米274 wwwwwwwww为什么奥巴马宣战 274
Kohama declares war proclaims with something it is, wwwwwwwww
1月20日说,牛被证实为手足口病与感染在农业,宫崎县发现部 It announces that the cow which is seen that January 20th Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries was infected to foot and mouth disease in Miyazaki prefecture was verified
4月20日表示,在宫崎牛被发现感染农林水产省认为口蹄疫 It announces that the cow which is seen that April 20th Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries was infected to foot and mouth disease in Miyazaki prefecture was verified
213目前在日本的居民,当它来做好大型船舶非法入境的武装,日本自卫队还没有凯塔 213 The resident which presently is in Japan enters in large quantities illegally by the armed ship When coming for the sake of Still there was no Self Defense Force in Japan
居民,因为进来的武装船只大规模非法移民,日本自卫队成立后 Resident enters in large quantities illegally by the armed ship To come for the sake of with cause it came to the point of with afterwards establishing Self Defense Force in Japan
376全面战争。来吧!坦率地说,只有结果是拒绝恐怖分子入境的名称项下的防止韩国统一后这种不稳定,我在日本的家庭护理业务!顺便说一句,我假装友好的时间从敌人这是件好事,所以我觉得峨谁统一了整个北方的,敌人更容易衡量,而敌国Rashii 376
Extensively game. It came! As for [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ke] victory or defeat however how it is good
After with the pretext which prevents the entry of the terrorist from unstable Korea entry denial & standardization resident return home business!
By the way, as for we north all earth this time of today when you can think the one which was standardized appealingly
From the hostile country which shakes friend, the hostile country which the hostile country seems is easier to do measure
42 - 44特殊永久居民的身份-唯一的罪犯不得人-申请人身份证明责任的无证纪录风暴是在同部移民和海关警察保持约80%外籍的后裔,以和平条约来继续留在日本向二战前二战第四条入境豁免的原因是没有存储茹降落通过其他的诞生过程什么将被要求留在日本,你接受该法允许对这一司法部长发出了一个特殊的永久居民 42 - 44
Special permanent residence qualification - As for the touching method person there is no the limit -
As for qualification proof duty there is a applicant, as for record of the dense entry person at the time of the disturbance approximately 8 tenths being kept
Time the National Police Agency Custom Entrance tube Identical ones on the Ministry of Health and Welfare are kept
Entrance tube exception method fourth provision
The peace treaty nationality secession person who continues from before the termination of war of the World War II and resides in Japan
With the descendant, you reside in the own country without passing the hand continuation of landing due to birth other reasons
As for those which means with thing, receiving the permission of Minister of Justice, the special permanent residence person who decides in this law
As, it can reside permanently with the own country
6个鱼雷爆炸深度深度约40米的地方被闪电09英尺的地方,也有这种救济不能松动海底潜艇发射,如果正常的前瞻性分球是根据西部地区只限于从那里闪电 If the depth where the place where the suffering thunder it has done the torpedo explodes at approximately the depth of water 40 meters 6 9 meters the usual submarine it seems that cannot be discharged shallow At the place where it has also the ups and downs of the te seabed discharge probably will complete the position the area whose west side is narrow from the place where the suffering thunder it does
439鱼雷在北方的北方,并解雇你必须要限制他们?此外,出口鱼雷,潜艇不知道原来现在有两个下落报道,事故不涉及 439 The ro to which the torpedo it discharges north does not limit that even with north and make is Furthermore as for the torpedo with one for export as for the submarine two location of accident beginning it is not understood that it has not participated reporting the ru
此外,韩国理解或传达潜艇北方的运动,但我把那东西好像说Tteta并采取了,但没有办法被击沉 That and Korea had grasped the movement or communication of the submarine north that taking however kind of being accustomed you say Then it is sunk it cannot boil but is
762竹入侵,其中一further m盟国的国家准备入侵的稳步声称其领土对马岛 762
It invades the bamboo island, furthermore that it is home country territory to Tsushima, declaring, invasion it has prepared steadily
Somewhere of the countries is friendly country
NHK的最后组成我Onnaji狩猎和非洲奴隶在英国的观点 The English African was seen with NHK before this slave you hunt and distantly are the [wa] which is [ji] composition
不要说一个谎言,人们!东京成海的火灾威胁!这些国家只能代表你会说什么,你又在没有更好地为敌人 Random lie you say With threat Tokyo in sea of fire It does The tsu te saying the country just of the ru mouth still is mashi even in the same hostile country
中国在安全问题后,才崩溃,但会令他很难说好隐藏 Although as for just China with respect to problem of security after the collapsing, you make say plenty, it has a rough going probably will be rather, but
为了达到这个目标,在远东军区朝鲜混乱的催化剂是需要紧急半岛,取而代之的是北方的中国父母不能扩大到与我的关系,战争暴乱 It actualizes that, but the Far Eastern military riot which designates North Korea as the detonating agent, peninsular emergency necessity, unless China of the North Korean parent substituting, to be attached to riot, war cannot be expanded
什么一个国家工作人员,炸药,炸弹的船只沉没在军事,炸药后,左,几乎没有证据表明,为了工作从朝鲜Misekakeru朝鲜仍然鱼雷垫片。这将使你附近的船舶沉没,但我真不知道哪个国家 A national operative tsu te sinking the warship of the Korean troop with the explosive As for the explosive the kind of explosive where evidence almost does not remain After that in order to begin to show to the North Korean work the wreckage of the North Korean make torpedo sinking It leaves near the warship So if it did as for truth you do not know some country sank
我的间谍,并认同是那些喜欢标记或发现,当我看到我并列入Itan我不认为他们有点习惯感到吃惊 Way the operative tsu te there is no identity bare such hallmark as for those which are being convinced that you do not use hurting When looking at that you were surprised a little
从长远来看这是704,如果你将出售批发零件制造商的产品在日本→日本或者朱达罗然后,我要离开公司的销售韩国有一个较低的优质元器件K表日本克惹如果我说没有我马氏手流涌日苏茂公司日本公司和日本相扑医药照顾使用 704 If you see in the long term if there is no Japanese part quality of the Korean enterprise going down the ro where also sale decreases and is So when it does it can sell the Japanese product in substituting if gt the part it wholesales at the Japanese manufacturer k The te you say or as for chiyon enterprise you do to become the Japanese enterprise increasing the ru it is the ze which is The fact of the matter which uses the Japanese and the sumo wrestling even in CM
从长远来看这是704,如果你将出售批发零件制造商的产品在日本→日本或者朱达罗然后,我要离开公司的销售韩国有一个较低的优质元器件K表日本克惹如果我说没有我马氏手流涌日苏茂公司日本公司和日本相扑医药照顾使用 704 If you see in the long term if there is no Japanese part quality of the Korean enterprise going down the ro where also sale decreases and is So when it does it can sell the Japanese product in substituting if gt the part it wholesales at the Japanese manufacturer k The te you say or as for chiyon enterprise you do to become the Japanese enterprise increasing the ru it is the ze which is The fact of the matter which uses the Japanese and the sumo wrestling even in CM
任何单位的螺旋桨447未标识,已经印在螺杆轴部分和电机立即胶吧?然后,他们穿着前线巡逻舰与450或声纳,可怕的事情,不工作 447 Because to stamps nothing propeller section of the screw Perhaps it was stamped in the part which connects the axis and the motor of the screw because 450 When that happens when you say that in the patrol warship front is not attached or has not done the sonar functioning it is in without being
不明船凿沉在日本信用保证支AK男孩子正在帮 我是74或韩文刻 In sea preservation it was in the doubtful boat which our sinking is done plop plop AK Even in 74 the hallmark being melted with the Hangul the shelf
但我不容许日本转让的钱,哈萨克斯坦人民以北的井涌ー敌对国家或3现在,无论是否被驱逐出境?我是北涌J球员在联赛中的一些?一绪扬犯罪在我看来,他们调他,我尊重我们的伟大领袖 Umbrella a … The north chiyon citizen of hostility nation the gold making in Japan you cannot permit the fact that it has remitted but is Forcing repatriation without being possible Some person the north chiyon player it is even with the J league Respecting the General the people tsu te kind of offenders who have remitted and simultaneous it is
我最自私的东西会问你, 当地雇员模糊! 亲爱的领袖,无论如何,我匆匆飞往中国 Some selfish thing it does and with is to become dim the tsu The General being flurried China flying don t you think
但是,这也是687,韩国看到了世界标准,我和制造业。利润,滚装货物降日本人民,因为高层次的政府,中级和设备制造使韩国产品在韩国获得黄金材料,大于 687 However that it is Korea has produced when you see with worldwide standard make Because the profit is the one whose level of government is high As for Japan the equipment and the intermediate commodity in order to make the product which the South Korean makes in Korea lowering the raw material the gold which can is larger
我得到的三星和现代的产品。利润,但我兴奋剂政府增长,生产设备和中间产品,它被认为是国家降日本制造商的任何材料做滚装船,同样的事情使我留 Samson and hiyundai obtaining the ru make But as for the profit forming in doping of government ru thing The production equipment and the intermediate commodity lowering the raw material if you see from the ru Japanese manufacturer making in the country of somewhere it will stay but the same thing
但朝鲜第1和第2号主场迎战号我使用的第一个符号的问题,第二,它是不会,我们已经使用 NULL
显然这么早古,其意见或拒绝在朝鲜,和参与 Whether the opinion which is quick so with something denies the North Korean participation is announced that
例如:乔来乔乔乔的乔,乔著名↓人民的乔乔乔挑战商船乘节日以韩国领先的祖先在著名的渔业船舶操纵乔 Example: With steering of the fishing boat the ancestor of the famous Koreans taking the initiative in the merchant ship which shipbuilding is done, it embarks and challenges to the trade war
With [chiyosun] of [chiyosun] [chiyosun] of the famous [chiyosun] people [chiyosun] doing in [chiyosun] which [chiyosun] is done, [chiyosun] it does, in [chiyosun] [chiyosun
克劳利的“议程,将是北美洲国家的重要问题在,”他说: As for kurori “with each country the North Korean question It becomes the subject whose subject is important” that it pointed out
六国会谈无限期推迟无论如何,我会讲Hazime胜人将成为朝鲜的边缘政策和积极的髋关节及透露是否制裁 How [se] 6 national conference indefiniteness postponement, whether saying, positive sanction with hesitation
It becomes the critical diplomacy one person victory of North Korea, don't you think? it is
其中一幅螺杆鱼雷韩文(韩国字母)和数字显示,报告说,朝鲜证实,斜向 1 In fragment of screw of torpedo Hangul the Korean letter with Number is indicated You announced that you verified that is the North Korean form
发现或可兰经,或他们是韩文写的是二战鱼雷片段魔术欺骗公众对美国吉达罗 Koran is discovered when when the Hangul was written on the torpedo fragment with the magic ww America to ridicule the public too much the ro which is
努力在北方移动Shipuyan表面的过程中军舰到海湾神秘这里 This [shipuyan] bay
The warship of puzzle surfaces to the sea
Course is directed to north, on the move
又是谁在济州岛刑法解决朝鲜半岛的罪行重罪 And, inside that Korean Peninsula heavily commits crime deportation area of the person who the end state island
右翼成员的制度和与北朝鲜的部队在南真实意图的所有日本想要战争,并能观看韩国军队在该汝他们只是好看的军事集结我自豪地指出,国民议会认可 As for the Japanese Self Defense Force and the Assemblyman of right wing type as for truth the [be] which war would like to have doing, the Korean and North Korea military power and capability to see in Korea and North Korea, it is exactly good
Looking at that, Self Defense Force being the National Diet, recognizes military power reinforcement grandly and points
吉伊会谈太穷我将返回从议程上,因为它主要是核问题,这一次南北边界。我作出了风暴的框架内,回力的Zeni ll放在框架文雅那边? As for 6 person conferences Therefore nuclear problem central subject returning, because it probably is dwindling, this time north and south boundary. Making the framework of disturbance, the contrivance which pulls [zeni] in that framework? ?
因此,如果您在朝鲜没有正式工作,我不是处理刑事感,但他们不穿s吗?你为什么不想像,如果它是日本 If it is not the North Korean work temporarily although there is no remembering in the body the criminal being done to handle the ru it is Japan that tries imagining the thing when it is done
你是个大问题?这笔钱是不是为什么我会处理所有刑事和通过他们Chattara It is large problem Through to do that because chi ya tsu cod in the future all criminals it is to be unable to handle it is to be done
因此,我希望你将下降对立与其他自由荣格什么?目前还不清楚这是否意味着我必须做在日本有一滚 chiyon fighting selfishly it should have become failing together don t you think it is Unless Japan must be involved with something whether the semantic unclear shelf
海军虽然北朝鲜的主要舰艇和潜艇205小,朝鲜战争是未知的手段,以表面的一些具体原因 205 Although that navy North Korea the small sized warships and the submarine is main the semantic obscurity why Korea as for anti water game specialization
国家和地方政府及项的规定,以帮助解决谁逃接受由经过认证,以确保稳定的居住,就业援助和其他必要措施,有关日语教育讲座,并应 14th provision As for the country and the municipal corporation, in order to support the settlement of the person who receives the recognition of the deviation from north person,
Devises necessary measure in regard to the guaranty of stability of the residence, the support and Japanese language education etc of employment
在这个协议还像中国一样恩戴好礼物,如果朝鲜中国 The Chinese way presenting North Korea
If this it is, the Chinese way rejoicing, in approval
外国领土上没有第二个想法(竹岛)和韩国进入了掠夺,入侵和我失去了 Being unconcerned, penetrating into the territory (bamboo island), of the foreign country the [bu] it is as for [do] [ru] south Korea, the [ro] which in addition is the violation of territorial waters red sandal wood
大阪府724人有一定的权利或准则的重要性,但真正的歧视在日本朝鲜人的优惠政策外,对不对? 724
Important guide of protection of fundamental human rights it being in the Osaka prefecture, there is foreign discrimination, but as for substance the [ro] which is resident Korean favorable treatment policy
奥巴马预计将作出宣战的将是伊尔金正日结束了,的确令布什在美国轰炸 When the United States continued to be the bush it was securely Kim Jong-Il last with aerial bombing, probably will be
In the declaration of war of [obama] president expectation lifting
如果古塔◆☆☆47 JSGFLSFOXQ @★φ☆☆重量应立即[off_go@yahoo.co.jp]编号:???0 *★φ☆☆5重量应立即[]编号:???我* *如果体重立即★φ☆☆[]编号:???0 * *◆☆☆JSGFLSFOXQ @★φ☆古塔重量应该立即☆[圣人]编号:???0 * * @☆☆☆立即如果体重★φ☆重量立即如果[]编号:???Ø * *◆☆大☆JSGFLSFOXQ @★φ☆立即如果你体重立即☆[]编号:???或001653 0 o0或141244 o0 214222 -我030 926或或o0 142307 o0 214332 -我o0 033441或033519或142819或或o0 o0 143853 o0 093244 -我o0 093845或145414 -我o0 094238或145932 -我o0 155619或155759或101730或或o0 o0一五五八四○o0 103136或102616 o0 155941 o0 o0或或或或103414 o0 163503 o0 103449 o0或或或16.494万o0 114452或115703 o0 o0 165146 o0或或或165352 o0 12.005万o0 171610 o0或或或122159 o0 172557 o0或123749或122422一十八万〇三百一十二o0 o0 47 * The [gu] it is * * JSGFLSFOXQ @ * The [gu] it is thick * Φ * [off_go @ yahoo.co.jp] ID: ? ? ? 0
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030926 it is o0 142307 it is o0 214332 - i
033441 it is o0 142819 it is o0
033519 it is o0 143853 it is o0
093244 - i 145414 it is o0
093845 - i 145932 it is o0
094238 - i 155619 it is o0
101730 it is o0 155759 it is o0
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103136 it is o0 155941 it is o0
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114452 it is o0 165146 it is o0
115703 it is o0 165352 it is o0
120050 it is o0 171610 it is o0
122159 it is o0 172557 it is o0
122422 it is o0 180312 it is o0
123749 it is o0 185939 it is o0
124114 it is o0 190327 it is o0
124633 it is o0 195646 it is o0
125307 it is o0 195815 it is o0
125818 it is o0 195849 it is o0
125853 it is o0 210749 it is o0
130059 it is o0 211433 it is o0
140812 it is o0 211535 it is o0
如果只有一杆,我什至不知道,一失火原型朝总联,射击w如果只有一个,不要被中国称为失火出口俄罗斯鱼雷? Perhaps if just the one shot the prototype of the Korean entire ream shone error and w If just the one shot perhaps whether China the error morphism of the torpedo for the export of Russia
换言之,对朝总联的成员在韩国和朝鲜,美国原本从韩国目前走私 In other words the member of the Korean entire ream the Korean of the Korean type which enters originally densely from present Korea
如果我想我会帮助朝鲜的战争的厌倦超过420附表认真隐瞒,这是从北方平行Chonpanji 420 Being serious until it uplift war weariness feeling thinking that and others you can obtain North Korea densely that the ru it is when we assume It is like chiyonpanji north
如果我想我会帮助朝鲜的战争的厌倦超过420附表认真隐瞒,这是从北方平行Chonpanji 420 Being serious until it uplift war weariness feeling thinking that and others you can obtain North Korea densely that the ru it is when we assume It is like chiyonpanji north
如果最坏的情况发生,进入解放军梭织进入中国东北的朝鲜,韩国军队将粉碎 If unskillfulness is done, the Chinese People's Liberation Army which is in the northeast section entering into Korea, the Korean troop is suppressed
对美国来说,伊朗将是表现专家们认为,伊朗停止在中期选举中流动的核力量。在表决时,驳回了印象,随着荏,返回美国政府的外交冷落到日本,日本目前对投诉,在韩国的军事形势,讨论中国未来的美几乎G2期导致到主动,发言壊击中了美国人民的僵局可望有效,我们认识到冲绳的重要性,日本人民 For the United States, in the performance to Iran
It becomes, you can stop the fact that the North Korean nucleus flows to Iran, with off-year election the troop. Vote takes,
Impression that cowardice can be kicked, dissatisfaction of toward America diplomacy of present Japanese administration can be returned by the fact that Japan is treated coldly,
By the fact that the inside of the factual high grade rice confers the military circumstance of the future Korean Peninsula it becomes the beginning of G2 conception,
And, it avoids the blockade impression of the American people, in the Japanese citizen it can expect the effect such that importance of the Okinawa base it is made to recognize
当联合调查小组9月20日公布的调查结果沉淀。朝鲜当天。除内容窃听和朝鲜的移动路线场面潜艇还计划落后于目前的间接证据与鱼雷攻击朝鲜 As for combined investigation committee the occasion where the findings from is announced on the 20th, sinking. North morning of the day. Portable route of submarine and
Other than the contents which wiretap the North Korean communication, it presents also the circumstantial evidence which supports the North Korean torpedo attack
You call policy
我不回朝鲜沉默架KC赖,“阴谋”韩国拒绝。巡逻舰攻击的理论 You do not become silent, KC [raibatsuku]
North Korea, “strategy” it denies Korea. Attack theory to patrol warship
我觉得民主党拒绝难民鸠山好,但如果我们最接近的难民来到了日本新闻界和307?那么,韩国,至少有20万难民和北部将出现 307 However the refugee surges in Japan if it is possible to be that You think that the Hatoyama Democratic party denies the refugee Well the Korean and North Korea refugee comes as for 20 000 000 person at least probably will be
我说,北韩是完全一样的良好状态和寄生虫外。在舞台上现场已 As for North Korea extent and outside it is possible to call complete parasite nation. You have lived in the aspect
报纸和电视要分析为什么它是出于对与平局并呼吁中国Zutsu金正日的腿真真实的,“鹰鞍 The newspaper and the television the General Secretary dragging the foot truly the reason which is called to China that this analyze but As for truth “my hame and others re it is
报纸和电视要分析为什么会出来,对与调用拉腿Zutsu中国金真的是“鹰鞍 The newspaper and the television the gold General Secretary dragging the foot the reason which is called to China that this analyze but As for truth “my hame and others re it is
日本1 3,对不对?Tsuttara从美中国的合作,更在韩国有兴趣的推导这样说呢?成为军事冲突,但我抓了SDP的运动将改变取决于是否可以换和平统一 The ro which when the tsu which sled ya Korea would like to do it hangs cooperating seeks Japan in the United States and is Depending upon whether it becomes military collision whether it can standardize peacefully the movement of the corporation people party changes however probably will be
日本人民惊人的性质,宁愿火灾的疾病,从北朝鲜偷渡者 It probably is characteristic of the race which the fire illness is done Japan should be cautious on the other hand from North Korea the stowaway from Korea
件会很容易事先准备鱼雷螺钉北朝鲜文 The extent which beforehand prepares the torpedo screw piece of the North Korean Hangul it probably is simple
我接受海军出售本周周刊新潮北是增加了496人的鱼雷装置 496 But retail of the weekly new tide of this week there is a human torpedo unit in the North Korean navy it seems
日本政府的不满与当前美国外交政策的方式由日本返回,冷韩国,与北一月底到这个情况会踢严格,我觉得 By the way, as for being able to return the dissatisfaction of toward America diplomacy of present Japanese administration by the fact that Japan is treated coldly,
To the last if conclusion is acquired to this North Korean situation, you think that is,
最后Wattara博览,中国解放军将越过边境,逮捕,被迫退休将金正日,游乐的独裁者一个有趣的家伙在脖子 When the Shanghai international exposition ends China transgresses the border the People s Liberation Army Forcing taking Kim Jong Il it retires it does the ge changing which the neck of the dictator does
然而,最终Warukara博览会10月,朝鲜终于将做的是中国处理 But because the Shanghai international exposition ends in October China probably will do the North Korean dealing more and more
有没有意识到我必须鱼雷救济米深度约286 40?就不会有这样的酱油只有在近距离攻击护理,我只是做了你要照顾相反,即使有,它附近的潜艇 286 You do not become aware in the torpedo which has ups and downs at approximately the depth of water 40 meters how it is kana Being shot at short distance you can become aware and the medium tsu pass and there probably is also a thing but When that it is the submarine getting near conversely you can become aware and the medium tsu pass and become especially don t you think
我不知道有什么鱼雷接近286?就不会有这样的酱油只有在近距离攻击护理,我只是做了你要照顾相反,即使有,它附近的潜艇 286 You do not become aware in the torpedo which it approaches how it is kana Being shot at short distance you can become aware and the medium tsu pass and there probably is also a thing but When that it is the submarine getting near conversely you can become aware and the medium tsu pass and become especially don t you think
有线电视YTN说,联合调查团队,沉没船舶巡逻鱼雷攻击北朝鲜队正在调查中得出结论认为,英国鱼雷击沉了朝鲜,并作出结论应当由朝鲜,美国参加了调查它还同意,和外国专家 According to YTN as for combined investigation committee because of this as for patrol warship sinking it is the findings from by the North Korean torpedo with the North Korean torpedo attack that the Korean investigation committee sank Conclusion is lowered you say that also the specialist of foreign country such as the United States and England which participated in investigation agrees to this
5月20日,沉没船舶航行由韩国使命鱼雷向朝鲜公布的一项调查 May 20th as for patrol warship sinking the Korean investigation committee announcing the findings from by the North Korean torpedo
朝鲜。美军基地,甚至日本占领军在搜索仅北推进与所有的。会设法利用廉价劳动力的经济复苏朝鲜的名字,他们将驻扎在 North morning. Occupying
As for the US military base pushing to North Korea entirely
Self Defense Force Japanese 捜. Being stationed with pretext
Exploiting the labor force whose North Korea is cheap, business the [ze] which will be made to recover
朝鲜是没有一点好处,因为他们看到一个鱼雷射击这是不同水域和范围都声称北方界线,得到激励和朝鲜的边缘政策和捉峨茹 In order there is no merit which shoots the torpedo in North Korea it is visible but Being both being the position of NLL where insistence of the range of the territorial waters is different and When as critical diplomacy you consider it can become the North Korean motive
61: 名无Shisan十周年:2010 05 20(星期四)04:39:53编号:HALDAwtA0六国会谈无限期推迟无论如何,回到北朝鲜的边缘政策和积极的制裁及是否说大多数人的印象中,我会得到立即外交Hazime胜人 61 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 20 wood 04 39 53 ID HALDAwtA0 How se 6 national conference indefiniteness postponement whether saying positive sanction with hesitation It becomes the critical diplomacy one person victory of North Korea don t you think it is Thought of most person
机管局是不反对任何企图欺骗,因为它不是非制导感应 The confronting antiaircraft artillery is not produced induction something, but
Therefore non induction very trying to deceive, it is not possible
查明报复,朝鲜“金正日说:”北韩将是一个来源的死亡方式本身已表示显示所有细节,以人与金正日金正日士兵和高级充满渴望死亡茹 That retaliation pinpoint death probably will approach to North Korean “Kim Jong Il” itself … information muscle The North Korean country you express that it is full with staff and the people and the soldier who desire death to Kim Jong Il
619举例说,对于相反,我将不会提出行动,北朝鲜的国家,例如只运行 619 Speaking conversely only North Korean like country they probably are the maneuvers which cannot be translated into action
奇也紧张,单靠军事行动North中国做一个备份,有没有音频的胜利 North Korea causing tactics independently if China does not back up there is no chance
我不知道会发生什么现在到任何人,更大的可能只是希望与一个硬币的武器,而不是采取报复行动,至少韩国 Ahead how it becomes from now on however in everyone it is from the wa unless Korea retaliates at least The North Korean troop attaches steadily from this and the possibility of rising is large
朝鲜还管理工业园区,来要求进一步的经济制裁对日本没有关闭 There is North Korea somehow also the industrial complex without closing in Japan further economic sanction It asks
萘乙酸你从不反击,而我看朝鲜政府或外交井121 121 When well Korean government tsu te anti North Korean diplomacy you see because you do not strike
该声明使您Itadake鱼雷手写韩文朝鲜原本保持适当的 Being suitably handwritten in the North Korean make torpedo which Korea has kept originally the Hangul you just wrote that to do the yo
这些谁有希望降低冰他们让政权崩溃,我有一个肌肉拉采取Rubeki家庭 When we want collapsing the North Korean system whether the person who cuts the fuse should receive family is muscle
沉。朝鲜当天。如果我只知道这是什么嗅闻朝鲜通信路径的每艘潜艇和,但并不认为朝鲜是不是Heppoko庇护从鱼雷 Sinking. North morning of the day. Portable route of submarine and
The contents which wiretap the North Korean communication
Just this being understood, you cannot avoid the [hetsupoko] torpedo of the cod and north, you think that it cannot boil, but
没什么大不了给绝对没有得到有效地认为他们是核武器,但事实上,无论日本和韩国可能使用核武器的邻国中国时基诺地区继续提它的不准确但我倾向于看顾汝甜冷漠,因为它可以踢避免损坏或有权接受他们要筛,并继续向朝鲜提供人道主义援助,最终妥协我觉得 You think that the fact that is effective it possesses that nucleus with something it is You want and there is no reason which is not with the callous there is no problem of precision comment When it does from China Korea perhaps the neighboring country of the area continuation uses the nucleus However there is a tendency which is seen as the fire of the other side sweetly perhaps Japan it receives a some damage In order to avoid that compromising the humane help to North Korea it does not continue you do not obtain after all you think that it is
然后把他们的部队之间的102美元?自卫队作为物流出来,不要参与人道主义粮食援助或向井山的地Pachisurukane朱达罗在前面? 102 Leaving the US military Assuming that Self Defense Force it came out logistics and humane food support the ro which is the Seki mountain Facing with the front the do it is the combining which the pa chi is done
没有办法的行为,美国核潜艇在这些浅水水域的航行w ll浮出水面得到深度,潜艇的大小 The American atomic submarine acts with such a shoal, the [ro] w which cannot boil and is
When it is the depth, it becomes surfacing navigation, as for the submarine of that size
率和人口密度的电话公司在同一细胞在日本没有太大的森林面积以北的村庄很少,如果Chonmisairu落低精度将 Being the same as the population density inside ratio of the portable telephone company, in Japan where the mountains and forests area is many
If north [chiyonmisairu] whose accuracy is low it probably will not get off rarely in the village
现在它可能并不重要,奈良四个城市的飞机在和歌山县成为一个战士和爆炸 Perhaps, there is no relationship, but
Now, four, the fighter plane blast running kept doing the sky of Nara city in Wakayama direction
现在,空中战斗本身。然而,导弹导弹将黄金真我不知道什么时候你只能欺骗方式诱使巴克肖特自私在他的好 Now, as for air action our. It probably is induction missile zenith
But as for the missile feel you facing gradually with your own proud induction method, with just the [ru]
When you are deceived, you do not understand either one the real thing
白宫发言人吉布斯在新闻发布会上一个昨天,美国在中国上空的过程中所述的咨询和支持,并从日本和联合国安全理事会 Gibbs president reporting official
In press conference of 20 days, the United States Korea, China, Japan and the United Nations Security Council and correspondence
You expressed that it is in the midst of conferring,
直至现在这些事情并非623,不是吗??但我显然不是一个时间攻击朝鲜以上的,这时候,我是在韩国做?溃疡意向,我不是彻底北方没有?这样一来,是否会有时候你从南方好 623 So far such the ro where it is the case that it is And time spending also that time but the reason where it becomes clear to be the North Korean attack As for Korea why it was As for the intention that it probably will crush North Korea thoroughly it is the case that it was not seen don t you think Of course if it does from the Korean side when many degrees are done such a thing it accumulated it is it probably will not be
直至现在这些事情并非62,不是吗??但我显然不是一个时间攻击朝鲜以上的,这时候,我是在韩国做?溃疡意向,我不是彻底北方没有?这样一来,是否会有时候你从南方好 62 So far such the ro where it is the case that it is And time spending also that time but the reason where it becomes clear to be the North Korean attack As for Korea why it was As for the intention that it probably will crush North Korea thoroughly it is the case that it was not seen don t you think Of course if it does from the Korean side when many degrees are done such a thing it accumulated it is it probably will not be
真他妈的什么奇不小的或一分钟,但韩国的攻击水雷南船巡逻,花费数天,终于掌握情况可能破坏攻击,而这种可能吗?鱼在北方。你太有才 Also the Korean patrol boat being the torpedo although it was attacked whether something happens not understanding Although situation it grasps many days being required finally it was torpedo attack that it can there be such a thing The North Korean fish It is too excellent the ro which is
在这个速度,我们会满足朝鲜。这一点,我只会继续巡逻船只沉没,那是一项艰巨 North Korea little by little with this condition Korea The patrol boat it keeps continuing to sink it is the shelf This is stiff
真他妈的什么奇不小的或一分钟,但韩国的攻击水雷南船巡逻,花费数天,终于掌握情况可能破坏攻击,而这种可能吗?鱼在北方。你太有才 Also the Korean patrol boat being the torpedo although it was attacked whether something happens not understanding Although situation it grasps many days being required finally it was torpedo attack that it can there be such a thing The North Korean fish It is too excellent the ro which is
结果,韩国海军击沉的家伙,你什么?我也有各种各样的证据,但在韩国或大米消费报告,使韩国政府和斗争 The result it does with the Korean warship sinking tsu te person the yo Also real evidence being even however it was reported even in the te and Korea and the like being desperate it has been about when that the Korean government probably will turn off to rub
Iranaijan朝鲜军事同盟也不会攻击,即使军事攻击 Military affair being attacked if you do not strike The Korean troop and American Korea alliance it does not need it is
美国和朝鲜的导弹工程师,杀死所有的核科学家容忍的条件 America, everyone murder of the North Korean missile technician and the nuclear technician acquiesces in condition
美国有权利于伊朗布莱恩,中国不是一个难民问题,权利方韩国统一茹 The so the United States which has the profit of the ri ya Iranian problem which is done and China where refugee problem does not occur The ro where also Korea of peninsular standardization rides and is
在国际法中,已进入该国接受庇护,法律和难民必须 With international law if the receiving state does not do refugee recognition with respect to law you do not become with the refugee
而机会是胡锦涛鞠躬了,到2012年底想到一个伐丽流弹射到院长,如果是牧人的儿子江习近平 And the chance the 胡 brocade 濤 voluntarily retiring is 2012 end of year which is thought that learning of the child raising of the river flat is attached to the seat of the President closely
胡锦涛在第18届党代表大会举行胡锦涛将在2012年预计将退休 NULL
而附加的证书回力的韩国战争的遗迹的伸出正常。我是在?荣格也穿的面额,年龄,健康问题,你甚至承受战争的思考 Starting pulling the relic of the Korean War suitably attaching Proof It made because jiyoniru becoming impoverished with denomi advanced age and health problem how thinking the ro which is not the remaining strength which war is done and is
而附加的证书回力的韩国战争的遗迹的伸出正常。我是在?荣格也穿的面额,年龄,健康问题,你甚至承受战争的思考 Starting pulling the relic of the Korean War suitably attaching Proof It made because jiyoniru becoming impoverished with denomi advanced age and health problem how thinking the ro which is not the remaining strength which war is done and is
船舶检测和国家避免任何可能受到攻击时,我们不能等待发言制定这样一个临时的地方,我不能相信的释放本身就是一个很大的颜射奇怪的地方之一ー潜艇鱼雷或对古本线 When temporarily it is ambushed is attacked at such a place the vessels of what kind of country as for detection and evasion the excessiveness whether going to such a place by the submarine large The strange putting out torpedo is to be believed that it fires itself
朝鲜的潜艇,如果这是事实,我不会逃避,甚至浸泡过我通过查看所有顶级韩国军舰沉故事 If this fact as for the North Korean submarine sinking the Korean warship freely Completely the tsu lever which can escape without either being found
花的地方,就像我的评价人员根据他们的工作是告诉人们韩国自杀研究。 米脑 The South Korean self destroying although it just lowers his own appraisal Work of operative to somewhere flower It is brain what
在日本,它有三个主要的情报人员的伤口天堂日本二战朝鲜, The north Korea creation three large operatives are in Japan ww As for Japan intelligence heaven
解毒剂的普及和对难民,但装甲枪火!超越国界的射击难民和非法改建,共同的世界 The world commonly, the counter-measures for the refugee are machine gun strafing of the armored vehicle!
It tries to exceed the border illegally as for the refugee whom, shooting, worldwide commonness
辜也没有理由留在日本Narushi Pekuchon,并驱逐出境,我下物种灭绝 The reason where also resident [pekuchiyon] remains it is gone and, you force repatriate and inferior kind to exterminate
这,我得说韩国和美国军队同士讨你知道你这样的理论是最密集?我浇水潜艇潜艇朝鲜秘密美国Naisho任何军事部队,军方发现,“北朝鲜的潜艇!”我们绝缘体分歧失火和直觉,美军还击 This the US military and the Korean troop do to attack the fellow and as for chi ya tsu te the ro where such theory is thickest what The US military in the Korean troop with naishiyo hiding the submarine regardless stealthily in anti North Korea The Korean troop discovers “it is the North Korean submarine ” With to misunderstand because error it shone the US military responds
即使在停火僵硬文我有这样的情况,“休战旗”或?船也少降水或持续状态下的战争部分一次“休战旗,”这是令人怀疑 While suspending hostilities as for tsu te such situation happening “while suspending hostilities” being Once while wartime state continues the battleship being sunk furthermore “the inside of suspending hostilities” does not do satisfactorily
那么我将赢得战争,因为经济鱼雷导弹汉城,我有能力在美国下降,北方地区的埃塔饿战后重建人与草后生活无嫌s挑起照顾我,我将在中国面临的最前线作战,我最终被送到韩国,他们还没有好 Assuming that it went to war and came out well it wins however probably will be In Seoul torpedo of the Scud missile gt The wa where the American capability falls now The pe it is the pe it is after the war of the North Korean territory where either the grass does not grow the wa which revival with the national attachment which is hungry trouble can be made to see The wa which means to confront each other with China and the front For Korea after all there is no good thing
即使我能赢得这场战争嗯,我飞毛腿导弹雨韩国汉城,同人民群众的照顾我挑起北埃塔饥饿是该地区战后的生活之嫌草,中国我将在面对前面,我最终被送到韩国,他们还没有好 Assuming that it went to war well it wins however probably will be The wa where the rain of the Scud missile falls in Seoul The pe it is the pe it is after the war of the North Korean territory where either the grass does not grow the wa which revival with the national attachment which is hungry trouble can be made to see The wa which means to confront each other with China and the front For Korea after all there is no good thing
想要鱼雷它每分钟凯塔在北美人才 You think now that the American capability understood
金正日的陪同下,谁的部长,还有什么其他人甚至在孩子们下车时,得到的结论是,已婚的报告什么时候你 As for Kim Jong Il s aide and the lower retainers when getting married the children the partner Reporting to with some human when around you get married it receives conclusion
钟将保卫北方,但丝毫没有没有,这可能将在韩国举行意外 But at all there is no intention of protecting north [chiyon], but whether unexpectedly original our performing of this Korean side
韩国政府接受,这起事件是由韩国进行暗杀领导人金正日北正式宣战 Receiving the latest incident, the Korean government proclaiming declaration of war to North Korea formally
Because correct day assassination plot is accomplished, it was
韩国是一个表面上,而是要抗议,不买成一个统一的经济Munode Korea protests, on the surface, but because it does not have uniformly, it acquiesces
韩国郑我们希望,在倒塌前的债务,并已返回日本对我 In chiyon we want becoming failing together but Korea returns debt to Japan before that
虽然德国已经失去了15年的驱动tTA,S能不能支持什么extent ll韩国 Although they were 15 years which are lost in even Germany Korea those which it cannot support
(保卫处) 文件“侦探老板”暗指的是美中国阴谋论 NULL
但是,我们已经确定的是,驻韩美军搬迁,直到美中国谈判 There the fact that removal of the United States Forces Korea base is decisive collectively the ro which is negotiation circumstance in the United States