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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

じゃらん レビュー 要約

Only boosting Hatoyama administration there is a voter and a citizen where the Hatoyama administration crushing is advanced with strategy of the large mass communications which are one member of old power


  • -旁边的警察无能勾结与一些谣言,行政人员,可以在没有这种危险和暴力罪犯进出,等警察护送
    Disabled official is adhered as for police station of the next door which has the rumor which with position, entrance and exit of the patrol car And it is not on this of unsettled thing with escort etc. of brutal offense

    • 1 Gendai没有 我知道我没有立即打开Suretai甚至没有没有那么严重,他们这样做不是? 1 Not to enter in suretai the te the gene die di gt It is not However it is not well and the te is understood at instant there is no chiyonbo
      • 1 Gendai Suretai看到一个时刻,但即使没有没有没有那么严重,他们这样做不是? 1 In suretai It is not However it is not well and the te is understood at instant there is no chiyonbo
      • Tateru Kusosure口前,后字和S Gendai』!凯塔分钟或蛆虫! kusosure before building with the mouth and call the gene die di afterwards You understood the Uzi insect
      • 我买不起,即使没有进入一个Suretai Gendai( ∀ )布鲁诺 ∀ the no where also the te is gene die di specific room not to enter in suretai
      • 我很认真地想读的Gendai嘿,我喜欢自私的分 Reading the gene die di seriously as for the person the ru way such a thing understanding although the ru don t you think the e
      • 我得到了Suretai不起Gendai只Suretaiー(日刊Gendai)击败他们,我把他们加入 With just suretai was gene die di room tsu The daily gene die di the tsu te insert in suretai

    • 480好了,“感觉”组织作为一个消息,“正确的数字,”这是什么瓦特〜但是它的美好感觉如何才能捍卫自己的主张之间的差异,我不认为瓦特 480 Well as “the semantic news media which is” but “correct form” what don t you think w Simply in order for you to protect your own favor if the air does not think may be different with w

      • 514 安藤也木村日本TBS电视台也可以生活得很好黑岩转到。为什么,我想,但我从娱乐中接受鸠山因达教授我没有娱乐,没有媒体的大“这时候已经用完了我麻木的现代 514 gt Ando and Kimura and Kuroiwa and TBS Goto are raw Also the professor hospitality receiving from Hatoyama although the ru With something there is no hospitality in we it is something is the large mass communications” The time where tsu te hiyundai has run out shibire the shelf
        • 514 安藤也木村日本TBS电视台也可以生活得很好黑岩转到。我期待接受鸠山由纪夫教授从好客 514 gt Ando and Kimura and Kuroiwa and TBS Goto are raw Also the professor hospitality receiving from Hatoyama although the ru With something there is no hospitality in we it is something is the large mass communications” The time where tsu te hiyundai has run out shibire the shelf

      • 642朝鲜日报,全国抗日的立场,可能无法体现为不同寻常,因为它是相当冷静分析
        642 The Korean daily report enters, embodying the anti-Japanese attitude of abnormal country, Korea, but therefore analysis considerably calmness, don't you think?

        • 715冲绳人反对you m绝望,他们不知道?自民党不会说美国。但我不得不假装同意压制成冲绳人的暴力编织s原本是坏人恩戴 715 The Okinawa people are opposite desperately is You you do not know The Liberal Democratic Party says America the appearance With scoundrel something the Okinawa people are held down originally with violence being packed The kind of inclination where opinion is settled can do and is but…
          • 721。这个词是什么坏人,第一次看到瓦特▼▼·分类 721 Scoundrel tsu te word w which was seen for the first time e

        • 737编号:JL0gfyWr0触摸采取的Batchii蛋糕从阿寒
          737 ID: When as for JL0gfyWr0, the [tsu] [chi] it is and the empty touches [akan

          • Buchitsu∩ ∩ ⌒⌒布鲁诺 · ●● ( ● )你已宓?嘿!智人你的宝贵。谷毅朱达罗? 彡, ∪ 米(( 布鲁诺ヽ ヽ ( 布鲁诺 ∩ ∩ buchitsu No ⌒ ⌒ mi u It is dense and others te me homo The ro which is the victory valley 彡 ∪ mi REPT No REPT no
            • Buchitsu∩ ∩ ⌒⌒布鲁诺 · ●● ( ● )你已宓?嘿!智人你的宝贵。谷毅朱达罗? 彡, ∪ 米(( 布鲁诺ヽ ヽ ( 布鲁诺 ∩ ∩ buchitsu No ⌒ ⌒ mi u It is dense and others te me homo The ro which is the victory valley 彡 ∪ mi REPT No REPT no

          • Dzui感到有希望,人民意味着每个人“(筑波大学名誉教授小林亘先生6)日刊Gendai 2010 / 05 / 2后连续14古
            By all means, the citizen becoming aware one by one there, desired it is potato”, (large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six people) Daily gene die/di 2010/05/14

            • Hatoyama ll
              665 As for [rupi] Hatoyama it is not off-center? Blurring in [zu] treason Blurring in [zu] [kichigai] Blurring in [zu] resident denizenship Properly, with child treatment or you promise of the Korean entire ream and people group in the child of native country of the foreigner protecting, the [ru], In the Japanese as for disadvantageous pledge protecting, in the Japanese as for disadvantageous pledge as for the attitude which is torn calmly first there is no from [tsu]?

              • Metara 7月的参议院选举中获胜体面的产量,民主党最后一个稳定的政府领导会突然音高政治进展 1 When approximately the Democratic party supplies victory with July House of Councillors selection administration finally stabilizes Political main leadership advances with urgent pitch probably will be
                • 但是,随着民主政权什么变化,我开始玩弄政治文紧张,仿佛一场革命,而不是一个牛市做能更好地鼓 The Democratic party tsu te administration it just alternated although like whether it caused even with revolution of Your political tsu beginning densely not be able to make good te gudaguda doing ru
                • 原来,像大媒体,政府是采取欺诈的民主运动 Originally the large mass communications way it is the Democratic party which can take administration with inchikikiyanpen
                • 民主党人在7月1体面收入Metara在参议院选举中获胜,布什政府终于稳定,陡峭的球场将在政治领导的研究进展 When approximately the Democratic party supplies victory with July House of Councillors selection administration finally stabilizes political main leadership advances with urgent pitch probably will be

              • Miyazakikenga Kokuminnogokaiga也不是普天间Suttamonda
                It is not Futenma's [sutsutamonda] [miyazakikenga] [kokuminnogokaiga

                • Nomutan善良的人是不好笑驱动tTA早逝埃泰清除耻辱,他们凯塔光
                  [nomutan] was pure Stigma clear and others it was not, but changing into the good man, the 逝 [tsu] it is

                  • [民主党]性能(仅一个月实现这个只有7),公共的托儿津贴支付给单个家庭的父亲●●●开放新闻发布会福利母亲复苏增加子女免税额调解●●●禁止政府官员递交12协议的诞生免费私立学校学费●●秘密澄清附表青少年烦恼转让日元〜●●严重短缺25万医生和资源,地方当局根本●办公业务的筹资计划撤回2200亿美元减少社会保障费用和紧急手术,妇产科,医疗信息,如电梯儿科酬引淇
                    The result (in 7 months which pass just this actualization) - Compulsory mediation of national public service personnel global ban - Child treatment provision - Mother and child addition revival of welfare - Press conference opening conversion - In father and son home child dependency allowance provision - Public high school student tuition gratuitous conversion - Secret agreement elucidation - Private high school student year 12 - 250,000 Yen furtherance - Social security expense year 220,000,000,000 Yen reduction policy withdrawal - In fundamental self-governing community authority and revenue source of office work business substantially transferring/changing 譲 - The diagnosis and treatment remuneration pulling up of emergency and the surgery, product gynecology and the pediatrician etc which are troubled to doctor insufficiency - Installing the place of conference of the country and the district - Abolishing the burden charge system in all national directly controlled businesses - Easing the application condition to unemployment insurance of the non proper worker - Prohibiting the dispatch to production actual place as a general rule - With advanced nation to farmer of common sense each house income compensation system execution - Supporting barrier free repair and energy-saving repair construction etc - Public furtherance of childbirth - Individual payment limit amount of interferon remedy of hepatitis patient month 70,000 Yen -> 10,000 Yen - Suicide person after the administration alternating in the midst of decrease Please change everyone and the thought of misunderstanding the Democratic party

                    • “总理表示普天间我觉得没有问题,”不知道目前的形势对民主党不Yakimoki
                      “The prime minister does not have with Futenma pledge problem, it is it isn't?”, that, To the Democratic party supporter the present condition which [yakimoki] is done it is not understood,

                      • “美日安保体系,在60年里,我有许多层既得的利益结构
                        “After the war in 60 years, no layer thing right structure does the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements system,

                        • ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■。祖写入数据的路径 到自身不ATA和 或苏不仅是! ? ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ∩───゙゙萨苏■■■■ ヽ噢 ■■ ───── ⌒ー ーヽ ■■。─ The Pas ni zu do u It does te a It is It is It is It does ke It is su ゙ sa ゙ ─ ─ ─ ∩ HKRPT REPT ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ REPT ∨ i ─ ─ ─ ≡ 丿 No ⌒ REPT lt ⌒ 92 ⌒ REPT ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ 92 gt ⌒ 彡 彡 mimi 92 ⌒ ⌒ REPT 彡 彡 彡 mi REPT ⌒ 92 i 彡 彡 彡 ─ ─ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ≡ mi 彡 no

                          • 。n:n对神经网络阴性 !ñ f 。 ∩∩ 。 (! :::: ヽ,ヽ:李利 REPT 92 nini NO THANK YOU 92 n n nn nf n f ∩ ∩ REPT i REPT i
                            • 616 NO的井田感谢您还讨厌你的愚蠢愚蠢的事情来否定自我相同瓦特我要它织成的汽车抓获的精神和Maero发现超速摩托车团伙提请623瓦特631是不是这样的傻子,我不知道瓦特很多人投票同意才能体现?葛根Biseru嘘声对浴室和无可辩驳六三一瓦特 616 NO THANK YOU About the fool denies oneself dislike the thing which Therefore Foolish way w 623 Is caught with speeding the gang of hot rodders which That catch also that car you are enthusiastic with becoming same the ru w 631 It is from the wa foolish shelf w Agreed to maniyuhuesuto many citizens there is no poll red sandal wood 631 Unless you can refute The hoot is poured to the partner Kudzu w

                          • 一位选民,我要告诉人们,请按同样的速度看我要去和支持党的执政后才期 1 Only boosting Hatoyama administration there is a voter and a citizen After looking at support ratio please try meaning the same thing
                            • 一位选民,公共法律,也使党的执政后,才推的,是不是没有 1 Only boosting Hatoyama administration there is a voter and a citizen After looking at support ratio please try meaning the same thing

                          • 为什么人们认为他们现在写的犹太阴谋,“我为什么我是穷苦的?”“我有一个安逸的生活,为什么呢?”“我我无法她?”人,如不良的怨恨和复杂的S是拥抱 As for the human whom it has been about probably to write the Judean conspiracy theory “it is why as for we poor what ” “Why life does not become easy it is ” “Why she is not possible to we it is ” Etc terrible complex and rusanchiman are held
                            • 穷人没有能力立即卡兹汤炒我的钱,她没有因为他们没有向我提出上诉 Because there is no ability to make the gold by herself to put out the fact that it is poor because she without being there is no charm by herself

                          • 你是秘书处的秘密资金流向母公司,讲谈社Gendai? 的
                            Secretariat secret expense flowing to Kodansha publishers, Ltd. of the parent company of the gene die/di, the combining of the [ru]? > Kodansha publishers, Ltd., the Asahi Shimbun, next in Toei Co., Ltd. and Kyushu Asahi Broadcasting Corporation etc, 1.36% of Asahi National Broadcasting Co. > It is the shareholder who possesses stock

                            • 六自称政治分析家小林亘,Kikuti英弘,前田哲夫我猜我究竟有多少租金玛丽塔赖捍卫民主民主的?过去,灌输到做无知的人绝望,但公然伐丽流秘书处定期支付的费用记者从私人。民主党人。我浮雕刻坠毁数字
                              Calling psephologist The good saddle where Kobayashi 弥 six, Suguru Hiroshi Kikuchi, Tetsuo Maeda said from democracy receiving Democracy protection it was asked, don't you think? it is probably will be? Periodically from secretariat secret expense pays to the journalist, but so Like this, that the foolish people will be brainwashed openly, it is desperate when a little more than. The Democratic party support. The [wa] where the form of heavy decline is relief

                              • 周五柏青哥广告Gendai 229红灯区资金来源
                                229 Money source of gene die/di Announcement of manners town gold pachinko

                                • 哟我会为你欢呼,消除自民党于作出这样的社会 In order to lose our people who made such a society It is to see to support the palpus it isn t
                                  • 自民党 332,因为我是一代人的权力和印迹 332 Our people power and in printing being done therefore the ru generation don t you think

                                • 在支持率因为ーSagarutsu平野是如此的权利一样,我想运动,而不是大张瓦特 Because the fact that it is hirano like is because support ratio it goes down as for is like the We want stretching large campaign shank w
                                  • 达罗的支持率有所下降加滕为什么不指望这个傻瓜什么会改变员额1 1 This foolish article which is what When it tries alternating because it is unreliable support ratio it has gone down the ro which is

                                • 在福冈县后,记者长崎放送后,国际关系,从1984年东京国际大学教授,自由撰稿人2005年高中毕业
                                  After the prefectural Fukuoka high school graduating, passing Nagasaki network reporter [hurijiyanarisuto], from 1984 to 2005 Tokyo International University international relations department professor

                                  • 坎,记者儿子的阴谋森悠我仍然很大
                                    Don't you think? [humuhumu], after all it is strategy of the large mass communications It is the forest [yu] [u] child

                                    • 垃圾所作出的情节现在是党的群众管理,我一敲他,因为政府是狗屎鸠山鸠山在一个单一的管理
                                      The fact that it is possible with strategy of the mass rubbish is Hatoyama administration Now, Hatoyama administration being hit, therefore [ru] simply Hatoyama administration the droppings, is

                                      • 奥姆真理教就像以前的阴谋逮捕Bitsukerutokoroga理论,对任何有约束力
                                        Entirely the place where it ties to strategy theory [oumu] truth teaching before the arresting entirely

                                        • 好消息是一如既往地方便时,我不相信群众自己的垃圾只是自己同意当一个人会相信我吗? Always although mass rubbish information is not trusted When being the news whose are convenient for by yourself when being the same opinion by yourself just it believes and being chi ya u human tsu te what
                                          • 好消息是一如既往地方便时,我不相信群众自己的垃圾只是自己同意当一个人会相信我吗? Always although mass rubbish information is not trusted When being the news whose are convenient for by yourself when being the same opinion by yourself just it believes and being chi ya u human tsu te what

                                        • 如果不是你写的文章善Birukarakouiu销售?这篇文章也许只应成为Ku m移动到关闭的抵制 Because sale extends such article you have written it is it is not Perhaps if it moves to boycott such an article you stop the fact that you write

                                          • 如果仅仅是一个程度的汉字读错的,但在此之前,他们下呼吸道滚装你,你说什么?而真正的罪犯,这只是贝鲁的比例被排斥,只! It is high with misunderstanding the Chinese character It is dense it comes and do you who were lowered say The genuine offender and you compare with mere stupidity becoming
                                            • 但现在我不是一个大问题,他们不知道杯子的价格没有775字错读 775 Misunderstanding the Chinese character and Price of the cup Chinese noodles the extent which is not known How there is no with tsu lever Being now

                                          • 如果你得到的线只有书店“大犹太阴谋破坏经济!”“隐藏的秘密协议,计划外来超级落后与中央情报局!”图书,这是一切只是一种幻想无聊一 If it should have gone to the bookstore to it views “the large conspiracy of Judea which makes the Japanese economy useless ” “The super shade of CIA which hides the secret agreement of the extraterrestrial 謀 ” And so on with the book which is said everything is trivial mere delusion
                                            • 这不是一个犹太人的阴谋来决定,而不是美国中央情报局的阴谋,是理所当然的,也不是外星人的阴谋 Never is not conspiracy of the Judean person and even with the conspiracy of CIA or proper thing it is not conspiracy of the extraterrestrial

                                          • 小泽民主党鸠山最邪恶的,多数选民对民主党议员是一个不好后果是无法预见,研究第二
                                            Being study unexpected, for badness Ozawa's Hatoyama Democratic party, 2nd to be worst to, being swindled, the many voters who voted to the Democratic party

                                            • 小泽首先要保障的白痴Risuru鹿儿岛纯急忙打开内阁官房长官Gendairashii每日一我选择离开我也可以任意切割 1 Plain secretariat director being flurried Kagoshima the way of manuke which enters The daily gene die di which chooses the ru thing which finishes in order to protect ozawa without collar distinction and sows with the comment which seems the shank

                                              • 就在布什政府说,如果小泽和鸠山Gendai我怀疑,人们在媒体攻击在媒体面前原来,晃艾希 However it is not understood well If the gene die di like this says It is correct from the mass communications for the citizen to be attacked to the mass communications first in regard to Osawa and Hatoyama administration it was understood
                                                • 关于元花鸠山内阁就开始之前,人们看到了媒体报道 The citizen saw from the mass communications in regard to Hatoyama administration and started releasing first

                                              • 已经忘记了,我什至不知道如何典型的愚蠢的一个重要的改革,做愚蠢的戏剧,561成员?部长张来对不合格或绷带在我脸上?有什么资格做的?政府改革和打击反改革者现在典型的愚蠢573恩戴希望改革它,你会明白它甚至冲击你误解了苏忘记你已经忘记了如何埋葬,直到我生病了政府改革你是什么控制扑?瓦特 561 Our performing of foolish Assemblyman Reformation either one important It stops knowing It is the model of the fool You forgot already When the adhesive tape it stretches on the face minister of state being disqualified Nature something being a relationship Until now reformation administration how doing you were looked down upon and were buried You forgot already don t you think it is You forget immediately Seeing you mistake Even the spearhead it stops knowing This the model of fool 573 Although reformation is desired The reformation administration which fights with counter reformation group Busing your tsu te which is done Short story w
                                                • 愚蠢的戏剧,国会议员的话,我讲我的过去,使交叉民主党人检查自由所做的事情“洁具不应该局长花而不做的事情,”我说来可怕,这将是他或董事会,知识 兰花书记所做的事情不许可!它』是什么?在您之前,你是个男人,成为一个临时总理?让我把我的责任,说!我是一个自由和下降,按输入? ?你一定在开玩笑 Our performing of foolish Assemblyman It cross examines to the Liberal Democratic Party that much vis a vis past by yourself speaking and doing “There is no expectation of completing by the fact that the private secretary did” that speaking awfully now then it becomes his own thing and Therefore the private secretary doing selfishly intellectual viewing That it is what The ro which is you and the man where has become prime minister even temporarily Responsibility have in your own speech Our people drop with the mass communications inserting the ru The ro which is joke

                                              • 布鲁诺 可怕的情况,如果你认为 。 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT Already other than of east supo simply news item ゙ i The ro which is the hiyundaisure multi cedars human 92 The fearful circumstance where with it receives the thinking which is said 92

                                                • 帝国总部北━━━━━━(∀゚゚)━━━━━━!
                                                  Imperial Headquarters [kita] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ (゚ ∀ ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ! !

                                                  • 并通过讲谈社,驴控制秘书处的秘密资金挂出?富士等,但不希望胶
                                                    Kodansha publishers, Ltd. minding, don't you think? secretariat secret expense it has controlled, -? But the reason where Fuji Telecasting Co. what is connected

                                                    • 当然我的意思是,如果没有站在第1条新的利率价值无Idaro新闻嘿我日刊Gendai 1 Is the ro where is not value and it is and is and as an article how news of the daily gene die di There is no meaning sure of raising with new speed
                                                      • Dzui感到有希望,人民意味着每个人“(筑波大学名誉教授小林亘先生6)日刊Gendai 2010 5月14日 By all means the citizen becoming aware one by one there desired it is potato” large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six people Daily gene die di 2010 05 14

                                                    • 德国肮脏的沼泽。而仓促,率领技术和资金到国外Louppy,看着流,像日本焦虑的弱点是死亡 It is dirty Germany of the 沢 When you look at the gold and technology and outflow to the foreign country of rushing and rupi main leadership The Japanese weakening death with the immediate way being insecure it does not accumulate
                                                      • 德国肮脏的沼泽。而仓促,率领技术和资金到国外Louppy,看着流,像日本焦虑的弱点是死亡 It is dirty Germany of the 沢 When you look at the gold and technology and outflow to the foreign country of rushing and rupi main leadership The Japanese weakening death with the immediate way being insecure it does not accumulate

                                                    • 我一直在投篮命中率还是一个新鲜或包装的东西,我好看 Kattara Because the mark which comes building ones you took when it is good seeing don t you think the
                                                      • 我一直在投篮命中率还是一个新鲜或包装的东西,我好看 Kattara Because the mark which comes building ones you took when it is good seeing don t you think the

                                                    • 我们从事的工作,她是一个公众全力草净是在周日晚上敏感Moteamashita权下关闭请Dzukanai Sunday in early afternoon Has the spare time the net right wing which is done sweetly increasing aggregate power We do construction activity As for the general people please do not get near
                                                      • 我们从事的工作,她是一个公众全面基层Moteamashita敏感党忠实于周日晚上的民主密切请Dzukanai Sunday in early afternoon Has the spare time the net right wing which is done sweetly increasing aggregate power We do construction activity As for the general people please do not get near

                                                    • 我们可以说他在做什么这样的大脑结构Shisan井WWW的89名无↓↓@ 10周年[] 2009 / 08 / 30(星期日)20:43:07编号:kcvQtnPZ0 8月30日是小日本日@ 99名无Shisan十周年之际发表[] 2009 / 08 / 30(星期日)20:43:13编号:qmKhlD4C0人愤怒的话,他们给了好苦
                                                      ↓ Well the people who such brain structure have been done saying whatever, www ↓ 89 Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] 2009/08/30 (day) 20: 43: 07 ID: kcvQtnPZ0 As for August 30th small Japanese release commemoration day 99 Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] 2009/08/30 (day) 20: 43: 13 ID: qmKhlD4C0 The fellow who can get angry, you did well

                                                      • 我们在悬崖上的手流鸠山角落,都可能会需要做的是不要站在记者追逐
                                                        So, standing in predicament of the shelf precipice precipice, unless we boosting [ru] Hatoyama, it cannot go

                                                        • 我印度卢比山摇的,你会不再只是一个关于现代Jadanoizu Although blurring of the rupi mountain rather than already it is jiyadanoizu As for it tries probably to keeping being attached just hiyundai

                                                          • 我可能已经离开了我们,难得啊生活改变管理方法,以确保利益Muyouna生活在低增长,并审查了总预算,以保证每个人的高股息 If you can leave to us taking a second look budget extensively under reduced growth So the kind of management which bears the profit securely To be born in constitution and change to everyone high allotment promise It does
                                                            • 我可能已经离开了我们,是吗宪政改革要生下一个罕见的生活在低增长惠及整个预算审查,以保证每个人都高股息 If you can leave to us taking a second look budget extensively under reduced growth So the kind of management which bears the profit securely To be born in constitution and change to everyone high allotment promise It does

                                                          • 我想看看有多少疾病周二Gendai瓦特败选后的民主,民主选举是一次失败的国会在同一...万维网
                                                            When democracy is defeated with House of Councillors selection, the gene die/di how much fire illness [ru] seeing, like w When it is democracy defeat with group of people going/participating simultaneous election,… www

                                                            • 我有权力说话要跟踪越严重,如果民主党,自由党并不需要什么,而是政府的改变?一个好的改变模样,如果一切都失败 Although it is not the hi which places the political party which is more terrible than our people with something in the track the way it is necessary for administration alternation to be the Democratic party it is If useless and it should have changed
                                                              • 讲谈社,报纸日刊Gendai现代周刊民主党,自由民主党机关 Kodansha publishers Ltd Daily gene die di Democratic party house organ Weekly today the Liberal Democratic Party house organ
                                                              • 这是被迫随梁路径改变政府的权力构成了60年来首次在第二次世界大战后 That after the war the first time Being able to place the administration alternation which is achieved after 60 years in the track
                                                              • 这是被迫随梁路径改变政府的权力构成了60年来首次在第二次世界大战后 That after the war the first time Being able to place the administration alternation which is achieved after 60 years in the track
                                                              • 这是被迫随梁路径改变政府的权力构成了60年来首次在第二次世界大战后 That after the war the first time Being able to place the administration alternation which is achieved after 60 years in the track
                                                              • 那么,我应该做别的事,但在自由民主党在该国的会更好,如果我打破了政治变革 If it becomes the country to which politics is good changing our people and democracy and it is to call is regardless in addition to that

                                                            • 我真的很愚蠢或六六九瓦特子女免税额外国母语为治疗儿童Sanakatta妥善有人指出过,但是我没有思想发展的执法你,不是吗?政府官员呢?房利美,请给我至少目前趋势的共同理解的,因为被认为是正常的民主政策的细节显示瓦特坏话 669 Properly in the child of native country of the foreigner child treatment Truly with foolish something shank w Or it is good Although service insufficiency of law is pointed out from before the executing as for not curing Official 僚 The ro which is Thinking for the sake of policy of democracy is looked down upon normal At least Please have normal understanding power the o w
                                                              • 子女免税额为儿童 735国摆脱外国的投票权在日本。那你支持民主党Louppy简化入境手续,为免税,对不对?左翼亚洲球员? 735 Resident denizenship In child of native country of foreigner child treatment Outside Non taxation Specific simplification of entry procedure of the Asian party rupi which supports the Democratic party as for you the ro which is sayoku

                                                            • 我觉得我很无聊的中年男子星期日下午,我,我越来越脱节你玩比尼 In the afternoon of ojisan Sunday the how boring shelf the tsu te thinking it went to play to outside
                                                              • 我想我很无聊的星期天下午的中年男子,我得到了你的比赛路线比尼 In the afternoon of ojisan Sunday the tsu te boring shelf the tsu te thinking it went to play to outside

                                                            • 我觉得这语气Gendai来吧,我知道与瓦特仍然Suretaitoru Gendai,我也长大了 As for this purport when you think as the gene die di shelf w which after all is the gene die di It is understood with just suretaitoru how we grew
                                                              • 我会做的唯一途径攻击的地方标准音调,而不是去为一 Directing standard somewhere shooting purport ru thing comment it will do but it is not

                                                            • 我认为,现代汽车是时间我一直在寻找超越瓦特所有权真正倾听呼声和痛苦 As expected if title you see hiyundai tsu te is recognized with room w The wa which is audible in the scream of last moments

                                                              • 我退休的首席新闻编辑浩塔卡Zenkyoutou修补破盖在鹿儿岛一个罕见的婴儿潮一代的生活,但不能告诉你一点前往,深石窟认为电台或长或反过来成为一个更好的报纸...?
                                                                [hutatsugi] [hirotaka] of nodule non-sect non-political students group deterioration of the Kagoshima origin Because you retired news compilation department manager, a little that you think and start whether [mashi] it becomes the newspaper, and Becoming conversely radio wave extreme, [ru] does not understand,……?

                                                                • 搜寻6 amazon.co.jp小林亘] [现在预订并保存)2001年全国图书戈马危机空前智慧圣德太子( - 12元849日元?→?¥ ¥拥有849:¥ ¥ 89;宣言宣言1995 -友谊图书友谊- 03一千八百三十五日元¥?→?¥1835日元用于:¥ 295 - ¥经济的乌托邦-新著-友谊(嗜)引导世界(新范式系列)新经济的乌托邦-友谊(嗜)引导世界(新范式系列)九三年至1905年二千五百四十八日元¥?→?¥二五四八日元使用:¥ Gendai鸠山大脑或确实只是三百八十六日元,我是小林,配套水泵
                                                                  Kobayashi 弥 six It searches with amazon.co.jp Now, the intelligence of Crown Prince Masanori rescues the national difficulty of the not yet 曽 possession ([gomabutsukusu]) 2001 - 12 ¥ 849 Yen? ->? ¥ 849 Yen Medieval times: ¥ 89 Yen Friendship principle declaration Friendship principle declaration 1995 - 03 ¥ 1,835 Yen? ->? ¥ 1,835 Yen Medieval times: ¥ 295 Yen New utopia economics - friendship ([huiria]) guidepost to the world (NEW PARADIGM SERIES) New utopia economics - friendship ([huiria]) guidepost to the world (NEW PARADIGM SERIES) 1993 - 05 ¥ 2,548 Yen? ->? ¥ 2,548 Yen Medieval times: ¥ 386 Yen The Kobayashi [tsu] [te] simply Hatoyama brain which is what? As expected the gene die/di, being the match pump fine, the shank

                                                                  • 政治清算的废话民主党自由民主党小泽,对官僚的腐败气味销毁进度附表当然出发
                                                                    Clearing off and decaying of the Liberal Democratic Party [detarame] politics which the Ozawa Democratic party advances is ill-smelling bureaucratic organization destruction is advanced securely

                                                                    • 新闻是一个大阴谋势力成员,中国大片进展的记者向我与麻生太郎溃疡,溃疡一个成员,中国队和我是麻生太郎在记者取得进展的一个大阴谋,电源委员,中国我和溃疡是麻生太郎在记者取得进展的一个大阴谋,一队成员,中国大片进展的记者向我溃疡与麻生太郎,一队成员,中国发展到溃疡麻生太郎与我
                                                                      It could advance the Aso administration crushing with strategy of the large mass communications which are one member of the Chinese power It could advance the Aso administration crushing with strategy of the large mass communications which are one member of the Chinese power It could advance the Aso administration crushing with strategy of the large mass communications which are one member of the Chinese power It could advance the Aso administration crushing with strategy of the large mass communications which are one member of the Chinese power It could advance the Aso administration crushing with strategy of the large mass communications which are one member of the Chinese power

                                                                      • 日本社会党(现为社会民主党)日本社会党日本安全有关的问题向大脑(现为社会民主党党)到社会安全问题有关的大脑(现为社会民主党)的安全问题有关的大脑
                                                                        The Japanese Japan Socialist Party (the present social Democratic party) it is the brain regarding security problem, in the American military strategy the alarm bell is sounded from standpoint of pacifism

                                                                        • 日本社会党(现社民党)和安全问题有关的大脑,这从一个和平的立场警告美国军事战略
                                                                          The Japanese Japan Socialist Party (the present social Democratic party) it is the brain regarding security problem, in the American military strategy the alarm bell is sounded from standpoint of pacifism

                                                                          • 早稻田大学谁带来了一个仆人杀平気Rashii愚蠢轮奸杀人杀二次郎中川昭一,读卖新闻和耐心等待
                                                                            Nakagawa Akira one is killed Yomiuri Shimbun Company it is harsh cell Zirou 2 Group rape homicide low with brain university Waseda also the cod human murder seems the unconcern

                                                                            • 杜德他们写的,他们只是不能写入最后的稻草有你需要的是一位民主党人,和小泽一郎,“日本,请救我,”这是红热,或“可恶的,嘲笑的眼神,”我 The person whom you have written in a word it can make the Democratic party and the tsu is dense Only not being able to finish writing That in Ozawa “Japan please rescue” this tsu te fierceness “sarcasm disagreeableness” Is don t you think
                                                                              • 1因此,唯一的民主党选票,他们要自由进入!嗯,这就是道路,真理msgstr日 1 Therefore very we would like to insert vote to just the Democratic party are not This way Japan is broken truly
                                                                              • 杜德他们写的,他们从来没有书面,民主党只需要和小泽一郎,“日本,请救我,”这是红热,或“可恶的,嘲笑的眼神,”我 The person whom you have written in a word it can make the Democratic party and the tsu is dense Only not being able to finish writing That in Ozawa “Japan please rescue” this tsu te fierceness “sarcasm disagreeableness” Is don t you think
                                                                              • 除非玩民主革命的最后一根稻草,日本不用担心暮 It depends on the Democratic party Your revolution tsu it is dense It cannot finish if feeling at rest it cannot live the Japanese

                                                                            • 根死,它简直是不可能的,但很清楚地知道 Gene In the die di having completely unreasonable thing is extraordinary with also hundred is consent

                                                                              • 民主党人试图新闻界和歌利亚的事情大多数人的反对,完全无视manifesto m梁在党的公告国家不是日本人 gori it tries that it put out in the manifest probably to push large majority of the citizen is opposing with that removing As for the Democratic party there is no political party of the Japanese citizen

                                                                                • 溃疡,是党与民主党的改变现在的政府或媒体和自由,以及转年老行政失当或U Or the mass communications and the Liberal Democratic Party and becoming simultaneous Crushing administration alternation here in addition in age of old misgovernment U turning
                                                                                  • 溃疡和政权更替在这里,和行政失当或掉头晚年 gt Crushing administration alternation here in addition in age of old misgovernment U turning
                                                                                  • 溃疡,是党与民主党的改变现在的政府或媒体和自由,以及转年老行政失当或U Or the mass communications and the Liberal Democratic Party and becoming simultaneous Crushing administration alternation here in addition in age of old misgovernment U turning
                                                                                  • 溃疡,是党与民主党的改变现在的政府或媒体和自由,以及转年老行政失当或U Or the mass communications and the Liberal Democratic Party and becoming simultaneous Crushing administration alternation here in addition in age of old misgovernment U turning
                                                                                  • 溃疡,是党与民主党的改变现在的政府或媒体和自由,以及转年老行政失当或U Or the mass communications and the Liberal Democratic Party and becoming simultaneous Crushing administration alternation here in addition in age of old misgovernment U turning

                                                                                • 然而,即使假设党的竞选失败的民主党在初选中失利承担相反,“如果选举被击败,失去政权的向心力,是什么规则的自民党和官僚机构和重新这一击将返回 But being conversely the Democratic party House of Councillors selection wipeout intraparty in prerequisite wipeout being intraparty in prerequisite if “it comes to the point of wiping out in House of Councillors selection as for administration losing centripetal power Again Liberal Democratic Party ones and bureaucratic control revive
                                                                                  • 但是,如果在大选中击败民主党反过来说,如果政府失去了向心力,那么它返回什么打击自民党和官僚机构和重新 But if it is decided that the Democratic party wipes out conversely with House of Councillors selection as for administration losing centripetal power Again Liberal Democratic Party ones and bureaucratic control revive
                                                                                  • 因此,即使在党内,“被迫采取如果有人在选举中落败的责任 Therefore being intraparty if it wipes out “in House of Councillors selection someone does not obtain does not take responsibility
                                                                                  • 选举失败的人承担的“政变”Koshitara文,民主党是注定 House of Councillors selection wipeout being intraparty in prerequisite when it causes “political change” as for the Democratic party administration you put away

                                                                                • 现代汽车已不再是在我什至隐藏半岛报纸了,或者什么媒体也表达具体的现代朝鲜半岛 As for hiyundai even already hiding house organ tsu te of the peninsula it stops doing The mass communications applying also day Korea hiyundai it probably is peninsular peculiar expression
                                                                                  • 这是不是现代的一部分,浪费大,甚至相反的朱达罗一次与韩国粉碎瓦特 The truth the ro which is opposite Don t you think day Korea hiyundai one member of mass rubbish w Together collapse

                                                                                • 筑波大学名誉教授小林亘筑波筑波六六六名誉教授小林小林亘亘亘小林筑波名誉教授名誉教授,筑波6 6 6小林小林亘亘筑波大学名誉教授名誉教授,筑波6小林小林亘亘筑波名誉教授名誉教授,筑波6 6 6小林小林亘亘名誉教授名誉教授名誉教授名誉教授,筑波筑波筑波6 6小林小林亘亘
                                                                                  Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six Large emeritus professor Tsukuba Kobayashi 弥 six

                                                                                  • 细川护熙玛莎随梁构成一个年转变政府60。 WWW的泪水,眼睛甚至是表面形成一个现代古呼吸排放
                                                                                    The administration alternation which is achieved after 60 years Hosokawa government. Tear eye www That breath is spat, the today when lie is written

                                                                                    • 编号:JL0gfyWr0嗯,我Ganbare。 。嫈钱,也没有上鱿鱼ü不要成为近期雇主已故逃脱-看出来Tonzura了吗?
                                                                                      ID: JL0gfyWr0 Well [ganbare] . . Therefore higher stratum of society is completed [tonzura] long ago, It gets left, is The gold which employs recently there is no economized [tsu] [te]?

                                                                                      • 编号:JL0gfyWr0是,我想我最好超过其他日本学习
                                                                                        ID: As for JL0gfyWr0, you think that the method which already a little studied Japanese is better

                                                                                        • 编号:JL0gfyWr0朱达罗通常是正确的,“废物质量不是傻瓜!”我担心,我听说他说,他们被迫在广场的污垢我什么质量
                                                                                          ID: As for JL0gfyWr0 the [ro] which is sound argument Usually, it is not swindled “in the mass rubbish! ” The [tsu] [te] saying, the [ru] people being placed by the mass rubbish, fear it does [ru] thing

                                                                                          • 自民党和前社会主义集团叛逃,因为现在不存在社会民主党,我是一个老派势力★★★站立?
                                                                                            Old Japan Socialist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party secession group, now even the dying/fleeing coming corporation people party, stand * Group * * It is old power!

                                                                                            • 自民党是没有资格批评“公报梁民主党人载体现完全改变日元的预算总额整个207000000000000
                                                                                              There is no qualification which is criticized in the Liberal Democratic Party “The Democratic party put out the extensive rearrangement of general budget of 207,000,000,000,000 Yen in the manifest

                                                                                              • 要不愿意,运到足里努足里努金♪星期一足里努设备水城杆
                                                                                                You do not desire, it wins until It is not enough, is not enough the device is not enough Month month fire Mizuki gold gold ♪

                                                                                                • 这些家伙是减少在冲绳的军事存在,移居国外,是生命受到威胁,如果联盟最终审查
                                                                                                  If they, Okinawa base reduction and overseas moving, pulling, become the alliance-related second look, life is threatened

                                                                                                  • 选民走向公众和新闻界关闭后,才Fuzakerunatsu管理党,! !
                                                                                                    Only boosting Hatoyama administration there is a voter and a citizen [hu] and [huzakerunatsu]! !

                                                                                                    • 野间佐和子野间佐和子我,论坛主席的退学生讲谈社,日本杂志广告协会董事长,总裁或我做日 With President Sawako Kodansha publishers Ltd Noma Noma Sawako tsu te of university leaving school in mid course Japanese magazine announcement association chief director International cultural forum chairman doing the ru
                                                                                                      • 我退了学野间佐和子,总统讲谈社有限公司总裁,日本杂志广告协会会长,或者说我做日论坛 With Kodansha publishers Ltd president Noma Sawako tsu te of university leaving school in mid course Japanese magazine announcement association chief director International cultural forum chairman doing the ru

                                                                                                    • 野间佐和子)的总裁,她丈夫的讲谈社(Noma 道正如有限公司总裁讲谈社是一个附属日刊Gendai Sawako s the Noma of Kodansha publishers Ltd woman president master Noma Road Representative President no shelf of daily gene die di of the Kodansha publishers Ltd subsidiary company
                                                                                                      • 这是好?野间佐和子的家庭树 Being good this Sawako Noma Lineage figure

                                                                                                    • 项目之一的大宽度的增加,美国在冲绳的海军陆战队,“转移关岛”的扩张计划中的基地,一个是线伐丽流人民报Riyou(126亿日元上一年度) One of the business whose increase amount width is large the base reinforcement plan in American territory Guam which is done as for the sake of Okinawa US Marine Corps “moving” Preceding year ratio 12 600 000 000 Yen increase is

                                                                                                      研究 開発