“Hatune [miku] 'is normal,'!”Motion there is a term of endearment of “E5 type”… “quickly the [bu]”. Northeast Shinkansen Yato - new Aomori, December 4th opening ★2
... Www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d Y0MOL7nFl5w后藤新平※:稀有住江户东京市长 .
www.youtube.com/watch? v = Y0MOL7nFl5w
* Goto recruit: Tokyo city mayor of the Edo age origin
2008年11月,在卡亚柯Itizaki过境线神奈川县的JR东海道,一个人到断路器的照片,三脚架常设土地其次是空的(47) u003d ,而是直接接触的火车,因为它是一个值得怀疑文鼎中被杀害了铁路通道发生的意外, In 2008 November the Kanagawa prefecture saw grass at the railroad crossing of the JR Tokaido Highway line of promontory city raising the tripod to the vacant land of side of the breaker Trying that man at that time photographs the photograph 47 probably will correct the tripod which collapses inside the railroad crossing it contacts with the train Also the accident that occurs you die
官兵,参观了平交道口将通过取消对乘坐火车的相机更接近我的火车前的枪击事件 As for the man in order to photograph the train which is abolished soon visit the railroad crossing You say that the train which is passed immediately before the accident had been taken to the camera
223色Rashii Tokanakya愚蠢的水龙头呢,因为他们的表情对马克的眼睛如下击中骑马同调,如果我不感到自豪讲捏邪恶赢得你不知道他们的名字 223 Color it seems Pinching name is bad it is it is not Being triumphant riding in condition being visible in the next same thing or the lay from the ru If 叩 it is and is not the fool does the wa being entwined the yo
我问的人谁是怪异的和估计的意思,如果你经常会得到少许的果酱?我不是作为一个单独的功能名词? We would like to hear in the person who is the normalcy recommending but it is Pinching the semantic bean jam which how you say Functioning it does not do with the single item as a noun don t you think
275“刊发的”我永远是搅拌唐公众争论?推理输入九州新干线希望乘坐的是,“樱花”我应该成为一个恋童癖者的天堂 275 With “Don the general people who are pulled how it is not normal” If it goes with the logic “Sakura” of the Kyushu Shinkansen traffic how Becoming the hideout of rorikon ru expectation
275“刊发的”我永远是搅拌唐公众争论?希望在九州新干线的论点,“樱花”我应该成为一个恋童癖者的天堂 275 With “Don the general people who are pulled how it is not normal” If it goes with the logic “Sakura” of the Kyushu Shinkansen traffic how Becoming the hideout of rorikon ru expectation
317呻/ www.nicovideo.jp /快递是L 321是素浸泡在函馆⇔上野 317
http: //www.nicovideo.jp/
As for L super express of mature stage as for temporary the Ueno ⇔ Hakodate
368伯尔不反对到JR新干线列车的名称一个丑陋的新设计并不严重的东部就业 368
There is no objection in name, but the new model Shinkansen vehicle of the ugly design which JR east Japan adopts is terrible
435:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人]:2010 / 05 / 12(星期三)06:37:33编号:i0g5Sio40创建424隆夫Drunken ll认为这是不狭隘的前瞻性立场Parainoossantte原 435 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] : 2010/05/12 (water) 06: 37: 33 ID: i0g5Sio40
High as for the dust you think that it was old boy [tsu] [te] stance of the drunkard whose ability is narrow originally
6月是接受赞助铃木隼的GSX1300R好后,他们将在由富勤livery ll运行的贪婪的想你运行的卫星隼漆 It is quick, the [bu] with from calling in the sea bass having becoming the sponsor, we want being able to send with the color ring of the GSX1300R 隼
Rear June it is quick the [bu] of the satellite, we want running with the paint
776组成,可作为一包安排是一个相当不错的抱歉,VOCALOID提高妇女地位司是从喜爱 776
As the package which you can compose and can arrange considerably the excellence
It does not inhale, as for VOCALOID there is no DAW, is >
785不,不是这样,你不从单个项目的环境开始歌手占元左右音乐产业的重要地位和其外观是目前的例子 785 Well when there is no such meaning and the te for example it is the singer of present condition that person Being the case that when the figure starts occupying important position in music industry from to living environment becomes one commodity it does the yo
嗯,我搞砸了,并告诉峨元位置开始为每个会计行业本身是一个重要人物,在音乐,尤其不能以个人的声音 Well there is no voice and when the private itself especially figure starts occupying important position in music industry from However you can say that it became strange
DTM也是穷人,以确保最佳的新鲜度,如果你渴望较少使用的视频网站正在做情人阶层的人学习钢琴,因为童年峨至少,只要它的令人羡慕的口味丰富奇诺 Don't you think? DTM is rich hobby
At least, the people of the level which can learn the piano from time of the child have loved
If the animated picture contribution sight is utilized, it can fill up also self revelation desire and
If it is envious in the pauper
142:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 12(星期三)13:47:49编号:ZMvpzuQ00 Tteru两个线程在类似的立场为何没有?这完全是很有趣的瓦特 142 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 12 water 13 47 49 ID ZMvpzuQ00 Kind of sure which is similar with something standing as many as two the ru w Everyone interest Tsu Tsu shelf
Kimowota编号:Kk4CIA5i0ID:Kk4CIA5i0ID:Kk4CIA5i0ID:Kk4CIA5i0ID:Kk4CIA5i0ID:Kk4CIA5i0ID:Kk4CIA5i0 kimowota ID Kk4CIA5i0ID Kk4CIA5i0ID Kk4CIA5i0ID Kk4CIA5i0ID Kk4CIA5i0ID Kk4CIA5i0ID Kk4CIA5i0
Momotaroman或出其他类似的一天,你就赢不提强排名前三的Vocaloid活着看到这一切,提供更好的东西开始喜欢它,如果他被 There is no [bokaro] commenting, the [te]
When and at the time of [momotaroman] or the other things likely
If kind of the person outside TOP3 being elected it does
From first the public offering no refuse it is
How [te] to think forcing
NULL Is to put out part classified by direction Sanyo completion The same as Tokaido Highway Kyushu direct communication “Sakura” Kyushu Shinkansen… classified by direction Kyushu completion “Swallow” Sanyo direct communication “Sakura” Northeast Joetsu Hokuriku Nagano Yamagata Akita Shinkansen… model classified by direction Going north new Aomori “Not yet Opening The industry” publicly offering Going north Morioka of E5 type “It is quick the bu ” Going north Morioka of E2 type “Squall” Morioka north Fukushima from here the south going “And the ma bi it is dense” Fukushima from here the south going “It forms” Echigo Yuzawa going “It is bitterly the wa ” The Niigata going “Time” Nagano going “ a ” The Kanazawa going “Not yet Opening The industry” publicly offering This Yamagata direct communication “Brim” The Akita direct communication “It is dense waiting” Well present presently with meaning
396但是,“小町”中的“回声”,“翅膀”,我们正在使用的名字我很关心间隔较长的时间更 396 But “it waits densely and” compared to “and the ma bi it is dense” “the brim” one being long used with particular section it is ru name what
Ÿ ! 莱斯 。 ヽ┐── 熙制度ヽ ° ¯周一姬 布鲁诺布鲁诺 布尔诺 布尔诺00如果L Y re REPT i To re 92 92 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ MMMM ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ 92 gt lt 92 ─ ─ ┐ REPT REPT mu hi 92 92 ¯ ¯ Month hi 92 no no 92 No 92 No The L it is o o
, ∧∧,ヽ。 L的 : ∨ ∨,! 空隙率 升 ヽ 92 ∧ ∧ REPT l 92 ∨ ∨ ha ∨ he REPT REPT No wota it hits and continues still lt “ REPT ha l no ku 92 REPT No No 92 and V V 92 l 92 REPT
YouTube的- “肥萨”人吉最近始发站8号的机构,长期裴施嗯Saburoh伊萨,所以我什至没有九州行,是有目共睹的能够愉快地看看最近肥萨 YouTube - “Fattening/fertilizing 薩 line” It will be and the probably will put on airs grommet [pe] it is, the number Hitoyoshi station Yatsushiro line departure
Because it has not gone to either long thing and Kyushu where recently, being able look at the recent fattening/fertilizing 薩 line, it was delightful, is
“刊发的”哦Okeyo美津浓喜爱的北海道新干线的表格中赞扬已故的先生,“北海道消失的超级”只是 “The normalcy” for the Hokkaido Shinkansen the bucket
Well, but as for the favorite displaying respect in the late Mizuno, the “Hokkaido super superexpress”
“刊发的”继续“疾风”,“浸泡”,决心付诸姓名,并合理地在一个不民主的地方滋扰变化JR东 “The normalcy” and continuation “squall” “temporary” is applied Until with non democratic method annoyance applying in local end and other area name JR east Japan which is decided is strange
有一个类似的名称或疾风“咦,没过,”但我有一个时刻 There being a kind of name which is similar the squall “that However it was tsu ke ” tsu te instant which is not before this
“刊发的”,将加快日本御宅族文化的狂欢世界湿重的将是有趣的,但没有地球上空 When “it is normal” The Japanese mania culture It accelerated probably will be at a stroke ww It became the world where the normalcy is funny probably will be…
13个临时列车将很快被人遗忘,我觉得本身并不是他们的权力,因为他总是大声Ideta 13 Assuming that it became temporarily always making a noise you think that it is the people it does not ride And thing itself of the streetcar you forget immediately
“新干线Datsu我们...但我们吧!”━━━━━津华“隼!隼!” “We… the [tsu] where we is the northeast Shinkansen! ”
[wa] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ [tsu]
“It is quick the [bu]! It is quick the [bu]! ”
“铁刊发的?混蛋的Aniwota!”阿尼“铁虞塞ー!Voke日本很酷!”嗯“或大风猎鹰 Iron “normalcy It is to act playfully is aniwota ” ani “ u tsu se iron Japan vuoke which is cool ” In millimeter “strong wind 隼
※ 原创 社会Nyususure新名称的火车,在命名的三苦“刊发的”让!新的列车将亮相明年春天 和三苦前进NICONICO动画“E5系统,”小聘我的昵称是由Vocaloid东,在荣誉“刊发的”捕获的运动,试图文不行的净 Original niyususure Name of the new Shinkansen being associated with Hatune miku “it will make normal” … Movement with such as happy animated picture At the point where JR east Japan collected the term of endearment of the new model Shinkansen “E5 system” which next spring debuts bokaroido Being associated with Hatune miku “the movement which it tries to make normal” happened on the net
※ 原创 社会Nyususure新名称的火车,三苦“刊发的”让我们的!新的列车将亮相明年春天 和三苦前进NICONICO动画“E5系统,”小聘我的昵称是由Vocaloid东,在荣誉“刊发的”捕获的运动,试图文不行的净 Original niyususure Name of the new Shinkansen being associated with Hatune miku “it will make normal” … Movement with such as happy animated picture At the point where JR east Japan collected the term of endearment of the new model Shinkansen “E5 system” which next spring debuts bokaroido Being associated with Hatune miku “the movement which it tries to make normal” happened on the net
。 我(升 布鲁诺 三苦是可能造成噪音茂木这个程度 i l No As for Hatune miku it is possible to cause this noise
一旦该名称早在东京⇔熊本泊位表示,如果“疾风”那一定是个[卧铺特快列车和18:两个12熊本00] ... When Tokyo ⇔ Kumamoto bed super express revives, name becomes “the squall”, it is the shelf
[Bed super-express squall 18: 00 Kumamoto 12]
临时300鹅(鸭类水鸟),我已经抵达鹅在冬季第一次 300
Temporary = wild goose (Mizutori of duck course)
It is the wild goose which is crossed for hibernating for the first time
于Dzuruhachotto日276 ...她可以“提上了剑”专家过夜,但我认为那些穿着剑,什么时候有一个更好的昼夜于崛起 276
As for the [yu] [u] [zu] [ru] just a little… the “foil chord” you think from the daytime [tsu], but the foil chord is there also a time when the night traveling specialty and the [yu] [u] [zu] [ru] are noon line?
今天,绝望的人们Kk4CIA5i0 A5YOuYPU0←新! Present desperate person
A5YOuYPU0 <- New!
从这些谁不出来井铁的活动有关的死亡的OTA疯狂的事情“浸泡”,我获得的第一个地方如果行票,第二个“刊发的”理由Barenakatta选举,而这些运动有可能从 Because the activity is discovered in the people who is not relationship iron ota dies and “votes temporarily” with the thing deviation and the guaranty red sandal wood puts out 1 rank Because 2 rank “there was such motion as the reason where the normalcy” is not chosen perhaps is
就个人而言,从身体形态,“或大田”和“海豚”和“可以边的”我认为埃塔“刊发的”没有投票恩戴声音太糟糕了比较, Privately from body form “it is high” “it is ” that however “the platypus” you thought with “language Lu badness passed in comparison the normalcy” it is with you did not vote
伐丽流最近沃塔就像我说我喜欢大Otakuizudeddo共享相同的值设置 It became the way which mania is the dead tsu te is said but Crowding it shares the same sense of value loves recent wota don t you think is
似乎得到公民权宅男文化,井田大间差异的蛋糕之前需要你认为这些趋势 Way wotaku culture has obtained citizenship but when you think that you are trend it is the large mistake
你的情况是一样的方法从第一场比赛和选择呢?为什么九州东海三洋历史性的“隼”为什么使用 Original selection system and the like from first It was possible and it was race lace like circumstance it is the ro which is With something there is a history with Tokai Sanyo Kyushu “It is quick the bu ” using
“隼”艾希韩亚行的方向我想九州“刊发的”我们并不需要的东西更好,如果原来的名称 “It is quick the bu ” we want going to Kyushu direction “the normalcy” as for name it is good but original news item does not need
你的情况是一样的方法从第一场比赛和选择呢?为什么九州东海三洋历史性的“隼”为什么使用 Original selection system and the like from first It was possible and it was race lace like circumstance it is the ro which is With something there is a history with Tokai Sanyo Kyushu “It is quick the bu ” using
嗯,因为它应该是繁荣拉什Yottoshitahayabusa 6月,我认为它也有成堆的开始 When the ma it is June the little it is quick bu therefore the expectation which becomes boom As for that you think that and the y y it starts with that
如果你有39个航天器,而且人数初音,三苦,但一宣布,应做什么车鼻的艺术植根于三苦 It is quick the bu if there is 39 to a miku number Hatune miku pasting in nose art Although interior announcement should have been designated as Hatune miku
汝出第一继承人或者575,或者我首先要Itsubusa食品公司 575 Ahead applying that succession coming out eats up ahead or enterprise at the place
青森函馆线 u003d线在未来航天器和在熙的是谁试图浸泡 Future The Hakodate line It is quick the bu The Aomori line Temporary When it does it is delightful but it is
像这样从一开始的“隼”创建的目的只是为市民嗡嗡声,我会决定马祖10 Such from first “is quick the bu ” with it has been decided probably will be To the last with public offering for the topic making
这只是提供适用的配置我觉得我不是?无论是通过另一个故事 Therefore public offering what it does not care the fact that you apply it is it isn t Whether or not it is adopted it is another story
八户,青森预计将减少交付之间的1对他们的蓝色列车穿越森林,土地价格下跌加速上升向外移民率下降的经验1 Between Yato Aomori which is installed in the blue forest railroad
Fee rise
With convenience decrease
Population outflow
Price of land depreciation acceleration
The course of atrophy is traced
内塔物种名存实亡永恒的方式有些人不喜欢整理收入埃泰考虑子弹头列车现在我使我为大我拒绝所有的大Kottarou Deca- to be, because the Shinkansen it made, thinking also the profit, unless you must finish,
Don't you think? for the part user as for name of news items the eternal all dismissal [tsu] lever [tsu] it is the wax
区域高级官员的有关区别,而是来自东北,上越新干线,第一,它是唯一的车辆不同于普通的昵称,JR东日本已指派第一线专用车辆来从计划,需要在区域一体化薄 But as for correlating locality from distinction of the northeast Joetsu Shinkansen this and the te Because at the beginning the vehicle was common you just distinguished with term of endearment as JR east Japan Therefore the policy of allotting the private vehicle classified by destination necessity of regional gearing is thin
难道你们要把权力629 JR东日本子弹列车,是对一代,正是我从大人到所有的节日活动Sayurisuto 629 Therefore what it has been about that JR east will place the Shinkansen just that generation don t you think Because in only sayurisuto holiday campaign of the adult is the case that it has been done
即使是我,融化“是在我的名单上,是不是所有的数百万次滚动播放5倍,通过播放的强度计算 With even we as for the melt” it is not inserted in the my lith with playback several total 5 000 000 times but in regard to passing 5 times it is counted strongly in the number of playbacks
即使我没有被投入到融化是导演,就通过第五次强度是计算 The melt is not inserted in the my lith with even we but in regard to passing 5 times it is counted strongly in the number of playbacks
名,成为二战后战斗机,而日本已沦为日本逐渐成为它的帝国 It became name of the fighter plane of the World War II with,
Don't you think? Japan is degenerating gradually to Jipango
和揭露,让公众知道有可能是一种感觉元素野人讲不好,想住停止广义 Stop the fact that the 曝 [ke] it tries probably to produce the mania element to the presence of the public
It is about to make generalize it is feeling it is bad
哎呀, 我还没有联系好从一分钟我Bokarofan“西方番”你是什么不一样,它的报价 te gt The bokarohuan tsu te binding imaichi you do not understand well Don t you think as the same thing “ocean easy fan” tsu te binding kana
因此,810号:A5YOuYPU0不要说西西坏事约可哀想扬 810
So ID: The insult of A5YOuYPU0 you say, is, w
Yes 哀 thought it is w
在函馆开放的“钟馗”,在打开札幌“飞燕”,在打开旭川作风“五”和“龙的尸体。” At the time of the Hakodate opening “鍾 馗”, at the time of the Sapporo opening “flying Tsubame”, at the time of Asahikawa opening “five systems” or “屠 dragon”
大风前往仙台飞燕去盛冈,青森县八户猎鹰或更好的路要走。如何改革现行抗震岩泉紫电将去大阪,博多轨道大风? Rather, is
The Aomori going 隼
Yato going Strong wind
Morioka going Flying Tsubame
The Sendai going . 軌
Hakata going Heavy wind
The Osaka going Purple electric reforming
Iwaizumi going Shaking electricity
So how is?
它也可以Gurinreika Burureika就说它的颜色和幸福 你明白如果我们看看253在1分钟这个地球上空的线程 Well if you say with color preparing also the blue ray car to a green ray car shank…… 253 This sure It is normal If so you search whether you understand that
和“未来”,“三苦”我也可读为“刊发的”,因为它拒绝了同样的事情,刚度文 Because ““to see the ku ” can read also future” to that therefore “the normalcy” the same thing may happen dismissal
小行星探测器排名第一猎鹰“隼”速度u003d约4万公里每小时战斗机- 1300R完成第二“猎鹰”速度u003d五百六十公里每小时第三名子弹列车“隼”速度u003d三二零公里每小时铃木GSX的第4号“隼“速度u003d312公里每小时 隼 ranking
1 rank The asteroid probe “it is quick the [bu]” Speed = approximately 40,000km/h
2 rank Set fighter plane “隼” Full speed = 560km/h
3 rank The Shinkansen “it is quick the [bu]” Full speed = 320km/h
4 rank Suzuki GSX - 1300R “HAYABUSA” Full speed = 312km/h
并不坏,但是没有三苦“刊发的”,但我觉得一切ü必须非常好,并添加一个属性的共同的东西,我这样沃塔看你能不能坐以待毙然而,“隼”而不是“疾风”惰性气体的Burgers更合 You think that miku however dislike it is not “did not become normal and” the te was good But so with anything something making wota attribute such general ones add stayed seeing the te it cannot accumulate it is don t you think Simply “it is quick the bu ” compared to “the squall” being agreeable the ru inert gas
青森疾风从目前的562 E5公司瓦特在盛冈市,停不只是东京 大宫 仙台 盛冈 而且必须是新的 562 Because the current squall waits only Morioka stopping w E5 Tokyo Omiya Sendai Morioka becomes in new Aomori kana
当你把一组照片或铁Darotsu沃塔这一次,我去了什么过低的行动,听到Mikuwota Kotonee西西萘乙酸 When iron wota the photograph taking with the group the ro which always this is Becoming the line where handle and mikuwota go too far it is what kind of w Hearing well w
沃塔只剩下彻底的内部发电,要开花不注重愚蠢无聊的争执K表扭转你知道你的权利来瓦特在这种情况下,他 Because wota relieved being rises with private power generation with thoroughness leaving k As for the fool who is grudged as expected conversely with this case the ro w which is viewing
快长的东海东京三洋历史泊位的港口九州,组织恢复在该名称可以作为未来的豪华床仙后座“隼”为什么我们使用呢?但公司黄铜的关键。是不是自以为是 With the bed super express which has long time history with Tokyo oral Tokai Sanyo Kyushu in the future the Cassiopeia way Luxurious bed formation So the name “it is quick bu which is possibility of revival” why using Simply the main thing of the company higher stratum of society section There is no self righteousness
快长的东海东京三洋历史泊位的港口九州,组织恢复在该名称可以作为未来的豪华床仙后座“隼”为什么我们使用呢?但公司黄铜的关键。是不是自以为是 With the bed super express which has long time history with Tokyo oral Tokai Sanyo Kyushu in the future the Cassiopeia way Luxurious bed formation So the name “it is quick bu which is possibility of revival” why using Simply the main thing of the company higher stratum of society section There is no self righteousness
您的572 不,女神互联网时代(笑),他们也被剥夺了遗憾? 572 Goddess like your… well net age laughing being denied it is vexatious
不只是令人遗憾的石窟572玺没有悲伤,悲伤,他们在我们之前已经 572 It is not vexatious It is sad indeed you do not have to be pitiful
我不把帐户尼科三苦迷,但是我看到很少的思想,但不想一个也许这么多令人惊讶,甚至思维方式,这样的人大约1亿多埃塔因为大多数人认为在将 The account of niko does not have with mikuhuan however you thought excessively and saw perhaps unexpected it is not many so but Thinking of such person assuming that you thought mainly it probably is about at the very most 1 000 000 person
我的思考和在什么是你我有多么三苦风扇,所以也许不想多自发,这是永远的回答看到 The mikuhuan tsu te about which it is however it is you thought in ro and abauto which are saw perhaps unexpected it is not many so that becoming the usual answering
我们同意,像时代进入一个新的,权力意识的途径赚取的S香蕉挂在皮带,我使用一棒“的人”女神谁你以前的新时代否认智,什么错了,它也是我选择留Kimoota并没有采取愚蠢的香蕉永远永远不是“灵魂是淘汰,”这是一个自然的,这也是摆在我们面前谁碰巧“那边”的故事只是 We who accepted the goddess of new age using the stick remembered the technique which acquires the banana which is hung in himo and became “the mankind” You goddess of new age power denied intelligence chose the fact that it continues to be foolish kimoota which the banana cannot take forever forever That by mistake it is not “the soul which is selected” This and is natural you accidentally “that side” are the sufficient story which is
我会将速度和名称的历史复兴的名称消费者在志位名称列车Ikattara可惜仍然是快乐和Burutore萘乙酸正如所料,因为还有一些错误的隼形象东京以西瓦特 Speed so name the name which has history it puts out and goes out and as for chi ya u when it is regrettable you apply revival is delightful with name of the Shinkansen but Still because there is image to the west from burutore Tokyo and still there is a tsu pa strange feeling w gt it is quick the bu
只有通过列车的形象,西方蓝到鹿儿岛熊本鹿儿岛隼 说到晚,但我是平 Quickly the bu if with you say there is only image of the west Kagoshima going blue train by way of the Kagoshima main lane… As for final period however it was up to Kumamoto don t you think
我会说是啊我怎么喜欢纹理Mikuwota,以及你是否进入一个良好的质地和所有的S以及沃塔Zotsu铁? Gimakuru家伙,大声铁沃塔 [mikuwota] texture it can be able to obtain, with says however the [ru], also iron [wota] sufficiently texture it obtains,
The [be] it is good? The [ru] person where that iron [wota] makes a noise and sows
我发现一个有趣的名字或不为所有非www我隼什么?我把她从这个侧面是一个怪胎Konata wwwwww湿重 Completely funny the name shelf www which is not the straw raincoat it is quick the bu the tsu te Me It is dense the hatchet The far side So you sent wwwwww Because it is mania don t you think ww
刊发的,我不认为Tteta很好,隼是确定它是否是更好地在这里,和Falcon阿塞尔瓦特 The normalcy however you think as good kana It is quick the bu if was OK this one is good Strong wind 隼 w
我想拒绝新的模式 一个新的名字 左三港未来,所以也许让我用的JR东海 Because we would like to acquire new name to new model dismissal gt 3 rank Seeing leprosy Because
436 列车 欢乐的“陆奥闪烁”,遭受拒绝从 436 gt 3 rank ku of being full gt Because lt “the ku of joy full train coming and others coming and others being full” it wears it dismisses
列车436 陆奥第三快乐“陆奥闪烁”,遭受拒绝从 436 3 rank ku of being full Because lt “the ku of joy full train coming and others coming and others being full” it wears it dismisses
新的我要拒绝一个新名字 06 港未来留下来,所以也许让我用的JR东海 Because we would like to acquire new name to new model dismissal gt 3 rank Seeing leprosy Because
我没有足够有趣,但它正成为一个沃塔情况,674一般市民百姓沃塔内保持稳定,而您尝试吃进 674
When it tries that [wota] will attack in general society, it is rejected
The inside of the normal people is converting to [wota] on the other hand steadily
It is funny it isn't sufficiently even under such a present conditions?
我看你少了多少人提出的“浸泡”在第二位,“刊发的”认真我已经提供梅罗或停止,这是我第七次Imifu建议命名日益他们也普遍良好 Your less reading the cod Don t you think 1 rank “temporary” also the naming where “the normalcy” of 2 rank is good normally the e The wa where what it makes more and more 7 rank is imihu Another public offering stop with maji
我看到545?我也想万编号:Kk4CIA5i0说,说的是苛刻 545
So? At all however thought cup ID: As for the talking of Kk4CIA5i0 [kitsu] it is, the [wa
我頑張Mizuhanome驱动tTA Toyoukehime Kikurihime Kushinadahime Iwanagahime Konohanasakuyahime伊邪那美Nakisawame Amenouzume Amaterasuoomikami 529!埃泰没有任何意义,我觉得这个名字甚至没有一个女神什么都已经在宗像三金 529
[amaterasuoomikami] [amenouzume] [nakisawame]
[izanami] [konohanasakuyahime] [iwanagahime]
[kushinadahime] [kikurihime] [toyoukehime] [mizuhanome]
It persevered! So Already is nothing
However the air where Munakata three God is everyone goddess does name it is not remembered and
新宿车站高架施工中野“(结城),梓,”当他们驾驶的袋子导体部分,“中野梓”他把它封紧紧围绕什么方向窗帘和普遍E5公司系统或船员“刊发的”只用钥匙链,将三苦抓了调离袋时,试图“分支长野”这是有一个JR东?东海小 For Shinjuku station elevated construction “Nakano (going) the [a] [zu]” when being driven, the conductor of part in the bag
The [be] [tsu] it is the [ri] pasting the seal of the “Nakano Azusa”, naming the direction curtain, while raising up putting out that, it crews,
E5 system “when the movement that appearing it will be made normal”, the key holder of Hatune [miku] is attached to the bag and it seems the economized [ya] [u] way
It is JR east Japan which possesses the “Nagano branch office”?
JR Tokai
新干线开幕前,是一个熟悉的名字已经到了上野,Ijan在积极反映情况良好升降机 Before the northeast Shinkansen beginning operating the name which has the familiarity which has come to also Ueno it puts out, it is good being upgrade of active super express is
没有仪器是563 VOCALOID三苦为一个字符,但我会谈一谈朱达罗烧毁我?后者是本赛季已经结束了,但我的印象Gitatte 563
But well VOCALOID as a sound source so
Don't you think? as for Hatune [miku] as [kiyara] the [ro] [tsu] [te] story which is the decline?
Latter it passes decade already and passes and there is an impression but it is
熊东北。某处有权谴责不再被称为公平东北人民的愚蠢是一个W Northeast bear. The right to be able to criticize [aho] of somewhere it calls stopped driving the northeast person w
申请人数324 - #7 - “隼”无效的不民主的小数目的申请使用强迫自东[#7 - “隼”无效的不民主的小数目的申请使用强迫自东[七]的“隼”无效的申请,数目小不民主被迫自雇人士在东-第7位- “隼”不民主禁用JR东是自雇人士被迫 324
Application number of cases <7 rank> “It is quick the [bu]”, JR east Japan self-righteousness force adoption Non democratic invalidity
Application number of cases <7 rank> “It is quick the [bu]”, JR east Japan self-righteousness force adoption Non democratic invalidity
Application number of cases <7 rank> “It is quick the [bu]”, JR east Japan self-righteousness force adoption Non democratic invalidity
Application number of cases <7 rank> “It is quick the [bu]”, JR east Japan self-righteousness force adoption Non democratic invalidity
科幻IC卡不能再传播名片(不使用非常小的利润Karurashii)不能证明日期自2001年首次商业门票(也是最近的西方。浪涌印刷版),并Kimowota你看到了出路,离开它? SF card commercial law becomes impossible with IC card spread and (it is unused almost and it makes a profit rather, it seems don't you think?),
After 2001 also [ro] eye admission ticket commercial law becomes impossible, (furthermore as for recent date west. Printing rapid increase),
Discovering life road even in [kimowota], [ru]?
等,主要是第一次的时间 你经过长期使用电脑首次为今天和恩戴埃塔是一个漫长的时间约三苦,我觉得是这样写很长的过程 The do the main thing which is done after a long time You could use the personal computer after a long time it is with Probably to write intended today for a long time Is concerning Hatune miku
“刊发的”是不是很糟糕,如果我的声音一个字,“三苦”,不希望记者在好 “Dislike there is no normal” tsu te word or sound but With it is not good to push “Hatune miku ”
“隼”我曾与名称吗? “三苦”为什么叫这个绰号叫所有 “It is quick the bu ” because tsu te name was attached it is no what “The Hatune” tsu te it should have called in the nickname which is said it is
嗯,我不想提高候选人根本不存在在过去使用的所有三苦oojar是可以原谅的是什么明显 Well past you used if is anyhow In the first place when the Hatune some cod does not exist Distinctness it puts out the fact that to candidacy you have not been arrested even
在驱动tTA表达通过“浸泡”以及“刊发的”我猜是这样 When “temporary” it is not at the point in time when super express passed the te “it is normal” It has become so probably will be
等,主要是第一次的时间 你经过长期使用电脑首次为今天和恩戴埃塔是一个漫长的时间约三苦,我觉得是这样写很长的过程 The do the main thing which is done after a long time You could use the personal computer after a long time it is with Probably to write intended today for a long time Is concerning Hatune miku
通常,在不影响任何人认为昨天“,我行抵达青森刊发的”你得到什么交谈 Normally without the times when no one thinks “Yesterday being normal Aomori it went” The ro which becomes tsu te conversation and is
老妇的祖父耀西奇诺之旅,将浸泡过的命名的飞船怀旧的形象将是帝国战士 It probably is the naming where temporary invites nostalgia in the pop grandmother of the travelling favorite
It is quick, the [bu] it probably is image of the fighter plane of Jipango
老实说,只有真正的“刊发的”,而我是排名第一,但二,等待着从一开始就决定,“隼”你决定 bu tsu chi ya ke truth “however the normalcy” was 1 rank from first had been decided to the tsu lever which is 2 rank “it is quick the bu ” it just decided the ro
这已成为这一运动的少了,但“三苦”,以防止一个标志变形感,和Kosorikosori“刊发的”如果你投票,也许“刊发的”成为第1号,还有也可能发现了世界上的选举 Way this such motion is not discovered outside furthermore as not felt the sign “Hatune miku ” If kosorikosori “you vote normally” Perhaps oh you cannot know either the world that high “the normalcy” reaches 1 rank is still chosen
三苦?没有人已经发展到培训的尖端技术,当期待已久的动画这样的昵称 Hatune miku When such an animation tsu po it was and made term of endearment the Shinkansen which was developed with special care ultra advanced technology is ruinous
这并不重要Shitta青森728,与该地区的火车昵称不属于? Hikari“”樱花希望号儿玉燕子,对这些地区和无 728 Don t you think something related to Aomori the e it does the tsu passing as for those regarding area with term of endearment of the Shinkansen at part Area there is no relationship hi temporary” “echo desire swallow Sakura concerning these
504 · · ·东海道短的时间内由一个系统把“希望号”和“光”,“回声”东海道新干线· · ·基本相同 504 Tokaido Highway Shinkansen… duration system “To desire” in the order whose duration is short “ hi temporary” “echo” Sanyo Shinkansen… the same as basic Tokaido Highway
铁从313沃塔的角度来看,从军事角度看沃塔石窟不想让我用最后一班列车相同的名称,而不是隼,银河,彗星是否应约?我觉得 313 We do not want using the same name as the past train from iron wota viewpoint There is no 隼 from troop wota viewpoint the kana where the area of Milky Way and the comet is good The tsu te you think
“好奇的村彻日苏本 我 青村山口” 口音◆:0刊发的提供者:“Daijirin第二版”是较为肯定我是否应隼 lt lt Sort of this village clinging kana Yamaguchi blue 邨 gt gt Accent It is normal 0 Offer origin “Large quitting words forest Second edition” 鶯 Compared to it is the 隼 certainly …
青森县的父亲在谈到JR新干线疾风,所以我不知道,但他们的工作,一个奇怪的飞船萘乙酸 But in the Aomori prefecture people the father JR duty the wa If you mention the Shinkansen therefore the squall it is quick the bu there is a strange feeling
我享受了午餐想知道的常识是九州飞船在浸泡,我将初音乌佐伊用在北海道 If there is common sense it is temporary It is quick the bu don t you think Kyushu Hatune in Hokkaido you should have used it is
非大田Bokaroota军队,我很高兴他们将永远不会挖掘Bokaroota权力专心向大田铁脏交谈 Not riding in either the news item talk of troop [ota] and iron [ota] other than [bokaroota], [bokaroota] hitting intently, rejoicing, the [ru] it does,