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As for the reason of the SIM lock “the weapon cannot transfer” grandchild who president with iPad sale


  • 134咄? 显示 134 Oh dear gt The American apple can use iPad at any communication company you sell in the world as “a SIM free” terminal gt Policy was shown
    • ipad公司向美国苹果公司1,呈现出通信公司可以使用“SIM卡免费”上映的计划,销售为世界各地的终端 1 The American apple can use iPad at any communication company you sell in the world as “a SIM free” terminal Policy was shown
    • 苹果ipad公司在美国,呈现出通信公司可以使用“SIM卡免费”是显示在一个计划出售作为一个终端在世界各地 The American apple can use iPad at any communication company you sell in the world as “a SIM free” terminal Policy was shown

  • 2008年7月iPhone是日本公布的,没有经过3个月,之后进入苹果最终与另一反,与DoCoMo一起反iPhone软银下跌看 In 2008 July iPhone in Japan becoming sale it failed 3 months later already it ended but With the anti apple the anti software bank and becoming simultaneous dokomo which despises iPhone
    • 2008年7月iPhone是日本公布的,没有经过3个月,之后再次进入决赛和反苹果,与DoCoMo一起反iPhone软银下跌看 In 2008 July iPhone in Japan becoming sale it failed 3 months later already it ended but With the anti apple the anti software bank and becoming simultaneous dokomo which despises iPhone
    • 240然而,在一些人口稠密独家翻译,iPhone是啊好 240 Simply it is not the meaning monopoly contract to seem Don t you think also iPhone so is
    • ipad公司软银iPhone和你宁愿要一个垄断,所以实际上我不 You say that the software bank has monopolized iPad and iPhone but Actually so it is not it is
    • 我是从iPhone售出810 Docomo的发布,我的BlackBerry,它不喜欢我说什么 810 Being able to sell from iPhone however Docomo has sold ru BlackBerry nothing is said It is like
    • 购买一家Chousenjin iPhone! ipad公司和购买!抑或我如何Negakyan由于大部分这类 Therefore butterfly plug gin enterprise iPhone you buy iPad you buy Such a just is which Becoming the negative can the ru it is

  • 2GHz的频带以外,但只有↓均以基站多少←←←←←←←←←←←←←和改善苦肉身体家用基站提供免费宽带软银■没有阴茎埋藏Imakoko←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←← 这里的要点 日本NTT DoCoMo公司总裁:电话公司前副总裁的日本NTT DoCoMo公司,日本电报:事务部内部从KDDI公司总裁:总统KDDI公司从NTT公司副主席:管理与此同时,日本NTT DoCoMo和非盟的所有交给该部,如软银承认我不 In only the 2Ghz band outside of the sphere is not buried through however much base station ↓ Offering the broadband circuit of the software bank and the femto cell itself free improvement step of hardship lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt imakoko NTT dokomo president The NTT graduate NTT dokomo vice president General affairs economical graduate KDDI chairman The NTT graduate KDDI secondary chairman General affairs economical graduate On the one hand… the order exerted from above like dokomo and au the software bank which is not recognized altogether
    • CDMA的数量NTT DoCoMo公司的FOMA接力■支持800MHz的W 4406日本NTT DoCoMo公司的FOMA 2GHz的W CDMA的3G的2GHz的14223软银的W CDMA是软银投资76 073 4000亿明年方式 The number of relay stations NTT DOCOMO FOMA 800MHz W CDMA 4406 NTT DOCOMO FOMA 2GHz W CDMA 14223 SoftBank 3G 2GHz W CDMA 76073 By the way plant investment of the software bank of next period 400 000 000 000

  • 383 3G的SIM卡在游戏中的SIM卡,可以这样说,多数岩子“的3G SIM卡锁的理由80的”无 383 gt The age of 2G of sound and SMS subject were SIM free large portion but gt With 3G SIM lock to large portion reversal In the speech “3G of grandchild president As for 8 tenths SIM lock” Basis is nil
    • 383 3G的SIM卡在游戏中的SIM卡,可以这样说,多数岩子“的3G SIM卡锁的理由80的”无 383 gt The age of 2G of sound and SMS subject were SIM free large portion but gt With 3G SIM lock to large portion reversal In the speech “3G of grandchild president As for 8 tenths SIM lock” Basis is nil
    • 3G的SIM卡在游戏中的SIM卡,可以这样说,多数岩子“的3G SIM卡锁零80的”基础 gt The age of 2G of sound and SMS subject were SIM free large portion but gt With 3G SIM lock to large portion reversal In the speech “3G of grandchild president As for 8 tenths SIM lock” As for basis nothing
    • 3G的SIM卡在游戏中的SIM卡,可以这样说,多数岩子“的3G SIM卡锁零80的”基础 gt The age of 2G of sound and SMS subject were SIM free large portion but gt With 3G SIM lock to large portion reversal In the speech “3G of grandchild president As for 8 tenths SIM lock” As for basis nothing
    • 软银是吧?微软这是这个世界上我可以控制所有吓唬你回来 The software bank does When the MS world it puts out and reverses everything can be controlled

  • 46 当然相关 软银总裁孙正义网 “我要说的是,日本真的很好,”只有这样的人哭了 那家日本公司 ipad公司Yusutorimu是,SIM卡史蒂夫乔布斯,苹果公司首席执行官未锁定答案惊讶基诺 46 Related sure “As for software bank grandchild justice president me with the u which truly likes Japan” stream the man crying For Japan iPad is not locked SIM Steve jiyobuzu CEO of apple reply of surprise
    • 非银行承运人泡菜恩戴掴出现短暂iPhone,儿子,你知道你的索赔是在最好的解锁SIM卡?无论如何瓦特 That the carrier other than the kim chee bank had grasped iPhone temporarily when we assume The grandchild SIM lock cancels insists by all power it is the ro which is How se w

  • 625的Xperia我宠坏?如果你想要一个iPhone了,但我将使用DoCoMo公司的Xperia线是我想我是想让你 625 Xperia tsu te useless what Now iPhone using however the ru because the circuit of dokomo we want that but you think it is whether it will try making Xperia …
    • 首先,因为根是不必要的内部连接使用3G的?我只有无线局域网 Therefore in the first place those which are used in the house 3G circuit not needing root Don t you think may be just the wireless LAN

  • 76校本管理第三方下载速度/ 3 150kbps 1,我不希望用这一行
    76 As for the download speed of SBM with 150kbps other companies 1/3 Such a circuit we would not like to use, don't you think?

    • 813 延迟3倍以上,有些则没有,下载速度的3G移动软银软银 不脱节只有150kbps的平均下载速度 813 lt From other companies Also 3 times are slow download speed of software bank carrying gt The 3G circuit of the software bank has come out only the download speed of average 150kbps
      • 813 延迟3倍以上,有些则没有,下载速度的3G移动软银软银 不脱节只有150kbps的平均下载速度 813 lt From other companies Also 3 times are slow download speed of software bank carrying gt The 3G circuit of the software bank has come out only the download speed of average 150kbps

    • 833什么是日本NTT线路或名义上834 Gugure
      833 The circuit of NTT as for some pretext 834 So [gu] [gu] [re

      • DoCoMo公司已引起国际SIM卡的免费机,在店里出售,如果DoCoMo公司锐步

        • DoCoMo公司计划整个朝鲜人民在VS苹果×软银什么你说了什么?
          As for [dokomo] person with something Republic of Korea all vs Apple × SoftBank The [tsu] [te] being the diagram which is said?

          • ipad公司我知道,如果日本不导致销售将鄂如认为这些苹果 If the cause where it cannot sell iPad in Japan knows It probably is the apple corporation even with to think
            • 软银iPhone Inakerya甚至无法ipad公司你的日本目见 If the software bank was not iPhone or iPad did not appear in Japan There is also a possibility

          • J Phone公司朱达罗狗屎第一莫纳伊的肖像也被认为是一个相当程度的商业信心已经破灭和变革管理权Sofuban科洛含猪瓦特我说什么我一直无法继续经营Sofuban但仅仅4年2万亿日元的企业债券,尽管 In the first place J PHONE Pig If of reliability of the enterprise to which sohuban and roller roller right of administration change is thought the ro w which is not fair or kuso and is Only 4 years which pass business being able to continue sohuban which is not it is what it is In habit of enterprise of possession interest debt 2 000 000 000 000 Yen
            • 商Willcom是什么?这是与溃疡?邱的低Wakimaero,他们可以去你必须要相信自己的茹哦,我公布了可靠性分配的无线电波等公司低 The tsu ke which is Will COM As for between this collapsing Allotment of public radio wave how at the enterprise where such reliability is low So so the ro which is not the reason which it is possible and is Discern the fact that reliability of the respective company is low the chi u

          • Mb softbank jp 万桶 data com 产品 新闻 2010051121分之201005的。html这样 pocketwiredvision jp mb softbank jp mb data com product pocketwiredvision jp news 201005 2010051121 html Such feeling
            • 237 TTP的: wiredvision jp 新闻 2010051121分之201005这样的。html 237 ttp wiredvision jp news 201005 2010051121 html Such feeling
            • 383 TTP的: siter jp 机器人 wosim 383 ttp siter jp android wosim
            • 90 ttps: mb softbank jp 万桶 data com 产品 pocketwifi c01hw 90 ttps mb softbank jp mb data com product pocketwifi c01hw

          • NEC公司的PC - 98比的PC / AT兼容机器就像一个赛季?
            NEC PC - 98 vs Timewise like ones of PC/AT compatible machine?

            • NTT公司是光纤手段,让他释放,和你自己,那么就释放iPhone ipad公司它甚至不锁SIM卡
              The optical fiber release margin is called to NTT, but Then iPhone of your own place iPad SIM lock release margin

              • NULL As for the mountainous region of dokomo and au and between etc the buildings of the urban district radio wave is easy to reach “the 800Mhz band” Yellow part all “800Mhz bands” ↓ Before the new entering “unfairness software bank grandchild president bites current radio wave administration” to the general affairs ministry ↓ And as for being given to SoftBank of new entry when the 1 7Ghz band of 3G carrying which is not international this it is in not being able to use iPhone result ↓ The software bank purchased VodafoneJapan get also iPhone could use the 2Ghz band of international 3G carrying with this favor ↓ Even then low as for SoftBank which does not have the frequency like the 800Mhz band band the disadvantage than 2 corporations of the original public corporation
                • 221大楼和地面,山地强烈的“800MHz的乐队”从外面,2GHz的中继站都罚款无论如何建筑区,但是我覆盖呢?接力软银一直在增加,而图形不包含罕见 221 Inside and the underground the building it is strong in the mountainous region because there is no “800Mhz band” building the relay station of the 2Ghz band finely it has covered those but it is The relay station where the software bank increases to that graph is not included

              • NULL No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ i 92 REPT ゙ i Only it rides ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ human In this big wave ∩ 92 HKRPT REPT ⊂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ REPT ∨ ¯ ¯ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ i ⌒ REPT ─ ─ ─ ≡ 丿 No he ⌒ REPT lt REPT i ⌒ 92 ⌒ no No su ゙ sa ゙ tsu ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ 92 ⌒ 彡 彡 mimi 92 ⌒ ⌒ REPT 彡 彡 彡 mi REPT ⌒ 92 i 彡 彡 彡 ─ ─ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ≡ mi 彡 no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                • ¯ nonori REPT REPT i ri gt ku ya ri ゚ r ゚ truly we love Japan REPT ” to a HKRPT REPT two No r f 92 92 ¯ and 92 ¯ 92

              • Sofuban个人电脑,我无法相信我可以说现在有太多的错误有了新的溃疡从通缉的犯罪记录数颜射埃泰背诵在一个不同的开始后,控制了分销网络游戏
                As for [sohuban] controlling the game circulation net of PC Advocating uncommonness to that, because there is a previous offense which the [bu] [tsu] crushed new you stand up from after After so long a time whatever saying, the insect is too good and it is not believed,

                • Uni ll日本的比赛中可能出现的黑莓的销售策略,将日本不仅分钟,但没有利用它向美国Garake不只是机器人,或其他人认为,即使在DoCoMo的比较随着故事的,但它的昂贵 NULL
                  • 例如,智能手机业务,Garake套房,如我们想像中,只有适当的策略来销售或几分钟,而不是软银遥 For example In businessman smart phone In suitsu garake With you said much than the software bank the appropriateness It is imaginative that perhaps it comes being the sale dividing strategy

                • Wi - Fi的掌上851 NTT东日本的通讯已经宣布什么费用?
                  851 Announcement of the pocket Wi-Fi [tsu] [te] another communication charge of NTT east Japan it was?

                  • Www youtube com 手表?ν u003d 4dsPlwwtsAo及功能 u003d国家版权局TTP的相关问题,由于漏水手机: ohtsuka cocolog nifty com 博客 2008 05 post bc82的。html TTP的: ohtsuka cocolog nifty com 。共享 image html? 未归类照片 2008 05 10 822sh fushoku jpg TTP的: ohtsuka cocolog nifty com 。共享 图像。 HTML吗? 照片 未分类 2008 05 29 ansin2 2。压倒性的JPG Chonbanku多少投诉秃头TTP的: ohtsuka cocolog nifty com 。共享 image html? 照片 未分类 2008 05 10 softbank water jpg交流比保安局TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d xaXpKQVKAHc我仍然做!正芳医药儿子软银日本 不屑 对引进的特殊民团提供☆☆软银TTP的: www nicovideo jp 手表 sm9651571 www youtube com watch v 4dsPlwwtsAo feature related The trouble due to the water getting wet of the portable telephone with national life center ttp ohtsuka cocolog nifty com blog 2008 05 post bc82 html ttp ohtsuka cocolog nifty com shared image html photos uncategorized 2008 05 10 822sh fushoku jpg ttp ohtsuka cocolog nifty com shared image html photos uncategorized 2008 05 29 ansin2 2 jpg Abundance of preponderant complaint of bald chiyonbanku ttp ohtsuka cocolog nifty com shared image html photos uncategorized 2008 05 10 softbank water jpg AC vs SB ttp www youtube com watch v xaXpKQVKAHc You do still The Japanese disregard CM by the software bank Software bank People group object Introduction of special campaign ttp www nicovideo jp watch sm9651571
                    • 我出SMAP的厘米(日本黑狗走出肛门)TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d 4dsPlwwtsAo及功能 u003d TTP的国家版权局有关的问题,由于漏水手机: ohtsuka cocolog nifty com 博客 2008 05 post bc82。网页TTP的: ohtsuka cocolog nifty com 。共享 image html? 未归类照片 2008 05 10 822sh fushoku jpg TTP的: ohtsuka cocolog nifty com 。共享 image html? 照片 未分类 2008 05 29 ansin2 2。压倒性的JPG Chonbanku多少投诉TTP的秃头: ohtsuka cocolog nifty com 。共享 image html? 未归类照片 2008 05 10 softbank water jpg交流比保安局TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d xaXpKQVKAHc我仍然这样做!正芳医药儿子软银日本 不屑 对引进的特殊民团提供☆☆软银TTP的: SMAP coming out ru CM the Japanese and the black who come out of the anus of the dog ttp www youtube com watch v 4dsPlwwtsAo feature related The trouble due to the water getting wet of the portable telephone with national life center ttp ohtsuka cocolog nifty com blog 2008 05 post bc82 html ttp ohtsuka cocolog nifty com shared image html photos uncategorized 2008 05 10 822sh fushoku jpg ttp ohtsuka cocolog nifty com shared image html photos uncategorized 2008 05 29 ansin2 2 jpg Abundance of preponderant complaint of bald chiyonbanku ttp ohtsuka cocolog nifty com shared image html photos uncategorized 2008 05 10 softbank water jpg AC vs SB ttp www youtube com watch v xaXpKQVKAHc You do still The Japanese disregard CM by the software bank Software bank People group object Introduction of special campaign ttp www nicovideo jp watch sm9651571

                  • [伯勒]楚只为“NTT”在日本的营业利润在今年! ! 11760.00亿u003d 1万亿美元的金额? !
                    “NTT” this year the operating profit Japan one! ! The amount = 1,117,600,000,000 Yen! !

                    • ·苹果与直接谈判,ipad公司总裁获得了销售权(SIM卡锁的事情苹果线U)未经谈判·苹果,ipad公司将只出SIM卡,只能利润皮算用博罗什么我不友善的目光是总统的水龙头 Negotiating with Apple directly the president who obtains the selling rights of iPad As for the SIM lock Apple doing If either Apple and negotiation it does not do and just the SIM card for iPad puts out when the rag it can gain for skin calculation the president who has been done Either one is hit it is clear don t you think
                      • ·苹果与直接谈判,ipad公司总裁获得了销售权(SIM卡锁的事情苹果线U)未经谈判·苹果,ipad公司将只出SIM卡,只能利润皮算用博罗什么我不友善的目光是总统的水龙头 Negotiating with Apple directly the president who obtains the selling rights of iPad As for the SIM lock Apple doing If either Apple and negotiation it does not do and just the SIM card for iPad puts out when the rag it can gain for skin calculation the president who has been done Either one is hit it is clear don t you think
                      • ·苹果与直接谈判,ipad公司总裁获得了销售权(SIM卡锁的事情苹果线U)未经谈判·苹果,ipad公司将只出SIM卡,只能利润皮算用博罗什么我不友善的目光是总统的水龙头 Negotiating with Apple directly the president who obtains the selling rights of iPad As for the SIM lock Apple doing If either Apple and negotiation it does not do and just the SIM card for iPad puts out when the rag it can gain for skin calculation the president who has been done Either one is hit it is clear don t you think
                      • 冤情Munara甚至没有进行谈判,SIM卡是一个更好的,我的思维,我只是愚蠢的发卡机构投诉大厅 If you grudge even negotiation without doing don t you think just issue of the SIM card thinks the person who grudges the fool is good

                    • “至少不是一个公平的竞争环境的”S Sofuban自己的“公平竞争”即将挂到丢弃(或歧视性定价。) “There is no at least fair competitive environment” Obtaining sohuban personally “fair competitive environment” Throwing away starting concerning ru thing… Discriminatory fee setting

                      • 不是为什么,但我使用的SIM DoCoMo公司,AT&T公司ipad公司或外国电信公司软银处理国家提供SIM卡有望在购买驱动tTA ipad公司
                        Therefore as for SIM of Docomo however you cannot use, the iPad handling communication company of AT & T or the foreign country If SIM goes into that country, you can use even with iPad which is bought from Softbank

                        • 不过,转让将获得一个额外的片段奇怪的是,“这是他们唯一站使用软银Ttena 2GHz的绝缘体比增加20电台的任务是获得约1 5输入任何愿望恩戴GHz频带,我没有资格臻只有4站 Even then to be able to receive allotment with addition it is strange” As for this allotting the additional radio wave of 2GHz to the software bank about only 20 bureaus using or That much desiring only 4 bureaus it is raised reaching up to the 1 5GHz band which you inserted in the hand
                          • 不过,转让将获得一个额外的片段奇怪的是,“这是他们唯一站使用软银Ttena 2GHz的绝缘体比增加20电台的任务是获得约1 5输入任何愿望恩戴GHz频带,我没有资格臻只有4站 Even then to be able to receive allotment with addition it is strange” As for this allotting the additional radio wave of 2GHz to the software bank about only 20 bureaus using or That much desiring only 4 bureaus it is raised reaching up to the 1 5GHz band which you inserted in the hand

                        • 为什么噓的古与?苹果公司的SIM卡锁are m
                          Why & # x5653; It is attached? The fact that the SIM lock is applied is Apple

                          • 为选举主任,早生Goneru使用您随意看一个玩具我会志位带来了难得的831人,不拉古行自己的事,NTT和忽视带来的成本保持一致,我将瓦塞滚装囊,说是不便宜用我说的幼儿园 831 Others having looking at the ru unusual toy that by their makes use freely as for gone ru Personally do NTT having pulling the circuit the ru circuit ignoring cost of maintenance and the like With amount make use you do not say low even with the immature kindergarten child
                            • 181日本NTT让他释放的纤维比较轻,是什么让他打开Tteta说什么呢?四郎,以消除日本全国所有的金属线,他们拉元岛屿包括光缆,但我记得,说Tteta 181 The optical fiber release margin is called to NTT but Open margin you say the tsu ke Pulling the optical cable to the Japanese all earth which includes the remote island All removal margins with it is the metal circuit the way however you have remembered
                            • 日本民主党日本NTT半脚对接我将列入溃疡难道我们的人民都来参与改革,改组的NTT的亲政治 The foot is thrust the Democratic party administration which the do the se collapses in half NTT and it comes participating in everyone with political world reorganization The party is NTT reformation propulsion group

                          • 为锁定SIM卡高级“从来没有到达聪明的山田武器”的原因
                            “The weapon it cannot transfer the reason of the SIM lock of � [peria],” [kiritsu] by Yamada

                            • 乔布斯的“SIM卡锁秃头,把”我命令你,秃头是什么?
                              When [jiyobuzu] orders “the SIM lock applies the bald” [tsu] [te], how it does the baldness?

                              • 今天,编号:DMlPQJg3P捕鱼已Derya没有良好的生活瓦特你会开始之前,有利于秃头
                                Today ID: W which can fish DMlPQJg3P Temporarily, you supplying to the lifetime baldness, the [ri] [ya] are good

                                • 他们不会形成一旦你的权力斗争的孙子和他的用户,我会说我不是什么仪器对环境不是好儿子 The grandchild being provided the road of fight saying the ru it does It is not good the user to ride in the fight of that grandchild or not to ride and applying to become shape

                                  • 保安局我只希望问题尽快取得进展,以双重利益你的无线电天线
                                    The antenna it redoubles SB, it is the [ro] which is Although if also radio wave right problem should have developed quickly

                                    • 保安局,色调和薄弱输出中继站和基站,并Binikuidake很多,只有这种类型靖河内飞行时间极,同时高频无线电波
                                      As for SB, also relay station and base station output are weak, for utility pole installation type to be cheap, being many Radio wave just is difficult to fly even at the same frequency

                                      • 儿子能认同,喜欢有一个在做真正的理解,苹果,我想为它带来了真正的热情蔓延到日本 To understand the apple truly that can sympathize to grandchild president because it has loved that When we would like to spread to Japan it is to be having passion truly

                                        • 儿子,但只有在犯罪嫌疑人故意作虚伪陈述,现状 As for grandchild president whether it is not untruth to speak intend that Only doubting circumstance of present time
                                          • 儿子,但只有在犯罪嫌疑人故意作虚伪陈述,现状 As for grandchild president whether it is not untruth to speak intend that Only doubting circumstance of present time
                                          • 儿子,但只有在犯罪嫌疑人故意作虚伪陈述,现状 As for grandchild president whether it is not untruth to speak intend that Only doubting circumstance of present time

                                        • 即使DoCoMo还将金,日本NTT公司,NTT和KDD中原本是为您带来愚蠢白痴你真的不明白,生意不仅是主压蜡采取货币从总承包商不当容易利用优势
                                          Docomo and au, originally utilizing the predominance of NTT NTT and KDD Being easy, the money it will squeeze from the Akanashi 撰 general contractor and probably will take that be no other choice but to Only lord trading it is low the brain which cannot understand either the fact that it has done fool the [tsu]?

                                          • 即使是那些谁军事工业有64 s秀夫,租金补贴从Tteru彩票协会
                                            64 With [hi] obtaining Because inside general affairs economical graduate was, the subsidy receiving from lottery association, the [ru

                                            • 只有211金,SIM卡已明确与S端子线唯一的答案是不允许的锁,等待,不要钱我得到释放? DoCoMo的SIM卡或终端和早生远离邪恶Dokunai合 米内免费对 211 Unless just au permits the SIM lock being the terminal clear in the string attaching answering the te you take the gold in cancellation it is the tsu ke which is not Because dokomo there is no bad do ku to there combination of terminal and SIM is free
                                              • 反过来说,此外,苹果还SIM卡或违反反托拉斯法律不允许的锁 Speaking conversely as for the apple unless it permits the SIM lock whether it is contrary to antitrust law
                                              • 只有211金,SIM卡和终端擦除它与1线,并等待,不要钱我得到释放? DoCoMo的SIM卡或终端和早生远离邪恶Dokunai合 米内免费对 211 Just au the string doing to attach SIM and the terminal the te you take the gold in cancellation it is the tsu ke which is not Because dokomo there is no bad do ku to there combination of terminal and SIM is free

                                            • 和“带”金所谓的“800MHz的频带,”你有一个垄断,从公司NTT DoCoMo和金
                                              And, it is called, that “golden band” monopolizing the “800Mhz band”, [dokomo] and au of the original public corporation

                                              • 和语音部署一个有争议 But gt with the strategy of the software bank just Japan by you sell “the SIM lock” terminal “unexpected” gt It becomes development there is a voice of for and against both theory
                                                • 但是,只有日本软银战略“SIM卡锁”装置出售“意外”和部署的一个有争议的声音 But with the strategy of the software bank just Japan by you sell “the SIM lock” terminal “unexpected” gt It becomes development there is a voice of for and against both theory
                                                • 但是,只有日本软银战略“SIM卡锁”装置出售“意外”和部署的一个有争议的声音 But with the strategy of the software bank just Japan by you sell “the SIM lock” terminal “unexpected” gt It becomes development there is a voice of for and against both theory
                                                • 但正如日本软银战略“SIM卡锁”的声音在有争议的设备销售“意外”1 和部署 But with the strategy of the software bank just Japan by you sell “the SIM lock” terminal “unexpected” gt It becomes development there is a voice of for and against both theory

                                              • 和软银是的,我不能投资于基础设施不正常?因为移动设备,和我做了一个可怕的投资DoCoMo的3G技术和日本的制造商,而只是转售 Furthermore after becoming the software bank honestly It does not invest to the basis it isn t Even portable terminal manufacturer of dokomo and Japan Investing awfully it resells the 3G technology which it made simply just

                                                • 哦秃头和增加的情况下,如果真的好基站冲不,我带走日优惠
                                                  Because it is good separately even with [chiyon], base station increase, the baldness Don't you think? the [a], as for resident discount plan abolishing,

                                                  • 因为我们只是彼此还没有DoCoMo的SIM卡锁定的SB是值得转让个人不希望被错瓦特
                                                    Even [dokomo] it meets even the SIM lock it is not removed, when it is, SB would not like to remove and also the [te] can leap strangely, w

                                                    • 在基站将尽快解决与仿真器的功能,例如克惹软银基站
                                                      On base station side, software bank base station emulator like If function you attach, although it solves directly

                                                      • 在当前形势基站的移动电话▼537 159 4(2010年4月3日现在)基地站的变化比较符合当前※2010年3月20日-第三代+ mWiMax + XGP DoCoMo的800MHz的的W - CDMA; 39935 + 1.7GHz的323 DoCoMo的W - CDMA的4123 + 2GHz的13 DoCoMo的W - CDMA的48044 + 404金800MHz的CDMA1X的35449 + 368金2GHz的CDMA1X的12236 + 106软银2GHz的W - CDMA的40034 + 60 1.5GHz的W - CDMA的4 ± 0 eMobile的1.7千兆赫的W - CDMA的9186 + 48昆士兰大学2.5GHz的8574 + 417 Willcom等mWiMax 2.5GHz的XGP 612 + 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -共计DoCoMo的92102 + 740 + 474金47685软银40038 + 60

                                                        • 在所有695保安局借口说什么不好,甚至知道有一种心情Dekinaimaji信徒?保安局骑马像 695 In the first place even the SB believer existing you cannot understand ma ji feeling it is bad Something excuse SB riding feeling
                                                          • 保安局埃克诚实伊坎没有能力使用大谁我到800MHz频段 te or function circumstance Large doing gently in SB although the 800MHz band which you cannot use transferring

                                                        • 埃克DoCoMo公司,金,软银在终端SIM卡有没有锁呢?为什么ipad公司是一个坏的SIM免费的吗?
                                                          [te]? [dokomo], au and software bank So the SIM lock it is not there is a terminal? Why if just iPad is not SIM free, being useless?

                                                          • 增加,天线是不是一个真正的战略w显示详情,包括在上诉如果终端顾客认为这需要一系列的蛋糕瓦特三波,扎西忽然外面瓦特软银但预计略有,这是令人失望的血清。Imoba滑稽 Truly the antenna not increasing w With charm of the terminal the customer the enclosure the strategy w which is packed When you think that radio wave was 3 it has been suddenly outside the sphere to do w Becoming SoftBank however you expected a little because it was disappointing It changed into imoba

                                                            • 大于或签名,或在Twitter上大谈特谈我瓦特?或mixi网社区和希望建立一个瓦特DoCoMo的不,我呼吁社会各界向苹果瓦特 Signature from… that now it is possible to be tsuitsuta of the fashion or w When komiyu which in mixi is demanded in dokomo is made w Well komiyu it is good or to demand in the apple w

                                                              • 如果你说一个公平的竞争条件芮体卣,日本NTT你不直接向供应商做生意?软银宽带在农村地区的人民是不是没有选择,只能要求该部允许日本NTT直接供应商行业
                                                                Fairness of competitive condition you persist, if is, NTT may do the provider industry directly, don't you think?? Only software bank BB as for the person who does not have the choices, NTT can do the provider industry to the general affairs ministry directly in the district The way you will demand

                                                                • 孙先生,“我悄悄地来什么”我说的不同来对什么是是你用了多年的住户与DoCoMo和超过10个! !孙正义,美 一古流浪通知没有办法啊,“来吧遵循”,“噢通知的!”“这是惊人的,”“请为您自己!W”的“酷”,“罚款通知书W”的“哇!穿着通知!“”这是总统销售湿重“”是的,我有没有太阳的“力量行动”这 !“Togetter 一起,”孙说,“来吧遵循”“ When the grandchild “saying nothing in we the lever to be unintentionally” the tsu te you say I divide dokomo which 10 years or more is associated distantly … Well it reaches it cannot boil … it is perplexed … Grandchild justice “being attached it is dense” “It reached ” “This is enormous” “being attached the ku w” “it is groovy” “beautiful w which reaches” “It is enormous Reaching the ru ” “Very this president business ww” “grandchild “this conduct power… of tsu ke e ” ” Togetter Summary “grandchild “being attached it is dense” ”

                                                                  • 已经私有化的国家经济,粉碎,然后按自我族群利益为日本的NTT和牛没有什么区别,而且,日本NTT集团不可能
                                                                    To private property converting the economy of nation, the NTT group which crushes Japan because of my interest selfish desire It is different at all and, in addition, in the NTT group it cannot make absolute

                                                                    • 归化人组成的日本为什么好奇,我听说你伊坎自私和作为一个人的公司很多,拥抱埃塔超过3万亿日元的债务一生吗?古Bitekure早期厄运
                                                                      The parvenu resident naturalized person, furthermore possession interest debt of 3,000,000,000,000 Yen or more [wagamama] of the one-man company limited to of one generation which is held it is the can which is not heard with something? To be quick it falls into ruin,

                                                                      • 我在日本有一个钱包在185个,滚装早生利用廉价或免费的,因为他们的权利!你看! W ADSL或者什么种族这个家伙不是丽塔稻草从店员惩 185 When do is with saihu of the Japanese Therefore so your own right make use being cheap or free The ro which is understood and is Some race w Because you were disgusted with ADSL it is dense it does not relate
                                                                        • 我不应该有233人在日本,不仅降低价格?著名的国际兰花 233 As for Japan price cheap one something medium tsu fungus Carefully intellectual viewing of foreign country

                                                                      • 我希望这狗屎高,但宽频雅虎朱达罗诈骗都是这样处理希望与雅虎的广告!BB ADSL的用户50米4122日元,所以网宽频50米2699日元
                                                                        However the [do] - with it is good, The droppings high ADSL is with Yahoo like profit is advertised The [ro] which is fraud Yahoo! BB ADSL 50M 4,122 Yen So-net ADSL 50M 2,699 Yen

                                                                        • 我并没有拥挤的SIM卡锁被锁定后立即结束冷淡基带你越狱“国际职业SIM卡锁,如”你 ゚被关闭,然后拧紧了DoCoMo的是SIM卡他是免费的,我怎么都成熟
                                                                          If the SIM lock the [tsu] [te] which is hung, baseband is not locked and breaks prison same end It paints to be, “those like the SIM lock” the [ro] which is < [hu] ゚ If so it is not, compatibility of the thing which is be able to do SIM of the [dokomo] exclusion and the overseas carrier is free,

                                                                          • 我并没有真正结束仅增长了约SIM卡,还是我讲这个词,把锁系统,防抱死秃头上戴着自己的政策,SIM卡的方式Apple m? After all Actually although it has not been attached saying that the SIM lock was attached pick off it just has done Or opposing to the policy of the apple the baldness attached the SIM lock selfishly It is both what
                                                                            • iPhone用户约25%,“SIM卡解锁DoCoMo公司”将有可能发疯,甚至秃头弯曲 If approximately 25 of iPhone user “SIM lock cancellation to dokomo ” Also the sled ya baldness becomes desperate probably will be
                                                                            • 这SIM卡锁Iiyan最佳ipad公司或无拨号路由器出现在日本的传播 From the dial rise Luther Japanese communication of SIM lock free it is optimum to iPad appearance Calling and it is now

                                                                          • 我要留多少的信息较少茹,闪存或移动垃圾不能呆的WEB端,他们只听到
                                                                            Feeling weakness stays just which, the WEB terminal hearing the bulky refuse where either shelf and FLASH do not move only the 呆 [re] [ru

                                                                            • 无损检测苹果已经警告大家一定会做了,花小泽的家人和NTT
                                                                              Already, warning it is completed and the apple is done securely with something, Ozawa produces, the telephone & telegram family

                                                                              • 日本通信,移动SIM卡解锁释放的Wi - Fi路由器
                                                                                To the Japanese communication and the Mobile Wi-Fi Luther sale of SIM lock free

                                                                                • 显然,没有所谓的SIM卡锁标准,ipad公司处理通信公司使用SIM卡只选本不喜欢摇滚
                                                                                  Very, there is no generally known normal SIM lock, only SIM of the [te] and the iPad handling communication company The SIM lock like feeling which you cannot use

                                                                                  • 最初公布的10 AppleStore问答,现在这意味着什么?压力秃头? 10 day sale at the beginning AppleStore Q A And presently As for the place where now it means Pressure of baldness

                                                                                    • 林wwwwwwwwwww Warota这Surekimo了。涌联合行动,分层是真正的信徒! !
                                                                                      This [surekimo] passing [warota] wwwwwwwwwww Forest. The combined maneuvers of believer and stratified [chiyon] as expected and! !

                                                                                      • 此外,合同绑定SIM卡的通信质量的通信公司,软银希望所有的方式从两年贫困(现在,iPhone已经意识到他们所用)尽管如此,ipad公司一样,如果?如果软银可以提高通信质量,借了DoCoMo的线从iPhone用户应该也提供MVNO的ipad公司 iPhone From such company Communication contract of two year binding Furthermore communication quality is inferior Even now with iPhone using it feels keenly Even then iPad likely we want SIM of the software bank is The software bank cannot improve communication quality if is From dokomo borrowing the circuit with MVNO To the ipad iPhone user should be offered also iphone
                                                                                        • 795 ,苹果,作为一名发言人证实了这一说法,日本 ipad公司的3G模式,软银移动的3G在日本国外时说出来,但只携带一个本地运营商服务SIM卡是您可以使用 795 gt In other words as the contents which the one of the spokesmen of Apple verified Japanese iPad of edition The 3G model in the Japanese country with only software bank Mobile 3G service is effective However when you bring up to the foreign country SIM of the local carrier it is available With it means saying
                                                                                        • 我的意思是,如果法律可以禁止,如果SIM卡锁,这对DoCoMo的时间和苹果iPhone ipad公司也认为它使用的一样,不仅规范s When we assume if with you say or law of SIM lock prohibition were possible this time Apple doing measure Also iphone ipad likely with dokomo you think that it just designates as the specification which cannot be used

                                                                                      • 现行的统一费率的数据来自90个免费的手机SIM卡使用,但俄如愿意,我将打破华为E5830英国版的广播法例如,你买一张SIM K表解锁
                                                                                        90 Already, data fixed amount therefore like you can use even by the SIM free terminal, However it becomes Wireless Telegraphy Act violation, UK edition HUAWEI If you buy E5830 with SIM unlocking, k

                                                                                        • 相反,我Ekusuperia 226 SIM卡锁,SIM卡最多的WiFi Ttena扭转还有那什么是没有用的息息相关呢?瓦特
                                                                                          226 Instead of the [ekusuperia] how SIM lock, unless SIM it enters, it is the extent which is binding the extent which cannot use either WiFi but what? w

                                                                                          • 秃头是“居住在日本的好男孩从邪恶,日本人很少”这是可怕的,但我并没有发挥它瓦特Ukabe泪水从日本瓦特的谎言“,是获得良好的感觉Nottoru韩国!”我诚实地说S和W The baldness “being born in Japan therefore the favorite Japan” however with the tear it floats Terrible play was w lie it is attached becoming w “Liking Korea because Japan it is the air which conforms ” The tsu te say honestly and w

                                                                                            • 老实说,我09 SIM锁将被释放的情况,同时与它的经营者在IPAD是不是自然的这样说:这是什么比他们的竞争对手的通信质量差,但不喜欢它更好呢?所以我说如果你想,否则我们将努力为我们的客户不仅通信质量,必须在未来的负面如果其他运营商我会 But with the honest SIM lock 9 iPad it becomes simultaneous sale and also the angular arm is good By your this communication quality being inferior from other companies because it is naturally like thing How is as that tsu te common carrier It becomes the tsu te If the common carrier the communication quality which in the future by all means is not defeated to other companies in the customer In order that it offers that it keeps endeavoring the reason which is wanted saying
                                                                                              • 这是一个诚实的岩石或SIM ipad公司关于它从我作为一门课程载体我说好东西通信质量比别人差,但不喜欢这一个问题或?所以我说如果你想,否则我们将努力为我们的客户不仅通信质量,必须在未来的负面如果其他运营商我会 But also honest SIM lock or iPad and the angular arm are good By your this communication quality being inferior from other companies because it is naturally like thing How is as that tsu te common carrier It becomes the tsu te If the common carrier the communication quality which in the future by all means is not defeated to other companies in the customer In order that it offers that it keeps endeavoring the reason which is wanted saying

                                                                                            • 联合航空,你要我开光一样平等地获得它或不一致的瓦特看瓦特撤回
                                                                                              [a], optical circuit as for equal open margin [tsu] [te] withdrawal or w It contradicts, it is w

                                                                                              • 至少,雇员不表明软银基本的事实,因为没有这一条语句 At least as for the software bank employee as some one person The fact which becomes basis of this speech cannot be shown
                                                                                                • 至少,雇员不表明软银基本的事实,因为没有这一条语句 At least as for the software bank employee as some one person The fact which becomes basis of this speech cannot be shown
                                                                                                • 至少,雇员不表明软银基本的事实,因为没有这一条语句 At least as for the software bank employee as some one person The fact which becomes basis of this speech cannot be shown

                                                                                              • 苹果公司的“L运营商可以使用任何SIM卡的自由,”我还没有公布
                                                                                                As for the apple “SIM which can be used at any communication company being free,” how it is not announced

                                                                                                • 莫瓦和NTT cdmaOne的·的CDMA 1X(CDMA2000 1X)制式的WIN 2007年夏天的CDMA 1X将于2012年用于重组被迫 Mova and CDMAone CDMA of NTT 1X CDMA2000 1X To 2007 summer CDMA 1X WIN Becomes unable to use with reorganization 2012
                                                                                                  • 3G的W CDMA的2G的为144台,仍然给我留下的最后一站停止14 000 3月4日从约分波 3G W CDMA About 14000 bureaus than the last time the stopping wave doing to one for 2G in the April 3 day and time point 144 bureaus still it remains
                                                                                                  • 583的W CDMA无线接入通信系统,直到你有所谓的HSPA 583 The W CDMA tsu tsu te the HSPA tsu te of the radio access method which is said it does with the communication method which is said the yo

                                                                                                • 言行一致超出听取骗子假象苏等人分散每桶调制解调器恼人的狂热者员工Sofuban慌张,说:“儿子干的!”“这是秃头”好“思保持孙先生!”说逆转录农业扎莎他们不寻常的狂欢 The sohuban employee and the fanatic of tsuitsuta are the u za The word where the being audible just of the surface where this modem swindler spreads and scatters is good “as expected the grandchild ” “This good bald” “grandchild the tsu which keeps being attached does ” With the RT stripe the u za of the party who comes it is abnormal

                                                                                                  • 软银138 SIM卡,除非您要求我们设计和苹果岩石,岩石将出售苹果,因为我觉得,不给自由 138 If the software bank makes SIM lock specification and does not ask the apple Therefore as for the apple being free the intention of selling you do not apply the lock whether it is it is not that
                                                                                                    • 另一个原因,肯定了SIM卡锁本身并不是说见当塔拉 In other words as for the reason which affirms the SIM lock itself other than that say that it is not found
                                                                                                    • 如果你告诉某人做一个SIM卡上锁,他们偷偷说的那样,所有的手机,SIM卡,我不上锁 If the SIM lock you call margin freely unless you propose and the tsu pe makes the respective company carrying all SIM locks free don t you think
                                                                                                    • 电话和无限长的,因为它会很快传达美元SIM卡锁我,但同样也是免费的 If quickly it is made to communicate speaks by telephone for 1980 Yen and becomes and at will only does Even when and being free with the SIM lock it is good with whichever

                                                                                                  • 这只能2GHz频带和多少建设的基站天线数量保安局wwww弥天大谎,我们可以建立一个新的设施始终DoCoMo的协同作用少一半以上,最近other设施,即使没有天线安装公司或日
                                                                                                    In only the 2Ghz band outside of the sphere is not buried through however much base station ↓ * Offering the broadband circuit of the software bank and the femto- cell itself free, improvement step of hardship <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- <- [imakoko] NTT [dokomo] president: The NTT graduate NTT [dokomo] vice president: General affairs economical graduate KDDI chairman: The NTT graduate KDDI secondary chairman: General affairs economical graduate On the one hand… the order exerted from above like [dokomo] and au the software bank which is not recognized altogether

                                                                                                    • 这就是为什么,因为我有这样的书面前,DoCoMo公司Nitoanchi设置在贫困ipad公司只需要使用一负性生活护理保安局多莫是不是疯了,踢Docomo的合同,如果外国航空公司和国际漫游,可愚蠢和w我滚装我要沉迷于自满或w电信收费高,之前你是一个人的穷人不能说湿重 Therefore as we writes before As for air deviation domo of poor neat anti SB of the life being defeated group which would like to use iPad with Docomo It dissolves in the overseas carrier and the contract which international roaming is produced with Docomo tsu te w And paying the fool high communication charge oneself soaking satisfactorily ro w But ma in you of pauper unreasonable story ww

                                                                                                      • 通过区和447区与DoCoMo和DoCoMo ll肯定有没有从刚才的故事串通好我秃顶反对任何计划拍卖乐队被迫吸金降落伞从甜汁该乐队是在蜡尽管DoCoMo公司的秃头或赖应找到这行,但我忘了无线上网 447 The band transfer chi ya uninformed the juice whose order exerted from above from dokomo and au is sweet becomes unable to inhale consist of So the plan which uses the band on auction the baldness is the opposite red sandal wood Well because there is a story ahead the band has gone to dokomo probably will be securely in consultation but The baldness or dokomo what without depending wifi it should have done it is
                                                                                                        • 电话,你可能在这里非法矿矿石从基达然后用良好的秃头男子哭日 Bald man crying Therefore favorite Japan The ro where also illegality carrying which was used in my me is here what

                                                                                                      • 除了实用面积一般问题的,不包括仅地委资本和基础设施领域比其他大城市的HSDPA我泪水的眼睛,当用户啊软银不支持高速通信那好让我去是有趣的是他们的用户ー竞争与现有的不说Waretara从竞争与已知设备的基础设施,他们从来没有,我的朋友(teary eyed ) In addition not only problem of the general active area When the metropolitan area is excluded it corresponds to the high speed communication of HSDPA at only the prefectural seat When it does from the sled ya present software bank user the wa which is the tear eye Below is inferior from other companies how you did not know and Because with below it does not become game when it is said that you have a match by the terminal Those where it has made the existing user foolish it becomes the tsu te It is and others it is the companion tear eye
                                                                                                        • 我有577 1 5GHz的频段使用的2G,并停下来波向HSPA 直流的HSDPA Janakatta转让?在3月停止在波满,4月3日数为572然而 577 Utilizing with 1 5GHz band tsu te 2G after the te the stopping wave doing HSPA diversion it was not in DC HSDPA The stopping wave as for doing being March full But as for number of 572 point in time April 3rd
                                                                                                        • 除了实用面积一般问题的,不包括仅地委资本和基础设施领域比其他大城市的HSDPA我泪水的眼睛,当用户啊软银不支持高速通信那好让我去是有趣的是他们的用户ー竞争与现有的不说Waretara从竞争与已知设备的基础设施,他们从来没有,我的朋友(teary eyed ) In addition not only problem of the general active area When the metropolitan area is excluded it corresponds to the high speed communication of HSDPA at only the prefectural seat When it does from the sled ya present software bank user the wa which is the tear eye Below is inferior from other companies how you did not know and Because with below it does not become game when it is said that you have a match by the terminal Those where it has made the existing user foolish it becomes the tsu te It is and others it is the companion tear eye
                                                                                                        • 除了实用面积一般问题的,不包括仅地委资本和基础设施领域比其他大城市的HSDPA我泪水的眼睛,当用户啊软银不支持高速通信那好让我去是有趣的是他们的用户ー竞争与现有的不说Waretara从竞争与已知设备的基础设施,他们从来没有,我的朋友(teary eyed ) In addition not only problem of the general active area When the metropolitan area is excluded it corresponds to the high speed communication of HSDPA at only the prefectural seat When it does from the sled ya present software bank user the wa which is the tear eye Below is inferior from other companies how you did not know and Because with below it does not become game when it is said that you have a match by the terminal Those where it has made the existing user foolish it becomes the tsu te It is and others it is the companion tear eye

                                                                                                      • 韩国人在骚乱的重视和激发思考,但我失去了那种可怕的事情,我的可以歧视黑人古“设置我的丈夫是黑狗长子在”完全是侮辱行为,那是因为我看到了中医的韩国人欢闹 NULL
                                                                                                        • 韩国人在骚乱的重视和激发思考,但我失去了那种可怕的事情,我的可以歧视黑人古“设置我的丈夫是黑狗长子在”完全是侮辱行为,那是因为我看到了中医的韩国人欢闹 NULL

                                                                                                      • 韩国人,孙正义,软银的狗来说他的父亲在CM的母亲... ...姐姐... ...我的黑兄弟是一个日本家庭看来,日本人,韩国人:韩国,日本和嘲笑每次视频流它没有降低笑里溜饮
                                                                                                        With CM of the software bank which the Korean and grandchild justice manage Father… dog Mother… Japanese Older brother… black Younger sister… Japanese With the family which is said appears, it is the case that, but as for the resident Korean compatriots at each time that image flows [niyaniya] you ridicule and laugh and lower the sour stomach

                                                                                                        • 首先,不是美国,即使AT&T公司的2G(GSM)的基站,他们用我,而且是错误的比较所有SoftBank的3G基站
                                                                                                          First, as for American AT & T still using 2G (GSM) base station, It is strange to compare with the software bank of all 3G base stations,

                                                                                                          • (之前收购沃达丰)在这里读书重组程序的频率
                                                                                                            (Before the [vuodahuon] purchasing) As for minutes of examination of frequency reorganization this

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