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The Democratic party, in the House of Representatives Cabinet committee alignment to the displacement resolution submitting of Cabinet Chairman the Tanaka of the steamrolling Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic party calling to opposition party each party


  • 最多每个政府关于行政副高层官员的总经理平起平坐。创建列表的整个长官候选人
    > Regarding to department manager class equal from the vice minister of the bureaucratic top, each prefecture. Drawing up the staff list of nominees of intersection

    • 172个国家人事管理局,公共检察官办公室,总会计办公室,警务人员免予起诉的,和[政治]在人事王宫率领内阁审查资格及其他高级政府官员修改了国家公共服务法负我看到一篇文章我打电话,你是从什么有趣这次爆裂?
      172 National Personnel Authority and Public Prosecutor's Office, the Board of Audit, the National Police Agency As for staff staff application exclusion Amendment plan such as National Public Service Law National public service personnel staff Cabinet with eligible examination official residence main leadership personal affairs As for investigation and the Imperial Household Agency exclusion The [tsu] [te] article was happened to see, but contents changing from this time, the [ru]?

      • 18:但是,部长,政府官员和解雇人员的权利来自未经授权,你没有欺骗的政客现在冷酷的官僚? Gideattemo做了,回来动摇茹,我们的前一月 18 So because in the minister of state there is no personal right and a dismissal authority of the bureaucracy the bureaucracy being unconcerned until now being the case that it swindles the politician it does the yo Being doing too much as for aftershock coming natural it is
        • 我们的目标是一类经理人,但由于官僚行政副主任,并允许降级将无法反驳政府一方,并成为政治独裁 Therefore becoming the object vice minister Bureau Chief department manager class but the carrier bureaucracy When it reaches the point where it can do demotion to become not be able to refute in the government side dictatorship of politics With it becomes

      • 1,总理或内阁官房长官,内阁秘书处提出的内阁人事管理办公室,因为她认为有必要实现人事政策的高级官员的重要性,并有权任命一名高级官员的任命和解雇人寻求加强磋商 1 the prime minister or secretariat director makes Cabinet Bureau of Personnel the Cabinet secretariat when judging that there is a necessity because important policy of staff staff personal affairs is actualized can request conference vis a vis the appointment authority concerning the appointment and dismissal of the staff staff
        • 1,地方内阁在内阁秘书处办公室的人事管理,在人员方面的高级官员负责中央管理的事务 1 Cabinet Bureau of Personnel is made the Cabinet secretariat the office work regarding the monistic management of staff staff personal affairs is administered

      • 1,适当再就业在私营部门招募中心内阁办公室,并支持公共和私营部门人员的交流和再就业工作人员的更替不会被迫取消该组织
        1, in the Cabinet prefecture, it installs private talent appointment re-employment rationalization center, it re-is employed the staff who makes unemployment unavoidable with reorganization of organization and it supports government and private sector personnel interchange etc

        • 2sen dip jp cgi bin目录 upgun 班至小学课程 来源 up1592的。txt Supamonirepo 2 此后,自民党在昨天,树桩讲话现状的驱动tTA西口行“,没有人留在了桌子瓦特并不是所有的我留在自民党一直为“不走的消息是,发明了一种人群,被立即采取大胆的平均出突然回家后,就在后面,苏和风格酱。”我怎么没有听到他的讲话?“ 米不轻快的步伐一老年妇女的采访,并迅速回到”是“字好苏滚装船流动数字后,我们会说去, 2sen dip jp cgi bin upgun up3 source up1592 txt lt supamonirepo that 2 gt After that the Liberal Democratic Party yesterday let flow the circumstances of the roadside speech which does with Nisiguti Shinjuku “Who the do w which does not wait Being abandoned to the Liberal Democratic Party tsu te everyone it had become fabrication reporting ru ” It does not photograph the human fence being able to meet just the average which hurries returning home with the rear it photographs droops and lets flow And “the speech not hearing te it is to call is ” With hurrying returning home briskly you interview to the ru elderly woman “To obtain it can and” with one word says and it lets flow the rear form which it keeps going away Because the sled ya the time zone is evening such person it is being decided it increases don t you think As so the audience is not in speech it is possible to make the flow which it keeps having securely Because interview “charisma is not in the man of the continuation businessman wind it is useless don t you think
          • 碎片将现有的电视台,监管审查的是民主的“牧羊狗,如果只是”假新闻网思加Ryuu采取的便利和民主的一个明确的立场,却是“反革命的因素”采取越来越多的等待,我们每月,和 NULL

        • 2)排除制度执行和自民党高层草案○每个人都有下面的“一个不同的制度与经理人员”和。区公开招募的方式,使人员脱离降级苏 2 Staff system ○ our people everyone plan Staff to make “staff job” of another system from below the section chief removal In order to open the road of appointment the demotion personal affairs which are removed from staff job are made possible
          • 2)排除制度执行和自民党高层草案○每个人都有下面的“一个不同的制度与经理人员”和。区公开招募的方式,使人员脱离降级苏 2 Staff system ○ our people everyone plan Staff to make “staff job” of another system from below the section chief removal In order to open the road of appointment the demotion personal affairs which are removed from staff job are made possible
          • 执行董事部委的问题超过852,就越好。奇的情况下,立法,允许降级 852 Concerning the staff above the Bureau Chief of each ministry and board when something problem is caused The law which it tries to be able to demote and to be able to deal with

        • 300 自民党,公明党和共产党不得每个人的细节,显示古发掘的忙时从来不读文章作为反对讨论不够 300 gt Our people fairness each party of the common property and everyone opposed as deliberation insufficient The extent which is not the spare time when the article you read the work which is hit is busy it is the shelf
          • 自民党,公明党和共产党那边的人,我只有我有沙线附近,而不是考虑不足君秋哇! gt Our people fairness each party of the common property and everyone opposed as deliberation insufficient u wa tsu Fairness snuzzled That go

        • 3。可爱的偶像大声喊着“政治领导”,是建立一个独裁的权力集中到民主党
          3. You shout loudly, “political main leadership” is power centralized dictatorship system construction to the Democratic party administration

          • 667茹那些谁留下来,但我神奇分钟,但日本留下你一个体面将充实山区当然希望?我不知道他们喜欢穿樱井例如运动吗?当假定的外国选举权运动在很多人Iteta 667 As for such person staying however you understand don t you think So the honest Japanese of course like the mountain does with the expectation which stays the yo For example the 櫻 well something it is not moved kana At the time of foreign carrot administration although Sawayama it is moving the person it is the expectation which stays
            • 樱井女士是去年春天真的只是一些显着的670个左右,所谓的“反民主党人”等什么大多数专家的电视新闻播音员,你会她在看什么?完全是“收紧了我的国家” 670 But as for 櫻 well young woman something remarkable From around spring of last year caster and specialist tsu te of the generally known “counter Democratic party” Almost TV not seeing the tsu chi ya tsu it is with to do the yo Already completely “being excluded ru ” state

          • 762啊,如果自民党期间,在东京的主要车站,日本NHK电视台从东京前,白天和晚上,从八卦,到早晨和晚间新闻“,手足口病蔓延迅速,”新闻顶 762 If well the Liberal Democratic Party era At Tokyo network from NHK to TV Tokyo Channel 12 Ltd Every day every night from wide show morning and to evening news “Spreads suddenly the foot and mouth disease which” the Top news shelf

            • 8。其他,包括Zitirou Ntsukyouso,并受党的政策,支持各方的政策意向的影响
              8. In addition, policy policy of the party is influenced, with intention of the support parent such as Nitukiyou group and autonomous labor

              • Ameblo jp 小泉 真二郎 进入 10532940591的。html ameblo jp koizumi shinjiro entry 10532940591 html
                • TTP的: mizumajyoukou blog57。FC2的。com 博客入境 4。网页 ttp mizumajyoukou blog57 fc2 com blog entry 4 html

              • Gunoha突然投票给民主党,而密封,延长理论会议上,法案修订民主党只想运行国民议会通过了众议院的通过一项法案,众议院议员的国会议员→重要裁决(顺序)只立法日程。 As for the Democratic party hurrying vote While session extended theory is sealed the ruling party important bill the House of Representatives approval gt House of Councillors is called the harboring which is approved The National Diet amendment bill which the Democratic party manages is no more than circumstances of Assemblyman request legislative schedule
                • 国民议会议员修订草案(要求)的可能性是非常高的,有立法之间传递的形式提交 Because the National Diet amendment bill the Assemblyman request is submitted in legislative shape Oh with while saying the possibility of approving is very high

              • Masazu在去年也选举前的摘要。我真是一个傻瓜挂出瓦特浓度
                Without finishing either the summary of the House of Representatives selection of last year, inside. It has made the concentration [tsu] [te] foolish or w

                • NHK的“民主多数”这是真正日本NHK瓦特
                  NHK “Approval large number of the Democratic party” As expected NHK shelf w

                  • NULL 22 09 ID i6VR3y7k0 If you mention speech force out of minsu this yabai It directs to the session end of the National Diet and ruling and opposition parties offense and defense is extreme it increases “Futenma problem” “politics and gold” round Keeper of democracy and law from the National Diet exclusion The Democratic party lt The National Diet method amendment plan gt Foreign carrot administration constitutionally Those which are included in the National Diet method amendment plan Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau is excluded from the government special assistance person who replies at the � National Diet gt “The person who interprets excessively appears in the National Diet” � secondary minister of state constant of state affairs official is increased gt While “camouflaging the deviation from bureaucracy it increases the human whom you follow the policy of the Cabinet” Abolition of � government witness system gt “The person who explains excessively appears in the National Diet” Opening of opinion listening meeting from staff and men of learning and experience of � administrative organ gt “Opinion of the support parent is seriously considered” Support parent Nitukiyou group autonomous labor people group etc In other words keeper of law from the National Diet exclusion Increases the post of Democratic party Assemblyman only of the do amateur but As for the bureaucratic reply which is the specialist of profession losing If originally “it is constitutional” that deciding also unconstitutional ones selfishly We would like to do it is the fearful bill that at will it is possible to do When this passes foreign carrot administration of course the human rights violation relief bill Darkness bill of surname and the like classified by married couple furthermore net regulation bill His Majesty the Emperor Constitution interpretation concerning national thing behavior and the like … it continues to be thinking with anything The National Diet method amendment summary wiki
                    • 777名:恐怖法案的可以来通过法案违宪法案→大会 发布日期:2010 05 12(星期三)21:05:25编号:597结果iOFq4idK0大会法案,随志摩您的会员要求武扬松本抗议众议院民主党主席由明早9点! 电话 03 3508 7214 传真 03 3508 3214 电子邮件 info matsumoto memenet or jp然后拉更加民主,民主党议员,社民党,或e mail或电话传真的最后抗议“,并不再支持通过这项法案的你,在写作中不投票选举和”人民的新党 777 Name The National Diet method amendment plan gt the bill of the fear which reaches the point where also the bill of violation of constitutional provisions passes Contribution day 2010 05 12 Wednesday 21 05 25 ID iOFq4idK0 597 Case of this National Diet method amendment plan Morning to nine o clock of tomorrow Management Chairman Democratic party member of the house of representatives Matsumoto Hardness discernment Assemblyman We request protest Telephone 03 3508 7214 FAX 03 3508 3214 Mail info matsumoto memenet or jp Then continuation Democracy democracy Assemblyman and corporation people mail or FAX or telephone of protest When “this bill it passes lastly unless it does not support and you vote anymore with election you write” It turned the national new party in the opposite direction because it seems in the turtle and the national new party the support mail
                    • 编号:它CgzRwos10在,我,漫画Furottomisshon“Dogguraifu狗与瓷砖”荣,哦 或任何其他网页,OCU的和其他网站挂出了战斗,美利坚合众国大陆(USN)和是讲话是严格控制,OCU的是信息传播坏人与方便,是目前日本拘捕一名独裁? ID CgzRwos10 So that how In hurotsutomitsushiyon cartoon edition “dog life dog style” chiyon and o the ji kana and others ru OCU and the like and the chord it is with The American continent combination USN with it fights Web is controlled speech strictly The person who circulates the information whose of OCU are inconvenient immediately arrest is dictatorial national Japan

                  • Tsutanka的东西-这三个男人的家,则下跌非自然瓦特Warota说他会做任何事情站在湿重
                    Something [tsutanka] - men Miyake seems, purposely, inverting, [te] [warota] w In order the fellow to be conspicuous, if doing with anything ww

                    • Warota被忽略的最后一个完整的权力,总统进Zirou工务局局长猴子就像一个拼命地吼尖叫 Sinzirou in the chairman being ignored lastly with hurubotsuko te warota w The monkey obtaining the key key 吼 desperately it seemed the ru way

                      • Www kokumin or jp 102〒 第07号3楼14号Kohasebiru Hirakawacho平川町2丁目千代田区,东京,0093电话:03 3239 03或4545 5275 2671传真:03 5275 社会民主党总部2675呻 www5。sdp or jp 100〒 1永田町,千代田区,东京8909 8 100〒房的社会自由民主党组第1 1永田町,千代田区,东京8910 11 23电话:03 3581 6211(大代表)传真:03 5511 8855(友谊传真) www kokumin or jp 〒 102 0093 The Tokyo Chiyoda Ku Hirakawa Cho 2 Chome 14 7 Hirakawa Cho kohasebiru 3 floor TEL 03 3239 4545 or 03 5275 2671 FAX 03 5275 2675 Corporation people party headquarters http www5 sdp or jp 〒 100 8909 The Tokyo Chiyoda Ku Nagatacho 1 8 1 social cultural centers Liberal Democratic Party headquarters 〒 100 8910 The Tokyo Chiyoda Ku Nagatacho 1 11 23 TEL 03 3581 6211 large representation FAX 03 5511 8855 it comes in contact FAX
                        • 社会民主党和市民是怎么回事?“的民主多数派”,但我只能说我不?通常是“在执政的多数派和民主党人,”你说什么? The national new party and the corporation people how are the red sandal wood Only you call “at approval large number of the Democratic party” but it is Normally you call “at approval large number of the Democratic party and the ruling party” being it does the yo

                      • [民主]政治,自民党政府急就章地通过了众议院委员会,呼吁反对党和悬挂只是调谐提交反对田中内阁民主党主席谴责议案
                        The Democratic party, in the House of Representatives Cabinet committee steamrolling Alignment to the displacement resolution submitting of Cabinet Chairman the Tanaka of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic party calling to opposition party each party

                        • ■民主党议会主席(下院),敬事田中秋季(田中惠州)(众议院 神奈川05区)局部放电旨在推动建立一个和平的永恒议会事实调查方法为永久和平()外国选举权法案促进(允许资格)(朝日新闻社的调查,他说:“例如,在赞成,说不是”的答案)联盟的使命,以中国曾金小泽(小系工业有限公司党支部书记,董事长,副董事长的横滨区联盟)联盟成员组织(神奈川联盟)(果酱)(1股,工会所拥有的)的医疗信息。晚间诊所驱动tTA欺诈行(栗菅谷 Democratic party Assemblyman Cabinet chairman the House of Representatives Keisiyuu Tanaka it is in The ke it is the palpus u the House of Representatives Kanagawa prefecture 5 Ku The Assemblyman union which aims toward the formation of truth investigation method because of permanent peace permanent flat reconciliation ream Propulsion to suffering election right admission in the questionnaire of the Asahi newspaper “if anything the foreign carrot administration bill approval” and reply Ozawa visit to China group zenkin alliance industrial branch General Secretary chairman Koito and Yokohama area alliance vice chair While combination organizing Assemblyman combined Kanagawa JAM labor union related stocks 1 brand possession Diagnosis and treatment information Swindling does the Sunny clinic which the Sugaya clinic from receiving the donation of 1 040 000 Yen clarification Tanaka himself Remedy It has received 2005 December Political main leadership Still such a word is believed current events communication The Democratic party 1 There is no general plan of the party
                          • ■民主党议会主席(下院),敬事田中秋季(田中惠州)(众议院 神奈川05区)局部放电旨在推动建立一个和平的永恒议会事实调查方法为永久和平()外国选举权法案促进(允许资格)(朝日新闻社的调查,他说:“例如,在赞成,说不是”的答案)联盟的使命,以中国曾金小泽(小系工业有限公司党支部书记,董事长,副董事长的横滨区联盟)联盟成员组织(神奈川联盟)(果酱)(1股,工会所拥有的)的医疗信息。晚间诊所驱动tTA欺诈行(栗菅谷 Democratic party Assemblyman Cabinet chairman the House of Representatives Keisiyuu Tanaka it is in The ke it is the palpus u the House of Representatives Kanagawa prefecture 5 Ku The Assemblyman union which aims toward the formation of truth investigation method because of permanent peace permanent flat reconciliation ream Propulsion to suffering election right admission in the questionnaire of the Asahi newspaper “if anything the foreign carrot administration bill approval” and reply Ozawa visit to China group zenkin alliance industrial branch General Secretary chairman Koito and Yokohama area alliance vice chair While combination organizing Assemblyman combined Kanagawa JAM labor union related stocks 1 brand possession Diagnosis and treatment information Swindling does the Sunny clinic which the Sugaya clinic from receiving the donation of 1 040 000 Yen clarification Tanaka himself Remedy It has received 2005 December Political main leadership Still such a word is believed current events communication The Democratic party 1 There is no general plan of the party

                        • ★u003d自由法案获得通过的公务员队伍,董事长提出罢免配置-众议院内阁委员会众议院委员会昨天表示,内阁成员,政府官员和法案表决接受了党的民主多数决定
                          * Government employee bill approval = our people and posture - House of Representatives Cabinet committee of chairman displacement plan submitting The House of Representatives Cabinet commission 12th in the afternoon, to vote National Public Service Law amendment plan, at approval large number of the Democratic party yes You decided

                          • ー急就章尽管Gyatsu Tteta没有说清楚,马上 我们甚至解释的,不是政治上的领导是民主党的部长,而不是做领导的独裁政权公开朗诵我的错,因为他有这个角色superorder线,但不是唯一的党炫耀权力是真的真的令人难以置信的自由Azatoi比 gi ya tsu Steamrolling unless it does although you say clearly promptly… Interpretation of political main leadership of the Democratic party by mistake the ru While singing stating being dictatorial administration it does administration main leadership grandly Although as for the ministers of state either the function is not handled honestly With the upper eye line as for just flaunting power above our people It is not believed It is the bruise question political party truly truly
                            • 536在你的房子,我想我和茹作出这样的人或政治领导呢? 536 You think that so the house political main leadership is possible to such a party

                          • 一个家伙,我反对修订法案的修正案,池塘。我沉默着,因为我很努力,但如果你喜欢我写博客传播的审议将提交给第13届代表大会,党或在野的自由民主党有,我真的是因为你没事吧?是指从传播的安全,因为它也,也许别人不介意 Being the person tsu te swamp which opposes to the National Diet method amendment It is deliberated is submitted the National Diet method on the 13th depending But the burogu book it is with spread desire and therefore you say nothing is Because it is opposite the Liberal Democratic Party even all right met but it is Truth Because even the all right also what you say has spread Perhaps it is not made everyone air
                            • 当然,但分歧Tteta沉默,因为他们和池塘的他们是怎么反对国民议会修正案?现在我做你想做的,因为多数Tottara它没有修改现行法律 However sure it is different and therefore says nothing being the person tsu te swamp which opposes to the National Diet method amendment When you do not amend the National Diet law and pass and even now majority take we would like to do at will is

                          • 一位信息员,民主党的博客塔卡尤基土屋,谁写的反驳是不寻常的细节我都进入 Tsuchiya Takayuki burogu It is inside the Democratic party The Assemblyman refuted to the full argument which I write on Metropolitan Assembly information unusually
                            • 立法者不反对或不知道它Zitirou,“我会选在一个下降土屋”似乎击中嘴和阴影 Whether it is autonomous labor you do not know but designates that as the background the Assemblyman who “ Entrapping Tsuchiya with election” that the shadow mouth was hit it seems

                          • 不仅民主党人反对该法案的立法和政府官员今天或他们将不会停止
                            Steamrolling of the Democratic party does not stop, just vis-a-vis present National Public Service Law amendment plan probably will be

                            • 但同样,我认为,“没有更多的辩论是毫无意义的,”或者我说的ING,停止辩论 However for the second time When I refute “above this disputing there is no meaning” that saying you stopped dispute
                              • 什么是错的,如果他们茹论点在这里,因为他们正确地写入两次,该杂志的文章,如果我写了反驳 This grounds are by mistake If it is the ru because two dissertations are written on also magazine sound argument refutation should have been written

                            • 你知道你的成就不是事业假设看起来像一个厨房,我做一些我不希望我的职业生涯期间,在自民党降落伞从点采纳 Therefore the carrier from the point in time when you adopt is made with compulsory prerequisite What does thing seems that the hateful carrier 厨 thinks in the Liberal Democratic Party era The result it did not lift it is the ro which is
                              • 3)○所有调解与刑事自由降落伞违反禁止和苏建议 3 Order exerted from above ○ our people everyone plan Mediation prohibition and violation attaching criminal punishment

                            • 关于修订草案的国民议会,国民议会的一致期待,也为明天的的做法,这是一个专政真的眼泪你会发现这条铁路
                              The National Diet method amendment bill of tomorrow you see and it is the thing In regard to the National Diet method therefore all the meeting agreements custom, steamrolling what when it does, this the [ho] it is with the dictatorial [ma] [tsu] to do, the [wa] which is the [gu] and others

                              • 出了问题,就是为什么你会付的税款,情绪戴诺戴诺戴诺什么是一个全球性的歧视,但在这样做要解释它在1 504宪法合宪 504 If constitutional being constitutional so doing we want explaining but it is Global how is being discriminated is tax paying it is the ru being feeling only the irrelevant reason
                                • 不过,民主党的计划进行表决给予永久居民一般高,我可以从它偏离违宪 However because the Democratic party plan which grants denizenship that has deviated to the general permanent residence person unconstitutional possibility is high

                              • 君秋决议,但无论是共产党的政策支持,这样的前景,多数反对执政党拒绝
                                But as for resolution fairness, the policy also communist both parties approving, the prospect that it is rejected at opposite large number of the ruling party

                                • 告诉百分之五十的外国股东按照比佳能的要求更多的税收或低,而是一种税收束的销售分配给外国人的钱我 The foreign shareholder following CANON of 50 or more to request income tax lowering in the change Consumer tax as for lifting tsu lever Toda who scatters the gold to the foreigner
                                  • 618 这是猪肉桶钱的国家的外国人居住在国外的工作1 3 618 The ru which scatters the gold to the foreigner who lives in the foreign country and sows This it has been popular

                                • 和那些谁使用互联网有关的法案选举中9 400条修订条例草案在今年夏天变成了选举法修正案禁止运动法,对18 174名国民议会人群的民主选举,候选人公开办公室避免损害公平选举和表达自由和滥用一人恶意诽谤,应当使用互联网和合理的努力从外推 Group of people method The 174th National Diet 18 Public Office Election Law amendment plan Democracy bill clarification To net election rescindment The legal plan which amends the portion of this summer 142th provision nine As for the person who utilizes Internet and the like in regard to election e g vicious slander slander is done vis a vis the candidate of the public office Abusing the freedom of expression in order there are no times when you harm the fairness of election you must endeavor to the proper utilization of Internet and the like
                                  • 网络犯罪的批评739 我是,很明显,到4月15日摘要适用于经修订的选举法民主党民主党人■今年夏天的竞选民主党的法案,禁止网上法案称为民主选举法规 739 When the Democratic party is criticized with the net crime The Democratic party Public Office Election Law amendment plan Democracy bill clarification To net election rescindment It applies from House of Councillors selection of this summer Summary of the Democratic party Public Office Election Law amendment plan became clear on April 15th

                                • 在滚装船,我担心394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 394 It is fearful however it is …
                                  • 99 118 394 463 99 118 394 463

                                • 大会法案-小泽核查风险增加[政治]各方的努力战斗迅速国会会议后,“普天间问题”,“金钱政治专政” -对民主,法院由国民议会闭幕[我]外国人立即进行充分的权力,国会-民主党-宪法选举权法案?
                                  Danger of verification National Diet method amendment plan It directs to the session end of the National Diet and ruling and opposition parties offense and defense is extreme it increases “Futenma problem” “politics and gold” round Keeper of democracy and law from the National Diet exclusion The Democratic party < The National Diet method amendment plan > Foreign carrot administration constitutionally?

                                  • 大会法案修订条例草案,除非他们关闭有关政府官员
                                    If it does not like, it cuts National public service personnel amendment bill The National Diet method amendment plan

                                    • 大会法案反恐法案验证的风险将提交明天。
                                      Tomorrow the bill of the fear which is submitted Danger of verification National Diet method amendment plan

                                      • 大纲法案一些修改国家公务员法修订法草案,国家公共服务
                                        The legal plan which amends part such as National Public Service Law The legal plan essence which amends part such as National Public Service Law

                                        • 如果多数议会在立法调节经济自由合510。这不是一个普选的问题,因为我明白的逻辑,如果你预计总没有问题,因为它要求在宪法赞成国会多数 510 If the regulation of economic freedom as for legislation in majority group of the National Diet combination If it is presumed it is even reason there is no reason which is agreed upon but Therefore as for problem of denizenship majority group at the National Diet approval the ro which all constitutional tsu te is not the problem which is said and is
                                          • 这不是一个由476防御501合宪性,以普选为外国人和有限的,例如说我的宪法 501 There is no reason which protects 476 separately but whether constitutional or unconstitutionality if you say foreign carrot administration is constitutional what with the limitation attachment

                                        • 宫崎的頑張!它也不是绝对错误的驱动tTA!由于我们是一个难得的爱包容!也能够与我们合作的可能!它也不是绝对错误的驱动tTA! Miyazaki persevering As for being wrong absolutely without doing I have been wrapped with love therefore it is Because I cooperate as much as possible As for being wrong absolutely without doing
                                          • 但是,现在我们是不同的!有很多事情可以处理的人与爱 So current I are different The people who can cope with phenomenon with love are the multitude

                                        • 对不起血清。错误编号:vmEBpMIq0中国间谍↑这是什么典型的万维网
                                          The [me] it is, you made a mistake ID: vmEBpMIq0 ↑ As for operative of this typical support 那 of what www

                                          • 对于今天的修正案提出,邀请“的田村先生们站在赞成”什么什么?你这是什么“主席”决心站起来,让多数“田村”效应由我做燕子依然没有得到很好的进展验证?“董事长田村”为“修正草案,未来不包括在”,是这个!我应该如何继续是必要的进展,这个!“主席”草案的表决行 Concerning the amendment of this day submitting standing up of the ladies and gentlemen of approval is requested” It is Tamura “what It is what As for this which is what your abnormal play” With chairman “standing up large number that way you decided” Advancing with without either verification of the Tamura “effect being done is ” The chairman “about the original idea which excludes amendment next” “Such a thing of Tamura Such a thing may be advanced it is ” It votes concerning chairman “original idea
                                            • 民主党的追随者经常使用的自民党“也急就章”,并说,什么是比民主党的立法限制恶化 The Democratic party believer uses well you say that “also our people forced voted” but the Democratic party is vicious only steamrolling

                                          • 小泉内阁的40个委员会的问题在这个视频的昨天:在约01仙的威胁小泉出
                                            Koizumi's at Cabinet commission of yesterday question This animated picture 40: With about 01 the 仙 valley intimidating Koizumi with yell

                                            • 小泉进次郎“未能审议用尽分不开的,”但我大喊大叫无损检测,进Zirou本身的问题是在昨天,关于普天间问题的问题是没有涉及这个法案 Sinzirou Koizumi is not exhausted “deliberation” However the tsu te you shouted as for that Sinzirou herself in question of yesterday this It asked concerning the Futenma problem which is not relationship in law
                                              • 什么是反向被关闭气体,即使在普天间问题Tteta疾病的民主党人。苏也是通过民主党法案 The fire illness tsu te is democracy 党員 was even with Futenma problem but opposite doing to be cut off what kind of Passing even with the bill is the Democratic party

                                            • 小泽一郎,每年在济州岛,在父母墓前行右侧Ttemasu
                                              Ichiro Ozawa increases, every year, in the Korean end state island, going to the visit to a grave of the parents, don't you think?

                                              • 小泽先生是不是密切联系佐藤重义先生的吉田茂,谁朝鲜(满洲派)的母亲无论如何荒木,兼并岛济州岛,韩国从韩国(当时是谁在日本战争前的韩国)
                                                Saeki Ozawa being Shigeru's Yoshida aide, the North Korean person (the Manchurian group) As for mother the South Korean of rough lumber being full and the Korean end state island graduate (It is not person at time of day Korea merger which from prior to world war 2 is in Japan)

                                                • 局长一直受雇于私人融资议员们是不是很有趣正在进行事务战略和国家工作人员),国家战略(社交秘书电梯价值几乎奖励立法者只有会员执政地位只有在工作人员的借口支付费用由公共基金,如果伐丽流任命的工作人员和议会工作人员
                                                  Just the apparent service, national strategy staff and the state affairs staff Don't you think? only ruling party Assemblyman also it is funny for price hike in fact of Assemblyman remuneration to be done, In addition if it appoints the private secretary (private private secretary) who has been employed with the private expense of the Assemblyman to the national strategy staff and the state affairs staff Remuneration probably will be paid from public funds

                                                  • 我不是在阪神地震灾民在一些城市北罗,肯定比
                                                    When major earthquake it comes in the urban district, there is no ratio of victim several how Kobe Earthquake, certainly

                                                    • 我不需要所有的自民党政治家,是没有做∴∴民主党议员 The Liberal Democratic Party does the thing Democratic party doing the ru THEFR member of the Diet unnecessary THEFR politician everyone unnecessary

                                                      • 我也对共产党的自民党联盟也奇怪志位公务员法。投票的问题只有在做迄今↓共产主义共产主义,但只出席君秋Tachiagare缺席的自民党后于不顾经济委员会
                                                        Our people and the common property joint struggle [tsu] [te] is doubtful Government employee method. At economic industrial commission after the steamrolling Although our people fairness rises is absence, just the common property attendance ↓ Votes in question only of the common property There was a [tsu] [te] thing and

                                                        • 我可以把更好的肩膀无视284困境的民主或宫崎医学会
                                                          284 Ignoring medical association or the Miyazaki disastrous state the shoulder you can insert well in democracy,

                                                          • 我认为党的驱动tTA滑稽,“让我与新闻界的争论,”我说TTA和这样说,书面文本只是说,最 It is the strange political party you thought but “with you refuted with speech and” with you said when writing composition It is and with it means kind of that you say

                                                            • 我通常不穿多分裂振动会主席一职,根据座位数)主席“党田村先生,执政党主席放置的s 到反对党主席解雇志位和困难 Usually not to be to allocate the chairman post according to the number of parliamentary seats wearing directly the ru “Tamura chairman It is difficult doing displacement resolution to defer opposition party chairman in for ruling party chairman
                                                              • 我填补了一个座位或椅子nearby ll看公告或标语牌,我也成了自由野党Rashiku The trap where it puts out the placard and or approaches in the chairman seat our people the opposition party stops seeming
                                                              • 我没有穿我心花怒放交替)主席,“请你结束我田村 Not to be to have talked alternately wearing directly the ru “Tamura chairman please end

                                                            • 批评的自由民主党98 Negakyan Negakyan ll腐烂质量垃圾桶,因为我批评了相变Warazu敏 98 As for criticism to democracy negative can Therefore as for negative can to our people criticism As usual minsu and the mass rubbish rotting the ru
                                                              • 该明信片被送往得到235,场地应该只有一行 235 It should have gone to the meeting place the empty the post card is sent with that

                                                            • 摘要该法案1 852政府官员,高级官员,常任秘书,秘书,董事,雇员,他们就符合这些邮局或
                                                              852 Gist of National Public Service Law amendment plan 1, as for the staff staff, the vice minister, the director, the Bureau Chief and the department manager or the staff who has been engaged to the post which corresponds to these

                                                              • 无论是反对党当你最终出理想的342法案,我认为只有当执政党将是一个有点现实的妥协法案 342 After all both producing the ideal bill at the time of the opposition party at the time of the ruling party realistic it just becomes the bill which just a little compromises to do the yo
                                                                • Net是也“广播”,包括罕见的,但我是偷偷篡改法案,允许政府干预的部 Way also the net is included by “broadcast” the general affairs ministry administration can intervene The bill was fumbled kotsusori it is
                                                                • 该法案已在进出的准备,该法案是完全改变了的实际输出 Is put out at preparation stage the bill and really is put out the bill which It had become the different thing

                                                              • 是怕(什么都可以成为人权保障法案,以保护,我也正是人权和儿童的是政府和保护人权的立法,以普选为外国人)?什么是国民议会法“·守门员”账单可以成为一个独裁者和小泽· · ·▼消失 仅讯闫喝额! 即不是很危险,“大会修订的国家”樱桃小鼠H22 5 该法案还将通过立法发言,以保护人权和一切都应该通过这05选举权的外国人 Fearing foreign carrot administration with anything such as protection of fundamental human rights bill can administration is accustomed to the protection of fundamental human rights member with anything such as protection of fundamental human rights bill Just how it should have done The National Diet is the “legal keeper” going out It is the bill which is accustomed to Ozawa dictatorship… Danger it does not become extreme “the National Diet method deterioration” cherry tree H22 5 5 If this passes foreign carrot administration biting with anything such as protection of fundamental human rights bill The bill which reaches the point where it passes
                                                                • 这是恐惧(哭)我做什么呢?国民大会“法院”账单已成为独裁者小泽· · ·▼消失 仅讯燕喝屙! 即不是很危险,“大会修订的国家”樱桃小鼠H22 5 该法案还将通过立法发言,以保护人权和一切都应该通过这05选举权的外国人 Fearing crying Just how it should have done “The keeper of law” going out from the National Diet It is the bill which becomes Ozawa dictatorship… Danger it does not become extreme “the National Diet method deterioration” cherry tree H22 5 5 If this passes foreign carrot administration biting with anything such as protection of fundamental human rights bill The bill which reaches the point where it passes

                                                              • 有一个关于外交和安全政策的社会安全教育,二党制政权的共同理解,可在任何时间更改
                                                                It has the recognition which is common to diplomacy security social security education policy, with when administration alternation possible bipartisan systems

                                                                • 服务和一般工人工会全国粮食分配纺织化学品日本工会总联合会(用户界面岑森联盟)全日本都道府县和市工人工会(Zitirou)info@jichiro.gr.jp邮件联合会日本汽车工人联合会(朝总联车)的JAM @果酱,union.jp信息工作者协会(民族解放军信息)日本邮政集团工会(日联盟),日本普选联邦铁路工人honbu@jrtu.jtuc-rengo.jp反对外国竞争,有超过一万元。“用户界面岑森同盟“,宣布参加民主党议员反对
                                                                  The Japanese Union entire association Nationwide fiber chemical food circulation service general Union alliance (UI [zensen] alliance) All the Japanese self-governing unit Unions (autonomous labor) info @ jichiro.gr.jp All the Japanese automobile industrial Union entire associations (automobile entire ream) JAM mail @ jam-union.jp Information industrial Union association (information labor ream) The Japanese postal services group Union (JP labor union) , The Japanese railroad Union association honbu @ jrtu.jtuc-rengo.jp Foreign carrot administration opposite 10,000 human conference “UI [zensen] alliance” opposition statement Also democracy Assemblyman participates

                                                                  • 条例草案的政府官员急就章这项法案时,国会今天的问题是一个具有特殊外观不同,如从未来自民党国会辩论的条例草案后,今(见),弘茂光王更叽叽喳喳国民大会管辖权的内阁委员会
                                                                    The National Diet method amendment plan and as for the National Public Service Law amendment plan which this time it is forced is voted the different thing Because as for present ones being especially problem, the National Diet method amendment plan deliberation comes after this The Liberal Democratic Party (going/participating from Hironari) Sekou twitter As for the National Diet method jurisdiction of Cabinet committee

                                                                    • 条例草案,但政府官员降级便利,提供人员和管理人员本身是几乎相同的时间段框架,民主党人一直在批评的麻生太郎
                                                                      As for National Public Service Law amendment plan But those which stipulate the demotion simplification and the like of staff personal affairs, This itself almost with same ones as the framework of Aso administration era The Democratic party of that time was critical

                                                                      • 森喜朗侑子的多数人统治的民主原则是铁路,是如何做到这一点是忽略了民主立法草率,因为它是很多次我被Nukashi民主与否? The Democratic party The forest yu u it is dense As for with just principle of majority forcing voting the method which ignored democracy Now it is not democracy However it does not solve or did and hurt That even steamrolling It is steamrolling of several degrees
                                                                        • 我和你必须以多数投票决定正确吗?是我,或其他人如果民主? Huh with it decided… properly with majority it is the ro which is If democracy but natural thing what

                                                                      • 民主党全国代表大会提交了一项法案(4分28秒增加版)(07分58秒增加大版)(大版增加),一旦国民议会修正案维基
                                                                        Submitting democracy and the National Diet method amendment plan (Increasing in quantity edition 4 minute 28 seconds) (Large increasing in quantity edition 7 minute 58 seconds) (Large increasing in quantity edition) The National Diet method amendment summary wiki

                                                                        • 民主党控制,清洗,制裁,腐败和叛国罪,独裁,欺诈,生物恐怖主义,
                                                                          As for democracy regulation, purgation, sanction, the power of money, treason, dictatorship and fraud, bio terrorism,

                                                                          • 现在,党的共产主义独裁民主,公正的疯狂左翼媒体得到一个良好的手在做洙
                                                                            Mass communications of [kichigai] left flank Simply the communism dictatorial political party Democratic party Now the favorite selfishness doing, [ru] [minsu

                                                                            • 相关法案值得你饮食错了铁路国会改革法案,这是一致的习惯129
                                                                              129 When it forces votes the National Diet reformation bill suitable it is unpalatable Therefore as for the National Diet-related bill all the meeting agreements custom

                                                                              • 立法 条例草案修订,如果内阁和议会对执政党简报变得更加复杂,从程序的立法,以避免它,“条例草案采取的形式而定。”立法一些在这种情况下(只立法者形式完全) As for legislation of house members the National Diet amendment bill when the Cabinet submits the bill from the fact that the hand continuation such as advance explanation to the ruling party becomes more troublesome legislation of house members type is taken in order to avoid that “depending There is also legislation” in this case becomes legislation of house members only of type completely
                                                                                • 如果您要提交成为更复杂的程序的法案,内阁和执政党简报采取以避免它的立法形式,“而定。”立法的一些(在这种情况下,完全立法,只有正式的) When the Cabinet submits the bill from the fact that the hand continuation such as advance explanation to the ruling party becomes more troublesome legislation of house members type is taken in order to avoid that “depending There is also legislation” in this case becomes legislation of house members only of type completely

                                                                              • 而子女免税额,学校外的高支付的免费猴子具有相同的解释(铁路)是自由的薪酬和人事变动已经有了一个良好的民主来(当然限制位置)通过各民主党派我只有一条铁路的地方,如俄巴极端我说我将有1200万年薪 As child treatment and the foreign provision of high school gratuitous conversion the law with many loopholes due to the same interpretation steamrolling As liked democracy personnel change being possible but salary freedom of course there is position restriction Employing the democracy authorized personnel annual income 12 000 000 it lifts Speaking extremely such it is dense The trap there is no other choice but to force vote
                                                                                • 首先看到351 356 873,执政的自民党在“草率”你这家伙民主布姆兰我在做什么我来本不是什么可怕的自来水 NULL

                                                                              • 自民党众议院全体会议表决的目的地,起数,敬事田中内阁主席在秋季(民主党)结构是提交议案,反对一谴责
                                                                                As for the Liberal Democratic Party, in the House of Representatives plenary assembly vote tip stand The [chi], it is the posture which the displacement resolution of Cabinet submits Chairman Keisiyuu Tanaka (democracy)

                                                                                • 被迫接受了民主党人的选票,自由民主党和反对党与布什12日04时,委员会主席会议
                                                                                  It receives the vote force of the Democratic party, as for opposition party 4 party such as our people 12 days and nights, national anti- chairman converses

                                                                                  • 该中心将作为第三方监督适当的委员会和再就业,调查侵犯,并建议再就业法规
                                                                                    As a third party agency, you establish in supervisory such as re-employment rationalization commission in center you investigate & you advise concerning the offense of re-employment regulation

                                                                                    • 这也是法律论证服务为共产主义的公平的确,党的自民党内阁和提出谴责议案,反对主席12天,接受迫于内阁委员会内务公众对代表国家作出表决的只有秋天主席敬事田中内阁第(四),梅塔决定提出反对的谴责议案13 As expected fairness and the common property approving Cabinet chairman displacement resolution submitting As for the party of the Liberal Democratic Party and everyone on the 12th receiving the fact that is forced the vote of National Public Service Law amendment plan at the House of Representatives Cabinet commission Cabinet Chairman Keisiyuu Tanaka the Democratic party it decided that displacement resolution is submitted on the 13th
                                                                                      • 在某些方面,它可能是因为不是所有的时间区切Rubeki,我讨论,如果45小时,一票是平静,所以我的立场我认为我们是在从Gerubeki申请,则按照投票 In a certain sense that being time should not divide everything perhaps but If I am to argue also 45 hours 粛 々 and vote are done as for the notion that where That we think remainder we should not say from my standpoint but it responded to vote

                                                                                    • 闵欺诈与各方CON组orz谎言! ! !剁碎取自2通道微笑对不起我不能看到,即使在中国,是日本将迅速改变爆裂铁路朱达罗信息不管怎样它也计划看起来像一个坏老师Andy的 Orz which is swindled Liar minsu Fraud political party 2ch and smile become unable to see it is probably will be For minsu after the circumstances bad information te it is it is being confined it is How the ro where se this is steamrolling Steadily Japan keeps changing to China
                                                                                      • Tteta家伙,没有人说或铁路,而不是说我出了过分草率,这是很有趣 NULL
                                                                                      • 一般来说,任何决定或兰花你要投反对票,反对邪恶的鱿鱼鱿鱼好 Generally it is good or is bad or the opposition party opposes when to another to vote the ke re What decision ma viewing
                                                                                      • 不敢现在立法,民主党人可能已经离开了铁路 Being able to meet because now it is not formed at the National Diet perhaps the Democratic party it appears in steamrolling
                                                                                      • 即使你比较的74个安理会进行审议和投票表决时不来 NULL
                                                                                      • 多么美丽的铁路458民主党人,条例草案将提交大会明天将能够确定外国人是否符合宪法的选举权 458 Clean steamrolling… The Democratic party reaches the point where foreign carrot administration can be judged as constitutional The National Diet method amendment plan tomorrow submitting schedule
                                                                                      • 如果您没有铁路,过去自由是不认同,也不是瓦特Dakejan Yarikaesa做 Our people steamrolling past if it is it is not the case that it is not supported but w Being done you do and apply just it is done are
                                                                                      • 我用同样的手一旦被一个强大的投票我不知道,所有的butt ll Panerarete制定民主党人认为,他们可以弹出谴责议案阻力,如多少时间,自民党和自由 When so our people age are remembered Being at the point where our people resist invent such as a lot of displacement resolution Being declined entirely it probably is strong vote what… At one time the same hand it is to use and
                                                                                      • 暴力重复5 12 TTP的: www nicovideo jp 手表 sm10696808 5 12 The atrocity which is repeated ttp www nicovideo jp watch sm10696808
                                                                                      • 民主党成为审议中的几个小时,铁路暂停,直到它甚至讨论 After the Democratic party becoming the ruling party until at little deliberation time even that discontinuing deliberation steamrolling
                                                                                      • 约2小时以前通过网络Tanigaki S刚才,该法案是急就章地通过了内阁委员会关于公务员制度改革 about 2 hours ago via web Tanigaki S Now when it passes the government employee reformation bill was forced was voted at Cabinet commission
                                                                                      • 自民党的男子说,他曾经是一个好习惯执政党在急就章瓦特“你也一样〜〜”你 As for the Liberal Democratic Party in the habit which only steamrolling has made ruling party age The wa w which is said well “You ” the ro which is
                                                                                      • 这是在阿马里Shinjirou森谷和全功率状态,那么我很想去不敢投票 Although the 仙 valley was hurubotsuko state in Amari and shinjirou well it voted it rubbed well
                                                                                      • 铁路条例草案修订的国家公共服务法! TTP的: www nicovideo jp 手表 sm10696388 TTP的: www nicovideo jp 手表 sm10696500 Amendment bill such as National Public Service Law Steamrolling ttp www nicovideo jp watch sm10696388 ttp www nicovideo jp watch sm10696500
                                                                                      • 闵欺诈与各方CON组orz谎言! ! !我最小猜测2通道不能被视为微笑也将破裂的是,日本和中国改变太快反正朱达罗看起来像铁路是一个坏老师安迪方便的信息 Orz which is swindled Liar minsu Fraud political party 2ch and smile become unable to see it is probably will be For minsu after the circumstances bad information te it is it is being confined it is How the ro where se this is steamrolling Steadily Japan keeps changing to China

                                                                                    • 阿U和今天的发言做一个树桩在新宿车站· · · 谷垣祯一,我应该检查之快,超过了4小时前古吱吱叫 u a today Tanigaki being Nisiguti Shinjuku when the street you lecture … From tsuitsuta before the 4 hour If it checked more quickly and should have solved

                                                                                      • 阿我怎么还没有变成“主席”的协议,讨论在君子现在你Nakaneyasuhiro“田村,”我不知道什么被夸大了,有什么好处是必要的,“主席“Negaimasu站”(站立支持者)田村,“这是什么,我谁我没有要求部长的回答呢!”主席“多数 It does not become answering it is” The chairman “merely in current nakaneyasuhiro your same discussion the ladies and gentlemen of approval” You do not understand whether Tamura “what you have said it is good whether is as for necessary ones” The chairman “you ask standing up” approval person standing up Tamura “is or this As for me still asking there is no answering of te minister of state it is ” Chairman “approval large number
                                                                                        • 您Nakaneyasuhiro“中根”“(不采取听)田村,”是的,这很有趣,很有趣的部长 nakaneyasuhiro you” nakane “ ” You hear and do not take Tamura “that is strange it is minister of state that is very strange it is

                                                                                      • 非常大的扩展紧急▼。大会修订2010年5月13日的建议。 ▼蔓延的紧急铁路“直至5月13日上午9时:”反对国民议会法案进行辩论,“的要求,让我们不要要求主席民主党众议员松本武昭! “
                                                                                        * Super urgent large enlarging. Recommendation 2010 May 13th The National Diet method amendment. To steamrolling * Super urgent spread << May 13th to nine o'clock in the morning limitation: “The National Diet method amendment plan deliberation entering opposition” Probably will request request, to management Chairman hardness discernment Assemblyman the Democratic party Matsumoto! >>

                                                                                        • 鱿鱼驴在这里是相当每法案,以建立政治领导的议会改革法案 Political main leadership establishment bill The National Diet reformation related bill Is the area here and others yaba rather
                                                                                          • 鱿鱼驴在这里是相当每法案,以建立政治领导的议会改革法案 Political main leadership establishment bill The National Diet reformation related bill Is the area here and others yaba rather

                                                                                        • 鸠山布拉-敏感,降低公共法律改革议案进行表决-国家TTP的:/ / sankei.jp.msn.com /政治/政策/ 100512 / plc1005122152012 -氮气。媒- -今天,国家公务员法修正案,该委员会是急就章,我怎么考虑峨
                                                                                          Steamrolling of national public Law amendment plan ttp: //sankei.jp.msn.com/politics/policy/100512/plc1005122152012 - n2. htm Amendment plan of - - National Public Service Law today, was forced was voted at commission, but how you think?

                                                                                          • (您可以把任何东西在战斗障碍创伤后应激),3)含糊的选择标准和权利人委员会
                                                                                            (Connection can be acquired regardless with stress obstacle after the mental external wound) 3) Selection method and standard of the protection of fundamental human rights member are ambiguous

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