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How, the public offering person who has the Harada large Jiro (66) supporting nomination of the talent is not recognized in House of Councillors Yamaguchi, original selection of Ozawa main leadership


  • 来城,和县以上的城市,轻,八岛镇Kamizeki
    > Time of infancy, it adopts in the origin of the uncle of Yamaguchi prefecture residence, Until > it goes up to the capital, you passed in Cho Yashima and optical city etc Kaminoseki of the same prefecture

    • 1 乔木小泽民主党总部承认独裁者谁了一章的建议,市民都道府县,我可以直接进入
      1 > As for the Democratic party headquarters the signet the public offering person who has nomination from prefectural ream The Ozawa dictatorial party, the [ma] [tsu] it does, the [gu] and others shelf

      • 2009年众议院。即使这种密切的平冈秀夫第二选区的胜利是我们唯一的117571 105.940山本Shigetarou
        The House of Representatives of 2009. The only at even 2 Ku which it can win this cliffhanger Kazuo Hiraoka 117,571 Sigetarou Yamamoto 105.940

        • 245名:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 05 / 15(星期六)15:46:03编号:sZHmdzzh0 Ntsukyouso小山Mitio名称或300联系:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人]张贴于:2010 / 05 / 15(星期六)15:53:28编号:sZHmdzzh0』联盟委员会越南名儿童[414船众议院民主党青年支撑全日本教师工会日:Shisan名无@ 10周年[]发布日期:2010 / 05 / 15(星期六)16:13:54编号:sZHmdzzh0虎太郎教师联合会主席和人民的儿子,前市JASS Ntsukyouso在一个红色的名人国家秘书小山Mitio
          245 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/15 (Saturday) 15: 46: 03 ID: sZHmdzzh0 Hill Mitio Nitukiyou group it is connected? 300 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/15 (Saturday) 15: 53: 28 ID: sZHmdzzh0 The meeting which supports the house of the Vietnamese 'child' All the Japanese school personnel unions The Japanese democracy youth alliance Piece boat 414 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/15 (Saturday) 16: 13: 54 ID: sZHmdzzh0 As for Toratarou of the son being group capital teaching group Chairman original Nitukiyou, the JASS typical hill Mitio's private secretary In red people famous person

          • 409系列的两个来源,我必须执行,如果你遵循这些近亲,首先绝缘体和未来的两个或亲属中找到当地人民或在政策不匹配 409 You follow inside the kindred of close direction The muscle which runs as a candidate are two series but it is policy or back burner When with the relative mismatch it is seen in the person of local end it is unpalatable and
            • 409系列的两个来源,我必须执行,如果你遵循这些近亲,首先绝缘体和未来的两个或亲属中找到当地人民或在政策不匹配 409 You follow inside the kindred of close direction The muscle which runs as a candidate are two series but it is policy or back burner When with the relative mismatch it is seen in the person of local end it is unpalatable and

          • 413市民谁不知道建议的含义是一点也不为我挑选了408的比例? Tsuka,谁? 417获得“在烦人,一个好故事,”你已经有了一个电视图像 408 Just a little meaning is not recognized 413 The person of public offering nomination does not pick up in proportion Handle who 417 “Being talkative uzai ” was television image don t you think

            • 432山口这些人投票未有固定选举或1线通信必须自民党候选人的the in拉伸板的比例看东方,看汝不仅从选举名人国家作为non interest投票 432 As for Yamaguchi the Liberal Democratic Party griddle Ku Candidacy in order to extend in proportion You vote to the person who does not go to usual election Because these people there is no interest in election Votes with just the famous person You know that the ma it is you look at ma east

              • 437名代表电视,而不是众议院已要求我的问题得到驱动tTA问题全体会议常设被我看到新鲜的声音Ganari 437 It stood in question of the plenary assembly of the House of Representatives TV but it is Rather than saying that it asks calling out question you read voice
                • 机会“一词代表”我想?代表们,但我只是基本上是众议院 By chance doing when “the representative” tsu te you want to say Because so any representative tsu te basically are just member of the house of representatives

              • 557中曾根康弘说,“我是因为我曾经参加过对生命的比例第一名”和恩戴玛丽塔赖,但比例驱动tTA次强迫,小泉没有作出承诺,将进军 557 Nakasone “makes life 1 rank because it turned to proportion and” was asked it is with inevitably in proportion Although it turned the promise being the case that Koizumi makes the wastepaper
                • 那么,我不是一个丑陋的Tsuka刚人才没有赢了?没有什么区别,什么人群比例复苏 When it cannot win with the talent you see and the tsu accompany and… the handle cannot win don t you think it is Different from the group of people proportion revival or

              • ku和还很年轻,但我确实知道祖国的安全,但可能会投谁站在预期的未来的民主,其账面 Being young still Diplomacy security being understood accurately If the person in the future it does democracy and the yo tsu te may raise But there is also poll
                • 我认为日本是一点都没有,现在我们希望人们可以进入,如果你投票支持民主党,但最坏的形象 Although image of the Democratic party is worst When we assume that poll the human who inserts is you think that completely of Japan is not thought

              • NULL Therefore as for the Democratic party by itself competent being chosen it became the ruling party that with or w which you think Only the Democratic party there just were choices which simply become the saucer of anti right consultation counter cult vote This state how it will do it is not w There is no reformation fraud Well already just one time voting to the Democratic party Therefore so with this end Winning with Upper House election administration stabilizing With this condition with only performance categorization being serious not to cut into even in special meeting even in enterprise group donation prohibition operation If it does not change two degrees you do not vote to the Democratic party minasan with this it is slow With you think

                • Sankei jp msn com 政治 情况 100430 stt1004301850010 N1的。媒原田大二郎,谁在山口↓派出50个月后,上院 sankei jp msn com politics situation 100430 stt1004301850010 n1 htm ↓ after half month… In House of Councillors Yamaguchi Harada large Jiro supporting
                  • 嗯,我不ー哟日本人民在日本现在使用这个峨谁在这里派出由民主党 The person who is supported at here Democratic party… You can use in this tsu te Japan it is to be Obtaining the Japanese citizen

                • “总理出来的气氛,”中曾根先生,鸠山评价)之后(可选,我鸠山是反对前总理总理告诉记者,“我穿很中线,部长气氛的总理走出很“水平 “The atmosphere of the prime minister it came out” Nakasone appraising Prime Minister Hatoyama Abbreviation after this as for former Prime Minister Nakasone although it confronted press corps concerning Prime Minister Hatoyama “Settling very atmosphere as a prime minister came out very” that you appraised
                  • 它介绍了通信便利537一年龄限制世代的变化,这是中曾根提出抱怨,但 537 Although retirement age system was introduced in order to urge alternation of generation But as for acquiring complaint to that Nakasone

                • ────── , “哦,⌒彡彡彡彡三宅米 6)ヽ(22 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 92 “ u wa oh miyake mi 彡 彡 彡 彡 ⌒ lt 92 ─ ─ ─ 0 ∠ REPT It comes chasing mi 彡 彡 彡 彡 DOTDT REPT ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ¯ ¯ REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∩ 彡 彡 彡 彡 i 92 REPT 92 92 ≡ ≡ gt ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 彡 彡 mi REPT ku REPT 92 ─ ─ ∠ ─ ¯ ¯ “More Quick ” REPT ∨ 92 REPT i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ o 6 REPT 22 i 92 REPT ⌒ No ━ t ━ ━ 丿 No j j l 92 ∈ ◯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ REPT lt j j j ─ ─ ∩ ¯ ¯ 92 ⌒ REPT ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ No two no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 gt ⌒ 彡 彡 彡 彡 mi No ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ REPT 彡 彡 彡 彡 mi 彡 ─ ─ ─ ¯ ¯ 92 ⌒ REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 i 彡 彡 彡 彡 Two ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ DREPT mi 彡 彡 ─ ─
                  • NULL The Soviet Union REPT REPT REPT i 丿 i DREPT ¯ ⌒ ¯ 彡 i mi mi C ≡ REPT mi REPT 92 丶 REPT REPT i i No i No i No REPT 92 l 92 ∨ 丿 ゙ 彡 HKDRT 巛 mi 从 mi 彡 mi 巛 彡 mi 彡 mi 彡 gt gt gt gt 巛 巛 mi human mi 彡 巛 从 mi 巛 mi human mi gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt 巛 彡 巛 从 mi gt gt 彡 彡 巛 mi human mi 彡 mi 从 gt gt gt gt It is large Jiro Harada

                • 万和投票民主Torenairashii瓦特使用人才,我听到茹桂建在大阪分行认真进行Bibitta As for democracy the talent use cup and vote do not come off w which seems When Katsura it is to come the tsu te where the branch comes out hearing in Osaka it vibrated with maji

                  • 中央情报局出来凉爽气候瓦特候选人♪严重,有一个类似的孙子的名字明确了疯狂的间谍我猜岸站
                    The spy of CIA has decided the grandchild of the bank trust mediating/helping which The natural features w which come out calmly with the kind of name which is similar Seriously the candidate is raised the one which the [okashii] ♪

                    • 之前公布的候选人,总之如果你正在编辑的wiki?民主党的活动第一次世界大战u003d“活动,演员,教育家”流派u003d [[演员]] * [[特别邀请教授,明治大学]]改写了S [城市之光]]→生活和[[城市之光]和居住在韦克塔
                      Hurrying before the candidacy announcement, wiki it is compilation? The Democratic party ww Activity contents = “Activity contents = Actor and educator” Genre = [[Actor]] [[university special invitation Professor Meiji]] Rewriting [[In optical city]] and so on it had resided -> [[Optical city]] it resided in the side rice field and the like

                      • 他是在同一个系统面对我原田大二郎和博之?如果你觉得相似的年轻博之
                        Large Jiro Harada the wide [yu] finishing, the face of same system it has done, don't you think?? As for young time being similar to the wide going, you think as the [ru]

                        • 令人担心的是没有可能,他进入电影需要的蛋糕菱谷肩载满瓶小泽的选举海报 The campaign poster which when Ozawa one is shouldered is made the person who inserts in valley Riyouko being may be we fear

                          • 但公民山口,并提出不对接的常吕微妙不错沼泽土瓦特原田先生几年前,一对NHK的地方,或有该报告热,有时还去,下午到本地节目它可阿姨普及邪恶祖父郁哈纳 But the Yamaguchi prefecture people very delicate tokoro it pierces also the 沢 dirtily w Harada with local program of NHK is a thing which hot spring repo is done several years ago Because even now occasionally there are also times when it appears in the local program of afternoon uke of the pop old lady is not bad
                            • 05 涩谷,东京。日本的15頑張! NHK的行动是对一个国家的抗议活 5 15 Persevering Japan NHK The national large conduct which protests It is in the midst of live program

                          • 但到了峨134山口我有一个选区的民主党,自由民主选举之前,有3个选区的04 Etakunai真正所考虑的众议院 134 So as for Yamaguchi when it is the House of Representatives 3 constituency in 4 constituencies calls our people We would not like to think tsu te that democracy increases as expected from election before
                            • 等待,不要我不是在民主党选民和例如父母之间的遗传差异的正式立场? If the parent and constituency are different descent saying official opinion of the Democratic party the tsu ke which is not

                          • 内务委员会的越南船民儿童』巩固民主青年同盟,日本教师工会日
                            The meeting which supports the house of the Vietnamese 'child' All the Japanese school personnel unions The Japanese democracy youth alliance Piece boat

                            • 刚河内联盟和东部省份是与某些钢铁,平冈芒斯民主和支持是人海战术,却没有明确说该说什么,我现在在凛川村岸高村安倍晋三天气也反对小泽先生。如果Tetai建设,而不是一个大的名字,更不可能
                              As for combination being strong the prefectural east Furthermore relationship of the certain iron manufacture, freely using human sea tactics, democracy is supported As for being Hiraoka man Say needless to say Speaking clearly, it is possible to be Abe Kawamura forest bank As for Takamura… Ozawa opposition. We would like to build, if is, unless there is bigger name, the excessiveness

                              • 前原诚司,小泽和鸠山和原口,你真的这样做,对于打击报复福田三宅雪子雄去年我说话
                                Whether [ribenji] of the Miyake snow child for Yasuo Fukuda of last year The [ho] it is with as for Ozawa and Hatoyama and the blastopore and Maehara to die,

                                • 原田大二郎的政策,良好的人,尽管他的知识或技巧可能海岸,众所周知,尽管民主党人对自己想要做的事情为当地选举将证实只是一个点出 Large Jiro Harada probably is good human what Perhaps policy of the bank person not to know own power of the Democratic party not knowing The expectation where appears in election in just the point that no oak you want because of local end
                                  • 我喜欢的演员原田大二郎产品性能,或舔屁股泽感的儿童成为泽 The performer who stacked the Harada large Jiro like result becoming oza chirudoren Licking ketsu of oza sense

                                • 原田大二郎,我喜欢我会很失望 Yomiuri ll知道早上报纸只是研磨 Although large Jiro Harada we liked … Knowing in the tsu coming Yomiuri morning edition tsu tsu tsu extremely gatsukari which the thing is done it did

                                  • 县章的最后一年,但三个人推荐的主要办公室我很公开招聘的选举,即一个是从不同的选区确定,另一个已经下降
                                    Prefectural ream last year nominated man and woman 3 it chooses with public offering to the party headquarters, but inside As for 1 people supporting from another constituency to be decided, already 1 people refusal

                                    • 可爱的偶像我选择,如果他们学习一点更为严重,如果自民党自民党瓦特的积极选择。我喜欢这样的人才非常浓推进学习 Choosing a person which is more terrible than our people If our people the person who just a little is already studied it chooses w Righteousness The talent which is studied for advancing well enough the tsu po which is it does to be
                                      • 可爱的偶像我选择,如果他们学习一点更为严重,如果自民党自民党瓦特的积极选择。我喜欢这样的人才非常浓推进学习 Choosing a person which is more terrible than our people If our people the person who just a little is already studied it chooses w Righteousness The talent which is studied for advancing well enough the tsu po which is it does to be

                                    • 嘿鸣叫和担心优于两区平冈?福田(。岩国市市长)Ketashi负,以前选择错误道路的古贺家庭而不是因为它是,均衡的候选人Nopanshabushabu座位在那里,我想我们有机会站在一个自由不是等待转机? Don t you think two Ku Hiraoka than that the one which is worried is to call the ji and the e Fukuda Mayor Iwakuni it was defeated and the last time with Koga choosing a person mistake Because it was road family candidacy of nopanshiyabushiyabu therefore parliamentary seat the reason which comes off Here our people there is no cod one are aegagropila in reversal offensive posture it is the kana which is not
                                      • 岩国218,但我不知道我来Janakatta人民通过民主奇怪的,因为附近的基地 218 As for Iwakuni the strange person approaching with consequence of the base democracy did not pass from the ru however wonder don t you think

                                    • 图案不得采取山口县的一票10,000废料来吧转交给这个封闭保守,仅仅是从刚刚在我
                                      Therefore as for strength of Yamaguchi prefecture being simply intently closed, just conservative thing what When 10,000 vote or more it enters to such a, the kudzu prefectural people decision shelf

                                      • 在20的和30民主党人嗯,我这样做,因为我不关心,不沿 Well 20 generation 30 generations how it is not Democratic party the question tsu to do therefore the yo How it is good

                                        • 在山口选区,大辅周四木佐共产党(55)也计划运行
                                          At Yamaguchi constituency, Daisuke Japan Communist Party Kisaki (55) running is planned

                                          • 如何选议席,其中以一票的个别候选人的姓名或名称及号码政党各方的个人名义“总”将依照
                                            With the method of voting to either one of political party name or candidate personal names As for the number of parliamentary seats the number of polls of political party name and personal name “ Combination Meter It is distributed” according to

                                            • 如果392,吉永小百合拍武区小泽一郎中田繁雄皇帝强烈名人长岛神上了候选人名单,我只是拉这个白痴氖瓦特
                                              392 When it appears in election, the strong famous human list God Sigeo Nagasima Emperor Yoshinaga lily The beat fungus it does, King [ichiro] Nakata Don't you think? as for Ozawa, only the small fish pulling, this - it is, w

                                              • 如果在高中傻瓜,高凯塔说,我们不可能赢得这样的傻瓜 If foolish high school called such a fool and that the possibility of not being elected was high

                                                • 如果您已经蒙达感觉是多么愚蠢的人 ?我深感震惊水果 If the do just is the person is made foolish the air is completed it is…… where is The 呆 re it ended utterly

                                                  • 它的民主党人,“鸠山由纪夫首相,小泽,当简崩溃直人之间的合作财政部长副总理,政府威胁要提出一个愉快而绝对到自民党(除Kigu) “良好的和忠实的广告
                                                    Vis-a-vis the Democratic party, “Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Ozawa, 菅 cooperative relationship of Vice-President Naoto financial affairs phase When deteriorating, the fear that (it comes and administration moves to the Liberal Democratic Party, the [gu]) the one which always it had is good”, that loyalty Announcement

                                                    • 它要求:选择什么意义? ?原田尤其是ska和抽泣孩子拉出一毒合不介意? What being chosen a person sensing is Especially though harada unfortunate it is dense putting out to the inquiry tear receiving suka
                                                      • S,使得有毒气体,拥抱我们的家庭,顶级撕裂。什么是线 Because your unfortunate family is held the tear top It probably is route what

                                                    • 宇都书记!轮候胶捕光!鸠山阿祖!我国家的耻辱!支持。宇都乔木阅读!你仍然下降闪耀!阿祖选! 夷nearing ll Aowataaaaaaa! Secretary General u tsu Being caught the e tsu As for Hatoyama a tsu Shame i of country Support Not reading u tsu The u which falls still House of Councillors selection a tsu … The tsu the tsu getting near the e e tsu democracy is your a wa the a a a a a a
                                                      • 我将是森田健作总督的千叶县,这在某种程度上第一次世界大战选举党和民主党横滨市前市长恩戴不进的故事对我来说绝对是我不在乎瓦特 Kensaku Morita does nomarch Chiba therefore it is there is this ww With House of Councillors selection you do not insert somehow in the party of Mayor democracy and original Yokohama no matter what it is with for me How good story w

                                                    • 宫泽喜一说,自民党487福山(东广岛),因为它是地面,地面党的尾道公共+ +庄原三原(〜中东广岛),但受到影响,削弱党的制度和人民的力量州长但后来成了公开
                                                      487 Therefore as for Miyazawa of our people Fukuyama (the Hiroshima east) ground, Onomichi + Miho + Shobara which is ground of the national new party (the Hiroshima east - Chubu) with it wears Furthermore, those where power of national new party type weakens with governor selection, became plain and

                                                      • 小泽一郎的继任者也可能是最大的利益金丸信,北荣,近日,血液兴趣收购,无疑融化南涌
                                                        Ichiro Ozawa probably is the largest inheritance person of north [chiyon] right of Kanamaru Makoto And, recently, the blood [ma] densely probably will be in acquisition of south [chiyon] right

                                                        • 小泽和丢弃,如果您使用名人的个人素质的选举制度有什么也没有做卡兹基尔甚至投票(第一次这么好,他们说卑鄙克惹太多票击败自己的候选人),以利用 当地雇员已经采取充分的民主公众嘲笑的战术
                                                          If the throwaway doing the famous person, only vote it can make Ozawa You say that nature something of these people there is no relationship, (Main person of the candidate being defeated, if you obtain and poll is many, the way of the vulgarity that it is good being that,) The strategy which ridicules the citizen of the democracy which abuses the election system completely You have taken

                                                          • 山口县公民,我不会排斥我舔山口县
                                                            Licking the Yamaguchi prefecture people, the [ru] About the Yamaguchi prefecture people there are no closed prefectural people

                                                            • 山口县第49章了解民主党人估计,因为它是平冈秀夫多努代表1 3
                                                              49 Therefore as for the Democratic party Yamaguchi prefecture ream representation the extent which Kazuo Hiraoka serves recommending, should know

                                                              • 山口朝日放送的晚间新闻,但我对民主党候选人派出工作?
                                                                With news of Yamaguchi Asahi Broadcasting Corporation of evening, as for the Democratic party during candidate supporting does?

                                                                • 山口,11个选区的投票出版2004年7月24日上议院选举2004年6月20日-常数:1 /候选人:5 -选民人数:1233005人投票数:768 300人投票率:62.31%选票姓名年龄性别的图片和一些党派派系-共产党宣言,他的新党高层公关· 13419 51里德学院客座教授贞雄吉田吉田贞义44 970 54新民主妇女Ooizumi裕子裕子大泉311 851 45岁的男子一个新的自民党伸介忍365 462注:代理影片平田Seiitirou环境研究,公司8557新总统繁雄平松平松繁雄70人独立
                                                                  20th Upper House election 2004 June 24th public announcement 2004 July 11th poll Yamaguchi constituency The number of voters : 1233005 people The number of poll people : 768300 people Poll ratio : 62.31% The number of polls Photograph Name Age Sex Party & denomination etc - Manifest PR animated picture Remark 365462 Bank Nobuo [kishi] [nobuo] 45 Man Our people New Inoccupation 311851 Oizumi Hiroko [oizumi] [hiroko] 54 Woman Democracy New University honorary professor 44970 Yoshida 貞 Good [yoshida] [sadayoshi] 51 Man Common property New Political party official 13419 Hiramatsu Shigeo [hiramatsu] [shigeo] 70 Man Non post New Corporation environmental preservation laboratory Chief Executive Officer 8557 Hirata Genuine Ichiro [hirata] [seiichirou] 54 Man Restoration political party new wind New NPO corporate body Asian cultural exchange program chief director This fundamental vote that way, is a degree of distinction, if it is, large Jiro Harada winning, it is not strange, whether

                                                                  • 我不知道这是导致她娘家的姓分钟的救助法案侵犯国会外国人选举权吗? The National Diet method amendment plan Foreign carrot administration Human rights violation relief bill Surname classified by married couple You probably understand or …
                                                                    • 我不知道这是导致她娘家的姓分钟的救助法案侵犯国会外国人选举权吗? The National Diet method amendment plan Foreign carrot administration Human rights violation relief bill Surname classified by married couple You probably understand or …

                                                                  • 我丸丸勉勉足够人才,才能使人们明白,即使我开始做了认真的政治家的思想政治20年来的美军基地 Thinking of politics seriously the politician of 20 year or more doing the thing of the US military base starting therefore duty roundly it is even with the kind of person whom you understand Working hard employment it is round sufficiently even with the talent

                                                                    • 我也双鸟取石井得分后失去市长的话,我想民主党逆风
                                                                      In the speech of Ishii one also Tottori mayor selection has been crushed with double score to do, The combining which is the head wind in democracy

                                                                      • 我也有第二职业或普通电视演员,我喜欢站在出能源后的儒,人才为在过去谁 After that the regular of the television where vigor comes out However also the work which is conspicuous has done don t you think the past human tsu po it is the talent as an actor
                                                                        • 我认为这是痛苦的,但小像你这样的人才战击败了民主党只负 This goes the being defeated of the Democratic party the tsu po it is If the talent being defeated the kana whose pain is small

                                                                      • 我们知道这些部件,以加强识别名称Chimattara的指导下选择一些公众认可的乔木小泽谁是他们的一项建议,这将是相反的效果无用的瓦特的思考 Assuming that there was some degree of distinction The public offering person who has nomination is not recognized original selection of Ozawa main leadership When knowledge and others you close to such part and the chi wait w which probably is useless How thinking now the counter result
                                                                        • 市民可以在民主党总部乔木章建议由地,我看它的倡议下,小泽强调 The Democratic party headquarters not to recognize the public offering person who has nomination from prefectural ream in the origin of Ozawa main leadership Instead of this reads
                                                                        • 市民是可以前进和乔木为我们推荐的县第一章,我 1 The signet the public offering person who has nomination from prefectural ream The ge which it does the i
                                                                        • 市民被允许民主党总部乔木建议由地在车厢章直接指导下,小泽一郎,选择候选人的过程 The Democratic party headquarters not to recognize the public offering person who has nomination from prefectural ream in the origin of Ozawa main leadership Instead of this reads
                                                                        • 市民被允许民主党总部乔木建议由地在车厢章直接指导下,小泽一郎,选择候选人的过程 The Democratic party headquarters not to recognize the public offering person who has nomination from prefectural ream in the origin of Ozawa main leadership Instead of this reads
                                                                        • 没有被选中,以反映被推荐谁承认公众的意志,人民的指导下乔木的小泽 The public offering person who has nomination is not recognized original selection of Ozawa main leadership Public opinion is not reflected

                                                                      • 我想我不能带来了一个蜡像飞去驱动tTA 849 849 The wax doll which had the boomerang is made the combining which it is not and is
                                                                        • 不可能自己可能成为首相,849 849 It cannot there be times itself when you think that becomes the prime minister

                                                                      • 我是自由民主党,我派出了我跳过它只是人在皇帝亲自或德斯特勒总统查尔斯吉伦或工作人员作为领导者的讲话 Democracy our people supporting the person in President person or death Ra in Emperor person or Charles in giren commander in chief as speech necessary personnel To stop with just some lever
                                                                        • 15民主党人,众议院议员选举夏季山口选区(数字1选举),演员,女演员原田大二郎先生(66)梅塔领域的坚实的政策 As for the Democratic party on the 15th House of Councillors selection Yamaguchi constituency of summer reelection several 1 large Jiro actor and Harada of talent 66 The policy of supporting was set

                                                                      • 我看着这个名字,妮塔宏。埃约弹出小泽认为是一个花花公子改革,邮政,即使我的生命和妮塔博令人遗憾的该死的家伙正进入一个空白投票给民主党,但魔法分钟
                                                                        When this name you see, large Nituta. You remember Ozawa obtained and the [ge] which is done, for postal services reformation promotion, the Democratic party white vote had the person insert who enters, it is Large Nituta as for your own life being regrettable however you understand,

                                                                        • 扎马经过在敲Netouyo aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww妮塔横山宏,如果他们有wwww啊知名度在wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww我很嫉妒,如果他们挂到该国尽快wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww日
                                                                          [netouyo] [za] [ma] aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww If only degree of distinction it is, because with large Nituta and it passes with the Yokoyama knock, wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww The [a] - it should have become the country whose [a] wwww Japan is good quickly - wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                          • 批判的候选国地位的人才,但什么是你们高妈祖是民主党小泽,民主下坡库博士和他是从惊讶,仍然试图运行 In celebrity candidate from circumstance of criticism democracy Ozawa some person increasing with some party although the ru You are surprised to the person who even then tries probably to run still being Furthermore from democracy of downhill
                                                                            • 正在发生的事情,有权知道这个家伙是民主党小泽 The ro where from current circumstance democracy Ozawa some person understands with some party and is

                                                                          • 指的是政治立场,“老家伙政客,金钱崇拜,并一直被视为一个重要的政治家巴拉马,有点不同的,”他说表明, The companion of the politician who refers also political attitude “is old the power of money constitution baramaki You see that it is the politician but it is different a little” that the viewpoint was expressed

                                                                            • 据他的网站,在婴儿期,通过和山口生活在他的叔叔,明治大学法学院就读,来城,并在县以上我们的城市轻型和八岛镇Kamizeki
                                                                              Itself according to the home page and the like, time of infancy, in the origin of the uncle of Yamaguchi prefecture residence the adopted child Until it marries, it enters and goes up to the capital the Meiji university Department of Law, you passed in Cho Yashima and optical city etc Kaminoseki of the same prefecture

                                                                              • 新政府的重点是,你鸠山一郎小泽是什么我会在代理主席菅直人,两三个分享权力
                                                                                The fact that you have observed with new administration was, Hatoyama you and Ichiro Ozawa, 菅 3 people of Naoto both representation vicarious execution how distributing power,

                                                                                • 日本石川县多议席选区Dakejan表决死亡意识下车比例代表制,如果其他方法你知道你更好的选区
                                                                                  Another proportion representation stop, just degree of distinction it is Also small constituency dies and vote is many and Middle constituency facing to Japan, the [ro] which is the [ru

                                                                                  • 查看详情→保证下的整体投票率会导致不信任的政治人才招募915扭转威胁它(同)分配Minsuuma
                                                                                    915 The talent the political infidelity is caused conversely by the fact that it makes support and entire poll ratio is reduced -> Solid votes (with threat) [minsuuma] which has been guaranteed

                                                                                    • 正如你可以赢,山口县山口叔叔可怕,但两个人在一商场在他一个山口县的民主形式在没有(只是一个很小的人能真正触及到自己也许书记)铣削左右赖相机 我并不觉得好笑鸠山,谁是一个高中女孩需要的蛋糕我认为你说的是在我刚成为首相鸠山并没有说任何人在附近 But the Yamaguchi prefecture people being written according to the ru there are no times when democracy wins with Yamaguchi Two old boys perhaps at the shopping center of Yamaguchi city the private secretary and this person Actually everyone you scratched in other things You cannot know but when you thought that in any case little number of people has been confused it was Hatoyama Woman Takao asking one person tsu te copying me funny no one other than the ru kept approaching Story of the just a little front where Hatoyama becomes the prime minister
                                                                                      • 居民期望从政山口县岩男艾希瓦特多少我会谈论政治和居民有一个罕见的三集 The eye for politics of the Yamaguchi prefecture people is harsh if the w prefectural people get together three the tsu te which becomes story of politics

                                                                                    • 民主党人,你赢得胜利原田大二郎瓦特,山口我...安倍晋三,林义正,高村正彦周一花自民党的稳如磐石...
                                                                                      The [ro] w which is not the air which wins with democracy and Yamaguchi and is Harada large Jiro [tsu] [te]… Shin Abe three, Yosimasa Hayashi, Masahiko Takamura… As for our people it is the 磐 stone it is

                                                                                      • 民主党候选人选区山口,二○一○年四月三十日空白18:48民主党人,山口县第30章,山口选举选区(数字1选举)为总部从党的候选人,“谁选择地包括含章建议,现在,没有接触候选人“中,没有抗体增加澄清甄选过程回到绘图板
                                                                                        Democracy candidacy of Yamaguchi constituency, in white paper 2010.4.30 18: 48 As for the Democratic party Yamaguchi prefecture ream on the 30th, House of Councillors selection Yamaguchi constituency (reelection several 1) about the candidate, From the party headquarters “the person whom prefectural ream nominates is included, now the candidate is not”, that there is communication, It made that selection job returns to the white paper clear

                                                                                        • 民主党官员说,小泽先生说:“候选人可以与银行竞争”,因为它挑出来,因为他成立了高姿态原田 According to the Democratic party authorized personnel as for Ozawa as “the bank person and in Harada whose degree of distinction is high the candidacy which can do game” You say that the arrow of the white feather was raised
                                                                                          • 民主党官员说,小泽先生说:“候选人可以与银行竞争”,因为它挑出来,因为他成立了高姿态原田 According to the Democratic party authorized personnel as for Ozawa as “the bank person and in Harada whose degree of distinction is high the candidacy which can do game” You say that the arrow of the white feather was raised

                                                                                        • 民主党总部,最终没有很好的支持者与反对在公众的民主制度得到公众承认的国家乔木是谁推荐的骗局县章,我们正在瓦特 The Democratic party headquarters not to recognize the public offering person who has nomination from prefectural ream in the origin of Ozawa main leadership Instead of this reads
                                                                                          • 7如果公共建议将这样做,所以从来没有相当之间作出适当的 7 The how public offering to nominate because the person whom it is rather possible it is like you do not do no matter what probably will be

                                                                                        • 民主:自由大二郎原田冈部马里Shiyouno雅代菱谷:一个民主的胜利,所有静枝Horiuti恒夫六月哦宫诚三原儿童麻生太郎
                                                                                          Democracy: Valley Riyouko Manor field true generation Okabe ball Large Jiro Harada Our people: The Miho [ji] [yu] it is the child Aso true Miyako [a] [be] Sizue Hisao Horiuchi Overwhelming victory shelf of democracy

                                                                                          • 泽当选页Datsu嘿遐贝贝博博Pesurube Datsu Mankomanko页
                                                                                            The [tsu] [pe] which is [mankomanko] [bobo] The [tsu] [pe] which is the [be] [be] To the [tsu] [pe] the [be] which is done [oza] election house

                                                                                            • 看来结束日本原田胜说,我知道真正愚蠢的日本人小泽先生,除了山口 As expected Ozawa The fact that is known the Japanese is foolish Way Harada is elected the Japanese end furthermore with Yamaguchi

                                                                                              • 第20届参议院选举,这个新的365462新民主党与自由民主党Ooizumi裕子岸信夫44970 311851日本共产党新平松繁雄吉田石祥13419 8557新独立选举候选人最后当选自民党庾信平田Seiitirou新鲜的,这次投票因此,中年多一点知名度,你不也不错?
                                                                                                20th Councilor usual election This 365,462 Bank Nobuo Liberal-Democratic Party New 311,851 Oizumi Hiroko The Democratic party New 44,970 Yoshida 貞 good The Japanese Japan Communist Party New 13,419 Shigeo Hiramatsu Non post New 8,557 Makoto Ichiro Hirata Restoration political party new wind New Therefore with previous election of our people reelection candidacy, this vote difference There is also a degree of distinction above middle age and, it can go well enough, it is without being?

                                                                                                • 群马县817,已经生产并进行Hazime忠三宅雪子角,B是朝总联暴露前的一剂称为保守王国
                                                                                                  817 Gunma was called conservative kingdom at one time, but Stooge Tsunoda ceremony one of the Korean entire ream and the original our performing quaint Miyake snow child was produced

                                                                                                  • 肮脏的沼泽已消耗和运动的支持资金购买高科技产品猫布巴补贴政党房地产和正花费纳税人的钱
                                                                                                    Is dirty the 沢 [nekobaba] doing the political party grant which is expended from blood tax of the citizen real estate purchase and financial technology And it has consumed in election support fund

                                                                                                    • 育雏当选为支持该系统的运动,对纳税人的钱猫布巴是不会愿意出任污染萨瓦 With that gold which blood tax of the citizen nekobaba is done Electing supporting was elected and the empty the system where the head stops rising to the 澤 dirtily

                                                                                                      • 艾希原田大二郎怎么只是简单的悲伤中的“演员”,他们希望骂“失去的潜力”,将他们每个人都从记忆消失的S Simply it is sad intently … “The performer” we wanted large Jiro Harada being … With “defeat candidacy” it keeps going out from memory of everyone…
                                                                                                        • 原田大二郎我,但是那是我第一次听到这个名字,而不是这么有名? The Harada large Jiro tsu te it is and others but name what which is heard for the first time so being famous

                                                                                                      • 获奖者的名字“个人”由数量众多的选票整体数量而定
                                                                                                        As for successful candidate “ Person Name ” It is decided in the order where the number of polls is many

                                                                                                        • 谎言,也做了无缝的方式分阶段审判口蹄疫政治伦理?显然方面第一次出国部长在总理,处置件很了不起?不是我。我们认为,民主党人肛门鹦鹉
                                                                                                          It handles either original our performing the [so] without Lie one flight, governmental 倫 making clear Foot and mouth disease? First travel abroad natural Prime Minister, being enormous even with [asupe], it does, the [yo] Throwing away scene? As for me. Hemorrhoids 瘻 As for us the [oumu] Democratic party

                                                                                                          • 谷和原议员希雷恩向上500点,甚至尝试,因为我是相当消极的一点是500瓦Tsuka原田,小泽,电视,我不喜欢看 With yawara 500 points UP doing Therefore with Harada in 500 points 0 red sandal wood Righteousness 々 it has done grandly causing viewing w The handle Ozawa and TV it is not seen
                                                                                                            • 谷和原议员,我感到失望的民主党人比什么东西orz It is gatsukari above yawara orz With something in the Democratic party something

                                                                                                          • 这不是好玩的?图标硒宓呒吖苏ー人3图标超级空难现场三宅Spelunker
                                                                                                            Either one is funny? [superanka] Miyake super inversion scene 3 [mi] [n] [su] [ma] [n] [se] - man

                                                                                                            • 这个老男人,我知道他们wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww氖 Don t you think knowledge and others This old boy wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                                                              • 这些谁不投票 588绝缘子及看法分歧原田Yasuzou“大象原田想要一个”有可能要面对大量选票无效 588 Yasunari Harada misunderstanding the person who does not vote “Harada you want the invalid vote u ” The shelf which probably will be put out all the way
                                                                                                                • 原田胜利演说,“你好吗人 ” Election speech As for Harada “you… where already it is all right”

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