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In stealth fighter plane F22 match China, even in 18 new model fighter plane disposition?


  • 211支AK步枪和PK机枪,RPG火箭,支,AT3反坦克导弹,表达式59 / 69式坦克装甲车辆的油箱是96型63型05炮杀伤人员地雷,集束弹药和Q -轰炸机5的J - 7战斗机,樱- 17战斗机,空空导弹,反舰导弹护卫舰等
    211 AK rifle and PK machine gun, RPG antitank rocket and AT3 antitank missile, 59 types/69 type tanks, 96 type tanks, 63 type armored vehicles and 05 type mechanized guns, Anti personnel mine, cluster weapon, Q - 5 attack planes, J - 7 fighter planes, JF - 17 fighter planes and AAM, Surface-to-ship missile and frigate etc

    • 4比全民投票国防预算的美国部队在日本的 和1票决定,如果需要帮助,我可以在任何地方搬迁到日本的基地,如果有必要,您是否不需要如果你问我做什么,但日益恶化的情况下,我应该考虑这样的全民投票 Such a thing compared to with referendum the US military 4 1 of the Japanese defense budget whether or not necessity for part it judges with poll If necessity if it should have relocated the base with the Japanese anywhere if and necessary it is not it should have had keeping coming out and You think that if very such a time the citizen you should have voted
      • 通过表决决定,如果日本有必要在防御比美国军队在全民投票,并搬迁到基地,我在日本的任何地方,如果必要,好,如果你问我行了如无必要,我认为,如何在这种情况下恶化投票 Such a thing compared to with referendum the US military 4 1 of the Japanese defense budget whether or not necessity for part it judges with poll If necessity if it should have relocated the base with the Japanese anywhere if and necessary it is not it should have had keeping coming out and You think that if very such a time the citizen you should have voted

    • 898的数字绝对武力“,仅仅是一个刚手流的子弹数量的更大的敌人攻击的士兵,”ー得到了要点是什么
      898 Human sea tactics “if it attacks from the number of bullets of the enemy with the many soldiers, it can win,” the [tsu] - those which are gist…

      • 909 910自动,独立的空中优势是任何力量不久的将来,无人拦截控制(远程)是,我认为
        909 910 As for automation and independence conversion being unreasonable, in the near future, Automation of control of the air and interception (remote control conversion) It is possible, it is the kana which is not

        • NULL In public hearing as for blues remukin Deputy Under Secretary and Wayne uruman Chinese problem department manager of Seek Spartan the Chinese air force The ability to attack the Guam as the US military base which has control of the air in the west Pacific Ocean which includes Taiwan and Japan with the ballistic missile 1000 or more by the aircraft presently It is limited but existence Long spur of B6 bomber We to develop improved as for this improved The US military base of the Guam can be attacked with the direct air to ground cruise missile of loading 2 Development of domestic fighter plane in earnest We were advancing the next generation the fifth generation as for the fighter plane in 2018 encounter it is the prospect that it can dispose and so on we testified
          • ※B6的轰炸机图波列夫图 16“獾”图 16(飞机) 维基百科(维基百科)』 B6 bomber tsuporehu Tu 16” bajiya ” Tu 16 Aircraft uikipedeia Wikipedia
          • 中国问题厄尔曼主任韦恩布鲁斯莱姆金,在听证会上担任空军司,中国空军(1)攻击的能力在太平洋的关岛与美国飞机的空中优势的西方势力正它是有限的,在被长途轰炸机▼B6的。开发了原型的变体可以攻击这一对表面美军基地在关岛空气巡航导弹装备(2)我和进步全面发展国内飞机,新一代(第五代)飞机是在2018年真正▼ In public hearing as for blues remukin Deputy Under Secretary and Wayne uruman Chinese problem department manager of Seek Spartan the Chinese air force The ability to attack the Guam as the US military base which has control of the air in the west Pacific Ocean which includes Taiwan and Japan with the ballistic missile 1000 or more by the aircraft presently It is limited but existence Long spur of B6 bomber We to develop improved as for this improved The US military base of the Guam can be attacked with the direct air to ground cruise missile of loading 2 Development of domestic fighter plane in earnest We were advancing the next generation the fifth generation as for the fighter plane in 2018 encounter it is the prospect that it can dispose and so on we testified

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 147 In the Russian weapon export market being devastated in China therefore great distress whether already useless Arms budget China continuing to grow at 2 columns although the ru because being able to recover Russia from the damage of financial crisis Budget it cannot increase When this way is changing to Russia within several years China America may become the superpower which confronts each other
          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 147 The Russian weapon export market being devastated in China therefore great distress whether already useless Arms budget China continuing to grow at 2 columns although the ru because being able to recover Russia from the damage of financial crisis Budget it cannot increase When this way is changing to Russia within several years China America may become the superpower which confronts each other

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 298 The revised tsu te there is no part of firearm control Well what kind of it improves you do not understand but private accumulation of engine technology it is possible the one which Well enough you think that you look back but it is

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 403 When you make ground war and aerial warfare messy the ro www to which also the soldier is troubled and is
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 403 When you make ground war and air war messy the ro www to which also the soldier is troubled and is

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 463 In modern game the number of heads compared to the number of bores Several hundred million Yen it promotes from here even with junk of the manned fighter plane of the Chinese main and several 1 000 000 000 it does the latest and most powerful machine of small numbered disposition America aiming ru unmanned as for the F A machine from several 10 000 000 for several hundred million Yen Service and simplicity the runway being short disposable possibility
            • 如果没有914无人机及载人飞机导弹击中的“志位很难对付”嗯,我得到了基鲁ー用尽点 914 As for UAV the missile not reaching to the piloted aircraft “Soft correspondence is difficult” the tsu it runs out in the point it is …

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 676 When it goes to there the ro which the zaku last type like kichigai ji the demon which was seen you remodel and is
            • 676和去那里,就在那时我像一个疯狂的类型最后修改扎克魔术 676 When it goes to there the ro which the zaku last type like kichigai ji the demon which was seen you remodel and is

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 704 Sousing in the special resin as for tsu te increasing strength however you have seen before Thermally the excessiveness it isn t ALL wooden tsu te w
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 971 Being able to make also the engine and armored edition with the wood product You think that it is tsu te story but

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 782 In the Gulf War as for the Iraqi air force fighter plane which detects the F 14 Tomcats of the American navy taking everyone evasive action Almost to list the war results it could not do the F 14 Tomcats
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 782 In the Gulf War the important mission whose degree of risk is high it has matured also tonedo it is don t you think the e …

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 After carelessness however it is not possible making the copy good immediately the shelf w Troop side receives with the Chinese make new model fighter plane and the abnormal vibration etc the failure to the copy of denial Russian fighter plane “ suhoi 27” 05 17
            • 712散射雷达将不会显示在(监察雷达只有认识到鸟是不是)的形状,这些飞机(或船舶) 712 Dispersing the radar wave it is not indicated to the monitor of the radar it is recognized in only the bird Fighter plane of such form or vessels
            • 我是不是会,女 不是那么容易了至少22名战士去看看WWW的甜蜜世界最好的技术在为难古查美国军事万维网 As for the wa www which is not the reason which can make the fighter plane of F 22 or more so simply Looking at the worldwide highest military technology which America has sweetly and others the tsu chi ya it is troubled www

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for China as for stealth fighter plane development program it has well enough from the time before like to put out Unexpectedly it becomes the thing whether it is it is not with thinking the ru

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for simply being worry thinking that it is not the ru Say that there is uwasa why Chinese make stealth fighter plane canard wing Why the canard Probably is there a merit
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for simply being worry Say that there is uwasa why Chinese make stealth fighter plane canard wing Why the canard Probably is there a merit
              • 良好的艺术感觉飞机机头的严重性了,我不认为我会行前德国蜘蛛在西方是不是该死的图画书,您的牡蛎 Harshness in the sense that nose art is good on old West Germany those which go thinking that it is not the ru Don t you think as for the fighter plane the picture scratching register you smiled

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 By the way RPG speaking if the ru sensible putting out everyone knowing however the ru you think Therefore in Russia missile as for naming rocket The missile and the rocket the same it is ji word “ raketa ” ракета

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 During latest line of baibureta developing hearing it flew Stealth functional kind of loading which is not bare in the family it seems being the shank Getting wet waiting it increases
                • 发展现代化武器,我也会带核峨人民军是来用在除了招聘取之不尽时,有这些家伙是世界上最强 Also the nucleus having the ru it does and now then the latest weapons while developing in addition as for the People s Army if with it becomes You can use limitlessly with conscription and and others it is dense it is the world strongest

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 fifth generation fighter plane Inter fax communication Interfax according to suhoi PAK As for FA supersonic flight of long haul being possible Be able to attack plural goals simultaneously it can take off and land on the short runway
                • 俄罗斯和印度这样做,右伯英足总将不会你売Ritakunai中国?警惕应有的权力,如果你有可能成为未来陆続威胁 It makes Russia and India and would not like to sell chi ya PAK FA in China it is it is not If there is a large country which in the future can become threat in the land continuation being cautious it puts out naturally

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If the extent which can make such a ones in China now the automobile and the motorcycle and the IT product the greatest in the world are produced It pierces advanced nation by technical power and releases and the ro www which is the ru At the very most the sticker “of the nest which is thrown away” pasting in the paraglider it throws the ro w which is

                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If you look at this process of course there probably is resistance but Rescindment of weapon export probably is possible with political decision of the Cabinet

                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 That it is not detected to the radar however you say Thermal detection it is not melted kana as expected from the engine The fire coming out when the ru it does and the thermal detection wide ranging radar is possible It can supplement probably is with any stealth fighter plane
                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If data link omnipotence although even now there is such function in the fighter plane Those where the radar is stacked mean strange thing

                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The antitank missile tsu per empty TOW it is the imaginative red sandal wood Ww which you do not think that it is RPG
                    • 他们认为这是TTP的东西出155: www daniel coray ch 伊万 科赖 毛利斯 亨特 06。JPG格式 155 Something this you remembered ttp www daniel coray ch ivan coray Mollis Hunter 06 JPG

                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The engine and avionics also is the medium range AAM probably Chinese make what When we assumed that is that Su 27 based J 11 was stronger also the situation like gag is thought
                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The aeronautical technology which the Chinese tsu te FC 1 and J does not equip daibataresu intoretsuto in 10B cannot disdain easily having the ru

                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Therefore being looked over the fact that the sky is passed RPG 7 the direct shooting chi ya it is uninformed Is downed simply the substitute which the stealth fighter plane
                    • 500 000立方米的最高海拔认为洲际弹道导弹的打击,例如,为什么它可以杀死 Therefore combat activity possibility maximum ordinate 500 000 m you try if probably to do it can down even with ICBM

                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 This time America Chinese in the future gaining force furthermore the ze which prepares the armament which exceeds that Securely research it has done you it is the ze which is with it is message what
                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 There is a possibility militarily of having gained force at the speed where China exceeds former American analysis

                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Though as for beneficial weapon At one time it is SONY is Toyota If now the ro which is Samson There is no missile Throw
                    • Ru ll以为我出了武器,你是多么峨莫真正走上发展的日本武器! Japan being serious when it embarks on weapon development thinking that the do just is the weapon which sprouts is produced the ru it is

                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When it is military power conversion of the speed to of this strange It becomes the military power which when is equal to America to around 2050 and is around 2100 Already the causing re which means China to possess world s largest strongest military power and to control the world it is
                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 888 The tsu te where the country which is not the large country the Japanese way competes by China and military power it is not too unreasonable As Korea which it has been about probably to compete with Japan seen it is pitiful

                  • Shisan十周年名无 邮箱:圣人发布日期:2010 05 21(星期五)14:47:58编号:U3utwC6x0 100万维网町s您必须使导弹和战斗机副油箱我Tomonee美津万维网中国科学院我 Name it is not tenth anniversary Mail sage Contribution day 2010 05 21 Friday 14 47 58 ID U3utwC6x0 100 chi yo www With the antitank missile the ro www which is not the meaning which the fighter plane how can be dropped and is Don t you think also the seeing tsu you smiled the refuse
                    • 被写入address m看到只有117名至117 357三六五瓦特:十周年Shisan名无 邮箱:圣人发布日期:2010 05 21(星期五)14:47:58编号:U3utwC6x0町100万维网你必须放弃的原因和在WWW的战机导弹反坦克我Tomonee自美津 365 357 117 To only without seeing it is less what which is written w 117 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Mail sage Contribution day 2010 05 21 gold 14 47 58 ID U3utwC6x0 100 chi yo www With the antitank missile the ro www which is not the meaning which the fighter plane how can be dropped and is Don t you think also the seeing tsu you smiled the refuse

                  • []外国政府鸠山友爱,做任何你想成为中国and Korea ...“的韩国与美国的关系恶化,预计到1步在”名称:◆☆☆☆JSGFLSFOXQ @重量古塔立即如果您☆ ★φ[off_go@yahoo.co.jp]发布日期:2010 / 05 / 06(周四)16:25:52编号:???韩国的挣扎进攻★0 u003d“普天间”苏和阴影-鸠山鸠山政府表示,在亚洲外交的外交,中国韩国,“压力”都在努力
                    Friendship We would like to do in Hatoyama diplomacy, China & Korea, at will… where it is done “with related deterioration of the United States, it is looked at the foot from China and South Korea” 1 Name: * The [gu] it is * * JSGFLSFOXQ @ * The [gu] it is thick * Φ * [off_go @ yahoo.co.jp] Contribution day: 2010/05/06 (Thursday) 16: 25: 52 ID: ? ? ? 0 * The worried = “Futenma” shadow you drop in the offensive posture of China and South Korea, - Hatoyama diplomacy Asian diplomacy the Hatoyama administration which puts out concern, worries to “the pressure” from China & Korea

                    • [中共]让你的同志业务伙伴-日本基本指令-日本的政治操纵赢得日本的先进工业技术的军事信息的重要工具,对日本的目标,外交部,台湾民主的收集工作,建立一个基地日本公布的大纲第二阶段工作的有关信息收集2法轮功运动及- 。日本的和平使命发布了一套工具实现自由是通过以下三个步骤
                      The basis acquires use Toward Japan construction principal goal Acquisition of the Japanese frontier industry technology Japanese politics, collection of diplomacy and military intelligence Anti- Taiwan construction of base of construction Democracy movement and the data gathering regarding legal wheel Isao The Japanese release second period construction summary - 2. Duty of release construction group Passing 3 stages under, it achieves the Japanese peaceful release,

                      • _NULL_
                        288 Writing on the weekly new tide of last month, it met, but it is The Self Defense Force equipment and deterioration of training contents are extreme with reduction of budget, it seems M3A1 grease gun, M1 garland, 64 type rifles, M2 Browning, L - 90 anti aircraft automatic weapons, 64 type mortars and M double mortar, M20 reforming bazooka, M40 recoilless rifle, FH - 70 howitzers, 64 type Anti Tank Guided Missile and hawk Surface to Air Guided Missile, 74 type tanks, 73 type armored vehicles, 60 type self-propelled recoilless rifles and 75 type multiple equipment rockets, 75 types our. Howitzer, 87 type self-propelled anti aircraft automatic weapons and 78 type tank recoveries, 75 type armored dozers, The F - 4EJ reforming fighter plane, the P - 3C patrol plane, the RF - 4E spyplane and the RF - 4EJ spyplane, E - 2C the early warning machine, the AH - 1S antitank helicopter and the UH - 1H transport helicopter, CH - 47J transport helicopter and V107 rescue helicopter, The [ru]/it does and don't you think? and others the class helicopter escort ship, cold class/it is the cold class missile escort ship, noway to come, the class escort ship and the [yu] [u] beam class escort ship, the [a] the [gi] [ri] class escort ship, the [ru] tide class submarine several yearsActive service it puts out to before, Self Defense Force it can defending Japan, in the Chinese way invasion armada partner… considerably is insecure

                        • _NULL_
                          343 The Chinese troop of 20 years ago Combat force 4,000,000 person 8000 tanks, mechanized gun/15000 field artilleries, Fighter plane/4400 attack planes, 420 bombers, 600 transport planes, Destroyer 18, frigate 32, patrol vessels 870, Atomic submarine 5, submarine 45, landing warships 54, ↓ Current Chinese troop Combat force 2,200,000 person 8800 tanks, mechanized gun/25000 field artilleries, Fighter plane/1470 attack planes, 80 bombers, 600 transport planes, Aircraft carrier 1, destroyer 28, frigate 50, missile boat 200, Atomic submarine 9, Submarine 55, landing warships 280, The Japanese Self Defense Force Combat force 260,000 human -> 220,000 person Tank 1200 -> 600, mechanized gun/field artillery 900 -> 600 gates, Fighter plane 360 -> 260 machines and 40 transport planes, Helicopter aircraft carrier 1, escort ship 55 -> 47, missile boat 9 -> 6, Submarine 14 -> 16, amphibious vessels 9 -> 13

                          • _NULL_
                            Japanese our 虐 history. Brainwashing) │ 8. Execution of favorable treatment tax system to pachinko and the like (Relief and resident of resident enterprise special. Tax system) │ 9. Enlargement of welfare annuity to foreigner │ 10. Public financial fill enlargement to foreign school │ 11. Immigration expansionist policy and foreign student enlargement The Tibetan person In Japan Places in Japan China Like [chihe] ゙ [tsuto] Race purification Mass immigration Autonomy. Occupation Merging Japan Yamato purification ├ ─ 1 ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ ∩ _ _ _ ∩ /) | No REPT ( i ))) / ○ ○ | / / | ( _ - _) | No / Now [kokokuma] 彡 | ∪ | / / REPT No /' Japanese plum. In. The prime minister 20 years later (2015) when it becomes not to go out speaks Japan to Australian prime minister ttp: //www35. atwiki.jp/kol % 69a? cmd = upload & act = open & pageid = 307& file = 20year.jpg It is said that it flowed out from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the map which is entitled “the national strategy 2050” ttp: //blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/6b/74/9acb2195ebe7f0cbe9f3aee7936f8b48. jpg

                            • _NULL_
                              The foreigner does not carry out obligation and just right is obtained) │ 2. Actualization of foreign carrot administration suffering election right (From local self-governing body of countryside of population decrease │ First because foreign power takes over,) │ 3. Admission of surname classified by married couple (In order family system to make the Korean & Chinese system,) │ 4. Admission of woman type emperor system (With marriage with the foreign woman emperor house takeover) │ 5. Public support to major mass communications (Relief and speech control of resident type media) │ 6. Day morning diplomatic relations normalization (In North Korea gratuitousness provision of mass fund) │ 7. Apology compensation diplomacy (in the world gold rose spreading Japanese weakening

                              • “精神上有能力”两个十年长仁明天皇Ji籍除嗯继续探索日本人的起源。细则“的心。是苏再逝世”嵇启,卷50过去和现在的故事。和上。第三个死亡,由纪字“我们Warazu神変心”的事情管弦奉献着闻集古代与现代,卷50本隆宏神父“安楽纳莉精神上有能力在春天”条件比二清年1传记Myoe Hazime恒“深感精神上有能力和仁和“
                                Origin of a word “of mind” is searched Continuation Japanese period Benevolence discernment emperor period Ten years two in heaven length. 條 “Heart. Right [re] sinking” Now the former times story Volume 15 Higasioozi remonstrance. Monk. 佑 Death language third “Our, mind change” Ancient and modern work hearing collection Volume 15 In filial piety Hiroshi entrance vessel string thing of devotion “It becomes mind comfortable” Human biography with respect to discernment blessing On Spring Motonaga of two ratio 條 “Mind to be deep Kiyoshi 斎,”

                                • 一个战士或一个分支巡航导弹军队不能取代或无人?
                                  As for the service, fighter plane Being something which cannot be substituted with the automation and cruise missile?

                                  • 也许朝鲜核能力的对手,而不是消极的,取决于DQN上两位数的,那么所有那些白痴,或其他可能的国家和我Funuke Perhaps when it does is not that North Korea which the nucleus it has been about to equip is DQN Is defeated depending on the partner who that becomes natural the Japanese one where Perhaps it is manuke hunuke nation don t you think
                                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 36 Some topic has come out If the ma you see from the foreign country with manuke the duck green onion it probably is the foolish national tsu te place with guzu

                                  • 他能达到什么地方,并在世界5马赫在一小时内即begins ll实验一直是火箭无人驾驶飞机上432裂口看到另一个线程 432 The eye ma which saw with another sure it is experiment of the unmanned attack plane of the ma rocket the tsu te which starts it was With Mach 5 where in the world in 1 hours reachable tsu te person
                                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 482 The eye ma which saw with another sure it is experiment of the unmanned attack plane of the ma rocket the tsu te which starts it was With Mach 5 where in the world in 1 hours reachable tsu te person

                                  • 传统知识828 - X的,对外关系,国泰航空的国家很可能要感到周围的愿望
                                    828 The feeling per TK-X, P-X and C-X may be, the country which desires…

                                    • 伪主动隐身隐身昼夜温差实施的锁,任何异常振动 Is not stealth and mounting the false active stealth that you remove lock on by the fact that it vibrates abnormally
                                      • 漂移近岸海域空气罐男子在潜艇→→→异常振动 Sky gt abnormal vibration Sea gt by submarine dorihu Land gt by tank person

                                    • 但最近,鸠山首相说:“你越研究一切科学可爱偶像”,和我们的思维和我说,普天间基地的跑道上“隐藏的功能对所有来自冲绳的论点”改变但看起来,因为在普天间机场跑道是由美国,并希望在某个地方,搬到了冲绳要求 But because recently Prime Minister Hatoyama “if it learns calling the extent which is learned ” from American side as for changing thought the runway which is in the Futenma base pulling up “the easter egg” from everyone Okinawa as for Futenma s runway relocating somewhere of main islands of Okinawa when we want leaving it was requested
                                      • 但最近,鸠山首相说:“你越研究一切科学可爱偶像”,和我们的思维和我说,普天间基地的跑道上改变“隐藏的功能,”我想留在冲绳有人问我和来自美国 But because recently Prime Minister Hatoyama “if it learns calling the extent which is learned ” from American side as for changing thought the runway which is in the Futenma base pulling up “the easter egg” from everyone Okinawa as for Futenma s runway relocating somewhere of main islands of Okinawa when we want leaving it was requested

                                    • 但这并不是精神上有能力取消该项目,它可能是土著隐形未来发展 Simply the domestic stealth machine it will develop the fact that in the future mind project has not become the discontinuance Say that there is also a possibility
                                      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Simply the domestic stealth machine it will develop the fact that in the future mind project has not become the discontinuance Say that there is also a possibility

                                    • 俄罗斯版本的F - 22,中文版的F - 22型还在家的F -驻扎在美国第五次中东战争中以色列并没有发生在15年的F敌人22 -单位的22架F出口为导向的- 22模拟大。杀死,174 Kirusukoa:黎巴嫩在1982年的入侵清扫0随时间进行-在这先进的出口导向型15米政- 23,苏- 22杀死团伙殴打和利比亚,埃及和中东地区重新淇基鲁,恐惧和恐怖下跌至叙利亚和底部的碗
                                      The Russian edition F - 22, the Chinese edition F - 22 was not the enemy of home country type F - 22 and the United States which in the fifth next Middle Eastern war which occurred 15 years later is stationed in Israel F - 22 units F - of export type 22 faked large. As for downing and kill score 174: Winning overwhelmingly with 0, with the Lebanese invasion maneuvers 1982 F - 15 at that time new export type M. G - 23, downing Su - 22 plop-plop, you dropped Libya, Egypt and Syria etc into the bottom of fear That fear occurs again in the Middle East

                                      • 北━━━━━━Konbattopurobun 762(゚゚∀)━━━━━━! ! !的F 111和色彩也相当可怕 762 konbatsutopurobunkita ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ F As many as 111 well enough enormous
                                        • “歼99”和F 22 × 89架飞机击落,如果行录得模拟作战飞机中队,15和500倍,记录下杀死怪物零 “殲 99” does the F 22 × 15 machine formations and 500 thing simulated battles and 8900 downing records calls suffering downing record zero the monster

                                      • 华沙条约上洗脱合作之海(SCO)的改变她的名字,北约(北大西洋公约组织)发展军事联盟,以对抗一天,至今是不是不想要 As for the Warsaw Pact Organization on Sea cooperative mechanism SCO name was changed but NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization with it develops to the military alliance which confronts each other As for the day when it does isn t probably not to be distant so
                                        • 如果北约不能信任美国将不再只有我有任何输入w是在疼痛联同它们的武器发展 Already it cannot trust America if only it has inserting in with either NATO don t you think it is w Also weapon development being joint with atsuchi and others

                                      • 即使飞机设计和材料,发动机和电子设备在一般发现,像样的东西了,也会发生
                                        If only the material and the fuselage design figure it is, the engine and the Electrical equipment average being even when, approximately, the thing probably is possible

                                        • 它是一个国家的真实情况的战斗机只是劳动密集型的东西,你要坦白ー隐形或中美三个国家一样容易想到的新思路导弹载体
                                          - The [ro] [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ke] which stealth something is not necessary in China and is Human sea tactics put out the national handle of feature, You think that it is the country which can actualize fighter plane = missile carrier [te] new idea simply

                                          • 弗兰卡改进F版本的-你真是一个威胁,将前15 MSIP的F - 15那么,我们没有赢得
                                            Revised edition [huranka] is considerable threat F - for 15 F before MSIP - 15 it cannot win first

                                            • 当我第一次读到,我认为人们认为我会在那些日子里设置有趣的是我得到嘿,一个真正的 First when reading thinking that it is funny setting way the ru person is but such age came truly don t you think it is the e
                                              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 First when reading thinking that it is funny setting way the ru person is but such age came truly don t you think it is the e

                                            • 我像一个傻子和一个人进步的中国武器有其他人。石窟外记更是富国和穷国之间的差距
                                              China advancing the military expansion one person foolishly likely, on the one hand the populace. Differential of wealth and poverty becomes extreme above now

                                              • 我可以对其他方的立场,为什么不知道943的位置,其他? Kuda re更参与了红外警戒分钟呢?
                                                943 Although it cannot know the position of the partner, why position you can take on side of the partner, it is? As for IRST you do not understand that excessively is far?

                                                • 我听说过发生了什么,发展一个新的或旧的燃油效率的飞机碳纳米管材料的新要求,三菱碳
                                                  The Mitsubishi aircraft the carbon nano- tube with the new material which is said It is low, when new model of fuel economy is developed former times you heard, but how it became, it is

                                                  • 我试图摧毁飞机和地面or ll浸泡在空中或导弹支持这样的卫星,以建立国家空间饱和攻击的时间和大规模生产的无人驾驶低成本美国军方正在做的和做39 39 It has been about probably to doing that is the US military It is low mass producing the pilotless aircraft of cost it makes saturation attack state time and in the space The AAM using with support of the satellite and the ground etc it has been about to destroy the fighter plane
                                                    • 嗯猜隐形战斗机种做好,我想轰炸机戒备美国瓦特超高性能战斗机和 Also the stealth fighter plane probably is the type So well America being cautious if the fighter plane and the bomber of the super high performance are made calling and w

                                                  • 战斗学校,我的工作更多,电视tive收集孩子们在游戏中强烈,通过让巴格尔的敌人的战争游戏 The facility battle school making gathering the children who are strong in the TV game the enemy and the war game baga it can let do
                                                    • 例如,伊拉克战争是不必要的战争在阿富汗,但我可以对居民住户的判断,没有不带S For example however it does not associate to the Iraqi war and also the te is good in Afghan war Unless it associates there is also a possibility of stopping being able to go

                                                  • 有什么可比的猛禽战斗机实际上是在中国国内或者是技术翻译,以及这是一个不同的引擎?正如所料,中国也绑我或任何事情,包括技术和重用旧过苏维埃制度,如果它使用RIP As for fighter plane tsu te China really being a match to raputa whether it can make technically as another This tsu te engine domestic meaning When we assume that is technical diversion of pakuri and old Soviet system including And the tsu pa Chinese tsu te the ge which is done
                                                    • 工作或者猛禽战斗机实际上是相当于国内的中文译本,以及这是一个不同的引擎?正如所料,中国也绑我或任何事情,包括技术和重用旧过苏维埃制度,如果它使用RIP As for fighter plane tsu te China really being a match to raputa whether it can make technically as another This tsu te engine domestic meaning When we assume that is technical diversion of pakuri and old Soviet system including And the tsu pa Chinese tsu te the ge which is done

                                                  • 然而,近日,在中国深响亮和城市化进程,取得了前20名和原爆落,钌能摧毁大多数国家 However if recently as for China urbanization being extreme the atomic bomb you drop on higher rank 20 it reached the point where almost the country can be destroyed is
                                                    • Owattoru侏儒当美国投下原子弹582 582 In America the owatsutoru wa it is at the point in time when the atomic bomb it is dropped

                                                  • 第一,台湾目前在伊宁,他们是没有更多的危险中日本独奏朱达罗 As for current Taiwan it is Chinese sourou ro By the fact that it is more dangerous than Japan Don t you think first it is not

                                                    • 红外探测器的方向角是395分钟的魔法确凿Gozaimashi缺点我不知道的距离
                                                      395 In the infrared ray direction finder as for angle however you understand, there being a decisive fault that distance does not understand,…

                                                      • 而我将解释在理论上推动政治然后拉55只,这在冷战时期的信息,有没有剩余的书面交际奥巴马政府可能在武器装备以及over m诱饵是美国,与解决方案它使自己与苏联的武器不耐烦和加强该国的驾驶了威胁,是与苏联的崩溃,结果介绍 55 When explaining with running pulling theory of politics This information America is the false feed in order to leave the possibility where armament it can expand even under Kohama administration It was written even on but cold war age fanning the Soviet threat thoroughly giving impatience to domestic armament strengthening and the Soviet Union itself it led the Soviet collapse result
                                                        • 可爱的偶像,或 如果有可能采取新的冷战称它,想排减单位是从根本上为基于地缘政治 Or this is called new cold war Also thing probably is possible but as been based on geopolitics root you can think

                                                      • 试图在1982年出口交货披露不良身体测试的版本更新,使原型刚刚被暂停分钟作了初步战士从飞机俄罗斯Russia m许可生产433前15年已经制定了在20世纪70年代我已经做了国家大量的飞机故障许可生产的大规模生产,设计40年的话,可以建立和隐形宁可不出去的手表现在欧洲,甚至俄罗斯 433 The license trying to export the repair edition of the Russian make fighter plane which has been produced from 15 years ago with payment test early payment amount it just was stopped with defective detection of the fuselage As for the Russian make fighter plane of prototype being developed in seventies those which it is mass produced are started from 82 The country which has been done the hand probably will come out in even Europe and Russia that when you say whether with license production of the fuselage of the design of 40 year ago the large scale failure but whether the stealth fighter plane of the efficiency which is not it can make …
                                                        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 973 Fighter plane tsu te armoring in today stacking separately ru reason or To that there is misunderstanding in stealth concept as for stealth tsu te “the radar wave it is difficult to reflect” being “it does not reflect” is not If only the engine it does not reflect it is sufficiently “stealth” is Problem after all the strength aspect

                                                      • 该胶大中国进一步扩大,控制世界的霸权也希望全人类的边缘
                                                        Furthermore, as for expanding the large Chinese sphere and holding the worldwide leadership, all mankind verges to crisis It is connected

                                                        • 这就是美国的真正意图通过谈判撤出,但不是在普天间基地的职能鸠山“与其他美军一起”抵制前冲绳。和学习能力,跑道,“一切可能去外县的局势”对,我们应该更公开讨论的话在自己的第二次访问冲绳 It means to pull out the truth of American side via negotiation but as for Prime Minister Hatoyama in function of the Futenma base “while cooperating with the other US military ” the estimate which cannot be removed from main island of Okinawa Learning the thing which is runway function With second Okinawa visit more you should explain “everything candidly in your own word outside the prefecture concerning the circumstance which stops going”
                                                          • 这就是美国的真正意图通过谈判撤出,但不是在普天间基地的职能鸠山“与其他美军一起”抵制前冲绳。和学习能力,跑道,“一切可能去外县的局势”对,我们应该更公开讨论的话在自己的第二次访问冲绳 It means to pull out the truth of American side via negotiation but as for Prime Minister Hatoyama in function of the Futenma base “while cooperating with the other US military ” the estimate which cannot be removed from main island of Okinawa Learning the thing which is runway function With second Okinawa visit more you should explain “everything candidly in your own word outside the prefecture concerning the circumstance which stops going”

                                                        • 马洛伊萘乙酸分钟的副本当场我从来没有见过的商品出口 我的意思是俄罗斯的,要我道歉 Because the spot goods you have not seen you do not understand the With you say or the copy item imitates export opposite and apologize to Russia

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