“在将来,我们的领海,领空,调用部队有权立即自卫入侵领土”是吗?竹岛 When > “in the future, our territorial waters, the sovereign airspace, the territory military force is violated, right of self-defense is exercised instantly”
It is the bamboo island, or so is?
- 韩国总统李明博周三,和大海。接受调查结果和鱼雷攻击,击沉北韩巡逻艇,发表了一项声明,人家才 President Korean Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi 24th morning, the sea. We assume that the patrol warship it sank with the North Korean torpedo attack,
The findings from was received, for the citizen conversation was announced
152朝鲜,韩国,美国,共产主义制度体系,与前苏联,第四次国际制度已在抗日统一战线一点反,有许多花坛和你的系统 152
The North Korean system and the Korean system, also in system and old Soviet system, fourth inter- system and there is flower garden system and a variety, but being able to struggle jointly it is in point of counter day
691日本的经济援助,朝鲜死饿死百万计的人被剥夺更多的输入不接受难民 691 That as for Japan the North Korean person will be hungry and probably will die no 1 000 000 person financial assistance Refugee acceptance denial addition
749你的意思是消灭或柯戏嗯゙゙冯克还提出日本 749
The [tsu] lever, the resident which immigrates elimination and… ゙ [hunke] ゙ hmm
Louppy鸽子粪便和人民。我作为政府随意决定什么,我不喜欢日本人民反对北朝鲜和一对恩戴 rupi pigeon and droppings people Administration will decide what selfishly but as for the Japanese citizen uniting with Korea North Korea there are no times among other things when it is hostile
Louppy鸽子粪便和人民。我作为政府随意决定什么,我不喜欢日本人民反对北朝鲜和一对恩戴 rupi pigeon and droppings people Administration will decide what selfishly but as for the Japanese citizen uniting with Korea North Korea there are no times among other things when it is hostile
Netouyo 341一般野蛮的“鉴于苏野蛮征服”他们是最高,最好的政策 341
As for [netouyo] because generally “the barbarian through the barbarian conquering is done”, it has made best step
TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/ H - 2A运载火箭%E3展%83%E3展公元%%%82%B1的E3展%83%83%E3展%83%的人是你要飞88个核电厂怎么样?不要跟我来点燃的攻击和恢复臀部竹岛是日本五百三十七瓦特,重新夺回半岛无核化是朝鲜不会大家瓦特必住在济州岛 ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-IIA % E3% 83% AD % E3% 82% B1% E3% 83% 83% E3% 83% 88
The nuclear warhead taking on in this, when it throws, how kana?
While applying the fire to the rear end, reason or w which it attacks
Japan recaptures the bamboo island, is recaptured the peninsula North Korea, the South Korean means to live in the all [chiejiyu] island, it is it is not w
web“和善意的和日本人民的力量,”韩国人总联合会在日本东京举行的第22届世界杯总联(朝总联),根据你的整个比赛的第22,朝鲜的主要报纸同时在社论中挑选了荷兰,你Motomu促进日本和国家组织加强友好关系 www “The Japanese citizen and amicable friendship assure” The Korean entire connected conference Main Korean entire association of the resident which in Tokyo is held from 22 days the Korean entire ream adjusting to the 22nd entire conference The principal paper of North Korea picked up simultaneously with editorial in order to assure the amicable friendship of organizing ability strengthening and the Japanese citizen requested
_NULL_ 722
Special permanent residence qualification - As for the touching method person there is no the limit -
As for qualification proof duty there is a applicant, as for record of the dense entry person at the time of the disturbance approximately 8 tenths being kept
Time the National Police Agency Custom Entrance tube Identical ones on the Ministry of Health and Welfare are kept
Entrance tube exception method fourth provision
The peace treaty nationality secession person who continues from before the termination of war of the World War II and resides in Japan
With the descendant, you reside in the own country without passing the hand continuation of landing due to birth other reasons
As for those which means with thing, receiving the permission of Minister of Justice, the special permanent residence person who decides in this law
As, it can reside permanently with the own country
Д 布鲁诺ヽ⊂ ::: “ 口φØ ° ¯ ¯ ¯复旦大学° T恤 J的 д ⊂ no ” Φ Mouth o ¯ ¯ 旦 ¯ ¯ ¯ It does J
一人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人 “我不关心比较 ¯ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ℉( ö )架F ∧ 1 people people people people people people people human gt Extremely how it is good lt ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ he o he ∧
“在将来,我们的领海,领空,调用部队有权立即自卫入侵未来领土”的 When “in the future, our territorial waters, the sovereign airspace, the territory military force is violated, right of self-defense is exercised instantly”
In the future
“在未来,我们的水域,领空,领土的军事入侵”“如果不讲话,”好写作是第一步节省额外的古这样的措辞 When “in the future, our territorial waters, the sovereign airspace, the territory military force is violated, right of self-defense is exercised instantly”
In the future
“李Oregayarunida!”噢,“Aigatadu!”鸽派“我想要做的关闭顶部 Japanese plum “[oregayarunida]! ”
[o] “[aigatadou]! ! ”
The pigeon “first we would like cutting
221是啊,为什么这个人教给第九条没有证明鸠山将瓦特 221 So the shelf why this time the person of nine provision teachings demonstration does not do vis a vis Hatoyama w which it is probably will be
一旦战争,空中港口。如果是的话,将被销毁,不会回滚枢纽组成的日本和东亚 When it becomes war the port and the sky It is destroyed probably will be So if it becomes … there is no composition of the rollback where the east Asian hub becomes Japan
一旦战争,空中港口。如果是的话,将被销毁,不会回滚枢纽组成的日本和东亚 When it becomes war the port and the sky It is destroyed probably will be So if it becomes … there is no composition of the rollback where the east Asian hub becomes Japan
为了让竹岛是在日本已经投注的全部费用仅是表示支持对生活的报复行动完成后,返回朝鲜的所有日本 Because you abandon the bamboo island already, even with expense of payment in full Japanese side from calling
The resident South Korean everyone return to state the support of anti- north retaliation after the completing, the [re
九州避免鳕鱼的封锁和登陆关门韩国战争爆发时,马祖。我不离开,另一只手韩国大陆防止运动 When the Korean War starts blockading the channel strait it landed from Kyushu 避 Unless the South Korean main island movement is obstructed another control stops being attached
九州避免鳕鱼的封锁和登陆关门韩国战争爆发时,马祖。我不离开,另一只手韩国大陆防止运动 When the Korean War starts blockading the channel strait it landed from Kyushu 避 Unless the South Korean main island movement is obstructed another control stops being attached
乡间渡假别墅出租了许多代理商从北部的难民潮,在什么情况下不能形成舆论呢? Influx of the operative from north being too multi, being under the circumstance which cannot form public opinion?
亲爱的居民一天。核攻击也许可以热身,如果他能回大陆在有机会的国家表现出爱国唱 As for only resident day It is the chance which shows the patriotism which you advocate in the home country If it participates here perhaps it faces also the return to the mainland warmly
亲爱的居民一天。核攻击也许可以热身,如果他能回大陆在有机会的国家表现出爱国唱 As for only resident day It is the chance which shows the patriotism which you advocate in the home country If it participates here perhaps it faces also the return to the mainland warmly
他们正在做的诈骗行为,因为吸毒者做,我怀疑有多严重目的地,你需要 Therefore the common practice person of the fraud which the fellows is popular and does, doubting, whether to somewhere being serious whether it should catch, that
他们没有脚的核动力航母现在在日本,和潜艇的F - 22 100架飞机 As for those which are not enough in current Japan
Carrier vehicle nuclear, atomic submarine and F - 22 100
他补充说,“我们未来的领海,领空,调用部队有权立即自卫入侵领土”,并表示,这意味着所有这个时候我不能说什么 As for Li president “when in the future our territorial waters, the sovereign airspace, the territory military force is violated, expressing that right of self-defense is exercised instantly”,
In other words the shelf, this time you say that it does not do at all, it is
他补充说:“在未来我们的领海,领空调用部队有权立即自卫入侵领土”八鹿Hazime首次朝鲜不会那么做无罪释放。音频编入招做 Li president when “in the future, our territorial waters, the sovereign airspace, the territory military force is violated, exercises right of self-defense instantly”
Whether in the future
As for one time eye innocence release?
As for North Korea. Ramming down
仰光爆炸事件和决定何时继承金正日,朝鲜航空爆炸事件继续否认,我不知道它模仿金正日元 As for the Rangoon bombing incident and the Korean Airlines priming at time of Kim Jong-Il successor decision incident
It continues to deny North Korea, but the Kanemasa cloud probably imitates that
你们是不是沉默或部分可以由日本鱼雷艇突然,右沉淀?我听到叩击节和颜射宠坏个案会议期间,朝鲜不会Tsuyo艾鸠山,我说,所以我必须灿烂,眼睛游泳瓦特Ideta这个政府更积极的项目应于 You the Japanese boat being the torpedo suddenly being sunk is waiting and others the re ru North Korea you hit here it is the serving and useless at all there is no Hatoyama or a relationship When interviewing of the fellow example the word wa is done the empty the eye swims plainly w As for this being whatever kind of administration positively matter of the expectation which appears
相反韩国Rubeki日本的经济合作和对北援助得到它的地下资源,摆正Dzukere对手,地下资源将得到安古,韩国的南头要收紧 Japan conversely helping in North Korea obtain the underground resource in regard to economic cooperation should Vis a vis Korea if you define imaginary enemy the underground resource enters into the hand cheaply and it is possible to tighten the Korean neck
这是一个Muyori名单的国家,朝鲜不仅没有在日本,谁进入了古手较弱的资源和手切Rubeki朝鲜,韩国和集团利益 As for this the Japanese failure It recognizes North Korea the only nation of Korea should cut Korea and the hand Rather than the person who obtained the North Korean resource cheaply uniting with Korea there is a profit
你知道你的情况飒从我就开始mero ll欢呼的,木纳的家庭争吵这里包含伤口Guzukimuchi Because about support doing satsusa begins tsu connection is the ro which is guzukimuchi Whether the sibling ge it is this is involved
你知道你梅罗shall ll古年初开始,我永远Guzukimuchi信件 Begins to be quick tsu connection is the ro which is guzukimuchi You have corresponded is how long
你知道,我是阿基驱动tTA阿基弘浩从韩国返回韩国和走私有关Yokudakedeyattekurena It is good or Akihiro Korea it is to see with the ji yo shattering to do Until stowing away it returned to Korea therefore it is Akihiro
安岐浩难道我说 我将与日本的战争结束基科马现在゚゚首页克罗地亚赫尔辛基人权委员会 The Akihiro word tsu chi ya tsu it is high… Don t you think now with ho ゚ tsuho ゚ it winds also Japan in war and can be troubled
假强奸指责,而不是自己做,人们参与的半岛,他们会那么糟糕,因为日本的青睐苏人民富怡达氖借口,他将返回 It should relate to the peninsular person doing selfishly it is not
Therefore being empty, returning fabrication rape and responsible shift and favor race of specialty don't you think? -
It is what, you bit with Japan has decided to be bad
只有想Ttena Idaro或由日本军方搬迁问题的贷款会谈前表示,博之合理Torushi每次击中。它看起来像它匹配的所有应计利息 Each time it collides before the [ro] and the north and south conversation which are thought in only the extent which can do the loan with the Japanese US military moving problem and are and takes and [hiroyuki] 妥. Expecting, all interests agree, it is
和一个与日本和美国。我可以看到Bakachon大脑,而他是违反了日本的领土,我一直在得到了这些想法(瓦特 1 Ream of Japan and US Verification The fool proof brain tsu te such conception appearing in the midst when Japanese territory is violated you wrapped w
而与美国和日本。你会看到我不需要再在韩国军队吗?什么美国也参与Naijan gt Ream of Japan and US Verification Already the troop it does not need in Korea don t you think it is What Japan and America as for there is no relationship is
在北部,我可以立即全面战争Tteta我说这不是一个制裁甚至战争的声明或正在做的事情迅速 When so, sanction you do, game disputing instantly, extensively says, north what doing, the [ru]
Quickly declaration of war margin
在第9条,韩国,朝鲜的宪法,在没有战争的宪法是最高法律条文不可能的,因为我没有被采纳 There to be 9 provisions in the Japan constitution, because the Korean and North Korea constitution, as for the renunciation of war provision it is not adopted for the highest law, being unreasonable, the shank
奇Korou什么,反正未来“的,未来我们的领海,领空调用部队有权立即自卫入侵领土,”你永远不能只冲Niko的妈祖由一个常设的循环块的决定之前, How, that [se] in the future something probably will happen
When “in the future, our territorial waters, the sovereign airspace, the territory military force is violated, right of self-defense is exercised instantly”
Being decided in the permanent loop, the [ro] which is the [ru]
In the habit which it is possible and is not as for just power one ago
峨竹岛被用来解决问题,Oke ll给它只是为了帮助销售敌人债务虽然韩国的竹岛被占领你已经21?没有没有瓦特 21 Already it does in the hostile country yo Korea Although you say that also the bamboo island is occupied Helping if it sells favor you can use in the solution of bamboo island problem W which is not
这表示,在漫长的抱怨,因为我值得一战,敌人 Being at the point where the other side said complaint therefore hostile country what which war has been done it puts out naturally
工人党的报纸,“工作文件”是为了“防止不公平的制裁政策,日本政府的敌对阴谋积极附表进步和人民友好的日本人”,强调 The Korean work party organ “work newspaper” “obstructs the hostility policy and unjust sanction maneuvers of the Japanese authorities,
Way amicable friendship of the Japanese citizen is advanced positively”, emphasis
强大的中国和俄罗斯的威胁206,而新兴国家的力量,韩国在美国盟友的混乱是进入衰退期的驱动tTA,以及属于这些权力或成为傀儡这并不是说小政府,可能中国和俄罗斯。军事紧张局势,促使间隔很窄,如果它们引起的冲突对马岛 206 As for the Chinese and Russia threat healthy as for Kuniriki it is flourishing On the one hand America which is ally entered into atrophy period Multiplying in confusion of the Korean Peninsula When it becomes the puppet of these large countries and or goes under controlling The government of China and Russia whose possibility is not little When collision occurred The military tension which separates Tsushima strait one it is narrow does promptness
强大的中国和俄罗斯的威胁206,而新兴国家的力量,韩国在美国盟友的混乱是进入衰退期的驱动tTA,以及属于这些权力或成为傀儡这并不是说小政府,可能中国和俄罗斯。军事紧张局势,促使间隔很窄,如果它们引起的冲突对马岛 206 As for the Chinese and Russia threat healthy as for Kuniriki it is flourishing On the one hand America which is ally entered into atrophy period Multiplying in confusion of the Korean Peninsula When it becomes the puppet of these large countries and or goes under controlling The government of China and Russia whose possibility is not little When collision occurred The military tension which separates Tsushima strait one it is narrow does promptness
强奸或袭击会发生,这将是太暴力犯罪,如抢劫杀人成了每天的任何 So, if it becomes, such as rape and assault will become daily and sooner or later burglar homicide also brutal crime probably will happen
当我终于战争,你会参加,以解决日本人民对我们如此害怕来,他们做了一个荒谬的声明鸽子玛塔玛塔,日本Owatta Nantarakantara More and more opening fighting the time matamata outrageous speech the oak so we fear the pigeon You to participate in the solution of propriety problem even in our Japanese citizens nantarakantara … Japanese owatsuta
律师的权利和地位是如此,没有一句话不是没有永久居留 Because it is defined with respect to law it is not right as for the language permanent residence right It is not used
永久居民不能签证三年或每隔一年免费更新 In case of the permanent residence person 3 years or there is no renewal of 1 years every other residency qualification
我只喜欢派遣自卫队的最高指挥官是太多,从一开始起数 It takes the lead, therefore the exaggerated the supreme commander of Self Defense Force Is [ke] It dispatches troops when
我可以说是死亡,46人来自报复,即使Korea ll被吹飞了炸弹副总裁,也被炸毁,每超过200名乘客飞行,而不是复仇 Because 46 people killed saying that you retaliate as for Korea the vice president with the bomb The blowing tsu being thrown even when the passenger 200 or more every airplane being blasted You did not retaliate
我开始的很早,梅罗wwww wwww明弘那么我就告诉它发动战争,朝鲜平民和朝鲜人民太炒作 Therefore it is quick begin wwww However well you just say probably wwww When the Korean people it fans too much the Korean civilian ze akihiro which in North Korea war is set up
光照条件下拍摄到切出朝鲜是否真的不知道 Whether or not North Korea finishes to step on really in shooting it is not understood but lt Or less abbreviation gt
反击会来,如果朝鲜攻击日本! When Korea attacks North Korea Strike probably will come to Japan but
我)龟兹 徐::: 布鲁诺●)龟兹。 (( ● ヽ⌒) ⌒( 人)布尔诺 。 ヽ)空隙率布鲁诺: 布鲁诺布鲁诺。ヽ ヽ( 人图标ヽ 布鲁诺ヽ 古 i kutsuchiya The Soviet Union 92 No kutsuchiya ⌒ REPT ⌒ human No REPT vv no nono REPT REPT n Person REPT No REPT 92 ku
你知道你布莱恩做战争!嗯,我要去逃避原子布鲁诺 :我)龟兹 徐::: 布鲁诺●)龟兹。 (( ●::: ヽ⌒) ⌒( 人)布尔诺 。 :::)ヽ)空隙率布鲁诺: 布鲁诺布鲁诺。ヽ ヽ(ヽ 图标人民 布鲁诺ヽ 古 War the ri ya which is done it is to call the ro which is Don t you think it is to escape no ⌒ REPT Î ⌒ 92 Citizen 92 ⌒ 92 REPT 92 i kutsuchiya The Soviet Union 92 No kutsuchiya ⌒ REPT ⌒ human No REPT vv no nono REPT REPT n Person REPT No REPT 92 ku
日本已经发现从乔纳金被指控操纵和工作条件,返回古竹岛 After as for Japan 800 long doubt of kimuyona being ascertained we will have decided bamboo island return to move to condition
日本已经发现从乔纳金被指控操纵和工作条件,返回古竹岛 After as for Japan 800 long doubt of kimuyona being ascertained we will have decided bamboo island return to move to condition
日本是寄生生活Kiyou哦,为什么呢,因为我们恨日本从韩国和昆虫一样,我会希望我可以送交废物管理目的,不会把枪重新在日本使用 As for resident even from the South Korean like the insect being disliked from the ru Therefore living upon to Japan it tries to live The a the gun being able to give in resident if it should have dispatched don t you think it is As for the rubbish unless it re utilizes
日,为了报复奥林匹克花样滑冰照片,希望能与合作的嘴唇,美国不会从韩国第一,我还是中国姿态比北 As for Japan in order to attack the photograph of the Olympic figure In the proboscis it should have cooperated first not to be from Korea America the one which is the attitude from North Korea China is better
日,为了报复奥林匹克花样滑冰,希望配合嘴唇,国家不首先从美国在韩国,它是中国北方的态度比对 As for Japan in order to attack the enemy of the Olympic figure In the proboscis it should have cooperated first not to be from Korea America the one which is the attitude from North Korea China is better
更确切地说,指责恐怖分子故意阻挠他们以北,流量不太可能愿意冒险的负面美日参战 With saying or terrorism making cause purposely to a consequence north With war participation risk owe also Japan it may become the flow which is not like
谁说,韩国仍然认为他们是懦夫,除了战争,如果他们失去很多 Rather than hetare unexpectedly After all as for Korea when it goes to war because those which are lost are many don t you think
朝鲜内阁和报纸“民主”,一个金正日,“今年是要加强国民教育,”但很明显,这些规定,甚至一篇社论,日本的高中教育免费没有触及的问题 When the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary in has decided this year “the year when race education is strengthened”, it made house organ “democracy Korea” of the Cabinet and the like, clear, but
No editorial, mentioned the high school education gratuitous conversion problem of Japan
朝鲜将船,我们就不会承认我不是通过韩国领海通过 Unless the North Korean ship in the future the Korean territorial waters recognizes the fact that it navigates standpoint was stated
没有钱,没有燃料,没有弹药,没有士气,没有忠诚,什么驴 Don't you think? there is no either gold, there is no either fuel, there is no either ammunition, there is no either fighting spirit, there is no either loyalty, something, -
海军隐形技术,将加强对中国的防御能力 Concerning stealth technology as for the same navy we have assumed that it is something which strengthens the defense capacity for China
燃气公司自来水池口来切实什么端午就是为什么我们反对战争的一天从白天到愿意和能够做的战争?我离开了与一辆面包车或鸠山嘿为什么这样一个塞子板鸠山没有人? From usually as for the tsu te ru person who war opposition is what is and to hit the dekai mouth sows This time with something war motivation fully being Hatoyama cutting the predecessor also left flank trying to stop everyone s one person Hatoyama or Well with something
第9次会议上呢?为什么我保持沉默?虽然他们在大声反对战争的声音!达罗的投诉进行互操作?有什么区别?我最好不要离开,以防万一声明 Meeting of 9 provisions how did Why you have become silent is Very such time with yell war opposition The ro with we should appeal Being different Because of sense declaration the one which is put out is good
第一商业捕鱼船。水手们被杀害的方式脏水槽全国,而且,日本不能做任何事情,但竹岛剥夺 Private fishing boat 1st Being sunk the 邦 circle with mean method to be murdered the crew furthermore The bamboo island was robbed but Japan which cannot do at all
第一商业捕鱼船。水手们被杀害的方式脏水槽全国,而且,日本不能做任何事情,但竹岛剥夺 Private fishing boat 1st Being sunk the 邦 circle with mean method to be murdered the crew furthermore The bamboo island was robbed but Japan which cannot do at all
给我朝鲜冲突是忠志国家如以色列,黎巴嫩,干即将云亲金正男亲俄派Rebanonfosu真主党,黎巴嫩,俄罗斯和中国军队派别工人党伊朗,叙利亚和黎巴嫩共产党 Gradually
It becomes the Lebanese dispute like state,
The Korean = Israel Kanemasa cloud group = [hizubora] Kin Masao = Lebanese fourth
Parent Russian group = Lebanese corps The Chinese = Syria The Russian = Iran
The Korean work party group = Lebanese Japan Communist Party
要知道一个,快速杀灭甚至Reyo北朝鲜韩国,这是韩国人特别是基于能力不仅责怪狗屎周围countries m同一批人,杀不思考,不战争 1 Because it was understood kill quickly Therefore kita Korea and Korea as for origin the same race what Only ri attaching which forms the droppings in peripheral countries with the Korean who does not have talent going to war the murder it should have met it is not
我会为你带来日本很多隐藏的武器,在日本的朝鲜人真的吗?晚上不睡觉都担心 The resident Korean the weapon fully on the Japanese country Hiding ru tsu te is true You cannot sleep either the night in worry
该标准是在返回南到蜜蜂窝,北只能耐心等待辜昭鱼雷战术只老虎的孩子 The north where in the retaliation which on south makes the honeycomb, it waits for the torpedo of the treasure patiently and receives and only strategy it is not possible
该法案修改第9条全国大会从722担心实际上残疾,但担心一个可怕的独裁政权诞生 722
Because you worry with the National Diet method amendment bill it becomes constitution 9 stripe seeding substance invalid, it is birth of fearful dictatorial administration
谁该名男子说,从341 Netouyo是不是不一样的人做所有或w,但我不知道,如果人们把视图标签在狭窄的领域 341 Being called netouyo don t you think as for the ru human all identical people doing ru reason empty w However the ma label it probably is human what whose range of vision is narrow at the point in time when it stretches
这一点,我认为朝鲜是湿的衣服?白痴当他们发动战争,但现在希望以何种援助面额多少我没有失败 This North Korea gets wet and there is no robe something When a lot of anything and directly wanting help with the denomi failure war as for the fool who sets up it is not
如果Louppy,也被绑架,“我是欢迎大家”嗯,我喜欢 If rupi being kidnapped in North Korea “Everyone you welcomed” that you call so the shelf
我发誓,甚至如何取消朝鲜,右手不支付租金 So if it is not North Korea how lends the hand with the kudzu and the chi ya the ro which is useless
接受何种军事打击朝鲜,日本不会干预在所有 Korea in North Korea Some kind of military attack will be received but Japan does not interfere completely
朝鲜谴责非法占领竹岛,并把认识到,只有国家能够获得生存的盟友承认在日本领土和竹岛 If North Korea criticizes Korea which occupies the bamboo island illegally and Japanese territory recognizes the bamboo island in national continuance Have the recognition that you obtain friend
这威胁到了韩国独立或应变的同时也是在日本的安全危机 As for Korea being threatened independence with emergency
Simultaneously it is crisis in regard to security for Japan
长崎县章第6部第16号民主党人桦岛长崎市,长崎县民联盟第15号,第6师,桦岛长崎市 Nagasaki city 樺 island town 6th 15 People leader promontory prefectural headquarters
Nagasaki city 樺 island town 6th 16 The Democratic party Nagasaki prefecture connected headquarters
随着日本很可能是相当复杂的,然后他们谈论美国战争和韩国合有关使用或供应给其他国家的美军基地在日本已经达成了一项协议,不向任何可爱的偶像我们希望你的想法和考虑 As Japan It may become rather complicated thing is but discussing America in regard to the Korean War You think use of the Japanese US military base and replenishment to the foreign country that we want examining also to tie the agreement that it is not done altogether
图片台湾高雄南部(高雄)在城市管理(Tsuoying)线赎回本地区的仪式在海军基地,士兵的武器与导弹装艇(右,采取2010年5月18日) As for the photograph the Taiwan southern Gaoxing Kaohsiung city left barracks Tsuoying in the ceremony which was done at the naval base which is in Ku Operates the weapon which is loaded onto the missile boat the soldier the right 2010 May 18th photographing who
韩国举办此类船只的处置限供所有维修费用 For dealing with the warships where original cost of maintenance is required
There is also a line, original our performing of south Korea
韩国人的嘲笑。溃疡得我,我会后悔的机会说:安被非法占领独岛是遗憾或w The Korean person faked same. Crushing as for not meeting it is regrettable when
The bamboo island it is occupied illegally also next being regrettable, inhaling, say, w
韩国战舰沉没 李总统明天早上“的唯一途径,公共话语中,”出版 05 23 把你的新闻发布会上彰弘 Li president tomorrow morning “for the citizen conversation” announcement 05 23 The akihiro reporter you interview it is the shelf
把韩国军队发射的鱼雷Tteta美国的军事理论,我读博客 The Korean troop has the US military discharged the torpedo you read with theory and burogu
韩国政府Japan 中国岛举行首脑会议在韩国济州在26月底,访问的美国国务卿克林顿验证日本与美国合作 The Korean government in the visiting Korea and end of the month of American Secretary of State Clinton of 26 days is held with the Korean end state island In Japanese Chinese Korea summit meeting cooperation with Japan and US is verified
韩国曾经说我愚蠢的,或者说我接受了你一样仕打将要支持各种经济,财政援助,甚至见过这样一个拥有核武器的保养和韩国军队在北我想继续踢我有它来自日本Dzukanai我已经意识到,经济援助和坏死援助朝鲜饥民以百万计的不应该 Also Korea is foolish Until now various financial assistance were done probably will be to receive such a SI hitting the economized ya tsu te The ma being in such an eye it continues financial assistance it is probably will be In the North Korean troop maintenance and the tsu lever which does nuclear weapon development aid you do not become aware therefore it is our industry complacency shelf That as for Japan the North Korean person will be hungry and probably will die no 1 000 000 person financial assistance
韩国人在肉体到1000海上飞机起火爆炸的集束炸弹平壤无人驾驶 With pilotless bomber 1000 Pyongyang in sea of fire With cluster bomb Korean in body
马克议案,以美国为首的联合国部队驻扎在韩国,但我需要安理会批准的安全 Is stationed in Korea in order to move the U.N. forces of the American main leadership which, approval of the security council
It is necessary what
马塔゙ー战争吗?彼得很快厌倦了听证会阶段荣格的大部分。我不反对歼灭战,并颂 Opening of the hostilities [mata] ゙ -?
The large amount of [chiyon] you hear and grow tired the tar
Quickly phase. Annihilation game do, also [chiyon
鱼类和786杆Taretara“也再次表示ü水域,领空,调用部队有权立即自卫入侵领土。” 786
In addition when the torpedo it is shot
“When the territorial waters and the sovereign airspace which just are said once more, the territory military force is violated, right of self-defense is exercised instantly”
鸠山由纪夫は我手流纳卡你开始对韩国扫雷舰风暴...“殉难(以来的大东亚战争死亡的第一次学习)”我下来到西研究 Study beginning as for Yukio Hatoyama concerning the Korean disturbance don't you think? “death in harness (first death in battle of after the Greater East Asia War)” with the [ru] kana… mine sweeper please learn
鸠山由纪夫的妻子是一个家您实现人生的幸福,如果他的妻子要求Isodine 244 244
Because it is Yukio Hatoyama of the beloved wife house which actualizes the request of the Yukio person of [isojin] life it was
),但士兵和士官峨人员饿了,我将离开这个真正想刚手流难怪我不认为我想掠夺 But noncommissioned officer and the soldiers being serious thinking that it can win the ru it does Rather than being hungry this way thinking that we would like to plunder it is not strange
他们可能会无法启动无战争的可能性已经征集了大约有男子气概的魅力,但与愚蠢不耐烦 Being foolish but quick tempered there being is charisma around the noncommissioned officer which Probably is not the case that it is not the possibility of starting war