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“YOSAKOI riot to celebrate”, finally noise regulation…The citizens “it is not good being attached,” the ★2


  • 05周一我喜欢节日 有11 16岁的附表饮用酒10店, The celebration how Such it is 5 10 years old There is a branch store 11 16 years old You can drink the liquor

    • 396名专业人员的第一个感觉好像很快处于下风出作里没有看到这一切,你有没有钱,集合地点机会参加现金不能容许作出自己的工具我们的钱被剥夺了观众收集有关tive公众Warazu他们之间的平衡是你是未知的。现实是,比赛正在进行滚装船即没有钢管舞助名Makkuroku 396 First being the memory making like feeling converting directly the place of professional conversion cash collection The young team which does not have the money it is personally owned and is not permitted either the fact that the instrument is made taking the participation opportunity The public place is in spite from the audience to gather the money relationship of the income and outgo is unclear Unless it becomes extreme The ma tsu ku lathe space becoming the dance contest ru is the present condition
      • 396名专业人员的第一个感觉好像很快处于下风出作里没有看到这一切,你有没有钱,集合地点机会参加现金不能容许作出自己的工具我们的钱被剥夺了观众收集有关tive公众Warazu他们之间的平衡是你是未知的。现实是,比赛正在进行滚装船即没有钢管舞助名Makkuroku 396 First being the memory making like feeling converting directly the place of professional conversion cash collection The young team which does not have the money it is personally owned and is not permitted either the fact that the instrument is made taking the participation opportunity The public place is in spite from the audience to gather the money relationship of the income and outgo is unclear Unless it becomes extreme The ma tsu ku lathe space becoming the dance contest ru is the present condition

    • 422 u003d DQN前,你的解释和其他人做他们的事感到惊讶恩戴不从的话,我是认真地想土豆 422 Speaking you DQN the ru people But thing It is interpreted other than that either you did not think it is with the wa which is surprised with maji
      • 如果你做什么我都会得到流动和DQN踊Reyo河边烧烤的最爱,而大瓦特 If you do while DQN barbecuing favorite with Kawahara dance And being let flow the ro w

    • 556 · · ·竹部落。他们是我们的居民深受瓦特是一个强大的舞蹈,让我离开奈良的历史名城,是什么样,他们使用的和强大的大米消费和浪费大量的金钱,如果我没有作出这样的声音黑色的山不过谭盾,男人为什么现在我用这笔钱,让那里是去赢得早生横路中说Gerendevagen buibui吗? 居民 In 556 bamboo saw families… As for the road people who make dance be popular permission It is hard w To the city where there is a Nara like history the peak being black doing such voice the mass rubbish and the potentate using with the gold which it made Turning off to rub it hurt but in order to defeat Yokomiti you use the gold to there and the tsu te which is sown you probably put away As for the person the buoy buoy speaking still with gerendevuagen the ru gt Road people
      • 芽高达556 W的2 · · ·集团紧密奈良的历史文化名城等。他们在我们的居民欢迎,让麦先生我,绝对 556 It is hard w To the city where there is a Nara like history in bamboo saw family… As for the road people who make dance be popular permission absolutely

    • 768第一次世界大战前町Awaodori取消长舞蹈,在疯狂的更老的服装看起来像一个flophouse我将发挥与朝鲜王朝的历史与起源DQN比不是一个节日生活
      768 [chi] [yo] ww The Awa dance before the further than waste feudal clan position prefecture, even the beginning the extent which is not understood is an old history, it is It dances with the Korean period adventure drama like clothes [doya] face and the DQN celebration which deviates and it makes simultaneous, it is

      • DQN参加本次会议带来了自己的孩子出来,找到的密切已婚妇女DQN立即离婚,她是酝酿一个孩子绊倒Yosakoi立即离婚已婚妇女要来发酵出的玛拉从石器是孩子是用无附表很快附近的叛逃DQN集体狂妄和一个离婚女人,并成立了村爆炸 DQN the being present married same divorce woman accompanying gaki you are admitted to this meeting DQN comes the se tsu because we would like to do the acquaintance to gaki of this coming out married same divorce woman yosakoi is trained and mara is trained to the woman As for gaki among those there is no business with to become withdrawal The group of DQN and the divorce woman raising roar swaggers the village
        • Yosakoi享受Kimoota一体的社区意识与同他们不可能没有痛苦的能力远远瓦特同行的Zakeru空气连胜 As for yosakoi which enjoys one bodily sensation of the companion to kimoota which does not have komiyu ability excessiveness w The gloomy ill smelling air keeps distance the companion

      • ll大大的鲜艳服装的舞蹈更好的是,谁认为我会喜欢更喜欢我?这是嫉妒 gt Music and dance and appearance all dasa ku te shy existence It is what you bit saying as for the notion that where it has checked securely It is interesting call 々 It can dance we way one better with the clothes which are lively that thinking the ru person That is envy

        • Naijan本身只有大约150年历史的札幌,首先如果W我不是好传统瓦特之间持续19年
          In the first place Sapporo itself is only history about of 150 years is not w If as many as 19 years among them continuously the [ru] sufficiently it is traditional event, w

          • NULL No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ i 92 REPT ゙ i Only it rides ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ human In this big wave ∩ 92 HKRPT REPT ⊂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ REPT ∨ ¯ ¯ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ i ⌒ REPT ─ ─ ─ ≡ 丿 No he ⌒ REPT lt REPT i ⌒ 92 ⌒ no No su ゙ sa ゙ tsu ─ ─ ─ ─ ≡ 92 ⌒ 彡 彡 mimi 92 ⌒ ⌒ REPT 彡 彡 彡 mi REPT ⌒ 92 i 彡 彡 彡 ─ ─ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ⌒ ≡ ≡ mi 彡 no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

            • YOSAKOI下的误解,我想你的事件形容为一节,我应该改名Sorandansu
              If it should have renamed to the YOSAKOI saw run dance conference, it is it isn't? Naming the celebration is the origin of misunderstanding

              • YOSAKOI的绝缘体五月蝿,伙计们挂在我们的周围YOSAKOI服装不看事物达扎,因此不愉快,甚至Kaketaku Dzukenai出接近城市 YOSAKOI of YOSAKOI is noisy and dasa to be because with the costume the party who urouro has been done is unpleasant with our thing face you wanted to go out you do not bring close to the town
                • 当绝缘子YOSAKOI五月蝿,伙计们挂在我们的周围是服装大扎不看事物,因此不愉快,甚至Kaketaku Dzukenai出接近城市 At the time of YOSAKOI it is noisy and dasa to be because with the costume the party who urouro has been done is unpleasant with our thing face you wanted to go out you do not bring close to the town
                • 我会说谁的人要投诉或YOSAKOI Kimoi团伙各方已直接怒鸣在前面 kimoi saying to the ru person As for the person who has complaint in YOSAKOI directly before the party you should have yelled it is

              • Yosakoi舞台表演,和我的斗争,取消两个事件的电影,只要求员工在两天内“表演书法”我要杀死这个框架 Good quality in the stage performance are dense in event 2 days only 2 times It has been about to mound desperately with the movie we want erasing also “calligraphy performance” with this framework

                • _NULL_
                  Hanyu virtue Osamu expert (2 period continuation and total 6th period) The Japanese shogi union Expert game Expert game chessman 譜 bulletin (charge) http: //www.meijinsen.jp/ 68th period Expert game part23 <68th period expert game seventh game> Hanyu virtue Osamu expert - challenger Miura Hiro line eight step 1st bureau April 08 - 09 days (wooden gold) Hanyu ○ - - Miura The Tokyo Bunkyo Ku Camellia mountain villa 2nd bureau April 20 - 21 days (fire water) Hanyu ○ - - Miura Iwate prefecture Tono city Meet [ri] [a] Tono 3rd bureau May 06 - 07 days (wooden gold) Hanyu ○ - - Miura Chiba prefecture Noda city Citizen hall (. Mogi. Residence) 4th bureau May 18 - 19 days (fire water) Hanyu ○ - - Miura Fukuoka prefecture Fukuoka city Jonan club 5th bureau June 03 - 04 days (wooden gold) _ - _ Osaka prefecture Osaka city The Osaka fine arts club 6th bureau June 14 - 15 days (month fire) _ - _ Nara prefecture Nara city Kasuga Taisha 7th bureau June 22 - 23 days (fire water) _ - _ Yamagata prefecture Tendo city Tendo hotel

                  • “如果你认为首脑会议的经济影响,首脑会议应考虑对经济的影响,你是一个更好的Kimatsu查看强奸细节或节日滥交的出生率疯狂的斗牛Jijibaba已故老人受害瓦特
                    If > you think of the economic result, If of just the economic result is thought, the [jijibaba] bull fight which makes the latter-term senior citizen the blood celebration Increases birthrate with the random intersection rape doing at will how to celebrate It has been decided in calling the [ro] w which is

                    • “札幌雪节”和“自卫队空军节”Is m不是批评的非神圣的起源吗?须嫉妒,不是吗?无法参加这次活动你自己?首先,谁的人会说什么戴诺戴诺噪音不会是一个仪式事件系统的一部分?我知道的是,节日灯Mikoso打腿和地面流动的音乐起源 “The Sapporo snow you celebrate” and also the “Self Defense Force aviation festival” comes and is not God reason but there is no criticism is In brief the ro which is the envy for the event where by your cannot participate It is first noise it is what saying as for the ru person probably it has not participated in the festival thing of event type Know that very stepping which kicks music and the ground which flow it is starting point of the celebration
                      • “这不是像传统节日在札幌音乐节,与各队继续踢将参加仪式的事件,而不是 “Like the Sapporo enshrining is not traditional festival thing way and each team rivals the sink music Those where it continues rather than calling God thing probably are the event

                    • 与会者感到非常兴奋,而居民们对此并不感兴趣,节组的“差距”是不是rapidly re“家庭主妇生活在附表市中心的札幌(35)说
                      The participant is large excitation, but with the public person of the celebration The local inhabitant who does not have interest As for “the head” being extreme, the shank” The housewife who lives in the Sapporo city heart section (35) you talk

                      • 为什么不诅咒的舞蹈世界,绝大多数褐色扑跳,飞纳鲁? Sawyer d说切断从原来的坏朱达罗
                        That the dance which jumps up and down Prime mover One world predomination sepia Why it does not go to busing? If stopping it is it is not from the origin, the [ro] which is useless [soiya

                        • 为什么现在是134先生产经新闻个月前写的文章和报道,一个月前北海道新闻社只有一个?一个月前的来源 134 The product sutra newspaper as many as 1 months which the Hokkaido newspaper reports exactly 1 months ago why writes the article before after so long a time it is Source of one month ago
                          • 为什么现在是一产经新闻先生的文章和1个月前书面报告前1个月,北海道新闻社?一个月前的来源 1 The product sutra newspaper as many as 1 months which the Hokkaido newspaper reports exactly 1 months ago why writes the article before after so long a time it is Source of one month ago

                        • 乌拉北海道,琦玉Yosakoi混乱。穷人头上仪式在西成的暴力骚乱,大阪,冲绳 Hokkaido Good quality dense riot Saitama Inlet Inferior head Osaka Nishinari riot Okinawa It rages with coming of age ceremony
                          • 乌拉北海道,琦玉Yosakoi混乱。穷人头上仪式在西成的暴力骚乱,大阪,冲绳 Hokkaido Good quality dense riot Saitama Inlet Inferior head Osaka Nishinari riot Okinawa It rages with coming of age ceremony

                        • 人民的声音说,当地接受这些节执行委员会的会议期间,该规例订明的标准由喇叭音量,“低于75分贝,”以限制
                          To receive the voice of such local people, as for the same festival Executive Committee during session, volume of the speaker Way it makes the standard “75 decibels or less” which, is decided with regulations restriction

                          • 什么是Yosakoisoran蛤蜊节富良野Bokejijii睡眠或那样的青年来瓦特表现什么
                            As for the [yosakoisoran] celebration when it is manifestation of springtime of life somehow sleep talk being densely, Furano [bokejijii] w of the [ro] [tsu] [te

                            • 什么是这些人是从908 YOSAKOI分区,然后我感觉越来越多的人疏远瓦特
                              908 Because such people have divided YOSAKOI, more and more citizen feeling it has alienated, it is the [wa] w which is

                              • 从与会者参加YOSAKOI舞以外的人谁喜欢疯狂,我不得不是愚蠢喝醉了,好像是对肾上腺素绝缘子是没有足够多的人要求赞扬邪恶的气氛,当然是庸俗的方法茹我会说我在那里,谁的乐趣,什么技能或社区反正Kunaru“我不想ANATA相当合关系”,“我认为他们Chitakunai带出同样的”你问我我只是不知道,但我 NULL
                                • 354阿波舞,东京(高圆寺),琦玉(南越谷)一直非常成功移植,琦玉问题YOSAKOI上游和不太喜欢东京,并已光临相互配合,但原来舞蹈是不是本地的故事不会停止被你听到 354 The Awa dance has succeeded Tokyo Kouenzi Saitama south Koshigaya transplanting large but YOSAKOI like problem is not left over Ream has come and gone the birthplace and Tokyo and Saitama mutually and it does not become creation dance Stop you do not hear tsu te story from local end
                                • 我们也需要侧面揭示的差异汝顺便YOSAKOI在“,”本质上是埃克这是一个难得的事我不包括在内,以及否认它来保卫要求和不合理的,为什么恨应该说从我的理解对我们的思想 Next however it exposes also the discrepancy and the chi ya tsu is Don t you think “the side which in brief in YOSAKOI is seen” being included by essence saying is thing If the te umbrella it protects not only unreasonable insistence and denial why being disliked understanding well whether the ru after thinking we should speak
                                • 我色线手流Hanayo事件和舞蹈像疯了似的,好像我是愚蠢石川YOSAKOIDQN我自己喝醉了湿重 Color it is in the event going it does to become drunk by your like whether the re te ru of Foolish the tsu te ru which dances and sows YOSAKOIDQN tsu te ww

                              • 仓本820,但没有一个地方一起来,我认为基本上思想长谷川(从)代表陌生人我恨你,我们缺乏的居民在5月联同长谷川和田中忠隆仓本已来了好让我们不要忘记
                                820 As for Kuramoto the kana basically Hasegawa and thought there is no simultaneous something However there is no your own local end, you say that (the empty) it makes favorite and does not care either the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] Also Kuramoto with Yositake Tanaka and Hasegawa disliking in the road people, a little more than the [ru] it is place person representation,

                                • 他YOSAKOI m一个傻瓜,如果我不是好节日呢?第一个节日,我只会投降的神圣的,但是我想要绕着太阳心情一个特殊的日子
                                  If the person who has been made YOSAKOI foolish celebrates what kind of just and is good it is? In the first place you celebrate and, how does pretending to God thing, always resentment clear seems, but it is intended special day what

                                  • 传统节日与节日和699年后,没有做好400名舞蹈比赛的名字只允许夜间在当时,即使你做什么,但你也许可以成为一个传统节日你可以 699 The celebration and the celebration which is tradition in comparison with the dance contest only of name chi ya circumstance Well 400 years later becoming the celebration which has tradition however the ru causing re it is If the time doing with all night vigil you make permit perhaps
                                    • 360无处是啊,因为你的参与,当地人认为应该废除传统节日,我不仅自己不这样做或基本合理 360 Everywhere and so is because unless by your you do basically the stuffing ma it is there is no participation type Thinking that it should have stopped with only the celebration of tradition because the person of ru local end it is

                                  • 但是,从任何人透露投诉说,但在街上有,但我避开城市的市中心将谴责轰鸣需要YOSAKOI如同,YOSAKOI抱怨可能甚至不产生于等大部分我真的不,就在我工作大通会说我们没有抱怨 Complaint is not said from so or everyone But when that throughout the city furthermore is done in business quarters of city every place YOSAKOI similarly criticism 轟 it probably is 々 Perhaps in brief if also YOSAKOI polarizes one complaint almost does not come out Actually you do on just the avenue the time about now complaint probably is not said

                                    • 但现在,我开始和梅塔YOSAKOI的家伙,他们想DQN全国各地广泛,但他将考虑发展的城镇或复制埃泰是100倍,我不能笑和一个DQN长谷川我觉得 But now YOSAKOI is spreading to all parts of the country the ru is But as for the person whom it begins DQN that it becomes the town causing thinking as for the person whom you imitated as for the 100 times DQN Laughing at the Hasegawa certain person and others you think that there is no re
                                      • 你知道你当地你会6月Tsuka是什么?长谷川Ibentojan经济重要的,如果你可以做动员2 0亿,而1月札幌经济恩人 As for handle local end being moistened the ru it is the ro which is If also 2 000 000 person has mobilized the event which is economically important it is As for Hasegawa on the other hand the benefactor of the Sapporo economy it is

                                    • 体育节,艺术节,街头艺术节,烟花节,庆典和节日,夏天的傍晚,即使断开节 Sports festival and cultural festival separating with God thing such as celebration fireworks celebration and paying inserting cool festival inside town you call the celebration
                                      • 例如,体育,文化节,雪节,节日和冠的常识和烟花节活动 For example sports festival and cultural festival in the event the celebration as for such as snow celebration entitling and fireworks celebration general common sense

                                    • 你555 DQN。鱿鱼的经验是多么讨厌我敢如WWW的无家可归和舞蹈节在札幌 555 You DQN At the time of the dance celebration try camping in Sapporo The do just it is uza to be bodily sensation it is possible www
                                      • 555〜2年里,我敢说你做两天塞在她的板,你会? 555 In your year in 2 3 days 2 try stopping from calling it is possible

                                    • 你教我自己在阳光下,其中特别植根传统艺术,日本艺术的传统,因为他们的步骤拉地区万元的?当你安排了大量的条款告诉海拔偷了高知,但没有太多艺术岩名该死的好传统,有活动自第二次世界大战以来Yosakoi高知原来食价 当地人忽略这个调查结果应 Being rooted in which traditional art concretely you teach whether ru So ten thousand steps pulling assuming that it is the traditional art itself of the Japanese ancient times as for locality After all the paku tsu it is from Kochi the trap which it arranges awfully and the time is not traditional art or kuso Furthermore pakuri original Kochi good quality it is dense it is the postwar event gt “YOSAKOI the favorite” is answered the person who 45 3 ” gt The questionnaire result of these local people does not have to be ignored
                                      • 832 能剧和狂言,你教我的阳光,其中特别根深蒂固的传统艺术,歌舞伎和史诗歌曲,舞蹈收集日本的传统艺术和舞蹈苯教各种烤施塔特哈勒 832 gt Being rooted in which traditional art concretely you teach whether ru Aggregate of various entertainments of the Japanese ancient times such as talent and farce Kabuki and nagauta Bon Festival dance and rice field easy dance

                                    • 你那嘿Shibareru惊呼赞叹之余,如果我这个击败Kikan到德尔这意味着哟ーー唯一的缺点,如果你要冻胀隆起等你可以Mairasu Nzu
                                      The [se] which can - the [do] will not, and others it does, it is the [zu] or the fake - the [te], - this - you want and the viewing [ke] - the thing coming can which is said with the [re] [tsu] [te] wants wordily - this - The [a] - it can bind, - it is,

                                      • 做你想做的事,我会站在Nanori节已被运行假手术组不寻常的噪音在我只是想用一个充满活力的地方充满活力的city牛某处如果我觉得北海道全宽 NULL

                                        • 刚刚过去的光束事件YOSAKOI抓住一个好的开始编号(这是一个体面的私营部门在做活动从几乎)历史是现在只是在做什么我可以从最有利可图的节奏在半开玩笑地或出茹成功地躺在那里,甚至不知道他们也做一个体面的做法(YOSAKOI没有太大差别海事组织,直觉本身起源于札幌市)和一些分歧YOSAKOI直觉是赢得荣誉奖我的舞蹈工作萨博Bakkari场外基population m没有(笑)中奖和照顾 你说了愚蠢或出到茹 Former times the event which simply the YOSAKOI favorite starts almost do were the empty honest event with people Now coming out the paste acting playfully and at half is large portion Because also management it becomes the gold doing just the ru Historical how what knowledge and others the amateur who practice is not done honestly stays even in management when YOSAKOI itself appearance is Sapporo misunderstanding it is many When and the fact that prize is taken with YOSAKOI is reputation in part the off base group which is misunderstood It is such it is the tsu temporary Work sabotage tsu te dance laughing doing the which takes prize aho which is said To the fact of the matter which comes out
                                          • YOSAKOI,我想参与,但我不认为,我会跳舞的臀部摆动除了皮里皮港灯空心感觉甚至不是一个业余充分培训和你显然做的传统节日从儒志位和舒适地坐在那里,看外观 As for YOSAKOI however we would like to participate with you do not think Furthermore traditional practice is not done with the celebration clearly honestly the amateur who With inclination of the u ro remembering dancing to disjointedly with the tsu pi ri waist rather than observing at ru meanderingly seeing the te it is pleasant

                                        • 北海道新闻社,2007年在线调查驱动tTA,“埃塔YOSAKOI像”45人,3%的答案 “不坏”为53 6% In the questionnaire where the Hokkaido newspaper goes to 2007 “YOSAKOI the favorite” vis a vis 45 3 as for “dislike” the person who is answered 53 6
                                          • 北海道新闻社,2007年在线调查驱动tTA,“埃塔YOSAKOI像”45人,3%的答案 “不坏”为53 6% In the questionnaire where the Hokkaido newspaper goes to 2007 “YOSAKOI the favorite” vis a vis 45 3 as for “dislike” the person who is answered 53 6

                                        • 北海道跑浪花节组合的时间是在这是一个在北海道大学的学生,高知县县武,从长谷川从春日井,爱知县七百七瓦特开始
                                          770 Hasegawa of Aichi prefecture Kasugai city graduate That time when the peak is the student of the Hokkaido university Good quality of Kochi prefecture the saw run paragraph of the dense celebration and Hokkaido doing, mix w because it started

                                          • 区3 352原本因为一井聪选区山YOSAKOI必须支持
                                            352 Therefore 3 Ku originally Satoru's Arai who supports YOSAKOI of the peak constituency,

                                            • 即使是旧的自民党支持YOSAKOI长谷川札幌市民创始人拒绝为反苏応示听到的唯一的一恨Tteru
                                              With even aged person of the Liberal Democratic Party support Hasegawa just heard the one of the YOSAKOI founders the rejection symptom the extent which is shown As for the Sapporo citizen disliking, the [ru

                                              • 即使有雪节冰雪节YOSAKOI我只是想将搬迁成本雪是我们再没有元的奖金从税收征收趋于萎缩

                                                • 参加者的心态类似摩托车团伙,但我不能“哦看我滚装船”,什么会,这将大大减少,参与者在圆顶 However mentality of the participant is similar to gang of hot rodders “look at we ” the te it probably is the thing when and it becomes with the dome the participant it may decrease sharply
                                                  • 薄野的暴徒般的声音被越来越笨重,如果你有一个幸福的Uyouyo家伙穿着摩托车团伙 As for susukino the gang of hot rodders short coat the party whom it wears having done uyouyo With dekai voice it has become like the punk

                                                • 和大多数衣服的成本或费用223多亿元,朱达罗比我降prefectures ll钱来自其他
                                                  223 The gold which falls from other prefecture the [ro] which how at the very most is about 1,000,000,000 Furthermore large portion participation expense and clothes generation

                                                  • 因此,不要877,YOSAKOI凌晨在中央线!每个人,朋友,我的最后几年,YOSAKOI回弹当太阳或营地或驱动器或对札幌郊区和公正的“紧急”已成为惯例 877 It is useless during YOSAKOI period in the down town the line tsu chi ya Me friend everyone here several years at the time of YOSAKOI camp or drive or returning on the same day hot spring Those where from Sapporo “emergency evacuation” it does in any case to suburb direction have become common sense
                                                    • YOSAKOI仍会出现,但它使电影节吸引顾客预计仅在札幌找到,现在是一个舞蹈的表现处处看到,要远远低于增值 YOSAKOI is seen in only Sapporo however you will celebrate and if you can expect also collection customer power probably will be Now becoming because it became the dance performance which anywhere is seen Added value has gone down rather
                                                    • 参赛者,疲劳 我去是因为我 我现在在训练,博克生活工作中的创新之吻!此外,YOSAKOI茹恩戴我会工作进行了四天 我休息,休息Munayo Because the entered athlete practice is it is what becoming tired the ru it is with… tsu te while working It makes the boke tsu don t you think it is the e Furthermore YOSAKOI it comes out it is with work… tsu te which go to bed 4 days you go to bed is
                                                    • 如果我们现在什么也不做,及场地更改某些YOSAKOI城市广场舞蹈比赛,但我也Yarya As it is now when is the after modifying the opening place throughout the city in a certain open space although you do even in the YOSAKOI dance contest and the ya are good
                                                    • 是这样提请收集成本463瓦特YOSAKOI然后轮流除雪费用 463 So or w which is Then It turns the cost which gets together with YOSAKOI to snow removal expense
                                                    • 陆奥YOSAKOI(仙台)原宿YOSAKOI(东京)YOSAKOI索朗日本海(金泽)等节(名古屋) ku YOSAKOI of being full Sendai city Harajuku YOSAKOI Tokyo YOSAKOI saw run Sea of Japan Kanazawa city do enshrining Nagoya city

                                                  • 圆了我们的疯狂舞蹈自慰比什么得罪的眼睛中区交通瘫痪奈良即使这是一个糟糕的道路条件
                                                    As for dance of masturbation exposure of [kichigai] It is paralysed the traffic of the Nara city heart section whose road circumstance is bad even simply and Most eye affecting

                                                    • 在利益第一的事情足以引起坦白说我很远,不是与该公司对购买指定的设备and clothing event was唯一的发言and rich teams can bring me每个人都喜欢一个split塔约不 As for first time the dividing and everyone good impression it has So became the event just of the rich team unless and to the equipment and material and the clothes you buy with the designated trader viewing When right occurs plainly to there it does not become good thing
                                                      • 有关的第一件事情没有足够的兴趣和经验,在服装和设备,成为唯一一支富有,但发言时我把一个指定的塔约大家好印象 As for first time the dividing and everyone good impression it has So became the event just of the rich team unless and to the equipment and material and the clothes you buy with the designated trader viewing When right occurs plainly to there it does not become good thing

                                                    • 在许多问题的噪音 为什么,为什么它会不会是其他问题呢?埃塔不要这么考虑?这就是,我要加用不同的方式关心的噪音 NULL
                                                      • 像印刷图像443。手放在非常好,但古Negakyan看到或作业系统为何思维没有什么 嗯,我不知道已经成为一个问题 443 Like image print But the hand which the type operate negative can is happened to see frequently… Why to problem having converted applying you do not think it is probably will be

                                                    • 在青森平民,但你的愤怒群众每个人都在电视新闻,尘土你提出的关于二战积极随机采取,也正在报假的,因为如果没有收到更好的损伤在一般公众,它的功能Yosakoi我湿重 As for the Aomori ordinary citizen everyone getting angry the ru with television news picking up at random favorably ww Due to the mass rubbish like whether receiving is good to the ordinary citizen of also the fact that it is fabricated is reported is feature of yosakoi don t you think ww

                                                      • 垃圾约?这是一个诬蔑!日本的最后希望带给您Yosakoi艾格尼丝,他们说这
                                                        Annoyance around? Such a is slander slander! You call [agunesu] and [yosakoi] good recent Japan is such, the [tsu]?

                                                        • 多么可悲的例子,他们从改变后的状态节进入· · ·本地的非,然后梳一次的音乐活动和变化瓦兰磷ü英尺范围仅在大脑周围做五月蝿
                                                          The pitiful one example [tsu] [te] person who changes from the celebration of local adhesive type… Doing at every place, if the [ru] noisy sufficient brain it is to be enough the music event and the strange straw which are enclosed it is state, lose

                                                          • 如果他们把熊它上线不能对舔我YOSAKO灵魂问:我做什么,没有他们
                                                            It cannot keep being attached, if until it keeps putting, is YOSAKO soul I has licked, and others it is dense

                                                            • 如果你是76大流行流感和寒冷的季节?如果有太多的外国人,许多来自日本的区域 76 Cold and in full large are event of the time when it becomes popular The foreigner it is many coming from each district the ru Japanese it is many

                                                              • 如果您关闭了节日的网站(或主要街道公园)美国Zaittaraaryashinai也充满了噪音地点靠近主要公路或其他,但我希望不要
                                                                If near the meeting place of the celebration however (the avenue park) it is possible to make a noise The principal thoroughfare near another meeting place overflowing, when the [u] [za] you say, it is and the [ya] does not do

                                                                • 如果我削减DQN而舞蹈节和分配部的DNA芯片的指纹地址,姓名,有麻烦时分配弹出一个数据案件造成其他东西朱达罗Bakkari碎片无论如何,因为它会很快让他们提交的在做踢球
                                                                  Rather, the DQN rubbish celebration dividing When it dances, if it can point even with submitting the address name fingerprint DNA data, how How, the [se] rubbish therefore [tsu] temporary the [ro] which incident it causes immediately is with out-town and When something being, you can exclude the time which is calculated

                                                                  • 如果达里担一神轿,或电源to ll浮到舞蹈的行列,每个人都向往古矢初图纸
                                                                    As for [shichiyu] where it shoulders the portable shrine, rides in the mountain car, enters into the formation of the dance the yearning which anyone draws

                                                                    • 对逃税的最后一行,少报收入的新鲜,是吧,他们居住在公共房屋不仅要公开低收入住房我
                                                                      After all it evaded taxation, the too little declaration income in building, grandly you have lived in the public housing project of the expectation which only the income earner you can live low and the [ro

                                                                      • 我Warota YOSAKOI日本NHK新闻网在北海道wwwww真正感兴趣的是,我想你不太可能会伸出来拉魔鬼签署安娜
                                                                        In NHK network news Hokkaido the 麿 being bottom of the heart interest improbable in YOSAKOI, [warota] wwwww So and signboard analog therefore being hateful, it pulls and starts it is probably will be…

                                                                        • 我不会跳舞像说唱奇怪的舞蹈,DQN圆了你的衣橱? ü家伙疯狂跳舞一样,科雷什么?这就像我 The lap like strange dance dancing to reach the DQN exposed clothes So The dance the party who deviates no kore Don t you think it is the tsu te feeling
                                                                          • 这家伙,他们迸发出的最后一轮舞蹈兴奋,愿意付Tteru完成饮用葡萄酒饮用者,因为它是穿着 The dance ending the uplift impression exposed people with that way appearance Drinking the liquor being intoxicated the ru

                                                                        • 我只是有这么多,但我不担的圣地和颜色强度凯塔甚至雅库扎阿波舞节,三家公司将不会扰乱思维沙罐奇怪的是我看到过好基达 Something three corporation festivals also yakuza color were strong and So shouldering the portable shrine therefore just the ru so it does not become annoyance probably will be As for Awa dance favorite wa Being raw seeing thought changed
                                                                          • 那么,节日是男性对土井神社 Guno担是要这样的,但40年前的消费Etarashii Well the celebration and shouldering the portable shrine becoming mendoi tsu te thing 40 years went out before It seems but

                                                                        • 我尝试在北海道山笠博多?参考LL.jpg TTP的TTP的:/ / img.pics.livedoor.com / 001 /英/法/ ef5213469c806977fc3f -:/ / kumano1。Cocolog - nifty.com /照片/未归类/ 2008 / 08 / 09 / hon104。JPG格式
                                                                          Trying doing the Hakata mountain sedge hat in Hokkaido? Reference material ttp: //img.pics.livedoor.com/001/e/f/ef5213469c806977fc3f-LL.jpg ttp: //kumano1. cocolog-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/08/09/hon104. jpg

                                                                          • 我犯了一个荒岛某处YOSAKOI村,他们是我可以让他生活在那里跳舞舞蹈动作全年恩戴
                                                                            YOSAKOI village making in the unmanned island of somewhere, the people who would like to dance moving there and living and throughout the year dancing the [re] it is good

                                                                            • 我看着我的哥哥却在干河床YOSAKOI是可怕的凯塔!黑色的大哥哥在工作回来YOSAKOI Ttemashita振荡型Buchikoma章爆炸你的屁股
                                                                              The YOSAKOI older brother who was done with the [tsu] coming and Kawahara it was enormous, is! Dark complexion older brother of [gachimuchi] in YOSAKOI calls The spots be troubled with Hari type [ketsu] the waist shaking, it increased

                                                                              • 我真的很讨厌它借用以健身从任何地方和我跳舞比赛,而不是一个私人组织由当地政府开始在这个节日提请 There is no celebration which starts from such a self governing community the te Therefore dance contest what of private associations Although somewhere borrowing the gymnasium It is annoyance what truly

                                                                                • 我要找到一个红袜两年前一起游戏,举行比赛前一天3 YOSAKOI日本女学生场线需要的YOSAKOI波士顿蛋糕的特殊和我跳舞5天,通话将展出゙车我味下 However it helps the tournament of the year before last lead socks among openings 3 days When 5 days which have YOSAKOI go to especially Boston At the ball park the Japanese schoolgirl YOSAKOI dancing before the playing the te it became eyeball to ゙ ko
                                                                                  • 日本女学生在赛前发生在体育场的蛋糕在线观看前,我YOSAKOI舞的波士顿红袜队比赛两年,我现在通话功能゙车 However it helps the tournament of the year before last lead socks among openings 3 days When 5 days which have YOSAKOI go to especially Boston At the ball park the Japanese schoolgirl YOSAKOI dancing before the playing the te it became eyeball to ゙ ko

                                                                                • 我认为这是类似于一个人悼念我会说Fujoshi端午端午非法性性关系在儿童青少年的街道猴夫妇在我调情
                                                                                  Is throughout the city and the [chi] [ya] is attached and it is impure opposite sex compamionship it is the [ero] child monkey calling to the [ru] junior high and high school students couple, the [ru] You think that it is the same type as mourning man decaying woman,

                                                                                  • 我需要809人,呼吁神圣的,但我认为他们会免费,许多与会者呼吁,是不是该事件的留言,雪节节日元已决定谁? “雪”是一个良好的区域气候变化对基于事件的错误的开始 809 But as for we as for the necessity to relate to God thing thinking that it is not the ru human one word The snow celebration and the event celebration where the call multitude participates saying someone decided The event which you call “the snow” is based on nice regional natural features
                                                                                    • 我需要809人,呼吁神圣的,但我想他们会不会,留言雪节是“雪”是一个良好的区域气候开始基于虚假事件 809 But as for we as for the necessity to relate to God thing thinking that it is not the ru human one word The snow celebration and the event celebration where the call multitude participates saying someone decided The event which you call “the snow” is based on nice regional natural features

                                                                                  • 我:我 我“ : 。 ::我 我 “ ー ! 我 : 我 : : 我 : :我: : 我 所有 u003d“────└ ┘ i i i ” i i “ i i i i i lL ” └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘
                                                                                    • °┐┬ :¯ °::: 我 我 我::::我 :如砷化゛: :我 I:我 我“ : 。 我 我 “ ー ! 我 : 我 : : 我 : :我: : 我 所有 u003d“────└ ┘ DEG ┬ ┐ ¯ ¯ i i i i hi ru i i i i ” i i “ i i i i i lL ” └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘
                                                                                    • (⌒⌒ :: u003d ((⌒∪) 的R , ,,,∪,,, 。) ⌒ ⌒ ∪ ⌒ r ∪

                                                                                  • 撕裂过的模仿是亵渎了节日植根于当地,我不能容许不容许高圆寺阿波舞舞
                                                                                    Permit also the Kouenzi Awa dance it is Permit the imitation which the celebration which takes root in area [pakuri] is blasphemed it is

                                                                                    • 无论如何“YOSAKOI网站”你就会知道为什么它一直是许多噪音投诉相对Gugure最近
                                                                                      Temporarily “YOSAKOI At meeting place” [gugu] [re] Has become many the reason where complaint relatively recently vis-a-vis noise it probably will be recognized

                                                                                      • 本次选举的方式将运行(北海道选区:2选)Huzikawa雅史(民主党)礼德永(民主党)长谷川武(自民党)中川Keniti(适合所有人)中川义雄※(现日本预定比例运行在Tachiagare )畠山的儿子和哉(共产党)Oobayashi诚(幸福)
                                                                                        By the way the running schedule person of the latest House of Councillors selection (the Hokkaido constituency: Reelection 2) Masashi Fujikawa (democracy) Tokunaga Eli (democracy) Hasegawa peak (our people) Kenichi Nakagawa (everyone) * Yoshio Nakagawa (rise Japanese this time in proportion running schedule) the eldest son Kazuya Hatakeyama (common property) Oobayasi truth (happiness)

                                                                                        • 案件Chige姬路s 208 DQN汤或摩托车团伙走到wwww万维网
                                                                                          208 As for Himeji DQN case tend [ge] obtaining wwww Walking gang of hot-rodders it puts out, www

                                                                                          • 毛重几年前在广岛花节将于held m YOSAKOI娜本有侵蚀
                                                                                            The Hiroshima flower festival which is held in GW from several years ago It is eroded by YOSAKOI and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is it is -

                                                                                            • 没有真正诚实的人惊讶的人在这个意义上,我笑,我想我认为各方因素是人妒忌? As for the honest person although the bottom of the heart open re you have ridiculed in that sense of everyone That the party the well which enters there is an element which is envied densely you think probably will be
                                                                                              • 我要反过来去接受这样一个狭窄的门,你的责任和痛苦嫉妒,看是否参加 Because it makes such a narrow coming gate accept the tsu te envying in the participant and or judging criticizing ru seeing the te is painful

                                                                                            • 海ーSoiyasoiyasaresaresare克劳奇拥有鲜花盛开Soiyasoiya ll讨厌什么是解决方案涉及到梅奥Kaiyakaiyakaiyakaiyakaiyakaiya Soiyasoiya
                                                                                              [soiyasoiyasaresaresare] Even in sea accomplice - Something [soiya] [soiyasoiya] As for the flower which outblooms [soiyasoiya] It is attached to [mayo] [kaiyakaiyakaiyakaiyakaiyakaiya

                                                                                              • 特别是贫穷可能是被殴鼓大声鼓北九州小仓祗园的邪恶疯狂的节奏打鼓
                                                                                                It means that also the Kitakyushu city Kokura Kita Ku Gion drum is noisy Especially, as for pommelling the unskillful drum the rhythm being bad, the head may become strange, is

                                                                                                • 目前的出席为217万美元,他说,经济的影响可能是值得什至超过2380亿札幌巨蛋火腿游戏与日元在日本职业棒球
                                                                                                  As for present audience mobilization with 2,170,000, The economic result is said also 23,800,000,000 Yen which exceeds the professional baseball Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. game of the Sapporo dome

                                                                                                  • 科托但我有一个207 · · u一旦有真正和钌· · ·仅伊藤寻找札幌北海道札幌神社节会少讲孝谁没有经济效应 207 But expectation what which is the thing which is… When you look at just actuality … it is not left over in Sapporo Perhaps you think that how the Hokkaido shrine to celebrate the economic result it is high for Sapporo

                                                                                                    • 科马鲍的所有的噪音,只有你只是做是的,它与众议院在30高龄的第二个展厅层会议,但
                                                                                                      30 The [be] which is simply noise and Will not the taste can burn the [do] - with, Respect for the aged meeting do at the second floor of the hall of the public office

                                                                                                      • 积极。节日期间,经济效应,我会说在电影节从当地经济的影响,我们讨厌的陷阱,真正的垃圾处置挂Karukara成本和费用,如果该人是一个难得的collection m通常在红 Righteousness With the celebration the economic result and the economic result saying at ru point in time being disliked from local end the trap If with the celebration the person gets together because also dealing expense of expense and the rubbish catches Truth the deficit normally is what
                                                                                                        • 也许你看行形式退出古比赛,如果你不知道经常损失有趣,因为刚刚发现的巨大的经济成为有效的,我可以说这是没有任何借口或Ku When funny the contest type which is not the straw raincoat stops with only the regular whether it goes to seeing It is what you bit saying when this is gone Loss does economic result with dekai the yo
                                                                                                        • 积极。节日期间,经济效应,我会说在电影节从当地经济的影响,我们讨厌的陷阱,真正的垃圾处置挂Karukara成本和费用,如果该人是一个难得的collection m通常在红 Righteousness With the celebration the economic result and the economic result saying at ru point in time being disliked from local end the trap If with the celebration the person gets together because also dealing expense of expense and the rubbish catches Truth the deficit normally is what

                                                                                                      • 等待,没有或自恋型人格障碍的特点确定什么694种?我猜想是附近的一个元素YOSAKOI得出这样的比赛 694 Such riding feature of certain self love characteristic personality obstacle the tsu ke which is not As for YOSAKOI there is an element which draws such race it is probably will be
                                                                                                        • 在现实世界中不希望自己爱谁对我的丈夫从来没有获得成功。什么是空间,轻松满足您的愿望,Nanchatte确保最佳的新鲜度 In the actual world it is the u does not rise the self love person where Master It probably is nanchiyatsute spatial what which can satisfy wish easily

                                                                                                      • 米购买Undaro普遍不满和传统节日没有人,如是否有DQN你说我做了它确定在札幌巨蛋,并改名为舞蹈比赛 Naming the celebration like whether there is a tradition of antipathy you buy from the ru it is the ro which is Name modifying even the DQN dance conference doing with the Sapporo dome the re the ro which no one says and is complaint
                                                                                                        • 这些家伙怎么会以良好的手出来的节日来Yabatte其他传统节日,我只是一个巨魔 And others it is dense the tsu te it appears in the celebration which has other tradition and the plain gauze the tsu te coming the favorite selfishness it does it is the mere celebration devastating

                                                                                                      • 绝缘子举行看法,分歧相当理解一些人让他们向公众出售或一些像他们有一些经济利益的事 When the economic result is how much in the sale having understanding such a thing in the citizen the person When well enough it is misunderstanding it is held
                                                                                                        • 绝缘子举行感知差异,我可以理解这样的事向公众出售或有这些经济的影响 When the economic result is how much in the sale having understanding such a thing in the citizen the person When well enough it is misunderstanding it is held

                                                                                                      • 编号:321ILaIe0本有被认为这样做的目的等,以增加反瓦特
                                                                                                        ID: 321ILaIe0 Doing purposely in order to increase the anti, the [ru] way w which is visible

                                                                                                        • 航空自卫队节施塔特哈勒也是如此支笏瀑祭里冰冰雕节是草,“捍卫国家”的自卫队基地,有些festival或event from these优良的学生和本地区的特点是什么如果没有优势也可以讲YOSAKOI本身从同一平面,而不是仅仅认为渔业和s 是吗?事件需要嫉妒到自己不能参加?现在,我会说这是在我第一次读到它,我什至不知道的,我也会说雪节还增加了一个前航空展你的“参与”是出 The ice celebration and the Shikotsu lake ice of the favorite it does 瀑 also the celebration so As for the Self Defense Force aviation festival you call the Self Defense Force base which “protects the country” this and the event which utilizes the feature of area Thing itself and only the fishing which talk YOSAKOI which does not have the celebration and many origins or the edge which have these nice origins with same rank you can think gt The ro which is the envy for the event where by your cannot participate in brief Already such a thing saying at ru point in time 1 However even it is recognized that it is not read don t you think But in the first place you saying “participation” cannot do ru aeronautical show or the snow celebration it is We would like to justify what but the expedient which for the sake of the unreasonable oral ya it tries to envy with logic may be 2 a certain pattern Temporarily 1 With looking at this sure entirely noise other than God thing commenting being disliked the ru reason understanding margin Whether well purposely it has tried not to entering into the eye but

                                                                                                          • 蔗糖一样恩卡歌曲YOSAKOI公共浴池ー天神介忠2009索朗大奖决赛
                                                                                                            YOSAKOI saw run 2009 Final Grand prix prize winning Flat bank Tenzin The ballad song [shiyo] [tsu] [po] of the super bathhouse it is, -

                                                                                                            • 表明,我们这个地区每年举行YOSAKOI设备效益节说,YOSAKOI或者说我不是一个坏的舞者,并说,节日是没什么
                                                                                                              Those which are called the YOSAKOI celebration in our district every year being held, it increases, but don't you think? that YOSAKOI dance is bad however you do not say, the celebration you cannot say,

                                                                                                              • 达罗北海道,但现在它不出来,甚至去了孤立荒野谦卑
                                                                                                                The [ro] which is Hokkaido, where to isolate in the wilderness, dissolving and Furthermore if it tries not to come out, solves but the best

                                                                                                                • 这傻瓜是帮助人们目前接受输入的每个人都应该留在地方375,2通道,因为他们会处理DQN 375 If it stays in that place everyone being accepted becoming foolish it can rise Therefore that 2ch DQN it handles

                                                                                                                  • 锦鲤歌词伊佐与小夜子,我离开我看到一个孩子买桥阳光的Harimaya手流纳卡123土佐高知吗?毛重县交通方式驱动tTA线,但我一直在使用自行车的营地我行免费Katsurahama背包在高知,但在很多地方我龙马混合博览会是不好的,是不可怕的YOSAKOI索朗好古这是一个严重混乱的节日 gt 123 Tosa Kochi On Harima and bridge Cell Ornamental hairpin You buy you saw Good quality it is dense Good quality it is dense As for the lyric being ru kana In GW going to poor travelling in Kochi It had making the free camp place of the Katsura beach utilize It went by the motorcycle but is The traffic manner inside the prefecture is good enormously It is the good place However it has been packed with steed Hiroshi YOSAKOI As for the saw run celebration being vulgar the chaos shelf
                                                                                                                    • 905两年前,但我认为,但球队的大学社区,本乡(7丁目站)的罕见的YOSAKOI真正的故障与军队DQN,Ttetajan只有租金,帮助我,我的仇恨行动什么DQN宁滚装船从现实,你在那边比爱好者更好地照顾 905 However you think that the year before last it is the university or the team of the society member Hongo the station of 7 Chome but with can be entwined to the true characteristic DQN corps helping in management you have received it is Therefore has disliked YOSAKOI 寧 ro genuine DQN what the method which designates that as the air is better from mania

                                                                                                                  • 长谷川。我们生病了民主茂木Warota YOSAKOI我答应下次我做什么我都会答应动议Michisoto? “至少Michisoto”这个决定马里
                                                                                                                    Hasegawa. Disliking too much [warota] Democracy with next pledge moving outside the road of YOSAKOI should have been pledged, don't you think? it is? With this “outside the lowest being, road” the rule

                                                                                                                    • 长谷川先生武科总区1路众议院自民党和场外蜡上的立场上伸展和光在扰乱这个看起来当地居民(38岁)将作为选区选举方式的立场 It tries it will extend to the seat of power probably to rise with the annoyance of the local inhabitant as a stool and Hasegawa peak person of the Liberal Democratic Party House of Representatives road 1 Ku branch length 38 This time candidacy schedule it probably will put out as a candidate of House of Councillors selection road constituency is
                                                                                                                      • 由于甚至没有意识到什么的组织者是不会得到这样的同情当地居民至今井 Well obtaining being the sympathy of the local inhabitant to here especially sponsorship side Therefore the reason which many consideration do not do

                                                                                                                    • 阿波舞是353或Ku好,不知道为什么说不好的词说伐丽流Yosakoi
                                                                                                                      353 The Awa dance being good, when it is [yosakoi], badness saying, the reason which is said does not understand

                                                                                                                      • 阿豫J01的球员之一,是展示当地的舞蹈之后,我们的目标是展示混乱,我觉得他们的爱,有善看J本地球员,我没有 The certain J player has announced the dance of the native place after the scoring but Well as for yu u becoming good being native love however you think Don t you think as for the J player who announces riot you have not seen
                                                                                                                        • 我可以不练什么混乱不能骂他工作忙490多朱达罗 490 That much work saying the ro which is thing When it is busy practice of riot how it is not possible and

                                                                                                                      • 高圆寺阿波舞,但即使他们胡散臭胡散臭只有当索朗乘马拉合Yosakoi和,早生合发言不仅红,我不知道如果有更好的 When good quality it is dense at the point in time when the saw run is hybridized suspicious However also the Kouenzi Awa dance to smell suspicion Whether the bu which is not hybridized it is increase

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