270 在一定程度上的交流也将改变公众舆论来风“出伪证罪审判宣誓证词的滚装船,我不是一个政治伦理闹剧 270 When gt it attends governmental 倫 making clear gt Is also wind direction of public opinion probably will change and Appear in the witness summon which has perjury “not to be governmental 倫 making clear how farce
477如果董事会费,检察官委员会只将原告的律师可能什么也不做Jamme搜索 477 When examination meeting prosecutes the attorney whom nothing inquest of prosecution meeting as for does perhaps yame inspection just becomes the plaintiff
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The ro where as for examination meeting excessive thing without doing the method which leaves doubt is more painful image and is
起诉委员会,如果有死亡或充分的理由被漂白组通过威胁和友谊的收购 NULL
Noeeee 布鲁诺人的姓名和地址通过检查垃圾熔融目前平民检察官委员会 ー : ::: 分钟后,卡鲁哈纳 No HKRPT REPT No No and REPT It is REPT REPT No 92 noeeee Name and the address investigation dissolving of the rubbish civilian who attends inquest of prosecution meeting Person No 92 92 92 92 After you understand
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 REPT ” No HKRPT REPT No No and REPT It is REPT REPT No 92 noeeee Name and the address investigation dissolving of the rubbish civilian who attends inquest of prosecution meeting Person No 92 92 92 92 After you understand
NULL i REPT REPT l i REPT 92 i l i 92 REPT l l i REPT REPT 92 REPT l l l l l l Densely this please read… l l No i l l l li No and 92 l l l l 92 l gt l l ku eeyuyu HKRPT No l l ⌒ REPT 92 i └ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No i 92 ⌒ ⌒ └ i REPT i ∠ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ r ─ ─ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ HKRPT no i 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ netouyo tear eye w ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
NULL i REPT REPT l i REPT 92 i l i 92 REPT l l i REPT REPT 92 REPT l l l l l l Densely this please read… l l No i l l l li No and 92 l l l l 92 l gt l l ku eeyuyu HKRPT No l l ⌒ REPT 92 i └ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No i 92 ⌒ ⌒ └ i REPT i ∠ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ r ─ ─ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ HKRPT no i 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ netouyo tear eye w ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
∴:∵::::∴∵: ∵■始终状态∴∴∴隐藏的事情■∵ ∠∵ ∴:。∠ 。哦:∴ 。∵哦:电子M é é ñ R G的召集人:∴: ∵::。 。::∵ 。:∴ ∴■总是国家非S■∴ ∴:∴::::∵∴: THEFR ∵ ∵ THEFR ∵ Fault THEFR normalcy THEFR thing THEFR condition ∵ 92 ∵ ∠ THEFR ∠ 92 HKRPT THEFR 92 HKRPT ∵ E M E R G E N C Y THEFR 92 ∵ 92 ∵ THEFR 92 THEFR Fault Normalcy Thing Condition THEFR THEFR THEFR THEFR ∵
NULL No ⌒ REPT The a everyone nida which gets together ha Î ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ i 92 REPT ゙ i ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ human Ozawa chine ∩ 92 HKRPT REPT ⊂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ REPT ∨ ¯ ¯ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ i ⌒ REPT ─ ─ ─ ≡ 丿 No he ⌒ REPT lt REPT i ⌒ 92 ⌒ no No su ゙ sa ゙ tsu ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ 92 ⌒ 彡 彡 mimi 92 ⌒ ⌒ REPT 彡 彡 彡 mi REPT ⌒ 92 i 彡 彡 彡 ─ ─ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ≡ mi 彡 no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
NULL No ⌒ REPT Î ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ i 92 REPT ゙ i ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ human Ozawa chine ∩ 92 HKRPT REPT ⊂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ REPT ∨ ¯ ¯ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ i ⌒ REPT ─ ─ ─ ≡ 丿 No he ⌒ REPT lt REPT i ⌒ 92 ⌒ no No su ゙ sa ゙ tsu ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ 92 ⌒ 彡 彡 mimi 92 ⌒ ⌒ REPT 彡 彡 彡 mi REPT ⌒ 92 i 彡 彡 彡 ─ ─ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ≡ mi 彡 no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 92 ∧ ∧ REPT l 92 ∨ ∨ The a everyone nida which gets together ha ∨ he REPT REPT 92 No l lt “ REPT ha l no ku 92 REPT No No ¯ 92 and V V 92 l 92 REPT
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 105 Investigation solving the doubt tsu selfishly To tell the truth it was different Although the tehetsu tsu te it is in a state where you say As for the responsible taking which is doubted The ro which is strange as a muscle and is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 370 Continuing in order to be able to take charge the half you insert 3 each months and substitute therefore 11 people in case 5 and 6 people This time 6 you inserted and however you substituted as for 5 people that way remaining being new from the ru enter 6 people who the key If it is judged that the one which among 6 and 3 people or more prosecute is good below forcing prosecuting and 2 people if non prosecution
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 439 Hiroshi Oobayasi who is purchased dirtily from the 沢 just has exercised veto Don t you think you this it is dangerous Unless it designates also about that you write with delusion as 々 and solves you do not know When someone informs the ro this w which is the one shot
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 To here the ro which is according to schedule Whether or not problem from here becomes forcing prosecution the ro which is Being purchased but so
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 470 Annual income 2 In the job which is 30 000 000 When also half a century stays it reaches that extent don t you think it is 482 Because as for that there is no problem separately legally knowing the suspicion itself end high how
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 92 No 92 92 i ○ 92 y ¯ ¯ ○ Main thing Seat
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 a ku eeyuyu HKRPT entrance Entrance 92 No 92 92 i ○ 92 y ¯ ¯ ○ Main thing Seat
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 NULL
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Although Ozawa again became non prosecution if “we should prosecute” that it is resolved in reexamination of inspection making clear Tokyo area Is forced is prosecuted in designated attorney
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Although Ozawa again became non prosecution if “we should prosecute” that it is resolved in reexamination of inspection making clear Tokyo area Is forced is prosecuted in designated attorney
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 ∩ ゚ ∀ ゚ 彡 Reexamination Reexamination ⊂ 彡
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for me to Ichiro Ozawa that 蓄 You cannot understand hobby completely but Although there is meaning it becomes the reason where that life is taken with you cannot think that
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The person who much washes two floor person compared to Ichiro Ozawa as a political world purification Although there is meaning it does not do that
我的小泽一郎,即蓄。味道不能完全理解它,它能够让自己的生活,为什么不考虑s As for me Ichiro Ozawa that 蓄 You cannot understand hobby completely but It becomes the reason where that life is taken with you cannot think that
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Future inquest of prosecution meeting gt the entire te you spoke The tsu te you say well the pressure ma is extremely from administration side and but the reason whose speech is many As expected second prosecution suitable appearing whether or not it becomes forcing prosecution the tsu te place
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Ishikawa It reported concerning income and outgo report Inquest of prosecution meeting gt the entire te you spoke The tsu te you say the ri changing which logic of the child does not to limit
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The prayer framework in the next inquest of prosecution meeting dirtily we would like to have making strange pressure of the 沢 and not to have construction
呻 bit ly aHldxX委员会根据审查起诉的第二阶段,检方可能会被迫 http bit ly aHldxX With examination circumstance of 2nd stage of inquest of prosecution meeting there is a possibility of forcing prosecution
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 gt Making use of the loophole of law stand case that it is difficult to do it is understood but collating in mind of law gt It isn t violation clearly If even Japan is this van van stand case the expectation which is done
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 gt Making use of the loophole of law stand case that it is difficult to do it is understood but collating in mind of law gt It isn t violation clearly If even Japan is this van van stand case the expectation which is done
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In addition negative economized ya tsu seed netouyo wwww It keeps being defeated it is the life w some time
( 我 。! , ┘ ∀ lt uyobuta of the national loyal retainer coming do ri already the tear it is wiping REPT In bean jam cod heart the ro which is government official what ¯ i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 i 92 92 i 92 ┘
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In case of Ozawa resolution appears also before the House of Councillors selection in part because with there is also the entry which is said but When just Ozawa s case puts out resolution with run There is a possibility political hit upright of inquest of prosecution meeting being doubted
控方“坏习惯的方式,看到一个100%的情况对有罪不应该有一个”坏习惯,以便积极的通信W的,我已经成功检控局 By the way therefore with bad habit of investigation “when you see that it is not good having in 100 guilt non prosecution” w It could designate inquest of prosecution meeting as in order to correct the bad habit therefore it is
是否足够清晰和可操作的条件,例如董事会根据与常规案件的起诉 If and also inquest of prosecution meeting follows former judicial precedent Sufficiently that it can prosecute it is explicit
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Like this when you see ahead you cannot read the Japanese investigation bureaucracy truly Don t you think with the ro it is and only the human has been even
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Ozawa as for the intention of protecting however it is not assuming that in the future the unreasonable spear it prosecuted although how it was not possible in even investigation Being meaning
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The investigation present you want at will being permitted to here either is not something which necessarily democracy has
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 To House of Councillors also investigation probably will leave in the circumstances seeing and either Ozawa does not investigate how like this
罚款,检方已赢得了市民的百分之76,小泽一郎辞职 Beautifully investigation Ozawa Ichiro resignation required 76 percent acquired the public opinion which is said
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 So if it does also the fact that the Democratic party takes administration probably is tsu one and The bureaucratic ladies and gentlemen of investigation becoming soon the necessity to be flurried is medium tsu one
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Because the populace party took administration being flurried it began Ozawa attack the place is wretched
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 So perhaps the private secretary perhaps is crime don t you think It is not and the other politician should take responsibility of the private secretary don t you think
但是,也许我局局长的政治责任,所以采取也许我有罪 So perhaps the private secretary perhaps is crime don t you think It is not and the other politician should take responsibility of the private secretary don t you think
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The election only winning the man who is not thought to the citizen is forced and is prosecuted As for Ozawa we just would like to have power as for vision completely it is not
达罗力有待调查的约677它的必然结果,同时被起诉的,不是吗? 677 The ro where with the result generally of paralleling to public opinion poll is the ru As for forcing prosecution the ro which is inevitable
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Therefore the National Diet extension it is not with July 11th House of Councillors selection election day decision The kana which is agreeable to political hit upright The member 5 person of fifth inquest of prosecution meeting replaces in being May full 8 person or more in 11 is necessary what prosecution suitably
在推广非议会,他们之间如何在最后投票日适合从11月7日参议会选举?五起诉成员第五委员会是完全改变了很多的投入在5月,是一indictment m价值超过8个的11条规定 Therefore the National Diet extension it is not with July 11th House of Councillors selection election day decision The kana which is agreeable to political hit upright The member 5 person of fifth inquest of prosecution meeting replaces in being May full 8 person or more in 11 is necessary what prosecution suitably
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 This time “it is not unable to designate the judgment system of the citizen as guchiyaguchiya “Doing from the citizen gaze …” with kana it is with you say “The citizen” only proposing eye my decision criterion 那
法院系统,并威胁到实际一团糟“在公众眼中,”一个严重的思维鼻子直场 It is not unable to designate the original judgment system as guchiyaguchiya As for “citizen gaze” If you do not think seriously
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When investigation is margin 2 times it probably is possible to reverse the fact that you say Furthermore this time the mass communications begin Ozawa protection When you force prosecute inspection making clear becomes the categorization object In order for it not to mean such a thing the inspection making clear staff is various because of self protection There is also a possibility where in the member it builds induces
对吗?然而,审判搜索,尝试酿造的大脑发挥重叠的选举只是到处类型 The ro which is But inspection making clear is the training type brain play time where exactly it is piled up to election
我不能高层互访不断,对不公平的情况下结束了?艺术,我想你听到交换更换搜索?我不能把大家交流更换?然后选择驼峰,8名被告11个将被迫相当的困难 The non prosecution injustice coming out the possibility of finishing is high it is it is not You insert also inspection making clear and substitute it is with to do the yo There is also a possibility everyone of inserting and substituting it is it is not So when it does those where 8 person in 11 people chooses forcing prosecution become suitable difficult
搜索审判是240,但是尽量发挥脑型发酵,选举重叠,只是到处 240 Inspection making clear is the training type brain play time where exactly it is piled up to election
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Why it probably becomes innocence but it probably becomes guilt but After the Democratic party administration being possible being flurried Hatoyama it starts listing to Ozawa and sacrifice
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Why after the Democratic party administration being possible being flurried Hatoyama it starts listing to Ozawa and sacrifice
如果是不可避免的,许多日本民众投票的民主党人都好吧,我感到遗憾玺 gt It is vexatious … Because well the Japanese who voted to in the first place Democratic party is many there is no ginger
小泽和愉快的民主党人已经在法庭 这 Ozawa and the pleasant Democratic party gt gt ” defeat miss 訴” lt lt have done already with lawsuit
小泽和民主党愉快的,这家伙把Harenchi他们就会打击他们本身的斗争中失去 Ozawa and the pleasant Democratic party together harenchi which is defeated with the quarrel which is sprayed personally they are the people
Tokkou目前的起诉,酷刑和暴力,以真正能够小林多喜二是精神折磨知道如何更先进和有效的 The present time special it is high as for investigation But as expected the violence kind of torture which is made Taki Kobayashi two probably is not possible Being higher level you know effective mental torture technique
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 It is not mental than physical violence the way of it is That it lifts it has been known the destructive effect for that human whether 遙
三是247瓦特“真正的权力在书记小泽流这么邪恶的漫画只是一个傀儡!” 247 W which may be cartoon of suge 3 flow “As for the true person in power being the private secretary as for Ozawa it was the mere puppet ”
罪秘书是由514罪恶的政治Louppy 514 Crime of the private secretary is crime of political conversion by rupi
东京检察官可能会更甚至钉在重新就业或一床 As for Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section needle on the other hand?
With of re-being employed it isn't that?
乐烧担心的是民主党的钱民主的铀分散内外,和小泽一郎,“刚腕”已成为一个源 Perhaps that bribe to be scattered inside and outside the Democratic party source of Ichiro s Ozawa” hardness arm” It has become
什么是无罪的积累财产和不动产所拥有的塔城市建设wwwwwwwww尾巴户田修小泽一亿千万日元6 02亿购买价三楼赤坂麴Guranakusu铎斯卡拉一七零零零零零零零日元七亿零百万日元赤坂赤坂塔利斯Hazime 515 300 000 000 902 1南青山拉Széna 3320五亿○二百万日元日圆Kurearu 1699 204 2410 203赤坂赤坂赤坂十足总理林165030500万日元豪宅狮子゙3264八亿○二百万日元 The real estate where Ozawa accumulates wealth and possesses Now innocence tsu te wwwwwwwww Purchase price guranakusu malt town 602 110 000 000 Yen Heda period tail town building 3F Original Akasaka tawazu 902 151 530 000 Yen chiyurisu Akasaka 701 170 000 000 Yen Duo sukara Akasaka 802 32 640 000 Yen raionsu ゙ apartment Akasaka will Tsu forest 305 16 500 000 Yen Prime Akasaka 204 16 990 000 Yen Credit earl Akasaka 203 24 100 000 Yen ra sena south Aoyama 502 33 200 000 Yen The land building of Setagaya Fukazawa 365 860 000 Yen Home guransuteitsu 勾 this stand park 30 000 000 Yen jienerasu opening luck bridge 26 500 000 Yen Inner part state city Mizusawa Ku real estate 42 000 000 Yen The income and outgo report of land mountain meeting the entrance and exit 2 700 000 000 Yen which is different from statement
什么是无罪的积累财产和不动产所拥有的塔城市建设wwwwwwwww尾巴户田修小泽一亿千万日元6 02亿购买价三楼赤坂麴Guranakusu铎斯卡拉一七零零零零零零零日元七亿零百万日元赤坂赤坂塔利斯Hazime 515 300 000 000 902 1南青山拉Széna 3320五亿○二百万日元日圆Kurearu 1699 204 2410 203赤坂赤坂赤坂十足总理林165030500万日元豪宅狮子゙3264八亿○二百万日元 The real estate where Ozawa accumulates wealth and possesses Now innocence tsu te wwwwwwwww Purchase price guranakusu malt town 602 110 000 000 Yen Heda period tail town building 3F Original Akasaka tawazu 902 151 530 000 Yen chiyurisu Akasaka 701 170 000 000 Yen Duo sukara Akasaka 802 32 640 000 Yen raionsu ゙ apartment Akasaka will Tsu forest 305 16 500 000 Yen Prime Akasaka 204 16 990 000 Yen Credit earl Akasaka 203 24 100 000 Yen ra sena south Aoyama 502 33 200 000 Yen The land building of Setagaya Fukazawa 365 860 000 Yen Home guransuteitsu 勾 this stand park 30 000 000 Yen jienerasu opening luck bridge 26 500 000 Yen Inner part state city Mizusawa Ku real estate 42 000 000 Yen The income and outgo report of land mountain meeting the entrance and exit 2 700 000 000 Yen which is different from statement
什么罪名被起诉等于重新审查,如果强迫?什么时间是多少可以是任何人可与董事会的根在此期间垫 If in reexamination prosecution suitable the [tsu] [ke] which is forcing prosecution?
At this period the [za] - how much groundwork laying was possible in examination meeting, the shelf
你认为什么理由绝对632? 100%的思维方式思维方式收取的起诉与全球力量,按照有罪的情况并不少见,见见世面 632 That you think how in some reason it is Therefore 100 guilt of prosecuting seeing worldwide excessively general it is not how to think how to think conforms worldwide and forcing prosecuting but don t you think
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 632 Anchor Forcing prosecution
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 937 But from now on it conforms to law and it is forced is prosecuted is www Generally in democracy country it is strange for investigation to have monopolized prosecution right
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Forced prosecution kita ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When it is not the case that someone asks it prosecutes but the guilty tsu te the system which says is and it is viewing
你认为什么理由绝对631?如果100%的思想犯,因为我没有收取过共同的看世界 631 That you think how in some reason it is Therefore 100 guilt seeing worldwide excessively general it is not how to think of prosecuting but don t you think
如果我们仔细急于等待什么力量会从Rerya周围这么多的指责说谎 To be forced prosecuted because the ri ya various racketeer racketeer it probably will come out Even if so without being hasty thoroughly if we assume that it waits
如果我被迫相当起诉,控方会在起诉书没有 It is with and Investigation conference If so it becomes prosecution and suitable Forcing prosecution It is done it is
我的意思是,我知道你认为民主取决于什么时候对另一名被告的案件政治 When with you say or and prosecution non prosecution is influenced in political situation the ro which already is not democracy and is
控方试图迫使控方并不欣赏?所以,对不起选民 If it tries investigating forcing prosecution is grateful it is it is not Because it is public opinion it does not inhale
前三个罐子杂志刈谷哲说好吃,这个我开始了,下台的日本航空公司当中线上涨reverse ll真正融入日本国力,苏杀死小泽一郎做起诉工作的 Wild goose house Satoru Tastiness grommet bo diary 3 Beginning failure of first this Japan Air Lines Co Ltd When Japanese Kuniriki the true tsu having fallen upside down As for killing Ichiro Ozawa being the work which investigation does
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Wild goose house Satoru Tastiness grommet bo diary As for special high investigation of today the air shelf which kills Ichiro Ozawa
合理的决定起诉执法11 64律师起诉委员会淇法律我不是一个法律的作用有关详细信息,公众对建议的。 Word中,如果发现有罪的法官由指定的律师律师律师事物带领非刑事法官判断谁将会遇到许多井田。查看详情,但我决定把重点放在对有罪假设与古有 64 As for doing prosecution suitable judgment 11 people of inquest of prosecution meeting Because the attorney the general person is not detailed in law it is advice part of law Forced happening When it becomes guilt by the attorney whom language and the judge appoint as for Attorney chief of attorney group it is many for the judge experience person to become Therefore judge nothing of crime Although guilt is decided it seriously considers what is supposition is attached
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 64 As for doing prosecution suitable judgment 11 people of inquest of prosecution meeting Because the attorney the general person is not detailed in law it is advice part of law Forced happening When it becomes guilt by the attorney whom language and the judge appoint as for Attorney chief of attorney group it is many for the judge experience person to become Therefore judge nothing of crime Although guilt is decided it seriously considers what is supposition is attached
哦,还有小泽一郎,然后拉过我说什么,控方证明是无辜的,但证据不足 Although it is evidence insufficient, investigation proving falsehood and passing and saying Ichiro who is Ozawa whom it removes and the rear [a] - it does
如果你是太黑与白的人力资源可以握力,一个人能站出来支持 If power personal affairs are grasped it can designate also black as white and also the person who supports that being present the ku Shelf of ru
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 446 Evading taxation if the person in power “there is no tax evasion it is a declaration leak
如果决定起诉是无罪的,即使新的事实出来以后相当内疚,在这两次试验的问题,不能 Prosecuting if innocence decides future guilty suitable new fact appearing Two degrees with this case as for judgment being the case that it is not possible
另一个经理:“我们是有罪的80%,20%的人认为它不起诉例如无辜 gt If as for another staff “as for us you think that it is 20 innocence even in 80 guilt it does not prosecute
委员会白痴们合作,征税检察官调查的方式和它的不起诉狙早期古不要把一个愚蠢的公民拉后腿我当热衷于思维相同的模式金丸委员会及 Don't you think? as for the fool of the examination meeting which the investigation which and is [marusa] investigating and cooperating was disturbed quick the person
The aim of investigation is thinking of the same pattern as Kanamaru's time, the [ru] is
The foot it pulls, is, [aho] citizen group and examination meeting
就像一个坏疮暴露不仅证实该部队在起诉被告不认罪 Innocence it decides just it is not even with forcing prosecution
It seems to be the sufficient way which the useless [tsu] [pu] [ri] of investigation exposes
局长的愤怒时,一般的收费小泽东毛,当家人的决定是合理的根据基莎起诉书中寻找原董事会Ojisama面包车jam ll只有如此点火,前律师Ojisama非常伤心 - 太Ojisama接受 At the time of the non-prosecution of Secretary General hair small Zedong, just the bean jam had been angry
Original inspection [ojisama] of [bankishiya] family
When prosecution suitable judgment in the examination meeting,
So, the plain gauze it was and was, original inspection [ojisama] it is… [ojisama] too pitiful
往往是削减或不发言的戏剧发表政治权力从调查的任何压力下拍摄的主要政治家或检察官在贿赂案件的强大反对 Drama with in graft scandal of politician
From the great politician pressure falling on special 捜 department manager
With one voice of crane investigation discontinuation and umbrella It is good it is not
我可能被起诉小泽先生,我的胜利证明是不容易坏,我没有做任何事情! Netouyo匍匐你们道歉! ! ! The non-prosecution [tsu] lever what bad thing doing, calling, it is the case that thing is proven don't you think?
Ozawa teacher large victory! As for [netouyo] kneeling on the ground, apology margin! ! !
所以无关公诉人端午端午国防委员会委员等组织的政治压力“在我说什么?模糊它甚至不被起诉”她 Therefore, such a political pressure is organization defense is there is no relationship
The inquest of prosecution meeting member of the general people says “what? Prosecution margin to becoming dim”, it stopped, it is
打入袋从什么让他们负责的不公平是不是634出来Nakya有罪不喜欢,他们很快就会觉得这个结论是依靠陷阱井 The trap which well becomes like this Rather than thinking the conclusion quick air is not done but 634 If it does not make guilt the unjust prosecution shelf it is riding because it makes the sack hitting
一些被确定为有罪,但也暴露何必如果被定罪后提出的任何指控的证据固我667 667 After evidence setting if it prosecutes although there is also a possibility where it can make guilt Kind of innocence deciding specially with something it does is
政治捐款或西松大坝施工现场Yatsuosa发生问题? ? So, donation problem of west pine construction or eight [tsu] place dams how became? ?
文和董事会再次,因为它是第五起诉。我收取合理的力量?从金权政治的拼写我想我还是民主党人不会释放 Because gt that fifth inquest of prosecution meeting again happening Being proper forced prosecution kana The Democratic party still from spell of politics and the gold don t you think it is like it is not released
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Making election excessively slow when before the electing inquest of prosecution meeting decides Ozawa prosecution for the Democratic party Therefore large shock
交流的卡诺悟然你说了什么在控方会额外压力,并没有返回单淘汰不认为s Whether the pressure which how is said to investigation conference joins intellectual viewing 1 times can reverse the fact that it fails with you cannot think
因此,第五委员会起诉,或一个以上或董事会确定了第一批起诉,并 NULL
如果能够击败民主党委员会和检察官的起诉,反而是人民的意志 If conversely inquest of prosecution meeting democracy large is defeated to a non prosecution that is public opinion with that
第五委员会表示,由于起诉,或一个以上或董事会确定了第一批起诉,并 Because that fifth inquest of prosecution meeting that and one more first inquest of prosecution meeting judges what the shelf
重新调查的决定之前,在执行局根据检察机关的基本合理的收费卡。关系变化Waranakatta You re investigated on the basis of the prosecution suitable resolution of inquest of prosecution meeting but basic proof Relationship did not change
最后506,后面的加萨第一即使伯顿或通过检查对一些案件的检察官的起诉已在其他杂志的传闻在每周已,积极为反对小泽案○谁是人的传言一施压的议案有乳房 506 The last time investigation doing non prosecution the ru tsu te which you inspect and sow saying first gasa on the reverse side which is done Already the public prosecutor who is rumored with the weekly magazine and the like it is but In other things energetic in order to designate Ozawa as non prosecution the movement That it is one person who applied pressure in the person who is rumored the chest ○ is
506最后,后面的其他检察官起诉案件对案件一直是小泽对一些谣言在杂志上,如马克,谁是传言为移动大力游说该人具有胸部○ 506 The last time on the reverse side which investigation makes non prosecution Already the public prosecutor who is rumored with the weekly magazine and the like it is but In other things energetic in order to designate Ozawa as non prosecution the movement That it is one person who applied pressure in the person who is rumored the chest ○ is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Completely net tsu te is full in presumption overflowing the ru ww But the fact that ozawan has become non prosecution is fact
同样的,如果我结束时,非克惹证据的原因说起来黑平民,他们没有从个案的证据 Because there is no evidence the civilian calling black with the meaning which becomes non prosecution after all if there is no evidence the same
如果人们被起诉小泽和愤怒,民主党将击败大 In addition if Ozawa becomes non prosecution as for the citizen raging as for the Democratic party large it is crushed probably will be
我不能证明什么Ttena留下我会站在788的第一次检查后加萨尽管伯顿无关或起诉 788 Separate charge prosecuting the ru tsu te which you inspect and sow saying when first gasa doing from time standing from the ru Evidence how already probably will not remain at all
我们必须说我很喜欢四郎被起诉,而是来自一个无助的语气都较上一年收费 One year or more inspecting because how it will do it is not although it made non prosecution prosecution margin being said therefore the ru it is
而我是检察官起诉,在法庭或打击呢? Etara还认为很奇怪,即使正式起诉,被判无罪将样的呢 Furthermore although investigation made non prosecution how doing with judgment fighting u When you think also around there side being prosecuted temporarily how it becomes se innocence it is probably will be
被指责,所以我并不清楚如何灰色或接近黑色 Being prosecuted whether it is the gray which is close to about some clo if it is clear it is possible to be that
问题是,电台评论员谁接受这个“有,当然是带走未起诉”,而不是让 As for problem receiving this Radio wave komenteta “it is proper with non prosecution don t you think ” with Ride in condition
检察机关还对粪便的作用塔塔内河Eeeeeeeeeeee wwwww起诉达Muzeeeeeeeeeeeeeee被迫复议 Is in also part of investigation and the droppings be able be able be able be able the seed [e] to be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain, wwwww
Forcing prosecution it is in reexamination be able be able be able be able be able be able the [mu] [ze] to be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain,
比尔城尾户田修1.1亿日元,每602麴两名赤坂斯卡拉Guranakusu 3264八百○二日元购买房地产的价格拥有赤坂十足小泽三楼公寓゙狮子一七○○○○○○○日元701日元赤坂塔利斯515 300 000 000 1 902塔Hazime赤坂深泽,世田谷区土地及建筑物658 600 000 000 3 3320五零二日元2410二百○三日元拉Széna青山赤坂赤坂Kurearu20400万日元一千六百九十九日元1650 305林素 The real estate which Ozawa possesses
Purchase price
[guranakusu] malt town 602 110,000,000 Yen
Heda period tail town building 3F
Original Akasaka [tawazu] 902 151,530,000 Yen
[chiyurisu] Akasaka 701 170,000,000 Yen
Duo [sukara] Akasaka 802 32,640,000 Yen
[raionsu] ゙ apartment Akasaka will Tsu forest 305 16,500,000 Yen
Prime Akasaka 204 16,990,000 Yen
Credit earl Akasaka 203 24,100,000 Yen
[ra] [sena] south Aoyama 502 33,200,000 Yen
The land building of Setagaya Fukazawa 365,860,000 Yen
[guransuteitsu] 勾 this stand park 30,000,000 Yen
[jienerasu] opening luck bridge 26,500,000 Yen
Inner part state city Mizusawa Ku real estate 42,000,000 Yen
The income and outgo report of land mountain meeting, the entrance and exit 2,700,000,000 Yen which is different from statement
法院宣判无罪古Netouyo早点看到的地方,我嘲笑Netorupi wwww Judgment of acquittal coming out quickly
[netouyo] as for the courthouse the [netorupi] [tsu] [te] wwww where we would like to look at the place where you banter
特别委员会的伦理及政治的视频和选举有关法律要求迄今今天我要求497 597在议会宣誓证词中 597
Witness having summoned and requiring at the National Diet
It required until now
Even at the special committee regarding the establishment and Public Office Election Law amendment of present political ethics
As for animated picture
It is
看起来,他们是有罪Hyahha白痴在那里我会Fabyo可以理解,真正的 When that you see when the guilty hiyatsuha tsu te huabiyo tsu te ru person the real thing is foolish here you can understand
被起诉的民主党支持者似乎是穿坏的东头第一个主要方面我们的故事在之前的事情你不知道的邪恶头脑其实是古阿选举起诉之前,迫使早期提请起诉也许 The head bad democracy supporter being 涌, the [ru] way but
As for non-prosecution only-too-natural story
As for the first important point the fact that before the House of Councillors selection it becomes forcing prosecution, due to the fact that non-prosecution is hasty
Well, the head being bad, whether there is no [wa] can
起诉书还迫使疑问,755结果,作为控方的失败 755
Forcing prosecuting, the result and being evidence insufficient, you call innocence
As an investigation, fiasco
达罗wwwwwwwwwwww刈谷还抓获二楼Tsuka Maero突出wwwwww Wild goose house wwwwwwwwwwww
Catch also the handle two floor the [ro] wwwwww which is large crowd
这199余忠毅公民瓦特如何统一的协会,见瓦特 199 As for the latest citizen group chiyuki w W which in standardized association the shank is understood
错房子ーー垫垫在日本从您的解决方案,我会普选的进展,在过去日本的据点 [za] - in wrongdoing of house Japanese last stronghold
This understanding, from the [ru] the [za] -
It advances to resident denizenship
阿政治哦,肮脏的世界并不总是流金瓦特,但苏杀人作为人这样做是错误的( ö )“我们提出了证据,”我只会说驱动tTA如果发生什么射线贺来,从什么我saying ll聪○地看到钱,,, Well in the world of politics as for the dirty gold w which is always flowing But to kill the person because of that it is unpalatable the o as a human However you just said probably that “turn off the evidence” kakuei and the gold ○ seeing knowing how it becomes saying therefore the ru it is
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 From general contractor the money receiving in the collateral of construction buying the land although manerondaringu it did because there is no evidence innocence This being justice
韩国韩国刷Reyo ll很快开出了战争草案Kottara文 When war it happens, it starts driving to conscription
For the compatriot quickly Korea the [ke] - the [re