Government and foot and mouth disease measure team installation to Miyazaki…Prime Minister Hatoyama personally, in measure headquarters chief. Miyazaki entering examination ★2
20 Echofon政府秒前,宫崎Rarerurashii应变小组来到了高层政府和渔业部副部长山田 20 seconds before the within From Echofon From government the government measure team which designates agricultural secondary Minister of State Yamada as the top comes to Miyazaki it seems
229 Imagoro留恋?信不信由全球变暖的二氧化碳报出了新鲜刺激的焦虑评分冲绳,甚至就在美军基地迁移并不意味着志贺聪电视电视是存在的,而大脑定型我不介意我说 229 Around now the air was attached That it will fan insecurity and will build and probably will put out audience rating believing carbon dioxide warming which are reported Only existence meaning of the stereotype which TV says in regard to Okinawa you know with the US military base transfer of facilities problem Calling the TV brain you are not concerned
四国和淡路岛 令人讨厌的伐丽流收费伐丽流明年取消对讨厌查明问题九州冲绳唱衰搬迁病伐丽流美军基地,在那里我恨伐丽流,你民主党人 US military base transfer of facilities with problem it is disliked in Okinawa Foot and mouth disease with problem it is disliked in Kyushu Highway fee pinpoint and at price hike it is disliked in Shikoku and the Awazi island Next is disliked somewhere it is the Democratic party
453肮脏的沼泽“嗯,你犯了一个新的党和寄生虫的Mitsukenai(影城是的私有化补贴各方wwwwww政治)” 453
Dirtily well 沢 “, unless the new party it makes, or ahead living upon finds, (political party grant private property conversion bear [e] wwwwww)”
48:46按摩不感兴趣,共产党什么的宫崎县议会常务委员会畜农的帮助?产品名称992:邮政,如果:2010 05 16(星期日)20 57:自由民主党的选民在36个地区持续到Tonchinkan故事从不要以为这是政治村,是基于对支持区域和农村993名问题的选票差距较大:您的职位包括:2010 05 16(星期日)21时23分:32 991希雷恩 48 46 There is no massage interest but as for Miyazaki Japan Communist Party thing something where serves the purpose of the domesticated fowl and animals farmer doing 992 Name It is Contribution day 2010 05 16 day 20 57 36 The Liberal Democratic Party was the farm village political party which designates the farm village and the district as the support basis Because with there is no prerequisite which is said releasing becoming the ton chin can the ru Value of vote of the district being large is differential problem of the foremost vote 993 Name Cover Contribution day 2010 05 16 day 21 23 32 991 It does viewing
NULL Even being a risk is work of prerequisite and Senryu Therefore thing plate this minsu the wa which the like expression which happens it stops and well can happen with any administration Cover Therefore this there is no minsu and therefore the te this although repeatedly it started … it does jimin with dysmnesia the yo Cover When Morimoto something being collided to the submarine golf it has done and it is directly Cover Being serious if we would like to protect agricultural livestock industry it should vote to Japan Communist Party Cover Senryu As for story of foot and mouth disease from around 23 minute 45 seconds 991 Name Anonymous kibonnu Contribution day 2010 05 16 day 20 48 46 There is no massage interest but as for Miyazaki Japan Communist Party thing something where serves the purpose of the domesticated fowl and animals farmer doing 992 Name It is Contribution day 2010 05 16 day 20 57 36 The Liberal Democratic Party was the farm village political party which designates the farm village and the district as the support basis Because with there is no prerequisite which is said releasing becoming the ton chin can the ru Value of vote of the district being large is differential problem of the foremost vote 993 Name Cover Contribution day 2010 05 16 day 21 23 32 991 It does viewing
600名自卫队人员参与杀人,我想,也许在关注站在纪念馆致敬 600
The self-protecting soldier who perhaps relates to destroying thinks that Kuyo it does with standing upright firm salute,
891是啊,因为那些支付本年度没有,那是没有顾灾害储备基金 891
So, is, because and there was no the assistant 填 of this year,
Contingency planning reserve fund was gone
991白痴“,现在我们要道歉南浓粉末状态,打破一个人的脖子自己任命为农业部长,因为我是未知(Heraherahera )... 991
Foolish “unknown me Since worshiping life doing Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries minister of state Powder bone 砕 body Because of the body it started designating the nation as the powder After so long a time something of apology (the spatula spatula spatula). ”
NULL 788 Something there being a strange custom in the mass rubbish “As for interview does not know the field can be let do to the person who the one which It is easy to be divided into the viewer who explanation does not know similarly” that Don t you think how foolish to think As for that the person who does not know understanding properly it should have been to convey When without the person who does not know understanding it conveys how it does it is Someone checks contents The ro which before that precise question how it is possible at that place of interview and don t you think is At each time the story is remembered you think
我能说什么野蛮的习俗和惯例朱达罗848。电视电台再回到所以它会是好的辅之以视频,但坏消息是很丑陋的突破,我应该只是吻戏的风格和种类 848 The ro which custom… it is possible to call 蛮 learning is It is possible to be scurvy Because it can compensate unskillfully with image it becomes so it is return to the radio which is another As for the television just the variety and drama and emergency bulletin letting flow the re it is good
NULL Will not and others Accurate information of Akamatsu foot and mouth disease incident conveying to the person of the feeling weakness which cannot do the net Accurate information of Akamatsu foot and mouth disease incident conveying to the person of the feeling weakness which cannot do the net Accurate information of Akamatsu foot and mouth disease incident conveying to the person of the feeling weakness which cannot do the net Accurate information of Akamatsu foot and mouth disease incident conveying to the person of the feeling weakness which cannot do the net Accurate information of Akamatsu foot and mouth disease incident conveying to the person of the feeling weakness which cannot do the net Accurate information of Akamatsu foot and mouth disease incident conveying to the person of the feeling weakness which cannot do the net
TTP的:/ / / izki -富山/俄牙花花公子,初中水平的人写文章 ttp: //
The [ge] [e] and the composition shelf of composition level of the junior high school student which it does
Twitter com matsudadoraemon失误被送往把政府的公告及粉尘质量,特约记者,只是一个警告河野哲东国性质的初步结果失败了各个方向,将流入市民 twitter com matsudadoraemon As for mistake failure of indication of the initial motion of Governor all Higashi Kunihara Whether this you knew warning the free journalist of That way the adoption to the announcement and the mass rubbish of government It keeps being let flow by the world
但是,如果我保持沉默,没有一些国家,以逃避责任,要承担全部责任,但所有东国 Simply making placid this way the cod depending upon the country where we would like to escape responsibly Mistake makes all Higashi Kunihara s consequence probably will be however
Ukato分歧和手段在这个时间,在2000年领导,你知道,“政治党”,因为民主党一直试图确保官僚和官员的古运作想到的是它们这是封闭的 At the time 2000 and this time something is different that when you say In the point which is understood With consequence of the Democratic party administration which it has been about to make “political main leadership be thorough” The public official and the bureaucracy say that the fact that you move with your own thought has been sealed
如果我写不好的东西民主党约668,立即报告从民主资源的同情者莫゙你订阅 668 When insult of the Democratic party administration how you write because the democracy sympathizer of moku ゙ ri which has been subscribed informs immediately
Yurumezu卸下自民党在20公里,50公里限制,一旦你的耻辱离开 If it leaves the Liberal Democratic Party in 20km without loosening carrying out restriction, as 50km,… it is regrettable >
_NULL_ 10.5.12. Aoyama complex clear decisively! 1/6 - 6/6
The government which loses rule ability Japan which becomes the prey of peripheral country
Tokunoshima it takes advantage to dividing the inhabitant, (responsibility of government in the district
You push) Hatoyama administration
As for Prime Minister Hatoyama not studying diplomacy and security completely exposes
Present as for government not to be political main leadership, “political monopoly”
The Hatoyama administration which even Miyazaki foot and mouth disease it tries to solve in the rose maquis
Chinese as for violation of territorial waters of the navy in order to test the communication net of the official residence and the defensive ministry,
As the secret messenger of Prime Minister Hatoyama, Muneo Suzuki the Russian visit
(Possibility past of becoming the worst territory negotiation large)
“你越了解,他们说什么驱动tTA分钟,滚装害怕的东西,口蹄病”或让他们说瓦特 “If it studies you understood that it is something whose extent and the foot and mouth disease which are done is fearful” that w which it may say
达夫说:“我认为这是一件可怕的事情,如果这样的口蹄疫,并没有教人 ” You did not think that pigeon “foot and mouth disease is such an enormous ones no one taught and gt lt ”
“新”法0733 15准则农业部长,国际和国内动物传染病检疫具体,改变或取消或听证时说,必须是理事会的意见粮食,农业和农村政策 <<Addition >> flat 15 methods 0733 As for Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, specific domestic animal infectious disease
When or trying it will draw up quarantine guide, it will modify, to abolish, food agriculture
Farm village policy you must inquire about the opinion of conference,
“添加”我知道及市长和15个州法律0732,国际家畜传染病检疫按照指引讲学延长法案和措施,以防止牲畜下的规定,此次暴发的传染病预防弥漫并应 <<Addition >> flat 15 methods 0732 Metropolis and districts knowledge
As for thing and mayors, town managers, and village headmen, on the basis of specific domestic animal infectious disease quarantine guide, stipulation of this law
With prevention of occurrence of the domestic animal infectious disease and measure for preventing the pervasion extending are devised
It makes the thing
一个星期前,看到日本NHK学士947天新闻你,你是有关手足口病,“腰带午餐,”我刚一三宅与青蛙“腰带午餐”实在太可怕结果 947 One week ago you saw with news of your NHK noon and as for BS in regard to foot and mouth disease “The hi ru it had” and just was honesty the shelf “The hi ru it had” and Miyake s case was terrible but…
一个星期前,看到日本NHK学士947天的新闻,但我做到了 947 One week ago you saw with news of your NHK noon and as for BS in regard to foot and mouth disease “The hi ru it had” and just was honesty the shelf “The hi ru it had” and Miyake s case was terrible but…
东方通信除了早上牛,“该网站正在做一个完美的”红色。够不跟随家畜改良机构,但也有一些人的批评,“不感染,”我觉得莫无凯塔 In addition to the tele morning seeding cow “you do east actual place perfectly” red Criticism somewhat Following to domestic animal revised business group is not enough simply after all “Is not infected to the person the air which” is not does
东方通信除了早上牛,“该网站正在做一个完美的”红色。够不跟随家畜改良机构,但也有一些人的批评,“不感染,”我觉得莫无凯塔 In addition to the tele morning seeding cow “you do east actual place perfectly” red Criticism somewhat Following to domestic animal revised business group is not enough simply after all “Is not infected to the person the air which” is not does
主任谁是10年多前,贻误了该地区的市长或导致了失败的初始方向川南肯定和缺乏人才供应东国不认为你可能已经不 With the failure of the indication of the initial motion of Governor Higashi Kunihara, the cow which is destroyed is not dealt with directly incineration burying stand,
Mediating the fly, and the like warning the point where damage is in the midst of expanding
互联网广播 脸 面对电台的BS 袋(2010 516) 我不知道是否禽畜农民荣誉的感觉 Internet radio 2010 516 Feeling something of the animal husbandry farmers it is from the wa
互联网广播 脸 面对电台的BS 袋(2010 516) 我们不知道的荣誉感到家庭畜农 Internet radio 2010 516 Feeling something of the animal husbandry farmers it is from the wa
他们 ”不 gt Vis a vis that another animal husbandry farmer has done “as for disinfection it is When” with you hear gt “It has not done
对它们,和其他牲畜的农场,“我已经消毒?”我听说,“不 Vis a vis that another animal husbandry farmer has done “as for disinfection it is When” with you hear “It has not done
今天的宫根氖也明白:你是如何划分出他的意思,创造一个威慑作用,但不知道什么人不付,评论家Poppo到另一个开始批评孩子Poppo是浅草吮吸内阁支持率与过去相比,平均(50%Poppo财) Present [miyane] was rhinoceros t
When Asakusa the kid starts criticizing the [po] [tsu] [po], another critic dividing, it enters
[po] [tsu] creating the real intention of the deterrent speech which does not understand in only main person of the [po]
How doing, whether it calculated, don't you think? the [wa] can - successive Cabinet support ratio comparison (as for the [po] [tsu] [po] the 50% [chi] [yo] it is at mean value)
他们不作任何警戒的余地,但我就知道,什么证据让他们秃头写真! ! ! Our police/policing group as for there is no room which is made knowing, however the [ru],
The photograph taking, evidence leave the baldness! ! !
任何意义的地区出售牲畜不感染瓦特为了避免将来扩展到其他城市和县,“宫崎牛,猪毯处置”这是一个严重的Burgers与以 gt Dealing with the domestic animal of the area which has not been infected Semantic obscurity w In the future in order to avoid the enlargement to other prefecture “the cow of Miyazaki prefecture pig all the head dealings” This entering into range of vision seriously the ru
但我们的政府成立了一个应对小组,顶部的宫崎雅彦副部长农业和山田,并与当地政府,在集体努力,帮助农民解决损害感染和传播 Collectively,
To install the government measure team which designates agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko Yamada as the top in Miyazaki prefecture, local end
Becoming the self-governing community and one body, it tackles the prevention of infection enlargement and the support of the damage farmer by aggregate power
但我有一个国家因为害怕被感染的野生动物,对那油炸采取广泛的行动,但必须这样做,我知道一切,认真上总 There is a possibility of the infection which minds the wildlife it is but Because the conduct range is wide as for the measure although it is necessary for the country to do Completely it is untouched
受感染的野猪,我们完成得这么好,那么你成为他们可以或不可以阻止感染链也是雨季 The boar of wildness is infected furthermore becomes rain and when is decided with also that the chain of infection does not stop therefore very that time the end to be
135“赤松先生,请帮我选一次在全国范围内普及 135 Because “Mr Akamatsu is popularity in the citizen please turn entire country with election support
你知道你是傻瓜Kimatsu敏感的牛肉和牛上罕见的高需求下降524余 524 The Japanese Cattle meat decreasing if demand for the import beef increases it increases in price and being decided ro aho which is the ru
627今天,他们买牛肉店上线驱动tTA一般屠夫,因为我认为这个时候 627 Therefore today such a time with thinking It went to the Japanese Cattle buying at the usual spirit meat store
你觉得你有消化后,消防队员把活动现场周围只有一个燃烧的火方括号 After when in the fire becoming the around all over burning field, the parenthesis the fire fighter who is attached digests is active the combining which how is thought
你让他笑,因为它的强烈愿望,以取代事实上的权力550 550
In fact, therefore reshuffle
Therefore the power desire strong person [niyaniya] it is it to be possible the [ro] which is
先生们选出的代表勤奋工作,在这里工作,你不妨寻找新工作的瓦特 The ladies and gentlemen of new member Assemblyman who strives to construction activity here,
The re-place of employment the one which is searched is better, w
减免税是一场灾难戏剧,撒鸠山由纪夫乙☆☆自己 Hatoyama * Our performing quaintness * Yukio
Relieving the disaster which spread by your with tax
前所未有的覆盖范围是什么是所谓的记者会被自我规管,以防止这种损害当地的谣言和传播,已被解除只要今天的新闻,富士失控我巨魔地方和 As for until now without having reporting expectation what where self restriction in order rumor damage and the enlargement of the infection with local collection of data to prevent is policy Present reporting was rescinded immediately Fuji Telecasting Co driving recklessly devastating the locale the ru
我尽量直接输入到站点轻脚,或没有第二个想法做蠢事?这是只为自我规管的东西 Directly foot is set in the locale how being foolish thing unconcerned doing It was self restriction because some it is
发病率在2000年,高冈町,宫崎2000年4月9日,2000年25例,09个单位怀疑每人Takaokachō宫崎4月3日,2000年3月宫崎市10户受影响的动物按人头我们已经改善了过什么也不做假期每头703例疑似病例镇两头母牛705头受影响的动物房子本别北海道5月11日,2000年6例疑似病例影响动物的头10头16家1日发生在任何地方它可以来 Occurrence circumstance 2000 2000 March 25th Miyazaki prefecture Miyazaki city 1 doors 10 heads 患 domesticated fowl and animals 2000 April 03rd Miyazaki prefecture Takaoka Cho 1 doors 9 heads False 患 domesticated fowl and animals 2000 April 09th Miyazaki prefecture Takaoka Cho 1 doors 16 heads 10 患 domesticated fowl and animals 6 false 患 domesticated fowl and animals 2000 May 11th Hokkaido Honbetsu Cho 1 doors 705 heads 2 患 domesticated fowl and animals 703 false 患 domesticated fowl and animals Consecutive holiday was passed with idle lack of policy therefore it is occurring wherever in Japan it is not strange
S的猪一一我不坏,怀疑感染个案已迸发出的最后阶段 Such unless it is ended at the stage where the infection false 患 domesticated fowl and animals to the pig come out is useless what don t you think
叛国,外国或外部干扰,阴谋,装配武器,破坏,杀人,强奸等,在严峻的沉默,直到恐怖主义可能能够褪去,文 National rebellion, outside 患 attraction, conspiracy, dangerous weapon preparation gathering, subversive activities, homicide and rape etc
With the rubbish silence which it increases, the causing [re] which causes also terrorism it is
同时弥漫Soreto 850吱吱叫如何拼命她的两个博客等,只是在做它的圈子,我觉得互联网用户之间的无奈的感觉 850 Simultaneously with that with Twitter and 2 burogu etc How being desperate being the place where it spreads guruguru just it has done between the net users… With the helpless impression of saying you feel
您的紧急请求 不!浴巾 请! 传播的希望! TTP的: omnmiyazaki blog109。FC2的。com 博客入境 1692。Html m不是地方不够毛巾 The bath towel ttp omnmiyazaki blog109 fc2 com blog entry 1692 html At the locale the towel it is not enough it is
名誉损害关系≒肉类(屠夫,屠夫烤)≒的B&Z如果民主党民主党人≒,但我想宫崎县的农民在做 Rumor damage ≒ Something related to flesh (butcher shop and burning butcher shop) ≒ B & Z ≒ The Democratic party
In spite even during GW period the national highway it did not regulate
和今年储备基金为350亿日元,经济危机储备基金,地方振兴是一个1万亿日元 As for reserve fund of this year there is 350,000,000,000 Yen and,
As for economic crisis corresponding regional activated reserve fund there is 1,000,000,000,000 Yen separately
哈纳赤松时间,我想我生病住院成为在即将按照惯例?瓦特 As for Akamatsu imitating gradually in custom
Becoming the sickness, the time where you are hospitalized the kana which is not? w
国家森林公园,这是很难说,但我会茹水了,“哥打阿乃这样的”一Yajiru习惯从未 Because the national forest comes out the water when it is unreasonable Saying although the ru in how jeer which “is not such a densely it is a ” ru habit
即使就埋葬地点,“我说我想的sendfile如果允许国有土地须有 In regard to the burying place if there is a necessary place “at government owned area if you say permission it puts out
国家统计局589富士后的骚动和Horiemon ll Zubuzubu小泽和民主的国家把钱,这是一团糟 589
As for the Fuji Telecasting Co. Nippon Broadcasting System, after democracy Ozawa and [zubuzubu] and the [horiemon] disturbance the Korean money enters, it is the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya
在这些措施中,他们接受的是,疑似感染的其他县发现更多的物种。设施,适用于有强烈的警示 To accept the fact that doubt of infection while facilitating is ascertained even in such measure kind of other prefecture As for facility Precaution is strengthened
在这些措施中,他们接受的是,疑似感染的其他县发现更多的物种。设施,适用于有强烈的警示 To accept the fact that doubt of infection while facilitating is ascertained even in such measure kind of other prefecture As for facility Precaution is strengthened
多少市民。预防脚。库塔缠绕制品屁股在牲畜的责任,宫崎县肉类和控制措施,分配适当的稳定供应,该部全面负责 How much public 疫 anti ketsu the tsu which winds it is with control measure as a responsibility of Miyazaki prefecture at the place The Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries responsibility it puts out the proper circulation stability supply of the flesh animal husbandry product completely
名誉损害关系≒肉类(屠夫,屠夫烤)的B&ž≒≒毛重民主党人控制的,尽管没有在道路 Rumor damage ≒ Something related to flesh butcher shop and burning butcher shop ≒ B Z ≒ The Democratic party In spite even during GW period the national highway it did not regulate
如果你只想要时段和大野猪,我们想成为缓慢,全县广泛九州 When it is spreading to the boar and the like
Time can be less crowded, it keeps spreading to Kyushu all prefecture gradually
如果你想责怪民主党州长,1手宫东担宫崎民主,人民应该驱赶我认为包括解雇或辞职的豌豆我是頑張 The Democratic party would like to make the consequence of the governor if is persevering you dismiss or should have driven to resignation That is democracy The Miyazaki person is shoulders that one stick with thinks
如果你想责怪民主党州长,1手宫东担宫崎民主,人民应该驱赶我认为包括解雇或辞职的豌豆我是頑張 The Democratic party would like to make the consequence of the governor if is persevering you dismiss or should have driven to resignation That is democracy The Miyazaki person is shoulders that one stick with thinks
宫崎138,东国祝你好运!民主Kutabare! ! !宫崎县的东国祝你好运!民主Kutabare! ! !宫崎县的东国祝你好运!民主Kutabare! ! ! 138
Miyazaki and Higashi Kunihara governor [ganbare]! As for democracy [kutabare]! ! !
Miyazaki and Higashi Kunihara governor [ganbare]! As for democracy [kutabare]! ! !
Miyazaki and Higashi Kunihara governor [ganbare]! As for democracy [kutabare]! ! !
宫崎县的公务员职务,包括有关部长或立委或省长将被解雇或无薪工作在今年全面,金钱的损失仍然是人都选择之一等全额付款之前,您Hazime绫维塔。万市民支付 Related minister of state member of the Diet governor Miyazaki prefecture discussion
Does the government employee where duty is related work with 1 annual complete unpaid?
Are reprimanded are discharged, or choose each of them Furthermore
You payment in full pay the damage gold As for citizen [bita] one sentence payment cup by citizen
川南城市的官员已造成严重的问题收据在县内已工作,进入谷仓知道是卫生和淋浴间和1 3 As for the staff of the same prefectural Kawaminami Cho where occurrence occurs frequently the refrainment from going to work,
The case where it enters into the cow-shed you paid attention to the hygienic aspect e.g., the shower is poured,
归纳出谷仓突然来说话 NULL
今天下午,区,富士电视台的记者,没有任何联系,似乎来元谷仓突然开始说话 Present in the afternoon in the area the Fuji Telecasting Co collection of data position coming to the barn suddenly without many contacts collection of data was begun so is
归纳出谷仓突然来说话 NULL
当事人对口蹄疫646,山田彦农业部副部长,5 / 14(星期五)日Terebaraeti说:“大田先生,”外地严重程度对温度的差异了政府和危机感,我是太多,我会感到震惊 646
As for agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko person and Yamada of whirlpool of foot and mouth disease measure,
However 5/14 (the gold) has appeared “Prime Minister day tele variety in Ota”,…
Temperature difference of crisis consciousness of actual place and government being too terrible, it will be agape
我不明白真正的意义或没有,不要把这次选举的措施,我不 Election it was accustomed to applying measure did not do that it is not and there is no with some lever where magnitude does not understand to te real……
我不知道我的普天间基地搬迁是大农场现场使用强迫114 114
When it relocates the Futenma base to the enormous farm former site which it becomes unable to use, how the oak and others
我会挖一个洞,是沉重的惊奇,我是做...或经营多年的重型机械我很喜欢伪装一个前线战场好像是不正常的污染 What it makes [hatsu] digging, the hole [ru] Sigeki, quite camouflage of the forefront of the battlefield it is like
However several years Sigeki's operator you do we, it does not become dirty normally to there
我玩什么你知道现在不站起来向专责小组办公室政府向正彦顶部农业部副部长山田? To install the government measure team which designates agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko Yamada as the top, the [tsu] [te]…
So far the measure room without raising, what you do it is?
我的第二个朱达罗媒体批评破坏它?一旦你控制关闭的消息,如果没有损坏的主要食物,我决定到马祖病毒已蔓延全国各地 So the ro which is rumor damage how secondary damage Do if it reports and it regulates if stopping primary damage and the virus spreads to entire country being decided the ru
该报告时,可以没有任何需要报告的正确知识,以防止有害的谣言Gutamenimo It is necessary to report correct knowledge even in order it cannot collect materials and can report also the te and to prevent rumor damage
我看,在一篇文章中某处赤松都会让你鞠要求辜申请不被踢的地方专门赤松隆先生对我所有的平行机构,修辞,降低正是地板数量,几乎没有移动这是不是我或有责任和权力他妈的自由丑陋我做任何事情的责任在态度附表部长举行 However you read with the article of somewhere, as for Akamatsu as though but very that amount is acquired to the floor, the body doing low
Arranging oratory, while revering Akamatsu and offering we asking, it moves at last when
In other words, if criticism and there is an attitude which is blamed, nothing does, in simply power
Seeing [tsu] accompanying [kuso] minister of state who hangs on
我知道我在日本文僵硬,并表示,前生病委员会761秒,并没有能力来在Nokonoko我不认为我认为鄂如使用驱动tTA装病会议Itakunaku 761 But a story that it could not meet in the sickness Happening in Japan ru thing knowing it seems that the saw saw comes in the te and such a midst You did not want to meet to disabled te malingering used that you can think whether it is it is not but it is
批评政府的反应迟缓的锚,“政府责任的问题继续无视一大束刚省。” Criticizing the slowness of correspondence of anchor government Responsibility of the government which was continued to ignore “as problem just of the prefecture is large”
我会更好,如果我们曾说过,我立刻古民主运动是太慢 Now when it is too slow being criticized the ru Directly before the Democratic party moves it reaches the point where one was mashi
无论你是650的Twitter 该国的具体要求,使他们成为顶级很多次,我认为他们踢你到它上面的一个具体的答案 650 Twitter even with gt To country Because being able to point many degrees it has received concrete demand you think that it is something which can receive the concrete reply for that
无论如何,我终于开始画的认识,他们在与所有合字Ttenai指出,端午自由民主党初选复苏?你也家伙,我的工作是临时雇用恩戴不打,你正在与神户的重建 Something it started anyhow at last is our people who are democracy without being said To put out knowledge with everyone cooperating making revive the foremost There is no work and the te also the people who play are temporary and have employing The Kobe revival and it is simultaneous
日本继续普天间古魔术惨败的,即使是虚假的一段时间,民主党人国外波兰还怎么不可能这么看它是不是太大了严重的权力在党内的政治消失的过程作为 The large mistake which follows to Futenma Because the Japanese country the error demon conversion se te the foreign country sees for a while harshly don t you think How doing muripo As for the Democratic party rather than saying that it is removed from administration there is a process of disappearance as a political party
显然,那些报道不叫木卫一没有坚实的头一个场景的图片,我会得到任何报告不再拍照留念 That with something there is no picture on of site reporting saying when the one where the head which you say is hard is Reporting which the picture cannot take not to be done the tsu chi ya u don t you think
为什么我是现场的目的,“我不知道停在县一级 With something actual place seeking ru thing Whether gt it has stopped at stage of the prefecture you cannot understand
更因自己的笨拙的魔术,我做的失业救济和税收错误至少是真实的 By your you being awkward, we assume that deteriorating, error demon conversion so in the tax rose maquis how, it is truly lowest
更多关于政治-首相鸠山当然可以“,是疾病的关注扩展口和脚,”工作队在第一次见面口蹄疫 Follow-up story [sure]
Enlargement of Hatoyama prime minister “foot and mouth disease feels concern” In foot and mouth disease measure headquarters first assembly
民主党有自己的利益和Musaborou未知不得不转向中国和韩国的牛肉来自其他国家将是毁灭性的国内禽畜业将会蔓延到该地区,该解决方案的目的,宫崎地 The Democratic party purposely Like this the te it is in Miyazaki and the area spreading the liquid It is destroyed the domestic livestock industry It makes the circumstance which it cannot avoid inserting the cow from foreign country China and Korea The mu it has been about probably to shirk the right
将来,它可能是消息的农民,而它的责任,宫崎县都围绕我转,因为他们不妥 That in the future all responsibilities are Miyazaki and that animal husbandry house whether it is reported However you cannot know that even the mistake conveys around
民主党相比,本届政府与自民党和浴室碧塔海赞美处理来自世界绑定到一个模型上 Coping method of our civil administration right which poured praise as a model example from the previous world and that of the latest Democratic party administration being compared are inevitable
焚烧牛初始故障的东国无指示,立即被宰杀掩埋,并警告说一点损害是扩大调解苍蝇 With the failure of the indication of the initial motion of Governor Higashi Kunihara the cow which is destroyed is not dealt with directly incineration burying stand Mediating the fly and the like warning the point where damage is in the midst of expanding
焚烧牛初始故障的东国无指示,立即被宰杀掩埋,并警告说一点损害是扩大调解苍蝇 With the failure of the indication of the initial motion of Governor Higashi Kunihara the cow which is destroyed is not dealt with directly incineration burying stand Mediating the fly and the like warning the point where damage is in the midst of expanding
瓦特的研究与思考,我认为建立一个特殊疾病或法律修正案的家畜传染病防治法估计两个星期舔即使有点慢我万维网 Amendment of domestic animal protecting against infection method?
The thought of examining the enactment of special measure law
Inspection attacking, w
Estimating in the little licking, two weeks are slow, www
由于新的措施,加强消毒公路附近,简化手续,更快津贴支付给农民屠宰牲畜,加快消费支付特别税的分配,公关解释说,考虑提供信息 New
As a measure, the treatment gold payment to the production farmer who destroys disinfection strengthening and the domestic animal around the highway
Expediting and simplification of procedure of document, expediting and public information consumer information of special delivery tax payment
When offer is examined, it explained
畜牧官员了解情况,我至少430,和媒体的感情不好,政府根本不会带来Ttena,我不会期望票 430 As for the animal husbandry authorized personnel who at least grasps situation vis a vis government and the mass communications As for good feeling it probably will not have and you cannot expect either vote don t you think probably is
病131点 发生口蹄疫是更接近高速公路交汇处约束力的整个九州可爱的偶像 131
> As for the occurrence position of foot and mouth disease, the interchange of the node of the highway which Kyushu all ties close
目前的内阁是在玩弄政治游戏,一组铁路Gerokasu法案通过,平静地在危机和宫崎县畜产什么 As for the present cabinet the Miyazaki animal husbandry through will be calm in any crisis, in political game such as steamrolling of the bill the group of interest [ji] [ru] [gerokasu
约1小时前来自网络 松田光代(自由撰稿人)所描绘的画面像一个小丑 Before approximately 1 hours From web Matsuda optical world free journalist The kind of buffoonery which is drawn in the picture
东京 自由记者介绍松田光代名称地点107 107 Name Matsuda optical world Present location The Tokyo Shibuya Ku Self introduction Free journalist
而且我们发现,只有10天整理后手足口病,援助(资金支出)表示将要降价 After and foot and mouth disease being detected 10 days later Say that the support fund measure expense it has shaved with categorization
自民党显示细节你低着头186,思维方式,它是通过注销不如牛肉和猪肉在日本时松 186 Apologizes to the Liberal Democratic Party if the extent which the cow in Japan and the pig destroys the one where Because it probably is how to think of being better in case of Akamatsu
该 ,1500年5月27日Birukon发现他们在日本牛通知7月28日 手足口病在亚洲蔓延,日本没有』和冈田与小泽的问题韩国,中国提供免费500 … May it is to deliver to Japan on 27 and 28th and birukon where the cow which was verified 1500 foot and mouth disease is spread in the whole Asia is not problem of a Japanese country that Ozawa and Okada 500 being gratuitous in Korea China offer…
该 1500 Birukon于5月3日 手足口病的通知,日本在亚洲的蔓延,日本没有』并免费提供给韩国,中国,这本书的问题是500冈田与小泽提供 … birukon which on May 3rd reaches in Japan 1500 foot and mouth disease is spread in the whole Asia is not problem of a Japanese country that Ozawa and Okada 500 being gratuitous in Korea China offer…
该国已没有办法从县走在全省我觉得我不应该的问题,县合早生符合国家也是如此?是否有必要?应受谴责的,因为县是分散的合作Toriae我的意思是,在中,短期茂木 From the prefecture there was no examination in the country it was understood If from the country you should have inquired in the prefecture it is it isn t In the prefecture how becoming the ru Are there necessary ones If to take tsu te cooperation Therefore decentralization of power the prefecture should criticize the tsu te as for the fact that you say shorting too much
全县有没有办法从785个国家,对不对?发现它没有用茶色调分钟 785 From the prefecture there was no examination in the country it was understood That amount or the tsu chi ya the ro which is useless
赤松,再到东部的责任和赔偿责任的后期宫崎不太惊喜,因为这个地区唯一的,但有些溃疡样郁陶完美借口苏骂民主党Uyamuya普天间毫无疑问的问题作出的瓦特杀死一石二鸟 The 鬱 pottery it did east for democracy and applied although and it crushes, the exactly good mouth bearing fruit, meaning?
Just this you can nod also the fact that correspondence is slow, don't you think?
East and to a responsibility of Miyazaki prefecture as for Akamatsu responsibility ignoring
Being able to designate also Futenma's problem as [uyamuya], a stone two bird w
这个消息如前所述,破坏的程度或县安泰不采取行动从开始,政府迅速采取行动,清理,就像我是个新闻 tsu coming news you saw but Because the prefecture does not move damage expanded the country got going quickly in winding up It was like reporting
这只是915紧急,不这样做时,他们用消毒剂多看破折号 915
Therefore emergency what, when you find, unless the disinfection liquid [bu] [tsu] about you apply you do
那么,杀死399(电击后,和致命的注射),如果不妥善处理,并喷洒病毒我将分发苏等人。 399 Killing skillfully unless after the electric shock medicine shooting and the like it processes precisely The virus it spreads and it means to scatter it is
都道府县知事或市长,在有迫切需要,防止疾病蔓延的邪恶计划,是根据动物不符合规定的程序及其程度内阁令,,最大允许时间72小时。流行病学,牛。足,口病。非洲猪瘟和受影响的动物或它的位置(位于相邻的下落疑似病例。被污染的地点病原体的传染性疾病,包括并有可能被污染 As for metropolis and districts governor or mayors town managers and village headmen in order the ma of domestic animal infectious disease it is to prevent extending When being the necessity of emergency in accordance with the hand continuation which is decided with government ordinance 72 hours exceeding It is and it decides period in inside the range 疫 Cow 疫 Oral hoof Or the African pig The place of location of the 患 domesticated fowl and animals or the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals of cholera adjoining to this this Contagion characteristic It pollutes with the pathogenic agent of disease or it includes the place where it has the fear of polluting
不管你喜欢饺子中毒出口某些国家出口399牛病毒,并可能已进入了日本梨华将不 399 If certain kind of country which exports poison giyouza anyhow the Japanese The domestic animal perhaps the virus to enter it exports without doing the yo
其中5头和口。如果有疑似感染是根据屠宰牲畜防疫法49头乳牛农场也一样 In 5 heads among these oral hoof It is destroyed 49 as many as kind cows which is doubt of infection are in the same farm on the basis of domestic animal protecting against infection method
其中5头和口。如果有疑似感染是根据屠宰牲畜防疫法49头乳牛农场同在 In 5 heads among these oral hoof It is destroyed 49 as many as kind cows which is doubt of infection are in the same farm on the basis of domestic animal protecting against infection method
针对这种疾病的法律,即使县的首要责任, As for infectious disease measure of the domestic animal that with respect to law, first it is responsibility of the prefecture, assuming,