-牙科博爱-选举主席一句“这个词最接近[威胁小泽先生那年夏天,我就知道』...”什么什么故事发生,这是从飞行和交ü而且你可以很容易地想到瓦特 With meeting Chairman certain dentist “from Ozawa is close to intimidation, 'thing of Upper House election of the summer is found in the word whose, don't you think? probably will be,' that…”
Therefore extent what where such a story flies about there was something, extent you can imagine simply the [ro] w which is
10,宫崎在会见是对苏云金杆菌的主要问题感染口蹄疫的牲畜梁和实施向农民支付的总额为牲畜处置,如牛,猪,“口蹄疫被证实在4月脚20 On the 10th foot and mouth disease of domestic animal infection symptom When you interview with Miyazaki which becomes large problem executes payment in full compensation in the farmer who domestic animal such as cow and pig is dealt with buchi it lifted “As for foot and mouth disease being verified April 20th
Gendai是,民主党人批评?农业部长赤松口★。损害“全额补偿”是可疑“的政治Osomatsu浴令牌”碧塔海经过了漫长的时间,有足够的时间为:第一,聚光灯农业部长赤松 That gene die di the Democratic party criticism Akamatsu agricultural phase Oral hoof Damage “payment in full compensation” it is suspicious “The political world it waits slowly ” thing Akamatsu agricultural phase received attention after a long time
24 00新人希望加入代理案件握手跟踪到二郎进展,但至今,这96个项目中的所有机会拿起面包就像是我的希望电视,粂水平比其他任何新秀我猜你觉得我的运气看看从一个陌生的领域导演和电视广告是太可疑觉得我不是唯一多祖巴已排除 96 But also the latest case so Case of the Stowe king handshake to Sinzirou it is good New member representative adhesive 24 o clock like plan it is good Being picked up with the television the opportunity which the pan is done does the side 粂 zuba passing through in comparison with the other new member the many air it is don t you think Being too suspicious Being attached even at the strange production house of television industry and announcement field graduate kana of the ru with thinking you see
代表们会晤后说这番话的山冈肯齐委员会主席,有机会发言,向国会议员中,只有共和国的天空谁介绍了选举新的净 In the representative meeting after the speaking national anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka it could give to the Assemblymen the speech opportunity but new Human Assemblyman just you expressed concerning net election
294方。我在你的眼泪,说坏的感觉大沽小泽狂热痴迷者瓦特乙 294
Side. Fanatic quaintness
The home Ozawa fanatic feeling it is bad commonly, w
35 u003d我想即使泰三说,政党对中线Yokokume的意愿,正式公开说什么,刚刚纯种大口如果没有什么真二郎 35 Opposing to the intention of the taizo party you said and wanting fell boldly saying official recognition yokokume simply big mouse Thin giro how seeing the thoroughbred of the political world
836电视失去搬迁时间从普天间。 836
When you want to decrease the time of Futenma transfer of facilities from TV.
Kimoi家伙真是印象深刻芒斯双手颤抖信徒的疯狂屠杀他们的主人的气味实在令人上瘾的邪教 The cult believer who surely is easy to be fixed to the cult ill-smelling [punpun]
Shaking hands with the chief of the holocaust person, being serious, deep emotion man Say the [kimoi] person who is done
L 美 受控Yokokume古,和田里急后重 l mi l l lt l r r lt The yokokume ku it is long separation
NULL REPT 92 ⊃ No REPT ┃ ┃ ┃ 丶 92 l l ┣ ━ ll REPT no ┃ ∠ No ┃ ┃ No human ⌒ REPT ━ ╋ ┓ 92 l 92 92 l l ku 92 92 ┃ ┃ └ 92 REPT No 92 92 92 92 ku REPT ─ sono 92 REPT gt ¯ ¯ ¯ ⌒ REPT i nono noso REPT REPT REPT l ¯ ¯ Two The Soviet Union l nono and no REPT REPT REPT ij REPT REPT and no l gt lt i REPT 92 ¯ ゚ human ゚ REPT ⌒ l REPT No
。 , 丶,“升 ! 彡 受控Yokokume古,和田里急后重 丶 “l 彡 L REPT l r l mi l l lt l r r lt The yokokume ku it is long separation
S其中代表性的分歧已经承诺,这是在真诚的遗憾“(金粂胜未来民主党众议员)粂氏方所描述的方式在这天停止说话,以元,“我相信,有一种方法,在适当的时候,有一个偏好,而不是承诺”已解释 As for the place where it has changed with the promise it is about you reflect in the true 摯” Democratic party side 粂 victory benevolence Assemblyman Side 粂 concerning cancelling the speech in the representative meeting this way after expressing “When there is at the time of appropriate and a method because it is convinced that promise compared to it preferred there” it explained
元求未来粂氏小泽辞职,甚至要求他的代表鸠山在没有任何通知的言论已在小泽的辞职从淡化其结果是他们可以,除非你畅所欲言是无用的 gt Ozawa resignation the side which was requested 粂 in the representative meeting which has been notified you do not speak In Hatoyama resignation request and in Ozawa resignation request Unless from being possible you speak grandly tone to knock down result it probably is useless
S将改变民主党内“旁边。副支援小组会议)最新博客 希望大家更重要的债务比那些反对人们认为是天真 The side that it keeps changing the Democratic party from inside” Representative sponsor general meeting Up to date burogu As for being a for and against both theory gt vis a vis my speech and behavior in regard to preparedness the obligation for the Democratic party executive committee gt Forgetting you questioned and the fish scolding in regard to preparedness even then expected to the Democratic party It is gt to like to make the obligation for everyone of the citizen more important so naively to think
我们的聚会从内部改变民主“(侧面。会议的协会代表)最新博客 我要对人民更重要的是比债务的天真以为 The side that it keeps changing the Democratic party from inside” Representative sponsor general meeting Up to date burogu As for being a for and against both theory gt vis a vis my speech and behavior in regard to preparedness the obligation for the Democratic party executive committee gt Forgetting you questioned and the fish scolding in regard to preparedness even then expected to the Democratic party It is gt to like to make the obligation for everyone of the citizen more important so naively to think
(Width 友好议员支持小组会议)逆转录 FujinoHideaki:的“S民主党人说,通过这样的抱怨:”它认为,“离开民主党觉得所有Kuarimasen Side Representative sponsor general meeting RT FujinoHideaki Vis a vis the opinion “after coming out of the Democratic party be the complaint” “Completely there is no air which keeps coming out of the Democratic party
ü家伙说你呀你的投诉是从清除恐怖Danmari小泽 Because sled [ya] complaint the person who is said is Ichiro's Ozawa who is purged terrorism, Don Mali it does, don't you think?
U是不是有差异怎样才能变得更加 正面』的话,无副作用粂压力“的,但我意识到我是有建设性的高级茹和里帕的压力将相当 Because there is a method which is different more with even constructive was said Because gt there is no pressure” The senior who extremely the ripper applies constructive pressure stays in the side 粂 it is
ü是有分歧的方式多,所以它也是积极的,没有压力“,并否认 Because there is a method which is different more with even constructive was said Because gt there is no pressure” The senior who extremely the ripper applies constructive pressure stays in the side 粂 it is
ü是有分歧的方式多,所以它也是积极的,没有压力“,并否认 Because there is a method which is different more with even constructive was said Because gt there is no pressure” The senior who extremely the ripper applies constructive pressure stays in the side 粂 it is
ü是有分歧的方式多,所以它也是积极的,没有压力“,并否认 Because there is a method which is different more with even constructive was said Because gt there is no pressure” The senior who extremely the ripper applies constructive pressure stays in the side 粂 it is
ü是有分歧的方式多,所以它也是积极的,没有压力“,并否认 Because there is a method which is different more with even constructive was said Because gt there is no pressure” The senior who extremely the ripper applies constructive pressure stays in the side 粂 it is
W闵縻嗯说,他们知道真正的万维网WWW的翻译敏 As expected minsu w After all minsu www Excuse minsu www
如果这是旁边的格局粂质量最酷的邪恶wwwww wwww This side 粂 quality wwwww The parenthesis worst pattern wwww
闵真正向上和向下都Louppy wwwwwwwww wwwwwww As expected minsu wwwwwwwww From above to under everyone rupi wwwwwww
_NULL_ Why, the first information person democracy 党員
Private secretary * First aide and national reformation conference of Ozawa's (Yasuhisa political financial group typical Fujii of the Democratic party
It is the office)
09/03/05 Private secretary (35) strange speech
“The roster of the sponsor was safe, but the recent document and the like was gone”
09 ? The word, why “national policy investigation” from this time starts being used frequently with wide show
09/08/30 With 45th Lower House election the Democratic party historical large victory
09/09/27 In the Democratic party related denomination the Sendai city discussion Aizawa 芳 rule at home neck hanging? Suicide
10/01/14 “The fatal data of democracy Ozawa's it hid”, “it transferred the telephone recording tape to the special 捜 section”
“You speak as the witness at the National Diet”… Ishikawa former private secretary
10/01/14 If the data is not hidden, “it is Ozawa teacher including everyone arrest”,… Ishikawa former private secretary
10/01/14 Confiscating area inspection 3rd listening and the portable telephone in Assemblyman Ishikawa
10/01/15 With former private private secretary suspect intellectual Yutaka the Ishikawa of member of the house of representatives (36) with former private private secretary of Ozawa's
Suspect optical Satoshi Ikeda (32) arrest
“孩子们”细节小泽民主党的国会议员金粂胜展求,一旦当选下任总座辞职总理比例(关东)7月11日在议会对记者,小泽辞职的鸠山和秘书长附表求表达的思想 The resignation “of chill drain Prime Minister Ozawa” Secretary General it seeks Side 粂 victory benevolence member of the house of representatives of the Democratic party proportion Nankan east block and election 1 time on the 11th The thought of requesting the resignation of Secretary General Prime Minister and Ozawa Hatoyama was stated to press corps inside the National Diet
“我没有压力,”与问题,“我们是说我神奇分钟前囊的街道和在媒体上说有问题 “As for pressure without being ” that “ as for saying you understand in question but first the street and What as it is called in the media is a problem
“我没有压力,”与问题,“我们是说我神奇分钟前囊的街道和在媒体上说有问题 “As for pressure without being ” that “ as for saying you understand in question but first the street and What as it is called in the media is a problem
“(公民),他们Degozaimashi可悲的事实是,关于政治资金问题,这Diet d扎西果蝇坚决问责制”(即民主领域 神奈川县议会成员,人民的新党,社会民主党的电话,电子邮件,信函,传真等另一方面,粂氏本地方面,神奈川县的三名民主党人都道府县议会议员,“金钱政治”首相鸠山和小泽,秘书问题一般在议会该应用程序已进入民主总部履行的责任 “ Citizen Actually being grieving to be concerning the problem of politics and the gold as for here when we would like to receive explanatory responsibility securely as expected at the place of the National Diet ” the Democratic party rice field Prefecture national assembly Assemblyman Kanagawa to telephone to the national new party and the corporation people party the mail and the letter with FAX and the like On the one hand side 粂 local end 3 Democratic party Kanagawa prefecture national assembly Assemblymen as for Secretary General Prime Minister and Ozawa Hatoyama that explanatory responsibility at the National Diet is carried out offered to the Democratic party headquarters with problem “of politics and the gold”
“(公民),他们Degozaimashi可悲的事实是,关于政治资金问题,这Diet d扎西果蝇坚决问责制”(即民主领域 神奈川县议会成员)下一个地方粂氏,神奈川县的三名民主党人大会成员,“金钱政治”鸠山由纪夫和秘书长小泽首要的问题是申请进入民主党总部履行议会问责制味下 “ Citizen Actually being grieving to be concerning the problem of politics and the gold as for here when we would like to receive explanatory responsibility securely as expected at the place of the National Diet ” the Democratic party rice field Prefecture national assembly Assemblyman Kanagawa to telephone to the national new party and the corporation people party the mail and the letter with FAX and the like On the one hand side 粂 local end 3 Democratic party Kanagawa prefecture national assembly Assemblymen as for Secretary General Prime Minister and Ozawa Hatoyama that explanatory responsibility at the National Diet is carried out offered to the Democratic party headquarters with problem “of politics and the gold”
一位信息员,民主党的博客塔卡尤基土屋,谁写的反驳是不寻常的细节我都进入 Tsuchiya Takayuki burogu It is inside the Democratic party The Assemblyman refuted to the full argument which I write on Metropolitan Assembly information unusually
立法者不反对或不知道它Zitirou,“我会选在一个下降土屋”似乎击中嘴和阴影 Whether it is autonomous labor you do not know but designates that as the background the Assemblyman who “ Entrapping Tsuchiya with election” that the shadow mouth was hit it seems
下一步粂氏上周辞职的部长们对元求鸠山由纪夫和秘书长小泽一郎在一个树桩讲话线驱动tTA的地方,宣布俄如抱怨到,在会议的11个代表民主党领导的改革 It had declared that side 粂 last week after requesting the resignation of Secretary General Prime Minister and Ozawa Hatoyama in the roadside speech which does with local end renovation of the executive committee is appealed in the Democratic party representative meeting on the 11th
从学校干,以确保哈市小泽,反小泽一郎说,他不无骨见限 It is dried securely from Ozawa group when and, it is the person who does not have the bone from counter Ozawa, it was abandoned
他是前者,自由党和民主党竞选的席位,我的愿望,即使是那些在未来粂样的装模作样,谁和愿望 As for the origin as for him with our people and democracy runs as a candidate the political party which it was perplexed the time when The side 粂 will is the person of such will of the type a certain way
我也Kotojan杂志粂未来溃疡都在我认为这是一个新的蜡頑張足够没有结束,大多数民主党人会做一些专制 After all having tried that the new member probably will persevere entirely the tsu lever which is crushed it is The side 粂 there probably is a will but the extent democracy where that becomes nothing dictatorial
但我是自私和一切分钟?小泽先生,一个感觉我Kitsukeru自来水家伙正好在眼睛的,就知道你甚至没有想像吗?正如大家预期的效果,甚至觉得有点救济 So everyone you understand koitsu from the front is accustomed to hitting sound argument grandly in Ozawa how also the imagination The ro which was not done and is Also everyone just became even just a little relief feels in the result of according to expectation
什么是错的,如果他们茹论点在这里,因为他们正确地写入两次,该杂志的文章,如果我写了反驳 This grounds are by mistake If it is the ru because two dissertations are written on also magazine sound argument refutation should have been written
你有一个标题民主党人骗子的代名词,像牙买加已呼吁367 367
Already pronoun like designation of the lie being attached, Democratic party Assemblyman having, [ru] Jamaica
你知道你太吓人排名前田元言论自由童从错误的开始,也可能会停止在中国之后,他退出新闻发布会 Therefore Maeda non- running interview the rank which stops Also this youngster became aware fearfully, it is the [ro] which is
As for freedom of speech Whether below China
其中,11个区一般章节长,但我谢谢大家道歉,并形容未来粂市议会的11区在神奈川县议会成员和(笑)一个字也没有 Among those, apology expressing gratitude in Kanagawa 11 Ku prefectural discussion and city discussion distantly, although the [ru]
11 Ku entire branch length (laughing) there was no either one word in the side 粂
即使在下次选举,任何事情,包括直接谈判应变奇小泽先生,一个比较新的需求,将打印一些领导行为与... In the future to include also before the House of Councillors selection, also the direct negotiation of Ozawa, causing a some conduct, the executive committee issue
You say that it keeps seeking new, but…
即使在本地,Yokokume,阿寒!脚摆动摇曳民主党人在牙齿的塞子板下降到党在支持民主党退出横须贺市议会3月终于爆发了亲戚从投诉后,横滨队的释放 Even with local end, [yokokume] and [akan]! !
The foot of the Democratic party it fluctuates, in Yokohama and Yokosuka 3 city discussions to secession separation group
While the brake is not applied to the support ratio depreciation of the Democratic party administration, finally dissatisfaction gushed from flesh fell
即使在爱知县的一个人,我只是来已经横须贺横须贺小泽的战略,有某人的意见结合在一起的感觉我期待一个人可以 As for the origin although it is the Aichi person although it just came to Yokosuka with Ozawa s strategy Already as for the notion that where in Yokosuka it is the bond of the person who gives an advise It does also the air like the person whom you can expect
吉田光男村义勲石井弘杆菜和义张元Ooshiro正和竹中平藏宫内义彦Suou郁夫Oosaki浩一郎。认股权证在抗日。早晨。被确认为站在一个线程Keiwanpuroresupuroya Kyuupachinkoentateinmentonyususureddo春天碎片共产邪教间谍 Kazuyoshi Mitsuo this Isao Yosihiko Junichiro Koizumi Takenaka flat warehouse Miyauchi Suou Iku male Osaki ocean large castle Shoichi Hari Yoshida Ishii 崔 Yoichi gold
Village justice. Counter Japan and China of business. Morning. The thread which communist cult operative spring the debris raises [keiwanpuroresupuroyakiyuupachinkoentateinmentoniyususuretsudo]
It recognizes as
哇是个神秘而有趣Yokokume通知,菲律宾信徒跟随Yokokume她的Twitter When yokokume it follows with tsuitsuta Being followed by the Philippine woman When the air is attached You say that it has changed to yokokume 摩 訶 Wonder
如果一年前,我将有一个新Tteta压倒性胜利Zirou想我要竞争与律师Zirou善劳动者的糖果 1
If 1 years ago, however you think that Attorney Sinzirou and Kurounin of the candy it does not become game,
This Sinzirou's overwhelming victory shelf
威胁转向假说服创新绍罗是我感染了细菌我猜秋 With the [chi] [yo] [ro] [tsu] and intimidation of persuasion faked direction as for converting,
You have been infected to the [potsupo] germ, it is probably will be
媒体的问题,说宇野 gt “ As for saying you understand but first the street and gt What as it is called in the media is a problem
“ 我说这是媒体说魔法分钟前囊街道和存在问题 “ As for saying you understand but first the street and What as it is called in the media is a problem
我说这是媒体说魔法分钟前囊街道和存在问题 gt As for saying you understand but first the street and What as it is called in the media is a problem
它也没有多大的重量将不会进行大的比重Yokokume,进Zirou代表被看作是比较大, After all as for the menial Representative Sinzirou who becomes [yokokume] and the relative object which are the menial is visible in the great man,
小泽一郎和中国的思想上午举行a m伪装的。更喜欢思考Sockpuppet And [tsu] [pa] [yarase] no shelf
Original our performing of Ozawa's
The Chinese idea and morning. As for thought favorite original our performing
小泽不能运行,或壁橱部垂Kurenakatsu这个友爱,为什么?你是唯一苏单元的手指唱歌! ? Ozawa is with something this hetare friendship was not done it is it does pachin and the finger just you sound with something to do the yo
小泽先生已指示我们的房间号线701余塔利斯说,如果我们隐藏了什么说什么是错的,“石川表示,前国务卿... 09 / 3月9日民主党岩手科突击搜查3月3日/相模原市烧毁了04本村健太郎民主党办事处批发市场 If there is the indication from Mr. and Ozawa 'goes 701 into the room of [chiyurisu], what does not bite and is potato
It was said” that hide',… Ishikawa former private secretary
09/03/03 The Democratic party Iwate branch residence search
09/03/04 The Sagamihara wholesale market total destruction which has the Motomura Kentarou office of the Democratic party
小泽支持非支持。这只是不愉快的瓦特经验既是一个W我希望我能退党,如果你打算运行的爱知县 Ozawa support non- support. It just was disliked from both w
If the intention of leaving a party for Aichi running however it is to call probably will be, w
小泽曾在它的东西,“我是真实的”,但他们说什么或Yasharundarou?所有的恩戴死囚我不打其他相 When something it is in Ozawa while “as for truth as for we” saying the plain gauze plain gauze ru it is probably will be now Hitting each other at the same time being keep dying already
“在行动表倾斜!Ttemasu小泽一郎说,来吧通过,但危机”模型 “In the chart great thing saying however it increases when it passes the bending discouraging stripe it does in Ozawa” With the model case which is said
尽管如此,在1500和分配Birukon绝望的拜耳日本分公司总裁担保 Even then, the president of the Bayer Japanese branch office becoming desperate, 1500 these [birukon] which are guaranteed were guaranteed
NULL 1 akan Democratic party Assemblyman Side 粂 victory benevolence body me At the same time one The House of Representatives Kanagawa prefecture 11 Ku Propulsion in the questionnaire of the Asahi newspaper “if anything the foreign carrot administration bill approval” and reply Ozawa visit to China group The Fuji Telecasting Co program it meets in the paste performance as for nickname “the prime minister” Democratic party Assemblyman Hagiwara benevolence as for joint and others It is equal the House of Representatives Osaka prefecture 2 Ku Propulsion in the questionnaire of the Asahi newspaper “if anything the foreign carrot administration bill approval” and reply Ozawa visit to China group “ akan Side 粂 this come ” In regard to the displacement disturbance of Deputy Secretary General Ubukata it calls side 粂 victory benevolence member of the house of representatives who receives interview silences
我怎么告诉首相鸠山由纪夫和秘书长小泽一郎二百五十四瓦特 254
Calls to the Secretary General Ichiro Prime Minister and Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama, w
我想我推当然他们最近Louppy代理人这个可怜 In yes 哀 thought
The [rupi] operative surging even in this [sure], [ru] like it puts out,
我拉伸和Zirou配合wwww Yobbo进,我是瓦特快于100多个S Zirou善改写,或维基,或者真正你喜欢坏气味小Hozai希望,但如果他能握手握手瓦特 It does, [yo] [tsu] [bo] wwww
It competes with Sinzirou when, 100 years quick [wa] w
Sinzirou's wiki it rewrites, although it could have shaking hands, that it cannot have shaking hands it babbles,
The small article it is ill-smelling truly, but terrible w
我没有失去亮可以做力所能及的信心从头后吕奥照顾陌生人耻辱Me m起价凯塔吕奥 It began from the fact that it can make and amount fit the ri ya was good it is The shame which does not need scratching confidence losing the ze which is not ri ya care
我有一张嘴,让影子,从不反对,在最好的,这个学位 I designate the shadow mouth as the thing which is not Because the te it is it did not do to either the partner but at the very most such
我认为党的驱动tTA滑稽,“让我与新闻界的争论,”我说TTA和这样说,书面文本只是说,最 It is the strange political party you thought but “with you refuted with speech and” with you said when writing composition It is and with it means kind of that you say
我讲当地鳝鳝我的前辈谁,无论是民主党肯定奥马伊万维网 Seniors [ga]
Local [ga]
The body [me], will not www which certainly is democracy 党員
扎马from m销售,这是我刚才Yokokume名称现在,我说了一些把租及单向数字命名民主党议员希望自己收到了当地 Therefore temporarily being able to sell with also just name ru yokokume this zama what Nameless democracy Assemblyman something which receives desire of the district to oneself you say it is not reaching
日 ( ö ) 13日之后于不顾民主党人大绵! 正试图把传播希望里萨民主大会提交国会审议的法案13 Japan 92 o owata The Democratic party searching on the 13th steamrolling The Democratic party the National Diet method amendment plan submitting to the National Diet on the 13th deliberation it has been about it will enter and to be able to point
根据专政小泽,民主党众议员ü我们扭转秘书长小泽我会见了攻击饥饿,独裁小泽组成的税收补贴是党的人未说什么苦怕是不再交纳各方从政治党补贴我饥饿和支撑系统 Under Ozawa dictatorial system, as for democracy Assemblyman where opposes to Secretary General Ozawa meeting to the provisions attacking,
Fearing, for the political party grant to stop being provided from the party, you cannot call the thing
It has become the provisions where the political party grant which consists of tax supports Ozawa dictatorial system
横滨11月10日的会议上宣布,戒断组新千年民主党国会议员与释放两名 At Yokohama city council on the 10th,
The city discussion 2 it has democracy party membership stating secession separation group
此外,党的县志愿人员日,鸠山由纪夫首相(党魁)小泽一郎,秘书长和依靠“金钱政治”一元弹出一个坚实的意向问卷寻求加强和讨论的问题 In addition as for the same party prefectural discussion volunteer the same day Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama party representation with in Ozawa Ichiro Secretary General applying The intention which puts out the question condition which seeks “politics and explanation etc with problem of the gold” was set
的反应是不相信系统无法向人民交出改变政府“,并提到的是,小泽一郎批评首相鸠山由纪夫和秘书长 In the thinking which is entrusted administration alternately of the citizen It is the system which is not answered” that you expressed criticized Secretary General Ichiro Prime Minister and Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama
民主党 最终,“玛丽邓恩”元求未来粂氏小泽辞职和党的辞职总理和鸠山由纪夫秘书长小泽一郎的民主党不是党的代表的发言在此前宣布的11中午,民主党领导层儿童众议院成员粂胜人求我下次会议小泽是改革党(28),驱动tTA看到的言论派代表白天与11天的党的通知之前,已 After all “Don Mali” Ozawa resignation the side which was requested 粂 in the same party representative meeting of 11 day noon which has been notified you do not speak Side of the Ozawa chill drain which requested the renovation of the Democratic party executive committee such as Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and the resignation of Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa of the Democratic party with assembly of the party 粂 Victory benevolence member of the house of representatives 28 looking at the speech in the same party representative meeting of 11 day noon which has been notified in advance You sent
最后★“玛丽邓恩”元求未来粂氏小泽辞职,众议院成员胜人未来粂子女要求小泽的辞职是一郎部长小泽民主党的秘书长由纪夫鸠山和总理没有发言,在委员会的代表(28),驱动tTA见天发送党的代表在通知之前已在与言论11天 The side which “Don Mali” Ozawa resignation was requested after all 粂 you do not speak in the representative meeting Side of the Ozawa chill drain which requested the resignation of Secretary General Ichiro the Ozawa of Prime Minister and the Democratic party Yukio Hatoyama 粂 Victory benevolence member of the house of representatives 28 looking at the speech in the same party representative meeting of 11 day noon which has been notified in advance You sent
民主党众议员粂方和,辞任首相鸠山和小泽的言论不要,秘书长的代表选出的金代表民主党方面粂胜是在民主党的领导宣布党的会议上重建求1 3,创建赶紧停止服用声明 Democracy side 粂 the speech self control in Assemblyman and representative meeting The side 粂 victory benevolence person of Democratic party new member Assemblyman whom it has declared that renovation of the Democratic party executive committee such as Prime Minister Hatoyama and the resignation of Secretary General Ozawa is requested with assembly of the party cancelled speech the urgent sewer
民主党人粂单面骗子,谎言是谎言,或其他通知 Side 粂 = Democratic party Assemblyman = swindler = lie
It is natural for notice to be lie,
民主党内部,谁就得在当前形势沉默是一个民主国家人民的背叛,谁就得在哲学沉默民主党在目前的情况,而不是谁的人喜欢的哲学人 Inside the Democratic party as for the person who says nothing in current circumstance with democracy and the betrayal for the citizen As for the person who in current circumstance says nothing inside the Democratic party as for the citizen compared to the people of the principle person idea priority
如果您的个人和教育机构实现的想法,我觉得可能是不同的 If the organization which actualizes idea is brought up perhaps your own individual you think as… separately
民主党可以批评秘书长和党不同意方行为的 政治 民主,清洗说生方批评小泽 鸠山“批评小泽 现在不是在说”2★ 政治 鸠山。“党的纪律,不守“ 即使他生方民主党领袖支持解雇决定撤回生方接受他的小泽 公众的批评,打破 ”你为什么不这样做一次“民主〜只有2★批判ü副秘书长市民又俯仰生方 With minsu the party and the Secretary General as for criticism it is taboo so Ubukata of the Democratic party and Ozawa criticism Purgation … When Hatoyama prime minister “Ozawa criticism… now saying is not” 2 Prime Minister Hatoyama “intraparty discipline it cannot protect ” supporting the judgment of the Democratic party executive committee with… Ubukata displacement So Ubukata s time public criticism receiving it withdraws Ozawa “you don t do once more ” It converts to democracy and Ubukata Deputy Secretary General continuation throwing Criticism receiving of public opinion 2
没有采取一票,战胜了大说,只有约一半的Zirou梁进,不仅消极,而且时间越长,一边是在万维网粂后进入决赛 That not only being defeated simply the large crushing defeat www that about only Sinzirou s half vote can be taken It ended the side 粂 already at this point in time
绝对的,但我觉得如果表决的人数开始基尔什么亭,正值年轻年轻的会议 Without fail the young man getting together if with the meeting of the young man and you start with anything however you think that vote is attached don t you think
注意最接近的威胁,他们在警察的本委员会新成员,我不排除Yokokume肠子只有比其他家伙们不希望我很难想像驱动tTA朱达罗頑張 Conjecturing
New member Assemblyman is this much thing once
The [ro] whose it is not difficult in the imagination and is to be done the note which is close to intimidation before the commission
Other things 腑 it came out and [yokokume] persevered in comparison with the party
然后,你沉默不讲话的自由民主党和前Tteta,作为共产党,小泉赢得了一辈子,我不 As for the Democratic party the same as the Chinese Communist Party Freedom and the like of speech it is not After you say nothing you it cannot win lifetime Koizumi
因此,有没有自由Idaro民主党人控制政府仿照中共Party m什么,如果不 How seeing the ro which the Chinese Communist Party administration is not the reason which has freedom in the Democratic party which has been managed in the model and is
申请表格和三又是履行在首相鸠山与小泽国民议会的问责性要求作为证人或宣誓证词记 In the offer book as for 3 people, way witness summon and witness summons etc in mind in Prime Minister and Ozawa Hatoyama carry out explanatory responsibility at the place of the National Diet, request
盖伊,但可能不知道的东京,即兴机智不是绝缘体要么速度太慢,听或旋转 However perhaps, it is dense, Tokyo University you do not hear tact and revolution it is not slow and opportunism
看来更可能是感觉到在核心倍童因为现在我可以尝试ーー哪一页页 How seeing, therefore the [pe] - the [pe] - the youngster
Weakness so it puts out also the core with the feeling may break immediately,
社会主义制度,没有分期付款和社会主义社会的原则,会觉得没有什么令人兴奋的 That, idea and the like of socialist society of Japan Socialist Party type probably is unrelated
It is thought
米实在太多,它高估了一方或过小泉进次郎粂低估瓦特 Just this As for that appraising Sinzirou Koizumi too small it is Appraising the side 粂 too excessively ru w
粂←←回枝野新未来福山排除只解决平冈仙台小川Mabuti前原诚司,野田Haraguti长妻细野山井! Maehara Noda blastopore long wife branch field Hosono Yamanoi living in peace Furukawa horse deep water Hiraoka Kawauchi Fukuyama lt Waist coming out Side 粂 lt New
该代表小泽今天的会议,并最终退出了一句话我不能说什么时候辞职的性能鸠山唇或? ? ? Saying that Ozawa's & Hatoyama resignation is required in the present representative meeting,
Without speaking after all, it withdraws…
Being performance just of the proboscis? ? ?
该决定提请法院决定于6月1低1 2高管选举法的山本弘和小林Tiyomi的竞选 Two making clear decisions of Public Office Election Law violation of Yamamoto wide harmony of selection anti- staff of Kobayashi Chishiro beauty
It was decided on June 1st
这一革命性的对自己说,他们挖掘一个年轻,但他们没有判断一个大游戏,顾行的政治家和选民教育 It is young hitting body me you do not understand whether or not the great man but as for keeps raising in the politician the constituent
总理胜人非官方网站爱教我的,我讲众议院的维基TTP的: www tomocci com yokokume Member of the house of representatives body me victory benevolence Meeting paste prime minister Informal sight wiki ttp www tomocci com yokokume
这种胡说八道的思维也表现在338行,因为我会好做什么瓦特你愿意要一个Pahomansu这样的马大哈 338 Because it is such thought also the manifest with detarame becomes OK it is w If the extent which does such a careless pahomansu the one which nothing does is good
进Zirou是竞争对手(碎片水之间可以说,天空瓦特文章)一个将永远一拿起了我知道为什么这个小但仍呢?刚采摘的立场在这人了吗?背面的运气粂呢? It was Sinzirou s opposite horse oh with while saying the water when w which it can be less crowded the time is however still it is found With something it can pick up such a small article forever one by one to the article Only this person the pickup being done with something it is conspicuous Someone being attached to the back of the side 粂 the ru
这是这个小痛首先瓦特Warota在,因为我知道,先生 In small article tsu pu ri warota w From first therefore as for becoming like this being understood the ru it is coming out
逆转录@ FujinoHideaki:一只手,债务孵化小泽鸠山认为,对每个人都认为你是大于债务的国家的感谢!断言 RT @ FujinoHideaki: Vis-a-vis the opinion that you say being empty, apply the favor to Ozawa Hatoyama it does, that,
Favor to only of the citizen is larger! With you assert
选民Louppy 229字“精神友谊”是不是一种理论 229
“Friendship mind” is explained to the voter with [rupi] language
那么,每年的舆论,称囊该集团拥有超过200小泽,鸠山在一起,我没有饮食 It probably is unreasonable well group of people going participating together for first grade opinion to say to the Ozawa group Hatoyama group which 200 people or more is
阿寒湖粂未来!来给他妈的! !下一步粂↓“奥萨゙苏约Wasanha゙Iihitote” Side 粂 [akan]! This [ya] it is dense! !
Side 粂 “reed ゙ [wasanha] [iihitote] ゙ [suyo]”
除了路或造成何种行动,因为稻草人将准备太年轻 Whether conduct is caused with some manner As anyhow as for preparation it probably is necessary in the person who does not have property be too young with consequence
首先,他们之间的差异是想在政治威胁言论自由权的小路 Thinking that there is a free speech right in the intimidation political party, the original mistake
::::( 人 ), 布鲁诺¯ °, ) ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ human lt As for Democratic party Assemblyman the do doing whether the lie being attached being many no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No ⌒ REPT Î ⌒ 92 ⌒ ⌒ i ⌒ ⌒ i i ⌒ ⌒ i human lt Reliance of such a citizen cannot be obtained no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯