121 101 109 250 13231。皮埃尔蓬一旦结婚古周围无压力(以及其他液体)的前提是双方都有你会捕鱼合atmospheric m自由落体左,右分别水通过重力流的压力差是从 121 101 109 250 13231 png When pressure around it is gone the water also the other liquid is same falls to the respective left and right freely it is Atmospheric pressure balancing with both sides because there is a pressure difference due to gravity with respect to ru prerequisite the water flows
在213,就这样,我想这丝毫Ketara凝聚力的连锁负面的严重性? 213 The sled ya so is When so binding power of the chain is defeated to gravity it tears is don t you think
1是一个“字典”,这似乎是不满意的,Daijirin(1)利用压力差,在那里他们转移到管苏要调整到较低的地方,他们比一次高导液液 1 Way there is a dissatisfaction concerning “the dictionary” but Large quitting words forest 1 making use of pressure difference leading the liquid to the place where it is higher than the liquid level once the tube which it moves to the low place and bends
847独特的虹吸功能(如高可能通过)如果你想介绍一个目标重力,大气压力,是我协助 847 If function only of circulation by way of the high place we would like to introduce Gravity to score atmospheric pressure at the assist tsu te place the shank
第二版Daijirin虹吸式(1)利用压力差,在那里他们转移到管苏要调整的地方,他们一旦降低高导电液体从液体 Circulation Large quitting words forest Second edition 1 making use of pressure difference leading the liquid to the place where it is higher than the liquid level once the tube which it moves to the low place and bends
虹吸式虹吸 Daijirin“,”虹吸“与”用一个大气压力,通常小于苏音乐移动到第一的位置的地方看一次高液体的地方,要管 Circulation Large quitting words forest lt lt Also “siphon” gt gt 1 Making use of atmospheric pressure increasing to the one time liquid high place the tube where it starts and it moves to the place where it is lower than position bends
461。当你去一个流体管堵塞,我进入了真正的郁Hayo液管的压力压入新的蒸气压力,如果采取了(这不是吸出从源我)2。转到重力液体,是由它的全体 461 When the liquid which is plugged to the pipe conduit moves to one side if water vapor pressure falls on actuality being pushed in atmospheric pressure The liquid keeps entering to the tube anew it is sucked out from portable origin 2 The liquid moves to either one it is decided by gravity
1。当你去一个流体管堵塞,我将进入一个新的流体管按下采取的压力,如果压力(它不是吸出从源)2。转到一个由液体重力确定它整个 1 When the liquid which is plugged to the pipe conduit moves to one side if atmospheric pressure catches being pushed in atmospheric pressure The liquid keeps entering to the tube anew it is sucked out from the portable origin 2 The liquid moves to either one it is decided by gravity
885 1。汝出水面时,他们不把空气压力不太可能赢得他们没有水的压力 885 1 When the water comes out when we assume that the air does not enter unless the water pressure surpasses atmospheric pressure it is not much
但在现实中你会喜欢的水蒸汽压力,这是他们也有许多有趣的故事 So water vapor pressure to have an influence on actuality the chi ya u Don t you think there is also the varieties funny story
在外部压力的虹吸可能没有想到,“不仅严重性,”不要说伐丽流 Because there are times when circulation stops being formed depending upon external atmospheric pressure Being the case “there is no just gravity”
封闭的空间,如461,即使考虑从独立拥有重力虹吸压力 461 The atmospheric pressure which does not depend on gravity such as the closed space catching because circulation is formed
尽管705负压,绝对的。这不能是消极的压力,环境压力,如果1 1个大气压的一个组成部分出塔拉崩溃,该有多好 705 Calling vacuum stopping Because pressure cannot become negative number If 1 atmosphere environments when the part which becomes 1 atmospheres comes out the kana which is possible to be the thing where it fails
据汞0 5如果你想在许多压力厘米为0 2,如果你的压力,如果0那么,如果我们单纯的思想和 If from the so tsu 0 5 atmospheres does the mercury rise no centimeter 0 2 If atmospheric pressure if 0 that if it keeps thinking how how simplicity
581好了,因为压力迫使每单位面积的粒子碰撞所造成的空气,气体压力是,如果他们有一个,或在Yoshi河内? 581 Obtaining huh with as for atmospheric pressure power per unit area which occurs due to the fact that the particle of the air strikes Therefore if only the vapor it is atmospheric pressure means certain thing it is good being
785然而,海平面比珠穆朗玛峰首脑山那么多的严重性我觉得这是一个较小的瓦特 _NULL_
Etara气囊使用真空虹吸一词,是在一个不相关的零萨克压力,说不可能超过10米,并使用一个大气压的压力,而不是尽可能低10米我是说朱达罗古 Being true aerial when you can use the siphon as for the atmosphere there is no relationship When 10 meters it exceeds under one atmosphere you cannot use The ro which is the tsu te story which has become low due to the fact that atmospheric pressure becomes 0 not to limit 10 meters
351它不是一个严格意义上的真空(因为有水蒸汽压力)我没有写的 351 Because that it is not the vacuum strictly because there is water vapor pressure also is written
400不幸的是,目前在真空中的光束,使更多的水的橡胶软管发言多麻烦的水不仅掏出折叠,我踢水排除在表面上 400 Regrettable with truth sky With special care bending the rubber hose which the water that tries does not come out Instantaneously is raised above the water surface is the water which passes through from the water surface on it is
上午,268名“不发生在一个真空液体,低重心应动议,如果他们有 Morning 268 So If “only gravity it is being true aerial the expectation which the liquid moves to the low place
不经常考虑空气Etara不要紧?在真空中,如果他们没有把液体低重力你有你的负面压力所造成的流体章回力的严重性会动议 When you think well as for the atmosphere there is no relationship it is without being Vacuum occurring with the liquid which was pulled in gravity the ru it is the ro which is If only gravity it is being true aerial the expectation which the liquid moves to the low place
使用这个词不可能和囊囊的一零虹吸真空压力,说不可能的,利用压力超过1 10米,我约10米,但无休止的高达罗 Being true aerial you cannot use the siphon When 10 meters it exceeds under one atmosphere you cannot use The ro which is the tsu te story which has become low due to the fact that atmospheric pressure becomes 0 not to limit 10 meters
它在真空中,一个奇怪的感觉,一些伟大的事情我再也不想谈论,使玻璃升降机的水在一个可以说话,并把杯子反向沉淀池元 When it is true aerial the water is not raised into the glass riding raising the glass which was sunk in the tank upside down Something the strange feeling which is enormous does
我只可以摆脱空气溶解于水或虹吸是不是写他们继续经营,甚至在真空踢 Dissolving in the water if there is no ru air don t you think as for the siphon being true aerial to operate the te which is continued it is written
NULL Because circulation you say in order to be special you can think but when the water is pumped in brief with the pump it is the same meaning Making the pressure inside the tube small it utilizes the phenomenon where you can push in into the tube the water due to the atmospheric pressure which depends on the water surface In case of circulation it is weight of the water where what pressure inside the tube is made small keeps falling on opposite side In case of the coffee siphon because relatively pressure inside the tube becomes small by water vapor pressure 705 And 716 As so explained but as for the energy which makes the water move with circulation gravity it makes the action of circulation continue atmospheric pressure is necessary
反重力水动作和听到它受到来自内部的压力是要管 Opposing to gravity you heard that because as for the water moving on atmospheric pressure in the tube goes down but
基本上,如果出现症状是由重力所造成的大气管形差异之间的势能差的车针,免→查看了下面详细说明力的液体,然后按下电源N的生活需要从大气压力阶梯结束链放在到底,他们已经有了一个主要或严重程度,我们不愿向Shini窗口,垂Rashitara出,下跌闪耀滑翔顺利进行?吃奶应该下降 There is no difference in the phenomenon which basically happens with the difference of position energy but Atmospheric pressure needs the power which pushes down the liquid level gt the n letter tube as the power which rises Because atmospheric pressure is born from gravity however after all gravity is main When the edge of the chain which is placed on the trestle the waist high window dying you drop outside the sail sail it falls It is the expectation which does not fall
排减单位和大气压力的增加与重力只有234有多大意义的重力的影响是什么你也追加到重力水喷射流的管道和飞认为我不 234 When gravity is added to this atmospheric pressure is something due to gravity We assume kana that also the fact that the water flows out from the inside of pipe is influence of gravity Appending excessively in order for there to be meaning however you cannot think
水分离时,液体由单独打开到最后压力管,如减少大气之间的水等原因,附加到最后权力公开的大气压力,推动从火车水为令部队之间的新闻自由是没有大气水,如果它不开(分子间作用力,核力量和重力)远远低于重力的力量因,例如尝试将不同我们只是对水的虹吸流是没有根据的重力 When the water separates with the intracavity which the edge like the tube which is in the atmosphere opens Because decompression state occurs between the water which it tries to separate Being pushed by the power of atmospheric pressure from the open edge as a result as for the water it is not to separate but If there is no atmospheric pressure the power which pushes the water intermolecular force the nuclear forces and gravitation etc For example whether the power which it tries to divide due to gravity compared to because it is weak 遙 The water just keeps flowing following to gravity There is no siphon effect
茹能输送水,所以拒绝不论大气压力和重力471给出的肖像的动能 471 If kinetic energy is given because it can convey the water regardless of to atmospheric pressure and gravity dismissal
U和喷射的水只是一首歌曲我想要的,我希望得到它的水仍然正常履行 That way when the place where U bends is put out from the water surface If normal while the water is filled up it rises don t you think
我踢打开盖子,都隆起,U是真空区域可以被分配到两管的顶点 Because the se when the both cover is opened apex of the U tube cracks in two and the vacuum territory is possible
186嗯,我认为这是高的大气压力虹吸管可以做任何事情或混淆 186 Well you think that what being mixed up the circulation whose center is high is atmospheric pressure
240如果没有重力,我想我IBD的汞汞进入真空崩溃大气压力逼人 240 If there is no gravity being pushed in atmospheric pressure until the vacuum collapses the mercury entering into the mercury it finishes and is not kana
338人生活在空气好了,你知道是依赖于常识 338 Well the person who lives inside the atmosphere is bound in common sense because well
867嗯,大气压力和精力,做任何事情我不认为 867 The u the mu as for atmospheric pressure you think that nothing has done energy
乌冬面和绳代替水(液体)和大气压力,所以我将使用一个管道(压力)是必要的 Not to be the noodles and the rope the water the liquid using because the ru the tube and atmospheric pressure pressure becomes necessary
从各个方向均匀地影响了大气的压力,这只能是一个小长洞旁边的行 If atmospheric pressure because it operates all directions evenly The small hole just opens on side OK
他说,你不仅重力和大气压力本来被描述已经推出了它会被返回,即使你在吓唬符合水盖泄漏玻璃下被困水中 In the first place calling just gravity not to be atmospheric pressure as for the ru person filling up the water in the glass the cover doing with the underlay Reversing don t you think how you explain the fact that the water does not spill it probably will be boiled
利用大气压力176日语词典,液体在高的地方,我用U管驱动tTA苏歌,他们转移到低 176 Japanese national language large dictionary Making use of atmospheric pressure although the liquid which is the high place is moved to the low place the tube which you use and bends
回力从穿着重力事件不会发生在真空或没有水的运动,它已被压制的大气,真空是没有理由的水流量是 Because it is pulled by gravity being the case that the phenomenon where the water does not move in the vacuum occurs If it is pushed by atmospheric pressure the water flows without either the reason which becomes the vacuum
因为它包括大气压力的负面压力,找到720,甲。 0汞崩溃 720 Therefore by atmospheric pressure included vacuum a hg 0 So it fails
在液体表面大气压力的出发点是需要一个相当液体转移,创造了这个真空,以防止 The atmospheric pressure which falls on the liquid surface which is the starting position is transmitted along in the liquid prevents the fact that the vacuum is made
大多数人都认为我想说274 Ttena埃泰错误思想的提出有压力,因为重力是最终导致重力和大气的是,它说,神奇分钟 274 As for we would like to saying you understand because it has occurred but very the atmospheric pressure with gravity Thinking that it is moving finally by gravity you think that by mistake it is not
大气压力P,高度的H2 H1的水,水的密度ρ,G的重力加速度和压力不同的是在分区(页。Gh1) (体育。Gh2) u003dρg (H1的 氢气)的H1≠H2的水压力,因此,如果有任何区别,它是采取弹出一个流量分配器 When atmospheric pressure the height from P and the water surface the density of h1 h2 and the water Ρ acceleration of free fall is designated as g As for hydraulic difference in divider section P gh1 P gh2 ρg h1 h2 If h1 â h2 because there is a hydraulic difference if the divider is taken it flows out
大气压力与外界相同的连接,所以我合,整只瓶压力确定 Because atmospheric pressure is to be connected being the same at inside and outside the pet bottle it is decided simply by the water pressure
如果从一个大气压力虹吸管为0或我不工作,可能是因为大气压力 1 If atmospheric pressure 0 the siphon does not work therefore it is it probably is consequence of atmospheric pressure
如果你还没有虹吸387工程与大气压力 387 If separately not being atmospheric pressure also there is atmospheric pressure functioning it does circulation
如果大气压力较小,76厘米以上的不愿意,它成为零大气0厘米 If atmospheric pressure becomes small 76cm From it stops rising When atmospheric pressure becomes 0 It is 0cm
应该不会对大气压力分茹会尝试想像,容器连接管直径由同一船只 Tube and container with the same thickness The container which is connected If it tries imagining The expectation where it understands that there is no atmospheric pressure or a relationship
我在古线重力注册为扭转?这是因为大气压力 Opposing to gravity it keeps climbing with something The ro because that is an atmospheric pressure
或者更高(笑高压水在289 08)或鱼或恶作剧还是真的,你会说,并教 289 Being about to be higher than the water surface 8 atmospheres laughing Being fishing whether or being serious saying teaching whether being news item whether ru
有大气压力略有你问题的367方向的液体,我可以理解它?成为一个问题,当你挖一个洞,甚至一个坚实的,如果有流动资金泥,如粉,而不是一个完整的身体,我的问题的指示的液体轻微Hataraku 367 If the liquid like direction question atmospheric pressure you can understand the fact that it is the water pressure don t you think When the tunnel digging and the like it becomes problem but Being solid not to be complete rigid body like the powder body and the mud etc if there is a flowability Like the liquid it works regardless of direction
条件662:水的最高点是大气压力,我必须说,我不需要的话 662 Condition There is water in the summit of trajectory As for atmospheric pressure that there is no necessity as for we it is the case that you talk
然后,一旦你通过我泵过使用任何液体的虹吸短缺是一个大气压力的工作,因为我说的是古线低,如果随意移动的液体 When atmospheric pressure is not enough because with the pump and it is possible to use with anything Once after it passes through the liquid the function which the liquid keeps moving to selfishly low side The circulation tsu te you say it is even
由于只有有限的空气和重力它,我需要压力和流体流动 Because just the atmosphere does not limit the pressure which falls on the fluid which flows with gravity needing necessary With thing
真空超过10米,水,大气压力不动不要紧 是什么 When it is above 10m becoming the vacuum but the water does not move as for atmospheric pressure… there is no relationship what
第一个水分子的343部队。平均观察强(强比大气压力),然后电梯泵和限制摄取他们不再存在 343 Intermolecular force of in the first place water If it forces commonly and is strong above atmospheric pressure The limit and the like of the suction pump stops existing
第一天然气发电“回力将”被视为有相对“良好的负压力,大气压力围绕”被视为只是 In the first place in order “pulls for there to be a power which” in the vapor what it is visible is an atmospheric pressure which is sufficient around In order for there to be a “shade pressure” relative just it is visible
管移动到容器的液体从容器使用大气牛津英语词典166 166 The Oxford English English dictionary The tube in order to move the liquid to the container which is from the container where atmospheric pressure is utilized
艾达在门口把我塞充水管道,钻井过程中的大气迄今在结束它不需要 The water stuffing to the pipe if the entrance while it closes you set open lastly As for atmospheric pressure it is unnecessary in the process to here
蒸发和天然气将是一个很大的压力,使朱达罗无Kerya液体液态远说856 856 When you say to there the ro where also those where the liquid cod you have closed the liquid are atmospheric pressure The non ke ri ya evaporating in the vapor the tsu chi ma u
被批准的虹吸式,但必须依赖于大气压力是均匀的,将实际的能量移动重力流体这里只是 Circulation is formed however it is necessary for atmospheric pressure to be imposed evenly As for the energy which actually is making the liquid move the ro where is just gravity
这在一定程度上的,是要被视为紧张输电拔回有关报章的报道,真正的气氛,来这里是主题 As it pulls to a certain and conveyed power as for being visible To tell the truth because the atmosphere has pushed is related to the subject here
这将是迄今为止峨 大气压力下,如果主要的故事,可以令人兴奋,我解释,以确保您虹吸 If the tsu te story which explains the interest of circulation Decisively it places atmospheric pressure to main don t you think probably will be certainly
这是非常大气压力183(蒸汽压力)对水是很自然的 183 As for that the thing shelf where atmospheric pressure vapor pressure with the water rises just
首场比赛的拉液体泵320那里(地球上),这是因为大气压力 320 In the first place as for being able to pull the liquid with the pump Because at the ground there is an atmospheric pressure there is
(P值9 高)一直工作在重力和大气压力不 P 9 H Those where it works being gravity are not atmospheric pressure
)或符合流体管,但如何在这 重点,你说的话到真空虹吸一次密切联系管道,大气的特色虹吸 So how doing that you say whether it fills up the pipe in the fluid lt method gt it seriously considers If those which once bring close the pipe to the vacuum are called the siphon Very atmospheric pressure the siphon is characterized
事实上,它就会开始蒸发妈祖沸腾的水不能试验,你可以用液体试验不0煮在大气压力,但不高于水来我已经是更好的真空虹吸管将无法工作 When it is the water boiling evaporation begins and really cannot experiment from the ma tsu chi ya u but That it could experiment in the liquid which does not boil even with 0 atmospheres when we assume As for the place where it is higher than the water surface it deciding that the method which made vacuum state is better as for circulation it does not operate
Matsu ll真正开始沸腾和蒸发的水,但实验零压力沸腾的液体,他们能不能试验,你没有,我不工作的虹吸水从高增长将是一个真空 When it is the water boiling evaporation begins and really cannot experiment from the ma tsu chi ya u but That it could experiment in the liquid which does not boil even with 0 atmospheres when we assume As for the place where it is higher than the water surface it deciding that the method which made vacuum state is better as for circulation it does not operate
因为A 。汞为0时,该分区将是工作,但负面的压力,在这种情况下,它会更好,我犯了一个真空(开水被忽略) If why a hg 0 When with becoming in the divider it means that vacuum works but In that case because it decides that the method which made vacuum state is better you ignore boiling of the water
驱动tTA盆地和不打开液体蒸发,提供了相同的液体进入驱动tTA Soreto 2升瓶 The washbasin where the liquid which does not evaporate enters and as that the pet bottle of 2 liters where the same liquid enters is prepared
事实上,电梯,并按下虹吸入口处的液体从顶部大气虹吸,升降机和推动液体,压力和解除出境顶部的入口和新闻 新闻和电梯那个东西只知道我将要出水口的流量压力,因为 Actually to circulation top atmospheric pressure of circulation entrance liquid pushing up Because the liquid which was pushed up with apex pushing up pressure of the entrance gt is pushing up pressure from the exit It keeps flowing to exit side … simply that much thing no shelf
什么是液体管,什么?如果没有工作或虹吸,最终半中线泄漏的开放,你会被对方回油箱茹?按液体的表面及升降机 Is the liquid the inside of pipe how to become If as for circulation that it does not work you say The combining which is with the tsu lever where half spills from the open edge and falls opposite side returns to the tank Pushing up the liquid level
同样,即使在真空中的液体蒸发所有,而不是一个暂时的虚拟虹吸不起作用 Being the liquid of the imagination which does not evaporate temporarily completely after all with the truth sky functioning it does not do circulation
蚩尤功率下降,整个液,分别合不捕鱼,仅次于液高,我刚刚离开,他们在给定的功率下降方向蚩尤功率低我只是一个Hataraku As for the power which it tries that the liquid the inside of pipe will fall respectively to the both ends the equilibrium After is the high place the liquid which Just the power which it tries to fall to the low place remaining But just the tsu te where power of fixed direction works what
要移动的虹吸液管的是“大气压力”,而是由权力之间的“差异的大气:”这是没有错,事实上,如果克热虹吸管没有大气压力不工作(水分高于不上涨) As for the liquid moving the inside of pipe of circulation when it is something due to the power “of atmospheric pressure” When you mention “difference of atmospheric pressure” if you are wrong and but there is no atmospheric pressure functioning it does not do circulation From the water surface it cannot rise the water on
位于大气压力罐从油箱底部的不是更多的低气压高恩戴645低,如果你没有大气压力水箱低,我会流管道?一种奇怪的,它的描述 645 The tank which is low position as for atmospheric pressure is higher Atmospheric pressure it is low with something if from the tank above below atmospheric pressure is low there is no water in the tank inside the pipe it flows it is It is strange it is not or the explanation
大气压力罐位于高气压的坦克不超过低低和恩戴645,我坦克的水流量低气压下降呢?一种奇怪的,它的描述 645 The tank which is low position as for atmospheric pressure is higher Atmospheric pressure it is low with something if from the tank above below atmospheric pressure is low there is no water in the tank inside the pipe it flows it is It is strange it is not or the explanation
如果门口低于出口,入口,大气压力,大气拓地 When the exit is lower than the entrance Because you open in the pressure atmosphere of the entrance atmospheric pressure
(如果没有大气压力,这在IBD的中线和液体流体管 If there is no atmospheric pressure the fluid inside the pipe falling on the respective liquid level it stops finishing
U形管,水流量,有一个出口,并在不同入口压力,压差不采取水压力主要由重力,大气,虽然没有造成水的大部分移动水等原因重力 Because the water flowing to the U tube is a difference in pressure of the entrance and the exit As for the pressure difference being something due to the gravity which depends on the water mainly Because as for atmospheric pressure it is not contributed almost as for the reason of movement of the water the gravity which depends on the water
深蓝色的空气中,如果你随便加水,以绒毛比例Sukasuka贝鲁和准确的声明,但可笑的高 If it adds if you write the atmosphere of dense blue accurately When you compare to the water whether it acts cool it is light it is high but without either the way
茹能踢流继续向低扬程,而不是推向从货柜顶部是在空气中高新闻 Because what it is possible to continue to flow to low direction being pushed in the atmosphere from the container of higher one is pushed up in apex
假设没有在中间蒸发,10米或不能相信不只是湿了 _NULL_
关键词:少提取的潜在能量:1年多的讨论提前2工务局局长 _NULL_
原则上,带来巨大的能量驱动tTA立场,我认为这项工作是水电? _NULL_
只有393惯性在滑轮我只是去ü恩戴Gubu ll? _NULL_
在10米1G的压力,重力对人会Yamotto低水温要踢 _NULL_
在268运动的水,为什么是古高水一旦举例说,与一些学校需要我教什么情况下在这种情况下的大气压力,出口压力的入口,而不是大气压力我不是在紧张的压力差的负面压力?我不认为大气压力之间 268 The water in the middle of moving reason which it can rise once high than the water surface as for that you say atmospheric pressure necessary group you teach that if what whether like under how it becomes in circumstance Is not atmospheric pressure and it has risen by the vacuum due to the difference of pressure of the entrance and pressure of the exit it is it is not As for atmospheric pressure you think that there is no relationship
54 56实质是将是一个真空部分,水蒸发蒸汽从百分之百的遵守 54 56 To tell the truth the part may become the vacuum is filled up with vapor of the 100 which evaporates from the water surface
在268运动的水,为什么是古高水一旦举例说,什么是我不紧张压力,大气压力在负压力,大气的入口,而不是差压力和出口压力的?我不认为大气压力之间 268 The water in the middle of moving reason which it can rise once high than the water surface as for that you say atmospheric pressure necessary group you teach that if what whether like under how it becomes in circumstance Is not atmospheric pressure and it has risen by the vacuum due to the difference of pressure of the entrance and pressure of the exit it is it is not As for atmospheric pressure you think that there is no relationship
虹吸式的环境制约溢出溢出顶端下拉到在水面上闪耀 Formation condition exceeds the circulation top because the water surface above falls under and overflows
那么,学校有必要在房间常减压是教我怎么会发生这样的情况下 Even if atmospheric pressure necessary group teaches whether like under how it becomes in circumstance It is in the room which is made the vacuum
阿方在下拉稻草闪耀的水可以从鼓的大小并不重要,如果你只是他们吃奶虹吸有形的表面张力下降,如果它抑制空气中的含量的罚款或者稻草和不良朱达罗的不进入我没有一滴也不会阻止它闪耀 For the water to fall from A side of the straw unless the air goes in substituting the ro which is useless If it is thinness of the straw because it obstructs that with boundary tension it just does not fall there is no anything related to circulation If drum size because it cannot obstruct it falls don t you think probably will be
在一个封闭的空间,只有468将粉碎的结构强度内部真空度隔音房间,我踢以外受影响 468 In the mere closed space influence outside is received … When it is structural strength of the soundproof chamber when it designates inside as the vacuum collapse it does
在水柱,和s的高点时溢出,并应张拉回来的水,空气提请注意的权力,从而,或流动的空气对水的压力液体或液体随便移动你不这样做, Exceeding the middle high position to try there will be a water column probably to pull that in that water surface being able to convey power with that The air and the liquid just move The air and the liquid applying pressure Moving the water the ro which is not ru reason and is
171,如果不是从现有的连锁液体行!这是与该 171 That already there is no liquid because… If chain OK When with you say the simultaneous shelf
712配置的液体在有限的凝聚力,如使用虹吸规模是很容易拉千金良 712 As for the power which the liquid you question and well forms stopping being limited With the kind of scale which utilizes circulation it is torn off simply
如果链或绳固体和液体,如果393行,无张力输电拔背 393 If chain and string etc solid matter OK If the liquid it pulls and cannot convey power
我会拉太多下游虹吸张,无法传达液体回力张力 Circulation downstream pulling however much how the excessiveness which the liquid pulls and conveys power
拉空回到了正身着水,淘金的手流权的不流动的水,空气和液体压力的液体运动在随便 Being pulled in the water The air and the liquid just move The air and the liquid applying pressure Moving the water the ro which is not ru reason and is
最高点,和液体蜡张拉同时在重力和真空回从而导致 Regarding the highest position it will try that gravity probably will pull the liquid both it tries that the vacuum will occur with that
虹吸式 维基百科有一个流体,Bitaitosuru目标高点在越南对了,幸运 Siphon Wikipedia We assume that there is a certain liquid exceeding the middle high position it would like to carry that to destination
如果地球上的压力试验,仰望半液滴闪耀,中线壹岐泡入水中泡松件,流体时刻Nakairi盆地的嘴和饮料,但不再之交,和蚩尤液滴(弄清楚),即不同的压力更多的液体Tsuriau停留在部队内部和外部势力出来和宠物 When it experiments with the earth which has atmospheric pressure until the liquid falls half when being as for circumstances Flabby while the bubble entering the water keeps falling The instant which in the liquid of the washbasin was inserted the bubble becoming unable to insert the part of the drinking mouth it tries to come out the power which it tries that the liquid will fall With it stops at the place where the power due to the difference of atmospheric pressure inside and outside the pet balances the liquid above that does not appear
实验的下降在月球上的真空状态的半液体闪耀,但无气泡塑料瓶空间不会越来越多,尽管进入底部的宽松, When it experiments in the lunar surface of the vacuum until the liquid falls half when being as for circumstances There are no times when the bubble enters flabbily in spite to the pet bottle bottom the space keeps increasing
如果我创建一个完全真空444人 _NULL_
如果没有大气压力的499顶液体吸力对上述细节都显示在水面上,他们说他们有中线他脱离 499 If there is no atmospheric pressure as for the liquid of direction in as for the power which is sucked up on from the water surface dividing from apex it keeps falling both
一卡如努水挂在入口处的:从底部到顶部的大气压力 The power which puts on the water of the entrance of A As for atmospheric pressure from under on aS
如果没有500个大气压力,而水,他们说,他们都是中线分开顶端 500 If there is no atmospheric pressure the water in keeps falling dividing from apex both
如果没有在管内流体及以上的水,大气压力不希望 In other words unless there is an atmospheric pressure the liquid in the tube does not rise on from the water surface
附表他们队吸干液体进入口人,不是吗? 当地雇员说一些和大气压力 Power which the entrance sucks up the liquid on as for that when you say what the ro which is atmospheric pressure
如果这些力量是强大的拉合每克惹ü其他的水,他们拉的琴弦会导致胶水水象在水中滴杯与杯的边缘 If the power where the water attracts is stronger Pulling the thread to the water in the glass from the waterdrop which the adhesive likely is attached to the edge of the glass The expectation which is connected
一旦水来解决这些问题一旦这种权力可以作为考虑鄂如纱 If then it places in this pulley of one time can the water think same as the thread
如果非等在零重力虹吸最垂直426“之间的势能差的顶部和底部”,不批准 _NULL_
实际上国家的学者不要紧反正瓦特不科学的偏见正是 _NULL_
宠物小精灵没有?虹吸!儒艮!柯达! Rattata! _NULL_
对于泄漏路径梯度流量和水压或发生在587到579重力压力我是没有关系的重力(即在一个国家),但在某些情况下,虹吸行动辜 579 Therefore atmospheric pressure it occurs it is by gravity 587 You drop the water in atmospheric pressure however there is no anything related to gravity vis a vis letting flow on the slope road with in a state where you say it is circulation there is also a case which moves
579 587关于我压力,压力产生的引力的重力无关(在状态),但在某些情况下,虹吸行动辜 579 Therefore atmospheric pressure it occurs it is by gravity 587 You drop the water in atmospheric pressure however there is no anything related to gravity vis a vis letting flow on the slope road with in a state where you say it is circulation there is also a case which moves
923或者更确切地说,一个表达式只会使磨机产量变成零压力不是在一个单一的虹吸批准 923 You call the book or when you become the pneumatics where circulation is not formed simply the fact that just was designated as formula probably turbine output is designated as zero
关于大气压力是579,但在某些情况下采取行动辜无关重力虹吸 579 In regard to atmospheric pressure however there is no anything related to gravity circulation there is also a case which moves
托伦刺虹吸式口袋妖怪:面条一样 不停止曾说Hashiridashitara Circulation Accomplishing accomplishing pokemon Type The ji me it is to be the wa It is the chi do When the rear end it puts out It does not stop
音频可以把电梯水泵扬程不给我说话,或者使用泵632,它停止我可以停止Metara虹吸泵 632 The pump using unless you raise Raising with the pump when the pump you stop the tsu te where also circulation stops
我们说,因为,例如玻璃具有高粘度的最终形式,如果这样一个链条,不能严格说也许能运输真空吸液中一 For example because the glass is said even the ultimate high viscosity liquid If it designates such as shape of the chain being strictly true aerial the causing re which can call the liquid transport possibility with the siphon it is
一旦你告诉他们,通过水在水管位置之间的分离胶液体的压力,成为统一的,这是一组液体 Being able to connect the water which to the separate place is with the tube if it passes through the water once Because pressure of the liquid is about probably to become even in other words it becomes the group of one liquid
我们说,因为,例如玻璃具有高粘度的最终形式,如果这样一个链条,不能严格说也许能运输真空吸液中一 For example because the glass is said even the ultimate high viscosity liquid If it designates such as shape of the chain being strictly true aerial the causing re which can call the liquid transport possibility with the siphon it is
我可以在零重力和压力测量水银228呢? _NULL_
我想看看294一次291,我虹吸,通过水的比我在那里用液体管完成,其中水权的下降,设备通常苏少? 291 294 We would like to verify once but it is The circulation tsu te using the tube which is filled up in the liquid Via the place where it is higher than the water surface it is the device which drops the water into the low place don t you think
而我可疑的东西,这是与虹吸现象 With what The notion that circulation phenomenon That is ambiguous what
我数了732倍,是更好吗?如何在没有水,采取了最高分鄂如越南?如果没有上下,超过的可能性低樟脑茹如何退出,不仅测试的磨损痕迹,因为他们写信给你 732 Several degrees coming out however the ru either one on Although there is no water in order to get over the summit of trajectory how doing where At the place there is no top and bottom the tsu te which makes the exit low how you do With it comes to the point of saying as you have written it cannot arrive to experiment
我数了732倍,是更好吗?最高点在哪里?如果没有上下,超过的可能性低樟脑茹如何退出,不仅测试的磨损痕迹,因为他们写信给你 732 Several degrees coming out however the ru either one on Although there is no water in order to get over the summit of trajectory how doing where At the place there is no top and bottom the tsu te which makes the exit low how you do With it comes to the point of saying as you have written it cannot arrive to experiment
水泄漏,除了有一个缺口,越南需要采取最高评分路径峨 For the water to spill it is needed to get over the route summit of trajectory to other than the thing which is the head
除此之外,有必要采取施压越南得分最高一次排减单位,即 On that in order to get over one time summit of trajectory atmospheric pressure has become necessary that say
打开只比月球表面的水慢慢761塔瓦斯科州,塔巴斯科一直留在瓶子里喷射流出来的塔巴斯科瓶已严重冲击内部倒在高压力和Tsuriau减少,空间可成为瓶 但这样几乎是一个瓶子的压力差奈达ー创新在真空环境外,如果目前的大气压力also m其余瓶塔巴斯科通过减少内部压力,是要重来,但不吸的空气流动附表包括为了解决这个问题,是走出来狂欢流 761 In the lunar surface from the Tabasco water surface you open the water quietly on balance with empty pressure it makes high Tabasco inside being pulled by gravity it flows out outside the bottle Tabasco which remains in the bottle decreases the space is possible in the bottle … Because around almost it is the vacuum there is no pressure difference in and outside the bottle Is the tsu and remaining Tabasco with the flow the ru When there is an atmospheric pressure because pressure in the bottle decreases in order to cancel that Because the flow which sucks the air is repeated it does not flow out at a stroke
只有月亮慢慢打开盖子的761塔瓦斯科州,塔巴斯科少留在瓶子里喷射流出来的塔巴斯科瓶已严重冲击内部的好处是,这瓶子里的空间 但这样几乎是一个真空环境,奈达创新ー瓶内外压力差,如果当前的大气压力also m其余塔巴斯科,因为减少了,压力在瓶中流,如果要重复附表所列消除进气口,这是走出来狂欢流 761 In the lunar surface from the Tabasco water surface you open the water quietly on balance with empty pressure it makes high Tabasco inside being pulled by gravity it flows out outside the bottle Tabasco which remains in the bottle decreases the space is possible in the bottle … Because around almost it is the vacuum there is no pressure difference in and outside the bottle Is the tsu and remaining Tabasco with the flow the ru When there is an atmospheric pressure because pressure in the bottle decreases in order to cancel that Because the flow which sucks the air is repeated it does not flow out at a stroke
在虹吸,水,将最终导致真空管在给我通常有强烈的常减压足够的暗示,作为吊管水用水,如果你不是这样的这是件好事 In other words the tube inside the vacuum inside the siphon as for the water surface keeps rising With the tsu te thing where the power just of the same as the water surface of the tube puts on the water surface of the one which is not the vacuum Usually it is to call it isn t that with atmospheric pressure tsu te thing
由于没有大气压力,以高度Tsuriau和压力的液体的重量,以牺牲高峰在向高功率的地步采取出口和入口的肖像视为一个对象的液体是不均衡如果它不工作摄取编入第一个快速退出,并踢了运动第一定律继续在议案,我认为是 Because there is an atmospheric pressure being able to go to the high place to the height which balances with the pressure from weight of the liquid to apex If so you think of the liquid as one object as for the power which catches from the entrance and the exit balancing First sucking from exit side if making speed it continues to move with first law of motion With you thought but
的限制将连续81液体,具有苦多提水的压力高于大气,你也肯定 81 The liquid either they are mistaken there are no any which are achieving the coordinating point which can be made to continue above the water surface above and by atmospheric pressure the yo
虹吸正常,但大气中规定各毛细血管像毛巾甚至不能因为它并没有给我做我注册的虹吸顶部的水的重力他们扭转至10米,脸色苍白或效率不我不想在记录他们,如果 But as for the usual siphon atmospheric pressure opposing to gravity in brief If the water surface climbs to apex of the siphon and only does therefore excuse The reason which is not going even with towel like capillary phenomenon However you do not understand whether or not efficiency badness so it puts out and rises to 10 meters
该理论584,入口压力是压力和出口压力的入口问题根本没有出口的重力压力的液体在软管没有重力,进出境的我也包括在内,性能,是你Shibaraku但他们就停止运动惯性摩擦? 584 When it is reason if there is no gravity Because there is no gravity of the liquid inside the hose Becoming simply problem of pressure of the entrance and pressure of the exit Atmospheric pressure of atmospheric pressure exit of entrance So sucking from exit side for a while however it moves with inertia the tsu lever which among those stops in friction
音频,带水,使软管400以上,洗澡的水不应该忽视它,因为它不是压力瓦特 400 Because inside the hose the fact that the water is raised on is atmospheric pressure from the water surface of the bath it is not possible to ignore w
排减单位,861情况下,并不是说我是错误的?嗯,我想如果Yuruchurunohougawakariyasuito的原则大豆例子发言 861 When it compares that there is no with tsu lever which is misunderstood If it compares of principle you think that the soy sauce chi yu ru chi yu ru is easier to know
若气体是封闭或部分包括586,如果不是你最好不要! 586 If the vapor is shut in if it is good it is it is not
日二○○○○→首页→平台→犯规犯规→电话→虹吸虹吸电话簿来没有错圣诞→圣诞创新时代 _NULL_
日本是发达国家中松博士“大豆Yuruchuru说,”多么美好 In Japan Dr The medium pine developed the “soy sauce chi yu ru chi yu ru ” splendid…
流,并采取盖是一个螺丝Yuruchurunoteppenniaru Audio m大豆停止 When the screw cover which is in the top of the soy sauce chi yu ru chi yu ru is taken the flow stops it is
昨天驱动tTA曾经有这一“绝招二一新的特殊”的宏安倍的话只载负 _NULL_
是宗教大师“是一个法律虹吸原理决定我你的上帝!”信徒“哦那是什么呢?”这是一个故事,在最后的交流 When it is religion As for principle of founder “circulation it is the law which God decides ” The believer “ so being ” Although so it is the story which is ended …
202欧姆或完整的原则后弗莱明不是法律原则 202 Principle of ohm rear fullest capacity As for Fleming with law principle or…
弹出家伙从池中水或吸口有点那是什么?虹吸软管原则? Just a little inhaling that hose with is the person who puts out the pool or the empty water principle of circulation
有人问我这个老智慧Kukara 84,而不是只到10米以上的水在加拉封闭空间,它比十分之一米的应该真空压力,如果压力过高避难你想降低公务员不想觉得自己像一个零位,如果真空压力 84 Being known for a long time however the ru it seems either the water in the space which closes rises to only 10 meters the te The or more of that becomes the vacuum it seems If at 10 meters atmospheric pressure goes down with 1 atmospheres also height probably will go down and If it becomes the vacuum of atmospheric pressure 0 the air which does not rise at all does
有没有物理容量约304发现步行路径Rogerugisuto好古瓦特 _NULL_
杰利斯塔托里切利 维基百科托里切利真空 编辑 不能直接显示深水井细节上不吸水是从30多个,脚老已知Kukara,1643年的托里切利驱动tTA的实验来解释行 evuanjierisuta Torricelli Wikipedia Torricellian vacuum Compilation Approximately it was known for a long time that it cannot suck up the water directly from the deep well than as many as 10 meters but 1643 Torricelli did experiment in order to explain this
我觉得我可能想象这样的事情,它不会阻止包括一个真空水,上述部分真空我将是一个对整个天空味儿 Perhaps such is imagined that it is however you think That does not consist in the vacuum the te With truth sky as for the part which is removed from the water surface entirely it becomes empty it is
毕竟空气(或其他液体)不饱和蒸气。将要蒸发,并会说话的曲线瓦特Nottoru _NULL_
毛细作用是形式时刻,她被分配一个水保护你的气球362百分之它的分子间作用力,那水是很短的,你知道你会?这就是为什么这惯性 As for capillary phenomenon very that intermolecular force shelf 362 When dividing the water balloon the instant which cracks the water how becomes it is Extremely brief maintaining shape the ro which is the ru That why is As for that inertia
1虹吸压力的环境,我们通常使用的东西分子间作用力几十厘米645 如果规模是很小的 645 Intermolecular force something we utilize circulation normally If 1 atmosphere environmental several dozen cm scales at the level which can be ignored
流始于一个细节下降显示并退出年底在门口,一键退出流路阻力时,它是平均压力分布,压力缓慢下降,从入口处及步伐它是不同的差距,压力高古的入口处,把电影的形式和水缓慢的步伐,力争将上升到至少退出→→顶部薄膜连续流出口,是踢 After all when the head starts flowing on entrance side and exit side on the exit side which passage resistance occurs with the pushing with that as for pressure distribution averaging Because from the entrance as for pressure the head is different loosely low in underneath input pressure is high exit side gt the apex part lowest gt directs the membrane to the exit with the thin membrane loosely rise With the shape which is said is taken the water continues to flow
因为在不同的入口和出口的尽头差距,高压侧门古,电影是按下退出 After all when the head starts flowing on entrance side and exit side on the exit side which passage resistance occurs with the pushing with that as for pressure distribution averaging Because from the entrance as for pressure the head is different loosely low in underneath input pressure is high exit side gt the apex part lowest gt directs the membrane to the exit with the thin membrane loosely rise With the shape which is said is taken the water continues to flow
这很容易,激发思考,如果您关闭了577片薄顶部 577 When the apex part of the case where you close with the thin membrane is thought it is easy
采取的形式,水继续流动 gt From the entrance decrease gt lowest gt it directs pressure to the exit loosely with apex loosely rise gt With the shape which is said is taken the water continues to flow
物理学家昆士兰大学,澳大利亚(昆士兰大学)斯蒂芬休斯(斯蒂芬休斯)说,“打的各种字典和胡乱任何事情,包括互联网,正确地描述了虹吸的原则有没有一个字典,“他说 The Australian kuinzurando university University of Queensland Physicist suteibun fuse Stephen Hughes As for the person “including also on Internet Feel the various dictionaries it hit gradually but principle of circulation has been explained just Even one there was no dictionary” you say
现在我已经解释了611液体能源机构的想法,作为一个单一的是没有用处的哦,是吗? 611 Obtaining it can obtain It tried thinking of the liquid as one object but it is As an explanation of energy with this useless
如果你必须在所有相同的虹吸它没有通过同一出口压力瓦特 If pressure of the exit the same if you call the same as for in the first place circulation the formation plug w
虹吸原理说明的是,它让我忘掉咖啡吗? As for explanation of principle of siphon The coffee calling it is with that which is made tsu te thing
该站由一个虹吸原理假设油67,保持良好的液体,液体在真空 67 As for principle of circulation consisting the liquid If the oil and the like which maintains liquefied even in the vacuum is supposed it is good
现在,我 如何定义,有一个虹吸液面高度差的,要通过虹吸管连接管道充满液体窝点 如果你,只需要重力 This how it defines the siphon is …… There is a liquid level which has difference of elevation it connects with the pipe which fills up that in the fluid lt structure gt If you call the siphon as for being necessary just gravity
583“和”不拥有真空重力在那里不好,有没有好的只有重力压力 583 “And” it does not do the te there being a gravity in the vacuum useless atmospheric pressure is useless by also only gravity
没有768,直接由重力,重力流条件继续(ñ包括水援引)在压力的最高分,但我需要的古部的直接原因重力从没有认为是明智之举 768 Well although the condition by gravity for continuing to flow directly by gravity it calls the water to the summit of trajectory and is packed Atmospheric pressure needing necessary with thing as for excluding gravity from direct cause you think that it is unpalatable
由于缺氧,以免工人,在隧道中间,甚至没有呼吸孔备 _NULL_
由重力和重力和虹吸囊字,并得到了高压力差引起的重力该说些什么,以便向上和向下,因为它虹吸管418基莫克惹的定义是不能去 418 Therefore the top and bottom it occurs with gravity Also difference of the pressure due to height depends on gravity If the siphon does not have the top and bottom either definition is not possible Therefore heart of the siphon calls gravity
休斯至少有一,案件核心 虹吸的定义,我不是说这 So also little 1 As for fuse person The nucleus of definition of the siphon lt structure gt it does with being the case that it is said don t you think
该定义是写在编辑队伍,这首先是因为出现,科学家和梁没有得到解释 This first coming out time definition As for writing in the team just of the editor as for the scientist received explanation that it was not
秋天免费真空箱内a和738中,它相当于一个失重 _NULL_
管道248提供从下面每个细胞中的水蒸发,每个单元格的单位已经完成 _NULL_
箱根水(水Koneyou)是由隧道穿过箱根,灌溉水渠建成拉古,静冈市,布鲁诺脚水芦之湖,箱根,神奈川县 As for the Hakone service water don t you think it is dense way to inhale the Hakone mountain with the tunnel the batten the lake of the reed no lake of Kanagawa prefecture Hakone in Shizuoka prefecture base city The 灌 漑 irrigation canal which is created in order to pull
唯一的进步手挖梅塔同时从湖泊和芦苇的脚被布鲁诺两条隧道,驱动tTA在这点误差只有1米遇到 NULL
结论与我神奇的一刻,你是如何影响地球引力可以be一个统一的压力,然后我会try to wish我seal和completely覆盖的tank bottom和坦克分钟顶例如,如果贸易规模,“or没有采取行动“但一 NULL
软管水表会见印章从水中如下所示A和B你释放它同时试水瓦特A到B不会流向线裤 To fill up the water in the hose of the aqueduct meter like the rough sketch after closing airtight Do the experiment which separates A and B simultaneously now w As for the water it does not flow to A and goes to te B
而我就像一个合理的距离罗马渡槽706古老,但它仍然活跃的一部分 706 It is the Roman aqueduct or suitable distance of ancient times don t you think Furthermore it is active service even part now so
虹吸式的变化案件很多U型或V形管,在日常生活和水更换水箱鄂如鱼类,例如当到坦克到另一个煤气罐的,到另一个容器,容器伐丽流液时使用移动苏 As for circulation in many cases with the tube which does the U letter or V letter type in daily life exchange of the water of the tank of the fish and When it moves gasoline to another tank and from the tank changing and the like in another container from a certain container the liquid It is used the occasion where it moves
在许多情况下,虹吸形或U形管,V形,在日常生活和鱼缸水交换时,如移动船只坦克从1变化鄂如汽油罐,一船到另一伐丽流液时使用移动苏 As for circulation in many cases with the tube which does the U letter or V letter type in daily life exchange of the water of the tank of the fish and When it moves gasoline to another tank and from the tank changing and the like in another container from a certain container the liquid It is used the occasion where it moves
在这个时候,拉的液体在管道管目的地,从点必须满足液体管理目的的行动,一旦他们这样做,不影响原有的一点能量给予更多的液体从继续前进到目的地 This time from the position which has the liquid to destination pulling the tube If the liquid is filled up once in the tube with a some action without giving the energy above that The liquid continues to move to destination from the position which the origin is
返回恐慌的N形,一端浸入水箱中的液体进入驱动tTA重大修改 Reversing it makes n letter type one end soaks in the tank where the liquid enters
虹吸式,流体摄入量,如果他们建立一个目的地出发点比,管内的真空是由进气的流体运动,流体和显示细节因而不在 If as for the siphon the starting position inhales the liquid from the intended position and is in position The vacuum is created inside the tube with the movement of the liquid the liquid is sucked up with that
29 20“是由移动的进气真空流体管内的液体,因此细节不显示 20 29 The vacuum is created inside the tube “with the movement of the liquid the liquid is sucked up with that
更多速度在一定程度上,可以开始没有这个螺丝真空泡沫的地表水约 When it makes speed of a certain or more the water being attached this zu It starts being able to designate the bubble of the vacuum as the screw surface
贝鲁虹吸装置称为液体基会提出来的第一次穿它时,差异网关的高度 When and it comes out and acquiring difference to height of the entrance movement of the liquid occurring for the first time It becomes the device which can be called the siphon
诚Hukashi天体物理学家名主大村庄的村民看着窘迫。帮助中心源,五木我认为,拉古湖水来自这条隧道挖一个像布鲁诺方向阿箱根,朋友,我感到震惊的是法院的热情的村民。有了正确的Akazome与(友野是通过技术)土建工程江户时代商人都有权获得援助,财政和,并努力实现 It is good deeply name main thing large of the village which is unable to look the way of the distress of the village people As for Geoziyou digging the tunnel from the reed no lake of far side of the Hakone mountain The friend whom the u it droops in enthusiasm of the large garden which happens to think the fact that the water is pulled thinks the village people 與 With Uemon as for friend field in civil engineering works It was the Edo merchant who leads the financial aspect and the technical aspect was both and it was possible to receive support you ran about in actualization
诚Hukashi天体物理学家名主大村庄的村民看着窘迫。帮助中心源,五木我认为,拉古湖水来自这条隧道挖一个像布鲁诺方向阿箱根,朋友,我感到震惊的是法院的热情的村民。有了正确的Akazome与(友野是通过技术)土建工程江户时代商人都有权获得援助,财政和,并努力实现 It is good deeply name main thing large of the village which is unable to look the way of the distress of the village people As for Geoziyou digging the tunnel from the reed no lake of far side of the Hakone mountain The friend whom the u it droops in enthusiasm of the large garden which happens to think the fact that the water is pulled thinks the village people 與 With Uemon as for friend field in civil engineering works It was the Edo merchant who leads the financial aspect and the technical aspect was both and it was possible to receive support you ran about in actualization
这是只有在飞轮477相当,但我穿热能最终用于工作,例如一些加速度 477 Don t you think inside of the flywheel is suitable to that … Simply if something the acceleration is used in work finally becoming heat energy however it consumes don t you think
他们之所以发言权在描述对虹吸式,但中线,但他们不能管到左侧中线分钟,但他们说,我将沿着608 608 When so it is the opinion Even when falling on the left side of the tube falling to the excuse putting out right side with excuse Don t you think in explanation of circulation viewing
进口压力从以顶级势能压力转化为压力能的入口(液体入口处〜峰值压力水柱)的压力从出口采取的最常见退出 (出境〜水柱压力峰值的液体),但两者因此,如果你有一个低阴性结果是零,如果出口(出口〜水柱峰值压力的液体),所以大于,压力总是在最上层入口 和出口方面,液体流 Depends on apex energy of pressure entrance atmospheric pressure from the entrance which It transforms in position energy liquid water column pressure of the entrance apex Pressure exit atmospheric pressure from the exit which depends on apex liquid water column pressure of the exit apex However if also both results negative number zero If the exit is lower because liquid water column pressure of the exit apex one is large The pressure which falls on apex always entrance side gt is exit side the liquid flows
375 回力液体现象我把前卫马祖后,液滴恩水库闪耀,在压力面前无能为力,但每班人数大气 375 gt The liquid which falls accumulating in rear the ru liquid is pulled But the phenomenon before the big pressure of the atmospheric pressure class helplessness
如果一个真空,因为流体流动分为左,右对他的体重在顶管沙哑 If the truth sky the liquid flows in order at your own weight from apex of the tube for you to divide into left and right
当863玫瑰积极能量转化为能源的潜力是大气压力的压力(较少等),但我,你知道,我也参与了能源和 863 When rising even energy energy of atmospheric pressure It transforms in position energy therefore the water pressure decreases it is being In other words both relating even energy the ro which is the ru
是液体进入到毫无意义的下降全部在嘴巴和液体饮料的一半,液体以及走出盆地,直到液体在宠物出的液体和并继续 The liquid half to drink at the point in time when it falls and not to insert the mouth in the liquid meaning in the same way as for the liquid continuing to come out Until the liquid level of the washbasin and the liquid level inside the pet become same it comes out
进口压力压力的需要,以一流的入口 (液体压力的顶点水柱入口〜)采取压力退出出口压力峰值 (出境〜液水柱顶部压力)和零中频的出口都,但结果是否定的通常小于如果(退出〜水柱峰值压力的液体),所以大于,压力总是在最上层入口 和出口方面,液体流 Depends on apex energy of pressure entrance atmospheric pressure from the entrance which It transforms in position energy liquid water column pressure of the entrance apex Pressure exit atmospheric pressure from the exit which depends on apex liquid water column pressure of the exit apex However if also both results negative number zero If the exit is lower because liquid water column pressure of the exit apex one is large The pressure which falls on apex always entrance side gt is exit side the liquid flows
通过(?)时,我喜欢这个虹吸? 1。茹和查看管顶部,液体是不是很多2以上的低筒(这里的沉重,低功耗)。因此,在你的顶压,和更多的负面压力,低液可带动3个高张力拉回来。拉负回到了软垫看Raretara更多的液体高压流体传动爆裂是,转移到液体交换容器高04得多。负压管之间和液体表面产生相当高的,可我管,包括推动通过液体的压力来液体 Order In case of circulation such you feel 1 When you see from the apex of the tube there are many liquids depending upon the tube of low direction this is heavy low by power 2 Therefore to pull the liquid of the one where as for the pressure which falls on apex low direction becomes vacuum is high 3 When the liquid of higher one to pull vacuum along the liquid being transmitted is transmitted to the liquid level of the container of higher one 4 As for the tube of higher one and the vacuum which it occurs between the liquid levels it is cancelled by the fact that you can push in into the tube the liquid due to the atmospheric pressure which depends on the liquid level … Putting the inside of pipe of the vacuum where vacuum becomes maximum on the liquid level the liquid level pulled and most the height which is listed could agree upon the limit of circulation
323泵的操作条件要求运作,以符合管只有在液体中会顺带一提,与工作或满足软管泵内的液体是不正常的,如果我没有进入这项工作没有停止只要压力差在Ku需要足够的水压差 323 As for the pump with the operation which is necessary just in order to fill up in the tube in the liquid It has not entered into operation condition When even with the normal hose which does not have the pump it satisfies inside in the liquid the kana and others which operates Next when you say it operates difference of the water pressure which is sufficient is needed So it stops at the point in time when difference of the water pressure is gone
NULL 573 For example obtaining with dividing with apex when thinking To apex it is possible from the low position to push up by atmospheric pressure The pressure due to the weight of atmospheric pressure water 10m minute of the entrance maximum So 1 When it is in the position where the exit is higher than the entrance Therefore atmospheric pressure of the entrance gt atmospheric pressure of the exit the liquid moves to exit side due to atmospheric pressure 2 When it is in the position where the exit is lower than the entrance If height of apex maximum when height of the water in the tube gt it is from the exit because 10m it exceeds gravity winning to under If apex is lower than that That Although it is movement of the liquid it is good thinking of the liquid itself water pressure it is the tsu ke which is
NULL Order In case of circulation such you feel 1 When you see from the apex of the tube there are many liquids depending upon the tube of low direction this is heavy low by power 2 Therefore to pull the liquid of the one where as for the pressure which falls on apex low direction becomes vacuum is high 3 When the liquid of higher one to pull vacuum along the liquid being transmitted is transmitted to the liquid level of the container of higher one 4 As for the tube of higher one and the vacuum which it occurs between the liquid levels it is cancelled by the fact that you can push in into the tube the liquid due to the atmospheric pressure which depends on the liquid level … Putting the inside of pipe of the vacuum where vacuum becomes maximum on the liquid level the liquid level pulled and most the height which is listed could agree upon the limit of circulation
以及需要虹吸现象是“空气质量的”和“水的重量,”你说的细节现象显示它把鱼水的地方见面?倍增整个结构的表面,我不行使鄂如在气体在大气压力泵压给 潜在的能量不是善于在任何惯性引力 In a word circulation phenomenon “weight of the air” and “weight of the water” balance The reality where the water raises to position imitating it does with thing the yo By atmospheric pressure or by gas pressure or it does not care the fact that it puts on the water surface the both ends by pump pressure The motion position energy which it gives with gravity and with gravitation and is good with whichever of inertia
如果低流量高的原则,在重力水从那里水是液体,如果没有大气压力,但有获得,这不仅是一个先决条件高水低流这个原则也同样是一个不可大气重力虹吸原理不会,我会?在大气任何关于他的特别? As for the principle which from the place where the water is high flows to the low place those due to gravity If there is no atmospheric pressure the water cannot exist in the liquid but This is prerequisite in order from the place where the water is high to flow to the low place but it is not principle Don t you think the notion that where the same as this principle of circulation is not atmospheric pressure and is gravity The person who adheres to atmospheric pressure with something it is to be
根据所有的压力,地球在我压力,但如在那里的人谁就会说和真空什么粘结力相当,而水只有这样,你过得认为试图孤立只是只能存在一个液态最接近或只是被枪杀差下降的压力,按最功率只有成为一个真空室真空分子运动的温度做,如果需要温和 Binding power how saying from the tsu coming the ru person stays but that after all is atmospheric pressure Under pneumatics of the earth as for the water it cannot exist only as a liquid just If you try to separate it is possible Simply because as for that when it is close to the vacuum molecular motion of that appearance is required It tries when probably to do at normal temperature only it becomes the vacuum It only is crushed in preponderant power difference of vacuum anti aircraft atmospheric pressure
首先是驱动力为重力流管道成为水等典型的少,甚至比我峨认为非常重要的位置暂时虹吸原理116,我有,“但不低water他们只是希望高“的一部分,它已关闭,有同样的故事,我将秸秆吸水,重力不会直接导致相关的重力是一个解释大气压力的作用,支持 当地雇员 116 Whether you think even from that somewhere of principle of circulation is important so The water of the inside of pipe of low side the fact that it keeps flowing due to gravity is original driving force but it is If it squeezes to the part that “from the place where the water is low temporarily it rises to the high place” As for there the water inhaling with the straw in the same story of the ru gravity is not related directly As for the leading part by atmospheric pressure as for gravity in the interpretation supporting actor the tsu chi ya u
除了技术上的困难,土建工程为私营部门,并继续接受幕府的压力,谁也是江户时代的地点箱根屏障,作为西部的一个门户,始终面临的困难和金融但辛勤工作和想像力,绝对的,法院扔自己的钱友野等人(友野报道就必须提高家里的钱在的费用),它很难采取隧道数1670年在越南一完成 In addition to technical difficulty for private civil engineering works from the land handle Hakone which has also the barrier station as an entryway of the Edo west It continues to receive the pressure of the shogunate in addition e g it is always exposed to also financial difficulty is beyond the imagination it became the difficult construction which but the friend field and the large garden and others The private funds are thrown inside as for friend field you say that fund was handled to home to sacrifice getting over numerous difficulty Tunnel completion to 1670