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To 100 years old formation of the social system which it can work


  • 100是我没有工作和社会工作100和严格不瓦特生存在一个社会可以是40个离退休人员,他们可以在60岁退休 To the last up to 100 being the society which it can work It does not work up to 100 and the te is not the society which does not become w It is possible to retire with the being possible and 60 to retire separately with 40
    • 我应该接受我的麻烦,如果你看一下10年的死亡和在该国60年退休 Active service retiring in 60 years old if the country about 10 years looks at trouble it was the plan which dies

  • 2(1)继续进行现场庇护,但有趣的是没有困难的新鲜经验和能力的我(2)建立一个适当的系统进行评估潜在的个人,不论年龄(3做)在什么年龄在工作时间,来不带走创业工作,以免陷入一个家庭主妇及长者生活条件,促进市场可以,但我想休息一下,(2)及(3)也是另一代人的好消息,因为如果实现 2 1 The place making which is pleasant without the excessiveness and are continued to utilize your own ability experience 2 Fixation of the system where latent faculties of the individual is appraised properly regardless of age 3 At no year and at anything degree you can switch jobs and rearing the market environment which can start a business We want pardoning for the old person and the housewife to come to the recruiting taking with reason to live purpose but 2 If and 3 it can actualize very it is good news in the other generation
    • 和老年人(1)继续作出站点是我人生经历的能力庇护但是合理的乐趣(2)建立一个适当的系统进行评估,不论年龄,个人的潜力(3)但是,以前的工作如何一次又一次地,市场环境,促进创业 指出,面临的挑战 It is pleasant and the senior citizen 1 without the excessiveness by his Fixation of the system where latent faculties of the individual is appraised properly the place making which is continued to utilize ability experience 2 regardless of age 3 At no year and at anything degree you can switch jobs and it points out rearing the market environment which can start a business as topic

  • 606他们 的,基诺与电动马达峡。想成为与较少副作用的药物作用使路面上的工具和系统的市场 606 gt Among those and during electric motor attachment Pavement tool and the market of the upper type medicine where the side effect is little probably will be completed
    • 606他们 的,基诺与电动马达峡。想成为与较少副作用的药物作用使路面上的工具和系统的市场 606 gt Among those and during electric motor attachment Pavement tool and the market of the upper type medicine where the side effect is little probably will be completed
    • 我是相当的年龄库塔药房的药剂师知道如果我要工作在70多岁穿着医院护士的祖母,有时我很不妥 They are 70 generations the a nursing teacher working if the ru hospital knowing the ru However it was the phermacist who also the pharmacy the year was eaten rather occasionally making a mistake the ru

  • 60岁的婴儿潮一代在乡间渡假别墅出租无助于生产性工作方面的什么话,他们将在皱眉站在人的工作做在操场,在做家务劳动,如果你想假装 As for the nodule the workplace you play and the person who has been turned to the place is conspicuous Talking work with grimace it has not contributed to what productivity 60 years old passing do at the house which the work tsu filter probably will want

    • _NULL_

      • “总是准备好从这些不年轻的生命,成为幸运东洋纳卡所有”的拍摄,而不是50岁至75岁在工作舒适elderly m自己挣扎的年轻人阿! !一生只有一个工作! ! ! “我 “While being young from obtaining rich life it probably becomes everyone happy” is not to aim To 50 years old by your function The young person has suffered hardship to 75 years old therefore it is also the senior citizen does ease Lifetime function Don t you think ” it is what
        • “总是准备好从这些不年轻的生命,成为幸运东洋纳卡所有”,而不是旨在“你不舒服elderly m挣扎的年轻人!只工作了一辈子!”什么它的 “While being young from obtaining rich life it probably becomes everyone happy” is not to aim To 50 years old by your function The young person has suffered hardship to 75 years old therefore it is also the senior citizen does ease Lifetime function Don t you think ” it is what
        • 我不工作608 3〜我挣扎小伙子,这点是遍布40个字节的下降,即 608 The young person saying working kana when… they are 3 40 units the ru person who is dropped sows even at the byte and is the racketeer racketeer but it is
        • 老人 青年 Senior citizen gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt young person

      • “竞争造成数百人死亡,”每日新闻社的记者是创意!向井野田悲痛中将被处决无辜的! “100谋杀案”的哀叹幸存者的回忆录争取驱动tTA
        As for “hundred human cutting competitions”, Everyday the journalist It was creation! The regret of Second Lieutenant Mukai Noda who is executed with false crime! “Hundred human cutting lawsuits” the fighting [tsu] it is the memo of wailing of the bereaved family

        • 一般来说,即使是当我们为什么中线为半 40的能力作为一个人,我并居座的公司,有年轻的 劳动制度在这个国家是我们的茂木卡兹可笑 50我觉得完全踢的孤儿对人类负瓦特意识形态 Generally ability as a human keeps falling from 40 generation middle although on the one hand is With something it is about probably to remain at the company with the income of young layer as applying it is… As for work system of this country strange wa … The wa w which the air which is defeated to the human whom 50 years old it passes does not do completely
          • 资产乡间渡假别墅的年龄不超过60 282 2通道瓦特朱达罗我带来一个问题,它甚至不能享受瓦特其余人的豪华会议在他的生活丰富的老奇诺 282 60 years old passing 2ch If you do not do the ro w which is not problem and is With property in the rich old person meeting luxuriously rest of life full enjoyment margin w

        • 世界各国的思想,真正愚蠢的光束在这样的事情对白人和日本人并不意味着他们会考虑到他的对面邪恶留在他们的40岁半退休工资卡兹应该一生苏等人暮一直享受生活,相反日本,喜欢,他们还指导学生在学习和专业技能的30多岁像告诉短语投入工作,直到他死在海拔资,拥挤的农民和社会关怀,建立一个上班族将垂直无意 Such being serious thinking being foolish ru country about Japan probably is the thing in the world The white in bad sense there is a counter electrode If they make life wages amount semi retiring even with 40 generations glorifying life self indulgently it lives Conversely even with 30 generations you become the student and do again to learn special skill do After all Japan likely with seniority until it dies it seems that can be used vertical society and the like of the narrow peasant white collar worker As for the air which it constructs it probably is not smooth
          • 每个人的作品和石窟,消费也将失去资秒,我告诉你曾经是共产主义乌托邦魏库通过我什至不能 Everyone to work equally also seniority disappearing Passing how long it is story of the communism utopia which is great and is not accustomed

        • 主要部门gdgd回到绘图板市场,我至少有点大米税的税基

          • 人们工作,我要工作真的怪异的家伙,有能力的年轻周一否认我希望他们闭嘴,我想退休 There being an ability truly as for the person who would like to work working however it is good It is young it is the kind of person who is denied retiring thinks as the ro

            • 你想减轻Oshitsuke年轻一代,他们得到了这个狗屎优惠待遇的负担呢?不要踢垫哟! ! ! !你死了吧! ! ! !

              • 例如 我太高退休金 gt For example but nursing the nursery how light handedness the ro which is the work which it is sufficiently possible even with gt Annuity is too high it is
                • 例如,护理,我关心的中心,但足以让我老缺兵少将的工作?我的退休金过高 For example but nursing the nursery how light handedness the ro which is the work which it is sufficiently possible even with Annuity is too high it is

              • 健康意识形态90岁以上的长期卧床的老人已经超过了我们的生活没有生产力和苦难志位租金10万日元night峨销售网络从早忙到无法或租赁,或在不年轻的一代端午关怀每一个月,数十万日元的社会保障费(税),或浪费一个体面的社会? Jijibaba岁了,即使是辛苦,在战后受益梁和高增长的时期也经历泡沫 The young generation working from morning to evening whether net income 100 000 Yen you can receive or you cannot receive although painful life is passed Is the bedridden old person whom 90 years old of productivity zero it passes medical care is nursing every month every month the society to which many 100 000 Yen waste social security expense tax being honest As for current jijibaba saying that after the war you suffered hardship the current old person experiencing high growth period and the bubble received benefit sufficiently
                • 卧床不起的老人医疗意识形态的90岁以上的已经或零租金租赁净生产力在我们的生活在痛苦或不可能志位20万日元峨工作从早忙到晚,他们是不年轻一代端午关怀每一个月,数十万日元的社会保障费(税),或浪费一个体面的社会? Jijibaba岁了,即使是辛苦,在战后受益梁和高增长的时期也经历泡沫 The young generation working from morning to evening whether net income 100 000 Yen you can receive or you cannot receive although painful life is passed Is the bedridden old person whom 90 years old of productivity zero it passes medical care is nursing every month every month the society to which many 100 000 Yen waste social security expense tax being honest As for current jijibaba saying that after the war you suffered hardship the current old person experiencing high growth period and the bubble received benefit sufficiently

              • 其中一项是取消对退休金计划的财政稳健,不一致之处,需要庞大的预算
                1 occurs in pension scheme abolition for public finance soundness, the contradiction which does the necessity of enormous budget

                • 其他人只能在他们之前的国家,因为它的!工作只!和近距离 u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d一个厨房劳动可能 With your consequences Even to country Function to others Function With it approaches Labor Working 厨 The shelf which may become
                  • 事实上,只有回头看542是是“因为你不学习和工作,”愈做您的厨房与决心,我只 542 To be to be turning away the eye from fact “because study or work it is not done” that it scolds 厨 doing the ro

                • 养老保险,因为,选择的aging m也不好w或兼职工人和失业 Therefore little child aging there are no choices annuity it is w That say the part timer and either one of inoccupation is good
                  • 排减多一点我踢的社会制度,100年来的工作,要像关闭养老金,对不对? To 100 years old in order to be able to work as for the tsu te thing which changes the social system Annuity the ro which is the tsu te thing which stops

                • 出生率下降,并说没有分期付款,头脑问题的结构分析,而不是在40.02亿终生收入不仅二十〇亿〇五百万日元魔法,孩子们挂不小
                  It is called little child conversion, but not to be problem of mental attitude, the [te], Only 52,000,000 Yen while there are no life wages, 24,000,000, being little, it puts on the child

                  • 利息税和联邦储备委员会的仆人在犹太人世界的罗思柴尔德勋爵,接穗的“家田的土地采取我刚才采摘。原来这是一个社会的生产来自鳄鱼,增加预期只有当小偷并不需要采取社会剥夺必要劳动,土方〜〜雅厕所取出忙碌的父母,老手套自己的垃圾粪便代努1300万人民,杀害模糊毒品和丢弃,离开医院,我们只能用谁的奴隶劳动〜茄子产量高,遣散费,如果由鳄鱼潭垂直养老金Morawane
                    As for society FRB Judean end 裔 servant of Rothschild 卿 Tax and interest” just it tears, taking, land Ieda. It plunders Just the thief there is no necessity for society to bear, because it increased, the alligator which becomes like this Originally the labor which is necessary for society, the manual laborer - toilet drawing taking [ya] -, rubbish collection As for the parent of oneself throwing away in the hospital, killing with the medicine attaching, the droppings of the becoming dim old person of others At month 130,000 [nu] accomplice, slave labor are done the people who If high [bo] - eggplant, the retirement lump sum grant and annuity you do not receive, it becomes and stand it is the alligator

                    • 包括老,我已经飞到如果在所有的环境,没有中介,很有可能会在他们的晚年新的一页将缺席
                      The heart machine changing in old age, completely the how old person who probably will jump in the environment which does not have the transmission hand so probably will not stay and

                      • 医疗保健是不是他们自己的手厚万希望收到付款维塔Hazime绫! !首长与未来世代的紧迫和年轻一代不是所有的负担! !到那时将难以破产的国家如果是现在年轻人从后藏来的知识不是驱动tTA wwww朱达罗他们的真实生活是不是在你手里,他们Jijibaba! !不包括这样的事情的立场 We would like to receive medical nursing which is careful but as for by your the bita one sentence payment cup Push the burden to the entirely young generation and future The party whose now is young afterwards probably will be troubled but the country will fail but as for by your you to live the time because the chi ya it is not wwww which is not to know The ro which is truth of your jijibaba There is no reason where such a thing consists
                        • 10%的青年失业率更接近,它整洁,20%,让他拉合森release ll篮子工作30人穿着百分之青年就业状况保持在所谓的非正规,嘿,真的工作100年建立这个国家的手厚古老人社区,老人时,我看到它给社会和青少年杀人 When unemployment rate of young layer the 10 is close neat the ri adjusts also the pulling basket to that the 20 Remainder working the 30 among ru young layers the non proper employment tsu te a state where you say the releasing tsu The te putting the senior citizen up to 100 years old construction of the society which it can work well… It is the society where truth this country is careful in the senior citizen looks at the young person and makes the murder

                      • 去年4月开始元和国家的35个私营公司长者及社会研究所东京,“老年学(长者服务)项目。”
                        Tokyo University elderly social comprehensive research mechanism the domestic private enterprise 35 corporation and from the April last year It began, “gerontology (gerontology) project”

                        • 古是唯一的选择是不是你有更好的工作退休,而不是扩展到拉,就业和处理分开,但目前的系统 The fact that it is the choices which work is good thing Simply but it is not prolongation of retirement age it should handle with another system from the current employment system

                          • 只有13的报告要求和长期平衡的小说集年底当选后,目前伪,相互支持关系的公司赞成所有民营企业和政府是公务员ministry是绝对不可能猜测
                            After the being elected and tenure after the ending income and outgo report requirement 13, all private enterprises which excluded the government employee and government-related corporate body are favorably treated With current false mutual aid it probably is absolutely impossible

                            • 同时,向家庭提供援助,他哥哥的遗孀的生活和一个伊斯兰,或自雇和农业的第二任妻子,没有外出就餐
                              At the same time, also to a family help life and agriculture owning even with the widow of Islamic second lady and the sibling, you do not eat out

                              • 和60中度或不代谢基鲁在几代人之间的社会生活和疲惫70岁左右的医疗或社会,我会真的属于日本

                                • 如果今天的年轻一代我会感到非常的婴儿潮比出生率Mikomenai我什至不能指望经济增长养老金
                                  As for the generation whose now is young with the [wa] which cannot anticipate annuity or business upswing with the [wa] little child conversion which cannot be applied it is very much above the nodule, but it is,

                                  • 如果他们的年轻一代新闻界采取老人公费负担,并增加老年人口比例,我们不应该减少对年轻一代的负担率 If the generation where the public cost which depends on the senior citizen is young is pressed increasing the burden ratio of the senior citizen Burden ratio of the young generation should have been decreased
                                    • 他有什么字一个字直到那时我是老人,紧急情况下,将老人和他那一代,说他们的权利 To that either thing how one word of the senior citizen did not talk the person where now then by his When you become the senior citizen generation speaking for the right

                                  • 如果假设100个工作裤,嗯古激发思考的妇女高达100 W的工作作为工作开始踢机械化和信息你不来踢了老人的工作 If up to 100 it becomes the prerequisite which works the ro w which devises of the method of working up to 100 and is As reached the point where the woman can work in the mechanization It reaches the point where also the senior citizen can work with IT conversion it is it is not kana
                                    • 出发良好,农业机械化已退休在一个坚强的人,即使70中 Agriculture mechanization says is advanced with even with the strong person with the board in 70 has no other choice but to retire

                                  • 如果投票40年40年60年60年20至80岁平均寿命,如果现在简单半数的选票价值的20年间,40 3的基础上根据从几年的生命价值为1基鲁而且,许多从政治权利的影响 For simplicity when it makes the average life 80 years old If 60 years old 20 years If 40 years old In 40 years As for the vote of 60 years old the half value of 40 years old Value of 1 3 of the vote of 20 years old Because basis receives the influence from politics mainly according to the number of years which live from now on
                                    • 恩戴低生育率和预期寿命的人口都迅速下降,如果护理死无需要为65岁以下的罚款 NULL

                                  • 如果能够利用退伍军人在服役期间贮元目前的趋势是在同一个工作环境,可以在大约100年的劣势认为进化随附表珍贵的U概括为折叠吃蜘蛛巢更大更 The ability to save in active age can be utilized if as for veteran spirit there is also the thought of being valuable but As for giving the same environment work possibility up to 100 years old The nest every spider which is eaten to come in the old home because evolution is accomplished Demerit is larger
                                    • 如果能够利用退伍军人在服役期间贮元目前的趋势是在同一个环境,可以工作约100年的概念,即随附表宝贵的弊端演化的U概括为折叠吃蜘蛛巢更多更大的 The ability to save in active age can be utilized if as for veteran spirit there is also the thought of being valuable but As for giving the same environment work possibility up to 100 years old The nest every spider which is eaten to come in the old home because evolution is accomplished Demerit is larger

                                  • 妇女的权利在护理一般费米,老人和我,因为我开始谈的是上野Tizuko要求我是对的,因为我已经开始要求我多钏路治疗老年厚做
                                    Right of the woman, the right [tsu] [te] insists loudly with the leader of [huemi] the Ueno Chizuko Old person nursing starting speaking from a certain time, treatment to the senior citizen it is thick at once margin [tsu] [te] insistence has been started from a certain time

                                    • 它现在310,对不对?社会系统,社会系统需要100年的工作或你不给掩盖了?排减单位和残疾人,作为普遍认为,就业增长或将给予老人苦撒 310 As for that the ro which is the current social system working in the social system which is applied that is overturned to 100 years old it is without being Normally when you think like handicapped person employment the grant rose it spreads in senior citizen employment when it becomes

                                      • 它鳄鱼极为联邦储备委员会内部财务犹太〜殖民地利益废物岁的罗斯柴尔德勋爵奴役文件创建后裔约50“在埃及江户时代,农民的正常鳄鱼世界Goimu我是退休统治奴隶的后裔鳄鱼和劳动世界的奴隶,直到死我一定要放松精神的挑战包围住鳄鱼很少
                                        Very much, don't you think? the alligator - the FRB Judean financial house - end 裔 the Rothschild 卿 Interest of the trash which it makes” with the worldwide alligator [wa] of colony slave [goimu] which is controlled Normally even with the peasant and the Egypt slave of the Edo era In about 50 years old retiring, it was surrounded in the descendant and freely and easily we had lived Until the thing alligator dies, if labor you do not do, the worldwide alligator of the viewing slave

                                        • 宣言左汝不知何时养老金崩溃?如果你有更多的拉现在扩大养老金的资格年龄,青年人没有工作,养老基金将是红色的?此外,你欠国家,即使国家被打破,它就会崩溃的退休金?难道你们觉得呢? Don t you think the fact that failure declaration of annuity is made probably is when Prolonging annuity provision start age even from now When it has not been employment in the young person pension funds become the deficit That and there is debt in the country and the country not to have failed the te Annuity fails You how you think
                                          • 如何平衡我在上一年的养老保险制度的资格和年龄年龄波动性养老金支付其包括年龄划分的立场 Annuity provision start age should have been designated as variability From preceding year income and outgo calculating the age where the pension scheme consists You pay from the age

                                        • 小孩和老人都会争先恐后地去工作,我们被剥夺了就业,如果外国Dakejan狙的子女免税额? As for the aged person until it dies using As for young person taking employment As for profit doing just the foreigner of the child treatment aim it is
                                          • 如果把用来偿还Gezu伐丽流工作将被剥夺他们的工作的年轻人为17分钟 17 It means that job of the young person is taken that much It can use if salary without lowering use it should

                                        • 年轻的421人失业,“大公司不宣誓就业”或“下的护理移民老人要去”隆希望号或豪华的货架上看起来愚蠢我有一个愚蠢的问题瓦特我是否已经找到了鹰吃Ikanakya纳税人瓦特时间呢? 421 “If big business it is not it has become unemployed with the young person you are not employed” that “Can let do care under the aged person to the immigration with nursing ” that By your you lifting the brain to the shelf low the fool w who does the luxurious high desire The taxpayer to have fed such people with something you must be whether w which is doubt
                                          • 音频球打破僵局,日本在进入混沌朱达罗接受移民的移民只有诚实的好 The ro which is possible to be the immigration acceptance gently is… Becoming in chaos to destroy the Japanese blockade impression There is only immigration

                                        • 应建立一个100人的社区老年%,是要你照顾老人老人老人老人老人老人照顾老人,镇书记和客户只 The community should have been made with the old person Town only of 100 old person Old person salesman Customer old person The old person nurses the old person The old person takes care the old person

                                          • 当被问及他们扔掉的垃圾在1小时无人奶奶领域谁做的,一个垃圾分类,赖约800日元获得剥夺塑料瓶似乎从他们一点工作,听取他们的投诉 In the grandmother where the person is good the kitchen garbage it has throwing away in the field The vinyl of the pet bottle of the division rubbish it has peeling Just a little grumble is made to hear would like to ask the work at about hourly wage 800 Yen is
                                            • 516“是一个坏政府,而不是社会邪恶,”我总是马祖人的决心和无用的胡言乱语 516 “Politics is bad society is bad” grumble of the useless human Being decided from former times the ru it is

                                          • 我不能赶上天气和地形托莫的口头民俗佐工作,即使他们只输了131岁,魔术及医药,保健知识和各种儿童和青年的老人有机会反对的是不
                                            131 Aging, stopping being able to work, Sawayama knowing the oral transmission of race handing down, it reaches, the game and the topographical weather, As for various knowledge such as incantation and medical care and care of the child as for the young person it serves to the old person and the [tsu] does not come and

                                            • 我以前有,但他们已就夜班的工作,但他们还是50多岁的足够多的人工作,我不认为我有后劲 As for we however in the past it had been engaged to the work which is night shift However the person about of 50 generations it worked You think that the physical strength how it does not have

                                              • 我们老了,但你可以租养老保险的资产也可以形成某种程度和时间的推移,你比我们更好的之前,你很多! →“难怪我做你们的任何大于或等于”做你可以做这样的抱怨说Ttenai→! →我不要让他们减轻负担的老人使用黄金“我们还年轻峨,同时增加社会保障负担,但是我少了,”我听到一个故事是多么自私的一代怪→ We old person passed the times when it is better than you and it is property being able to form being able to receive also annuity however the ru the large quantity gt “With the same as you above that doing it is unreasonable but” gt only such a grumble speaking do the fact that it is possible The gold you cannot use burden of the old person decrease gt “my young person although only burden increases from now on social security decreases however it is ” gt it designates as consequence of the generation The do just is even selfish what story
                                                • 我们要租金,但我是一个老人养老你能建立比随着时间的推移,其中一些更富于你之前,我不会让他们减轻负担旧S周五使用了我们很多! →“我们还年轻鄂如社会保障负担,同时增加了,但我少一个”怪→“虽然它的生成是不可能的,即使你们这样做,甚至更多,”这些投诉→只是说做你可以做Ttenai! We old person passed the times when it is better than you and it is property being able to form being able to receive also annuity however the ru the large quantity gt “With the same as you above that doing it is unreasonable but” gt only such a grumble speaking do the fact that it is possible The gold you cannot use burden of the old person decrease gt “my young person although only burden increases from now on social security decreases however it is ” gt it designates as consequence of the generation The do just is even selfish what story

                                              • 我只是想Mutoiu没有包括周围一来尊重老人了295区也将是免费的教训,应该他们 If respect can be obtained being free also it will guide but Like 295 there is only a conception that the enclosure it is packed in the old person area it is don t you think
                                                • 在今后无论如何,我是家里唯一的外国人工作或人为碎片从旧不可避免地减少人口在减少青少年 Because which being full in addition to the fact that in the future population will decrease the young person decreases The trap which inevitably only uses the old person or the foreigner

                                              • 我是来自old ll丰富相反,愈能刺激消费者的利益和其他活动,以便使货币流通一直停滞不前的社会, On the other hand therefore as for the old person the gold having the ru it is in order to flow back the gold which has been stagnant there to society consumption of hobby and the like The method which makes activity activate is better
                                                • 然后你可以喜欢讲话配送中心的所得税从人民的正义附表是老人家给没有工作的任何问题,我住的活化 So when it does income tax it comes off and Because delivery center the person it stops immediately even with the old person If it can work without problem it activates it is

                                              • 我有一个恶魔的母亲死在单脚腐烂或成为糖尿病的中年男人或他们的父亲去世疯狂驱动tTA青年在68鳄鱼的大肠癌有没有谁在这里住了70冲绳直整体和家庭是60年代鳄鱼或鳄鱼行
                                                The 逝 [tsu] it is in the colon cancer 68 of here Okinawa alligator the father Or the diabetes, becoming [ojisan] the foot rotting, it dies being celibacy, The ogre mother becomes the psychosis from 60 generations, all the relative 70 years old or more Lives honestly the person who is not the alligator which the all right alligator?

                                                • 我祖父的539,但日本是一个画家,我是在认真工作茂木在外地生产的90年来
                                                  539 However the Japanese artist it was my grandfather and, with [maji] to past 90 years old having produced and being active with active service

                                                  • 我赶上了一个相当Nnu谈论生活,就只有好,如果他们能受到挑战参加者留意工作以外的老人生活 When it is story of reason to live comment The senior citizen discovering reason to live other than working if it tries to be able to participate Good sufficient story
                                                    • 但是,这本身可能是一个刚性文,发生的问题是,他们的脚都拖来的老人 But that itself is to be able to happen as for being problem say that popiyurizumu which flatters to the senior citizen happens

                                                  • 拉税取消百分之二十左右的消费采取的实力和丰富的税款床垫下,所有超过70岁的福利(养老)如果没有更好的 Even in order to take cabinet deposit and tax from the rich person Consumer tax in about 20 percent pulling up If 70 years old or more all welfare annuity it does it is good
                                                    • 在这种情况下我没有支付养老金415人的工作,他们年轻的高级超过60岁的公民 415 In that case the young person working Unless annuity of the old person of 60 years old or more must be paid

                                                  • 拉超过100年Gemasu领取养老金的年龄(或可能说他们聪明了
                                                    Annuity receipt age is pulled up up to 100 years old, ([kiritsu] With it may propose

                                                    • 接受)考试院于11日在接下来的几天饭南,右大腿(大约有骨骨折
                                                      On following 11th Medical examination was received with the period south hospital orthopedics, fracture of the right thigh (generally) bone was ascertained

                                                      • 接着,妇女的社会参与我想要做我做的工作负荷超过岁以上的男性工人的一代
                                                        As for the next of social participation of woman whether old person work… With by your above this load you applying in the worker man generation, how we would like to do, it is

                                                        • 政治家和官员的工作狗屎谁都不应该把会发现谁在伤害中国温度为老人提供的工作中刮在一定温度,以增加赞成激进青年敏感危害人民的正义斗争进入疯狂的Tteru It is necessary work to give in the young person and It is necessary to give work to also the senior citizen Support 那 chiyon damage human what although it is turn nil expectation The droppings politician and the public official being desperate wish to enter only the damage person favorably treat Deviating fundamentally the ru
                                                          • 对于战后重建,这是很自然的状态已经多年有利一直致力于自由,公正说法,说可怕万 That after the war for reviving long time simply because of nation function Because it did being favorably treated it is proper that as for insistence only of the word cup very unpleasantness

                                                        • 文官政府雇员养老金和退休养老金Uhauha相互站立在另一个世界各地庞大的财政赤字在
                                                          As for government employee at mutual aid annuity of difference raising [uhauha] old age Where private public welfare annuity as for large deficit

                                                          • 日本倾向于106关于人类和邪恶的蜘蛛,蜘蛛裙带好,可能是主要的出发点和找工作之间的驱动tTA黎前下属工作,即使是老弹出
                                                            106 Therefore Japan to be bad to designate the relation and human feelings etc well as standard tend, the old person doing produces to work, the original subordinate et. al The transmission hand the work searching which depends may become main

                                                            • 日本老龄化的进展,我是392,但是嘿我在那里我已减少了照顾老人的死亡率为新生儿出生比率在同一时间,改善健康
                                                              392 As for aging advancing in Japan simultaneously with medical CARE for the senior citizen improvement Birthrate rising, also mortality rate of the newborn baby has decreased it is But well

                                                              • 武田:与就业效益,而不是成为时间超过一个月的工资得到一定数额每直到退休,这不是被迫获得独立和企业家精神,那就是 Takeda Having employing in the times that you can receive the salary of every month one fixed amount or more to retirement age It becomes the ku with the notion that where you make becoming independent and starting a business unavoidable the shank
                                                                • 840但是,当他50岁的做法,我将退休,我不是在开玩笑 840 So when really by his becomes 50 years old retirement age how joke saying the expectation which you think

                                                              • 毕竟资产形成的老人,而“独家财务assets m一个老男人!”Sundaro批评是什么意思?
                                                                When old person everyone forms property, in addition “The old person has monopolized financial asset! ” [tsu] [te] criticism the [ro] which is completed?

                                                                • 然而,老人将增加迅速,而排减单位,只是因为在社会上处于不利地位,这是不可能救手厚古
                                                                  But, in the future the senior citizen it keeps increasing steadily, because it is the social weak, saying, It is impossible to relieve carefully,

                                                                  • 看看下的应用拉动企业税和企业留存收入界限,但我觉得整个轮古采集时间在同一各款奖励,如果取消了旧的妇女和老人的就业保障和养老金减少
                                                                    When restriction you apply in internal reservation of enterprise, stability and old person woman favorable treatment system abolition of the corporate body tax-deducted lowering, annuity amount reduction and old person employment If it makes simultaneous, you think that everything is settled roundly,

                                                                    • 福利养老金+储蓄+计划+工作+储蓄收入老,我是多么瓦特饥饿的货币和
                                                                      Annuity + welfare + saving Annuity + work earnings + saving How much gold we want the aged person, it is, w

                                                                      • 苏我壊机构或嘶嘶声远你也很难托儿所照顾体力劳动的569也是
                                                                        569 Nursing and the nursery are the Bali Bali manual labor That [yu] - in [ma] body breaking Good Heavens

                                                                        • 茹工作能力659至100岁“为工作”和“机”(方),以“放心”,使 659 The kind of work which can be made 100 years old “It works” with “say that it is” side “ease” it can point

                                                                          • 西村Yuukou -荟萃世界各地的每一天,“变形记”和“元标记”问题TBS电视台“媒体恐怖主义”营业执照广播反撤消所有记录!频道樱[]“TBS的犯罪”2 - 1(H18.12.20)每日罪(TBS电视台然后离开它)1。 2皇军士兵无辜死亡2日假剑数百→南京。冲绳集体自我。军命。 。阴谋制造3。串谋编造04慰安妇。奥姆真理教杀害坂本是05家。宣言活动未受保护区
                                                                            Nishimura happiness 祐 - Everyday it spread in the world, “metamorphosis” and “meta tag” problem TBS “reporting terrorist” all record Business license cancellation of anti-Japanese broadcasting station! “The crime of TBS” 2 - 1 (H18.12.20) Don't you think? everyday crime of the newspaper (TBS and it makes simultaneous) 1. The Nanjing hundred human cutting fabrications -> 2 false empire soldiers in capital punishment 2. Okinawa group our. Troop life. . It supports to fabrication 3. It supports to military comfort woman fabrication 4. The Sakamoto attorney family was made to murder to [oumu] truth teaching 5. It supports to defenseless regional declaration activity * It is the left flank radical group of Marxist's whom (as for staying on back you call MDS, is marked to public peace) 6. The excessive criticism to Fujiya Confectionery Co., Ltd. (it probably is perhaps, to like to extend even at the Korean enterprise Lotte Co., Ltd. share) 7. Metamorphosis article circulation to entire world

                                                                            • 该电梯是不打田中底部一样,但非教育。伯尔的品种往往
                                                                              Below being Kakuei's Tanaka way from, to hit, is not and, But high educational background. The matching is many

                                                                              • 这两个国家都应该获得的财政整顿,是很有趣的故事在默认获得信贷茹
                                                                                As for 2 in order to obtain the confidence of nation of the expectation which can by public finance soundness, in the non-fulfillment of obligation, the strange story which is done

                                                                                • 这是从你们辛苦Gemashou金上是一样的工人取消税收减免医疗保健和退休金的配偶和受抚养扣除豁免将对接融入沉淀at ll头小就业从不做以及五方面即使在寂静的终极工具从我的房子我滚装船
                                                                                  If it works, annuity and medical expense deduction abolition But also deduction for a spouse and deduction for dependents so Therefore you serious don't you think? the money it will lift, - not only the side Because the gold you do, the neck without thrusting in little employment saying nothing at the house, therefore [ro] [tsu] [te] the bean jam

                                                                                  • 陷阱是不够的,和医疗费用,即使他们details成功地使这个[医] 100岁的女心手术“如果让该elderly显示所需的心脏疾病,担心”...饭南医院,和歌山Kunaru心脏病慢脉冲的“完全性房室传导阻滞”100岁的女病人在心脏手术驱动tTA,饭南医院(田边Shinjōchō)成功
                                                                                    If such a thing is done, the trap which medical expense and the like goes and being is not enough It succeeds in the heart operation of 100 year old women If “it can give desire to the senior citizen who is troubled in the heart disease,”… Wakayama period south hospital In heart operation of 100 year old women who are ill the disease “complete atrioventricular block” where the pulse beat of the heart becomes slow, The period south hospital (Tanabe city Shinjo Cho) succeeded

                                                                                    • 顾我停止对最低工资工作10小时,每小时为青年工人,没有我的包被剥夺
                                                                                      Without taking the job of the young person, About 10 hours the fact that it works is stopped with minimum wage hourly wage,

                                                                                      • 驱动tTA废料体重在养老金和工资的双重结节化肥采取“合理的乐趣和”生活,工资工作的年轻人在我们的生活极端贫困的低 Gaining as for the kudzu of the nodule which gets fat with the duplication taking of annuity and wages” without the excessiveness living pleasantly” As for young layer whether unemployment it is low at wages indigent life
                                                                                        • 20,我会想胜手流真正的物理游戏,在他们30多岁的年轻人?嗯 我不傻,50多岁以上的劳动力 In young layer of 20 30 generations being serious with physical strength game thinking that it can win the ru Don t you think the fool after… 50 generations there is no labor force

                                                                                      • :,: : :,ヽヾÐ :,强布鲁诺他们七楼::然后消除它的既得利益永久层 ni REPT DREPT lt and no One ≦ tea ji gt 丶 How is It probably will be delightful 丶 f and ¯ a r a y REPT river ゙ i mi a and ゙ i i i j no 7f it is The acquired interests layer regular member is made eradicable
                                                                                        • ヽ我, ヾ丶 : :,ヽヾÐ :,强布鲁诺他们七楼::然后消除它的既得利益永久层 NULL
                                                                                        • 津市我, ,ヾ 非常,非常酷行く让他成为我们所剩下的自由民主党 i tsu DREPT ゙ If it leaves to our Liberal Democratic Party everything it goes well

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