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The number “of sparrows and the sparrow which is stopped happening to see”, sharp decrease?…With Hibiya park complete enumeration


  • 作为平原,在关东,是看延长附表力量占多数瓦格泰尔
    > And, it is expanding also the power inside area, Until [hakusekirei] occupies large majority > as of 2007, regarding the plain section of Kanto district, power is expanded

    • 25年前,当我还是个孩子,is m我,当时农场的道路碰撞学校的路上,我将锅场,这就是蝗虫地毯在轹就像一个人拥有汽车
      But about 25 years ago, me time of elementary school student what, as for that time The farm road of the attending school road which goes through the rice field, in the car 轢 with the locust which grows hoarse became the carpet like, it rubbed

      • 293你说得对,低强度微波手机,但不明白为什么这个国家正在减少,愚蠢的感谢,并保持它作为一个常设的房子转发和不断发展成为动荡时期东京附近的高经济增长这种辐射嘿已经渗透来自全国各地和现在 293 So is although it is countryside why decrease Microwave of low intensity of carrying high growth period age The tsu which rebellion it develops suburban to Tokyo residence and sows it is with in the same way The tsu which raises the transponder foolishly likely and sows it is with favor Because this radiation now it has permeated all over the country
        • 293你说得对,低强度微波手机,但不明白为什么这个国家正在减少,愚蠢的感谢,并保持它作为一个常设的房子转发和不断发展成为动荡时期东京附近的高经济增长这种辐射嘿已经渗透来自全国各地和现在 293 So is although it is countryside why decrease Microwave of low intensity of carrying high growth period age The tsu which rebellion it develops suburban to Tokyo residence and sows it is with in the same way The tsu which raises the transponder foolishly likely and sows it is with favor Because this radiation now it has permeated all over the country

      • 3当他们停下来等待Bibi ll初秋的鸟类约100线Bisshiri夏天,我有自己的毛自称Gitaihodo了很多帮助每一个人, 3 The extent where we would like to look up cooperation to Mao Tse tung and that everyone it is in large quantities inside About the bitsushiri 100 feather stopping in the electric wire from early summer extending through early fall the te bibi tsu te you put away
        • 索纳家最近听到说话的声音已经远远超出从春天到初夏chirm上午萘乙酸有趣的声音叫爆裂Gyagyabieeeeee Accompanying to obtain as for the parents home from the spring betting on early summer morning chiyunchiyun To be good voice was audible but It changed to the voice which the giyagiyabieeeeee tsu te is said recently

      • 624斑鸠Dedepoppoppodedepoppoppodede声音 “难道我们削减?情绪”的情绪在大沽鸣海中包括对接 我会永远 624 Voice of kijibato dedepotsupotsupodedepotsupotsupodede … “It cuts there is ” The tsu te matter of concern which stops wanting stopping thrusting always becoming matter of concern …
        • 例如它说埃塔几年增加了867山鸡,期待在沙浴和麻雀 867 The pheasant increased from several years ago So if you said it stopped looking at the sand pouring of the sparrow

      • 632语音或哭,说,我太不耐烦莺春W“的议员,差不多,霍克Hokeki造物主...”,是看到
        632 When you mention calling voice, [uguisu] of the beginning of spring the [ji] [re] [tsu] you want, don't you think? w “The [ho] -, the [ho], the [ho] [ke]… [ho] [ke] sewer” it was to see

        • Nanchitte麻雀麻雀他们没有从这次研究会 Because either the sparrow does not study it becomes like this Sparrow of study nanchitsute

          • _NULL_
            DREPT REPT REPT ( ∀) With one feather [chiyun] [mi] _ no DREPT REPT REPT DREPT REPT REPT ( ∀) ( ∀) With [ni] feather [chiyuchiyun] [mi] _ no [mi] _ no DREPT REPT REPT DREPT REPT REPT DREPT REPT REPT ( ∀) ( ∀) ( ∀) If three feathers it is even,… [mi] _ no [mi] _ no [mi] _ no . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | i ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ i | | | ┼ r-l ^ i - ┼ y '⌒ ~} - ┼ y' ⌒ ~} - ┼ | | | | ┼: : _; ; ; : _} ┼ f _ ~ _: ; ; ; Y ┼ @ 22) ┼ | | | | ┼ {_; ; _: : : The ┼ it is; ; ; _: : : ; ; } ┼ [ku]: : ; ; ; _: ; ; J ┼ | | | | ┼ f _: : : _: ; ; ; [ri] ┼ {: ; ; ; : : _; ; [u] ┼ @ 22) ┼ | | | | ┼ [ku]: ; ; ; _: ; ; . - | - [ji]; _; : ; [na] ┼ f _: : _: ; ; ; ; [ri] ┼ | | | | ┼ ┼ || ┼ ┼ ┼ || ┼ ┼ ┼ || ┼ ┼ | | | ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ . | REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯/ . REPT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/

            • ° ¯ヽ 在黑暗 ,所以如果我看到什么不可能的哈! ,゙ )布鲁诺所谓的“鸟眼”是什么人,你猜 ¯ ¯ REPT 0 UMLAT REPT 0 l REPT No i As for the bird don t you think the rod cell among the o … visual cells little the e it is Therefore tsu where nothing dark place at is visible ゙ No The generally known “ tori eye” tsu te person probably will be
              • 广川¨ 发挥 布鲁诺::: ヽ)“这只是一个生命!”嗯,我要去行 广 UMLAT ¯ REPT ⌒ REPT Don t you think you do with play the e … No No REPT “ Life ke Is ” The wa which goes

            • “毛泽东的麻雀一个坏家伙被困”的“麻雀Maero,将他们杀害,贝罗”食品虫害⇒⇒饥饿灾荒麻雀几乎绝迹的中国⇒(超过两百万的人。)头发⇒⇒国内局势恶化“是的,让我们在南京大屠杀的日本”杂志,因为我知道豆Okubeshi
              The hair “sparrow is the bad person” The medium “sparrow catch, kill, eat” The ⇒ Chinese domestic sparrow almost extermination ⇒ noxious insect outbreak ⇒ large famine (20,000,000 person from here. Death by starvation) ⇒ domestic situation deterioration The ⇒ hair “so is, Japan being Nanjing, it will make the thing which slaughters” The magazine [tsu] [te] should put as a bean knowledge

              • →终于落在辊和消除害虫我们说,有35种鸟类灭绝的远古时代和他们的管理已被置于国家的保护和
                35 The bird where it is called the vermin and is exterminated and sharp decrease -> as for ancient kind exterminates finally with the [ri] which is sown and is placed under managing the protection of the country is

                • ★ 下降?政府在日比谷公园“,麻雀是在最近几年里并不需要一个”为下一阶段的中井赏鸟和声音,“日本野鸟学会,东京”(新宿区,东京),东京,日本日比谷公园的未来,这是一切的开始人口普查10年及可爱的偶像
                  * < Sparrow > sharp decrease? With Hibiya park complete enumeration “Recently it stopped happening to see the sparrow”, that because voice is sequential between the bird watcher, “Meeting Tokyo of the Japanese wild bird” (the Tokyo Shinjuku Ku), with the Tokyo Chiyoda Ku Hibiya park future, It came to the point of beginning the complete enumeration which reaches to 10 years

                  • ヽヾヽ,,(,,·∀·)丶1 丶 ー 1000 ヽ 祢 ┴布鲁诺。 , , (布鲁诺 布鲁诺o“的” ヽ,ヽヾヾヽヽ,(,,·∀·)(,,·∀·)⌒,丶 丶 ー 1000 1000 ヽ 布鲁诺布鲁诺宓宓 , , (布鲁诺 布鲁诺 布鲁诺○○“”“”¯ ° ヾヽヽヽヽヾヾヽヽ(,,·∀·)(,,·∀·)(,,·∀·)⌒,丶 丶 徐 Ð关闭。 10 米密密卢武铉卢武铉卢武铉 ¯)。 , , 和 )┌α和我 ┐ DREPT REPT REPT ∀ 1 丶 丶 Thousand REPT mi no ┴ No no o DREPT REPT REPT DREPT REPT REPT ∀ ∀ ⌒ 丶 丶 Thousand Thousand REPT mi no mi no No No no o o ¯ ¯ DREPT REPT REPT DREPT REPT REPT DREPT REPT REPT ∀ ∀ ∀ ⌒ 丶 丶 The Soviet Union hu ni Ten mi no mi no mi no ¯ te It is It does Α ┌ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ¯ i 92 ” 92 re ┌ ∠ └ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ┘ lt ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ REPT ha ゙ i hu ─ ─ ─ ┤ ¯ ¯ ゙ ha 92 92 two Two REPT 92 92 No � 222 222 92 92 92 me he no REPT ゙ no
                    • NULL

                  • 也许在这个城市是容易生食Kiyasui附表更多物业疯狂失控鹡鸰运行比像他一样逃离麻雀飞恩戴查看详情 In the urban district like the sparrow flying the person who escapes compared to Like the wagtail the tsu te which it runs and sows the character which escapes being easy to get the feed whether it is easy to live
                    • 如果麻雀不怕人有偏激,我来到汝好一点,每一个古鸟类数百岛 If the person to there the sparrow which is not feared extremely If just a little you do well it comes being several hundred feather units
                    • 它可以减少一个解释是不可能Ttena鹡鸰表兄弟麻雀窝附近的地面比 The sparrow compared to in the land closely makes the nest in the cousin the wagtail which Decreasing being improbable explanation is attached with that
                    • 我不知道这是否意味着什么,我也减少了在乌鸦麻雀增加埃泰 The crow increasing also it suggests what that kana the sparrow has decreased
                    • 我拓宽领域的锅,你会感到一定减少田园诗般的乡村总数,但有很多竹灌丛得到你的房子麻雀 NULL
                    • 我要去真正勤奋和谦虚的马氏古诚难道麻雀“日本”我真的很 Being the sparrow tsu te truly plain being the restraint better ku te diligent how you say “The Japanese” tsu te feeling does surely
                    • 我要羽毛,你住在东京,必不知道麻雀,你是不是人 There is a feather therefore it is also the sparrow overstraining the ro which is not the times when you live in Tokyo and is will not there be a human and
                    • 提供的食物在祭坛埃塔,所以他们没有抛弃过分的重要性,或一只小麻雀,以确保它是驱动tTA提交给了鸟儿在花园里,他们撒简直让我觉得像 Because the fact that the rice which is offered in the family Buddhist altar is thrown away there is no 勿 body spreading in the garden it has given to the small bird but is Certainly as for the sparrow the kind of air which decreases does
                    • 苏消失鸟为人类的著名人物,最后消失在我身边了麻雀 When the human stops being around the sparrow tsu te In some ma because you disappear the famous bird
                    • 麻雀这种存在于成为事与愿违熟悉,几乎没有线条我们研究的长远 As for the sparrow becoming familiar existence Appearing in the reverse side long term investigation is not almost done

                  • 什么奇怪的鸟唱古杆六合家庭Tetekketetekketetekkete
                    The [tetetsuketetetsuketetetsukete] [tsu] [te] the strange bird which calls is in the vicinity of the house

                    • 他们感到太大的差别的地方海事组织Demupa Demupa电话朱达罗
                      The [ro] which is [demupa] of the portable telephone [demupa] the lunatic which is audible it is many

                      • 但是,人口的调查,不为稀有物种的分歧和水禽雁鸭类和起重机,石窟枯竭,但现实往往不是一分钟的提示 But as for population investigation is scanty different from the rare kind like Mizutori and the tongue butterfly of cancer gun duck course What you do not understand well is the actual condition
                        • 但是,人口的调查,不为稀有物种的分歧和水禽雁鸭类和起重机,石窟枯竭,但现实往往不是一分钟的提示 But as for population investigation is scanty different from the rare kind like Mizutori and the tongue butterfly of cancer gun duck course What you do not understand well is the actual condition
                        • 由于没有任何一项调查枯竭,因为它会说,我很好我想通过研究人 1 So saying the ru way therefore the reason whose investigation is scanty someone properly We want inspecting don t you think

                      • 你知道,一个天狗,天狗老童话出来的东西来用,我也说Shitarashii真的闹鬼的雄鹰,过去的黄金是“天狗”,这可能暨“天狗”的金雕的从现代人类社会的附近,这个数字早已消失
                        That, the heaven which comes coming out with heaven the 狗, that 伽 噺 something 狗 Former times, when the [ho] it is with it appears frequently, the abortive grain With saying, the golden eagle “the heaven 狗” diagnosing, it probably will do, former times is This “heaven 狗” also the thing golden eagle, disappeared long ago from human social neighborhood of today

                        • 你知道,它会遍布全国的差距从这里全方位移动电话电磁转发,没有洪水?
                          That, the transponder which it is flooded without here and there and the opening Because the electromagnetic wave of zone of the portable telephone spread all over the country, don't you think??

                          • 凡在峨峨消费热潮和消费群体生活,是因为陈消失后chirm约1小时,整个收集早晨迟到和有充分的树麻雀,晚上爬杆并不可怕竹轮,竹轮电脑机箱 The sparrow swarms About one hour chiyunchiyun after doing stopping staying therefore group life when it goes out it goes out at a stroke So as for the place where it is the maggot ya maggot ya When it is night the wood of the sparrow being lazy existing early morning the pi the chi ku pa the chi ku it is enormous
                            • Chirm消失约1小时后,她的整个收集屋顶上的麻雀在每天晚上 When everyday it is evening the sparrow swarms on the roof inside About one hour chiyunchiyun after doing it stops staying
                            • 不知是否有人在冬季结束有色街道的原我去了新闻麻雀在该地区几年前 旭川 Something year ago and the sparrow stopping being area inside however it became news unnoticed as before After all cause unclear was Asahikawa
                            • 对不起 我有没有真正的原因,我回到了适用于猫嘴雀的最后一周 The me it is do… The cat during last week gripping the sparrow it returned is There is no excuse truly

                          • 可能是临时的,如果染色体会生活,对生殖细胞作用的东西移动无线频带,认为它出现在我的第一个麻雀
                            If temporarily, the band of portable radio wave operates the reproduction cell either the chromosome of the creature or, As for first influence being expressed perhaps you think that it is the sparrow,

                            • 嘈杂Samemasu眼睛附近的麻雀,如果您有其他的斗争与每个约在上午5 00 In the vicinity inside from about 5 of morning o clock having quarrelled with the sparrow Being noisy the eye awakens
                              • 石切在大阪名物Rashii抓了刑事谁是烤麻雀轮正如所料,大阪 The Osaka stone ardently the total loss coming of the sparrow seems specialty The criminal quickly it was the tsu pa Osaka person

                            • 因为我的儿子开发的用户界面ヽ锥代替〜 2 22 07 我会看,甚至紫外线和无线电遥控ヽ? 。 在我会说我就是道路,我们chirm“Nawabari”艾达竞争 REPT Because the so is to change the conical cell has advanced the o … 2227 REPT The ze … which even radio wave of the ultraviolet ray and remote control sees and the re ru it is r One a i 92 By the way morning we saying chiyunchiyun ru is “the rope Bali” dispute

                              • 因此,东京野鸟学会,每年两次,春季越冬繁殖季节,在市区重建的进展,很容易看到在日比谷公园为研究浮桥数量沿步行鸟
                                Then, as for meeting Tokyo of the wild bird, year of breeding season and hibernation period of spring 2 time, there is a city center where re-development advances, While walking the promenade, we had decided to inspect with the Hibiya park which is easy to verify the number of wild birds

                                • 在我的范围,但我会下降大声你愿意,我觉得我是不可能增加的视力,我dont m At we area decreasing the ru way however it is noisy The form it is not visible but it is On the other hand increasing the air the ru way does
                                  • 排减单位和强劲,但奇怪的大大提高,让视线所有昆虫和日本茹 When remainder it increases however it is noisy strangely When you look at the form it is softened and you can permit entirely

                                • 在河风和田园诗般的美化铺平或通过运河的路线暴露涵洞· ·张振元,公寓之前,我每年都步行或樱花树,在未来两集,看鸭子鹅痴迷春天,来到需要几年泛滥之间的狭窄的地方,我必须说,一个鸭风景孩子瓦特
                                  The national highway passing from the culvert before the apartment, the irrigation canal which it exposes for environmental beautification? The bulkhead constructing,… it is cherry tree Namiki in the bucolic Ogawa wind or, every year walks, unnoticed The duck 1 feather 2 story appearance following spring the scenery which accompanies the child duck and so on what you say moment W which reaches the point which it does cramped in several years and with it overflows

                                  • 埃泰收据如果它想穿着的衣服幻想麻雀看起来近241紧密生活在一个职位,而我是她的哥哥抛在附近邮局粮食最近他们每麻雀 241 Everyday the grain sowing in the post office vicinity of neighborhood the brother who the sparrow has been done to move aside is but it is To live compactly in the postal post arriving because delusion it does the ru sparrow we want refraining
                                    • 在浣熊的貂皮等领域,并是杂食动物和肉食动物,一只小麻雀的巢,我不是什么风暴? To field are converted the careless food and carnivore such as okojiyo and araiguma which The nest of the sparrow is done roughly it is without being
                                    • 我不会有任何人会想象,谈论衰退麻雀 How everyone where decrease of the sparrow becomes topic did not imagine probably consist of

                                  • 奇基鲁我已经做到了他们吃麻雀吃现在还是不是这样的悲剧毛泽东从弯曲太多少乌鸦细化Kisubeki Thinning it should do the crow without being From the tsu te ru which eats the sparrow and sows The sled ya decreases too much Mao Tse tung rises the like tragedy which is done
                                    • 802 Dove ll地方吃东西现在还是黄金保健食品 802 The tsu te ru ze where the pigeon of somewhere being still vigorous eats those of gold and sows
                                    • 从朱达罗的Burger减少鸽子或麻雀啊食物不能吃乌鸦纹 The crow eating the te pigeon or the sparrow you eat it is without from the ru The ro which the sled ya decreases and is
                                    • 濒死体验的人在吼,日本塞纳的食物,他们的麻雀 The sparrow food being it can With the resident Chinese person shouts

                                  • 好吧,我来给你从国外谁鸟你会燃烧?但是,这一年,但我认为我是在试图吞咽NAA的访问前天,看到的,只是不是今年或者在单因为这些冷 Well it makes the skewered grilled chicken the chi ya u people coming from the foreign country don t you think from the ru But simply this year that either the swallow does not come you think it is Because the day before yesterday you saw because simply simply this year it was cold there is no something that
                                    • 好吧,我来给你从国外谁鸟你会燃烧?但是,这一年,但我认为我是在试图吞咽NAA的访问前天,看到的,只是不是今年或者在单因为这些冷 Well it makes the skewered grilled chicken the chi ya u people coming from the foreign country don t you think from the ru But simply this year that either the swallow does not come you think it is Because the day before yesterday you saw because simply simply this year it was cold there is no something that

                                  • 如果三个羽毛分类♪♪Chuchun涌两翼鸟其
                                    With one feather [chiyun] ♪ With two feathers [chiyuchiyun] ♪ If three feathers it is even

                                    • 如果你五月鸟类约06作出的屋檐下的巢蜡今年雇主蝿亭
                                      That this year the nest probably will be made under the eaves ahead working, about 6 feathers getting together, the [te] it is noisy

                                      • 它是什么鸟分别增加了友好的环境,而不是从更大赶上我,我不再吃传统和 To be able different from former times because the tsu te it became unable to eat On the other hand the combining which is the environment where the large bird is easy to increase

                                        • 少了什么是麻雀的影响?昆虫(害虫),或与排减单位的增加 When so the sparrow decreases there is some influence When the insect the noxious insect increases
                                          • 如果你不删除下来,消除害虫,可以住在农村是全 It has been completed in countryside but All the way it is To be the vermin and exterminating and exterminating it does not decrease

                                        • 布鲁诺,布鲁诺ヽヽ No and no REPT REPT
                                          • 700 ,, ::Ø ·以整洁,美∈乙型 ,布鲁诺,布鲁诺ヽヽ 700 o a Neat and quaintness ∈ mi No and no REPT REPT

                                        • 当然 欠 提取: 动物 “麻雀被发现不需要或普查”数麻雀,下跌在日比谷公园 关键词:萃取分离少麻雀:7标签:毛泽东提取毛莱斯:13 Object sure “The sparrow it stopped happening to see” The number of sparrows sharp decrease with… Hibiya parks complete enumeration Keyword Sparrow leaving Extraction less number 7 Keyword Mao Tse tung Extraction less number 13

                                          • 我一直在eating ll采取河流鲤鱼和小龙虾,麻雀和鸽子,乌鸦和猫学员在某些国家
                                            Trainee of certain country Taking the crow and the pigeon and the cat and the sparrow and the crawfish and the carp of the river, eating, however the [ru] it is

                                            • 我一直有406莺?鹎和椋鸟,但也上升到他们的寿司真烦人,如果莺吃野果没有这么多麻烦的时机已经成熟到大,噪音污染绝缘子绝缘子 406 It was not from uguisu how former times If uguisu however it is possible to increase As for the bulbul and the gray starling deca it does to be is dirty and the encountering which can with special care may mature the truth which becomes is eaten away and the ho it is with 憎 it is it seems
                                              • 它增加了一个夜莺?听到哭泣的声音远远超过未来有山在一个住宅区内一小布什和 uguisu increasing don t you think When there is just a little yabu and a hill even in residential town Calling voice is audible to be good

                                            • 我们也吃乌鸦だろ跆拳道,你见过麻雀鸽子食物我就会流血乌鸦 The crow eating the bloody pigeon the ru you have seen Also the sparrow is eaten in the crow and the chi ya tsu is the ro which is
                                              • 难道我迷上麻雀这个担心?可爱的废物 1 But this sparrow worried what The ma tsu chi ya tsu it is Wastefully kawaii

                                            • 我会放弃各种环境的破坏是什么我会仍在进行中,或如龙虾或以上燕子风筝蜻蜓
                                              Don't you think? destruction of environment still the under way [tsu] lever The varieties decreasing, the [ru], the trigger or the swallow or the crawfish or the dragonfly

                                              • 我当我是一个小薪金在一棵大树上每前代,当我是一个爷爷的爷爷现在正在做更接近公园食品中,我捕捉我怎么Firingsquad的麻雀?鸽子了他们所有的感官更中国麻将我要去 Just a little you have served in front Yoyogi the time doing the feed with the nearby park the ru grandfather hurt but When that grandfather appears the sparrow tsu te how doing you catch it is The Chinese and the pigeon getting together simultaneously from the sparrow you wrapped don t you think
                                                • 我当我是一个小薪金在一棵大树上每前一代,他们的祖父的祖父是现在,我是在公园里做的食品更接近的,我来过麻雀了他们所有的感官鸽子 Just a little you have served in front Yoyogi the time doing the feed with the nearby park the ru grandfather hurt but When that grandfather appears the sparrow tsu te how doing you catch it is The Chinese and the pigeon getting together simultaneously from the sparrow you wrapped don t you think

                                              • 我把一些常见的程度,偶尔出现在山区,但也有很多Hashiboso白头翁乌鸦
                                                But in the mountain sometimes you see the shelf As for happening to see frequently the bulbul As for the crow [hashiboso] stays Sawayama

                                                • 我持枪袭击的是,猎人是栖息在电线哦三鸟麻雀
                                                  In electric wire [a] The sparrow has stopped three feathers The hunter shooting that with the gun,

                                                  • 我敢肯定,看着我说,以前他们是可悲的,超过灭绝的朱鹮我,我要停止麻雀是死了还是我感到chirm左右Tteta The former times when it stops seeing certainly although chiyunchiyun you say around there When perceives it is exterminated we want stopping From toki the wa where the one where the sparrow exterminates is sad
                                                    • 我说如果我在花园里突然我看见他们两个可能会认为严重危及麻雀萘乙酸氖例如,如果我说( ) So if you said don t you think the sparrow it was and whether before the maji extermination sun size with thinking when the garden it saw suddenly two it stayed …… It is how to say A

                                                  • 我有一个中国间谍试图指责他们的罪行乌鸦?
                                                    The Chinese operative whom it has been about you to shift responsibility your own crime to the crow?

                                                    • 我觉得恐惧效果提高农药乐烧,但随后回落至全国有迫切麻雀充足的食物,我觉得作为麻雀减少的最大因素
                                                      Perhaps, you think that it is the effect due to the improvement of the agricultural chemical, but it was abundant with that The feed of the sparrow decreases sharply nationwide and passes and as, been the largest primary factor of sparrow decrease, thinks

                                                      • 我觉得这只是不是食物取自没有正确Tsuibameru没有草绿色的盆栽我也屋宇署 With the building group the grass without the forested land or the rice field which can be picked Because the feed you do not take honestly you think that it just is not

                                                        • 我走进教室的投入DQN他们最后的“疯狂麻雀Oroseeeeee它!是啊是啊杀了他们!捕获所有Firingsquad的Ooooooo!”这是什么声音
                                                          The sparrow entering in the classroom before this, [kichigai] DQN can be able be able to obtain “the [ku] [o] [ro] [se] [e]! ! Kill be able to be able be able be able to obtain! ! ! Everyone the [o] which is caught! ! ” The [tsu] [te] it was noisy

                                                          • 或缺乏,或有些人谁只报道一个地方请大家在东京? When it stays that it does not stay as for the person who is reported The place please Everyone Tokyo removing
                                                            • 另外,我们不知道他们是否是相关的,并带来了一个响亮的声音往往超出克里听说 However you do not know whether after there is a relationship also the voice where the end is loud to be good reached the point where it is audible…

                                                          • 斯帕罗解释TTP的樱岛火山喷发的:/ /手表/ www.youtube.com?νu003d ZPLZRsAvsnw
                                                            The sparrow which explains Sakurajima eruption ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = ZPLZRsAvsnw

                                                            • 更容易被找到,并在花圈看紫外线部分看到花朵反射光线的原因 When there is a part which in the association reflects the ultraviolet ray in the corolla the ultraviolet ray is visible it becomes easy to discover the flower

                                                              • 有什么奇怪的是少年组的朱达罗的来临,春天不会马上离开这个店的古色精花花公子早上上班路上我觉得我在电线时有一些事情我会振动筛的叔叔那里那么上述那家餐馆的顾客除了麻雀或茹留好 So the polished rice store which the ge which is made well the morning commuting middle you obtain and declines in prosperity that densely the ro which is the season when it grows in the chi It is young the bird crowding or the old boy who are curiosity excellent shaking the za ru there is a ru thing but That time it is to be good on the electric wire over there The customer staying applying other than the sparrow the store of extent
                                                                • 什么是不奇怪的幼鸽明年春天这个季节麻雀孩子们在那里立即朱达罗很快,但我通常都练马区,按摩甚至没有接近我的逃逸 But Nerima it is Gradually the children of the sparrow that densely the ro which is the season when it grows in the chi Young the bird crowding being curiosity excellent we getting near massage it does not escape
                                                                • 有一个猪头抛光铜绿店上班的路上我想我,我要的东西是在时间的振荡筛除茹叔叔有关客户哪些商店或麻雀留远高于线和有 So the polished rice store which the ge which is made well the morning commuting middle you obtain and declines in prosperity that densely the ro which is the season when it grows in the chi It is young the bird crowding or the old boy who are curiosity excellent shaking the za ru there is a ru thing but That time it is to be good on the electric wire over there The customer staying applying other than the sparrow the store of extent
                                                                • 查看详情,如果他们停止进食的数量实际下降,我该如何建立一个安全的地方,麻雀窝了一? If decrease of number is stopped truly the place where the sparrow can make the nest safely should have been made kana

                                                              • 木制房屋被降低,喂养方式的可用性和市区周围的蚁巢,抗体被认为是草原地区,并提出了不增加 Focusing on the down town the vacant land and the grassy plain which become decrease and the feeding ground of the wooden residence which faces to the nest making decreased Thing is thought

                                                                • 汉堡和吃午餐在日比谷公园,但公园管理该名男子从S漂亮chuffed近寄会来,吃什么饭Nokkeru Hirani我手中的食物来祈求附近的麻雀,太糟糕了食物做茶我冒犯
                                                                  The lunch eating with the Hibiya park, the [ru] and the sparrow approaching, you ask the feed The grain beginning [ru] coming near to the palm, you eat The [tsu] [ge] which it does you obtain and are lovely So from the uncle of park management, excessively the feed and it is the [tsu] [chi] [ya] useless, - the [tsu] [te] you happen

                                                                  • 沥青道路和人类提出了具体的建筑物的鸟类或岩石,沙漠
                                                                    As for the asphalt road and the building of the concrete which the human makes, for the bird the rocky mountain or sand desert

                                                                    • 洗脱销售增加了很多植物在关东地方的农民和专业,我也留茹当地农民通过种植亲属不提分配的决定
                                                                      The local market farmer specialty sale at a special price place and the like being Kanto, extremely, it increased, but as for me where also the farmer stays in the relative It does not mention the local crop by way of circulating under any condition

                                                                      • 清除沟渠,从我出麻雀Hayo河野洋平马祖未来从那里我进入麻雀和鹡鸰,从一个沙井认为我是想 Because it is entered and left the sparrow tsu te groove and the opening In the future entering from the place of the wagtail and the sparrow it was fixed that it will come out of this manhole you think that it is
                                                                        • 清除沟渠,从我出麻雀,我进入另一个地方,从一个沙井认为我是想Hayo河野马祖 Because it is entered and left the sparrow tsu te groove and the opening In the future entering from the place of the wagtail and the sparrow it was fixed that it will come out of this manhole you think that it is

                                                                      • 濒死体验不知道太多愚蠢也需要几百几千生病抛弃现在, When it becomes the sickness immediately no 100 000 the fool who being necessary is not recognized is too multi It is with you throw away immediately

                                                                        • 环境,使他们活得像一只小麻雀不能没有他们可怜的家伙乐我拉回来吧!
                                                                          The person who to the inferior kind of environment where you cannot live either the sparrow has lived moves quickly!

                                                                          • 白麻雀TTP的:/ / www16。Ocn.ne.jp /〜bunbukut /赛络suzume2。JPG的黑麻雀如果TTP的:/ / kuu.up.a - thera.jp /图像/ E382B9E382BAE383A1E6AF94E8BC83。JPG的鸽子TTP的白色: / /我们0.123 rf.com / 400wm / 400 / 400 / ARP协议/ arp0701 / arp070100010 /七十万○一百三十六。JPG的黑鸽子他们TTP的:/ / opencage.info /图片/文件/ 800 _ 1693。JPG的滑稽鸽TTP的:/ / www.suzaku - s.net /可湿性粉剂内容/上传/ 2009 / 10 / hato_fashion.jpg
                                                                            White sparrow ttp: //www16. ocn.ne.jp/~ bunbukut/siro-suzume2. JPG Black sparrow ttp: //kuu.up.a-thera.jp/image/E382B9E382BAE383A1E6AF94E8BC83. JPG White pigeon ttp: //us .123rf.com/400wm/400/400/arp/arp0701/arp070100010/700136. jpg Black pigeon ttp: //opencage.info/pics/files/800 _ 1693. jpg Strange pigeon ttp: //www.suzaku-s.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/hato_fashion.jpg

                                                                            • 石川处理消灭害虫大规模的一部分1955年的约518麻雀结果是一大跃进大饥荒和害虫繁殖
                                                                              518 The vermin it does to handle the sparrow in around 1955 as a part of large rapid advance policy, The result which is exterminated in large quantities, the noxious insect propagating, large it became famine

                                                                              • 科学403“食物链”我的意思是,学习第二届?
                                                                                403 In the science as for studying the “food chain” the [tsu] [ke] which is 2 terms?

                                                                                • 粮食在房子每一天前在东京。而如果你撒,我作为一个惊喜汝来消除我们在未来数年甚至失踪撒,DNA被传给我觉得 Everyday even in Tokyo before the house the grain When it spreads the extent which is surprised it comes Spreading stopping several because years it comes being handed down in DNA you think as the ru
                                                                                  • 花园和在道路上几天今天。农作物播种面积和离开时,他们会来几个摊位 Even now in the garden and the road several days When the grain it sows it gets together with a lot of

                                                                                • 蝉兰雀是已知的驱动tTA认为,当我去日比谷公园面积不大噪声W
                                                                                  When the sparrow intellectual viewing [aburazemi] is many calls the Hibiya park, or field sound saying, w which is thought

                                                                                  • 要漂白辐射“暴露”我说,“暴露”我的意思是相同的“曝光”和“轰炸”,或知道他们之间的区别?
                                                                                    Being bleached in radiation “disclosure ” With word [u], same semantic is, as “being bombed” Is the difference “of being bombed” and “being bombed” recognized?

                                                                                    • 规模较小的社区公园成了泪水的眼睛乌鸦麻雀Metara马基Hazime该死的祭坛在担任该埃塔刚刚褐色乌鸦 As for the park whose neighborhood is small the crow it was the tsu temporary but When the unpolished rice firewood which is offered in the family Buddhist altar it begins the sparrow it became the tsu temporary Crow tear eye

                                                                                      • 该土地在城市的房子或公寓的屋檐下有我对自己有很多Ttena ...麻雀房子。你的屋檐是好的?
                                                                                        In the housing site which is the solitary house or the multiple dwelling house which has the front eaves Sawayama it is It does not decrease, even in the urban district . As for sparrow eaves. The bottom of the eaves does with favorite something, the [yo]?

                                                                                        • 这不包括拓谷浩我会拉蒲公英和新鲜Mossari的花园。 Bichaukarane苦耕耘的蚯蚓在外地的学生埃泰较少甚至没有一个很好的草地和湿随时干最重要的,但对有机食品的质量已走在基层蚯蚓和蚯蚓在我觉得 Growing sluggishly in the garden when the ru dandelion pulling tsu it pulls out densely large The earthworm is in basis But organic quality of the feed important matter unless there is a humidity it dries up don t you think from the chi ya u Plowing well even grass one as for the earthworms being few in the kind of field which does not grow you think that it is the earthworm not staying te proper
                                                                                          • 不管关东壤土层717,因为不可能给普通有机肥others m以下,或比虫在田间 717 If relationship of Kanto loam layer the dying and the organic fertilizer are not given periodically but as for the earthworms being few in the field natural what

                                                                                        • 这种蜈蚣可惜我当时花雀回力部件的捕鼠器Torimochi Ketara杀死,但现在已经把整个屋顶捕获Bakkari Gokihoi像蝎子和Marumushi That the centipede it will suppress when you take and have and set up the murine catching the sparrow has been caught Pitiful thing was done now gokihoi the roof is attached likely So as for being caught gejigeji and marumushi tsu temporary

                                                                                          • 这项研究将持续10年,除了麻雀记录的数目,和其他几个类型的鸟类,猫知道敌人的人数,下降的原因探讨 As for investigation Besides the fact that 10 years in the schedule which is continued the number of sparrows is recorded type and number of other wild bird the outside enemy It grasps also the number of cats searches the cause of decrease
                                                                                            • 但是,一个真正的鼠标和麻雀的空袋子内的呼吁,并从他们看看那个可爱 To tell the truth being called rodent trap of the sky but the ru sparrow you see and is lovely the empty

                                                                                          • 钓鱼八百一十七瓦特,不是麻雀我是一个重大的中国食品井 817 There is no fishing te shelf w It is measure what China as a food as for the sparrow
                                                                                            • 我看见在东京麻雀“男人是”走了吗?该男子是为您带来Modoki Inside capital the sparrow saw with the tsu lever “the human” stopped being because Human modoki whether tsu

                                                                                          • 随着人们很少听到一些逗留超过茹无线电频率,将匹配的机体大小的一样,鼻子和耳朵都在积极的哺乳动物
                                                                                            There are also times, frequency which coincides to the size of the organism In order for the human where the radio is audible to stay rarely, way the nose and ears is done with the active sonar mammalian,

                                                                                            • 鸟巢是一个大量的银杏树更接近回家吗?我来到一个响亮的铃声穿,晚上回来? It has built a nest in large quantities in the wood of the nearby ginkgo of the parents home but When it is night returning noisily calling the ru

                                                                                              • 麻雀也鸽子也可以结算椋鸟鸡血清。乌鸦捕食鱼类只占一小
                                                                                                The gray starling and the sparrow and the pigeon and the poult, the tiddler of [karugamo] just the crow which predation is done increased

                                                                                                • 麻雀唱歌的声音就像一只鸟比其他-不要开关,chirm,如何确认,我听到麻雀Koetara涌
                                                                                                  The bird of the calling voice which is similar other than the sparrow does not have kana to be, When [chi], [chiyunchiyun] and [chiyun] are audible, the sparrow it is possible to decide kana

                                                                                                  • 麻雀啄免受有害生物的是500米,是什么严重的饥荒,为了让他陷人→害虫的爆发
                                                                                                    500 Because the sparrow picks the rice plant, it is the vermin, capture margin you order with everyone -> With noxious insect outbreak large poor harvest The [tsu] [ke] which is

                                                                                                    • 麻雀是孩子们介绍了孩子的嘴在动,是啊我拿起麻雀窝在美国也有幼童地站在来瓦卡每天早上和傍晚为您带来驱动tTA美国Maitara哎呀呀,我一直走在全非定常
                                                                                                      When the United States it sows, everyday morning and evening you come You became independent, the sparrow of the child accompanying whether the [tsu] of being, the [wa] it can obtain, The United States picking up, giving to the child mouth to mouth, the [ru] As for the child sparrow the [chi] totally doing with the [chi] walking, the [te] or the [wa] it can obtain,

                                                                                                      • 麻雀的数量,立教研究小组,根据作物。和地区率下降的,我指出的可能性包括中线较10世纪每50分钟前
                                                                                                        Concerning the number of sparrows, the Rikkyo large research team, farm products suffering. From decrease ratio and the like of area, Pointing out the possibility of falling in 1/10 in comparison with before half a century

                                                                                                        • 麻雀麻雀〜〜〜我们的方式将分散的东西〜〜♪♪〜麻雀〜四郎的向我们走来〜♪〜来〜这是我们战胜苏〜〜♪ Sparrow sparrow thing ♪ hindrance it comes te the economized and others se ♪ sparrow te coming to margin the ♪ the re it is it is male the ♪

                                                                                                          • 麻雀,来窥视编织进了房间只有当你舒展下个赛季穿的颈部阳台瓦特从开放的手,但我帮助来让出太可爱小狗麻雀羽毛制成的药丸丸犹豫雏菊超过5辜被放置在一组唱Piyapiya小时,如果要我发言 The mouth opening from the handrail of the sparrow and the veranda the neck extending the room w which you peer Future season the feather pill pill the wa where also the 仔 sparrow which it could point comes However to be lovely the tsu te it is helpless past 5 o clock from extent in 1 hour placing piyapiya we want stopping in the group to call
                                                                                                            • 即使最近由于绝对乌鸦,鸟的巢,但并非麻雀,鸟类被认为是坏的,但我是流氓我只穿着一看就乌鸦在极绕组 Even consequence of absolute crow It does not come is however there is no sparrow the crow disclosing the nest of the small bird the ru place you saw Is done the small bird watching over distantly in winding was just the ru
                                                                                                            • 我不想飞了麻雀先进可爱的偶像了吗?我认为我的想象力没有绝对可爱的偶像许多麻雀飞从几年前,但高于周围的很多吗? The altitude which the recent sparrow flies it doesn t go down You think that the sparrow which from several years ago it flies extremely low is many but it is consequence of the air

                                                                                                          • (和可能的行动,乌鸦出天)一只流浪猫可能会下降,因为连一只麻雀 因为这是根本不负责任的负责人坏弹出学员日益野生猫,不是一 As for the crow to the sunrise because you cannot act Also decrease of the sparrow perhaps probably is consequence of the homeless cat… Even that as for basis responsibility of the irresponsible human who produces the alley cat which is not the reason where the cat is bad one after another

                                                                                                            研究 開発