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“'In prototype machine of mind'” engine of foreign country” - Japan the Asian first stealth fighter plane independent development?…The Chinese media (the photograph it is) the ★2


  • 16 -真棒! !航空自卫队或实际使用已在伪装! !瓦特
    16 The [ge] which it does -! ! As for Air Self-Defense Force already utilizing optical camouflage? ! w

    • 259笔- 4,羟基- 1,PX的发动机,这是我可以在国内
      259 T - Don't you think? 4, OH - 1, P-X what the engine is domestic

      • 355金刚(建成后)的平均巡洋舰废水美浓(2.65万吨)我不是瓦特
        355 The cruiser (26500 tons) [tsu] [te] of the solid (when being completed) common displacement the [tsu] [ke] w which is not

        • 570的F 要做日本16(重)的F 但也有部分是我觉得所有的苦无凯塔已经转换器很容易与16瓦特 570 F With 16 remodelling But may be also a side that on the Japanese side completely it was not the air which completes easily with F 16 remodelling in heavy industry w
          • 所以,你必须制定一个劳动筱原重工沉重,不Ishikawazimaharima Becomes not to be the extent Shinohara Heavy Industries which Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Being the case that it develops the labor the shank

        • 723对地攻击机外(我们将轰炸Tteru购买食物从震惊,我什远程错过任何)X45 47 诱饵导弹和运营商(包括警告,当炒)为你?一千元,如能作为行为,因为我是避免对巴拦截大部分是离不开计算机是唯一的事情,比如 NULL
          • 即使有足够的歼击轰炸机,坦克,只在九州北部的储备回到北京的? 对W 我将导弹中程绰绰有余Iranee 50 The extra tank attaching the extent which can go and return Kitakyushu and Beijing Being possible it to be the fighter bomber It is and others well w If there is also intermediate range missile 50 shot it is sufficient

        • 943是的,但我不能使用溢出来鄂如雷达摆脱他们没有朋友 943 Sled ya You can use even at the place where it does not have the friend radar net because it has not crossed over don t you think

          • Jiminga的发言赢得日本从塔拉魔神出来值得!Etara认为这是坏的或愚蠢的事情,比如这个 When as for jiminga it is and majinga is possible from viewing the Japanese victory When such a foolish thing you think the useless combining

            • NULL 363 OH As for 1 there is no additional supply the te “supply discontinuance” First 250 machine tsu te is said became 120 The so is with this time the discontinuance was decided The new observation helicopter is light the schedule which becomes the it has ground attack ability gunship seems Supplying starting from 2000 already it ended and being said that it was the how failure it is helpless If about only 20 the self propelled motar which is not made how it makes other ones make the tsu te you do not think more Development expense or the staff of other important equipment in that the line tsu chi ya the ze which bears As for home country development however the domestic manufacturer it is important with you think because you do not make be hungry is to relate too much is unpalatable It should rear with other method

              • Searchina提高中国的军事开支只有这样,我在日本发展
                As for [sachina] To the thing which Japan develops The Chinese war expenditure the harboring which was reinforced

                • XF型- 5 -我的工作作为一个TACOM原型约40飞机1,我为什么不喜欢部署Dosakusa
                  XF - With 5 - 1 about 40 machines as experimental aircraft making, TACOM it disposes likely with [dosakusa] and the [chi] [ya] obtains and is good

                  • _NULL_
                    549 The Chinese troop of 20 years ago Combat force 4,000,000 person 8000 tanks, mechanized gun/15000 field artilleries, 4400 fighter planes, 420 bombers, 600 transport planes, Destroyer 18, frigate 32, patrol vessels 870, Atomic submarine 5, submarine 45, landing warships 54, ↓ Current Chinese troop Combat force 2,200,000 person 8800 tanks, mechanized gun/25000 field artilleries, 1400 fighter planes, 80 bombers, 600 transport planes, Aircraft carrier 1, destroyer 28, frigate 50, missile boat 200, Atomic submarine 9, submarine 55, landing warships 280, The Japanese Self Defense Force Combat force 260,000 human -> 220,000 person Tank 1200 -> 600, mechanized gun/field artillery 900 -> 600 gates, Fighter plane 360 -> 260 machines and 40 transport planes, Helicopter aircraft carrier 1, escort ship 55 -> 47, missile boat 9 -> 6, Submarine 14 -> 16, amphibious vessels 9 -> 13

                    • _NULL_
                      As for purpose of the Kasumigaseki buried deposit gold which the Democratic party insisted fund for all weapon developments Already you complete the ultimate weapon in order victory to do in war in toward America with the cooperation development with Russia After, the Hatoyama Cabinet only pulls out the declaration of war from in the United States As for everything according to of Ichiro's and dignity Ichiro's Hatoyama which exchanges KGB and secret agreement at the time of cold war scenario Yukio Hatoyama was engaged to the seat of the prime minister in order to strike end in history of postwar subordinate When just personal history you see, thing of this extent being possible to [rupi], but appealing what…

                      • _NULL_

                        • _NULL_
                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The 162nd National Diet Celebration Tuya's commission director Sinba in diplomacy defensive commission speech When it makes Defense Agency, there is only such reply, it is probably will be, but as for this F2, the fuselage being small after all Repair of efficiency improvement is difficult to make extraordinary, it is with the shank

                          • × 1 +运送导弹的导弹袭击× 4 您还可以赢得一些战略120亿
                            Conveyance missile × 1 + attack missiles × 4 = < also strategic victory mono is possible at 1,200,000,000 Yen

                            • “太空战斗机试飞成功”的喜悦互联网用户,以证明他们的错误信息后u003d知识 - 中国

                              • “无人作战空中系统,它可以自主”,是的导弹的区别?我担心如果我被过厚,以无视人类的意图
                                “Autonomy doing, the control of the air aggressive possible pilotless aircraft” and the guided missile are different, it is? Ignoring the intention of the human, if the [tsu] [te] which fights it is we are too fearful, it is, but

                                • ◆戏剧CD“的武器外汇Bishoujo是我的妻子!”的U到高中英雄“辩护Kuuji月谷市”守护神的F - 4EJ战斗机启幻影(简历:浦惠)寻找结婚以

                                  • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜亚说,古贺晋国民议会国防委员会董事会Shinba外交事务和国防委员会对162这样的反应只会有你,这是F2代,但我很努力提高经营业绩的改善仍然是较小的飞机
                                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The 162nd National Diet Celebration Tuya's commission director Sinba in diplomacy defensive commission speech When it makes Defense Agency, there is only such reply, it is probably will be, but as for this F2, the fuselage being small after all Repair of efficiency improvement is difficult to make extraordinary, it is with the shank

                                    • 不是精神上有能力约714架战斗机部署在日本紧急时今天的隐身功能,除了不,你不应该像隐形操作能力 714 Because as for mind there is no fighter plane as for story as another When the fighter plane which has stealth function in current Japan is disposed Other than emergency as ability of stealth is not recognized we should use probably
                                      • 工程包括科技能力远在目前日本政府的高科技技术,作为一个完整备份,是吗?这家伙可立即部署 Assuming if government backed up extensively By current Japanese scientific power and technical power the high technology it can make the thing to somewhere With same disposition possible person

                                    • 中国将使用的材料证明其军事集结和日本球迷的威胁
                                      As for China when the Japanese threat theory is fanned, you probably will use in the material of justification of armament reinforcement of the home country

                                      • 亚洲唯一的核潜艇线性世界上最快的列车是世界上最快的列车是世界上最高的摩天大楼,亚洲曾说过类似的话经常潜射弹道导弹实际承运人国内大型船舶坦克Misairuguranito 4 5代战斗机,国内的四代该导弹的生产是世界上最大的核突破忠志系列火箭甚至优于中国东风没办法说,第5号,武史:世界的第二次载人航天飞行 It seems that is startled The super high rise building of Asia one Worldwide most high level railroad Worldwide most fast linear Worldwide most fast railroad Atomic submarine The Asian only SLBM utilization Proper aircraft carrier Domestic 4 5 generation fighter planes Domestic fourth generation tanks Anti warship large sized misairuguranito reforming Nuclear missile DF series of world s largest output Manned space flight Worldwide second large sized rocket long march 5 Just it does Chinese is even the excellence densely the tsu

                                        • 什么是Searchina,我总是觉得贺阳,基地的习惯,所有文章中提到朱达罗,无损检测我是一个模糊的地方程度的文章或在那里,你知道,人们做他们自己的脚写句子Searchina The sachina tsu te always you think but it is the ro where the base of all articles is quotation The habit from somewhere to somewhere the article of somewhere gradating the ru It is with sachina itself random composition to write adding the ro which is the ru
                                          • 塔约说我像一个相同的三个几年前,通过Searchina“决定” Similar thing also 2 3 years ago you say by way of sachina ” determination”

                                        • 什么是不是一个导演。拥抱钦佩和羡慕,拥抱愚蠢的名称,如超过142武器 142 aho tsu po it be name yearn and envy have hold the 抱 the weapon and in so
                                          • 我没有向那些愚蠢的霜冻等641名没有武器的羡慕和钦佩 641 aho tsu po it be name the te have hold yearn and envy the weapon and in

                                        • 但在欧洲表现欠佳从美国的航空电子设备为10年,日本和欧洲的五个或更多的被推迟10年〜 Because so as for efficiency of avionics Europe 10 years is inferior to America as for Japan that Europe Furthermore 5 10 year late kana

                                          • 作好准备,以处理国家,使直升机航母飞行甲板彻Tamotsu驱动tTA简历DD m不那么什么?瓦特
                                            This country of no [se], the through flying-off deck the helicopter aircraft carrier which it had there is no CV and the [ze] which is [te] DD what? w

                                            • 你以为我会喜欢它甚至不是一个问题まさか严重的国内问题的第一次种族灭绝邻居说,如果你不知道这是什么世界和平也是很好的鸠山古 Hatoyama you do not understand well If the world peace tsu te you say first mass slaughter of the neighboring country problem apparent margin Never that it is domestic problem with maji thinking the combining of the ru
                                              • 你以为我会喜欢它甚至不是一个问题まさか严重的国内问题的第一次种族灭绝邻居说,如果你不知道这是什么世界和平也是很好的鸠山古 Hatoyama you do not understand well If the world peace tsu te you say first mass slaughter of the neighboring country problem apparent margin Never that it is domestic problem with maji thinking the combining of the ru

                                            • 你想期待着死神的捕食和40?看到你在日本并不需要这么多? TACOM,而无人驾驶飞机,他们说,一个以汤它是一个巡航导弹 40 Expecting puredeta and ripa like That much there is no necessity for Japan don t you think it is While calling the unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle inserting the cruise missile in range of vision so it puts out TACOM

                                              • 依赖别人,尽管在国防部应的武器和弹药的国内供应商也
                                                National defense ahead supplying the weapon ammunition should make the domestic product not to depend on the foreign country,

                                                • 凯塔AESA雷达还具有初,我在使用性能,但是他们没有来降低我们的初步计划,以继续获得错误修复问题,即使最新一代脉冲西方俄国前线日本J 太平洋反清洗黑钱组织 Shinee我从一个苦好,性能稳定 AESA loading however it was quick the bug correction patch applying with the trouble continuation at the beginning from plan Only low efficiency you use when it has not come out and even with pulse Doppler of the front generation If latest line of the European American dew Japanese J APG efficiency being better than 1 it is stable it is die obtaining
                                                  • 3 8米长,直径85厘米是F 适用于F100 15J的 密码220 在一〇五公斤 s的温度在1370℃左右的涡轮前 At length 3 8m diameter 85cm F F100 of 15J PW with 220 with 105kg s as for temperature immediately before the turbine 1370 ℃
                                                  • 4 8米长的F414涡轮用直径118厘米的F 18E条甲 在77公斤级 温度℃推力前发表的1500九吨 At length 4 8m diameter 118cm F A with F414 of 18E with 77kg s as for temperature immediately before the turbine 1500 ℃ with thrust 9t

                                                • 即使Kakkoiijan 451!不,对不起在W骨肉显示细节将难以典子的形状或制作,过关将需要数年时间 451 Even it is groovy it is Well the ma which is miha it is w Form it makes and densely the mu it probably is serious and no year it is required it is probably will be …

                                                  • 即使假定韩国,越南和印度的目标是380不是一个小的障碍高度为假定俄罗斯可以发展成真正的战争挑衅 380 Supposing India and Vietnam and Korea the top cannot aim either the te and When Russia is supposed in addition to the fact that the just a little hurdle is high perhaps provocative action really develops into battle

                                                    • 参与是一个伊拉克装甲车辆的路线,我不适合在改造之间的战斗中枪
                                                      Conversion of the main gun not being in time actual prior to world war 2 did the Iraqi troop armored vehicle and shelling game

                                                      • 发动机压缩阶段的许多战士的涡扇发动机风扇有一个阶段5至9 3
                                                        As for many of the turbofan engine for the fighter plane the fan is 3 steps Compressor stage number is 5 - 9

                                                        • 发动机推力的F 它被认为是整体的,但35岁的主权下降,由22架F 22,女 但是,从峨溢出隐形就地理开玩笑俄罗斯,中国的思维,甚至最好的日本战机需要有一个 As for engine thrust however F it falls from 22 If you see comprehensively because F 22 F 35 it exceeds no chi ya tsu te stealth machine of the Russian China Simply as for Japan thinking topographically It is necessary to have the strongest fighter plane and

                                                          • 只要专守防卫彻941,将争取在一个强大的盟友梅塔包括雷达Gamerareda 941 If you persist in exclusive defense posture It means to fight in the powerful friend radar net which includes gamerareda
                                                            • 直到你彻防御,但它是不隐形的,我觉得不一定角 If you persist in defense It is non stealth the notion that where Always you think that it does not become with disadvantageous but

                                                          • 喜世是什么人的地方不是吗?空前663分钟的基本知识然?如果有这样一个想法差异压倒性力量之间的日本首先在所有我为什么这么小山内文的过程才开始打的战争并不会要求Kitatsu总是一个强大的战斗机我们需要一个强有力的战斗能力的战斗,以避免 663 The ro which intellectual viewing being fundamental is not understood and is kiyo tsu te someone of somewhere From first if there is a preponderant war potential difference the other side war in the first place does not cause the tsu te conception which will be set up is Therefore Japan always asks the powerful fighter plane just passing In order to fight it is not and powerful combat efficiency being necessary in order to avoid fight

                                                            • 嗯,我很少说话基地Ukedone茹部署了太多的麻烦我做战斗机
                                                              Well, with special care fighter plane making The bases where it can dispose that are few, however it is the [u] which is don't you think?

                                                              • 因为日本是一个战士的荣誉汉密尔顿的专利可变螺距螺旋桨〜零,公司的专利Suisuerikon 20毫米的大炮
                                                                Therefore as for Japan sincerity - The Hamilton corporation patent variable-pitch propeller of Zero, the Swiss Erikon corporation 20mm machine gun patent

                                                                • 国家和国家完整大声嘴,因为我发现它不是结构的聚合物,总是假想敌
                                                                  Honest country and the mouth noisy country becoming the incompatible mechanism, from the [ru], always the orange force

                                                                  • 大小是658的真正原因F22从将要大大懦弱战士强烈地感觉到,我想打的人我感到失落 658 As for the size tsu te compared to F22 we would like to see and it seems that the air to which the partner fights vanishes the semantic mean extent which is The powerful fighter plane saying desired is truth
                                                                    • 战斗机,没有座位· · · · · ·轮胎只有16 · · · · · ·透明了太多小学wwwww 16 Only the tire the fighter plane which is not visible………… be too splendid wwwww

                                                                  • 大约2000小时的飞行测试,测试在约05架飞机,其中3年5000亿不够的机器?建立了从外发动机的基本技术 About flight test 2000 hour with about test equipment 5 3 about years it is not 500 000 000 000 Because other than the engine you established basic technology
                                                                    • 第一架飞机明年 是真的,我想这篇文章做我猜会发生什么 If contents of this article fact although it was good … First flight of next year how becomes it is kana

                                                                  • 天哪没有对我们国家最好的品种力量!夸大并努力争取什么预算 If either our country does not arrange opposite war potential by all power the tsu tsu te exaggeratedly in budget acquisition You can run about and

                                                                    • 如果你能对美国一个中国的实力战斗机在该国的军事对不起你的财富和所有的政策倡议,民主也是一个现代版的过程中,你可以检查它是不可能的瓦特
                                                                      Everyone of democracy If it is possible to make the fighter plane in the home country, China can restrain also America of course, Today initiative of edition wealthy country strong military step It is not completed Being unreasonable in the bean jam cod, shank w

                                                                      • 如果有大雪在日本和中国10歼天空支那思加东亚共同体是安全的,它看起来像一个名为熊猫我申申 If the Japanese grommet noiseless the Chinese there is 殲 10 also east Asia as for the sky of the same body the safe shelf But grommet grommet tsu te panda like name shelf
                                                                        • 我Shitain社会Sutekiyan效仿欧洲的179 179 Manet we would like to do Europe it is Also the same body tsu te cute and it is

                                                                      • 如果没有普通的军事间谍和代理鸠山嘲笑我知识,而且也是我的爱好万维网
                                                                        But we hobby level there is no military knowledge in like the operative and operative faked [tsu] [te] Hatoyama www

                                                                        • 妹妹你童年的F 15FX的妹妹鹰(简历:夜间Oohashi滨崎步)发Oshikake F 阿 18E条的大黄蜂(简历:速水优沙织)台风战斗机的女儿奇迹活跃(简历:小林悠)一个妹妹,一个真正的品质问题儿童 的F 35A条闪电谭(简历:金田朋子)Kuuji不是对辊而女孩呼吁教育部 It is young your 馴 dyeing older sister F 15FX Eagle older sister CV Ohashi step evening Setting up made F A 18E Hornet CV List Saori Positive strange daughter European fighter Typhoon CV Kobayashi yu u To tell the truth problem child younger sister kiyara F 35A The lightning it is it is CV Tomoko Kanada While the ri which sprouts in her appeal and sows kuuji which is not accustomed to that air

                                                                          • 它是,他们很快就转向了无人驾驶飞机的空中优势战斗机驱动tTA能力发展的电子战自我
                                                                            When now is, autonomy doing under electronic warfare, it entered into the development of the control of the air aggressive possible pilotless aircraft, but it is quick

                                                                            • 小组听起来像战斧。非隐形巡航导弹对空空导弹的导弹攻击。从钌制成,TACOM没有想到一个巡航导弹没有一点点
                                                                              The sub- sound like the tomahawk. As for cruise missile of non stealth with AAM Attacking. Because it is possible, as for the cruise missile conversion of TACOM you think that just a little it is not,

                                                                              • 帝国时代在2700挂只是觉得民族自豪感是作为体现完成绝对零
                                                                                Applying the dignity of nation, that as zero system you complete in 2700 of imperial period, you think it is

                                                                                • 幻影万亿日元预算的更换1,而其发展预算,以创建一个原型几年在3000 4-100000000亿元发展从精神上有能力,实际生产机器1
                                                                                  Phantom succession budget 1,000,000,000,000 Yen, from there in mind development from 300,000,000,000 400,000,000,000 While making the experimental aircraft in the development budget, mass-producing the practical machine several years later

                                                                                  • 当时已经成为困扰美国隐形战斗机的武器为发展中国喷气发动机的要考虑这些超高空直到降 That time when China in the jet engine for the stealth fighter plane becomes the blood eye America examined the development of the weapon which makes the iron prop fall from very high
                                                                                    • 关于目前的624飞机喷气发动机的追捕离开日本甚至把美国在20世纪70年代 624 In regard to the jet engine for the fighter plane Current Japan is not overtaken even America of the seventies

                                                                                  • 我一直站在战争后支付领域开展专利费,这个故事是我回租的人排除在外驱动tTA
                                                                                    After the being defeated the patent charge which has been accumulated paying, the partner whom you receive the waist is an anecdote which it omits and

                                                                                    • 我不得不谈谈周围的水宝内阁国防部长山366卢比,印度还是一个愿意吸盘Su中国信息流 366 The po had defensive minister of state tsu te story not to see the time where the rupi Yamanouchi official building is possible but being the air which in the ya support 那 information is let flow fully being
                                                                                      • 音频441优香,中国并不是唯一的额外洙 我开玩笑的开始和结束行 441 Only the chi yu u or excessive thing the support where what it does not do is minsu 那 … … With it tried joking with the line head future

                                                                                    • 我们已经得到了从板的字段名称是fusianasan融化在406 Etara看到它把我的名字太长 406 So when it is visible the eye from knot hole tsu lever Toda in the name field fusianasan Name inhaling the long passing ma you insert dissolving
                                                                                      • 我们已经得到了从板的字段名称是fusianasan融化在406 Etara变得如此喔 406 So when it is visible the eye from knot hole tsu lever Toda in the name field fusianasan Name inhaling the long passing ma you insert dissolving

                                                                                    • 我发展我什至不把自己的超音为您风洞埃塔时,他们只用氦氖的是我精神上有能力测试飞机引擎在低推力的发动机喷嘴桨站在这样? The engine of mind passing it is low with such a paddle nozzle thrust Don t you think by only engine how experimental aircraft in gift what One for when speed of sound exceeding even the wind tunnel being personally owned although it does not have it develops what it is
                                                                                      • 罗尔斯罗伊斯公司从英国对欧元从破产危机很快发展了自己的发动机基底动脉顶端似乎 出更多的古安 Being personally owned rather than the engine developing from England which already goes bankrupt immediately in the European crisis The one which Rolls Royce TOB is done may be completed cheaply

                                                                                    • 我有一个很大的问题出来,真正的考验,是如何部署为时已晚?已经看到,现在的问题得到解决的飞机正在部署,他说对牛市的小路,但如果它永远支撑,它会影响的历史故事 Big problem arose with the test of the apparatus and the chi ya tsu te also disposition was late kana Therefore now problem of the correction being completed about the fuselage which is disposed Forever but with the gudaguda as for saying unreasonable in story of details the influence stripe shank

                                                                                      • 所以 差不多,但表示,前国防部长石破茂是具有革命性的高度评价,这是确定的F2严格的,非常关心,我觉得马苏 … Abbreviation… Because is however Isiba appraisal is high very much harsh judgment former Director General of Defense Agency concerning F2 that it is epoch making thing me we think
                                                                                        • 所以大大的前部长石破茂F2为它确定的根据,是非常严格的,我认为我们的突破 … Abbreviation… Because is however Isiba appraisal is high very much harsh judgment former Director General of Defense Agency concerning F2 that it is epoch making thing me we think

                                                                                      • 据中国网,美国的F日本的行动,把压力 因为那些以外的效果,但谈判已经猜到22日,4月27日,英国网站“国家航班”外,“ ShinnShinn』日本隐形战斗机的第五代”与思路,购买外国原型发动机,并加快发展的隐形战斗机这是明显的该“报告 According to the China net as for the Japanese conduct applying pressure on the United States when is in order to produce effect on the negotiation of F 22 as for the people outside having presumed The English April 27th web sight as for “flight national” “Japan thinks of that the engine of the foreign country is purchased in the prototype machine of stealth fighter plane mind of the fifth generation” It accelerates the development of the stealth fighter plane clearly” that you announced
                                                                                        • 扶贫 X引擎。 F5键 我们贯彻发展是日本的国际发动机制造商IHI公司之一 ATD X engine The fact that the development of F5 1 is done is IHI of the international engine manufacturer of Japan

                                                                                      • 接着有人在欧盟和日本陷入经济崩溃,中东,俄罗斯和美国设置了他的手我与东亚社会是和平的 NULL

                                                                                        • 无人作战空中力量可以控制的自主109
                                                                                          109 Autonomy doing, the control of the air aggressive possible pilotless aircraft Excessiveness

                                                                                          • 日。我认为,如果有人将强大的扎西,市民可以预期日本强有力的威慑作用,冷静,“日本是唯一的政治家排除髋,自卫队法卡里我加拉字符”报道更好茹
                                                                                            Day. If the contempt abnormal play it does and thinks and the [te] gives, you can expect to toward Japan strong public opinion the control effect and, Calmly “as for Japan rather than the politician with the waist coming out, Self Defense Force with law the wild goose letter and others the [me]” being reported, increase

                                                                                            • 日本航空技术有关美俄军用飞机是法国认为至少是太晚了法国金砖四国非欧盟和俄罗斯在梦中遥远及岜足以外我认为唯一的负为时已晚将在这里只是速度慢,我不水船了他们的飞行瓦特大家,嘿不 As for the Japanese aeronautical technology regarding the thing warplane you think that to be late too much is At least American ro France dream and dream It is far in EU other than France not reaching Being defeated to BRICs other than ro don t you think you think as the ru It is late to lag too much Makes the ro where is just the water boat seaplane which and others it cannot go no one the fact that it can make densely w
                                                                                              • 阿捏196欧元,这一专题欧盟想模仿这样一个坚固的精神瓦特 196 The Europe would like to imitate pinch of EU your these times with the gallant shelf w

                                                                                            • 班至小学课程。Viploader net ippan src目录 vlippan101988的。jpg up3 viploader net ippan src vlippan101988 jpg
                                                                                              • TTP的: age2。电视 找到补偿 IMG公司 up8777。JPG格式 ttp age2 tv up1 img up8777 jpg
                                                                                              • 日本开始了提请TTP的: 班至小学课程。Viploader net ippan src目录 vlippan101988的。jpg Japan it started ttp up3 viploader net ippan src vlippan101988 jpg

                                                                                            • 的F 22,如果我会非常高,问题是我也有好处,因为我们引进国内机的F 那么我想没有意思从美国引进的35个国家。福利包括精神上有能力,生产的东西更好,即使没有高汉字我想这是土著F 和泪水将生产许可证的价格是在15 F if 22 how much it is high however probably will be as for problem assuming that it goes with the domestic machine also the merit which it introduces probably meets but F 35 there is no meaning of introducing from America it is probably will be Country That there is a merit with it probably is can ji what which you say what method which mass produces mind Therefore domestic production being high F 15 license productions it probably can make at straw raincoat price and
                                                                                              • 的F 我们做了一个好处,即使没有引进高得多,如果22架F 那么我想没有意思从美国引进的35个国家。福利包括精神上有能力,生产的东西更好,即使没有高汉字我想这是土著F 和泪水将生产许可证的价格是在15 F if 22 however much being high also the merit which it introduces probably meets but F 35 there is no meaning of introducing from America it is probably will be Country That there is a merit with it probably is can ji what which you say what method which mass produces mind Therefore domestic production being high F 15 license productions it probably can make at straw raincoat price and

                                                                                            • 神盾枪,坦克和重型机枪90 219平方米的表达,但下生产许可证,但身体几乎是国内瓦特
                                                                                              219 But as for main gun and M double machine gun of 90 type tanks and Aegis warship license production But the substance almost domestic production,

                                                                                              • 立即继续执政,如果使用非自我净化,破坏党的生存和一次加法不称职
                                                                                                In addition to there is no self-purification, it remains making use of power, if disabled and the [bare] [te] on that you put away Continuance is impossible as a political party

                                                                                                • 等待,不顶Metara娜我相信世界的水域,包括任何在德国高达多少土地面积324 324 When you say in the national area about the same as Germany it is it is certain When it includes also the territorial waters even in the world higher rank the tsu ke which is not
                                                                                                  • 诚河内是污染的土地,如果Yarere桶至关重要的合作伙伴在做Tetajan 854 854 Criticality you do it is in the bucket If polluting partner country it is good

                                                                                                • 精神上有能力,试点单位,并与武装战斗机能够使用智障空中优势是规模较小,即使没有推力
                                                                                                  As for mind, by the actual proof experimental aircraft, it seems that can use size and thrust small in control of the air battle There is no load capacity of armament

                                                                                                  • 茹我不认为一个东西是周五由732 NJE实行一分钟一次,甚至陷入困境的企业实体,汇集了世界级的魔幻Gugureba日本是在重工业 732 When the gold is applied it is not something which it is possible With NJE the gu gu re you understand but one time you have failed with even the corporation which Japan which you are proud in the world chemical industry concentrates heavily

                                                                                                    • 这310是不是从不同的伎俩没有什么大的武装侦察飞机
                                                                                                      310 Therefore as for that, the spyplane which is not heavy armament very the trick which it is possible

                                                                                                      • 这761寻找外国引擎的图标,罕见的引擎发动的图标现在像这样的小画了一个更大的国内决策
                                                                                                        761 As for the notion that where foreign make [enshi] ゙ [n] is called searching, kind of those where enlargement is decided Such a small-sized domestic [enshi] ゙ [n] how it cannot there be loading after so long a time

                                                                                                        • 这个想法让我四二二瓦特403“遗憾” 当地雇员使其发射瓦特 422 W which was done 403 W which “the mind of regrettable” of idea it discharges and solves
                                                                                                          • 音频403板野Ryuu攻击障碍,也被称为“遗憾的细节”在马戏展丽 403 Itano style it is disordered and shoots asks “the mind circus of alias in regrettable”

                                                                                                        • 适用于发薪国防和安全委员会,如灾难预防和政府各部委
                                                                                                          The member of defensive security prevention of disasters and the like of government and various ministries and boards is served

                                                                                                          • 那么从共产党解放军,我就知道在日本坏疮,但只有当她切羽诘附表隆起白旗
                                                                                                            The [ma], as for the People's Liberation Army and Japan Communist Party knowing the useless [tsu] [pu] [ri] of Japan, when from the [ru], the heading being plugged, however only you fry the white flag

                                                                                                            • 阿波罗的质量,必须加快大致认为不只是一直试图燃烧7分9秒Kometo东西甘泉航空火箭太小,难以提供足够的燃料技术与超过909土星,如瓦特 909 The quantity of the fuel which can be loaded technical degree of hardness compared to is too small even excessively roketsutoenjinkometo So 7 minutes Ouka something only 9 seconds it has If you try long haul to burn accelerating mass becomes large Apollo Saturn rocket likely w
                                                                                                              • 阿波罗的质量,必须加快大致认为不只是一直试图燃烧7分9秒Kometo东西甘泉航空火箭太小,难以提供足够的燃料技术与超过909土星,如瓦特 909 The quantity of the fuel which can be loaded technical degree of hardness compared to is too small even excessively roketsutoenjinkometo So 7 minutes Ouka something only 9 seconds it has If you try long haul to burn accelerating mass becomes large Apollo Saturn rocket likely w

                                                                                                            • 陆上自卫队859阿西莫技术和转移,以及如何把蛋糕将创建一个机器人飞行员
                                                                                                              859 Land Self-Defense Force diverting the technology of ASIMO, when the robot buck private is made, why you give

                                                                                                              • 顺便F涡轮 2000年之前在35℃的温度,效率下降Chirurashii超过此相反的周围,℃2000秒,所以我限制了神奇的温度溢出的物质的东西,在现有的涡轮机,或我觉得阻力伐丽流工务局局长 By the way F Temperature immediately before the turbine of 35 2000 ℃ with When it exceeds here and others side efficiency falls conversely it seems Because 2000 ℃ already exceeding the critical temperature of material such as turbine the ru Magic withstanding with something w which is thought as the ru
                                                                                                                • 台风226已经昭然若揭漏校,他们希望,然后画长一点,或Nantsuー,真正味儿在电台的麻烦可爱的其他乡间渡假别墅出租在卷起的习惯,那么,女 2晒黑我从来没有抱怨转 226 We wanted drawing a leak of typhoon group already a little cutely but What There is kuse already and the ri which is sown the radio wave tsu po passing real it is troubled After F 2 is it is dissatisfied not to enter

                                                                                                              • 顺带一提的ASM - 红外末制导2至D / L的功能出来追加预算
                                                                                                                By the way ASM - In 2 end is induced the D/L functional addition budget which came out with the infrared ray camera

                                                                                                                • 飞机生产成本亿日元,并可能在开发成本完成80,400亿日元, 120亿日元,由于生产和开发成本,建设100架飞机 When you can complete at development expense 400 000 000 000 Yen 8 000 000 000 Yen in fuselage production price at development expense it can mass produce at 12 000 000 000 Yen Naturally 100 machines it makes
                                                                                                                  • 制造商生产800亿价格,或在什么地方两架飞机发动机,钱图标200亿至400亿日圆 8 000 000 000 Yen in manufacturer production price with the enshi ゙ n price two machine 4 000 000 000 Yen tsu te it is dense from 2 000 000 000 Yen

                                                                                                                研究 開発