10万头的非疫苗治疗,但只有一公里位置,而在非Imitai ll屠宰坏交付面积20之前,在处理这一个可以在很短的时间? Forward fall shipment of 20 kilometer sphere
However like the flesh processing place are only inside 1 places
Several 100,000 heads other than vaccine processing, at these 1 places, it can process shortly at period?
311 1 10川南在重点在受影响的地区,在20公里的城市要求农民出货量的牛肉和猪肉每 311 1 gt In 10 20 kilometer inside of the occurrence area which centers Kawaminami Cho gt Once requesting all cows and shipment of the pig to the farmer
10川南猪肉一旦受影响地区内重点在全市20公里,牛肉和所有货物在农民要求 In 10 20 kilometer inside of the occurrence area which centers Kawaminami Cho Once requesting all cows and shipment of the pig to the farmer
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In 10 20 kilometer inside of the occurrence area which centers Kawaminami Cho Once requesting all cows and shipment of the pig to the farmer
365:Shisan名无@ 10周年:2010 / 05 / 19日(星期三)21:30:46编号:sTtKx / Xt0 507 358次以上:下面,请给我们一个贵宾Shinikawarimashi没有名字:2010 / 05 / 08(星期六)18:02:49.61编号:TcMwf的G + +方面的政策处理松树民主党人和未来将他们知道我,你从一个角落的新闻0峨抑制最低保为所有事业,对于恩戴我的形象做在一个大农场造成不处理由多个扩张 365 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2010/05/19 (Wednesday) 21: 30: 46 ID: sTtKx/Xt0
Furthermore time
507 : Below, there is no name changing, VIP sends: 2010/05/08 (Saturday) 18: 02: 49.61 ID: TcMwf + G + 0
The being completed [tsu] of the mass communications from we news which densely is
Future policy
In order to hold down to reporting the minimum the Democratic party and Akamatsu in regard to awkwardness
Also all causes and cause of enlargement do extensively with awkward [tsu] [te] image of the plural ranches, it is with to be possible
498“摄影证据”是所谓的,摄影师来历不明,未知这是很奇怪的厌恶 498
Is called the “documentary photography” the thing only doubtful things such as photographing person obscurity and origin obscurity
675最大的一个儿子在日本超市的权力秘诀 675
Hint The Japanese largest super son is inside administration
711是啊是啊,噢,然后增加新的感染路径Shimaujan 711 Obtaining it can be able be able to obtain well new infection route it is increased is
711是啊是啊,噢,然后增加新的感染路径Shimaujan 711 Obtaining it can be able be able to obtain well new infection route it is increased is
NULL 726 Until the antibody on that is produced 2 weeks the tsu te which is required the well which at that time was said it probably will groan 751 gt Also does the domestic animal of the 10km 20km deal with With it becomes the story which is said but when of budget and time and human labor etc are thought the ro which realistic is not and is When infection speed incubation period you think reaching up to thing here the ro which fully is realistic By all power burying Area and the staff guaranty is guaranteed in addition to of the veterinarian teacher permits destroying with legal amendment as an emergency disposal Dividing the measure team into 2 groups 10 kilometer inside immediately destroying 10 20 kilometer inside to destroying after the vaccination 50 kilometer inside you think that about movement prohibition is necessary to focus declaration but Miyazaki returning repeating Because it is possible to sell regardless even with the lottery we want gathering measure expense
ü牛的定点清除政策在接种后约60万元毯日元,猪在支付约35 000日圆 After the vaccination In the cow which becomes the destroying object approximately 600 000 Yen in the pig the policy of paying approximately 35 000 Yen in evenness
NULL Early shipment completely probably will bite base damage shelf w It is dirty It is bio terrorism of minsu which scatters the meat to entire country Raw hide 4 ℃ salting 4 Weekly 352 days Very danger Compost cow Summer 1 weeks Danger Winter 24 weeks Very danger Hypophysis cow 1 7 ℃ 30 Above day Very danger Semen cow Freezing 320 Day Very danger Bacon 1 7 ℃ 10 Day Danger Beef Chilled 4 ℃ 3 days Danger Freezing 20 ℃ 3 months Very danger Quick freezing 8 months Very danger Blood cow 4 ℃ 4 months Very danger Marrow cow 1 4 ℃ 30 Week Very danger Marrow pig In shoulder ham 169 Day Very danger 1 7 ℃ 6 weeks Very danger Butter 93 ℃ 4 Sterilization 4 ℃ retention 4 months Very danger Dry casein cow 25 ℃ 6 weeks Very danger Camembert cheese 14 Above day Danger Ham 16 Above week Very danger Intestinal tract pig 250 Day Very danger Lymph node cow 1 4 ℃ 120 Day Very danger Lymph node pig 1 7 ℃ 10 Week Very danger Milk 72 ℃ 30 Sterilization It remains Danger Pork 1 7 ℃ 1 Above day Danger Freezing 55 Above day Very danger Pork sausage 1 7 ℃ 4 Day Danger Tongue cow Freezing 11 Year Very danger
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Putting the Japanese domestic production in a devastating state as thought of the rear Democratic party From Miyazaki cold Spirit Stealing it made the “Korea cow” we would like to make the fact that be popular you say it is the ro which is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 1 Summary of doubt case This day 132nd example of the doubt case of the foot and mouth disease in the Miyazaki prefecture Koyu densely yu Gun concerning 146th example farm 9 cases total 2 771 heads of Kawaminami Cho and farm 2 cases 175 heads of Tsuno Cho With farm 2 cases total 2 837 heads of Takanabe Cho and farm 2 cases total 1 319 heads of Shintomi Cho the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals of foot and mouth disease were verified
2新富町农场(头共1 319)已确认的口蹄疫疑似病例 gt This day Miyazaki prefecture Koyu densely the yu in the Gun farm 9 cases of Kawaminami Cho the total 2 771 heads gt Farm 2 cases of Tsuno Cho 175 heads farm 2 cases of Takanabe Cho total 2 837 heads and gt Farm 2 cases of Shintomi Cho the total 1 319 heads with the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals of foot and mouth disease were verified
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 1 Summary of doubt case This day 132nd example of the doubt case of the foot and mouth disease in the Miyazaki prefecture Koyu densely yu Gun concerning 146th example farm 9 cases total 2 771 heads of Kawaminami Cho and farm 2 cases 175 heads of Tsuno Cho With farm 2 cases total 2 837 heads of Takanabe Cho and farm 2 cases total 1 319 heads of Shintomi Cho the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals of foot and mouth disease were verified
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 517 Some time ago because false 患 domesticated fowl and animals occurrence was verified at the plural farms It increased
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 This day Miyazaki prefecture Koyu densely the yu in the Gun farm 9 cases of Kawaminami Cho the total 2 771 heads farm 2 cases of Tsuno Cho 175 heads Farm 2 cases of Takanabe Cho the total 2 837 heads and farm 2 cases of Shintomi Cho the total 1 319 heads with the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals of foot and mouth disease were verified
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 10 Early shipment tsu te oi just a little wait for 20km it sparks to this entire country of the lower handrail ya it is without being Until shouldering this risk early you must ship it is reason tsu te no what
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Early being the shipment tsu te all right Being infected blending the cod it is dangerous it is Dismantling at that place to a meat after the tsu lever which it ships
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 616 The measure has exceeded feasibility number on site but it is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 644 The antibody of the fabrication plant the market and the virus the cow which it had movement gt dismantlement gt with process of processing There is a possibility of virus spread it is it is not I so think
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Together if you think of the unlikely event The fabrication plant the market and the virus carrier move it is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 660 gt You call many degrees but the meat which early was shipped how being unpalatable you could eat it is well to do The stake it is not and the te mixes into minchi when with being useless If that extent but it may be used
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 812 Assuming that it sparked to other prefecture there is no problem if the infection route it does not specify In democracy as for responsibility speaking densely whether to think
841我吃没问题(不感染),但日本的东西你做的是不是不好流通 841 Eating there is no problem but you are not infected with the notion that where you say there are no times when such a defect circulates in Japan
即使是在星期二和飞其他城市和812个县,是民主负责的是从来没有的传播路线可能以为我 812 Assuming that it sparked to other prefecture there is no problem if the infection route it does not specify In democracy as for responsibility speaking densely whether to think
这不是完全341疫苗可预防的,不但没有发展是不无感染 341 Vaccine prevention is not complete and it just does not emerge it is not the case that you are not infected
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 818 You must do immediately as for thing slowly doing becoming the hand lag You must think well thing being flurried it becomes very thing
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 819 But with vaccine execution the destroying object 200 000 the reason which increases before you examine this kana 50 human animals However it increased when we assume that 1 head 1 heads you examine … air become far so …
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The vaccine the ro where also those where also striking examining destroys are the veterinarian Animal Unless it increases persevering at the locale among those the ru veterinarians it is to collapse…
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 945 Wholesale trade value tsu te 2 500 000 Yen of a brand cow head doing … As for announcement of government the vaccine inserting as for the cow which it destroys the expectation which 600 000 you call is price
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Akamatsu agricultural phase with travel abroad after the foot and mouth disease golf The Democratic party staff after conveying idea that it is problem made that the minister of state has done golf ahead travelling abroad clear agricultural Minister of State Akamatsu the long period of time Japan concerning being left after the emerging of the foot and mouth disease
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Assemblyman Kagoshima Tokuda To request discharge to Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries whether or not “with stock for emergency emergency large The retainer judges” With answer
议员们要求该部发布的鹿儿岛德田,“紧急的存货,以确定是否紧急部长”,而答案 Assemblyman Kagoshima Tokuda To request discharge to Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries whether or not “with stock for emergency emergency large The retainer judges” With answer
议员们要求该部发布的鹿儿岛德田,“紧急的存货,以确定是否紧急部长”,而答案 Assemblyman Kagoshima Tokuda To request discharge to Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries whether or not “with stock for emergency emergency large The retainer judges” With answer
议员们要求该部发布的鹿儿岛德田,“紧急的存货,以确定是否紧急部长”,而答案 Assemblyman Kagoshima Tokuda To request discharge to Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries whether or not “with stock for emergency emergency large The retainer judges” With answer
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 At the time of pig in full the side effect occurring the medicine manufacture me compensation for damage claims unless Strange making a contract purchasing as thought the side effect occurring everyone the vaccine u is in the zu It seems it is a little more than in large quantities
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Correspondence of government is too slow Until the Miyazaki animal husbandry appeals devastating damage waiting So the Liberal Democratic Party and are the Miyazaki prefecture people who choose relations good east and that east disagreeable
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 I think when sufficient enlargement can be prevented with this that way” Because the dense Tsuga there is no trial which what is thought said well it is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 693 With you say or the oral hoof As for the kind of meat which is the possibility of having been infected Because there is a risk of infection enlargement we fear but it is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 ja wikipedia org wiki E5 8F A3 E8 B9 84 E7 96 AB In infectious disease of the domestic animal to be the disease whose infectivity is strongest the body fluids from the infection animal Also air borne infection with the dust to which the pathogenic agent comes in contact not only contact with the secrete and the feces
564私人痰。委员会成员,更是一个实验乞讨疫苗扎西影响 NULL
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 NULL
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 520 1 gt All head destroying of 10 kilometer inside and early of 20 kilometer inside it is necessary for shipment gt As for budget 30 000 000 000 40 000 000 000 Yen is anticipated
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for coming to the point of shipping even such reason is said the source which… In addition you are raised with the farmer of 10 kilometer 20 kilometer sphere concerning the cow and pig 15 000 the country purchase The plan which it deals with was examined but the local farmer “is a problem in safety that it is doubted there is a possibility of rumor damage” that Rally
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Restriction preventive method of use of biological formulation for domestic animal contagion animal 2 As for Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries as you endeavor to storing the vaccine and the injection related materials wakuchi gt At the time of the execution of n insertion 譲 to take part in the metropolis and districts on the basis of the stipulation of legal 49th provision and gt Measure such that it loans is devised
是狡猾和演讲的措施,如信贷 gt 2 as for Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries as you endeavor to storing the vaccine and the injection related materials wakuchi gt At the time of the execution of n insertion 譲 to take part in the metropolis and districts on the basis of the stipulation of legal 49th provision and gt Measure such that it loans is devised
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The flesh it processes the cow and the pig gt After the private flesh company purchased it circulates to the market
屠宰牛和猪是市场上的光束对他们的公司购买商业肉类 The flesh it processes the cow and the pig After the private flesh company purchased it circulates to the market
屠宰牛和猪是市场上的光束对他们的公司购买商业肉类 The flesh it processes the cow and the pig After the private flesh company purchased it circulates to the market
屠宰牛和猪是市场上的光束对他们的公司购买商业肉类 The flesh it processes the cow and the pig After the private flesh company purchased it circulates to the market
屠宰牛和猪是市场上的光束对他们的公司购买商业肉类 The flesh it processes the cow and the pig After the private flesh company purchased it circulates to the market
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The juice whose original Japan Socialist Party is sweet Entirely for Akamatsu as for mass slaughter the ro which is dream Stalin and Mao Tse tung are revered therefore it is Well with the cow pig patience The ho it is with the human we would like to do the Japanese it is the ro which is Akamatsu w
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 For original Japan Socialist Party Akamatsu as for mass slaughter the ro which is dream Stalin and Mao Tse tung are revered therefore it is Well with the cow pig patience The ho it is with the human we would like to do the Japanese it is the ro which is Akamatsu w
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The Liberal Democratic Party side if in the future with the policy of overtaking the details and the like of schedule at the locale of Minister of State Akamatsu at the National Diet “golf and the like is fact we would like to seek resignation” that it has done
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 855 If Akamatsu does not change law and as for those where perhaps also the te is possible being request of destroying actual destroying is not the specialist it is not possible
自民党将致力于在国民议会中部长叶松领域的政策和计划的细节,“如果真梅台求辞职和高尔夫球,”你 The Liberal Democratic Party side if in the future with the policy of overtaking the details and the like of schedule at the locale of Minister of State Akamatsu at the National Diet “golf and the like is fact we would like to seek resignation” that it has done
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The seriousness to washing national return of the country if you cannot think in any case as for pollution national falling down discernibly from the ru Without destroying there is also a possibility of thinking that we would like to raise with vaccine combined use and In the first place Self Defense Force mobilizing avoiding all the power correspondences because the ru field breathing How it does not become already with mediation Using the mass rubbish it has been about to make consequence of Miyazaki prefecture the ri Being placed by the operative if it becomes the tax throwing opposite tsu te According to thought of the Democratic party with a coping leak openly as for Japan the association of pollution national China and South Korea
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The seriousness to washing national return of the country if you cannot think in any case as for pollution national falling down discernibly from the ru Without destroying there is also a possibility of thinking that we would like to raise with vaccine combined use and In the first place Self Defense Force mobilizing avoiding all the power correspondences because the ru field breathing How it does not become already with mediation Using the mass rubbish it has been about to make consequence of Miyazaki prefecture the ri Being placed by the operative if it becomes the tax throwing opposite tsu te According to thought of the Democratic party with a coping leak openly as for Japan the association of pollution national China and South Korea
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 ttp www oie in t wahis public php page single report pop 1 reportid 9155 Furthermore 4 case occurrences
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 ttp www maff go jp j syouan douei katiku yobo k bousi pdf fmdsisin pdf
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 ttp www mod go jp j press news 2010 05 18c html
TTP的: www rieb kobe u ac jp 〜nisijima ww20051129。媒 ttp www rieb kobe u ac jp nisijima ww20051129 htm
TTP的: www s affrc go jp 文档 新闻 PDF格式 100519 01。PDF是soooo哦逸泰 ttp www s affrc go jp docs press pdf 100519 01 pdf The ge which it does it grows and wants is
川南镇,市津野(牛,猪农的报告作为第一个)报告2(4 28):TTP的: www oie int wahis public php?页 u003d single report和流行音乐 u003d 1&reportid u003d四,进一步造成9185 Kawaminami Cho and Tsuno Cho Water buffalo as for pig the same farm as information Report 2 4 28 ttp www oie in t wahis public php page single report pop 1 reportid 9185 Furthermore 4 case occurrences
第一份报告(4 20):TTP的: www oie int wahis public php?页 u003d single report和流行音乐 u003d 1&reportid u003d 9155看看是否怀疑感染 Information 4 20 ttp www oie in t wahis public php page single report pop 1 reportid 9155 Verifying infection doubt
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When early shipment is done Miyazaki cow how someone probably will buy Now even the completely safe sells Miyazaki cow the person who is bought may to stop being
751嘿,你船适合在绕过第一个位置,你知道你总是第一选择 751 If it is and is is settled roundly with original shipment the ro which first choice it has done from former times and is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 “As for vaccine of foot and mouth disease of 10 years ago with initial motion in 2000 and 1 months 10000 these birukon The revenue source of the country and under guidance it was distributed
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Because as for foot and mouth disease expanding initial motion of Miyazaki prefecture was late with reporting the purport which is said is many
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 “At the time of foot and mouth disease of 10 years ago with initial motion in 2000 and 1 months 10000 these birukon The revenue source of the country and under guidance it was distributed
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 “At the time of foot and mouth disease of 10 years ago with initial motion in 2000 and 1 months 10000 these birukon The revenue source of the country and under guidance it was distributed
“在手足口病在最初10年以前,2000人的监督和协调1月份该国资源的10 000 Birukon “At the time of foot and mouth disease of 10 years ago with initial motion in 2000 and 1 months 10000 these birukon The revenue source of the country and under guidance it was distributed
“在手足口病在最初10年以前,2000人的监督和协调1月份该国资源的10 000 Birukon “At the time of foot and mouth disease of 10 years ago with initial motion in 2000 and 1 months 10000 these birukon The revenue source of the country and under guidance it was distributed
畜产科,宫崎县于3月25日,但尚未结束,并宣布他们怀疑口蹄疫 March 25th Although it cannot conclude it announces the Miyazaki prefecture animal husbandry section that there is doubt of foot and mouth disease
syoku_anzen返回自由国家为第2.2.10.7 TTP的:/ / www.maff.go.jp / J的/ syouan / johokan / / s的_ 20070202 / PDF格式/ ref_data01c.pdf Concerning the return of pure country provision
ttp: //www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/johokan/syoku_anzen/s _ 20070202/pdf/ref_data01c.pdf
TTP的: www oie int wahis public php?页 u003d single report和流行音乐 u003d 1&reportid u003d 9252造成了进一步的55 ttp www oie in t wahis public php page single report pop 1 reportid 9252 Furthermore 55 case occurrences
川南镇,市Ebino报告3(5 5):TTP的: www oie int wahis public php?页 u003d single report和流行音乐 u003d 1&reportid造成另外13 u003d 9219 Kawaminami Cho Ebinoshi Report 3 5 5 ttp www oie in t wahis public php page single report pop 1 reportid 9219 Furthermore 13 case occurrences
川南镇,市报告Ebino 04(5 10):TTP的: www oie int wahis public php?页 u003d single report和流行音乐 u003d 1&reportid进一步造成55 u003d 9235 Kawaminami Cho Ebinoshi Report 4 5 10 ttp www oie in t wahis public php page single report pop 1 reportid 9235 Furthermore 55 case occurrences
这个镇的房子川南积极的耕地。市长“一直与这么多的左或什至是在一 In addition infield shrine righteousness of Kawaminami Cho As for the town mayor the effort which mainly it tries probably to leave “even with 1 eaves Being what
TTP的:/ / www.s.affrc.go.jp /文档/新闻/ 100519。媒有关口蹄疫(德国)使你的文件看起来像正在研究对农业的要求由部长或农业部长应急机制进行病理鉴定和爆发以来,该机制似乎更快速评价报告,目前,调查投资后期扶持保护的口蹄疫现在也正在发生,并要求我进行快速分析评估但看来,他们实际上是要求?现在,10 - 20公里抵押品船舶在该地区内的早期 ttp: //www.s.affrc.go.jp/docs/press/100519. htm
It is related to foot and mouth disease (Germany) about the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries request of the emergency for agricultural research mechanism
The minister of state making the document, the [ru] way but
In order to do the illness characteristic judgment and the like since occurring, even now quickly to judge and to report it is visible
In mechanism, after so long a time
Investigation, analysis or the judgment which contribute to the quarantine correspondence of the foot and mouth disease which presently occurs quickly execution
How, but like it has requested what is requested really?
Now thinking that 10 - mortgage it is possible even in safety of the area which early of 20km inside ships, the [ru]? ? ?
Www yomiuri co jp 国家 新闻 2010 052万 OYT1T00625。媒?从 u003d main1部,“如果兽医是莫罗莫罗实践问题的处理,处置和宫崎牛手段志愿者来吧,“所谓Bikaketeiru www yomiuri co jp national news 20100520 OYT1T00625 htm from main1 Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries “regards the cow and dealing it handles easily easily and if the veterinarian teacher who has been accustomed coming to Miyazaki by all means with the volunteer ” with it calls
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 823 Now becoming regard the veterinarian and dealing easily making concentrate easily on the center Gathering from outside whether the one which it deals with is good don t you think
■2000年,受口蹄疫的动物和动物在22日发生3家足了,树的形状一松一房子在宫崎县北海道92岁前,,头部死亡718例疑似病例共740头。 。小渊惠三首相宫崎县,农业部长Tamazawa Itirou勲庙。 。已经找到了牛的头03月12日事件致实验动物卫生组织证实站口水泡在 2000 after 92 years with Miyazaki prefecture 3 doors and the Hokkaido 1 doors occurrence of foot and mouth disease 22 患 domesticated fowl and animals 718 false 患 domesticated fowl and animals total 740 destroying which is Pine shape Nomarch Miyazaki Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi ball 澤 virtue Ichiro agricultural phase temple 致 domestic animal hygienic research institute leader March 12th You discover the cow which has accident verifying the foam in the mouth
众议院口蹄疫。处置后打疫苗1300万头牲畜,我处置 House of foot and mouth disease With dealing after striking the vaccine in the domestic animal 130 000 it deals with when it is
当涉及到动物在那里建立一个与焚化的方式感染附近,你花时间和金钱 By the way when it makes in the neighborhood where the infection domestic animal generates the incineration facility when it becomes time and the money are required
〜10公里半径20公里半径10公里的牛只疫苗,我打不到我必须屠宰 Radius 10km - The vaccine striking in the domestic animal of 20km
The under of radius 10km should destroy,
一个城市,也没有感染Ebino宫崎县,熊本县少数邻国鹿儿岛暂时不受早产或屠宰 One, Kumamoto prefecture and Kagoshima prefecture which it adjoins with Miyazaki prefecture Ebinoshi where the frequencies of infection are few, for the time being destroying and early do not make the object of shipment
不收敛到口蹄疫那些如果我说,就在那边,这将成为限制流通不可能在该地区购买棋肉 The [te] you say or, while foot and mouth disease has not focused from, when the flesh inside restricted area has circulated, when it becomes
The [ro] which you cannot buy that one and is
不晚!太晚了!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴!蠢驴! It is slow! It is too slow already! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity! Stupidity!
也许网站可以屠宰639触电的电网和走过的铁债券 639
Perhaps, slaughter on of site making on the griddle walk, probably is electrocution with the electric fence
什么是日本军队的惊人的技术很快就被埋葬的尸体弃置站在我300000 It reclaims 300,000 human thing corpse quickly and the technical power [tsu] [te] of the former Japanese Army who is dealt with it is enormous
但我是849等待自卫队都是“出列”一个国家的订单激增行古毛地,我已经准备好,因为我是当务之急,但制度是杀死我现在都没有线,更不用说减少政府正在做什么,我班邦连胜我会等待病毒从被屠宰的猪只 849 However you wait as for Self Defense Force everyone “waiting cancellation” Although the locale in order to go it has prepared directly from GW don t you think Instead of increase group of national order has not gone now presently completely It is reduction system Although destroying is the most priority what does the government which is Destroying waiting although the tsu te ru which from the ru pig it sows with the van van virus
九州自卫队到379万千瓦踢了踢动作的运动命令,甚至当我在为我等待 379 Kyushu Self Defense Force is in GW waits is don t you think When there being order way it can move When… there is order way it can move …
你喜欢Hozai疫苗你的呢?动物很快。 Tive收集和扑杀或更高版本,但我可以喷射出可爱的偶像吹它甚至可以一枪自卫队在现场收集的整个故事从我没有任何理由不把做饭上升气流星期二 Still the vaccine babbling, [ru]?
Quickly the animal. Gathering, destroying, or firing permission providing to Self Defense Force gundown margin
The possibility splash flying passing, firing being, updraft it is not the meaning which is made, therefore it is, the story which is settled inside the site
其中的津贴给农民,由宫崎县所支付的费用,以补充十个政府作为一个特殊的分配税 One, inside the treatment money to the farmer, government it compensates the burden share of Miyazaki prefecture, as special delivery tax
几百亿美元的日元,如果他们在这电梯部立发言反对这一发展早期,对不对?必要无凯塔 The measure headquarters starting in occurrence first stage
If it had coped, the [ro] which as for latest several 10,000,000,000 Yen was not necessary and is
前田报社记者南部日本(笑)关于投诉,请点击这里TTP的:/ / 373news.com / _论坛/ cb_pro /会CB - pro.cgi South Japanese newspaper The Maeda reporter (laughing) as for the complaint regarding to this
ttp: //373news.com/_ bbs/cb_pro/cb-pro.cgi
南是一个大嘴巴。大多数农场在广泛污染对策,没有任何玛丽塔送往日本官员说:“动物训练包括”在 At that time Korea the large scale oral hoof Most livestock production facilities are polluted with spreading That authorized personnel without there are no many measures it was sent to “animal husbandry study” in Japan
南是一个大嘴巴。大多数农场在广泛污染对策,没有任何玛丽塔送往日本官员说:“动物训练包括”在 At that time Korea the large scale oral hoof Most livestock production facilities are polluted with spreading That authorized personnel without there are no many measures it was sent to “animal husbandry study” in Japan
口蹄疫病毒是附加在4个星期的冬季到夏季秸秆在未来恐怕是可以把稻草,小麦秸秆字贴在生存我们○九个星期 As for the foot and mouth disease virus which comes in contact with the straw when summer 4 weeks at the winter 9 weeks you exist It is said and comes in contact with the rice plant straw and the straw of barley and also the possibility of entering is done fear
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 NULL
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 That When “Akamatsu foot and mouth disease” you try to spread The bath entering it has been between the ru to suretai wwwwwwww
四宫崎县的东国,我支持!鸠山的管理,尤其是松木,原口比罗友谊是厄运! 4
The Miyazaki prefecture people support Governor Higashi Kunihara!
Hatoyama administration, especially Akamatsu, the blastopore falls into ruin friendship being done!
在424,流芮达现在→省批评政府和我来到一个大新闻在梁的时刻起,政府工作队人数 424
So, instantaneously government starts the measure headquarters extensively reporting -> prefectural administrative criticism
With coming, [ru] the current flow shelf
如何进行上诉到东京Shinakerya伊坎凯塔手足口病,但对口蹄疫的情况很多吗?东国古甜,我知道我是看情况 Although it is very circumstance with foot and mouth disease, for petitioning the foot and mouth disease if it does not go up to the capital, circumstance applying?
As for Governor Higashi Kunihara circumstance you check it is sweetly the shelf
屠房为555,我的额头挖掘坤,牛用锤子 555
In the same way as the slaughter place, it hits between the eyebrows of the ox with the hammer, it is
总部的工作人员都是男性“,并传真至思维就是这种沉重,以至于他们不会要的所有农民被带到镇会同意... Man of measure headquarters
The staff unless “agreement of all the farmers inside town must be taken, thinks that it is the policy extent being heavy
One faxes……
我也没有疑问会得到的感染,其中肉类加工和摆脱我 Furthermore, because there is doubt of infection, although it is the expectation which is dealt with, it processes to the flesh, when it is
我其实是一个非常愚蠢的路线Tteta川南583 所以对我好不好穿着川南他们在电视上说Tteta快好还是要注意 583 Has gone to Kawaminami the fool the ho is with hurt with that… Happiness unhappiness high speed reaching to Kawaminami saying you say with the television the empty it was good
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 583 Has gone to Kawaminami the fool the ho is with hurt with that… Happiness unhappiness high speed reaching to Kawaminami saying you say with the television the empty it was good
我咀嚼从冈田内浮动离子未来的请愿书对我来说有点 How, without
In Okada is future of petition floated from inside the ion
我有我的许多球员,在日本这种情况,因为在这些酿造民主众议院选举,Ide m泰尤临时照顾流浪过煤,而不是严重倒塌禽畜业 Because the party who was inserted in the Democratic party with the House of Representatives selection was many it became such circumstance but it is Moxa how with perplexity of the temporary air which is said the Japanese livestock industry collapse tsu te excessively it isn t too harsh
我现在已经度过了自卫队等他们不应该被弃置或挖? Now the [do] - it is with throwing Self Defense Force, excavation or dealing it should have doing it is not?
手足口病的[赤松』Suretai第一次世界大战在神户地震Warota,“阪神大地震,”像命名的一代,作为今后的一个教训,“隆宏赤松”,是臭名昭著的,应交由 'With Akamatsu foot and mouth disease' of [suretai] [warota] ww
In order Hyogo prefecture southern earthquake to be designated in the “Osaka and Kobe Awazi large earthquake disaster”, as a teaching to future as for ill repute “of Hirotaka Akamatsu” the shelf which it should leave
手足口病这样做呢?另做不重视,潜伏期是一周时间内,以隐藏在牧场,但我会说是去降低到小牛死亡的,也不是死牛肉和猪肉这两个数周时间不多你只是想从它小腿周期间死亡的学生玛丽塔 The [ro] this foot and mouth disease may be separately, relieved is, incubation period is not the case that 1 weekly - 2 weekly putting out cow pig dies
The calf dying and speaking cheaply and saying however the [ru] the period when it lurks in that ranch at the very most it is and therefore several weeks the calf which is born in that period just dies the [ro
挖谈到TBS广播如果我做手机上的钱获得与当地人民合作社的故事补偿一个我工作在手足口病在我看,好像你是你能购买成本我是一个迫切需要为S投诉 So if you say special edition doing with Dig tsu te program of the TBS radio concerning foot and mouth disease the shelf 1 Exchanging the story of the compensation which is by the person and the telephone of the agricultural cooperative of local end the te receiving the money prime cost it cracks Appealing like thing earnestly the shelf
569多甫 契约,这是承诺的赔偿的目的不是为了表明对决定不认为这个政府是不是问题 NULL
有关口蹄疫(德国)的研究认识到农业的发生足和口病的机制,时刻要求部长农业部在时间紧急,为和嘴巴国家工业科技农业和粮食足,保护该疾病和有关信件,部长要求紧急(这不是问题的优先次序为中短期计划,而少缴研究),这是底线,详情请有因 It is related to foot and mouth disease (Germany) about the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries request of the emergency for agricultural research mechanism
To consider to the occurrence circumstance of foot and mouth disease of on hand, independent administrative corporate body Vis-a-vis agricultural food industry technical comprehensive research mechanism,
In regard to the quarantine correspondence of foot and mouth disease, minister of state request of emergency (this case correspondence than the research which is based on mid-term plan is made to prefer)
Because this day it did, we inform
有几个例子,从1967年的感染个案,1968年英国的事实,就越好。岳文,第5感染到多佛尔 There are some examples but really from 1967 the infection in England 1968 With the case it exceeded the Dover strait and caused the infection in France
有几个例子,从1967年的感染个案,1968年英国的事实,就越好。岳文,第5感染到多佛尔 There are some examples but really from 1967 the infection in England 1968 With the case it exceeded the Dover strait and caused the infection in France
每个九州县的,和茹感动的消息在当地之后,甚至可能动用的宫崎捍卫新闻在晚上政府国民我知道每个人都“不慢的政府,而是你在做什么,”我对面看可能相当的准备并我认为,人们感到最可怕的事情 As for Kyushu each prefecture everyone being understood the ru Nationwide news of evening to protect government hitting Miyazaki After that when it moves to local news “government is slow what you do is” that becoming the ru Quite the exact opposite The person who is seen perhaps feeling those whose large portion is weird thinks as the ru
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The ro which at all and rumor cannot eat the Miyazaki product normally anymore is The wa which Kyushu you refrain
民主党人Okoshita人造国内猪肉,牛肉退化,你有没有吃什么自由贸易协定的谈判筹码推荐 The accident which the Democratic party causes
The pork of the domestic product, the beef will be closed with, that has mentioned FTA negotiation probably will be recommended so far to the lever
没有208,我想从谎言原来的1000亿瓦特的财务野田彦财政部副部长对手足口病在记者招待会10月17日100日元副部长亿元的问题,是宫崎县的感染蔓延至牛口蹄疫(地方法)和从1000亿日元的报告以资金优势的储备,以检疫措施“,数额尚未确定 208
Well, therefore originally also 100,000,000,000 [tsu] [te] lie, w
As for 100,000,000,000 Yen with doubt = foot and mouth disease measure financial affairs secondary minister of state
As for financial affairs secondary Minister of State Yosihiko Noda in press conference of 17 days, the oral hoof which infection to the domestic animal has expanded in Miyazaki prefecture (like this the [te] it is) in 疫 measure
When 100,000,000,000 Yen is utilized from reserve fund, about reporting,
“It does not decide amount
物种。因此,这需要时间,以便弹出一个举措,所以预防疫苗扑杀供负赔偿问题的决定仍然只是此外Uyamuya,觉得有点异常早期凯塔 Kind Although permission of movement it puts out time it was required so and So in destroying for preventing negative Furthermore compensating problem uyamuya way as for just decision of the vaccine the mosquito net where the fact that it is quick abnormally is what feeling
物种。因此,这需要时间,以便弹出一个举措,所以预防疫苗扑杀供负赔偿问题的决定仍然只是此外Uyamuya,觉得有点异常早期凯塔 Kind Although permission of movement it puts out time it was required so and So in destroying for preventing negative Furthermore compensating problem uyamuya way as for just decision of the vaccine the mosquito net where the fact that it is quick abnormally is what feeling
疫苗对所有牛肉和猪肉从农场10公里半径内被发现,主要发生在县川南城镇屠宰,除1 3蔓延和遏制,在10公里半径20牛肉和猪肉将尽快运往一旦所有的“缓冲地带”设置 The same prefectural Kawaminami Cho focusing on they are radius 10 kilometer inside from the farm where occurrence was verified
Into all cows and the pig inserting and destroying the vaccine besides the fact that you enclose infection enlargement,
Radius 10 - 20 kilometer inside early make one time all cow and the pig ship and set “buffer area”
而无法改变的前提消毒剂稀释347下雨,我峨集中消费增加,可望有效地不可能 347
Unless either dilution of the decontaminating chemical changes the rain into prerequisite, because you cannot expect the effect and become
The consumption of the undiluted solution it increases, don't you think?
肉类加工和运送猪,牛,并在川南Ebino嘿不和自杀 The flesh processing the cow and the pig between Kawaminami and shrimp, as for shipping
There is no suicide behavior to be able to combine,
谈到1 20公里10公里Koetara问题领域没有爆发10和聪明的个人,“你怎么不这样做,你已经有了一个点或绝育?这是民主党的限制 As for the individual of 10 20 kilometer spheres when also 1 10 kilometers exceed from infection occurrence area non problem” When is why it is not the disinfection point it is it is This limit of the Democratic party
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 NULL
赤字融资债券发行敏在用户界面和阿福发言,但我有这么一所列的经费不要使用哦,母亲的基金储备成本加紧急反应! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [a] - [a]
Although contingency planning expense reserve fund you have embezzled to the one for mother and child addition, the revenue source [do] - it does, it is [a] [hu] [o] [minsu]
In addition
It issues even with the deficit-financing bond? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
赤松是“不能没有管理不善”,并说他们正在削减驱动tTA的自民党,实地视察后,谷垣祯一,但建议是一个紧急表示,TTA线完全忽略它的旅行它的最大搞糟 Akamatsu “there is no awkwardness by your”, that you declared, but
Although Liberal Democratic Party Tanigaki after on-the-spot inspection, did urgent measure proposition,
Ignoring that completely, don't you think? maximum it is awkward to go to overseas travel,
超高效,如果生产率的智慧私人高,三个预算为100亿日元,每15个兽医,100名工人/秒以上的时间来解决 If super efficiency and private it is 叡 Satoshi whose productivity are high,
Budget 10,000,000,000 Yen, 15 veterinarian teachers, with operator 100 it solves at period of 1/3
这是一个错误,我会部长最大的损害? This, as a mistake of the Cabinet minister don't you think? damage of maximum level?
这是防腐剂疫苗储存不完全相信自由,如目前的趋势,我会随时准备在同一天使用从我开始派发70万份以上只为? As for storing the disinfection liquid although completely it is not
As for vaccine above 700,000 this on the same day distribution
From first it has prepared in the schedule which is used, as for being able to think likely just we?
这秃头我会说他们可以做什么,但最终都依赖于国家权力下放的普通我Gotaku Decentralization of power how [gotaku] arranging, after all, if asking/depending and others it is not in the country, is not possible at all, it is
As for this baldness
通知活动面积是公职人员(政府官员,当地政府官员)约25.1%的企业对工业(制药动物医疗约12.5%36.8%其他小动物C号,和独立的行政机构),约约13.0%,谁不Ø从事兽医医疗12.3%,TTP的:/ / www.maff.go.jp / J的/理事会/ zyuizi / keikaku / h2003 / PDF格式/ ref_data2。PDF格式 � As for activity territory of notification person,
[a] government employee (national public service personnel and local government employee) approximately 25.1%
[i] industrial animal diagnosis and treatment approximately 12.5%
[u] small animal diagnosis and treatment approximately 36.8%
[e] in addition (medicine manufacture company and independent administrative corporate body etc) approximately 13.0%
Does not engage to [o] veterinarian thing the person who approximately 12.3%
ttp: //www.maff.go.jp/j/council/zyuizi/keikaku/h2003/pdf/ref_data2. pdf
那味道,和坚持,我没有出过的方式,提高养牛是不是这样,在胃溃疡饲料玉米 That taste, unless it is the cow which is done the how kind of to raise with the corn fodder becomes the gastric ulcer is the relation that it cannot be put out, when it is
面积10〜20公斤,605通常是不covered m去处置,应急措施,真空零地区牲畜口蹄疫的一个时期发生恩戴慢动作不停止 605
If originally but as for 10 - 20 kilometer spheres expectation what outside the dealing object, it does not cease it is absolutely with the area where foot and mouth disease occurs
The emergency measure that it is made the vacuum zone of fixed period domestic animal zero,
预算应当以船舶在10公里的卢早,扑杀所有猪只在20公里查看详细估计30亿至400亿日元〜 No ゙ no REPT ¯ t REPT REPT ゙ No All head destroying of 10 kilometer inside and as for the budget which early of 20 kilometer inside is necessary for shipment 30 000 000 000 40 000 000 000 Yen is anticipated
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 One 10 20 kilometer inside buffer area and positioning the cow early of the pig shipment is urged
ヾ,哦,哦,Ð 10布尔诺预算应当以船内的所有生猪300至100万公里的20公里范围内扑杀年初预计的4000亿日元查看详情 DREPT HKRPT HKRPT ni ni r ⌒ r ri No i y i te i HKRPT ¯ ¯ REPT No i i REPT r ⌒ i no HKRPT t REPT t i ゙ i 丿 No ゙ no REPT ¯ t REPT REPT ゙ No All head destroying of 10 kilometer inside and as for the budget which early of 20 kilometer inside is necessary for shipment 30 000 000 000 40 000 000 000 Yen is anticipated