Because “it is poor, accept the base!” In Tokunoshima 3 town, telephone rush… of for and againstThe telephone which abusive language is repeated persistently the ★2
简“,以消费税上调,1分钟嵌入我的赤字覆盖债券洞” <6> When the communication method which is faster than categorization human “light is possible how it does, it is”
<7> 菅 “Consumer tax increasing taxes, stopgap of amount of the deficit-financing bond”
198岛民反对的真正含义,我会做这样的“奄美居民的民主承诺和”看,根据前7汽油 198 Because democracy such does the real intention to which the islander opposes “Promise with the 奄 beauty inhabitant” 7 items such as gasoline lowering bihuo lt 1 gt The grant conversion which can be used freely with originality of maintenance and local end of the 奄 beauty archipelago promotion development fund lt 2 gt Expensive gasoline cost is lowered per 1 liters 54 Yen lt 3 gt 奄 beauty archipelago substantial reduction of air fare of this earth floor lt 4 gt The sugarcane and the tongue can etc are added to object item of each house income compensating system of the farmer lt 5 gt In order to prevent the outflow of the young person national university laboratory installation lt 6 gt Island making of broadband 100 lt 7 gt Consumer tax reduction and exemption inside archipelago ↓ After lt 1 gt As for 奄 beauty archipelago promotion development fund 29 reduction
546 Louppy冲绳最大傻瓜我同意,并接受喝名护市的投入从完成的眼泪,因为我说,不要做一些驱动tTA喜欢把脸颊上的一叠充其量我会民主党和自由的差异他的评论 546 If rupi our people being good it seems that slaps the cheek with the bundle of notes different from the Democratic party you said that you do not imitate therefore it is It is like the Swallowing the tear it accepts and it agrees the side field old and it is the word which makes the Okinawan maximally foolish
Louppy 546字的最高冲绳发了傻瓜我同意,并接受喝名护市的投入从完成的眼泪,因为我说,不要做一些我喜欢驱动tTA自民党提出的脸颊上的差异,在一个浅滩 546 rupi it seems that slaps the cheek with the bundle of notes different from the Liberal Democratic Party you said that you do not imitate therefore it is It is like the Swallowing the tear it accepts and it agrees the side field old and it is the word which makes the Okinawan maximally foolish
冲绳民族学院的建设,这些不同的限制,如果我对德之岛也接受输入674(Youkoutousenmongakkou工业冲绳)是在冲绳名护市高校字符 674 If Tokunoshima the acceptance is stated such rises Okinawa industrial technical college Every gi yo u which probably will boil like this plug which questions it is the tsu like this it is the technical college which the Okinawa prefecture Nago city letter side field old is
冲绳民族学院的建设,这些不同的限制,如果我对德之岛也接受输入674(Youkoutousenmongakkou工业冲绳)是在冲绳名护市高校字符 674 If Tokunoshima the acceptance is stated such rises Okinawa industrial technical college Every gi yo u which probably will boil like this plug which questions it is the tsu like this it is the technical college which the Okinawa prefecture Nago city letter side field old is
无损检测151,愤怒的冲绳当“自由民主党反对,奇怪的是在最好的民主党!”冲绳和错误的愤怒指责或发冷 151 When is with the Okinawan rages If “our people being good if the Democratic party it is strange to oppose ” With opposite gire doing in the Okinawan responsible shift the chill
788歹徒和民主党人仍想我是胶 788 After all as for yakuza and the Democratic party being connected the ru it is with the shank
多么疯狂的境界已经达到了一个什么样的民主党 1 The Democratic party tsu te reaching to the limits of kichigai already the ru …
Noeeee 布鲁诺人 ー : ::: No HKRPT REPT No No and REPT REPT Because lt it is poor accept the base REPT No 92 noeeee Person No 92 92 92 92
ヽ : )( 。 “ Noeeee 布鲁诺人 ー : ::: REPT ” No HKRPT REPT No No and REPT REPT REPT No 92 noeeee Person No 92 92 92 92
ヽ : )( 。 “ Noeeee 布鲁诺人 ー : ::: REPT ” No HKRPT REPT No No and REPT REPT REPT No 92 noeeee Person No 92 92 92 92
U是一个机会的人,犯了作为关怀和善良人的最低收益的行为 It does the favor return vis a vis the care of the person the chance which does the behavior of the minimum as the human that
U是一个机会的人,犯了作为关怀和善良人的最低收益的行为 It does the favor return vis a vis the care of the person the chance which does the behavior of the minimum as the human that
U是一个机会的人,犯了作为关怀和善良人的最低收益的行为 It does the favor return vis a vis the care of the person the chance which does the behavior of the minimum as the human that
Www jiji com 龙 c吗?Ğ u003d油料和K u003d二万〇一百亿五千一百二十〇万〇八百四十二部长平原一下午的记者招待会12月12日“,这意味着你有一个债券审理对岛民 www jiji com jc c g pol k 2010051200842 Plain director in press conference of 12th afternoon “inquires about the real intention to which the islander opposes
他发现一个基地工作的重视收入的3倍,平均年收入的德之岛 As for earnings of the person who finds job at the base 3 times that the average annual income of Tokunoshima
。 ( 。 。 。 )(。 。 。( ¯ヽ ) ( )( )( ヽ┼ 研发 。莱斯 ) No human toeeei niniso REPT ¯ REPT r 92 ¯ REPT ┼ REPT r re 92 d ⌒ no no
NULL DREPT ≡ 92 DREPT 92 REPT REPT ≡ mi ≡ mi 92 REPT ─ ─ ¯ ⌒ i REPT 92 REPT No REPT 92 REPT No and 92 No 92 REPT 92 92 REPT ku eeyuyu HKRPT 92 REPT REPT 92 ¯ ¯ REPT 92 92 ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ 7 ┼ ┼ ┌ ┐ No earth ─ ┬ ─ REPT Three Two No ─ ┼ 92 HKRPT ha No │ │ 92 REPT
一个领域释放,不应这样对待一个伟大的邪恶,如果民主党将导致特定的源和记录 Recording, if origin it specifies, the expectation which is connected to democracy 党員
Large badness is made runaway, [chi] [ya] circumstance
争取市政府投入很差,他们收到了,并说湾最近,在冲绳地方首长,对于谁是政府雇用的有关基地后,基地丢失。就业措施应该烦恼演讲,我说我喜欢它,我Nokezotta Because it is poor accepts with the word cup Some days ago the head of Okinawa somewhere concerning the people who are employed in connection with the base After losing the base the country difference Employment policy should have been devised that saying the te it removes and scared is the wa
争取市政府投入很差,他们收到了,并说湾最近,在冲绳地方首长,对于谁是政府雇用的有关基地后,基地丢失。就业措施应该烦恼演讲,我说我喜欢它,我Nokezotta Because it is poor accepts with the word cup Some days ago the head of Okinawa somewhere concerning the people who are employed in connection with the base After losing the base the country difference Employment policy should have been devised that saying the te it removes and scared is the wa
人员赶到手机驱动tTA困难和缺点德之岛普天间迁移候选人★“不工作” -美海军陆战队普天间航空基地政府(宜野湾冲绳县)在鹿儿岛县的镇,3个候选人的德之岛搬迁基地功能在每一个办公室,这也将是搬迁附近经常在50天的公众呼吁对利弊权衡,全市只有3名工作人员谁支持“不工作”,并取得了他们的困难 * Futenma transfer of facilities candidacy area It was troubled In Tokunoshima for and against telephone rush The staff “it cannot work,”
Government the US military Futenma airport (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan city) Kagoshima prefecture which is made base functional transfer of facilities candidacy area
Per the day when telephone which goes round for and against of transfer of facilities to each public office of 3 towns of Tokunoshima, is many from the general as much as 50 case front and back
Moving aside, “it does not become work”, that it has made 3 towns be troubled which have the limit in the staff who corresponds
什么开始了民主博爱提请专业是愿意并能够和想破坏任何费用以外的基地迁往冲绳县在低效 Did proud friendship start?
Democracy full even with nature non streamlining the Okinawa base with transfer of facilities outside the prefecture, the air which we would like to weaken
但只有这样写:您的地址从周年一套八九二瓦特789:Shisan名无@ 10 2010 / 05 / 13(星期四)01:33:07编号:nixACrCM0德之岛吧!我Yurusanee自私ー万维网871:@名无Shisan十周年:2010 / 05 / 13(星期四)10:24:47编号:nixACrCM0民主?议会制度在韩国,日本... 892
But the less just it did from your consecutive entry, w
789 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary : 2010/05/13 (Thursday) 01: 33: 07 ID: nixACrCM0
Tokunoshima! Selfishness is loose, don't you think? the [e] - www
871 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary : 2010/05/13 (Thursday) 10: 24: 47 ID: nixACrCM0
Democracy nation? … The Democratic Peoples's Republic of Korea
Japan… national assembly system dictatorial country
但是,镇议会德之岛,即使是城市的灵活性,以转让,局长平原眩光在5月底和限期解决搬迁总理由纪夫鸠山7天,3月市长,打破僵局,一个会议的小镇开始的想法,他们希望 Simply that in the Tokunoshima town assembly soft town discussion it is in moving it assumes As for plain director 3 town mayors the glare 5 ends of the month which Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama makes the conclusion time limit of transfer of facilities problem on the 7th It is the thought of liking to designate the interview with the town discussion as the beginning of situation break
不过,市议会,也是这个城市的德之岛搬迁局长平原思维灵活,具有眼部长最后的截止日期为5月由总理决定搬迁是打破僵局和线索,以满足与镇 Simply that in the Tokunoshima town assembly soft town discussion it is in moving it assumes As for plain director 3 town mayors the glare 5 ends of the month which Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama makes the conclusion time limit of transfer of facilities problem on the 7th It is the thought of liking to designate the interview with the town discussion as the beginning of situation break
德之岛一侧进入,例如被剥夺直接转达给总理接受对鸠山由纪夫在移动市长3月7日,强硬的立场适用于一 E g 3 town mayors accept Tokunoshima side to Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on the 7th and convey denial directly Moving opposite attitude is strengthened
你是愚蠢的内阁官房长官德之岛说服民主党人,民主党在所有浪费的行动,“县提出了”努力工作,因为他们很难原谅这样的闹剧 aho secretariat director of the Democratic party persuading Tokunoshima completely wasteful conduct The Democratic party persevered increased for “relocating outside the prefecture” with utmost effort and It is the farcical play for such excuse
你知道你是日本人民的镇压革命(瓦特即使在日本中使用武力,这是不支持自由入侵日本人民的 Revolution of the Japanese populace is controlled, it is the [ro] which is (w
Assuming, that China military force used in Japan, as for that being support of the Japanese people release, there is no invasion
你知道你是来德之岛酱吗?希望得到更多的赔偿超过一半被输入WWW的接受事实上,他仍然可以用金钱解决不知怎的,我说〜 As for Tokunoshima to already drooping the ro which is the ru As for half or more accepting it received compensation saying www It is what you bit saying after all it can solve with the gold it is
我得到的钱,第一产业将遵循证据,我想我会沉默我(不断地穿北瓦特)的差距被认为很好,是頑張德之岛〜!永远瓦特的失眠 When the gold you did primary industry arrived saying nothing the tsu te which is attached thinking ru evidence so far but w Well the opening you showed Tokunoshima be able to persevere To Sueyo in insomnia w
例如居民可以租一零零零零零零零零零日元会同意与恐惧所有的基地迁移乐烧是“完全反对”什么是我镇合不否认德之岛的谈判优势不可能不带任何的故事,从如果日本仍拒绝真正理解如果没有收到租金没有什么是太糟糕了,他会在谈判穷人只哭 If 1 000 000 000 Yen 1 people you receive perhaps the townspeople probably will be everyone base transfer of facilities approve With as for the notion that where you say it cannot there be “an opposite tsu te thing without fail” Either negotiation do the Tokunoshima townspeople who deny the discussion from the edge pass head badness You cannot receive those which you can receive if it denies still you understand As for the true Japanese being unskillful negotiation the wa which cries
如果你瘦的!他们想要的东西合作,基地迁移粗鲁或什么,但 1 It is poor But as for tsu te impoliteness Somehow we want cooperating to base transfer of facilities
像我们对美国国家利益的思想奴役战争!你根本无法转让以外的美国军队在日本冲绳!该国哀鸿遍野,奴隶一样,所以任何敌人的自卫队!冲绳,中国和日本一样,如果你转出谁想要对日本冲绳的厄运海外招聘计划的东西!科莱不知道他 - 不是一个叛徒,他希望向美国反奴隶制或具体的分代理商 Into after the war thought…
The American way very being subordinate national interest! Moving outside overseas prefecture of US Forces in Japan how it is outrageous!
Just Self Defense Force is devastated the country to being less crowded at will in the enemy and makes the slave!
If such a thing is done, Okinawa and Japan Chinese ones, moving outside overseas prefecture is conspiracy of the person who would like to ruin Japan!
As for the person where [kore] is not recognized and the person who does not desire the American subordinate the special sub- operative or the anti-Japanese traitor
元-沉鱼雷结果,北朝鲜船只进行改动改变的主要小泽小泽嘉代→→人民报人民报残疾协商不能排除日本行成员的Ku非常任理事国的安理会,起始数和死亡之间的冲突随时总理由前原战国 Although the case where the torpedo north sank the Korean boat, goes to security council the United States which cannot consult Japan of non-permanent members with rule ability loss
It tries that the United States -> somehow margin -> Ozawa will change the prime minister into Ozawa, but Maehara Sengoku protects the prime minister and is opposed and gets stuck
内部或外部的工作人都在Koh闵吴西西Hidosugi他们已经在美国10个可怕的朱达罗那家伙出来瓦特分钟我尺度很赞成圆桌会议 From outside island while or w building Method hidosugi w of minsu America has put out NG the ro which is already w The party whom it has supported the circular understanding tsu te is enormous
内阁委员会在晚上离开了众议院在总理办公室开放的民主政府首脑会议到鹿儿岛缺席玩闹蛊惑 The House of Representatives Cabinet commission of evening the government which the middle left, was held at the prime minister official residence & Democratic party summit which being absent, the Kagoshima entering of [dotabata]
冲绳-在中国海军已经谈判了陆地线我个人带来部长宗男俄罗斯总理的信中我一直在做布鲁诺在手好了托里 Chinese the navy does favorite selfishly with Okinawa and open sea no Torishima
[muneo] going to Russia with the personal message of the prime minister, the territory it negotiates
冲绳,并拥有世界上最高的自然科研教育水平的,由该研究所在国际上建立驱动tTA带来的灵活性,以促进世界科学技术的发展,并与冲绳,亚洲 - 区域一体化的发展先进大脑亚太地区,而不是为了促进经济独立 In Okinawa, it possesses the worldwide highest research education level of natural science type, it is international and by the fact that the university with graduate school curriculum which had pliability is installed, it contributes to the development of technology of the world,
In addition, it develops Okinawa as an advanced brain accumulation area of the Asian & pacific area, it designates that among other things the economic independence is assured as purpose
分类与在香港民主党井田,傻瓜啊,所以我选择什么样的奄美大岛是最选择 The Democratic party in the phone is the foolish matching, most selection is the good island was chosen with the 奄 beauty archipelago As for [a
利比亚忽略金枪鱼“禁止在任何交易的贡献,如果中国是可怕的!中国,并不可怕!”你认为中左政党和民主等类别作为部长,我不再远,排除碎片和单瓦特只有在共产党的领导瓦特日本分公司 The case of tuna prohibition matter the Libyan contribution is altogether ignored and “China is enormous! China is enormous! ” And so on with it seems that it omits
The [ro] w which is not the political party of the category which the kind of Democratic party where the minister of state is how most extreme left it melts quickly and says and is
Simply when it is the Chinese Communist Party guidance section Japanese branch only, w
促进措施,如为“胡萝卜”,以说服人们做党的公报政府local有关部门看看,“和less可能会遇到移动中平原的绒毛middle school movement favor Putting out “ ame ” such as promotion step if “it moves to also the method of the Hatoyama administration which persuades the affiliated self governing community openly intermediate group and group of supporters become difficult to move
即使没有该航空公司的要求, 大足够尖端的冲绳 There is no even request to the airliner
<4> Instead of income compensation, even the subsidy for land improvement it abolishes
<5> Being the Okinawa point large, the sufficient
只是不喜欢美国的地面部队和踢分离单并不重要,我Ginashide线是否连续呼吸直升机给台湾 As for America simply separation from the ground troops it just is hateful breath it does not succeed by the helicopter with It can go to Taiwan whether or not how excessively there is no relationship
只是不喜欢美国的地面部队和踢分离单并不重要,我Ginashide线是否连续呼吸直升机给台湾 As for America simply separation from the ground troops it just is hateful breath it does not succeed by the helicopter with It can go to Taiwan whether or not how excessively there is no relationship
可怜的天真的裁判官赢得比邪恶吗?他们竟然岛钓鱼钓鱼是岛民之一,研究公司简单射线下降裁判官或邪恶? Bad local magistrate VS simple pauper
As for winning which?
In intrigue of bad local magistrate simple islander one person fishing two human fishing
The island falling as expected?
叶山使那须,赤坂皇家园林和土地的跑道,是行 The runway as for making Hayama, Nasu, inside the business residence such as Akasaka
It is OK even with the land
名护,在出租给我,我有几百亿日元的赔偿hakomono也进入该基地接受案件回名护市的黄金,这些人诈骗的环 Nago city, side field old with base acceptance
The compensation receiving several 100,000,000,000 Yen
Because [hakomono] was made,
The money return, as for these people of fraud collectivization
哇,我觉得你现在的工具鸠山和困惑,他们干出来的天然气作为同情者的差异蟑螂小泽 Also the lunatic of Hatoyama & the Ozawa sympathizer it crawls to dry construction as a cockroach and way turns and the [ru] is with to do the [yo
嗯,这通常是一个工作会议或做他们谴责 Well, usually impeachment meeting doing, it probably is work of the [ru] party
四六三瓦特德之岛不可能不管可能是一个问题,看看冲绳,但我的名字Sebirou S在不同国家和钱,即使不再基地 463 The regardless of the ro w which is not and is Perhaps Tokunoshima there is no problem but the Okinawa collar it did and assuming that there is no base What with various pretexts the gold is designated as the se bi wax from the country discernibly the ru
反美情绪不会有麻烦缠身的假期从现在起到头盔的时候起,我可以想像德之岛 NULL
德之岛9000户作为一个2 700 000 000 000日元 Assuming that there are 9000 households in Tokunoshima sum total 2 700 000 000 000 Yen
德之岛的居民很可怜的大脑结构,我的行李,这是多么美妙的精英 The composition Tokunoshima inhabitant poor people inside the brain being completed the ru tsu te The do just it is it is the splendid elite
自民党官员猜测德之岛的电话不是我说的绝对是美国,这是明显的 The telephone probably is our people authorized personnel As for Tokunoshima as for America as for YES no matter what it is clear
这是美国所拥有的与我交谈,通过?我也接受了硬德之岛,我不能让我们的眼睛,我决定拒绝美国 This tsu te story passing to America Suffering hardship however Tokunoshima accepted when America becomes with the denial some lever Either the eye is not applied but it is
在“打市政厅进入基地,因为他们接受的贫困”,“市长在电视上太多了。”反复在电话苏和持续滥用,是一个业务障碍 In “because it is poor accepts the base” “the town mayor in the television It is coming out too much” that and so on there is also the telephone which repeats abusive language persistently causes hindrance to also business
“扑灭市政厅接受基地的投入,但不是穷人!” 从一开始我怎么能得到交战国涌 Because “it is poor accept the base ” From first method shelf of quarrel waist… chiyon
“扑灭市政厅接受基地的投入,但穷人”我会告诉鄂如没有完全同样的事情在冲绳 Because “it is poor accept the base ” From first method shelf of quarrel waist… chiyon
只有穷人,但负面的中国战争中,然后更改Waranai基数大你可能会说什么 The pauper does not change war being defeated to China separately large doing and The base how it probably will not need
在“打市政厅进入基地,因为他们接受的贫困”,“市长在电视上太多了。”反复在电话苏和持续滥用,是一个业务障碍 In “because it is poor accepts the base” “the town mayor in the television It is coming out too much” that and so on there is also the telephone which repeats abusive language persistently causes hindrance to also business
在“打市政厅进入基地,因为他们接受的贫困”,“市长在电视上太多了。”反复在电话苏和持续滥用,是一个业务障碍 In “because it is poor accepts the base” “the town mayor in the television It is coming out too much” that and so on there is also the telephone which repeats abusive language persistently causes hindrance to also business
我认为你有一个从战争的基础上,会出现奇?拉伸,而不是取消它的疯狂的声音来争取市政府或致电基地接受输入 Because there is a base war happens it is with to do the yo That accept the base unless voice Hari is increased vis a vis kichigai which telephones
穷人不能说如果冲绳和穷人,对吗?冲绳的经济基础,如果他是我得到了严重的不再发生 If so it is poverty the be whose also Okinawa is poor The base not to be maji when the tsu chi ya tsu it is the ri it does Okinawa economy how becomes is
在德之岛,迫使红只有9个镇的被称为又接受基地,5万维网参加了培训本身,而不是直接参与蒲德之岛是太多好吃的食物,但你暗示 In Tokunoshima to call in town discussion 9 of base acceptance coercion 5 people attendance www The tasty feed could be shown off however it is the ro which is don t you think the po which is unreasonable it is It does not relate to Tokunoshima Cho itself training directly and
Netouyo(波季亲)不希望美军德之岛,如果你想要做的事情ー称之为骚扰或勒索正进入车站接受瓦特 If netouyo parent American pochi the US military disliking the hippopotamus which harassment telephone something of base acceptance coercion is made ru Tokunoshima w
和WWW的9只挂所谓的德之岛镇,5个参加了培训本身,而不是直接参与蒲德之岛是太多好吃的食物,但你暗示 To call in town discussion 9 of Tokunoshima Cho 5 people attendance www The tasty feed could be shown off however it is the ro which is don t you think the po which is unreasonable it is It does not relate to Tokunoshima Cho itself training directly and
多瓦组民主权力基础■ -解决民间社会-公民研究理事会娱乐集团政策-游连全职,宗教团体游协日-立正佼成会,世界基督教救赎宗教Idzu我的教授吨晃诚,外国组织统一教会-居民联盟共有连协会民族的支持者投票的日子。协会民族政治投票团体支持-民主统一联盟,蓝的,核心派别,工会马塞洛皮革学校-联盟- Zitirou,Ntsukyouso,用户界面岑森联盟,工会联合会,日本汽车工人工会,工会电气,果酱,关键工会,工会信息,太平绅士,电力朝总联,在所有运输工人工会和JR总联等日本联合会 * Support parent of the Democratic party
The Dowa group - Solution same
Citizen group - The policy committee which the citizen makes
Pleasures group - All the day playing reams, day playing cooperation
Sect - Rissho 佼 forming meeting, worldwide rescuing world teaching it is, [me] teaching group of the [zu], 崇 teaching true light, the unification church
Foreign group - People group, entire 聯, bloom human participation in government support association, day. Bloom human participation in government support association
Political organization - Democracy standardization alliance, corporation blue same, core group and leather [maru] group
Union - Combination - Autonomous labor, Nitukiyou group, UI [zensen] alliance and automobile entire ream, electrical machinery and appliances combination, JAM, basic labor ream and information labor ream, JP labor union, electrical entire ream, Council of All Japan Transport Workers' Unions and JR entire ream, other things
如果全民投票?我的意思是吉姆的叔叔,但客户端工具数量的束起或团体谁赞成一个1湿重238号 1 If the inhabitant you vote Or ww which with you say or the old boy of the gym this time starts the group of supporters group with 1 238 Single engine ID construction quaintness
如果全民投票?或者更确切地说,应该在冲绳be m也赞成 这是不是所有的新闻报道,什么? 1 If the inhabitant you vote Or ww which with you say or the old boy of the gym this time starts the group of supporters group with 1 238 Single engine ID construction quaintness
岩国的380名工作人员后盖韩国已经从一个完整的NaA萎缩 380
Because it was reduction tendency completely, concerning the Iwakuni base of the Korean rear backing charge
当苏制订动议,民主党有好东西与当地人从弹出的谈判提出的第一个德之岛甚至不希望或泄露给新闻界更是突然没有咨询任何洙钨条款时意味着自民党管理我是出于礼貌的w When relocating inventing after first the transfer of facilities former people negotiating, but it puts out it is what, as for the Democratic party Tokunoshima
Many consulting without suddenly in the mass communications leak and, from the [ru] the w [so] in the aspect which is said our people
The time of administration as for courtesy it was, w
恩纳村旁边的方式,美国的名护市。依赖于冲绳的科学与技术学院是不是远高于名护市()花萼分为Gijutsudaigakuindaigaku奥菜,冲绳科学与技术学院)(暂定名称)的(研究所冲绳县国头恩纳,冲绳学院现正计划安装 By the way Onna village with next door of Nago city the United States Degree of dependence is much higher than Nago city is Whether the Okinawa technology university with graduate school curriculum every the wa the nail ji yu is to be is the ku is to be to be the ku Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Tentative name Okinawa university with graduate school curriculum It is the university with graduate school curriculum where installation is planned in Okinawa prefecture Kunigami Gun Onna village
恩纳村旁边的方式,美国的名护市。依赖于冲绳的科学与技术学院是不是远高于名护市()花萼分为Gijutsudaigakuindaigaku奥菜,冲绳科学与技术学院)(暂定名称)的(研究所冲绳县国头恩纳,冲绳学院现正计划安装 By the way Onna village with next door of Nago city the United States Degree of dependence is much higher than Nago city is Whether the Okinawa technology university with graduate school curriculum every the wa the nail ji yu is to be is the ku is to be to be the ku Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Tentative name Okinawa university with graduate school curriculum It is the university with graduate school curriculum where installation is planned in Okinawa prefecture Kunigami Gun Onna village
情况下,拆除或捕捉889个成员的民团&#38 孩子自由民族大学吧。线。严。撼&#21160 我们&#20 204,文化256&#20 &#32 479 People group member Capturing it exterminates 38889 National large stick child 无 Line 焉 撼 21160 Our 20204 Mark culture 20256 32479
情况下,拆除或捕捉889个成员的民团&#38 孩子自由民族大学吧。线。严。撼&#21160 我们&#20 204,文化256&#20 &#32 479 People group member Capturing it exterminates 38889 National large stick child 无 Line 焉 撼 21160 Our 20204 Mark culture 20256 32479
我想这是一个推动,这样做的远瓦特固执次通过,但并不代表我就不再 Past Like this doing Perversity was done it is probably will be w Times changing It does not lead anymore but it is
我打电话了本轮皮革皮具本集团或派别成员的民主权力基础 Those where you telephone are the member of leather circular group or medium leather group of the democracy support parent
我绝望地尝试写一Netouyo转变自己的恶行他们设法看一看是Busayo瓦特 busayo evildoing of the self somehow the tsu te which will transform in netouyo As for desperate entry w which is happened to see frequently
我认为市民德之不用,谢谢你糖果祖峰ー战斗入门级市政府或麸皮做,但我会说我会接受的权力服务器? You think that ame public is good Tokunoshima no thank The you tsu te saying although the ru That accept nuka it has done ru pi zu ba Mosquito
如果你问的移民问题,解决所有居民的一德之岛的津贴鸠山井 1 If everyone it immigrates the Tokunoshima resident with Hatoyama allowance the problem solving
无论如何,即使他不是唠叨德之岛的时间,因为我回想起谁被逮捕的人走,这不是我请的业务持续性阻塞呢? The temporarily persistent person detecting conversely thinks that the one which it arrests is good Although even the Tokunoshima people there is no spare time there is no telephone tsu te interference with business persistently
我认为德之岛鸠山居民512头坏了没有?周一保持这些东西一般,不是吗?我说的是幕后的进展之前,公众面前 512 As for those where the head it is bad it is not the Tokunoshima inhabitant and there is no Prime Minister Hatoyama Normally such before making public below water is advance advances story and the ro which is rubbed
德之岛的斗争又市政厅接受建议鸠山,呼叫处理,他还Netouyo和骚扰 Accept the Hatoyama Tokunoshima plan that the person whom it harasses and telephones netouyo treatment
拉回到基地这样的业主,我租一个沉重的租金,拉回到东京,越南所有,悠闲的一天 As for the landlord who is caught to the base It is it is receiving ball rent You move into everyone capital Everyday of otium cum dignitate
鬼,美国的永久军事民主党人只要在自己的土地代决我,这不是自上而下和金额 The fake the Democratic party rent deciding with by its If the US military is semipermanently the amount gets off and the reason which it can be troubled puts out
敏敏,我们不知道如何卡诺河野蝉唱的好处,其他人米尼米尼米尼米尼敏敏权利,负担是没有 Mean mean miniminiminmin minimini In other things how to call not knowing as for this cicada It receives benefit but burden well is
我们不知道如何蝉哭卡诺河野其他福利的权利,负担是没有 In other things how to call not knowing as for this cicada It receives benefit but burden well is
我们不知道如何蝉哭卡诺河野其他福利的权利,负担是没有 In other things how to call not knowing as for this cicada It receives benefit but burden well is
我们不知道如何蝉哭卡诺河野其他福利的权利,负担是没有 In other things how to call not knowing as for this cicada It receives benefit but burden well is
我们不知道如何蝉哭卡诺河野其他福利的权利,负担是没有 In other things how to call not knowing as for this cicada It receives benefit but burden well is
敏敏,我们不知道如何卡诺河野蝉唱的好处,其他人米尼米尼米尼米尼敏敏权利,负担是没有 Mean mean miniminiminmin minimini In other things how to call not knowing as for this cicada It receives benefit but burden well is
日本是好的不是这样入侵或政变奇Kosushi如果我强迫以外水果或腐烂的真正末日核心辩论中Bitahougayokabai Japan rotted truly from the core and ended When another argument from military force it uses there is only coup causing with nice invasion This way the one which falls into ruin protecting
经过一个良好的入侵部队是在中国,日本wwwww白痴逻辑本身并没有wwwww When China military force uses in Japan it is nice invasion but wwwww As for the fool wwwww where logic itself has failed
那么,你是不是312以色列入侵其武器没有自己的核回答了所指控的结构做选择 312 As for Israel unless there is the reply which kitsuchiri is done vis a vis the invasion constitution nuclear weapon possession doubt of the self
条件后离开米跑道上的母港佐世保两栖演习的领域,你有杆六合1500,海军陆战队基地226个单位的房子在中间,可以调动的中东南亚┐( 〜 )┌考虑噪声控制,只会有过名护市 226 Condition of the Marine base 1500 there is a runway of meters There is a training ground in the vicinity After the landing ship departs from Sasebo of the home port it can accommodate the unit midway can be dispatched in the south Asian Middle Eastern direction ┐ ┌ When noise measure is considered it can there be only a side field old open sea
嘿,早在同一个电话线的henoko ü我不是说岛内民众没有一点外226 226 Being little there are no lines which the human outside the island says… even the side field same telephone was done old the combining e
根据城市的口号也艾辛河参加反对集会,德之岛不想长寿旅游促进与保护农业的重点放在健康的宝宝,和美国军方摧毁它 According to the slogan of the opposite meeting where also Isen Cho participated, as for Tokunoshima
The sight-seeing promotion which centers longevity child treasure nature conservation agriculture would like to do,
As for the US military base when it destroys that
森田博满天城城市事务主任,三镇“(对外电话)只有三个代表能够respond ll困难。” As for optical adjutant general Hiro Morita of inner Amagi Cho of 3 towns “() the person in charge of the external telephone is only 3,
It corresponds and is not cut off and has been troubled”
此线程现在,或尝试写作没有标点符号所有那些谁很少看到的档案,或标点符号,句子不合理的发言后拍摄的这些符号,○学校在日本北部的新鲜美浓你可以写,朝鲜大规模杀伤思想特别○毕业生接受培训,洗脑 This the thread presently or to all people who past are read with the log The entry which does not have the punctuation mark or the punctuation mark as for the contribution sentence which has strange feeling in method of striking the sign It received brainwashing education in the resident north ○ bright fresh school and graduated There is a possibility of entry of the special ○ bright fresh person of the lump of anti Japanese idea
武藤敏郎句子包括思想丰富的课外阅读,误导,恶意反日,现在他们在说谎,并会以书面发出,下列句子标点符号魔鬼,最具特色的符号类似的滥用。与记住,大约有 When many compositions are read error induction and the anti Japanese idea which is malice it reaches the point where you can distinguish the composition of lie Next the punctuation mark the air is attached to being feature of the misuse kind of method which is almost similar with the sign in composition of demon
永恒不再是从墙上升,仔细注意标点符号冷静,疯狂的句子和生活使他成为滥用危险寻找苏标点符号,共同的一点是,有一些迹象可以找出 It stops knowing that the blood climbs in the head but noting calmly when the punctuation mark you search the sign very carefully The common point that can be discovered in the dangerous composition which makes life deviate the punctuation mark several it is misuse method with the sign
民主党的追随者在日本志位和我没有资格对人类社会的任何真正賎网,但瓦特 As for the democracy believer and resident with the net and with social unqualified person something whose humanity is humble with real shank w
民族斗争“德之岛”奇紧张了好几年,并继续统治大叛乱事件美国下,日本防暴警察破门进入前床床中充满老人,我回到了市长选举比比美国,床方式防暴警察他们闯进前枢纽100 10小学的学生在选举上院冲破防暴警察的防暴警察Buchimake市长若合选举中击败同胞男子众议院选举,选举官员可以杀死老人感到孤独,甚至杀死初级班曼心曼市长自称“我们是权力,利用反”的方式 Aggressive race “Tokunoshima” martial romance
Several years it continues to cause the large-scale rebellion under the American ruling, America returns to [bibi] [tsu] [te] Japan
With town mayor election the bed of the bedridden old person in the first riot squad breakthrough, the air man man whom also the bedridden old person kills by the way
With the Lower House election at electoral commission fighting
With town mayor election in riot squad hub 100 [buchimake] riot squad breakthrough
With Upper House election in the elementary school student 10 first riot squad breakthrough, the air man man whom also the elementary school student kills of course
The town mayor itself “does as for we with counter power”
By the way, only conservative system it is and the left flank type organization which adapts does not exist
There is a rule even in the Tokunoshima islander
When the partner of fight is the islander, because -> there is also the neighboring [zu] coming meeting, to fight, as for the dangerous weapon using, the wooden sword
When the partner of fight is police riot squad, -> other than the edged tool it is anything, it leaves at the rank which is thrust by the car
And this time, throwing the ultimate weapon “bull fight” is rumored,
然其他两个城镇是众所周知,镇长的同意艾辛河名护市自民党的草案,我可以同意海军陆战队派驻 As for other two towns intellectual viewing, as for town mayor of Isen Cho side field old plan approval of our people,
The shelf which in the Marines being stationed approval probably will be put out
甲237一小撮亲至设 他们听到从现在的条件,我的谈判立场沿』 237 After a handful of group of supporters hearing condition temporarily it will do in negotiation from the so tsu tsu te stance
双方同意说请!是正确的!职业政治家:我们是代表人民选择谁 As for the political party saying approve It was understood Occupation politician We are the representation which the citizen chooses
甲板上(跑道)从污水流苏潮珊瑚洗附着在人体死亡 Because the tide which comes in contact with the fuselage with deck (runway) above is washed away the coral dies with that sewage
研究人员说,他们谁同意这个例子-作为一个基地是绝对没有妥协,完全反对肮脏 Assuming, that it is proverb base approval, it is dense, - no matter what it does not compromise to the 輩 which is said,
Thorough that meanness, it should repel
突然,人们饲养的亚热带。人。还是新的突变或Modoki蝉蝉?如果您想支付的补贴迷你似乎的自我Miniminizemi亲属蝉最近居民对不起,迷你,敏敏,Korehaminida,Korehaminida,敏敏 The people who propagate suddenly in the subtropical zones. People. Cicada
New species mutation or cicada [modoki]?
The subsidy we want, but burden is [gomen]
To be good recently like the relative of a certain inhabitant ego cicada, the shelf
[mini], [mini] and mean mean,
[korehaminida], [korehaminida] and [minmin
米打算接受政府投入应主动报告Irubeku只有在这样的感激每日 In order that very such time your always you repay favor taking the initiative it is what which should accept the intention of government
米打算接受政府投入应主动报告Irubeku只有在这样的感激每日 In order that very such time your always you repay favor taking the initiative it is what which should accept the intention of government
米打算接受政府投入应主动报告Irubeku只有在这样的感激每日 In order that very such time your always you repay favor taking the initiative it is what which should accept the intention of government
米打算接受政府投入应主动报告Irubeku只有在这样的感激每日 In order that very such time your always you repay favor taking the initiative it is what which should accept the intention of government
自1998年成立以来,只有那种站在桌子,100多丑闻,有超过50人被捕伤害,妨碍拘捕五名包括选择含有刚才局长毒品,盗窃,强奸和暴力,也a m酒后驾车全球黑手党的,而不是民主党 Ever since the joining party 1998, with just those which become open, above scandal 100 case and arrest person 50 or more, includes the private secretary with also just the stimulant, 5 arrest people
The 痴 China, theft and the rape 致 scar, there is an injury and drinking driving regardless and rather than with calling the political party, wide area designated mob that the Democratic party
茹出来我是说目前的空中加油机,自由鹿屋计划还将培训243鹿儿岛大陆转移 243
If training moving the [tsu] [te] subject where the refueling aircraft comes to the Kanoya base of the Kagoshima mainland even with our people present plan has come up
莫罗的插曲,感觉很不舒服,喜怒无常的民主倡导者Rupizu Uyorenko ^ ^气质; The root darkness of [rupizu] [uyorenko] of the democracy supporter and the episode shelf ^ ^ where you can be moved adhesion disposition by easily;
认真的,奇怪的文物已经张贴标点符号陈述他们如何使用,笑对判决结束没有不自然的乐趣和笑声让他为他人谋幸福。草象征“wwwww”,但不具有约束力,这句话不自然下降,如果不作为一个令人沮丧的接近绝望。符号“orz”排减和增加年底的一句一句在嵌入式我从符号脏作弊标点符号是不合理的,你可以写的韩国美浓群众思想的特殊反○ The giving gu re the contribution sentence which has strange feeling and unnaturalness in method of using the punctuation mark Although it is not the composition which can amuse others happily pleasantly with last portion the unnatural laughing Grass sign “wwwww” Being dejected although it is not the composition which is close to despair not to limit with the knot the unnatural falling E g sign “orz” is added Burying end of composition with the sign which has strange feeling as for the contribution sentence which you pollute and cheats the punctuation mark There is a possibility of entry of the special ○ bright fresh person of the lump of anti Japanese idea
然后,幽默惯性来了,当1 3阅读后,标点符号不自觉地,现在签支票 In that way don t you think 2 when it is accustomed to the ru The occasion where the contribution sentence is read in non consciousness the punctuation mark it reaches the point where it checks symbolically
该重大预算奄振减少威胁,这是一个集会上月对15000 The result of intimidating with substantial reduction of 奄 swing method budget, was the opposite meeting 15000 of last month and
贫困是政府的协助下终于将在岛内(文明生活的血液,原住民本)和大口发掘古我习惯了 Help of government blood tax of the native with having being able to point to the life of the civilization person at last with the poor island in ru habit The big mouth is hit
贫困是政府的协助下终于将在岛内(文明生活的血液,原住民本)和大口发掘古我习惯了 Help of government blood tax of the native with having being able to point to the life of the civilization person at last with the poor island in ru habit The big mouth is hit
贫困是政府的协助下终于将在岛内(文明生活的血液,原住民本)和大口发掘古我习惯了 Help of government blood tax of the native with having being able to point to the life of the civilization person at last with the poor island in ru habit The big mouth is hit
贫困是政府的协助下终于将在岛内(文明生活的血液,原住民本)和大口发掘古我习惯了 Help of government blood tax of the native with having being able to point to the life of the civilization person at last with the poor island in ru habit The big mouth is hit
过时的国家安全,如果中国加入日取消,以解决任何问题 Security abolition abolishing also Japan if it joins to People s Republic of China as for all problems although it solves
民主吗?议会制度在韩国,日本 Democracy nation … The Democratic Peoples s Republic of Korea Japan… national assembly system dictatorial country
这场辩论将是实现德之理念,并获得技术的宣传,对不对?利润,而这样微弱的小泽一郎和自民党自民党老年务系统W朱达罗 By the fact that it makes Tokunoshima plan realize and you make dispute makes convert, as for obtaining the profit the [ro] which is our people system
While it is makeshift Nonaka and Ozawa of old our people age may do, the [ro] w which is town declaration technique
这将是把在日本的代理商支持民主的斗争,因为他们接受市政厅基地贫穷 Because it is poor, accept the base
Don't you think? it probably is resident operative of democracy support
这是一个商业和振兴美国在冲绳市的军事基地,都是通过的一项措施给予企业的激励使用北方省行赎回 As for this those which were done as application step of the subsidy due to Okinawa US military base location municipalities activated business and prefectural north section promotion step business
这是一个懦弱的事情并没有看起来像垃圾的国家支持民主党 It is the mean thing also the kind of rubbish which supports the national ruin political party Democratic party it may do
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
“你民主党人”支持民主山口组 “It supports the Democratic party” Yamaguchi group supporting democracy
这是一个懦弱的事情并没有看起来像垃圾的国家支持民主党 It is the mean thing also the kind of rubbish which supports the national ruin political party Democratic party it may do
迷你,迷你,迷你奄美Umatsu特别法!迷你迷你迷你迷你敏敏米尼米尼Minminmin生产了生活的乐园 mini mini and mini 奄 beauty archipelago special 措 method umatsu Paradise life above your own producing Mean mean mean minimini mini mini mini mini minmin
特别Umatsu奄美群岛!在生产生活中的天堂 奄 beauty archipelago special 措 method umatsu Paradise life above your own producing
迷你,迷你,迷你奄美Umatsu特别法! Minminmin米尼米尼生产了生活的乐园 mini mini and mini 奄 beauty archipelago special 措 method umatsu Paradise life above your own producing Mean mean mean minimini mini mini mini mini minmin
迷你,迷你,迷你奄美Umatsu特别法!在生产生活中的天堂 mini mini and mini 奄 beauty archipelago special 措 method umatsu Paradise life above your own producing Mean mean mean minimini mini mini mini mini minmin
迷你,迷你,迷你奄美Umatsu特别法!在生产生活中的天堂 mini mini and mini 奄 beauty archipelago special 措 method umatsu Paradise life above your own producing Mean mean mean minimini mini mini mini mini minmin
迷你,迷你,迷你奄美Umatsu特别法!在生产生活中的天堂 mini mini and mini 奄 beauty archipelago special 措 method umatsu Paradise life above your own producing Mean mean mean minimini mini mini mini mini minmin
迷你,迷你,迷你奄美Umatsu特别法!迷你迷你迷你迷你敏敏米尼米尼Minminmin生产了生活的乐园 mini mini and mini 奄 beauty archipelago special 措 method umatsu Paradise life above your own producing Mean mean mean minimini mini mini mini mini minmin
通常情况下,这样做恼人的习惯和威胁人权没有看到这一切自己的街道,威胁要杀死人,水果,我会做任何事情娜 Usually, when they are human rights unless in noisy habit, by your you become as desired
To the human murder, you do the intimidation and threat end regardless because -
难道郑和Rupizu Kinmo日本仍然觉得是愚蠢的,你可以基于这个白痴反对什么荣格 This foolish chiyon of what If it opposes to be able to do the base still it is found Resident foolish chiyon and rupizu tsu te true kinmo
韩国民主手术民团的权力。剁碎或否认,他们不我需要建立一个法律创 Electricity of the Democratic party operative = Korean people group. Spoiling attack?
Unless [minsu], [chiyon] prohibition method is made, the useless shelf
鸠山定居点政策和“5月下旬”来之前,这项议案没有抑制Wanu结构,有些人对对手的不利影响表示关切 Prime Minister Hatoyama made the conclusion time limit “5 ends of the month” were designated as before to become it shakes and in the movement which it does not care also the group of objectors which feels concern about the counter result has come out
鸠山定居点政策和“5月下旬”来之前,这项议案没有抑制Wanu结构,一些表示担心的不利影响 Prime Minister Hatoyama made the conclusion time limit “5 ends of the month” were designated as before to become it shakes and in the movement which it does not care also the group of objectors which feels concern about the counter result has come out