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Democracy Miyake of the wheel chair, the foot is not painful anymore? … The foot uniting, the reply of Prime Minister Hatoyama the ★7 which is heard


  • 160人受伤,如果这样,我倒下就他们之间的关系,如果他们Naiyan疼痛,你很可能下跌的新闻或问题? 160 Whether or not the wound it has done whether or not it is painful there is no how relationship and it is You were hollow by yourself it is pushed and the ro which is problem what that whether the lever beam
    • 无论你是一个伤害,我从来没有倒下,他们之间的关系,如果他们Naiyan疼痛,你很可能下跌的新闻或问题? 1 Whether or not the wound it has done whether or not it is painful there is no how relationship and it is You were hollow by your it is pushed and the ro which is problem what that whether the lever beam

  • 2002 / 06 / 14“是”欺骗市民的行为铁路民主专政控诉在街头星期五上午鸠山,医疗改革法案,升降机及拉医务工作者的重要支柱,承担费用的裁决受薪这次抗议投票,迫使东京在紧急情况下驱动tTA树桩委员会会议讲话线新桥站
    2002/06/14 “As for steamrolling ridicules the citizen the behavior” Hatoyama representation which on the street the appeal The Democratic party 14th morning, the medical system reformation-related bill where the ruling party designates the medical expense individual payment pulling up of the white-collar worker as the pillar It protested to forcing commission vote, urgent roadside speech meeting did before Tokyo Shinbashi station

    • 2010年5月13日的日记长谷浩)静坐在众议院的代表(星期四)(摘要电梯在他的办公室,三宅先生由纪子的民主党人,他骑来打击松树针叶编织成 Member of the house of representatives 馳 As for Hiroshi se diary 2010 May 13th Thursday Part excerpt In the elevator of the Members Office Building Miyake snow child of the Democratic party you board with the pine needle zu obtaining form
      • 以下quote 了健全 他的办公室电梯,三宅先生民主党人由纪子,来打击松针编织了他骑 lt Below quotation gt In the elevator of the Members Office Building Miyake snow child of the Democratic party you board with the pine needle zu obtaining form
      • 以下quote 了健全 他的办公室电梯,三宅先生民主党人由纪子,来打击松针编织了他骑 lt Below quotation gt In the elevator of the Members Office Building Miyake snow child of the Democratic party you board with the pine needle zu obtaining form
      • 以下quote 了健全 他的办公室电梯,三宅先生民主党人由纪子,来打击松针编织了他骑 lt Below quotation gt In the elevator of the Members Office Building Miyake snow child of the Democratic party you board with the pine needle zu obtaining form

    • 36:58编号:biORQWhy0她的办公室和她拍照时,我碰巧脚腿设置在一对附表的习惯,它有一个合理的解释excuse m 36 58 ID biORQWhy0 That there was a habit which unites the foot in her and when accidentally uniting the foot it was taken the photograph You have justified her office and this is rational explanation
      • 828:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 14(周五)23:31:30编号:jjPXiUVO0由纪子洋博士看非常spelunker●☆叽叽喳喳委员会说,时间序列在一起,你有一个意外的接触我 828 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 14 gold 23 31 30 ID jjPXiUVO0 Seeing self abandonment superanka it goes and is dense the twitter speech of large teacher Time serial summary At commission it became a certain one and contact accident

    • 3☆重要科雷←,我看了看时间,膝盖和脚踝,我贴热敷,减少腰部和膝盖的弯曲,以防止受伤,滑倒在地面上的秋天包括Muyouni lt kore important matter When 3 you look at timing in the knee and the ankle pasting the poultice medicine in order the wound not to do after bending the knee You drop the waist in order to slide you collapse in the land
      • 3☆重要科雷←,适当的时机,一个下拉腰部和膝盖的弯曲,以防止受伤,滑倒在地面上的秋天包括Muyouni lt kore important matter When 3 you look at timing in the knee and the ankle pasting the poultice medicine in order the wound not to do after bending the knee You drop the waist in order to slide you collapse in the land
      • 我看着照片,膝盖和脚踝,但没有我没有坚持作为热敷看到 When you look at the picture as in the knee and the ankle the poultice medicine is not pasted it is visible but it is

    • 3。众议员瀑布Sockpuppet! ?违反自然的行为“可疑”宽希望“由纪子三宅☆☆乙戏剧”,“三宅Spelunker” Three Assemblyman as for inversion original our performing “Doubt” it spreads to unnatural conduct “Miyake Our performing quaintness Snow child” “ superanka Miyake”
      • 如果他们看演出嘈杂的飞行,即使你刺伤一个人或该人可以由最终造成航班 It pierces the person and throws and that it is original our performing if it makes a noise being able to designate the partner whom it pierces and throws as the villain

    • 551致命的! “印章弥仲夏的天空”“〜我的严重程度”,但他们说了和w
      551 Necessary shooting! With “aerial original 彌 chop” While “terribly the [i] -” with saying, down w

      • A m礼仪人员将重新当选为您带来当地千叶愚蠢白痴 3 463 Ø伊拉克。 463 Well also the local end of the Iraqi three fools has made the Chiba kiyaba girl re elect … Fool tsu
        • 我想我584看起来像莫古澳愚蠢的3名伊拉克儿童 584 Well being similar to the mogu child of the Iraqi three fools the ru So well

      • Chatchachararararacharararara您没有回滚或播放视频歌曲目前案件的曼波有人茹莫斯
        Someone moss [ru] instantaneous image the kana which you do not rewind do not play back with tune of mambo of example and/or [chiyatsuchiyachiyararararachiyarararara

        • Kemasu一步!从Kemasu一步! ! “这只是夸张,但我会看它浓轮椅,但他说我Tteta(开始议会)←议会表决卷裹着绷带 拐杖(阶段),离开(在议会奥布拉←)←疼痛显示细节不应该涉足(或为什么采取绷带) You can walk Because you can walk ” This you see and does and the wheelchair how it is exaggerated the tsu te says the person The National Diet start lt Crutch The bandage round and round winding With the National Diet poll Noboru platform lt You putting on airs you leave In the National Diet lt The foot of painful expectation it is united why bandage you can take
          • 是否有人是迫切的,因为他们有没有图片从信浓滚装我觉得经过这次的U 级浏览器和绷带不讨厌你看到这个轮椅,我不知道 Because there is no picture from rear someone pushes and high how is from the wa This you see and does and the wheelchair and the bandage are uza The uza tsu te the level which is thought

        • NULL NULL
          • NULL NULL
          • NULL v ⌒ Y7 92 92 HKDRT ku REPT i l i 92 ” L Y └ f ┘ ⌒ REPT mu Ten ⌒ r i Seeing self abandonment e you a haheha Three he no No REPT ha HKRPT ⌒ ┐ no r one REPT a ┴ lt to lt ⌒ However kiyara it has worn is in me the o re REPT r 92 i HKRPT v 92 92 92 REPT REPT he ⌒ 92 r r REPT Y What REPT r he HKRPT REPT REPT √ ¯ ¯ hu REPT 92 REPT One r no In r two ha No l Miyake ↓ No HKRPT Yr even number UMLAT REPT ┤ HKRPT To 丶 HKRPT ha ⌒ xxx ⌒ No ∨ 92 REPT ” ¯ ¯ ¯
          • (1)三宅先生是不是委员会成员的内阁已经动员了三宅急造物主(2)先生是落后前倾斜阿玛瑞的(3)去年秋天,三宅先生自己正在取得进展(4)以及阿马里先生,没有任何痕迹触摸三宅先生(5)三宅的腿陷入初鹿民主党众议员李明博(6)如果您滚动绷带来到第二天逆(7)我没有吹瘀伤大小松针合(8)当绷带了,没有发现任何伤痕蓝 1 Miyake was not the Cabinet commission member urgent sewer mobilization was made 2 To immediately before the inverting as for Miyake it was in the slanted rear of Amari s 3 Immediately before the inverting Miyake being yourself it advances 4 Amari from the first there are no traces which everyone touches Miyake 5 As for Miyake s foot being caught Assemblyman first deer discernment Hiroshi of the Democratic party 6 How to wind the bandage of the next day is opposite 7 Size of the pine needle zu obtaining is not agreeable 8 The bandage is removed the occasion where is seen in blow blue aza whichIt is not

        • NULL The a this decision source coming out conclusion it has done “Miyake flew personally it is” with FA By the way animated picture is turned off one after another but Looking at Gif as recognized you can regard that it has not touched everyone s one person Miyake Factual related summary As for flying Miyake himself there is a decision source However whether you are your own intention it is unclear In any case as for feeling of the handicapped person zutaboro there is a protest source Snow child member of the house of representatives Miyake In order to chase the Assemblyman who is before walking to move While it is the defense posture which extends the hand before inversion
          • NULL The a this decision source coming out conclusion it has done “Miyake flew personally it is” with FA By the way animated picture is turned off one after another but Looking at Gif as recognized you can regard that it has not touched everyone s one person Miyake Factual related summary As for flying Miyake himself there is a decision source However whether you are your own intention it is unclear In any case as for feeling of the handicapped person zutaboro there is a protest source Snow child member of the house of representatives Miyake In order to chase the Assemblyman who is before walking to move While it is the defense posture which extends the hand before inversion
          • 接受这些,三宅的Twitter充斥着批评的意见,朋克状态 To receive these comment of criticism to rush in to Miyake s tsuitsuta in flat tire state

        • Sankei jp msn com 照片 政治 情况 100512 stt1005121935005 第一级的。jpg Seshi眼部周围分布加载时尝试从他的脚鸭在轻,只穿着膝盖到地面在被动的手中,面对一个重要的保护公司,而不是身体的打击,膝盖也没有 sankei jp msn com photos politics situation 100512 stt1005121935005 l1 jpg While the eye doing to allot around by your the foot advancing and hunkering You attach the knee to area and instead of passiveness the important face secure with the both hands protection and the knee there is no either hard blow of the body
          • 你还面临着打击,是一个Shitarashii面部溃疡?哦,我本来 1 The face was hit hard seems but the face collapsing chi ya tsu te ru The a originally is

        • Www incl ne jp 恒生 日程 s100513的。html www incl ne jp hase schedule s100513 html
          • TTP的: www incl ne jp 恒生 日程 s100513的。html lt Quotation it ends gt ttp www incl ne jp hase schedule s100513 html
          • TTP的: www shi no sakura ne jp 图片 ne3。JPG格式 ttp www shi no sakura ne jp pic ne3 jpg
          • 债券及饮料※TTP的: pc gban jp IMG公司 19634。jpg格式 Beverage note ttp pc gban jp img 19634 jpg

        • W是一个愚蠢的女巫保护民主党人更愚蠢,但它瓦特
          [aho] w which is [babaa] But Democratic party Assemblyman who protects that more [aho

          • _ _ _ _(_ _)(_ _)。┌-.我─ṛ
            _ _ _ _ (_ _) (_ _) . ┌ -. i ─ r '7 _ _ / | ” Nit and L {, (_ _) ¯ ' `¯' - ゙ _ _ _ _ (_ _) (_ _) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The ┌ [ze] it is the ─ ─ ┐ │ 16: 20 | _ people people people people people people _ └ - ─ ─ ─ ┘ > < ┌ - ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ - ┐ r - w ┐ > Miyake < │ It is to see the palpus 0 │ d. . [ni] b > The [hu] [tsu] it was flown! < │ The [ji] it is to see 0 | /[to] [ni] [i], > < └ - ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ - ┘ l _”, bar/,” ¯ ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ ¯

            • _ | \○_εHyatsu u003d \ _侯布鲁诺○!
              _ | \ ○ _ [hiyatsu] Ε = \ _ ○ no [hou]! ! !

              • “370〒高崎办事处,办事处的发言由纪子苦苦地等候马苏的Mii支持你的观点- 20号楼,淡路町高崎,群马县,八岛0849 2楼电话:027 - 322 - 3890传真:027 - 323 - 3890国民大会秘书处100〒地方-永田町,千代田区,东京8981 - 2 - 1众议院info@miyake-yukiko.com代表他的办公室,房间号613电话:03 - 3508 - 7643传真:03 - 3508 - 3613
                ” For opinion we wait encouragement Seeing self-abandonment snow child office Takasaki office 〒 370 - 0849 Gunma prefecture Takasaki city Yashima Cho 20 Awazi building 2F TEL: 027 - 322 - 3890 FAX: 027 - 323 - 3890 The National Diet office 〒 100 - 8981 The Tokyo Chiyoda Ku Nagatacho 2 - 2 - 1 The House of Representatives 1st Members' Office Building 613 room TEL: 03 - 3508 - 7643 FAX: 03 - 3508 - 3613 info @ miyake-yukiko.com

                • “该Naishita等?”“再见我对内阁滚动立法委员会昨天”,他痛苦的敷料 “There is no do it did ” Revolution it is “with steamrolling of Cabinet commission of yesterday the tsu te …” With pitiful bandage form
                  • “该Naishita等?”“再见我对内阁滚动立法委员会昨天”,他痛苦的敷料 “There is no do it did ” Revolution it is “with steamrolling of Cabinet commission of yesterday the tsu te …” With pitiful bandage form
                  • “该Naishita等?”“再见我对内阁滚动立法委员会昨天”,他痛苦的敷料 “There is no do it did ” Revolution it is “with steamrolling of Cabinet commission of yesterday the tsu te …” With pitiful bandage form
                  • “该Naishita等?”“再见我对内阁滚动立法委员会昨天”,他痛苦的敷料 “There is no do it did ” Revolution it is “with steamrolling of Cabinet commission of yesterday the tsu te …” With pitiful bandage form
                  • “该Naishita等?”“再见我对内阁滚动立法委员会昨天”,他痛苦的敷料 “There is no do it did ” Revolution it is “with steamrolling of Cabinet commission of yesterday the tsu te …” With pitiful bandage form
                  • “该Naishita等?”“再见我对内阁滚动立法委员会昨天”,他痛苦的敷料 “There is no do it did ” Revolution it is “with steamrolling of Cabinet commission of yesterday the tsu te …” With pitiful bandage form

                • ○●三宅阿马里 ¯夏李是 高达初鹿▲●●主席!苏゙爵士▲↓↓↓●↓●○▲●Σ Amari ○ Miyake 92 ku ゙ i ¯ First deer Chairman 〇 hatsu Σ ○ ↓ ↓ su ゙ sir ↓ ↓
                  • “你为什么要练习它,我转到自己再见,香椎尴尬,”三宅说: “The combining which is motion and insufficient revolution you are by your the tsu te it is shy …” With Miyake
                  • “你为什么要练习它,我转到自己再见,香椎尴尬,”三宅说: “The combining which is motion and insufficient revolution you are by your the tsu te it is shy …” With Miyake
                  • “你为什么要练习它,我转到自己再见,香椎尴尬,”三宅说: “The combining which is motion and insufficient revolution you are by your the tsu te it is shy …” With Miyake
                  • “你为什么要练习它,我转到自己再见,香椎尴尬,”三宅说: “The combining which is motion and insufficient revolution you are by your the tsu te it is shy …” With Miyake
                  • “你为什么要练习它,我转到自己再见,香椎尴尬,”三宅说: “The combining which is motion and insufficient revolution you are by your the tsu te it is shy …” With Miyake
                  • “你为什么要练习它,我转到自己再见,香椎尴尬,”三宅说: “The combining which is motion and insufficient revolution you are by your the tsu te it is shy …” With Miyake
                  • “处罚”的value m你的!三宅先生由纪子 To the fact that it is worthy of “punishment” is anta Miyake snow child
                  • “处罚”的value m你的!三宅先生由纪子 To the fact that it is worthy of “punishment” is anta Miyake snow child
                  • “处罚”的value m你的!三宅先生由纪子 To the fact that it is worthy of “punishment” is anta Miyake snow child
                  • “处罚”的value m你的!三宅先生由纪子 To the fact that it is worthy of “punishment” is anta Miyake snow child
                  • “处罚”的value m你的!三宅先生由纪子 To the fact that it is worthy of “punishment” is anta Miyake snow child
                  • “处罚”的value m你的!三宅先生由纪子 To the fact that it is worthy of “punishment” is anta Miyake snow child
                  • 不是委员会成员(三宅),并有一个席位的成员,该成员(阿马里),这与向主席抗议干涉 The Assemblyman who is not the member Miyake being in the member seat the member Amari you disturbed the fact that it protests to the chairman
                  • 什么毛三宅和最佳导演奖最佳女主角提名金酸莓 Golden raspberry prize nomination Starring actress Miyake Supervision prize And ma

                • ☆☆乙戏剧,由纪子三宅,或诈骗聚苯硫醚ktkr停止归零Twitter的瓦特
                  Miyake * Our performing quaintness * Snow child and pursuit pursuit Noboru ktkr [tsuitsuta] fraud or w which you stop

                  • 』日本污辱的是日本,韩国及溃疡会击败民主党人中国来的摩擦集体虚伪的伪君子
                    ' The hypocrite group which snuzzles in the hypocrite of resident, Korea and China which are the Japanese 穢 [re] The Democratic party Smash up

                    • ヽヽ。 :: ヽ : )( 我ヽ⌒ 。 线) REPT REPT REPT i ⌒ REPT ─ REPT You push without fail is it is the ♪ absolute the ♪ REPT and REPT ∬ REPT 3 ni i REPT REPT REPT no no 92 REPT 92 REPT ¯ no
                      • 布鲁诺Ð咙─ Jiminga ─ ni ni three Three ni ni No ⌒ REPT ⌒ Γ ⌒ 92 ─ ─ ni Three REPT ⌒ 92 ⌒ REPT ⌒ i 92 i jiminga ─ ni Three REPT No 92 92 i jiminga ⌒ ゚ 92 ⌒ ¯ human ¯ ⌒ jiminga ⌒ ⌒ ni Three Three r r jiminga nininini Three ─ jiminga
                      • ( 人 ) ー 。 human 92 92
                      • :: :: gt i REPT REPT REPT REPT i 33 i no 92 No 从 从 no No 从 从 no 92

                    • 一个问题是,究竟是怎样的势头,我没有人能触摸到人类的戏剧,瓦特乙☆
                      Our performing quaintness * Although the human who has been touched is not one person, how doing, whether driving force is attached problem shelf w

                      • 三宅(45),但不应该成为党在推动民主无用上演崩溃...
                        Miyake (45) original our performing the Democratic party collapse It should not have become the useless pushing, but is…

                        • 下午5 30 ●我不知道是否12名成员的阿马里 5 10:34PM 叽叽喳喳●下面条的规定,一个说法:“我拜你自己的滚动,香椎尴尬” 5 13斯蒂芬博客 ,但新闻界的朋友从滚装●后,文章来,科协从分钟没有看到人(无座位(秘书的故事) 5 14臼 山冈肯齐额外的民主委员会主席,“如果三宅先生的美丽可爱的对接飞行 30PM You do not know whether or not as for me Assemblyman Amari 5 12 10 34PM Those which assumes that at outside below twitter you spoke “Revolution you are by yourself the tsu te it is shy …” 5 13 馳 burogu Although from rear it was pushed in someone because this person does not see it came from amount it is not visible private secretary talks 5 14 J CAST article Being defeated National anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka of the Democratic party “Lovely beauty It pierced Miyake and threw
                          • 5 5 12:下午5 30 ●我不知道是否12名成员的阿马里 5 10:34PM 叽叽喳喳●下面条的规定,一个说法:“我拜你自己的滚动,香椎耻辱 “ 5 13斯蒂芬博客 ,但新闻界的朋友从滚装●后,不知道,因为它没有看到自己(故事书记) 5 14的J 科协文章 山冈额外的民主健治委员会主席,“如果你飞一个美丽可爱的屁股三宅 5 12 5 30PM You do not know whether or not as for me Assemblyman Amari 5 12 10 34PM Those which assumes that at outside below twitter you spoke “Revolution you are by your the tsu te it is shy …” 5 13 馳 burogu Although it was pushed because this person does not see you do not understand from rear someone private secretary talks 5 14 J CAST article Being defeated National anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka of the Democratic party “Lovely beauty It pierced Miyake and threw
                          • 三宅来自我的权利(无座位)和我强迫之前包括乡间渡假别墅出租飞越从前面的街道 Miyake came from his own right after is not visible power passing by before the eye You jumped before

                        • 他们的目标是什么惩罚将小牛文紧张民主党人出来大声和Yashari委托他们也不干涉
                          Although you are not your own commission, coming out, disturbing, it caused the noise Very the young party of the Democratic party it probably is the object of punishment

                          • 但我还认为,在处理可能出现的行为阿马里一五三瓦特刑事诽谤差比
                            153 However it does also the air the one which Amari the criminal is handled may become considerably honorable damage, don't you think? w

                            • 养老,他被转换为脱臼大脑只是德塔德塔他说,我是他的武器袖手旁观折叠661
                              661 The arm it has united the arm it just unites the person it is dislocated in the person conversion inside the brain, the [ro

                              • 前座部分画廊尽管会议主席,在过去的座位在336,我的立场,反对国会议员发言淤泥堵塞,“支持”是你具体怎么做,这意味着,您要教瓦特 336 Without sitting down in the court gallery in the chairman seat direct closely meeting place foremost line In order to disturb the movement of opposition party Assemblyman the tsu te which obstructs The thing shelf w which we would like you to teach by all means whether “support” it is concretely to do what

                                • 北━━━━(∀゚゚)━━━━!!!!!!
                                  [kita] ━ ━ ━ ━ (゚ ∀ ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━! ! ! ! ! !

                                  • 医生执照被吊销证书朱达罗诊断书治愈我只有3周下滑! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
                                    The moss it just is the complete cure three weekly [tsu] [te]… The chart of diagnosis the [ro] where also license of the doctor who is written is deprivation! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

                                    • 即使你做更多的工作匠古瓦特行事一点可以延长寿命,改善瓦特行事的团伙,一切都在我们的家 You perform doing do better w W mashi which probably will be rubbed with the punk of the automobile accident faker of around there you probably can perform a little
                                      • 我也有一个朋友转478 478 Inserting this in the companion …

                                    • 即使共产党313,“Netouyo”现在〜瓦特M9公路(^Д^)311次关闭゙゚谷津
                                      313 Also Japan Communist Party became “[netouyo]”, - w m9 (^ д ^) [hu] ゚ [ki] ゙ [yatsu] 311

                                      • 可怜的家伙我很伤心没有得到你的孩子有适当的通风唯一为什么我的765!为什么没有人同情?为什么?你要我的原因,她的敌人 765 Why only your own thing you speak it is it is dense You make grieve me yes 哀 thought Everyone it does not pity with something Why The ro which is not the meaning which it does and is Enemy me of woman
                                        • 我有它在未来的真正傻瓜,一个贫穷但因为该计划帮助提振 It is our industry complacency truly with the fool or because it tried to uplift program It is yes 哀 thought

                                      • 吉布斯当然是运气明天Munchausen综合征
                                        Tomorrow certainly the plaster cast being attached, the [ru]… [miyunhihauzen] syndrome…

                                        • 嗯,我已经在我的448下滑,但我怀疑硅烷,或挂出愚弄坐轮椅的残疾人士,我?我还将讨论 NULL
                                          • 轮椅过于ー再次,为期三周的伤害或损伤什么的,民主的邪教。打转只是做标准杆 The wheelchair to send probably will be too much Wound tsu te what kind of wound of 3 weeks Cult teaching group democracy Sending Round and round per only

                                        • 基于戏剧,不是傻子,我隐藏的议会法案的眼睛的人,你想投的票Kuramashida
                                          The case of our performing fool the eye saddle of the National Diet method amendment plan vote is better, We would like to hide from the eye of the citizen, don't you think? it is

                                          • 如果我发生什么争吵变得更加?当发言石窟外记开枪自杀被围攻,严重:“如果我这样做,国会议员和惩罚成员”不要和?社会Metara讲话男成员?如何将人拒绝战争将是下一个拉过一对记者坦率地讲话,我唯一的铁路 More when it becomes scuffle how becoming hurting it does To a rubbing oral ya When it becomes the bruise extreme “it is terrible that Assemblyman and the Assemblyman did is” that it is punishment When the Assemblyman of man society it stops Force harvesting adopting being decided The bu tsu chi ya ke partner is pushed away with speech to become It probably is the battlefield where the person of the extent which it can retreat to side goes
                                            • 阿玛瑞是对妇女的暴力和伤害的成员现在应该辞职 Thriving violence in the woman to the wound Amari whom it could point now directly Assemblyman resignation We should do

                                          • 它有可能被诊断三个星期我医治,我发言主要带来巨大的愈合
                                            The complete cure three weekly [tsu] [te] it was diagnosed, although so is, the owner shelf of enormous healing power

                                            • 寡愆Anoebizori三宅和痛,但重心上身Warota,哦,除非该人是不是头脑男子偶像滚动沿可爱
                                              But as for Miyake's [anoebizori] [tsu] [pu] [ri] [warota] Unless center of gravity it is to apply with, in other words it is the air man man who tumbles in the upper body, well viewing,

                                              • 对于三宅,人用轮椅,拐杖,只是一场闹剧,我不按照时间表在各个高度的支出
                                                In case of Miyake, the wheelchair the [wa] which is used, the crutch which does not adjust height completely the [wa] farce which is used only it is,

                                                • 将“打我得到市政府两个家伙离开时由纪子三宅☆☆戏剧,乙!所以你”得到什么万维网
                                                  In the future “Miyake * Our performing quaintness * The snow child came, - everyone leave! ! ” Being the case that it becomes the [tsu] [te], shank www

                                                  • 布鲁诺 · 我 三宅我要为你的友谊迅速古 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT Huh it had appeared in TV Our performing being discovered chi ya tsu it is ゙ i If to be quick friendship it does not do Miyake
                                                    • 让我info miyake yukiko com不清楚如果是真正的邮件举行← info miyake yukiko com lt The mail it did as expected If there is no original our performing it points clearly the tsu te

                                                  • 常委会开始运行时,比赛场天小学幼儿园或明年初出来看到这样的时刻手运动开始前的三宅“尧:”我还有太多的反应时不加思索心? The movement of Miyake s immediately before the starting hand it tries seeing The preschool or the small school it is low with race of game of grade When the standing starting “ yoi ” entirely instantaneously The body reacts selfishly too much to a timing air and the chi ya tsu is kana
                                                    • 为什么道歉住639?怎么这么笨? 639 You apologize it is with something It is ahuo
                                                    • 拓地模糊它甚至没有一个官方的新闻发布会上不小心三宅道歉 Miyake To some extent opening official press conference apology margin Becoming dim

                                                  • 忽略该法案的通过,为国会749 Warazu有趣无论如何,现在它看起来就像
                                                    749 In any case in passing the National Diet method amendment plan becoming hazy the change, Now it probably is the feeling which is similar

                                                    • 我不踩出租租赁我的鞋在那里,也许只有当有痛苦我肿胀等轮椅我使用的是一个坐在轮椅里受伤的鸡传染性法氏囊病并压缩录音的S不是一个轮椅或拐杖当然是一大颗粒凉鞋宇野已使用拐杖或侮辱人使用轮椅Redeemer m有关骨折
                                                      If the wheelchair there is an extent pain which is used with blow, becoming swollen, it probably is the [ru] and shoes something you cannot wear, By himself was the sandal of large texture Of course, the wheelchair and crutch something lending, you cannot receive It is end with taping and the poultice The wheelchair and the crutch the fact that you use is about fracture The wheelchair the people who are used are insulted

                                                      • 我什至Zuko研磨听力下降谁在抗议,迫使国会表决时,“一个局外人,你能梳理出来的成年人的方式,”我不认为它只能 While protesting which has started to be forced voted at the National Diet and The hearing person is the tsu time where the zuko tsu te it does being present “Therefore as for the public person the disturbance making gentle the te you don t give ” that only You probably will not think
                                                        • 该杂志还跌倒,但我闯进这个地方,而不是一个委员会的听证会,为什么他们 At all inversion either being the member with whatever the hearing person It has intruded to such a place is
                                                        • 这是她所做的就是坐在一致内阁委员会,也不说,我什至没有资格参加委员会的审议 In other words if it had gone to hearing in Cabinet commission speech right there is no she it is not to have either the qualification which participates in commission deliberation

                                                      • 我们一直在一个成员,我没有在任何地方,他也推出可爱的偶像是什么?这是一个糟糕的损伤模仿别人是多余的,它才真正开始成为embedded ll拉出阿马里指责民主党议员看到它周围有可能朱达罗 The ro where the person who tumbles at the place where at all it is not does and is the Assemblyman is The ro which certainly that is Around looking at that you think that democracy Assemblyman the pulling tsu included just stopped being attached to Amari s consequence The imitation of the unskillful wounded person was excessive
                                                        • 可爱的偶像,我们一直在滚动在他,我不能没有呢?这是一个糟糕的损伤模仿别人是多余的,它才真正开始成为embedded ll拉出阿马里指责民主党议员看到它周围有可能朱达罗 The ro which the person tsu te which tumbles at the place where it does not have at all is and is The ro which certainly that is Around looking at that you think that democracy Assemblyman the pulling tsu included just stopped being attached to Amari s consequence The imitation of the unskillful wounded person was excessive

                                                      • 我们唯一的孩子1图像喔Tongara嘴是不可能不贞腐
                                                        1 The picture becoming sulky, it is visible in only the [ru] child The mouth making become pointed, the [ru] it does,

                                                        • 我会搞砸,击中他的头部说Ttarashiku 552,电视没有受伤,有伟大的戏剧,消费降温,在这种人才埃塔是成功的一半瘫痪,我和Ocharake潜水头场的罐子在凯塔良好的夫人和我三宅 552 The head was struck to seem saying ru thing rub the chi ya oral ya to put out falling with TV and diving into the ya and others ke te rice field from the head and one half of the body paralysis stopping dying the talent which goes out stayed Diving with our performing don t you think the great wound it did not do and the te was good Miyake
                                                          • 我会搞砸,击中他的头部说Ttarashiku 552,或瘫痪手指关闭叽叽喳喳也可能 552 The head was struck to seem saying ru thing rub the chi ya oral ya to put out falling with TV and diving into the ya and others ke te rice field from the head and one half of the body paralysis stopping dying the talent which goes out stayed Diving with our performing don t you think the great wound it did not do and the te was good Miyake

                                                        • 我听到的故事成员领导人对他在头几年在顾先生的腿和或总理的亮点之一,包括你们的分歧Udaro将对接 1 The ro which your thrusting is different and is When you are your own party chief and the story of the prime minister is heard with the foot it is the Assemblyman of several years
                                                          • 特别是,他收到了我一个震惊的数字识别和NICONICO动画的长度其实已经在广播中充分讨论去年尼科尼科 Especially that person with happy animated picture of last year party chief discussion That impact was received to the fact which is broadcast with no cutting it had recognized

                                                        • 我在做一个电视节目的核查问题富士秋季TTP的:/ /班至小学课程。Viploader.net /新闻/ src目录/ vlnews014774的。jpg
                                                          Fuji Telecasting Co. verification program does with inversion problem ttp: //up3. viploader.net/news/src/vlnews014774. jpg

                                                          • 新秀点我还不确定,“宫本武史和乘客闲聊与共产党 As for the new member main point is not found yet don t you think it is …” With the Japan Communist Party of riding together Miyamoto fungus it does world story
                                                            • 新秀点我还不确定,“宫本武史和乘客闲聊与共产党 As for the new member main point is not found yet don t you think it is …” With the Japan Communist Party of riding together Miyamoto fungus it does world story
                                                            • 新秀点我还不确定,“宫本武史和乘客闲聊与共产党 As for the new member main point is not found yet don t you think it is …” With the Japan Communist Party of riding together Miyamoto fungus it does world story
                                                            • 新秀点我还不确定,“宫本武史和乘客闲聊与共产党 As for the new member main point is not found yet don t you think it is …” With the Japan Communist Party of riding together Miyamoto fungus it does world story
                                                            • 新秀点我还不确定,“宫本武史和乘客闲聊与共产党 As for the new member main point is not found yet don t you think it is …” With the Japan Communist Party of riding together Miyamoto fungus it does world story
                                                            • 新秀点我还不确定,“宫本武史和乘客闲聊与共产党 As for the new member main point is not found yet don t you think it is …” With the Japan Communist Party of riding together Miyamoto fungus it does world story

                                                          • 昨天我科技委员视频猪在这我告诉蒙塔的(非编辑看到尼科)帧历史上的魔鬼相机科凯勒编辑出错误,影响被切断后立即Koketa该掩体被遗忘,但它是把戏无谓为了捍卫民掩盖戏剧,在三宅Koketa延长现场做魔术通信和宫崎下滑口蹄疫政权敏,显然戏剧,今(如民反日在日本峨狙不会再有牲畜损坏)就是这样一个 Yesterday T pig S it is it is this animated picture you saw with program as for non compilation you saw with niko Details to kokeru were cut with demon compilation In order the camera unnatural the error to demon to convert frame out doing immediately after koketa Concealing our performing with the koketa Miyake s enlargement scene minsu it tries to protect and it was the method which is not either the yo u But you forget the chi ya viewing This our performing How seeing the way of disabled of minsu administration of Miyazaki foot and mouth disease and as anti Japanese minsu giving the damage to the Japanese livestock industry the aim By your you are to criticize awfully in our people “steamrolling” making the eye avert from the criticism with the fact that individual minsu does only purpose the thing shelf which cannot be thought

                                                            • 是不是违背阿马里的故事,使其鳃诽谤诉讼。这可能是,你与我不仅是一场戏,我决定不和我们的诽谤鳕鱼? 你应该考虑到够大米吗?我赶上了全国人民的诽谤在W帮助主题可是,去年,他们已被拘捕的批评政权之前被捕前瓦特我,我会Busayo真正的个人诽谤阿苏瓦特 Don t you think the kind of story which is appealed with honorable damage On the other hand conversely Amari Perhaps applying and our performing scolding as for ru the kana which does not undertake honorable damage gt Thinking sufficiently the one which the rice is done is good here The person who is caught with slander slander it was die w Then last year you criticize front administration w which is arrested from the person Having slandered and slandering the Aso individual busayo first being arrested ru tsu te w
                                                              • 当我想到它的负面踢鳃的鳃阿马里投诉我是不是违反随着故事的诽谤诉讼中 Don t you think the kind of story which is appealed with honorable damage On the other hand conversely Amari Perhaps applying and our performing scolding as for ru the kana which does not undertake honorable damage gt Thinking sufficiently the one which the rice is done is good here The person who is caught with slander slander it was die w Then last year you criticize front administration w which is arrested from the person Having slandered and slandering the Aso individual busayo first being arrested ru tsu te w

                                                            • 民主党人什么丑闻多么可爱偶像米奴喊什么惩罚咆哮端午议案只是与挥杆的面貌诬告的摩擦它隙阿糖胞苷反对派议员举行
                                                              As for scandal of the companion the inclination which you do not try seeing The opening of opposition party Assemblyman it is rough, the false charge is rubbed with original our performing, attaching Voice it is [ge] [te] punishment motion you shout roughly Don't you think? it probably is no what, the Democratic party [tsu] [te

                                                              • 民主党人侮辱人!让我们在选举中摆脱这些家伙! !凸权力惩罚民主党三宅雪子的惩罚暴力侵害的议案,三宅雪子(1)议案的权力投射到对惩罚的议案,民主党人三宅暴力侵害由纪子(1)暴力民主权力投影(1)电源投影惩罚(1民主党人由纪子的三宅一项议案,反对暴力的三宅雪子(1)以暴力侵害的权力投射到运动的惩罚民主党) NULL

                                                                • 民主党的策略,它没有很好地与最邪恶的邪教组织继续向新闻界和893顷偏见报道,但民主党人期待带来音频
                                                                  As for method of the Democratic party 893 and cult teaching group and simultaneous shelf… But as for being worst well raising the Democratic party, the mass communications which continued deflection reporting

                                                                  • 甚至我还没有来,但没有轮椅治疗Rashiki“不是因为他们没有长途跋涉会议中心(轮椅使用),您只能用于保护身体 But the wheelchair what remedy it seems coming thing without being coming “To be because well… distance is long to the conference hall as for wheelchair use using for physical strength preservation is just the ru
                                                                    • 我住人的亲属茹甚至不走一步,不仅保留轮椅因身体? ?性能?如果我没有胃驱动tTA扎西站在轮椅使用 Unless there is a wheelchair the human who cannot walk either the one step stays in flesh fell but it is For physical strength preservation Performance So the wheelchair you used if it is the stomach it is to let stand the wa

                                                                  • 由纪子由纪子由纪由纪由纪由纪夫美雪
                                                                    As for [yuki] of [yukiko] [yuki] of [yukio] As for [yuki] of [yukiko] [yuki] of [miyuki

                                                                    • 而三宅至少!我被选进这样的小剧场!
                                                                      Miyake lowest and! Whether in order to do such small play becoming member of the Diet!

                                                                      • 自己,他们说我轧创新,还有更多的育雏瓦特Shirajirashii这个“种虚假报告在火车上和虚假如果指控骚扰”,因此,故意足球游戏调用刺激 That by your you tumbled the word tsu solving it does and others the ji it seems there is an extent w Such and the empty untruth informing inside the streetcar if we assume that “the 痴 Chinese false charge” is stimulation is applied intend with the tournament of the soccer
                                                                        • 100万,阿马里先生,“诬告”是指俱乐部将觉得你有发言中故意犯规足球 By any chance Amari If we assume that “the false charge” is it probably is the kind of feeling which intend receives foul with the tournament of the soccer

                                                                      • 蛊惑如果意外碰撞621,我觉得是莫斯过期,这一点。 。 S是在一个完整的结构第一次,一个下跌的目的在第二 621 If you pierced suddenness being hollow it is not strange that you thought but as for this Being ready completely with the one time eye 2nd with time you have inverted purposely by your

                                                                        • 行为人诬陷的执政党,反日的恐怖组织自称是民主党
                                                                          The government ruling party the false charge assailant, as for the Democratic party is the anti-Japanese terrorist group which is identified the political party

                                                                          • 该议案被正式进行处罚?这不是我的各种树木生长的,是不会有兴趣,如果几乎没有追 Punishment motion it put out formally This does not overtake the so is with the variety of ji yo around there possibly It may become funny thing don t you think is

                                                                            • 谎言,夸张,他们说哈罗分心老鹰通知朱达罗(* ^ー^)〜〜☆布鲁诺
                                                                              Lie, exaggeration, speaking confusingly, the [ro] which is information in JARO (* the ^ - the ^) the no ~ ~ *

                                                                              • 这一犯罪性质诬告的骚扰一出女人与Kusobabaa轮
                                                                                痴 Chinese false charge and simultaneous As for this [kusobabaa] offender True character exposure

                                                                                • 这必须是在听证会的座位,说什么我可以初鹿和Miyake,我站在这里,作为一个前体干涉Datsu通信阿马里,并压出,使这种对话现场或因 Whatever saying the first deer and Miyake must be in the court gallery at this place In order to disturb Amari s predecessor as for standing here Because was in order to create such haggling scene
                                                                                  • 任何人进入一个系统,在国会议员并不重要?委员会成员的席位,除非该委员会不应坐在座位 If at the meeting and member of the Diet being the system which anyone who is not relationship insert As for the member the member seat other than the member unless it is in the court gallery it is not good

                                                                                • 这有助于我们都笑了轮椅和拐杖踏上Munayooooooo兄弟湿重湿重
                                                                                  With the crutch and the wheelchair you laugh to here with ww It is and is and the foot unites is, ww

                                                                                  • 这种暴力或明显“(它的狂言三宅雪子)(2010年5月13日,会议代表党)的好民主党人■村上休米(休米耀西村上)(众议院 06区,大阪)选举权的外国人促进法案(朝日新闻调查“同意”的答案),以中国队小泽“昨天(自民党国会议员)3。驱动tTA共和国的暴力行 It is clear use of violence” vis a vis farce of Miyake snow child 2010 May 13th party representative meeting Democratic party Assemblyman Murakami history good unevenness biting The hu you see even if the House of Representatives Osaka 6 Ku Foreign carrot administration bill propulsion in questionnaire of Asahi newspaper “approval” and reply Ozawa visit to China group “Yesterday Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman three Use of violence did to the Assemblyman
                                                                                    • 不管什么原因,我们看到这一切,拥抱一个可悲志位自民党国会议员和他们的网站,看看我笑茹 How that you laugh the reason Looking at ru Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman and that home page The thinking which is sad was held
                                                                                    • 这种暴力或明显“(它的狂言三宅雪子)(2010年5月13日,会议代表党)的好民主党人■村上休米(休米耀西村上)(众议院 06区,大阪)选举权的外国人促进法案(朝日新闻调查“同意”的答案),以中国队小泽“昨天(自民党国会议员)3。驱动tTA共和国的暴力行 It is clear use of violence” vis a vis farce of Miyake snow child 2010 May 13th party representative meeting Democratic party Assemblyman Murakami history good unevenness biting The hu you see even if the House of Representatives Osaka 6 Ku Foreign carrot administration bill propulsion in questionnaire of Asahi newspaper “approval” and reply Ozawa visit to China group “Yesterday Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman three Use of violence did to the Assemblyman

                                                                                  • 通常,我假装做更多的慌乱脸和胳膊闪耀时刻,我放弃他的政权垮台,但我不理会下降三宅驱动tTA自己陷入所谓的什么情况 Normally but the instantaneous tsu te where itself system deteriorates and falls thing what which does the face and the arm inclination which were flurried more Although the tsu te which Miyake tsu te by his inverts it fell to the situation which is said it is non expression don t you think
                                                                                    • “我会香椎属于自己尴尬的办公室”到他的电梯,三宅先生由纪子的民主党人,他骑来打击松树针叶编织成 “Time you are by your the tsu te it is shy” In the elevator of the Members Office Building Miyake snow child of the Democratic party you board with the pine needle zu obtaining form

                                                                                  • 阿马里。这可能是,你与我不仅是一场戏,我决定不和我们的诽谤鳕鱼?你应该考虑到够大米吗?我赶上了全国人民的帮助主题诽谤在W
                                                                                    Amari. Perhaps applying and, our performing scolding, as for [ru] the kana which does not undertake honorable damage? Thinking sufficiently, the one which the rice is done is good here? The person who is caught with slander slander it was, die w

                                                                                    • 阿马里比上帝肯议员,这是一种柔软,舒适的景点相应
                                                                                      Amari God fist vs Judo This is the suitable pleasure

                                                                                      • 附表三宅雪子的民主党 - 设置你的脚,一边听总理的鸠山由纪夫回答
                                                                                        While hearing the reply of Yukio Hatoyama prime minister, the Miyake snow child person of the Democratic party which unites the foot

                                                                                        • 随石马医生要求你的“,我陈膝软固体地面(Mishibboki)初鹿”阿马里Tarimasu ll它采取多摩。“小泽”治愈,因为“一浅滩
                                                                                          The teacher we ask” It is soft knee ten paving the way ([mishitsuboki]) Amari's [tama] you take with first deer “this and/or increase” Ozawa “recuperation consequence” bundle of notes

                                                                                          • 音量来到旋转果酱意识不只是擦伤和绷带把什么通化?我很受伤,什么奇怪的地方,而不是被挂接撒而打转瓦特 The u bruising without attaching at all just the bandage round and round to winding the semantic bean jam Furthermore there is no joint and the te side the place has spread round and round and It is what kind of wound w
                                                                                            • 好打扮的未来量874瓦特从实质 874 The real thing compared to kind of w which is skillful the how to wind the bandage

                                                                                          • 鸠山由纪夫驱动tTA人大常委会领导讲话,是“严重的经济环境下,人们太政治化,但他们听到的答复是鸠山由纪夫的总理恩戴脚就踏上一个人的权利,只是一个巨大的努力花了远离公众 As for the Hatoyama Yukio representation which stands in speech “the origin of harsh economic conditions as for the citizen the right foot of the expectation which endeavors very uniting the foot to the axis Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama Although the reply is heard politics even excessively It is widely different from the citizen
                                                                                            • 鸠山由纪夫驱动tTA人大常委会领导讲话,是“严重的经济环境下,人们远离了政治的人,但太多的努力 As for the Hatoyama Yukio representation which stands in speech “the origin of harsh economic conditions as for the citizen the right foot of the expectation which endeavors very uniting the foot to the axis Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama Although the reply is heard politics even excessively It is widely different from the citizen

                                                                                          • (1)不包括政府证人(4名工作人员)的政府机构和学术的特别助理国务卿内阁立法局在国民议会政府回应(2)副部长,政务次增加固定(3)取消如果该法案通过举行听证会从他们的经验,通过在德国的希特勒纳粹党曾率布兰奇总统二战前法“零点”提醒我们会否认民主本身在日本的政治这是对
                                                                                            (1) Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau is excluded from the government special assistance person who replies at the National Diet (2) The secondary minister of state, constant of state affairs official is increased (3) Abolition of government witness system (4) Opening of opinion listening meeting from staff and men of learning and experience of administrative organ If this bill was formed, prior to world war 2 president Hitler the German Nazis party which is led was formed To make “full power trust method remember”, because it becomes denial of Japanese democracy politics itself, it is opposite

                                                                                            研究 開発