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How becomes with consumer tax tax increase with the model household which the burden increase first life economic laboratory of 16.5 ten thousand Yen estimate


  • 331 如此。援助。征税(所有到期)我会变成一个民主的执政党,因为我是愚蠢的想法单向瓦特的 )日益扩大的差距在过渡期间(在不改变价格和丰富的发言:工资收入100亿1 00亿→ 劣:如果这个收入2 000 000 2 400 000收入→人生是太陷入一个非常贫穷 331 gt Case Help Tax system The impoliteness therefore one way it is low the brain thought democracy is the tsu chi ma u in the ruling party w Differential expands temporarily and passes and without modification does in price level Rich person Annual income 100 000 000 gt Annual income 10 000 000 000 Pauper Annual income 2 000 000 gt Annual income 2 400 000 In this case also the pauper lives and direction becomes good
    • 331 如此。援助。征税(所有到期)我会变成一个民主的执政党,因为我是愚蠢的想法单向瓦特的 )日益扩大的差距在过渡期间(在不改变价格和丰富的发言:工资收入100亿1 00亿→ 劣:如果这个收入2 000 000 2 400 000收入→人生是太陷入一个非常贫穷 331 gt Case Help Tax system The impoliteness therefore one way it is low the brain thought democracy is the tsu chi ma u in the ruling party w Differential expands temporarily and passes and without modification does in price level Rich person Annual income 100 000 000 gt Annual income 10 000 000 000 Pauper Annual income 2 000 000 gt Annual income 2 400 000 In this case also the pauper lives and direction becomes good
    • 但是,“你赞成政府的欺凌穷人雄厚的企业说,”意见说,“我买的股权w”和回答峨 But you say that “as for method of government the enterprise rich favorable treatment pauper you are hard on and” are In opinion “stocks buy w” you answer
    • 穷人和普通百姓将被迫支付更多的税收多 The pauper and the general populace above this cannot pay tax anymore

  • 38 38
    • 产经新闻新闻85470028 2010年5月13日20 38 Product sutra msn news 2010 5 13 20 38

  • 50%的税苏卡拉游戏出来的游戏整洁工作要四郎 As for game in consumer tax 50 margin The game we want neat because it starts working
    • 至少这想法,什么是公平税人头税是它瓦特 Also how tax tsu te to think head tax being fair is certain in part and w

  • 526 Chige收益将进一步变迁作者所有片段的金钱和时间投入到U的外观瓦特配当税向下看企业是Warota戴忠民税从穷人tive金钱和广泛收集古,嘿,我不知道我的意思讲的丰富许多地方重新分配股份的所有权 526 Because gt as for the rich person having the gold all the way the ru gt Turning that gold to investment furthermore it is gained At all chi ge obtaining w warota Consumer tax lifting income tax lowering as for allotment u p Gathering the gold widely even from the pauper Re amount to the rich person who can possess the stocks of part many distributing meaning is from the wa to be able to combine

    • 70%的所得税最高税率的,个别居民| 18%的税和88%,包括为任何东西,
      As for the highest tariff income tax 70%, private inhabitant | Including also the tax 18%, it was the 88%

      • 800000000平均仆人(公务员薪酬每年只适用于大公司和私营部门人员参与了国家人事管理局建议书),平均收入,包括中小企业,私营部门(),400000000 Average annual income of the government employee depending on the National Personnel Authority advice to which 8 000 000 government employee participates Only private big business gearing private average annual income small and medium sized business including 4 000 000

        • 851如果通货膨胀持续下去,而且还增加医疗退休金 851 If rise in prices continuation however medical expense and annuity rise …
          • 减少老年退休金的情况下,我认为应给予完全压制的医疗费用 Decrease the old person You think that annuity and medical expense can be held down but it is

        • NULL But to these 15 years medical expense individual payment of main person of health insurance 3 is comparatively pulled up from 1 tenths also provision start age of old age pension from 60 years old makes 65 years old In addition with establishment of the nursing insurance system in addition to the burden of premium as for social security such as user burden the course of atrophy Consumer tax introduction “for the sake of welfare” it has been clear that it is the lie which the notion that where you say is deep red September 3rd of 92 with “the weekly new tide” of the number government tax system committee leader Hiroshi Kato of that time “to be called for the sake of aging society our tax pitchesSo it explained but as for truth speaking well because it is easy to be divided into the general person” with confessing the national deceiving The tax revenue of consumer tax is 136 000 000 000 000 Yen in these 15 years but in the same period corporate body such as big business As for tax in hovering of tax reduction and the business which follow one another in the tax revenue decrease of 131 000 000 000 000 Yen Just consumer tax amount entirely in stopgap of the tax revenue decrease of income tax Q Because of annuity consumer tax rise A Financial world and the Liberal Democratic Party Komeito furthermore also the Democratic party which the original Liberal Democratic Party member controls emphasizes consumer tax tax increase for pension scheme maintenance that it is not avoided In public opinion poll for the sake of annuity says from the 60 the person of the 70 opposite to consumer tax tax increase With the consumer tax which collects even from the person who is not the person whose income is little “weak ones to take” the fact that social security such as annuity and welfare is maintained is In the first place differential of wealth and poverty expands the “social security system” under capitalism in order to prevent the fact that social insecurity spreads “redistribution of income” It is something which was made with the purpose which is measured
          • NULL But to these 15 years medical expense individual payment of main person of health insurance 3 is comparatively pulled up from 1 tenths also provision start age of old age pension from 60 years old makes 65 years old In addition with establishment of the nursing insurance system in addition to the burden of premium as for social security such as user burden the course of atrophy Consumer tax introduction “for the sake of welfare” it has been clear that it is the lie which the notion that where you say is deep red September 3rd of 92 with “the weekly new tide” of the number government tax system committee leader Hiroshi Kato of that time “to be called for the sake of aging society our tax pitchesSo it explained but as for truth speaking well because it is easy to be divided into the general person” with confessing the national deceiving The tax revenue of consumer tax is 136 000 000 000 000 Yen in these 15 years but in the same period corporate body such as big business As for tax in hovering of tax reduction and the business which follow one another in the tax revenue decrease of 131 000 000 000 000 Yen Just consumer tax amount entirely in stopgap of the tax revenue decrease of income tax Q Because of annuity consumer tax rise A Financial world and the Liberal Democratic Party Komeito furthermore also the Democratic party which the original Liberal Democratic Party member controls emphasizes consumer tax tax increase for pension scheme maintenance that it is not avoided In public opinion poll for the sake of annuity says from the 60 the person of the 70 opposite to consumer tax tax increase With the consumer tax which collects even from the person who is not the person whose income is little “weak ones to take” the fact that social security such as annuity and welfare is maintained is In the first place differential of wealth and poverty expands the “social security system” under capitalism in order to prevent the fact that social insecurity spreads “redistribution of income” It is something which was made with the purpose which is measured
          • 公司税,“国际竞争力和高公司税 Kunaru弱”已经减税和运动的时间和路线,我们每 In addition income tax when “income tax is high international competitiveness Becomes weak” that and so on campaign was done and was reduced taxes at that each time
          • 嗯“获得了→股息税(股票上),”为什么买股票的例子在银行,如果你相信这个故事,不以丰富的风险过于敏感,你永远不说话的努力是很贫穷,他们支撑万维网从饥饿基鲁是不值得的生活与如果k The u it is “Income tax down gt allotment rise stock price rise If” with the story which is said is believed Owing stocks you should have bought it is The rich person being biased in the habit which is not as for not taking risk effort unreasonable www If such a pauper because there is no value which lives with death by starvation k
          • 顺便说一句,我在消费,税呢?为什么公司税和1盘我有,但有时他们写枯燥?胡说什么是所有蜘蛛创新 Consumption control tax tsu te It is with However the party who writes in sometimes is Income tax and it is set what with something But more completely nonsense what

        • _NULL_
          266 Special permanent residence qualification - As for the touching method person there is no the limit - As for qualification proof duty there is a applicant, as for record of the dense entry person at the time of the disturbance approximately 8 tenths being kept Time the National Police Agency Custom Entrance tube Identical ones on the Ministry of Health and Welfare are kept Entrance tube exception method fourth provision The peace treaty nationality secession person who continues from before the termination of war of the World War II and resides in Japan With the descendant, you reside in the own country without passing the hand continuation of landing due to birth other reasons As for those which means with thing, receiving the permission of Minister of Justice, the special permanent residence person who decides in this law As, it can reside permanently with the own country

          • _NULL_
            Fixed rate 1 percentage burden and the like of 70 years old or more 2,000 hundred million Health insurance premium pulling up 10,300 hundred million Main human 3 percentage burden of health insurance 4,000 hundred million Price hike of nursing premium 2,000 hundred million Reduction of unemployment benefits amount 3,400 hundred million Tax increase of tobacco tax 2,600 hundred million Abolition of spouse special deduction (income tax) 4,790 hundred million Premium pulling up of public welfare annuity and the like 6,000 hundred million Abolition of deduction for an aged person (income tax) 1,240 hundred million Abolition of spouse special deduction (inhabitant tax) 2,554 hundred million National pension premium pulling up 40,000,000,000 Unemployment insurance charge pulling up 3,000 hundred million Fixed rate tax reduction reduction abolition of income tax private inhabitant tax 40,000 hundred million (From white-collar worker large tax increase 2007) Consumer tax 10 - 20 percent 400,000,000,000,000 the government bond to the Takeshita Cabinet - forest Cabinet was increased to 2 times (future tax increase)

            • 一个简单的加税和削减开支没有穷人富人→衰退股市下跌,“一个公务员常说扎马阿Pugya。”
              There is no simple tax increase & annual expenditure reduction -> business hovering stock price down “Pauper [pugiya] rich [za] well government employee one person tend”

              • 万亿日元,48数量在2009年初步预算中的税收(和特别帐户等)33所得税22%的公司税160000亿日元21%的销售税11万亿日元24%,其他万亿日元,10%的民主党人各种其他免费或学校儿童受益一倾向可支配收入为消费税上调10个固定的财政资源,需要执行在17万亿日元的表现,这一来源的收入超过7万亿日元。不够 In national tax 21 initial budget amount 48 000 000 000 000 Yen general account and special accounts Income tax 33 16 000 000 000 000 Yen Income tax 22 11 000 000 000 000 Yen Consumer tax 21 10 000 000 000 000 Yen In addition 24 Child treatment high school gratuitousness in addition the revenue source 17 000 000 000 000 Yen which is necessary for the manifest execution of every democracy With disposable income propensity 1 as a fixing with consumer tax tax increase the revenue source of 10 000 000 000 000 Yen Even now 7 It is not enough
                • 1988年42%1990年37。为5%的公司税只有百分之三十 In 1988 42 in 1990 37 As for the income tax which is the 5 presently there is only a 30
                • 860 Sagenai和企业税(和宏)公司消失了,没有在所有就业 860 Unless income tax it lowers when you see with macro enterprise stopping being there is no original employment
                • 865 Sagenai和公司税(和宏)公司消失了,没有在所有就业 865 Unless gt income tax it lowers when you see with macro enterprise stopping being there is no original employment
                • 868企业社会助理。氦氖我希望你给的负担比例税对企业减税 868 Social assistant of enterprise After increasing burden ratio If corporation tax reduction but it is to call
                • Getara投资可以安全地和15岁以下的税。我认为即使不卖东西的投资 15 When income tax it lowers facilities preparation investment feeling at rest it is possible Facilities preparation investing you think that it cannot sell the thing
                • 但是,通过与低企业税率海外公司逃跑,没有缺点?在865,等效的。我发生崩溃 NULL
                • 对于本地原料基鲁,你看不起的销售税和公司利得税税率电梯拉,是不是他们没有尽量不作出重大 In order the district lives and to remain sales tax lowering corporate body tariff pulling up way the major company it does not make make Unless it does it does not have
                • 当然,销售税是工作年龄,但不支付,以及企业减税将在Puramaizero But the reason which the active generation as for consumer tax is paid of course With corporation tax reduction it becomes puramaizero
                • 我是公司的前112个税开征销售税和所得税等税收是,由于收入的引入削减企业税的有关放宽限制只对消费税上调 112 Before the consumer tax introducing however income tax and income tax were something related to reciprocal After introducing therefore only consumer tax tax increase corporation tax reduction income tax upper limit relief don t you think
                • 日本将削减公司税已经离开了国家的所有公司,我沉没 As for corporation tax reduction if it does not do already Japan is sinking Enterprise appears everyone overseas
                • 特殊措施,公司税税率从43年2于1984年。 1989年3%42%40%1990年37。 5%,1998 34。 5%至30%,1999年,被告知在下一阶段制定井 As for corporate body tariff from 1984 with 2 annual temporary measure 43 3 in 89 from 42 40 in 90 37 5 in 98 34 In the 5 in 99 following one another to the 30 it was lowered

              • 不走出电视台广播版税辩论是价格低廉,安全的削减公务员薪酬仍
                While radio wave rent of reduction and inexpensive TV station of government employee allowance does not become the mark of argument, still all right

                • 与消费税,送我一程,以消除继承税和赠与税的限制
                  Consumer tax rise and together, upper limit abolition of income tax and giving inheritance tax is increased,

                  • 中曾根内阁执政时,大多数现在151“销售税”计划(免税基本商品),所以我不得不否认
                    151 Large portion of current ruling party staff denies “the sales tax” conception (daily necessaries non taxation) at the time of Nakasone Cabinet the empty…

                    • 丰田公司有史以来的最高利润|实际税率很低,如果现实的情况是
                      Toyota which is increasing the optimum profit in history | As for actual corporate body tariff the fact that quite it is low is the actual condition

                      • 什么是永久居留,并提供每个美国或澳大利亚的? ! !嘿,嘿,这是一个纳税出来东东! ! ! Permanent residence right preparation se obtaining to around America or Australia and Be possible and if well pay the tax well
                        • 律师的权利和地位是如此,没有一句话不是没有永久居留 It is defined with respect to law it is not right it is the me as for the language permanent residence right Business you are not

                      • 从这个意义上讲,大公司和富有的个人,但我要负很大的商业利益承担社会责任的社会保障资金,大公司和大我将梳子轻负担的企业,税务该退休金税的目的,而且我狙零保险公司支付 In that sense big business and the large wealthy person have owed the social responsibility which bears the social security revenue source But enterprise burden will be lightened and the financial big business which the big profit tries to be increased with annuity intended tax conversion of consumer tax aims for the fact that it makes zero not to limit the premium burden of enterprise
                        • Getara没有做智慧的销售税所能的业务,并取消销售下降闪耀当然大家企业分钟一次说我 When there is no some device and increases consumer tax as for also the sale of enterprise falling naturally Understanding everyone of te financial world has said combining

                      • 他们应该被驱逐出境甚至一半的国会议员的工资吃饭无駄饭constant m政治家充满了一半
                        The political house you are lazy and it is what, Constant reducing by half, it reduces by half also Assemblyman annual expenditure It should banish the wasteful rice eating

                        • 他们没有我也变成黑色物业税的收入可以保证工人的住房政府对政府的房屋销售在23个行政区的工人支付的只是暂时
                          The government employee dormitory it just sells out the revenue source it can guarantee for a while The black hole where either government employee dormitory how property tax inside 23 Ku does not enter

                          • 但我在2006年到达,众议员囊官员使用政府雇员,包括我来扮我埋孔困难,但我Nannai我抱怨说,他们正在增加税收是什么?你不应该条纹自己的钱支付我卖给他们三思而后行扔?然而,人们说我不是任何人都抱怨Nipon But it is difficult for the Assemblyman bureaucratic and others government employee to use over 2006 it was packed For filling a gap the a it is with something to do and others if it does not increase taxes there is no what it is You throw the private funds and sell and assistant the fact that 填 is suji the ro where Although that it is the nipon person to whom no one says complaint
                            • 不过,我几年来在向我提出我埋孔他们用民间的公务员包括众议员Nannai m官员抱怨说,我是在他们加息?你不应该条纹自己的钱支付我卖给他们三思而后行扔?然而,人们说我不是任何人都抱怨Nipon But the Assemblyman bureaucratic and others government employee embezzled over long time For filling a gap the a it is with something to do and others if it does not increase taxes there is no what it is You throw the private funds and sell and assistant the fact that 填 is suji the ro where Although that it is the nipon person to whom no one says complaint
                            • 但不是1000万自雇人士,他们是很难由负峨杂项收入谁试图增加税收 But 10 000 000 the family operated business which does not go when it increases taxes because miscellaneous income increases it is grateful
                            • 但长滨先生是“(根据情况)有效地利用你的钱囊由玺元难”的问题,并收集税 Simply is long the Hama person “the money which was gathered with tax increase is used efficiently is difficult according to scenario ” that doubt apparent
                            • 玛丽塔睨美国政府出售国库券,尽管美国,和我从国家税收进度 The government which is glared in America without selling the American bond is advancing the fact that it increases taxes from the citizen
                            • 立法者应讨论加税从滚装船和返还税款在2006年逃税一亿〇二百万日元。 After member of the Diet returning 1 020 000 Yen which evades taxation in 2006 discuss the tax increase
                            • 茹我说我已经采取了新的全球变暖这样的税收家伙你提到它,如果加税会来,即使最终排除消费税,消费税上涨,并认为应该更加小心ü So if you say because the tsu te which takes the terrestrial warming tax like person anew you said with consumer tax as pulling out if after all it becomes tax increase in consumer tax tax increase more prudently You think that it should become
                            • 萘乙酸只有高中免费加税,即使只是帮助我能做到不浪费,只有29,没有太大的帮助是是否或不相信 29 Very it does not help and helping the place where also the te is good wastefully increasing taxes … As for just high school gratuitous conversion agreement circumstance
                            • 那么,通常在经济减税,但由于我国是一个了不起的国家,我Hozai财政部长和妥善收回钱,你加税Maware NULL

                          • 但是消费Kodomoteate税ü p!狗屎垃圾wwww的民主党
                            [kodomoteate] putting out, consumer tax [u] p! wwww As for the Democratic party [kusogomi] shelf

                            • 你会有何不同,10个180瓦0生活必需品的 180 The daily necessaries are different 0 10 completely being it does yo w

                              • 你看,你是不是吃木纹40万亿年度国家预算只有一半的公务员薪酬民间!我怕你会得到从纳税年度的金额超过了!约有400万对普通收入的工资,更不用说亿元的呆平均just ll 700我从不敢 It is good is or also 40 000 000 000 000 with just salary of the government employee is half of annual national budget when the food the bu It has done Exceeding the tax revenue amount of year therefore the ru it is it is embarrassed Not to mention generality Annual income of the white collar worker being unconcerned vis a vis approximately 4 000 000 average 700 8 000 000 Taking therefore the ru it is the 呆 re just ru

                                • 其中70%,特别是经济先奇工人说不出名字看看谁抓住这一条线为小企业提供了展示作品的会计生活中的细节霜埃泰一种恐惧的生活 While the tip going of economy is not visible the people who work at the small and medium sized business which occupies the 70 of the especially worker holding insecurity lead the life among them

                                  • 医生短缺的原因不再是从网上或新的力量体系崩溃的医生在偏远地区的医疗工作人员(而不是仅仅是一个很大的原因,我说)
                                    As for doctor insufficient cause, with collapse of medical bureau system Because new member doctor mandatorily line there are no times when it is done on the remote region (Just that you do not say, but big cause)

                                    • 即使在3%和5%的税率时,混合物在泰国奇怪的死亡
                                      When 3% 5% tariff exists together before, it was the extent tie hen which dies

                                      • 周一母公司在销售房屋拆迁-合同支付费用- (劳动力+固定资本消耗)约
                                        As for the parent inside the dismantlement house rubbing, Sale - expense contract price - (labor cost + fixed capital depletion) is extent

                                        • 在将子女免税额方面,我想我应该对他们的午餐在政府资助的学校支付
                                          If before the child treatment, although it should have made about state expenditure burden of school lunch generation of the Konaka school, don't you think?

                                          • 在那里它甚至没有计算税收或财政资源或环境的好处,我说什么氖税无忧无虑的孩子
                                            Consumer tax how easygoing thing saying, don't you think? - with Revenue source or environmental tax of child treatment with that calculation margin

                                            • 大多数贫困层的社会,税收减免和取消暂停税收制度累进所得税立即丰富的少数
                                              Class of corporation meeting the majority is designated as the pauper and the rich person of one grip, is the tax system of the [me] Easing the promotive characteristic of income tax and lifting the consumer tax

                                              • 如果你把一个恢复Tasetaku无解礼Bisekakete冷水洗澡和138日语,而不是好,如果你问他们通货紧缩的日本银行采取通货紧缩政策的,日本非常敏感,因为它们有较低的价值股没有 138 The cold water pouring in the Japanese if give the business recovery you do not want if you make deflation policy take to Bank of Japan it is good When it makes deflation policy because as for the Japanese stocks decline you cannot have
                                                • 你有阻碍经济复苏Bisekakete冷水洗澡多远日本央行 Until now how Bank of Japan the cold water pouring in business obstructing business recovery
                                                • 日本股市应携带138克惹Tasetaku无,而不是好,如果你问他们通缩央行采取的紧缩政策,因为日本不能拥有股票敏感的底部 138 If give the stocks you do not want in the Japanese if deflation policy is made to take to Bank of Japan it is good When it makes deflation policy because as for the Japanese stocks decline you cannot have

                                              • 如果你没有在今年的5万亿日元逆转每,加重了政府用大约40年,这个属性一个陌生人在公众知识和股票投机和Gikonde注意,如度假浪费公共工程Gurinpia相反,他留下一个大洞,拒绝承担责任相反,在“没有养老金危机,消费税上调是不避免,”我有直接的和公开的 Every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen demolishing approximately 40 years you can use Government while the citizen does not know this property pouring into wasteful public works projects and stock speculation etc in addition to resort facility such as Green Pia opened the jackpot Instead of the responsibility is not taken conversely “annuity is dangerous consumer tax tax increase there is no 避 ke and others re ” that you open and have been repaired
                                                • 如果你没有在今年的5万亿日元逆转每,加重了政府用大约40年,这个属性一个陌生人在公众知识和股票投机和Gikonde注意,如度假浪费公共工程Gurinpia相反,他留下一个大洞,拒绝承担责任相反,在“没有养老金危机,消费税上调是不避免,”我有直接的和公开的 Every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen demolishing approximately 40 years you can use Government while the citizen does not know this property pouring into wasteful public works projects and stock speculation etc in addition to resort facility such as Green Pia opened the jackpot Instead of the responsibility is not taken conversely “annuity is dangerous consumer tax tax increase there is no 避 ke and others re ” that you open and have been repaired

                                              • 如果医疗保险和养老扶了税。排减不仅降低了我们的使用金钱和工作比较好,否则他们的限制 If consumer tax it raises health insurance and annuity 扶 We want increasing also limit amount So unless it does working reaching the money which you can use just decreases
                                                • 503价格上涨百分之五,支付工资,但公司可能要根据税 503 Because as for price 5 rise but enterprise consumer tax you pay as for salary whether it goes down
                                                • 如果医疗保险和养老扶了税。排减不仅降低了我们的使用金钱和工作比较好,否则他们的限制 If consumer tax it raises health insurance and annuity 扶 We want increasing also limit amount So unless it does working reaching the money which you can use just decreases

                                              • 如果生活是当我买了同样的事情为2 5万个家庭和15万个家庭,家庭的税收收入比重1500万Shimeru m更多的低Kunaru 15 000 000 home buying same ones as 2 500 000 home when living similarly The consumer tax ratio which closes in annual income of 15 000 000 home becomes lower
                                                • 该计划将有它的方法,累进税制的收入者与高收入3 0亿,每年的边界 Being a government program as the method the large amount income earner who designates annual income 3 000 000 as boundary It is progressive taxation

                                              • 如果税收收入只邀请到经济衰退伯祖舒展,财政整顿是远远耙子“双刃剑”,它可以是
                                                If it causes business deterioration The tax revenue does not extend, there is also a possibility restoration of sound government finance becoming “the sword of distantly [ku] easily blade”

                                                • 如果税收率反弹的碎石,其中实际国内生产总值2加税的第一年,45%,明年蔓延到消费,企业盈利是02%6 显示了良好的细节和press If tariff rises to here As for tax increase first year substance GDP as for the next year when 2 45 and consumption control spread to also the enterprise achievement you push down also 6 02
                                                  • 48万日元如果您尝试平行进口的粮食数量欧洲作物并不便宜,如果你看不起的关税率将在24万日元的报告没有 Reducing tariff rate importing the cheap farm products If it designates foodstuff amount as like Europe and America 480 000 Yen 240 000 Yen it stops being required
                                                  • 只要做到这一点的高利率Kakerya愚蠢的东西消耗344 344 The way just the tariff applying ri ya calling which is high vis a vis nonsense consumption
                                                  • 我提出,固守旧的体制仍然田中还透露电梯使用税的地方花 Tariff lifting use it is not used in the place where it should Still it hangs on in the old system where Tanaka made
                                                  • 我认为在一些揉附表鄂如按项目或更改学分与效益的税收税率 Whether it makes presentation equipped tax credit or changes tariff classified by list of items You think that it has trouble

                                                • 官员,人们嫉妒富人,破坏20世纪80年代的泡沫,官员和陌生人仍然享有20年的世界对春天的腿,这些家伙喷出的滚装船ü官员说,税收年轻埃泰,是民族的厄运可爱偶像 The public official to envy in the affluent citizen collapsing the bubble of eighties The public official glorified the spring of our world of 20 years Unless even then it is enough increase the consumer tax ro they say The public official prospering the country collapses

                                                  • 宣言(宣言)和“人员总数的20公务员造价的百分之一减”是Madarashii
                                                    Administration pledge (the manifest) with “entire labor cost 2 percentage reduction of the national public service personnel” seems still

                                                    • 小泉08月04日“有史以来最长的经济繁荣”当我在许多地方正在减少,坚决奖金

                                                      • 巩固财政的措施,财政平衡指示是否基本苏政策,不论支付其费用依靠债务(主要余额)的黑色,那么消费税税率- 27日至3%的折扣显示细节需要
                                                        On the one hand, the fundamental fiscal revenue and expenditure which is shown whether or not with index of public finance soundness, it can provide policy expense not to depend on debt (primary Balance) it recovers, consumption tariff it is necessary to pull up to 27 3%

                                                        • 得到的报酬是向客户全年4000万日元是678立法者(包括通信费用),我们的 678 The remuneration which everyone of member of the Diet has obtained in one year is 40 000 000 Yen includes communication expense
                                                          • 之后,我付律师费,或让他们与前来谈判 After paying remuneration to the attorney being attached together it has negotiating when

                                                        • 我会在狱中他进入高中99%,或就业,占福冈民办高校毕业生(犯罪团伙,一切罪恶的根源。) Entering into the jail as for the 99 of the ru person with high soldier finishing employment private large soldier finishing around Fukuoka the offender group root of badness
                                                          • 家伙欺负我,或在高中就业,我就读于私立大学按福冈 We as for the ijime person with high soldier finishing employment private around Fukuoka it seems that enters largely

                                                        • 我可以将远离企业税收优惠的方式只有当各企业减税
                                                          If income tax it reduces taxes, after abolishing various favorable treatment tax systems for corporate body, it makes do?

                                                          • 我完全否认了消费税,或井当然,“经济,除非他们使用了错误的方式和民主党人将提高Kunaru税已经在日本和韩亚Ryou应该做回收 Consumer tax tax increase being denied completely don t you think the ru well the proper “increasing taxes if you do not make a mistake in use to something business becomes good If the Democratic party Long ago Japan puts out business the expectation which has been recovered
                                                            • 我完全否认了消费税,或井当然,“如果经济的方式是错加税,即使它们使用好Kunaru”日本是一个很久以前,应和恢复 Consumer tax tax increase being denied completely don t you think the ru well the proper “increasing taxes if you do not make a mistake in use to something business becomes good If the Democratic party Long ago Japan puts out business the expectation which has been recovered
                                                            • 此外,根据研究的基本养老保险的保费折扣也分钟的退休金,减少对受薪工人和企业负担 In addition fundamental annuity amount lowering also government managed pension plan for corporate employees charge it decreases the white collar worker and enterprise burden
                                                            • 真是我曾经教过我什么,我已经有一个已经存在在这个时候加税调整税收和保险养老保险1健康 1 When it adds health insurance charge and insurance against annuity charge as tax but already under present conditions this what Increasing taxes still to teach whether you use in something with maji
                                                            • 经济,除非他们使用错误的方法,即使加税时确定等待鄂如从第一个错误,如果您如何使用好Kunaru民主党人 Increasing taxes if you do not make a mistake in use business becomes good If the Democratic party you make a mistake in the how to use it has been decided from beginning

                                                          • 我要作为唯一的目标个人谁也破坏了当地的记忆看到我仍然住在商店,如果我老?如果你能不买完全改变,很少花税以及汽车,我坐出租车的权利?克罗克省份已经下降 NULL
                                                            • 10个专职销售税的地方,如果是%15%说实话,我觉得并不重要 Honest place If the regular member you think that with consumer tax 10 or there is no relationship with 15
                                                            • 149 15%的消费税是不是你想要的位置 149 gt In only the human who annual income 7 000 000 or more has been broken gt We want making consumer tax 15 rank
                                                            • 400 000‥‥环境或税收只有36点,虽然这是艰难的汽车公司 36 With just consumer tax 400 000 However it is good to environment don t you think the automobile company is be tired
                                                            • 一旦10%的税,谁相继自杀后,也有资格申请社会安全的思想,它不应该再食用的小商店,business m非常糟糕Kunaru When it becomes the consumer tax 10 suicide person successive appearance it is thought also the fact that the small store which the be te stops being able to go welfare applies The ho is with business becomes bad
                                                            • 乘上必需品销售税,使人们购买生活必需品我筛,要税收 If consumer tax is put on the necessity because the citizen does not obtain does not buy the necessity the tax revenue rises
                                                            • 什么是消费税百分之美国用这些钱和我在一起,我知道你有一个税收增长 Consumer tax becoming whatever therefore as for the gold which is used simultaneous what The ro which does not become tax revenue rise and is
                                                            • 你提出的消费税,汽油税像乘以双重征税税和销售税狗屎帮助重新考虑的话,乡亲 Consumer tax lifting it is helpless doing the dual taxation like droppings which bet consumer tax on gasoline tax to some extent takes a second look the tax system
                                                            • 你的消费税提高消费税的应用于日用品和食品,但它?万结构疯狂 As for increasing consumer tax however the structure cup To daily necessaries and food consumer tax As for applying the ro which is okashii
                                                            • 后10%的税,但我们已采取必要的,希望税收 When consumer tax is designated as the 10 because it depends on also the necessity The tax revenue probably will rise
                                                            • 如果你不税必需品652,税收Garanaijan 652 Unless it imposes a tax to the daily necessaries the tax revenue is does not rise
                                                            • 我只是个普通人15消费税总收入超过百分之139,而不是700多万,并希望地方 139 In only the human who annual income 7 000 000 or more has been broken We want making consumer tax 15 rank
                                                            • 我只需付税的水,鸡传染性法氏囊病是一种生活方式呆 Consumer tax is paid to the mere water how the 呆 re is life style is end
                                                            • 我花了这么多鲁莽付出4 86亿美元的销售税,取消 486 Consumer tax is paid the tsu te which to be enormous very much it is what with sale 10 000 000
                                                            • 我还破坏了当地的记忆仍是商店,它如何生活很老呢?他们不能完全改变了,很少考虑消费税,买一辆车,坐出租车,你知道你?克罗克省份已经下降 NULL
                                                            • 用户必须购买Tatte说从原来的被征用,但它是税收,折旧和对他们的气动Yanaranaikotomoattesa没有重大Soreto The question tsu which is received from the customer passing it stocks and the reason to which consumer tax catches it puts out from the origin That and opposing to the major company to be cheap the u and others you must be partly due to the fact that
                                                            • 经过467销售税必需品放在,只给经济降温,但不买文僵硬单一收据秒,不希望税收 467 Unless after consumer tax is put on the necessity refraining from buying happening simply business does not rise just becomes cold the tax revenue
                                                            • 销售税,但已被视为唯一的目标谁的个人消费,真正的,我可以解释为销售税,因为它是从税收上看到出售业务 As for consumer tax as designated just the individual who has been consumed as the target however it is visible To tell the truth therefore the tax which depends on buying and selling if you see from the enterprise side also sales tax it interprets It is possible what don t you think

                                                          • 所得税+ 65%的最高税率居住税可能是什么?在继承和赠与税是考虑到税务创作
                                                            As for income tax + inhabitant tax whether the highest tariff it becomes the 65%? As for tax increase of establishment inheritance giving of property taxation in the midst of examination

                                                            • 按下如果经济与感冒填充了包括消费也已指出的是恐惧本身远远耙财政整顿目标,重点似乎是辩论的平衡税收负担财政巩固家庭消费
                                                              If business easing is done with chill of consumption, goal Restoration of sound government finance itself is pointed out also distantly [ku] fear, balance of housekeeping expenses burden and restoration of sound government finance may become the focus even in consumer tax discussion

                                                              • 接受它的好处,日本公司在泡沫时期大致围绕繁荣,丰田汽车超过了1万亿日元,净利润,营业收入2万亿日元
                                                                To receive the benefit, prosperity of the Japanese enterprise to exceed bubble period largely, the Toyota Motor Corporation to exceed Sumitosi benefit 1,000,000,000,000 Yen, even with the operating profit 2,000,000,000,000 Yen

                                                                • 政治管理和政治团体可以继承免税基金,系统滥用,许多政治家族,前首相鸠山首相已支付逃避继承税和赠与税“逃税大王”,追求你来吧,只纳税不在线鸠山由钻石1负的原因
                                                                  Be able to inherit the political financial management group and the political organization with non taxation, Many hereditary Assemblymen abuse the system, the payment of donation tax and inheritance tax have escaped The reason where successive prime minister “tax evasion king” cannot overtake Prime Minister Hatoyama Diamond online When tax you pay, it is defeated, kana by Hatoyama

                                                                  • 日本285例失败了,反正国际货币基金组织该线是否真正的天才发挥,导致Karimasen分钟,你应该发挥的官僚治理结构,据美国的殖民地 285 As for Japan when it fails playback is done with IMF main leadership whether or not is you do not understand but In any case it is the expectation where bureaucratic rule mechanism of sort is played back until now as the American colony
                                                                    • 285一次,日本应该从那里及未能发挥 285 One time as for Japan failing It should play back from there with
                                                                    • 如果日本288崩溃,国际货币基金组织是否符合真正的天才发挥的领导Karimasen分钟,无论如何,你应该扮演的官僚治理结构,据美国的殖民地 288 When Japan fails playback is done with IMF main leadership whether or not is you do not understand but In any case it is the expectation where bureaucratic rule mechanism of sort is played back until now as the American colony

                                                                  • 日本经团联会长御手洗数码相机和打印机每恩戴者Rashii我支持提高消费税是生命的必需品,没有税是非常昂贵的恩戴什么? As for Chairman Japan Federation of Economic Organizations Mitarai The supporter of consumer tax tax increase it seems it is with Around digital camera and printer There are no daily necessaries it is with Super large amount consumer tax how will how probably be
                                                                    • 统一企业税收增长百分之五提示支付1650万到不少消费者的320万需要消耗3 2亿这是不可能的游戏,需要约450万薪水 16 5 ten thousand to pay mainly with tax increase of hint 5 3 200 000 consumption is needed To consume 3 200 000 4 500 000 annual income is needed In other words unreasonable Gaea

                                                                  • 日本经团连,政治贡献“简历”移动到这一点,政治家和政党同意解除拉销售税,即说,养老基金是195人财产的有关关键万亿有日元 As for the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations at the time of “reopening” the political donation the political party and the politician who approve pulling up the consumer tax targeting with as for saying it is serious As for the annuity reserve funds which are property of the citizen there is approximately 195 000 000 000 000 Yen
                                                                    • 日本经团连,政治贡献“简历”移动到这一点,政治家和政党同意解除,消费税,不是说是养老基金,财产的人约195万亿日元的关键那里 As for the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations at the time of “reopening” the political donation the political party and the politician who approve pulling up the consumer tax targeting with as for saying it is serious As for the annuity reserve funds which are property of the citizen there is approximately 195 000 000 000 000 Yen

                                                                  • 显示此循环的细节问题上减少税收,还希望降低税收在细节上显示时间
                                                                    Tariff the tax revenue goes down to the degree which is lifted Because and the tax revenue it decreases and tariff it lifts This infinite loop of what

                                                                    • 最大的年度居住在多摩和从我来到京都,是,听取了市长选举在一个国家工资的Toppukurasurashii Coming out of Kyoto it makes Tama it is the do ru person burn You heard with mayor election but as for the allowance here even with entire country Top class it seems

                                                                      • 欧洲的公务员支付了年平均3 0亿负担基尔下降了35万亿日元,如果公务员的平均工资向私营部门和准政府工作人员的平均780万公务员中日〜★4 000 000 30000000 异常遣散费津贴 相互你如何解释我在日本有这么退休金只会下降?查看详情及参赛得到没有降低工资是多少?西方的呢?你想工作有没有民主 If allowance of the government employee and the quasi government employee is lowered people evenly annual 35 000 000 000 000 Yen is devised Europe and America Government employee wages even 3 000 000 4 000 000 Japan Government employee wages average 7 800 000 abnormal treatment retirement lump sum grant 30 000 000 mutual aid annuity As for having atrophied just Japan How it explains it is When salary it lowers application saying As for Europe and America Democracy just is not done functioning the ro
                                                                        • 年收入209万日元,1000万日元的年收入有那么高)奖金为一个月5000000日元÷ 59个月≒(17个月45万日元税后?平均数,私营部门,中学“管理工程”由在包括F公司的乡亲黑大学毕业生运行 209 As for 10 000 000 Yen in annual income the bonus as 5 months s amount Annual income 10 000 000 Yen ÷ 17 month ≒ monthly income 590 000 Yen approximately net income 450 000 Yen So it probably will be high Private average the party of black enterprise includes with large soldier finishing of the medium soldier finishing “somehow manufacture” empty F run

                                                                      • 此外,韩国济州和流亡,韩国人,我是来占领岛大部分日本人谁来到济州1 3日由我来
                                                                        And, deportation area with the Korean Peninsula to be the end state island, to Japan As for the Korean whom it crosses the person who is crossed from the end state island to Japan occupies most

                                                                        • 消费税上调这个时候,我分,那里的消费趋势?他们给你,要加强对低工资的劳工权利或者希望公司税?减少或公共社会福利政策? Consumer tax tax increase understanding in such a time it goes out somewhere In order for salary to rise instead of income tax going down strengthening right to work Being restored to the citizen with social welfare policy
                                                                          • 我在这次消费税上调政治家趋势?在第一个经济措施,在将来增加税收,如果魔法分钟瓦特 The politicians tsu te which in such a time designates consumer tax tax increase as trend… First if countercyclical measures after doing in the future consumer tax rise you understand but w

                                                                        • 消费税增加,但国内生产总值(GDP)的55个消费开支产生抑制百分之577
                                                                          But tax increase of consumer tax gross domestic product (GDP) becomes the result which oppresses the personal spending which occupies the 55%

                                                                          • 滑稽朱达罗茹我已经销售税和财产税我缴纳所得税?你只是想踢公务员奖金狗屎? Although income tax and property tax are paid Consumer tax is taken the ro which how is strange and is It just transforms into the bonus of the droppings government employee the ro

                                                                            • 濒死体验我希望政治家们热情好客税Kangaedaro死亡什么是现在很全年之久的经济复苏官员,公职人员在提高消费税税额高达
                                                                              With tax increase tax revenue rise In government employee hearty welcome treatment The government employee increasing consumption, business recovery Everyone ten thousand 々 year The [ro] where [tsu] [te] is thought of the current politician We want dying

                                                                              • 然议员,但我知道v3EeSLJD0,我没那么简单的傻瓜但少说话,少微购买股票嗯,我不知道我们是否有喀瓦克投诉过,但如果因此我将分红热门狙鱿鱼?如果编号:v3EeSLJD0是不能少的任意强加它自己的解释不同, Whether v3EeSLJD0 intellectual viewing If so although you lift allotment if there is a complaint that stocks buy it can dry and is from the wa being less Although the foolish less it just did with story as micro something there are no simple ones is is uke you aim ID If it is different from v3EeSLJD0 you coercing your own interpretation selfishly the less being done it is troubled
                                                                                • 但在此之前612编号:v3EeSLJD0或她,但兰花知识,简单的什么,他只是不那么愚蠢微谈喀瓦克在黑暗中井少买股票,如果您如果有投诉,才能把住房股息我狙的夜晚鱿鱼的知名度。如果编号:v3EeSLJD0是不能少的任意强加它自己的解释不同, 612 You ID Whether v3EeSLJD0 intellectual viewing If so although you lift allotment if there is a complaint that stocks buy it can dry and is from the wa being less Although the foolish less it just did with story as micro something there are no simple ones is is uke you aim ID If it is different from v3EeSLJD0 you coercing your own interpretation selfishly the less being done it is troubled

                                                                              • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17
                                                                                • 瓦特移动农业合作 公共公司超过16年的生活,终生收入100亿日元 这个家伙是由皇帝任命 04 23 公共公司伞塔26,唯一的排序操作呼吸 04 17 w 16 year crossing life 1 000 000 000 Yen in life wages compulsory emperor was koitsu 04 23 Agricultural 26 corporate body moves Compulsory tower In business categorization sigh 04 17

                                                                              • 精神科药物有较好的了,不是吗?自自由化瓦特,瓦特的自我管理
                                                                                Already, the [ro] w where as for the psychosis medicine the one which is freed is good and is Self diagnostic and self dosage w

                                                                                • 股东股利和提高其殖民Sundaro税?怎么说话,以企业税,禁止调度,全职就业,优先工作职责和日本人说!
                                                                                  Income tax lowering the [ro] which and share dividend it lifts and/or is completed? Income tax it lowers, when it is, dispatch is dense the [tsu] which requires prohibition, regular member employment and Japanese priority employment shelf

                                                                                  • 自民党内以每年10万亿日元,购买美国国债为15万亿日元,一氧化氮,并说他们想 The Liberal Democratic Party era we want calling to the purchase of the American bond which annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen is NO
                                                                                    • 美国国库券,希望我卖掉了5万亿日元,每年少,有没有需要加税 If every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it keeps selling the American bond it is not necessary to increase taxes
                                                                                    • 美国国库券,希望我卖掉了5万亿日元,每年少,有没有需要加税 If every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it keeps selling the American bond it is not necessary to increase taxes
                                                                                    • 美国国库券,希望我卖掉了5万亿日元,每年少,有没有需要加税 If every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it keeps selling the American bond it is not necessary to increase taxes
                                                                                    • 美国国库券,希望我卖掉了5万亿日元,每年少,有没有需要加税 If every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it keeps selling the American bond it is not necessary to increase taxes
                                                                                    • 美国国库券,希望我卖掉了5万亿日元,每年少,有没有需要加税 If every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it keeps selling the American bond it is not necessary to increase taxes
                                                                                    • 美国国库券,希望我卖掉了5万亿日元,每年少,有没有需要加税 If every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it keeps selling the American bond it is not necessary to increase taxes
                                                                                    • 美国国库券,希望我卖掉了5万亿日元,每年少,有没有需要加税 If every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it keeps selling the American bond it is not necessary to increase taxes
                                                                                    • 美国国库券,希望我卖掉了5万亿日元,每年少,有没有需要加税 If every year at a time 5 000 000 000 000 Yen it keeps selling the American bond it is not necessary to increase taxes
                                                                                    • 自民党内以每年10万亿日元,购买美国国债为15万亿日元,一氧化氮,并说他们想 The Liberal Democratic Party era we want calling to the purchase of the American bond which annual 10 000 000 000 000 Yen 15 000 000 000 000 Yen is NO

                                                                                  • 至少在消费税上调,增加税收收入税限制了相关的股票(超过100万美元的特别)或之前,企业减税,增加研究和发展的税收信贷和外国公司的社会保险,缴纳的税款我想做的事-然后转口回到排除重新考虑股息税,总收入
                                                                                    At least before the consumer tax increasing taxes, tax increase income tax upper limit rise related to stocks (especially 100,000,000 or more) which?, Before the corporation tax reduction, enterprise burden increase research and development tax reduction and deduction for foreign taxes of social premium The trap which is wanted doing the second look at receipt allotment profit non- inclusion export drawback and the like

                                                                                    • 规划双重征税,因为贪婪,自民党成员应邀出席了所得税收入,我们应该属于财政部官员
                                                                                      Because of my interest selfish desire it plans dual taxation, Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman and the public official of the financial affairs ministry who cause the yield decrease of income tax should cease to exist

                                                                                      • 财政重建不能没有狗屎我对通胀的消费税上调通货紧缩下,财政部高度荒谬也将在做废话
                                                                                        Unless it makes inflation, there is no restoration of sound government finance or droppings, under deflation height of stupidity consumer tax tax increase how As for the financial affairs ministry [detarame] doing to some extent margin

                                                                                        • 还是难以接受,帮助该公司获得减税的好处削减税收损失过大,只有大公司的电梯销售公司也
                                                                                          Income tax being reduced taxes, when loss of the sale is too large, is Only big business receives the benefit of corporation tax reduction Being helpless thing… it is hard to agree upon, but

                                                                                          • 这可能是一种解脱,如果相反的想法在其他医疗保险税税率以及
                                                                                            Well, betting consumer tax on health insurance treatment with the conception of opposite, there is also the hand that it is and makes ease other tariff but

                                                                                            • 这条铁路是公务员制度改革的薄雾,我不干预三宅洋262
                                                                                              262 It was hazy with the Miyake public 妨, but as for that steamrolling there is no government employee system reformation?

                                                                                              • 阿赫罗保护费用更多!增加现金支付!如果他们不暮没食物!增加的钱更多!志位和生命保护弱者和容易,社会民主党不唱Namaho保护゚手厚。这里是我的价值,但最终没有解除与销售税 Increase the protective expense more Increase the cash which is provided Now you cannot eat it cannot live Increase the cash more and more And we would like to protect life Weak It is kind it is careful Social welfare As for the Democratic party administration which is sung Preservation to of namaho ゚ Amount is increased Depending increasing consumer tax after all it was to be simultaneous
                                                                                                • 是的,我会说没有人踢很少帮助塔姆惠的真正的福利,我很高兴地同意恩戴 Truly because of welfare the tsu te which helps the people who do not favor you say if it is the a it is to do rejoicing you approve
                                                                                                • 梁百分之五以上的福利消费税和更进一步,进一步截断福利,消费已大不如前,包括感冒 Furthermore calling for the sake of welfare it increased consumer tax to 5 percent but furthermore welfare was truncated consumption made be cold
                                                                                                • 老人的福利,不会有低消费倾向,这笔资金将有利于经济和Kukara线,因为他们只有一套左右 Concerning welfare as for the old person as for propensity to consume it probably will be low but Because the gold goes to the party whom it has been about to provide with around it probably is good influence in business

                                                                                              • 难道你不浸泡越好先进的医疗储874?更好的是,病人支付百分之十那么,谁可能减少废物的医疗费用或恢复至80%的形式 874 It is not good for high level medical care to make a profit it is it is not Rather thing patient burden 10 doing comparatively you reset medical expense suitable 8 tenth when the one which it does Whether wastefulness decreases
                                                                                                • 一旦要付出更多的学生来住,我想买什么,他们竖起你想要什么 Being patient those which desired ones we would like to buy although it lives Furthermore when it becomes burden it is not good living

                                                                                              • 需要手术-努力改善其他某种方式的财政增加税收,通货膨胀对健全Purabara -立即削减开支提高了债券的信心+减债采取稳定他们的眼睛上旨在促进和下降时间
                                                                                                After improved [purabara] with � tax increase annual expenditure reduction, increasing the confidence of the government bond already with one side With a some method it keeps having inflation rate to +, toward the stable loss in weight of debt aims

                                                                                                • 顾不是没有意义Narukara不再完全是我以前的方式做,你知贺夫770富起来?如果您提高或提高多少比你的消费税,并愿意豁免某些食品,以及如何,以及是否需要消除双重或汽油税,居住税,适当的政策如果你只想显示 770 When it stops using the method the rich person profit because very that meaning is gone it is not That compared to consumer tax is increased if is as for the air which makes the food and the like non imposing a tax that cancelling the duplication taking of gasoline tax and inhabitant tax just which it lifts whether and whether certain And so on it is about to want showing the policy of doing properly
                                                                                                  • 我有100万和年龄的改变而改变,1000→3000→100亿美元1年应税销售额在这,我觉得真正回到3000万 Vis a vis the gross sales the taxation object year 100 000 000 gt 30 000 000 gt 10 000 000 With age it is transitive but it is as expected and the air which returns to 30 000 000 does
                                                                                                  • 苦无Narukara不完全意味着我不再用你的钱给那些富有的770知贺夫?如果您提高或提高多少比你的消费税,并愿意豁免某些食品,以及如何以及是否取消汽油税,或采取双重,显示了正确的政策如果你只是想 770 When the rich person stops using the money because very that meaning is gone it is not That compared to consumer tax is increased if is as for the air which makes the food and the like non imposing a tax that cancelling the duplication taking of gasoline tax just which it lifts whether and whether certain And so on it is about to want showing the policy of doing properly
                                                                                                  • 转让税收是财政大臣谷垣祯一。一次,他们揭示了居民收入和税收双重征税狙到2006年收入组 The tax source transferring changing where Tanigaki is financial affairs minister of state The time the aim of dual taxation of income tax and the inhabitant tax which are assigned is disclosed to 2006 income
                                                                                                  • 高收入人士及毕业税。和放松,以减少所得税从1990年以来的总和,是如何处理我就可以得到高收入的做法,对进入一个10年的经验被遗失 And in high income layer promotive section Easing because income tax you lighten As for total doing the method high income layer profit directly from about 1990 10 years which are lost it rushed

                                                                                                • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece
                                                                                                  • 首先,只要这不解决日本↓总是希腊 First if such a ↓ is not solved Japan by all means becomes Greece

                                                                                                • 首先,政府官员提高税收,牛粪,2010年代,年轻的老男人人民的权利和左,然后明确反对分裂,无论如何官员市民,暂时减少一半的退休金向公务员提供退休金公务员的薪酬奖金从总体看来好人民的意志,苏完肤下降削减政府雇员的选票,号召力和粪便的薪金 Tax increase Raise in salary of droppings government employee First 2010 age the right and the left and old person and young person In any case The opposition axis of the anti government employee is made clear Reduction by half of government employee allowance bonus retirement lump sum grant annuity Because it actualizes Because it is good being temporary gathering and summarizing public opinion the so gi you drop the labor cost and collection vote power of the droppings government employee on the all inclusive skin
                                                                                                  • 首先,政府官员提高税收,牛粪,2010年代,年轻的老男人人民的权利和左,然后明确反对分裂,无论如何官员市民,暂时减少一半的退休金向公务员提供退休金公务员的薪酬奖金从总体看来好人民的意志,苏完肤下降削减开支和表决收集粪便,公务员的权力 Tax increase Raise in salary of droppings government employee First 2010 age the right and the left and old person and young person In any case The opposition axis of the anti government employee is made clear Reduction by half of government employee allowance bonus retirement lump sum grant annuity Because it actualizes Because it is good being temporary gathering and summarizing public opinion the so gi you drop the labor cost and collection vote power of the droppings government employee on the all inclusive skin
                                                                                                  • 首先,政府官员提高税收,牛粪,2010年代,年轻的老男人人民的权利和左,然后明确反对分裂,无论如何官员市民,暂时减少一半的退休金向公务员提供退休金公务员的薪酬奖金从总体看来好人民的意志,苏完肤下降削减开支和表决收集粪便,公务员的权力 Tax increase Raise in salary of droppings government employee First 2010 age the right and the left and old person and young person In any case The opposition axis of the anti government employee is made clear Reduction by half of government employee allowance bonus retirement lump sum grant annuity Because it actualizes Because it is good being temporary gathering and summarizing public opinion the so gi you drop the labor cost and collection vote power of the droppings government employee on the all inclusive skin

                                                                                                • 龟井在传统上一直试图推动一个正规就业和邮政送货员更宽松的财政,信用社和Kon Nobu餐厅的借款人,在牺牲的
                                                                                                  As for Kamei, being thorough the [tsu] and lax fiscal administration, It has been about that also to sacrifice ahead trust gold trust group and the loan, will carry out the proper employment conversion of the distribution member et. al of the post office, but

                                                                                                  • (野口悠纪男) 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达100万亿 日元的营业亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 5月10日 Yukio Noguchi It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10
                                                                                                    • 专栏 经济“错误的”纳莉高达一〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇日元经营亏损(野口悠纪男) 10 05 10 It loses with economic “error” management As many as 100 000 000 000 000 Yen nari Yukio Noguchi 10 05 10

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