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“Becomes… “with tax increase to Greece” the growth” was set forth 菅 Naoto financial affairs phase with [burogu] the restoration of sound government finance emphasis ★3


  • 165 冻结社会保障,福利受助人的选择和老人和残疾人,官员选拔的市民不流逝瓦特
    165 > Social security is frozen, the senior citizen and the handicapped person and the welfare receipt person are selected, First unless the tick government employee is selected, w

    • 1收入短缺,将提高税收,然后通过发行赤字国债,包括诚实,儿童补贴,免费的速度,安全的农民,大约取消一切,不是吗?!撒他们站起来,从没有钱,你不想破产的国家,对税收的手顺便? ? ?阿呆Sugidaro 1 If with revenue source insufficiency and deficit financing bond issue tax increase Gently child treatment high speed free conversion farmer guarantee and all abolition margin As for story the ro which then is The rose spreading because the gold you want there is no ri if the country you do not want to go bankrupt tax cross over the tsu te The ro which the fool it passes and is

      • 1(似乎很多人已经指出),“不要被希腊”→“我们将减少一半布姆兰工资仍然做公仆了!”你 1 Way the various people have pointed out already but “It becomes Greece” gt When “is decrease the salary of the government employee in half ” The boomerang you do still

        • 200000亿日元债务瓦特你不偿还他们的腿当然的,但你们是喜欢我现在的万维网的Burgers宋押嗯纳税的公务员制度 20 000 000 000 000 Yen which is not enough is debt w Repayment of course www which is you Present condition paying tax in order to raise the government employee system is something the ru way
          • 200000亿日元债务瓦特你不偿还他们的腿当然的,但你们是喜欢现在的万维网的Burgers税收来支付公务员的我宋押嗯 20 000 000 000 000 Yen which is not enough is debt w Repayment of course www which is you Present condition paying tax in order to raise the government employee system is something the ru way
          • 我已经超过642瓦特,除非日本在类似服务的民间开始的数字并没有直接 642 Exceeding long ago the ru w If somehow the government employee system it cannot recover Japan
          • 来吧,事情就永远会被解释为线,以提高利润的任意官员 When because the government employee increases the profit phenomenon it goes in 恣 mind method interpretation it means great thing

        • 2001 “看部长的建议下,以最优惠的折扣率,”斯蒂格利茨●2001年6月1日发出得主论坛报,静冈县(诺贝尔),增加了票据的频率小苏的通缩已经消失 … 2001 “in Prime Minister Koizumi tariff lowering proposition” Shizuoka newspaper The press 2001 June 1st number suteiguritsutsu Nobel Prize prize winner Little paper currency increase denies deflation

          • 40万亿劳动力成本每年以12万亿52000000000000寄生虫+ × 1960星期五交给寄生虫浪费这个日元的营养素给予Etetara 3120000000000000,它永远是穿体
            Labor cost 40,000,000,000,000 + compulsory wasteful gold 12,000,000,000,000 of one year of parasite 52,000,000,000,000 × 60 year = 3,120,000,000,000,000 Yen Just this nutrition giving to the parasite, the cod, as for the sled [ya] itself the trap which becomes ragged

            • 473是公务员人数公众高薪,但不算特别小的事实相比,其他国家占方向开支占GDP的比重为%表附表为主的11%,希腊,欧洲,日本6约10至15%虽然有些人声称这是其他敏感的财政整顿和公职人员的应变胶using m感觉向政府官员,社会真正大声口人以外的其他业务真理勾结的官员,而高防水尼禄财政整顿是商业问题,特别是外国
              473 The numbers of government employees are few preponderantly in comparison with the foreign countries However as for salary being high fact As for the government employee labor cost ratio which is occupied in GDP the Greek 11%, the Japanese 6% Europe generally is 10 - the 15% As for the public making use of the feeling where is warped to the government employee of the citizen the government employee and public finance soundness As also the umbrella been connected, you praise, but really other than the high government official which adheres with financial world Don't you think? as for mouth noisy person plectrum [ro] truth As for public finance soundness problem of financial especially foreign capital

              • 531 可以告诉五音不全这些人在一个单一的,但我会判断人在政治上所有的开始,从之前的投票选民和各政党当选,如果我们认可你愚蠢的想法将这些家伙但诚实和w 531 Therefore gt simply simply the famous person with the notion that where you say from first political tone deafness understanding completely in the ru human Before the voter votes if and others it is dense thinking that it can be elected probably is the ru is low the brain But it is the political party and the politician whom it officially recognizes w
                • 这些人当选为我们过去的想法是愚蠢的,如果我将这些人赢得了536,认为我们已经变得如此愚蠢的精神发育迟滞 536 If and others it is dense thinking that it can be elected probably is the ru it is low the brain Because it can be elected and others past it is dense it reached the point where the brain so thinks low

              • Keijian政客在日本正统的政府,因为他们对待通化嘿角落。我想知道如果我能充分理解布坎南●货币发行(诺贝尔奖获得者),一个理想的经济政策,要求政府从瓦格纳经济在短期逃脱。必设置财政赤字货币资金的问题 Therefore in Japan the stepchild to handle orthodox group keijian well In u or politician government Whether monetary issue how you can understand completely bukiyanan Nobel Prize prize winner Wagner As for ideal economic policy in order to escape from demand insufficient economy government It is to unite the unbalanced budget which designates monetary issue as the revenue source
                • Keijian政客在日本正统的政府,因为他们对待通化嘿角落。我完全明白,人我不发出一点钱 Therefore in Japan the stepchild to handle orthodox group keijian well In u or politician government Whether monetary issue how you can understand completely bukiyanan Nobel Prize prize winner Wagner As for ideal economic policy in order to escape from demand insufficient economy government It is to unite the unbalanced budget which designates monetary issue as the revenue source
                • ●我知道你可以阚布坎南(诺贝尔奖获得者),一个理想的经济政策的要求,政府对经济的瓦格纳在短期逃脱。必设置财政赤字货币资金的问题 Whether you can understand in the 菅 bukiyanan Nobel Prize prize winner Wagner As for ideal economic policy in order to escape from demand insufficient economy government It is to unite the unbalanced budget which designates monetary issue as the revenue source

              • S八四一瓦特Naijan死堆叠成一个圆圈我很紧张,但不能操作,即使在国家债券给你买的所有7000余大沽地 841 The meaning which dies it is not it is w Even simply the circle which cannot be used stacks rising in ru state The eddy eddy where we would like to buy everyone government bond when it has been done
                • 478 货币的政府债券的股份,出售日元盛产 478 The ro which gt as for the method of selling circle just the government bond is and is gt In exchange in the government bond the method of selling circle is a lot of in stocks
                • S八四一瓦特Naijan死堆放在神经界我什至不能操作,但我7000余大沽地州所有的债券购买 841 The meaning which dies it is not it is w Even simply the circle which cannot be used stacks rising in ru state The eddy eddy where we would like to buy everyone government bond when it has been done
                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 When to see rudder me charge is paid the fact that the American bond is bought it is stopped annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 When to see rudder me charge is paid the fact that the American bond is bought it is stopped annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 When to see rudder me charge is paid the fact that the American bond is bought it is stopped annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 When to see rudder me charge is paid the fact that the American bond is bought it is stopped annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 When to see rudder me charge is paid the fact that the American bond is bought it is stopped annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 When to see rudder me charge is paid the fact that the American bond is bought it is stopped annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats
                • 购买美国债券( u003d交保护费),我停了下来,并将漂浮在每年10万亿日元至15万亿日元 When to see rudder me charge is paid the fact that the American bond is bought it is stopped annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen it floats

              • _ _. ..。_ _┃甲│/ \┃甲│/ \ / _ _ \┃♪│支原体啊/ _ _ \ ^▽^)┃│( ∪⌒
                . _ _ . _ _ │ one ┃ /\ │ one ┃ /\/_ _ \ The [u] which meets │ ♪ ┃/_ _ \ ^ ▽ ^) │ ┃ ( = ゚-゚) ∪ ━ ⊃ ━ ━ < > . ¯ /━ ∪ ━ ⊃ ━ ━ < > It does, 'the ⌒ ∪

                • “不要看到这一切,所得到的利益和美国债券购买按照说是不公平的外国政府机构和具体的感情和日本人民为什么你要在公众有一个反弹”显示了解 If it does “from the Japanese citizen following to why the national governmental system and the like saying the specific foreigner unjust American bond purchase and consideration treatment As for the not giving te that there is the rally which you say whether it does not become” that understanding was shown in national feeling
                  • “不要看到这一切,所得到的利益和美国债券购买按照说是不公平的外国政府机构和具体的感情和日本人民为什么你要在公众有一个反弹”显示了解 If it does “from the Japanese citizen following to why the national governmental system and the like saying the specific foreigner unjust American bond purchase and consideration treatment As for the not giving te that there is the rally which you say whether it does not become” that understanding was shown in national feeling

                • ∧∧233( 逃逸加入欧元货币没有用 233 ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt Greece why The problem solving without being possible Because that there is no currency of home country The ▽ lt because it participates in the Europe You cannot use the technique which finishes to escape with the currency reducing
                  • 237 ,并期待下,政府中断了钱不是S想逃离所用的方法,以寻找下切的和平与安全的一件或加入欧元区的货币Tteru? 237 gt Because it participates in the Europe You cannot use the technique which finishes to escape with the currency reducing The currency doing to reduce as for government being intact peace thinking the ru

                • ∧∧( ,但不是没有其他选择,但日元疲软出口驱动的金融投资不会刺激瓦特小泉与放松管制的经济在做什么,我不明白的增加税收增长瓦特,但我认为我们需要财政纪律 ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt Koizumi does If economy making activate with flexible regulation circulation of money investment well Being weak yen other than export driving However there is no method w The growth with tax increase tsu te Whether it is what it is from the wa w As for public finance discipline however you think that it is necessary
                  • 你知道你是我的一切都进行循环这次辩论吗?我没有问题运行时间的增加他们购买日元和财政纪律的强烈需求,这是不能同时 No be it is this argument loop it has done the ro which is Public finance discipline being secure when being te circular demand you buy operator amount Increasing however there is no problem now the both accompanying

                • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                  • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                  • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                  • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10

                • 两个党制的灭亡是不是行政担英国自由民主党也部分
                  England the Liberal-Democratic Party bears the role of administration and 2 large political party systems end are intimate

                  • 为了刺激经济增加税收,增加支出的公共开支在选举中,如果这种说法朱达罗重建财政政策是,无论是民主党加税,因为财政重建,它没有先停止它
                    Although public finance it is dispatched, is not countercyclical measures, Although it increases taxes, it is not restoration of sound government finance The [ro] where that is policy of the Democratic party If restoration of sound government finance is praised, stop the expenditure of election aim Before increasing taxes, first it is from there

                    • 什么是市政府的一群,你的900万租金,我会努力这样年收入?如果你的目标是在1月重建盈余所得税超过55%的公共官员,我还可以减少人员限制在大会堂工作人员百分之八十例如我告诉地狱 The party tsu te of the city hall receiving also annual income 9 000 000 with such work the ru it is the ro which is Furthermore the super supernumerary it is If reconstruction you aim the government employee makes the income tax 55 and the re If you say only the city hall 8 percentage staff it can cut
                      • 国际音标做毫无意义的公共服务收入每年1500万或你正在做的库塔Okada ll连接打开的父母。他们是那些我不只是穿上税食品驱逐舰 Without having meaning doing it entered into ru IPA with connection of the parent it probably will be attached it is even with Okada Annual income 15 000 000 is Official business Unless it expels the do it just is it makes the tax food

                    • 什么有点白痴康少缴WWW的100多项国家预算Jamme不认为美国的军事救济金发放救济资金的学校,有利于儿童的梳子%严格进行额外收入税它,将与投票权,减税和国会议员人数减少它夹头从做国会议员的薪金 The foolish can is what www Rose maquis of child treatment Rose maquis of school attendance support gold The consideration budget to the US military yame te Carrying out the 100 income supplementation which is based on national entire back number system Making tax collection harsh it is linked with election right And reduction of member of the Diet constant and reduction of member of the Diet annual expenditure After as for tax increase doing kore

                      • 但日元疲软你否认,我不知道经济学更好地满足于楚魔法国外生产 But what with weak yen the one which is produced in the foreign country makes a profit and being agrees upon is from the wa Denying economics
                        • 是什么好东西,日元高于日元贬值与日本的一部分,基督教民主党和三座桥 That increase in yen value is better than weak yen saying as for ru Just portion and Mitsuhashi believer of resident and democracy

                      • 作业前,日本的财政纪律,私营部门却是大分人类已经获得312部我非常浪费,加剧了结构性改革,财政收入以这样的地方官员还 312 Don t you think considerably Japan has been given the assignment public finance discipline from before is Although that it is structure reforming although you excluded wastefulness to the extremity the local government employee taking still such an annual income public finance it has deteriorated people
                        • 为自治奠定坚实的基础3。以下是轮到我们接受工会的要求的公民,成为既得利益紧张,官员膨胀 In order to set the administration basis our Demand for the government employee labor union side one after another Vesting of the acceptance and the government employee swelled and kept rising
                        • 在弱者和多次罢工和游行示威,这些家伙想既得利益。为切实给政府财政流失薪金 So vesting we want and others it is dense demonstration and the strike over again Weakness The tsu te public finance deterioration where government increases salary and sows

                      • 你只是口惠而实不想要,但我什至不能改革,公务员制度改革的企业级公务员在公共机构独立行政机构
                        Although in independent administrative corporate body either it cannot reform the corporate body of the quasi- government employee in public-service corporation The [ro] where is just the government employee reformation how proboscis

                        • 例如说,在家庭金融资产和障碍,将是一个神奇分钟54900万日元这种差异二八九○○○○○○日元,如果任何储蓄存款8.38亿日元的债务和
                          If you refer to housekeeping expenses, financial asset is deposits and savings, If debt deposits and savings is 5,490,000 Yen even at 8,380,000 Yen, it probably will understand that 2,890,000 Yen of balance becomes problem,

                          • 劳动力成本,并提供日本的官员在说不可能,但公务员的高指标的核心比希腊民族没有资源,他们想有我们的员工进一步平民,一些经合组织成员国2 DIR或核心的变化,每一个公务员劳动报酬日■国际比较的劳动报酬高■每一个公务员的核心,“国际成本比较,公务人员,”一个高薪的公务员在日本第一个发达国家日本做一些事情我只是褪色
                            Furthermore it has been about to applying civilian labor force? Although the country which either the resource is not core government employee exponent is higher than Greece the excessiveness you call The labor cost per 1 of the Japanese government employees, in OECD participation country 2nd it is high in * Per core government employee 1 country-by-country comparison of employer remuneration * Per core government employee 1 change of employer remuneration Yamato entire research “Country-by-country comparison of government employee labor cost” Unless the Japanese government employee whose advanced nation one salary is high is done how, as for Japan it keeps atrophying

                            • 单亲生活的其他恢复到原来的高收入税的税率公寓房间一起在三个公务员薪酬的公务员告诉参数下的生活
                              In other things You reset on the basis of the tariff of the large amount income earner As for alone welfare person at multiple dwelling house joint life 3 of 1 rooms Allowance lowering of government employee

                              • 即使我从国内借不到,或没有生产┌增长 政府→ 银行存款←↓│救济金购买债券││┐ 是滴你之前 它的发生 Borrowing from the country failing from the ru you do not bear growth ┌ gt Government ┐ │ │ Government bond purchase Rose maquis │ ↓ Bank lt Deposit You lt Borrowing from the country it does not fail from the ru kiritsu And… ┌ Government lt ┐ │ │ Debt Japanese repayment Large tax increase per one person 7 000 000 Yen ↓ │ Bank It is low interest gt You lt The lever it groaned
                                • “增加税收的增长,通过”将占领杂偿还债务?但是,如果我们只是如何做好经济可以倒闭杂债务,就不能增加收入和亚 gt “The growth with tax increase” It probably is busy with debt Japanese repayment but The do just it is the debt Japanese increasing it does not become economy good don t you think and does not grow and either increased revenue
                                • 人们并不反对增加税收的增幅增长税的建议↓ Proposing the growth with tax increase ↓ The citizen in the opposite direction not be able to increase taxes
                                • 奇朱达罗战争或政变政权更替会来巩固在过去的财政税收增加I Public finance re rising with tax increase … If former times the coup occurring the ro which is administration alternation or war
                                • 如果提高税率,因为它代表,企业和行业增长或不公平的,外国资本流入,只是因为社会福利的家庭,这意味着他们没有 As it is now increasing taxes compulsory enterprise and the foreigner who do not bear growth in welfare household Because it just flows there is no meaning
                                • 我不能倒闭从┌借用国内 政府→ 银行存款←↓│救济金购买债券││┐ 在你 它的发生 Borrowing from the country failing from the ru you do not bear growth ┌ gt Government ┐ │ │ Government bond purchase Rose maquis │ ↓ Bank lt Deposit You lt Borrowing from the country it does not fail from the ru kiritsu And… ┌ Government lt ┐ │ │ Debt Japanese repayment Large tax increase per one person 7 000 000 Yen ↓ │ Bank It is low interest gt You lt The lever it groaned
                                • 提高税收在经济困难时期,良好和民主党人的选票,但是我觉得以后会发生什么驱动tTA Fujii先生去了,现在要做的就是日经指数稳步百分之5 000日元 Tax increase voting to the good Democratic party in depressed period after Fujii said that however you thought how it becomes Nikkei average 5000 Yen it cracks may steadily and
                                • 此外,它会拉钱,加税,他们可能死于休克不合理的高 Furthermore it becomes the trigger to increase taxes the shock the possibility of dying the unreasonable oral ya is high
                                • 氦氖朱达罗理论在E或没有公务员薪俸税增加完整的兄弟 It is and is Without attaching one stamp to government employee allowance the ro which don t you think tax increase theory can be is
                                • 通货紧缩的经济越来越紧密税收预算,如果预算高赤字通缩埃泰增加税收和失业保险福利的手头不愿意埃泰壹岐增加失业和破产是减少其肿胀查看详情 If shrinkage public finance it increases taxes with deflation becoming benefit 々 deflation economy keeps reducing Unemployment bankruptcy increasing the tax revenue not rising Unemployment insurance and the welfare person increasing conversely the deficit expands
                                • 通过增加税收的增长狗屎官员! ! ! ! ! !如何成熟,只有实现人的痛苦,最终 The growth with tax increase kuso government employee After all the citizen only tormenting it is it to be possible it probably is but

                              • 即使我们想看看你的肚子滚动睡眠日,即查看你的嘴和手指和对冲基金,“假设”理论,你认为什么花过多 Japan showing the stomach to sleep and have rolled hedge fund and the like gripping the finger overlooking Reason “of prerequisite” arguing you think that the flower garden it passes
                                • 即使我们想看看你的肚子滚动睡眠日,即查看你的嘴和手指和对冲基金,“假设”是什么理论,而它仅是如何排除什么 Japan showing the stomach to sleep and have rolled hedge fund and the like gripping the finger overlooking Reason “of prerequisite” arguing you think that the flower garden it passes

                              • 吃Tteta我们为什么不还的问题棚桥Kko゙Furuho委员会昨天在朝圣者瓦特唉行我来吧
                                Even in commission question of yesterday [huruho] ゙ [tsuko] 喰 and others the [tsu] [te] it is in the shelf bridge well w Going to with also pilgrim, it is dense

                                • 因为没有资金,并会做一个高中孩子的希腊民主自由的好处和讲义,我可以说以www
                                  Although there is no revenue source, doing the child treatment scattering and high school gratuitous conversion, [ru] democracy Saying it becomes Greece, that, www

                                  • 在这些债券驱动tTA所有受贿案,以及偿债成本收费,并认为任何成熟和达到13年的1067000亿日元总一般性支出二六一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元要的是肿胀 When these were maintained entirely with the government bond government bond expense in order to apply to redemption and the like reaches to 26 1 trillion Yen in 13 as for the general annual expenditure says that altogether it swells up to 106 7 trillion Yen

                                    • 奇,当雇员Gezu发生的骚乱,政府从私人消费税上涨,根据部门的薪金
                                      Labor cost of the government employee without lowering, when consumer tax it increases taxes The riot it happens from people being

                                      • 如果你加税,我撕瓦特·取消特权,特权阶级在日本,现在这些公司税遗产税税流氓政治竞选基金宗教法人税推出老虎机税,我付税的特权卫从一个地方没有采取Reyo If it increases taxes to come off from aristocrat w Resident privilege abolition and pachinko tax introduction Religion corporate body taxation Campaign spending inheritance taxation of politician yakuza tax Special Corporation taxation Such now presently being protected in privilege tax you take from the place where it is not paid
                                        • 茹和感觉要吐看愉中心●奢侈税它甚至没有宗教 In religion taxation margin Luxurious creation When the hall you see the nausea does

                                      • 如果当选民合作,以恢复冻结业务,“ 只有一种情况,肮脏的沼泽”如果赢得州长选举敏长崎,与公路仍然需要给予“公然载客量和前原诚司1 5月30日访问了岛原“道路权力和金钱可以得到,”石井,闵Bikake唱名表决和省长,“如果你选择政府支持的自民党,体面的在长崎县知事,长崎在“吹,吹和咆哮,娜娜。在选举中注意观察,“努力公共工程有重大奈良 NULL
                                        • 如果当选民合作,以恢复冻结业务,“ 只有一种情况,肮脏的沼泽”如果赢得州长选举敏长崎,与公路仍然需要给予“公然载客量和前原诚司1 5月30日访问了岛原“道路权力和金钱可以得到,”石井,闵Bikake唱名表决和省长,“如果你选择政府支持的自民党,体面的在长崎县知事,长崎在“吹,吹和咆哮,娜娜。在选举中注意观察,“努力公共工程有重大奈良 NULL

                                      • 如果美国在线交易,发行货币和贸易赤字,为了避免我肩日本的贸易盈余损害到国家,设法偿还将受到损害,中国您还必须退款给国家政府,以及提供
                                        When it trades, vis-a-vis the country which it will issue the currency vis-a-vis the trade deficit, will make damage and will pay back it tries In order for Japan of trade surplus country that to try does not shoulder the damage, the Chinese similar Japanese government the currency It must supply and must return to the citizen

                                        • 如果这家伙是个愚蠢的税增加了100%的经济增长速度在一个典型的或经济的增长?黑猩猩平均智商的家伙西西Midaro As for it is dense typical aho If economy grows with tax increase if the tariff 100 high level economic growth w The ro which is like the intelligence quotient chimpanzee it is dense w
                                          • 那么作为一个国家经济,不加税或文管任何奇迹Koseru?瓦特 Increasing taxes there is no country where business has become good As for the tube being able to cause even with miracle w

                                        • 如果邪恶是抵制任何紧缩,经济衰退在预算紧张有些人不明白它的最基本的部分我就知道应该从以往的经验,苏随机额外的财政纪律不过,

                                          • 如果?V乘数效应留意1.26之间的差异消费习惯和过境林义正国会众议院预算委员会的议员TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d ew6ojoZ0G58经济科学的鸠山TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com / u003d KOSAdJkv1lM
                                            1.26 The National Diet relay House of Councillors budget committee Yosimasa Hayashi About the difference of propensity to consume and the multiplier effect ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = ew6ojoZ0G58 Hatoyama economy science is done ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = KOSAdJkv1lM

                                            • 妇女已收到大约40,000当前日元),每年开支约05 2.5亿欧元(约440亿美元,它会
                                              Presently approximately 40,000 women Has received, as for expenditure amount of year you say that approximately 550,000,000 Europe (approximately 64,400,000,000 Yen) it becomes,

                                              • 它的硬“”(在冲绳的海军陆战队政府),让我离开现在的路线“,”的参拜靖国神社违宪 Very it is serious” Administration is taken “concerning Okinawa Marines when it makes keep coming out directly” “Yasukuni worshipping is violation of constitutional provisions
                                                • 四郎辞职,“小泉1→ →1参拜靖国神社”,8 15崇拜是不失信 General resignation margin” gt Yasukuni worshipping gt “the fact that you do not worship to 8 15 is pledge violation in Koizumi 1 1

                                              • 对不起,我低薪收入税是因为我不同意提高瓦特税
                                                Tax increase large approval Because tax it is not paid It is low, don't you think? the [ma] which is the income earner it is w

                                                • 就做不觉得我只能穿头沸腾转载赤字涵盖债券,金融重建
                                                  Reprinting the deficit-financing bond The restoration of sound government finance how head boiling, only the [ru] you can think

                                                  • 尽管债务 GDP仅较突出的原因,日本和我不能说,七国集团中,只有最后20年的日本,他们已经等待了停止名义GDP增长 Nevetheless the outstanding obligations GDP ratio Just Japan as for when the reason which has been extended you say There is no with some lever just Japan these 20 years nominal GDP growth has stopped in G7

                                                    • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ ⌒ )。本人 ⌒⌒。i)本人 · · 我, 你们远足 ¯( 人 )·我♪我逃税 布鲁诺 。 ー一个或中央银行却不在他们印刷钞票? No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i 92 92 i Your taxs increase ¯ human ¯ i We tax evasion ♪ 92 92 No 92 Bank of Japan the gold does not print with something
                                                      • 通货紧缩是银行的核心本质,一中现在有692 Yanaran议案被列入计算这样一个国家是否不是一个国家,它维护了多少钱,甚至我自己作出很难 692 Essential shelf of current deflation China whether you made how much money by your even is the country which is not managed Inserting such country in calculation whether motion the ya viewing Bank of Japan is serious

                                                    • 希腊公务员薪酬水平可以理解,如果你看一下迅速降低30%嘿家伙良好的劳动力,但当然我会奖在自给自足的最低状态。是什么限制退休官员没有Soreto警卫从目前的现状和良好的医疗官员招待
                                                      If Greece you should have seen it is understood As for government employee even with [ro] [ku] well party Quickly staff 3 percentage reduction Pay level may be metropolis and districts lowest self-sustenance Of course prize. Retirement lump sum grant releasing Only the excellent bureaucracy from now hearty welcome That and as for public order preservation medical-related government employee maintenance of the status quo

                                                      • 希腊希腊×○选民在废除儿童补贴和财源无奇→→不要加税,将
                                                        × It becomes Greece -> tax increase ○ It becomes Greece -> abolition of the rose maquis policy which is not the revenue source such as child treatment

                                                        • 帐户支出和收入为60瓦至40万亿日元万亿日元增加到20亿兆日圆的债务..我没有偿还第一次世界大战祖贝,当然他们的脚,你们是WWW的后裔,这些
                                                          Vis-a-vis the annual income of 40,000,000,000,000 Yen as for government employee labor cost 60,000,000,000,000 Yen w With 20,000,000,000,000 Yen expectation [be] [te] debt which is not enough Good Heavens ww Of course you it is distant the descendant before and others www to pay back,

                                                          • 幸运的,因为强势日元将导致自我防卫,持有这种想法等一些外国货币和今天的黄金资产
                                                            Therefore fortunate increase in yen value, among now portion of property foreign currency and Possessing with such as gold is connected to self defense

                                                            • 恢复和股票价格似乎失去了市场开始放心购买欧洲央行和日本政府债券投资者希腊 When the Greek investor the Japanese government bond and the like the European central bank begins purchase The sense of relief arising in the market stock price and the like is resetting it seems
                                                              • 为银行注入公共资金,如果他们不教出售政府债券,银行和邮政储蓄?不可能 gt Filling public fund to the bank in the bank and mail storing sale and others in order not to be when it guides the government bond Excessiveness
                                                              • 或管有可能负责投売日日本政府债券和其他日本投资者出售对冲基金前 The tube the patsy before… hedge funds sell The Japanese investor may begin the sacrifice sale of the Japanese government bond

                                                            • 我宣布通缩通胀目标最后一分钟的发言立场和作用是什么 In deflation declaration as for inflation target speech whether it is what that… Stand is in part the wa
                                                              • 武藤敏郎Suretai只读,“不要 ”或“不要!”什么Mayota When just suretai you read “it becomes…” being “it becomes ” Or mayo which is it is

                                                            • 我是70,也增加额外的管理从小泉政府债券发行期间森林,浪费和愚蠢的宏伟鳟鱼Netouyo这么好通过瓦特
                                                              Although at the time of forest administration compared to government bond amount of issue Koizumi increased also 7 tenths, the mass rubbish Therefore with as for foolish [netouyo] gorgeously through w

                                                              • 我的朋友是一个商业公务员被丢弃的电脑外设和我自由公园
                                                                We acquaintance government employee trades for abolition PC and the peripheral device the [paku] [tsu] [te] selfishly

                                                                • 拥抱一个埃塔债务900万亿一直受政府债券和发行额外收入减税价值公司税和税收
                                                                  Income tax and income tax Because it covered the amount which it reduces taxes with consumer tax and government bond increase 900,000,000,000,000 debt was held

                                                                  • 政府。我不平衡的心态平衡你没事吧?经过削减开支和增加税收,它变得更糟糕,你正在扩大,央行正在做一个紧缩政策
                                                                    Government. Imbalance [tsu] [te] head of income and outgo all right? When tax increase and annual expenditure reduction were done, the deflation policy which Bank of Japan did expanding It becomes a more terrible thing being, it does, the [yo

                                                                    • 数量和类型的公务员的利益,从日本的水果Tasanai被世界所发出之功课当地政府官员,我不送到日本央行不可能自由Yarimasu The number and type of government employee treatments because the Japanese local government employee does not carry out the assignment which is given from the world that without doing selfishly Bank of Japan does and the ma inhales and it is unreasonable what
                                                                      • 要求从日本水果Tasanai被世界所发出之功课的地方官员,我不可能不送到日本央行自由Yarimasu In brief because the Japanese local government employee does not carry out the assignment which is given from the world that without doing selfishly Bank of Japan does and the ma inhales and it is unreasonable what

                                                                    • 日本 从债券和日本政府:我会做,如果他们成为国家的纳税人在迫使该国政府债券的购买,但你说了没有多少人不破产?日本还行吗?回答是一个乐观的人 Is ill smelling the Japanese government bond maintaining in the country from the ru Japan however the person that is many it does not go bankrupt When the government bond becomes unable to buy in the country how it becomes Even then as for Japan being all right The optimistic person answering

                                                                      • 最重要的是,“促使日圆走强和日元兑换鄂如我一般出售外汇储备 “Selling the possession foreign currency generally on that when it changes into circle it induces increase in yen value
                                                                        • 最重要的是,“促使日圆走强和日元兑换鄂如我一般出售外汇储备 “Selling the possession foreign currency generally on that when it changes into circle it induces increase in yen value

                                                                      • 朱达罗后Ekokaekopointo他喜欢将税收援助和工厂建设,投诉也说,我早生当地人食用海外工厂的工作有利于外国公司在将梁下找公司税取消子女免税额音频讲座神奇Komoti穷人说话的仍受益于改变瓦兰和外国企业所得税流程的需求也比你知道孩子多次津贴
                                                                        If child treatment abolition receives benefit with the income tax lowering the foreign capital enterprise which The factory making in the foreign country, the human of the locale being able to feed, complaint call to also the [ru] thing The factory building with tax help, it seems the [ru] way and the [ro] which is rubbed When tax it lets flow also the rear echo car echo point at outside demand enterprise, the strange straw it is The child having of the still pauper is the [bu] which giving drives benefit, how child to treat the [ro] where many times are [mashi

                                                                        • 毕竟,更好地购买政府债券,和他同来在说谎,或你真的不需要混淆市场,以稳定市场 After all the government bond the one which is bought it is not necessary for the market to stabilize it isn t When the market is confused lie the person who is attached coming out it is dense
                                                                          • 毕竟,更好地购买政府债券,和他同来在说谎,或不会引起混淆或市场,以稳定市场 After all the government bond the one which is bought it is not necessary for the market to stabilize it isn t When the market is confused lie the person who is attached coming out it is dense

                                                                        • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                          • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17

                                                                        • 由于财富从年轻人到老年人,可以由青年消费需求预计转让

                                                                          • 的AAA评级可能做一些欺骗,我的兴趣值得稀释现有债券上升米 了很多印刷日元决心不属于瓦特
                                                                            When a lot of [ikasama] grade will be done also, circle printing makes AAA DILUTE in large quantities, because the interest rises But as for existence government bond heavy decline decision what w

                                                                            • 第一个第一次,它甚至不强调它们的相互援助的财政改革,而公务员退休金削减百分之五十的工资支付退休津贴
                                                                              First in beginning, salary treatment retirement lump sum grant mutual aid annuity of government employee Respectively the restoration of sound government finance with 5 percentage cutting emphasis margin

                                                                              • 第一届政府。如果根本解决问题埃泰的国际收支失衡,日间给予日元安全感从价值的。注意不要扩大采购金额的变动运算 First government Problem of imbalance of income and outgo it solves basically After giving the sense of relief to value of circle if day Enlargement of the legal amendment buying operator quantity takes
                                                                                • 610多的,但我总觉得我们的央行马伊拉文Kosushi暴乱或没有,我会像这个死亡,央行 610 Already somehow to be able to point to Bank of Japan however you think that the riot only is caused don t you think Will not when and others this way is you are killed at Bank of Japan
                                                                                • 央行在此时举行的国家。我以为是根本不是发生在因应市场,增加高度时,才 At this stage Bank of Japan possession country When keeping increasing high Some reaction occurs in the market it is not supposed at all
                                                                                • 如果是日元疲软,口头干预,以任何方式将会是一种较弱的日元疲软时只是口头干预,央行抛售压力 When gt it has become weak yen with just proboscis intervention becomes weak yen therefore it is How with proboscis intervention when it sells the fact that it becomes pressure is weaker than Bank of Japan
                                                                                • 孙転Jitara萘乙酸 这243个国家的活力出售。它的法律peashooter 243 Is when… domestic spirits change to the sale day The beanshooter it puts out also law
                                                                                • 由于当时的日本央行应降低到最低碗我和包括抑郁症,死亡将成为经济石窟恩戴人民的苦难 As Bank of Japan did if you drop into the bottom of depression and are packed Becoming everyone painful it keeps dying economically

                                                                              • 简财长和提高到1300年的7个主要国家的中央银行行长2010年2月5日(七国集团)什么对日本政府的债务水平“将获得奥运金牌出了问题,”一切行动,并表示,必承诺,以解决财务预算通过后重建 菅 Principal 7 national financial affairs phases central bank president meeting of 2010 010 year 5 February G7 with about the Japanese government bond balance To “if the Olympics the gold medal the level which it can have not to be wrong” to express after the budget being formed in restoration of sound government finance The fact that it tackles is promised
                                                                                • “通过税收的增长,”副首相兼财政大臣菅直人,已达到一说出5月6日,2010年,在他的博客“民主力量”,并有权提请希腊金融危机虽然不是出于组合是强调财政改革和完善我 “The growth with tax increase” is set forth 菅 as for Naoto financial affairs phase the Vice President 2010 May 6th with itself burogu Entitling “power of democracy” while producing Greece of financial crisis to the inquiry again the restoration of sound government finance route It emphasized

                                                                              • 简,一个区域国家的财政危机,希欧元,国际货币基金组织的支持包和“拉下来的工资和养老金大致按照外国人的,说为什么国际组织的人在希腊和不告诉它是否会出现一些反弹,“这表明人们的感受和理解
                                                                                菅 About the support step of IMF and European sphere countries for Greece of financial crisis If it does “from the Greek citizen, following to why foreigner such as international organization saying allowance and annuity large As for the not lowering [te] that there is the rally which you say whether it does not become”, that understanding was shown in national feeling

                                                                                • 简,你在愚蠢的地方党的,但你知道你会做选民在大选之前每桶上台欺骗的猪肉政策 Can and your ahuo as for the place before such thing electing although the wa you knew whether It is your party to scatter and deceiving the constituent to take administration with policy

                                                                                  • 经济崩溃,希能自圆其说经济财政紧缩重要的是要教育市民
                                                                                    The Greek economic failure is important as an enlightenment to public opinion This also justification can do shrinkage public finance to business and

                                                                                    • 蒙上阴影的危险感,那么,紧缩开支和草率处置不良贷款,公平价值会计应限于银行和大公司的国际活动,减值会计,国际结算银行和国内规章无用的应用,以小企业银行业务导致更多的国内生产总值下降抑郁症的名义,这是延长 Although that it is the crisis atmosphere is fanned impetuous shrinkage public finance and inferior claim processing and international activity are done Current price accounts and the decrease accounts which it should limit to the big business bank the domestic small and medium sized business bank of BIS regulation To cause the great depression of the extent where GDP decreases pretext with such as needless application that long term conversion It could point
                                                                                      • 政府。我不平衡的心态平衡你没事吧?也许我觉得我更高规格的包装严密的预算,你会通货紧缩压力瓦特课程 gt Government Imbalance tsu te head of income and outgo all right Perhaps higher specifications than you the thing stuffing you think as the ru w Shrinkage public finance of course becomes deflation pressure

                                                                                    • 虽然他成为了3月12日,这一天被说服总统的生日贺津
                                                                                      But as for being inaugurated as the president March 12th, this day was victory Kaishu's birthday

                                                                                      • 要仅在希腊但在此之前,我们做我们的工作,所以是没有这样一个拥有感 Whether it becomes Greece or does not become but your work circumstance what It seems that is not such party consciousness
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                        • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece

                                                                                      • 该元外移,开始,我真的很wwww在日圆疲弱小泉时代,
                                                                                        As for it starts moving the factory of the foreign country, the [ze] wwww which is Koizumi Cabinet day In other words, weak yen age

                                                                                        • 该卷肖像原来不被认为是正常的财政整固阶段从287“勉志免了”,“如何刺激经济,”他会说我没那么愚蠢想在同一时间我 287 Normally if you think it is incompatible from the origin “Strive to the public finance soundness” “Do the countercyclical measures” Speaking simultaneously the ru person thinks whether the fool well
                                                                                          • 民主党的经济政策,这饼是,我在这里采取了一边,我穿上Kemasu在这里,我觉得这个经济刺激 Concerning the economic policy of the Democratic party when like this there is a pie Taking this side you attach on this side as for this there are no countercyclical measures is

                                                                                        • 诱导储备出售外国货币的日元升值,副总理兼财政部长储备经济和财政政策2010年5月11日菅直人简外币储备财长对日本已经达到100万亿日元。“相对于其他国家的大小(以),广义地说,我们需要这些储备,现在我可以把一些可疑的问题“,并表示天空 As for sale of possession foreign currency increase in yen value with inducement foreign reserve 菅 financial affairs phase 2010 May 11 days 菅 As for Vice President and financial affairs economic public finance charge phase Naoto in the Japanese foreign reserve which has reached on 100 000 000 000 000 Yen scale Being attached scale is large “in comparison with the foreign country this much foreign reserve being necessary doubt of a certain kind It has question even now” that you expressed
                                                                                          • 矫正2。 09000000000000。冻结的国内生产总值的0负。部长简简“2 2 10%38分钟2009年11月6日副总理。为了影响今年的冻结约零九零零零零零零零零零零零零日元,国内生产总值的百分之0 2 9 000亿日元兑有负面影响“,说的天空和16:9月27日:01 28周年名无Shisan 10 2009 11 27(星期五)23:45:06编号:bpg397 6O是: 神奈川新闻晨报,2009 11 17星期二版(12),“鸠山衰退”在11月初 Revision 2 9 000 000 000 000 With freezing GDP 0 2 菅 Vice President 2009 November 6th 10 38 菅 “2 As for having an influence on this year with freezing 9 000 000 000 000 Yen at about 900 000 000 000 Yen 0 There is 0 effect for GDP of the 2 ” that you expressed 16 09 27 01 28 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2009 11 27 gold 23 45 06 ID bpg397 6O Be Kanagawa newspaper Morning edition 2009 11 17 Tuesday A edition 12 attaching “Hatoyama depression” The beginning of November
                                                                                          • 诱导储备出售外国货币的日元升值,副总理兼财政部长储备经济和财政政策2010年5月11日菅直人简外币储备财长对日本已经达到100万亿日元。“相对于其他国家的大小(以),广义地说,我们需要这些储备,现在我可以把一些可疑的问题“,并表示天空 As for sale of possession foreign currency increase in yen value with inducement foreign reserve 菅 financial affairs phase 2010 May 11 days 菅 As for Vice President and financial affairs economic public finance charge phase Naoto in the Japanese foreign reserve which has reached on 100 000 000 000 000 Yen scale Being attached scale is large “in comparison with the foreign country this much foreign reserve being necessary doubt of a certain kind It has question even now” that you expressed

                                                                                        • 足够的服务作为蓝筹股公司和股东的股息税只是导致人们节水公司
                                                                                          Enterprise does not reflect upon the person result and with just allotment of tax and the shareholder is recognized as enterprise of good standing

                                                                                          • 达罗倒塌,由于吸收了劳动力总数的60万亿日元,每年的费用74万亿日元,日本官员和地方税的收入在日本的总税收瓦特 The Japanese national tax and the tax revenue which sums up rate 74 000 000 000 000 Yen Annual labor cost sum total of the Japanese government employee 60 000 000 000 000 Yen The being disgusted ya failing the ro w which is proper

                                                                                            • 这个老人,我不知道他好我如果O157型生产总值应该没有眼睛的金融来源,这家伙是他冷酷Nukashita蛤蜊萝卜只有在我们公司负压肉从源
                                                                                              This old boy GDP is the person from the [wa] The occurrence source of o157 from the meat diet trader being defeated to pressure, being unconcerned When the shellfish crack Japanese radish is occurrence source, the person whom it omits There is no expectation of being the eye of public finance in such a person

                                                                                              • 这是在下面的图表显示,社会支出和家庭关系,教育的公共开支,时间男性工人的社会保障,全在异常低价转让按国家教育炸再分配功能的日本为核心的“家庭工资”,因为他们必须依靠筛 As for this way there is a graph under family related social expenditure and Public fiscal expenditure and the like to the education system by the country moving redistribution function of the education social security abnormally Because it is low the Japanese worker designates the man regular member as the core because it does not depend on “family wages” you do not obtain is

                                                                                                • 阚民间运动,公民运动自己。我想我会比比是权力,他们试图轰炸希万维网暴民示威瓦特
                                                                                                  As for 菅 of civic movement house, by your in civic movement. Being power side which the bullet is done, the [bibi] [tsu] [te] [ru] it is probably will be w Seeing the mob of the Greek demonstration, www

                                                                                                  • 附表根据企业所得税率,也最终在何处消费马苏苏亚税的上调编织成的消费中线
                                                                                                    When and corporate body tariff is lowered here, consumption falling with tax increase of consumer tax, fiscal expenditure It becomes the predicament which increases

                                                                                                    • ,此外,从国内生产总值的收缩,国内生产总值也将增加政府债务比率
                                                                                                      In addition to that, because it reduces also GDP, the government bond balance of GDP ratio It increases

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