噢耶耶耶耶耶耶耶耶耶1! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 Obtaining it can be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain huh
13:58编号:iyLofyXA0钟隐匿Kichigaikaruto一本书一样。彰隆三桥幸福后进入科学和有关的废物,即使没有双腿耙到狂欢彰隆三桥,瓦特!瓦特■“宇宙规律的”导言(平装)Ohkawa(作者)IRH新闻■(2010 3 12)Reputarian,灰色,两个建设外国人,星星真理这些家伙是谁昴,什么是地球的访问目的是什么?和外国人共存的地球人已经开始等待 13 58 ID iyLofyXA0 The kichigaikaruto kind of sect which publishes such an occult book As for the Mitsuhashi your discernment which relates with the science of happiness how struggling wastefulness w Mitsuhashi your discernment unreasonable it does and the tsu te w “Legal introduction of outer space” Book Okawa Takashi method Work The scientific publication of happiness 2010 3 12 reputarian Gray two building star people and the Pleiades star person… Their truth forms and what purpose of terrestrial visit Coexistence of the extraterrestrial and the terrestrial person has started already
保险丝818是你的幸福资产tive收集。但不狙最近学说,你是想遵循的战略方针对双方的资产创2 family本港市民的穷人和系列化,并将于newspaper在给彰隆三桥,我immediately Netouyo自动攻击狙的人口在不符合他们的语言economic m Netouyo 818 As for happiness as for offering gathering property But the aim recently because of the number of heads it has made netouyo sharpshooting It makes Mitsuhashi your discernment serialize with the house organ Like it has been about to follow the Soka technique gold of the wealthy person and two surface maneuvers of the number of heads of the pauper Doctrine does not talk the economic place to netouyo
320日莲正宗,我只是被蹂躏,从上下文有绝招,分层 320
As for the Nichiren correct sect, the stratification to separate from there and pass and be added with context just the [ru
367现在说什么地狱,你可能不正确的维护和Netouyo 367
After so long a time it is what is, because there is no maintenance and a right wing, the [ro] which is [netouyo] what
391是过于激进的,我相信以绝对毕竟不是一个保守的,谁是那一代 391 As for being remainder radical you think that after all conservative it is not it is As for people of that generation
基督教兄弟。和索赔发生在伊斯兰极端分子之间的冲突,而他们说,宗教极端 Christianity older brother While calling religion there is an extreme opposition relationship Insistence of Islamic radical group it wears
426 2楼或是否与幸福,这是一个故事太多考虑Etakunai 426 Or 2F being a happiness and a relationship is This is the story which we would not like to think excessively…
426 2楼或是否与幸福,这是一个故事太多考虑Etakunai 426 Or 2F being a happiness and a relationship is This is the story which we would not like to think excessively…
也许是意识到这样的幸福,因为他加入了自由民主党赢得选举在543 543 After so being elected at the Liberal Democratic Party the causing re which joins in happiness actualization and the like it is
它可能已经完全改变了马鞍一次可能实现党永远快乐大约50名自民党国会议员 Perhaps when it does it doesn t mean that about 50 Liberal Democratic Party Assemblymen switches over simultaneously in the happy actualization party
幸福的人才能取得党之前,因为人们成为政治家,是原因 Before the happy actualization party is possible from therefore the people where becomes the politician there is a reason in that appearance
老实说,除了幸福的观念和认识到,一个宗教学校和enter ll被罚款 Other than the thinking honesty as for happiness actualization and the like of inserting religion in school training It could agree well enough and the chi ya bore
阿陈云辉花,2通道仅仅是为了提供想法,谁加入了党获得幸福我扎佐 As for Oe just in order to offer news item to a and 2ch It joined in the happy actualization party it is the za
458美国总统没有立法,司法审查,法院已 458
There is no legislative right in American president and, there is a judicial review in the courthouse
472哦,总统或更少了糖果,向立法否决权,有权命令联邦军队的幸福宪法草案中我有权利任命法院,“法律”和“总统令”,是单词“一分钟的片段,如果他们使用适当的民选总统的手段,能力和立法机关的受欢迎程度”是由总统任命的法令及其立法事项,可以幸免,甚至不是立法机关废除的 472
The [a], being a less?
Don't you think? the president, veto to the legislature, there is an order right to Federal Government & the troop and a designation right of the courthouse even in [ame]
With the constitution tentative plan of happiness, “law” and “the president” word being used properly securely,
As for “president tenure election expedient, fixed capacity and popularity of legislature” with election item of legislature
The president with it is to be decided to do, also abolition of the legislature is impossible
5 - D和4 - D和下来,达尔文,马克思等人佐佐木小次郎天台宗天台宗的创始人设置为与该中线地狱 And 5 dimensions and 4 dimensions descent, heaven stand sect founder Setting that Kozirou most being clear Sasaki Darwin Marx have fallen to the hell,
788嗯,我希望修正案亲改革派组,尽管我很Eru ll成一个会议,是所谓的错误维修 788 You bear Constitutional revision group preservation protecting what you say by mistake the ru Although reformist tsu te may be to advocate interview
保守,因为这将是该死的抽筋,实现党的瓦特多少幸福我什么也不做鶏口Janakarou Therefore a lot of happy actualization party gachi maintenance the tsu hanging w If the chicken mouth it is regardless and says and probably there is no reason
847尼泊尔,我觉得一旦平静是从佛重生赞助 847
You think Nepal that you support the Buddha re-誕 the empty once it is unconcerned,
Bibitta有点右倾自由民主党主张相反,但瓦特的地方。由于宗教党派 On the contrary from our people w which just a little vibrated in insistence of the right approaching So place Therefore religion political party
也期待非常体验,而自由民主党是,我没有对别人愚蠢的令人印象深刻 Very personal history seeing as for our people and democracy the ro It is the impression which from in addition to is not made the partner
我不能说,自民党预计411不多不多赢 411 Such a thing of however much saying other than our people the expectation that it does not win very
Eeee工程( д`)我堂下工程Eeee!第一次世界大战大江先生,瓦特我一直支持你们!湿重 Manufacture [eeee] (' д `) [eeee] manufacture
Manufacture [eeee] (' д `) [eeee] manufacture
Manufacture [eeee] (' д `) [eeee] manufacture
[do] red sandal wood? ww
Although Oe, you have supported, w
Secure margin! ww
Etara更可能是过于拥挤的人口增长是荒谬或多个国家的3.0亿朱达罗 300,000,000 human nation too unreasonable it is, the [ro] which is
When population above this increases, it may become more and more over-crowding
NULL 51 20 ID nnD3tioq0 Riyuuma descending disembarking overlooking Happy actualization party support leader Riyuuma talks “the Japanese playback vision” ttp www amazon co jp dp 4863950241 Riyuuma Sakamoto victory Kaishu s spirit word Okawa Takashi method spirit word selected works ttp www amazon co jp dp 486395011X obama protection spirit interview ribatei booklet ttp www amazon co jp dp 4876883920 Spirit word of Kim Jong Il protection spirit Okawa Takashi method Work ttp www amazon co jp dp 4876883718 Matsushita Konosuke Japan is scolded Urgent message from heavens boundary ttp www amazon co jp dp 4863950233 Vociferation Yoshida Shoin spirit word Okawa Takashi method Work ttp www amazon co jp dp 4863950322 Warning to Saigo prosperous Japanese Future of this country unhappy u Okawa Takashi method Work ttp www amazon co jp dp 4863950357 The spirit word of Emperor Emperor Meiji Showa Okawa Takashi method Work ttp www amazon co jp dp 4876883726
无党派人士在新的75 739圣人!2010 05 11(周二)23:17:20编号:fZTflA Ø根据新闻选対Rashii 739 75 Non party sage New 2010 05 11 fire 23 17 20 ID fZTflA o According to information selection opposite it seems
NULL Being this year the founder of party honorable president exploding accidentally extraterrestrial news item the ru the ro which is useless it probably will be entwined Coming to the earth among the extraterrestrials of ru over 20 kinds the Pleiades star person the Vega star person the clarion star person and the nibiru star person etc ii it is the Okawa erukantare way the descendant of the direct line where Venus person who several hundred million years ago was made with Venus scatters in Milky Way Anglo Saxon being militant does also cannibalism it is the end 裔 of the reptilia reputarian star person who seems As for the Michael spirit which guides America graduate of the reputarian one group enriru God of reputarian which is Michael s boss the foehn rill Allah God in America Anger to invasion Radio wave attack spiritual attack of sleep obstacle and the like doing from outer space vis a vis America the ru place obama the president the dogon star person of the blue fox with the star which is invaded to former times reputarian becomes the model of movie abata If reputarian VS extraterrestrial power confrontation of dogon continues with actual condition inside America obama America atrophies As for pine in doctor nibiru star person Not yet departure of solar system This and the descendant of erukantare direct line it seems with the planetary person America completed the earthquake weapon and the like of extraterrestrial technical offer and nuclear unnecessary proposed Sumatran major earthquake of the open sea and Sichuan etc occurs due to the earthquake weapon attack by America iesukirisuto as for revival Vega star person It made revive with revival technique
NULL Being this year the founder of party honorable president exploding accidentally extraterrestrial news item the ru the ro which is useless it probably will be entwined Coming to the earth among the extraterrestrials of ru over 20 kinds the Pleiades star person the Vega star person the clarion star person and the nibiru star person etc ii it is the Okawa erukantare way the descendant of the direct line where Venus person who several hundred million years ago was made with Venus scatters in Milky Way Anglo Saxon being militant does also cannibalism it is the end 裔 of the reptilia reputarian star person who seems As for the Michael spirit which guides America graduate of the reputarian one group enriru God of reputarian which is Michael s boss the foehn rill Allah God in America Anger to invasion Radio wave attack spiritual attack of sleep obstacle and the like doing from outer space vis a vis America the ru place obama the president the dogon star person of the blue fox with the star which is invaded to former times reputarian becomes the model of movie abata If reputarian VS extraterrestrial power confrontation of dogon continues with actual condition inside America obama America atrophies As for pine in doctor nibiru star person Not yet departure of solar system This and the descendant of erukantare direct line it seems with the planetary person America completed the earthquake weapon and the like of extraterrestrial technical offer and nuclear unnecessary proposed Sumatran major earthquake of the open sea and Sichuan etc occurs due to the earthquake weapon attack by America iesukirisuto as for revival Vega star person It made revive with revival technique
教育。今天是相当陌生的妇女儿童大川罕见生活南丁格尔(Professor 故事) Teaching The Okawa present child of the lady changes the origin of the nightingale teaching Talks
NULL i REPT i 彡 ” MARU he REPT MARU REPT No REPT ku 333 ∠ ⌒ gt ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ HKRPT HKRPT HKRPT HKRPT Unreasonable it does and tsu te … i ⌒ i ⌒ i ⌒ i ⌒ Three Three Three Three ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
吉焦! ∧ ∧ N的氮离子(哟( ∀ )东)YY GJ n ∧ ∧ n yo ∀ E Y Y
Ohkawa一个全球性的重要性,所以他们将所有你可以与死者和守护神 Because Okawa Takashi method earth one is great, the setting that you can converse with the deceased and protection spirit everything,
Q ×绑架党获得幸福总裁小池尤里自民党在今年春天。街道地址1 / 2 It makes the happy actualization party spring and the [hi] densely the à Liberal Democratic Party Koike lily is dense Kidnapping question. Roadside speech 1/2
Www hr party jp 就职 dingpolicy html下到我,并积极投资于未来的工业就业的经济,外交和国防交通革命保持日美同盟关系,促进教育和国防工业 Ntsukyouso反宽松,宗教,劳工短缺道德教育的经济衰退(目前的某些地区的一种普遍的宗教,而不是常见)的人口和人口增长的政策,以纾缓的情况下移民政策扩张性财政政策,放松货币政策在未来减少。小政府(哈耶克,凯恩斯和使用作出分钟只),看起来像基督教观点 www hr party jp inauguration dingpolicy html Business employment … Squeezing the mark to future industry positive investment and traffic revolution Diplomacy defense … The Japan U S alliance steadfastness and defense industry promotion Education … Counter Nitukiyou group elbowroom and religion moral education not to be specific religion commonness universal part Population problem … Increase in population step immigration policy for shortage of labor cancellation Economy … There being a present depression positive financial policy easy money Future the decrease Small government proper use of Keynes and haieku When you see with believer point of view such feeling
目前的需求,以牺牲一个公告,告诉邪教思想不可能只是84 84 Putting out unrealizable ideology presently sacrifice What it requires just the cult
Ø导致河流尝试大师是一个相当奇怪的罕见Hozaki你自己的生活佛 The O river of the founder the origin of the explanation/releasing 迦 change to the association by your and distantly has become babbling
“Ohkawa IRH [启示诺查丹玛斯的天空』”诺查丹玛斯预言的命中率很可能,并估计,从目前的趋势可能溢出百分之八至百分之七 ”
'The science of revelation' Okawa Takashi method happiness of Nostradamus's shivering
“As for Nostradamus's prediction, perhaps as for hit ratio, that it has presumed whether it is not to exceed eight tenths from seven tenths
“[启示的IRH Ohkawa天空』的诺查丹玛斯,”二十一世纪,利维坦(日本)将成为不可战胜的 ”
'The science of revelation' Okawa Takashi method happiness of Nostradamus's shivering
“As for Nostradamus's prediction, perhaps as for hit ratio, that it has presumed whether it is not to exceed eight tenths from seven tenths
“信息科学的基本幸福” 佛Ohkawa大师(上帝Erukantare根)变化相当罕见的生活(会) lt lt Basic information of the science of happiness gt gt Okawa Takashi method of the founder changes explanation releasing 迦 basic God erukantare the origin calling
“信息科学的基本幸福” 佛Ohkawa大师(上帝Erukantare根)变化相当罕见的生活(会) lt lt Basic information of the science of happiness gt gt Okawa Takashi method of the founder changes explanation releasing 迦 basic God erukantare the origin calling
幸福的科学理论,对来世世界的确是,有一个一流的社会和Ohkawa With doctrine of the science of happiness very the postmortem world is the true world there has become the class society which designates Okawa Takashi method as apex
而“宪法”是指前言,“上帝”是它的例子也可以说的论点的逻辑,幸福是总统大川 Furthermore you say in “constitution” preamble When “God” is President Okawa if you say also that it quibbles from the logic of happiness the possible shelf
“党获得幸福,”第一个立法者,他加入的成员,议员陈云辉中曾根康弘陈云辉(独立)于7月11日众议院对记者说在议会和一个宗教团“幸福的科学”(先生Ohkawa)支持孕产妇和政治组织,“党获得幸福的思考”是要澄清的加入 “Happy actualization party” first member of the Diet, to Oe Yasuhiro joining
Councilor Yasuhiro Oe (non post) on the 11th, inside the National Diet “science of religion corporate body happiness” (legal President Takashi Okawa) the thought in the political organization “happy actualization party” which is made the support parent of joining was made clear vis-a-vis press corps,
“扩大地狱”的程度,这些狙ü上祓魔“”不是企业走出去 If for the people who aim “the enlargement of the hell” are there are no times there not to be work of the “demoniac talisman”
但盲目堕地监狱的性关系(colors 丑闻)一直是下降闪耀 Simply random sexual relationship the 堕 hell color It is assumed that bribery case it falls
“新公明党”,但“自己的幸福,”联盟,小池先生说:“我们将合作在绑架问题和实现党坚决幸福”一词和驱动tTA “Our it is not public” in joint struggle of “our happiness” Koike said “it keeps cooperating securely concerning the happy actualization party and kidnapping problem”
•如果中毒的指控是否认涉嫌通奸碎片挂Ohkawa大师,大师,也将不甚至尝试更遑论宗教法团IRH Immoral poisoning doubt is bet on the Okawa Takashi method which is the founder but Main person of the founder the ro even the science of religion corporate body happiness does not try to deny doubt
•如果中毒的指控是否认涉嫌通奸碎片挂Ohkawa大师,大师,也将不甚至尝试更遑论宗教法团IRH Immoral poisoning doubt is bet on the Okawa Takashi method which is the founder but Main person of the founder the ro even the science of religion corporate body happiness does not try to deny doubt
■■■■■大川先生事实真相的星期五■■■■■(主持的时间)为诽谤和仇恨的阴影Garase,抗议官方讲谈社讲谈社传真到手机事件 Friday truth of incident President Okawa at that time assuming that superintendence it slandered slandered vis a vis Kodansha publishers Ltd iyagarase of the tail and the like for the telephone facsimile protest demonstration Kodansha publishers Ltd authorized personnel The incident which is done
它位于〜哦! IRH已派出甚至,他们已经传真书面抗议提示讲谈社,卡努行动“证据”,而我留在手中的成员很多我们 It is lie the a Even it was sent from the science of happiness it protests to Kodansha publishers Ltd The way the facsimile where the indication is written does not move as “an evidence” many members Because it remains in labor assistant is
一夫多妻制。伊斯兰教容忍其他意见,佛教,神道,日本也是原来的目的,认为武力是没有一夫一妻制 gt One man multi wives Admission speech Other than the Islam Buddhism and the Japanese shintoism originally It means without being something which forces monogamy system
在838没有意义,因为没有强烈Erashii神道宗教 838 Not to be conscious strongly to teach the fact that also the te is good to shintoism because there are no any which seem
三百八十一瓦特确保是否刻意粗糙诙谐路线党在Ku幸福的实现 381 Certainly w Being able to meet it is funny at the point in time when it goes to the happy actualization party
三百八十一瓦特确保是否刻意粗糙诙谐路线党在Ku幸福的实现 381 Certainly w Being able to meet it is funny at the point in time when it goes to the happy actualization party
我很高兴实现了党,我是学生总是愚蠢早稻田演讲 The happy actualization party lectures always with Waseda However in the student it is made foolish
三维世界正面临07年,约20,000点淖中山三木吉宗德川玛丽南丁格尔 Yoshimune Mary the Holy Mother Tokugawa nightingale Nakayama you see in 7 dimensional boundary under that, the starting exit [nao] and others approximately 20,000 person
不知道我们不知道它是指以不Ohkawa Ohkawa gt Our being Okawa Takashi method is not Okawa Takashi method Whether is what and takes at all it is from the wa
我买赎回率?大川和有很多钱,但它是保证, It was bought with somewhat it is As for the gold all the way it is being has boasted Okawa
中谷介绍宏观经济学的本质“ 在大学水平初学者复制保守的圈子,邪教本质,我觉得 Basic Nakatani � enrollment macro economics”… university first studies With person level… plagiarism conservatism as for true character you think that the cult is just the tsu te
为了克服人口出生率下降,他们承认一夫多妻制Merubeki限于高收入纳税人理论 You explain that little child for converting and conquest one man multi wife systems should be recognized limiting to the large amount taxpayer
为了克服人口出生率下降,他们承认一夫多妻制Merubeki限于高收入纳税人理论 You explain that little child for converting and conquest one man multi wife systems should be recognized limiting to the large amount taxpayer
为了确保他们的安全和暂时的资金,如果众议院选举中,和歌山县一区的候选人 Guaranteeing the safety of the gold and the body temporarily if it becomes the House of Representatives selection from Wakayama 1 Ku candidacy
为什么人们看具体名称提升保守媒体?保守的知识分子,人们不要把濒危物种的王室其他如驱动tTA如果得到保护 gt Conservative journalist When concrete name it tries listing Like whether with the conservative intellectual quite it is the extermination fear kind protective object of The human et al who handled the Imperial Family it is not
什么经济衰退,我想,我实现了从张幸福的Burgers党的海报不是愈你在等候室和瓦特快听到绒毛布道和教师认为你想租看到有人疯狂长岛绝症后我们说什么或做马苏年瓦特 The combining tsu te which is depression as for that waiting it is and anta the poster of the happy actualization party stretches on the room and it is from the ru w The someone is to receive the 診 te being the sickness to kichigai kayo which is thought If incurable disease the sermon of the teacher is heard that you recover it is to be unable to be said w
他们的HP 246没有安装猪排是从叱 当地雇员说服? 246
Because it was scolded in victory Kaishu that it is not placed in HP…?
伊坎我592,而且似乎反应成员提供主流基督教的这些,和负实踢它,那些“得到解除脚看”不会回答峨办? “我不认为任何人”,但我不希望我木村足总杯,但我完全支持,没有我读他的书 592 Circumstance believer When such reaction seems like main current actualization 党員 in addition it is defeated Actually such the intention in “of frying and the pace” how answering “No one thinks such a thing” is to call with FA combining However Kimura corresponds accurately or that book you read
什么脚提升了589看看吗?我想我不会没有人 589 It is the frying pace No one thinks such a thing don t you think probably will be
低于08维的世界中,500名工人,穆罕默德天照诺查丹玛斯空海定延松 In 8 dimensional boundary under that, [muhanmado] heaven illuminating large God Nostradamus empty sea pine suppression trust and others approximately 500 people
使其更有力地证明出九零三瓦特里于彻说,“终身总统在千年王国活着的上帝”和“Erukantare治万能神”的事情是在这个党的宗旨 A more enormous evidence is put out w 903 As said “with the living god life president thousand year kingdom” And those which “rule this due to all the intellectual omnipotent God erukantare ” aims this party
德国的U 每民主人士的斗争是在玛拉』味道像千年总统在公敌永生神的生命 When it is the fighting u democracy partner around Germany With the living god life president at thousand year kingdom or the point in time when it made smell the enemy of society
公报说,美国国旗和日本国旗,加强美日同盟,小泽,鸠山批评该决议普天间,抱怨说,中国构成潜在威胁 The Japanese national flag and the American flag are put out, the Japan-U.S. alliance strengthening, Ozawa, threat of Hatoyama criticism, the Futenma solution and China is appealed
关于823,水和油朱达罗的新净和宗教的权利,或离开房子,但有许多国家Netouyo领导供应者的增长。左向左(人民。左+共产党社民党)是一个坏宗教,我感到困惑的兼容性 823
Generally, the [ro] which is net right wing and the new religion [tsu] [te] water and the oil
However all the way there is a house or a major company of growth with the obtaining and [netouyo] business
Left flank people. From left wing the left (people. The left wing + corporation people common property) religion unreasonable painful brown affinity it is bad
古的夏天是从锅里,这是! V(十7)( ( ) ( ) ( 92 92 bo ku And others Summer It is dense re And others Is V 7 nu 92 92 ¯ Happiness ⌒ REPT 92 ⌒ ⌒ ¯ REPT Actualization party ⌒ ⌒ The Liberal Democratic Party Komeito ¯ i Standardization mi mi Association 92 92 92 REPT No REPT REPT 92 HKRPT re 92
保守党除一小部分爱好者,但我会允许许先生苏公明党,因为茹扣人心弦的投票人数约铸造 NULL
和歌山县的习惯和年龄是自民党运行作为一个民主党人,但他看到他的第二层为W嘲笑为雷莫拉,所以我很参议院在过去的比例2票゙熙资源 Japanese ode Yamagata discussion age the habit which is the Liberal Democratic Party doing,
Furthermore although [kobanzame] of the second floor it is the person who is bantered, the kind of person w who runs from the Democratic party
In previous House of Councillors proportion the [ze] which is the number of polls of [hi] ゙ [ri] 2
和邪教老人的翅膀一,我是一个体面的资深国会议员保守昵称你知道你是好瓦特 1
But as for approximately pop conservatives Assemblyman what of veterans
As for right wing and the cult term of endearment it is to call the [ro] which is w
嗯,我不在乎投票以来,▽7▽2个独立社会民主党日本Tachiagare▽5▽6联盟宪法改革共产党▽7▽21个新公明党▽71人新绿风会民主党日本自由民主党▽122一空缺(读卖新闻32分钟2010年5月11日20 00) Viewing the Democratic party new fresh breeze meeting citizen new Japanese 122 ▽ Liberal Democratic Party 71 ▽ Komeito 21 ▽ Japan Communist Party 7 ▽ new party reform 6 ▽ corporation people parties safeguarding of the Constitution combined 5 ▽ rises in the air which well as for we votes the Japanese 2 ▽ non post 7 ▽ vacancies 1 2010 May 11th 20 32 The Yomiuri Shimbun Company
▽2无党派人士1空缺▽7宪法的日本社会民主联盟▽6▽5 Tachiagare改革共产党7▽▽▽21个新公明党71人新绿风会民主党日本自由民主党▽▽122(2010年5月11日20 00读卖新闻32分钟) The ▽ Democratic party new fresh breeze meeting citizen new Japanese 122 ▽ Liberal Democratic Party 71 ▽ Komeito 21 ▽ Japan Communist Party 7 ▽ new party reform 6 ▽ corporation people parties safeguarding of the Constitution combined 5 ▽ rise the Japanese 2 ▽ non post 7 ▽ vacancies 1 2010 May 11th 20 32 The Yomiuri Shimbun Company
▽2无党派人士1空缺▽7宪法的日本社会民主联盟▽6▽5 Tachiagare改革共产党▽7月21日本新公明▽▽▽71 122人自由民主党新绿风会 Democracy new fresh breeze meeting citizen new Japanese 122 ▽ our people 71 ▽ fair 21 ▽ communist 7 ▽ new party reform 6 ▽ corporation people safeguarding of the Constitution combination 5 The ▽ rise the Japanese 2 ▽ non post 7 ▽ vacancies 1
一空缺Tachiagare日▽▽▽7 2个独立 gt gt Democracy new fresh breeze meeting citizen new Japanese 122 ▽ our people 71 gt ▽ fair 21 ▽ communist 7 ▽ new party reform 6 ▽ corporation people safeguarding of the Constitution combination 5 gt The ▽ rise the Japanese 2 ▽ non post 7 ▽ vacancies 1
公司涉及Demonai宗教对政治的斗六,新公明党,证明我是我,那会继续,如果没有输入 When religion corporate body relates to politics as for without being the ro ku Komeito proving from the ru there are no times when in the future you insert probably will be
即使你说的保守,我仍想了解日本或Tachiagare党的发现是,是否一党日萨哈゚明白为什么幸福 If even maintenance you say the creation new party and shape rise Japan and kana and others However you can understand still it is Saha ゚ ri whether it is the happy actualization party with something that
君秋认真,幸福,社会民主党,民主,但局部或小数量(),共产主义,邪教看它 Don t you think fairness and happiness the corporation people democracy just barely part you exclude with maji the common property … the cult apparent
嗯,我不关心,沿着民主投票,新公明党,社会民主党已经从一个共产主义的党更好地声称获得幸福 Viewing the Democratic party new fresh breeze meeting citizen new Japanese 122 ▽ Liberal Democratic Party 71 ▽ Komeito 21 ▽ Japan Communist Party 7 ▽ new party reform 6 ▽ corporation people parties safeguarding of the Constitution combined 5 ▽ rises in the air which well as for we votes the Japanese 2 ▽ non post 7 ▽ vacancies 1 2010 May 11th 20 32 The Yomiuri Shimbun Company
NULL In from now on date of the election The particular election person being the House of Representatives roster loading person thickly it is in political party other political organizations other than such as the House of Representatives roster notification political party in particular election the bucket Those which are the ru House of Representatives roster notification political party and the like the particular election person being the House of Representatives roster loading person thickly it is the House of Representatives roster notification political party and the like this The House of Representatives The combination which relates to the roster notification political party and the like Or division the establishment of the political party other political organizations of 2 or more as a purpose one political party other political groups The body disperses it means that the political party other political organizations of particular 2 or more are established
大江娜别找我恒常可以尝试撕下四百二十二瓦特打倒我,自由的双手在基督教赞美了一会儿,他的眼睛似乎浮动萝卜开始争吵和争端,经过瓦特分裂的一部分,不同的思想和基督教ü 422 Trying changing don t you think fidelity Oe w For a while the believer overpraising with the release Complaint starting to attach to the part which is different from the conception of the believer from after Kind of w where the form quarrel separation floats in the eye
如下,保留皇帝尊称为一个整体的传统文化,宪法作为当前一个皇帝的象征民族团结的,至少已拒绝 As description below the emperor have assumed that you respect it remains as one of cultural tradition at least existing constitution The emperor as a symbol of integration of the citizen denies
如果幸福比正常的头189仍将保持舛添 189
If the normal head happiness compared to still probably will keep being attached to Masuzoe
如果提议的宪法,使267创始人“上面的王室,”什么我列出(我是)我?皇帝的这些家伙。态度是不尊重的表现,以宪法修正案 267 Therefore “the founder from the Imperial Family the upper” tsu te being stated somewhere of constitution plans the ru it is done the tsu te Their emperors Attitude of negligence has been expressed to the constitution amendment plan
志位和困难,但事情的解决方案,我,我就会幸福谈谈王室是使用皇帝停止政治,不负责任的正是你 As for difficult thing however solution viewing happiness saying concerning the Imperial Family as for ru As for politics utilizing the emperor the ro which means to some extent stopping
这就是皇帝。而不能忽视?或输入信徒。保守党不支持他,并看到了已经濒临洗脑 Now somewhere emperor Unless it is negligence Believer or entrance If it is not the brainwashing being completed before the sun size the person et al who is supported in the conservatives it is not
帝国拆卸?获得幸福 党的“新宪法” 山庄H21 6 24 1 12 讨论! 热! !获得幸福和新党章 山庄H21 7 10 宗教与党的政治辩论后实现幸福 山庄H21 7 16 Happy actualization party “new Japan constitution” H21 6 24 1 12 Heated discussion Happy actualization party new drafting constitution H21 7 10 Passing the discussion of the happy actualization party H21 7 16
TTP的: palcomhk blog79。FC2的。com 博客入境 863。网页序言我们相信,日本人民的心中和头脑中的神,和所有发展目标,以繁荣和全球和平与日本神其中孩子的基础上,作为法国人的尊严的本质儿童,在这里建立一个新的宪法 ttp palcomhk blog79 fc2 com blog entry 863 html Preamble Our Japan citizens to designate the heart of Gods and Buddah as heart aiming toward Japan and terrestrial all peace and development prosperity Essence as a child and the French child of God is decided basis of dignity of the human new Japan constitution is enacted here
应该严厉到你谁有亲戚或本宗教信徒和多少贪婪者 Whether this sect is which extent worshiping gold principle if the person where the believer is in flesh fell the expectation which it makes the body and has tried
我什至卖了宗教的世界观708太棒了,我把它在第二轮疾病 708
Fantastic notion the religion which sells world view may be, but
This is medium two illness exposures,
我告诉例如,卖方保留Metara千里眼咕噜咕噜被证明是一个爱国者,我是虚张声势^ ^ For example but story when the national loyal retainer murders the founder, don't you think? thousand village eyes of the founder are proven that it was [hatsutari], the ^ ^
我希望我可以把它越来越像改名舛添四百二十四瓦特 424
Masuzoe having inserting likely, although if it should have renamed, w
我的层次。虽然是民主,议会制度是驻留在党的伟大,特别是在原民主社会主义,自由民主党退出该公司,扩大奶牛在那里,甚至没有要提取浓缩铀尾矿6个地点自由是自由(Ry的 My layer. However it has been permanently stationed there is a thing in the board
Democracy old Japan Socialist Party system especially is enormous with democracy and, the Liberal Democratic Party in the party who secedes six places
The enriched uranium leftover like it extracts how will do without being stays and, as for our people in our people (ry
支持自民党(谁)的支持,他们会Yoisho国会议员安倍晋三和已故众议员三冢 We support the Liberal Democratic Party and it had supported three Assemblyman Shin three mound Assemblymen and Abe the yoishiyo stripe we come
支持自民党(谁)的支持,他们会Yoisho国会议员安倍晋三和已故众议员三冢 We support the Liberal Democratic Party and it had supported three Assemblyman Shin three mound Assemblymen and Abe the yoishiyo stripe we come
新公明党的组织犯罪,民主党和W Kichigaikaruto足够的科学是不是创价学会是一个特别高兴邪教奥姆真理教超越 Because also Komeito and the Democratic party sufficiently are [kichigaikaruto] criminal syndicate, w
Especially, because Soka academic society and the science of happiness are the wicked trick which surpasses [karutooumu] truth teaching
日本全国的村庄,如果政党的移民政策,运行此我得到什么,并期待成群结队地在摆脱日本,想谈谈富人只考虑埃塔肿胀万移民在日本的100产业空洞化会 When it executes the immigration policy of this no chi ya tsu te political party You just thought that resident village which is in entire country in Japan swells up in the immigration 100 000 000 The rich person en masse from Japan escaping industry probably will be becomes hollow
日本全国的村庄,如果党的移民政策,以运行一个假,这个行业,并期待在纷纷逃离日本,希望就富人只考虑埃塔膨胀到100万移民这将是空洞化 When it executes the immigration policy of this no chi ya tsu te political party You just thought that resident village which is in entire country in Japan swells up in the immigration 100 000 000 The rich person en masse from Japan escaping industry probably will be becomes hollow
经济振兴,理论上说,它们应该接受日本的100万移民的输入 You explain that economic for activating the immigration 100 000 000 should be accepted to Japan
是啊,大活的神,他们会过什么有趣的选举瓦特预测从去年取得的党候选人幸福,我失去了所有的 Don't you think? prediction the outside stripe the living god [tsu] [te] which comes it is funny, w
The candidate who even with the House of Representatives selection of last year runs from the happy actualization party dies everyone was defeated
有幸福的家伙示威,并亲眼目睹了谁告诉通报美国国旗和国旗的糖果叽叽喳喳的幸福,如果他再致函波季日本的宗教,使居住酵母真我是啊是啊,但没有,2ch m要Kuiru爱国主义Netouyo波季,但许多胡萝卜与不一致 There being a demonstration of the party of happiness that the flag and Stars and Strips of happiness were put out It was written on twitter of the person who witnesses that What you probably will bite the genuine uyo tsu te it will stay in Japan and probably will form Only religion uyo of amepochi it is The sled ya even with 2ch patriotism the wa which is the expectation where netouyo of amepochi which contradicts is to be many
有影响力的组织我带来一个强大的和巨大的资源,众议院成为一个有影响力的自民党上 To show influence with mighty organization and enormous fund, the House of Councillors Liberal Democratic Party
It gains force as a capability person
濒死体验,我站在家顾选举,信徒的宗教感情状态候选人在该选区的科学上的发言状态下幸福的邪恶的民主,但现在当我来到创始人仍在收集支持 米赞同微笑和掌声要说的是一个坏的感觉,应该不会认为所有驱动tTA With the Lower House election before this the science of happiness raised candidacy to constituency inside Is with the founder came to support speech but it is Circumstances of the believer of that time of state of current democracy feeling being bad As for religion you thought that after all it is useless In everyone feeling bad extent being even with the smiling face it claps it is
濒死体验我站在科学的选房子幸福以前降低候选人在选区,我来到运动的创始人讲话,讲古的宗教感情,当时信徒在邪恶的状态仍然认为不应 米赞同微笑和掌声谈论所有驱动tTA一个坏的感觉 With the Lower House election before this the science of happiness raised candidacy to constituency inside Is with the founder came to support speech but it is Circumstances of the believer of that time of state of current democracy feeling being bad As for religion you thought that after all it is useless In everyone feeling bad extent being even with the smiling face it claps it is
独立做鸠山邦夫在这里长谷川博悟石川大纹157? Kawaguti宏,川村Hidesaburou各派和团结民主党 157
Intellectual Yutaka Ishikawa
Kunio Hatoyama
Hasegawa large crest
When it is non post, here? Hiroshi Kawaguchi, as for Kawamura Hidezo 郎 the Democratic party and standardized denomination
笔试结束一个辉煌的,是一种侮辱,试图吞下的鸬鹚饮食绝缘体音量旋钮老虎821只点了 821
Just the point of the secret eating by stealth, the late disgraceful behavior shelf of the paper test bright person who is made gullibility
自由党候选人的制度,是国库被捕涉嫌违反选举市医院涉嫌伪造法律冈村充义→分钟→power m勲茂→NetA的。独立运行后,于选举法武山百合子→→→优惠律师被捕民主违法问题悟辞职西村古贺诚在一,小泉纯一郎辞职→他的学术欺诈被捕后,怀疑后选举法民主串通收购浅野诚→违反涉嫌违反 As for free party type candidacy treasure house no shelf of news item
The cattail pond heavily virtue -> it arrests in the injury
Yoshinaga 2600 -> it arrests with minutes forgery of the hospital takeover
Okamura light 芳 -> it arrests with Public Office Election Law violation suspicion
Capital. 譲 -> You resign with involvement of public selection method violation after the democracy transferring
The Asano Makoto -> after the democracy transferring it arrests with purchase suspicion
Ichiro Jun Koga -> with educational background 詐 name problem Assemblyman resignation
Nishimura 眞 Sato -> it arrests with Attorneys-at-Law Act. violation
The military affairs mountain lily child -> after that it runs with non post and arrests with public selection method violation
谁是从国会议员有更好的东西,以追求国民议会认真的一点点我会好起来的担保座位?内塔绝缘子的有趣(笑)嗯,最后战役,或清扫街道以及联想的申索,委员的积极性没有基莫 When is pursues honest thing at the National Diet the Assemblyman who is the one which from calling Don t you think some is to call parliamentary seat guaranteeing separately As a news item it is funny and laughing The ma as for previous election activity being able to convey insistence well on the street or life mobilization of the street Heart it is
因此,任何宗教采取了明确的立场了,你只有一个投票表决的输入,如果只是他的树桩讲话严格诚实正直的人,无党派选民将在某种程度上显示详细的摄取 Therefore because altogether it does not put out religion color vote makes insert at the polling station To the last if the honest person lectures the street steadily just as for some whether it can take in non party layer
这家伙是什么,权利芦屋大学湿重湿重WWW的原住民人类的败类小康゚゙和歌山拉克拉克゙゙WWW的球拍 What it is dense, the [ro] ww which is the kudzu human
Ashiya university ww [hu] ゚ ゙ [ra] www
Wakayama native www ゙ [rake] ゙ [ra
这是一个日本移民人口每355 200000000骗局增长的需要。移民入籍的倡议是忠实于日本民族和严重的条件。需要 355
Don't you think? it is false rumor
With increase in population Japanese 200,000,000, immigration 1. Conception
As for naturalization of immigration loyalty to harsh condition and Japanese nation. Necessity
阿森松说这一切是真的,我在吸(梁成一个磁盘,或者甚至是工作人员的百分比的headquarters m高兴地走在外国人和外国人烧伤身体到精神),大川中等学校的第三个儿子的房子(目前在谈论邪教抗议欺凌)是一个真正的伟大领袖谁率领的明星精神文明两个星级壹岐恩戴飞晚上到了另一个星系阿斯特勒尔。乙 In the disk it absorbed passing away with the beam
This speaking entirely with [maji], the [te], furthermore
Happy headquarters several percentages of staff the war queen being done in the extraterrestrial, the [ru] (mind of the extraterrestrial enters into the flesh,)
Okawa Mitsuo of the house (the present junior high school student who in teaching group protest to the unkind treatment becomes topic), to tell the truth every night
The leader where the 幽 body you secede and keep flying to two stars of another Milky Way civilization of that star spirit you have guided
Large. Quaintness
隋唐时期,第一个国会议员的诞生,实现党的快乐! IRH广告日刊Gendai 19年 Finally first member of the Diet is born in the happy actualization party The daily gene die di publishing the announcement of the science of happiness after 19 years
我找到了抓地力,以13金或更少,那么设备将一个党员原非宗教 画图片或获得幸福Iteta 13 You grasped the gold or limpness dressing up non religion originally becomes the Assemblyman gt the happy actualization party Drawing the picture it is high…
雷曼兄弟是不是从东京大学毕业大川外国公司什么?这是发生什么事情,并会从那里发生? Okawa [tsu] [te] Tokyo University soldier/finishing original foreign owned trading company Riemann [tsu] [te] truth?
How it becomes from there, it probably will solve, it becomes?
(例如:建立固定福利计划支付,无抵押贷款公司新银行东京,反对由创价学会),收到的融资与债务的因素主要在管理不善,新银行东京,创价学会的数目,一公司的数字由于债务预计将在轻 (Example: Unsecured financing for the Soka academic society related enterprise due to fixed amount presentation commutation value attaching system enactment and new bank Tokyo)
New bank the main primary factor of Tokyo management deterioration is because there is the loan stepping on pushing down with the many Soka academic society related enterprise which receives financing
)“在第4和第及”第三者通知列表和众议院,“术语”的政党和众议院议员名单的通知“和”第2条第1款的97句话“ “第2 1条适用于97条第3款比照”和“第112条第2款”有一个“第04条第2比照第112条经适当变通后的适用范围”,并宣读没有什么出和更换 ” With 3rd section and in “the House of Representatives roster notification political party and the like” 4th section as for certain “House of Councillors roster notification government The party and the like” “2 1st sections in 97th provision” the front section as for certain “the same provision 1st section which is applied correspondingly in 2 3rd sections of 97th provision” and “112th provision the binary” “You read certain the same provision binary which is applied correspondingly and in the 112th provision 4th section” is changed
前款规定6,议员(比例代表制)比照适用于当选的众议院议员选举 6 As for stipulation of the front each section House of Councillors proportion representation election it applies correspondingly concerning the election person in the electing the Assemblyman
那么,到图书民主党交织成为无用出未来上院,或什么,也许能来投产 Well at the Democratic party coming out of the following House of Councillors because it becomes wasteful What and the causing re which with the can and flows into it is
(比例代表制和民选议员的官员谁丧失了众议院选举政治众议院党派和委员的变动在选举比例代表制)第99条众议院(比例代表制),谁赢得选举的成员(第96条,其中第1和第2条第97款的人谁不包括112人的规定由选举产生的第2条 Being disqualified of the election person the post political party and the like in the electing proportional typical election Assemblyman House of Representatives proportional typical election Assemblyman or House of Councillors with movement 99th provision 2 The House of Representatives proportion representation election the election person in the electing the Assemblyman 96th provision 2 1st sections of 97th provision or 112th provision binary correcting rule With fixed the election person the person who is decided is excluded
)如果这种一致的经验。石窟其他政党青年组织继续生存的合并后的。组织和分拆成立的其他政党组成的政治团体,包括政党政治的其他合并 In the case where it was done this After the combining existence Continuation those which are done Continuation the political party other political organizations which are done or this It is established by the political party other political organizations or the particular division which are established by merger Are the political party other political organizations are included
因此,解除政治组织,开始数,民主的“自由”国家尊重,我要看看宽行去北朝鲜和中国 Because is the start up the political organization Democracy the nation which respects “freedom” Expanding to also North Korea and China line it is to have the necessity to go
)在这个项目通过两个或多个其他政党合并,包括本集团。应保持不包括合并后 With the merger of the political party other political organizations of 2 or more where it includes this After the combining those which continue You exclude