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“Kind “happy turn” depressed not knowing Kameda confectionery of persimmon” in history the highest benefit


  • 116 花生英国“豌豆”,是“豌豆”和类似的植物,如“豌豆”豆“是指”,“坚果(第)”是“实木”是指 116 gt As for the peanut as for “to English “pea” the plant which is similar the “pea bean” and the pea bean” and so on “the bean” is meant “nut s ” “Konomi” is meant
    • 116 花生英国“花生(第)”来自 116 gt The peanut is derived English “peanut s ”

  • 606,像真菌,产生了一点... TTP的:/ / blog.livedoor.jp / safe_food_of_asia /档案/ 50010839。HTML是一个合理的价格当然好花生在千叶美味感,安全和
    606 But also the mold so, agricultural products just a little… ttp: //blog.livedoor.jp/safe_food_of_asia/archives/50010839. html The Chiba peanut is good, is a price fit flavor and a sense of relief certainly

    • 65 TTP的:/ / www.kamedaseika.co.jp /项目/ itemDetail.html?itemid的u003d吃饭没有抗体增加,如果我有一个星形皮诺的438人的眉毛像雷蒙德
      65 ttp: //www.kamedaseika.co.jp/item/itemDetail.html? itemId = 438 Eyebrow like [mon] shelf of person If [pino] of star type you have eaten

      • Gogen allguide com 高 甜豌豆peanut html,“复制”是什么相同的豌豆? gogen allguide com hi peanut html suitopi the tsu ke which “tweet” is the same pea
        • 盈利的故事朱达罗去年1? 2010 七月四日至19日:31:01 TTP的: ameblo jp 希格希拉 亚希 进入 10502544897的。html 1 The ro which is story of last year balancing of accounts 2010 04 07 19 31 01 ttp ameblo jp higashihara aki entry 10502544897 html

      • Happitan黄金比例60%的柿子种子,花生40%
        Golden ratio of happy turn Kind 60% of persimmon, peanut 40%

        • Hazime浩禁忌世界电视在2003年■“高冲击”你知道我的意思吗? CM和高的剪切电视广告开支削减成本的一半,苏媒体成本,但曾经是一个超市现场促销活动,减少对于一个创纪录的利润高了 Television boundary very important taboo “The Kao Soap Co Ltd shock” tsu te 2003 knowing the ru As for Kao Soap Co Ltd lowering the courageous decision which reduces the media expense which is spent to the inside television CM and the like of ad expenses in half The reduction amount when it turns to super and so on actual place campaign and sale and promotion Kao Soap Co Ltd recorded the highest benefit

          • NULL REPT REPT REPT ⌒ hu REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT ni 92 nu tr r and REPT r DREPT DREPT 92 chi j f ni r ni DREPT DREPT j The Soviet Union j DREPT ¯ f j gt f REPT f “ REPT Two no j Happy turn j REPT l and r tr REPT No REPT ¯ ni f REPT ¯ j r HKRPT gt REPT ¯ j ¯ No REPT ¯
            • NULL REPT REPT REPT ⌒ hu REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT ni 92 nu tr r and REPT r DREPT DREPT 92 chi j f ni r ni DREPT DREPT j The Soviet Union j DREPT ¯ f j gt f REPT f “ REPT Two no j Happy turn j REPT l and r tr REPT No REPT ¯ ni f REPT ¯ j r HKRPT gt REPT ¯ j ¯ No REPT ¯

          • Rumando最强的柿子种口味最好萨比波旁我龟田制果有限公司
            If Kameda confectionery the kind strongest of [wa] [za] [bi] taste persimmon If Bourbons the [rumando] strongest

            • [656]孔雀羽毛解决风暴的千叶和羽毛总夫妇的3个案件中发现的婚礼在一个[2]两个主要千叶孔雀无法逃脱...我谈谈牧羊人法院大冈基诺[千叶] [千叶] 3 40个小时的飞行孔雀孔雀耶和华是不存在的泥潭日牧羊人
              656 With marriage Shikiba couple discovery of 2 feathers It becomes the total 3 feather, the incident solution In flight peafowl 2 owners turn of… Ooka judgment? The owner of peafowl 3 public attention to appear, to quagmire conversion

              • · · · 248布鲁诺的麻烦家伙⌒⌒γヽ ⌒ )·゚ 248 Troublesome person shelf… No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 0 py ⌒ 92 i no REPT i i ≡ i l human 92 u No ⌒ REPT i Γ ⌒ 92 Turn ku ○ ¯ ¯ ¯ 222 222 224 lt ⌒ 92 ゚
                • · · · 248布鲁诺的麻烦家伙⌒⌒γヽ ⌒ )·゚ 248 Troublesome person shelf… No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 0 py ⌒ 92 i no REPT i i ≡ i l human 92 u No ⌒ REPT i Γ ⌒ 92 Turn ku ○ ¯ ¯ ¯ 222 222 224 lt ⌒ 92 ゚

              • ゚数据Hahhi - ━━━━(∀゚゚)·━━━━∵。钟表!
                [hatsuhi] ゚ [ta] ━ ━ ━ ━ (゚ ∀ ゚) ∵ ━ ━ ━ ━. [n]! ! ! !

                • ヽ 粉゚Hahi ⌒7゙ ::: ┃┃Ÿ∨j跳蚤:资源::::(五 人的R 〃┐ 8 REPT lt hahi ゚ powder gt ゙ 7 ⌒ lt ha i ha REPT REPT j V 厶 j eight j eight The horsefly which lt you fall ill and becomes being attached the tsu oak ∨ i ┃ ┃ j chisel ri V person r ┐ Eight
                  • ┌7 ┐ 古 属。 “ Abunakkashi将被视为与疾病!┃┃Ÿ∨j跳蚤:长::: :(五 人的R 〃┐ 8 7 ┌ ┐ ku 92 L ” lt 92 ⌒ 92 REPT lt hahi ゚ powder gt ゙ 7 ⌒ lt ha i ha REPT REPT j V 厶 j eight j eight The horsefly which lt you fall ill and becomes being attached the tsu oak ∨ i ┃ ┃ j chisel ri V person r ┐ Eight
                  • ゚) ヽ ┐。 我 布鲁诺。ヽ● 我)· ゚ REPT ┐ i no REPT i

                • 一个孩子是一个土豆饼干,薯片我喜欢这个制度,现在我不再吃马铃薯的味道只给卡乐B的硬脑画家 As for time of gaki the potato snack in other words we liked potato tip chip system but it is Now it increased karubi only burape taste of the potato stopped eating hard and
                  • 东京甜点,然后再按照逻辑794“鸡”将是一个怪诞 794 When you follow your reason Tokyo famous confectionary “chick” guro it is and may become especially

                • 一些深受外国人的欢迎,尤其是西方人 “复制或柿子饼。我卖它是健康的食物,我喜欢美国。
                  Something the large popularity shelf > the persimmon tweet in the foreigner and the especially European-American person the American snack. When America is, health eating, being able to sell with thing, don't you think? the [ru].

                  • 不燃烧或滴离谱,允许或打开一个幸福甜蜜的味道Shirabe 354
                    354 You cannot permit taste investigation or happy turn or that sweetness The [po] it is the [po] it is the burning or absurdity

                    • 事实上,粉末权力魔术,但只有一些柿子柿子值得一种不同类型的花生,而不是一个邮袋 As expected power of the powder of magic is different… However the peanut of kind of persimmon it is and viewing… just kind of persimmon is also the pocket or…
                      • 柿种子,当你将出售约160日元,购买约Super ll Kind of persimmon super with selling for about 160 Yen at the time of the ru unintentionally the buying tsu chi ya u

                    • 但我的心情这之前,你不是我穿他们写中国花生从国内?我不是没有恐惧,外国真菌毒素 But from before this it has become matter of concern it is Because the peanut is not written the Chinese product tsu te domestic production it is not The overseas product becomes moldy and we fear the poison but it is
                      • 茂木之前,噪音污染不是基鲁文从吃花生,因为中国不再吃事实上,我知道我将不使用化肥螨排泄物 Therefore the peanut the Chinese product you do not eat Before the pollution noise occurs after knowing the fact which still uses the human droppings in the fertilizer it stopped eating

                    • 但现在,我当时为什么我没有工作,在龟田制果有限公司
                      After so long a time, that time as for me whether why you are not employed to Kameda confectionery that…

                      • 你之前,新泻龟田制果有限公司的项目只有“希望沙拉说:”我知道海豚?柿种子可以家伙,一个邪恶的家伙,我很高兴,尽管打开负克祖穷呢? You is commodity “salad hope” of Kameda confectionery of the Niigata limitation known Densely always kind of persimmon the ze which equally is suge person what in happy turn
                        • 32个协议,只要复制柿子仍感到深深的Meta停止黄油味道不是最好的咖喱和奶酪 6P 32 Also agreement and the Calais plug taste of the butter becoming dense you stopped The persimmon tweet after all simply the 6P cheese most
                        • 你之前,新泻龟田制果有限公司的项目只有“希望沙拉,”你会知道的?柿种子可以家伙,一个邪恶的家伙,我很高兴,尽管打开负克祖穷呢? You is commodity “salad hope” of Kameda confectionery of the Niigata limitation known Densely always kind of persimmon the ze which equally is suge person what in happy turn
                        • 我知道海豚奥迈拉?柿子种,过去我们是这样的种子没有真正的柿子 omaira you have known In kind of persimmon kind of actual persimmon to be used saying thing
                        • 目前,他们闻到的气味古托位柿子种子打开袋子,他们有一个气味的气体 When you smell smell instantaneously opened the sack of kind of persimmon Smell of the fart does

                      • 例如说,公司难以扩大与希望纽约沙拉( ·ω·`)
                        That expand the sale area of the salad hope, if difficult you say, (the ' Ω `)

                        • 像它是一个大蛋糕奶奶只有180新泻最近看到汤米来吧,认为 180 When you think that you do not happen to see recently being the Niigata limitation… Furthermore love a candy

                          • 冈田和鸠山白痴花,并将努力通过谈判达成一个友好的气氛中,五角大楼和白宫采取的任何分配蛋糕Happitan
                            As for Hatoyama and Okada foolish shelf, happy turn in White House and Pentagon When it distributes, although any negotiation goes well with amicable atmosphere

                            • 创新血腥谋杀,当你购买买鞭炮,主要是错过了下一个龟田岩冢桑科显示Hikazu细节已在越后制果“我Tsubuta” When the plug fence buying at the time of the Kameda rock mound Miyuki buying tsu the ya generally the end without pulling it is completed Don t you think as for that next “cover of Echigo confectionery”
                              • 我会在嘴里的伤口好岩冢黑豆米果,但它会教我们刚刚才 Teaching to just you but it is the black bean plug fence of the rock mound The inside of the mouth becomes the scar being lazy but it is good

                            • 利润的大部分,面粉走私的幸福吗?于是,有人便榻榻米(Ry的
                              As for large portion of profit, illicit sale of [hapi] powder… That? Someone the seeing which comes (ry

                              • 博客,国际医学学位 30 origin fc2。com 单位 1 5 u15blog 559。FC2的。com ŋ A D转换 nadeshicorin happy turn 2。jpg格式 转』快乐鸟居美雪× TTP的: nadeshicorin blog70。FC2的。com category15 1。网页 blog imgs 30 origin fc2 com u 1 5 u15blog 559 fc2 com n a d nadeshicorin happy turn 2 jpg Torii you see and keep × happy turn ttp nadeshicorin blog70 fc2 com category15 1 html
                                • 794呻 hanakuso jp 794 http hanakuso jp
                                • 跑马转向DVD TTP的: 博客,国际医学学位 30 origin fc2。com 单位 1 5 u15blog 559。jpg格式 DVD Happy turn ttp blog imgs 30 origin fc2 com u 1 5 u15blog 559 jpg

                              • 即使在日本TBS电视台是拼命推龟田的家人,谁拥有企业有限公司在龟田制果有限公司龟田制果有限公司中医没有象样的喜欢约会 TBS has pushed the Kameda family fiercely even at the time the Kameda confectionery which is not appointed to the respective company CM as obstinate As for the person in Kameda confectionery the honest tsu po it is
                                • 不过,我觉得我已经听到年前的故事中的我不接受,但只有与当地的一个小学实地考察参观工厂生产线来到s龟田制果有限公司 Line coming in tour through a factory of Kameda confectionery it can Only social studies observation of the local elementary school student accepting saying the kind of air which hears story several years ago does but

                              • 原诚@ 15一百五十四日元在新泻或经常卖198日元汇率06日贬值率的硬币袋
                                15 In field trust @ Niigata with 6 package entering 198 Yen quotation 154 Yen often with bargain sale of the ball

                                • 可没有咖喱和波旁Rumandochokorieru Happitan出售低价飞行时偶尔会宠坏他们购买? ○特糖果在俄罗斯?我会永远卖廉价商品让瓦特 Happy turn and the Calais plug rumandochiyokorieru other than rear Bourbons When sometimes it sells at a reduced price you buy useless Obtaining Candy of ro ○ te Selling with usual sale at a special price ru John w
                                  • 米便宜为148日元,但我家附近的药店或超市,但在178日圆疲弱日元,即使没有这种超级258 198 258 When super is being cheap for 198 Yen but 178 Yen When it is the drugstore and the mass sales store of neighborhood inside it is 148 Yen what with sale at a special price

                                • 咦?我不是一次龟田制果有限公司破产?在没有更好的?
                                  That? Kameda confectionery [tsu] [te] one time the [tsu] [ke] which does not go bankrupt? Being the best condition?

                                  • 哈,哈(ω゚゚)为什么她和她的奶奶和爷爷是叮当很多,我想我不知道的是,柿子可以输入到那里我觉得种子 ha and ha ゚ Ω ゚ With something grandfather and as for old lady It seems that does not know you thought the kind of persimmon from somewhere Inserting in the can don t you think the ru it is probably will be … furthermore in large quantities jiyarajiyara
                                    • 只有542种,花生,也有一个版本,其中我的感觉,因为我是喝一拇指正常饮食ü分钟,但我认为部分原因是因为这不仅是一个很好的豆豌豆最好的柿子 542 Only kind only the peanut the air which both version is does Well is however you think that as for we there is also only a bean as a knob of the liquor and The persimmon it is best as long as eats normally tweet
                                    • 哈,哈(ω゚゚)为什么她和她的奶奶和爷爷是叮当,我想我是我不知道投入了很多的东西可以说是从哪个国家带来的柿子的种子 ha and ha ゚ Ω ゚ With something grandfather and as for old lady It seems that does not know you thought the kind of persimmon from somewhere Inserting in the can don t you think the ru it is probably will be … furthermore in large quantities jiyarajiyara
                                    • 当地雇员吃一次买一包两包的六不能停止高峰芥末味的柿子,好我可以包三餐,重量单价或更好的交易,因为他们比芯片等 The persimmon of horseradish flavor it is not stopped tweet Buying 6 pack entering 1 packs at a time the intention of eating 2 and 3 packs eats at one time Well therefore as for price per weight compared to profit such as potechi it is good
                                    • 我其实是买了他们的驱动tTA线或转买柿子的种子很高兴看到我的线程是桑科自豪的鱿鱼,delicious m它不后悔 Looking at this sure kind of happy turn or persimmon going to buying Actually as for buying Miyuki to be however it was pride because it was good as for regret it is not done

                                  • 因为你会卖给你低价离子,438亿元以上,比惊人三幸制果只龟田制果有限公司茶哦(截至2009年9月)37 2亿日元(2008财年)313亿元(2007年9月期)278亿日元(2006年9月年度),240亿日元(2005年9月年度)21 5亿日元(2004年9月财政年度),198亿日元(2003年9月年度)一七八〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元(2002年9月期)168亿日元(2001年9月财政年度),156亿日元(2000年9月年度)和住宿典型的产品是唯一种柿子雪我已经长大了公司在10年近3倍这是伟大的,但我 Being cheap with the ion selling the ro which is from the ru Miyuki confectionery is more enormous than tsu chi ya ke Kameda confectionery 43 800 000 000 Yen 2009 September period 37 200 000 000 Yen 2008 September period 31 300 000 000 Yen 2007 September period 27 800 000 000 Yen 2006 September period 24 000 000 000 Yen 2005 September period 21 500 000 000 Yen 2004 September period 19 800 000 000 Yen 2003 September period 17 800 000 000 Yen 2002 September period 16 800 000 000 Yen 2001 September period 15 600 000 000 Yen 2000 September period In 10 years almost it grew at enterprise of 3 times There is only a kind of typical commodity how persimmon and an inn of the snow although it is this is enormous
                                    • 因为你会卖给你低价离子,配菜的叔叔,救救我还是说,但我种柿子已由墨鱼瓦特 Being cheap with the ion selling the ro which is from the ru Miyuki confectionery is more enormous than tsu chi ya ke Kameda confectionery 43 800 000 000 Yen 2009 September period 37 200 000 000 Yen 2008 September period 31 300 000 000 Yen 2007 September period 27 800 000 000 Yen 2006 September period 24 000 000 000 Yen 2005 September period 21 500 000 000 Yen 2004 September period 19 800 000 000 Yen 2003 September period 17 800 000 000 Yen 2002 September period 16 800 000 000 Yen 2001 September period 15 600 000 000 Yen 2000 September period In 10 years almost it grew at enterprise of 3 times There is only a kind of typical commodity how persimmon and an inn of the snow although it is this is enormous

                                  • 在古手来打开花河野洋平当然,我经常购买酒精储存在一个方便,我很高兴与柿子芥末种子辣根真宗瓦特 When this sure opening In labor assistant kind of the Shinshu horseradish persimmon The horseradish is to call The liquor and konbini being simultaneous you buy well w
                                    • 来吧,然后买手种柿子凯塔厌恶狗屎我将一半的销售提供一个地方,龟田停止弹出一个便宜 Selling at Kameda half price rank when kind of ru persimmon you bought ku so distasteful you applied Then you stopped the fact that the hand is produced to the cheap article
                                    • 柿子种子是坏,不过我不买身体的龟田的唯一途径 Kind of persimmon is not bought the Kameda present directly But badness so in the body …

                                  • 在此之前,我 跆拳道只是舔,但面粉出卖Happitan粉末,可单独出售只有在良好的粉末,这是一个人的流 You say that in the past the powder just favorite can be applied Happy turn of the sale classified by powder was sold but is Just the powder licking something you were disgusted and the ya with the person who becomes appeared

                                    • 如果100%浓度的葡萄汁和古甜饼干卡尔皮斯制度,而不是只热好种柿子或胸前,并设置了相当不错合早生
                                      Kind of persimmon just a little harsh plug fence system Calpis and being sweet, with the dense grape juice 100% also it combines it is good well enough, it is

                                      • 如果你想要更多芥末粉,增加感觉我开始把我的东西比较温和的时间,但我也基达Warota口感好太多芥末在普及
                                        Horseradish taste popularity it is too much [warota] But we favorite So something the air which has become milder than time of starting does, but it is The horseradish powder we want increasing in quantity more

                                        • 如果您只销售Happitan粉,我可以更有效地提升收入 If just the powder of happy turn sells although the profit can be increased more efficiently
                                          • 没有什么性格可爱这Happitan重组? Happy turn That character tsu te restructuring it was done lovely

                                        • 如果购买了Matsukiyo副本附近的柿子柿子旺角政府总部大楼的副本或者不买你一个很好的PB和这是一个很好的价格和数量的高峰柿子
                                          Good bargain of neighborhood of the persimmon tweet inside the MK persimmon of [matsukiyo] tweet the PB persimmon of CGC tweet This the quantity and calls good price, good bargain

                                          • 它还只是刚刚好的调味料吃,通过完美的夜晚,她的下一个瓦特Matsukiyo之前,我已经买了另一袋 Also salt allowance being good exactly although just a little you eat in night w which is optimum When passing by before matsukiyo next already one sack you bought

                                            • 宇野吃花生从中国超过20年,是一样吃粪便中萨克 Already 20 years or more As for eating the peanut of the Chinese product when the droppings of the Chinese are eaten the same
                                              • 答如此,许多是可以避免的Irashii中选择不足的头盔 Because it is question detour answer when small pieces are chosen the possibility where you can avoid the Chinese product is many it seems

                                            • 家庭和糖果的death m希格希拉案件主办新泻天鹅龟田
                                              As for Higasihara's case the Kameda house and confectionery died [arubiretsukusu] Niigata of the sponsor

                                              • 尼诺的面包“经典”是一个宝贵的朋友两袋剩下的酒也搜索清仓查库,不是没有几家商店orz
                                                “The masterpiece” of Hiino confectionery several stores was searched, but there is no stock Also storing remains, 2 sacks… the friend of the valuable liquor orz

                                                • 山葵也出来的好味道在嘴里,舔继续踢像糖果,花生,你不是我 没有参与竞争的公司,销售价格便宜,促销和积极医药电视驱动tTA线 As for horseradish the candy likely in the mouth to lick it should have continued taste it comes out So the peanut it does not need it is gt The same company did not support to bargain sale competition with television CM and the like sales promotion activity did positively
                                                  • 该公司没有参加比赛低价销售,医药电视驱动tTA线,积极促销 The same company did not support to bargain sale competition with television CM and the like sales promotion activity did positively

                                                • 年糕是不是说,第一个重点南玻志位如果有香?希望最好的沙拉?
                                                  The American snack fragrance it forces, there being a scorch, don't you think? [nanbo] something -? The salad hope highest!

                                                  • 当时,如果将柿子出售花生种子没有忘记看到这一切了,早生合吃的好,我感谢您,并击中古容 That time if because memory is not forgotten you sell with the peanut entering of kind of persimmon Also the eating adjusting to be good long combining the gratitude which becomes the hit commodity distantly
                                                    • 在高利润的旗舰“物种的柿子”和今年的销售额增加“快乐转向”每年超过百分之十 Profit ratio it is high with the most influential commodity “kind of persimmon” and the gross sales of “happy turn” above the prior term ratio 10 increase
                                                    • 当时,如果将柿子出售花生种子没有忘记看到这一切了,早生合吃的好,我感谢您,并击中古容 That time if because memory is not forgotten you sell with the peanut entering of kind of persimmon Also the eating adjusting to be good long combining the gratitude which becomes the hit commodity distantly

                                                  • 当然 欠 萃取: 经济 “柿种子”,“转向”快乐龟田制果有限公司,是有史以来最高的利润,尽管关键词知识经济:寻找希望沙拉:多字(或)以下摘录:0 Object sure “Kind “happy turn” depressed not knowing of persimmon” Kameda confectionery in history the highest benefit Keyword Salad hope Search method Multiple word OR Extraction less number 0
                                                    • 你不喜欢的工作,我把我想要摆脱前一段时间吃驱动tTA物凄古善阿巴内罗吃柿子种子和不 When and the 喰 tsu wants kind of tremendously harsh persimmon would like to be and 喰 … habanero being like it begins to shake the kana which is not made
                                                    • 米并不是说低价购买更多的龟田驱动tTA所以它应该是全面的柿子花生种子,他们买便宜 When kind of cheap persimmon is bought therefore the peanut you are lazy After all the person who buys Kameda is cheap it is

                                                  • 快乐转向“奶奶”Hapittan吃?“我”没有猪头!转到快乐高兴地转!“奶奶的”S幸运的是,就在我把一个有趣的名字快乐倍逃脱回报似乎,他说:“这可是你后认为谈话最后Naa m与我的祖母,靴子(哭)每次看出来Happitan Happy turn” a “ hapitsutan you eat ” We “ chi ge Happy turn Happy turns ” Don t you think the grandmother “happy the turn tsu te … is strange name the e … happiness turning back at forward it escapes and the chi ya may be” This we it was last conversation of the a it is immediately after… this potsukuri crying Happy turn each time you see you remember
                                                    • 快乐转向“奶奶”或Hapittan“我”没有猪头!转到快乐高兴地转!“奶奶”是我折回来在前面是一个幸福快乐的我又看到了许多陌生的名称看起来,似乎逃脱,“这不过是经过你觉得与我交谈的最后Naa m的祖母,靴子(哭)每次看出来Happitan Happy turn” a “ hapitsutan you eat ” We “ chi ge Happy turn Happy turns ” Don t you think the grandmother “happy the turn tsu te … is strange name the e … happiness turning back at forward it escapes and the chi ya may be” This we it was last conversation of the a it is immediately after… this potsukuri crying Happy turn each time you see you remember

                                                  • 快乐饼干和饭团之交提出了三个神圣的宝藏川盆地
                                                    Happy turn The [bo] it is the [chi] lifting Rice ball plug fence God vessel of three kinds

                                                    • 我Yokuna和工作条件,我无处下降新泻公司从每家公司的形象在东京约2闪耀三百十六瓦特,但还有不少,作为顶级公司预期,因全国优秀福利等方面的
                                                      316 Enterprise [tsu] [te] everywhere inside Niigata prefecture working condition to be good is improbable what,… w Well enough, although enterprise of the nationwide top it is The welfare aspect and enterprise around [tsu] [pa] Tokyo compared to about two the image which falls

                                                      • 我不能形成一个良好的电气6? 7-11一直在销售非常可观的PB和驱动tTA进入巧克力花生
                                                        So it is as many as six condition good kana? The peanut chocolate the impression which sells enormously It entered into also PB of seven eleven and

                                                        • 我个人认为这是越后制果来吧软毒品是哈皮超过主奶酪粉 Private the hapi powder compared to Softly the expert cheese the drug When with you thought it was Echigo confectionery
                                                          • 伟大的粉剂,250%的快乐,现在我峨战略龟田家伙在便利店购买 Now you can buy the person of the hapi powder 250 with konbini it is The Kameda strategic tsu te it is enormous

                                                        • 我从法律毒品syndicate ll根据一般市场销售年糕的法律很是最好的钌,或其他收益出
                                                          The legitimate American snack syndicate selling, the legitimate drug therefore the [ru] it is, under the general market it is natural for the highest benefit to come out,

                                                          • 我从龟田制果有限公司津市,开心公司后,一个伟大粉末或太! Sorubeshi你的魔术已经奴隶到意大利,我在你家附近车站 Being too great from the rear of the hapi powder… Kameda confectionery me tsu To we nearby Italian person in the bewitchment made the slave Should curve

                                                            • 我们不能知道的成人和476私人不满意粉 476 Because it is not possible to be known the secret of the happy powder in the adult
                                                              • 快乐Happitan。ー黑市吗?ー抓住了吗? Happy of happy turn Black marketeering still Also exposure still

                                                            • 我只是不喜欢我卖的希望新泻龟田说,例如沙拉
                                                              If you mention Kameda, the salad hope However only Niigata the air which is not sold does

                                                              • 我喜欢软沙拉703基达好的沙拉是希望有更多的
                                                                703 But the software salad lover we like the salad hope

                                                                • 我把项目的粉发现快乐便利店两次,面粉恶魔提请Itodo认为正是时候,对不对?办法应受到反毒品法 The hapi powder 2 time tsu te commodity was happened to see with konbini but the sunde no tokoro de you gave up The ro that fiendish powder should make the regulation object of drug control law

                                                                  • 我走了她丈夫的命运,就像我会成为一名受害者获得最佳的时间在东远了 At the point in time when the highest benefit is put out it becomes Higasihara s prey it is with the shank Just it may walk the end road like the master

                                                                    • 我,我的工资龟田制果株式会社总公司,父亲,我想就没有签署的所有薪水,
                                                                      Serving in the father Kameda confectionery head office inside, the [ru], there is no sign which salary rises completely

                                                                      • 战前,向歹徒追新泻我们菱的家庭问题裕仁天皇的女儿
                                                                        Prior to world war 2, with family problem being chased in Riyouko's of the wife of Emperor Showa assassin, to Niigata

                                                                        • 排减谁我接触到新泻膳食暴露组发言,希望赢得沙拉↓
                                                                          We of the Niigata prefecture person who the salad hope the [ku] the [ku] can be eaten wins, group ↓

                                                                          • 柏崎将要恢复在地震的废墟,我也充分运作,加茂燕三条,新泻县,它是一个充满活力
                                                                            It revives Kashiwazaki from the mark of earthquake and, full it works also Tsubame Sanjo and Kamo and, Niigata prefecture is a vigor,

                                                                            • 柿种子问题,增加和水花生,基达我觉得政府是采取单一的词组。 You think that problem of kind of persimmon which has inflated with the peanut should be tackled also government being serious
                                                                              • 07 432种柿子:我想给绝对花生3黄金比例 432 Kind 7 of persimmon Peanut 3 You think that is golden ratio it is
                                                                              • 有一段时间,你必须有钱,我曾经是一个饥饿的超越柿子种子和水龟田 One time there is no money and have satisfied hunger with just kind and the water of persimmon of te and Kameda

                                                                            • 楚遗弃乐天抹布天才! 134:Shisan名无芒斯:2006 / 02 / 16(周四)04:43:30 ID.pJwi0wQP 132森永,明治,雀巢公司提供了从产品巧克力
                                                                              As for Lotte Co., Ltd. genius of easy gain! 134 : There is no man Say name : 2006/02/16 (wood) 04: 43: 30 ID.pJwi0wQP 132 Morinaga, Meiji, the cocoa it has come out of Nestle as a commodity

                                                                              • 溃疡和可可豆油篦一:你混揉和在一油(渣和可可粉和可可黄油1(可可)2能 The ri which does the cacao bean crushing the oil 1 Mixing into 1 when it kneads the oil the cacao butter and cacao 1 and the contraction sake lees the cacao 2 is possible
                                                                                • 可可脂和可可1:1的混合物和揉到让发巧克力,可可盈余1 Cacao butter and cacao 1 Mixing into 1 when it kneads the chocolate is produced cacao 1 is left over
                                                                                • 茹打倒溃疡和石油篦可可豆,油(可可黄油)和苹果渣1(可可)2能 The ri which does the cacao bean crushing when it squeezes the oil the oil the cacao butter 1 and the contraction sake lees the cacao 2 is possible

                                                                              • 猪排咖喱县,我用衣服Kokoichi越后制果柿种子在长冈,新泻县的一些错误瓦特
                                                                                There is [katsukare] which uses kind of persimmon of Echigo confectionery for the robe in [kokoichi] of Niigata prefecture Nagaoka city Something that prefecture as for strange w

                                                                                • 稻叶和阅读非常小新黑川纪Munoka←→←→546〜厚Utsuu不乐意购买Ikanee娜我听到读这篇文章ü 546 gt lt gt lt So reading it is new The chi tsu it does to come the yo the u Such an article reading it is even in buying from to be able be unable to be hatsupi u tsu u tsu u
                                                                                  • 稻叶高兴今天发言←→546 Utsuu密集阅读新Munoka←→ 546 gt lt gt lt So reading it is new The chi tsu it does to come the yo the u Such an article reading it is even in buying from to be able be unable to be hatsupi u tsu u tsu u

                                                                                • 美国公司,美国制造商的饼干和“最佳状态”(经理)和美国最近的米果〜我吃
                                                                                  For the United States the American corporate body which it produces sells the plug fence “the best condition” (the same company staff) with, To - As for the recent American eating the 煎 rice cake?

                                                                                  • 芥菜种柿子柿子辣椒种子灌浆Peppakonsome柿子柿子种子和种子Supaishikare谁柿子种子蛋黄酱盐 Kind of persimmon It is rough the bi coming mustard Kind of persimmon Pepper mayonnaise Kind of persimmon Salt who Kind of persimmon Pepper consomme Kind of persimmon Spy seeker ray

                                                                                    • 花生从中国,他是从中国人orz SHOP99信心在良好的销售规定,以掩饰我的起源,但有龟田制果有限公司(; ∀`)
                                                                                      It meant that it is the peanut of the Chinese product, orz Selling with SHOP99, even with the [ru] person as for the Chinese product as for the sincerity which is clearly written although it is The Kameda confectionery which conceals the place of origin… (; ' ∀ `)

                                                                                      • 谁住在新泻,也吃茄子高兴之交的柿子种(ω゚゚)傻爱于凯
                                                                                        But the Niigata city residence, you eat the kind and happy turn of persimmon, the eggplant (゚ Ω ゚) Favorite fool receiving

                                                                                        • 购买好种子驱动tTA古柿子可以进入你销售产品展览新泻来到大阪亚弘吉见义明91种柿子
                                                                                          91 Kind love of persimmon of 浪 flower shop Selling with the Niigata product spreading/displaying, you buy the kind of persimmon which enters into the [ru] can well

                                                                                          • 过去曾用于Batapi Furoranna颗粒,现在还不是最常用的Batapi Past the flow runner was used for one for small piece batapi but presently you use for most batapi It is not done

                                                                                            • 这不是干种柿子亚大浪花是不是110?天空,但最后一次日食,这是对汗水古茹古申,申
                                                                                              110 There is no kind of large spicy persimmon of that [tsu] [te] 浪 flower shop? However yesterday you ate, being harsh, being harsh, it is the extent where the sweat comes out

                                                                                              • 这不是种沙拉452软件?或者说,我会卖给你,即使是薄的 452 There is no type of salad software That it sells also thin ones don t you think

                                                                                                • 金子厅和7个黑胡椒饼。即使咸的味道影响的物种马居L100胡椒,黑胡椒饼干饼干,而且沙拉好或找人
                                                                                                  Black pepper 煎 rice cake of funds hall and seven. Also the 煎 rice cake is good However L100 with also the salad taste black pepper plug fence which is happened to see it is tasty, it does, the [yo] [tsu] [pa] [me] Kind of red pepper [umai

                                                                                                  • 龟田制果有限公司 休闲咖啡厅的最新 希望 希望沙拉沙拉150克 100克 Up to date work of Kameda confectionery
                                                                                                    • 180希望沙拉,开始脱落,我是,嗯,吃的食物的所有字节只觉得需要从新泻来到东京的蛋糕在 180 After the salad hope appearing in Tokyo eating when the byte you think being the Niigata limitation When it starts eating that it does not stop

                                                                                                  • 龟田制果有限公司也有人焚烧好滴!味道应该是一种习惯! The po is the po is also burning was Kameda confectionery it is The extent which becomes The taste which becomes habit it is expectation

                                                                                                    • 龟田制果有限公司是其香味和纳豆Kusaya埃塔加上芥末和辣根粉和阿巴内罗模仿和手段“Anhappitan”被出卖
                                                                                                      Kameda confectionery by all means the powder of [habanero] and the horseradish and the mustard should sell the respective company parody candy “un happy tongue” which adds the perfume of the sheath and the fermented soybeans which are solved

                                                                                                      • 龟田制果有限公司,我不会错过太多,太上瘾Happitan马马小吃口味太多芥末毛豆
                                                                                                        Horseradish taste it is too good The snack of the green soybean to be too good poisoning characteristic of happy turn it is too dangerous There is no Kameda confectionery [tsu] [te] end,

                                                                                                        • 龟田返回质量差仍是政府的蛋糕和Ku所买的是可怕的其他公司(竞争对手,特别是对花生的质量。) When those of other companies you buy quality being bad after all you reset to Kameda quality of the especially peanut As for other companies there are terrible ones
                                                                                                          • 嗯 在我的爱恩戴不是花生,但我希望不会在所有 … …… Well in your own mark there is no love in the peanut but is with also the te is to call at all without

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