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The “vitamin medicine” and lie being attached in the nursing teacher of 36 year old doctors and the immoral partner who becomes pregnant uterus contraction medicine it prescribes and miscarries -> arrest…Tokyo


  • 09嫌疑人被捕,1月工资我东京慈惠大学医院,一名护士和30出头的妇女,她们在当时的医院有一个浪漫的关系,什么维生素和假,导致合同子宫片和一些行事,你就会被击中滴灌中止如果怀疑
    As for arrest suspicion January of 09 which has been served in the Jikei university attachment hospital, the same hospital which at that time has associated Vis-a-vis the woman nursing teacher of 30 generation first half, the vitamin medicine lying, taking the tablet which has the action which makes the uterus contract Being able to point, striking the drop, the doubt which miscarries the fetus

    • 147 ,医生不能轻易用,嗯,但同样难以得到医生和护士都 147 If gt it is not the doctor it cannot procure easily Well but internal medicine doctor and nursing teacher which the same procurement difficulty
      • 伊莫无疑Munante饮用未经护士通过检查药物,因为我是通过 Although even it is the nursing teacher the medicine which is transferred either investigation does not do and does not do and drinks either doubt as many as…

    • 199名:Shisan名无@ 10周年之际发布[]:2010 / 05 / 18(星期二)10:31:39编号:7PobdCEo0 [3 / 8]古婚姻欺诈也写信给她的荣誉,以及,可能一些钱,租
      199 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/18 (fire) 10: 31: 39 ID: 7PobdCEo0 [3/8] You write even because of her reputation, but There is also a marriage fraud, you lent also the gold, it seems

      • 59至死亡医生的工作我有点忙的时间比我的感情很只以上,发挥瓦特乡间渡假别墅出租
        59 As for duty medicine beginning to die being busy, the [ru]… As for the medical practitioner spare time passing, being preoccupied with playing, however the [ru] w

        • 648是定位堕胎的法律,“可能有一个产妇保健”坏及异常妊娠和人工流产可以有一个只有 648 As for legal positioning of interruption “when you become pregnant continue of causing of the parent the abnormality healthily the possibility” Only in case of a certain it can interrupt
          • 648是定位堕胎的法律,“可能有一个产妇保健”坏及异常妊娠和人工流产可以有一个只有 648 As for legal positioning of interruption “when you become pregnant continue of causing of the parent the abnormality healthily the possibility” Only in case of a certain it can interrupt
          • 那么,日本女子的平均性别这七人在谈到经验,是一件有趣的事情,他甚至这么多人工流产 Well generally about 7 people it puts out the average SEX experience number of people of the Japanese woman About this the person who interrupts being it is not strange
          • 那么,日本女子的平均性别这七人在谈到经验,是一件有趣的事情,他甚至这么多人工流产 Well generally about 7 people it puts out the average SEX experience number of people of the Japanese woman About this the person who interrupts being it is not strange

        • 649 不是你喜欢他们的30岁左右的妇女在她们穿对方的中线(恋童癖患者的医生,不但 649 Some there is no with lever settling we liked the woman of 30 generations where story is agreeable The doctor just rorikon

          • 832所以,你知道执业证照剥离,它更瓦特凯塔
            832 Therefore, don't you think? the [ro] which is doctor license deprivation, it was good w

            • 874 2009年1月,很粘过去,我们发现怀孕哎呀我是一个女人 874 gt The woman entering into this year “the medicine drinking being able to surpass you could miscarry ” that doing to main place station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department submitting the damage report gt 2009 January pregnancy detection It keeps us being the time series with the woman no shelf which has stuck extremely
              • 104名妇女,谁是6个星期怀孕,流产当天收到了四梁 104 The woman at that time at pregnancy 6 week miscarried in the day which receives the drop
              • 701为可疑,而且堕胎教育Tteta健康孩子,我并没有改变 701 Assuming that it is doubtful vigorously you are brought up it does not change to the fact that the child miscarries die
              • 如果证据强烈怀疑是有因果关系,堕胎和保护所有滴,不是吗? NULL
              • 本庄派出所在这一年我进入了“妇女被迫堕胎药喝受骗”提出索赔,因为已经骑了调查司 The woman entering into this year “the medicine drinking being able to surpass you could miscarry ” that doing to main place station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department submitting the damage report The same section had embarked on investigation

            • 907事件!佐贺! Dendenden!
              907 Martial romance! Martial romance! [dendenden]!

              • Toriagero持牌医生或中止怀孕的药物,只有医生护士存款秀雄s
                With [hi] obtaining The doctor the hand attaching to the nursing teacher When you become pregnant, medicating, you miscarry when License of the doctor pick up

                • Tsuka,妇女,甚至说什么它是通过维生素,Paquet如此,是不是呢?不喜欢研究它低。那么,什么是一个傻瓜护士 我从歧视用语Rashii The handle the woman the vitamin medicine saying being transferred there is pake it is without being You inspect that it does not melt it is low Because nurse tsu te discriminatory terminology it seems it is swindled it is…
                  • 反之,不小心从用语Rashii护士有区别的,护士我是日本人感觉郜 Because from that to some extent nurse tsu te discriminatory terminology it seems nursing teacher tsu te Japanese remember

                • Tta д ))乐仨亩゙勒夫゙关闭 In any case putting into the house of this nursing teacher the returning house tsu you want it is when you want to paint the mud in the face of this doctor It is not just simply that w It is the revenge which you cannot make 100 your own ones д hu ゙ ruhu ゙ ru … samu
                  • 这护士无论如何,这还不是全部涂泥Ritakatta只是医生在面对这一瓦特100%我的事不能接受伊势田(( д ))゙拉夫乐撒穆゙关闭 In any case when this nursing teacher wants to paint the mud in the face of this doctor It is not just simply that w It is the revenge which you cannot make 100 your own ones д hu ゙ ruhu ゙ ru … samu

                • TTP的:/ / www.jalsg.jp / 05 / kobayashi.htm Gaishutsu?英俊而不是瓦特@日本NHK
                  ttp: //www.jalsg.jp/05/kobayashi.htm It is, the palpus? But w @ NHK which is [ikemen

                  • Ueru成为医疗吊销牌照,这一罪行?缓刑?
                    With this crime it becomes doctor license deprivation, the upper [ru]? Stay of execution punishment?

                    • “事实上有人钉你的身体是不是我的孩子,”我会帮wwwwwww辰 “There is no fact which someone in my child the body can be leaked” tsu te wwwwwww Tatunosuke
                      • “事实上有人钉你的身体是不是我的孩子,”我会帮wwwwwww辰 “There is no fact which someone in my child the body can be leaked” tsu te wwwwwww Tatunosuke

                    • ■原来的失败中田! ■ As for failure Nakata origin
                      • ■原来的失败中田! ■ As for failure Nakata origin

                    • ◆■今天,我们每个人都年轻英俊的单身汉医生■,◆Yarimantekku要求随志摩与安全的最高水平(股) To everyone of ikemen young celibacy doctor From this day being strongest we request security level Spear man TEX Inc
                      • ◆今天我们每个人都年轻英俊的单身汉的医生,用最强烈的Yarimantekku◆随志摩共享要求的安全级别() To everyone of ikemen young celibacy doctor From this day being strongest we request security level Spear man TEX Inc

                    • 〜一个微妙的丑闻,但井要解决问题,而不是个人的故事合和警察没有干预,我像一个情人的争吵 The delicate incident shelf the police is intervenes not to be the te However the matter tsu po which is solved in the discussion of the individual to be The 痴 story ge it is we would like to bite don t you think is
                      • 我觉得它的民事案捆绑在一个将要采取或给予妇女情绪困扰埃塔297 297 Mental pain was given to the woman You think that with gatsupori is taken it is the matter which with civil affair

                    • 一个DNA专家゙马塔 - ?(·∀·) 当地雇员/奇恩奇恩凵☆⌒
                      DNA judgment [mata] ゙ [a] -? (∀ ) [tsu]/凵 ⌒ * Chin chin

                      • 一旦你的爱,做爱,不适合Sedaro得到妥善警察骚扰或者说我发现这是一个完全相反的冤情提出苏我什么被捕损害怀孕男子 One time loving having sex arrests the man who is done to pregnancy and tsu te damage starts delivering how This complete opposite grudge rather than the ro which is the harassment Also the police scrambles honestly is
                        • 你想逮捕想着你可能没有这么快乐的204? 204 About such a possibility without thinking you think that it does to arrest

                      • 一百万,甚至完全证明了他的毒品来源和警察,以证明资料,未经同意,凯塔电流,甚至是不可能的,我让他把毒品甚至同意成为太不自然 NULL
                        • 适度的证据(该药物的具体来源)和得,在大逮捕,到目前为止,我将尽袭击 Unless evidence of that appearance specification of procurement route of the medicine it solves arrest and residence search how you probably will not do extensively to here

                      • 从补偿的,如果采取亿万医生疏忽造成轹文,无限责任保险的良好工作
                        When the doctor is killed, 轢 to come with mistake, because many hundred million are taken the indemnity, insurance limitlessness is good

                        • 他们不知道,在没有结婚,但在很破旧,将听取,所以我不知道这是否是积极的?你是真的关心药物药量的关键在锁和钥匙, The married state not to be not to know the te Although the intention of dividing you had heard because it made the wastepaper whether correctly so The key applying as for having kept strictly the ho it is with about the medicine of drug level
                          • 269 我觉得可能是津东有助于有人站在一直没有 269 gt It had kept directly In each case whether thinking that serves some purpose

                        • 他否认曾接受采访浸渍ー,否认了身体关系不
                          As for him interview So it denied that you become pregnant, but it does not deny the relationship of the flesh

                          • 他的理论的女狂言,并同意有很多关于如何保护理论
                            He, farce theory, and agreement of the woman defense method is a large quantity with the theory which is

                            • 但在同一组织医院,苏撒谎通过单志位认为硬 So during the same organization hospital It is attached celibacy and lie and you think that it is difficult to pass
                              • 应当指出,任何组织或运动,是相当危险的民意和利益 In being the well enough dangerous organization where it is moved to public opinion and right You must note

                            • 你只能要求保证人对损害赔偿,帮助业主小林辰202
                              202 The expert it is the sufficient compensation for damage claims vis-a-vis Tatunosuke Kobayashi and that joint and several guarantee person

                              • 你是不是一个女孩在明治时代初期绿色〜30名护士,说今天 甚至稍微看看你的悲伤,时间抓是社会的苏! Will not there be a raw daughter of Meiji era and Nurse… of 30 first half of today not saying With your own grudge you scratch society and turn is
                                • 冤情见过热米达〜剥夺了她的丈夫从妻子的过程中边个,我看到了很多妇女的 你知道你失去驱动tTA Metakunai只承认负面〜 The hatred and pain shelf which cannot take the master from the wife Also the woman who of course is taken saw the multitude… We would not like to recognize being defeated it is the ro which is

                              • 你知道你是一个女人滥用堕胎所以它甚至并非所有的366被捕?
                                366 The woman everyone arrest margin which interrupts The [ro] which is human rights violation what?

                                • 关于宝宝的心跳,可确认的内部检查,我说06二三九周怀孕
                                  239 When the pregnancy 6 week [tsu] [te] you say, the extent which can verify the heart beat of the fetus with the inside 診

                                  • 医生不能轻易获得147催产前列腺素E1静脉套网可以在若进口分别与输液独立小包安瓿
                                    147 If it is not the doctor, it cannot procure easily, the drop pack of the uterus contractile medicine If the ampule and the drop pack of professional star Glan gin E1 separately it is private import possible with the net,…

                                    • 医生关乎生命,并采取吊销执照鼻子生命加油!
                                      When the doctor who relates to life, takes life in the beanbag, license cancellation?

                                      • 即使没有堕胎自由的不平等,他的父亲,一名男子的同意。堕胎问题是a m披露 Agreement of the man where he is the father dying aborting selfishly it is different It is not questioned to abortion it is
                                        • 如果他曾与毒品“的协议是”正常的思维,以目前的趋势是 If we assume that he had the medicine “There was agreement” that thinking normal
                                        • 如果这是真的,如果不平等。不只是流产,伤害,再次被捕可能有不良企图谋杀 NULL

                                      • 同意在一个100“非法堕胎”的邪恶Ku m富裕被贡扎和在休息?对方会减少他们的风险比正常退出瓦特 100 Simply with “ yami abortion” in regard to agreement method of cutting afterwards being bad the hame and others re te ru it is with Normally the one which is lowered mutual risk probably will be less but w
                                        • 同意在一个“非法堕胎”的邪恶Ku m富裕被贡扎和在休息? Simply with “ yami abortion” in regard to agreement method of cutting afterwards being bad the hame and others re te ru it is with
                                        • 我同意,但首先,我不知道她有什么地雷来呢? First however it agrees something where the land mine switch of the woman enters it was kana

                                      • 哎呀我从大学医院偷一名男子的恐惧,是一个可怕的驱动tTA燃气租期实践大学妇科和产科的朋友 Fearful man shelf The ku shank passing from the te or university hospital compared to with the friend of school days Product gynecology there is also a possibility of receiving from the person whom it has begun operating

                                        • 嗯。我认为无论是愚蠢的茄子,这块石头已被确定为工作的过程中很好的,但是当茄子 Well That is eggplant both aho you think As for the stone also the eggplant specifying of course the te You probably will not enter into this work place
                                          • 嗯。我认为无论是愚蠢的茄子,这块石头已被确定为工作的过程中很好的,但是当茄子 Well That is eggplant both aho you think As for the stone also the eggplant specifying of course the te You probably will not enter into this work place

                                        • 在6个星期,他们有很多很多问题会被裁定有罪只有几分钟烦恼不信任这个护士说,薄熙来。 Dzukanai孕期保健(如果该计划能够采取怀孕),但一回家输液都在家工作在医院让你的宝宝不关心Dzukanai的维生素和其他非护士性质 If just opinion of this nurse believes it probably is guilt but The various doubtful points are many 6 in weeks general universal You do not become aware in pregnancy in case of plan pregnancy it can be The nurse the vitamin medicine there is no reason which does not become aware other than that Fetus at home carefully storage Although two also the people are hospital duty the drop unnatural specially at the home
                                          • 在6个星期,他们有很多很多问题会被裁定有罪只有几分钟烦恼不信任这个护士说,薄熙来。 Dzukanai孕期保健(如果该计划能够采取怀孕),但一回家输液都在家工作在医院让你的宝宝不关心Dzukanai的维生素和其他非护士性质 If just opinion of this nurse believes it probably is guilt but The various doubtful points are many 6 in weeks general universal You do not become aware in pregnancy in case of plan pregnancy it can be The nurse the vitamin medicine there is no reason which does not become aware other than that Fetus at home carefully storage Although two also the people are hospital duty the drop unnatural specially at the home

                                        • 在世界858,只能是一种理论与现实之间的差距手流星期一
                                          858 Society, theoretical empty theory and the actual condition have alienated, it rubbed

                                          • 在此之后,您失去了机会,她家顾行,Shisokonatta或处置好,那人不承认我采访您的租户绝缘体他们知道我自己已经怀孕事实的回答是,看看,我不知道 After that losing the opportunity which goes into her house when it failed to deal with… Well this person associates thing however it had recognized That itself becoming pregnant you did not know because you had answered to interview However you do not know how fact as for
                                            • 463 6周 波。 Dzukanai孕期保健(如果该计划可以采取怀孕)最关心,最野蛮的人来了,如果顺利的日期每月从两个星期没有解决预期的月经期 463 In gt 6 weeks general universal You do not become aware in pregnancy in case of plan pregnancy it can be When less than 2 weeks physiology comes from physiological due date If the person who every month has come favorably the majority becomes aware

                                          • 基鲁变得更加混乱和Ki -蹂躏回落门大学入学的东部发现的违规行为打击医药十年前
                                            10 years ago east medicine with medical accident backdoor entrance detection of university raggedly Above keeping being ruined, confusion occurs, probably will be

                                            • 大多数的医生进行医疗或愚蠢或不称职的学校做个人破产邦邦
                                              Large portion of the doctor has failed personality or, which of the disabled candies of foolish medical Ooide's?

                                              • 大杉气体和不奇怪的声音,如果我们迟早吊销执业证照井
                                                When doctor license deprivation it is not Makes a noise the party who the large cedar the odd gas

                                                • 好人来了,如果我说我怀疑维生素的儿童带来谁也喝医生的父亲和一个稍微Munjanaino?您打开该船只并不介意它从驱动tTA催产我认为我们可以愚弄医生 Favorite the man furthermore is also the father of the child with the doctor the person who The vitamin medicine tsu te saying when it has without doubting you drink it is it is not Being able to swindle also the doctor because you thought as the ru it did not designate the thing of the container of the uterus contractile medicine as the air it is it is

                                                  • 如果你住的351行道德理由!苏任意杀害权利的侵犯人权的方式,知道吗?
                                                    351 As for the one which is utilized ethically OK! The person who kills as for arbitrary decision human rights violation, you understand?

                                                    • 如果你喜欢这个,而不是丢弃包特优滴灌during ll已经留下了这样一个茂木的噪音,我认为他们看起来不自然的行为研究 If such at the time of such noise still it remains it tries you will feel to throw away the drop pack on midst the one which You think that it is visible in unnatural conduct
                                                      • 如果你喜欢这个,而不是在抛弃特优输液新教材,我认为他们看起来不自然的行为研究 If such on that midst it tries you will feel to throw away the drop pack the one which You think that it is visible in unnatural conduct

                                                    • 如果你认为医护人员通常围绕奇怪的方式在其他地方的Cookie垮了酿造滴灌包634 634 The drop pack which is compounded with another place… If such it is the medical work person you think that you doubt normally

                                                      • 如果资金仍抱怨冯大约1分钟,两个孩子可以合法继承撕毁尘埃后这将是好,如果你问我的天哪子女抚养费,即使医生确认961人
                                                        961 If the partner the doctor if you make acknowledge, also rearing expense the [tsu] dust it may come off it puts out, Rear inheritance If even with 1/2 of the legitimate children the fund rich will not there be a complaint

                                                        • 存储胎儿流产后,可能单独行动,医生建议采取
                                                          As for fetus storage after the miscarrying, the conduct causing [re] which is taken with the advice of another doctor it is to do,

                                                          • 它提出了一个鬼脸,面对警方诬告,因为在任何情况下瓦特在一个大的方式,将他的头拍摄可爱的顶级偶像
                                                            In any case the extensive confrontation shelf w where also the police applied the pasteboard dump Just this being extensively, when it is the false charge, it probably will fly also the neck of the top

                                                            • 它是一个医疗所被吊销牌照的情况?水泡和我的医生都从宰奥姆真理教信徒生活等著名囚犯朱达罗茹林还我对十号线在全国各地的报纸就应该把我们拿走每种犯罪或罪行监狱
                                                              There is a case [tsu] [te] which doctor it is licensed is deprived? If crime above penal servitude punishment you commit, same peeling off Every year about 10 people it is with entire country The [ro] which is recorded before also the newspaper and is The Hayashi prisoner of [oumu] truth teaching is famous The former doctor shelf Foam present life all

                                                              • 它是什么,医生或其他指导Kishimen不?这家伙还是朋友“,我们怀孕了,但我看到我”“什么,Eyotsu催产剂使用这个如果你这样做,”有这样的 This tsu te isn t other doctor led It is dense the friend “You become pregnant and the chi ya tsu te it is defeated are” “It is what if such a thing this use Uterus contractile medicine” With such feeling
                                                                • m催产剂在肯定不会,像口腔医学瓦特 gt It began to use from the home of the woman and you say that the container of the uterus contractile medicine was found In the nursing loyal retainer partner as for this the wa w which certainly is not But also the inside medication so
                                                                • 被发现在静脉注射毒品付款萎缩30人,你知道 30 The provision contractile medicine was detected from midst of the other drop if it is understood

                                                              • 家庭妇女从每分钟我做任何事或苏嘿我就离开了这不断的船只发现浸泡Ikake催产剂的使用 It began to use from the home of the woman and you say that the container of the uterus contractile medicine was found It is it is it leaves the combining e How you do not understand well
                                                                • 家庭妇女从每分钟我做任何事或苏嘿我就离开了这不断的船只发现浸泡Ikake催产剂的使用 It began to use from the home of the woman and you say that the container of the uterus contractile medicine was found It is it is it leaves the combining e How you do not understand well

                                                              • 富士电视新闻评论员叔叔就是“生活中的胎儿,通常也就是本谋杀谋杀堕胎,7年过轻”,但Tteta这样说,“那女人也同意关于堕胎做什么“我想成为进入tsukkomi With tsu coming Fuji Telecasting Co news old boy of commentator “When even with the fetus life with this it makes murder usual abortion homicide as for 7 years less than however it is like it is too light” thing “The origin of agreement of the woman the interruption which is done how is what” it stopped wanting to insert tsu te tsutsukomi
                                                                • 那么120是从Janairashii胎儿,堕胎就是谋杀,将被落案控以谋杀罪,如果这正常 120 As for the fetus there is no human because it seems When well with this it makes murder also usual abortion becomes homicide and…

                                                              • 小林辰援助(36)下降。非谋杀。一个新生婴儿被安葬在黑暗的报复,但作为一个生命结束后医生
                                                                Tatunosuke Kobayashi (36) 堕. Homicide non-. As a doctor life end Minako's vengeance shelf which is buried in the darkness

                                                                • 峨有趣滴担。如果我有偶数,住户指纹,茄子什么时候在他滴事情的真相,Naonokoto,或在您的生产线我不知道他们带给恩戴工作场所与不依赖于人 When the drop changing bearing The fingerprint having been attached to the eggplant associating if it was him truly When drop something it does furthermore thing you asking to your own or man keeping having in the workplace being attached it is not strange
                                                                  • 如果到一个临时的家,Naonokoto,或丢弃的东西滴一行我单位带来恩戴我的人依赖 When drop something it does temporarily at the home furthermore thing you asking to your own or man keeping having in the workplace it abolishes
                                                                  • 如果我当时甚至手印住户滴灌附上,甚至令人惊讶的线我用滴是不是他的真 The fingerprint having been attached to the drop associating if it was him truly Doing the drop being attached it is not strange

                                                                • 嵌入式音频线,我把从6个月的护士工作球探超过593硬,不是吗?jk的刮粉碎这家伙是一个变态和〜大鹏→它不象当场 593 Half year spending in reconnaissance therefore the ru it is the line which the nurse brought is crushed and the ro JK which is intense duty It is this human 痴 China gt reason is different from flagrant delict taiho
                                                                  • 我通常会努力工作,夜班护士刮502 490 477 NULL

                                                                • 当你触摸从别的地方最终破裂,但已婚妇女即使情节如果护士
                                                                  Even if, assuming that it is strategy of nurse side, Although being the married person, ending at the point in time when you start to the other woman the [ru

                                                                  • 当天的新闻刑事日本NHK家伙将否认我被捕后,我吃午饭的打击
                                                                    The man of the criminal was arrested with NHK of the noon news, but denying, the [ma] keeping inhaling, the lunch you blew

                                                                    • 当孕吐一个女儿那时我也有我自己的解决方案,或者把一个女人催产零证据的很多东西我会说,她完全无辜的起诉书中做不知道从牛一正常萘乙酸在家里滴啊和U 1 The being disgusted ya a excessiveness you do prosecuting innocence certainty The woman saying with just the ru evidence zero The uterus contractile medicine the woman had solution you view When we the wife is the morning sickness because the drop it did at the home it probably is normal
                                                                      • 享受晨吐困扰我,叫我亲爱的房子家医院线一真(和ー)我的状态 Without going to me who suffer in the morning sickness in the hospital the home it is a in darling with state where it visits

                                                                    • 志位一个奇怪的问题,80个问题,不是吗?没有医生或W的回答,但我不卖它的一些地方 Doubtful question shelf The ro w which as for the doctor is not answered to the question of 80 and is The ma it does not sell in around there side however it is probably will be

                                                                      • 总之,如何做这样的Barebare〜?志摩是一个滴水会比口服Kukara立即有效之谜 Nevertheless with something such a barebare the kana which does thing Because the drop is effective directly from internal use it is doubted probably will be

                                                                        • 您还可以申请子女抚养孩子或我的遗产是合法的比低,但可以继承,我听到潮来
                                                                          It can claim also rearing expense and, even heritage, as for the legitimate child compared to however it is little, the [tsu] [te] which can be inherited You have heard

                                                                          • 我在大学医院工作的培训,医药卫生状况的老师并不像一个领导者是不年轻呢?将有教练初级老板
                                                                            It is young in study medicine also as the leader, the duty medical [tsu] [te] of the university hospital being the lecturer As for status how being? There probably are also times when the junior whom it guides becomes the superior

                                                                            • 我有一个女儿,这也值得座间护士朱达罗wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww只是另一个女人羞辱公众漂白wwwww
                                                                              Although the wife is, this [zama] wwwwwwwwwwwwwww The [ro] wwwwwwwww where also the nursing loyal retainer of the immoral partner is our industry complacency Shame just was bleached in the world wwwww

                                                                              • 我来从医院回家后,出现了流产的痛苦515劳动的同一天,你知道你不是捡了废纸篓从梁 515 The same pain as pain coming into that day therefore the miscarriage red sandal wood From the hospital after the returning home to pick up from the trash box it is the ro which is

                                                                                • 我知道一捅差异通人比下降,由苏,有风度的男子楼梯 Rather than it pierces from the stairway and dropping the gentleman shelf The wa where after all the person who has study is different
                                                                                  • 正确绅士风度,我们非常感动和辉煌的教师 Courtesy just gentleman it is about at the same time you admire very with brain clear teacher

                                                                                • 护士在这里举行的受害者,而不是你们写我一个朋友男子被诬陷,东京慈惠大学医学院的医生或? 2002年11月8日,东京慈惠大学医学院奥拓医院来说,3名医生,奥拓医院,东京慈惠大学大学,并与前列腺癌手术患者,腹腔镜删除驱动tTA内窥镜行,因为他们
                                                                                  With original our performing of the nurse of the victim, the man to be set here and passed and writing the [ru] people, Jikei medical large doctor companion? Jikei medical large blue door hospital incident 2002 November 8th, 3 doctors of the Jikei university attachment blue door hospitals, confronting patient of prostate cancer, The intraperitoneal Kiyouka operation which is extracted making use of the endoscope it did

                                                                                  • 护士有点不寻常的步骤药片滴,如果我是他们生病的人可能是从什么我说什么或更强大的创新药物 Because in the nursing teacher oh cannot know little accident high at stage of the tablet If condition is bad there is a good drop the tsu saying Furthermore powerful medicine… tsu lever

                                                                                    • 是神奇的驴的细微差别,如果你准备将自己吊盐水620?原来的形状,因为它不能做很多打滴我怀疑不是远,我不知道谁凯塔不好? NULL

                                                                                      • 本地新闻北NHK的━━━━━(∀゚゚)━━━━━!!
                                                                                        Local NHK [niyusukita] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ (゚ ∀ ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━ ━! ! ! !

                                                                                        • 此外,小林先生辰帮助医学院团契会议在今年9月,血液。你来祖国大陆学习培训的研究,包括内科血液止血是非常光明的新闻 In addition from this year September from Jikei meeting medical science university Mr Tatunosuke Kobayashi Blood As for coming to interior of a country studying abroad for studying the blood internal medicine which includes stopping bleeding study It is very bright news
                                                                                          • 此外,小林先生辰帮助医学院团契会议在今年9月,血液。你来祖国大陆学习培训的研究,包括内科血液止血是非常光明的新闻 In addition from this year September from Jikei meeting medical science university Mr Tatunosuke Kobayashi Blood As for coming to interior of a country studying abroad for studying the blood internal medicine which includes stopping bleeding study It is very bright news

                                                                                        • 泽塔朱达罗一定要反复做,尤其是瓦特奇怪的混合物苏的,可医生只是愚蠢瓦特 Especially if being strange it mixed the ro w which so it does without fail and is It repeats but w which is also the sufficient possibility the doctor being aho
                                                                                          • 没有一餐一护士,所以我的陷阱哦显得更受混合泽塔和肇木村拓哉高冈 Takaoka it is green 甫 with the kind of face which mixed Takuya Kimura Well mote ru trap The nursing teacher many people eating so

                                                                                        • 然而妇女患有静脉滴注116鳕鱼,而不是Slapstick ll呼叫救护车 116 The drop doing the cod woman disturbing painfully the ambulance it called and or the hospital attended and or became not be able to collect with dotabata because

                                                                                          • 男性脑死亡病人手术后成了因大量出血,于12月8日去世后约一个月
                                                                                            After the operation ending the man patient becomes a brain death state due to hematorrhea, You died on December 8th after approximately 1 months

                                                                                            • 编号:Pe8raOWl0感觉太糟糕了发言,正是这个家伙基莫
                                                                                              ID: Pe8raOWl0 This heart man of what Feeling badness it passes from the [tsu] coming,

                                                                                              • 该署昨日突击搜查了小林先生和有关各方的房子金泽
                                                                                                The same day, ahead relationship such as the home of suspect Kobayashi of Kanazawa city the residence it searched the same section

                                                                                                • 说出来,使医生个人用药,我觉得不好的人相交为受害者是学校提供私人医疗,而我的孩子已经在生产马纳伊魔鬼如果这些孩子很少住怜悯幸运的是,小我敢打赌,同样的事情大致 The doctor being the individual the medicine bringing up being able to utilize privately is Jikei medicine large But the victim unfortunate as for the child of such ogre domesticated fowl and animals it does not have to bearing the happiness in unhappiness When the child it has been born certainly becoming large it does the same thing
                                                                                                  • 但是,一旦私人什么是东京慈惠如果您不是愚蠢的,你瓦特 So the Jikei tsu te once in private it does with the one which is not foolish yo w

                                                                                                • 踢周围的垃圾挂“...你像维生素来看,仅有苏中,你知道比我前药丸喝早熟
                                                                                                  Annoyance it applies around and” If with it swindles with the umbrella… vitamin medicine, the [ro] where the person who the pill made drink beforehand is [mashi

                                                                                                  • 金泽洋包括62个疾病。小林先生辰血液学助理医师
                                                                                                    62 The Kanazawa large attachment illness. Suspect Tatunosuke Kobayashi doctor of blood internal medicine

                                                                                                    • (^Ω^),但我案例汇编韩国不立即吊销行医执照被解雇
                                                                                                      ( The ^ Ω ^) directly layoff doctor it does not license does not deprive the place where the Korean incident book

                                                                                                      研究 開発