话wwwwww jk的音频恩我做一次我会为孩子卡斯万维网WWW的中心
                            jk15 year () www Word of the hungry ghost is received truly and economized [ya] [u] [aho] well enough is, it is shelf wwwwww Turning to the hungry ghost center of jk, as the [ru] thinks Japan or www refuse www

                            • S 223?我已经调整到山口县的所有公共图书馆,逢星期一休息那是行不通的(我不知道下关市图书馆宰)
                              223 Obtaining? However it tried inspecting the public library inside Yamaguchi prefecture, Everywhere close day as for being Monday, the [ru] because (as for the Shimonoseki city library it is not recorded, obscurity)

                              • 。正如预期的最高启示埃里卡说你丰富的屁股专门呻/ speed.me.land.to /
                                . Rear end Erika ardent love detection And your [tsu] [pa] rich person is highest http: //speed.me.la nd.to/

                                • ー做分销商之一,伟大的作家和托哥,我希望美国Dadappiroku喜欢,哦,在城镇日本书店有没有更小,呈现出便利店购买杂志, However with toko where the tsu pi ro ku te distributor and the writer who are America like and are serious it is good Japan how there is a bookstore in any small town and the magazine can be bought with konbini
                                  • ー做之一,也是美国很难在托科发给我希望Dadappiroku想,哦,在城镇日本书店有没有更小,呈现出便利店购买杂志, However with toko where the tsu pi ro ku te distributor and the writer who are America like and are serious it is good Japan how there is a bookstore in any small town and the magazine can be bought with konbini
                                  • 单侧和国家零售商“分配”而不是“存在”可能是一个系统,我什至不能决定我 Instead of one sided in the country and the distributor “circulation” even “existence” it is not unable to become the system which is decided

                                • 不仅放置在室,无一般书架,和任何东西,包括旧书籍,如果它是一个整体共同的数据规范的电子图书,终端编织成一个发言提请图书馆用户购买了一个图书馆是不是这样,整个电子图书数据,安装,卸载或库编织成的发言使或来退货政策,如何将这种景观 Because can put few book shelf on the room including also the old book Entirely if to electronic book the data which is converted has become common specification the user the terminal which has been owned in the library Bringing as for the library purchasing being the case that it is not as for everything Installing the electronic book data when the time limit it comes return Bringing to the library in order to do un it installs when the kana which becomes such scenery
                                  • 346谷歌册已发送到主人,数据发送的电子图书,支付 346 If the book which it owns is sent to Google being pay to electronic book the data which is converted is sent
                                  • 928 嗯,一至三年,我没有笑,我仍然会蔓延到 928 gt Well 1 3 years circumstances seeing when it does not spread laughing
                                  • 971位两年后,当你说喜欢读的书回报,消费和再DL的悲剧,那么我也不能哼 971 Kind of when in rank of 2 year later you read the book and returned and saying say Going out te re DL it is possible and says and when it is tragedy don t you think
                                  • 不仅如此放置在房间里没有一些书架,和任何东西,包括旧的书籍,将是有益的,如果有人将成为所有电子书 Because can put few book shelf on the room including also the old book Entirely if to electronic book the data which is converted has become common specification the user the terminal which has been owned in the library Bringing as for the library purchasing being the case that it is not as for everything Installing the electronic book data when the time limit it comes return Bringing to the library in order to do un it installs when the kana which becomes such scenery
                                  • 他们没有进入人的头脑,我可以浏览到的权利,阻止他们进入预定注意不要数据 If the human whom it does not like and the perusal right for the book data which is not liked should have been stopped just
                                  • 任何关于书的电子,他们希望该名男子似乎已经让这个打击你想要的我想如果有限制 When we want the restriction which is there in the human who regardless wants the book even in the electronic book As not thinking pointed it does not become
                                  • 但我认为瓦罐传播电子图书你买更多,我会觉得我只是会想传播 However when the electronic book spreads that you buy more because you think Spreading speaking desired thinking is just the ru
                                  • 哦,电子书,作为临时ipad公司查看详细阅读,ipad公司我我不看任何蔓我快死了 The a the electronic book tsu te assuming that you read temporarily with ipad when ipad dies which You cannot read don t you think
                                  • 在日本,进入图书的读者在2004年的电子,但主要生产商还没有售出,所以我退出历史 In country in 2004 The major manufacturer entered into the electronic book leader but in order to think there are the details which withdrew not be able to sell
                                  • 如果数据是一种常见的电子书籍设计,终端编织成一个发言提请图书馆拥有用户安装图书馆购买图书在今天的数据返回到图书馆或到期卸载或进入,如何将这种景观编织 If the electronic book data has become common specification the user the terminal which has been owned in the library Bringing installing the book data which the library purchases when the time limit it comes return Bringing to the library in order to do un it installs when the kana which becomes such scenery
                                  • 如果电子图书,购买图书同样每一份子的任何地方,通过最近的可读“的预期 If electronic book everyone in equality where book Being able to buy you can read ” that you move aside expectation
                                  • 如果电子图书,购买图书同样每一份子的任何地方,通过最近的可读“的预期 If electronic book everyone in equality where book Being able to buy you can read ” that you move aside expectation
                                  • 它似乎很奇怪,一旦汇率从该电子书是什么版本,这是我们在原来的那个字 Originally while the book leaving is said because it made the electronic book tsu te something changing applying It is feeling
                                  • 当电子图书,图书馆和租金,并没有,这将是没有销售大喜国有出版公司 When it becomes the electronic book there is no rental and a library and Because also old sale becomes impossible the publisher exultaion shelf
                                  • 我仍然没有掌握电子书不能进行,如果有需要的文件也将石窟 However the place the electronic book which is not taken that time to be After all there is no master but it becomes desired also the paper
                                  • 我觉得自己像一个方便的电子书籍或看互联网上的肯定是168,你得要运气的脚和一个陌生的充实感这样恩戴直接向书店和图书馆,但即使有一点郊游Kitaku会 168 It searches certainly with the net or electronic book or air conveniently So going to wonder and the bookstore and the library immediately the method which designates the book as the hand is full and is reality it is Just a little making an excursion it goes and stops wanting
                                  • 排减单位还可以购买到一轻小说或拓谷靖的故事反对派从没有给我一个二手书店一样,我不擅长的电子图书 When you buy also the novel or the light write novel it increases when and it carries to the second hand book house Because it is cheap it is good being the electronic book
                                  • 然而,由于漫画或杂志无用的信息,只是我放弃强硬或购买每跳,但我认为不会讲纹难以赢得纸,电子图书 gt Jump every week buying you just throw away very much to put out wastefulness it puts out It wins the paper about cartoon or the information magazine for the electronic book and the zu leprosy it is it thinks that it is not but
                                  • 这是很难看到不是这样一个大ipad公司的事情是,所有这些都导致它挂在我的东西,有多少所谓的电子书大小 If you see hard iPad something separately as for great thing being the case that it is not as for everything Just which can spread the electronic book it catches
                                  • 那么,我们也只是在网络上阅读论文,我想你需要得到绝对不敢电子书 Well even with the net the place where you can read scientific essay it is and being able to meet to the electronic book After the necessary kana you think but it is
                                  • 麻烦将他带到附近,好做比遥已跌去流行的电子图书,如果他们花一个小时,来回接线路 Having obtaining specially round trip 1 hour spending if the extent which goes to taking Has spreading in the electronic book the one which much mashi
                                  • 麻烦将他带到附近,好做比遥已跌去流行的电子图书,如果他们花一个小时,来回接线路 Having obtaining specially round trip 1 hour spending if the extent which goes to taking Has spreading in the electronic book the one which much mashi

                                • 不擅长电子书,便携设备(iPhone或移动电话),数据输入物件是几本书
                                  As for the place where the electronic book is good, the portable possible terminal (iphone and the portable telephone) it is to be able to insert the data of several volumes

                                  • 不负责任的重复,当然我也不会种,我觉得有些出版商,你失去信誉 However the publisher that air without being of course probably is certain Because repeatedly such it is to some extent confidence the losing paragraph te it is it is
                                    • 各出版公司,“嘿我改变了纸张和万成本”,是不会想降低它从我会说什么 The various publisher “the paper and the cost strange cup don t you think the e ” the tsu te saying so it probably will not go down from the ru and

                                  • 不过,我踢它继续其放置589历史永远不会消失?苏木买在这个城市的耻辱哇时刻
                                    589 However however past record continues to remain eternal, it is good? If you buy in the town, although is sufficient shame of that instant

                                    • 与“自由”的SNS等,然后喷的信息,他们的主要注册志愿者职能
                                      To that “no charge” SNS What provides, the private information discharging function by the volunteer of main person of the register person,

                                      • 业,无论是否有用电子图书只为你 我不担心销售,评价自己,他们必须做好 Industry sale of the te me obtaining the sufficient story which it is worried well Whether or not the electronic book the usefulness if with user itself you appraise and judge it is good

                                        • 举例来说,即使没有弱势日元从每200纸,我不买书本,交出来ñ 30,000和150个房屋
                                          For example, unit cost 200 Yen being cheaper than the paper, if the frame 30,000 unless 150 volumes you buy, be able to pay, it is to do,

                                          • 书灯陪你在细节现状显示驱动器阅读电子邮件的书则晚上赶入井是否有背光驱动我从不把我什么行并不是说非,关系汝妻子睡觉时的麻烦,因为你是在结婚之前,学校用电蔌如睡我不知道他们使用的电子书也是有益的卧室开始调整自己的手机? If well there is a back light While driving in night It is possible to read the electronic book Even under present conditions as for the book light write it does not keep having in offering accompanying of drive But in we of the driver the story which is not relationship… When the wife sleeps therefore electricity the group which is turned off it is troubled After getting married before sleeping carrying it reached the point where you fumble If you use at the bedroom also is the electronic book probably convenient what
                                            • 电子书籍了。“Majikon”电子books m不是愚蠢的文化如何有助于文学不能复制或引用任何部分,我还算高买被称为数字将被复制在数字版权管理 When it reaches the point where the electronic book among those is copied with “ majikon ” Digitally it is shoplifted is called it is the ze which is The copy of part and cannot do quotation altogether the literature which How doing it contributes to culture it is Fool well DRM of electronic book

                                          • 伊凡伊里奇/伊凡伊里奇的图书:版权写作伊万•伊里奇在网络上回和[全文打破学校社区:去学校化伊里奇通常情况下,如果作者的名著,已经在网络上,我会出那么我可以明确双方的权利?我觉得认真的服务
                                            Book of [ivuan] [iritsuchi]/[iban] [iriichi]: Ivan Illich Writing ON the Web 'Text all sentence of deviation from school society': DESCHOOLING SOCIETY IVAN ILLICH Mostly, if the work of the famous author, already arriving with the net, the [ru] to do, copyright and It clears also the coming out copyright, it is? You think that it is conscience service,

                                            • 但它是完全不同的电子纸就像一个秃头ipad公司个人电脑按键式致命hype m,电子数年的图书峨也欢迎黑暗时代 It is the electronic paper with it is different at all however Depending on the major crime of the bald combination which announces iPad like simply touch PC exaggeratedly In addition as for the electronic book several years dark age is entered
                                              • 什么S的953电话与个人电脑,而我只是太普及,方便的电子图书,我要蔓延首脑会议谁认为方便ü 953 It makes the portable telephone and passes and makes the personal computer passing therefore convenience being the spread red sandal wood If convenience of the electronic book the person whom you think that it is convenient increases it spreads

                                            • 但我认为普通书籍的储存时间做的人很难临时鳕鱼的漫画完全一致的海龟音频地方Golgo不是很多漫画书籍300多本身我所有作品的书籍300 2只8榻榻米房间数据房间,在天空后,所有真正的古字古空房间作为电子所以如果你成为一个充满卡通房间书架
                                              But the normal book as for the person who is difficult in receipt of cartoon it is many, it is the kana which is not [gorugo] the whole volume gathering the [chi] turtle temporarily densely, the cod, just that 300 volumes or more With simply 2 works 300 volumes or more If we all cartoon can be made data-oriented the electron, one room it is less crowded One room it is less crowded truly literally Anyhow, because as for one room of 8 tatami mats becoming the cartoon room of the extensive book shelf, the [ru

                                              • 你愿意看茹ipad公司看到,扩大个人电脑,个人电脑是当你看到了在茹防水手表的领导者,因此,如果406是太不安地读一点实实在在在洗澡,或丢弃或出售 If the extent which is seen with iPad you see with PC when and seeing with PC you look at the book If the leader of waterproofing comes out whether you read a little with the bath 406 If the disturbance throw away or sell Above
                                                • 而部分作那么多只是扔掉了垃圾,得分放心?或耐用性或电池或防水,不想担心 Unless there is an extent which is thrown away in the trash box you cannot say easily because Waterproofing or the electric battery or durability we would not like to make the air

                                              • 你要去看到这一切的时候出了90年代初开始被提到媒体有关的,互联网是“不仅知道媒体噪音”或“日元数百万元至终端(PC)的任何方式传播”或“因此,我看新闻监督Miniku“我们说,但我,并最终蔓延到丰富的内容,通常以较低的价格敏感 Nineties first half which Internet with the mass communications starts making topic are remembered it is At that time “the mass communications making a noise just the ru ” “the terminal which many 100 000 Yen do PC spreads the ro which cannot boil and is” However “news how reading so how it is said scurvy with the monitor” when also price goes down and also the contents are complete It spread after all normally
                                                • 59电脑储存基地,您将使用的PDA将他们转移到,但我一直在空中某处 59 Retaining in the basis PC transferring to PDA using from the ru as for around there side however in the air viewing…
                                                • 如果在学科分类改变每个人,而不是太高,所以我不电脑软件不 Such in each special field If it tries to arrange very it is not but it is too high and such a software Because it is not with PC is not possible
                                                • 我觉得还有一个方便的图书馆或蓝色例如,对于“Doguramagura”和梦野久作“草迷宫”,阅读报纸做Munoto泉镜花,PC和改变的印象Munottekanari交换阅读ipad公司我觉得我很喜欢 The blue sky library being that it is convenient however you think For example “ doguramagura ” dream field Hisashi work and “grass labyrinth” spring mirror flower When you read with the paper PC and iPad So you read riding and the kind of air where impression changes rather does it is
                                                • 该电台将当前良好的音乐来苏的过程中,也是仍ONLINE选项电台从PC是不正确使用s不是只有约 Of course It becomes the radio bureau which lets flow favorite music but still also the net radio with about only PC Because you cannot use honestly it does not become the choices but

                                              • 像iphone手机,甚至在手机的温度变化,从只希望我所能帮助我,因为,手机被称为 Even the necessity also for the portable telephone to change into iphone you do not feel if and the telephone is produced Therefore just calling for me the telephone tsu te as for the fact that you say
                                                • 新系统新功能,可多(如果任何移动钱包)是即将到移动电话,我只是没有用 How much the new system being produced new function with wallet carrying with that something that Probably will be attached to the portable telephone but only those which are not used

                                              • 写的丝线989雪橇MaskROM的EPROM( ·ω·)
                                                989 As for sled EPROM It is be able to write MaskROM to do, (' Ω)

                                                • 加拉帕戈斯提的是,日本不同意370是很糟糕,但不会与你的计算机兼容
                                                  370 You cannot approve the Galapagos comment, but Japanese affinity of the computer is rather bad

                                                  • 即使是人在吃工作和应用水平大约为吴点燃恩戴细节,除非解除管制过渡到嗯漫画
                                                    It works with App and kindling, with even the man NG 喰 and others about the [u] with something, If it does not regulate does not ease movement of cartoon it leaps, -

                                                    • 古Suica卡线时,该国当时这只是我不使用S比如我买了票的gnuplot
                                                      When going to countryside, however SUICA you cannot use, however [mendokusai] ticket you should have bought that time sufficient story

                                                      • 在同一电子图书,没有读者的书才能的人谁不使用或因为我不被出售,也没有用完纸书,成为minority武野阅读本文件什么领导人必须只有一个世界上人口,那么思想的尝试 Also the electronic book being the same there is no leader or the book is sold in for the person who is not used Therefore reason being the case there not to be a book of the paper even when or reading the book of the paper in minority group Until it becomes just either one of population of the world must have the leader Well it tries thinking
                                                        • PDF手册是最新的,应当只有一个单一的印刷或者只是漂浮了一项法案,将在纸面上的东西,但它们是电子图书我不得不说我是最Ttena篮子 As for the PDF manual of present condition don t you think you say that those which are the expectation which prints in the paper being sufficient ones which simply simply float printing generation are not made in the one for electronic book it is the level which is not obtained

                                                      • 在漫画阅读电子版的丑翻页速度更快和更好的分辨率,但我肯定不需要那么大的权力,可以节省透明完善的最低要求的便携性和电池,
                                                        As for electronic edition of cartoon is difficult reading the certain shelf Improvement and the page of resolution it turns as for acceleration of the [ri], as a lowest line Improvement of portable characteristic and economical electrical conversion of the extent which does not make of the battery be conscious necessary kana

                                                        • 在短期内预计不会浪费古兼容的硬件和软件,可以挑战整个宽

                                                          • 在那里他们将得到痒的数字图书数据格式为做好今年和我喜欢的书页和文件,同时翻转页面后,轻松的和参考独特的模拟和比较,看到更多的网页区和专业可用性甚至没有这样的书面通知,你可以,主要电子加工后,再 Para para you compare by sight the plural pages You refer to many pages simultaneously Only the book of the paper analog there is an ease of use The same thing it will do the digital book of data format The hand reaches in the itchy place the mark where the using selfishness does without serving to the book the yo So as for type of technical book when later it does in electrization the main thing

                                                            • 埃克记得HTML是一个核物理学家和我分享和交流科学论文引用了
                                                              [te] or HTML has remembered that the nuclear physicist made for sharing and cross reference the scientific essay, but

                                                              • 如果你听音乐带有一个触摸无论如何,增加了昆虫的无行李已在这个意义上 Because which being full music touch is carried along in order to hear the baggage does not increase even in such sense the te It is completed and

                                                                • 如果你想将这个肯定是不买Baiin s吗?对象本身或财产,而有些人可能会感到很幸运或书籍的书架 In absolute labor assistant the desired book you should have bought it is it is not Possession desire of the object itself the person who feels happiness in the book shelf full book it will be and
                                                                  • 我认为,几分钟后看像手中的免费样品,他们继续为可读输入你关心它 After thinking that we would like to read if several minutes later the free sample is a labor assistant and likes continuing to that you can read

                                                                • 如果你说没有书,甚至看报纸和杂志的漫画小说,这本书是唯一的终端高井田
                                                                  If you say, that you do not read the novel or cartoon or the magazine or the practical book or the newspaper, such a book-reading terminal just is high

                                                                  • 如果你说没有,但不是每周都坏了电池,正常的Windows操作系统的电脑,它是可读的数据集成可读的所有无线运营商或局域网易于数据 That the battery does not have one week if you say that it is hateful but useless when OS normally is Windows Everything you can read the data which can be read with PC and cooperation of the data it is simple with the mother ship and the wireless LAN
                                                                    • 是否还有OS9在那里我用?ー或3,但我不会失去如果行业 Still OS9 the place where you use it is kana As for losing unless it does However you think if industry

                                                                  • 小说,书籍,报纸,杂志等适合机一年少武野舒适知识的重要组成部分可读的小说作品的阅读从PC高清。PDF我冉设备立即得到编织成 Novel picture book newspaper and magazine etc Although the novels of the important part you read don t you think the machines which are suited are few it is From HD inside PC pdf taking in terminal tsu te intellectual viewing which you can read instantaneously comfortably
                                                                    • pdf文档太,除非打印一个真实的东西,因为那从蝇和感到抱歉,我不认为他们使用电子图书 The document of pdf unless it prints one by one the air is not completed because If it is not something limited to of that place truly the electronic book how it may use it is not

                                                                  • 我不知道他们是否读卖新闻或朝日,我没有使用完整的功能?翻开新的一页“噱头,是美好的!相若,即文件!”有一个家伙,是一心ipad公司或取消,使音频 However you do not know whether Asahi whether Yomiuri using extensively the tsu ke which is not run a special edition Turns the page the ru “gimmick is splendid It is a match to the paper ” IPad has raised the person was intently

                                                                    • 我可以网上学习和研究你有代处置不最近使用的漫画小说廉价的东西一样,但它必须是希雷恩Yappa是否纸,我驱动tTA纸张目前在儿童教育不可能 If cartoon the cheap article novel like throwaway also the electron is good but Unless quickly it is the tsu pa paper in study and research useless The recent generation just a little in we where how oak viewing from time of the child was brought up with paper medium the excessiveness
                                                                      • 这并不容易消失,即使鄂如视频仍然不知道如果没有文件,我会改变这种状态,它有优势的每个时刻, Don t you think it probably is in a state where for the present respectively it is advantage There being change ahead this you do not understand whether or not there is no paper medium Video becoming easily is not the case that the still goes out and

                                                                    • 我想电子词典(或运气家伙的规范词典的英语灰)通缉志位词典(他的运气是高规格的英语词典前)在日本都拿到垃圾桶w和讨论这个故事orz gt Wanting the electronic dictionary the English English dictionary being attached the person of the ru ash specifications The desired electronic dictionary the English English dictionary being attached the ru high specifications the person Japanese has become meta meta w Before discussing the book story is orz
                                                                      • 电子词典你想要(或运气家伙的英语词典灰规格)我,我不太买它的高古湿重 NULL

                                                                    • 我所谓的iMode平台上的移动电话服务,在日本950,或与软银在第绑在原苹果产品(SIM卡锁和2年的合同)和PC九个相关的东西Waritaku,无损检测我想要更多的自由,网之后,他们才用好,也电子邮件,移动电话的使用不仅是 950 As for me generally known imode of the Japanese portable telephone service apple The individual binding regulation by the software bank even with the product the SIM lock and 2 year contract etc We would like to relate to something with nine more freely to be would like it is with as for the net With PC favorite the way as for using the mail as for carrying about only telephone call using It is not
                                                                      • 我ipad公司日本家伙,但我的SIM在报纸上读到的文章,我知道软银锁定 The Japan of ipad and hanging you read with the newspaper article but the software bank The SIM lock catching ru tsu te story

                                                                    • 我敢肯定的是,是否优于Gikamoshirenaikedo 180他们说,也远离人民和图书馆,我从来没有突发传输淘金杆为那些谁不受益多少くに图书馆苍白 180 Being superior certainly as for ru tsu te to overstate however perhaps The person where the library is too distant and The person where it does and the yo bo is and only the library is not the vicinity For the advantage Remainder it is not transmitted
                                                                      • 122:我想我的童年,那里的图书馆是无法滨崎步地,我来到茹流动图书车,他们开始想我只有时间线星河战队:www amazon com或没有俱乐部 122 So there is no library in the place where well child age it can keep walking the te The bookmobile car comes but it is You remembered that section life with time does not meet and cannot do at all
                                                                      • 173 是啊是有满足感的,而不是拿起这个机会,直接但不知道他们的脚恩戴书店和图书馆,无损检测读一书在手你只是真的很想知道是否 173 gt So going to wonder and the bookstore and the library immediately the method which designates the book as the hand is full and is reality The sled ya really just a little reading with the book as the hand you know whether or not it is funny and

                                                                    • 我的文件从基达吉见义博文的评论和一些练习簿和杂志的阅读,否则要罚款已经是电子图书的所有其他平装本及漫画艺术和文学我的意思是我觉得它更方便的电子图书并存我
                                                                      Therefore as for we paper love we would like to read with the paper You think that so the magazine and collection of questions and explanation book something the electronic book is convenient, With you say, or will call in the all electronic book other than liberal arts and comic and the library and probably will read The other than of that coexists,

                                                                      • 我的灵敏度书“我已经进入了在边境的一侧边缘上的点燃和”iPhone PC设备比
                                                                        With we sensitivity Kindle As for terminal PC And being last than iPhone, it has gone inside the boundary line of side “of the book”

                                                                        • 我看我带来了视力下降尺度闪耀明亮的液晶屏幕在dark ll唯一真正的765室
                                                                          765 Being the interior pitch-dark, reading with the lamp of the picture just of the liquid crystal, cod vision it falls

                                                                          • 我说,它停止了地雷供应二手拉努贝将成为过去不受欢迎的不可用,看看是否...
                                                                            The [tsu] [te] where old supply stops as for saying 'Past unpopular land mine [ranobe] procurement' becoming impossible?…

                                                                            • 数据从去想要做的扫描数据,我不能拿出课本 The data that the text in order not to be able to remove with the data which is scanned speaking desired from calling there is a book
                                                                              • 因此,从本质上讲,即使更多的人购买铀,但我不买太昂贵,难以s Therefore originally the person who is bought more being being hard being too high you cannot buy It is

                                                                            • 文件的电子图书阅读器,我就开始踢,一个完全是消极的,因为我认为媒体是完全不同的,如果没有,你有多少销售电梯下降闪耀,他们担心 Temporarily the electronic book leader and paper medium Completely therefore another media the tsu lever which one side is defeated completely You think that it is not but whether which extent you sell and fall we fear that

                                                                              • 日文版尚不支持美国,在释放后,又从来没有追了1个月的生产
                                                                                Still there is no Japanese corresponding edition, but in the United States Immediately after the selling, you say that a state where several monthly productions do not overtake continued

                                                                                • 植村8东京电机大学出版社。他还表示,“这是一个包,非常有用的日本我的”L及投诉
                                                                                  The Tokyo Denki University publication bureau Uemura eight. As for the Bureau Chief, “as for the package, book to be enormous it is convenient for the Japanese”, that the appeal [ru

                                                                                  • 此外,做自己麻烦?你扫描?真正俱知安不在乎,我有一个像这样的网页? Doing with that and such a difficult thing itself the ru It has scanned me tsu chi ya ku tsu chi ya trouble it is not those which the book likely is the page how

                                                                                    • 此外,现代和未来的电子图书,“版权”,“许可证协议”,“他们离开主人”的架子,也剥夺了单方面的架构,允许它有它的权力,让和“,以识别主人”,甚至说起来容易,说你的“古代汉语”恢复理智和理解,但反过来? Furthermore today and as for the future electronic book you call “copyright” “license provision” There is an authority which makes that “you take unilaterally from the book shelf of the owner and go away” possible and There is also an architecture which makes that possible and Even “specifying being able to make the owner” simple as for You you say but to the meaning which goes backward “ancient China”
                                                                                      • 因为你正在享受任何气味,包括具有约束力Muttekotoha有阅读文章,完整的过渡到电子图书我很好,我匆匆种抑或是少数 The tsu lever which reads the book including also nioi of the binding the paper therefore enjoying as for tsu te moving to the electronic book completely as for we the wa which is unreasonable Well such the kana which is minority group
                                                                                      • 河野Ryuu是可以肯定的,我比他们要基达文件更低的成本和更好的电子图书发行萘乙酸不认为我会塞板,毕竟,要降低价格,将普遍受欢迎他很快便要搬走,你可以慢 But absolutely favorite paper As for this flow thinking that you do not stop the ru The electronic book the expectation whose cost of circulation is cheap it puts out After all if it does not spread until it spreads price being goes down it does the yo There is no other choice but to move sooner or later

                                                                                    • 激发思想和哲的书籍只限于住房情况在日本,仁在亏损,“这种爱”是也许不是好的
                                                                                      When of narrow Japanese housing situation is thought, the integral of the collection of books It is troubled with reason, perhaps to it is good “the book lover”,

                                                                                      • 然而,市场变化的合井采取了照顾和印刷业从苹果的背叛不是我欠筋 But Apple owes the trouble to increase and decrease of market scale of printing industry Because it is not reason as for the betrayal unrelated kana
                                                                                        • 假货也很受欢迎,因为它是在网络音乐市场之一提供了电话 我10左右,不仅非 In order also for music transmission with the net to have spread beginning to show As for market scale by way of carrying only 1 10 of transmission there is is don t you think

                                                                                      • 生产过程转移到数字输出我不是所有的数字是一个自然流动Redaro
                                                                                        Therefore as for production process becoming entirely digital, the [ru] it is, as for also output keeps moving digitally the [ro] which is the natural flow

                                                                                        • 电子忽视的要点是出色的利益和书店和纸216〜(笑)电子〜(笑)他Hozai是什么,而不是一个令人满意的水平嘿现在设备,对不起,我读的书两端或w不能不看的习惯非法下载和盗版 216 Ignoring paper medium and the merit of the bookstore and the point which is superior electrization laughing the electron laughing with as for the person who has babbled Don t you think it probably is satisfactory what with the current device the e Rather than with saying the book is not read it is probably will be w Or it is visible in only the chronic offender of illegality download and the illegal copy
                                                                                          • 电子忽视的要点是出色的利益和书店和纸216〜(笑)电子〜(笑)他Hozai是什么,而不是一个令人满意的水平嘿现在设备对不起,我读的书两端或w不能不看习惯非法下载和盗版 216 Ignoring paper medium and the merit of the bookstore and the point which is superior electrization laughing the electron laughing with as for the person who has babbled Don t you think it probably is satisfactory what with the current device the e Rather than with saying the book is not read it is probably will be w Or it is visible in only the chronic offender of illegality download and the illegal copy

                                                                                        • 电池等缺点○壊音乐下降可能的话,并想移动存储大件笨重的沟通可以带他们到最近的一步古造福○音频电子书很难找到硬翻开新的一页的时刻无法找到写在 Electronic book ○ merit Although it carries about it is not bulky It can obtain with communication It is not bulky in retention Possibility such as movement and music spreads ○ demerit When you drop it is broken The electric battery and the like is needed It cannot write in for the present It is difficult to see The page turns the ri zu leprosy
                                                                                          • 对不起128,或几个years m肯定这是很难打入什么是不写的122行 128 The ma which does it is as for several years it does not certainly go 122 As written the zu leprosy it is entering

                                                                                        • 稻毛区千叶岁的公司职员说朱达罗(22)IT公司薪资附表名古屋人(35)三乡市,琦玉县高中女生(15)这是同一人乙编辑器
                                                                                          The [ro] which that is Chiba city rice plant hair Ku man Office worker (22) The man of Nagoya city which is served at IT enterprise (35) Woman high school student of Saitama prefecture Misato city (15) Editor of all identical people Quaintness End

                                                                                          • 经销公司,印刷公司,但生活和死亡的问题,ipad公司,他们常来的Yasukattara
                                                                                            But distribution industry, as for printing company, life and death problem, When iPad is easy to use, whether it spreads

                                                                                            • 能以英语词典,不仅英语-英语和英语,日语,叙词表附表推荐使用英语
                                                                                              Don't you think? in the English dictionary, there is no just England and Japan and the English England and uses the synonym dictionary of the [te] and English Thing is recommended

                                                                                              • 苹果是什么“私人喷气式飞机印刷业的唯一途径”为Mac有没有出售任何理由,只是想飞机利用通用的商业
                                                                                                What Apple as for “private machine for printing” Being the meaning which sells Mac as industry just has utilized the general-purpose machine of marketing even when without,

                                                                                                • 西方的他阅读报纸的坚持,只有日本已完全电子化,甚至网上讨论,说审查没有可信的,因为你要辩论的同一个人,我会说 Therefore as for the European American reading being electrized completely as for the person where just Japan relates to the paper even in argument of the net anonymity as for you saying It cannot trust and it does not become argument that saying the same as the ru person
                                                                                                  • 坚持这个家伙,甚至在讨论中说的网,说你不能信任,因为它是匿名的,而不是辩论同一个人,我会 Therefore as for the person who relates to the book even in argument of the net anonymity as for you saying It cannot trust and it does not become argument that saying the same as the ru person

                                                                                                • 该书实际上是“卖权”,电子书籍的装置“,以显示正确的临时”我卖的现实,在“苏单方面允许没有熄灭,”我得到一案文我们不知道吗?至少,“苏出版商和分销商对自己的消费,”这是一些传统的物理书籍不可能 As for the book basic “proprietary is sold” The electronic book “the temporary right to make indicate on the terminal” is sold it is to issue The incident which “is turned off unilaterally selfishly” occurring in actuality ru thing is not known At least “the publisher and the distributor turning off selfishly” what The reason which cannot be the former physical book
                                                                                                  • Shinaki Yaikannoha基本上警告消费者,或如色之间的冬天,“购买此书”是“与出版商许可的购买权,以显示在设备替换文件”,以吉尔是有风险 If the consumer is not cautious essentially as for circumstance for example unnoticed “purchase of the book” “ Under permission of the publisher the right to indicate the document on the terminal It is replaced to purchase” Say that there is a danger
                                                                                                  • 该书实际上是“卖权”,电子书籍的装置“,以显示正确的临时”我卖的现实,在“苏单方面允许没有熄灭,”我得到一案文我们不知道吗?至少,“苏出版商和分销商对自己的消费,”这是一些传统的物理书籍不可能 As for the book basic “proprietary is sold” The electronic book “the temporary right to make indicate on the terminal” is sold it is to issue The incident which “is turned off unilaterally selfishly” occurring in actuality ru thing is not known At least “the publisher and the distributor turning off selfishly” what The reason which cannot be the former physical book

                                                                                                • 走向权利和弱势社群,而这是个好辜濂松说,爱国主义是最后一个人也没有提到的地方,
                                                                                                  Leaning right conversion of the social weak is something which was said well, As for patriotism also last resort of hoodlum,

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