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<2 dimensional child [po] regulation> “Group of objectors sees actuality. The children 'to do sex with pleasant' information, the venereal disease and interruption increase…[ero] cartoon regulation necessity”…Hundred house fighting ringing ★2


  • 可爱的偶像高兴能在其他国家的性婴儿性交漫画中被错误的认为,尽管群体意识和民族的年轻人不同社会强烈,尊重自己的意见,他们比其他人的意见?
    > As for cartoon of the contents where the young child rejoices sexual intercourse as for an argument that it is strong even with the foreign country you make the characteristic recognition of the young people mistake, Although social characteristic and ethnicity are different, opinion of the foreign country is respected from opinion of the home country?

    • 319普通的人,“他们不知道这个女孩的年龄,”我能说什么,东北瓦特承认起诉被逮捕的乔木和警察的管理,我敢肯定,这是 319 The general people “age of the girl was not known” the tsu te saying without recognizing although stand case it does don t you think w When the police and the person of administration are arrested be sure to become so the ru
      • 公众可能是非法的,尽管法官在说什么我和茹ü槽被捕状态 The general people not understanding what illegality falling to a state where it is arrested

    • 657无论如何,说滚装ü前观看真实的人,赞成的在,让我解释现实的规定性的大量性流行病的罪犯比在发达国家比在日本我很 657 Before temporarily look at the actuality in others group of supporters The advanced nation which has been regulated the actuality whose characteristic crime is many is explained from Japan where ero is spread
      • 与此同时,亲田中。众议员(自民党),“你没有表达自由的限制,对已』驱动tTA错误的假设,讨论,市民相信和理解,这是不 On the one hand Tanaka of standpoint of approval As for the Assemblyman our people “ it isn t the regulation to freedom of expression and so on you were wrong Argument with prerequisite was done but unless so is that you understood in the citizen of Tokyo it is convinced

    • Eromangaota荡妇的两个条件,从779 Erogeota的美德意识,世界会往下看,更不会读罗曼加层,你知道它是什么紧紧固定的结论,即瓦特,埃勒盖降低世界和美德或不年轻的人阅读罗曼加层意义和它所具有传播性传播疾病和堕胎法 779 From the two conditions As for virtue conception of erogeota and eromangaota the greatest in the world As for lowering virtue conception even the layer which does not read eromanga the ro w which is the tsu te thing which is concluded In other words virtue conception of the young person of the layer which does not read eroge and eromanga the greatest in the world being low tsu lever Toda where the venereal disease and interruption behavior are spread
      • 在那顶部,并显示有多少儿童性病和堕胎,“这是说强奸妇女成人熙可爱的偶像,他们认为这些漫画转移在一些只有成人相关性 On that the venereal disease of the child and abundance of interruption are shown “also the woman rejoices any woman assault things of adult video With the contents which are said for the adult also cartoon has conveyed sex overly
      • 相反,儿童是二维的,甚至流产或性传播疾病的发生,甚至更好,如果他们不鼓励卡通游戏,这将是古时候没有性别 On the other hand among of the children when two dimensions game cartoon is encouraged is good it is it is not The venereal disease or interruption do not occur and the time when it has sex is gone

    • Fujoshi没有意识到自己Kimowota也请Kimoshotaporuno拥护者是有害的,他们只知道没有
      Please remove also [kimoshiyotaporuno] thoroughly By your [kimowota] When is, because the decaying woman who has not been conscious there is no consciousness it is harmful >

      • Maero陷入版权侵权和我在目前收紧的工作时间很少
        Present condition being able to manage even with rise of the book, the [ru] it is to put out, catch with infringement of copyright

        • PEN和其他组织表示反对日本的出版业和自律组织,介绍了美国公民的情况说明 Self restriction group of publication boundary and Explanatory circumstance to the group and the cartoonist and the citizen of Tokyo who state opposition such as the Japanese pen club was introduced

          • _NULL_
            How whether it obstructs the heart whose sport is healthy that, the [ro] w which is the example which understands well ↓ Kyoto University American football section Group rape (2006) Waseda Super free Wada sun incident (2003) Rugby section rape other large number Illegal invasion & underwear searching ice hockey section Meiji Position stone rape hemp, cheer group leader section Since establishing lynching the junior sexually over long time, finally with the suicide of the lynch victim, the leader section dispersion dealing, in addition the varieties Center Woman junior high school student group multiple rape incident, American football section Asia Baseball. 痴 Chinese incident (2004) Teikyo Rugby section rape Kanto institute Rugby section hemp possession use Kokushikan Soccer section group rape incident (2004), kendo section murder case Nippon University 5 people of ice hockey section, with apartment rape to 20 generation women Kitakyushu city It is hard 4 people of the type baseball club Obscene behavior assuming in the minor girl, that it worked, arresting one person among 4 Colonization Cheer group lynch incident Law large Baseball club With bat assault lynch Original Koshien sphere child of Tochigi prefecture Original baseball club In minor girl 淫 line Kochi Department of Education Raping the minor girl with the field Nine products large Baseball club Staff woman assault Haruhibu co-prosperity high Baseball club The staff assaults to the woman Soccer player of Shizuoka prefecture Raping woman Takao Soccer player of Hyogo prefecture To invade woman's house in Kobe city, underwear [doro] Seijo high Baseball club 3 2nd grade staffs vis-a-vis the taxi driver burglar 致 scar incident Urawa [retsuzu] Supporter Surrounding the audience of [auei] with the multitude, in order not to come out, it confines Figure coach Rape attempted incident and the forced [wa] it is in the junior high school student of the disciple, the [se

            • “不存在的青年研讨会”条例对手慎教授指出Miyadai问题 修正东京青年互联网观察条例座谈会的主题是“做什么?市条例 青年和流动监管,刺激思考的是,“1月17日,在东京举行 “Non existence young people” regulation group of objectors Professors Masashi symposium and Miyadai pointing out the problematical point INTERNET Watch The symposium which designates the amendment plan of young people healthy rearing regulations of Tokyo as theme “How it does How it becomes Capital regulations of the non existence young people and k tie regulation are thought” The 17th night it was held inside Tokyo
              • 政治 对成人 包括动画片和漫画人物,18岁以下的性暴力行为,如该条例的讨论,重新启动该条例的修订东京青年(18 )和“青年城”的修订他的时间表都市事务委员会06日讨论一项修正案草案的辩论重新启动 Amendment discussion of the Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations re start Cartoon and the animation which include the characteristic violence and the like to the character under 18 years old are done adult appointment 18 prohibition with The Metropolitan Assembly general affairs commission which deliberates “capital young people healthy rearing regulations” amendment plan re started 6 day opening and amendment discussion

            • “这个问题的答案本身作出这样的法案可能导致书在混乱的”,并谴责市
              “Making such a question reply collection itself, with the result of confusion of amendment plan It isn't?”, that capital was impeached

              • ▼答案由大月 我对这个城市的条例,以及 Reply collection from Otsuki I of course regulations and the like of capital am opposite
                • 在其中作为谷歌提供的基础上,你可以阅读如何把事情从文字,一本书我穿他们 gt Question reply collection The basis text with either one it can do how to grasp from the text the tsu te it is not written

              • ●儿童和性别不来好好玩性 粗糙它不是音乐』甚至没有纪律的孩子,家长谁是我的唯一信息●路线瓦特的Shikashite性与人应 When it has sex the children sex it is funny have gone with just the information that it is pleasant The parent properly in the child basting margin w Sex only favorite the person must do
                • 统一企业寄养儿童和儿童可以有性行为●●是不可能的,他们的工作不积极,体面的生活 When it has sex the child is possible To raise the child unless it has been attached to honest correct job as a society member the impossibility

              • 一般来说,囚犯的孩子苏艾希花普通法丈夫和绝大多数很多亲戚
                Generally, as for committing the child the husband of the blood relative and the inside edge is many preponderantly and

                • 东京的第一个孩子是一个坏或恶,或不色情,应该清楚 First as for Tokyo sex being bad or the child being bad It can point clearly from there it should
                  • 比赛不会,但性别是一个安全的地方,使议会是不穿 It becomes the dispute and at only the safe place as for sex the ri which that it tries it is not possible you have been packed

                • 东京都立大学前田正秀的生意人在您的不仅是愚蠢的criminalists角落学者也是摆在
                  Capital city university Tokyo Maeda elegance England As for it is dense the business foolish scholar who cannot be placed on either the nook of the criminal law scholar

                  • 东京都立大学教授前田正秀还涉及法律条例,在认真研究儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的措辞创造了赞成在本条例开始“,而不是包含在儿童卡通放置区是一个建议,你不能“解释和目的的法案
                    As for elegance English Professor capital city university Tokyo which relates to also the contents compilation of regulations plan in group of supporters Maeda with beginning, “They are not the kind of regulations which include cartoon to child buying spring child pornographic prohibition method, in the place where the child is vague The fact that you put is the proposition” whether it is not possible, that explaining the gist of amendment plan

                    • 他们不喜欢秀秋承诺,他们说,正当理由,那么这就是你的名字逃税总理的国家
                      [potsupo] promise it does not protect likely, suitable excuse, there can be tax evasion regardless and puts out the country of Prime Minister,

                      • 以下是天空表并没有透露更多的信息说明理由东京,或填补这方面的需要,为什么不能在任何意义 But those where you express the reason which Tokyo does not disclose concerning details are below mentioned chart Why meaning does not know completely whether to here painting is necessary

                        • 你从来没有适当的性教育“是不分年龄人人共享的责任变得更明确,”或 The sex education which is done properly in the habit which is not “when it is above fixed age they are all self responsibilities” that
                          • 一个适当的性教育,使义务教育正确,全面禁止初中毕业,并在同一时间 While compulsory education to do sufficient sex education just simultaneously with junior high school graduation perfection rescindment

                        • 你只是想让你的责任,抑或一负责卡通失败的性教育
                          1 Cartoon it just has shifted responsibility the responsibility of the failure of sex education the [ro

                          • 你必不规范的成人读它,你只需要在儿童接触不到的地方或没有18 18 prohibition are made the place where the hand of the child does not reach It probably is to could be just that but Regulating the fact that the adult reads how it does

                            • 你搬到流产和性传染疾病,如疯狂的人,我很荣幸爱你是女人,我读了很多,但我什至不能谈论色情漫画,而不是一分钟手指触摸 The tsu which the venereal disease moves and sows it is the ri with the people of the aristocrat which you can fall in love to do the fact that it has interrupted the yo We the ero cartoon large quantity reading however the ru finger one minute does not touch the woman and even conversation it is not possible
                              • 你应该得到片刻禁止堕胎,如果未成年人,对不对?想想锐聪 You think that it should have made interruption prohibition of the minor A little the ro which you realize and is
                              • 没有多少人还没有建成了一个孩子的已婚家庭 gt Becoming the arahuo generation the person who interrupts is a knowledge of contraception sufficiently gt Getting married the person who builds the home where the child is many

                            • 你知道你的思维常识和清洁的身体情况,并强烈处女荡妇河野不如手流,我们可以说,罪犯肮脏我椎田非处女处女有趣的是我中学沃塔区有条件的中学挖掘处女沃塔被损坏,他结婚前的商品,至少我不 Something saying strangely It is the characteristic offender extra troop where the secondary wota ephebe and others me is dirtily in the non virgin and is being said this present condition of the ru The ephebe virtue conception being strong considerably the body which is pure it has done the ro which is thinking sensibly The wa which is not the qualification which hits the secondary wota ephebe in the person who at least before the getting married has become the non virgin
                              • 逃避喷射处女赤脚723级信浓大信仰天主教 723 Virgin belief is enormous and The level where also Catholic escapes with the naked foot

                            • 全国东京站到茑屋,性泛滥的DVD,因为如果我只放置茑屋色情漫画
                              Because [ero] DVD is inundated also [tsutaya] before the Tokyo national station, [ero] cartoon should have been made [tsutaya

                              • 内政部长布鲁诺D的其Shitarutokiha Surumonoto公布于德禾禾腐败承认的海关文件和图纸姆鲁干扰下施沃为了和平与第19条。其布鲁诺禾石斑块分布禁止。这标志着扣押禾Furukotowo得到TTP的:/ / www.ndl.go.jp /日/画廊/永久/ PDF格式/ 65。PDF格式
                                19th provision Peace and order disturbance [shi] and [ha] manners corruption [surumonoto] recognizing/admitting [muru] document drawing publication [shitarutokiha] Home secretary [ni] 於 [te] 其 no departure. Distribution prohibited [shi] 其 no carving/moment edition. Sign book seizure [hurukotowo] profit ttp: //www.ndl.go.jp/jp/gallery/permanent/pdf/65. pdf

                                • 半裸体的年轻石窟李。更详细的描述那些最接近构成国家,赋予人们矮高贵的感觉,很容易使人联想起人格否认性 i Bareness or half Or depending on the thing which describes the form condition of a state where it is close to these The 卑 wa it is and gives feeling or it is something which makes the sexual behavior associate which denies personality easily
                                  • 俄明确的描绘性的行为,并表示,感受,让该高尚矮,或很容易使人联想起人格否认性 ro You describe sexual behavior openly the 卑 wa you are or by expressing giving feeling Or it is something which makes the sexual behavior associate which denies personality easily
                                  • 由一台计算机不运行方案和c记录在电磁介质,必须经历伪高尚行为侏儒谁 ha Depending on the thing which executes the program which is recorded to electromagnetic record medium making use of the computer and the like The 卑 wa it is in the person and it is something which makes behavior experience falsely

                                • 即使我挂出Yareyo不敬挺举第一次被排除在法律细则247,无技能技巧海事组织我对我没有意义,而且是唯一相信法律向左Tatte然后它会作出一个新的控制我不聋,和工作? 247 It is even out it is do first accurately with existing law Although even now it has left when that new readjustment method the tsu te which was made it is left in the same way only you cannot think Even when making the reason which it has been about that meaning probably will make is not wazawaza

                                  • 反正现在在一个低的声音的儿子,我最好不要去色情影院超过Gurasan父亲穿着西装,“你一个成年人,”望着销售Obahan说我得到了一张票所以你认为你会喜欢你要有这样的经历我一直在寻找逃逸填充?我幻想中的性爱和保持避难所,我不应该进入社会中得到肯定,但我们是否有存在 How the se current child and others wearing the suit of the father gurasan applying going to the porno mansion “One adult” it probably melts with the earnest low voice thinking if the ru the ro which is not the how experience where the obahan rainbow of the word tsu chi ya tsu te ticket sale the tsu you stare and escapes and returns and is ero tsu te although certainly it exists there does not enter into the medium 々 hand With it is what which it should make the society which is said It makes huantaji and sankuchiyuari it is
                                    • 我说这个国家,如果你认为你会做好监管手流Kato re仍然挂在他的影片拉回到了常规的全性色情网站通常支付210的东西,那里的猴子 210 Pay ero animated picture sight what Normally the pornography being caught completely the ru person normally it is Even now being regulated sufficiently the ru it probably melts thinking if the ru you call This country it is the basket

                                  • 只是一小obscenity ll改变我想我会洙贞女很酷的家伙从贞女以为出了什么问题括号202的应该是像我敢反附表
                                    202 The ephebe virgin speaking awkwardly, protecting the ephebe virgin from idea, the [ru] person speaking groovy, just changing into idea As for 淫 line of the minor but expectation what which reaches the point where it can prevent rather

                                    • 咦?我说,那是罪犯的目的是保护儿童免受性将在所有受影响的漫画?我改变瓦特少女漫画的方式,直接进入后一个女孩在做爱的意图彩色冬天我建议你,不是吗? That In the first place from the characteristic offender it probably will have an influence on cartoon That the fact that the child is protected is purpose the tsu ke which was not said itsu no 間 ni gist changed it is By the way recommending SEX to the girl directly as for ru the ro w which is girl cartoon

                                      • 嘿我在一起我会投票史的日本电子词典字典词典医学词典单词性教育在高中英语很多刚刚676电子词典
                                        676 The high school student times past record of the electronic dictionary just [erowado]… The national language dictionary English-Japanese dictionary medical dictionary… the electronic dictionary [tsu] [te] large quantity entering, the [ru] don't you think? the [e]…

                                        • 因达邪恶虚构的卡通!减少实际控制犯罪,如果它不是科学的证据,只是某些人的主观和价值观,可以限制表达自由的先例和创造性的工作,是行不通的Rubeki Overhead cartoon is bad it is If it regulates you say that actual crime decreases although there is no either scientific basis E g with just subjectivity and sense of value of the people of part can restrict the freedom of expression of creative ones With before saying it should make example it is not
                                          • 减少犯罪,如果你真正的控制虚构的卡通,但没有科学证据,只是某些人的主观和价值观,可以限制创造的先例,而言论自由是由不Rubeki If overhead cartoon is regulated you say that actual crime decreases although there is no either scientific basis E g with just subjectivity and sense of value of the people of part can restrict the freedom of expression of creative ones With before saying it should make example it is not
                                          • 有攻击性,您可以控制在806没有理由 806 Your existence is unpleasant Also there is no basis regulation is possible
                                          • 附表压制有权阅读与儿童 色情卡通中没有他们不允许法规的基础 It is not permitted that the right the child to read ero cartoon with the regulation which does not have basis is oppressed

                                        • 国家法律和主权,主权的人,谁在那里,以控制行政机构,官员和官僚吩咐排减单位,或手动法律规则的基础上,法律明确和合理的和客观的警察和检察官,必须通过法律的法官留给主观(·阿·)_⊂∧∧Ikunai(·∀·)1 - 1它的提示
                                          In addition as for law of national sovereign nation, it is in order to control the administrative organ The citizen who is the main authority, the order book, or the manual which is given to the public official and the bureaucracy It was based on constitutional government principle, being clear, it must be logical and objective law, With the kind of law which is entrusted to the subjectivity of the officer and the trial counsel and the judge on of site (A) [ikunai] ∧ _ ∧ ⊂ (∀) -, < this bean knowledge

                                          • 在台湾卖淫合法化,以“防止这种支付的增加约会”已由卖淫的未成年人和年轻妇女是不是这些天,要充当支付约会犯罪胶杜绝意义米,红线,行政院,台湾(例如法律妓院)辩论有关营业执照
                                            In Taiwan prostitution “prevents the increase of help association to legalization” Here from the fact that recently the minority and prostitution behavior of the young women have increased, Including also the meaning of eradicating the behavior which is connected to crime such as help association, That the Taiwan Executive Yuan, you say you discuss in regard to the permission of business of the red-light district (legitimate cat house and the like)

                                            • 在那个时候327,我很害怕,但鉴于图书数量每个月的书籍生病,你不想来计算总量
                                              327 That time, however every month several volumes are the unsound books designated saddle [tsu] [te], to total volumes It is not counted

                                              • 基础 “制作它反对该法案的法律不能预计这个词静脉分钟业余魔术 NULL
                                                • 来吧穿着线裤在那里我喜欢说Ttetara没有根据监管自民党是朝鲜或纳粹党的丑恶恐惧 That it is possible to regulate without basis saying the cod Is the tip which arrives probably Nazis or North Korea The Liberal Democratic Party is the fearful political party

                                              • 大家谁将会在强奸发生率大幅增加在日本和韩国新人在日朝鲜人(感谢笑提供国家
                                                Has increased the rate of occurrence of the Japanese rape the resident Korean and the newcomer South Korean (the country of the decorum Laughing

                                                • 好东西是它的宗教或性别鄂如他们不知道他好704节育?有人说性甚至不应该有一个坏的性行为,因为它们不需要 704 Being good to teach sex to the person who contraception does not know Until you say if there is also necessary sex without There is even the bad sex there is no necessity

                                                  • 如果你切断耀西河内理由禁止它会很快解决的金钱或到达您的民间团体158 158 If the citizen group it transfers the money the fast solution If the reason which it prohibits is cut off it is good is

                                                    • 如果你真的想控制二维色情,我Detchi附表在一个更加令人信服的理由,他将“少生孩子,所以会降低性欲的年轻人,因为年轻而不是色情漫画 Being serious if two dimensional pornography we would like to regulate by your don t you think more the reason which has persuasive power is invented Sexual desire of the young young people declining “with consequence of ero cartoon little child conversion is advanced
                                                      • 最近似乎以促进电子,机器人服务器从国外购买的终端垫 Don t you think another electrization urging Android in the Propellant actuated device terminal it purchases from the overseas server

                                                    • 如果我吻女孩和初中的音乐室的高中同学中,感觉Tiyo杉,我有一个裸露乳头吮吸一长袖衬衫,我有过性关系,以胁迫井线
                                                      Kissing with the classmate woman in the music room junior high school, the cod, feeling passing, Just the long sleeve blouse inhaling the [te] nipple, it went to sex with spirit

                                                      • 它选恒常字从死或大专花泽香菜四百八十七瓦特oojah没有任何人说处女是不是令人信服的理由,猪完全不用等
                                                        487 After the flower 澤 fragrance greens withering, call, w Unless the virgin tertiary enters some cod persuasive power nil excuse of the pig which is not fidelity

                                                        • 家长和老师的影响我看到那么多,并帮助制订和漫画...这是不负责任的
                                                          Is influence of the guardian and the teacher is below cartoon, or so? …… With irresponsible and not being useful shank

                                                          • 山口议员在质询大沽它(民主),是建立一个健康的城市条例修正案“向国会提交的修正案后,在广泛的城市描述,不得颠倒,”指出, “我们需要讨论樟脑用尽”索赔 In the question for this Yamaguchi 拓 the Assemblyman democracy capital healthy rearing regulations amendment plan “after submitting amendment plan to the national assembly Capital must explain widely because order points out opposite” “it is necessary to exhaust argument ” that you insist
                                                            • 山口大沽问题向委员对这种(民主党)说,“在向国会提交一项修正案,广泛介绍了东京都政府必须扭转秩序,”并称:“用尽参数的樟脑我们需要,“索赔 In the question for this Yamaguchi 拓 the Assemblyman democracy capital healthy rearing regulations amendment plan “after submitting amendment plan to the national assembly Capital must explain widely because order points out opposite” “it is necessary to exhaust argument ” that you insist
                                                            • (续1)的修订“任何可以调节只有主观 1 Continuation On the one hand “with just subjectivity can regulate amendment plan with anything

                                                          • 应适用于下列任何一项促进两个极其残酷石窟
                                                            Two Those which promote cruel characteristic extensively It is something which corresponds to the following each of them

                                                            • 得到了办公室ーPoseidonentateimento的斯托!驱动tTA最后一轮,使我角质切实DVD刚出来,并经证明的AV女演员水果 NULL

                                                              • 性别你有一些孩子他们的工作容易蜘蛛人有Shikumonakere乐趣,W和道德,并做否定的乐趣是不同的生理问题,性是不好的,如果你没有教育,你有什么如果 If SEX to be funny is not pleasant the ro w which no one makes and is child something Denying physiological pleasant sensation how it does That the one where the education which you say whether that and with another problem from morality SEX is because some is not done is bad
                                                                • 我说没有感觉到413性别发言本身已经是一个良好的感觉是赤裸裸的行为和相互拥抱前 413 Feeling it is good The behavior itself feeling is already good before SEX to hold with the nude

                                                              • 我不敢说什么是废物控制和质量流量苏不忠挂的想法,我们还没有真正的政治家,但瓦特旧垃圾
                                                                First the mass rubbish which discharges infidelity conception try regulating depending, story is w The [wa] the [ho] it is with as for the political house be no other choice but to the kudzu of the aged person,

                                                                • 我也看到色情漫画中处女什么将是积极性不会处女686 686 Sex will be affirmed but it probably is what but eromanga reading it is coming out as for the ephebe the ephebe…

                                                                  • 我只是禁止卖淫是437,我不认为我不犯下罪恶,即使他们会做425,卖淫本身并非行做了什么?嘿,这儿不知道哟 425 The fellows whatever SI accomplishing it is bad that because it is not thought don t you think 437 Management prostitution being prohibited with just the ru as for prostitution itself the tsu ke which is OK what Oh is dense and others the side it is from the wa
                                                                    • 那么,我们喜欢你以前的虐待儿童,儿童卖淫或看到,我感到很兴奋,生气或 Something you seeing child abuse prostitution of the child whether it is excited being angry It is both what

                                                                  • 我将它复制events m或者释放该名男子从性没有,我觉得实在是有必要峨教学方法和如何控制的愿望,以避免麻烦正确
                                                                    Above the human is sexual reproduction, cutting, as for separating therefore phenomenon what which it is not possible, manner of control of correct desire You think that and it means that very it is truly necessary to teach trouble evasion method,

                                                                    • 我应该怎么做Darotsu净卡通性教育。韩国的做法,只在日本邪教
                                                                      The [ro] if characteristic you should have educated with cartoon and is Handle purity. The Korean cult keeps coming out of Japan

                                                                      • 我想我Mekuratsu锅隐瞒真相可能是一个人的权利,让我毒气是疾病的结果性病
                                                                        Perhaps human rights group probably will be has concealed truth is The blind deaf was the result of the venereal disease, how being excessively unfortunate

                                                                        • 我想请一个强大的色情书的收据时,她买了东西歌手谷村新司瓦特○
                                                                          When Tanimura ○ Osamu something of the singers the [ero] book buying, although it is the fighter who claims territory acquisition, w

                                                                          • 我最有可能不是人是未成年人的监护和553正在对发现的保管费用无关
                                                                            553 When the partner is the minor, you are not guided, but it is,…… Generally being guided with separate charge, it is detection

                                                                            • 我炸的东西,许多拼写和句子长,但效果是什么记部分同意报告草案也应分配的论据是有点苦的准确性57 Long it is necessary because those which put together composition are many somewhat to divide accuracy and to pull but in report draft As for those where the effect which approves even partly is recorded 57 cases

                                                                              • 我还提出了整体的形式按月和总理之间需要一段动画游戏现在废弃的思维,他们一口的甜汁
                                                                                Making the form which now manages the animation game relationship of peak of growth In addition, the sweet juice the rubbish which thinks of ahead the 啜 [ru

                                                                                • 我问这个东西是不是像它可怕的不是连小学生峨法规给予的首要负面影响的儿童 The prime minister who gives adverse effect to the child regulation margin Something becoming the small school or enormous thing the ru it seems
                                                                                  • 是的,什么是教育,生活线,要我给学校纹651 651 Such it is it keeps having it is in the school becoming education margin

                                                                                • 数以百计的人以百万计的人在他们的权力,规范表达自由,是为了忘记,直接或间接死亡的人都没有好恩戴十亿
                                                                                  The person in power regulates the freedom of expression by the fact that the mankind no hundred million people and no 1,000,000,000 person Direct forgetting that indirectly it has died, it is useless,

                                                                                  • 新公明党反对一项法案,以规范表达池田批评?没有任何理由 Will Komeito probably be opposes to the bill which regulates the expression which criticizes Ikeda Daisaku There is no meaning which it does
                                                                                    • 对照组最后大喊:“我不希望从井田法规”,但并不意味着什么我说 Regulation group after all “we dislike therefore but as for thing of regulation margin” or more the reason where nothing is said

                                                                                  • 日本的通信缩影至上,暴力的东西追了一个卡通女孩后,这个驱动tTA仪内
                                                                                    With reduced drawing of the Japanese communication supreme principle, Radicalization something of girl cartoons only chased after this

                                                                                    • 查看详细掴不称职的恋童癖者的宝座,只是因为我到恋童癖者和政府官员努力学习ー诺塔我取得克拉姆是在自我凝视富Erademoshite

                                                                                      • 滚装船的问题在这里亲眼亲低出生率堕胎法规现在只是无视自己的法律,我禁止医生
                                                                                        Regulation groups see actuality of few child conversion problem Interruption is prohibited The doctor just ignores law selfishly the [ro

                                                                                        • 男女都从中学毕业的妇女洛里犯罪,他们,保护青年,性格和行为的刑事处罚
                                                                                          If [rori] crime, it is young people protection, to junior high school graduation also the man and woman as for character and conduct both criminal punishments

                                                                                          • 系统的批评色情漫画是这个神秘的女人,从超出了仔细听取了体面的女孩
                                                                                            Criticism of [ero] cartoon of the girl and lady type being audible from the good sense person, is dense this wonder

                                                                                            • 约,如果享有的喜剧效果,不能成为犯罪Okashiijan Butchigiri和日本在世界大国 Generally influence it receives to cartoon if is Japan being the world butsuchigiri Unless it becomes crime large country it is strange it is
                                                                                              • 这个禁令。色情的感觉,使你的邪恶,接受基督教的影响太大 This prohibition Feeling is designated as ero badness as for chi ya u the influence receiving too much of Christianity

                                                                                            • 自民党和公明党是赞成这项法案显示的ING,求早日通过
                                                                                              Our people and fair both parties showed the standpoint of approval in amendment plan, early requested formation

                                                                                              • 茂木大声Sudaro蜂蜂的巢,即使盲目对接?该Bakatare瓦特
                                                                                                When even the honeycomb pierces thoughtlessly, the [ro] where the bee produces to make a noise, is? Fool flap w

                                                                                                • 行凶者后来解释,也是教师或亲属大量或有可能看的为什么 The rear assailant reading completely the improbable blood relative or the teacher it explains also the fact that it is many
                                                                                                  • 行凶者后来解释,也是教师或亲属大量或有可能看的为什么 The rear assailant reading completely the improbable blood relative or the teacher it explains also the fact that it is many

                                                                                                • 规例旨在促进城市青年和不良动画片和漫画,其中描绘儿童的性暴力条例)比修订,都具有证人事务委员会会议上,作为刚刚开幕的1800万的房子满怀 NULL
                                                                                                  • 所谓城市条例的修订法案,以规范的动画片和漫画,其中描绘为您的孩子坏 性,6天的东京都政府事务委员会继续审议,这种批评的成员来自 The vicious cartoon which draws the child in the sexual object and It regulates animation on the sixth such criticism came out of the member at the Metropolitan Assembly general affairs commission which is in the midst of continuation deliberating centering on the capital regulations amendment plan that
                                                                                                  • 条例的修订关于青年和城市法规你的目标是在漫画,动画绘制儿童色情激进,大都会事务委员会会议上作为证人粉碎18只开放让学校思想是百争 The capital young people who aim toward the regulation of cartoon and the animation etc which draw the radical sex of the child Centering on the amendment plan of healthy rearing regulations witness summons of the Metropolitan Assembly general affairs commission which was opened on the 18th just They were hundred house fighting ringing

                                                                                                • 该修订的动画片和漫画,并预计在18个字符,游戏出现在诸如“不存在的青年,定义为” As for amendment plan the character which is presumed under 18 years old which appear in cartoon and animation and the game etc The “non existence young people” it stipulates

                                                                                                  • 该部(2007年度)已更新了最低66720025和过去的情况下编制的流产病例

                                                                                                    • 软的强奸,该公司销售成人影片和骚扰魔鬼
                                                                                                      Software on demand is the company which sells the ogre domesticated fowl and animals adult video of rape and the 痴 China etc

                                                                                                      • 还是我想谈谈它被更多的妇女在Wase ll握在搅拌机或几个合确定743不良举止

                                                                                                        • 这并不是说孩子抚养权的过程中,我发现我就卖,但一般不坏的方式瓦特举例说,卖淫本身,我应该成为一个滋扰涉嫌违反或卖淫,甚至那些买驱动tTA Generally the process tsu te which is detected selling the ru child being guided the reason putting out w which it does If you refer to prostitution itself however both is bad the one which is bought there is no prostitution te annoyance prevention regulations violation with Becoming arrest ru expectation
                                                                                                          • 538苏我再说一遍,反卖淫法也不会买你从未成年人犯罪伐丽流驱动tTA Q,因为它没有有效地遏止 538 However it repeats if the adult being the case that it is not the times when in fact you accuse of a crime to Because either the one which you buy is not arrested with the Anti Prostituion Law

                                                                                                        • 通常从168至157,并认为这个原因,加上绝对认为,嗯,至少不是所有的索赔理由是你所提到的,那就是要尊重 157 168 With because you refuted you think as reason normally but it is That well you do not express reason above insisting You respect the

                                                                                                          • 那么我现在我就带比AV200处理器,其年龄的孩子更多。纪要释放虚拟性,而我的历史,我越觉得很峨,以防止犯罪,我可以来很好茹 Well as for we now above this of AV200 having the ru the age child History is Don t you think on the other hand being able to obstruct amount and the crime which can emit sexual desire with virtual ones the one which you think the ru comes to we exactly
                                                                                                            • 693堂。乙瓦特我只想说,我Waretai还商定,关于前景的调查结果更见Nakerya我也贞节698 693 Child The quaint tsu te were said harboring or w 698 If only the findings from we regarding virtue view you do not see but to that agreement the red sandal wood

                                                                                                          • 都知事石原慎太郎作家笔会与3个月内吕副省长猪濑直树日本名字,因为这份声明是针对出 Is because Governor Sintarou Ishihara of the writer the Corporation Japanese pen club where deputy governor boar shoal Naoki connects name March opposition declaration is made

                                                                                                            • 驱动tTA未成年性行为行,你永远释放和对对手拉起来,把少年拘留和康复中心,致力于为所有无纺布 Sex the minor who does throwing in all boy institutes and the private regeneration facility etc detaches in the partner and permanence
                                                                                                              • 未来的危机局势也被假定为裁定只有拥有年轻的图像不存在 In the future it seems that with just the possession of the non existence minor picture is convicted You can suppose also the crisis scene

                                                                                                            • :::: ::: 布鲁诺ヽ⊂ ::: “ ° ¯复旦大学¯ ¯ ° ⊂ no ” ¯ ¯ 旦 ¯ ¯ ¯
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