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You think that also capital punishment abolition discussion connected Kamei “Japan becomes capital punishment abolition. As for abolition as for Minister of State tendency” “Chiba of the world member of abolition discussion ream. It is not done for a while”


  • 134这些家伙的理由“,并采取罪犯回从恩戴Tsukanai死亡有罪时,我的”什么招
    134 As for their righteousness obligations, “When it is to obtain being crime, when the prisoner has died, because recovery is not attached”, [chi] [u] ones

    • 143这不是对正义的收费,对虚假每个罪犯是不是好,只有某些刑罚的死亡?您关闭它,因为他们现在的 143 As for that there is no Minister of Justice it probably is each criminal It is to be necessary it is not only in secure case to make capital punishment decision concerning the false charge Even present condition close to that it does the yo
      • 我反对死刑不正义,这是一个好不好,我说我是一个罪犯 Capital punishment opposition… as for tsu te there is no Minister of Justice it is what which it should call to the criminal Bad this year it should not have been therefore it is

    • 207“我是反死刑,但请杀死死刑,因为这是我的女儿,”我是说外国的家人和驱动tTA 207 “But as for me the capital punishment opposite disputant because the daughter killed the foreign bereaved family it was please make capital punishment”
      • 志位朋友和恋人排除死者父母的45个非为什么? 45 Excluding the intimate friend and sweetheart other than the bereaved family why

    • 20:56编号:561 Ry83bIm10成为法律,是要死亡的,如果你谋杀罪 20 56 ID Ry83bIm10 561 The fact that with existing law it becomes capital punishment is when homicide is committed about
      • 567名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布时间:2010 05 13(星期四)01:20:56编号:Ry83bIm10被依法处决的电流为561,如果你是一个杀人罪 567 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 13 wood 01 20 56 ID Ry83bIm10 561 The fact that with existing law it becomes capital punishment is when homicide is committed about

    • 412此外,刽子手的许多,使用的Nde ll这样做是为了对赤字的比较
      412 Furthermore as for many executioners, the use [tsu] [chi] [ya] bearing in Kuyo of the condemned criminal, on the other hand the deficit it is extent when

      • 431日本作为一个冷静的例子我觉得可能是错误的,但奇怪的是,一些人没有跟任何人,我有一个很大的公立高中时,是时候屠宰幸田先生在政府尽管有批评,有不少是“不可避免嗯,我会做,”废除死刑是一个反应的例子,不知道是否在某些方面可能要停止显示细节?守护服务即将在两个执行现场直播,随着广播的舆论对他的指控时,作为“你帮我啊嗯”我认为这将是 431 The Japanese thinks that it is unexpectedly cool As a proverb however perhaps inadequacy when is murdered the fragrance rice field large doing there was no increasing of public opinion die As for the party of part although government of that time was criticized as for many “well it is helpless don t you think it is” with it was the reaction which is said As for proverb capital punishment abolition the kana perhaps inevitably there is also a surface However the scene of execution will be relayed also to accompany when also charge is televised together public opinion in the same way “well is helpless don t you think it is” you think that with it becomes
        • 431日本作为一个冷静的例子我觉得可能是错误的,但奇怪的是,一些人没有跟任何人,我有一个很大的公立高中时,是时候屠宰幸田先生在政府尽管有批评,很多都是“帮了我好我就”不管这个例子执行现场广播是公众舆论的反应,当你运行他负责或类似“哦,不选择再见,“我认为 431 The Japanese thinks that it is unexpectedly cool As a proverb however perhaps inadequacy when is murdered the fragrance rice field large doing there was no increasing of public opinion die As for the party of part although government of that time was criticized as for many “well it is helpless don t you think it is” with it was the reaction which is said As for proverb capital punishment abolition the kana perhaps inevitably there is also a surface However the scene of execution will be relayed also to accompany when also charge is televised together public opinion in the same way “well is helpless don t you think it is” you think that with it becomes

      • 433取消派可能会荒谬的谋杀听到超越评价中发生的事情的计划的时候也没有办法,他这样做,是因为死刑,法律或制度,但文废除死刑后,谋杀文不行不行任何谋杀就是谋杀被遗忘或什至不知道发生了什么事也许不是亲死刑死刑,是在新的冠军冠军冠军挑战者,挑战者不仅分钟不能拉是唯一的获胜方法 433 It is audible unreasonably in abolition group however probably will be because world general appraisal like this is When being capital punishment as for the murder case which happens the murder case which happens with any law and the system After the capital punishment abolishing as for the murder case which happens when perhaps it did there was a capital punishment the murder case perhaps it did not occur You do not have to forget Capital punishment abolition group being the challenger is not the champion With draw it does not leave to the new champion For the challenger to become the champion only it wins If and with rule of present condition after the capital punishment abolishing there is a murder case even with 1 cases that is the being defeated of abolition group
        • 暴徒和国家对是否取消对美国或300年徒刑?在这种情况下,囚犯在监狱中被单独生活,但是这并不意味着所有,在生活和又有什么不同死刑啊? Like American state to a capital punishment abolition as for brutal offense penal servitude 300 year doing As for the prisoner in that case simply inside the jail you just have lived completely there is no meaning in life That how probably will be different from capital punishment

      • 738不,不,我有一个废除死刑的问题与提高大约300万受害者遗属是谋杀受害者支付1
        738 Well well, problem is repayment to the victim In every homicide one case to the victim bereaved family 300,000,000 handling with the capital punishment abolition disputant

        • 784勉我反正。最低等级评定(最低工资的部分,零奖金,遣散评估支付全额工资只有几分钟,零分钟,只为正常工资加退休金的工作),并继续环结构或没有它,如果你亲吻另一个橡皮图章铣床我想我
          784 I temporarily working hard/employment. Assessment becoming, lowest ranking (assessment part lowest amount of allowance, only bonus zero, retirement Kanemoto giving amount, only main giving amount of annuity zero such as continuous service addition) the [re] continuing also the [hanko] not pounding [te] separately, you think as the structure cup

          • Chiba ll认为我对法律?你认为人们会继续无视部长?但它甚至不是一个政府,尽快为他们开了低水平 Chiba is how thinking law the ru is The minister of state ignoring thinking that the citizen protects ru Level low government shelf Urgently in neck margin
            • 通过政治行动来改变现有法律,以法律来保护自己的峨15 15 Until it changes into the law which by your would like to protect through doing existing law political main leadership

          • Ihin我从税务死刑去浪费她龟,死刑。以及它的人在和我家孩子啊。Deyashi好吧为
            Because turtle tax becomes wasteful When it forces to capital punishment and the [hi] it is does, capital punishment. At your own house palm - [te] and That with for citizen and

            • “我是受害者向监狱罪犯在我还你不能”钱“被你骗我,我不能坐牢您将返回肇事者”,“监狱的房子放火上我会回来的罪犯我Tekimasen“我没有什么音在Ttena,但我将禁用任何惩罚看不到希望的迹象瓦特总理在日本慢动作处罚取消对资本,废除死刑我会说芮达一些从已故的智慧 “It designates the criminal as penal servitude and passes and the victim does not return” “It designates the criminal as penal servitude and passes and swindles and the money which is taken does not return” “It designates the criminal as penal servitude and passes and the house which sets fire does not return” The tsu te in condition or being whatever but it is all punishments become invalid it is w Not showing the sign where capital punishment abolition theory rises absolutely in Japan as for the capital punishment abolition disputant Therefore intelligence it is late and with there are also times when you say don t you think probably will be
              • “我是受害者向监狱罪犯在我还你不能”钱“被你骗我,我不能坐牢您将返回肇事者”,“监狱的房子放火上我会回来的罪犯我Tekimasen“Ttena基调,但我会禁用不看的首要标志瓦特的要慢镜头,日本在废除死刑的资本任何惩罚是如此迟钝废除死刑因为它会 “It designates the criminal as penal servitude and passes and the victim does not return” “It designates the criminal as penal servitude and passes and swindles and the money which is taken does not return” “It designates the criminal as penal servitude and passes and the house which sets fire does not return” The tsu te in condition or being whatever but it is all punishments become invalid it is w Not showing the sign where capital punishment abolition theory rises absolutely in Japan as for the capital punishment abolition disputant Therefore intelligence it is late and with there are also times when you say don t you think probably will be
              • 废除死刑是在反对Tteru倍仍然无法了解对手的死刑对我只是坦白说,我不知道你谈谈从情感的正确理论在我想我让它符合我对齐理论我没有什么支持者甚至朱达罗,我们觉得这薄 The capital punishment abolition disputant should have had a match theory stuffing properly although It will be about probably to enter from emotional argument with something Without understanding concerning bu tsu chi ya ke group of objectors tsu te capital punishment abolition confronting turning to group of objectors the ro which is the ru In approval disputant separately or being whatever but it is as for this you feel dimly
              • 死刑废除死刑182 ll时间反对派仍无法了解对手的死刑对我只是坦白说,我不知道你谈谈从情感的正确理论在我想我让它符合我对齐理论我已经一无所有的Niko的支持者,我们觉得这薄 182 The capital punishment abolition disputant should have had a match theory stuffing properly although It will be about probably to enter from emotional argument with something Without understanding concerning bu tsu chi ya ke group of objectors tsu te capital punishment abolition confronting turning to group of objectors the ro which is the ru In approval disputant separately or being whatever but it is as for this you feel dimly

            • “我采取的音频驱动tTA赢得死刑!”医生不明白的是,他们的霜雪也可能是犯罪行为人杀害的最血腥的只是在捍卫人民的权利恩戴满意死亡和确定该人是整个法院系统也为现行的刑事法律和爱我的家人和我想我要执行一英里 “Capital punishment abolition was gained ” With the expectation where the person whom you rejoiced protects the human rights You cannot understand the fact that it holds also the possibility of being killed gruesomely in the assailant kana As for the doctor even for by his the family which is loved with current criminal law and the judgment system capital punishment as for the kind of human who is decided Swiftly we would like to have executing
              • “我采取的音频驱动tTA赢得死刑!”我是不明白的是,他们的霜雪也可能是犯罪行为人杀害的最血腥的只是在捍卫人民的权利恩戴满意死亡和确定该人是整个法院系统也为现行的刑事法律和爱我的家人和我想我要执行一英里 “Capital punishment abolition was gained ” With the expectation where the person whom you rejoiced protects the human rights You cannot understand the fact that it holds also the possibility of being killed gruesomely in the assailant kana As for the doctor even for by his the family which is loved with current criminal law and the judgment system capital punishment as for the kind of human who is decided Swiftly we would like to have executing
              • 和平真的不废除死刑和911世界的和平,但我是一束大规模强奸是不是谋杀狂热访问过 911 Unless capital punishment is abolished it does not visit peace in true sense eternally The mass rape homicide maniac the maggot ya maggot ya it is the world where with peaceful something the shank
              • 我的时代,决定时代人类“绝对”从我会想死在这点赞成死刑 As for we that times judgment of the mankind of that times thinking “without fail” from the ru At present time you approve capital punishment
              • 理由反对死刑,死刑“国家”的恶性谋杀的,它是“(作为一名警官)在我自己的经验,诬告 As the reason which opposes to the capital punishment system Capital punishment is “the homicide due to the vicious nation” the point that and “ As a police bureaucracy there is a false charge even with my myself experience
              • 饭冢的情况下,他们被怀疑死亡诬告密集和421,你同意这一点,但死亡?医生误诊,并苏卡拉人过早死亡,随着医生说我活该 421 The Izuka incident where doubt of the capital punishment with the false charge has become thick do you approve capital punishment even with this Because the doctor wrong diagnosis and being immature kills the person don t you think also it is simultaneous the doctor not to enter

            • “死刑是(政府更迭后,已有效地被缓刑)的暂停
              “As for the capital punishment system, after (administration alternation execution is in fact stopped) moratorium period

              • ●医生是杀害病人,毁掉你的生活你从终身制值得浪费病人 As for the doctor the patient the murder in addition utilizing the patient wastefully because it makes life ruinous viewing

                • ●是日本趋势武器在大多数的国家从世界上有更多的武器
                  It is tendency of the world - Because most countries have armament, Japan should have armament more

                  • 两大阵营美浓创造了苏联与北朝鲜和平行前或者我希望废除死刑的处罚,即使是输家542劳累过度,疾病或死亡的三年
                    However it is possible, with capital punishment as an abolition make like the old Soviet and North Korea internment camp in substituting The outrageous kind of person who in 2 - 3 years becomes overwork death or death of illness

                    • 人民的人,打死约10颜射之后,你不是罪过赔偿的,他的死会是甜的鸣叫?还是你杀了10人的直觉是IDE真正的差异,而坏人是相当的地方,发现不同 When you about 10 the bu tsu kill those people You because by your make up for the crime accepting become capital punishment Or the murder chi ya tsu are 10 people to tell the truth with misunderstanding We assume that the bad guy bee thing was ascertained reaching up to time uninformed
                      • 人民的人,打死约10颜射之后,你不是罪过赔偿的,他的死会是甜的鸣叫?还是你杀了10人的直觉是IDE真正的差异,而坏人是相当的地方,发现不同 When you about 10 the bu tsu kill those people You because by your make up for the crime accepting become capital punishment Or the murder chi ya tsu are 10 people to tell the truth with misunderstanding We assume that the bad guy bee thing was ascertained reaching up to time uninformed
                      • 平安取消,但有一个国家,我认为真正的惩罚是猖獗,民主党湿重现在我想在四年内扰乱秩序状态 1 Peaceful age however it was capital punishment abolition nation Substance is not my punishment had swaggered or ww When it is the current Democratic party it collapses national order probably will be within 4 years
                      • 我不认为我什至有我的结构将被取消,建立一个机制,踢了执行或采取鲍合捕鱼一直没有以武力思维取消体面的生活在监狱伊藤诚 You think that I do not abolish unreasonably and the te am good but if the mechanism which suitable execution or the equilibrium of life sentence is taken can be built abolishing it does not care also you think
                      • 日本的死刑,而不是取消的Ada讨发言,是代表国家失去亲人,“阿达讨说,”这部分的代表 As for the Japanese capital punishment in place of empty attacking abolition nation in place of the bereaved family “the emptiness you attack and” there is also a surface which has been executed

                    • 什么可能也有100滨崎步弓弦受苦,如果我用一句话来生活是终身监禁,如果现行制度认为峨
                      If there is a life sentence and is 100 steps transferring, perhaps, it to be that, with you can think, but current indefinite penal servitude If it is the system, exemption it receives

                      • 仍然是必要的或法律承认死刑,司法行政部长没有废除死刑,甚至滑稽S有明显的理由显然是司法部长拒绝执行的将要
                        Above capital punishment is recognized with existing law, for Minister of Justice not to execute, it is strange whether Akira Even if, being the capital punishment abolition disputant, it probably does not become the reason which justifies the execution denial of Minister of Justice

                        • 他希望死刑时,死刑623 594 ü然后我说,他希望投资轮死刑只 623 594 When the person who would not like to become capital punishment becomes capital punishment the person who would like to become capital punishment gaining the circle

                          • 代理主席-皋月益(参议院主席)副总裁-井上彻志(共产党),福岛瑞穗(。二期小)执行董事-题跋惠子(司法部长),副局长- Inuzuka Naohumi(民主党)逢泽一郎(自民党)荒木。阚(新公明党),悟Ienishi(民主党),井波哲夫(民主党),菅直人(财政部长),神崎武法(公明),高村正彦(自民党),小宫山裕子(民主党),孔杜Akikazu(民主党),今野东(民主)的部队坂口博信(新公明党),志位和夫(共产党),津村启介(内阁事务),Tsurunenmarutei(民主党),宏勲照屋(社民党),布袋孝(民主党),中川秀直(自民党)鸠山
                            Chairman vicarious execution - Eda May (the Upper House President) Secondary chairman - Satosi Inoue (common property), Fukushima Mizuho (. Little phase) Executive office leader - Keiko Chiba (judicial affairs phase) The executive office assistant director - Dog mound direct history (democracy) Ichiro Aizawa (our people), rough lumber. Hiroshi (fairness), house west Sato (democracy), rice plant seeing Tetsuo (democracy), 菅 Naoto (financial affairs phase), Takenori Kanzaki (fairness), Masahiko Takamura (our people), Youko Komiyama (democracy), Kondo Akira one (democracy), Koo east (democracy), Sakaguchi power (fairness), Kazuo Sii (common property), village Keisuke Tsu (Cabinet state affairs), [tsurunenmarutei] (democracy), Teruya Hiroshi virtue (corporation people), Ryuichi Dohi (democracy), Hidenao Nakagawa (our people), Yukio Hatoyama (prime minister phase), Mori Nobuo (our people), from circle Child (democracy), Yamaguchi 那 Tsu man (fairness), citron wooden morality (democracy)

                            • 但律师说Hazime Hazime,法官本来,但我们必须假定无罪的推定对手下,作为证据的搜索字词,从法庭的证词记录被告也往往是因为它优先 However you call legal profession monistic the judge originally must keep designating the original innocence presumption of party principle as prerequisite although Sometimes because from testimony of the defendant of the trial 廷 there is an evidence ability in the inspection surface written record That takes precedence
                              • 我被诱导“,并在多年的话,并有能力记录方面的证据搜索,这将是首选 It was induced being about it is to be” because there is an evidence ability in the inspection surface written record That keeps taking precedence

                            • 但是,这样的事每天发生的事情我会在拍摄的暴徒国家废除了死刑不?
                              The country which abolishes capital punishment But gundown of brutal offense daily occurrence what As for such there is no problem?

                              • 作为废除死刑,你将如何处理囚犯?茹或采取这一照顾,才吗? 龟井
                                Assuming that capital punishment it abolishes, how it does that prisoner, it is? You trouble seeing? > Kamei

                                • 你死也不会理会,而不是死刑,苏头部和颈部漂白他人和媒体唯一的幸存者终身监禁的投篮将自由发言的人从痛苦,死刑,如果不是受伤死亡穿上骄傲不太可能从人道主义沉重的罪孽,目前应该废除死刑 Capital punishment compared to just bereaved family of life sentence The mass communications and others probably will be painful Death releases the human from suffering If it is to damage the pride other than death capital punishment probably is heavy crime e g the neck is bleached beheading but Because it cannot be humanely current capital punishment should be abolished
                                  • 一旦受害人的感受音频结合ü所有我想我想的罪犯死刑,现在大约30%的惩罚肇事者监狱或死亡是不是? Designating the criminal as capital punishment speaking desired when you adopt the feeling of the victim whom you think entirely now about 3 tenths of criminal who is in the midst of serving time It becomes capital punishment it is it isn t
                                  • 你苦死也不会更好,而不是终身监禁和死刑苏漂白头颈部杆将自由发言的人从痛苦,死刑,如果把伤口的骄傲,但死亡罪重从人道主义不可能蜡,目前应该废除死刑 Life sentence probably will be more painful than capital punishment Death releases the human from suffering If it is to damage the pride other than death capital punishment probably is heavy crime e g the neck is bleached beheading but Because it cannot be humanely current capital punishment should be abolished
                                  • 我发言反对死刑的死刑,他们会听到四郎的故事被打死时,他的家人抱怨神秘的死刑如果不是绝对说,轻轻按下和他人的受害者 As for it is possible to mentioning capital punishment opposite just the bereaved family of the victim The mass communications and others should not call carelessly By any means if we would like to appeal capital punishment abolition when its own family is killed margin When is about story hearing

                                • 儿童和轻谋杀审判麻原彰晃的失真城市试图作出决定认为,显然过于苛刻或律师

                                  • 加拿大和点方便的图表只是晒黑暴力罪行的惩罚啊人数增加了资本的取消“Tteru下来:”他们有这样一个愚蠢的外观等进行处罚隐藏的死亡人数约或想要 Canada increased capital punishment abolishing number of cases of brutal crime it is don t you think Just the place where in the graph are convenient pointing “decreasing the ge do where the fool ru ” is As for such people there is a capital punishment numerical value of the time where hiding and the ru
                                    • 像日本三大主要与美国国内生产总值的数字,我,中国,日本保留死刑,我沉重的瓦特 When it is the GDP tsu te index which the Japanese loves America China and Japan of the top 3 as for the existence position having done capital punishment are heavy w
                                    • 它曾经是一个更好的驱动tTA的生命历程为人类Kasazu宠坏实验医学进步的苏你杀杀人死刑采取了明确的立场 Capital punishment being useless if without being good to kill For progressing the medical science was used in the human body experimental appearance the one which calling as for this It does not utilize of course not killing
                                    • 废除死刑?每执政捻转?达罗他们淘汰死刑案件的刑罚价值的局限性有关法规在这期间摆在我们面前的? Capital punishment abolition The ruling party round and round per Unintentionally at this time It abolished the aging of capital punishment suitable incident The ro which is you
                                    • 我们面临的危险没有从民主党和我,你必须要有废除死刑 As for every one of the Democratic party Unless capital punishment it abolishes and solves Because your own body are dangerous

                                  • 司法部长认为没有法律洙,一亿倍的丑恶害怕死刑的存在
                                    The thing where Minister of Justice who does not protect law exists, 1,000,000 time is more fearful than existence itself of capital punishment

                                    • 后段,部分死囚在刑事诉讼法第Sanakattara邮票按475,由司法部长或几个月,我已签署的法律,对自身的执行在6 With Code of Criminal Procedure 475 provision After the capital punishment deciding and within 6 months you must sign to the execution book being decided that because it increases When Minister of Justice does not push hanko itself breach of law
                                      • 后段,部分死囚在刑事诉讼法第475 Sanakattara邮票新闻,司法部长和我将离开或在6个月执行,对法律本身 With Code of Criminal Procedure 475 provision After the capital punishment deciding and within 6 months you must sign to the execution book being decided that because it increases When Minister of Justice does not push hanko itself breach of law

                                    • 哪个生命,如稻草盗窃有关的犯罪human重罚有决心,它涉及人类生活without the适当伸张正义,在1的暴力活动处罚的一个过程through这种最坏的情况在大麻。 Waretakunai说,许多国家将介于99年监禁的淫书拥有或得到该国的出口死刑的地方 The crime which does not relate to the life of the person such as theft in never this does not do heavy punishment Relating to the life of the person properly judgment Passing such process with the meaning which is capital punishment as when it is worst Flax The varieties we would not like you to call to the country whether the do tsu which with the country or the possession whether the do tsu which with export becomes capital punishment of the ero book becomes penal servitude of 99 years of
                                      • 哪个生命,如稻草盗窃有关的犯罪human重罚有决心,它涉及人类生活without the适当伸张正义,在1的暴力活动处罚的一个过程through这种最坏的情况在大麻。 Waretakunai说,许多国家将介于99年监禁的淫书拥有或得到该国的出口死刑的地方 The crime which does not relate to the life of the person such as theft in never this does not do heavy punishment Relating to the life of the person properly judgment Passing such process with the meaning which is capital punishment as when it is worst Flax The varieties we would not like you to call to the country whether the do tsu which with the country or the possession whether the do tsu which with export becomes capital punishment of the ero book becomes penal servitude of 99 years of

                                    • 因此,一个健康的社会所淘汰的罪犯,而不是没有犯罪 Because is there is no crime it is not to mean society to render sound by erasing such offender

                                      • 因此,一,作为一个社会,在收取的绝对防止这种错误的,它可以准备,即使很多人不出去快惩处罪犯,是否是这样做 Therefore as for one from the viewpoint that the offender without being punished it prevents the false charge without fail as a society When it keeps coming out steadily you say that you are prepared also that it becomes many such is done or how kana It is

                                        • 因此,律师和公民,有资格挑战法官申请拘留的决定预计将作出筛选机制,让“开放蛊惑”我们认为我们已导致司法程序 Because is it seems that the counsel and the citizen state objection to 勾 stationary judgment of the judge can examine You think that making the mechanism it keeps being connected to administration of justice which “was opened” procedure

                                          • 因此,我不会让脏沼泽博士萘乙酸你有权力在中国的殖民死刑刑罚的呢?瓦特
                                            China of the suzerain having the capital punishment system, from the [ru] It is dirty, 沢 the teacher does not permit, don't you think? it is? w

                                            • 因此,我已成为恐怖对象和出卖公共广播报纸取消变得叛逆?ー10是她的约2%的睡眠以及最近硝酸铵粉末合成朱达罗在100kg ll约自己!废除死刑不是一个存放危险! When it becomes capital punishment abolition the treason newspaper publishing company and treason public broadcast become the object of terrorism don t you think it is Don t you think 2 and others as for about 10 about ammonium nitrate gun powder 100kg It synthesizes with the Sunday carpenter and the ro which is the chi ya u Because capital punishment abolition it is dangerous it stops dissolving
                                              • 因此,我已成为恐怖对象和出卖公共广播报纸取消变得叛逆?ー10是她的约2%的睡眠以及最近硝酸铵粉末合成朱达罗在100kg ll约自己!废除死刑不是一个存放危险! When it becomes capital punishment abolition the treason newspaper publishing company and treason public broadcast become the object of terrorism don t you think it is Don t you think 2 and others as for about 10 about ammonium nitrate gun powder 100kg It synthesizes with the Sunday carpenter and the ro which is the chi ya u Because capital punishment abolition it is dangerous it stops dissolving

                                            • 在宫崎调用在韩国农场水牛。有国家希望朝鲜人,农民拒绝了口疫発
                                              In a certain water buffalo farm of Miyazaki from Korea research. There was desire, but as for Korea Because of foot and mouth disease occurrence country the farmer denying this

                                              • 在日本的奥姆真理教我们正计划暴徒杀死东京居民,让每个人苏人?
                                                The Japanese citizen permits the brutal offense of [oumu] which plans everyone murder of Tokyo citizen of Tokyo when with?

                                                • 在此之前废除死刑,如何恐怖主义将是一个树asunder ll结束时,您消除柏青哥报纸卖国!约100公斤硝酸铵两个陈奈勒不判处死刑是没有危险不足以阻止它在合成Shiyoru Before when abolishing capital punishment it abolishes the pachinko the treason newspaper publishing company in the wooden tsu edge minute dust terrorism the do which is done Two about ammonium nitrate about 100kg it synthesizes immediately even with nera and depends being Because it is dangerous it is to stop capital punishment abolition
                                                  • 〜我目前30个监狱囚犯进入40年我会好尊重我认为死刑 As for we 30 40 year jails entering under present conditions as for the ru prisoner however you think capital punishment that also the exemption ji te is good
                                                  • 废除死刑之前,但它是我做什么去学习韩国老虎机W第一次世界大战 Before when abolishing capital punishment it abolishes the pachinko the treason newspaper publishing company in the wooden tsu edge minute dust terrorism the do which is done Two about ammonium nitrate about 100kg it synthesizes immediately even with nera and depends being Because it is dangerous it is to stop capital punishment abolition
                                                  • 我已经把死很快,如果想成为一个真正的价值,如果执行的好对我的813 813 If it did that we is worthy of to capital punishment truly the wa which is wanted making quickly capital punishment

                                                • 在记者招待会上说,通常出来的许多问题对处决,“因为我想透露暂时路线”,作为现任部长的讲话是不寻常的镜头和出 Usual Among press conference the kind of question which does not come out it is many concerning execution “for a while you think it is not done that ” that Also speech of exceptional case sprang out as an incumbent Cabinet minister
                                                  • 15死刑案件是宪法禁止残酷的惩罚不是欺骗我们的鳕鱼,以及在何种程度上我说,它违反了宪法,废除死刑并没有说什么 15 As for judicial precedent as for capital punishment it does not hit to the cruel punishment which constitution is prohibited that you say with Abolition of capital punishment is violation of constitutional provisions when to it is not said

                                                • 奇Kosazu犯罪的死刑,因为,随着越来越多的人将杀死你,如果没有死刑,认为造成这种犯罪的很少,他们在类似的一个理性的决定马苏 Because there is a capital punishment if it does not cause crime and there is no capital punishment it seems that you kill the person steadily that kind of lucid As for kind of causing crime on the basis of judgment you think that almost it is not
                                                  • 国能抵御行权的国家生死存亡 是一个不好的词 蔌么,我打死了,你要考虑有 National power the condemned criminal word is bad putting in a state where it cannot resist is but the 絞 me some lever which kills You do not have to be you think that

                                                • 如果591,但我一直在政权是日本的代名词,在执行刑罚前,你会停止在世界上处决他们的权力在日本一英里死亡或白色地狱之前,你就会停止了白色和日本处决 591 If execution of Japan swiftly discontinuance white and You administration Japan is a capital punishment Execution of the world swiftly discontinuance white and When you administration have designated Japan as capital punishment it is synonymous
                                                  • 1,那么他们将有日本相当于日本的死刑制度,他们会停止地狱出来之前我们白色和处决 1 If execution of Japan swiftly discontinuance white and When you administration have designated Japan as capital punishment it is synonymous
                                                  • “苏犯罪和其他我想成为一个死刑的刑事指控”是不是你划清界线的任何地方? As for “thinking that we would like to become capital punishment the crime which you commit crime other than that” drawing being done somewhere kana of the ru
                                                  • 不,我想我最好加强重,甚至死亡,而不是罪 Well you think that on the other hand the method which increased stage to also capital punishment at weight of crime is better
                                                  • 因为世界上有什么中国的资本流动中的死亡惩罚,日本死刑美洲了吗? There is a capital punishment depending upon American state There is the Chinese capital punishment There is the Japanese capital punishment Flow of the world even what
                                                  • 在大阪的老人是不正常或死刑只在该国最近一次湾仔 Collecting in Chai country which does not come and is it makes capital punishment the medium tsu fungus Whether it is the normal Osaka old boy
                                                  • 甚至死亡也不会同意的危险我喜欢鸠山和小泽败类,在日本和韩国 If the kudzu of Ozawa and Hatoyama and the resident Korean like human dangerously either the me te does not become capital punishment large approval

                                                • 如果你不杀狱警在监狱中被处决永不Narun行?难道他们不采取有效的一所监狱官员或暴力犯罪分子攻击?你可能不知道他们把我送到一个舒适的生活,他们可以袭击的人员报告,他们在监狱中没有暴徒监狱或死刑,因为它没有
                                                  It does not become no matter what capital punishment, when it is, punishment duty official killing with the jail, it becomes OK, it is? Brutal offense uniting, it attacks to punishment duty official, it is it is not? It does not become capital punishment, therefore it is Or in brutal offense it does not attack to punishment duty official in the jail and it seems that also the [te] is good The combining which is with the [tsu] lever which makes comfortable life lead

                                                  • 如果你想要停止执行,绞刑,这仍然是我从至少修改刑事诉讼法,“不求”,所以近代宪政state m要法外措施!
                                                    If we would like to stop execution, at least After amending Code of Criminal Procedure, it does, When this way is, execution “without doing” capital punishment, The [tsu] [chi] [ya] bearing in supralegal measure Such a modern constitutional government nation [nee]!

                                                    • 如果你觉得我做很多前行中的声音明显不实指控从死你就喷出552诬告好,不是吗?达达死刑反对者
                                                      552 Increase the voice even with the 痴 Chinese false charge You think that the 痴 Chinese false charge is more than the condemned criminal clearly, As for you the [ro] which is capital punishment group of objectors of dadaism

                                                      • 学校废除死刑的处罚是罚款情绪遗下一个亲死亡审议的律师在电视上早于其他的我也不会,我们应思考的问题Ukato主机情绪惩罚家庭:“现在是到思维没有充分利用,“这个人我说,他们喜欢什么,以为是驱动tTA Because as for capital punishment abolition group it has not considered punishment feeling of the bereaved family don t you think Has appeared in the television of a little before the attorney of the capital punishment abolition group which the announcer That being questioned how you think concerning the punishment feeling of the bereaved family “As for that meaning like you do not think until now” thing Thought this person who is no what
                                                        • 废除死刑是漂白,使其更容易风险人民的生命和他们邀请到日益恶化的安全属性 Capital punishment abolition causing the deterioration of public order makes easy to bleach the life and property of the citizen dangerously
                                                        • 我们背诵了废除死刑的资金,这些谁可以宣告死亡方式的权利人的罪犯谁进入,所以不要峨胜石窟卡诺花没有思想的骚动 The people who advocate capital punishment abolition theory loudly advocate the human rights of the assailant noisily but so doing Killing mode you do not think the human rights of the person who rushes kana

                                                      • 它的监狱里的食物是食物 但我没有增加一个人的思维,我取消了?如果你或做它,直到我被迫工作有关死刑认为是更好! If the rice becomes unable to eat in the jail… How thinking the ru person increasing although the ru capital punishment abolition If you make think that capital punishment is better after extent forcing working margin
                                                        • 强奸犯和反对死刑的谋杀嫌疑犯→861,海星是不是一种惩罚梨,烤屠宰良好的? 861 Rape demon and murder criminal gt capital punishment opposition The asteroid it does not become not to be punishment it is possible to be burning destroying because

                                                      • 宗教,历史,发展阶段的国家,一组值的可共享不同种族群体,并认为它可能废除死刑 While religion and history and developmental stage and race of nation are different can be shared one sense of value which that capital punishment abolition So that you think whether it is not
                                                        • 即使该名男子是谁创造的观念,上帝也创造了一个宗教的人,我作出了科学的人类大家庭 Creating the concept of God and the mankind and religion are created and making the mankind and science the mankind

                                                      • 废除死刑(但不包括反革命的因素)隔人小泽党主席马尔
                                                        The capital punishment system is abolished (however excludes the counter revolution molecule) [kakumaru] chairman Small Zemin

                                                        • 当不再有临时会发生什么情况,我认为死刑,我不需要说什么合或发言的趋势在世界吗?如果在窄税生活必需的生活照顾国家的球员在监狱里,民 我猜想这是一个值得欢迎的外国人? Biting with anything tendency of the world saying as for the necessity to adjust you think however that it is not When there is no capital punishment system temporarily and becomes how it becomes In narrow country trouble looking at the food clothing and shelter of the people of life sentence with tax to that as for minsu The ro which is foreign well cam what

                                                          • 我617多所学校检查一些滥杀佐藤守池田小学
                                                            617 There is also the Ikeda small school un-discriminating homicide of Mori's between the houses The varieties you inspect,

                                                            • 我不怀疑人民意愿的呕吐在国民议会讨论的问题是,为什么我会没有适当的程序,轻或没有辩论提死刑Edaro砂更换?我无法相信在这种竞赛的地方是方便我们效法他的方法,但专政茹 The ro which is the ri changing which argument does The tsu lever which is not capital punishment commenting and securely does not go through the procedure problem Why arguing at the National Diet it is not about probably to question public opinion it is It can trust the race of this hand and says and as for at the place where are convenient for by your the place where technique of dictatorial nation is imitated

                                                              • 我们没有多大改善,但我从那里不知该修正案在肌肉认为,860吨演示等严厉的惩罚,不可避免地是不是我想出来
                                                                860 However legal amendment of severe punishment conversion probably is muscle what, because in 々 you did not improve, it is it is helpless, don't you think? it is, - As for such a ton demonstration severe punishment you think to that it does not come out,

                                                                • 我住以外的非士兵宿舍生活,而不是日本自卫队的事情死刑?这三个非付费。与培训,应急方面,排名最低水平
                                                                  Dormitory living [tsu] [te] of life Self Defense Force enlistment going out failure how is in place of capital punishment? It is not salary, but 3. As for training attaching and emergency the forefront, as for class the lowest class

                                                                  • 我只是派出的工作,无论如何,该公司安置就业候选人和管理下,监督,前囚犯他们更好地做到这一点
                                                                    How because there is only [se] work how dispatch, mediation of job and management of the dispatch company, If under supervision, the original prisoner does, it is good

                                                                    • 我如何证明我不知道呢?后来,被罚款594写在“什么都想成为死刑”相当于死刑的罪行的死刑,犯罪不值得踢他们,我这样做? How doing that it proves kana After 594 You wrote but “thinking that we would like to become capital punishment ” the capital punishment suitable crime which it does and So how doing you distinguish the capital punishment suitable crime which is not combining
                                                                      • 我如何证明我不知道呢?后来,被罚款594写在“什么都想成为死刑”相当于死刑的罪行的死刑,犯罪不值得踢他们,我这样做? How doing that it proves kana After 594 You wrote but “thinking that we would like to become capital punishment ” the capital punishment suitable crime which it does and So how doing you distinguish the capital punishment suitable crime which is not combining
                                                                      • 曾经是野生能汝金像你混蛋害怕死亡前650瓦 650 Like you it can designate absurd thing as the chin refuse kind of guy who fears capital punishment applying w
                                                                      • (国33个月)无行增加死亡抗体执行国家在过去十年○(61个国家)TTP的: ja wikipedia org 维基 %E4类%B8中%96%E7的95% %8C条%E3展%81%%e6中声发射公元%%BB心跳%E5公司%88%91%E5公司%88%B6的%E5公司%%A6的学士学位%E3展%81%E7的声发射%%%是%E7的8楼%B6的第8A% 33 countries The country execution of capital punishment it has done to 10 years ○ past 61 countries ttp ja wikipedia org wiki E4 B8 96 E7 95 8C E3 81 AE E6 AD BB E5 88 91 E5 88 B6 E5 BA A6 E3 81 AE E7 8F BE E7 8A B6

                                                                    • 我的国家在制定这样他们就可以减少暴力犯罪是废除死刑,或可能有一个强大的威慑?一个国家如日本。哪里人。我打赌欠发达国家不应该允许参照发达国家可以不开 As for advanced nation tsu te with capital punishment as an abolition be possible extent brutal crime has decreased Or it isn t to be a powerful control method Japan likely entire country 1 At place people As for underdeveloped country which permits gambling Such an advanced nation should not be referred probably
                                                                      • 我的国家在制定这样他们就可以减少暴力犯罪是废除死刑,或可能有一个强大的威慑?一个国家如日本。哪里人。我打赌欠发达国家不应该允许参照发达国家可以不开 As for advanced nation tsu te with capital punishment as an abolition be possible extent brutal crime has decreased Or it isn t to be a powerful control method Japan likely entire country 1 At place people As for underdeveloped country which permits gambling Such an advanced nation should not be referred probably

                                                                    • 我认为他盗窃诈骗雅然后来到监狱释放532怎么办?什么我Bakkari智慧仍然缓慢 532 Thinking that we would like to enter to the jail the person who does at the theft looking and fraud releases combining After all intelligence it is late and it is tsu temporary what
                                                                      • 我觉得他诈骗窃取雅然后来到监狱释放532怎么办?什么我Bakkari智慧仍然缓慢 532 Thinking that we would like to enter to the jail the person who does at the theft looking and fraud releases combining After all intelligence it is late and it is tsu temporary what

                                                                    • 我认为犯人价格由这些死亡的灵魂是谁宫东586囚犯将被执行?如果它被打死,但是没有瓦特
                                                                      586 You think that soul of the people who by the fact that the prisoner becomes capital punishment kill in the prisoner relaxes? Although you have not been killed w

                                                                      • 或全球性趋势,而不是我用一个词或者是个伪君子,还是对荣格瓦特疯狂
                                                                        Tendency of the world, about only [kichigai] or hypocrite or [chiyon] the word shelf w which is not used

                                                                        • 最简单的方法我有Mirya是否赞成废除死刑只是谁被打死的人的亲属
                                                                          That it is simplest, tries voting, the [ri] [ya] whether or not the capital punishment system abolishes with just the human who has the experience which is killed flesh fell of, is to call is

                                                                          • 杀手在监狱外的非洲居民,而不是死刑。日本海外合作Baiin尚未发送该地区
                                                                            As for resident foreign murderer in place of penal servitude capital punishment among Africa. You should have sent to area with overseas cooperative party, it is it is not

                                                                            • 正义是不是疯了驱动tTA按封死刑谴责Tottara自民党政权的时候我是一个承诺,维护或6个月执行严格的规定,一批刑事程序,或为自由民主党我有点支持人民想要的
                                                                              As for Minister of Justice who it is does not push capital punishment densely even in the Liberal Democratic Party and deviates it was however When administration you take, as for the condemned criminal 6 month stipulations of bundle execution or Code of Criminal Procedure are protected strictly when When it pledges, support of the citizen for our people as for some whether it rises, don't you think?

                                                                              • 死刑是“死亡”是,但死刑是进一步监禁不应当 (伐丽流而最终总是在死亡)我会唱双重处罚 As a death penalty “capital punishment” being as for punishment above this although it is the expectation which is not Capital punishment penal servitude punishment furthermore be sure to be able to end with capital punishment double punishment Advocating it means ru thing
                                                                                • 但他们可以废除死刑,我要发言海军补偿皇家犯罪的人数招的,就像18世纪的鞭子 However capital punishment it is possible to abolish The Royal Navy of the 18th century you whip should make up for crime likely and at frequency
                                                                                • 我并不是说我不后悔,受害人被罚款很棒,即使没有死,甚至没有坦白说,我有519只 519 There is no bu tsu chi ya ke capital punishment and the te clear and others the reason which is done how there is no regret of the victim it is don t you think
                                                                                • 死刑是“死亡”是,但死刑是进一步监禁不应当 (交换必须在死亡尚未结束),我将双重处罚affords As a death penalty “capital punishment” being as for punishment above this although it is the expectation which is not Capital punishment penal servitude punishment furthermore be sure to be able to end with capital punishment double punishment Advocating it means ru thing
                                                                                • 现在,一个人的执行野蛮暴行进行这样的 And from this capital punishment of the human non person who did such inhumanity is executed
                                                                                • 病情,他背诵了废除死刑的资本,甚至并不星级怀疑或取消的热情,相反的是如何做的遇难者家属的感受 Even enthusiasm to capital punishment abolition are doubted them who capital punishment abolition Is the circumstance that how feelings of the victim bereaved family irritation you advocate
                                                                                • 驱动tTA我说了从驱动tTA取消后的效益,我会说一,死刑的前加拿大取消在第二阶段3年以来最高峰 Calling the capital punishment abolition of 2nd stage of 3 years than year of the apex later tsu te Canadian capital punishment abolition from here after that you called that it decreases the effect of capital punishment abolition from the ru it is

                                                                              • 死刑有人甚至s背诵,并重新考虑是否废除死刑的刑事法律也有目前没有死在不触摸向井Hazime的QP愿望锤炼法律将在今年的12个太暴力犯罪很明显,反民情
                                                                                1 Capital punishment abolition advocating, does not mention the fact that also the abolition disputant takes a second look criminal law absolutely If while it is existence there is no capital punishment, also brutal offense coming out in over ten years, it means this [ru] thing It is opposed to the citizen feeling which desires severe punishment conversion clearly

                                                                                • 民主是危险的Tta ll这样想,最后像一个蜜蜂巢Shausesuku痞子地狱的一切,自决或政府所有的废料,认真性交了解散争取一个双赢的名人,并采取这场斗争市政府或 Finally as for the democracy which you think that it is dangerous this way It embarked on the guaranty of the famous person and the white star It is kudzu administration with maji Swiftly dispersing everything to commit suicide and the re That also the kudzu like everyone shiyausesuku make the honeycomb and
                                                                                  • 民主是危险的Tta ll这样想,最后像一个蜜蜂巢Shausesuku痞子地狱的一切,自决或政府所有的废料,认真性交了解散争取一个双赢的名人,并采取这场斗争市政府或 Finally as for the democracy which you think that it is dangerous this way It embarked on the guaranty of the famous person and the white star It is kudzu administration with maji Swiftly dispersing everything to commit suicide and the re That also the kudzu like everyone shiyausesuku make the honeycomb and

                                                                                • 然而,在起诉前行与帝京大学,逮捕作为专家鉴定人赎回通过第三方,是一种血液分析伐丽流认为是比较重视的罪犯和受害者以及头发,久间章生控方专家得出结论,认为被告不匹配的DNA类型
                                                                                  But, before the arresting as the judgment investigation by the third party agency at the Teikyo university With the judgment which was done, the criminal who has come in contact with Hisama and the hair and the victim same as prosecution judgment The bloodstain which is thought was compared was analyzed but the result that was produced it does not match the DNA type of the defendant,

                                                                                  • 现在,展望,完全是对警察的拉剪的时候,“你这么办了”,“嗯,我也”的心态,它需要相当多的人我 Already seeing When it is vis a vis the policeman whom that it drags and has turned completely “you the wax which was done” “the a The human of considerable number depends on the psychological circumstance that you did”
                                                                                    • 所谓挛缩。神经症的依赖是一种精神状态变得类似于奴隶的关系国王和审讯 Generally known 拘 Depending on the characteristic neurosis it examines relationship with official the king With it is to become a psychological state like the slave

                                                                                  • 监狱中的课程后,蒸发源,我不适合的鸿沟,而且反复训练
                                                                                    The fact that with curriculum inside the jail, evaporation after the being discharged is not agreeable to dividing, repeatedly is educated

                                                                                    • 端午说,人类的趋势,世界的,但很死。四郎和审议埃泰说,这些囚犯是犯罪主体的受害者
                                                                                      But what you say that tendency of the world is it is humanity, well enough Death. Thinking of the thing of the victim of the crime which the object person commits speech margin and

                                                                                      • 第一个“全球趋势”的分离和基督徒,我不喜欢死刑。这个想法是来自欧洲的政治家如“不要看起来很酷,”你为什么不?在许多选民表示我们永远不会认为死刑是更好地生存在一个有限的方式
                                                                                        In the first place “tendency of the world” capital punishment expelling/opening stopping, Christianity exemption. The Western politicians who come from idea “it can obtain, the parenthesis forces” reason something there is no? As for many of the absolute voter as for capital punishment thinking that the one which it continued limited is better the [ru] [tsu] [te

                                                                                        • 第一名(司法),证实了死刑,嘿呀我想如果你没有政客的权力分离和任意决定意义的举行 In the first place when administration of justice reserves the capital punishment which is decided with the judgment where the politician is selfish You think that there is no meaning of three right separation however it is don t you think the e …
                                                                                          • 确保死刑和一个警察非法禁锢及主役多留案起诉 Also the leading part barrel policeman and investigation of false charge incident…… may be capital punishment

                                                                                        • 而被定罪者的好公民。您应该废除死刑不可能朱达罗在蒙古,如果他们不?萘乙酸。千叶是不是我们的故事由前联邦累犯撕责任 With re offense suffering to good citizen It does not receive if is it is possible to be capital punishment abolition The ro which is unreasonable Chiba o As for re offense you come off and depend responsibility and story it is reason
                                                                                          • 他们将在千叶,强大的孙女。如果它不是一个真正的罪犯死刑的谋杀案 The granddaughter appearance being in Chiba it is strong Assuming that you were murdered it does not designate the criminal as capital punishment if is the phone mono shelf
                                                                                          • 而被定罪者的好公民。达罗不可能的,如果你不废除死刑,我们在蒙古的死亡?萘乙酸。千叶是不是我们的故事由前联邦累犯撕责任 With re offense suffering to good citizen It does not receive if is it is possible to be capital punishment abolition The ro which is unreasonable Chiba o As for re offense you come off and depend responsibility and story it is reason

                                                                                        • 谴责,但将根据法律惩处不执行的话,如果司法部长,被处死的谴责和以往相比,是在法律面前人人平等反原则的宪法可能是什么?司法部长本人,个人信仰Nejimage玩忽职守宪法,如下:让我们不要忘记,教师的工作,认为 If as for the condemned criminal although you are punished on the basis of law Minister of Justice is does not execute that past It means to oppose to the principle of the constitution equality under law in comparison with the condemned criminal who is executed The kana which is not Don t you think Minister of Justice himself with principle of the individual constitution the stripe ge as for neglecting duty accomplishment very that It is action below problem teacher
                                                                                          • 文章在一天前,众议院司法委员会的事务大岛先生,图为男子刑死在去年12月份上升了脖子的照片,死刑违反了宪法,该宪法禁止残酷的惩罚据报道,声称要取消,使 As for article Oshima preceding day At the House of Representatives Committee on Judical Affairs the photograph which copies the part of the neck of the man who dies under death penalty in the December last year with rise Because the showing and capital punishment have violated to the constitution which prohibits cruel punishment you insist that we should abolish You announced that it does

                                                                                        • 达罗千叶重罪,如果你拖延执行自己的想法,但我不跑出来,取代正义?
                                                                                          You making the execution of law delay with your own thought, if the [ru] the [ro] which is felony As for Chiba unless it reshuffles, there is no justice, but it is?

                                                                                          • 达罗的民主党政府一样样的社会是不是第一个部队和前现在是什么派的民主社会党

                                                                                            • 这是一个令人信服的理由,我在哪里?谋杀案的国家? ?的“肖像这个词”逮捕拘留的国家,“抢劫罚款的国家”生活“强迫劳动的国家监狱”我 This which is reason what where somewhere is a persuasive power The homicide due to the nation You can call that if “As for arrest the confinement with the nation” “As for the fine the burglar by the nation” “ mushiyo living the forced labor with the nation” is don t you think
                                                                                              • 如何才能恢复如谋杀或强奸,抢劫邪恶?你也对重新犯罪案件的许多事务 Burglar rape homicide or the phantom killer making be regenerated It was on but there are re offense incident many cases it is the ro which is

                                                                                            • 逃脱死亡谋杀,其中第一个被判处谋杀罪对假释第二次(如果是出于执行的情况出现的第一个受害者的第二次)除川口横田肯齐谋杀TTP的:/ / gonta13。at.infoseek.co.jp / newpage530。媒马尼亚善行地下室。大学生杀人TTP的:/ / gonta13。At.infoseek.co.jp / newpage507。媒彰北9牧野。母亲和女儿发生的伤人事件TTP的:/ / gonta13。At.infoseek.co.jp / newpage557。媒谋杀得奖餐馆老板高田TTP的:/ / gonta13。At.infoseek.co.jp / newpage554。媒年轻的佐藤雅史。猥亵。谋杀TTP的:/ / gonta13。At.infoseek.co.jp / newpage559。媒老虎机谋杀溢价商业岛津新治TTP的:/ / gonta13。At.infoseek.co.jp / newpage563。媒行久武康野方
                                                                                              Example of the condemned criminal who escapes capital punishment in the homicide of the one time eye, commits second homicide during temporary releasing If (it has become 1st with capital punishment, as for the 2nd victim the incident which does not occur) Yokota 謙 two Kawaguchi disjointed murder case ttp: //gonta13. at.infoseek.co.jp/newpage530. htm 萬 valley justice happiness Underground. Junior college live murder case ttp: //gonta13. at.infoseek.co.jp/newpage507. htm Pasture righteousness North nine. Mother daughter killing and wounding incident ttp: //gonta13. at.infoseek.co.jp/newpage557. htm Takeda victory Eating and drinking storekeeper murder case ttp: //gonta13. at.infoseek.co.jp/newpage554. htm Sato Makoto will It is young. 猥. Murder case ttp: //gonta13. at.infoseek.co.jp/newpage559. htm Shimazu Niihari Pachinko premium trade murder case ttp: //gonta13. at.infoseek.co.jp/newpage563. htm The military affairs it is cheap Yukihisa Nogata burglar murder case ttp: //gonta13. at.infoseek.co.jp/newpage549. htm The Ui [ri] [yo] [u] next The Okayama woman murder incident ttp: //gonta13. at.infoseek.co.jp/newpage618. htm

                                                                                              • 逻辑上的事情,但逻辑思维和站立,技能而不是语言尽管准备好了,后来才跟你会同意,死刑一旦某种错误的,哦,事情谈论各种我没有座位只有明智的拖延死刑要狡辩沉重纳鲁 Logically logic raising phenomenon thinking in the habit which is not the linguistic competence which is same war potential somehow That one time capital punishment approval will make by mistake ru thing unless with back matter in well also it probably goes being Quibble is repeated Because we would like to become capital punishment it is visible in only intelligence lag it is don t you think
                                                                                                • 不过我认为他们可以做的是什么死刑刑罚为死刑是瓦特等犯罪,那些想踢谁的生活,但相当多继续 You are possible and the kind of crime which becomes capital punishment to become the human tsu te capital punishment which is done thinking so you put out w On the other hand it seems that the one which is continued to utilize becomes punishment
                                                                                                • 反对死刑,永远是邪教九条,人权,环境,部落,我要与在日本的歧视 As for capital punishment opposition in order by all means nine provision cults to link to human rights environment the village and resident discrimination it does although
                                                                                                • 好Tteru甚至认为思维,成为一个手流题跋多一点关于废除死刑不支付租金work ll Not working salary receiving when ru Chiba becomes capital punishment Thinking that it is good thinking a little concerning capital punishment abolition the ru
                                                                                                • 如果你不运行司法部停止执行死刑或只是试图阻止弹出了一项法律,废除死刑 If capital punishment is not executed even just the effort which puts out the law which stops Minister of Justice or it stops it abolishes capital punishment margin
                                                                                                • 如果死刑 毕竟,谁愿意被杀害了苏纳鲁重死亡罪 If how se capital punishment with becoming you repeat crime Because we would like to become capital punishment the person is killed Was
                                                                                                • 存在于死刑,有利于人类,人类存在的唯一反对死刑 As for existing the mankind who approves capital punishment and the mankind who opposes to capital punishment just exist
                                                                                                • 当你杀了约100万人,如果我有死刑,在东京昆虫攻击,会就包括安装核弹头的战斧 About 10 000 person killing it does not become capital punishment if it is the nuclear warhead placing in the tomahawk you shoot in Tokyo and are packed and
                                                                                                • 必须承认,我承认我的自卫权利,如果一国的武装废除死刑 If capital punishment is abolished recognizing the right to arm in the citizen self defense must be recognized
                                                                                                • 我想你最好刑罚同意在死亡会使你不老实,活泼,但他会投票affords So it gives vote and the chi ya their vigor is to attach uninformed from the chi ya u You think that the one which is made gently capital punishment approval is good
                                                                                                • 我想干掉谁杀的人从我开始,等待捕捉“想成为一名被判处死刑”怎么减少犯罪和证词?楚圆,如果击中人兽 From first when the murder you want Thinking after the person the murder being caught “if you want to become capital punishment” that you testify crime It reduces combining If it is the hit man circular profit
                                                                                                • 我认为谨慎的趋势古狂欢或取消,如果一旦电视处决431 431 If one time execution the television is relayed you think that at a stroke it tilts in abolition or prudent theory
                                                                                                • 我认为谨慎的趋势古狂欢或取消,如果一旦电视处决431 431 If one time execution the television is relayed you think that at a stroke it tilts in abolition or prudent theory
                                                                                                • 换言之,我会说这不会使死刑前给你的感觉,因为他是唯一的利润或者相反 In other words you saying because as for ru thing the circle the person who is gained is with whichever there is no meaning of making capital punishment
                                                                                                • 日本20年,是一个罕见的国家,每年我把谋杀率是多少?然而最近,死刑太多! ! “亲死刑↓”? 米身穿有效的阻吓作用死刑 Japan here several dozen years is to be rare country where homicide rate of occurrence has decreased yearly Although is recently capital punishment decision is too multi ” ↓ Capital punishment group of supporters “ Capital punishment being effective effectively as a deterrent the ru it is the shelf
                                                                                                • 更棒的是,如果你确实希望废除死刑计划或不含税collision ll所有独立的基础上,监狱 If tax it makes the system which is not thrust to a jail all self sustenance system it is good even with capital punishment abolition
                                                                                                • 毕竟,甚至死刑后,梅塔滚装亲死刑,而是因为我不认为s ll带来的内疚感 After all also capital punishment propulsion group is hesitant in capital punishment you can think from only the ru with the sin impression
                                                                                                • 甚至一些措施,以对付出生率下降的思维,如果不是死亡,即使人被打死这辈子班邦准备好了,我在做之前出生率下降国力下降 However much thinking of opposite step in little child conversion the human who now when it is same war potential has lived the van van Killing if the notion that where it does not become capital punishment before the little child converting but Kuniriki is atrophies
                                                                                                • 立法应修改为30天之内执行死刑时,自动确定死刑鸠山说,司法部长驱动tTA As Minister of Justice Hatoyama said when capital punishment decides in order automatically to execute capital punishment within 30 days degree of laws should be amended
                                                                                                • 等我,我有我的死是诬陷,我觉得它的双手绑我也取消 We what when you think that with the false charge by his becomes capital punishment The abolition fog you think in vain it is
                                                                                                • 自己,只有人民谁也说U是满意是死刑,将死刑资格亲 By his becoming in capital punishment it is satisfaction there is a qualification which becomes the capital punishment system approval person only the person that
                                                                                                • 虽然不是吃了免费餐自满20年有期徒刑10年,为什么死刑已成为最后不过他们“生存”或能茹 Nevertheless while the party whom capital punishment decides why 10 years and 20 years eating tadameshi with the jail “to live lightheartedly being able to do to continue ”
                                                                                                • 虽然民意是要求普天间搬迁以外的县,将在该国人民在按照所以我不理会民意,但没有太多支持恢复死刑何时 As for Futenma following to public opinion outside the prefecture and transfer of facilities margin it is good overseas as for public opinion capital punishment approval Although it is many just such time why public opinion is ignored it is
                                                                                                • 逻辑上的东西,而不是在语言技能,尽管俄如被认为是站在逻辑,唯一的惩罚然后与我会尽力的死亡是某种错误的,纳鲁智慧从后期重谈论各种事情啊狡辩我只是没有座位 Logically logic raising phenomenon thinking in the habit which is not the linguistic competence which is same war potential somehow That one time capital punishment approval will make by mistake ru thing unless with back matter in well also it probably goes being Quibble is repeated Because we would like to become capital punishment it is visible in only intelligence lag it is don t you think
                                                                                                • 鲜血淋漓的,也陷入昏迷状态,我可以说话死刑,如果你击中了方向次数 You will faint also it probably becomes bloody also If you do with the direction which pounds in stipulated frequency it is possible to be capital punishment abolition

                                                                                              • 那么八一四顷杀死了所有的家庭的儿童,尤其是他们的父母是如何残酷的杀戮,街头裸体跳动发言的地方不知道任何人梅塔是在刺的恩人和他的朋友进一步也被忽视,“仍然反对死刑”如果说我承认 814 How to kill well his own whole group everyone is killed as for especially his own parent and child offering accompanying is cruel The rank striking hard where you do furthermore make your own friend and the benefactor the metsuta sticking and someone does not understand With bareness being left in road surface if “after all opposition how you call capital punishment ” it will recognize
                                                                                                • 814杂死亡陷阱基特贝壳项链避免情绪化决策理论湿重,所以我会抽筋,是由于韩国10 814 You avoid the capital punishment of the Japanese and the re are the trap Emotional argument conclusion kita ww Therefore although return to Korea the tsu it has hung …
                                                                                                • 那么一个是杀死了所有的家庭的儿童,尤其是他们的父母是如何残酷的杀戮,街头裸体跳动发言的地方不知道任何人梅塔是在刺的恩人和他的朋友进一步也被忽视,“仍然是反对死刑”如果你这么说我承认 1 How to kill well his own whole group everyone is killed as for especially his own parent and child offering accompanying is cruel The rank striking hard where you do furthermore make your own friend and the benefactor the metsuta sticking and someone does not understand With bareness being left in road surface if “as for capital punishment you call opposition after all ” it will recognize

                                                                                              • 首先,悲伤和愤怒的被剥夺了家庭生活,不是我最辣比肩吗?大宗原材料的经验被自由没有Karetara继续被剥夺,我认为佐藤是一个成人和梳子吗,但我说什么我知道我会自杀我同样的事情 Original As for sorrow and the anger which are taken the family lifetime shouldering harshest thing what When while you take freedom you utilize and continue between the houses you think that it had made gentle Doing the same thing but it commits suicide and the tsu te may say
                                                                                                • 据说关于死刑,杀死日本和韩国还没有听到谁新浪 Furthermore the Chinese person and the Korean killing the Japanese you do not hear a story that it became capital punishment
                                                                                                • 毕竟,这是我不能死最热门?大宗原材料的经验,没有Karetara正在继续被剥夺自由的,但我说什么我知道我会杀了我 In the first place the dead tsu te harshest thing what When while you take freedom you utilize and continue but you kill and the tsu te may say
                                                                                                • 永远不能愈合以及死刑,悲伤和愤怒的被剥夺了家庭生活的需要是什么肩 Assuming that it became capital punishment there are no times when it is healed Lifetime you must keep shouldering sorrow and the anger which are taken the family it is

                                                                                              • 龟井是Ntsukyouso小泽这样你和民主党人一直挂在他脖子上的绳索私刑与公众愤怒和与民团和朝总联的官员和成员的创价学会和鸽子
                                                                                                As for such Kamei Ozawa and pigeon and Democratic party Assemblyman and Nitukiyou group and Soka academic society member and people group and entire linkage person in charge person With it is lynched together with anger of the citizen and the rope is applied in the neck and is hung it is the [ro] which is

                                                                                                • 龟井静香和她娘家的姓,皇帝制度Dattari女系对选举权和国外,但也高马伊拉亲和力与保守,基本上只说这一点的衣袖啊瓦特
                                                                                                  Kamei is opposite to foreign carrot administration and woman type emperor system and the surname classified by married couple, with, Being basically conservative, will not, however and others also affinity it is high, just at this point in time the shelf w which may divide the 袂

                                                                                                  • 龟井,他认为:宪法修正案,对第9条的解释有23个街道,因为我不正常
                                                                                                    Kamei: As for constitution amendment being principle, there to be interpretation of 23 sorts in constitution 9 provision, because it is dysfunction, is

                                                                                                    研究 開発