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Finally at the National Diet yell of the jeer woman “of [rupi]”, the ruling party “is impolite in Prime Minister Hatoyama”


  • - 非谨。 -民主党众议员雪松Warota石津,“一颗心的庆祝,如果你损坏口蹄疫农民”粗鲁的例子,如果不对他们说,商会混淆
    “In only the damage farmer of Assemblyman democracy Isizu foot and mouth disease is the celebration from heart,” the assembly hall tumultuous in the mistake Impolite speech example

    • 15 Louppy嘲弄它允许它的成员藤的在这里,因为我不能因为我是真正的欺骗所有的人谁就会监视和宫崎县 15 Because rupi is true thing it is good Because jeering vis a vis Assemblyman this Eto the Miyazaki prefecture people and watching over has made ru human all foolish permit it is

      • 42:17编号:hokum m exPXyQLQ0严重的凯塔424“不想”,“艾希卡诺想你的钱只是他们之前”,“嘉四郎如何”和S国会议员认为,如水平让我们不要忘记嘲弄 42 17 ID exPXyQLQ0 424 The fact that it is terrible “is the tear chi yo u to be it does not enter it is” “wanting the gold ” “with just you somehow margin” Like member of the Diet it is jeering of the level which cannot be thought
        • ↓嘲笑像我已经有433名29:Shisan名无 10周年之际发布 :2010 05 21(星期五)11:42:17编号:凯塔exPXyQLQ0严重说,“给我你的眼泪我不希望“,”艾希卡诺要钱“,”他们是怎样嘉代之前,“就像一个立法者,我认为S的嘲弄的 29 There was also such a ↓ jeering it seems 433 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 21 Friday 11 42 17 ID exPXyQLQ0 The fact that it is terrible “is the tear chi yo u to be it does not enter it is” “wanting the gold ” “with just you somehow margin” Like member of the Diet it is jeering of the level which cannot be thought
        • ↓嘲笑像我已经有433名:15名无Shisan十周年 发布日期:2010 05 21(星期五)11:42:17编号:424 exPXyQLQ0严重凯塔,“weepy我不进“,”艾希卡诺要钱“,”他们是怎样嘉代之前你“,是立法者和我一样觉得水平的S奚落 NULL

      • 56名称:Shisan名无@ 10周年之际发布[]:2010 / 05 / 21(星期五)11:55:18编号:mxWiE29E0的鸭子15日,他们包扎伤口的手时,一个小突起戏剧,阿马里三宅燃气Tsuyo爱杀363 Iteta该死的名字:Shisan名无@ 10周年之际发布[]:2010 / 05 / 21(星期五)12:36:04编号:5qyu9j1K0 [1 / 2]和56的家伙桥本清人博客
        56 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/21 (gold) 11: 55: 18 ID: mxWiE29E0 15 Poking Amari at the time of the jeer and Miyake our performing, it winds the bandage it is the person in the hand As for the fellow with [gachi] rubbish 363 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/21 (gold) 12: 36: 04 ID: 5qyu9j1K0 [1/2] 56 It is dense the shelf Hasimoto Kiyoshi benevolence [burogu

        • 612茹皮〜〜〜〜〜瓦特〜〜〜〜〜〜如果你说我希望最好的时机和w 612 ru pi w Timing and good expression the good highest w

          • 705“因达东国邪恶!四郎对国家权力镇压,”他说,这个驱动tTA我谁,至少你知道
            705 “Higashi Kunihara is bad, it is! With national power oppressive margin” It is who, this the person who was said, the [ro] which is lowest

            • NULL After the occurrence verifying nearly 1 months reflection what the wa bi is done keeps doing thinking that it is not “securely” Boat mountain Healthy river Agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official When from 5 4 travel abroad “Self Defense Force you see to Denmark the person who becomes insecure it is therefore as for the Self Defense Force support it may not ” Ozawa Ichiro Democratic party Secretary General Oral hoof During infection expanding in election cooperation request “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture It is topic” Hatoyama Yukio Prime Minister Finish rupi after the occurring nearly 1 months passing way it starts the examination “of serious anxiety” “measure the indication” Plain Hirohumi Secretariat director Responsibility it depends on pushing in Miyazaki prefecture and the local farmer “as for Miyazaki prefecture finer quarantine measure” Yamada Masahiko Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state It did the occurrence harem promontory entering but it did not enter locally
              • “我不知道!”“所有的思考,我不认为我道歉”,“我错了,我在哪里?”福岛瑞穗林业 结婚。特别从宫崎县的部长,外国旅游时,也没有红松树 “It is thing being understood the ru ” “What reflection the wa bi is done completely thinks that it is not ” “somewhere by mistake is it is ” Fukushima Mizuho Agriculture and forestry water Temporary minister of state Miyazaki prefecture graduate at the time of Akamatsu travel abroad it did not do at all
              • ★新·反映出国前的新闻媒体在红松树。赤松就可以利用,如果他们不支持外国旅游 You reflect New Media Before the Akamatsu travelling abroad in reporting red If it hits without travelling abroad perhaps Akamatsu it was corresponding
              • 经过确认的农业部长访问口蹄疫口蹄疫■海外列出了该事件的主要原因赤松赤松隆宏 Akamatsu foot and mouth disease incident Principal case list Akamatsu Hirotaka Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Foot and mouth disease After the verifying Travel abroad

            • NULL REPT i re u DREPT l toha gt 92 DREPT 丶 u rii li l l DREPT REPT ha ni ⊇ V REPT 92 ri REPT ni 33 ni DREPT REPT l i i DREPT DREPT 丶 T u 92 r to l ゙ ¯ ni three DOTDT j and etsu 5r o REPT ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ n ¯ l r REPT REPT REPT 92 lt L gt i l l DREPT REPT 92 REPT REPT lt o gt No i J l REPT 92 REPT REPT lt Estimate o gt eame 7r e i e DOTDT lt p gt No ¯ l to lt Impression y gt i REPT n J l r lt gt It does REPT i ll It is dense ni REPT ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ 92 REPT i r 92 l 92 l ≡ n REPT REPT i 92 REPT ini three
              • NULL NULL
              • 乐«布鲁诺 »! « MMM的 ヽー⌒ 我ヽ MMM的为 ? Louppy! 的Louppy它! 哦,不! Louppy它! ru ≪ No ⌒ REPT 92 W ≪ Γ ⌒ REPT ≫ ru ≪ pi ≪ ⌒ ⌒ 92 ≫ ≪ ≪ i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ≫ pi ≪ ≪ ゙ i ≫ ≪ ≪ human ≫ ≪ ≪ 92 ≫ ≪ MMM 92 ⌒ REPT i REPT MMM 92 92 tsu rupi 92 It is rupi 92 kiya rupi

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 2010 5 20 Eto 拓 Assemblyman the House of Representatives plenary assembly Assemblyman Eto Per 4 minute 57 seconds “The minister of state beginning Miyazaki as for entering 10 days of May
              • 二〇一〇年五月二十日 众议员口蹄疫问题的额头大沽(下院全体会议)04分57秒众议员卫藤“五月抵达宫崎我的部长于10日开始 2010 5 20 Eto 拓 Assemblyman the House of Representatives plenary assembly Assemblyman Eto Per 4 minute 57 seconds “The minister of state beginning Miyazaki as for entering 10 days of May
              • 二〇一〇年五月二十日 众议员口蹄疫问题的额头大沽(下院全体会议)04分57秒众议员卫藤“五月抵达宫崎我的部长于10日开始 2010 5 20 Eto 拓 Assemblyman the House of Representatives plenary assembly Assemblyman Eto Per 4 minute 57 seconds “The minister of state beginning Miyazaki as for entering 10 days of May

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 i 92 ha to 斗 seven 92 z REPT REPT i 777 mu mi l to gt 竺 mi REPT tomi even number ¯ ha ha f heart ha u f and heart REPT REPT 从 ha REPT i No l ha 辷 ri 辷 tsu Small REPT REPT REPT i Eight hu xxx xxx u No 92 REPT No U 92 It does REPT REPT 92 92 No Person u No hu Person ∧ 92 92 REPT 92 gt REPT i REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT V r ku l 7i thousand gt Small REPT mi UMLAT 彡 REPT l REPT 92 With hu REPT to 92 92
              • ° ¯ヽ 92 � 92 � ¯ ¯ REPT 92 92 92 92 No 0 UMLAT REPT 0 mi REPT 92 92 ku l REPT No HKRPT 92 lt rupi gt ⌒ ri ⌒ 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ⌒ ⌒ ¯ ¯ 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT ¯ No No ∠ f 92 Η No ¯ 丶 REPT Ω No ─ ¯ ¯ No 92 92 no No lt 92 lt REPT 92 92 REPT 92
              • 。 丿 莱 。 ヽ 。8奥夫利)XXX的三十。ü 丿 re mi re 92 92 l UMLAT UMLAT ¯ REPT 92 c i l REPT l i l lt i REPT REPT ¯ 92 i mui i 92 ha to 斗 seven 92 z REPT REPT i 777 mu mi l to gt 竺 mi REPT tomi even number ¯ ha ha f heart ha u f and heart REPT REPT 从 ha REPT i No l ha 辷 ri 辷 tsu Small REPT REPT REPT i Eight hu xxx xxx u No 92 REPT No U 92 It does REPT REPT 92 92 No Person u No hu Person ∧ 92 92 REPT 92 gt REPT i REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT V r ku l 7i thousand gt Small REPT mi UMLAT 彡 REPT l REPT 92 With hu REPT to 92 92

            • [我想我可以只发出Kyougoku夏彦根羽之死
              Natuhiko Kyogoku Up-to-date publication Although 'it should have died,'

              • _NULL_
                177 * Droppings [sure] summary of [netouyo] calls = [netorupi] [netouyo] the person who has been called repeatedly has fallen ill mind [netouyo] the person who has been called repeatedly has fallen ill mind * Image construction of [netouyo] calls = net kim chee As for [netouyo] and the hateful Korea 厨 inoccupation and neat are many, it is the [ro] which is? After all, [netouyo] was [mainoritee], (laughing [netouyo] * With welfare patriotic activity * Net right wing It is, neat hateful Korea [netouyo] coercion neurosis [asuhe] ゚ [rukichika] ゙ [i] Outside coming out, function * Nest of [netouyo] calls kim chee [netouyo] national loyal retainer guideline 6 of patriot jihad loyal retainer * Past [sure] w which the [netouyo] calls = kim chee star person it raised and cannot turn off Hatoyama prime minister created! [netouyo] death w [kichigai] discovery w of [a] and resident

                • _NULL_
                  In the National Diet which is made bloody It seems like the refrigerant of a rest and with the voice which is perfectly clear Exceeding the framework of the ruling and opposition parties, you sent encouragement Circular river Assemblyman As for being sent encouragement to the opposition party certainly the stomach probably will pass But withstanding there, aren't those where it keeps advancing proceeding probably the politician? It is unspeakable e.g., the vulgar jeering, suicide margin and the like is thrown Is it probably hateful why to be sent encouragement to the opposition party? It is the story which the child [ji] was seen at all As for Democratic party Assemblyman the child [ji] it is not to throw the jeering which was seen, Circular river Assemblyman and voice encouragement should not be sent together? So “[ru] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [pi] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i]” Never you think, but it seems that off base and the like interprets [rupi] in Democratic party Assemblyman Impolite family stays and viewing thinks but

                  • “我无法确定归零的决定”,而不是粗鲁,你知道我没有做愚蠢? Louppy借口呢?假日瓦特的研究也观察到假日愚蠢说啊 Instead of how the impoliteness which “decides that it does not decide” the ro which it has made plainly foolish and is With about rupi impoliteness w The fool goes to bed and goes to bed word huh the te

                    • “皮ーーーーーーーー茹”是20秒2010 / 5 / 21鸠山众议院议员全体会议首相
                      As for “[ru] - [pi] []” around 20 seconds 2010/5/21 House of Councillors plenary assembly Prime Minister Hatoyama

                      • ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧ ll ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ (Д·) () () () () ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ lt ruhi ゚ ruhi ゚ ruhi ゚ ruhi ゚ ruhi ゚ ruhi ゚ ruhi ゚ gt ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ tsu no tsu no tsu no tsu no tsu no ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ 92 92 д 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92
                        • ∧网络针 ∧((ω゚ )(Д·)楼 ヽ (∩∩)¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯∧网络゚Kuhi针 ∧((゚ω゚))(Д·) ヽ (∩∩)¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯∧托盘゙烧゙次 ∧。((( Д )))(∀·)撒尿!ヽ 〃(∩∩) hi ゚ ku ∧ ∧ ゚ Ω д ru … REPT ∩ ∩ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ hi ゚ kuhi ゚ ku ∧ ∧ ゚ Ω ゚ д … REPT ∩ ∩ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ki ゙ yaki ゙ ya ∧ ∧ д ∀ Tweet REPT ∩ ∩

                      • ゚ 左¨ ヽ) ::。 ⌒ 从从)) ヽ ゚ l ¯ REPT 92 ⌒ No MARU 从 从 REPT
                        • 。 , ゚ 左¨ : ゚ l ¯
                        • 布鲁诺 · 的I 诚实的坏 ( 人 ) 看到这一切顶点是 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i Naivety it is you call being discovered bitterly human It received thinking
                        • : L ° L : l MARU l
                        • : L 国家布鲁诺 ヽ: l country No ⌒ REPT MARU l meeting Γ ⌒ REPT

                      • ヽヽ 年 :: (( ∧ 布鲁诺布鲁诺人物: :: ∧ ー : 和布鲁诺 NULL
                        • Ξξξ ヽ。Ξξξξξ区:。:。正 │:: NULL

                      • 三宅和其他戏剧,505。我们的会员可以存储什么字?什么?我不敢说!多少所得税我我!你为什么不替我改名为他的话!万维网
                        505 Our performing which begins Miyake. Automobile accident faker Assemblyman how is what? Obtaining? Try saying! Tax how much supplying, the [ru] it is? Name try saying! www

                        • 个人的名称是最善良,最重要的是“儿童Yamaya鄂”在一停机时间,并再次以确保您填写选票和英俊
                          And it is the most important thing, but you give, also the [gu] [re] personal name “Yamatani collar child” and entering in the second vote please is thorough many degrees and many degrees

                          • 书记原罪家庭以外的县至少服从临时税取消承诺犯罪率成员
                            Outside lowest being, prefecture As for crime of private secretary the crime of Assemblyman Provisional tariff abolition After promise protecting, the house

                            • 什么是执政党的碎片的装病的成员中,并有一名妇女还上演跳水777
                              777 Even in woman Assemblyman of ruling party with original our performing One person head sliding doing, the rubbish which malingering does is, but it is

                              • 什么? “如何愚蠢的”我的意思是不是?瓦特自己,“我相信,我可能是愚蠢的总理”的“诚实”扎西和我的认可 Obtaining “Foolish” tsu te meaning it was not w “Certainly as for me perhaps foolish prime minister” you have recognized “naively” by yourself to do
                                • 什么? “朴素”我是说我以为你是?瓦特自己,“我相信,我可能是愚蠢的总理”的“诚实”扎西和我的认可 Obtaining “Naive” tsu te meaning it was not w “Certainly as for me perhaps foolish prime minister” you have recognized “naively” by your to do

                              • 他说:“它Louppy,我可以说在口头上Baiin Ttemashita的”等待Louppy,向井地在这里“”“Louppy,迹象表明,握手)愚蠢到处布满Louppy “The tsu it is rupi waiting you should have expressed in the word which it increases it is it isn t “ rupi this facing ” “ “ rupi shaking hands The sign foolish rupi may appear frequently with everywhere
                                • 88“多么愚蠢”→脑Louppy→“天真”,以转换为我 88 “Foolishness” gt rupi brain gt “naivety” Being converted because it increases
                                • Louppy自己是“天真”接受塞板,我一直在感觉良好的他们,嘲笑这不是粗鲁 Therefore you catch it is in the good sense rupi itself “naivety” there is no impolite jeering it does the yo
                                • × u003d○Louppy u003d◎Louppy偶Rupizu × rupi ○ married couple rupi rupizu
                                • “卡西欧充满循环”是“用一个词来批评首相在4月,华盛顿邮报多么愚蠢”,“饼干”,而这样的翻译 “ rupi ” in the word which is used the occasion where the American newspaper Washington post severely criticizes the prime minister in April ““Foolishness” air is strange” that and so on it is translated
                                • “哦,Louppy,Ttemashita”等待“Louppy,在这里向井地”“”Louppy,迹象表明,握手)愚蠢到处布满Louppy “The a it is rupi waiting it increased” “ rupi this facing ” “ “ rupi shaking hands The sign foolish rupi may appear frequently with everywhere
                                • 不要说在Baiin因为人们不知道圆又圆“就这样Japanese ll Louppy”看齐 NULL
                                • 你知道你自己,相信任何人,适用于Louppy承认?这是罚款井 When it is rupi also this person has recognized the ro which and everyone has agreed upon and is There is no calling separately
                                • 无损检测组一起,但仅此,“Louppy”并大声喊道,一个人,机会和“天真”L和吼 Uniting with two people one person “ rupi ” the scream One person obtains “naivety” 吼 instantly
                                • 无论什么Louppy,不负责任,苏飞是由全国大会嘲弄有没有做 rupi or regardless of To some extent the fact that jeering is thrown at the National Diet when is it stops how
                                • 自言自语道:“Louppy天真”不会是一个问题,因为我已经被宣布 This person has declared “the rupi naive” tsu te therefore it is there is no expectation of becoming problem
                                • 这意味着,即使Louppy Papparapa,民主党人他们是赞美表达塔姆杉 Assuming that in the sense rupi patsuparapa in the Democratic party party it is the expression which praises too much

                              • 低level m远不Sonomonojan殖民地或香蕉共和国是真正鼓舞人心的殖民权力报纸
                                It is touched off in the newspaper of the suzerain when Colony itself below banana republic it is truly Low it is level what to somewhere

                                • 你高岛川,茂侑子是妇女?这家伙Bakkari粗俗,太多的候选人瓦特
                                  When high 嶋 it is Kawakami or the woman, the forest [yu] [u] it is dense? The vulgar person being the [tsu] temporary, candidate too multi it is w

                                  • 使用所有新成员,一个有组织的党鸭子的Burgers“粗鲁(聪明”或压制的东西?
                                    Entire mobilizing new member Assemblyman, organizational the jeer [tsu] [te] [ru] party, “it is impolite, ([kiritsu]”, some gag?

                                    • 准备应付,而且因为它的坏瓦特Louppy re要去真正愚弄我,我脸上看到一个真正愚蠢的家伙是一个真正的男人瓦特并不愚蠢,我希望瓦特 Therefore no se truly rupi w The surface facing to the foolish person truly the foolish tsu te it is and the tsu chi ya is unpalatable w As for truth when the fool it is the person who is not however it is good w
                                      • 鸠山我不认为你知道你进入一个不同的结构,这一点我接受Louppy Hatoyama accepted rupi tsu te indication it is the ro which is It does not care it is not separately

                                    • 剁碎或戏剧,大泉三宅大猩猩是不是更有礼貌女子敏
                                      Don't you think? directly from the woman of [minsu] elegance, -? [minsu] Our performing Miyake Gorilla Oizumi

                                      • 前所未有的“赫克尔部长”排减民主党人不能忍受 - 降低线为W
                                        Don't you think? it is fleeting in the Democratic party which places the unprecedented “jeering [ru] Cabinet minister” in line-up the cup w

                                        • 反对派“Louppy”攻击我,如果奚落,说实话我≠牙买加1 3 Louppy正式承认?在接受采访时相机展望 If the opposition party attacks “ rupi ” jeering rupi ≠ naivety is recognized officially it is Jamaica In interview of camera eye line

                                          • 吉焦丸川说,我将图片排除在太wwww m与金城武pantie弓杆和我们两瓦特 Circular river GJ passing wwww The fungus to do in gratitude with 2 shots panchira w pulling out with the photograph which has been done

                                            • 哎呀哎呀只有唯一的集体精神友谊瓦特√P我会原谅你,因为它肯定微笑总理
                                              [tsu] [ke] [tsu] [ke] w Therefore √ p prime minister of the lump of friendship mind certainly, smiling you permit

                                              • 哦,不,Louppy! ! !真的吗?你要我自杀,说孩子不Waretara可爱,不是吗?周一勃起秋 kiya and rupi maji When the suicide margin tsu te it is said to the child lovely as for potsupo 勃 happening the ro which is rubbed
                                                • Louppy』诚河内我们说什么我很生气,你正在做一个体面的工作 The rupi tsu te being said those where it is good getting angry are just the person who works honestly
                                                • 哦,不,Louppy! ! !我的孩子们说,他们Waretara可爱,不是吗?周一勃起秋 kiya and rupi When the tsu te it is said to the child lovely as for potsupo 勃 happening the ro which is rubbed

                                              • 嗯,我叫一些人说他们是愚蠢的白痴救世主我说,如同中国和韩国Gunoto Netouyo大声,让出所有的好古桩,如果没有一个离开美军基地但我同样Louppy Guno大声让所有的好,如果我来打桩合 However well the foolish tsu te the one which is said the foolish tsu te is also an expression which is said If left flank is gone the US military base when the tsu te where everything goes well it makes a noise about the same If netouyo does not associate with the Korean China everything the tsu te which goes well making a noise in the same way But rupi what
                                                • Louppy Netouyo只是一个成员Louppy无限循环活动自民党在实际工作中出现的成员↓间谍活动,陈纳鲁2↓2通道,自民党 Don t you think the Liberal Democratic Party member 2 with ru construction activity ↓ Don t you think 2 looked at the ru the Liberal Democratic Party member who with real construction activity ↓ Infinite loop Just rupinetouyo rupi

                                              • 嘲笑Minsuyakuza TTP的:/ / www.nicovideo.jp /手表/ sm10791909
                                                Jeering of [minsuyakuza] ttp: //www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10791909

                                                • 因达15 tyuyan23128东国邪恶民主党人在Palm゙20分钟前!我知道我ü飞掌゙说他得到的镇压在国家权力的

                                                  • 在大会的Rupizu自民党是提高伐丽流问题,这是动荡会说,尽管他们的伊莎贝拉立场是,现在却说鸭子任意沓被瓦特善于破碎肮脏
                                                    The [tsu] [te] to which [rupizu] being vulgar awfully at the time of the Liberal Democratic Party administration, is favorite selfish jeer and sows it is in habit When it becomes the standpoint where [iza] by your are said being agitated, problem apparent doing w

                                                    • 在您为什么他们恨的人,他们使机管局扭转古可爱?我不恨了我们心中那本鸠山 You make AA hateful of the human conversely lovely with something This Hatoyama cannot be hated from heart …
                                                      • (AA或小夜言说我没有风格,我不知道你不无聊,我的意思表达 The AA tsu te item which is made saying you say or the ma are saying you say Expression power saying don t you think the kana which says it is probably will be

                                                    • 在街上吻我的成员要及时挂出受审凯洛专横的女人当选Biireteta泪水,眼睛的选民道歉,如果election m
                                                      With election at the time of the [ru] with road surface you apologize to the voter with the tear eye and is inserting the woman greatly so Don't you think? the Assemblyman it is confronted as the coating charcoal [kero] [tsu] which is elected the [e

                                                      • 在赞美诚实民主党人做得更好,欢呼声,作为兴奋,粗鲁,并应停止仅仅认为他们不接受 The thinking should have been caught as an encouragement of applause and the encouraging that are naive Democratic party It is not impolite
                                                        • “这是粗鲁,”我不喜欢民主制度,就像我无法知道听一种礼貌 “It is impolite” it is audible it isn t likely the tsu te democracy has known courtesy… quite

                                                      • 如果我们不使用它调用在明治时代的老驱动tTA合爱国者为争夺国家事务
                                                        It is how to use is the pedigree the will loyal retainers who in the last days of the shogunate restoration age run about in national thing to call

                                                        • 布鲁诺ヽLLO型O”类“。 。:。 :。 布鲁诺。:。 :升(( 复位 )) :。ヽ。: gt ⌒ ⌒ lt i 92 REPT no i ∩ ∩ ha i ∪ ∪ i i N No Y ⌒ i No ha REPT 92 No i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 i rupi ♪ mu gt i Eight rupi ♪ m he No to and no 92 nono REPT LLO O”” ∧ lt Nail ” gt REPT No LLO O”” 92 No l ri REPT Y lt 92 gt gt gt 92 l ha i lt 92 gt gt
                                                          • ⌒) ¯ ⌒ ¯ ⌒ REPT Y REPT REPT ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ re ¯ 92 i ⌒ REPT REPT Γ ⌒ REPT i Γ ⌒ REPT i ⌒ REPT i REPT REPT REPT No Person REPT No Person REPT No REPT No 92 lt HKRPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ HKRPT i HKRPT i REPT REPT gt HKRPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                          • ,。 布鲁诺ヽLLO型O”类“。 gt ⌒ ⌒ lt i 92 REPT no i ∩ ∩ ha i ∪ ∪ i i N No Y ⌒ i No ha REPT 92 No i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 i rupi ♪ mu gt i Eight rupi ♪ m he No to and no 92 nono REPT LLO O”” ∧ lt Nail ” gt REPT No LLO O”” 92 No l ri REPT Y lt 92 gt gt gt 92 l ha i lt 92 gt gt

                                                        • 当然也看魔幻分钟,每分钟他们是党的追随者的自由民主说:“你不要因为我秀好知道吗?邪恶怎么办呢?”它看起来像 Seeing this sure as understood opinion of the Liberal Democratic Party believer… Therefore “even even minsu you do it is being good it does the yo Something is bad ” Is it is…

                                                          • 德之岛的礼物Louppy T恤愤慨!如果你想在参加集会反对穿着它!
                                                            In Tokunoshima the [rupi] T shirt the [ze] which probably will be sent! This wearing we want participating in opposite meeting!

                                                            • 感觉像一个小不成熟,但不是踢丸川丸川Furefureー支持他们嘲弄不良染色阴性 Persevering You support It is defeated to dirty jeering Circular river Hurray hurray circular river Just a little but infancy feeling
                                                              • Inaijan账面只有一个人的声音,将优雅的飞行在参院本嘲弄瓦特 Such an elegant jeering being able to throw with House of Councillors the person whom voice passes well Only one person it is not it is w
                                                              • 如果你想让它飞甚至嘲笑我 查塔说,有将菊(宽泰是可爱的 NULL
                                                              • 犯有间谍罪被头盔或大喊大叫事实嘲弄6 6 When fact you shout becoming jeering State secret leakage crime
                                                              • 鸠山转型“Louppy” u003d“天真”,以使瓦特Narandaro嘲弄 Therefore with Hatoyama conversion “ rupi ” “naivety” in jeering the ro w which lines up

                                                            • 我不后悔,即使什么也不做一次旨在两位数分钟为何负面选举敏 What understanding or whether with the House of Representatives selection it is defeated to minsu with something reflection it is not done it is the shelf…

                                                              • 我出来时期间在这个专题的精神科医生交谈Louppy,海胆精神科医生说,亚斯伯格Louppy显然这是一个典型的
                                                                When psychiatrist at this time doing and story, topic of [rupi] came out, but it is For the psychiatrist to say, as for [rupi] even typical [asuperuga] syndrome what

                                                                • 我是712红俄罗斯在二战故事广场,“赫鲁晓夫是一个傻瓜!”是什么
                                                                  712 Whether the Russian anecdote ww “Khrushchev is foolish with the open space of red! ” The [tsu] [ke] which is

                                                                  • 政治 新闻鸠山Louppy“当诚实蛋糕现在生活!”辩论和7倍,“天真”山冈说,民主党人使用 “多么完美的答案,”Gendai “充满循环 u003d鸠山胸围“志野是把整个邪恶的”误译“日刊Gendai rupi reporting Prime Minister Hatoyama “Now naivety when utilizing ” With discussion as many as 7 times “naivety”… democracies Yamaoka “perfect answering which is used” As for “loopy Prime Minister Hatoyama which goes” when “the mistranslation” of malice exposure is the daily gene die di

                                                                    • 普利司通轮胎不会真正明白什么是对权力的权力茹ROOPY 101H新
                                                                      If it rides, the extent tire which rides stops knowing well,… Bridgestone ROOPY 101H New sale

                                                                      • 查看详细资料的完整性评价发言者自由民主党控制的国会批准,而不是一方不希望有一个不成熟的索拉
                                                                        The behavior which looks down upon the grade of the National Diet As for our people immature shelf [so] and others political party support ratio it is the case that it does not rise

                                                                        • 桥本清人。局长不是免费的,但我喜欢前秘书的素质,确实是党雅库扎
                                                                          Hasimoto Kiyoshi benevolence. The former private secretary Those where it does not have such a grade are the private secretary, how, as expected the [yakuza] party

                                                                          • 每个人的抱怨是认真和改建在外地,我在等待投诉Warazu直接相关的变更可以Baremasen在宫崎,只是运气英尺远从遥远的网站 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly that it will appeal directly It waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite
                                                                            • 每个人的抱怨是认真和改建在外地,我在等待投诉Warazu直接相关的变更可以Baremasen在宫崎,只是运气英尺远从遥远的网站 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly that it will appeal directly It waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite
                                                                            • 每个人的抱怨是认真和改建在外地,我在等待投诉Warazu直接相关的变更可以Baremasen在宫崎,只是运气英尺远从遥远的网站 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly that it will appeal directly It waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite
                                                                            • 每个人的抱怨是认真和改建在外地,我在等待投诉Warazu直接相关的变更可以Baremasen在宫崎,只是运气英尺远从遥远的网站 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly that it will appeal directly It waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite

                                                                          • 每个小组有6个或更多,混合和获得更深入的了解一个组织必须坚定保镖
                                                                            Each group 6 or more, becomes the formation which one person mixes the robust carefulness stick by all means

                                                                            • 比尔仍然比较生温Idaro诽谤你的反对派在苏飞人民瓦特
                                                                              If people [su] has thrown compares to slander slander in opposition party age, the [ro] w which is lukewarm still and is

                                                                              • 民主党人解释Louppy诚实杆轮和共同解释,白痴,把作为一个民主专政的基础是好的,没有的话我并没有兑现 rupi The Democratic party interpretation naivety General interpretation round and round the per fool and off base As a democracy dictatorial administration you praise and are good being word or is not
                                                                                • Louppy议案,他们会告诉你什么是民主党人这样做,但我不会成为一个承认天真? Now when something democracy says and or moves rupi means not to be the recognition that it is naive but is being good
                                                                                • 我可以说是坏事,把基地,并教导我,我会长期方便Louppy Calling off base being useless if rupi being good Convenient word was taught

                                                                              • 民主党是在几个月之后仍然在野的自由民主党,但我说好,因为他们之所以仍然需要几个月的时间从你宽恕○管理滚装什么是嘲弄瓦特做法非 Therefore the Democratic party administration taking still the ○ month however tsu te excuse is improved Then also the Liberal Democratic Party becoming the opposition party therefore still several months inexperienced what to jeering see approximately w

                                                                                • 汉堡秘密的证据与自民党合作■■上午统一教会“在。邪教组织的犯罪主谋会议清和,自民党,”选举后,对内部文件,对内部文件后从字符 Secretly the Liberal Democratic Party and unification church korabo tsu te ru evidence “Morning Document inside House of Councillors selection measure of mastermind of crime cult Liberal Democratic Party Seiwa meeting” Letter it caused from the document below and inside this
                                                                                  • 汉堡秘密的证据与自民党合作■■上午统一教会“在。邪教组织的犯罪主谋会议清和,自民党,”选举后,对内部文件,对内部文件后从字符 Secretly the Liberal Democratic Party and unification church korabo tsu te ru evidence “Morning Document inside House of Councillors selection measure of mastermind of crime cult Liberal Democratic Party Seiwa meeting” Letter it caused from the document below and inside this

                                                                                • 然后,在川南城市感到失望与我国这样一个大的声音,我希望离开我听说了很多 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard such voice
                                                                                  • 然后,在川南城市感到失望与我国这样一个大的声音,我希望离开我听说了很多 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard such voice
                                                                                  • 然后,在川南城市感到失望与我国这样一个大的声音,我希望离开我听说了很多 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard such voice
                                                                                  • 然后,在川南城市感到失望与我国这样一个大的声音,我希望离开我听说了很多 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard such voice

                                                                                • 现在,我们在7月即将举行的选举,但他们认为,和世青津登记材料来自总部和总部赢了,和你的易请求石窟抓住孩子的胜利Yamaya鄂先生的努力马苏
                                                                                  Well, it is the July Upper House election which comes, but that you think whether also victory the data and the like it has reached from harmony generation Headquarters Chief headquarters blue Tsu, but because of the certain victory of collar child Mr. Yamatani effort it may prayer It is to call it does

                                                                                  • 生病,反对党议员们欢呼,犹如喊你Louppy电视一样可以瓦特Itsuku食品 With the opposition party Assemblyman entire coming out quite like support if rupi you call repeatedly w which also TV bites
                                                                                    • “以前你不是吗?Louppy!”(だろLouppy我看到什么 “As for rupi the ro which is you ” To obtaining the ro … which is rupi tsu te what

                                                                                  • 续 首相鸠山“Louppy的”让你鸭子,被原播音员自民党丸川塔马约 In Prime Minister Hatoyama “ rupi ” With the fact that jeer was inserted was the Liberal Democratic Party circular river 珠 generation with the former announcer
                                                                                    • 考虑到鸠山,不是吗?Louppy我很高兴,而我因为我的赞美词 Therefore in the Hatoyama head as for rupi becoming compliment the ru it is on the other hand rejoicing the ro which is the ru

                                                                                  • 老实说,粗鲁或意味着什么呢?是一个天真的頑張!我想我可能是从反对派能够耶鲁 Naivety the tsu te being impolite Naively persevering The ale causing re from the tsu te opposition party it is it isn t
                                                                                    • 我已经忘了我今年没有在他们的反对 By yourself doing opposition party age what kind of thing it is high Forgetting already the ru it is shelf…

                                                                                  • 读卖新闻-政府(国家)媒体不断在报纸上强调更多的本地5 / 12责任(),日刊Gendai“对韩国人。花车和口蹄疫诅咒他对州长。鼠疫的人则不符合我们的省长与喜剧演员笑破坏性减免税是国家负责,但我宫崎县知事选举已经结束Ginaika昆虫“好,便宜方便愚蠢牧场SKG的系列,这一来源,口。隐藏的病毒感染,身体移动到受感染的牛城以西,不要愚弄选民已经十分脆弱的企图隐瞒篡改信息
                                                                                    The Yomiuri Shimbun Company From government (country) puts emphasis on responsibility of the locale reporting (even with space of 5/12) which Daily gene die/di “East country. In making merry governor heaven punishment Oral hoof. Large damage and pest governor Although there is a responsibility in the Miyazaki prefecture people where chooses the laughing entertainer being disqualified human in the governor isn't relief the insect too good with tax of the country?” It is cheap the foolish easy ranch Soka academic society series, the latest occurrence source, oral hoof. Infection is hidden, to move the corpse of the infection cow to Saito city, the concealment construction with data alteration Feeling weak voter It is swindled already, is,…

                                                                                    • 身份被发现在排除了外国媒体赞^ ^她的自夸拥有习惯删除一堆...
                                                                                      Natural shape in the foreign media which is perceived the [tsu] the [ri] in the habit which is cut the Benkei ^ ^ inside…

                                                                                      • 这是可以理解为什么小泽派出谷良子的犯罪家族的15瓦
                                                                                        15 The reason where Ozawa supports valley Riyouko of the offender family is well recognized w

                                                                                        • 这种威胁可以存储905,新宿充分强盗比一个严重的问题,我歌舞伎町,我就住在国民议会现在,扩大的威胁? ?
                                                                                          905 Completely intimidation of [yakuza] The automobile accident faker stays and it threatens and is popular and Current country meeting, don't you think? from Shinjuku Kabuki Cho the [yaba] [ku]? ?

                                                                                          • 通过去年的选举是487织成弹力驱动tTA回力是一个合理的避免任何其他的自由,我将有一个Tteta认为即将进入自由 487 Reason being packed the pulling tsu the excessiveness passing as for the House of Representatives selection of last year however you intend to insert in our people… this… Already also our people the useless shelf…
                                                                                            • 这是去年选举的逻辑延伸编织成一个397驱动tTA回力通过 397 Reason being packed the pulling tsu the excessiveness passing puts out the House of Representatives selection of last year

                                                                                          • 问题在哪里? 咦?难道你的意思是“看齐打转,”我觉得Tteru认为这是什么意思?没办法,没办法做 Somewhere problem … That Perhaps doing thinking that “round and round in sense of the per” tsu te feeling the ru Never the ro which such cannot boil and is
                                                                                            • 据“粗鲁,说:”众议员敏Louppy我想我什至标准杆,旋转着的?瓦特我不是一个真正的鸭子 NULL

                                                                                          • 问题是我是想Louppy我鸠山自己说,这是一个诚实的赞美? Louppy是什么问题,我想说的是,恭维,但坦白自己是鸠山?问题是我是想Louppy我赞美它鸠山说,自己是诚实的? Therefore as for rupi when it is a praising word that it is naive main person of Hatoyama is says there is no problem because Therefore as for rupi when it is a praising word that it is naive main person of Hatoyama is says there is no problem because Therefore as for rupi when it is a praising word that it is naive main person of Hatoyama is says there is no problem because
                                                                                            • 尽管甚至粗鲁,所以我不得不把鸠山为什么不接受Louppy瓦特 Even the impoliteness saying Hatoyama accepts rupi well w

                                                                                          • 雅姿将返回正在对古钩也忘了听总理的讲话,Louppy穆勒真正,忠实于他的工作 Forgetting also that the speech of the prime minister is heard it becomes the jeer return in absorption with as expected rupi democracy 党員 faithfulness to duty
                                                                                            • 前国会议员说,“由”驱动tTA先生,Louppy具有易于理解和被克惹 The Assemblyman whom you said before rupi “if the tsu ” with you attached it was easy to know
                                                                                            • 报社记者,并写信给首相Louppy“奇怪摆脱现实,”解释说,这意味着 The same paper reporter who the prime minister rupi and is written “separated with actuality strangely” When with in the sense that you say you have explained

                                                                                          • 饮食拉出汉字测试“粗鲁”,是有什么不同?杯子的价格或第二个问题是不是“粗鲁”和而不同?瑞穗是愚蠢的“静坐欺诈”我想喊,真的有人这样做呢? NULL
                                                                                            • 这是一个坏总理,如果我做什么是“欺诈是一种犯罪行为”,并反击 Something how is impolite what In this as for the prime minister “fraud is crime” that response

                                                                                          • 马里纳卡wordsmiths取决于Louppy?出席仪式的秋?
                                                                                            Popularity language grand prix is decided with [rupi], kana? [potsupo] attends awarding ceremony?

                                                                                            • 鸠山很快意味着它是时间的话我活着就是一种罕见的阵列
                                                                                              The time maggot coming HATOYAMA [tsu] [te] English word may be born the shelf Meaning is [are

                                                                                              • 鸠山鸠山沉闷鸠山痴呆诡辩,鸠山为您带来食言是这家伙做的和唯一的发言准备的方式鸠山逃脱通常反美我拿某人舔人民军队的反美军事出来的美国是其中的贫困叛国的大屠杀发生在日本鸠山在那之后,我是其中的贫困线
                                                                                                [hatoyama] is stupid As for [hatoyama] dementia As for [hatoyama] philosophism and food word [tsu] oak As for [hatoyama] the speech which always prepares the way out the [tsu] oak It is dense licks the citizen and takes it is? Anti-American of [hatoyama], it is something which is troubled in the anti-American troop After the US military keeps appearing, Japanese holocaust occurrence? It is something which is troubled in treason of [hatoyama

                                                                                                • 鸠山,朱达罗Louppy民主党更为所有消极的解释不尊重诚实瓦特
                                                                                                  The [ro] w whose Democratic party Assemblyman of the [rupi] = naive interpretation all denial of Hatoyama considerably is more impolite

                                                                                                  • ( 人 ) (63:总理)⌒) ー ° ⌒)(2月22日。之一 (⌒Ÿ⌒) )〜(⌒Ÿ⌒) 。 (⌒Ÿ⌒)(⌒ ☆ ⌒)(⌒⌒ ☆ ) (⌒Ÿ⌒(⌒ ☆ ⌒) Ÿ⌒) )〜( (⌒Ÿ⌒)ヽヽ (⌒⌒Ÿ) ☆ ⌒) 人)〜 ☆ ⌒) human 63 years old Prime minister ⌒ 92 DEG ⌒ 22 Two ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ REPT REPT ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ human ⌒

                                                                                                    • :/ / Ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E3展%83%9D条%E3展%83%91%E3展%82%a4的%E3展%81%E8%8B条声发射%%%E8%B1的机管局%9E条九个人口众多%%第8A%81%E3展%81%B3座
                                                                                                      : //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E3% 83% 9D % E3% 83% 91% E3% 82% A4% E3% 81% AE % E8% 8B % B1% E8% AA % 9E % E9% 81% 8A % E3% 81% B3

                                                                                                      • ::::ヽ ¨ ¯ ヾ゙ ,布鲁诺 ヽ:::ヽ (●)(●) ¨ ¯ ヽ 意义粗鲁话叫做゙监测Louppy不是! ! ! !什么自由派和信徒敏 °⌒¯ヽ 布鲁诺 ヽ 。长× °〜ヽ (●)(●)我 ::你不只是粗鲁 ¯〜°布鲁诺 °⌒¯ヽ ¯ ¯ 。升〜°〜ヽ ¯〜°布鲁诺ヽ REPT ¯ ¯ ゙ ゙ REPT No 92 REPT REPT ¯ ¯ REPT The rupi tsu te nita ゙ which is not impolite meaning in the word which is said The tsu te minsu believer quibbling ¯ ⌒ ¯ REPT No 92 REPT l ¯ REPT i Even when being impolite it is not anything is not and is the ro … which ¯ ¯ No ¯ ⌒ ¯ REPT ¯ ¯ l ¯ REPT REPT ¯ ¯ No
                                                                                                        • 咦?゙Louppy的监测手段不粗鲁! ! ! !闵追随者没有看见我争论瓦特? It is nita ゙ which is not impolite meaning in rupi W where the tsu te minsu believer does not quibble
                                                                                                        • 咦?我将诚实゚朱达罗Ruhiー瓦特Naijan什么,但粗鲁,但赞美的话,而我?瓦特 That ruhi ゚ tsu te folly being repaired the ro w in sense Even when being impolite anything is not it is on the other hand compliment w
                                                                                                        • 是一个天真的頑張!该Louppy頑張↓!你不粗鲁瓦特 Naively persevering ↓ rupi persevering The ro w which the impoliteness is not and is

                                                                                                      研究 開発