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1 Jupiter stripes disappearance…Cause obscurity


  • 1克反物质反应的物质燃料,强能量高达90000000000000他们得到弹出
    With the physical antimatter reaction the energy of as many as 90,000,000,000,000 J can be removed from the fuel of 1g,

    • 1克油是由14,000 4 J燃烧产生的能量,使大约200万次
      Because the energy which occurs with combustion of petroleum 1g is 44,000 J, it is approximately 2,000,000 time

      • 210台风气旋(涡旋空气上升),但大红斑是一个高压(漩涡下沉气流),好让
        210 But as for typhoon low pressure (eddy of updraft) therefore as for high atmospheric pressure (eddy of descending air current) another ones

        • 287大黄金固体氢。 当地雇员编织成的陨石的碰撞,只是有一个巨大的严重性与否很可能形成融合应变系统,因为太阳的曙光,但它织成,拥抱的群众内在美的小行星
          287 In solid hydrogen enormous gold. The meteorite thrusting, fusing, the strain it has become the [ri] it may do it is not in shape When that much there is an enormous gravity, bearing the mass asteroid after and inside the dawn of the solar system, but so

          • 773菲雅皮狗的座位是太阳的1950倍,似乎
            773 1950 times that the sun it probably will put out VY of the seat which is not

            • I:我:我:I:我:I:我:)( ·ω· ) ─和J i i i i i i i Ω It does ─ J
              • ( )─和J It does ─ J

            • ·Ω· 条纹在我 ヽ 布鲁诺ヽ 〜° ¯ ¯ Ω 92 My stripe… REPT REPT No 92 ¯ ¯ ¯

              • ⌒ ! ° ! ¯ー゙ 和c 。 ヽ¯ ° çヽ ヽ苦!。¯ °!。 ! ⌒ It does ⌒ l Influence of warming to here… HKRPT he i no he ni two ni ─ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ 92 ¯ ゙ ha REPT ¯ ¯ REPT ha REPT ku ¯ ¯
                • ζ:::军事工业化 ζヽ :米WVr ヽ ṛ ヽ fヽ ヽ:升 Ζ mimi REPT Ζ mi WVr REPT r REPT f REPT REPT l REPT l lt gt l l y i no l 92 re no REPT l Entrance REPT LLL re No 仆 lt Why many books are necessary 92 l REPT T 92

              • ⌒( 人 )⌒ ,Y“型,车,!,! ṛ┬ 我ヽヾ车 我 ー ⌒ human ⌒ 92 i “ to r ┬ i to DREPT REPT i 92
                • ) )1 。 1 ゙ i f r It is dense it is defeated and the e it is the a it is to call is densely ⌒ ⌒ 92 i Two ni ⊃ 92 No il ゙ hu ⌒ human ⌒ 92 i “ to r ┬ i to DREPT REPT i 92

              • 不小心在寒冷的天气或火山爆发或高潜力的粮食危机和干旱寒冷的天气和大或严重860
                860 [majiresu] it does with the large cold-weather damage possibility high of food crisis in the large drought to do, Large eruption of volcano with cold-weather damage or main point note

                • 东○阿基:“氦氖(我对你真的很好连胜的木星(♪心”木星: 的,所以一个条纹消失伍德恩德
                  East ○ Aki: “Stripe [tsu] [te] something of Jupiter it is cute, don't you think? - (the heart ♪” Jupiter : “…” In this way, the stripe of the wood product one it disappeared, (the finishing

                  • 什么是直径在2公里以上10倍的核武器的破坏力大,地球上所有的陨石,陨石或花费太多精力,还是核兵器大不,我不知道哪个方向 With the meteorite of diameter 2km the destructive power tsu te of 10 times that or more of all nuclear weapon on the earth the nuclear weapon it is there is no great thing Or energy of the meteorite being too huge it probably is both what
                    • Kikon核挖掘人类有史以来所生产的武器878来说,这只是其中一小随机模式 878 So far don t you think all nuclear weapons which the mankind produces are hit and is with pattern between the little just is disordered densely

                  • 今天是第一个男人我去〜♪到木星约剑ーー! _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_“我不关心比较 ¯ ^ ^ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ^ ^ ^ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ^ ^ ^ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ^ ^ ^ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ^ ^ Ÿ ^ ^℉(^ ö ^)架F |∧/
                    The present mankind was attached to Jupiter for the first time, - the ♪ It was attached, [tsu] []! _ people people people people people people people human _ > Extremely how it is good < ¯ ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ ^ Y ^ ¯ [he] (^ o ^) [he] | ∧ /

                    • 从我国古代五行学说和收入只有314名是同样凯塔好也从5人严重S有明显的行星将成为这样的水城杆周二稀土元素
                      314 Just it fitted from five line theories As for long time ago the fire Mizuki gold earth has become element [tsu] [te] thing Because has been visible also the planet 5 was with naked eye, with the exactly good way

                      • 他们想要的空间埃泰教授艾希博源是什么去474,“如果没有木星克热,很多人都会有足以影响文明的发展是一个流星撞上地球,”我,突然理论不能相信这么
                        474 If the source and the like it is, we want teaching what If in the wide outer space, “there is no Jupiter, there probably is the quantity of extent which the meteorite which has been collided to the earth has an influence on the development of civilization”, how, Whether 俄 because it is the theory which is not believed

                        • 伊坎A和B型,而不是只打一个AB公司等什么类型的难波绮绮S我们知道,O型的反应,这个消息我现在在黎明的日本型
                          A type The [do] [ge] it is the plug and circumstance B type What you call, just a little AB type The [chi] it is and the [se] obtaining [chi] is the [se] obtaining O type The Japanese dawn [ze] Such a thing is found with the reaction to this news

                          • 但业余天文学家要做,我不想和地球陆地总像火星产生了重大的事件,我是要听取和木星是什么气体由所有? But the astronomical do amateur you heard that the Jupiter tsu te it does entirely with the gas but it is There was large incident which it requires the land tsu te like the earth and Mars completely there is no
                            • 但业余天文学,和所有我不想要一个像地球和火星的土地,必须听取和我所有木星是气体什么做的? But the astronomical do amateur you heard that the Jupiter tsu te it does entirely with the gas but it is There was large incident which it requires the land tsu te like the earth and Mars completely there is no
                            • 倒塌或一党政府签署的一个重要事件,毫无疑问,改变在木星的大气层 The large incident where the atmosphere fluctuates in Jupiter is not was difference Omen of Hatoyama administration collapse

                          • 例如972表示,相反,木星本身。造成融合有点“过轻”,因为,“木星成为一个明星?”被认为是思想峨的,但我必须也不会受到其他因素 972 Speaking conversely as for Jupiter our To cause fusion “it is too light just a little” because When “Jupiter becomes the fixed star ” With to think the influence by the element other than that You must think but reason
                            • TTP的: dokoaa com IRS5方式sun html,原恒星的气体云就像是一个尚未成为明星 ttp dokoaa com sun html By the way IRS5 the existence like the gas cloud with the primitive star which still does not become the fixed star

                          • 关键词:木星公司提取莱斯:0标签:莱斯帝国提取木星:马伊你是一个让人失望0 Keyword Jupiter public corporation Extraction less number 0 Keyword Jupiter empire Extraction less number 0 Will not and others be disheartened is
                            • 也许它是为木星不,我不会只兴建文明陨石撞击频繁 Perhaps when there is no Jupiter civilization how you probably cannot build in the frequent meteorite collision

                          • 到底880武器,核等,不构成数十次的锅厄运文明? (在人口密集地区的致命武器数量× ÷核价值将人口总数的感觉求元),21分,我彗星苏梅克 列维9号木星相撞在一块直径在影响到2公里将是太多了,比恐龙的流星闪烁分裂我要小得多?即使所有的21 6 Teraton总碰撞能量,大约每300亿吨 880 The nuclear weapon tsu te on the earth the quantity where many ten times can ruin civilization the tsu ke which is not But it probably is the value which was calculated with several ÷ entire population tsu te feeling of the killing and wounding ability × nuclear weapon with densely populated section The shoemaker Lewy 9th comet tsu te which it separates to 21 collides to Jupiter As for size of one fragment being maximum with the expectation which is diameter 2km as for the meteorite which ruins the dinosaur compared to It is small directly is don t you think Assuming that sum total of 21 all collision energies is 6 tera tons per one about 300 gigatons
                            • 到底880武器,核等,不构成数十次的锅厄运文明? (在人口密集地区的致命武器数量× ÷核价值将人口总数的感觉求元),21分,我彗星苏梅克 列维9号木星相撞在一块直径在影响到2公里将是太多了,比恐龙的流星闪烁分裂我要小得多?即使所有的21 6 Teraton总碰撞能量,大约每300亿吨 880 The nuclear weapon tsu te on the earth the quantity where many ten times can ruin civilization the tsu ke which is not But it probably is the value which was calculated with several ÷ entire population tsu te feeling of the killing and wounding ability × nuclear weapon with densely populated section The shoemaker Lewy 9th comet tsu te which it separates to 21 collides to Jupiter As for size of one fragment being maximum with the expectation which is diameter 2km as for the meteorite which ruins the dinosaur compared to It is small directly is don t you think Assuming that sum total of 21 all collision energies is 6 tera tons per one about 300 gigatons

                          • 占星术和木星就这样,每天都在发生和Ki文畿内事情是不大管生育和好运。风暴过后云和卡鲁花时间吗?
                            When it is astrology, Jupiter assumes that Yutaka 穣 and good fortune is administered, And as for usually not occurring happening large. It makes alarm After, you understand?

                            • 原子核发生碰撞,往往用较少的质子融合,这是在数量和原子核的质子数或小,轻的总质量 The atomic nucleus where the numbers of protons are few colliding it fuses when becoming the atomic nucleus where the number of protons is many Mass total barely becomes light
                              • 然而,太阳的总质量的百分比附表占领了太阳系,将99 8% The ratio which simply the inside sun of all mass of solar system occupies becomes also 99 8

                            • 因此,在火星上的冰上限是2000年的50%,只有它被解散损失极冰(这是真正的家伙甚至不屑与志位驳斥只是要看到覆盖南北极地区在所有驱动tTA恩戴沙,相反 With that with Mars the ice of the both poles dissolving the 50 of the ice cap disappears by 2000 The sand was overturned the polar region when it is with so it just is visible the 輩 which is painful and refutes it is but fact completely opposite
                              • 木星现在被看作是一个每个行星显着变化,并成为极地观测到极光是增加两倍的磁场 Until as for Jupiter and the like the magnetic field increases in 2 times and the aurora is observed with the both poles e g it becomes It reached the point where you can see remarkable change with each planet

                            • 在___岛村\岛村这顶帽子/ Nininininininininininininininininininini螺
                              With _ _ _ stripe unevenness \ This hat stripe unevenness /[nininininininininininininininininininini] l o '⌒) `REPT We want \ So you bought, it is /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: : | (i: i: i: i: i: * i: i) Thing \ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧/ | Fashion center . | : : | ( ' Ω) Three say . < It does, > | i / [ni]/[ni] -/- / REPT i | : : | ( ∽) < Estimate [ma] >. | '_ _/ . '゙ REPT Α _ _, '' | : : | ) No < [mu] > └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ | ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ < Impression And others > ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ (~) ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ < > Γ ' ⌒ `REPT \ ○/ < ! ! ! ! > {i: i: i: i: i: i: i: i: } - - - - - - - - - - /∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ \ ( ' Ω ` ) < Sweater 10 /Jupiter stripe unevenness \ (: : : : : : : : : : : : : )

                              • 在同一时间和失去木星条纹,有没有感觉如动画从面包的世界作出条纹条纹
                                When there is no Jupiter stripe, simultaneously, foreboding which can do the animation there not to be a stripe from the stripe pan of the world

                                • 在太阳系早期的是550,对一个地核从成千上万的供应和天然气的小天体在太阳系担水的作用,地球佐贺相反,体型小的碰撞痕迹我已经因为过大的规模
                                  550 Dawn of solar system, on the other hand the countless small celestial body inside the system of solar system Throwing to the nucleus which becomes the cause of the earth, it bore the role which supplies the water and the gas etc it seems There is also a trace which is collided with the small celestial body of terrestrial size because so is, the scale is too large

                                  • 在温度高的巨型心在固碳344,这是令人难以置信的钻石瓦特
                                    344 In the center the enormous carbon which is converted solidly by hot high pressure, in other words w which is the absurd diamond

                                    • 地面木星,一有什么表面影响?你不是岩石没有气体行星只是不自然

                                      • 大众系统依赖于太阳,“太阳围绕着周围的行星”,而不是“木星限制太阳和越南”周围的行星木星的引力中心的点埃泰Tsuriau到“结构并可能 Mass depending gradually as for solar system is not that “the planet turns around that the sun as a center” “Exceeding the limit of the sun and Jupiter ” whether the position where Jupiter gravitation balances focusing on it becomes the structure which the planet turns” You cannot know and
                                        • 大众系统依赖于太阳,“太阳围绕着周围的行星”,而不是“把地球围绕太阳和木星的引力Tsuriau点”的结构可能成为 Mass depending gradually as for solar system is not that “the planet turns around that the sun as a center” “Exceeding the limit of the sun and Jupiter ” whether the position where Jupiter gravitation balances focusing on it becomes the structure which the planet turns” You cannot know and

                                      • 太阳水星,阿波罗汞,金星赫尔梅斯金星,阿芙罗狄蒂金,罗马式建筑,火星阿瑞斯启发,土地神美的行星盖亚,树神的战斗中形象的血液木星周二到木星的宙斯之神土星,土星,土星,天王星,克洛诺斯- Yuranasu指使下,海神,海王星,冥王星柏拉图-地狱之神的死神海
                                        Solar = [aporon] Mercury = Mercury = hell female Venus = Venus = Aphrodite = gold = it is beautiful, God of = beauty Terrestrial = Gaea Mars = [mazu] = [aresu]; Image = fire of God = blood of fight God like Jupiter = Jupiter = Zeus = wood Saturn = Saturn = [satourunusu] = [kuronosu] Uranus = [yuranasu] = [uranosu] God of Neptune = Poseidon = sea God of Pluto = Plato = Haides = death

                                        • 奇诺你把望远镜,木星的脸上,你可以看到它与通常的驱动tTA的差异吧!最高法院雷!什么是最高雷! If the method which has the astronomical telescope now Jupiter of the face which usually is different sees and the re increases Supreme thunder Supreme thunder tsu te what

                                          • 好吧,你有火山Matsu m收集活动将烟雾进行裸奔
                                            Producing the smoke which was understood, becomes the stripe eruption activity of the [ru] volcano was settled, it is the [ro] which is

                                            • 好吧,如果太阳系的行星在我们的交流,我们可以改变频率的怪异太阳上所有的sun m

                                              • 如果沙子是红色氧化铁强风Kattara不久以前,整个电梯均匀染色我火星)和冥王星只增长3倍大气压的冰面融化 So when the wind is strong the sand whose iron oxide is red long ago is to dye the whole Mars to homogeneity With Pluto the ice of the surface dissolving atmospheric pressure to 3 times increase
                                                • 难道天空是黑暗海域周二和周四和周五逢星期三 Water gold area fire wooden earth heaven sea 冥 The tsu ke which is

                                              • 它这样做,直到今天的晚餐菜肴,但不知何故塞曼无知的,什么是行星木星我成为太阳你吗?会发生什么到达正如消防在木星的呢? ? Not putting the present supper… this being… ma as for that rabbit angle Being ignorant but it is suman it becomes the Jupiter tsu te sun and the tsu ke which is there hatchet planet When the fire the fire ignites to Jupiter in some rhythm how it probably will become
                                                • 木星但往往是神秘的物体,这种现象是特别大不了的,因为我很僵硬文现象常常是20年周期循环,而不是一秒钟我遇到了20年不木星 But as for Jupiter the celestial body whose puzzle is many therefore as for this phenomenon happening frequently at period of 20 ru phenomenon There are no times when especially how you say It is the cycle which is not full even in 20 year as many as 1 seconds for Jupiter

                                              • 对于木星质量是792,但完全是太阳系行星木星合马拉在2 5倍以上 792 As for mass to Jupiter there are about 2 5 times that those which adjust planetary everything other than Jupiter of solar system
                                                • 木星的质量是792,但完全是太阳系行星木星合马拉在2 5倍以上 792 As for Jupiter mass there are about 2 5 times that those which adjust planetary everything other than Jupiter of solar system
                                                • 距木星约6亿公里,地球与太阳约700因此所需时间将少于两年 Because distance to Jupiter is approximately 600 000 000 km from the earth when this it is approximately 700th 2 years or less it means to be required

                                              • 志摩的I&#160 ( As for my stripe 160 Ω Once is somewhere 160 160 160 160 It does ─ J the 160
                                                • (〜)Γ ·ω·)可能会开始 Γ ⌒ REPT i i i i i i i i Ω imechien

                                              • 快乐的事情没有想到这样,无论如何,“一旦我离开最低限度的必要的星星在简单木星?”混同于认为,“少年超过满月的太阳或强光郁花遥”将目前正在为木星 Temporarily when you do not think of that such as that and “Jupiter as it is now in the necessary smallest limit becomes simply the fixed star ” With If you think “is much brighter than the full moon but in about the sun the bright” star as current Jupiter the same The way it means to appear

                                                • 我Chattara启动有点埃泰木星的融合体,地球会怎样呢?
                                                  Jupiter mass has, the [tsu] increasing, the fusion beginning [chi] [ya] [tsu] cod, The earth how becomes?

                                                  • 我━ (吨)━━升 NULL
                                                    • ,我 我 ::哦 哦ヽヾ゙゙五十铃,,, ー ーー,而不是成为一个太阳 ,,诺诺ヾ゙彡岛我 ゙::我,:::五十铃ヽ 我゙我 我:::,゙!我 我 ゙我,我 ,Τ゙ ∪::: 我゙,我 ゙,, ,,日: ヽ 我 , :::゙我 ゙我 ,我 ::::我::: 。我 我ヾ !j,ヽ ゙ṛ: , ー゙木星 ヾ 二 ○○○是啊 ,布鲁诺 i i REPT HKRPT DREPT ゙ ゙ HKDRT HKRPT It is to become in the sun to be 92 彡 ゙ DREPT nono i i ゙ i REPT HKDRT i ゙ i i ゙ i i 92 ゙ i i Τ ゙ 92 ∪ ゙ i i 92 92 ゙ Sun REPT i 92 ゙ i ゙ i i 92 92 i i i DREPT 92 j REPT 92 ゙ r 92 Jupiter ゙ DREPT 92 i i o O ○ 〇 HKRPT no Mercury Venus Σ Earth Mars Σ Saturn i ゙ ゙ ゙ j

                                                  • 我不知道有光泽的表面,甚至知道我看着这么Gozarou以金属形式,如氢原子可以自由地分享网上922
                                                    922 The form like the metal where the hydrogen atom shares the free electron is taken Because what kind of it is the eye which was seen, it probably will be? The surface which [tekateka] is done after all is kana

                                                    • 我什么我知道我知道! !一幢许多奥秘,甚至木星,宇宙真的是充满神秘 Unclear tsu te it is unclear tsu te what Puzzle is many with even Jupiter how outer space is the true puzzle being lazy …

                                                      • 我们已经把冥王星的矮行星厄里斯500,凯利斯,Makemake,和豪梅亚也得到包括混合型的我 500 As for Pluto in quasi planet tsu chi ya tsu shelf Mixing also erisu keris makemake and haumea

                                                        • 我们的代表在众议院通过的法案,以打击全球变暖耗尽志位第一背后的科学证据的一大垃圾,使眼睛金正日亚瓦弱的太阳活动不是最好的。文章
                                                          1 The warming measure bill which is lacking in original scientific basis Because it passed at the House of Representatives, Because most [yavua] is and can elude the eye from hovering of solar activity Shade of mass rubbish. Article

                                                          • 我将很可能包括Mandara ll Futtobi陨石撞击木星922
                                                            922 When the meteorite thrusts, the [ze] Jupiter may fly the [hu] [tsu],

                                                            • 我有一个从金星火山木星氦氖该死的朱达罗气体行星,只有核心 Don t you think the volcano how in Jupiter the empty As for certain the ro which is Venus There is only a core with the gas planet it is
                                                              • 木星的秋千在他们的阵列Gideshikanakattato微不足道的551 不要害怕,尽管俄罗斯 551 For Jupiter minute 々 barrel fluctuation even with are only it was that … ro … habit it is fearfully

                                                            • 我看到的是,尽管冥王星彩色冬天,我本来是穷人...
                                                              The extent which becomes As for Pluto yes 哀 thought it has become it is unnoticed especially shelf…

                                                              • 据国家天文台的条纹,这是现在被认为是构成差异井悬在木星云层,埃塔刚刚消失的原因是不清楚南条纹 According to the national observatory stripes are thought that it appears in the difference of the component of the cloud which covers the Jupiter sky but As for the cause just stripes south going out you say that it is unclear
                                                                • 不要误会,所有的木星天然气?中心氢气在高压下压缩,我已经变成一个金属氢化物 You haven t misunderstood that Jupiter entirely is the gas The hydrogen of the center is compressed by high pressure becomes metal hydrogen and the ru is
                                                                • 大红斑动画(咳嗽什么焊接,大红斑),是一大反气旋涡旋存在木星 The animation great red spot is to be as for the weir it is Great red The SPOT with it is the anticyclonic enormous eddy which exists in Jupiter
                                                                • 当木星了,我也加速了太阳“当一天晚上的太棒了,”是什么苦多深,所谓成为世界 When Jupiter has come out the sun sinking “at the time of the evening of the day when it clears up” it does not become dark above the tsu te you say The kana which becomes the world
                                                                • 据估计,木星现在接近野蛮和千装35公里的拉四肢短 When now it gets near to Jupiter with your own estimate the hand and foot are torn off forward 35km

                                                              • 教我当时发生的事情对世界经济和气候!至少有1990年左右,人类历史上最大的泡沫在日本发生的,一旦发生经济危机二零一零年在100个左右,而资本主义崩溃,欧盟崩溃,危机在欧盟,希腊国际货币基金组织已纳入规管他!
                                                                You teach whether the world economy of that time and climate how becomes! At least as for approximately 90 years, in Japan largest bubble collapse in mankind history occurring, Even approximately 2010 economic crisis of one time to occur in 100 years, failure of capitalism and, With the EU collapse with the Greek crisis, EU was placed under the managing IMF!

                                                                • 敦子站在可以到木星?它是地面?它是什么?加滕广泛场景,天空 我猜是什么颜色?土星的极是你我是一个巨大的风暴吹犹豫粗皮和饮料,包括地上轻轻我总是永远 It gets off in Jupiter and stands taking densely it is possible There is a land tsu te As for there some spectacle is spreading the ro which is as for the sky the ro which is what kind of color what As for Saturn pole directly eternally the earth how is swallowed lightly the enormous storm of the extent which Raging the ru it is don t you think
                                                                  • 721 我喜欢的明星,他们是在地面行走的自由 721 gt It is there is no land which you can walk We like star shelf
                                                                  • 如果木星表面(海)是存在的,如果音频附表火箭有命中,我不知道什么是飞机发动机的类型土星 The sea there being an earth s surface in Jupiter that the rocket it launches from there when we assume The engine no machine of Saturn � type it probably becomes necessary

                                                                • 斑块强烈,木星和土星如果这(真空巨大?)除非,小团体的碰撞对地球变得更一千倍多远,地球上的生命的,是一次在100 000年的“大灭绝“第一场比赛将是忧文 The firm shield this Jupiter and Saturn the super enormous cleaning machine If it is not as for collision probability of the small celestial body to the earth It reaches also current as many as 1000 times as for terrestrial life in 100 000 as for one time it means to be agreeable to the distress of “large extermination”
                                                                  • 地球是地球侥幸从可以看出,他们是坚强的,“盾牌”这是一个翻译 The star earth of good fortune If you see from the earth those firm are the meaning which becomes “the shield”

                                                                • 斑点斑点或条纹... ... ...司马司马司马‥‥·不平衡不平衡
                                                                  In sima unevenness?… Sima… unevenness… sima. unevenness. sima unevenness

                                                                  • 最明显的词汇拼写是不是高尚,767 w或有其他人一样,和兰花峨肿胀消失了766倍。 。 。决不
                                                                    767 It is natural You can put together such a tone high so token, or w 766 Expanding The wrinkle goes out when . Never

                                                                    • 最近,这往往是受月球的天体金星,月球,木星,火星水手打破了电视,当我(; Д`)Haahaa
                                                                      Recently, topic of the celestial body is many Venus, moon, Jupiter and [mazu] Sailor moon reforming when is broadcast, it is ( ; ' д `) [haahaa

                                                                      • 木星“,是当所有的非条纹裤,地球将结束在你的手 ”地球“啊 不是有利于逃避应调整只是太阳系外的古人类早期 ” When “this stripe 々 of Jupiter is gone entirely earth… you it becomes last” Terrestrial “ ku tsu … the plan which with also just the human lets escape quickly outside solar system is not arranged as for the te …”

                                                                        • 木星和地球的877茹和数字出彼此之间最大的不同,你的位置很多,约有1000万英里远的 877 As for Jupiter and the earth difference appears in numerical value extremely depending upon mutual position but most when it is left approximately 1 000 000 000 kilometer
                                                                          • 338 Seramun代朱达罗?我不知道谁是不符合有关精神疲劳的身体,所以我们不知道如果只 338 The ro which is the seramun generation It is from the wa to do to the person who is not interest if it goes on the extent which goes It is from the excessive wa
                                                                          • 兔子说:“我有马氏马氏s木星消失!马可,陈!你是什么意思?”Seramun ll知道我现在在20多岁的早期 The wa where the rabbit “Jupiter stripe stripe is out The ma it is dense What ” Knowing even with 20 generation first half the ru seramun

                                                                        • 木星巨大的尘埃气体如对使用核武器后,很多想一火山灰尘时,彗星碰撞可能发生的问题点,你提到的理论,似乎有一个巨大的有趣的故事,没有人愿意湿重
                                                                          There is a [tsu] [te] theory which is the super enormous volcano in Jupiter, it seems That seems cause of spot So, if you say, when the comet crashes, the mass dust had risen, but The notion that where like after the nuclear weapon using the dust rises from the gas planet, In strange story certain ww

                                                                          • 木星彩加Hirahara只与到日本的东西歌词歌曲1罐
                                                                            Plain Ayaka lyric something of Japanese attaching to Jupiter, you sing because…

                                                                            • 木星是一个好人谁我真的很喜欢什么志摩减少重力收集的全部或硬地球的陨石,这是一个足够大的引力桶
                                                                              Because Jupiter gravity is huge When it hits against the earth, the very meteorite The nice guy who is collected fully by the gravity The stripe decreasing, it is cute

                                                                              • 木星那么我已经准备好接受他们的损失是把你提升了播种,我知道你可以看到整个频率的变化太阳系太阳交换很快从事件 Jupiter will not and others it prepares the acceptance of the asenshiyon falling off person it is Because well frequency of the sun changes already immediately the ro where you can see accident solar system in the whole and is
                                                                                • 他们听到异常原因不明和木星,年轻的阿瑟C觉得时间差不多新颖的东西不出来或关闭克拉克科幻?瓦特 The accident of cause obscurity… with hearing in Jupiter you feel age in asa C Clarke news item almost not coming out It is the SF novel leaving of the young person w

                                                                              • 汉森氏病,什么样的木星理由,他们是唯一的非核心金属氢
                                                                                The [so], the Jupiter land [tsu] [te], there is only a metal hydrogen of the core,…

                                                                                • 由于干扰是一种智能生命出现在世界冰欧罗巴是木星965 °的太阳挂在那里,我看到它从轨道并开始插手
                                                                                  965 Jupiter converting, to sun in [europa] which is the world of the ice Because the intellectual life body in each case appears Or interference, the [chi] [yo] [tsu] it puts out View from on the track conjecturing, MARU patience margin [tsu] lever Toda

                                                                                  • 突然,ー得到岛和条纹是为什么“志摩”我开始考虑通过检查是否有翻译,埃塔“的条纹织物,因为我打电话后进入转移到南部岛屿 。模式』”理论出来 But suddenly the stripe and the island tsu that the meaning which you thought whether with something “the stripe” is When it tries inspecting “striped pattern of the textile goods which are transmitted from the island south Because” it called pattern theory emerged
                                                                                    • 不,他们是优秀的解决方案。佤萨氏怒江゙行为或肮脏的东西很好,本波消失,裕民60000 As for detailed thing you do not understand but With disappearance what the electromagnetic wave which probably will be scratched Operating good condition is dirty sa ゙ wa the person nu 60000 yumin
                                                                                    • 突然,ー得到岛和条纹是为什么“志摩”我开始考虑通过检查是否有翻译,埃塔“的条纹织物,因为我打电话后进入转移到南部岛屿 。模式』”理论出来 But suddenly the stripe and the island tsu that the meaning which you thought whether with something “the stripe” is When it tries inspecting “striped pattern of the textile goods which are transmitted from the island south Because” it called pattern theory emerged

                                                                                  • 突然,被通缉聚变反应是在木星和土星开始,和他们可以成为自由和日地球和恒星干?
                                                                                    Suddenly, the fusion reaction starts in Saturn and Jupiter inside, to fixed star converts and there is no possibility [tsu] [te] where the earth becomes the sun-dried goods?

                                                                                    • 而且全球变暖出发,而不是在世界上主要的原因是不 The earth and warming is advanced but the Siyuhara cause is not the case that it is the earth

                                                                                      • 而岸上的吉他演奏在对邪教教主脂肪他们会派酸臭味609“水木星大的朋友,”我唱
                                                                                        609 Sour smell does [debu] of the cult religion founder whom While the guitar repelling in the seashore, “the bi- bi- Jupiter big friend” [tsu] [te] you sing

                                                                                        • 联邦Aoraa他去看看木星和土星〜Yaritee脱光衣服,然后把气吹强风我Fukikake And others the a and others a disperse in Jupiter and Saturn the o tsu te Beginning to wipe the intense wind you blow the gas throwing making the nudity the te e
                                                                                          • 土卫六,土星的大气压力为15旅行者1号从1980年的古百分之太厚意见 As for Saturn satellite Titan the observation data of Voyager 1 1980 compared to atmospheric pressure the 15 became thick

                                                                                        • 苏订婚戒指,这证明它Hiwatari!这信心是没有条纹absolute m通过木星 The news item shelf of the engagement ring which today transfers This it is stripe what of Jupiter … There is a self confidence which does not lead no matter what…
                                                                                          • 画师木星条纹消失时,他们认为是什么Senee或蓝 The Jupiter stripe does to go out the time blue comes somehow Remember well
                                                                                          • 苏订婚戒指,这证明它Hiwatari!这信心不是通过条纹木absolute m The news item shelf of the engagement ring which today transfers This it is stripe what of Jupiter … There is a self confidence which does not lead no matter what…

                                                                                        • 见像一个阴阳关系的道路吗?可以用肉眼看到的行星(不包括太阳和月亮),我支持刚才天 There is a relationship in the divination when don t you think The planet which can be verified with naked eye the sun and month just you exclude it is corresponding in day of the week and
                                                                                          • 他从另一个星球他妈的407(゚゚)白根 407 Don t you think the fellow already the planet from the e ゚ � ゚ shirane

                                                                                        • 该中心的地位,深入陨石在太阳系,去到太阳系防卫墙的,可以说从更大的岩石木星重力和多,因为我爱你大陨石频繁绝缘体它从高压低temperature m固体木星的核心主要是因为气温下降到U认为,它的一些类似地球火山活动伐丽流,我认为是一个相当复杂的形状和金属射流束焊低氢柏迪
                                                                                          The center is solid Temperature is low because and pressure is high Because the enormous meteorite is falling to that frequently, all the way there are also stones and rocks Because gravity is large, Jupiter in a manner of speaking becoming the defense wall of solar system, the [ru] The majority of the meteorites which invaded solar system falls to Jupiter Therefore the core is thought that considerably complicated shape is done, You think that there are also some like the volcanic activity which is similar to the earth to that Temperature is low, but the metal hydrogen which dissolved gushes,

                                                                                          • 该彗星的影响苏梅克-内利维仓促,现在,还是目前表面上的?
                                                                                            Influence inside with thrust of shoemaker [rebi] comet, Now, it appeared on the surface that?

                                                                                            • 该理论认为,水本身是木星智慧生命。水效果的金属型硅非凡的动物,例如硅。在环境木星型生物可以存在于金属 There is a theory that Jupiter itself is the intellectual life body Water There is the action like silicon in the metal The water which is not the silicon type living thing Metal type living thing with Jupiter environment existence possibility
                                                                                              • 该理论认为,水本身是木星智慧生命。水效果的金属型硅非凡的动物,例如硅。在环境木星型生物可以存在于金属 There is a theory that Jupiter itself is the intellectual life body Water There is the action like silicon in the metal The water which is not the silicon type living thing Metal type living thing with Jupiter environment existence possibility

                                                                                            • 这是木星,名称给一个人的手或木星峨消失,因为我出生时,一个每天都发生在木星条纹,“操ヽ(`Д )能”
                                                                                              The name which Jupiter or the human attaches selfishly to put out, when it makes Jupiter, after being born, the stripe goes out one, how Daily occurrence Jupiter “relieved the [ke] REPT (`д ') the no”

                                                                                              • 这正如不明原因不明的云木星的条纹和条纹,因为地球在云 Cause unclear te Even the stripe of the cloud of the earth about the same as the stripe of the Jupiter cloud is cause unclear
                                                                                                • 什么是木星的条纹,你很可能空气吗?我必须说你是空气的自由流通辜? The ro which is air current what of stripe tsu te Jupiter There is no flow of air current the tsu passing thing

                                                                                              • 造成恐龙灭绝成为881在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛中线,陨石的直径估计是长10至20公里 NULL

                                                                                                • 那我觉得他需要的蛋糕突然出现减少三浦友和细长形状像梨失重性木星恩戴有609 ...
                                                                                                  609 Tomokazu Miura weightless sex Jupiter shrinking, when you think that the ocean it is not it lost weight in like shape -, [pon] [tsu] [te]…

                                                                                                  • 附表火焰或开始一个保安局关键゙゙ー裕子等融合开始在该中心,或他会烤作家ー附表圭固体两手推动创新? When the gi yu the tsu you push with the both hands and set or roast with the lighter writer Fusion starting in the center ki ゙ yuko ゙ the tsu te the kana which starts burning

                                                                                                    • 附表通过望远镜凝视和木星表面的,而不是平行的北颜色暗条纹和南部的两个更接近赤道,红点代表一个巨大的眼睛 When the Jupiter surface is watched with the telescope the equator vicinity north and south stripes of the color whose 2 it runs parallel are dense and Enormous red spot is conspicuous
                                                                                                      • 观测和地面上的望远镜,在1665年发现的乔万尼卡西尼 It was observable with the terrestrial telescope it was discovered to 1665 by jiyovuanni Cassini

                                                                                                    • (仍是对人类造成的温室由于全球变暖,大气中温室气体正在全力(笑),因为,并认为这样的家伙,一个家伙,他相信它甚至更多。)那么,整个太阳系正在变暖,为什么?我们倾向于认为有一个真正的宇宙是一个真空,太阳电磁辐射其实是日光层海中(全部来自太阳)是一种罕见和饮料,包括 The human it put out it depends on the greenhouse effect gas still the cause of terrestrial warming entirely Vinyl plastic hot house conversion of the atmosphere laughing it is consequence that you insist but 輩 and the 輩 which believes that it is many So why solar system the whole being warmed To tell the truth but outer space to be thought that it is the vacuum tend as for actual place solar system the whole that In the sea helicopter male fear of the electromagnetic wave which the sun gives out it is swallowed
                                                                                                      • 木星的行星,因为它是(好,甚至土星),所以我有点模糊,因为在轨道上,地球系统对太阳影响木星整体质量变得更加 Even now the planet of solar system with influence of Jupiter with well Saturn delicately the track the blurring te ru Because when Jupiter mass is above now in the whole planet of solar system influence appears

                                                                                                    • (比较而言只谈论)50百万吨级氢弹爆炸之间更大的人类有史以来最实际,最重要的这是我从来没有数字,当我们要爆炸了都市川口几乎可以完全摧毁了圆的半径(范围爆炸古坏运气有能力摧毁丹泽及可爱的偶像) To the last story of comparison While the mankind explodes so far really the largest hydrogen bomb 50 megatons even this description above The beam says at all when you feel and but explode at the sky of the Metropolitan Government Office inside circle of radius to Kawaguchi almost completely It can destroy has destructive power blast which luck badly as for range it reaches to Tanzawa
                                                                                                      • (比较而言只谈论)50百万吨级氢弹爆炸之间更大的人类有史以来最实际,最重要的这是我从来没有数字,川口一旦爆炸交给市政府几乎可以完全摧毁半径圆的(古通知将有一系列爆炸破坏的丹泽及可爱的偶像) To the last story of comparison While the mankind explodes so far really the largest hydrogen bomb 50 megatons even this description above The beam says at all when you feel and but explode at the sky of the Metropolitan Government Office inside circle of radius to Kawaguchi almost completely It can destroy has destructive power blast which luck badly as for range it reaches to Tanzawa

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