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Security council resolution… with Hatoyama prime minister “Korean warship sinkingA certain meaning, Japan finishing, the first we think” that we should run, the ★7


  • 291鸠山说:“安理会 ”似乎想我会原谅,并说,例如,如果你把它接受朝鲜是一个单独的问题 291 Hatoyama thinks if you mention “… with security council ” it becomes the indulgence when with The way but North Korea how receives that it is another problem
    • “感”,你既可以帮助它,或者如果安理会制裁或经济制裁或军事 “The meaning of being” How like this in military force sanction or economic sanction or security council Even how it can come off
    • 如果安理会决议的要求,以提高韩国先锋“的牛市和我交换两行结束 If it means that Korea requests resolution from security council the predecessor is cut” Ending with 2 lines gudaguda

  • 2月15日时间表蛊惑“书面金正日。生日快乐”,以庆祝只穿着知觉自由贸易区建设,他们提到的天空庆祝的话
    February 15th it was opened, “the Kim Jong-Il entire book. In celebration of birth celebration” running The [ke] you attached, you expressed the word which you celebrate

    • 603到的皇帝,谁的东西交给口或粗鲁 603 Vis a vis His Majesty the Emperor with respect to now what and how to be effective of the impolite mouth

      • 742北向“的问题,说运行在即Rubeki踢同顶”,争取用我,总理和742是它的错误的说法,朝鲜代理商 742 Vis a vis the North Korean problem “finishing acquires connection to the prime minister that it should run the first” with 742 The thing shelf that you are not wrong with the North Korean operative
        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for Party Chief Fukushima the Okinawa US military the plan which relocates to Guam and Tinian island country etc If so it is not when you do not sign to coalition government Cabinet conference decision it opposes it gave an advise
        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 To Hiraki 1 hours the Okinawa US military removal margin The North Korean operative activity activation… The fact that activity is continued without becoming weak as the North Korean importance toward Japan construction activity base is Okinawa

      • 791我真的很奇怪,最近睡不好觉,她ーー我睡不好,她最近2朝鲜2。也许他不是病了?在亲朝鲜和民主党的(或看法分歧绝缘体)被告 791 But truly strange what don t you think 2 don t you think and others 2 where the tsu te it is and others north morning We disliked it is it is not So the Democratic party when it is the North Korean approaching misunderstanding you criticized
        • 她睡得ー最近,我说我有两个“一”谁可以使用它作为一个符号 Don t you think 2 where we says don t you think and others thing of the person who uses the sign “” the way

      • 856北“字,法官宣布战争!”Tsuttara如果? “上梁是不是在这个意义上应用”只想 856 North “The word it judges as declaration of war When” it hung the do it was completed “Because you said in such sense it is not” that you just say probably
        • 你知道我会去挂自己说什么,日本的顶级Rubeki角落跑来跑去的?我想获得朝鲜已经宣布所有,没有对日宣战 NULL

      • J号[足球]球员资格仙台浦和外国支持者的歧视性言论后,联赛...支持者。法庭举行
        Discriminatory speech to the Sendai foreign register player the J league by the Urawa supporter the recognition… supporter the specific next. Decision commission to opening

        • Louppy嘿,这是我这意味着什么?我敢说在日本显然是正确的 It is and rupi it is a certain semantic tsu te what Try speaking clearly with correct Japanese
          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 kichigai rupi Hatoyama

        • NULL No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ i 92 REPT ゙ i Only it rides ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ human In this big wave ∩ 92 HKRPT REPT ⊂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ REPT ∨ ¯ ¯ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ i ⌒ REPT ─ ─ ─ ≡ 丿 No he ⌒ REPT lt REPT i ⌒ 92 ⌒ no No su ゙ sa ゙ tsu ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ 92 ⌒ 彡 彡 mimi 92 ⌒ ⌒ REPT 彡 彡 彡 mi REPT ⌒ 92 i 彡 彡 彡 ─ ─ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ≡ mi 彡 no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
          • ¯ ¯ ¯ Ì ¨─ !,滚装船滚装船滚装船滚装船 ¯ ° 。00 ° i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ro ro ro ro ¯ ¯ oo DEG

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Even when returning to the Liberal Democratic Party therefore how narrowly it is the same what just this democracy useless useless divulging the citizen it is not gotten angry with just everyone 呆 re ru
          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Therefore just this democracy useless useless divulging with just everyone 呆 re ru the citizen it is not gotten angry

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Governor Okinawa and corporation people party Ota to organize 125 human thing large scale Korean visiting morning groups visiting morning As for Governor Okinawa and corporation people party Ota in 2000 125 thing large scale north morning Okinawa friend Visit group Organization North Korea was visited ardent welcome was received
          • 冲绳县知事大田社会民主党组织了一个代表团访问朝鲜的大规模125人,朝鲜大田社民党在2000年冲绳为125多人。冲绳的朋友。组织代表团访问朝鲜,收到了热情的接待梁 Governor Okinawa and corporation people party Ota to organize 125 human thing large scale Korean visiting morning groups visiting morning As for Governor Okinawa and corporation people party Ota in 2000 125 thing large scale north morning Okinawa friend Visit group Organization North Korea was visited ardent welcome was received

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Hatoyama and Ozawa from former times the left Disliking the Japanese kidnapping some serving you have persisted in the Liberal Democratic Party floating because it hurt Separated you would like to say from the Liberal Democratic Party when it reaches the point where you can say that it is proper for such speech to be made
          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As the North Korean construction base the “North Korean chiyuchie idea” as a base of the go getter which designates permeation as purpose in Okinawa the open sea Rope university” and “Okinawa peace movement center left flank group ” It has become base

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Leading in a certain sense as Japan when we should run Hatoyama “it is” A certain large encyclopedia which is” ““it is” that the same rank “it is not”
          • 鸠山说:“我跑我的第一个”韩美“这只是给我一个喘息的机会。” Hatoyama “Leading I it runs” American Korea “Just that you pardon”

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Now as for Japan it does what but not just this from Democratic party administration like kuso the party who is inferior Cutting the rudder between the ru what will be done but Japan probably will talk national interest but almost there is no possibility of being connected to national interest
          • 现在是仅限于日本,而不论我将带领下家伙胡扯了,没有像民主党政府要做的事情,可能要到国家利益是什么胶几乎为零蜡蝴蝶如果 Now as for Japan it does what but not just this from Democratic party administration like kuso the party who is inferior Cutting the rudder between the ru what will be done but Japan probably will talk national interest but almost there is no possibility of being connected to national interest

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Party Chief corporation people party Fukushima to offer to Prime Minister urgent sewer Hatoyama outside the prefecture of the US military base opposite To offer to the prime minister outside the prefecture of the US military base opposite 2010 May 17th On the 17th Party Chief Fukushima of the corporation people party to say conversation to Prime Minister Hatoyama and insert transfer of facilities outside the prefecture of the Okinawa US military base To be strong opposition it announced that it offered
          • 社民党领导人福岛仪式Hayo钱已进入应用推动该国所需的鸠山和重复整个冲绳美军基地的所有 As for Party Chief Fukushima of the corporation people party from combining way everything it moves the US military base of the Okinawa all earth overseas Hatoyama Has offered to the prime minister

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The mass communications pull to the public and “is popularity in the public it is that you misunderstand and zu and others re te democracy” it is the yoishiyo red sandal wood

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When it was true right wing “Hatoyama you said well We entering into Self Defense Force with Korea it probably will smash up North Korea ” Although with we should call as for such word there is no either one
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 netsutouyoku there is no right wing the te stinginess attaching simply simply just the ru the shelf

          • _NULL_
            China - - - The enemy which is visible (Population invasion, politics, net construction and mass communications, etc) Before the North Korean collapsing - - The enemy which is visible (Kidnapping, missile) * Stopping/deciding. Being completed After the North Korean collapsing - - The possibility of becoming second Korea large ↓ [ * Dangerous level large] Korea - - - * The enemy which is not visible ( * Spiritual invasion (Korea style), * Politics, * Mass communications, name, colleague and friend, education, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Entertainment and net construction, mob, town declaration right wing, left flank, etc) (Those where the possibility nationality, race and spy having entered is high) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ┐ * Future as for degree of risk No .1 | China │ Population, spy │ Politics | Mass communications . | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┐ North Korea │ Kidnapping | Missile │ * before the collapsing ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┘ ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ Korea │ mind, population, politics, mass communications, education, entertainment and net, mob, town declaration right wing, left flank, spy, etc │ ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘

            • “冲绳和平运动中心”是一个工会分支机构和在冲绳地方政府在日本冲绳,冲绳教师工会,新闻发布会工会,冲绳社会大众官公労兄弟般的联盟,并在冲绳琉球是主要的左派组织的27个组织与附属离开,冲绳最大的左派组(用武力绑架)是
              “ Okinawa peace movement center”, Okinawa prefecture branch and Okinawa prefecture school personnel union of all the Japanese self-governing unit Unions, Okinawa prefecture mass communications Union conference, Okinawa main thing such as Okinawa social popular party official public labor mutual aid Union and the University of Ryukyu When is, the left flank organizational 27 group is established in affiliation, it is the Okinawa largest left flank group (the North Korean construction unit)

              • ゙ 即R 升莱斯 是当然的责任人 ゙ ie r l re no In addition that compared to much the menial as for attaching yobu toriyunihito and the like to administration ゙ l ゙ and r ni mi 彡 i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ゙ se i re It is responsibility of the people himself certainly
                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for pledge gachi disregard If you speak it is too painful in everything bo tsu passing there is no either fragment of general common sense It has been said yan i REPT REPT ゙ ゙ REPT l REPT te ゙ l i river to i mi 彡 i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ゙ ni ゙ ra ゙ no noii ino and mu HKRPT F ha Because as for the right to harm the people there are only people himself is

              • 一旦战争1000000毛韩国。或受阻,于日本。你要去喜欢一克制?
                When by any chance it becomes the opening of the hostilities, Korea entire. Blockade, resident one. Restraint it was hazy?

                • 不过,我说什么我做这种愚蠢的W是左脏沼泽。信息是不是坏的,正确的印象,我看你的书之前,小泽是鬼写的?瓦特据小泽左派,谁是半岛的心态 Still whether such a thing the fool who is said being w It is dirty the left of the 沢 As for the information dislike the ro which is your impression which read Ozawa s book which the ghost lighter writer writes w Instead of as for Ozawa sayoku mentality is the peninsular person
                  • 不过,我说什么我做这种愚蠢的W是左脏沼泽。信息是不是坏的,正确的印象,我看你的书之前,小泽是鬼写的?瓦特据小泽左派,谁是半岛的心态 Still whether such a thing the fool who is said being w It is dirty the left of the 沢 As for the information dislike the ro which is your impression which read Ozawa s book which the ghost lighter writer writes w Instead of as for Ozawa sayoku mentality is the peninsular person

                • 中心“和平运动”冲绳,今年“以金正日的生日,金正日,共和国成立纪念日”的庆祝活动。他们打开一个大型宴会
                  This “Okinawa flat At harmony motion center”, this year “in birthday of the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary, republic foundation commemoration” celebration . The banquet has grown hoarse opening and others on a large scale

                  • 为什么人们得到工作,但让我们小心Dzukazu程序运行不称职而如果错了,错的,因为他们的事业不会进一步 As for the reason it is the hard worker but advancing because it is disabled not to become aware in the mistake it tries probably to keep executing In order to pull up the further mistake

                    • 事实上,在容忍泡沫改组员工,工人群众的生产收入低,因为它是一个自民党
                      In fact, after the bubble collapsing restructuring of the employee is admitted, It is low, therefore as for producing the dispatch employee of income in large quantities the Liberal Democratic Party

                      • 从某种意义上说,作为日本人,但我不是这句话本身我跑前Rubeki Leading in a certain sense as Japan when we should run Hatoyama “it is” A certain large encyclopedia which is” ““it is” that the same rank “it is not”
                        • 日本的“S流失顶端”的外交政策,但在没有军事实力等的东西 Ability with the diplomacy and military affair which “leading it runs” to Japan how Although it is not
                        • 美日军事同盟关系,美韩军事同盟,它只是一个美国,每个国家的军事同盟 With the Japanese American military alliance and American Korea military alliance it is the sufficient story where each one is America and military alliance country

                      • 他是一个民主国家,没有投票给他的民主党Tteta我认为政府将采取严肃的事情把这个党的蛋糕,并接受鸣叫投入甜,我从很多其他选择我不是抱怨 NULL
                        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 524 The last time as for many people voting to the Democratic party there is no influence of the mass communications

                      • 你做什么你会鸠山有多大?北朝鲜的盟友不希望战争,因为我认为,韩国和南非的制裁朝鲜人在中国,日本也不是没有盟友 Will Hatoyama you probably be understanding the ru are Because the South Korean thinks North Korea that it is the compatriot sanction war you do not want As for North Korean ally China Japan and Korea are not ally
                        • 好你马莫尔南北朝鲜从日本自卫队部队解除团伙案?湿重 Calling it is in the troop upgrading Self Defense Force if Korea and North Korea of the compatriot are protected from Japan it is good ww

                      • 冲绳现已纳入工作在北朝鲜一宽裤很多代理
                        Presently the North Korean operative the large quantity enters into Okinawa and to be wide has been active

                        • 华损失是个人恩怨被带回演员的最帅的韩国万维网
                          When it is my 怨 where takes the lady in the Korean [ikemen] actor [warosu] www

                          • 四郎自杀鸽子一个人!成为韩国人的食物是烧圆!
                            Pigeon independent special attack margin! To a total loss coming being accustomed to the feed of the Korean!

                            • 在削减第二次世界大战后日本的重建费用外,茂木注意Jabujabu含税Mundesune瓦特
                              So, postwar revival expense Japan finishing, tax jab jab it pours, the first it is with shank w

                              • 在折叠好的狗屎垃圾卡斯也是居住,我给你打电话,甚至瓦特自杀韩国865它的一些部长全不称职的塞子板没有他们逃离灾难的时代的国家说的第二个想法核保护伞没有,我和无核武器瓦特
                                865 Because of Korea the lever it is with special attack, Is is to do the official residence and the refuse rubbish to also part of the droppings, w Denuclearization you question and when it is unconcerned and the umbrella of the nucleus you say and Disabled the minister of state who escapes overseas at the time of disaster there is no stop and others it starts being lazy, w

                                • 奇迹?不,Idaro狙自杀呢?如果古早逝,独自去!包括清盘穆纳,傻瓜 Happening dead regeneration Well the ro which is the suicide bombing aim If you pass away go alone It involves the fool

                                  • 如果你能消除冲绳海岸100%总队直升机,以减少美国军事威胁
                                    If the helicopter unit & Marines can be removed from Okinawa, the US military threat decreases the 100%

                                    • 如果您不能重新夺回韩国独岛,你的嘴钳和韩国之间的战争,日本第一并不重要,我将得到调查假球丑闻的乔纳金,并违反了奥林匹克宪章的第一
                                      The bamboo island cannot be recaptured from Korea, if, in the Korean War which is not Japan and relationship not putting the mouth, First investigating even with Olympic constitution violation and 800 long doubt of [kimuyona], the [ro

                                      • 如果耀西河内更为自由民主的无能,是吗?小泽瓦特时代左派汤是不错自民党的主流,鸠山派留给后代的自民党。艾达从自民党(亲建制派合不恨在过去弱),比其他更好
                                        Whether our people compared to 遙 disabled democracy is good, if is, if so it does? w Ozawa [sayoku] dislike to produce from the times when it is the Liberal Democratic Party main school, as for Hatoyama in ancestral generation after generation Liberal Democratic Party main school the left. Therefore dislike, the Liberal Democratic Party (assembly household at one time of young faction) compared to still it is [mashi

                                        • 它的604 Ntsukyouso共产党的权力基础的联盟,民主联盟的保护伞下
                                          604 Nitukiyou group is the support parent of the Democratic party in combined affiliation As for Japan Communist Party system all teaching

                                          • 工程人员的工作与朝鲜必须消除他们从冲绳的美国军事分析绝对接受命令从家里换
                                            The North Korean manufacture The work member from Okinawa removes the US military, has received absolute dead order by all means from the home country

                                            • 巨大的政策管多少钱在这些国家,或者他们用这笔钱浪费了军事
                                              How much wasted enormous policy expense and military expense in rule of those countries?

                                              • 庆祝活动于21世纪不是所有参加者在“邪教组织的领导人金正日和Ku切开,Nde ll学习主体思想”合不上承诺,他们有一个盛大的庆祝活动 Celebrating with participant everyone “as for the Kim Jong Il General Secretary leader and glorification and chiyuchie which open up the 21st century It probably will keep learning idea” that to swear you celebrated prosperously
                                                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 China to bet Kim Jong Il one group on open trial confiscating the nuclear weapon international public opinion attaching to friend The North Korean control is made to acknowledge internationally

                                              • 庆祝金正日当选领导人金正日邀请到东京庆祝奇怪的嘶哑总联通金正日委员长上岛昭勉众议院特别委员会的绑架问题和民主党鸠山真的一次。党/ 700在30个国家参加
                                                Hatoyama and degree of seriousness of the Democratic party The wonder where candlepower Chairman Jojima of the House of Representatives kidnapping problem special committee is caused to the Kim Jong-Il celebration of the entire 聯 In Tokyo celebration of Kim Jong-Il General Secretary being presided. The banquet/700 30 countries participate

                                                • 律师的权利和地位是如此,没有一句话不是没有永久居留 Because it is defined with respect to law it is not right as for the language permanent residence right It is not used
                                                  • 律师的权利和地位是如此,没有一句话不是没有永久居留 Because it is defined with respect to law it is not right as for the language permanent residence right It is not used

                                                • 我不会说的布鲁诺喜欢谢谢 布鲁诺 ü üθ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ 2222222 NULL
                                                  • 297布鲁诺 认为他们是珍惜 297 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i i ゙ human It is it feels keenly in the weir ┬ 92 It has harbored thinking
                                                  • 我不会说的布鲁诺喜欢谢谢 布鲁诺 ü üθ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ 2222222 NULL
                                                  • 我不会说的布鲁诺喜欢谢谢 (·)本人 升( 人 )。 ー 布鲁诺ü üθ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ 2222222 NULL

                                                • 我不处理这种情况不是鸽子片段切出一个好问题,而不是通常的浣熊在古相当狡猾狡猾,因为它是绝对不可能的,“他们认为”一个活生生的需要,而不是只接受什么好Tokya
                                                  Such an aspect is not overcome, being rather cunning, the stomach being black, unless there is a raccoon dog whose main point is good The pigeon the excessiveness, without fail the excessiveness Therefore always sort, “you think and” just when the receiving and the [tsu] the [ya] are good On the other hand it does what, it is

                                                  • 我们已经很生气一,在美国,像它这样做是在韩国和两个要点茂木卡兹在这里与美国一起,寻找到中国后的绿巨人3次忘记生气S的安装,和房子的座右铭和鸠山的主导四,逃避我将密切关注中国和中国建立了狗面对强烈的抗议,全部落河,因为它只有一个水龙头如果我有点自来水05北往下沉,我觉得会做呢?我仍然5 1 Because America was upset extremely aligning to America here and others the point income 2 Because favorite Korea was done forgetting our in anger you resent 3 Staring to the Chinese after intervention it protested fiercely but raising the Chinese face it stands predominantly by the fact that overlooking vis a vis China 4 Because in family precepts of the Hatoyama house as for the dog which falls to the river there is hitting it tried hitting North Korea which is sinking 5 How because it was such a feeling without It probably is which After all 5 kana

                                                    • 我作为一个政治家古电视台人类行为?扑片,然而,日本风格,你提到它,我不接受错了,因为他们喜欢和机器的片段我们确实相信电视一顶调查要求 The politician and TV station similarly are action of the human don t you think Although is the piece and busing and the piece and quite like the machine as those which do not have the mistake being parried the ru So if you say as for the Japanese the reliance for the television the top tsu te the tsu ke which has the investigation which is said
                                                      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If this person is not born in the house of the politician if does not become Prime Minister Don t you think it is the good person although the tsu te the happy life who thinks could be sent

                                                    • 我学电影看?西西在一个最低哑,并宣读2007年国防白皮书〜2009年我卢武铉政府瓦特时代韩国卢武铉,北朝鲜是由虚变敌人日本 Seeing with the movie it studied w Fool w Being lowest Korea 2007 2009 Read the defensive white paper w 盧 military affairs 鉉 administration age imaginary enemy from North Korea it modified Korea to Japan
                                                      • 662啊?发布在网络上,韩国和日本防卫白皮书 662 a Japan and Korea The defensive white paper is released with the net

                                                    • 我想我真的很想去中国对朝鲜,美国,谁,通过干预并没有益处和风险哎呀! China and Korea and America someone being serious when we would like to designate North Korea as the partner You think is until risk being completely there is no merit which intervenes
                                                      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If “friendship” motto the extent where “we would like to seek prudence from both parties” we should call probably
                                                      • 我不符合9条的保护列入Munante ll对接元首来这里的路上只有一个问题,他只是希望朝鲜地带 Should have tidied up in just Korea and North Korea in problem specially The fact that as many as 9 provisions which thrust the neck from this are protected it has contradicted it isn t
                                                      • 问:你的攻击朝鲜和韩国已经成为一场战争?阿你会成为一个真正的友谊第一线Louppy Q When North Korea and south Korea become war which is attacked A It designates rupi first as friendship and goes

                                                    • 我有一个混乱的地狱的罕见自然灾害和军事紧张局势,甚至是高点
                                                      If furthermore natural disaster and military tension increase on that Agonizing hell shelf

                                                      • 我认为菲律宾是穷人(里面是歧视)基刚度也想逆向歧视的情况,但我们可以说,与大屠杀横行紧张文 The Philippines thought that it is pitiful although with the incenter it was discriminatory also the kind of incident which is discriminated conversely happens becomes upset and that is said whether it is not to cause slaughter incident
                                                        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 802 Rather than calling dislike the object which is discriminated is desired it is

                                                      • 是你的秘书墨付文北小泽承诺投韩国自由瓦特
                                                        It is the certificate of General Secretary Ozawa who promises denizenship selfishly in Korea or, w

                                                        • 普天间“威慑”作为辩护驱动tTA误解的人都知道第一次的“第一刀”...但我
                                                          With Futenma, the human of defensive kind of [onchi] which knows “deterrent” for the first time “the first it cuts”, when… is,

                                                          • 朝总联作为一个独立单位,“主体”JTU的,冲绳教师工会“Ntsukyouso”我们在韩国的革命活动
                                                            As another unit of the Korean entire ream “ [chiyuchie] idea” Nitukiyou group, with Okinawa prefecture school personnel union “Nitukiyou group” has done the Korean revolution activity

                                                            • 朝鲜发表的声明中就这是什么战争?淇北罗要做,因为恐怖主义呢? 鸽子
                                                              The declaration of war to this North Korea of what? When this terrorism was to occur with cause how? > Pigeon

                                                              • 朝鲜的另一个打击included ll说出他们在朝鲜导弹韩文写第1号 Korea 1 writing on the missile in the tsu te Hangul the ze which you probably will ram down to North Korea
                                                                • 拉什是从所有在朝鲜文Dosakusa北罗战争受害者分心 When war occurs in North Korea being mistaken in dosakusa the rachi victim everyone…

                                                              • 本南。您的紧张局势将返回到瑞穗信徒半岛村在一定意义上,第9条,“战争兄弟南北,已成为苏恩戴军事Shimashi Youou认为,第9条和放下武器,”我抱怨在某种意义上,饱和度也可能承担机会成为瑞穗谈论,乘s
                                                                The latest south. As for tension in a certain sense The not seeing [ho] of nine provision believers returns to home to the peninsula, “The sibling north and south, because there is a troop, it becomes war, it is the [u] which is, Throwing away the weapon, if the belief stripe it does nine provisions and the [yo] [u] [u]” [tsu] [te] begins to appeal It isn't to become the opportunity of possession word execution of the not seeing [ho]? Persistently in a certain sense…

                                                                • 查了北方,这个丈夫鲁皮说:“我跑前Rubeki”我说,而不是作为一个国家宣战呢? “你们攻击我离顶”这就是我说我一样
                                                                  In North Korea [tsu] [chi] [ya], “The forefront cutting, of this [rupi] husband the departure which it should run” saying, the [ma] it is [ma] declaration of war well? “The first cutting, it attacks you” the [tsu] [te] you say with the same to put out,

                                                                  • 案件执行的导弹基地起飞去轰炸命令前,如果日本自卫队首次
                                                                    If the first the intention of cutting First provide the order of missile base aerial bombing to Self Defense Force

                                                                    • 民主党和我认为一个国家的左派对手日本和韩国之间的昨天,当民主党人或编织成不认为我是保卫北方,但傻瓜你和我们编入不认为我是党的网络小夜花有趣的是,古有没有办法倒装假摔 Unintentionally to at this time You think Korea the ri that Japan it is the left flank nation which is hostile The Democratic party has been convinced the ri that North Korea is protected The Democratic party has been convinced the ri that it is political party what of flower garden sayoku Being funny for the fool whom it does to have run about in confusion there is no manner
                                                                      • 当紧急情况和紧急半岛,最终将损害国家利益造成了倒装假摔眼睛视图 When it becomes 10 001 peninsular emergency running about in confusion you harm national interest after all Discernibly that it becomes the result

                                                                    • 永久居民不能签证三年或每隔一年免费更新 In case of the permanent residence person 3 years or there is no renewal of 1 years every other residency qualification
                                                                      • 永久居民不能签证三年或每隔一年免费更新 In case of the permanent residence person 3 years or there is no renewal of 1 years every other residency qualification

                                                                    • 汉。巡逻舰击沉 韩国巡逻船只沉没事件有关,并接受了袭击总结说,由于朝鲜正计划提高联合国安理会决议制裁 In regard to Korean patrol warship sinking incident accepting the fact that it concludes that the North Korean attack is cause As for Korea it is the policy of raising sanction decision bill in the United Nations Security Council
                                                                      • 汉。巡逻舰击沉 韩国巡逻船只沉没事件有关,并接受了袭击总结说,由于朝鲜正计划提高联合国安理会决议制裁 In regard to Korean patrol warship sinking incident accepting the fact that it concludes that the North Korean attack is cause As for Korea it is the policy of raising sanction decision bill in the United Nations Security Council

                                                                    • 然而小泽一郎还不错时代主流左派自民党派系离开自民党鸠山祖。艾达从自民党(亲建制派合不恨在过去弱),比其他更好
                                                                      Ozawa [sayoku] dislike to produce from the times when it is the Liberal Democratic Party main school, as for Hatoyama in ancestral generation after generation Liberal Democratic Party main school the left. Therefore dislike, the Liberal Democratic Party (assembly household at one time of young faction) compared to still it is [mashi

                                                                      • 真是一个傻瓜,你认为你会在2声道的照顾,是世界唯一的你 It is foolish thinking that in the world we would like to make this important as for ru Don t you think 2 is just the ru
                                                                        • 在这次选举中,以便它进入日本人民是愚蠢的民主,把远离日本 Now way House of Councillors selection you insert in everyone democracy if as for the Japanese the fool your Japanese end it is

                                                                      • 社民党领导人福岛协议“不同意美国执政党反对”(2010年5月20日)和军队归还普天间美军搬迁的有关问题,社会民主党领袖福岛瑞穗在星期四下午,由纪夫鸠山官邸总理会见,“没有冲绳同意,在联合政府(执政党)未经协商或不同意的不能公布一项双边协议

                                                                        • 编号:日本3IcH49UU0代理人始终建议新墨西哥州
                                                                          ID: 3IcH49UU0 It is the usual resident operative NM recommendation

                                                                          • 聋人。难道你真的泪水的眼睛跟随他们听说我是九条飞往朝鲜宣战鸠山
                                                                            痴. Hearing that Hatoyama declaration of war in North Korea, it flew Nine provision believer tear eye [tsu] it is [te] true?

                                                                            • 该Louppy的东西,友谊的精神向韩国支付的损害金额,无疑向北方获得一个数字的赔偿经济制裁
                                                                              It is [rupi], it conforms to friendship mind, to the Korean side the assistant 填 of damage amount, The assistant 填 of the amount which receives economic sanction is done difference is not to North Korea

                                                                              • 该代表团访问了美国对在冲绳公报说一个部队朝鲜。冲绳,冲绳时报Ntsukyouso工会领导人和反战运动难熬房东足以结束比赛的韩国在平壤同朝鲜反对美军在冲绳,冲绳官员参加了一个数字
                                                                                In the visiting morning group which puts out Okinawa US military opposition and visiting visits, one. Anti-war landlord motion [taimusu] labor union Chairman and Okinawa Nitukiyou group Okinawa, Okinawa prefecture staff and others large number to participate, Okinawa US military opposition So visiting morning was finished in North Korea and cooperation agreement

                                                                                • 返回到竹岛!返回到竹岛!返回到竹岛!韩国非法占领竹岛,岛根县,军队,日本。一些伤亡的44名渔民
                                                                                  Returning the bamboo island! Returning the bamboo island! Returning the bamboo island! The Shimane prefecture bamboo island military affair it occupies south Korea illegally, Japan. The fishermen 44 person the killed and wounded has been present

                                                                                  • 这是地方讨论,是否有291武装的经济制裁的联合国安理会制裁对我说:“我跑”的军事制裁了顶峰!“但我家伙咆哮驱动tTA了吗?Yarimase下巴我〜!”怎么会说话所有氖 291 Although it is the place where you argue whether or not security council tsu te military force sanction economy it sanctions “The first cutting it runs ” How 啖 呵 the person who is cut “military force sanction My chi it is do it is Don t you think ” in story what be
                                                                                    • 我的意思是胃口好顶过什么将通过发行战争债券的战争提供 Issuing the war loan the first cutting war cost in the sense that you offer

                                                                                  • 通过在日本共产党的权力,它会赶走日本在日本的美军,朝鲜会更容易击败中国的第38届万维网 Transferring administration to the Japanese Japan Communist Party if it expels US Forces in Japan from Japan www to become easy to tear 38 degree line even in North Korea and China
                                                                                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Transferring administration to the Japanese Japan Communist Party if it expels US Forces in Japan from Japan www to become easy to tear 38 degree line even in North Korea and China
                                                                                    • 朝鲜吹嘘它下降,可以很容易地居纳凯雷韩国和美国军队在冲绳 In Okinawa the US military If does not stay those where you boast that Korea and the like you can drop simply are North Korea

                                                                                  • 金正日的生日庆祝活动,是朝总联工会老虎机,Ntsukyouso董事长,TBS的官员出席了新闻和朝日新闻250
                                                                                    In at this Kim Jong-Il birth celebration the Korean entire ream, pachinko union Group Chairman Nitukiyou, 250 authorized personnel such as TBS and Asahi newspaper participated from the mass communications

                                                                                    • 韩国是家庭对未来的敌人,但没有被邀请在推动反瓦解政策积极支持随机或工作日是什么
                                                                                      As for the home country although collapse is caused with the policy that it is random, In south Korea which is anti-Japanese hostile country of next door Occasion doing, what positive support?

                                                                                      • 顺便说一下,如果同样的事情,日本如果日本可以做什么?但是,对于中国的直升机挑衅一天,我不知道发生了事故Kottara文? “对不起,我后悔,后悔,”鸡传染性法氏囊病言一言我的意思吗? By the way if Japan is done the same thing Japan something is possible However some days ago it was provoked in the Chinese helicopter if accident happens how it has become it is probably will be “It is regrettable it is regrettable it is the mind of regrettable” tsu te one word saying it finishes
                                                                                        • 顺便说一下,如果同样的事情,日本如果日本可以做什么?但是,对于中国的直升机挑衅一天,我不知道发生了事故Kottara文? “对不起,我后悔,后悔,”我的意思是说,鸡传染性法氏囊病? By the way if Japan is done the same thing Japan something is possible However some days ago it was provoked in the Chinese helicopter if accident happens how it has become it is probably will be “It is regrettable it is regrettable it is the mind of regrettable” tsu te one word saying it finishes

                                                                                      • 鸠山“威胁朝鲜普天间基地迁移是一个县的湿重湿重萨森”
                                                                                        Hatoyama Therefore “North Korea threat as for Futenma base transfer of facilities inside prefecture ww sir plug ww”

                                                                                        • 鸠山已是马上给予武装的战舰沉没你永远不怪词甚至被韩国非法占领竹岛,你已经有了一个国家的总理,你好吗?
                                                                                          Being occupied the bamboo island illegally, in the habit which one word does not criticize Korea When it can sink the Korean battleship, instantly it is aggressive attitude? Hatoyama, you it is Prime Minister what of these countries of the well which enters

                                                                                          • 鸠山,关于苏的时间已耙伟大的天才拉回来一,差,团结抗日的情绪有点迫使大陆和南北
                                                                                            The pulling [tsu] to scratch Hatoyama, in regard to turning because splendid talent is shown, When unskillfulness it does, north and south and anti-Japanese feeling of the continent fanning, why agreement union

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