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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

じゃらん レビュー 要約

Masako and national guest welcome event absence physical condition reason and explanatory ★2


  • 医生谁这个问题,他们告诉我,使仪式在公共服务滚装端午,但我希望我是谁
    > It is doubtful the [ge] the family doctor Appears in the official business is margin is, someone desiring the festival 祀 to this one, the [ru] it is

    • 08.11.12由人类的劳动表示敬意,并在三重县参观我们的团队志愿者参加,他们得到雅子担首脑会议和第十一届全国农业
      Such human ゙ [i] 08.11.12 Mie prefecture visit because it is greeting to labor service group, and 11th nationwide agricultural bearer summit etc Masako absence

      • 461观察春假期间,王储宫Bitsukete有人称之为一个同学公主,“我喜欢梳未来完美仲良”这确是一个Darashii赖我有,我也不会公主的朋友你的孩子不小心把太子妃雅子(儿童照顾到您的朋友或妈妈),哪些( ·ω· ) 461 Spring while going to bed some person being accustomed to calling the Aiko classmate in the Toumiya Imperial palace “Love making chummy properly even from this don t you think ” with you asked however it seems This that is there is no Aiko friend tsu te reason the te It probably is favorite child or child of favorite mother friend what of Masako Ω
        • 当地雇员Chattara Hironomiya年轻皇帝去世前,对雅子的标题会发生什么? The Hiroshi shrine the 逝 tsu chi ya tsu cod the Masako designation tsu te how becomes from the majesty first
        • 罚款484如果你的思维,那会是一个家庭旅行每次我不知道他们的行李,因为座位的权力,私人优惠Tteru自己或他人的皇帝坐在一个头从我的下一个因为你和我不明白我将自来水不友好无聊,雅子 484 Thinking properly if the ru therefore private tsu te each time it does not ride in the baggage seat It probably is family travelling but it probably is what but therefore by your the next emperor what it is natural to sit down in the upper seat Transferring personally when it makes the ru with the consequence Masako common sense saying the tsu te which means to be hit it is not understood

      • 490首先,什么原因逃学“欺负”是不是从此,“见证类倒塌类的未来”的走廊“男孩即将被学校击中”什么是失踪,我的事情我没有跟爱子的身份的问题 490 In the first place the field of non attending school being based on “you are not hard on” is because… “Witnessing the grade collapse of class of next door ” it may strike with the boy becoming “with the corridor ” The tsu te where with just this becomes non attending school in main person of Aiko It is the tsu te thing which is a some problem
        • 并与爱子的学校拒绝休息,甚至在我们的报道,“你确实有Aseranaku,休息你慢慢做,”就像一个无忧无虑的 To that being attached to Aiko non attending school in reporting the recuperation “You are not hasty and the te it is to call are you recuperating slowly ” Easygoing comment

      • 530皇帝给你的婚姻,但他目前的王储尖赖希很紧张,我们的婚姻是没有投诉的皇帝,特别是有可能的两个方面的愿望
        530 As for Emperor Showa however it had sharpened the nerve rather in the marriage of present Crown Prince, At all special step dissatisfaction without, the intention two was respected in the marriage of the emperor with respect to now so

        • 800,但不彻底击败它会像典子赞美,而不是皇后太子妃雅子将无法工作,包括礼元
          800 The plain hitting decreases, however probably will be, without being able to work the empress who includes the festival 祀, it probably will be The Masako way Noriko is praised probably will be in place

          • 802所以我说这是 不可能』,罪 指南搞活事情我说我不舒服志位,或其他人来说,却是不健康的罪恶,和?太子妃雅子和爱子我喜欢的是有限的,你将成为健康的,但错过了事件的优良好,围绕中心,以便您有恼人的乐趣和对我不知太子妃雅子要健康,安全,欢迎来自峨努力 802 Therefore you say that it is unreasonable crime is how it is not said Pleasant thing doing as for becoming vigorous as for becoming natural and vigorous it is not crime that The Masako way and the Aiko way but the person who is absent in event only becoming vigorous well enough the sled ya don t you think point which bets annoyance on around with that as for that you think how Princess Masako passing to be pleasant because it becomes vigorous patrol and the side which is received suffers hardship
            • 283海龟,但雅子有人喜欢注意阻止人们去,留下的唯一一个驱动tTA看他出 283 But the turtle as for the kind of person who notes in Masako everyone keeping stopping as for remaining Just the yes man who infers complexion
            • 407版税没有诚意,这是很难的普通法,而不是你说了批评,但我们的家庭皇太子和太子妃雅子和爱子相关,尤其是喜欢它的特殊 407 There is a lex non scripta that the royalty respects with thoughtless thing does not criticize but The Crown Prince family and the especially Masako way and to the Aiko way don t you think it is special in regard
            • 654 我的意思是,当你摇晃这个滋味雅子,通常生病 654 When gt with you say or are swung this way in Masako normally it becomes the sickness
            • 802如果你想离婚,即使王妃雅子,我想我们最好给她的离婚 802 Don t you think the Masako way if we would like to divorce you think that the one making divorce is better
            • 802所以我说这是 不可能』,罪 指南搞活事情我说我不舒服志位,或其他人来说,却是不健康的罪恶,和?雅子妃会做得很好,但是,是的,所以讨厌被点左右,健康的乐趣和对我不知太子妃雅子,也很难和攻击的安全峨 802 Therefore you say that it is unreasonable crime is how it is not said Pleasant thing doing as for becoming vigorous as for becoming natural and vigorous it is not crime that The Masako way and the Aiko way but the person who is absent in event only becoming vigorous well enough the sled ya don t you think point which bets annoyance on around with that as for that you think how Princess Masako passing to be pleasant because it becomes vigorous patrol and the side which is received suffers hardship
            • Tsuka,仅限于围绕什么是我可以帮助那些没有谁神奇的事件将雅子 Only the handle and Masako the person who is absent in event probably will be saved around
            • ☆公主激动人心的撤退日历TTP的: 希望0 45。公斤 seiyou 915。媒 Masako framework framework Recuperation calendar ttp wish 45 kg seiyou 915 htm
            • 儿童基金会家┘─→日本→雅子和田陈美龄↑→→→色情物品条例8民主党三宅 8 Miyake gt the Democratic party gt pornographic regulation gt agunesuchiyan ↑ Masako gt Owada house gt the Japanese UNICEF ─ ┘
            • 尽管王子将得到信息,但如果现在的第二任妻子离婚(知道海豚兰花),并没有讲座的可能性魔幻郁花我租你的小腿继承人,而不是直接做的更好,因为太子妃雅子很快和效果Kudarou Even His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince there is a feeling however probably will be if now you divorce still The rear wife it is or intellectual viewing receive and giving of driving and the successor there is no also possibility is not and Even the Masako way quicker one probably will be effective redoing
            • 当公主小看了最近的新闻感到惊讶的是我已经喜欢雅子成为王储萨马尼 Recently with news the Aiko way when you see as for small time although it was the Crown Prince being similar becoming Masako Samani the te you were surprised
            • 甚至当我访问了老挝文仁:“如果你向多文仁在线老挝,欧洲公主!”,并声称或 When fall the 篠 shrine Laos visiting If “Laos it makes go fall in the 篠 shrine the extent which Masako to Europe ” With insisting it does
            • 苦甜当作我Menhera Waretai雅子,认为Tteru认为这不是疯了 However Masako we would like you to handle sweetly as men spatulas there is no kichigai that is Thinking that you insist the ru
            • 这也是英语流利的,因为在情报界经历了什么,我会做一个简短的教育凯塔太子妃雅子晒将865〜我不知道为什么它是这样一个吱吱作响的车轮以及像雅子Yappa 865 Masako Princess teaching being brought up it was short it is don t you think Being social experience abundant the intelligent perfect score it puts out Therefore English skill like to be good it is it seems that is the reason from the wa … And tsu pa gone it is it is probably will be Masako
            • 陈原 雅子和田由美子路易十六玛丽皇后玛丽亚特里萨 Null… Louis 16 worlds Masako… marry antowanetsuto … Mary Yumiko Owada terejia
            • 雅子并没有说什么我就扭转289不是很清楚,我是个孤儿 289 However to be good it is from the wa you cannot call at all it is conversely Masako the trap which has been isolated
            • 雅子萨马只是你可怜的后代!激发思考和创意可能会像萨马门槛雅子韩国,耐力恼火超越 Simply in future Masako sama yes 哀 phase It is beautiful when it comes and it thinks of the Masako sama like possibility of being created Not accumulating mukatsuku

          • Kikamashitara头部相撞王室与瑞典的某个地方,它可以成为一个国际问题
            In Sweden the head to pierce in the king family of somewhere, when it increases, It is not unable to become international problem

            • NULL These 1 weeks the schedule of His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince from always compactly In spite even in overcrowded schedule naruchiyan it have persevered 2010 May 10th month Name Schedule His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Tea party sitting such as the Vancouver winter Olympic winning a prize player palace 2010 May 11th fire Saitama prefecture line Hiroshi national capital region contour sluice inspection Name Schedule His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Toumiya Imperial palace departure His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Summary explanation and inspection national capital region contour sluice management branch Haruhibu city His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Inspection national capital region contour sluice pitch pressure tank Haruhibu city His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Stopping national capital region contour sluice management branch Haruhibu city His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Inspection national capital region contour sluice third shaft Haruhibu city His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Stopping national capital region contour sluice management branch Haruhibu city His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Toumiya Imperial palace arrival 2010 May 12th water Name Schedule His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Greeting labor service group the Toumiya Imperial palace Both Crown Prince same Princess the Crown Prince Interview United Nations child fund UNICEF executive office leader the Toumiya Imperial palace 2010 May 13th wood Name Schedule His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Explanation the resident in Cambodia ambassador concerning the Cambodia king majesty “national guest” visit to Japan sitting the Imperial palace
              • 440皇太子喜欢,所以政策是,我做我喜欢把自己作为一个良好的雅子,或者甚至是非常好有坏采取公共服务,我想我真的觉得,巩固正式收据的夫人自己埃泰 440 It is the policy where Toumiya should have tried favorite Masako Because is either the hateful official business does not come out and also the te is good and by yourself refraining from the official business it is the air which supports the madam Don t you think truth how it probably is what …

            • Suppokashi,与一个奢侈的人皱眉作为公共服务已成为王子家族
              Doing the luxurious kind of concentration where the citizen lowers the eyebrow, as for neglecting the official business just the present Crown Prince family

              • TTP的:/ /世界curry.up.seesaa.net /图像/秒,RIMG6092。JPG的TTP的:/ / pds.exblog.jp /侦测器/二十○万零五百零五分之一/ 14 / 22 / d0033822 _ 2171283。JPG的TTP的:/ / pds.exblog.jp /侦测器/二十○万○八百○三分之一/ 10 / 34 / f0155734 _ 13232186。JPG的TTP的:/ /学夫,today.img.jugem.jp / 20080818 _ 143877。JPG的TTP的:/ / IMG的0.47 news.jp /专题/ techtech /%E3展%82%AB公司%E3展%83%B3的%E3展%83%9C条%E3展%82%B8座%E3展%82%A2的。JPG的TTP的:/ / livedoor.blogimg.jp / pao_on /国际医学学位/ 4 / 5 / 45ffa013。JPG的TTP的:/ / image.space.rakuten.co.jp / lg01 / 00 / 0000620500 / 69 / img79e40eb3zikezj.jpeg TTP的:/ / image.space.rakuten.co.jp / lg01 / 86 / 0000033186 / 03 / imgd8d86f2239tcfk.jpeg TTP的:/ /博客,国际医学学位- 30 - origin.fc2。com /的K /小时/ Ø / khonruai / 081004 _ 006。JPG格式
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                • [政治]“我诚信”的自民党,先生Oosawa Itirou(55)外地前岛根大学教授...
                  “As for me the honest” Liberal Democratic Party, Ichiro Osawa (55) to supporting university Professor… original Shimane

                  • “我们的校友陛下桥本先生,每周的杂志,当一个国家正式会议时遇到驱动tTA,州官员说,这是什么”这是上面的效果,并宣布,正式出版的会议,对国家的人不为
                    Is the classmate of the majesty Hasimoto who, on the weekly magazine, “When meeting to Hiroo Toumiya, Hiroo like this said”, that the above-mentioned effect it announced, Main person of Hiroo has not announced in regard to interview

                    • “雅子妃只是太辛苦的工作”,“我曾称赞这对小国太子妃雅子是不是一个东西不能”,“对痛苦的意见和雅子的请求一位公主,适应障碍是在恢复阶段逆转要返回到监视人民,是“自我祝贺性发言锦缎旗说,医生认为自己的文字
                      “As for Princess Masako there is about it perseveres too much” “Was not to be possible and the citizen praised vis-a-vis Princess Masako being able to do even a little it withstands,” When painful word and request are done “vis-a-vis Princess Masako, because adaptation obstacle goes backward to convalescence, the citizen watches over” The opinion sentence of the doctor group that self-praise to the flag of brocade you wrote by your,

                      • 不想说那么多,我可以雅子首脑损失瓦特在此排序的体重已经错了王室
                        Remainder we would not like to say, but assort also Masako, w This way weight of the Imperial Family losing 墜 not to be wrong

                        • 什么是我家一样,新泻379?当你访问你的婚姻,但是从没有在你的左边是上游,“你不知道有这样的亲戚谁没有,”我们不得不说我觉得我喜欢 379 Parents home tsu te Niigata the tsu ke which is So at the time of marriage interview from the birthplace there “That kind of one did not know comes to the kindred with” With it is said… where the air the way does…
                          • 几个月继续留月村祖先休息显然不那么顺利,新泻地区 The ancestor being in several month Murakami then it was in Niigata because it seems it is not well understood even with local end

                        • 从医生的观点,而不是消极的问题,沉重的国家和人民,支持皇帝的,在年龄上几乎感觉不到遇到担ü
                          It owes the serving where are heavy to the country and the citizen from doctor group opinion, supports the emperor, almost it cannot feel the viewpoint of Toumiya who bears age

                          • 从宫内厅“的王室夫妇的生日晚宴庆祝ü公主45分钟迟,但它不是这样的道歉”,“毫无疑问Ikake皇帝,公主在那儿没有答案Tarashii“,也听到传言说,来超越 From inside the Imperial Household Agency “the Crown Prince husband and wife as many as 45 minutes was late in the dinner which celebrates Noriko s birthday but it seems that does not have either the wa bi ” “His Majesty the Emperor questioning as for Masako you did not answer it seems” that and so on also the rumor which is said is audible
                            • 小和先生正在采取吸引Baiin雅子?免税废物,如果人们使用 Owada should have received Masako it is with Tax is used there is no 勿 body in such a person

                          • 但即使没有东部将无法改善恶病得多现在我要去接受治疗和处理,可能是多年来最好的这一切了。我不知道你不离开皇室只强调或公共事务的责任,我因肩后 So this much number of years applying perhaps receiving the highest remedy and treatment it probably is the ru and If now it is not improved to here Already physical condition being bad east Shouldering the criticism of the empress the official business it does Whether the oak which goes away from the Imperial Family it is stress cause and it is to serve without being
                            • 09 3 5临时皇宫是我们的采访过程中遇到的(日本奥林匹克委员会主席),赤坂志愿劳动。雅子参加敬礼给我们的志愿劳动队在休息 09 3 5 Interview with the Toumiya temporary Imperial palace Japanese Olympic commission chairman the Akasaka labor service In greeting to labor service group at 休 place Masako absence

                          • 但是,雅子我想我们只是没有离开发球正如预期的变化都没有哇,! So Masako has not changed completely and … And the tsu pa it just has left the kana

                            • 但期待已久的公主...“参观”欧洲公主说不出名字附表抑制愈合的创伤后应激障碍!爱子是男孩瑞典皇家婚礼粗糙创伤后应激障碍,因为我现在不能
                              So… “The European visit” of Masako desire it obstructs PTSD where Aiko does not get well! Aiko being rough by the boy, with the consequence which becomes PTSD in wedding of the Swedish king family It is not good

                              • 你让我Tachiawa 211 Saikū无论如何,因为他们的身体是最重要的仪式的,纯粹的 我觉得这是很难Monzeki s公主甚至认为这可能是最好的 211 Therefore as for the 斎 shrine being the clear body most important It adjusts to the ceremony temporarily and solves however you think that also the gate mark is serious … The Aiko way unless perhaps even so doing most you thought
                                • 你让我暂时Saikū Tachiawa最重要的仪式,因为他们的身体都在,纯粹意志左右阿里 Therefore as for the 斎 shrine being the clear body most important It adjusts to the ceremony temporarily and solves those where around does probably are the ant
                                • 斯特劳是一个借口不相关的存在和世界已经成为碰不得的,但我不认为Saiku The untouchable being accustomed to existence as for being able to make the excuse which does not relate with the world you think that there is only a 斎 shrine

                              • 例如,内阁官房长官,然后说这一点。 。 。红色。还是雇佣军?实用程序选拔的方式,内阁官房长官,其前任的时间加藤
                                If you mention secretariat director of this that time. Crimson. 傭 soldier? By the way, but as for substantial selection job time of generation ahead that as for secretariat director of that time Koichi Kato

                                • 假373:正杆Eniti Eitai津根太阳狗党明治7月7日82:所以球拉送行Eitai都祢7 8天7章明治日本明治这样一个错字金壱狗这是明显的该墓是不是瓦特编辑的
                                  373 Error: 1874 shell Dog year July 28th Eternity sutra gold one 圓 Righteousness: 1874 shell Dog year July 廿 eight days Eternity sutra gold one 圓 Such a misprint the refuse way, w which is not the grave by the hand of the Japanese of Meiji period clearly

                                  • 做的时候,走路,吃饭休息,官方作出了摄像头,可以在谁的,而他们说那里是一个长期的Surujan我摇摇手反映了最方便的地方,积极 Recuperation and you eat the fact that you do and walk when as for the official business it is before the person that while saying At the place where it has the camera standing positively in the place where it is easiest to appear the hand it shakes it is
                                    • (这一次的方式:“我们注意到在撤退官方”的调查,认为日本是所有的情况下),我没有把国家发展会议人 By the way as for this time “while recuperating” as for domestic official business attention to thing which entirely is absence Developing it does not meet to the human of the country

                                  • 先生和夫人维多利亚王储德仁的婚礼,但参加不限成员名额,雅子的我会确定有抱怨她的爱子峨关注学校 vuikutoria Naruhito and spouse is invited to the wedding of Crown Prince king but Because as for Masako has been unable deciding attendance there probably is a Aiko thing which appeals insecurity to attending school

                                    • 公主崩溃瓦解Poppopon ll建筑师这个外部或内部的动力,导致了两个崩溃他人在日本谁
                                      Two strangers who led Japan to collapse Leading figure of internal collapse The [ma] it is dense the Royal Princess Leading figure of external collapse [potsupopon

                                      • 公主种族主义是荒谬的!公主现在应该辞职! !
                                        Crown princess race discrimination how absurdity! It should refuse the seat of crown princess now! !

                                        • 即使使用费和会议的欧洲外交官君主立宪我不是唯一的白色和皇太子妃,将是您诚实地认为,我们不会像一个人会不想也不能击败会议
                                          Crown princess it meets with only the white? Either king family and diplomat of European constitutional monarch country, with truth would not like to meet it is dense, probably will be Being thought as the same type, it probably will not serve and

                                          • 反过来考虑Emashou 446“雅子妃是精神错乱和精神崩溃,它不是一个好事你的”被 446 You will think conversely “As for Royal Princess Masako when without doing that by his likes it does when mind the psychosis which collapses” is
                                            • 它的397健康,精神疾病(疾病Kunaru好得想这样做),只有 397 It is healthy when the psychosis we would not like to doing it does condition the illness which becomes bad just with

                                          • 古雅子好事上了网,但是他说,茹ü逗留或人获得良好的白人,因为如果雅子Kokeshian你结婚,什么情况下进行工作,周末回家就回烧烤在党和Kino和嘉宾有一些正式或在室内,不能帮助女主人人喜欢先生欢迎您的客人,不是他们的工资,甚至是正常孩子的中东美我们认为 However the net to be good being Masako thing the person whom the white likes the person who is said it stays even if Assuming that Masako got married with kokeshian some it works it does at outside Weekend to do BBQ of the invited participant attachment with the back yard of the home or in the interior Does some formal party and or the te there is no chart it does the customer the hostess part which The kind of person whom it is not possible thinks that yome in the middle of American hutsu there is no working hard employment ma and others
                                            • 爱子我你怎么能因为一个小的学校没有连接雅子在所有熟悉的三个新班 The ro where Aiko does not adapt to the new class of small 3 at all with consequence of Masako attendant attending school and is

                                          • 同学,即使衣服来到食堂吃午饭的古线后,动摇了什么让人们把公主的衣服拿出午餐只 As for kurasumeito the school lunch clothes coming although it goes to the dining room Just the Aiko way it is attached and the person rear it keeps being attached with the school lunch clothes
                                            • Biwoshiteiru children ll打球,临时照顾,这并不真的很喜欢这个球爱子鳕鱼 Way as for the children who do ball play the ball does not hit to Aiko Very the air is sent
                                            • Biwoshiteiru children ll打球,临时照顾,这并不真的很喜欢这个球爱子鳕鱼 Way as for the children who do ball play the ball does not hit to Aiko Very the air is sent
                                            • 滋无,甚至不正确的医生检查大野爱子,“我认为,”你怎么样 Even Doctor Ono there is no reason which properly examined Aiko “You think that it is good ” it does with the tsu te the yo

                                          • 后来,在一个非正式的,但烧屠夫一些目击在赤坂认真开始围绕公主的逃学
                                            However after, it is informal, The Aiko way when non- attending school materializes Information of sight with the Akasaka burning butcher shop

                                            • 咦?冠帝国外交公主没有看到你的愿望?是不是柬埔寨出国? _
                                              That? Crown princess the Imperial Family diplomacy there is no desire? As for Cambodia there is no foreign country? _

                                              • 喜久子公主也香织诚裕仁天皇,皇后,皇后和皇太子结婚现在你的意思是,它最初不愿意
                                                Emperor Showa and fragrance 淳 empress and Princess Kikuko, in the marriage of crown princess current empress and Originally, it was passive, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is

                                                • 喜久子公主小约517是我们,“一个方様”发现,所谓的,我对他们的姐妹Irasshattarashii护士和弟弟也
                                                  517 As for Princess Kikuko small time, “one one way” being called, the nurse attended even to younger sister you and younger brother you respectively, don't you think? it seems

                                                  • 国内的欢迎仪式,但偶尔挂了,我欢迎晚宴,而不是在10年了?瑞典的婚礼,所以我说这条线的 As for domestic welcome event sometimes coming out however the ru the welcome dinner meeting about 10 years it does not come out anymore The notion that where it probably will go to the wedding of suueden with that
                                                    • 我从一个国家的欢迎仪式,但偶尔,我欢迎晚宴,而不是在10年了?瑞典的婚礼,所以我说这条线的 As for welcome event of the national guest sometimes coming out however the ru the welcome dinner meeting about 10 years it does not come out anymore The notion that where it probably will go to the wedding of suueden with that

                                                  • 在853,我出了税你可以将旅行中休息的情侣线连接到我的妹妹?
                                                    853 So, keeping adhering to recuperation, also traveling expenses of the [ru] actual younger sister married couple coming out of tax, the [ru] it is, don't you think??

                                                    • 在凤凰城的酒店,但被取消,美浓IBD的暑假,没有雪橇,而是由那须离宫,2和3天休息的皇宫,实在不好,这是爱子,我行的其余部分在Okushiga我觉得古取消 But as for cancelling hotel Phoenix there is no skiing end of te summer vacation From Nasu s business residence with rather recuperating 2 and 3 day Imperial palace however it tried probably to go to recuperation in inner part Shiga You think that Aiko cancelled physical condition by any means badly
                                                      • 在凤凰城的酒店,但被取消,美浓IBD的暑假,没有雪橇,而是由那须离宫,2和3天休息的皇宫,实在不好,这是爱子,我行的其余部分在Okushiga我觉得古取消 But as for cancelling hotel Phoenix there is no skiing end of te summer vacation From Nasu s business residence with rather recuperating 2 and 3 day Imperial palace however it tried probably to go to recuperation in inner part Shiga You think that Aiko cancelled physical condition by any means badly
                                                      • 在凤凰城的酒店,但被取消,美浓IBD的暑假,没有雪橇,而是由那须离宫,2和3天休息的皇宫,实在不好,这是爱子,我行的其余部分在Okushiga我觉得古取消 But as for cancelling hotel Phoenix there is no skiing end of te summer vacation From Nasu s business residence with rather recuperating 2 and 3 day Imperial palace however it tried probably to go to recuperation in inner part Shiga You think that Aiko cancelled physical condition by any means badly
                                                      • 在凤凰城的酒店,但被取消,美浓IBD的暑假,没有雪橇,而是由那须离宫,2和3天休息的皇宫,实在不好,这是爱子,我行的其余部分在Okushiga我觉得古取消 But as for cancelling hotel Phoenix there is no skiing end of te summer vacation From Nasu s business residence with rather recuperating 2 and 3 day Imperial palace however it tried probably to go to recuperation in inner part Shiga You think that Aiko cancelled physical condition by any means badly
                                                      • 在凤凰城的酒店,但被取消,美浓IBD的暑假,没有雪橇,而是由那须离宫,2和3天休息的皇宫,实在不好,这是爱子,我行的其余部分在Okushiga我觉得古取消 But as for cancelling hotel Phoenix there is no skiing end of te summer vacation From Nasu s business residence with rather recuperating 2 and 3 day Imperial palace however it tried probably to go to recuperation in inner part Shiga You think that Aiko cancelled physical condition by any means badly
                                                      • 在凤凰城的酒店,但被取消,美浓IBD的暑假,没有雪橇,而是由那须离宫,2和3天休息的皇宫,实在不好,这是爱子,我行的其余部分在Okushiga我觉得古取消 But as for cancelling hotel Phoenix there is no skiing end of te summer vacation From Nasu s business residence with rather recuperating 2 and 3 day Imperial palace however it tried probably to go to recuperation in inner part Shiga You think that Aiko cancelled physical condition by any means badly

                                                    • 在直接反对到67谓词天空后藤田正。内阁官房长官(当时):“水俣旗站相反,故宫”和富田早晨。宫内厅首席(相同):“请跟我这么重视氮结果辞职”是一个政治家
                                                      67 As for directly expressing dissenting opinion Masashi Gotouda. Secretariat director (at that time): The Minamata on the other hand flag stands “in the Imperial Palace” With, Tomita Morning. Imperial Household Agency Director (same): Because “the Chisso case is annexed, please abandon” And others it is heavy the retainer

                                                      • 太子妃雅子带来向公众责任抚养的形象,破坏了学习院小学课堂,我认为父母是不大 Gakushuin elementary course grade as for having the kind of image which has collapsed in the world It is Masako way as for the guardian whom you think that consequence it is many
                                                        • 怎么能太像典子?这是我Hikitate的太子妃雅子的作用是一个坏家伙像纪子 Noriko to be too possible being Here becoming one Noriko villain performs Masako way pulling building part

                                                      • 女儿爱子公主3年的学习院小学仍在上课,有些仍然存在,和U附上一个接着一个国家注册的公主从学校和班级主页 As for eldest daughter Aiko Gakushuin elementary course 3 year still class attendance has been restricted to part Masako Noboru leaving school And a state where you attend to class is continued
                                                        • 在已经在医院花费的时间击败了包括受害者彼得学习雅子他们出门在外,每天星期一 The victim has already been present at the point in time when everyday monpe Masako makes the attack on Gakushuin
                                                        • 按照这个速度,公主学校高,学生可以成为,如何保持学习院 With such a condition the Aiko way becoming the high school student even when becoming the university student It keeps being attached to Gakushuin kana
                                                        • 该机构的学习比雅子在蒙特一Komare彼得一直是受害者一个打击,也不会解决问题,是不是消除爱子 Above the fact that you beat in monpe Masako and be troubled on the one hand you become sacrifice is Gakushuin side Other than removing Aiko it is not in the problem solving

                                                      • 如何坏 现在是为了什么?我得到他们到底有多严重?雅子客户,它现在将“公众人物”是 … When something how is not good it is what Concretely how it means very thing it is The ma densely once for the present “the public servant” is
                                                        • 雅子一直假装生病,并认为万,非常认真地考虑应被看作是一个公共官员认为不可能被视为 Because Masako is not visible to the 詐 illness the thought cup very heavily seriously you think that it should consider we should consider as the public servant

                                                      • 如果我只在那里吃,至今并没有什么病人阿波小血管疾病,心脏疾病(Ry的,但它必须是一个精神和身体健康的皇后
                                                        That much eating out, the cod, before long the heart disease or the blood vessel disease being ill [abo] (ry Unless both the mind and body it must be healthy empress, although, don't you think?

                                                        • 妇女在非王室王子皇室法第14条。或不和谁成为女王的丈夫时,她失去了他的这种意图可以释放的王室身份, The Imperial Family model 14th provision With woman other than royalty Imperial Prince Or the queen is the person is that husband losing the time to leave it is possible the status of the royalty with the intention
                                                          • 那天晚上,国王胡安卡洛斯陛下索非亚访问的西班牙王国。晚餐后茶天皇和皇后和皇帝“创建出席着急。” The same day night it comes King king Majesty the Spanish kingdom fan Carlos of Japan and China Sophia In tea party of after the dinner meeting of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress majesty and “urgent sewer attendance”

                                                        • 它S作为会议的强硬立场上的480购买这种房子,不能成为被告的公主 480 Don t you think as for shrine serving balance… With respect to standpoint the kind of interview where the Royal Princess is criticized is not possible and

                                                          • 官方在3月14日王子皇宫野村一成国家的官方记者招待会,解释为什么对公主的条件,“公主我觉得他很抱歉,你不能参加”,并表示天空
                                                            As for shrine Hiroo one Naruto Nomura of the Imperial Household Agency in regular press conference of 14 days, Masako Physical condition expressed the reason after explaining, “as for the Royal Princess it think that it cannot participate very much regrettably”, that

                                                            • 对于警察,它是像这样的不同,和子池田温子鹰司作为昭和天皇,一名生物学家,我认为这是不富裕的家庭和亲属王室
                                                              You conjecture, 鷹 Kazuko Osamu and, a Ikeda thick child way because thing there is, the one which is not relationship with the Imperial Family as Emperor Showa of the biologist, it was thing you think that,

                                                              • 岁我父母甚至有一个私人的小兄弟的妻子,儿子休息旁边一对夫妇我用装病不工作的女孩生病,他弟弟的家人,我从附近撞上了奢侈手袋
                                                                With even people with the side where the daughters of the parents, the younger brother married couple and the younger brother who timewear work with one house entire being present When the eldest son married couple recuperates malingering using and it is luxurious concentration, it is the sack hitting from neighborhood

                                                                • 忍你,让你的自由时间覧如果是荒谬的展览线的古瓦特不喜欢我,你是什么样会经常看到这样皇室我们进行 You view freely during enduring time when we assume that it is thing Outrageous w As for by yourself going to exhibition we like Those of the type where royalty one becomes coming into view have gone to the mostly seeing

                                                                  • 我们渴望为培养我的孩子能有你的517女王香织笃,本应在场就设法让他保持一段较长的时间是可能的,但它是不可能的 517 Fragrance 淳 eagerly desiring the fact that also the empress raises the child with labor assistant that as unreasonable The expectation which just it is possible to be long it has been about to make labor assistant be
                                                                    • 儿童基金会当天的会议上没有驱动tTA从比赛红十字会名誉主席努附表代皇后,唯一和其他Atetsuke The red cruciform conference where generation after generation empress serves honorable president in the same day which is absent It meets to UNICEF already only to be accustomed to applying with
                                                                    • 我只用存款的皇后爱子渡边绿每周一次的妇女,右线古积谷逼泥国外 Weekly woman Using Watanabe green depositing Aiko to one timewise empress it goes to play to the foreign country The ro which is strategy

                                                                  • 我想他也喜欢王子和皇室罕见的压力和雅子之间夹,但我想我是什么?担心也将不得不恩戴爱子的逃学 Also the Crown Prince thinking the same type however it hurt Being put between the royalty and Masako there is a stress it is it is not Also Aiko non attending school probably has been troubled and
                                                                    • 221的图象,有传闻越来越多,这是为了看到皇太子雅子 221 Don t you think it places this photograph in order to show Masako to for His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince and passes and there is rumor

                                                                  • 我看到了金融手帕,弄脏犹太奴才小和田雅子的特别帐户,荷兰海牙
                                                                    Judean financial follower Owada of the Dutch Hague Special accounting [chi] [yo] [ro] entrusting Whether so Masako

                                                                    • 据宫内厅,自1993年恢复君主立宪制是在日本还是第一次柬埔寨国王
                                                                      According to the Imperial Household Agency, since king system reviving in 1993, as for visit to Japan of the Cambodia king the first time

                                                                      • 最后,“日本传统文化的副本父系在退化新浪网是不是”,说他们开始为它瓦特,适应障碍,或其他人的太子妃雅子是,我是一本批评王室 Finally “man system is not the Japanese tradition with the deterioration copy of the Chinese culture” And so on with w which it starts saying To that Princess Masako becoming adaptation obstacle natural It is something which criticizes the present Imperial Family don t you think
                                                                        • 雅子和爱子生病住在宫殿细节充满绿色显示,而不是绿色,我住在寄宿1 3 6坐席,真正的能源 Green lives in the full Imperial palace Aiko and Masako where in the sickness As for we which is not green lives in lodging between 6 tatami mat one me tsu chi ya vigor

                                                                      • 有一个罚款或获得出生,你有瓦特TTP的照片刊登这一严重:/ / www.yuko2ch.net /马可/ imgbbs3jik / IMG公司盒/ img20071226130438的。jpg
                                                                        Publishing such a visit to a grave photograph, w which comes out and our nice is not possible ttp: //www.yuko2ch.net/mako/imgbbs3jik/img-box/img20071226130438. jpg

                                                                        • 欲了解更多信息-如果你知道我读周围↓TTP的:/ / wiki.livedoor.jp / dosukono /天/%c6%c6%%B1的五大功能界别%%b7%A5的%电子艺界%格A1%A5的公元前%%广管局TTP的:/ / wiki.livedoor.jp / dosukono /天/%的CD%金汇%c6%A5的功能界别%%b7%A5的%电子艺界%格A1%A5的公元前%%广管局
                                                                          If it can have details reading per ↓, whether it is understood, that ttp: //wiki.livedoor.jp/dosukono/d/% c6% b1% c6% fc % a5% b7% a5% ea % a1% bc % a5% ba ttp: //wiki.livedoor.jp/dosukono/d/% cd % e2% c6% fc % a5% b7% a5% ea % a1% bc % a5% ba

                                                                          • 每周妇女(2010 / 05 / 25),1页访问彩色凹版印刷选摄于国家在课余俱乐部
                                                                            Weekly woman (2010/05/25) Beginning color in gravure typical photographing photograph at time of pupil club visit page 1

                                                                            • 汝远的地方,找到一个病理敌视柬埔寨684,它看起来更自然,看见有人在柬埔寨或小和田雅子在过去的一帮东西 684 When you look at the place where Cambodia is regarded with hostility unsoundly to here That past something someone of the Masako or Owada conspirators in Cambodia you saw there was the one which the natural shelf
                                                                              • 任何公共服务了,但崇拜,而不是确定,出来! ü认为你是在一个罐子很可能当谈到女子小和田团伙 But all official business festival 祀 it does not do with this and te OK comes coming out When with it becomes The ro which is pot what which those woman Owada conspirators think

                                                                            • 王储将“我看超过来吧太子妃雅子也是我重视与阶级,学校公主安全的,”我会说,为什么你确定吗?雅子说实话。父母的一天,爱子,或缓解? ? ?不,你不老实没有耳朵?我觉得三年级的平均,不愿 As for Toumiya “The Masako way attending watching over also in class in to be with The Aiko way feeling at rest however you can attend school” the tsu te you say It probably is true what Truly Masako same With class going participating view Aiko feeling at rest Truth well probably will be with the ear but it is not it is without being As for normal 3rd grade however you think that you dislike
                                                                              • 朝日周刊 2006年1月6日的休息第三年朝日新岩井胜月雅子文章春日善双数13。往往倾向于将看到伟大驻皇太子玺一些家长让孩子在球场上的一个问号告诉记者投资。面试和簸选“好公务的公主任意去”,并接受什么是不采取 NULL

                                                                            • 现在,你会得到力量,新闻界和哥里。哥里推立太子成果,并提出作为帝国线后的驱动tTA埃泰抵押聪武直系统的干扰,阻力和反应向新闻界和我只是出生于一个开放的哥里 Being the place where it does to take over the gori pushing Result of empress and gori pushing investiture of the Crown Prince Saintly military affairs direct line stopping as imperial Osamu moved to collateral family line As for rally and reaction to gori pushing with ha ゙ nee Good Heavens
                                                                              • 现在,你会得到力量,新闻界和哥里。哥里推立太子成果,并提出作为帝国线后的驱动tTA埃泰抵押聪武直系统的干扰,阻力和反应向新闻界和我只是出生于一个开放的哥里 Being the place where it does to take over the gori pushing Result of empress and gori pushing investiture of the Crown Prince Saintly military affairs direct line stopping as imperial Osamu moved to collateral family line As for rally and reaction to gori pushing with ha ゙ nee Good Heavens

                                                                            • 由于17国的条件。在欢迎仪式Mukere假期等,整个包机15体育设施,堆在一个担保,就可以享受滑冰,雅子的植物生长调节剂被工作 Physical condition in reason country of 17 days As for welcome event however you go to bed Sport facility all the mansion rentals of 15 days ardently patrol abundantly enjoying skating possibility Masako pgr of hard worker
                                                                              • 在未来15天,但似乎已被受理包机由滑冰,是什么形状? So on following 15th Skating was enjoyed rental ardently but so What physical condition

                                                                            • 皇太子或州官员被野村一成介绍了正在进行的880个星期五“将是困难的,在弹出的一个好公主表”时,有一个说法 880 Whether it was the conventional interview which every week Friday is done Shrine Hiroo one Naruto Nomura “When being good when the Royal Princess it is produced to the chart it means very thing” that when speaking it was
                                                                              • 皇太子或州官员介绍了野村一成五正在进行上进行的,“将是困难的,在弹出的一个好公主表”时,有一个说法 Whether it was the conventional interview which every week Friday is done Shrine Hiroo one Naruto Nomura “When being good when the Royal Princess it is produced to the chart it means very thing” that when speaking it was
                                                                              • 野村还规定官员“(government 的事件),而无所作为是没有什么更多的不仅仅是时间 Furthermore as for Hiroo Nomura “ country It does not mean that of event in addition to of the time zone altogether does not do at all

                                                                            • 目的地。雅子,或转介,加强与日本和联合国儿童基金会儿童基金会组织的关系?
                                                                              Ahead. As for Masako, referring the related strengthening of UNICEF itself and the Japanese UNICEF?

                                                                              • 祖父江头雅子,氮后卫股东(893)恶魔后藤田谁当警察局长被殴打,帮助水俣病的患者。禁止他们进入血液古Egashira论点自然王室 Masako grandfather Egasira in the Chisso general meeting of shareholders in guard 893 When assaulting the support person of the Minamata disease person National Police Agency director Gotouda Ogre The person who pulls the Egasira blood entering into the Imperial Family as for opposing the proper
                                                                                • 祖父江头雅子,氮后卫股东(893)恶魔后藤田谁当警察局长被殴打,帮助水俣病的患者。禁止他们进入血液古Egashira论点自然王室 Masako grandfather Egasira in the Chisso general meeting of shareholders in guard 893 When assaulting the support person of the Minamata disease person National Police Agency director Gotouda Ogre The person who pulls the Egasira blood entering into the Imperial Family as for opposing the proper

                                                                              • 第三级学校,除非她的母亲的陪同下,根本不能想到一个新闻太不寻常,因为它早为时已晚。午餐的房间里,女儿每一天。学校谁救赎了他们的王室访问,也是由儒,但公共服务不能认为不正常的不可能 1 You just think that news even excessively is abnormal Unless it is mother company the 3rd grade where you cannot attend school that being late is quick Room classified by school lunch Everyday the daughter same As for attending school one carrot view although it is possible the Royal Princess who cannot do the official business Already you think that the extent which cannot be it is abnormal
                                                                                • 第三级学校,除非她的母亲的陪同下,根本不能想到一个新闻太不寻常,因为它早为时已晚。午餐的房间里,女儿每一天。学校谁救赎了他们的王室访问,也是由儒,但公共服务不能认为不正常的不可能 1 You just think that news even excessively is abnormal Unless it is mother company the 3rd grade where you cannot attend school that being late is quick Room classified by school lunch Everyday the daughter same As for attending school one carrot view although it is possible the Royal Princess who cannot do the official business Already you think that the extent which cannot be it is abnormal

                                                                              • 结婚是不是裕仁天皇和美智子公主,皇后薰诚,公主秩秩父,你们三个松宫隆喜久子公主,和松平信子的母亲是一个秩父夫人贞明皇后公主,他的妹妹伊都子梨本宫也许他强烈反对和你喜欢
                                                                                There is no Emperor Showa concerning the marriage with the Princess Mitiko, fragrance 淳 the empress, Princess Setuko Titibunomiya, the edges of Princess Kikuko Takamatunomiya and, Ituko Nasimotonomiya of Nobuko Matsudaira who is the lady of the court of 貞 discernment empress with the mother of Princess Setuko and that older sister et. al opposed super, it is it is not

                                                                                • 美国不是没有收入的妇女(家庭主妇),和雅子等工作。当人们离婚明显的失败,除非丈夫是无行为能力的人,甚至没有线的子女抚养权的男性会自动古 As for America the woman who does not have earnings the housewife and the Masako way Job When the person whose failure is clear divorces if former husband side is not the incompetent person the child Rearing right goes to man side automatically
                                                                                  • “17”的国家。欢迎仪式的场租出去,因为生病和“14”今天宣布,在早期阶段,“15”是Reyo我玩,我击败了雅子的冰发言 Country of “17 days” Unless physical condition appears to welcome event in the reason it announces early at stage “on the 14th” Doing today “15 days” skating rink finishing to lend playing strike hard ru Masako

                                                                                • 肚皮,它也可能Kukuran陛下,我急于本身不仅天皇夫妇人民黑暗指责盆地
                                                                                  The majesty the stomach [ku] saddle is here and others with, criticism of the citizen as for not only the simpleton married couple, it rushes in to the Imperial Family itself

                                                                                  • 蒂卡聪他们带给我们的经验没有什么心理医生359,没有做家务,家长的坏丈夫谁我认为他们没有疾病的偏见对疾病的抑郁沮丧从未在“这个世界接触“或”身体状况不好,“这家伙,他们雅子增加了沟或毫无意义,因为我认为有一定影响 359 The psychiatrist does not know what experience whether having but the housekeeping it does not do don t you think the parents of the master how it is not in the world think that prejudice vis a vis the melancholia As for being bad “the melancholia tendency” “physical condition is bad” that the people whom you shirk in the reason of semantic obscurity increase As for this you think that there is Masako influence securely
                                                                                    • 下半年为40子无匹见丈夫的感觉就像一个新娘尝试,这个故事的雅子和浴缸,没有家务,我父母和我的家人一起住哈马回库里的老人 Masako story seeing it has been similar to the basin and this wife The child it is not toad feeling the housekeeping it does not do at 40 latter half the ri where the parents of the master although it is living together with advanced age return to the parents home and sow
                                                                                    • 蒂卡聪他们带给我们的经验没有什么坏的359精神科医生,谁现在是一想,如果我没有条件偏见“身体对疾病的抑郁在这个世界上从来没有”触摸抑郁症“或如果邪恶“,它是增加了他们的理由或沟他的隐秘的雅子认为肯定有冲击 359 The psychiatrist does not know what experience whether having but the housekeeping it does not do don t you think the parents of the master how it is not in the world think that prejudice vis a vis the melancholia As for being bad “the melancholia tendency” “physical condition is bad” that the people whom you shirk in the reason of semantic obscurity increase As for this you think that there is Masako influence securely

                                                                                  • 运输排名低于他们对王储休息,我说了什么的情况略有住宿)
                                                                                    The portable expedient which is much lower than Toumiya's recuperation in ranking, without calling either complaint ahead staying, don't you think?)

                                                                                    • 这一次,我要去野村的回答记者的提问,“公主说。出席了官方的,但我不能如呢?”并不是它想一个问题吗?没什么,“母亲的问题,避免我说:”我想给绝对不喜欢说,你的答案是为什么 1 However it probably is reply what of Nomura this vis a vis the question of the reporter “Aiko way same As for attending school although it is possible as for the official business not coming out ” Like It was question it is it probably won t be You think that there are no times which what melts and says “restrains serving the mother” but it is With something it has become such reply the ro which is
                                                                                      • 同样的。学校课的,因为,公主和其他儿童的过程中,我不知道我的意思是非暴力 That same Even attending school class going participating view The Aiko way of course vis a vis the other child Even what other than violence you probably will say
                                                                                      • 这一次,我要去野村的回答记者的提问,“公主说。出席了官方的,但我不能如呢?”并不是它想一个问题吗?没什么,“母亲的问题,避免我说:”我想给绝对不喜欢说,你的答案是为什么 1 However it probably is reply what of Nomura this vis a vis the question of the reporter “Aiko way same As for attending school although it is possible as for the official business not coming out ” Like It was question it is it probably won t be You think that there are no times which what melts and says “restrains serving the mother” but it is With something it has become such reply the ro which is

                                                                                    • 这也是“古帆船从戒烟需要采取短期线正准备得到很多人的”和W或布奇,或完全漠不关心,尽管最后一分钟,发挥他们的职务,当涉及到修改的行鼓,热Unasareyou女儿,不管你要去行 That although it has had preparing “in the many people When the fact that it goes suddenly is cancelled because annoyance is caused” with w By his butsuchi does the official business dotakiyan does and or although at all it is unconcerned When it goes to play when it becomes the daughter will have a nightmare at heat but regardless it tries probably to go

                                                                                      • 这是有趣的?雅子的家,这不是自私?只有当一个王室公共服务的专营权费 This tsu te it is strange There is no wagamama of the Masako parents home The official business as a royalty oh is that Imperial Family of the lever
                                                                                        • 但是生活在良好的家庭的雅子邻県371,在这里我严重的都大致 371 But next door prefectural residence of the Masako parents home the grave of this everyone being large is nice
                                                                                        • 咬一个白人男性 西班牙统治柬埔寨侮辱我,但污垢,花仙子 Flattering to the Spanish white as for the Cambodia person the tsu te which is made foolish as for Masako the lowest human shelf

                                                                                      • 错过了两个已故母亲也伴随着一小三年级学生,3个小时的治疗效果有什么不正常的母亲或ü大野我的女儿从她的密切重视与解雇等克祖类学校午餐也只获得一个单独的一个体面的,但同时应该看到一个专家医生,而不是让出 Small amount third becoming even grade Being late absence only 2 and 3 hours class is received with mother company school lunch another room In such a daughter the be tsu it is from attending school to leaving school the ri the mother who attends Both is abnormal Ono applying there is no doctor who cannot put out no curative effect the te The 診 se ru it should in the medical specialist whom does both properly although is
                                                                                        • 两个第三年,不寻常的习惯,有多少我暗示分钟Zutto陪同她的母亲在学校参加了3小时 Although 3rd grade attends school 2 and 3 hours the mother zu the tsu and company Understanding how much abnormality in ru habit

                                                                                      • 雅子已提出从1月2日至12月30家庭滑雪猪苗代箕轮福冈市
                                                                                        Masako from December 30th to New Year 2nd has gone out to family travelling in the Minowa ski site of Fukuoka prefecture Inawashiro Cho

                                                                                        • 雅子已经到物质,它是原来的传统是日本天皇从爱子无论如何女系
                                                                                          How being good, from Aiko making in any case woman type emperor the Japanese original tradition probably will produce Masako, is

                                                                                          • 雅子是一种浪费浪费Naranaijan古税务条例没有更好的办法来拉王储宫前子上总线附近休息
                                                                                            Pull Masako, to the Toumiya Imperial palace not to go to here and there recuperation and be confined directly At all it does not become good it is Wastefulness wastefulness

                                                                                            • 顺便在同一天,王储宫义工的劳动是相同的(日本)是一个令人惊讶的缺席点头
                                                                                              By the way the same day, the labor service group which is the same Toumiya Imperial palace (the Japanese) to greeting was absence as though it is proper,

                                                                                              • 马。百分之的父母是件愚蠢的雅子,你可能会担心雅子齐奥塞斯库的命运和他的妻子也一样,有它听说过 Horse The fragment of the foolish parent of Masako in the destiny whose also Masako is similar to the chiyaushiesuku husband and wife When it is worried whether it is not to become in the past you have heard
                                                                                                • “一个偶然的机会?质量?”没有其他人出席,什么是涉嫌切割和紧张雅子 “By any chance Quality ” With being enthusiastic in kind of Masako which is doubted when it attends The other person does not have
                                                                                                • 马。百分之的父母是件愚蠢的雅子,你可能会担心雅子齐奥塞斯库的命运和他的妻子也一样,有它听说过 Horse The fragment of the foolish parent of Masako in the destiny whose also Masako is similar to the chiyaushiesuku husband and wife When it is worried whether it is not to become in the past you have heard

                                                                                              • 高祖父河纪子妃辉煌系谱。右Akazome庄(村长)高祖父池上。圭介(区小菅裁判官会津津族武士岁)高祖父。深渊(幕府前的诸侯,测量师,首任董事土地池上Shirou的公公),祖父的河流。章一郎(院长,教授,学习院小学教育工作者,娜娜主要师范学校,佐贺。师范大学校长),池上Shirou曾祖父(大阪市市长,省长韩总政治事务),隆彦祖父统计(在官僚。主任)
                                                                                                The gorgeous lineage figure of Royal Princess Noriko High grandfather River. Manor Uemon (manor house) High grandfather Ikegami. 輔 (Old Aizu feudal clan loyal retainer Aizu feudal clan Gun magistrate ) High grandfather Kosuge. Deep water (old curtain retainer, land surveying section first department manager and father-in-law of Ikegami four 郎) Great-grandfather River. Shoichiro (Professor and elementary course length educator Gakushuin, Saga teacher school principal, 奈. Teacher school principal) Great-grandfather Ikegami four 郎 (prefecture state affairs General Osaka city mayor and Korean governor-general) Grandfather Takahiko (the bureaucratic inside. Statistical Bureau Chief)

                                                                                                • 黄声称,我将老左派天。我可以判处否认的话语,我想你想干什么?人们谁试图保持一个父系,“专制主义的父系”,做贴和标签 sayoku of former times insists recently the emperor the way It shakes the remark of denial and the za has done and something would like to do it is probably will be The “man type despotism person” and label it has done to paste the people whom it tries to maintain man system and
                                                                                                  • 即使在帝国新闻。批评了禁忌,不再在这里显然比你不要螃蟹的人是住房状况 In the past mass communications emperor Criticism had done taboo apparent but the actual condition to here in the citizen clearly above the hatchet Modesty will not do already
                                                                                                  • 黄声称,我将老左派天。我可以判处否认的话语,我想你想干什么?人们谁试图保持一个父系,“专制主义的父系”,做贴和标签 sayoku of former times insists recently the emperor the way It shakes the remark of denial and the za has done and something would like to do it is probably will be The “man type despotism person” and label it has done to paste the people whom it tries to maintain man system and

                                                                                                • , 这一个 7z格式,ṛ七甲 的彡j b口 彡 年 ,研究 u003d u003d ,ṛ u003d u003d u003d,≧ 女 ,分类高尚崇高我 一)于。奇 Watakushi,唯一的人不希望英国皇家学会的白色 2 Raji细胞拉尼娜 升,车 。 住宅Suberidaniヽ 车,交谈苏原住民许多亚洲和非洲我没有。8,(ヽ 的R ヽ ,1,“爪 楼,艾。太阳报夷注册商标) a it is dense 7z r a 7 7 gt gt 7 lt lt mi hu ⌒ 冖 ¯ three 彡 i ∨ nu 彡 i i 彡 i r r ≧ he i 卑 e i 卑 yu Oneself Me only the noble people of the white meeting greatly it is REPT Leek Two ra ji l to REPT r 辷 to As for speaking with the Asian and Africa native the wa which is not at all Eight REPT r REPT 1 “Nail 乂 he ee r yua l gt to REPT Two ni tomi No Eight DREPT tomi ≦ 斗 ni two gt tomi DREPT ¯ ┴ 92 92 DREPT gt ≧ 92 ku ” REPT gt ├ hu lt ku 92
                                                                                                  • 2 Raji细胞拉尼娜 升,车 。 住宅Suberidaniヽ 购物车。8,(ヽ 的R ヽ ,1,“爪 楼,艾。青进夷注册商标) 升 古 REPT Leek Two ra ji l to REPT r 辷 to Eight REPT r REPT 1 “Nail 乂 he ee r yua l gt to REPT Two ni tomi No Eight DREPT tomi ≦ 斗 ni two gt tomi DREPT ¯ ┴ 92 92 DREPT gt ≧ 92 ku ” REPT gt ├ hu lt ku 92

                                                                                                • , 这一个 7z格式,ṛ七甲 的彡j b口 彡 年 ,研究 u003d u003d ,ṛ u003d u003d u003d,≧ 女 ,分类高尚崇高我 一)于。奇 这是我的工作带来了帝制 a it is dense 7z r a 7 7 gt gt 7 lt lt mi hu ⌒ 冖 ¯ three 彡 i ∨ nu 彡 i i 彡 i r r ≧ he i 卑 e i 卑 yu Oneself Me only the noble people of the white meeting greatly it is REPT Leek Two ra ji l to REPT r 辷 to As for speaking with the Asian and Africa native the wa which is not at all Eight REPT r REPT 1 “Nail 乂 he ee r yua l gt to REPT Two ni tomi No Eight DREPT tomi ≦ 斗 ni two gt tomi DREPT ¯ ┴ 92 92 DREPT gt ≧ 92 ku ” REPT gt ├ hu lt ku 92
                                                                                                  • , 这一个 7z格式,ṛ七甲 的彡j b口 彡 年 ,研究 u003d u003d ,ṛ u003d u003d u003d,≧ 女 ,分类高尚崇高我 一)于。奇 这是我的工作带来了帝制 a it is dense 7z r a 7 7 gt gt 7 lt lt mi hu ⌒ 冖 ¯ three 彡 i ∨ nu 彡 i i 彡 i r r ≧ he i 卑 e i 卑 yu Oneself Me only the noble people of the white meeting greatly it is REPT Leek Two ra ji l to REPT r 辷 to As for speaking with the Asian and Africa native the wa which is not at all Eight REPT r REPT 1 “Nail 乂 he ee r yua l gt to REPT Two ni tomi No Eight DREPT tomi ≦ 斗 ni two gt tomi DREPT ¯ ┴ 92 92 DREPT gt ≧ 92 ku ” REPT gt ├ hu lt ku 92

                                                                                                研究 開発