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Prime Minister Hatoyama is cut in history after the war as a typical case of the failure of the Japanese national education, probably will be…Even if the 櫻 well it is dense


  • -除了对现有核武器生物武器和化学武器,并正在开发新的武器,强大的武器是用来伐丽流,使21世纪成为了新的发展
    After other than existing weapon such as nuclear weapon and biochemistry weapon, becoming the new weapon and the 21st century when presently it is in the midst of developing The powerful weapon which is developed newly is used

    • ...你说了这些诺查丹玛斯和他的饥荒,▼。这将意味着饥荒和自然灾害造成的吸引力,但我已经预见,但战争造成的饥荒▼由强大的障碍,
      The famine which Nostradamus… they say, *. The result of natural disaster of the 魅 and the like it probably means the famine which it occurs, but It is the famine which * war becoming obstacle, causes the fact that I foresee and, is forced

      • 20 847 40公里的高空击中了罢工摘要电子稀薄空气分子周围100公里 100公里的大气层上层的数目在核爆炸,&#9998 是一个非常稀薄的大气,核爆炸 很少发生在爆炸效果 847 20 Near 40km To collide to the thin air molecule hitting the electron Summary Altitude 100km At the time of nuclear explosion in the high atmosphere of number 100km the 9998 The atmosphere to be very thin … The blast almost does not occur in the effect of nuclear explosion
        • 爆炸发生后,核裂变&#9998 伽玛射线(X光)20大气层 40公里的自来水变得稀薄弹射电子康普顿效应(空气分子相撞附近) After the fissioning it occurred due to nuclear explosion the 9998 Gamma ray x ray atmospheric layer 20 Near 40km It collides to the thin air molecule and starts hitting the electron the Compton effect

      • 20年后公开倒塌乐゙了一个,造成了对日本沉没的,改革Tarame情节自民党。新闻界的白痴日本,在人民的,Tsutaenakatta形势。不给钱的教育是世界上最日本。经合组织的地方,在去年。在此期间,中国,韩国,战胜了一个又专业。
        In 20 years after the [ha] ゙ [hu] ゙ [ru] collapsing, as for the largest cause Japan sinking, [te] ゙ [tarame] reformation of the Liberal Democratic Party administration. The fool of the mass communications, with the national leaving, did not convey the Japanese present condition. In the world most Japan which does not bet the gold on education. With OECD, least significant. At this time, Proud field, one after another in China and Korea retreat.

        • 431大久保Itashi所有的国家预算也没有用,因为我自己的私人财产权益在对面一块,只有剩余责任
          431 Being the truth opposite, my interest selfish desire of one piece there was no Ookubo It did, the private funds as budget of all country using only debt left

          • 569名犹太商人谁是被返回吴自然必然性Waranai应变本质的性质各族人民在短短的一个半世纪的日本和德国Waranai滑稽怪异的人,只有延误 569 Judea directly is the merchant Essence of race does not change Essence of race does not change in half a century which passes It just is warped As for the Japanese race and German race as for returning to the essence of the military affairs inevitability
            • 569名犹太商人谁是被返回吴自然必然性Waranai应变本质的性质各族人民在短短的一个半世纪的日本和德国Waranai滑稽怪异的人,只有延误 569 Judea directly is the merchant Essence of race does not change Essence of race does not change in half a century which passes It just is warped As for the Japanese race and German race as for returning to the essence of the military affairs inevitability

          • NULL No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 92 92 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ i lt otsumu which it makes cry gt human 92 92 ¯ 92 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT i i 92 i i REPT 92 DREPT ¯ i l l 92 no hu ¯ ¯ to l ¯ 92 l REPT r l l l l 22 22 REPT i ⌒ i i ⌒ i i ⌒ i r REPT No No r ─ ─ ─ REPT Two no r ─ ─ ─ REPT No No re no REPT ─ ─ ─ ┘ no REPT REPT ─ ─ ─ ┘ ⌒ No ∠ no HKRPT no REPT REPT ¯ ¯ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
            • NULL No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 92 92 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ i lt otsumu which it makes cry gt human 92 92 ¯ 92 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT i i 92 i i REPT 92 DREPT ¯ i l l 92 no hu ¯ ¯ to l ¯ 92 l REPT r l l l l 22 22 REPT i ⌒ i i ⌒ i i ⌒ i r REPT No No r ─ ─ ─ REPT Two no r ─ ─ ─ REPT No No re no REPT ─ ─ ─ ┘ no REPT REPT ─ ─ ─ ┘ ⌒ No ∠ no HKRPT no REPT REPT ¯ ¯ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
            • ⌒γ ヽ ° ⌒⌒ Γ ⌒ REPT MARU ⌒ ⌒ 92
            • ⌒γ ヽ ° ⌒⌒ ° Γ ⌒ REPT MARU ⌒ ⌒ 92 MARU
            • 布鲁诺 ヽ⌒ No ⌒ REPT
            • 我 ヽ⌒⌒ i ⌒ ⌒ REPT
            • ::布鲁诺 ヽ⌒ No ⌒ REPT
            • :::(ヽ ), ー REPT

          • Wanu时间的态度在该说的事,总理,即使它是在国民警卫队船只调查专属经济区日本海岸5月3日,一直在跟踪一个中国调查船
            Prime minister of that time The thing the attitude which is not said, the hydrographic survey ship of Maritime Safety Agency inside the exclusive economic zone of Japan is on May 3rd relation, It was pursued in the Chinese investigation boat

            • _NULL_
              * Natural shape of support parent Nitukiyou group of the Democratic party * - The pupil is dyed to anti-Japanese idea, open and brainwashing education << In the study travelling in Korea in pupil thanking/apologizing. It kneels on the ground Hiroshima prefectural Sera high school >> - With elbowroom education and the like collapse the Japanese education << The Nitukiyou group authorized personnel is appointed by the member of 96 year Education Ministry medium teaching making clear, “Elbowroom” in concern >> - The person who opposes to his own ideology drives to suicide with pressure << Every day of the union member and organization with to hang, the principal is often driven to suicide >> - Anti-Japanese offense of radical group village & North Korea etc. It adheres with power << From the former Chairman Makieda North Korea decoration conferment/the Japanese school personnel [chiyuchie] idea workshop liaison conference >> - The Democratic party (past old Japan Socialist Party) the support parent << Old Japan Socialist Party to control executive office, policy of the Japanese destruction of foreign carrot administration Okinawa vision and the like >> - Counter day (resident reverse side control) you conspire with the mass communications << Word hunt incident and the like of diplomatic relations phase before the Nakayama >> - Collapse of the traditional culture, and morality of Japan << Including the disrespect of national flag national anthem denial of moral education and promotion etc. of radical sex education >> 'It searches ⇒ details with natural shape of the actual condition' 'Nitukiyou group of the counter day which the citizen does not know'! The Democratic party and Nitukiyou group “Circular you of day “call “irrelevant Korea such as generation abhorrent” patriotism”” “in the staff room the actual condition of campaign poster”… north teaching groups * 4 Governor under bridge “Voice it is small! If the government employee you” as for… staff “schools national anthem did not teach generation singing in unison

              • · · · · ·(第六卷第79号),诺查丹马斯 这首诗,这给案件一个基鲁之间的战争即将到来的基 … … Sixth volume 97th Nostradamus… this poem has expressed the incident which occurs in coming war
                • · · · · ·(第六卷第79号),诺查丹马斯 在这种情况下,让该文基鲁即将爆发的战争中 … … Sixth volume 97th Nostradamus… this poem has expressed the incident which occurs in coming war

              • “先生们,我想说的话,知道这世界好你都会有他们自己的活动是,”它并不可怕,我笑我本能 “As for I would like to calling to the ladies and gentlemen you say know the thing of this world which means that the self participates just that It is thing” This it is enormous you laughed unintentionally

                • “我的履历表”,2009年,目标是企业家,独立的退休人员,以及公司总裁谁创立合资企业在上海联合
                  <<My resume >> 2009, to aim toward independence starting a business, company president and joint corporation establishment of retirement and the Shanghai person

                  • “毒药”广泛扩大了植物和动物感染,有一个坏的食品供应的影响
                    Infection to of � “poison” spreads to the flora and fauna largely, exerts influence on food supply

                    • ♪今天由我认为472票同意,整个收集全国,今天«全国,决定那天会同意这种»我〜〜〜祢津哈慈゚゚゚哈慈哈慈哈慈゚゚公顷♪♪ 投票 2票 投票3 4票 同意 ∧∧‖‖‖∧∧∧,∧∧‖,‖∧∧∧ ,∩☆ ω )∩ ω )∩ ω )∩ ω )∩ ω ∩(xωx )゙部队慈,,,,伊达! ☆()。()。()()()() U型ü 472 Today nationwide The ♪ which you think that approval vote gets together in the opinion Depending today the ≪ nationwide in the opinion the decisive ≫ did in day of approval the ♪ ♪ ha ゚ tsu ha ゚ tsu ha ゚ tsu ha ゚ tsu ha ゚ tsu mi 92 One vote Two votes Three votes Four votes Agreement 92 92 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ and ∧ ∧ and ∧ ∧ ∧ 92 ∩ Ω ∩ Ω ∩ Ω ∩ Ω ∩ Ω ∩ xωx mosquito ゙ tsu It is painful u u u u u u u u u u u u

                      • ヽ布鲁诺:网络网络Vヽ。 苏网络 │ ,,美 ° ::: No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ mi ¯ REPT No REPT ku su su No and REPT su tsu mi r su No ⌒ REPT 0 Γ ⌒ 92
                        • 网络网络 浦 苏ス网络 │ 苏素网络。 │ ス 慈 还有一个愚蠢的支持 ス 慈 网络 璞 , , ヽ布鲁诺:网络ヽV网络。 苏网络 │ ,,美 ¯ 。0 : ::: : ku ku pu su ku su │ su ku su │ su tsu Even then the fool who still is supported is su tsu 92 ku pu No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ mi ¯ REPT No REPT ku su su No and REPT su tsu mi r su No ⌒ REPT 0 Γ ⌒ 92

                      • 不过,我觉得是463普利司通Poppo我的女儿,成立家庭的母亲...
                        463 The air which the daughter of the mother [tsu] [te] Bridgestone of the [po] [tsu] [po] is founder whole group does, but it is…

                        • 中欧和东欧的预言WWW3预言(预言世界大战3)战争总结世界第三的预言之后,约翰森 Center east European prediction WWW3 Prophecies third great war prediction Below is summary of third great war prediction of the Johann plug
                          • 约翰在启示录,“野兽”所谓的土豆,它已对全人类的预言,按帝国马克 When it is called “the animal” with yohane Revelations pushes the hallmark in all mankind it is the monarch who is prophesied

                        • 为了增加国防开支,但不会提高税收只,抑制率的临时道路施工停止,或不包括在茂木昆虫国防开支和提高税收来说明其他的分钟
                          In order to increase defense expanses, but the reason which is only tax increase, Provisional tariff is stopped, holding down road construction, That much increasing taxes with other things, only it pours into defense expanses

                          • 事实上,这人正在看“驼峰,也称为,这是一个观察的工具,是用来观察人类这些家伙,当更多的接近地球,科学家认为,暴露于火,但知识,暴露于光 As for this to tell the truth the � the people who are seen also as for calling But it is the instrument which has been used because they observe the mankind for observing When approaching to the earth more the scientist exposes that to the fire in other words it exposes to the light of knowledge
                            • 此人认为,事实上,“但一个观察的工具,用来观察人类接近时,更多地为地球,科学家们接触到的火,光的知识该把它 But this to tell the truth the � the person who is seen is the instrument which has been used in order to observe the mankind for observing When approaching to the earth more the scientist exposes that to the fire in other words it exposes to the light of knowledge

                          • 他们樱井女士说:“真实”国会不能忽视美国公然瓦特什么华盛顿邮报上,甚至是我们只是想通过美国的标准是a m一会动摇它的标准 “The of 櫻 well young women Fact” as for American Congress openly disregard w Was that Washington post publication As for America thinking with the American standard with just the ru We on the one hand are what which is swung in the standard …
                            • 刚刚在桌子后面的自民党公然面临 民主党小泽 The face of the reverse side of our people just came out openly in the chart gt Ozawa democracy

                          • 他是最好的解决方案,因为它更接近于欧洲南部的军事基地地理
                            Because, geographical those where from the south which has the military base it approaches into Europe are best step in him

                            • 伊藤正义松方,西园寺公望,高桥是清,Hamaguti Yuukou,犬养毅,铃木贯太郎,吉田茂,鸠山一郎,石桥湛山,池田勇人,佐藤荣作,中曾根康弘,小泉
                              Hirohumi Itoh, Matukata justice, Koubou Saionzi, Korekiyo Takahashi, Hamaguchi male happiness, Takeshi Inukai, Kantarou Suzuki Shigeru Yoshida, Ichiro Hatoyama, Tanyama Ishibashi, Ikeda Hayato, Eisaku Sato, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Junichiro Koizumi

                              • 但是,从我的角度来看,在这种情况下,文基鲁年或7991,我有一种感觉,89岁
                                But, if it does from my viewpoint, the air that does that at this incident occurs it is 1997 or 98 year,

                                • 凯塔许多愚蠢的选民投票是Louppy进入鸠山,日本的战后国民教育认为,由于傻瓜失败无助的鸠山,它不是个人什么? As for the foolish voter who inserted vote in rupi Hatoyama being many After the war as for the Japanese national education you think that it is consequence of the failure but Hatoyama being foolish how it will do as for without being there is no problem of the individual
                                  • 因为他们的作用,我说什么我会做的,是二次大战后日本瓦特产品 By your in fact after the war the Japanese product probably will be are what you have applied w which is
                                  • 确定是否战后日本的公共教育失败的可能原因Poppo,或教育的失败,是不是母亲? Certainly after the war perhaps the Japanese national education it has failed but In case of the po tsu po there is no example where education of the mother fails

                                • 即使在同一个舛添,马祖决定这样做,你知道你的废话政治不小心成为首相
                                  Even Masuzoe as for content the same, when becomes the prime minister, to some extent politics of [detarame] you do being decided and the [ro] which is the [ru

                                  • 即使是媒体«由«♪字博爱»从具体的人»醉路线,我只是,我应该是太醉的人 With the word ≫ the mass communications ≪ friendship From ≪ concrete to person ♪ ≫ It has become drunk probably will be and the expectation where also the citizen has become drunk
                                    • «友谊»从具体到人的«♪»我想我喝醉了, With ≪ friendship ≫ From ≪ concrete to person ♪ ≫ You think that it was intoxicated
                                    • «白磷炸弹»还呼吁安燃烧弹经验被国际上禁止使用 Also the incendiary bomb which is called the ≪ white phosphorus bullet ≫ and is prohibited between nations was used

                                  • 同时还考虑自己▼鄂如能帮助别人是他们踢来踢他快死了 Simultaneously with that by your when it is possible to help others What is thought is the pleasant sensation which does not accumulate in them
                                    • 我只是幼稚的梦想→▼每个人的愿望,只是一个愿望是没有用的根本,即使给定的叶 gt As for craving everyone The mere child ji the dream which was seen it was even if granted doing completely it is no more than a wasteful craving

                                  • 因此,所有的电子设备故障尽管总是有限的,因为没有屏蔽马铃薯及一个外部天线导线,对非高压脉冲电流处理能力的诱导流好东西&#9998 特别是损害 Because of this all electronic equipment are done obstacle by all means with the limit Being something which has the electric wire for the antenna outside and something which does not have the electromagnetic shielding to the pulse electric current which was induced Pressure resistant resistance electric current is insufficient those whose 9998 The especially damage is received
                                    • 损坏及#9998 电磁脉冲(电磁脉冲)是如此强大的电磁频率范围内,符合9998波长任何导体&# 由感应电流瞬间阻碍 Damage 9998 EMP electromagnetic pulse Because it is the powerful electromagnetic wave of various frequencies in all conductors to which wave length conforms 9998 Faradism is pulled up instantaneously

                                  • 因此,鸠山,努力引进单议席选区,因为它是一个偶然的结果
                                    With that as for Hatoyama, doing the effort which introduces small constituency system, that stumbled result with cause

                                    • 在这个意义上说 ,总理是在战后日本的公共教育失败的最显着的例子 gt The prime minister after the war is the most remarkable concrete example of the failure of the Japanese national education in that sense
                                      • 从这个意义上讲,它是在战后日本的公共教育中最引人注目的失败的最佳例子 The prime minister after the war is the most remarkable concrete example of the failure of the Japanese national education in that sense
                                      • 从这个意义上讲,它是在战后日本的公共教育中最引人注目的失败的最佳例子 The prime minister after the war is the most remarkable concrete example of the failure of the Japanese national education in that sense

                                    • 地震干扰的季节,火山喷发释放的污染物排放的
                                      Disorder of � four seasons � major earthquake, the contaminant which is discharged with eruption of the volcano scatters

                                      • 大规模的飓风和灾害易发灾害的机制,防止大规模杀伤性自然,自然灾害影响的美国,而不是一个迅速火
                                        Mechanism of natural disaster and large quantity destruction and disaster occurring frequently Enormous extreme natural disaster such as hurricane and fire attacks America

                                        • 套房534■■第2章:古理论葛吉夫“宇宙论” 寻求加强世界和平 如果真比■■第一«认识你自己»■一Q 。(问题的门徒),并且你不基督教教义有一个理论的关系 534 Continuation 2nd chapter gurujiehu you explain “cosmological theory” … From in True world peace is sought if is the ≪ 汝 itself know it is the ≫ first Q Question of pupil Are the doctrine and the Christianity which you explain to be some relationship
                                          • 第2章■■:古葛吉夫理论,“宇宙论” 我曾在战争有关的其他问题 2nd chapter gurujiehu you explain “cosmological theory” … From in Question concerning war oh the seed

                                        • 如果没有形成一个非常智力残疾583经典战争如此真实的无知的人离开后 583 So truly After the war just symbolize existence of the foolish people The form of the intellectual handicapped person left flank that way
                                          • 鸠山樱井是成功的例子,失败的教育在日本的583名美国的确蒙昧主义 583 The extent which becomes… By America success example of the Japanese foolish people conversion education with Hatoyama failure example the 櫻 well

                                        • 如果没有瓶塞板即使吃硬疾病暴发政府权力“,这是指国家,如果该国是美国伐丽流认为,它里面的两个大洋太平洋和大西洋 Government becoming eager occurrence of the sickness cannot be stopped if we assumed that the large country” points to the country this country was surrounded in two Taiyo Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean It is thought as the American thing
                                          • 塞板,他们没有吃的使命,政府可以采取的一类国家权力重病元首疾病爆发 Government becoming eager occurrence of the sickness cannot be stopped if we assumed that the large country” points to the country this country was surrounded in two Taiyo Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean It is thought as the American thing

                                        • 如果非。 300000000层,甚至枪杀轮数人在冲突与解放政府对人民军队的剩余的1000万〜1200万
                                          Non-. Layer being 300,000,000, colliding with government, the People's Liberation Army Assuming, that the number of people totally were pipped, as for remainder 1,000,000,000 - 1,200,000,000 people

                                          • 婴儿潮,部分用于教育,因为它随便这样说也奇怪,不是很多人缺乏常识,问题是,不是父母代大脑之间的差异,再教育这是可能的 As for nodule junior because you can raise the fact that such a strange head says selfishly The person who is lacking in general common sense is many is but Because it is not the case that it is obstacle in the brain different from the generation of the parent Re education is possible
                                            • 475至少,不偏执或许可说,没有什么人,他的常识,所以我没有你说了或做它?负责躾茹家 475 At least delusion it does that others say selfishly unless as for by your doing you have responsibility by your when So as for general common sense which is said the ro which is the training ru with home

                                          • 孙抗通孔,拆除国家线,自动的。平的历史观点。教育诅咒Ntsukyouso击败反民族,教育学生,兄弟毕业于东京大学鸠山→完整型,B!
                                            Anti-Japanese 侮 day, national dismantlement route, our. Flat due to historical view. Honor-student of prime mover = counter race Nitukiyou group education of defeat education, All-inclusive formation -> Tokyo University soldier/finishing Hatoyama sibling, quaintness!

                                            • 希腊是一个多民族的国家 地震,飓风,水灾和不安全的,如果不是通过暴力,但桶,也许我们的预言局势的这一部分的 As for Greece however it is not earthquake the hurricane and the flood with multi race nations If it does from trick of the public order by the riot or the cause of hitting to the circumstance of this part with prediction
                                              • 美其实是多民族的国家 地震,飓风,洪水已被骗忧 Factual America with multi race nations is bothered in earthquake the hurricane and the flood

                                            • 当枢机主教选举下一任教宗,然后另一方面也会给他的基督教端的两个21分钟的闭嘴,靠近梵蒂冈教皇加冕自己 Then when the other cardinal elects the following pope to be enthroned personally in the pope being confined in vuachikan Christ person 2 12 probably will be attached to friend
                                              • 近最重要的国家大事不是教皇。他们应未来Tarubeki洙闭嘴教会自己从到梵蒂冈的形势密切感觉到危险 The important state affair which is closest to the pope Two people to perceive the danger for the church being confined in vuachikan It tries probably to protect the body from coming situation

                                            • 怎么是我说他们为什么日本出生率下降撒玫瑰的子女免税额,以世界的东京大学考试入学
                                              Tokyo University admission examination problem The rose spreading child treatment in the world, whether why it becomes the little child conversion measure of Japan you express,

                                              • 我们发现住房只穿着我所爱和幸福,包括跨逃避三座大山,是遵守,或能锋等人夫妻生活 To escape to the mountain which has three crosses just those which are packed to find the evacuation place in love and happiness filling up It is possible to live richly
                                                • 家庭逃避的东西包含在此我可以保存起来作为一 As for those which escape in this and are packed By your also the family can rescue together

                                              • 我完全失去了第二次世界大战后 我在自称保守派的信心受虐狂的历史观点
                                                I after the war of the calling conservatives completely lost self-confidence with our 虐 view of history >

                                                • 我并没有说的532是什么呢?国家,国家依赖于其他仅仅因为他们没有像样的,诚实的和所有的国家,不依赖其他国家不要说 532 As for that it does not become refutation Because the country which depends on the foreign country is not honest saying it does not depend on the foreign country The country entirely is honest with you cannot say
                                                  • 我并没有说的532是什么呢?国家,国家依赖于其他仅仅因为他们没有像样的,诚实的和所有的国家,不依赖其他国家不要说 532 As for that it does not become refutation Because the country which depends on the foreign country is not honest saying it does not depend on the foreign country The country entirely is honest with you cannot say

                                                • 我有话要调整我们的人民谁大萧条期间的其他国家智商的童年天空中的数据
                                                  Probably is there data something which inspected the intelligence quotient of the people who passed young child period at the time of worldwide panic of the foreign country?

                                                  • 我的意思是复制和粘贴,因为这是刚刚过去的一年,我已经鸠山“民主的典范,”不知道它是什么朱达罗的国家,人民自己穷,石窟于,官员不会难过,美日安保是一个糟糕的感觉,我觉得破坏了日本自民党,我觉得最好的政权更替古, 这也使得有人喜欢日本以政治过渡驱动tTA幼稚的看法已经看到了到场的概念 Sort of this kopipe which just is from last year the shelf The ro which with you say or the Hatoyama tsu te already “discrimination reference of public opinion” is You do not understand the country what ones yes 哀 thought in the person kind margin As for the bureaucracy the bad air does the bad air does Japan U S Security Arrangements The air where our people make Japan useless does if administration it alternates the air which becomes good does Someone somehow Immature political view of the Japanese of such feeling transferred it was visible in existence with respect to concept
                                                    • 这是愚蠢的成田Yasuzou朋788 W“的丝带”安了马铃薯呼吁家庭和每个店员和学徒是“愚蠢的波恩说:”我叫我背后Temashita土豆 788 ahobon Narita in structure shank w “the bo it is with it is called cheaply cheaply” in the family but the clerk and From around the apprentice being called with “the ahobon ” tsu te shade it increased

                                                  • 据医生,“有一个生活在地球以外的星系的可能性非常高”,他说,宇宙是由100亿美元,智能生活应该是唯一的人世间解释说,没有 According to the doctor “the possibility the life body existing in area other than the earth is very high” to say 100 000 000 000 Unless in the outer space where it is formed with Milky Way there is an expectation just the terrestrial person being the intellectual life body it explained

                                                    • 旁边的842个有关“父亲和儿子,我们的做法不敢国王”是什么?诺查丹玛斯是滚装船 男人怕这使▼的残酷,权力的力量,是国家唯一的合法统治者害怕失败,刻意阻止头对破坏不仅▼ 842 Being related … The following “the father or the child do not come near being able to meet the kings ” Nostradamus… fearfulness of remainder of this man in inhumanity and influential strength as for legitimate dominant people of countries We fear that the ji ke zu it will come will be able to meet and stopping be conspicuous will do the destruction It does not do

                                                      • 日前,和野中,“济民,苯教及年终节日我去五〇〇〇〇〇〇日元使每个失踪Kasazu评论家
                                                        The other day, Nonaka “as for [jimin], to be essential to the critic kept having 5,000,000 Yen at a time in the tray coming to an end

                                                        • 时间仿佛,而SS20警惕狙与徐美中国导弹驱动tTA方式到西欧,中程核,当它在欧洲东部部署 The time just the Soviet Union while being cautious the approach in the United States aimed for Western Europe It is the time when medium range nuclear missile SS20 is disposed to Eastern Europe countries
                                                          • 累算之后,会更容易西方Otoshiirere Yohhanakara震惊,他开始摧毁罗马手我先 It does Western countries and it drops if it inserts the yo tsu into empty impact and after That it probably is easy expecting he to begin with destroys Rome first

                                                        • 有一种理论,一个普遍认为这组巨型陨石下降促成了恐龙灭绝的1亿年以前在他的首相
                                                          About 100,000,000 year ago There is also a powerful theory that the cause where the dinosaur which is zenith period exterminates was falling of this meteorite group which is enormous,

                                                          • 有些人说,一些人试图进入东京大学说,一些人很幸运,参加东京大学东京大学东京大学说,他们有理由出席上述3人来说,这是基本上,人们无法帮助它,我几乎决定马祖这些入口往往在顶部 The human of a certain kind calls Tokyo University entrance effort The human of a certain kind calls Tokyo University entrance good fortune The human of a certain kind calls Tokyo University entrance logic The human of the above mentioned 3 types being Tokyo University raw as for this generally being decided at entrance point in time the ru How will do basically the human who is not on is most
                                                            • 400家“由东京大学的”聪明我是真实的自私的东西,特别是自1970年以来分钟没有进入替代巢穴的左派,即使能够避免笈入,当穷人东京以东的鹦鹉类从思想暗示的纪要是邪教洗脑 400 “Therefore Tokyo University” is The thing understanding truly as for the home where the ru head is good after the especially seventies you avoid Tokyo University Tokyo University there being an ability to insert you do not insert in the choices When the hideout of sayoku unskillfulness it does because you understand that cult idea of oumu class is brainwashed

                                                          • 本届政府可能没有结束平等地,赢得选举,可能会感到困惑都刀试图执行政策更加忠实于表现,“他预言 When the possibility of not having is suitable to end of year will be present administration by chance when it wins with House of Councillors selection it is confused probably will be that the policy which is faithful to the manifest will be executed from now ” With it estimated
                                                            • “选举获胜都刀将得到混淆努力执行政策更加忠实于表现,”他预言 When “it wins with House of Councillors selection it is confused probably will be that the policy which is faithful to the manifest will be executed from now ” With it estimated

                                                          • 毕竟,事情只能得到履行,或悲伤,辩论“等”是一个重要的吸引力和非凡的时间,除非是他们对自己说,听到绞纱 After all it just is grudged it cannot succeed phenomenon ” If “arguing and the like considerably the important time is not being it is not that you have warned by your
                                                            • 为什么聋人和勇气说出来,站在当时,我对我自己的悲伤 Why that time putting out courage whether it does not try probably to stand up grudging me myself the ru

                                                          • 民主党鸠山一郎领导的日本和发言后,枪声在1955年2月大选的单元没有立即宪政改革“,该委员会的法案,”已提交立法 As for the Japanese Democratic party which designates Ichiro Hatoyama as the party chief after the pulling out striking dispersion general election of 1955 February “The constitution committee bill” for constitution amendment is submitted directly with legislation of house members
                                                            • 发言换届选举没有一次投篮吉田和经济重建,但吉田公告梁,是重新武装,并坚持认为一郎是一项宪法修正案被称为 NULL
                                                            • 民主选举党的领导人对日本鸠山一郎在1955年2月后,现在的宪法改革法案为“委员会”已提交立法 As for the Japanese Democratic party which designates Ichiro Hatoyama as the party chief after the pulling out striking dispersion general election of 1955 February “The constitution committee bill” for constitution amendment is submitted directly with legislation of house members

                                                          • 激光的一些武器是什么照射people ll白降部分会被视为 When it is irradiated to the people in order white ones to fall there probably are also some which are visible in the laser weapon

                                                            • 电子击败了&#9998;我场跳进一个螺旋地球磁场的磁力线沿线,10ns的电磁脉冲敏感,开始在陡峭的数量足够强大(电磁脉冲),将提高
                                                              As for the electron which starts hitting & #9998; To jump helically alongside the line of magnetic force of the geomagnetic field, with the steep startup about of 10nS Powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP) It means with to occur

                                                              • 种族灭绝,战争创造条件,造成可怕的不是武器,残忍和恐惧
                                                                Slaughter and war, and it is fearful The cruel circumstance where the weapon pulls up

                                                                • 科学的语言从他的祖父,数学,天文学,占星术,并在22岁以下有学士学位和医疗许可证和
                                                                  From grandfather language study, mathematics, astronomy, Astrology was learned, the license and the bachelor's degree of the doctor were acquired the time of 22 year old

                                                                  • 经修订的国籍法,和儿童津贴,购买排放,税率的变动,环境的区域划分的视野日假期,选举权外国人,冲绳,新民主党联盟的公明党的一切权利人权立法,表决通过强硬
                                                                    Nationality method amendment, child treatment and discharge right purchase, in every holiday area with modification the Japanese dividing, Foreign carrot administration, Okinawa vision, environmental tax, protection of fundamental human rights bill everything the Democratic party Komeito By combination, it was voted strongly and was formed

                                                                    • 而我要向总统梅德韦杰夫,中东局势▼灾难,但有近 When has medovuejiehu president call the Middle East says that it has approached to the circumstance of catastrophe
                                                                      • 在他访问叙利亚总统梅德韦杰夫的言论,有些东西照顾Tsukaatta In speech at the time of the Syrian visit of medovuejiehu president there were several some which depend on the air

                                                                    • 胚胎-因为战后婴儿食品短缺是沉重的,大脑还没有发育完全,由于营养缺乏
                                                                      Because the postwar difficulty of obtaining food is piled up to fetus - infant period, Being hypoalimentation, it means that the brain does not advance sufficiently

                                                                      • 苏只功率他们的智力Bokesayoku自己的爱将分发给草率写作。艾达是一个很大的差别,差写作
                                                                        [bokesayoku] of calling intelligence seems dirtily and writes and scatters Self love only electricity. The inferior sentence is the large difference

                                                                        • 该寺院Porumaru父亲,早期大祭司 - 重视对希尔德加德的愿景从 逐字记录她的发言
                                                                          The chief priest Pol maar priest of the monastery quickly - to observe to the vision of empty [hirudegarudo], 'her predicate one by one record

                                                                          • 诺查丹玛斯的预言_ _第16章看不见的,因为秋天伊纳鲁伟大梵蒂冈教会神职人员的人背后的废墟郁花远,普罗旺斯,那不勒斯西西里岛,波苏斯
                                                                            Nostradamus _ spiritual world large prediction Chapter devastation of 16 _ churches Traitor of [vuachikan] Great fall of the clergyman is not distant, [purovuansu], the Naples 'Sicily, [pososu

                                                                            • 辩论如“民族主义或乌托邦式的怀旧和平宪法一直徘徊一战后理论履行任何感情的翅膀左,右”,“创日泰新宪法”,但首相发表上述讲话和什么样的行动,无非是和平主义的乌托邦更多产品 “Fantasy pacifism or the national principle nostalgia etc which strays postwar constitution discussion It displaces either of emotional argument of the left and right flanks and” “would like to make new constitution” But the consecutive speech of the prime minister very conduct it is not anything less than the product of fantasy pacifism
                                                                              • 辩论如“民族主义或乌托邦式的怀旧和平宪法一直徘徊一战后理论履行任何感情的翅膀左,右”,“创日泰新宪法”,但首相发表上述讲话和什么样的行动,无非是和平主义的乌托邦更多产品 “Fantasy pacifism or the national principle nostalgia etc which strays postwar constitution discussion It displaces either of emotional argument of the left and right flanks and” “would like to make new constitution” But the consecutive speech of the prime minister very conduct it is not anything less than the product of fantasy pacifism

                                                                            • 这是一个个案,没有任何责怪Omaemona我鸽子瓦特Omaegana
                                                                              [omaemona] Well in this case [omaegana]? It shifts responsibility to the pigeon with anything w

                                                                              • 这是佛陀这次回来,我们预测,伟大的宗教领袖应该产生的土地亚洲世界的宗教 The explanation releasing 迦 revives in this time as for the notion that where should become worldwide religion in the Asian area the great religion house which You predict that it produces
                                                                                • 这是佛陀这次回来,我们预测,伟大的宗教领袖应该产生的土地亚洲世界的宗教 The explanation releasing 迦 revives in this time as for the notion that where should become worldwide religion in the Asian area the great religion house which You predict that it produces

                                                                              • 这是在亚洲,主要是刚性基伟大的宗教,特别是日本这样做是会终于有得救的权力世界的U That Asia especially It is to keep possessing the power where great religion happens this Japan as a center eventually rescues the world
                                                                                • 不难拯救那些批评对非生产性废话不垃圾的垃圾 About the rubbish criticizing the rubbish being meaningless being non productive there are no any which it is hard to rescue

                                                                              • 进入黑名单,这么多的职位,他们并没有将它张贴了吗?担心是我和 Because contribution is many entering the black list already you probably can tcontribute With It is something which is troubled

                                                                                • 遴押嗯■“大无极”除非你之前好人希尔德加德度过圣大彗星彰Hazime看到许多国家在第三个千年后 的和挨饿的人缺乏洁净是 Forest positive “large prediction” 3rd chapter The saintly hirudegarudo � which foresees one 〇 〇 〇 year later Before the large comet comes it can clean the people of many countries in scarcity and hunger excluding the good people
                                                                                  • 规模迷人的知识与力量的大彗星,造成国家水浸出许多新闻界的海水,还有很多 的。鼠疫和鲤鱼井 Measuring the large comet which has the power which cannot be known pushes out many waters from the sea in many countries causing the flood Multi The carp and the plague are borne

                                                                                • 闽立法保障权利的侵犯人权法案日本孔隙→→→→→→谋杀是不是没有意义从语言本身的污染,为沼泽人民团伙→→→
                                                                                  Homicide -> -> -> pore Japanese human rights violation bill -> -> -> protection of fundamental human rights bill Because [minsu] there is no meaning in language itself, it is dirty for the 沢 conspirators, -> -> -> for the citizen

                                                                                  • 除了这预示着相当邪教箴,或迫害基督教教会
                                                                                    The maverick joins to this counter Christ's preliminary announcement, persecutes the true Christ church

                                                                                    • 鸠山家族自民党黑暗,田中派...也负责Merubeki现在的自由民主党负责附表如果过去或当前民主党是黑色
                                                                                      As for darkness of our people Kakuei Hatoyama whole group and Tanaka one group… Namely it is the darkness of the present ruling party Democratic party If the past our people are blamed, also current democracy should be blamed,

                                                                                      • 鸠山由纪夫鸠山家族宗族有任何认识知识的无知或不称职的辩护
                                                                                        As for the Hatoyama whole group national defense consciousness and knowledge being nil? The Hatoyama whole group of disabled ignorance

                                                                                        • 鸠山,但实际上它是适当的看看日本最大的高等教育作为教育事业的人会羡慕,接穗的婴儿潮一代的婴儿邦邦
                                                                                          As for Hatoyama the high educational background which in the nodule generation everyone envies with the candy of the son If just personal history you see, it is suitable in the Japanese top But really……

                                                                                          • 黑田清隆,山本权兵卫,Terauti正树,奎吾清浦,加藤隆明,义和田中,广田博树冈田启介,十郎铁架,近卫文麿,平沼Kiitirou,安倍信行,东条英机,小矶国昭,片山哲铃木善幸,竹下登,宇野壮介,细川护熙,村山富市,茂Yoshirou,安倍晋三,福田康夫,麻生太郎,鸠山由纪夫
                                                                                            Kiyotaka Kuroda, Gonbei Yamamoto and Masaki inside the temple, it is clear the inlet 奎 Takaaki our, Kato, Tanaka justice one, Keisuke Okada Hiroki Hirota, forest pigiron ten 郎, Fumimaro the Imperial Guards, Hiranuma 騏 Ichiro, Nobuyuki Abe, Hideki Tojo, small beach national Showa, Satoru Katayama, Yosiyuki Suzuki, Noboru Takeshita, Sousuke Uno, protection Hikaru Hosokawa, Murayama wealth city, Shin forest virtue bright, Abe three Yasuo Fukuda, Taro Aso, Yukio Hatoyama

                                                                                            • &#9998 “摧毁天主教会甚至没有谁”混同于一个单纯的贝鲁,审议并描述的相反,它正试图摧毁天主教会,但有人明确表示相同的含义,岜足有 9998 “No person cannot destroy the Catholic church ” that you express it was restricted if you think in the opposite direction as for that Clearly when it has been about that some person will destroy the Catholic church same meaning has been shown the zu
                                                                                              • 9998,从历史和#是要刻&#9998 毫无疑问,但相当严重 9998 Because it is cut to history 9998 Although it is the serious illness suitably difference it is not

                                                                                            • ( 和)⌒ ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧ ()凸(),投影(),凸()想不合理或凸 我⌒ 我⌒ 我⌒ 我⌒ 3 3 3 3 ∪∪∪∪∪∪∪∪ 33 333 333 ⌒ 92 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ Convex Convex Convex Convex It makes unreasonable painful brown and the tsu te i ⌒ i ⌒ i ⌒ i ⌒ Three Three Three Three ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
                                                                                              • 宓 彡。李广琴我 )。ヽ支 (┳⊃(海外┬Ø⊂ 凵 ε u003d u003d ε u003dヽ◎Jε◎┴ u003dε u003d□◎ü张贴小,但不同的预测◎,我相信预言?不知道 mi 彡 ll i u u i ” u ⌒ ⌒ r lt l u No REPT u No and ∧ w ∧ REPT u REPT niniso l д REPT u u ⊃ ┳ O ┬ O ⊂ 92 凵 Ε Ε REPT J ┴ Ε Ε □ U However various predictions were contributed a little is prediction believed How you do not understand

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