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Way the measure examination of Prime Minister and government Hatoyama is advanced, “as for indication plain secretariat director Miyazaki prefecture finer quarantine measure” the ★4


  • 当地的洪水造成的损失在去年萝卜我的眼睛在他抵达飘落到地方工作,如果你的衣服政府过来自民党安倍晋三Asou小泉首相前来参观Asou Hazime
    If > per Koizumi Abe Aso of our civil administration right the fatigue dress coming, the form which the locale has done to enter floats in the eye In the local end where damage comes out with torrential rains disaster of last year, former Prime Minister Aso came to inspection

    • 的Sadowarachō仍然存在,但我运进入禁区
      > Still there is no occurrence in Sadohara Cho, but it has entered inside carrying out restricted area

      • 1 05个月后,他们发生近/ 16“局长获得由”★· 5 Hunayama安卫新议会农业/出访丹麦4“自卫队谁可以看到和恐惧儒” -小泽一郎,民主党秘书长头部和嘴。宫崎要求在选举中进行合作,但马感染了“一个非常重要的问题县”,农业部副部长宫崎后,进入鸠山由纪夫山田正彦Louppy总理进入现场彻底,但没有
        After the occurring becoming 1 months close 5,/16 “it keeps doing” * New Boat mountain Healthy river Agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official When from 5/4 travel abroad “Self Defense Force you see to Denmark, the person who becomes insecure it is” Ozawa Ichiro Democratic party Secretary General Oral hoof. While infection it waited and being in election cooperation request “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture Topic” Hatoyama Yukio Prime Minister Finish [rupi] Yamada Masahiko Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state It did the occurrence harem promontory entering, but it did not enter locally

        • 18宫崎东国空它的责任问题,我一个星期,因为我现在迫不及待地想要使移民为先为即将在年底

          • 25,153%的实质损害口蹄疫是的它是民主的,因为即使它未能治愈开放削减不可能萘乙酸我也是一个很大的责任,但民主Narurashi 1000亿日元 153 The sled ya really 25 reduction how it is unreasonable Failing therefore opening and being repaired democracy don t you think Damage of foot and mouth disease reaches 10 000 000 000 Yen however it seems … Also responsibility of democracy is huge
            • 它口蹄疫的普天间更重要的是,如果你胆敢说你必须做的43个让民主回到目前的计划是值得骄傲自豪你刚才 43 Forcing if you say don t you think foot and mouth disease is more important Futenma to current plan you should have reset just As for democracy because of pride becoming nature the animal which is the ru

          • 26日:09 56编号:RtjZ iMW红松树的坚强领导对手足口病,并反复播出报道说,损害减至最低保留元 26 09 56 ID RtjZ iMW Akamatsu strong leadership is shown vis a vis foot and mouth disease Reporting that is repeated damage was stopped in minimum broadcast
            • 495名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(周四)10:26:09 56编号:RtjZ iMW坚强领导和对口蹄疫是松树,例如我保留最低损害,报道说反复播出 495 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 26 09 56 ID RtjZ iMW Akamatsu strong leadership is shown vis a vis foot and mouth disease Reporting that is repeated damage was stopped in minimum broadcast
            • 636号:瓦 X4R2Pt0白丁什么我仍然坚持 636 ID W X4R2Pt0 The unprinted leaf which is what still sticking it is high

          • 536啊,没办法逃避日本人看起来那么糟糕,即使冈田菅菅仍然有鸠山的债务 536 Well pushing down Hatoyama still the 菅 is The 菅 has collapsed Okada There is no way out in the Japanese
            • 鸠山曰古707,不仅仅是Janairashii从日本和日本人民 707 It has been said Hatoyama as for Japan there are no those just of the Japanese citizen because it seems

          • 54:39编号:JfNwaVjd0编号:RtjZ iMW之后,我被要求调动部队04月30日拒绝了谷垣祯一说,国会议员为农业局局长民主党Hunayama山形安卫(楼)是奇妙 54 39 ID JfNwaVjd0 ID RtjZ iMW However Tanigaki the Self Defense Force move request has produced on April 30th Boat mountain healthy river agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official of the Democratic party House of Councillors Yamagata dismissed beautifully
            • 516名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(星期四)10:29:08 20编号:RtjZ 东iMW不友好的挖掘说,他没有做口蹄疫在最初的治疗方面发生的假新闻 516 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 29 08 20 ID RtjZ iMW As for east being hit was useless fabrication reporting that initial motion disposal in regard to foot and mouth disease occurrence

          • 60宫崎县一级希雷恩是一个有某种冲突,我不应该
            60 But Miyazaki how oak viewing at prefectural discussion level to there expectation what which is not the friction,

            • 620乐烧的恐惧,我想即使是新闻界不再包括我也是人传播口蹄疫的主题和网络已受感染的牛 620 Perhaps when you were infected to the kind cow With the net topic of foot and mouth disease spreading too already It became hold down without the re whether it is it is not that

              • 658 米罗和回答埃泰 658 gt Temporarily 638 In “if there is a treason problematical point in nationality method at the time of our people tries pointing out becoming dim” gt Answering miro and
                • 638,无论如何,“如果有问题,自民党卖国的国际法律在时间,老年敢于指出,”米洛和回答埃泰 Temporarily 638 In “if there is a treason problematical point in nationality method at the time of our people tries pointing out becoming dim” Answering miro and
                • 如果你有时间问题的自民党和国籍法叛国,敢于指出的背景虚化 If there is a treason problematical point in nationality method at the time of our people tries pointing out becoming dim

              • 672有关的政府各部办公室主任在周四举行会议后,在总理的“,村里的消毒方式生活的各点设置,加强公路近消毒”“”“加快农民发放津贴简化手续,加快纳税发出的“决定梅塔特别措施,例如
                672 Government 17th morning, Bureau Chief meeting of affiliated ministry and board at the prime minister official residence opening, Disinfection strengthening around “life road and installation highway of disinfection point inside village” “” “Expediting the treatment gold payment to farmer and simplifying the document procedure, Measure of expediting the special delivery tax payment” and so on was decided

                • 881说,如果部长获知赤松农民在外地工作提出合理Dattajan 881 When it is that as for agricultural Minister of State Akamatsu which has had moving with the human on of site it was the way of proper work it is

                  • Mumononanode含有病毒的疫苗和治疗基本一致。我们建立视作伪违规的接种。我没有就没有安全毯已建成包括处置作为 Because and the vaccine is something which includes the virus which was processed basically When is handled inserts with non permission as construction the imitation All head which is dealt with as construction including altogether there is no guarantee
                    • Mumononanode含有病毒的疫苗和治疗基本一致。我们建立视作伪违规的接种。我没有就没有安全毯已建成包括处置作为 Because and the vaccine is something which includes the virus which was processed basically When is handled inserts with non permission as construction the imitation All head which is dealt with as construction including altogether there is no guarantee

                  • Www maff go jp J的 syouan douei katiku yobo k fmd PDF格式 list111的。PDF牧羊人第一101例。移动育肥肉牛(308头)5正 5埋葬。选择牛牛肉的牛没有观察到了49多头朱达罗朱达罗259头,或说我有一个育肥牛的牛肉的报告? www maff go jp j syouan douei katiku yobo k fmd pdf list111 pdf 101st example 飼 Carrying Cow fattening for meat 308 heads Positivity 5 5 Burying In the midst of area selection As for the fattening cow 259 the ro where the ro 49 which is the sire cow As for not elapsing not observing even with the kind cow cow fattening and report for the meat saying being from the ru
                    • 公牛队主要城市的06头已被疏散到西部的观察一周 It makes lapse observation of 1 weeks concerning principal sire cow 6 it is evacuated to Saito city

                  • “我不知道!”福岛瑞穗林业 结婚。从宫崎县特别部长会议,并在出访赤松什么 “It is thing being understood the ru ” Fukushima Mizuho Agriculture and forestry water Temporary minister of state Miyazaki prefecture graduate Akamatsu when travelling abroad did not do at all
                    • 因此,这是州长,并继续在松树上忽视外国旅行,但我不依赖政府 Therefore although nomarch asked to government because Akamatsu continued to be ignored while travelling abroad the lever groaned it isn t
                    • 红松木尘传媒出国前的大。赤松就可以利用,如果他们不支持外国旅游 Major mass rubbish Before the Akamatsu travelling abroad in reporting red If it hits without travelling abroad perhaps Akamatsu it was corresponding

                  • “边境措施,可能会更精确,”日本内阁官房长官宫崎政府的措施寻求加强其边境,一旦隆的方式还没有做之前,你走在水中,然后由领导少量宫崎 “Isn t finer river edge measure necessary ” Miyazaki barely leaving the head until it submerges furthermore while it is lack of policy Japanese government secretariat which calculate river edge measure facing toward that Miyazaki director
                    • 有内阁官房长官,省长,我保证支持,我什至不派遣自卫队的派遣灾难甚至爆裂的日期改变 There being a governor and secretariat director although you promised support Date changing even the Self Defense Force increase group of civil disaster relief operation it is not to do

                  • 不会感染人类,外星人,鸽子可能或没有可能感染恐惧 You are not infected to the human perhaps but you are infected to the extraterrestrial or the pigeon Whether with bikubiku it has done

                    • 不要说同样的事情继续踢宽到县等了电梯到总督和受害Hoppotsu m狗屎生病870 越南作为 870 Sickness ho tsu po tsu te Increasing the governor to the blood celebration the te Spreading to other prefecture the same thing it continues saying … Passing the droppings the ru …
                      • 你都道府县的灵活性可以从实验室和其他方面,它给这个国家的政客给这个词是不够的,甚至无限期 Having accommodating from other prefecture and the laboratory in ru state Because the politician of the country does not apply command passing how long it is to be insufficient

                    • 主页。预防。如果员工被认为是司困难的动物健康的联合国。数,这些活动将联系,要求及发出时间,国家的另一家。预防。调整要求派遣人员和机构及成员 House Anti That with the member correspondence is difficult when it is judged Vis a vis the animal Health Medical Division non Numerical dispatch request period and you communicate schedule activity contents House of other metropolis and districts Anti Adjustment is requested concerning the dispatch of the staff of the member and the related system
                      • 主页。预防。如果员工被认为是司困难的动物健康的联合国。数,这些活动将联系,要求及发出时间,国家的另一家。预防。调整要求派遣人员和机构及成员 House Anti That with the member correspondence is difficult when it is judged Vis a vis the animal Health Medical Division non Numerical dispatch request period and you communicate schedule activity contents House of other metropolis and districts Anti Adjustment is requested concerning the dispatch of the staff of the member and the related system
                      • 主页。预防。如果员工被认为是司困难的动物健康的联合国。数,这些活动将联系,要求及发出时间,国家的另一家。预防。调整要求派遣人员和机构及成员 House Anti That with the member correspondence is difficult when it is judged Vis a vis the animal Health Medical Division non Numerical dispatch request period and you communicate schedule activity contents House of other metropolis and districts Anti Adjustment is requested concerning the dispatch of the staff of the member and the related system

                    • 什么都不做,而不是内阁宫崎“边境措施可能会更精确,”我说有足够的电流农业委员会在治疗时,渔业部长梅塔省和增援部队求藤先生我重复很多次我就买一个人的头部震动Ttena因达 Isn t the Cabinet which does not do at all is not possible “finer river edge measure necessary in Miyazaki ” The occasion where the prefecture and Eto requested reinforcement Saying that agricultural minister of state at agricultural commission is sufficient with disposal of existence The neck is not shaken vertically it is don t you think This exchange many times over again the ru
                      • “边境措施,可能会更精确,”不是我说金的同意,委员会有足够的处理渔业渔业部长时,对当前藤先生和梅塔省增援求我重复很多次我要带去 gt “Isn t finer river edge measure necessary ” The occasion where the prefecture and Eto requested reinforcement Saying that agricultural minister of state at agricultural commission is sufficient with disposal of existence The neck is not shaken vertically it is don t you think This exchange many times over again the ru

                    • 今天上午,我已经整理额外拨款,以支付的津贴为母亲的生活保障应急储备基金123
                      123 Because contingency planning reserve fund applies to the revenue source of mother and child addition treatment of welfare Being categorized already, the [ru

                      • 从农业和预防部。动物卫生司派遣专家,根据需要,动物卫生研究所,兽医实验室派出专家来生成动物检疫站,检疫与检疫有关国家和其他有关机构的合作技术咨询 From Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and the like anti Dispatch of specialist As for the animal Health Medical Division according to need the animal hygienic laboratory and the animal medical supply inspection place Obtaining the cooperation of related system such as animal quarantine place it dispatches the specialist of quarantine to the occurrence metropolis and districts The technical advice regarding quarantine is done
                        • 从农业和预防部。动物卫生司派遣专家,根据需要,动物卫生研究所,兽医实验室派出专家来生成动物检疫站,检疫与检疫有关国家和其他有关机构的合作技术咨询 From Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and the like anti Dispatch of specialist As for the animal Health Medical Division according to need the animal hygienic laboratory and the animal medical supply inspection place Obtaining the cooperation of related system such as animal quarantine place it dispatches the specialist of quarantine to the occurrence metropolis and districts The technical advice regarding quarantine is done
                        • 从农业和预防部。动物卫生司派遣专家,根据需要,动物卫生研究所,兽医实验室派出专家来生成动物检疫站,检疫与检疫有关国家和其他有关机构的合作技术咨询 From Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and the like anti Dispatch of specialist As for the animal Health Medical Division according to need the animal hygienic laboratory and the animal medical supply inspection place Obtaining the cooperation of related system such as animal quarantine place it dispatches the specialist of quarantine to the occurrence metropolis and districts The technical advice regarding quarantine is done

                      • 但是,重新张贴,宫殿。当然我捐款!当然普天间口病 一种适当的措施,宫崎 税之间是由家中,捐赠,赖附表扩散和传播信息,但当然没用 ! But re contribution shrine Fund raising sure it made Futenma and foot and mouth disease gt sure which does home tax payment in Miyazaki As for the person whom it is possible fund raising being useless known fact of information and … Where spread of sure is asked
                        • “我说,我驱动tTA?驱动tTA你不觉得媒体衔接,即使没有大声口病? ” With you said it is the ze which is If either foot and mouth disease the mass communications do not make a noise you thought that it focuses it is it is not
                        • 但是,重新张贴,宫殿。当然我捐款!当然 税收口蹄疫 反 在宫崎县之间适当的家庭所作的捐款,来查看详细的扩散和传播信息,但当然没用 ! But re contribution shrine Fund raising sure it made Futenma and foot and mouth disease gt sure which does home tax payment in Miyazaki As for the person whom it is possible fund raising being useless known fact of information and … Where spread of sure is asked

                      • 你为什么不看到它在同成千上万的请求转达对政府每次都人来Chikawari更换是相当正直弯转421次,只回答现场检验For例如说一些什么进展几万头部身亡 421 You insert sled ya many degrees and substitute and stand and change the person of government coming When it tries being side which every time conveys the same demand it is understood If you ask so something it develops it examines just the reply As for actual place tens of thousands head thing destroying
                        • 该委员会已经在国家东部抵达该项目,因为它影响到7天,你知道什么进展? That the ma it is it met to ma east even on the 7th the bu and it was but the ro something developed

                      • 信使,信使松树没有入侵后调用改变政府通过的三分之一,攻击信使驱动tTA宫崎的眼睛〇八个月
                        Apostle, invasion The telephone which does not lead Third apostle [akamatsu] The apostle who attacks Miyazaki in rear, 8th month of administration alternation

                        • 北海道地区234 Louppy家,因为我需要一个备份系统和大规模释放细则彻底消毒,同时引入了数千名自卫队立即确认只有一个头?
                          234 Therefore as for Hokkaido paternal home of [rupi], a head it just was verified throwing on the same day several thousand human Self Defense Force Discharging also the disinfection liquid in large quantities, you take thorough backup system, don't you think? it is?

                          • 口。疫情造成的损害禽畜业已经有20亿英镑(约美元三五零零零零零零零零零零零日元)(约合三五〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元)(约3500000000000日元日元在日本),以达到是 Oral hoof Damage amount of the animal husbandry industry which accompanies popularity already 20 000 000 000 pound At the Japanese Yen approximately 3 500 000 000 000 Yen At the Japanese Yen approximately 3 500 000 000 000 Yen At the Japanese Yen approximately 3 500 000 000 000 Yen It has reached
                            • 调查小组后回家和农业工作组,由党领导的自民党在4月22日,汽车谷仓。如消毒和预防。政府进入了应用和部署的33个其他项目彻底疫苗行动 April 22nd Designates Liberal Democratic Party agriculture and forestry section chief as the leader the investigation committee which after the returning to Tokyo Barn car And so on disinfection and anti 33 items such as thoroughness vaccine additional disposition of measure offer to government

                          • 和选举行政中曾根园田,民主党人县平田肯齐章代表组成,。 JR岐阜和工会领导人讲话和工会全国联合会还建造工人工会
                            Prefectural connected typical and others Democratic party Assemblyman Kenji selection anti- Headquarters Chief and Hirata healthy Hiroshi Sonoda, ream. Labor union staff such as Gifu and JR combination and National Federation of Construction Workers' Unions you greet

                            • 和重型设备操作员,知识广博的员工自觉的,针自由贸易区处理牲畜,兽医,注射器,再次对所有化学品和各种。我要求帮助,甚至没有派遣自卫队人员不能来
                              Sigeki and that operator, The operator who is well versed to the treatment of the domestic animal, Veterinarian, Injector and injection needle, chemicals every The everything of that frequently re-. Although help was required, Self Defense Force to be brittle increase group it is not done, either the staff does not come

                              • 嘿,嘿,中断或尽管这是真的都已经采取了每人的责任?因此,我不希望有一个坏的事情忘记我们?口蹄疫后出访确认 - 农业部部长隆宏赤松
                                Don't you think? don't you think? the [e] the [e], no one responsibility taking truly the latest case, being finished? We the thing you forget so and are not bad? Akamatsu Hirotaka Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Travel abroad after the foot and mouth disease verifying

                                • 因为它也提供了其他品牌如小腿松阪牛肉,牛肉的价格是我觉得相当受到影响茹
                                  Because the calf is offered to also the Matuzaka cow or the other brand, That you think whether influence appears to the price range of the Japanese Cattle rather,

                                  • 因为我会操作示范垃圾数量质量没有报道,吓唬民主党人认为穿球决定普天间几乎没有一个坏头,值得在这个时候离开,然后游行饼干垮了我Naranee证据饼干失去了根基你让自己的问题广泛地走了,你只想做任何回报,忙“在从现在开始,”我什至不Nannee Therefore the reporting quantitative how mass rubbish it can operate it is demonstratively if such it is in basis well It is grandly putting out such the suitable head is bad at this ru point in time Democracy reversing the fact that Futenma how almost it has begun to be decided it just became how it will do without the ro You to enlarge problem by your solving “because it is busy with that” even in how excuse what well
                                    • 我不应该报告棕褐色垃圾在一个大集体Surubeku普天间问题的伪装出了错如果我打了一些真正的反民主,但至少 If the ho is with something democracy is measure has struck at least Not to be wrong in order that Futenma problem is camouflaged the mass rubbish has reported extensively expectation with reason
                                    • 我参观了现场穿的衣服线释放站在我开始或气体Louppy“什么也很重要,而在普天间Kemasen Standing in rupi or the first the antipoison clothes wearing going to the inspection of the locale “also Futenma is important but this Shooting the 於 ke increase it is

                                  • 在严重的头脑,我完全地方预算和政策,做执政党837个国家和地区也?尽管如此,这样的紧急会“好客户”在离开游戏赞成民主选举 837 The country the head of the district holding down completely with policy of budget and the ruling party when in ru state it can designate something as the district When the habit it becomes such emergency as for “democracy” with the election priority leaving play
                                    • 输入的执政地位,想大声大声,并希望得到如此糟糕。茹自己 The extent where these people the hand come out of the throat wanting wanting the seat of the ruling party which you inserted in the hand

                                  • 基于电视取样。应该寻求其他有影响力的国会议员有我攥的利益调解
                                    As for the case of TV harvesting/adopting. It should overtake potentate such as member of the Diet who grasps mediation right

                                    • 奶牛或自卫队飞机的轰炸,终于安全猪肉和牛肉从宫崎县都但马牛肉烤根羽用尽库萨
                                      More and more the aerial bombing by the Self Defense Force machine? Because the kind cow is a 但 horse cow, all right If it does not conflagrate the Miyazaki cow pig entirely

                                      • 如何评价一个人想破坏卡斯特罗知道国内行业304吗?我什么驱动tTA Horuhoru线,而婴儿潮在古巴两种疾病的厨房,我觉得我看不起的新闻是无能的耻辱
                                        304 The kind of person who neglects home country industry to You know Castro how appraises? While 厨 the nodule of two illnesses to do [horuhoru], it went to Cuba, however it is probably will be, The brand of disabled being pushed, being scorned, you try probably to be the [ru]

                                        • 如果石原说:“我们的政府官员在小!你在做什么?在哪里部长!看”出疯狂和地方毛重大桥和关西Geruge如果我一直在采访中发现了“Ahobokekasu!杀你觉得你!你无法控制是民主党!“如果河村”哦侃Gya政府行为,Eagle ll采取的愤怒ー!“Kudaro猪哭,前面的屠宰牛 If Ishihara “petty offical of government What is done it is The minister of state is where ” With interviewing in GW the spots being cut off it probably is the ru and If bridge geruge the tsu te which Kansai comes out locally and sows “ ahobokekasu The air which is made the seeing murder How it will do there is no Democratic party ” If Kawamura “government the dynamic can gi ya the 怒 tsu takes washi but The ro which” with cries before the cow pig which is destroyed is
                                          • 久所小利口东部时间或不喜欢这个嘈杂而政府和工作表现,因此它是一种怯懦和河村,石原无用,鸡Geruge的DAA!我是个懒鬼,只是挂的压力与周围的暴力隐信号好了,你不能说如果U古梁议案获得了政府的压力,但结果肯定不 Such time smart east the a which is useless… If geruge and check Ishihara and Kawamura it is cowardly but performance in reason if it does not move to government it makes a noise With Pressure applying fiercely it turns but it is … But the thing which is responsible evasion certain the stomach art to which the government which receives result pressure trains and says moves the plug

                                        • 它不是这样一个国家只会帮助,如果有人动摇的方向后,波 When rear you turn round it seems that someone who is helped is There is no state

                                          • 完全封闭,关闭的宫崎县,以不损害冲绳饮食,边防公路,火车站,机场,因为总理没有拿出一个彻底检查港口实施期应当宫崎,为出的建议,尽快停止旅游,宫崎县,冲绳旅行交流,禁止学校和体育
                                            It blockades Miyazaki prefecture in order to stop the damage to other prefectures, the road of prefectural boundary, the station, should execute the quarantine of the airport and the harbor extensively thoroughly The prime minister embarked, therefore it is, putting out sight-seeing self-control advice rapidly vis-a-vis Miyazaki prefecture, Miyazaki prefecture other than study travelling and sport prefectures interchange should make global ban

                                            • 宫崎和牛在日本的韩国牛(松阪牛肉后)牛在日期出卖源,共和国宫崎县民的利益是存在的牛的方式

                                              • 屠宰牛只并非日本自卫队只能从挖掘调动兽医瓦特
                                                Because it can destroy the cow only the veterinarian Self Defense Force mobilizing, only excavation w which it is not possible

                                                • 岐阜补选选区的选举中重新夏季(2)说,她的丈夫将运行在屋岛山下现任民主党总统候选人提名(67)抓了15个办事处公开支持组,神田円徳寺岐阜市山下先生“的下院04日的宪法尽我最大努力使整理内务的两名议员之一疯狂的体验,”表示他们决心天空
                                                  In House of Councillors selection Gifu constituency (reelection several 2) of summer with the Democratic party official recognition sponsor office opening of incumbent Yamashita eight state husband person (67) of running schedule on the 15th, It was the circular virtue temple of Gifu city Kanda Cho, Yamashita “in order the House of Representatives 4 period, to designate the experience of House of Councillors 2 period as those of the finish, exhausting dead power it perseveres”, that determination was expressed

                                                  • 工作1 县进行“边境措施,可能会更精确,”他说 1 gt As for secretariat Director plain Hirohumi in conversation about quarantine job such as disinfection of the vehicle which the prefecture has executed gt “Isn t finer river edge measure necessary ” that it points out
                                                    • 1 “边境措施,可能会更精确,”他说 1 gt As for the plain person in conversation about quarantine job such as disinfection of the vehicle which the prefecture has executed gt “Isn t finer river edge measure necessary ” that it points out
                                                    • 1 平野说,在县汽车会议上进行检疫和消毒工作已经由“边境措施,可能会更精确,”他说 1 gt As for the plain person in conversation about quarantine job such as disinfection of the vehicle which the prefecture has executed gt “Isn t finer river edge measure necessary ” that it points out
                                                    • “边境措施,可能会更精确,”他说 gt As for the plain person in conversation about quarantine job such as disinfection of the vehicle which the prefecture has executed gt “Isn t finer river edge measure necessary ” that it points out
                                                    • 平野在检疫和消毒工作进行了县级车辆会议上表示,“边境措施,可能会更精确,”他说 Isn t the plain person in conversation concerning quarantine job such as disinfection of the vehicle which the prefecture has executed “finer river edge measure necessary ” that it points out
                                                    • 平野弘文,内阁官房长官在会议上车检疫和消毒工作进行了县,“边境措施,可能会更精确,”他说 As for secretariat Director plain Hirohumi in conversation disinfection and the like of the vehicle which the prefecture has executed Concerning quarantine job “isn t finer river edge measure necessary ” that it points out
                                                    • 平野说,一车谈检疫和消毒工作进行了县,“边境措施,可能会更精确,”他说 1 Isn t the plain person in conversation concerning quarantine job such as disinfection of the vehicle which the prefecture has executed “finer river edge measure necessary ” that it points out

                                                  • 并希望负责Nasuritsuke东国,我死在宫崎县民
                                                    [minsu] die Forms responsibility in Governor Miyazaki prefecture and Higashi Kunihara the [ri] attaching where and the [tsu] [te

                                                    • 当幸存者被困在废墟中一边看自己之后,还好像还有人谁不想迟到或宣布只是为了救援工作队
                                                      When being in disaster, while by his becoming the underlay of the trash, Only the declaration which makes the measure headquarters doing, the like shelf where the person to whom rescue would like to be late is

                                                      • 我一个我批评北韩政府555民主集中制,似乎原谅或
                                                        555 As for government criticism unless you permit the North Korean like shelf With democracy hit middle centralization of power system [tsu] [te] person shank

                                                        • 我不存在任何地方,现在那里茹党作出诚实信用说例如,向全世界广元所有,但我不相信真正的民主在这种情况下,我认为这是 Speaking honestly the place where it can trust at the current political party it does not exist how everywhere but As for spreading the fact that it cannot trust democracy completely with the latest case in world you think that it is fact

                                                          • 我如何出售于9月5点三,争取协调员? Ÿ?预计将有超过主要原因c和一个由反Ÿ足够及反应。采取任何行动,如果混乱的经济扩张预计将在该地区的社会和提前推出之前,我的辩护。在灾害发生的联络人,期间要发送,面积,不开展这些活动的程序,为联络,咨询分部的动物的健康,为派遣自卫队从都道府县知事的请求线ü NULL
                                                            • 我如何出售于9月5点三,争取协调员? Ÿ?预计将有超过主要原因c和一个由反Ÿ足够及反应。采取任何行动,如果混乱的经济扩张预计将在该地区的社会和提前推出之前,我的辩护。在灾害发生的联络人,期间要发送,面积,不开展这些活动的程序,为联络,咨询分部的动物的健康,为派遣自卫队从都道府县知事的请求线ü NULL
                                                            • 我如何出售于9月5点三,争取协调员? Ÿ?预计将有超过主要原因c和一个由反Ÿ足够及反应。采取任何行动,如果混乱的经济扩张预计将在该地区的社会和提前推出之前,我的辩护。在灾害发生的联络人,期间要发送,面积,不开展这些活动的程序,为联络,咨询分部的动物的健康,为派遣自卫队从都道府县知事的请求线ü NULL

                                                          • 我看到一些人站在应该辞职和退党更容易,不能随辞职 When you resign easily because the person who should resign intraparty more being is conspicuous You cannot resign the question tsu it does with the yo

                                                            • 数百亿元的思考这些Etara它的封闭,禁止所有牲畜的农民一直是受害者,但也被打死近40万牲畜和赔偿金额的我,他们一定会永远不够牛氖 Don t you think to be enough at all When it is the cow compensating amount approximately 400 000 it puts out And also the kind cow produces destroying When the animal husbandry farmer who is in damage discontinuance putting out such you think entirely several 100 000 000 000 probably are secure
                                                              • 567以下完全相反的效果动物疫苗钌从你的观点,即使应该直接调查所有口蹄疫 567 You inspect some concerning foot and mouth disease it should Correcting with the vaccine when you see from the point of view animal husbandry the completely counter result

                                                            • 新富町也下降了! ! ! ! ! ! !进纳卡公路10南路接触口蹄疫病毒! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !交通法规,而不是一个国家的道路进行彻底消毒,在管辖范围内的ーーーーーーーーーw是不是一个大规模的消毒,民主无能道路交通法规九州整个管辖范围内的初始政府是认真负责? ! !全国道路交通法规和消毒部和wwwwwwww大规模公路交通控制整个管辖范围内的初步九州管辖的部和
                                                              Also Shintomi Cho falls finally! ! ! ! ! ! ! Foot and mouth disease virus national highway 10 line going south in [ku] Shin! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Minute traffic regulation and disinfection were not done on the national highway which is jurisdiction of the country the skin - [re] [] w Large-scale traffic regulation and disinfection were not done on the national highway of the Kyushu all earth which is jurisdiction of the country with initial motion, as for responsibility of disabled Democratic party government the importance! ! ! As for traffic regulation and disinfection of national highway the jurisdiction wwwwwwww of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and diplomatic relations ministry Large-scale traffic regulation and disinfection were not done on the national highway of the Kyushu all earth which is jurisdiction of the country with initial motion, as for responsibility of disabled Democratic party government the importance! ! ! As for traffic regulation and disinfection of national highway the jurisdiction wwwwwwww of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and diplomatic relations ministry Large-scale traffic regulation and disinfection were not done on the national highway of the Kyushu all earth which is jurisdiction of the country with initial motion, as for responsibility of disabled Democratic party government the importance! ! ! As for traffic regulation and disinfection of national highway the jurisdiction wwwwwwww of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and diplomatic relations ministry Large-scale traffic regulation and disinfection were not done on the national highway of the Kyushu all earth which is jurisdiction of the country with initial motion, as for responsibility of disabled Democratic party government the importance! ! ! As for traffic regulation and disinfection of national highway the jurisdiction wwwwwwww of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and diplomatic relations ministry Large-scale traffic regulation and disinfection were not done on the national highway of the Kyushu all earth which is jurisdiction of the country with initial motion, as for responsibility of disabled Democratic party government the importance! ! ! As for traffic regulation and disinfection of national highway the jurisdiction wwwwwwww of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and diplomatic relations ministry Large-scale traffic regulation and disinfection were not done on the national highway of the Kyushu all earth which is jurisdiction of the country with initial motion, as for responsibility of disabled Democratic party government the importance! ! ! As for traffic regulation and disinfection of national highway the jurisdiction wwwwwwww of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and diplomatic relations ministry Large-scale traffic regulation and disinfection were not done on the national highway of the Kyushu all earth which is jurisdiction of the country with initial motion, as for responsibility of disabled Democratic party government the importance! ! ! As for traffic regulation and disinfection of national highway the jurisdiction wwwwwwww of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and diplomatic relations ministry

                                                              • 日本是为您带来的商业和金融服务行业,并且不从事第一
                                                                As for resident the service industry metallurgy molten industry whether the [tsu], because you do not engage to first next industry

                                                                • 是什么使333钌州长的权力路线和限制正常通行?我在每个事件名警察行政法规,如果在一天或某事警察
                                                                  333 Normal state transit system of the national highway limiting, it is possible with governor authority? If one day two day however event something it has regulated with prefectural police and each chief of police name

                                                                  • 李预防。本次扩容预计措施延长案件拖延或没有发生在该国卫生部门的家庭状况调整的动物,另一种。预防。提出请求,派遣人员 i Anti When the ma is enlargement of extending is anticipated with the delay of measure as for the occurrence metropolis and districts Motion Thing Defense Raw Section Pitch Integral Under House of other metropolis and districts Anti Dispatch request of the member et al is done
                                                                    • 李预防。本次扩容预计措施延长案件拖延或没有发生在该国卫生部门的家庭状况调整的动物,另一种。预防。提出请求,派遣人员 i Anti When the ma is enlargement of extending is anticipated with the delay of measure as for the occurrence metropolis and districts Motion Thing Defense Raw Section Pitch Integral Under House of other metropolis and districts Anti Dispatch request of the member et al is done
                                                                    • 李预防。本次扩容预计措施延长案件拖延或没有发生在该国卫生部门的家庭状况调整的动物,另一种。预防。提出请求,派遣人员 i Anti When the ma is enlargement of extending is anticipated with the delay of measure as for the occurrence metropolis and districts Motion Thing Defense Raw Section Pitch Integral Under House of other metropolis and districts Anti Dispatch request of the member et al is done

                                                                  • 松树“如果说现在是适当的措施,以为什么我一直走出平原盲目?如果你反对,是不是免费的,如果他们要来了,甚至没有一个部长平原渔业 NULL
                                                                    • 假设赤松适当的措施,为什么这个时候,我已经走出盲目平原?如果你是反对,是不是免费的,如果他们要来,甚至没有一个纯渔业部长出来 If you say that Akamatsu has done measure properly why now the plain coming out the saw saw you wrapped If measure it has done it is not necessary for the plain which is not agricultural minister of state even to come out it isn t
                                                                    • 我只是尽我所能告诉你了你作为一个对生活的悬崖立场赤松 In order with life per seat to persevere in measure as a job it is the place where the indication is made to Akamatsu you
                                                                    • 松良好等方面,与民团743脱身,怀疑是的,我将看看我将生活 743 Therefore Akamatsu people group and the close friend it does it is the ge e doubt tsu chi ya you bore
                                                                    • 红松树,10天,但我会说,从50增加至100驱动tTA兽医,我不知道什么时候我们才能实现 But Akamatsu the veterinarian the intention tsu te which from 50 is increased to 100 people saying is 10 days When time it probably can actualize that
                                                                    • 这是事情的将是由政府承认元的东西他们没有正确展示赤松先生作为渔业部长的作用 This becomes that… Akamatsu government recognized the fact that do not show function honestly as agricultural minister of state but it is

                                                                  • 根据纳入地方总部总裁和田谷垣祯一和少缴04月30日派遣自卫队法说,救灾和其他入境申请是9 April 30th On the basis of the local entering of President Tanigaki same headquarters chief adding 9 item offers such as the Self Defense Force dispatch which is based on Disaster Relief Act
                                                                    • 谷垣祯一在自己的司抵达总督胜说,4月28日媒体无视民主※ The Democratic party mass communications disregard April 28th The same headquarters chief Tanigaki president self local entering

                                                                  • 梅塔说这番话开始指责民主党的县当地处理
                                                                    Democratic party Assemblyman of local end The speech which designates awkwardness as consequence of the prefecture was begun, so is

                                                                    • 此外,毛重哈市纳卡加入丹麦出国后的5月1日,山形提出为他和政府派出了一个可笑的人 Furthermore the inside of GW participated in mayday after that went out to the Denmark travel abroad Yamagata is something which sends out the outrageous human to national government
                                                                      • 瑞穗日记Hukushima击败TTP的: mizuhofukushima blog83。FC2的。com 毛重中,什么神奇宝塔卡分钟水 Throbbing diary of Fukushima not seeing ho ttp mizuhofukushima blog83 fc2 com In GW the not seeing po doing what you understand high

                                                                    • 每日新闻松树转型古河寻求对“,”表现一般批评“· TBS电视台5月16日播出的星期天早上,我为什么不使用的疫苗呢?”“有问题,与县兽医,”未决定选民较少的信息 不要被愚弄 Metamorphosis everyday the newspaper “There is criticism Akamatsu vis a vis Furukawa which is pursued and starts performance” TBS Sunday morning of 5 16 broadcasts “why the vaccine you do not use ” “There was a problem in the prefecture and the veterinarian” Feeling weak voter It is swindled already is …
                                                                      • 298之前,你说“人民”是BBS论坛,日本和朝鲜文朱达罗抬起你说 298 You you say as for “the citizen” the ro which is the South Korean and resident BBS of the Hangul saying the ro

                                                                    • 牲畜处理,处理重型设备,合格的兽医,自卫队,你需要一个像样的学科和专业
                                                                      Handling, Sigeki's handling and veterinarian teacher qualification of domestic animal, Self Defense Force And so on, it is the job whose discipline and technicality of that appearance are necessary

                                                                      • 牲畜屠宰牲畜在10个设施(牛,猪长大,山羊)屠宰了3312头总 The domestic animal of the destroying object the domestic animal which has raised with 10 facilities the cow pig and yagi destroys total 3312
                                                                        • 对屠宰牲畜的头57230008(牛8212头,猪头75110007) As for domestic animal of destroying object 85 723 8212 cows pig 77 511

                                                                      • 石井也是你的威胁在长崎,在那里更要求他们在返回的游说民主党州长
                                                                        There was also the intimidation of the Ishii one with Nagasaki and, as a compensation of the petition of the governors It requires the Democratic party support and/or has done

                                                                        • 确保保护人员在一个领域。人事必要的措施,地方工作队,以确保有关组织和及 4月20日,正如各机构合作完成 Guaranty of staff a In the locale anti The local measure headquarters obtaining the cooperation of the related system and the affiliated group it guarantees the staff who is necessary for measure gt at April 20 point in time completion of the indication
                                                                          • 4月21日,与自民党进行实地调查,解除口蹄疫工作队,开始数 April 21st As for the Liberal Democratic Party as field work the start up the foot and mouth disease measure headquarters
                                                                          • 确保保护人员在一个领域。人事必要的措施,地方工作队,以确保有关组织和及 4月20日,正如各机构合作完成 Guaranty of staff a In the locale anti The local measure headquarters obtaining the cooperation of the related system and the affiliated group it guarantees the staff who is necessary for measure gt at April 20 point in time completion of the indication
                                                                          • 确保保护人员在一个领域。人事必要的措施,地方工作队,以确保有关组织和机构及合作 Guaranty of staff a In the locale anti The local measure headquarters obtaining the cooperation of the related system and the affiliated group it guarantees the staff who is necessary for measure gt at April 20 point in time completion of the indication

                                                                        • 第五区的选民,爱知我送交国民议会包括松树,赔偿,它不是甚至拜倒在宫崎
                                                                          As for the Aichi prefecture fifth Ku which sent Akamatsu to the National Diet voter, kneeling on the ground in Miyazaki prefecture, compensation margin

                                                                          • 编号:ESuh4mNY0↑正在驳斥这种生物机管局Fabyori苏韩国当然是在粗糙的粘贴
                                                                            ID: ESuh4mNY0 As for this living thing of the ↑, being refuted, with [huabiyo] [ri] AA [kopipe] [sure] the Korean who is devastated

                                                                            • 自浇筑阶段从今年4月,所以他们被杀死,减少Setarou如果我们可以传播该病毒不会进入没有时间埋葬

                                                                              • 自贺,指责,┐民主党的共同策略,不仅彻底改变了崇高的定义( )┌
                                                                                Self-praise, responsible shift and replacing of definition Normal 套 expedient of the humble Democratic party ┐ ('- `; ) ┌

                                                                                • 虽然目前还不清楚是否有歧视性的术语844 848,20年前,任期为自己的国民和韩国谁说韩国说,他们已经出来,歧视 848 844 Whether or not discriminatory terminology but obscurity you have proposed that several dozen years ago the word itself the Korean register person Korean is discrimination

                                                                                  • 要接受对自民党在5月出访的进一步蔓延民主农业部长6忽略赤松※隆宏,感觉。加强和屠宰遏制六个建议我 The Democratic party disregard To Akamatsu Hirotaka Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries travel abroad May 6 days Receiving the Liberal Democratic Party more infection enlargement Impression 6 items such as enclosing destroying system strengthening additional proposition
                                                                                    • 要接受对自民党在5月出访的进一步蔓延民主农业部长6忽略赤松※隆宏,感觉。加强和屠宰遏制六个建议我 The Democratic party disregard To Akamatsu Hirotaka Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries travel abroad May 6 days Receiving the Liberal Democratic Party more infection enlargement Impression 6 items such as enclosing destroying system strengthening additional proposition

                                                                                  • 覆盖716价格牲畜和“利益”,也消除进口壁垒被淘汰家畜的农民能够得到保护的破坏方便瓦特
                                                                                    716 Also “interests” destruction of the price assistant 填 and the like of the animal husbandry being possible, the favor If there is no domestic animal husbandry farmer whom it should protect w which becomes without either the import barrier

                                                                                    • 让我们去解决这个问题,所有来自民主党议员过劳死(笑)
                                                                                      Democratic party member of the Diet everyone overwork dying, problem solving here it has, the better [yo] (laughing)

                                                                                      • 该机构的正式斋藤从县。观察头06是紧急疏散谷仓
                                                                                        Prefecture from the same business group temporary of Saito city. 6 heads which are evacuated to the cow-shed urgently have become lapse observation

                                                                                        • 这是县,如果没有缺陷也不错,但我无法核实该国对不对?惨败 When this tsu te you verify finely the prefecture without flaw it does not go however probably will be As for the country the ro which is large mistake
                                                                                          • 1 “边境措施,可能会更精确,”他说 1 gt “Isn t finer river edge measure necessary ” that it points out

                                                                                        • 选举 岐阜10:民主党现任山下先生,开设了一个办事处- -选区岐阜县/岐阜TTP的:/ / mainichi.jp /区域/岐阜/新闻/ 20100516ddlk21010043000c.html岐阜选区选举,选举夏季( 2)现任将运行在民主党总统候选人提名的开放式办公山下先生的八岛的丈夫(67)抓了15人Kandachō円徳寺岐阜
                                                                                          House of Councillors selection '10 Gifu: Democracy incumbent Yamashita, office establishment - - Gifu constituency /Gifu ttp: //mainichi.jp/area/gifu/news/20100516ddlk21010043000c.html With House of Councillors selection of this summer the Gifu constituency (reelection several 2) from with the Democratic party official recognition incumbent of candidacy schedule, The Yamashita eight state husband person (67) the office opening on the 15th, was the circular virtue temple of Gifu city Kanda Cho

                                                                                          • 青山先生说Tteta“领导,而不是政治,政治垄断”这是一个国家 Aoyama says sort “there is no political main leadership it is state of the te and political monopoly”

                                                                                            • 预防。有关的技术咨询于9月3日5措施,协调 点数“ Anti Technical advice and the communication adjustment regarding measure gt In May 9 day and time point… 3 names
                                                                                              • 预防。有关的技术咨询于9月3日5措施,协调 点数“ Anti Technical advice and the communication adjustment regarding measure gt In May 9 day and time point… 3 names
                                                                                              • 预防。有关的技术咨询于9月3日5措施,协调 点数“ Anti Technical advice and the communication adjustment regarding measure gt In May 9 day and time point… 3 names

                                                                                            • 鸠山由纪夫首相与布什16部长,接受该报告,并与平野先生居住在东国协商,并告诉政府允许的进展,研究措施
                                                                                              Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 16 days and nights, received report at the official residence concerning the conference contents of Governor Higashi Kunihara from the plain person, that measure examination of government is advanced, indicated

                                                                                              • 鸠山由纪夫,总理昨天会见和问题)迁移其保荐人在自己的议会,手足口病(宫崎,“你永远不会知道他们有手足口病

                                                                                                • 黄金时段的低点 - 当亚历克斯:声音的一种同情的邪恶两名内阁官房长官,你要我站起来对梅里他们祖先的坟墓东谷
                                                                                                  Lowest prime minister in this history - at the time of the secretariat director combination it is visited in at such disaster with, the east grain rose, we are defeated in the grave of the ancestor, it is

                                                                                                  研究 開発