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“Is weak in the attack from the sky” in Futenma's piling pier plan which the United States disapproval


  • * + * +读卖新闻在线2010 / 05 / 15 [07:06日:50] + * + *
    * + * + YOMIURI ONLINE 2010/05/15 [07: 06: 50] + * + *

    • 156“不要接近日本船只”宇野说是一个姿态?提前直升机,“一船接近日本的”S不认为只接受挑战的情况说明说无视日本船只和发送电报 156 “It approaches to the Japanese boat” at the pause It telegraphs the helicopter that “it approaches to the Japanese boat beforehand” but ignoring you provoke the Japanese boat When with the order which is said is received only you cannot think

      • 386之前“,是向普天间搬迁Mageshima岛普天间迁移到嘉手纳的,什么我的天才!”海藻一样,但我是一个开心的连胜纪录是椰子,棕榈和类似惰性气体,如 NULL
        • 在普天间搬迁毙命在同一时间,不是吗?在美国的嘉手纳路线图南六设施?由于关岛搬迁总部职能,艾希花影响不大 With Futenma moving simultaneously as for poshiya ru Kadena with the Japanese American road map the ro which from here is the south 6 facilities Therefore as for the Guam moving headquarters function influence is little and

      • 392 不存在在这个世界上,我释放运输机降落大型运输部队和物资会忘记我,我要走很多运营商 392 gt The aircraft carrier it should have protruded it is The mass goods and the military personnel can transport the flying boxcar which It does not exist in the aircraft carrier how this world which the take off and landing warship it is possible

        • 401池卡沙,“停车只应放在那里工作,在东京大阪到东京,我住在”家伙我会说,毫无保留,我想,这是荒谬的,甚至对真愚蠢更多 401 Handle Residence it is “in Tokyo coming out although there is a work place in Tokyo ” Like the parking zone you should have put in Osaka thing Being unconcerned saying the ru people tsu te the ho it is with also the fact that the fool is designated as the partner aho it seems you probably will read
          • 401池卡沙,“停车只应放在那里工作,在东京大阪到东京,我住在”约穆愚蠢的傻瓜把第二个离开,即使没有想过我会这样说 401 Handle Residence it is “in Tokyo coming out although there is a work place in Tokyo ” Like the parking zone you should have put in Osaka thing Being unconcerned saying the ru people tsu te the ho it is with also the fact that the fool is designated as the partner aho it seems you probably will read

        • 492作为一个实际问题,如生命的跑道做或可移动的屋顶,嘿,我将只包括粗屁股它没有用?富骨骼增强公式1 493度(ZapZapZap
          492 As an actual problem, the working cupola and angle of the runway - it does, it is, with, just it thrusts The combining [e] which is uncouth? 493 Strengthening type exoskeleton [hu] k (ZapZapZap

          • 505是一个可能的受害者的人数超过了轻轻的宜野湾
            505 As for victim the number of Ginowan citizens The shelf which it may exceed lightly

            • 567不作大海,我知道你关心,如舰艇和潜艇巡航导弹的攻击在波斯湾海域的常规弹头弹道导弹
              567 Being the case that it is made on sea side, usually from the transoceanic warship and the submarine the ballistic missile of the warhead and With the cruise missile and the like it has made gulf section attack or the air, it is probably will be

              • 689跑道占用与否,可以更迅速和更象一个控制塔和飞机库作为壊肯定是你住在哪里?嗯,我本末倒置的车当导弹击中我们很少说话,包括空中优势取得了第一?
                689 As for the runway utilizing Just the hangar and the control tower like facility was broken the one which It can occupy it is it is not rapidly? Don't you think? first control of the air being taken, the missile being rammed down, at [ru] point in time topsy-turvydom?

                • 690 300米为同一航空承运人。防御系统安装在跑道和1600米?美国的天空。中风。您是否需要在该小组的火灾防御几次,但不能移动 690 The anti aircraft opposite which is equal to the 300m aircraft carrier When the defensive system is loaded onto the runway of 1600m The American sky Hitting The defensive thermal power of some two times the groups is necessary furthermore it cannot move and
                  • 我码头系统,把它简单地说,不能移动大约是从拥有,袭击车队。宙斯盾也没有号核潜艇 Pier system how speaking simply not be able to move evasion expedient Not having attack of guard The aircraft carrier which the nuclear submarine or the Aegis warship is not

                • NULL 748 Well trying listing simply In any case also the cost where the gold is excessive in construction is required There is a terrorist and others re ru possibility even from under Great damage is worn in attack from above burying by comparison with stand The post levelling with the blast lap Structure wooden tsu edge minute dust When it is damaged restoration extremely difficulty Only you ask to the general contractor which it operates Whether large sized restriction depends on also landing and the erection of the machine The runway to be limited by 1 also the base to disperse after all or the topsy turvydom of Futenma and combined use Later mentioned corruption with the thing the vicinity of the base overflows being corruption ill smelling If in such disadvantageous full load you mention the protection of the environment which is the merit Many hectares and becoming the ditch river like culvert although the metal post you ram down densely the coral living there is no ru meaning Drifting ones which surge in the sea which has become the ditch the cadaver and the like of the living thing because the living thing which is disassembled is not it becomes corrupted Because it is not carried the beginning It destroys also peripheral environment with the poison water which flows out from there Joining The coral made wide ranging more useless than burying stand and the chi ya bore however
                  • 748井,遭受重大袭击事件相比,垃圾填埋场的建设很可能会根据恐怖主义只是需要更多的金钱来尝试看看太容易提高(债务桩平静周围爆炸。 原子结构也会变成树),仅限于一个跑道可以采取限制和降落的飞机结构上不依赖于大型的昆虫,建筑商都比较难以恢复,如果损坏毕竟是基地也分布在荒谬啊会同莆田之间的化粪池下面或附近的基地臭气味 748 Well trying listing simply In any case also the cost where the gold is excessive in construction is required There is a terrorist and others re ru possibility even from under Great damage is worn in attack from above burying by comparison with stand The post levelling with the blast lap Structure wooden tsu edge minute dust When it is damaged restoration extremely difficulty Only you ask to the general contractor which it operates Whether large sized restriction depends on also landing and the erection of the machine The runway to be limited by 1 also the base to disperse after all or the topsy turvydom of Futenma and combined use Later mentioned corruption with the thing the vicinity of the base overflows being corruption ill smelling If in such disadvantageous full load you mention the protection of the environment which is the merit Many hectares and becoming the ditch river like culvert although the metal post you ram down densely the coral living there is no ru meaning Drifting ones which surge in the sea which has become the ditch the cadaver and the like of the living thing because the living thing which is disassembled is not it becomes corrupted Because it is not carried the beginning It destroys also peripheral environment with the poison water which flows out from there Joining The coral made wide ranging more useless than burying stand and the chi ya bore however

                • NULL It surges Sinner Sinner… Sinner… r tsu vymyvwymyvymyvy VvvMvyv Vvvmvyv Vvv It comes from China it is It comes from China it is ⌒ REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT eight Eight ⌒ REPT eight ⌒ eight eight tsu ⌒ 92 22 two eight 92 eight Two ⊃ ⌒ r ⊂ two eight Two no eight ⊂ two 92 92 ⌒ REPT 22 eight two ⊃ REPT no REPT ⌒ REPT 92 eight The Soviet Union 92 92 ⊂ 222 eight 222 ⊃ ⊂ REPT No 92 re 92 92 REPT i No No No 92 92 re ⌒ No ¯ rere
                  • NULL It surges Sinner Sinner… Sinner… r tsu vymyvwymyvymyvy VvvMvyv Vvvmvyv Vvv It comes from China it is It comes from China it is ⌒ REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT eight Eight ⌒ REPT eight ⌒ eight eight tsu ⌒ 92 22 two eight 92 eight Two ⊃ ⌒ r ⊂ two eight Two no eight ⊂ two 92 92 ⌒ REPT 22 eight two ⊃ REPT no REPT ⌒ REPT 92 eight The Soviet Union 92 92 ⊂ 222 eight 222 ⊃ ⊂ REPT No 92 re 92 92 REPT i No No No 92 92 re ⌒ No ¯ rere

                • Sutsuka舔面条型八四六瓦特D 1的如果。 8的k 850吨那你无疑瓦特看到探索频道 846 sutsuka it is to lick w D if type 1 To 8 tons k 850 To be and others because you saw even with deisukabarichiyanneru you are not wrong w
                  • Rudel的什么我将出击恩戴一吨重的炸弹Sutsuka产品? 1 ton bomb stacking in sutsuka it comes out shooting don t you think ruderu extent

                • Thank m假设在日本偷袭 As for the United States being Japan being attacked therefore prerequisite what To some extent also Japan having the troop war expenditure lifting more Furthermore the ze which also the nucleus probably will have
                  • 挖掘机推土机或具有军事和为什么“,处设施”我们只要将决定是否瓦特Ttena因达 Why it is not understood whether there is bulldozer and yunbo in the troop and or there is a “Engr” it is don t you think w

                • “从农场有”或正是我已决定,从居民瓦特“如果他们能降低北海道水平高于大陆,也将支持Louppy”什么小。该运动不应该只是好 “Because there is a ranch” just it is something w Never if “Hokkaido because also the resident level is lower than the mainland it supports even with rupi ” tsu te small The expectation which is not just proud election measure
                  • “从农场有”或正是我已决定,从居民瓦特“如果他们能降低北海道水平高于大陆,也将支持Louppy”什么小。该运动不应该只是好 “Because there is a ranch” just it is something w Never if “Hokkaido because also the resident level is lower than the mainland it supports even with rupi ” tsu te small The expectation which is not just proud election measure

                • “前沿基地”,仿佛坦率地说,莆田,同时也使用嘉手纳基地那霸(普天间,有一个应急计划,继续发展后,成功地转让备埃泰)
                  If is as a “advance base”, Kadena and can use Futenma and the Naha airport (Futenma is a plan which continues to service also after the moving succeeding making provision for emergency)

                  • ー做一除航空母舰的攻击主力战斗舰,我基本上所有护送
                    - In the aircraft carrier fleet other than the aircraft carrier of the leading attack ship, basically it is all escort ship what, don't you think?

                    • 一位潜水员下潜炸弹Purasutiku,科雷了解和喜欢的世界贸易中心倒塌的设施在一个单一的飞机摧毁了重量,如果这是一个薄弱的地方木付原水流量 1 diving divers the purasuteiku bomb winding around the place where the flow of the water is weak originally when it destroys even at one The trade center building it collapses likely with weight of the facility and the aircraft it is ro kore which is
                      • 为防止434,流过的地方的水泥浆在桩流从打桩原本薄弱的流动水混淆海洋污染 434 In order not to be let flow because the post is struck in the place where the flow of the water is weak originally The water flow is stagnant by the post the sea becomes dirty chaotically

                    • 不同的思维方式和说,对于681防空,目标不仅是他们的影响和同一个未来的导弹暗示你的方式,将是公正 681 You say that how to think for the air defense is different but the missile and the like which face to your own place in your own place The purpose that probably is the same the impact it cannot point but

                      • 不能垂直起飞和降落?垂直起降是什么?我认为这是没用的站到了跑道本身的地方
                        Vertically it cannot take off and land? The [tsu] [ke] which is VTOL? You think that the place of the runway itself it is wasteful to take,

                        • 不过,首相村山富市,让自卫队时,拒绝援助美军一直在寻找杀死6000人的目的,关西
                          Although is, wealth city Prime Minister Murayama left 5 hour Self Defense Force, refused the US military help, looked at Kansai human 6000 purposely and made the murder

                          • 两栖后离开母港佐世保的练习杆六合地方必须有1500米长的跑道条件1,海军陆战队基地的部队,就如何适应派出的方向,中东南亚·紧急情况下可处理紧急情况┐韩国和台湾( 〜 )┌考虑噪声控制,只会有过名护市 1 Condition of the Marine base 1500 there is a runway of meters There is a training ground in the vicinity After the landing ship departs from Sasebo of the home port it can accommodate the unit midway can be dispatched in the south Asian Middle Eastern direction Korean it can correspond to emergency and the Taiwan emergency ┐ ┌ When noise measure is considered it can there be only a side field old open sea

                            • 中国的新型导弹使用固体看到自动控制燃料的进展,在事先侦查之前几乎是不可能的火
                              As for the Chinese new model missile automation of control For advancing solid fuel use, before the discharging detecting in advance almost the impossibility

                              • 中程弹道导弹正在制定的中国(中程弹道导弹)的DF - 25(东风- 25)的估计。一系列的1700 - 3000公里
                                The quasi- intermediate range ballistic missile where China is in the midst of developing (MRBM) DF - 25 (easterly wind - 25) Guess. As for range 1700 - 3000km

                                • 五百三十二瓦特这是另一个链接,如果我的部队正在进行准备对苏的假设剩余的战斗,我并不反对瓦特 532 W which is ahead which linking After the reflex force it leaves becoming prerequisite the ru depending if story w which is not objection in we

                                  • 井出响亮,但我已经准备好,我进入ーー关西接受德之岛的日本政治家和媒体Ganee我的意思是我能够阻止美国的军事行动是必要的,可悲的方式不只是认为必要时,以消除零件 It is Tokunoshima it is the Kansai acceptance preparation that however it has made a noise If it cannot use the US military meaning of deterrent is well is … In order essential main point to remove the part specially boldly only you cannot think the Japanese politician and the mass communications
                                    • 有一个钱的问题,但你会继续释放399的技术和业务 399 Shooting the technical aspect and the operational aspect there is a problem of the money

                                  • 什么是日本留学的美军基地,甚至在临时的“战术”而不是制造它,它跨越几代人,“战略”这个问题,我是美国人所有,以上“,但国防人员因为,毕竟说同样的事情 Inspection of the US base in Japan attacking as for temporary most There is no “strategy” and the te very that crosses many generations therefore problem “of the strategy” We America most Assuming that “it is the national defense person in charge the after all same thing you say
                                    • 什么是日本留学的美国基地,临时的“战术”而不是制造它,它跨越几代人,“战略”的问题,尽管我的美国军事人员,仍是一样我说 Inspection of the US base in Japan attacking as for temporary most There is no “strategy” and the te very that crosses many generations therefore problem “of the strategy” We America most Assuming that “it is the national defense person in charge the after all same thing you say

                                  • 什么每个基地或建立在每个县?在冲绳的位置,我不是一个广泛地区,包括日本最安全 Or it is what in each every prefecture even at the base It makes It is optimum what to the security of the wide territory where the place Okinawa includes Japan
                                    • 什么是安全的是“对抗敌人的强大盟友的国家比 Safe preservation affecting as for it confronts each other “in the mighty enemy From mashi the country is attached to friend

                                  • 你已经成为一个国家的敌视友好国家,而在26日开始万维网
                                    26 When starting when it does also amicable country for a while, it becomes hostility country, it is shelf www

                                    • 使天然气的钱和769军事基地附近的SAM钱,你为什么不你钱compared ll立即创建一个网站,并赞扬美国 769 The money which is gained at the gas field and Try comparing the gold which makes the SAM sight around the base and or supplies to America
                                      • 天然气的钱和你的769赚钱,我敢说你钱compared ll立即创建一个赞扬美军基地或 769 The money which is gained at the gas field and Try comparing the gold which makes the SAM sight around the base and or supplies to America
                                      • 无论如何,如果你不建立海上基地再作选择,就不可能有经济和军事 If it constructs it is in the sea which makes the base in other things and the way is not anyhow military and the selection which economically is not possible
                                      • 目标往往是“基地”的建议,以建立这么笨,我不 NULL

                                    • 凡新基地建设计划此外,你的Hamahiga岛东南2公里的位置
                                      Furthermore the place where new base construction is planned is the place of beach ratio Kashima south east 2km

                                      • 厌氧细菌的过度生长,因为电流好望角1 3月底,在底部的泥海已产生了某种原因氮化合物,导致大量Rarere ll酸混合它为大量的牡蛎我会 Because there is an ocean current you can desire the abnormal propagation of the anaerobic bacterium but After all the nitrogenous substance being formed under the sludge of the seabed in large quantities If it is stirred by some chance the sulfuric acid of the enormous quantity occurs
                                        • 减性质,后果线以下适当的465?哈希Hazime珊瑚色调,将发言的蜂蜜死亡埋桩站在我,我要说的话引起污泥 465 It kept tracing the less properly The origin when it is the striking which it is difficult not to reclaim becomes the shade and the coral becomes extinct it is a story that the sludge occurs

                                      • 后不再溃疡溃疡跑道设施的问题,是长期有效的跑道长只有瓦解溃疡及长期不能消除的基础上,在威慑狙囊和有效处置地方上的优先事项不承担责任狙军事意义很大差异,甚至后,我觉得你让我的桩桩的主要设施,音响系统 After problem of all anti effects Crushing the runway unless it crushes either the facility it cannot neutralize the long term base when Because the runway is neutralized just was crushed the long period of time even deterrent the big difference Being weak being easy to aim preferring the effective place as for aiming common sense of military affair After it makes also the piling system tsu te principal facility on the post it is with to do the yo
                                        • (或增强 1)的效力的程度这些事情,你神奇的鳕鱼成本分钟前的想法有点军事常识 It strengthens to somewhere it depends on cost anti effect Such a when just a little you think before military common sense does by the fact that you understand the yo

                                      • 因此,像一个导弹直。它的范围,让你的产量下降仅仅欺骗到不能的目的不仅是移动还是从拦截系统是不存在
                                        Depending, it seems like the missile, direct. Because the interception system does not exist In addition to moving, if the stationary target which either deception it is not possible if you store to the range, you can drop

                                        • 在916,但我不戴讯为什么是冲绳人活到约90 000共识 916 So the extent Okinawa tsu te person where 90 000 person becomes the collective will not living applying asking the ru it is but
                                          • 什么是一美元的故事发生了什么,只是8 72至8 00亿 872 800 000 000 dollar which passes how is the red sandal wood applying it is story but
                                          • 在880,但我穿讯发生了什么事仅800万美元 880 So 800 000 000 dollar which passes how is the red sandal wood applying asking the ru it is but

                                        • 在Munara谁希望就业的稳定性,即使冲绳,如果借口规模按要求只有几分钟 If so furthermore the Okinawa prefecture person desires the stability of employment If equal to the amount which responds to demand expands scale excuse

                                          • 如果有损坏的建筑物,而不是单层住宅楼倒塌蔓你失去了你我就一屁股不包括飞机的飞行
                                            When one airplane it thrusts, the building collapses and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] is with to do the [yo] Not to be the building if residential town of the flat house is not damage to there

                                            • 学生运动是一些老人或115?那么,为什么中国是我做了什么航母?确保只有经过犹豫没有实力台湾超过抵抗力,以双方可以接受的攻击很多,你知道他们来接去了冲绳茹 115 Former times student movement kana it is it has done the person The aircraft carrier it makes China with something Receiving attack from multi directions it withstands and guaranteeing the sufficient war potential which is exceeded When it does the ro which around Taiwan and Okinawa comes to taking without hesitation and is
                                              • 该鹞或F轻型航母,共约3000吨96 35B条只可经营 96 Harrier or F only 35B it can use lightly with the aircraft carrier of 3000t

                                            • 它看起来很棒,是不只是利润,但我在瑞典一个固定桩技术音频桩和桩法 Because there is only technical tsu te Sweden which fixes the post and the post with piling system the large profit shelf
                                              • 汝出周围海底保持1米的桩柱脚部分平方 The base of column section of the part where that post of the � comes out of the seabed makes square of the side 1m

                                            • 就像草案走动德之岛出来,当移交还指出,不仅国防军的直升机,以及Fabyo Tteta北泽
                                              However the time where Tokunoshima moving plan comes out so was, There is no just helicopter unit and that also the defensive unit probably is moving, when it is pointed out, Kitazawa [huabiyo] [tsu] [te] shelf

                                              • 巨型浮656计划,然后你愚蠢的事,但被调查的初步会谈,中美合作所银座冲绳台风是不可能做到的,他们拒绝了 656 As for fool you Mega float plan something being examined SACO conference at the beginning however the ru with typhoon Ginza Okinawa it is dismissed with the excessiveness possibly

                                                • 巨型浮动岛屿是一个独立的国家或弹出葫芦,但几年前归还10蒸汽和民主党是什么,如果第二个问题,我有一个小时Yaritee NULL

                                                  • 已经放弃了,把名护市的“X形的跑道四郎”吧! ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯施゙柯使゙克。∧ ∧¯ Abandoning already in side field old open sea “X letter runway” margin the tsu ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ゙ shi ゙ shi ∧ ∧ ¯ ∧ ∧ to ゙ mosquito to ゙ mosquito ∀ ¯ H lt Prime Minister Hatoyama Entrance ⌒ ¯ ⊃ ⊃ DREPT REPT ¯ ¬ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                    • 在这样一个230度,但我说我得到一个完整的跑道桩汤对于那些经常巡逻的日本信用保证,我将永远也需要付出金钱和安全 230 The place where sea preservation goes around always even such a it puts out It is runway totally piling when how you do the wa the great gold and burden it may be imposed even in patrol

                                                  • 幻灯片上路177,你会爆炸的碰撞Hukashi六合编织成的发动机地面火箭,炸弹的东西,但也像Dyurandaru的跑道,跑道地面沉降 NULL
                                                    • 什么是影响导弹从空中,撞到跑道我导弹,大浦洞队并没有足够的精度宠坏 The missile the tsu te which the impact is done is what missile from the sky It hits to the runway with Scud and tepodon being useless Precision is not enough
                                                    • 即使是在跑道564空洞的,我和我和耐心埋在了坚实的牛市“,也就是我有点摇摆,”已经在Mumonnaa 564 Even when in the runway the hole being less crowded burying with the bull setting “just a little it shakes but you are patient” may be it is
                                                    • 只有在更高的速度和消费关闭了从跑道起飞重量114和燃料并不好 114 Gliding after acquiring speed the one which takes off take off weight and fuel economy is better
                                                    • 如果你是从空中袭击在,你知道,飞机不能只炸毁跑道?的话,我可以在跑道抓住棍子在地上仔细 In the first place when there is attack from the sky there is no just runway the te Also the airplane is blasted the ro which is When is on the ground the runway It makes useless

                                                  • 建筑设备将工作约1小时的沙子埋在现在可以重复使用,即使对手仅仅弹洞,埋它会正确地站在我好
                                                    Well the sound argument shelf If reclamation if with the bomb the hole the partner buries with the earth and sand, it can reuse If current construction equipment job about of 1 hours

                                                    • 我Damekon 538 ...海军在越南战争期间,偶然在萨沃里导弹射击机械甲板因为,将燃烧爆炸将打击战机,甚至航空燃料易燃甲板进一步发挥其顶部伤亡人数和炸弹都诱爆不断平行
                                                      538 [damekon] [tsu] [te]… As for US Navy the case of the Vietnam War, [sabori] of mechanic with cause on deck missile error morphism, Direct bomb hit being able to point to the allied army machine, it explodes burns up, furthermore ignites also the air fuel, The bomb which is arranged on that and on the deck detonate sympatheticallying one after another, killed and wounded large number

                                                      • 我已赎回691主流功能丧失飞机跑道在打击这些基地溃疡和朱达罗第一巡航导弹和隐形轰炸机和无人可以攻击甚至略有转让剥夺单程空中作战指挥的空气敏感制空权附表自动列入底座不知道占领,直到目前我没有,没关系我会不理我,如果你淘汰或带走功能来捕捉敌人基地我懒得付出的成本?
                                                        691 As for current main current also not taking control of the air, the [ro] which is the stealth bomber and the unmanned attack plane and the cruise missile which it can attack First crushing the runway with these, you take base function, = control of the air rolls automatically Specially until air war is done, it is not Base occupation how kana Current age, sacrifice paying the enemy base specially, the kana which occupies Taking function, if it neutralizes, it is possible to ignore, don't you think? it is?

                                                        • 扩大到为整个甲板的航空燃料在燃烧水来灭火去年开始,我 我Damekon Damekon安装远凿沉在战时美军优势的伟大,我只是放松和你正在谈论的远洋承运人设计 After all extinguishment job it is started with the seawater and burns because it piles up the air fuel which to the whole deck the extent Instead of damekon our sinking setting up but the ru it is The damekon tsu te where the US military in large wartime is superior supposing the calm sea simply it does in the story of the aircraft carrier of the open type which is designed the yo
                                                          • 火势被扑灭逐渐凹陷钢桥面混凝土和线路维修经验被 It extinguishes fire gradually The dent of the deck repair was done with the concrete and the steel sheet

                                                        • 技术超级大国这种袭击的国家有,我认为战争不是什么样的想法只能用导弹到现场关闭跑道,因为它先发制人的打击?世界你是阶级斗争 Can do such attack as for the country which has technology in the large country which that preemptive attack The runway using the guided missile in order to make unserviceable as Only the scene which it does you can think Just what kind of war is supposed it is It is great war class
                                                          • 跑道当时生效前,你说话了难得的行程包括防空导弹已超越和摧毁我,我觉得是完全不同的设施最终爆裂什么是想象力?瓦特点的转移,因为它发现,只有艾滋病 Being broken anti aircraft defense the missile being rammed down at ru point in time before the runway As for the unit the wa which is devastating the various facility ending completely as for the ru air doing it is consequence of the air w Point shifting only the ru way it is to be visible

                                                        • 施北部天空。恢复训练团在矢臼别。沉重的快速跑道修复20多岁的“好为灾害救援训练跑道一玩结合实际爆炸,这么多的培训,日本的自卫队,甚至在袭击美军发言玛丽塔列入考虑,以收回他会不伦不类,什么是军队 North sky 施 Party With arrow classified by mortar restoration training Suffering Quick restoration runway Sigeki 20 unit “connection play Runway damage restoration training which accompanies actual blast Therefore the sled ya the extent which trains even at Self Defense Force even US Forces in Japan Shooting after you are packed we would like to think to thing of restoration probably will be those which are the troop
                                                          • 我站在地上,如果将嵌入在半天如重型设备可能使用在Narase If dumping site with Sigeki If it trains there is also a half day use becomes possible

                                                        • 日本帝国陆军,滚装我刚才提出的修改,美国海军战舰?在这种意义上讲,它是一个巨大的飞机董事会通过,如一些大型船舶的工作的?你不技术上不可能?他为什么不?傻瓜? The former Japanese Army remodelling the battleship the aircraft carrier making simply the ro With such feeling in plural large sized ships board Transferring if being the enormous aircraft carrier like it makes The ro which technically the impossibility is not and is So it does not do with something Being foolish

                                                          • 昨天的08或706,“要这样我要不要发表攻击美国的军事基地,没有威慑力的证据,”我想我已经愚蠢和Hozai 706 8 Whether it is yesterday “as for the tsu te thing where the US military base is invaded there is no evidence which is not deterrent ” that The fool who has babbled was it probably will form well
                                                            • 什么是08日,“我是这样想交付或不攻击美军基地,没有威慑证据,”我想我已经愚蠢和Hozai 8 Whether it is yesterday “as for the tsu te thing where the US military base is invaded there is no evidence which is not deterrent ” that The fool who has babbled was it probably will form well
                                                            • 冲绳人的理解“只有几分钟,以防止中国,美国冲绳。配售”预计不会尝试在实际的军事安全所需的金额 The Okinawa people agree upon “equal to the amount which can control China in Okinawa the United States You put” with there is no possibility that the military actual necessary quantity can be guaranteed
                                                            • 昨天的08或706,“要这样我要不要发表攻击美国的军事基地,没有威慑力的证据,”我想我已经愚蠢和Hozai 706 8 Whether it is yesterday “as for the tsu te thing where the US military base is invaded there is no evidence which is not deterrent ” that The fool who has babbled was it probably will form well

                                                          • 是去是一个命运在羽田机场新跑道只有艾滋病的市民认为怎么样,但糖果
                                                            The new runway of [a] Haneda how becomes, it is Think it is in only the [ame] public cause becoming married

                                                            • 是的它的工作将跑道上只有686溃疡。在现代战争中同朱达罗溃疡几个小时的交流制空权的战斗最终超过

                                                              • 普天间325 /名护市的紧急案件,因为有嘉手纳机场替代的作用

                                                                • 有一次,他和入侵,并跟踪人轨的东西吗?中华民族是把对面
                                                                  The territorial waters to violate, when it pursues, Al who is pursued with something! With being cut off conversely the Chinese

                                                                  • 有哪些内容是你笨,不是吗?676防空导弹设施,以便进行?汝为何提出这些有限的安装空间船舶可以或者,码头和一个大的,我不敢说的原因 676 The fool the bean jam simply ro w Anti aircraft missile facilities being provided the place you take so Those which can be installed in the boat which has restriction in the space load onto the immense pier with something Try being or the reason which it is not possible
                                                                    • 有哪些内容是你笨,不是吗?676防空导弹设施,以便进行?汝为何提出这些有限的安装空间船舶可以或者,码头和一个大的,我不敢说的原因 676 The fool the bean jam simply ro w Anti aircraft missile facilities being provided the place you take so Those which can be installed in the boat which has restriction in the space load onto the immense pier with something Try being or the reason which it is not possible
                                                                    • 此外,如果你的意思是环境和减轻冲绳的负担,政府不创建基地计划,我们在德之岛说话粗鲁德之岛码头桩海 That and the government is Okinawa reduction of incidence and environmental problem if is unless even with Tokunoshima the base is made with piling pier system it probably is impolite in the Tokunoshima sea

                                                                  • 有的转移,并不是所有的,在日本北海道美军基地,并继续让我上个世纪的人支持鸠山,因为美国在北海道的军事基地极少数人在紧急情况在某些特殊情况下临时Tteta而不是秘密,秘密地认为,应该接受良好的投入,帮助困境的恩戴鸠山 There is no part moving continuing to support Hatoyama directly from front century the te the domestic US military base entirely concerning Hokkaido therefore the ru people When is temporarily 10 001 something extremely the small numbered Hokkaido person opposite to the US military base with special circumstance the incenter you think secretly as Rejoicing Hatoyama in order to rescue sad plight the expectation which it accepts
                                                                    • 不是转移一部分,如果所有的聚合美国,日本,在北海道的军事基地,美国是好的,各级地方北海道鸠山不无异议 There is no part moving continuing to support Hatoyama directly from front century the te the domestic US military base entirely concerning Hokkaido therefore the ru people When is temporarily 10 001 something extremely the small numbered Hokkaido person opposite to the US military base with special circumstance the incenter you think secretly as Rejoicing Hatoyama in order to rescue sad plight the expectation which it accepts
                                                                    • 北海道,因此,只有那些谁继续支持你鸠山自上个世纪的,甚至认为Tteta秘密基地秘密反对美军在北海道的极少数人在一些特殊情况,临时事件接受输入应该感到高兴,帮助困境鸠山的恩戴 Concerning Hokkaido continuing to support Hatoyama directly from front century therefore the ru people When is temporarily 10 001 something extremely the small numbered Hokkaido person opposite to the US military base with special circumstance the incenter you think secretly as Rejoicing Hatoyama in order to rescue sad plight the expectation which it accepts

                                                                  • 来自各方面的少数民族起义开始成为主要的入口日军
                                                                    When the main force of the troop is put out to Japan, it is penetrated from four side eight one, Small-numbered race revolts

                                                                    • 珊瑚鳕鱼,是因为那里的灯桩在死亡和音频系统,如此大的红色浪潮所造成厌氧细菌在海中我灌浆,这可能会导致发生
                                                                      Because the sunlight it does not hit even with piling system, the coral becomes extinct, Because the anaerobic bacterium occurs in large quantities in the underwater which is stagnant, it becomes source of the red tide

                                                                      • 甚至不可能在跑道的时间,而不是一个人的跑道炸弹从天空下的,不是吗?使用
                                                                        There is no from sky and the [te] at the point in time when the human bomb explodes under the runway truth The [ro] which you cannot use the runway and is

                                                                        • 的F -重新使用火神104 VADS2湿重很快,因为它没有确定外汇,女- 4 VADS2火神炮让它
                                                                          F - Reusing the Balkan gun of 104, therefore the reason which becomes VADS2 ww Quickly deciding F-X, F - it will designate the Balkan gun of 4 as VADS2

                                                                          • 盖亚理论是784多,但事实上,人类居住的地球,我一直对大自然的亵渎 784 When you say from Gaea theory itself the mankind inhabiting in the earth You have blasphemed to the nature but it is
                                                                            • 盖亚理论是784多,但事实上,人类居住的地球,我有亵渎的性质 784 When you say from Gaea theory itself the mankind inhabiting in the earth You have blasphemed to the nature but it is

                                                                          • 矩形。如果你问你最好对所有四个相结合的船舶或浮动航空母舰甲板?在跑道的地面移动和大小可无担保公式相当远的距离分离结合IT及境外的任何地方建立必要的地点,除了新一代古取消固定和移动前往该课程在未来的堡垒...弓相当于拳头打我可以回应武器两栖攻击舰,以关闭弹出重复拳的一部分,并集中转化为一类人型机器人Pinpointobaria这将是适当保护
                                                                            Nagakata. The aircraft carrier of the deck about 4 floating, don't you think? if it should have made unite? It does not reach to the terrestrial runway and also the [te] can guarantee considerable distance and width When moving, docking cancelling, it moves disjointedly Can build transoceanic base anywhere according to need union separated type portable fortress… of the new generation who Becoming deformed in the future in human type [robo], it seems that draws out punch in the arm part of the amphibious assault ship general purpose If it should have corresponded to also approach grapple Of course the pinpoint barrier making on the bow concentrate which is suitable to the fist, it protects properly

                                                                            • 第383看报纸的职位,非螨“这将破坏美日安全”端午“Amerikaga普天间问题”,端午,你这个职位Bakkari
                                                                              383 Tries looking at the contribution column of each paper, still “Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements cancellation margin” is “Futenma problem [amerikaga]” is, Such contribution it is the [tsu] temporary

                                                                              • 第一桩采取实质性的支持基础,放置约1米,但Bichibichini间距
                                                                                The � the post strikes first securely to the support basis, however in the [bi] [chi] [bi] [chi] it arranges with about 1m pitch

                                                                                • 第七舰队的航母舰队配备移动病床,有能力帮助治疗从关西大量的人
                                                                                  There was a remedy accommodation ability of the seventh fleet and the aircraft carrier mobile fleet to be completed, the hospital bed to help the Kansai person of the large 人数

                                                                                  • 编号:/ NRFnS8R0这是从来没有减少,或者如果这是一个很大的区别也直觉
                                                                                    ID: /NRFnS8R0 The less does not come, as for the notion that where, After all the notion that where you had done big misunderstanding?

                                                                                    • 美国也有一个非本地居民的野生动物根据地“,由于不利的峨培训野生动物”的禁止,因为它们
                                                                                      There is a wild animal protective method in America and it is prohibited with the reason that “training gives adverse effect to the animal of wildness”, even at the base of non residence area

                                                                                      • 美国军方希望Shikerya如此,美国军方建立议会两院在溃疡
                                                                                        The US military base so the desire storm [ri] [ya], Crushing the Diet Building, make even at US military base

                                                                                        • 美国陆军的总兵力约2009约932约3320万5430海军陆战队约3290万1920万14020 0万共8000万人口 走出目前的普天间搬迁的决定草案 932 The US military entire combat force 2009 Army Approximately 54 3 ten thousand people Navy Approximately 33 2 ten thousand people Air force Approximately 32 9 ten thousand people Marines Approximately 19 2 ten thousand people Total Approximately 140 2 ten thousand people As for 8000 people of Futenma s even with current plan the Guam moving decision being completed
                                                                                          • 海军将发挥如东北,井宇酬金沉默,我们希望得到他们的回报,但他们会拉断和 The splash tsu of the navy returning and being able to lay idle silencing and tip we want refuse from the tsu the u with the fellows

                                                                                        • 萝卜漂浮从海洋上,强大的防御基地本身仍然可以护送船队
                                                                                          Because it floats transoceanic, because you can guard the fleet that way, Also defensive power itself of the base is tough

                                                                                          • 许多华人已经成为从日本进口原油,也有很大声地推进日本企业,迫切需要确保石油
                                                                                            As for China the crude oil import quantity becoming more than Japan, the [te], Partly due to the fact that the Japanese enterprise has advanced steadily, Guaranty of petroleum urgent business

                                                                                            • 证据,而宜野湾市市长计划普天间强烈反对从名护市的普天间基地的可能不再是最
                                                                                              In the evidence, Though it opposed to the side field old plan which has the possibility there not to be a base from Futenma strongly Mayor a certain Ginowan of Futenma's

                                                                                              • 踢一个大洞以清除跑道,但没有定期计划会发言桩码头使用,您将需要一个地堡一样

                                                                                                • 这是一个重要的问题涉及到一个国家的国防,哎呀,是环保Magomago m像马一样。 ○外观诱人,鸽茹 Although it is the important matter which relates to the defense of a country in environment consideration a or magomago the horse which has been done When you look at the pigeon the ○ it stops wanting to do
                                                                                                  • 这是一个重要的问题涉及到一个国家的国防,哎呀,是环保Magomago m像马一样。 ○外观诱人,鸽茹 Although it is the important matter which relates to the defense of a country in environment consideration a or magomago the horse which has been done When you look at the pigeon the ○ it stops wanting to do

                                                                                                • 这是不可能的,因为七一九瓦特市宝库更多的珊瑚名护市,润间,冲绳我就得让他们同意津坚岛居民也淡濑瓦特杆艾希具志川,商业用地,以及包括津坚岛在经过地区的住宅包围,因为它很少的土地上1148三面时留下的想法第一次民主的必然,我想我想你会驱动tTA怪物介意(我只是想作为一个积极的结果很好。) 719 Even excessiveness w Unless the treasure house of the coral above side field old it puts out ma city and Okinawa city which can Tsu it must obtain the agreement of the island respective inhabitant hard it is w In addition also Gushikawa and the bubble shoal of commercial district are close because and Tsu hard the edges which include the island have been surrounded in the land the overflight of residential quarter is inevitable When the Democratic party first puts out this plan the air deviating whether ru it is the extent which is thought however it was correct as a result well

                                                                                                  • 马总统的开始与“美国人将不得不进行干预,即使中国人说他们不是在战争与”汉代和RRU As for in the first place current horse president assuming that “it became even if China and war in the US military There is no intention of having intervening” that therefore the word tsu ru China
                                                                                                    • 我的目标是有822美国军事干预不能说没有,我不知道战争将实际 822 The intention of having intervening in the US military how saying that it is not when really it becomes war kana

                                                                                                  • 驱动tTA我觉得我。 !古折扣空袭名护市的城市我在跑道上桩。我,我埋在离地间隙直立跑道和极
                                                                                                    Me good thing you thought! ! The post striking on the side field old urban ground, it pulls the runway In aerial bombing. The opening of the runway and the land is reclaimed in order 甚

                                                                                                    • (顾没有差距)钢管混凝土柱基加入法(查看详情,包括管道建设的具体流程),以
                                                                                                      (The opening is gone) The � furthermore CAPTIVE FLIGHT TEST construction method (the concrete is poured in the construction method which) it does the base of column in the metal tubing

                                                                                                      研究 開発