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The form of Prime Minister Hatoyama, the Liu zen buddhism which led the 蜀 to fall - the Tokyo University Yamanouchi professor ★2


  • 33:26编号:PCPI44Ve0我们面前的是794 Shishiro拉回到北越 33 26 ID PCPI44Ve0 794 As for you in North Korea moving margin
    • 769名:Shisan名无 10周年之际发布 :2010 05 11(星期二)06:33:26编号:PCPI44Ve0 Karimashita OTA解决方案,你是763历史 769 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 11 fire 06 33 26 ID PCPI44Ve0 763 When you are historical ota solution you drove

  • 343 什么是他们谁曾弗里德里希威廉四世,新天鹅堡?在美浓熟悉的难题,是您的城堡根灰姑娘城堡
    343 > [huritoritsuhi] [vuiruherumu] four world The [noishiyubanshiyutain] castle the [tsu] [ke] which is the person who was made to make? To an original news item of the Cinderella castle, with the jigsaw puzzle that castle which adapts

    • 413摆在我们面前,我认为,鸠山说,至少人们可以在最不称职的领导人,包括梅塔的整个历史时代的呢?这是一个积极的人不称职lowest m差异ü 413 As for you as for Hatoyama history of ancient and modern east west was included Thinking that disabled most it is not most possible in all leaders is the lowest human That is different Being disabled the be active human is lowest what
      • 所以,我要说的是,刘山不称职,不称职的败类混蛋鸠山的最年龄领导人在所有的历史和所有包括元 It is not the case that we would like to say that Liu zen buddhism is competent Hatoyama included the history of ancient and modern east west It is the most disabled kudzu guy in all leaders

    • 430哦,“我希望你克惹比尔没有面包吃甜食,”以下内特著名的话,我是一个真正的革命政府秋最后制作 430 If the a “there is no pan although the candy should have been eaten ” the tsu te As for those famous lines to tell the truth fabrication of revolution government In other words as for potsupo decision below antowanetsuto
      • 430绝代艳,即使是通过我芝权威,Hanee一贵族的核心条款,蜡洙Burezu 430 As for marry antowanetsuto in the point that it probably will protect the authority of nobility class The one core is passing to the blurring zu So as for potsupo well…

    • 501然而,现场,但所有的读者峨我感觉到在这一幕愤怒,是不是完美的,我想借此时间做禅刘阿蓐考虑以后?他是这样一个奇怪的位置也被打死,立即弹出的穷人或雄心勃勃,但作为在玛拉相同的情况下,或认为我不是大的人谁愿意看到曹操让刘备怕打雷的 501 But the scene where this scene tsu te reader everyone remembers anger Being afterwards when you think exchange tsu te perfection of Liu zen buddhism of this time it is not When ambition it puts out unskillfully being killed instantly therefore strange standpoint what Liu preparation fearing the thunder showing the great person calling to 曹 virtue you made think when with it is the same circumstance don t you think

      • 5时46分1995年时在冬季,如果在黑暗和寒冷的古地震周二(1995年)在神户阪神大地震前1月17日,5个小时,首相村山富市在中午围坐我们
        Being cold, morning of the dark winter 5:46 AM 1995 (1995) January 17th Tuesday Hyogo prefecture southern earthquake After the Kobe Earthquake of the morning, 5 hours, wealth city Prime Minister Murayama had made the baud [tsu] to the noon

        • 756或实际的政策,意见或谁做的?这不全是没有资格来判断一下其内部事务,不正确禅他们写信给刘乐 756 Actually is the person who does policy advises not to be And it cannot judge competent disabled being correct it is not written on roku concerning the internal affair of generation of Liu zen buddhism
          • 很容易从人说,周围的人也取决于鸠山,诸葛亮,江编码,如果主管的助手李耗资约,我认为这是不坏的,所以至今 Because the human who is easy to be influenced by the human around saying also Hatoyama it seems If Akira Morokuzu Juang en the competent aide about of expense i is you think that to here it does not mean terrible thing

        • 786自民党和官僚我不寻常的一党统治60年,很多很多事情凯塔什么是坏的艾滋病毒战争的一部分,将天上的裙带官僚行贿官员任命
          786 As for the Liberal Democratic Party and bureaucracy bribe Bureaucratic leaving Bureaucratic heaven War support Chemical injury AIDS Flesh fell [bi] going Something the varieties bad thing was many and Almost 1 party supports distributing also 60 years, it is abnormal

          • NULL NULL
            • 醍醐充满循环准历史人物的宝座,而且,足利义政,萝卜漂浮,他们认为淀君 The person in the history which is appointed in LOOPY Emperor rear Daigo Ashikaga justice government 淀 the area of you comes to mind
            • : 我,现在更容易( ,) NULL
            • : 我,现在更容易( ,) ヽ当地雇员 升 NULL
            • : 我,现在更容易( ,) ヽ当地雇员 升 NULL

          • “在做什么(冲绳支付方式将是一个庄严的后卫),你来吗?”∩ 器Rf ∩ヽ。 布鲁诺布鲁诺υ ヽ像中国and Korea ,因为不同 “What dying just and being able to point to pompous patrol burden and specially coming to Okinawa ” ∩ r he REPT ∩ no Î¥ No ⌒ REPT 92 Γ ⌒ 92 REPT 92 The Chinese way Korea way it is because
            • 疲软的日本宪法,如中国,分下来,说在所有的种震动,可能要调动一切 Making Japan weak the Chinese way concerning the point that it goes down being off center completely or isn t everything clever plan

          • →著名贵族百万富翁奇玛丽前466,无能,愚蠢,敌意和仇恨的人的100%→著名奥托米秋。鸠山由家庭,无能,愚蠢,Louppy 100%日本厌恶和仇恨
            466 [mariantowanetsuto] -> distinguished large magnate nobility [medeichi] leaving home body, disabled, fool, antipathy and hatred 100% of the populace [potsupo] -> distinguished large wealth. Hatoyama house graduate, disabled, fool, antipathy and hatred 100% of [rupi] and Japanese

            • 。咬 浮看到这一切,但在所有的儿子请了一个不同类型的人,大脑和肌肉工作在残酷的名字,看来我刚才康茂德 The invitation sons came to mind… With something tsu coming konmodousu how name it came out it is probably will be Although in gachimuchi of brain muscle type is different completely in the cruel man
              • 尼罗克劳迪斯奥古斯都恺撒曼尼古斯所谓的“暴君尼禄”疯狂水平 Nero kuraudeiusu Caesar augusutousu gerumanikusu kichigai of generally known “tyrant Nero” level

            • 一些民主党政客不小心句话不论鸠山限于众议院选举中骄收集元(自负)是与日
              As for careless speech of the part politician of the Democratic party, you supplied victory with the Lower House election, not just Prime Minister Hatoyama 驕 () the [ri] and it is not unrelated

              • 不过,首相村山富市,让自卫队时,拒绝援助美军一直在寻找杀死6000人的目的,关西
                Although is, wealth city Prime Minister Murayama left 5 hour Self Defense Force, refused the US military help, looked at Kansai human 6000 purposely and made the murder

                • 也许出奇地好人民的力量头巾匹配成功的家伙驴暂时周围溃疡后,在党的黄河我煽
                  The populace fanning, it succeeded temporarily Don't you think? person of yellow width party - When it is crushed in the allied forces after that Whether it agrees unexpectedly

                  • 也许我们有可能生活在429名苏院长其余大致在日本历史 429 Perhaps when it does whether as for we you have lived under the prime minister who leaves name to the Japanese history largely
                    • 也许我们也许452学生已离开苏大致总理的名义在日本历史 452 Perhaps when it does whether as for we you have lived under the prime minister who leaves name to the Japanese history largely

                  • 什么』。鸽子不仅做得比形容!有些是军事压力,他被枪杀,因为如果我能取得进展的和平我,我觉得有同情的空间 tsu te Predicate just it has done there is no mashi from the pigeon There was also a pressure of the army and advancing peace because the cod it is repelled there is a possibility The air which has the margin of sympathy does
                    • 来吧,我知道该人相比,秋鸽子带来的,法国黄金时代的法国377,我想每个人肆虐 377 When the person who brings golden period to France the ru you know by comparison with pigeon potsupo French thinks that everyone you rage

                  • 他也是79,是一个好打架,但我很少东西包围着我们徳川作弊武田Houziyou Zanetanha蛆 79 Him maggot za news item it is while you being surrounded in chito Takeda Hojo Tokugawa somehow the ze which is the fighting well red sandal wood
                    • 我,我很快到卫,这是一个良好的政府,他可以停止Metashi左右,我不会 Going down to the 魏 ahead of time as for doing virtue government surroundings stopped and He probably is not possible

                  • 他是一个残疾人可比数字与鸠山的历史,这些设施应建立时,你不会
                    As for the same person as Hatoyama it will not be in the person in history When, when it does, it is the expectation which is in the facility which the advancement obstacle laboratory it melts and says

                    • 你舒鸠山被高估,进入Tattsu Zutaboro的欧迈534秋天,我从来没有留下任何文字甘蔗 534 Will not but you have appraised excessively the ro which is When it is Hatoyama it does the 蜀 and it has ceased to exist in extent zutaboro which the letter of the yo does not remain the tsu
                      • 你舒鸠山被高估,进入Tattsu Zutaboro的欧迈534秋天,我从来没有留下任何文字甘蔗 534 Will not but you have appraised excessively the ro which is When it is Hatoyama it does the 蜀 and it has ceased to exist in extent zutaboro which the letter of the yo does not remain the tsu

                    • 全世界超过22后,韩国的后裔。 。在18岁青,它被带到日本从大邱,庆北朝鲜城市
                      After that the descendant over Korea 22 worlds. . When celebration 18 years old being, furthermore the Korean celebration you say that it crossed the sea to Japan from north road large 邱 city,

                      • 冲绳以外的居民反对在普天间基地搬迁的省内外,“承诺”的形象,鸠山由纪夫是我们的总理几乎很容易,对严重Girudarouka重叠时刘山的话
                        In the form of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama which with Okinawa “pledge” of moving outside overseas prefecture of the Futenma base is in the prefectural people partner and also to be simple it makes the wastepaper, If you say that word line of Liu zen buddhism is piled up, it probably will pass harshly?

                        • 刘山先生是不是该有Nanori皇帝,另一个皇帝(吴为)和我有纠纷必须命运
                          Being the case that you have been identified the emperor, other emperor (魏 Kure) with you must dispute Liu zen buddhism, there was a fate

                          • 刘山是最后我想你到我地修Kukatta很少鸽子环绕的群山,我认为这很好,你的可能是现在突然刘山卫的军事进展,可我没有办法轻易投降 以前看普通他不是 Perhaps thinking that it is excellent you having surrounded your own thing in the mountain it was difficult to attack Liu zen buddhism it is with to do the yo As for end the place where it does not have the road the 魏 troop who advances appearing suddenly As for Liu zen buddhism the person who cannot be used simply in like the surrender… pigeon
                            • 刘山是他的责任是要完成所有的受试者并不光彩,但我认为这就够了吗?鸠山,他们会认为他们是邪恶的唐立一个自己的孩子瓦特 Perhaps thinking that it is excellent you having surrounded your own thing in the mountain it was difficult to attack Liu zen buddhism it is with to do the yo As for end the place where it does not have the road the 魏 troop who advances appearing suddenly As for Liu zen buddhism the person who cannot be used simply in like the surrender… pigeon
                            • 刘山的人,但更是愚蠢的统治者“,毒害河流绝灭一月Mazetara瓦特说:”我自己也是凭借驱动tTA统治者为离开的人字梁 But darkness you being as for Liu zen buddhism The subordinate “when the poison is mixed into the river as for the mark extermination it is the w” te He is name you who can retreat the fact that you said for the people it is
                            • 我 ⌒⌒我) 它来消灭日本本土 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i Is in order to exterminate the native Japanese

                          • 刘山致力于三国吴英雄。这孩子,但它仍然没有节日,鸠山由纪夫奸不称职的抗日,我将永远记住,在最坏的日本人从首相无能
                            As for Liu zen buddhism the military affairs which celebrate the Sangokushi heroes. It is not celebrated even now in the child, but so, the anti-Japanese traitor As for Yukio the Hatoyama of disabled, from the Japanese citizen As lowest disabled prime minister eternal it probably is to be remembered

                            • 刚才我也小泽,鸠山董卓,刘禅,有些事情我Kakiko丰臣秀赖,当时,“献帝”,因为它好古听到这样的故事是聪明,董卓联合国献帝不敢如果我是这两个比较合看,如果没有从东京直接关系,经过思维“献帝”我还Ttena〜或者,也是一次学习教育Louppy大学是不会做了茹 We on just a little front Ozawa 董 table Hatoyama Liu zen buddhism Toyotomi 秀 asking depending There being a thing which tsu te kakiko is done because that time as for the “献 emperor” you hear the like story which is intelligent well Being able to meet removing the 献 emperor however the 董 table it made 2 people who do not have direct interrelationship When it tries thinking from after “the 献 emperor” tsu te it is it being possible or Therefore rupi once educational background Tokyo University because study probably is possible
                              • 刘山是一个国家,几十年来结束之后,我死了,不是吗?Zhuge梁仁日本数十年来,这家伙应该得到保护驱动tTA As for Liu zen buddhism after Akira Morokuzu dies several dozen year countries maintained but When it leaves also several dozen years to it is dense the ro which is the Japanese end

                            • 别人的98。如果它看起来像一个恢复力10风暴 击剑2 200 5,39军事情报奖学金100 魅力70200分之200就是这样一位家长毛利隆122名军事 剑道81135分之200奖学金一百二十五分之一百魅力二百分之二百 Everyone s umbrella it is 98 If the storm of the restoration it probably is such feeling Military force 10 200 Kendo 2 100 Scholastic ability Military force 5 intellect 39 200 Charm 70 200 By the way As for Mouri Satoshi parent of 1 Military force 122 200 Kendo 81 100 Scholastic ability 135 200 Charm 125 200
                              • 别人的98。如果它看起来像一个恢复力10风暴 击剑2三十九分之二百100奖学金 魅力70200分之200就是这样一位家长毛利隆122名军事 剑道81135分之200奖学金125分之100魅力200分之200 Everyone s umbrella it is 98 If the storm of the restoration it probably is such feeling Military force 10 200 Kendo 2 100 Scholastic ability Military force 5 intellect 39 200 Charm 70 200 By the way As for Mouri Satoshi parent of 1 Military force 122 200 Kendo 81 100 Scholastic ability 135 200 Charm 125 200

                            • 卡利古拉只是能无,天然池塘,尼罗Tsukanai事物的大脑水平甚至残酷的暴君母亲告诉是非扭曲或周围的其他部分是疯魔表根据良心使古贤音频什么样的疯狂的暴君
                              Simply talent there is no [karigiyura], the natural swamp, even judgment of good and evil of phenomenon the tyrant of the brain of the ogre domesticated fowl and animals level which is not attached Nero had happened to have also conscience wisely, but being twisted around the mother other [kichigai] ogre domesticated fowl and animals, deviating, tyrant conversion

                              • 卢不董卓,小泽陈功苑书,内阁官房长官的弟弟Poppo Poppo兄弟刁元邵草谷日节ー创造了这个与谢野馨,益生太郎训刘备石凝胶小泉进次郎 NULL
                                • 如果,干河内赛义布最重要的是你吗?刘表无后,有权力后Tta ll计划荆州,荆州立即弹出曹采取差异 When with it does as for being closest rhinoceros bow kana The Liu chart it is not after planning after taking over 荊 state 荊 state is presented to 曹 virtue instantaneously

                              • 反对派时差和鸠山,刘山的甚至没有任何野心,鸠山由纪夫的反日汉奸的无能,野心? (幻影)仅强
                                As for the place where it is different from Hatoyama, as for Liu zen buddhism many ambitions did not have, but Yukio the Hatoyama of anti-Japanese traitor disabled Ambition? (Delusion) just it was excellent

                                • 后来减少瘟疫和饥荒和战争东汉晚期至约1 10分钟的常住人口与新浪,只有1万人口的约,甚至卫凯塔越来越大的第一个(舒百万只)有困难,因为国家本身操作任何国家 After and after the Chinese family register population decreases to about 1 10 in large disturbances of war and large famine and the plague of Chinese end There being only several about 1 000 000 populations with even the largest 魏 as for the 蜀 1 000 000 it passes There is every country and a consequence whose itself it is serious to manage the nation

                                  • 嗯,我指的是626 小泽,董卓鸠山 米不是献帝善于 626 Well so in the sense that you say Ozawa 董 table Hatoyama 献 emperor So it is good it is
                                    • 小泽说:“我有话要杀死鹰”× 3? “我在这里?”有没有人进入 Ozawa “are there some which can kill me ” × 3 “It is here” Someone enters

                                  • 在某种意义上,刘山投降年初,当时中国社会的,是一个大胆的决定,松散战争创伤
                                    A certain meaning, early of Liu zen buddhism surrender makes the war-shattered scar shallow for the Chinese society of that time, It was prompt decision

                                    • 大约是120元邵草Tteta用于下巴,我想我是太遥远的早日实现和平统一的右侧调整
                                      120 袁 introduction arranged the basis in first stage and it was the public standardized rightmost wing, but it is,… You use also 曹 virtue with the cog extent…

                                      • 如果禅刘汝比未知的父毛利隆长州藩主德川日本(塔卡蒂卡)水户德川庆笃领主和(确定调解)可能会更麻烦比 If you compare with the obscurity of Liu zen buddhism even if the Tiyousiyuu feudal clan main thing Mouri Satoshi parent of the last days of the shogunate Japan high the chi and Mito feudal clan main thing Tokugawa celebration it is serious perhaps the one oven to deceive thickly

                                        • 对国家权力的压力枯竭,这是一个蜀姜微驱动tTA导致无法从时间离开时间浪费不是一个禅宗刘
                                          Kuniriki of the 蜀 is pressed and the fact that you become impoverished there is no Liu zen buddhism and the 姜 maintaining which often manages single-handed wasteful campaign puts out, cause

                                          • 尽管如此,只留下一个附庸,因此高的信心和能力在血统感到自豪,他们的设备相应宠臣(Choushin)已被任命为country ll误 The habit it could retreat the competent subject to self confidence to blood pulse and reason of proud height your own vessel fit 寵 retainer the chi yo u grommet appointed and mistook the country
                                            • 说 “当地雇员不当的国家被任命为单位的合理宠臣 gt The habit in self confidence to blood pulse and reason of proud height retreating competent subject gt You appointing your own vessel fit 寵 retainer you mistook the country

                                          • 当控制的选民在选举中的精神信息皇帝祭民媒体在发现的10例正常武士质量,进度如何闽(Louppy),中国共产党向董卓。如果你看看半岛和剥离,但有点不一致,或者不是这个情况及饮料附表内?守护服务仅仅是一个功能强大的感召力号码是不存在的
                                            The spirit emperor [jimin] which was made the voter and ten normal samurai at the time of general election with information control of the mass communications, No Shin [minsu] ([rupi]), 董 table also in. If it tries designating the enclosure as the peninsula, Somewhat, however there is contradiction, it isn't to be able to understand circumstance? However, the sufficient charisma which group male percentage basis is done does not exist

                                            • 当然 欠 萃取: 政治人物 鸠山,导致了山倒塌或舒刘 山内,关键字2★:陷阱萃取少公明教授,东京:0 Object sure The form of Prime Minister Hatoyama the Liu zen buddhism which led the 蜀 to fall Professor Tokyo University Yamanouchi 2 Keyword Trap of hole discernment Extraction less number 0
                                              • 了,什么是新的水平不是朱达罗刘山“鸠山”是好什么是无能的代名词 Already Liu zen buddhism applying don t you think level the ro which is Anew it is the extent “HATOYAMA” tsu te may become the pronoun of disabled

                                            • 德。案件相似的董卓和秘书长,这意味着从内再次,一讨或政治调整滚装暗像我的大逆转,因为逯不从茅野蔌库林后来可能没有必要 Deviation from If the Secretary General is compared the 董 table after all it is to be as though it tries and it is from inside or assassination it breaks down from rear the Lu cloth like existence which Perhaps necessity for political world large reorganization
                                              • 德。为布政司394驱赶合理,起诉,关 我希望他们会为在场頑張张飞 Deviation from In order to corner the Secretary General the Seki feather as a Hari flying existence it is something which would like to have persevering in investigation

                                            • 我753,在拉萨骚乱不排除对尼泊尔的碎片在首相宇野兰花我知道的,大约在北京天安门广场
                                              753 We, Uno at the time of prime minister intellectual viewing [wa]… When it is not passed through to Nepal in the [rasa] riot, turns to Beijing the Tien An Men incident

                                              • 我们会说什么我喜欢山鸠山华Lu王莽汤肋呃韩离昂朱期嗯赵高等国已飞在世界遥远的外国后
                                                In netherworld It flies through strange morning far, and others to Qin 趙 high Chinese king 莽 Red [i] of beam The China stipend mountain The Cipango Hatoyama With it is said, whether [chi] [ya] [u

                                                • 我们有一个坏ー661或正史的作者。在比赛是好人,但没与无能Demoneedaro蜀十年,将毫无疑问,我觉得663于男孩哦。好吧棕褐色线和我匹配的单投降刘太监好像一这使我想起了赵高亚历克斯:这听起来像是说我做到了。作者:何Janakatta作为肥料野洲太监形象,你觉得一个人的力量谁只是便衣 661 Is disliked is in Masashi s writer As for 皓 w As for without being the good person you probably will not be wrong and If the 蜀 had several dozen years being disabled don t you think it matches with the surrender route of the ro and the Liu zen buddhism which are the e and passes and the yu the te it is the combining which is not 663 That so the shelf When the tsu te which 宦 official did favorite it is said 趙 high being like it associates As for the 皓 being the mere person in power the plain clothes fattening fertilizing easily 宦 official of the feeling the way the kind of image which is not
                                                  • 我们有一个坏ー661或正史的作者。何为良好的家伙瓦特没有可能是错的,它663如果我不匹配的行交出禅宗刘这让我想起像赵高亚历克斯:声音说他没有什么好太监来啊。答:作者:何Janakatta作为肥料野洲太监形象,你觉得一个人的力量谁只是便衣 661 Is disliked is in Masashi s writer As for 皓 w As for without being the good person you probably will not be wrong and If the 蜀 had several dozen years being disabled don t you think it matches with the surrender route of the ro and the Liu zen buddhism which are the e and passes and the yu the te it is the combining which is not 663 That so the shelf When the tsu te which 宦 official did favorite it is said 趙 high being like it associates As for the 皓 being the mere person in power the plain clothes fattening fertilizing easily 宦 official of the feeling the way the kind of image which is not

                                                • 我去把你的手,德川织田和今川Houzyou真正的联盟是在没有真正的继承者
                                                  Cutting Imagawa Hojo Tokugawa Oda and the substantial hand which are in relationship of alliance, the [ru] it does, It is not the true successor

                                                  • 我带领557小泽鸠山(压力)36 93力(报复)08,90智力(工艺)80 81政府(政治)96 44上诉(州)22 90 557 Like this Hatoyama Ozawa Leadership pressure 36 93 Military force retaliation 8 90 Intellect cunning 80 81 Politics party policy 44 96 Charm ame 22 90
                                                    • 19领导:8勇气:04智力:政府5:3 19 Leadership 8 Bravery 4 Intellect 5 Politics 3
                                                    • 3熟练上诉逃税和政治权力零下50至20名军事情报鸠山一 Hatoyama Military force 1 Intellect 20 Political power 50 Charm 3 Special technical skill Tax evasion
                                                    • 一指Louppy政治诉求1 100 1 10军事情报 rupi Military force 1 Intellect 1 Politics 1 Financial power 100 Charm 10
                                                    • 政治文化是指50 07 100 25 10军事情报领导秋 20 05 potsupo Leadership 10 Military force 5 Intellect 25 Politics 7 Culture 50 Financial power 100 20

                                                  • 我的意思是靳瘤龙山以西通化364家伙。我只是浪费了外国势力和造成皇帝(潜在敌人的不必要的干扰朱达罗还)或者朱达罗唯一的区别是,就像我希望我会让你握地面球结婚不干预缓解邵?一样我们不仅忠诚
                                                    364 Rather than the [u] it is dense the Liu zen buddhism [tsu] [te] saying, west Shin. The [ro] which is the emperor Excessive disturbance the place where it causes it is good Wastefully foreign power (furthermore latent hostile country) the foundation which is easy to interfere it makes, The gold ball being grasped in the wife, the [ro] which you call the [ru] place and entirely is As for the only difference? Just the place where the introduction like loyal retainer is not

                                                    • 或产生宇宙137亿年,还是要保护他们的生命,而不是在他的施政报告中的一些漂白君主这个傻瓜
                                                      Outer space forming, 13,700,000,000 year, it is to protect life to call, it is good when, monarch something which bleaches such a fool in administrative policy speech it is not

                                                      • 政府当局党的思想做一个真正意义上的从信长之野望手流常吕,我想忠于人民的血腥谋杀案上升五撒406 406 The tsu te where gold rose spreading ya people loyalty rises Thinking from the point of view of the ru place In Nobunaga s ambitious feeling Real national government doing whether ru Hatoyama administration
                                                        • 光荣的“野心”小泽先生和你会不会打我吗?但我希望帕布雷斯特 koe putting out “the ambitious tsu te game of Ozawa s ” don t you think kana However it is good even with bump rest

                                                      • 无论控方196曹操是正确适用法律的权力严格,毫不手软
                                                        196 Whether in investigation in the person in power without pardoning, applies law strictly the 曹 virtue which fitness

                                                        • 最崇敬的后代,而是等于上帝是孔子很像关
                                                          But as for becoming future God and being most revered the Seki feather As for being a match at Confucius extent

                                                          • 根据Sohn和孙韩国独特的传统,不同的是家庭避免了战争,是归由中国的韩国歌
                                                            According to handing down it is the whole group where the grandchild person avoids disturbances of war from Chinese Song unlike the Korean specific grandchild person, is naturalized to Empire of Korea

                                                            • 毕竟,我们是日本,或减少鸠山由纪夫的花瓶不称职的汉奸反?志位伤心事!
                                                              After all, our Japan being ruined in Yukio the Hatoyama of anti-Japanese traitor disabled? Something it is sad!

                                                              • 济我这么多的无能或526小?当一死,或美化犯罪,也不献帝的罪恶这是一个相当可观的,如古说,我们只是不好,因为这些坏血 526 The small emperor tsu te so disabled The dying case it was beautiful in that appearance and it is not the case that you commit evildoing separately It beautifies the 献 emperor because ancestry was bad speaking badly seems like just the ru

                                                                • 然而,充满循环充满循环做什么是正确的?特别是分分发子女免税额元收集了日本经济,日本根线对日元稍强。强出口商挣扎,如果没有阻吓狙追低美国海外军事基地,美日同盟的麻烦,甚至危险的宇久的情况下,外国地方选举权保留 But is Loopy probably Loopy what truly The tax which was gathered from the Japanese special sub the child treatment which is distributed Measure of increase in yen value is not done the root of the Japanese economy Bitter fight it is strong in export enterprise Thrusting the US military base to the foreign country the decrease aim of deterrent In addition it makes also Japan U S alliance dangerous with chaos of the case Foreign local denizenship of leaving
                                                                  • 然而,充满循环充满循环做什么是正确的?特别是分分发子女免税额元收集了日本经济,日本根线对日元稍强。强出口商挣扎,如果没有阻吓狙追低美国海外军事基地,美日同盟的麻烦,甚至危险的宇久的情况下,外国地方选举权保留 But is Loopy probably Loopy what truly The tax which was gathered from the Japanese special sub the child treatment which is distributed Measure of increase in yen value is not done the root of the Japanese economy Bitter fight it is strong in export enterprise Thrusting the US military base to the foreign country the decrease aim of deterrent In addition it makes also Japan U S alliance dangerous with chaos of the case Foreign local denizenship of leaving

                                                                • 然而,因为它们构成了粮食遗产Itsubushita家长,尽管40年来举行的国家,而不是交给魏国粗糙,年满牛我是从一个尝试,不能胜任不要被不称职 But it became the shape which eats up the heritage of the parents with say as many as 40 years to keep the country Furthermore it surrendered to the 魏 without making the country become rough fulfilled life span therefore it is even when competent it is not doing it is not disabled

                                                                  • 然而,直到民主党政府家伙“一个普通的老人说:”Ochokuttara人类因为动物的情感,酱大脑烧坏 But The Democratic party administration the “extremely normal old boy” falls to asoko the yo ku tsu cod Therefore as for the human the animal of feeling brain seeing so putsutsun it does
                                                                    • “冲绳基地放在Kasenai永远!”冲绳人烧死其大脑和纯豆酱 “The base is not made to put to Okinawa eternally ” With brain seeing so putsutsun it can point to the pure Okinawan

                                                                  • 目前的趋势在今后几年案件三国617人4,而我形天平日本的传统(760年)是历史建立在他的家人[大藤编织』。传输是苏我入鹿政府“春到陆地线路已经暴的董卓慢”,并写了批评,但它是窥伐丽流形成了董卓的形象已经奸臣
                                                                    617 As for comparing to the Sangokushi person the [ze] which is traditional what of Japan Tenpyo 4 year treasure letters (760 years) 'rattan which is formed Ujiie transmission' large weaving. 蘇 Government of our entrance deer there is the description which “the 董 table line the [ru] is already criticized insolently in the 國” in transmission, was formed, it is inferred that image as a 奸 retainer of the 董 table already

                                                                    • 相反,这种武田胜赖太接近鱿鱼! ?结果死亡遭受重大出来说话讨我的仆人无视我的意见大田武田聪修胜,进勇说资深
                                                                      On the other hand whether Takeda Masaru asking/depending it is close! ? Saying, that it can make we, ignoring also the advice of the great soldier intellectual military officer of the Takeda veteran, Oda it attacks, the result The important servant meets to the eye of death in battle

                                                                      • 真实或假装拉拢国家的鸽子现在假装我是一个人的美德统治者的愚蠢!不是禅刘Ayamare鸽子!什么不是人!我得到了这样愚蠢的事,我 如何成熟 Shaking foolishly to tell the truth foolish inclination state of the person who is name you is the current pigeon There is no Liu zen buddhism and mistake in the pigeon With as for tsuwamono which says without being Is to be able such a foolish thing to I…
                                                                        • 晚上,在没有增加抗体的早晨说,苔藓超级坏外国元首及其盟友,但我不知道什么是诚实,我不知道禅刘演义最低的家伙,只是一个大谎言却正好相反? It is the empty you do not know from the Liu zen buddhism tsu te honest Sangokushi wa but it is Diplomacy of the transcendence which designates the sovereign of ally as the moss it is unskillful Evening it becomes the exact opposite morning to say Only large lie being the lowest guy who has been attached
                                                                        • 鸠山的100倍,我不需要这个愚蠢Suretai刘山先生妈我Datsu能够通勤 The chi paragraph yo suretai the side which is what Liu zen buddhism it makes foolish it is As for 100 times that Hatoyama the tsu which is competent the u

                                                                      • 突然间,“为什么你仍然是全国前列!”我有一个从美国总统比尔克林顿的国际电话 Suddenly “your way even then the top of a country ” So the international call was applied from President American Clinton

                                                                        • 第七舰队的航母舰队配备移动病床,有能力帮助治疗从关西大量的人

                                                                          • 维基百科的“愚蠢的统治者”或被迫进入广场,水平进入被取笑的,更遑论百年千年 It seems that is placed in “the darkness your” item of Wikipedia instead of several centuries at thousand year period level makes foolish
                                                                            • 维基百科的“愚蠢的统治者”或被迫进入广场,水平进入被取笑的,更遑论百年千年 It seems that is placed in “the darkness your” item of Wikipedia instead of several centuries at thousand year period level makes foolish

                                                                          • 罗伯特穆加贝:津巴布韦穆罕默德西亚德巴雷:索马里弗朗索瓦杜瓦利埃:海地尼古拉齐奥塞斯库:罗马尼亚...不,可以评估出政治这些家伙起初我正在做我
                                                                            Robert [mugabe]: [jinbabuemohamedo] [shiado] [bare]: [somariahuransowa] [deyubarie]: [haichinikorae] [chiyaushiesuku]: Rumania … Well, among of the beginnings does politics which can be appraised is even with and others, it is dense

                                                                            • 舒卫武沙卡部落王国在古代,柯撒拉国家就像
                                                                              蜀 = [shiyaka] family Kure = [magada] kingdom 魏 = [kosara] country [tsu] [te] feeling shelf

                                                                              • 蓝天卡通运行将是一个很大的享受清凉的唯一战士梁的非常损失将会很大的吸引力,以曹操诸葛亮的个人单
                                                                                曹 virtue to hole discernment it converted heaven route green simply just Impairing the human charm of 曹 virtue greatly, the [ru] The parenthesis the good general the large quantity cartoon in order to enjoy the fact that it comes out

                                                                                • 这也是摆脱困境,是WWW的484 她的另一人超过Orumai噢,“作为一个最后的稻草对日本鸠山首相』 不要了。” 484 Coming out as for the person where www which is troubled exceeds… are so so it is sowing As for one more “because Hatoyama can finish Japan the prime minister is not already present”
                                                                                  • 我会来了484以下Louppy下任首相?在两方面,我觉得不来 484 In the future the prime minister tsu te below rupi it probably will come out You think that in two senses it does not come out

                                                                                • 这样的描述,而不是Ryuu彰雅史376刘山相撞Panetanoha ll仍然是必要的还建议,如果没有横山三国志
                                                                                  376 There is no such description in Masashi Being able to recommend that even with Yokoyama Sangokushi, as for declining there is no Liu zen buddhism, Akira [te] Liu

                                                                                  • 陈熟(于镇次)的[三国』“蜀书”,以“交流白丝有趣的是,即使,它仍然被感染,但我”(井波律子s)的表达式
                                                                                    Chen 寿 (the [chi] it is the [ji] [yu]) 'in, Sangokushi' “蜀 book” “the white thread is something which how changes, simply dyed it remains”, (Inami Rituko translation) with there is the expression which is said

                                                                                    • 驱动tTA护舒柳山,甚至40年,如果贝鲁比例,罗马皇帝在全国性报纸,后来皇帝卡利古拉皇帝朱达罗世界上最严重的罗马错误的,积极的宝座是由人民的支持虽然外面的罗马帝国的内部事务,只有在位期间为两年。终于被暗杀后免费提供给所有军事单位 When we assume that you compare there is no Liu zen buddhism where also 40 years protect the 蜀 the te The ro which is worst foolish emperor karigura in the Roman history With boost of the empire people becoming Roman emperor coronation at that time although it was supported feverishly from the citizen In reign only two years outside internal affair of the Roman Empire Military affair was made entirely ruinous After all it was assassinated
                                                                                      • 晋西。皇帝说:“我想如果没有肉食吃米饭比尔说,”刘山,我会穿我不是他们,我只是没有做,导致崩溃的书,并获得不应该是有些人称为太阳神驴吴皓如果不完全相同塔瓦凯演义 West Shin The emperor “if there is no United States although the meat should have been eaten ” the tsu te saying the ru As for Liu zen buddhism the 蜀 is not led to fall It just did not do that it should do to do it does the chi ya good thing and the chi ya tsu it is there is no reason If the same Sangokushi the Kure grandchild 皓 tsu te the yaba me which is said the person it is

                                                                                    • :::: 。 吨 布鲁诺:::升 :: ::: ::: ヽ , ,布尔诺我,,,, t no l REPT lt No i
                                                                                      • 。 吨 布鲁诺:::升 :: ::: ::: ヽ , ,我布鲁诺,,,, t no l REPT lt No i
                                                                                      • 。 吨 布鲁诺:::升 :: ::: ::: ヽ , ,我布鲁诺,,,, t no l REPT lt No i

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