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In 2 people of your shocking father 1 people, there is no his own time place at the home, the father of the “home refugee” to is this much many with


  • 08,能够做,如社会信任,增加了深马里阿尔卡蒂马苏与社会联系的无辜金钱请求或担保人 8 because is possible social confidence request of the gold and request for joint and several guarantee increase and the being connected of society becomes deep
    • 08,能够做,如社会信任,增加了深马里阿尔卡蒂马苏与社会联系的无辜金钱请求或担保人 8 because is possible social confidence request of the gold and request for joint and several guarantee increase and the being connected of society becomes deep

  • 174“谁是结婚的决定缺乏,缺乏耐心的一对离婚,再婚,在内存不足的”(船员萨拉阿勒曼)
    174 “The person gets married in accordance with the lack of judgment, divorces in accordance with the lack of perseverance power, remarries in accordance with the lack of memory power” ([aruman] [sarakuru])

    • 245 Gutame防止女儿乱伦父亲的气味相同的兄弟姐妹不应该感到不舒服,他左右
      245 In order to prevent near relation incest, the daughter when it is around year, reaches the point where smell of the father is thought unpleasantly, it seems Also the sibling sisters are same

      • 3LDK房间如果孩子在两个房间的公寓在三个卧室,儿童房与新娘。新娘的化妆间屁+储藏室,是不是我的父亲
        If at the apartment of 3LDK child one person As for one room wife and simultaneous bedroom As for second room nursery Third sections. As for fart clothes room + storeroom of wife There is no room of the father

        • 652是更小的削减呼吸从一个高的维修,尤其是当家庭主妇,我想我只需要一个假期,即使他的父亲有一半的儿童Munogaiinjanaikane周末期间的一周,因为我需要工作假期大致是关于一个家庭主妇,你会看到别人说闲话不好的东西真的对Bakkari做文章,免费,但没有,我的消费s 652 While being small still because the labor is required If the housewife all the more as for breather you think that it is needed Therefore simply weekday the father who works holiday necessary what Earth day is to call that you go to bed in half the combining which is not There is a child becoming large although the hand is not applied Wide show seeing insult of the person tsu temporary saying as for the ru housewife Truth it goes out
          • 现在的问题家伙!如果有更多的妇女工作,我觉得我有一个家庭主妇,在丈夫的敌人 It asks a question to the man ladies and gentlemen Works from the woman who the housewife The kind of air which designates the master as the enemy of the eye does but it is

        • 785箱子家庭规模,但也是值得室存在的兰花是第一个电话,我有一个房间或夫妻卧室的其他Kaachan Existence value of original telephone booth itself carefully format viewing… But 785 The case of the family is a room of kaachiyan other than the bedroom of the married couple combining

          • Tsuka是,鉴于S的东西可以使该地区在社会不在家 The handle regarding home and regarding society Being something which makes territory it is not something which is given
            • 阿Tsuka,不在家草坪在S的社会的事情是要考虑的东西,使其 The handle regarding home and regarding society Being something which makes territory it is not something which is given

          • ü 331家庭暴力妇女的经济和我说是他们将如何使用和离婚的钱更多有用的一般利益的人,你需要做这个盛产沿 瓦特 331 So it becomes economic DV it is the tsu ke which is If such a thing the woman who is said the so tsu densely you should have divorced just Being more beneficial because of world as for how to use the gold which becomes for the person w which is a lot of
            • 有没有感觉我听到人们的意见不会遇到自己的婚姻和离婚 Unless you experience marriage or divorce by your Opinion of the person how hearing there is no ginger

          • “我的妻子和孩子和抵押贷款坏账3生活”的桑野
            “Loan of the wife and the child and the house is three large inferior claims of life” by mulberry tree field

            • 一个父亲,不是吗?没有再遇到孩子甚至对自己的妻子和朋友,成为花的古没有钱?津贴,将不会改变的交流,让你的父亲变得只是烦人,但他们甚至都没有听说有点恼火 As for the father while being the gold the flower When it is gone in the wife and in the friend in even the child it becomes unable to make the partner The ro which is experience even in by your and is Allowance while giving however you had heard even with just a little Ur rhinoceros thing When it becomes unable to give mere uza it is and changes to the father
              • 我回到战前的体制,这是吸引对父亲的地位,运动附表 This returning to the pre world war 2 system should do the motion which pulls up the position of the father

            • 一个男子在他的40上升至50(音频Komoti已婚)是货架,假期是他们想在家里放松许多足智多谋的情人
              The man of 40 - 50 generations (the married child it has) barrel ones, Holiday is something which wants the admirableness of the extent which relaxes with lover's house

              • 上一页marriages 甚至当行古↓,无损检测,请阅读我以前的人来关心我:我做到了!这一天终于来了立即驱动tTA等待等待!我不能等待发言真!女:我能有什么遗憾?男:不,它是如此不可能 When lt before the getting married gt going to the ↓ I using the air please read Man You did The day when it waited in waiting finally did It could not wait truly Woman The kana which it is possible to regret Man Such it cannot there be a no
                • 上一页marriages 我读恩戴的方式取悦男人↓:是啊!这一天终于来了立即驱动tTA等待等待!我不能等待发言真!女:我能有什么遗憾?男:不,它是如此不可能 Please read lt before the getting married gt facing toward the ↓ Man You did The day when it waited in waiting finally did It could not wait truly Woman The kana which it is possible to regret Man Such it cannot there be a no

              • 不小心让Tsuka m婚姻瓦特幸运的人谁已结婚住这些天,“随着什么是婚姻,自然吸引更多的机构,我不觉得 The handle marriage system the ze w which to some extent will be stopped Nowadays getting married living happily as for charm to the system ru man” tsu te viewing marriage naturally the trap which is not felt
                • 让Tsuka不小心让瓦特在所有的婚姻我结婚这天谁 The handle marriage system the ze w which to some extent will be stopped Nowadays getting married living happily as for charm to the system ru man” tsu te viewing marriage naturally the trap which is not felt

              • 中线Rekuza个别类型,只有一个从外部代工的礼物,没问题
                Because type falling [rekuza], it presented to the private individual with the external attachment, inside non problem

                • 为什么不好好学习,而不是确保四郎在他的研究是分离的公寓四郎,我有一个房间的电脑零件充满
                  In door building not guaranteeing the margin your own study in the margin apartment? But well rather than calling the study, room what of the part being lazy of PC

                  • 也许他们会认为我更女人马端午餐,使离婚率在子女抚养赡养费实际上是相当高Irashiijan布奇
                    Because consolation money is it is rearing expense with divorce, the [meshiuma] [tsu] [te] thinking, the [ru] housewife it is many, however perhaps, The actually place the ratio which [butsuchi] is done rather is high, it seems it is

                    • 二期我 ,22,∠ヽ (( ll模型火车 Two i ∠ 22 REPT Ω The railroad model waiting at the house the ru it is
                      • 〜〜:〜〜〜 布鲁诺: 啊 二期我 ,∠ lt No HKRPT Two i ∠

                    • 他实在不值得,我只扮演一个女孩结婚,如果不惩罚Biyouganaiwa负底部没有所谓的婚姻,和这么多的更丑思基莫是不正确的挥杆没有茂木
                      As for the man other than of the woman who considerably has value when you get married, is being defeated The truth [tsu] which does not fluctuate it does this Not to mention when you get married with [kimobusu] of around there, the bottom it is not calling like other than the punishment game, the [wa] which is not

                      • 他的梦想是有一个家庭,没有,因为这些家庭的关怀意识你说了什么,我女儿结婚的早,切断新娘回到我生长的地方到了球回家塔马里我已经离婚 Because those where it has home were dream but early the marriage red sandal wood Because the wife tsu te there was no feeling which worries the family which is said the home it accumulates after all and turns to the place the chi ya tsu te Opposite to the wife who is cut off doing to be cut off you divorced

                        • 你们和女孩的,像寄生虫的能力上,但不能浸泡到两个议员
                          In other words you and the woman only soak entering 2 in the point, parasite which does not have talent the same type

                          • 你只是觉得这34个家庭主妇,“她丈夫的”将我的宪法将有一个像山认为我是一个家庭主妇 34 You think that there is no only such housewife but The housewife whom it thinks “the husband that it exhausts because of me ” like the mountain it is probably will be
                            • 我穷,所以整个日本是未来,但时间会减少这种浪费是一个家庭主妇认为峨愚蠢 The whole Japan becoming poor because the ru in the future the foolish housewife such Wasteful thing also the time when you think decreases however probably will be

                          • 你知道这是你结婚了对手的声誉和不喜欢的东西,特别是一代瓦特Ttemasu说,他们配对的问题,无论男女荡妇Kedashi ,将诚实没有一个单一的严重这是幸运的,她是有麻烦,但它似乎像 Especially because you get married favorite with the partner and world body it becomes like this it is the ro w which is Don t you think corresponding generation something both the man and woman problem it starts being lazy thing calls and increases the If the serious partner is not it is happy to be celibacy gently But as for the woman when that it is like it is troubled
                            • Ttemasu它也说,媒体是有趣的 我会让它成为有效的信心今天上午,以使他们自卑,男人女人一个,这样,妇女的权利和社会地位的进展Munodesu In addition the mass communications saying strange thing don t you think it increases the Like this doing the man our by 虐 Both the woman it is to be an effect making self confidence acquire And the which means that right social advance of the woman advances

                          • 你让我很四一○瓦特不知我马上离婚和女人气的男子还没有离婚我打了瓦特的受害者,它从来没有在我自己结婚 410 It is strange don t you think You to get married by your solving w Furthermore without divorcing the victim the tsu te which puts on airs the effeminate man shelf If we w which cannot there be a wa which is same divorce

                            • 假如他们结婚是根据错误的开始与家庭联产承包责任制时,他的妻子了,“井开支短刮一些租户也可以使用工作”的生活是我说的是,负责家庭我和妻子抵达 In the first place housekeeping expenses are left to the wife the place where the origin of the mistake Inside when getting married “there are also times when you use suddenly with work and there is also expense with association” that Saying we to take charge of housekeeping expenses giving cost of living to the wife the ru
                              • 汝出的一个组成部分,或不能在调度工作中,我们将不再忍受家庭组成 It appears in the part to become unless it works with the dispatch appearance housekeeping expenses stop consisting probably will be and

                            • 儿童Tteta篮子在自己的房间楼上所有万维网Tochankachankawaisosu我不认为私人空间
                              The child is to be confined in our room of everyone two floor www When now you think, private [tochiyankachiyankawaisosu] which is not the space

                              • 即使他们回到我工作的家庭,难民返回家园的百分之60 9,创纪录的时间以分钟为你的家人,把他们带来的蜂蜜,家庭应该是一个放松的地方,价格为吉诺不是什么“难民回家”,而不是这么多你的父亲的影响 Working for the family returning as for the 60 9 of the home refugee at the amount which the family videotapes its own time not having its own place It is not possible to relax at the home of the expectation which is the place of the serenity The father of the “home refugee” is many with is impact to this much
                                • 即使我的工作对家庭的难民,他们的回报,他们的时间在家里,把自己的位置蜂蜜可以在家里不能放松,应为一处吉诺价格“家”是你的父亲令人震惊的,是不是很多 Working for the family returning as for the 60 9 of the home refugee at the amount which the family videotapes its own time not having its own place It is not possible to relax at the home of the expectation which is the place of the serenity The father of the “home refugee” is many with is impact to this much

                              • 嗜好工具,应我的问题有一个愤怒的房子在Rarerumashi茹穿衣服是首选的工作空间在公司苗圃那些垃圾一样对待他们神秘的老男人通常是瓦特,因为它从浦项
                                Mostly such a ones In fatigue dress family which it wears at the company you get angry Increasing, instrument how irrelevant w bulky refuse treatment of hobby Therefore inside from the nursery the father room the priority it is wondered

                                • 因此,没有时间在家享受自己的爱好,那里是没有时间去成为一个啊遭受霜冻我们这样的家庭有一个误解,没有跟你家的方式过卡诺 40不满意你父亲的一个明显的是两个人在50多岁(52 2姊)它说 As a result there is no place time which is not the time when you enjoy your own hobby at the home is accustomed to one person Communication of the family does not go well … holding such trouble Feel a some dissatisfaction in method of passing at the home the father of 40 50 generations which in 2 1 people the 52 2 It became clear to be
                                  • 这不只是另一个不满意的是789家的情况我们 789 Circumstance of the pad you just spoke there is no reason which has dissatisfaction separately

                                • 在此之后,该行业家庭主妇的价值为基础,这是一个手转移灵活出嵌入式箕面,我们尽量不听他的收入,最多〜3亿日元收入 After that becoming story of the house maid of living in as a basis of value of the housewife industry When it tries inquiring about their earnings with MAX annual income 300 4 000 000 Yen
                                  • 所以不要做,而是我有100万或500万的家庭年收入143事 143 When something the housekeeping is designated as annual income whether it is 5 000 000 it is 6 000 000 applying it was but There is no such a reason

                                • 在谈到汽车色情DVD中,如果我是自慰岁男子当场被捕,而有没有空间,可惜他们自慰瓦特wwww So if you say while ero DVD seeing in the car masturbating the cod the old boy who is arrested it was w The how sorrow wwww which is not either the room which masturbates
                                  • 乡间渡假别墅30“失去Naimashita结婚”,并提请新聘或观看陷入了这样一个女人的光环,真的可怜 30 passing “fails to get married” the aura which putting out when the new employee who is caught in the ru woman you see truly sorrow

                                • 基因不想结婚的通道已被解雇你要嫁给一个人拉着一个基因

                                  • 女人(妻子),他们开始认为贪婪是无用的东西占据家庭的丈夫,而我将自由无限家庭
                                    Because as for desire of the woman (wife) there is no limit, don't you think? Housekeeping expenses are made free,… housekeeping expenses among those are remembered the Giyuuzi [ru]… master something uselessness

                                    • 女儿的房间,但我已经下令榻榻米住宅9,我的房间7个不同的凉席茹
                                      But as for we Ichinohe of the order residence you build, As for the room of the wife 9 tatami mats, as for we room they are 7 tatami mats It is separate to sleep,

                                      • 她的父亲已经回家了,因为小的孩子,就在想赚钱,但做的时候,几乎没有好事卡兹井 The father inside directly from the time where the children are small Making just the gold securely inserting the ru way but Almost it is not in the house

                                        • 如果不是我抓住了孩子们吃我的丈夫,作为一个盟友,说:“你的父亲,我是白痴〜”“你不长大,直至像,”即使像我们的母亲说,孩子是学习野生胡言乱语是否有很多人 When the husband not eating in the just a little air it does with the child as a friend “the father it is foolish don t you think ” “it is the tsu chi ya useless in such an adult” that being said Grumble the gaki ji which it has drooped the mother who was seen no person being
                                          • 在郊游或一小的孩子在一起,如果一个初中,他的父亲从未忽视汤娜 While the child is small it is and the tsu does and goes out to the yo but If you become the junior high school student father how disregard it puts out
                                          • 如果不是我抓住了孩子们吃我的丈夫,作为一个盟友,说:“你的父亲,我是白痴〜”“不要这样长大”或野孩子,许多母亲是投诉和倾斜 When the husband not eating in the just a little air it does with the child as a friend “the father it is foolish don t you think ” “it is the tsu chi ya useless in such an adult” that being said Grumble the gaki ji which it has drooped the mother who was seen no person being
                                          • 重要只有当“我现在状态很好他的父亲,”我们可以说喜欢,梁继续作出父亲取笑他是无奈 When being essential just “therefore father what being secure ” with being said How it will do to the father who continued to make foolish it is not

                                        • 存档也是我父亲和他的研究有智看起来似乎特别喜欢
                                          The father inside me there is your own study and a book room, but somehow the exceptional like shelf

                                          • 家庭不换一Warou“我曾经担心我,基S从我现在并不是说我重返工作岗位卡兹井,”我住的房子独自在没有父亲的意思吗?隆我你的父亲离开我只是说我不喜欢这个地方! ! !谁就会觉得我我! ! ! !什么是大数目 1 Without trying probably to mix with the family “We returned working making therefore it is using the air in a we respect” When it is the tsu te father it is isolated it is it is not at the house Like this doing address saying the father tsu te which you say simply We is not respected Thinking we that it is who the ru it is tsu te is many
                                            • 纹理也花钱,没有地位,酒是非常有限的,我也没有布满 It is dense also the liquor is restricted the zu or potato deciding address without Rumblingly without being done

                                          • 家长或提供在日本的私人住房状况?我从来没有一个朋友家中听到的也有地方Tochankachan
                                            When the private room of the parent it makes with the Japanese housing situation being possible? The house of the friend the room of [tochiyankachiyan] how you have not heard

                                            • 尽管孩子们在什么尺寸鱿鱼接触良好,我们说,丈夫是健康的,良好的出一些所谓的支柱原因,你可以体验到最终Mazopurei伐丽流非常努力地对待我的妻子留在家里的孩子 Although you do not understand how it is good touching to the child it is expectation of the pillar why being the husband vigorous that absence is good it is said is in the house and it can experience ultimate mazopurei which is handled cruelly from wife gaki
                                              • 三,我们说了一个好丈夫是应该是健康的支柱某些原因,你可以体验到最终Mazopurei伐丽流处理从他的妻子和孩子留在家粗暴 Although 3 it is expectation of the pillar why being the husband vigorous that absence is good it is said is in the house and it can experience ultimate mazopurei which is handled cruelly from wife gaki
                                              • 尽管孩子们在良好的接触与鱿鱼的大小,如果他的妻子是“不好的丈夫是健康的,离家出走。” Although you do not understand how it is good touching to the child it is expectation of the pillar why being the husband vigorous that absence is good it is said is in the house and it can experience ultimate mazopurei which is handled cruelly from wife gaki

                                            • 建设Tetai生活在平房总理小,只有几年,但我并不需要整个家庭私人空间。568
                                              568 Only a private room how several there is years of whole family amount necessity however We would like to build the flat house which is made cosily mature stage

                                              • 我不是难民,但基本上这些谁可以购买家具的房间和一间带有强烈Tteta在家工作的意见或不肯手流合我里诺塞托莫
                                                The room and the furniture your own when it is the person who can be bought the refugee how it does not become fundamental, - When we acquaintance or the house building, giving an advise strongly, making, the shelf room

                                                • 我不知道会不会,应作出新大楼时,他的研究,为什么她的父亲 我想我看就还有一些较小的电视机从佛教佛堂在那里我曾经一度称为DVD或卡诺哈纳 So well the father inside It constructed making dangerous it was not about you will become your own study and you will become what and probably to make it is probably will be… Once there being a small television between France because DVD you see there a certain tsu te you call address once kana
                                                  • 没有地方汗水从我在这里( ·ω· ) Because as for we address there is here it is unconcerned Ω In the family not to make the partner and do also the te to rust at all ku what serve Ω

                                                • 我不知道那个家伙如我每天都看电视?如果你看看废物的MV纪录的水平, Everyday the television the person who sees how it is kana Videotaping the time when you see it is wasted and
                                                  • 我什至无法明白,食物早生的父亲25部垂 25 Although it has had being able to feed in that hetare father either you do not appreciate
                                                  • 要我什么我想记录电视的父亲?我不喜欢你的细胞? Until the father videotaping it is like television tsu te what Don t you think mass

                                                • 我不输入任何金钱不回家,只要钱,但我仍然找借口不面对思想合我几乎没有进入家族企业,和诚信什么好玩,什么我和他的家人无法理解什么是驱动tTA带来 The wa which the wa gold which does not return to the house is not inserted if it is still found but it is Inserting just the gold securely not to be the meaning which also the face adjusts to the family well the tsu te Honest what thinking something being pleasant the wife and children having You cannot understand at all

                                                  • 我也认为,由于结婚的人绝对373,“她说,这些东西了”,我想如果你写像美津 373 You think that it is that but it is Married person “As for marriage such the like it rubs” entry tsu te how the kana which is with
                                                    • 他让我一个类似177,一个已婚人士持有优于“幸福”你 177 It seems that I am similar it rubbed but It surpasses to that in the married person there is “a happiness” it is the ro which is
                                                    • 我也认为,鉴于绝对373,谁结婚“,她说这些东西了”,我想如果你写像美津 373 You think that it is that but it is Married person “As for marriage such the like it rubs” entry tsu te how the kana which is with

                                                  • 我会尽力线我的父亲是当地的商店和饮料,应有助于为货币,以本地经济下滑
                                                    The father going to bar something of local end, dropping the money, should contribute to regional economy

                                                    • 我妻子买了一大部分收入,我的一生是不会降低难看的哑巴
                                                      Foolish shelf - Being awkward, buying the sufficient wife who keeps deteriorating at large portion of life income

                                                      • 我属于没有完全改变衣服睡着了,那么它是让人们有定型发展
                                                        Either change does not do and sleeps how, if the person of definite form advancement it is not to be possible and

                                                        • 我希望我有一个真正的人来为红eye ll与我的儿子龙的老上司对我们的国家 In the superior of former times dorakue doing in the son and simultaneous the eye has come the person was at the deep red raw is ma company
                                                          • 现在,这是龙的儿子没有不良的员工是没有兴趣也 Such a useless employee now the son is but there is no interest in dorakue so is

                                                        • 我必须作出努力,以及您养分卫队向我们就像一个无我有责任的社会职能是上流社会率更丰富的累进税最终发言,男人和女人的无能因此,他会承担责任,如果我给你根羽社会杨将军
                                                          After all, the negative [wa] you do the social obligation where the rich person is higher with progressive tax rates If your like talents it is not socially raising the home guard, when viewing If in the same way, either the man talent is not does not raise average women socially, owing viewing obligation, the shelf of the [ru

                                                          • 我想我853,钌和发烧的父亲,并希望睡在客厅的沙发不是一个主卧室瓦特 853 So w which well as for the father inside when heat is produced is not the main bedroom and wishes to sleep with the sofa of the living
                                                            • 回顾房屋销售传单,主卧室螨不相信我还该对夫妇共同的假设 When the leaflet of residential sale is seen as for main bedroom tsu te what it has made married couple common prerequisite does not go agreement yet

                                                          • 我有一个私人空间,这是一个他们垄断在他的花园在家乡是我想我们
                                                            There was also a private room and, the garden was monopoly of the father and, With the pad as for address you think that properly it was,

                                                            • 我的丈夫,“你父亲的”妻子“妈妈”我驼背,我会打电话通知日本的角度来看孩子? 我们说难怪母亲是家庭的母亲与早期古,我想这是那个女孩喜欢 Don t you think his own master as for “the mother” how child eye line calling “the father” and the wife with about Japan It is said that gt from the mother you return home is quickly Therefore the mother like this the daughter becomes such a manner it is probably will be

                                                              • 我躲在我的丈夫几乎是封闭的房间之际,我回家他家房间在房间里最大型榻榻米如果有10个人电脑DVD借来的假期,因为人们不感兴趣,看电视,我被搁置如果津贴是星期六和星期天都高尔夫一年一次甚至更多,因为他们知道我没获得我付出远远超过大约10万元的家庭独自回家,我不会再回来大约两个星期,我希望你是幸运的丈夫不切出一个生命是没有抱怨,因为我的丈夫,而不是 As for danna inside the widest room as our room at the house of 10 tatami mats When it returns to the house almost being confined in that room the ru Because it is the person who is not interest in PC as DVD you borrow and or the television seen As for holiday also earth day golf Allowance perhaps 100 000 or more Salary how much receiving because you do not know perhaps whether the ru more In year one time in the parents home goes home alone about 2 weeks does not return If as for me danna happiness because it is good there is no complaint Either the change danna does not produce the mouth to my life altogether

                                                                • 所以,如果你想记录它自己和784,应该是简单地记录他们的孩子让步,硬盘录像机或增加只有当他们购买录音机是Kotoyan 784 If this you want by your videotaping 譲 and others it should videotape the child If simply you buy the video deck and the HDD recorder and increase it can obtain thing and is the ke
                                                                  • 所以,如果你想记录它自己和784,应该是简单地记录他们的孩子让步,硬盘录像机或增加只有当他们购买录音机是Kotoyan 784 If this you want by your videotaping 譲 and others it should videotape the child If simply you buy the video deck and the HDD recorder and increase it can obtain thing and is the ke

                                                                • 所有Kunaku免费电视的时间来一看,是看集中在午夜后23小时后,家庭病床的人有时间“电视难民”被发现 1 There is no time when you can watch at the television freely completely Is time the person who the viewing time zone After the family slept 23 o clock it is intensive on the nighttime of later the “television refugee” being it was recognized
                                                                  • 这本纪录簿显示,七时看到,即使是小学一年级儿童 Videotaping and reserving the program which night 7 o clock later we would like to see with even the child 1 year of elementary schools and

                                                                • 持研究Teyo我自己的房间,设计,我会改变埃塔棚4榻榻米房间
                                                                  About your own room have By your, the [wa] which changed 4 tatami mat rooms of facilities clocking and storeroom schedule into the study

                                                                  • 按揭保险信托6组(曼恩4000残基)金应收只洗孩子的学费都是以上。如果被列入豁免支付(在500人大学× 2)和1000万人寿保险,每月支付22特别(以下的儿童在家庭收入2000万寿险寿险死亡给付从组二五○○○○日元到了年龄)从公司退休福利(death.此外)是一种坚固耐用的遗属抚恤金和w
                                                                    6 Inside with group trust housing loan (remaining 4000 man) all [chiyara] The latch of educational endowment insurance of the children from here. Payment being packed exemption (at the time of university entrance into a school 500 man × 2) From life insurance 10,000,000, from group life insurance 20,000,000 assurance gold Until with family earnings special contract of life insurance provision of month approximately 250,000 Yen (the child under becomes 22 years old,) From company retirement lump sum grant (death. There is addition) Gratuitous indemnity And so on with w which firmly is

                                                                    • 旧日本家伙,所以这是它的反应时间是一个烂Tteta老板的克星西西
                                                                      The man of former times and Japan to be proud, because it is rotted there were age, that reaction shelf w W which is retribution

                                                                      • 是不是我挂出你是在浪费时间,因为这些人的脚耙交火,即使在这一天线程
                                                                        How struggling with such a [sure] of daytime, therefore it is concentrated is attacked just what Don't you think? you have done wasteful thing, - the [tsu] [te

                                                                        • 有些他不能缩小为1 3克惹古大小610建议离宫行不仅在草庵附近和车站远离生活侘附表山崎
                                                                          610 Is not something where and it should have been wide, narrow the 侘 [bi] lives in You recommend that it goes into the grass hermitage of the interest 休 which from the Yamazaki station is in the close place

                                                                          • 未婚,只有一对小梨负反转的胜利!不同的逆转最终销毁日本发生的
                                                                            Unmarried, reversal large victory of being defeated group of small pear! With [nihon] of fall decision various reversal phenomena It happens

                                                                            • 查看详情并获得474多的DV是日本法院单方面踢第一次世界大战负,而美国是不会这么快就到达破产通过一个女人的钱包 474 When that it picks up being defeated unilaterally with DV judgment is Japan ww On the one hand when the wallet it gives to the woman because it goes bankrupt immediately not transferring America

                                                                              • 没有办法让我从一个奴隶到我的工作我很幸运猪老婆孩子对这些家伙我钱
                                                                                And others it is dense slave what in order to carry the gold to [tsu] [te] wife and children offering/accompanying therefore address and the like it makes make, the [ro] which cannot boil and is

                                                                                • 没有平行的意义和粪便或♂ー需要会发现我妻子的生命1
                                                                                  - XXMAL In life wife what with like the droppings there is no meaning of existence or a necessity

                                                                                  • 男性的模具我们不杀朱佩,牲畜池塘正在压迫甚至告诉他的家人。弱势群体的有机体
                                                                                    [do] rots the kudzu male of the Japanese in even the wife and children, the pond under the domestic animal which is abused. Inferior biomass

                                                                                    • 直到那时我觉得自己像一个战斗的父母能来驱动tTA下降,打开他的研究在孔壁和来到行示例食堂这样说篭日凯塔坦率的对话与家庭研究非一 So if you say way it can come and go to the study of dining and the father When the hole is bored through the wall the kind of air where quarrel of the parents decreases does You were confined into the study to that and there was no conversation with the family with the tsu drill

                                                                                      • 离婚后或保管家伙ー对1 336我只是如何分配Konbojan的赡养费和财产妇女
                                                                                        336 - When you divorce, as for parental authority [konbo] of property distribution and consolation money it is with the woman The [do] just it is man disadvantageous what

                                                                                        • 第1条到10月初或她的丈夫去世。他们只是做2厚。所有你可以喝酒和饮料,吃什么零食和3。驱动tTA座位04至离开任何东西。吃足够的动物性脂肪5。这种饮食使06是可能的做法往往使盐作为。无限的咖啡,大量的糖和7。摄入量08余制造的香烟,尽可能太多。但是,让夜间进一步上午09致使古早。休闲旅游工作以外的Kasenai线10。我总结说,如果他们有时间去抱怨 The husband 10 provisions which die quickly and can point 1 It can fatten in any case 2 As for the liquor the drinking at will and as for the candy you eat at will 3 It makes leave nothing pointing sat down 4 The meal the animality fat sufficiently 5 Just it is possible it makes the meal be accustomed whose salinity is many 6 The coffee to make limitless the sugar fully 7 It makes also the tobacco inhale as mainly as possible 8 Point to the night 更 oak it causes morning quickly 9 It does not make to travelling of the leisure other than working go 10 If only spare time it is being complaint it harasses
                                                                                          • 第1条到10月初或她的丈夫去世。他们只是做2厚。所有你可以喝酒和饮料,吃什么零食和3。驱动tTA座位04至离开任何东西。吃足够的动物性脂肪5。这种饮食使06是可能的做法往往使盐作为。无限的咖啡,大量的糖和7。摄入量08余制造的香烟,尽可能太多。但是,让夜间进一步上午09致使古早。休闲旅游工作以外的Kasenai线10。我总结说,如果他们有时间去抱怨 The husband 10 provisions which die quickly and can point 1 It can fatten in any case 2 As for the liquor the drinking at will and as for the candy you eat at will 3 It makes leave nothing pointing sat down 4 The meal the animality fat sufficiently 5 Just it is possible it makes the meal be accustomed whose salinity is many 6 The coffee to make limitless the sugar fully 7 It makes also the tobacco inhale as mainly as possible 8 Point to the night 更 oak it causes morning quickly 9 It does not make to travelling of the leisure other than working go 10 If only spare time it is being complaint it harasses
                                                                                          • 第1条到10月初或她的丈夫去世。他们只是做2厚。所有你可以喝酒和饮料,吃什么零食和3。驱动tTA座位04至离开任何东西。吃足够的动物性脂肪5。这种饮食使06是可能的做法往往使盐作为。无限的咖啡,大量的糖和7。摄入量08余制造的香烟,尽可能太多。但是,让夜间进一步上午09致使古早。休闲旅游工作以外的Kasenai线10。我总结说,如果他们有时间去抱怨 The husband 10 provisions which die quickly and can point 1 It can fatten in any case 2 As for the liquor the drinking at will and as for the candy you eat at will 3 It makes leave nothing pointing sat down 4 The meal the animality fat sufficiently 5 Just it is possible it makes the meal be accustomed whose salinity is many 6 The coffee to make limitless the sugar fully 7 It makes also the tobacco inhale as mainly as possible 8 Point to the night 更 oak it causes morning quickly 9 It does not make to travelling of the leisure other than working go 10 If only spare time it is being complaint it harasses
                                                                                          • 第1条到10月初或她的丈夫去世。他们只是做2厚。所有你可以喝酒和饮料,吃什么零食和3。驱动tTA座位04至离开任何东西。吃足够的动物性脂肪5。这种饮食使06是可能的做法往往使盐作为。无限的咖啡,大量的糖和7。摄入量08余制造的香烟,尽可能太多。但是,让夜间进一步上午09致使古早。休闲旅游工作以外的Kasenai线10。我总结说,如果他们有时间去抱怨 The husband 10 provisions which die quickly and can point 1 It can fatten in any case 2 As for the liquor the drinking at will and as for the candy you eat at will 3 It makes leave nothing pointing sat down 4 The meal the animality fat sufficiently 5 Just it is possible it makes the meal be accustomed whose salinity is many 6 The coffee to make limitless the sugar fully 7 It makes also the tobacco inhale as mainly as possible 8 Point to the night 更 oak it causes morning quickly 9 It does not make to travelling of the leisure other than working go 10 If only spare time it is being complaint it harasses

                                                                                        • 继续通过银行帐户的工资几乎所有已婚好,这就像他会说什么我请尽管奴隶制度是不是他自己接受津贴莫把你的时间在无马祖我认为自由贸易协定的决定 Generally giving salary and the bankbook to the wife entirely accepting the allowance system personally in ru habit… Please do the tsu te calling to the slave therefore the ru way is it is what there is no time or an address being decided the ru
                                                                                          • 330熟人,客厅和拉不出来的,银行在发薪日的妻子,丈夫通过一些津贴,由一个普通的儿童所作的妻子和两个各坐 330 Acquaintance s house the wife pulling out from the bank to payday In the living husband and 2 children sitting straight respectively being able to line up From the wife allowance is given to at a time one person

                                                                                        • 脚也没有见过女人是如何迅速的离婚是异性朱达罗这种寄生虫是我的猜测是没有生命〜基拉
                                                                                          When it is such a man and woman opposite, the [ro] which simply is divorce How, the foot being seen, you cannot live the woman non dying Don't you think? either one probably is parasite what -

                                                                                          • 这三个家庭的妻子,你用我的钱独家午餐津贴,如果你父亲说你将所有的甚至还没有接近无 0圈,只要 3 As for the wife of such home as for the money which you use in your own high class lunch being It does not limit the allowance of the father and is close to 0 Yen it is with to do the yo
                                                                                            • 即使我的房间,没有霜冻抵押秒,不低的地位在家庭 Housing loan holding by your also the room or in home Also position is low

                                                                                          • 这个地方是不是没有在家里人更多,如果我没有在家里的家庭主妇我的地方,因为我不需要,因为一切都归咎于别人的你 You do that there is no address at the home with your own consequence the yo Regardless it makes consequence of others it is Even the housewife the person who is not your own address in the home it is many

                                                                                            • 这是我们的甜蜜岁男子埃塔现在生活已经被宠坏老男人,我结婚了劳动朱达罗责任死亡和马克自动柜员机哭Ttena默冬镰治我的地方是什么是一个奴隶
                                                                                              This it is what as for the old boy who presumes Because you got married, until it dies becoming ATM which lives the [ro] where the fact that you become the work slave is obligation Your own address [tsu] [te] licking which is what you are the oven [ji] crying refuse the useless [ji] [ji] it is,

                                                                                              • 这是我的生活空间,生气时会发出的故事只是在家里,而不是去控制发狂没有我的遥控器也方便 The living room is we room unless remote control there is we labor assistant the kire ru When having relaxed when it can speak the kire ru
                                                                                                • 一位从壁橱空间垫床之间的空间,并且是唯一的安慰我的电脑编织成书面形式,并期待 With from one tatami mat space between the closet and the bet which are we only relaxing space It tries writing with PC

                                                                                              • 通讯无法享受到家庭的形象潮一代在一个典型的婴儿可以成为一个很好的习惯,甚至有工作工作
                                                                                                In the habit which cannot be made work brittle the work favorite Either communication does not come off inside home Image of typical nodule

                                                                                                • 阿曼和修改自行车,而不是子弹基地作出或砾石゙权力,因为那里的房间- Hyahha我很自我放纵或!房间门的媳妇,“驱动程序的小屋,”有时候,他们(不与板 ·ω·`)
                                                                                                  Because there is our room, mosquito ゙ [reki] it makes and/or the base repels and/or the bicycle remodels and/or [omani] - does We would like to do, at will [ze] [hiyatsuha] which is! “The crew room” [te] plate being attached to the door of the room of the wife, it reaches, (' Ω `)

                                                                                                  • 音频质量研究垫定12,2人座真皮沙发只,电脑,书架,其他的东西充满了兴趣爱好
                                                                                                    In study of 12 tatami mats high-class audio set and skinning 2 human applying sofa, PC, book shelf, In addition thing fullest capacity of hobby

                                                                                                    • 鱿鱼和没有父亲的罕见213,我的生活,在初尝铀,从家庭生活说这是什么类型的驱动tTA嘉四郎在如何钱 213 Well whether… it is unusual that As for the father inside his own life and hobby as for life at of the first family somehow with the gold which is left over margin Because the tsu te it was the type which is said

                                                                                                      • ,尘土飞扬,你知道想放一个洗衣机更衣室与一机在浴室亚麻嘿啊我有房
                                                                                                        The [a] [rinen] room it should have been, well When the washer you put in the divestiture place of the bathroom, it becomes the dust being lazy because well

                                                                                                        研究 開発