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It is ahead kind cow 6 evacuating, even in “Miyazaki prefecture Saito city” infection doubt example…To 200 head destroying ★2


  • 176一次,让我们将让民主党政权的改变吗?因为我们撤消Baiin接近! !大规模的浪费和煽动人民,我煽结果是灾难性的形势下,人民的责任,日本仍然赞成民主党人说大众抛弃垃圾的事情自己考虑峨 176 One time administration alternating it will try being able to let do to the Democratic party When useless is you should have reset to the origin therefore it is The result is devastating present condition … Fanning the citizen 煽 abandoning the mass rubbish which it moved and the fact that you think with the self Responsibility of the Japanese citizen who voted to the Democratic party as the mass rubbish you said

    • 247农业Tsuka赤松我应该寻求帮助官僚们对于细节没有野心鸠山ü认为关键任命一个负责的职业生涯,我认为你不喜欢的所有细节...对于
      247 It is not detailed at all in the handle Akamatsu [tsu] [te] agricultural administration, it is with to do, the [yo] personal history You think that also Hatoyama which appoints such a is responsibility serious Without becoming detailed, you should have looked up cooperation to the bureaucracy ones…

      • 25%的捐款,如胆囊收缩素儿童基金会我会祈祷,宫崎不会利用
        Miyazaki prefecture community chest meeting The Japanese UNICEF association likely The 25% of fund-raising you exploit, praying the fact that it is not, the [ru

        • 26日:09 56编号:RtjZ iMW红松树的坚强领导对手足口病,并反复播出报道说,损害减至最低保留元 26 09 56 ID RtjZ iMW Akamatsu strong leadership is shown vis a vis foot and mouth disease Reporting that is repeated damage was stopped in minimum broadcast
          • 495名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(周四)10:26:09 56编号:RtjZ iMW坚强领导和对口蹄疫是松树,例如我保留最低损害,报道说反复播出 495 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 26 09 56 ID RtjZ iMW Akamatsu strong leadership is shown vis a vis foot and mouth disease Reporting that is repeated damage was stopped in minimum broadcast
          • 571名:下面,请给我们圣人 发布一个贵宾Shinikawarimashi名称 未经:2010 05 21(星期五)18:27:01 53编号:0CUYJ B1P 3 3 韩国,鸟流感已 571 Name Below there is no name changing VIP sends sage Contribution day 2010 05 21 gold 18 27 01 53 ID 0CUYJ B1P 3 3 Korea bird in full it came
          • 59↓:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 21(周五)09:28:35编号:Xd1tGF970有失偏颇报道 ↓ 59 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 21 gold 09 28 35 ID Xd1tGF970 It is deflection reporting

        • 419“我求你喜欢做”,“我呼吁”不可能的哈希你看,如果整个收入的国家来说,“口蹄疫”郁哈纳甘 419 “Somehow and with have entreated” In order “to have entreated” it is not visible if and the country corresponds the extent “foot and mouth disease” which is settled is not sweet
          • 387方和宫崎合恳求你喜欢做什么做,不仅是他们的责任与滑 387 Miyazaki side has done the rubbing being agreeable of responsibility it is not to be the te somehow and with have entreated

        • 474口蹄疫10年前也发生在2000年,是这样的感觉?在这个时候发生在北海道和宫崎县宫崎最终头35头屠宰在最后的伤口在北海道705 474 Foot and mouth disease occurred even in 2000 of 10 years ago but you have remembered probably will be This time to occur in Miyazaki prefecture and Hokkaido finally in Miyazaki prefecture 35 heads In Hokkaido it ended with the destroying 705
          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 651 However authority the person whom it had why did not move gt This time it occurs in Miyazaki prefecture and Hokkaido gt In Miyazaki prefecture 35 heads in Hokkaido it ended finally with the destroying 705
          • 已经采取了明确的立场,我们将到达只是路过的金钱和权力,这样做,因为本县需要关心什么国家,我要说,钱只是乞讨什么的说是 Therefore as for we trouble that do in the prefecture just authority transferring the transfer the gold Only the gold you ask you say that is if is any national tsu te things become a story that it is no what

        • 547 宫崎县是一个方面不能沟通你没有说明政府是否采取行动,并要求救援,但很多次,但不是毫无意义的宫崎去国家信息通报 547 gt Miyazaki side although intention understanding is not possible Semantic obscurity Although Miyazaki many degrees rescued requested the country did not move it is with to do the yo The fact that it is in a state where it cannot do will understanding the country is
          • 在你问一个县援助508可怕的文件,如果是不能自由地忽视它确定写什么我告诉 508 It is enormous Because as for you as for rescue request of the prefecture in the manual is not written ignoring OK

        • 772樱岛近日发生在几乎没有火山地震平息
          772 As for Sakurajima as for here several day eruptions cooling-off Almost there is no either volcanic characteristic earthquake

          • NHK的节目仔猪后Gegege奇诺祈祷是向大家介绍了与彩色的冬天
            After NHK [gegege] it is and or as for the piglet of program of the [tsu] [chi], the [itsu] [no] 間 [ni] it has become without

            • NULL After the occurrence verifying nearly 1 months reflection what the wa bi is done keeps doing thinking that it is not “securely” Boat mountain healthy river Agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official When from 5 4 travel abroad “Self Defense Force you see to Denmark the person who becomes insecure it is therefore the Self Defense Force support may not ” Ichiro Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General Oral hoof During infection expanding in election cooperation request “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture It is topic” Yukio Hatoyama Prime Minister Finish rupi after the occurring nearly 1 months passing way it starts the examination “of serious anxiety” “measure the indication” Plain Hirohumi Secretariat director Responsibility it depends on pushing in Miyazaki prefecture and the local farmer “as for Miyazaki prefecture finer quarantine measure” Masahiko Yamada Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state It did the occurrence harem promontory entering but it did not enter locally
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 “It is thing being understood the ru ” “What reflection the wa bi is done completely thinks that it is not ” “somewhere by mistake is it is ” Fukushima Mizuho Agriculture and forestry water Temporary minister of state Miyazaki prefecture graduate at the time of Akamatsu travel abroad it did not do at all

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 177 The extent which becomes finally the shrine That the dairy farmer apply the fire entirely the shelf which it may propose 178 The result which encloses foot and mouth disease securely 10 years ago is not known don t you think it is probably will be
              • 好吧,我177,房子最终。我想他们不知道好奶牛场的经验遏制口蹄疫10元整出178年前有可能说他们喜欢和焚烧 177 The extent which becomes finally the shrine That the dairy farmer apply the fire entirely the shelf which it may propose 178 The result which encloses foot and mouth disease securely 10 years ago is not known don t you think it is probably will be

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 352 The u it is therefore as for Miyazaki prefecture preparing disinfection and destroying and the goods Working hours it did it is not is
              • 确保消毒液,如扑杀措施,其中,生产线Ttemasu宫崎县 Guaranteeing and destroying etc the disinfection liquid it was decided Working hours measure going increases Miyazaki prefecture

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 363 Just that being swindled with netouyo denunciation kakiko before the electing there being a painful eye the ru people In addition it is swindled when with thinking the ru it is the ro which is
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When uza it does also the fact that you see to be with majiresu returns it was enclosed in netouyo calls

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 539 “The country bears cost” has not become many measures If an indication that is made “prevent pandemitsuku with such method of this” it becomes measure Akamatsu you just stated it does not put out many measures that the gold is borne
              • 5 23,农林渔业部,并报告赤松,“第61次全国植树节”,出席于TTP的: www rinya maff go jp J的 新闻 kenho 100521 1。满地的Html或者,甚至害怕古宫崎先生神奈川县行,不能去?我想在这里←(笑 5 23 Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries reporting Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Akamatsu “61st time About the attendance to of nationwide Arbor Day” ttp www rinya maff go jp j press kenho 100521 1 html It is it goes into Kanagawa prefecture in the air it is even Or fearing it cannot go in Miyazaki lt This what probably will be laughing

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Although the management where the Higashi Kunihara s animal husbandry farmer is careless is done It is bad for Higashi Kunihara not to guide it is
              • 我看到了口蹄疫东国兽医逃跑,我觉得还不错东国Dzukanai Although the Higashi Kunihara s veterinarian overlooked foot and mouth disease Higashi Kunihara who does not become aware is bad it is
              • 达罗,县的官员是什么动物大型动物兽医护士原来茹586 586 Originally the government employee of large sized animal watching ru veterinarian tsu te animal husbandry prefecture the ro which is

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for this everyday 患 domesticated fowl and animals increasing as for Kyushu all we have been already polluted If you inspect the extent which is done with the pan which keeps being discovered mitsuku There is no state it is it isn t The vaccine being the place where it strikes in radius 10km the whole Kyushu being polluted the re way you discover conversely and become the zu and others ku but
              • 宫崎或好吗?我觉得整个全县实际宽,超级强大的,而不是害怕什么病毒 Miyazaki all right You think that to prefectural all it spreads truly the super powerful virus tsu te we fear

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Assemblyman and the Liberal Democratic Party Eto “the disinfection liquid does not come from the country” “either facsimile does not come” that it seems that criticizes government but Also the two of that is role of the prefecture

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly that it will appeal directly It waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite
                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly that it will appeal directly It waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite
                • 每个人的抱怨是认真和改建在外地,我在等待投诉Warazu直接相关的变更可以Baremasen在宫崎,只是运气英尺远从遥远的网站 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly that it will appeal directly It waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 It will be thought that it is foolish but however correct information the wound was done in the person around the foot is bad it is to put out correct selfishly with the foot depending the foolish shelf of the feeling which is said
                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 However the foot the wound was done the foot is bad it is to put out correct selfishly with the foot depending the foolish shelf of the feeling which is said

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 mi mi r mi 6 lt gt DREPT ┬ ┘ i 92 noukanokimochiga 1951 92 92 92 “Merely
                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 wwww mi 92 mi mi r mi 6 lt gt DREPT ┬ ┘ i 92 kengenga 1951 92 92 92 “Merely
                • ,Wwww, 美〜 :米 米 ヾ ┬ Ÿ┘ 。 u003d u003d Ninkaga菊(1951年 ) “,免费 wwww mi 92 mi mi r mi 6 lt gt DREPT ┬ ┘ i 92 kengenga 1951 92 92 92 “Merely
                • ,Wwww, 美〜 :米 米 ヾ ┬ Ÿ┘ 。 u003d u003d Toukyougasuki(1951年 ) “,免费 wwww mi 92 mi mi r mi 6 lt gt DREPT ┬ ┘ i 92 kengenga 1951 92 92 92 “Merely

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 So acceleration of spread being too strong prefectural level it can cope and may It is not when it is with it goes to demand dotakiyan you travel abroad from the following day
                • 汉堡开枪打死1疫苗,但它会得到无限期停止过火面积传播病毒的外推 The vaccine striking destroying between the ru if you do not stop the spread of the virus Passing how long it becomes the field burning

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The fact that you can buy cheaply is thinking that it is someone s favor the ru is If the good cow stops being price can be acquired while it is thinking the people it is
                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When you the meat becomes unable to eat the 餃 child and the meat Chinese noodles are gone it is

              • NULL With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season With favor of the disabled lack of policy forbearance Democratic party while the virus is vigorous w which is thrust in rain season It becomes unable to stop truly with virus power rise
                • 民主党人也严重限制已经萘乙酸任何方式行事,看你觉得这15茹 15 When this you see how artificiality is felt … The Democratic party it is too dangerous with maji

              • Tteta球员或者说是站在真正的770人之一,傻瓜
                770 That moxa is set say the people truly the foolish person shelf

                • U和处理这一产品如果本产品稀释的办法,是戴橡胶手套等
                  When the dilution liquid of this item or this item is handled, install the rubber glove and the like

                  • Www pref miyazaki lg jp 内容 组织 福祉 福祉 shakai fukushi html00165。html的宫崎县,市,寻找捐款设立军捐款箱在CCK的城市 www pref miyazaki lg jp contents org fukushi fukushi shakai fukushi html00165 html Miyazaki prefecture and municipalities the collecting box is installed in community chest meeting municipalities support meeting and the contribution gold is collected
                    • 560 最后宫崎头35头屠宰,最后在北海道的伤口在705 560 gt This time it occurs in Miyazaki prefecture and Hokkaido gt In Miyazaki prefecture 35 heads in Hokkaido it ended finally with the destroying 705
                    • TTP的: www pref miyazaki lg jp 内容 组织 福祉 福祉 shakai fukushi html00165。网页宫崎县,市,寻找捐款设立军捐款箱在CCK的城市 ttp www pref miyazaki lg jp contents org fukushi fukushi shakai fukushi html00165 html Miyazaki prefecture and municipalities the collecting box is installed in community chest meeting municipalities support meeting and the contribution gold is collected

                  • [口蹄疫]病毒,空中用醋和宫崎洪流川副喷涂不看在疫区边界Hitotsume醋防
                    The virus, prevent with the vinegar In one [tsu] shoal river paralleling of infection area boundary aerial application vinegar Miyazaki city

                    • ······· ········· 啊〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ……… …… … a
                      • 391 随志摩议案或来源请求您,并确定是否Temasen无关 391 gt Deciding what or moving increase it is We request the source
                      • ······· ········· 啊〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ……… …… … a
                      • 如果A和B来谈论我是否和返回答案没什么区别ü Speaking with A when you speak with B when the answering which is different completely returns…
                      • 这858氖国东吾妻吾妻吾妻 858 ne It is dense East East East East Country

                    • “宫崎义子乌〜〜〜”有一个插科打诨,但他们说我捏腹部减肥
                      While “the Miyazaki beauty child [o] - - -” the [tsu] [te] saying, the surplus fat of the stomach the gag which pinches it was

                      • “虽然你不这样做,而我已做了考虑的! 』2010 5 11众议院农业委员会额头大沽(民主党协会独立自由)vol1口蹄疫 ” While you are not being able to do such exchange hurting it does 2010 5 11 House of Representatives agriculture and forestry marine products committee Eto 拓 meeting of Liberal Democratic Party non post foot and mouth disease vol1

                        • ※由直接存入捐款的呼吁,我们只接受以下要求的最佳金融机构的帐户关于随志摩 Because we have accepted with account of the financial institution below concerning the contribution gold collection with account transfer we ask may

                          • 一个公司,一个州长,经济增长的成果,是投资主导的政治圈的农民告诉一个民主的政治不负责任和不称职
                            One enterprise, in one governor and one peasant circular throwing political main leadership Become the end, being irresponsible, the political disabled Democratic party

                            • 一个国家正在成为一个在土著野生动物传播的严重关切
                              The wild animal being infected, native conversion with [maji] became a state where fear it is done

                              • 东国加尔,加尔人说什么我停下来宫崎Netouyo瓦特
                                The people of Higashi Kunihara [ga] and Miyazaki [ga] say the [netouyo] [tsu] [te] or w which is stopped

                                • 什么是10公里,从那里发生的?您可让他和我们都?所以,你变坏,但健康的牛 The tsu ke which is 10 kilometers from the place where it occurs Dealing margin you probably will reach entirely The kind cow is vigorous useless something

                                  • 从一开始负责为初步反应,人们失去了几十个指向,手指在赎回时Zenizeni接种可能
                                    From responsibility of early correspondence of beginning, with vaccination are lost with [zenizeni] several dozen hours which, Responsibility it may be overtaken

                                    • 从法律程序市长,副市长山田早苗高市津野川南委员会提问和经济部长今天,“不是一个医生短缺瀑布兽医检查后,抽出时间来观察动物的样品涉嫌受影响采取
                                      Economic industrial commission of this day Interpellator Sanae Takaishi Mayor secondary Minister of State and Kawaminami Tsuno Yamada From proceedings Because the veterinarian teacher who undertakes town mayor “inspection medical examination is not enough, the inspection body of the 患 domesticated fowl and animals which are doubted is taken Although lapse is observed, time is required

                                      • 他会说,虽然在该委员会,如果唯一的嘴,我的使命的政治部长收购战胸部来衡量他们,这些结构经历了从哪里适合反对地球上的10分钟之内,我完全反对我们理解,因为我无法洗澡的行程只是去国外的牺牲宫崎离开政治和权力
                                        Saying even at commission, however the [ru], Wherewithal acquisition in order those measures to do is political mission what of the ministers of state If just the mouth, therefore very that it has been in time it is sufficiently at the opposition party Being opposition party experience abundant, mastering these structures, leaving travel abroad It is sufficient intention what which because of political strife and power ostentation designates Miyazaki as sacrifice therefore disabled

                                        • 传染源朱达罗牧场管理访问゙拉创价学会的?德鲁一大吞已从销毁证据是捏造的
                                          The [ro] where the [aku] ゙ [ra] ranch of Soka academic society management is infection source? Because after destruction of evidence & fabricating it made move, it spread at a stroke

                                          • 你决定不只是牲畜 罢工之前壊更手 Never there is no problem just of the animal husbandry gt ⊂ XXINF ⊃ DREPT lt Before above this being broken the move probably will be taken
                                            • 人人人人人人人人∩ ⊂人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人∩ ⊃▲ 感觉好极了疫情 ∩ ∩ People people people people people people people people people people people people people people ⊂ 92 ⊃ lt Enormous infectious disease is felt

                                          • 例如,以前的限制运在最初50公里(20公里,几天后放松),但是这从我第一次修订后,沿20公里手册时间限制 For example the last time was carrying out restriction 50km with initial motion was eased several days later 20km this time after that paralleling to the manual which was reformed is 20km restriction from beginning
                                            • 516名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(星期四)10:29:08 20编号:RtjZ 东iMW不友好的挖掘说,他没有做口蹄疫在最初的治疗方面发生的假新闻 516 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 29 08 20 ID RtjZ iMW As for east being hit was useless fabrication reporting that initial motion disposal in regard to foot and mouth disease occurrence

                                          • 农业部长隆宏赤松方式)口蹄疫在宫崎县287(地接受国库足的疑似病例和确诊由众议院农业委员会,22日,对“宫崎喷洒化学原料
                                            287 Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase inside Miyazaki prefecture, the oral hoof (like this the [te] to be) accepts the fact that the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals of the 疫 were verified, at the House of Representatives agriculture and forestry marine products commission of 22 days, to Miyazaki prefecture all spreads the medicine “with state expenditure

                                            • 加大对损害赔偿进行Burandoime 我是一个不好的宪法隐藏秃头朱达罗我不紧张,奇病火灾秃头,它被迫在我公司的负面手摆脱秘密因为这避免了存储下降 Generally as for the latest damage enlargement trying to avoid the decrease of burandoime ji That kotsusori it will deal with however it designed becoming unable to be unmanageable to That baldness causing the fire illness the ro which is ru reason Bald concealment constitution is bad it is

                                              • 北━━━━━━241 \(∀゚゚)/━━━━━━!!
                                                241 [kita] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ \ (゚ ∀ ゚)/━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━! ! ! !

                                                • 即使这个事情,你知道其他人造普天间问题,其中
                                                  This case and Futenma problem… The [ro] which already is accident, this

                                                  • 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊扎马秃头淫秽四郎湮没宫崎啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊扎马啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

                                                    • 在不同地点的关系,密切合作,防止及蔓延清干净affected领域继续尽量不来这也是后不久,我将努力向有此类产品的稳定供应的我 Also the after of this continues and the occurrence area whose also moment is quick is clear For preventing the purification and infection enlargement it makes the cooperation with the related various parts dense starts endeavoring to the stability supply of the particular product
                                                      • 在不同地点的关系,密切合作,防止及蔓延清干净affected领域继续尽量不来这也是后不久,我将努力向有此类产品的稳定供应的我 Also the after of this continues and the occurrence area whose also moment is quick is clear For preventing the purification and infection enlargement it makes the cooperation with the related various parts dense starts endeavoring to the stability supply of the particular product

                                                    • 在东国頑張!帮助我,我以后尘埃落定〜今天的政府和媒体
                                                      Higashi Kunihara governor persevering! When it pauses, present administration and the mass communications it is today, it is to do, -

                                                      • 大量的化学品,污染的活动。并防止污水处理设施的流量由
                                                        The mass liquid medicine, activity is dirty. Try not to flow into the sewage processing facility and the like with law

                                                        • 如果不重新审理案件迅速作出)期间,自民党手册瓦特 1 3时确认必须定期检讨,以使 Was made in our people age if the manual which useless Take a second look quickly w gt Regarding foot and mouth disease the specific domestic animal infectious disease quarantine guide 2004 December 1st Furthermore gt as reexamination is added at least 5 years concerning this guide When gt there is a necessity when recognizing on occasion it takes a second look
                                                          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 That it can process quickly because Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries asks to the animal husbandry farmer The vaccine please have the domestic animal strike it should go to the tsu te request
                                                          • 根据市区西上午,在昨天11 00左右,有发烧的报告从宫崎牛畜产卫生服务中心和农场 According to Saito city when 20th around 11 o clock in the morning the cow which becomes feverish is from the farm in the Miyazaki domestic animal hygienic hygienic place There was information

                                                        • 家庭事务部国务大臣,财政部和对策问题,我看到的是红松树,539决定不认为是反埃泰,运动来到国外旅行的,不充足的思想准备埃泰“是恰当的松树(她至少是我会)今年只有5天至5天→蔓延 539 As for Minister of state and the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries financial affairs ministry Akamatsu thinking that it becomes measure it is the case that it decides The extent which becomes There is no problem with the measure as for insufficiency thinking that it is not that it appeared in travel abroad In brief “Akamatsu moved properly at least as for this person the intention were gt five days only thing five days this year infection enlargement
                                                          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Minister of state ○ Akamatsu Because you think that certain five days this year were the new Cabinet conference the wife and the child who are loved With three people from two days to four days in the Guam this had gone completely with private
                                                          • 财政部部长和卫生部的措施问题,我看到的是红松树,539决定不认为是反埃泰,运动来到国外旅行的,不充足的思想准备埃泰“是恰当的松树(至少自己我本来打算),但传播→ 539 As for Minister of State and the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries financial affairs ministry Akamatsu thinking that it becomes measure it is the case that it decides The extent which becomes There is no problem with the measure as for insufficiency thinking that it is not that it appeared in travel abroad In brief “Akamatsu moved properly but at least this person was the intention gt infection enlargement

                                                        • 导致这一悲剧的原因是没有正确的信息CON组的净运作东国
                                                          Without being swindled in information operation of net right wing The first cause of having become such a disastrous state is Higashi Kunihara

                                                          • 尚未准备预测灾害的自治要求,更大的责任是秃头
                                                            While singing autonomy, estimating disaster, it did not prepare, responsibility of the baldness is large

                                                            • 尽管兽医正在忙于宰杀,危害民主帝国总部基地只是向他发出的疫苗获得wwww无计划兽医疫苗已捆绑起来,但遭到破坏,只是盲目发送帝国总部损害民主基础,但得到重视wwww兽医忙于宰杀,危害民主帝国总部基地刚刚送他一起来得到wwww无计划兽医疫苗已被捆绑,但死亡,帝国总部损害民主的基础只是送他一起来得到wwww无计划兽医疫苗已被捆绑,但死亡,无
                                                              As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan Just artificial disabled w As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan As for the veterinarian teacher although 忙 you are killed in destroying, the base damage democracy Imperial Headquarters wwww which is accustomed to sending just the vaccine to non plan

                                                              • 屠宰,加工过的尸体,消毒和其他人员所需的处理污染的物品,材料,联系有关机构和相关组织和普通及准备将总部及化学品在当地进行 The staff the materials and the chemicals etc which are necessary for destroying corpse processing disinfection and the processing etc of the pollution goods It executes the communication to preparation and the related system and the affiliated group in the local measure headquarters
                                                                • 5月17日是上梁开始编号的政府工作队? !我故意 So starting the measure headquarters of government is May 17th Purposely is

                                                              • 并下令当地农民和宫崎248,但我终于让出了一个大订单的通知,而不是等待合发言,并得到另一个县 248 Miyazaki prefecture and the local agricultural cooperative ordering becoming other prefecture and scramble while order to do waiting reaching at last little by little don t you think tsu te
                                                                • 444是的,请更换宫崎S在这个城市然后川南 444 The u it is please replace Kawaminami Cho to Miyazaki prefecture
                                                                • 并下令当地农民和宫崎248,但我终于让出了一个大订单的通知,而不是等待合发言,并得到另一个县 248 Miyazaki prefecture and the local agricultural cooperative ordering becoming other prefecture and scramble while order to do waiting reaching at last little by little don t you think tsu te

                                                              • 我们失去了许多人的生命由村山富市在阪神地区,社会党,失去生命的牛肉和猪肉的数十万,现在由赤松
                                                                By Japan Socialist Party Murayama, life of the multitude of Osaka and Kobe district losing, Life of several 100,000 cow pigs is lost and now by Akamatsu

                                                                • 我刚才逃脱债务,他们说小学一级和谎言我增加有史以来的最高纪录,债务福利,我将非常骄傲自豪,也被批评为沉闷,我没有任何责任,他们采取的任何人道歉我比自民党 The wa the just dodge of lie and elementary school student level As for debt in history highest increase and Good Heavens The wa which brags about the welfare due to debt boastfully The do just it is being criticized who the wa which apology or responsibility is not taken Somewhere is mashi what from the Liberal Democratic Party

                                                                  • 我将如何把必要的防疫注射以及在何种程序,以评估价值,这样的一天的具体计划,380头没有显示 In brief with some procedure carrying to vaccination from value assessment Such concrete plan in 1 days was not shown either 380 heads
                                                                    • 做3〜4天,1个兽医一天,是聪明的疫苗380 When it does that in 3 4 days 1 veterinarian teachers in 1 days as much as 380 heads the vaccine to insert the necessity
                                                                    • 如何将我需要注射疫苗,以勤奋带来哪些步骤未显示任何具体计划 In brief with some procedure carrying to vaccination from value assessment Such concrete plan in 1 days was not shown either 380 heads
                                                                    • 摊位,我还没有减少到40个阶段是昨天Tteta审核补充说:50 Says that 50 veterinarians are added At yesterday stage being decreased in 40 people it is the ru stripe it has not gotten together

                                                                  • 我有更多的白发或秃头已经用尽777
                                                                    777 Although you became bald with another exhaustion, furthermore Siraga?

                                                                    • 我浪费了352萘乙酸345“迅速行动”,即使我会更好的地方,如果这个不称职的扎马什么? ! 345 Although it is wasteful 352 Don t you think the place where it is good assuming that it is this zama tsu te disabled in “smart correspondence”
                                                                      • 甚至说,东部是当前国家of ll说我在政府很民主,我一直承认我吗? 600W的Jiminga Assuming that east is disabled present condition is the tsu te which is in the Democratic party government recognizing the te saying the ru is 600 jiminga w

                                                                    • 我种红松树和节日的海外之旅,他将有足够的知识,以嘲讽日本兰花,即使
                                                                      Don't you think? in travel abroad Arbor Day Akamatsu and the Japanese are ridiculed is even about And others intellectual viewing, how becoming

                                                                      • 我边看阅读少和代理商,除非他们显然写法按时间顺序中的事实,我会被误解 Like this doing unless you write fact indifferent with the time series Because with the glance saury which read the less of the operative you misunderstand don t you think
                                                                        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 gt 92 no lt The operative and the disturbance enter however probably will be it is let flow absolutely is

                                                                      • 所有后续的421,没有条件的地方承认
                                                                        421 Everything on the hand after the rear hand, Circumstance of the locale is not considered

                                                                        • 日本邮政银行1 -如果您尝试加载行波邮政-键:01 740 - 9:69 998帐户名称:CCK的宫崎县的社会福利机构-萨雷尝试加载波日本邮政银行比其他金融机构如果金融机构的名称;如:邮政银行店名:971(Audio是一个一)商店营业员:179事件的存款:支票帐户号码:0069998户名:公益金事件沉积二宫崎县宫崎县的银行,公司主管社会福利公司佐藤勇雄宫崎先生公益金社会福利机构储蓄账户持有人账户号码1062303
                                                                          1 [yo] bank account inside [yu] When inclination it is packed Sign: 01740 - 9 Number: 69998 Account name: Social welfare corporate body Miyazaki prefecture community chest meeting When inclination it is packed Financial institution name: [yo] bank inside [yu] Store name: 179 (it is and the [chi] is not the [yu] [u]) the store Store clerk: 179 Deposit item: Checking account Account number: 0069998 Account name: Social welfare corporate body Miyazaki prefecture community chest meeting 2 The Miyazaki Bank, Ltd. Main office Deposit item Ordinary deposit & saving Account number 1062303 Account name Social welfare corporate body Miyazaki prefecture community chest meeting Meeting Length Sato Isao

                                                                          • 最后在415选举代理人的时间太严重机管局氮离子不再工作和粘贴
                                                                            415 Operative AA and [kopipe] being too harsh at the time of the last time and election, N + stopped doing functioning

                                                                            • 此外,接种国家,杀害我们的追也发生在农场的兽医,决定提请增加约40人,不仅部分抵达 In addition when also the veterinarian teacher who is inserted has been chased in destroying at the occurrence farm Either approximately 40 people where increase is decided only part have arrived at the locale
                                                                              • 我不是说在管管503,它甚至不增加人员的数量迅速自卫队 503 It shatters is speaking quickly the self protecting soldier increase margin

                                                                            • 求职尽管执政党疾病,反对对“只要你处理这些问题之前,”你是什么意思
                                                                              As for infectious disease measure although it is work of the government ruling party, vis-a-vis the opposition party “with you coping margin” [tsu] [te] what thing

                                                                              • 消灭了道路在这附近被污染,除非我已经离开都城
                                                                                If Miyakonojo is not polluted, here and others side as for the road to playback remains even from total destruction

                                                                                • 涌烧烤肉类或中风旅游破产?赤松先生我解除了前墨西哥肉类
                                                                                  The round going round, the [chiyon] burning meat store bankruptcy? Before that the Mexican meat with rescindment shank Akamatsu

                                                                                  • 然后,在川南城市感到失望与我国这样一个大的声音,我希望离开我听说了很多 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard such voice
                                                                                    • 然后,在川南城市感到失望与我国这样一个大的声音,我希望离开我听说了很多 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard such voice
                                                                                    • 然后,在川南城市感到失望与我国这样一个大的声音,我希望离开我听说了很多 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard such voice

                                                                                  • 现在的东国第一个愚蠢的,我没有更新Twitter和相当长的时间才从昨天并没有停止活动,媒体认为考虑这个问题鄂如Twitter的更新,从一个地方我通常引出了一个秘密,我不从他们说的东西说是愚蠢和不负责任的坚实的思想保证对未来有一个等待释放或从当地人的反应可能是泄漏 The way of Higashi Kunihara s aho the day before yesterday extremely long time tsuitsuta was not renewed When tsuitsuta has been renewed normally the empty you think that now densely Media activity not to be the self control red sandal wood the te It examines strictly confidential thing plan it is the ro Perhaps when leak it is done because the local people repel After guarantee becoming firm announcement with thought Coming there the aho oven you want to be allowance to mean thing because it depends
                                                                                    • 现在我东国一相当长的时间没有更新Twitter的前两天没有在媒体活动的地方鄂如不,我认为Twitter的更新,通常回避泄漏可能考虑的情况下,我是不是机密从说他们说了一些愚蠢了,人们的思想来到那里,等待宣布或当地人民从一个坚实的保证,是令人厌恶的 As for Higashi Kunihara the day before yesterday extremely long time tsuitsuta was not renewed When tsuitsuta has been renewed normally the empty you think that now densely Media activity not to be the self control red sandal wood the te It examines strictly confidential thing plan it is the ro Perhaps when leak it is done because the local people repel After guarantee becoming firm announcement with thought Coming there the aho oven you want to be allowance to mean thing because it depends

                                                                                  • 穷人和707,作为最后的手段FAEB。ü最终可能使用...
                                                                                    707 When unskillfulness it does, as a last expedient F.A.E.B. Whether it becomes the predicament which is used,……

                                                                                    • 花宫崎释放看到所有的W我责怪上帝,我是东国井州长
                                                                                      Miyazaki was released considered as God w But well designating Higashi Kunihara how as the governor all prime movers

                                                                                      • 该报告批评了大规模的虐待和推卸责任时,媒体437将突出充填驱赶东国瓦特
                                                                                        437 When you denounce, w which the mass communications responsible conversion and extensively criticize report, corner Higashi Kunihara

                                                                                        • 赤松,手足口病是466关闭电源更植树仪式将在漫画以及宫崎一真行波多野。宫崎县是一个晶圆厂
                                                                                          Akamatsu foot and mouth disease does not go to either Miyazaki, with Hadano even Arbor Day Already it probably is comedy 466 Open sea electricity. There is a Miyazaki semiconductor factory

                                                                                          • 达罗还希望确保扩建鹿儿岛的都城旁边的鸡传染性法氏囊病Gattara
                                                                                            When it spreads to Miyakonojo city, it ends, the shelf The [ro] to which also Kagoshima of next door spreads securely and is

                                                                                            • 这项措施的一个问题。疫苗检讨委员会,负责转Kyoritsu ll药品疫苗储备

                                                                                              • 那么从您的企业是很难和你的硬盘没有说话,我打的专业墙,又是新的自由球员内达
                                                                                                New news item there is no either operative with the wall striking special shelf Hardship densely the [tsu] it is Well, it is trading because with utmost effort

                                                                                                • 除了受害人,说我对自己说牛肉是不相关的解决 As for to that being in damage when you say that it is the Japanese Cattle the fact of the matter there is no relationship in by your
                                                                                                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 930 There is no Japanese Cattle becomes the Chinese product melamine entering powdered milk

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