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Is labor cost of the government employee probably a lot of basket knowing? As for average annual income of government employee 7,000,000 Yen, as for retirement lump sum grant 2500 - 30,000,000 Yen


  • -几乎没有加班工资的工作没有完全消化还包括一个舒适的退休生活,但我在3月退休,父亲的一个朋友得到当地官员的退休钱当你停止和4月,陈重新受聘于公共机构
    Paid complete digestion Overtime work almost it is not Work is easy After the retiring job being prepared, when stopping and you can receive the retirement lump sum grant The father of the acquaintance being the local government employee, but in this March the retirement age retirement red sandal wood, You re-were employed to the public system properly in April

    • 115 持续困难 “困难。67董事,475先生,很难。头部办事员853人,行政秘书”川崎市川崎停止』如果婴儿潮伴随着大规模的退休开始认真今年,董事,雇员代晋升为经理不能“补救”只是4月定为“困难。行政”,“困难的。科科长,”取消这两个职位 115 As for continuation difficulty… “difficulty 67 section chiefs 475 section chiefs difficulty Person in charge Long 853 people chief” Kawasaki city abolition As for Kawasaki city the same world which cannot be promoted to the department manager and the section chief attendant upon the large quantity retirement of the nodule generation who materializes from this year It had provided as “relief step” of the staff of generation “difficulty Section chief” “difficulty Both posts of the chief” are abolished from April
      • 115 持续困难 “困难。行政经理”的川崎市川崎取消』如果婴儿潮伴随着大规模的退休认真今年开始,经理,员工不能晋升到经理代“补救“只是设定为”困难。行政“,”困难的。科科长,“4月取消这两个职位 115 As for continuation difficulty… “difficulty 67 section chiefs 475 section chiefs difficulty Person in charge Long 853 people chief” Kawasaki city abolition As for Kawasaki city the same world which cannot be promoted to the department manager and the section chief attendant upon the large quantity retirement of the nodule generation who materializes from this year It had provided as “relief step” of the staff of generation “difficulty Section chief” “difficulty Both posts of the chief” are abolished from April

    • 123“公民责任人员”被遗弃的年轻公务员的朋友,但我会说我是说所有的,如果我不工作他太多,因为现实是没有什么奇怪的瓦兰,我还共同校长,他们结束 123 The young friend of the government employee who abandons “private responsibility” saying person too multi to be tsu te everyone who do not work the ru Even if saying because the te what actuality the strange straw is it accompanies and the trap where also and others is the joint principal offense
      • 123 一个年轻的公务员公务员的朋友,即使我说我的所有我会说他不工作太多,因为现实是没有什么奇怪的瓦兰,我还共同校长,他们结束 123 gt The young friend of the government employee saying person too multi to be tsu te everyone who do not work the ru Even if saying because the te what actuality the strange straw is it accompanies and the trap where also and others is the joint principal offense
      • 586“公民责任”的批评后,顾行的公务员放弃了被摧毁的国家 586 As for the future of the government employee criticism which abandons “private responsibility” national ruin

    • 30%的消费税税率削减公务员薪酬即将破碎的财政状况的不断调整百分之十不这样做的国会议员。达罗的必然
      Member of the Diet constant government employee allowance 3 percentage reduction Reform to consumption tariff 10% Unless this extent it is popular, public finance destruction. The [ro] which is inevitable…

      • 473 2通道或共产主义的代理人朝鲜的反邪教反稻叶和稀有或者,我只是不友善的自来水甚至瓦特无论哪种方式,他们是推动政府在这个小弱信息时代的信实极美国是不是如果我说Moderutaru然而,年龄一直是政府的一大转变 473 Japan Communist Party it is unusual in 2ch The anti Japanese North Korean operative of the anti Japanese cult group being it just is hit w In any case pushing small government in current age don t you think the ru person only the extremity of the information weak is an expression That model barrel America in the times when it has converted to big government…
        • 安倍晋三,森喜朗· · ·濑博之福田康夫西村Syuuhei · · ·村田春树樱井。朝鲜间谍的反载体。北Josongenomujapanneokonwaidoshosureddo被确认为常备军的阴影线 Shin Mori Nobuo Abe Haruki Siyuuhei Yasuo three Fukuda Seto Hiro happiness Nishimura Murata Sakurai Anti Japanese North Korean construction of business The corps of the shadow raised It recognizes the thread as nosujiyosongenomujiyapanneokonwaidoshiyosuretsudo

      • 699公务员在政治和媒体,而是一个趋势,像自来水Karerubeki恶,我有叱Rubeki的尊重,因为我不是学习的稳定和保护在场人员的努力,这种民间社会滚装宁我认为这是反公务员谁看到了不正常的社会理论附表崩溃这是明显的 699 However government employee with politics and the media there is a bad like tendency which it should you hit Stability of this kind of society being maintained due to the fact that effort of the government employee exists therefore ru reason The 寧 ro respecting it is the existence which it should scold don t you think In other words the government employee anti clearly thinks the collapse of society that it is the eye theory mu abnormal person
        • 公务员在公务员的政治和媒体,气候一样,但有抽头Karerubeki恶,我有叱Rubeki的尊重,因为我不是学习的稳定和保护在场人员的努力,这种民间社会滚装宁我认为这是反公务员谁看到了不正常的社会理论附表崩溃这是明显的 1 However government employee with politics and the media there is a bad like tendency which it should you hit Stability of this kind of society being maintained due to the fact that effort of the government employee exists therefore ru reason The 寧 ro respecting it is the existence which it should scold don t you think In other words the government employee anti clearly thinks the collapse of society that it is the eye theory mu abnormal person
        • 公务员是不是自己错在员工相比,其底部之前,我不怪特权阶级的严峻考验,因为大的商界精英和超过 Because the government employee is the aristocrat which breaks harsh test it probably is proper It is the same as the elite employee of big business Comparing with your bases itself the mistake
        • 日本官员时,他并不笨品种的699还是你属于?瓦特 699 Has Japan of the time when the government employee is the foolish matching collapsed w

      • 936市政文书,尤其是有趣的东西,如果没有专业知识,工作happened m与同一所高中毕业生和高中毕业生继续进行,但是也可能导致高企,但不是公务员工资峨说,与一个大学毕业生的工资之间的差距没有意义的工作 NULL
        • 这是正确的,如果你交税出503媒体(笑) 503 Allowance of the mass communications coming out of tax if the ru like the shelf laughing

      • NULL Nodule generation With private popularity as for government employee adoption fixed capacity crack Second collection and 3 next collection doing it gathered the high soldier finishing staff Basic high soldier finishing Quality of the staff is bad Energy crises period Quality of the staff becomes suddenly good As for the current self governing community they have supported Large soldier finishing 5 High soldier finishing 5 Bubble period There is no this and popularity with private popularity As for high soldier finishing entrance agency group the party whose record is good with the classmate of the same high school enters the university At glacial age dispatch non becomes proper the story which with pride supporting the heart Large soldier finishing 7 High soldier finishing 3 Quality of the staff it is bad Current generation Quality of the staff it does well Interview becomes harsh and the staff who has human charm is many Large soldier finishing 9 High soldier finishing 1
        • NULL Nodule generation With private popularity as for government employee adoption fixed capacity crack Second collection and 3 next collection doing it gathered the high soldier finishing staff Basic high soldier finishing Quality of the staff is bad Energy crises period Quality of the staff becomes suddenly good As for the current self governing community they have supported Large soldier finishing 5 High soldier finishing 5 Bubble period There is no this and popularity with private popularity As for high soldier finishing entrance agency group the party whose record is good with the classmate of the same high school enters the university At glacial age dispatch non becomes proper the story which with pride supporting the heart Large soldier finishing 7 High soldier finishing 3 Quality of the staff it is bad Current generation Quality of the staff it does well Interview becomes harsh and the staff who has human charm is many Large soldier finishing 9 High soldier finishing 1

      • [Oonozyou名人出生在城市编辑] *飞鸟(恰克与飞鸟,歌曲)* Sugiuti俊哉(福冈软银鹰队职业棒球)*本田Yuuiti(福冈软银鹰队职业棒球)*大。 。芋头(相扑力士相扑摔跤手)*石井恒(商人的父亲,立花证券)*杂志池田茂(演员)*真璃子(歌手)[涉嫌与一个人编辑] *富山常和(政治活动家和音乐家)*小林那帮(漫画家,谁是出生于福冈市只)*朝仓美佐(歌手)
        Famous person of Ono Ziyouiti graduate [Compilation] * ASKA (CHAGE and ASKA and the Singer song lighter/writer) * Tosiya inside cedar (professional baseball Fukuoka [sohutobankuhokusu]) * Yuichi Honda (professional baseball Fukuoka [sohutobankuhokusu]) * Large. . Taro (Rikisi grand sumo tournament juryo) * Hisashi Ishii (businessman, father of Tachibara bond) * Ikeda forming will (actor) * True 璃 child (singer) The [yu] the person who is temporary [Compilation] * Outside mountain Tsune one (political go-getter, musician) * Even if Kobayashi paste (cartoonist, with only birth as for graduate Fukuoka city) * Asakura beauty sand (singer)

        • _NULL_
          In the future future desire of the young person and the children of population sharp decrease is taken and above debt 1,000,000,000,000,000 Yen of country and district which become the debt repayment hell where large portion of earnings is taken with past debt repayment, “presently even because above this it does not increase, debt in just one week at a time 1,200,000,000,000 Yen while increasing” Tax expenditure of bureaucratic оb compulsory-related cost annual 1,200,000,000,599,999,905,792 Yen of lawful tax stealing at will is wholly abolished the government employee allowance the greatest in the world it exceeds private allowance much to the private average annual income 4,370,000 Yen which becomes true private conformity By any means is not necessary even because in the future future desire and earnings of the young person and the children of population sharp decrease are not taken, probably will be?

          • “从政府工作人员,工资不低(平均)进行的年度收入13.73亿6.92亿美元和解)来了!”(联邦新井,行政长官的工会神奇海鲜,大阪。忧患奖金,节假日津贴,赡养费,地方津贴,租金津贴,津贴的调整起薪,旅游津贴,举目无亲的职务津贴,津贴补贴的地方农村的特殊津贴寒冷的气候,特殊工作津贴,终端补贴,津贴奖金勤奋结束,灾害救济金,付款单时注意处理-死去的动物-联络办事处的工作人员护理工作中使用,几个月日元〜10,000日元津贴;
            Therefore “the government employee, low salary (average annual income 13,730,000 - 6,920,000) with you have been patient! ” (Osaka prefecture Union association new house clear happiness execution chairman) Coming out. Difficulty treatment, holiday treatment, dependency allowance, area allowance, commutation of quarters, initial wage adjustment treatment, commuting allowance, moving without family treatment and special area duty treatment Remote region treatment, cold area treatment, special duty treatment, term-end treatment, diligence treatment, term-end special treatment, civil disaster relief operation treatment and animal corpse processing job treatment Celibacy treatment As for the staff who works in the window in order to use the air, treatment of month several thousand Yen - 10,000 Yen When 8Km or it goes out 5 hours or more, thousand Yen - “travelling treatment” When with the colleague and dining together 6000 Yen, with massage and acupuncture and moxibustion 1000 Yen, with private you stay at the hotel, 3000 Yen At Hokkaido or equal cold area, as a heating expense to November - March month 20,000 Yen When while the staff above continuous service 15 year is celibacy it is 40 year old, from cooperative meeting 70,000 Yen Doing 5 years chiefs, the staff where is not accustomed to the section chief “difficulty. Calling the section chief,” you pay the allowance which is equal to the section chief The section chief -> also the department manager is similar

            • “对于那些有代表性的”展望未来,解释和大阪总督桥本说:“我认为,再也不能行的”打算取消的人员和过渡茂木显示 “Concerning the future way we would like to keep examining” that vis a vis the person in charge of the Osaka prefecture which explains as for the governor under the bridge “You call examination or already it is not with will go” that it took over and it showed the intention which abolishes the necessary personnel

              • “私人(收入)300万日元(1该基金会每年收入),其中一个原因000000000日元”(大阪州长桥本彻)“或年龄差异...
                “As for people (annual income) 3,000,000 Yen, 1, designates (the annual income of foundation) as 10,000 Yen as for the reason which? ” (Governor Tetsu under the Osaka prefecture bridge) “Difference of age…

                • ↓↓↓* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8:名片Orimashi 兼容的民间私营商业实际工资,“05%的税务分钟的”预算削减可以
                  ↓ ↓ ↓ * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 : As for the card we having run out: 2008/12/21 (day) 14: 15: 05 ID: xLNUbWtP Just does government employee allowance government employee labor cost of the country and the district can do the annual expenditure reduction of 1,200,000,000,500,000,096,256 Yen “consumer tax 5% amount” in the private average annual income 4,370,000 Yen which becomes true private conformity

                  • 一旦你知道我怎么想你愚弄政府雇员的收入都在当地消费税和薪俸Udaro峨还没有一个国家445瓦特 445 Well When the country and the district the tax revenue everything the tsu te which goes out is recognized with labor cost of the government employee aho applying the ro w which you think and is

                    • 为什么当地政府官员,公务员薪金的公民,但符合管理局的建议,国家人事部,支那卡诺增强二更多的地方官员?国家,本地,如果你没有收到,搬迁存在的,但通过国家的存在促进了祖Kemutai的出来,但由于受到更直接的工资,当地(市)官员说,目前的 Why allowance of the local government employee in allowance of the national public service personnel By the National Personnel Authority advice although it is conformed the local government employee Being 2 extra When nation local both it passes success not to be possible in existence of transference and existence of the national � successful candidate There are also times when the ke mu you want but from direct depending on allowance differential You say that the district the deme town village staff it flows

                      • 人民总是站出来,使他们的手指指向该公司对批评的批评哦我为什么在开始时与汝批评政府官员,私营部门,我们是不是在食品税 Government employee criticism comes out with why the tsu beginning enterprise criticism the person whom it tries probably to bend the spearhead of criticism is present by all means but As for private enterprise there is no meaning which eats with tax is
                        • 仅仅是一个坏自民党的总承包商是贵族的作品,为什么这当然392的生活改善了日本私营部门的支持和 392 Although it works certainly for life improvement of support and the Japanese of private enterprise Why becoming nobility class it did At the point where the earth building Liberal Democratic Party is bad the shelf

                      • 什么是日本最早的国际货币基金组织国际货币基金的条件将根据控制本身是否正确?
                        Is the circumstance [tsu] [te] IMF very thing where in the first place Japan is under IMF managing probably all right what?

                        • 但我不想甚至说,如果没有绝缘体遣散费和不计算回报,更昂贵的遗憾凯塔音频赢得逃脱的前公务员,公务员远非如此Takarou或 That the victory the ma where the original government employee who escapes does it is you applied the retirement lump sum grant it restores and passes and there is no either story we do not want doing but it is that The fact of the matter which we assume that furthermore want in large amount government employee annuity
                          • Tekake或更恰当通过检查一个或扮柳井美味这个小官员喜欢这样的 1 More inspecting securely it begins and this it is it stops being just a little just like it is tasty and there is no government employee
                          • 业务并不重要,让所有平民,政府官员只需要工作的最重要的 The business which is not important the government employee it just will work most importantly with as all civilians it is necessary
                          • 什么是基本的公务员,不公开,甚至有可能无法活出一些新的东西,我们自己 It is not necessary the government employee tsu te basis to do business and Something you are new with by yourself mono you probably will produce also it does not do
                          • 他将是出色的公务员拥有670现在,这是频繁。逆向有些人会说他们是降低到私人苏 670 The person who now becomes the government employee probably is excellent in that appearance when and it decreases excessively even one which is called to people it probably will be many Opposite opposite
                          • 共享不是不可能的,很多私人垃圾,我想这是公务员 But as for work sharing wastefulness being many in people the excessiveness if the government employee You think that it is possible
                          • 如果儿童的父母是公务员和658愚蠢!他们错误的,但也是愚蠢的教师退休福利约3000万 658 If the parent the government employee also the child is aho Generally as many as 30 000 000 in aho teacher the retirement lump sum grant doing is the mistake
                          • 工作被迫无偿加班和私营部门的多少,如果我能我付,公务员之前,他们不会明白你他妈的 Whether just which it cannot service cannot work overtime people paid how cannot receive in your kuso government employees the wa the wax which is entwined
                          • 我只想说我是从他们会毁灭Takkusuita官员的国家在壶其实并没有说我会看533单独妒 533 Speaking separately with the jealousy there is no ru reason the government employee ruining the country with the tax eater Because you put away calling although is just the ru don t you think
                          • 我觉得我什至没有注意到与收益300万年薪只设置了一个特殊的骑当我是一个政府工作人员花纹 When ending… we is the special job national public service personnel it rides and unites even treatment attaching The air which does not reach in annual income 3 000 000 does but…
                          • 所不同的我想如果我不希望公务员544名,为维护国家永远需要 544 We do not want misunderstanding but it is The government employee in order to keep maintaining the country is necessary
                          • 政府官员保卫计划,但不是由他们的工作是不是多有才华的人,他 There is no intention of protecting the national public service personnel but is depending upon service as for them the excellence As for the human it is many
                          • 理想情况下,提高公务员队伍。面向各方使驱动tTA,如何坚持党的驱动tTA的精神发育迟滞,具有巨大的经济刺激 As an ideal government employee reforming The political party which had inclination the political party which had the ability to be able to do countercyclical measures the thing kana which adheres
                          • 石川我什至可以说,没有遣散费和返回养老金结算和更昂贵的遗憾凯塔音频赢得逃脱的前公务员,公务员或远离它Takarou That the victory the ma where the original government employee who escapes does it is you applied the retirement lump sum grant it restores and passes and there is no either story we do not want doing but it is that The fact of the matter which we assume that furthermore want in large amount government employee annuity

                        • 但是,这只有在严重的金融或304?寄生虫是罕见的,或由于其他国家的蔑视完全取决于你支付的税款
                          304 Just this public finance even before the failure sun/size? Because it depends on payment in full tax, the parasite of nation you disdaining salary, natural

                          • 元的平均劳动力成本,包括约1000万日元(任何准公共官员根据2007年7月3日世界发出外务省发言人★,4次在棒棒糖!) gt gt The average labor cost which also the quasi government employee includes Approximately 1 000 ten thousand Yen Weekly sentence spring July 3rd of 07 according to the number at 4 times that ame the greatest in the world
                            • 劳动力成本 约2000万日元2年,从蓝基金会“茂木联合人员拉”已出 From foundation of the prefecture labor cost of annual approximately 20 000 000 Yen catches with 2 people “it takes over and produces the necessary personnel”

                          • 公共和私营部门的薪酬也比较远,比较全薪津贴是根据被拆除,这是一个骗局
                            After all, it is so far allowance comparison of the government and private sector to be comparison in this giving base which excludes treatment, to be deception

                            • 公共服务:“我平了经济就不可能成为一个坚实的头部,这是奇怪的人,我想谈谈细节后再次显示其已支付更高的财政整顿 The government employee” tsu te binding the head is hard When business becomes good and public finance renders sound In addition if allowance is increased although it is the story which is completed don t you think They are the strange people
                              • 456公仆“”我被捆绑,没有什么可以忽略行业中小企业与大企业“公开的”,我得到同样的Kokkeisa瓦特拓谷 456 As for “the government employee” tsu te binding when also industry “people” binds small and medium sized business and big business with all disregard the same humor is w
                              • 700000000?但是,我们没有得到这么多,我奇怪的是不是一个真正的公仆可悟任 7 000 000 Very it is not but it is not received so but it is it is strange As for we know it is whether to tell the truth it is not the government employee
                              • 如果经济是非常稳固的公仆变成了头部,这是奇怪的人,我想谈谈细节后再次显示其已支付更高的财政整顿 The government employee the head is hard When business becomes good and public finance renders sound In addition if allowance is increased although it is the story which is completed don t you think They are the strange people

                            • 公务员是不是服务国家摆脱了臃肿的公务员是没有预期寿命东部所有的时间。但它已被证明在追查破坏的历史继续
                              The government employee does not produce at all As for the country where the government employee enlarges, ancient and modern east. The course of fall is traced Although it is proven with history, don't you think?

                              • 其中一般行政人员,教师,警察,他们认为,劳工大部分的消费税成本5900亿日元的成本,包括众议员
                                General administrative job among these, labor cost of teacher, policeman and Assemblyman etc At 590,000,000,000 Yen most of the tax revenue is out in labor cost

                                • 只是在开玩笑Idaro许多真相公务员聘用兼职,但现在我是我付出的公务员薪俸税高了?那是因为我想用嵌入式古洞安恭喜这些家伙退休或离开公司苏 High tax paying because of salary of the government employee ru puts out truth The ro which now no chi ya tsu te government employee adoption of part time service is many and is Because as for that retirement age retirement and the 寿 we would like to use cheaply with stopgap of the people who quit work
                                  • 生活中没有什么出采取了明确的立场指出,任何人创造的东西,只是不够分配税税款收入付给我为什么人类,我没有什么更多的,模糊 You do not produce at all creating the thing without either simply distributes tax the sufficient human who Tax it is much more than earnings of the human who has been paid with something it is becoming dim

                                • 可靠性,安全性,行政指导,或在公务员的法律和法规扼杀企业,销售税是固定的了
                                  Reliable, safety, administrative guidance and regulation law with government employee side enterprise can be oppressed and, consumer tax rise decision

                                  • 嘿,如果预算无法支付债券的公务员集乔木将退出银行的钱支付公务员工资,如果我们Itakunakere之前。我将冻结 To be you If salary you do not want to pay to the government employee The gold pull out from the bank If it becomes not be able to issue the government bond Budget not uniting government employee giving It becomes freezing
                                    • 嘿,我们面前没有支付Itakunakere如果他们更多的预算用于公共官员们确定将发行乔木从银行取出钱支付公务员工资公务员。我将冻结 To be you If salary you do not want to pay to the government employee The gold pull out from the bank If it becomes not be able to issue the government bond Budget not uniting government employee giving It becomes freezing
                                    • 我呼吁发行债券偿还债务支付退休公务员不是退休,我想我在这里并没有提及他的所有 So because you cannot pay the retirement lump sum grant of the government employee well Retirement lump sum grant bond The tsu te as for issuing the government bond which is said here it is not completely expressed

                                  • 因为最糟糕的工作效率甚至if公务员,三千万年和这一个will使官员在该国政府平均合他的大公司towards我去levels decisions工资,根据你的水平已经有有趣的local Rubeki In case of the government employee system therefore furthermore work efficiency the worst per 1 people as for year 30 000 000 it is how to decide the pay level Of big business also the government employee of countryside adjusts evenly that is already strange It should adjust to the level of area
                                    • 我合肝脏也使得在农村公务员官员大公司的平均工资水平的决定我的,我要适应当地的水平已经是滑稽 As for the liver of the government employee system it is how to decide the pay level Of big business also the government employee of countryside adjusts evenly that is already strange It should adjust to the level of area
                                    • 日本的官员,因为他们是亲密,所以我很兴奋,当我失业,会早点来古崩溃 While being close Japan fails probably will be with consequence of the government employee That it will have been exciting whether that time it does not come quickly We of such an inoccupation

                                  • 在这个世界通货紧缩,而不是西装,工作服和足够的安全高于3,000,000外周血没有本地交换劳动产品不盈利,如果我说我应该是确定本质上相同的福利水平
                                    When society of this deflation, it is the district, if it is also 3,000,000, the sufficient At all with the PB product where also the suit and the fatigue dress are cheap OK The [te] you say or, don't you think? the compensation of the work which is not profit basically is proper with the same level as welfare

                                    • 地方公务员法只是我说话,如果没有正确健身的成本只是劳动力应该被忽略,如果你忽略的原则,适用的原则和平衡原则的情况
                                      If labor cost is not proper, it should have made aptitude sufficient story There is a principle of situation adaptation and a principle of balance in Local Officials Act. If the principle is ignored, if you should not have ignored sufficient story

                                      • 城市官员,警察从当地雇员Tatte政府官员,教师,消防员,实验室人员,税务人员,自卫队等 我被迫加班150个小时的,与其他城市的官员已安排每日Yokutanisare 减薪的幅度,我会 The government employee tsu passing from the city hall staff from the policeman the teacher the fireman and the laboratory staff tax official Self Defense Force etc Month 150 hour being able to work overtime although the ru everyday the city hall staff question tsu of fixed time it does the yo ku it is reduction of pay cartridge viewing

                                        • 大田耕史被告在2010年附属组织,“桑。环境保护促进会”男性工作人员的高级副主任,2010年污水收集系统,发现了约506个岛屿挪用分行营运资金一零零零零零日元(57)2010不当领取津贴纪律住房自来水事业处处长,水设备250万日元在2010年之前开支和非虚构的工作,在水中整体公平(58)文娱中心,区域总监,城南电流2个月的暂停,和部门主管前(40) u003d本高级社区中心学科之一,为期3个月减薪10分钟 2010 Ota farming history defendant auxiliary organization “mulberry tree Environmental preservation propulsion conference” management financial approximately 6 500 000 Yen embezzlement detection Man staff 57 cost of living adjustment of 2010 senior island branch sewer assistant managers illegitimately with receipt disciplinary punishment Overhead construction and improper expenditure 2 500 000 Yen of 2010 aqueduct section involving Area citizen center Chief aqueduct section aqueduct chief engineer 58 present Jonan before 2010 suspension from job 2 month Front same section chief 40 present central public citizen s hall chief the disciplinary punishment which is made reduction of pay 3 month 1 10
                                          • 大田耕史被告在2010年附属组织,“桑。环境保护促进会”男性工作人员的高级副主任,2010年污水收集系统,发现了约506个岛屿挪用分行营运资金一零零零零零日元(57)2010不当领取津贴纪律住房自来水事业处处长,水设备250万日元在2010年之前开支和非虚构的工作,在水中整体公平(58)文娱中心,区域总监,城南电流2个月的暂停,和部门主管前(40) u003d本高级社区中心学科之一,为期3个月减薪10分钟 2010 Ota farming history defendant auxiliary organization “mulberry tree Environmental preservation propulsion conference” management financial approximately 6 500 000 Yen embezzlement detection Man staff 57 cost of living adjustment of 2010 senior island branch sewer assistant managers illegitimately with receipt disciplinary punishment Overhead construction and improper expenditure 2 500 000 Yen of 2010 aqueduct section involving Area citizen center Chief aqueduct section aqueduct chief engineer 58 present Jonan before 2010 suspension from job 2 month Front same section chief 40 present central public citizen s hall chief the disciplinary punishment which is made reduction of pay 3 month 1 10
                                          • 据交通运输部,妇女二月至四月的官方去年,他们使用电脑工作时间担任公职期间,和滑雪职业棒球队,观赏地点无关的工作,家旅行社 According to traffic bureau the woman staff between to the February this year from the April last year and during working hours using the official personal computer of the workplace Business and unrelated sight such as professional baseball team and ski site and home page of the travelling company perusing

                                        • 如果你不想滑稽以及根据Gattara工资挂钩,公务员的平均低于私营部门的工资我吃你从国家税务 Eating with tax of the citizen therefore the ru it is When private average salary goes down also salary of the government employee being linked Unless it tries to go down it is strange
                                          • 薪酬水平是唯一有效的,如果排序Yareyo公务员薪酬只有很少的业务分类多,而公务员不敢说在电视镜头前 Do the government employee salary categorization from business categorization something If allowance level justice the government employee tries insisting before the television camera and

                                        • 宫岛也是劳动市长“正常 如果他们有一年浪费这一切税,并说自己有可能是奇迹,国家成立 As for Mayor Miyajima concerning labor cost “normal gt As for the excessive labor cost per 1 due to government and private sector differential 4 000 000 Yen gt As for squander of the blood tax with the government and private sector differential of labor cost how annual 30 000 000 000 000 Yen 36 000 000 000 000 Yen lt gt Every year squandering this much tax you can call that itself nation has been formed miracle probably will be
                                          • 如果他们有一年浪费这一切税,并说自己有可能是奇迹,国家成立 gt gt As for the excessive labor cost per 1 due to government and private sector differential 4 000 000 Yen gt As for squander of the blood tax with the government and private sector differential of labor cost how annual 30 000 000 000 000 Yen 36 000 000 000 000 Yen lt gt Every year squandering this much tax you can call that itself nation has been formed miracle probably will be

                                        • 小泉竹中平藏国民收入因为卖国党,而他们告诉弃民在2万日元,或愚蠢付出了党总税收的八百六十日元三原万顺子运行了6年弃民?
                                          With Takenaka's 棄 people party treason Koizumi favor as for annual income of the citizen 2,000,000 Yen but the reason which was lowered, The Miho [ji] [yu] which runs as a candidate from the 棄 people party it is the fool who is paid densely with 6 annual 860,000,000 Yen payment in full tax it is?

                                          • 常识的平均收入为144私营,兼职工作,其中也包括非正规和受薪工人Maremasu
                                            144 The part and part-time job, also the non proper and the like employment income earner is included in private average annual income As for this common sense

                                            • 并不是要拯救破产的失败,当我看到对未来的,人们的思维方式年轻的要数十年住畿内 When failure is visible in order not to fail it will save from this tip many ten years Unless you must live how to think the young person

                                              • 当这种繁荣的“平均出”私人机构的薪酬是在错误的时间定于1 1 3下来这么多,我不想
                                                At the time of prosperity to the salary which is increased “like people” particularly the recession period It does not go down, it is those which are

                                                • 征文上述浪费在猜测政府官员,指出顾先生福冈这些突出问题,“削减人事费用百分之二十的公务员,退休金削减百分之三十”,“”有偿志愿者旋转门禁止公职人员“ “使用”减少“的,这些公务员的数目议员”废物“是我行提供的各种节能和维护 While in the aforementioned government employee wasteful theory Fukuoka pointing out such problematical point sharply “As for government employee labor cost 2 percentage cutting and retirement lump sum grant compulsory global ban of 3 percentage cutting” “government employee” “The constant reduction “of application member of the Diet” of the compensatory volunteer” and so on in order to exclude “the wastefulness” of the government employee Various propositions are done
                                                  • 此外,花了250000亿日元根据总进度的12万亿美元削减至取消公务员薪金开支,有关交了12年的税务成本一六〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元ОB官员窃取任何法律日元税可以减少 To that wholly abolishing the tax expenditure of bureaucratic оb compulsory related cost annual 1 200 000 000 599 999 905 792 Yen of lawful tax stealing at will 1 200 000 000 500 000 096 256 Yen in government employee labor cost reduction amount the annual expenditure reduction which together is 25 000 000 000 000 Yen in total is possible

                                                • 我们将租金你不想触摸Terebimasugomi比公共官员不想动它瓦特Terebimasugomi的Burgers瓦特Terebimasugomi公职人员不想租或触摸它,我会租一公职人员或w Because as for the television mass rubbish receiving above the government employee the ru w which we would not like to touch Because as for the television mass rubbish receiving above the government employee the ru w which we would not like to touch Because as for the television mass rubbish receiving above the government employee the ru w which we would not like to touch

                                                  • 我们有一个灾难,因为它说,和Len移动Kesubeki排序什么政府官员,“我们需要的东西,但为什么这么多的高工资呢?毕竟,他是失业的公务员不会说什么ü Idake羡好”或责骂羡鳕鱼可以成为市民的公仆!其他政府官员谁不!“ Speaking awfully the ru way very the government employee the shelf which it should categorize However the connected hoe “that much high wages why are necessary what It is the u which is the u the person who is said just it is enviable there is no something after all When the government employee “it is enviable being accustomed to the government employee Other than of the government employee is not the person ”
                                                    • 我们有一个灾难,因为它说,和Len移动Kesubeki排序什么政府官员,“什么是公务员的需要,为什么工资这么高?”公开“成为公务员或骂他羡!其他没有政府官员是谁?” Speaking awfully the ru way very the government employee the shelf which it should categorize However the connected hoe “that much high wages why are necessary what It is the u which is the u the person who is said just it is enviable there is no something after all When the government employee “it is enviable being accustomed to the government employee Other than of the government employee is not the person ”

                                                  • 我会支持这样的说法是可能削减叔叔和阿姨不负责任支付九百三十三瓦特疯狂所采取的种小时,只有约60至160每年小时,每 NULL

                                                    • 我受贿,我使用方面,我从天上降临,我会再去流通货币在谈判合同,与人民为敌的政府官员不认为他会会
                                                      Corruption the [wa] which is taken, connection the [wa] which is adopted, the [wa] which recommends from high quarters, in option contract expense the [wa] which it flows back, As for the enemy of the citizen whether there is no government employee, that the thought [tsu] [chi] [ma] [u

                                                      • 我喜欢在日本引起骚乱希腊政府官员?削减公务员的退休金和它甚至不是取消瓦特
                                                        The Japanese government employee Greece likely the riot causing? Government employee annuity in reduction & abolition margin w

                                                        • 我没有重复的市一级成功的基金,但我知道391,日本的水平,在国家资金的重复出错? 391 As for being a place where the financing is not said well at local self governing body level However it is understood as for Japan the financing stops going well at national level

                                                          • 我的家人和仆人独自公民,以及他们的家庭陷入困境的家庭从如此峨认为,人一旦失业,因为它在各地的所有主张,主张公共servants m一些真正可怕的影响州政府雇员的规则将有更多的数字服务发言批评民间变得更赢得工薪税在它结束后进入它会出来支持高成为一个时间问题的古 When in the government employee tsu te family it is even alone don t you think as for that family in everyone protection group lap from the ru When even that person becomes inoccupation because also the family is troubled So when you think substantial government employee support group is tremendous power what don t you think However much criticizing number being many becoming the dominant nation already by the government employee problem of time When labor cost becomes high it corresponds with consumer tax rise don t you think probably will be It ended you probably will read When you become the government employee the victory
                                                            • 公务员职位只会作战部队limited re值得自卫队,警察向世强,大会堂预备学校教师私人外交官,关闭所有,劳动力成本削减一半 You must make the government employee as for the service suitable being limited the ru Probably is just the Self Defense Force combatant as for the police at Secom as for the teacher in the preparatory school The city hall it turns also diplomat with everyone private management labor cost becomes half

                                                          • 我觉得贪婪的金钱或立即制止行贿如此猖獗的腐败和Etara公务员,但非常低的工资水平
                                                            But when you hold down salary of the government employee to level extremely low The gold of foresight we want, the air with bribe or bribery may swagger, does

                                                            • 我说号2 500 000和3 000 000的纯收入?那么,甚至的内容在一个公务员工作的公务员多少甲壳很难成为家庭和40家持立刻原谅,在20万左右百分之20多岁,30岁,没有如在12个月奖金难道你要确保有收入, When the annual income 3 000 000 tsu te you say with net income 2 500 000 rank When it divides in 12 months the bonus it is not with about month 200 000 If 20 generations when anyhow with 30 generation 40 generations it is about probably to become the family and the house having With a lot of government employee chito hard kana… Well content of work and there are no earnings are certain in the government employee
                                                              • 我不是社会的收入直线之后,我听到他的净214辜? 214 The person tsu te which hears earnings with net income it does not appear in society honestly

                                                            • 我进一步降低消耗↓附表包括平民死亡更消耗感冒死亡民事↓必须在入不敷支的黄金将与公共服务水平低的总支付300万,如果你的国家工作在低级别官员的办公室这↓↓复苏定向倒塌的私家! ! ! ↓↓恢复泪水的眼睛周围的公仆变成↓货币市场,以减少工资和退休金的公务员也 If the work where the official business of the countryside public office is low separately If the work whose entire provision 3 000 000 is low The private death which it manages even with the money of the government employee ↓ Consumption furthermore is cold by the private death ↓ Consumption decreasing the ru which furthermore people collapses and sows ↓ End ↓ Revival production Furthermore allowance and annuity of the government employee are decreased ↓ It reaches the point where the gold turns to the market ↓ Business recovery ↓ Government employee tear eye
                                                              • ↓什么是远了私人消费崩溃↓1 3人死亡,包括因感冒私人消费更多的平民死亡人数已↓↓官员用金钱戏法 ↓ The private death which it manages with the money of the government employee ↓ Consumption furthermore is cold by the private death ↓ Consumption decreasing the ru which furthermore people collapses and sows ↓ End ↓ Revival production Furthermore allowance and annuity of the government employee are decreased ↓ It reaches the point where the gold turns to the market ↓ Business recovery ↓ Government employee tear eye
                                                              • 这↓↓崩溃私人消费复苏导离我包括进一步降低感冒查看详情↓↓公民死亡死亡消耗更多的民间公务员有钱糊口↓! ! ! ↓↓恢复泪水的眼睛周围的公仆变成↓货币市场,以减少工资和退休金的公务员也 ↓ The private death which it manages with the money of the government employee ↓ Consumption furthermore is cold by the private death ↓ Consumption decreasing the ru which furthermore people collapses and sows ↓ End ↓ Revival production Furthermore allowance and annuity of the government employee are decreased ↓ It reaches the point where the gold turns to the market ↓ Business recovery ↓ Government employee tear eye

                                                            • 所谓的年度加薪,该系统使用一付绝对愚蠢不破产的组织生长,降低劳动成本,因为不能粉碎的长老和提前退休一样没有强烈的平民力量粮食解雇或辞职尚未肿胀,并已在通缉
                                                              Annual ascent granting, you say, unless organization grows, adopting the foolish salary system which fails absolutely, the [te], Still, people either it cannot reduce the idler senior person likely layoff and resignation forcing and early with retirement When labor cost swelled up with consequence

                                                              • 日本,理事会官员和当地政府主管冶体立法者,政府官员获得了上天的奖励包括该国的世界从高官
                                                                As for Japan, from the member of the Diet bureaucracy until the head and prefectural assembly Assemblyman and the public official of the local our 冶 body in the world It is the � public office heaven national � which obtains the highest remuneration

                                                                • 最后一行似乎出了405终于给自己了,这就像我捉住官员毕竟人类瓦特共产党员带头公开批评,只有政治种族神秘邪教 405 Finally way the horse leg comes out the shelf With last one line the Japan Communist Party tsu te it is kind of something which is discovered w The human who taking the initiative does government employee criticism after all how occult of the cult political party only race
                                                                  • 它正在成为一个收入的政府雇员的工资,权利是错误的瓦特你不改革 Although it is becoming labor cost of the tax revenue government employee The ro w where the one which it does not reform is strange and is
                                                                  • 政府官员会回家,迎接狗屎我想我的孩子穿着好看罗勒在豪华的宅第附近浮动家居产品在我现在知道瓦特 As for the house of the government employee it is understood immediately At the mansion floating at neighborhood the ru it does and w where appealing droppings gaki of the item of that house greets so greatly
                                                                  • 昆达工作津贴,为国家的政治家比削减公务员的薪金,因为一个零配置万 From government employee salary of politician cutting margin It works because of the country it is even zero the structure cup

                                                                • 此外,政府雇员的工资,如螺旋停止增长,社会保障和福利金Marimasen
                                                                  Labor cost of government employee and, As for increase spiral of social security expense such as welfare It does not stop

                                                                  • 此外,行政工作人员的平均年收入一般在千叶县高80个城市最日元每832人
                                                                    Furthermore, as for annual average remuneration of general administrative officer of Chiba city per one person at 8,320,000 Yen in 80 municipalities inside prefectures It is highest

                                                                    • 民主党的权力基础和JTU的Zitirou官公労和烧伤,不能削减公务员的恶魔从利益的归属只能苏显着减少雇用新的错误
                                                                      Official public labor and autonomous labor and Nitukiyou group at the Democratic party of the support parent cutting into in acquired interests of the government employee Because it is not possible, the error to demon only converting it is possible with substantial reduction of recruiting

                                                                      • 渴望高薪,直到退休,我不负责,退休,在相互和平与安全的官员和退休福利养老金
                                                                        The negative [wa] do responsibility, to retirement age high giving the 貪 [ri], old age, at the retirement lump sum grant and mutual aid annuity the government employee of peace

                                                                        • 溜饮公务员民工只有我用自来水从下获得良好的气体排除身体想要
                                                                          If the government employee it hits, because the sour stomach of the private worker goes down, being used by the breathing where the body is good, just the [ru

                                                                          • 由于私营部门遵守工资,低工资,我好苦的原因,不仅在泡沫不能发生对一个人,一个爆炸Uyouyo Netouyo上帝筑坝公共服务我可以静静地躺在同和伊坎 米间隔。哦,被强行带到船上唯一线(笑)
                                                                            Because wages it is conformed to private enterprise, just at the time of the bubble circumstances to be good it cannot there be with a small salary some lever The partner there is no human and the [te], when lie is attached, circumstance the government employee large discernment God way If it is attached, [netouyo] calls [uyouyo] have done lie, every other. Go to the board It is forced is taken the [a] (laughing) which

                                                                            • 美国领事馆,并没有无用的每次住宿押金是50日辺说赎回日
                                                                              Unless at the American consular mansion, there is deposit of 50 � around stay 1 days, useless it was said, but…

                                                                              • 荒谬的各种津贴,税务Buchikoma造福社会,永久再就业的离退休再就业
                                                                                Meaning unclear various treatments and tax the spots the cooperative meeting which it can be troubled, retirement age in re-job placement after the retiring rehiring with permanency

                                                                                • 评论 单津贴 工资单出■ Tondemo官员 由 若林阿基 10 04 12。津贴一直难以呆“既得利益”最严重的刺激与平装书 Celibacy treatment ton demonstration leave and earning statement of government employee Work Aki Wakabayashi 10 04 12 Coming out There is difficulty treatment The 呆 re it is “acquired interests” The worst muka being attached book in library history
                                                                                  • 评论 单津贴 工资单出■ Tondemo官员 由 若林阿基 10 04 12。津贴一直难以呆“既得利益”最严重的刺激与平装书 Celibacy treatment ton demonstration leave and earning statement of government employee Work Aki Wakabayashi 10 04 12 Coming out There is difficulty treatment The 呆 re it is “acquired interests” The worst muka being attached book in library history

                                                                                • 该草案,公职人员的巢穴当然常数,大杉代理商wwwwwwwwww
                                                                                  Sure enough, the hideout [sure] shelf of the government employee, operative large cedar wwwwwwwwww

                                                                                  • 转播结节和政府官员购买储蓄国债将被迫邮政养老金。给我:那我应该怎么点菜了吗?瓦特
                                                                                    Making the nodule of the government employee and the annuity of OB mail storing save mandatorily Government bond buying. Order it should have put out, don't you think? it is? w

                                                                                    • 达罗倒塌,由于吸收了劳动力总数的60万亿日元,每年的费用74万亿日元,日本官员和地方税的收入在日本的总税收瓦特 The Japanese national tax and the tax revenue which sums up rate 74 000 000 000 000 Yen Annual labor cost sum total of the Japanese government employee 60 000 000 000 000 Yen The being disgusted ya failing the ro w which is proper
                                                                                      • 白根发生了什么国家现在从他们这是自杀,我认为希腊将是严重的情况,如果这个意义上说,因为我有其他已经失败 Because among those it commits suicide it is about that this country how probably will become don t you think and others Because now presently it has failed already in another sense from Greece very you try probably to be such a terrible circumstance what
                                                                                      • 达罗倒塌,由于吸收了劳动力总数的60万亿日元,每年的费用74万亿日元,日本官员和地方税的收入在日本的总税收瓦特 The Japanese national tax and the tax revenue which sums up rate 74 000 000 000 000 Yen Annual labor cost sum total of the Japanese government employee 60 000 000 000 000 Yen The being disgusted ya failing the ro w which is proper

                                                                                    • 过分“的薪酬奖金“,他们手厚”与社会保障福利“支付 gt As for waste of the blood tax with the excessive labor cost of the government employee annual 30 000 000 000 000 Yen 36 000 000 000 000 Yen 嶋 learning repairing gt gt Government employee quasi government employee 7 500 000 person 9 000 000 person gt gt In these people in powerful Union of political combative supreme principle and origin of unjust National Personnel Authority advice gt Excess “ Allowance and bonus ” It is careful “ Welfare and social insurance ” Is provided
                                                                                      • 过分“的薪酬奖金“,他们手厚”与社会保障福利“支付 gt As for waste of the blood tax with the excessive labor cost of the government employee annual 30 000 000 000 000 Yen 36 000 000 000 000 Yen 嶋 learning repairing gt gt Government employee quasi government employee 7 500 000 person 9 000 000 person gt gt In these people in powerful Union of political combative supreme principle and origin of unjust National Personnel Authority advice gt Excess “ Allowance and bonus ” It is careful “ Welfare and social insurance ” Is provided

                                                                                    • 那么个人通过精英官僚种问题之一的政府官员,我不认为有很多有利于农村地区以及市政警察和工作人员联系受雇于当地政府官员的最而尽管是愚蠢的薪酬制度,因为它本身是80%寄生虫只是拉这些家伙不是太有利的比他们的公仆
                                                                                      Well, privately the elite bureaucracy which passes by national public service personnel 1 kind thinks that it is it is possible to favorably treat, but As for being problem the local government employee where the majority is employed with connection Not only the local self-governing body therefore the policeman and the school personnel as for the district 8 percentage one connection Furthermore in the habit of the fool as for wage system being the case that the party who is favorably treated than the national public service personnel it is And others it is dense just the parasite itself

                                                                                      • 那样羡责骂他,或成为公众官方网站!没有人比其他公职人员!排斥和败类的败类,如废物甚至是从人类社会的理论恨合理的井田公共servants m大的伟大人物一样自私分钟,例如将通过挖掘第一你说这一切手段我Yabaku融资?这是许多信念,他们会恨它从心脏大 Well it is are When it is enviable being accustomed to the government employee Other than of the government employee is not the person And so on with explaining the reason of human society to the kind of kudzu which it omits as for being wasteful understanding the ru Therefore abhorrence the personality of the great government employee it hits with all expedients Like this if you say it probably will lead First don t you think public finance it is dangerous It was impression of extent but now we abhor from the bottom of heart
                                                                                        • 而应尊重他们的税,如果他们不能被巧妙地回避了200万头大的数量,鼓励亿,以鼓励私营部门的雇员 That the private employee probably will receive 100 000 000 that 200 000 000 you probably will receive not evading taxation large sum paying tax securely If you give you think that on the other hand we should make the object of respect

                                                                                      • 附表自由下的工资是Gill先生抱怨说,人权和休假,公务员普遍萧条
                                                                                        When salary is lowered selfishly, 鬱 with naming, it is appealed that it is human rights violation in the government employee who, is in the midst of temporarily retiring

                                                                                        • 难道低于709金梁时刻,你会认为我在后来的行辜?没酱或只在票据或政府官员使用? 709 So probably is instantaneous it lowered but your that money is thinking that it goes future somewhere the ru is Or in only the government employee even with the paper currency which cannot be used bean jam
                                                                                          • 你是公仆,我觉得公司?雇主们仍然很重要 gt The especially man people gt gt gt gt gt is the government employee This depends on enterprise it is it isn t The place of employment is important after all

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