“傲慢。色情规管的孩子,”产经新闻祢等法例或规例,甚至不知道该规例的名称 > “漫. Child pornographic regulation” regulations
Such an ordinance [neyo]
As for the product sutra name of ordinance not knowing?
漫画家他们被邀请参加党务委员会 > As for Matsushita Reiko capital discussion of the Democratic party which at the national assembly points out the problematical point of amendment plan from early in the 15th, in press conference
> The cartoonist and others which participates, was caused to the general affairs sectional meeting of the party
24小时免费色情每一天一样。我会向反对派认为规章我们反复多次的电话号码团伙成员 Everyday everyday 24 hour spare time the prostitution wind. Telephone turn mob authorized personnel
Sending repetition repeating regulation dissenting opinion, the [ru] feeling
273滕或煮沸你的头?第一个驼峰是熙研究由法律规定,它不是甚至社会将被出售了,我没那么高Ku re非法的,因为他们是男人你会通过一个法律的地下网络延迟 273 atama it has boiled Being regulated with law most rejoicing passing and or the net of law diving into the underground it is the ru party Therefore illegal very it can sell high it is well Going outside thing study margin of society
554“我不希望看到在所有的原则,青年,之后,这事我,我觉得不舒服,因为这些商品存在的消费 554 gt We would like to show to the young people after all say therefore as for with policy existence of such ones unpleasantness we go out and it is the tsu te feeling
我不希望看到青年原则上结束,但我觉得不舒服,因为我消费的东西存在s After all we would like to show to the young people say therefore as for with policy existence of such ones unpleasantness we go out and it is the tsu te feeling
848 -藤子489 ·巳不二雄,高桥留美子,安达充,椎名隆,隆彰青山,俊介名松江,羽田孜Kenzirou,金小林,托里满公顷,赤松健,久米田康晴,彻藤泽,鸟山明,翔湾真正+冈野去吧,矢吹健太朗(漫画)长谷见沙贵(电影剧本)秋元修,小田英一郎,久保带人,天野明,桂正和,善彰原,手冢治虫,三美的典范,他们倾倒牡蛎,猪排阿基,甜残渣重量填充,Nokami武,永井,瓦特駄目扬东隐藏所有的漫画 848 - 489
Rattan child F Fujio, Rumiko Takahashi, empty [chi] being full, Takashi Shiina, Aoyama hardness crystal, Matsue name 俊, field health Jiro,
Kobayashi exhausting, the [ri] seeing chord, the Akamatsu Ken, Koji Kumeda, Fujisawa it passes surprisedly,
Mt. Toriyama discernment, true warehouse Sho + Okano hardness, the Yabuki Ken it is thick bright (cartoon the) Hasemi sand your (script), Osamu and tail rice field glory Ichiro Akimoto, the Kubo band person, Amano discernment, Masakazu and optical Hara Noboru Katsura,
The Tezuka Osamu insect, the beauty water stooping and scratching [hu] leprosy, the 克 sub- tree, sweetly stuffing stopping thickly, Takeshi Nogami, Nagai it is great With Agatsuma [hi]
Cartoon entirely useless it is w
Affords我会厌恶应变值歇斯底里的母亲,以统计陌生人,我不破坏接触 Damage from others of the red which does not have the contact point statistical how in characteristic detestation hysterical the mother The characteristic sense of value which is warped is given
将所得到的歇斯底里的反感应变值的母亲,我很少 Rarely in characteristic detestation hysterical mother The characteristic sense of value which is warped is given
Comiket 5000万,我看见你站在什么问题鳕鱼约30 000人旅行吗?濒死体验我做了成千上万的人群? Among komike 500 000 about 30 000 person going on a journey the cod Problem apparent the kana which it is possible to do It is with tens of thousands crowds applying it is the ru
Comiket 5000万,我看见你站在什么问题鳕鱼约30 000人旅行吗?阿恩戴怎么办? Among komike 500 000 about 30 000 person going on a journey the cod Problem apparent the kana which it is possible to do It is with tens of thousands crowds applying it is the ru
NULL yaho dictionary ┃ moral panic cultural conduct of a certain kind in many cases it belongs to subculture and the people of a certain kind The ┃ in many cases social it belongs to the race minority vis a vis between generality world “as for them morality and common sense Misunderstanding and the prejudice that it deviates from the ┃ has become threat all of society” in the recognition which is exaggerated spreading the tsu That ┃ te social insecurity will happen “these dangers” will remove culture and the people and probably will protect society and morality the group which occurs With ┃ panic and group conductCertain
一个简单的笔触描绘蛊惑聪明字典Yaho,主画面和夸张幽默和讽刺胡说八道 yaho dictionary 1 The picture which was drawn with the simplicity witty writing style makes humor exaggeration satirical nonsense and the like main
Www sej co jp 服务 copy html劳森TTP的: www lawson co jp 服务 计数器 copy html#TTP的media print Ministop: www ministop co jp 服务 copy fax index html的多个副本,如果您需要将印刷行(没有签名的副本)65480368有效的预订号码是打印5月23日27:59债券在2010年签署11 真实姓名和地址点(国有)亲笔签名的书籍,以古(不是铅笔字处理器)代替,公民不须用钢笔写古行 www sej co jp services copy html Lawson ttp www lawson co jp service counter copy html media print Mini stop ttp www ministop co jp service copy fax index html When plural it is necessary those which are printed as for those which OK sign with the copy copy failure Print reservation number of seven eleven 65480368 Expiration date 2010 05 27 23 59 The case of signature point of caution Autonym and address from the metropolis and districts you write with our writing brush word processor failure It is not the pencil you write with the pen Not to be the citizen of Tokyo the te OK
谁签署了打印机纸张电脑,但他们带来的PDF Ttena 7 11便利店,可以打印一份清单TTP的: www sej co jp 服务 copy html劳森TTP的: www lawson co jp 服务 计数器 copy html#media print Ministop TTP的: www ministop co jp 服务 copy fax index html的如果你需要打印多份拷贝的行(这是没有签署的副本)7 11 2010年到期日期打印的预订号码65480368 05 23 27:思考真实姓名和地址的59个国家从签名()铅笔一古写在手写(不字处理器),而不是,写钢笔公民古没有 Signature paper However there is PC the printer for person who does not have pdf the konbini summary which can be printed Seven eleven ttp www sej co jp services copy html Lawson ttp www lawson co jp service counter copy html media print Mini stop ttp www ministop co jp service copy fax index html When plural it is necessary those which are printed as for those which OK sign with the copy copy failure Print reservation number of seven eleven 65480368 Expiration date 2010 05 27 23 59 The case of signature point of caution With our writing brush you write from autonym and address metropolis and districts word processor failure It is not the pencil you write with the pen Not to be the citizen of Tokyo the te OK
谁签署了打印机纸张电脑,但他们带来的PDF Ttena 7 11便利店,可以打印一份清单TTP的: www sej co jp 服务 copy html劳森TTP的: www lawson co jp 服务 计数器 copy html#media print Ministop TTP的: www ministop co jp 服务 copy fax index html的如果你需要打印多份拷贝的行(这是没有签署的副本)7 11 2010年到期日期打印的预订号码65480368 05 23 27:思考真实姓名和地址的59个国家从签名()铅笔一古写在手写(不字处理器),而不是,写钢笔公民古没有 Signature paper However there is PC the printer for person who does not have pdf the konbini summary which can be printed Seven eleven ttp www sej co jp services copy html Lawson ttp www lawson co jp service counter copy html media print Mini stop ttp www ministop co jp service copy fax index html When plural it is necessary those which are printed as for those which OK sign with the copy copy failure Print reservation number of seven eleven 65480368 Expiration date 2010 05 27 23 59 The case of signature point of caution With our writing brush you write from autonym and address metropolis and districts word processor failure It is not the pencil you write with the pen Not to be the citizen of Tokyo the te OK
谁签署了打印机纸张电脑,但他们带来的PDF Ttena 7 11便利店,可以打印一份清单TTP的: www sej co jp 服务 copy html劳森TTP的: www lawson co jp 服务 计数器 copy html#media print Ministop TTP的: www ministop co jp 服务 copy fax index html的如果你需要打印多份拷贝的行(这是没有签署的副本)7 11 2010年到期日期打印的预订号码65480368 05 23 27:思考真实姓名和地址的59个国家从签名()铅笔一古写在手写(不字处理器),而不是,写钢笔公民古没有 Signature paper However there is PC the printer for person who does not have pdf the konbini summary which can be printed Seven eleven ttp www sej co jp services copy html Lawson ttp www lawson co jp service counter copy html media print Mini stop ttp www ministop co jp service copy fax index html When plural it is necessary those which are printed as for those which OK sign with the copy copy failure Print reservation number of seven eleven 65480368 Expiration date 2010 05 27 23 59 The case of signature point of caution With our writing brush you write from autonym and address metropolis and districts word processor failure It is not the pencil you write with the pen Not to be the citizen of Tokyo the te OK
谁签署了打印机纸张电脑,但他们带来的PDF Ttena 7 11便利店,可以打印一份清单TTP的: www sej co jp 服务 copy html劳森TTP的: www lawson co jp 服务 计数器 copy html#media print Ministop TTP的: www ministop co jp 服务 copy fax index html的如果你需要打印多份拷贝的行(这是没有签署的副本)7 11 2010年到期日期打印的预订号码65480368 05 23 27:思考真实姓名和地址的59个国家从签名()铅笔一古写在手写(不字处理器),而不是,写钢笔公民古没有 Signature paper However there is PC the printer for person who does not have pdf the konbini summary which can be printed Seven eleven ttp www sej co jp services copy html Lawson ttp www lawson co jp service counter copy html media print Mini stop ttp www ministop co jp service copy fax index html When plural it is necessary those which are printed as for those which OK sign with the copy copy failure Print reservation number of seven eleven 65480368 Expiration date 2010 05 27 23 59 The case of signature point of caution With our writing brush you write from autonym and address metropolis and districts word processor failure It is not the pencil you write with the pen Not to be the citizen of Tokyo the te OK
|或另外,雄一海渡配偶成为长官在四月...福岛瑞穗和日本律师协会联合会| Rubeki可以发表评论 | Or, in the spouse… Fukushima Mizuho of sea crossing over Yuichi's who from April becomes staff of day valve ream
| Perhaps it should send opinion,
•不要跳过它的成员相同的地址(如家庭),复印纸,传真粉碎签署表格可马祖地不坏了5人被埋 Address being the same it does not abbreviate the family and the like Copy FAX doing the paper where signature is written it is useless 5 the people it has not been buried and also the te is good
•不要跳过它的成员相同的地址(如家庭),复印纸,传真粉碎签署表格可马祖地不坏了5人被埋 Address being the same it does not abbreviate the family and the like Copy FAX doing the paper where signature is written it is useless 5 the people it has not been buried and also the te is good
•不要跳过它的成员相同的地址(如家庭),复印纸,传真粉碎签署表格可马祖地不坏了5人被埋 Address being the same it does not abbreviate the family and the like Copy FAX doing the paper where signature is written it is useless 5 the people it has not been buried and also the te is good
•不要跳过它的成员相同的地址(如家庭),复印纸,传真粉碎签署表格可马祖地不坏了5人被埋 Address being the same it does not abbreviate the family and the like Copy FAX doing the paper where signature is written it is useless 5 the people it has not been buried and also the te is good
•不要跳过它的成员相同的地址(如家庭),复印纸,传真粉碎签署表格可马祖地不坏了5人被埋 Address being the same it does not abbreviate the family and the like Copy FAX doing the paper where signature is written it is useless 5 the people it has not been buried and also the te is good
││(Keremasu和接收各种税收优惠授权宗教法人)◆││都议会是确定警察的预算 │
│ When (it is approved in religion corporate body, it receives various favorable treatments with such as tax and the [re] increases) │
The │ * the Metropolitan Assembly has decided the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department budget
┃┃如果修正案正在制定一项青年正面描述性的,应不存在 ┃
┃ amendment plan does not have to draw the characteristic description of the non existence young people affirmatively, we assume that,
ー,三,什么担保的实际情况对日本社会和绝对认为这不是根本,“我杀人在这儿残酷增加的道德损失儒家,”大谎言,“我增加衰落”的劫匪在道德甚至骗子,“我在后间增加了洪水的内容是挑衅,”谎言一大“我堕胎增加了一所倒塌的道德性,”我觉得我尝试直接坦然地看看即将向公众说谎吗?我习惯的思维比过低,影响社会的焦虑我煽 You think that the circumstance tsu te of the Japanese social public order to tell the truth at all there is no problem but it is As for “brutal homicide increasing with loss of Confucianism ethics the ru ” large lie “The burglar increasing with moral decrease the ru ” large lie “The go can increasing with inundation of the sensational contents the ru ” large lie “Interruption increasing with collapse of characteristic morality the ru ” large lie Gradually to be possible to try taking a second look the world calmly it is the combining which is not Fanning social insecurity thinking that it will use influence the ru refuse is too multi
243约会年轻或援助,(我往往会成为如此),流产,性病或年轻患者(我会说很好的产科医生和妇科医生。) 243 Low becoming age conversion of help association to be good incident the ru it does Interruption and low age conversion of the venereal disease patient the doctor of product gynecology saying well the ru it does
一个或ー,马苏八重白痴不想浪费一绝育从小因为更美好的世界,即使他们的孩子死Nanakere(被杀害)或大部分DQN哦,这样也增加了我不是拯救的证明 orz披露 As for the fool the person who castrates is because of world If increasing and the tsu te that child does not die wastefully at young age you are not killed and DQN conversion The a like this doing to increase too much preventing ru or…… orz It is not rescued
一个或ー,马苏八重白痴不想浪费一绝育从小因为更美好的世界,即使他们的孩子死Nanakere(被杀害)或大部分DQN哦,这样也增加了我不是拯救的证明 orz披露 As for the fool the person who castrates is because of world If increasing and the tsu te that child does not die wastefully at young age you are not killed and DQN conversion The a like this doing to increase too much preventing ru or…… orz It is not rescued
不追求商业利润的标准前要区分商业利润的追求是后者? Former has not pursued commercial profit, as for standard of the distinction which we assume that latter is pursuit of commercial profit?
但是,条例不规管其他漫画如果我134 AV或忽视?我没有做什么?如果你想有一个合理的解释,它有利于工会条例 134 If cartoon it regulates unless you must regulate either other although It is AV neglecting don t you think You do not do with something don t you think it is probably will be We want explaining that to union of regulation group rationally
当消费者134影音日本马赛克,这将是没有演员我就可以更小的女演员,古肮脏? 134 When the mosaic you turn off with Japanese AV being dirty being small it comes out and re ru actress and the actor stop being don t you think it is
你要去哪里拉电线本身禁止或代表瓦特吃一根香蕉? w是毫无疑问Ginanoha超过顺利,moetry in motion我是一个很大的问题对我来说什么划清界线如何最近所说,如果我治疗业务方案我的意思是,它改变了一些瓦特投诉美德是在这附近也,“自我规管”,因此 The drawing is done somewhere it is w Is the description itself which eats the banana prohibited w Well as for being going too far you are not wrong but how doing that it does drawing applying is large problem what So OP whether well the a recently it is pre cure of with complaint became part modification it is tsu ke or w which is It is and the tsu solves but therefore that side “self restriction”
有点像一个自我规管,有关的销售和规章的孩子就是我的事,做了一些零售商对于便利店,我不能帮助它使 Self restriction rather than retail is somehow in regard to the sale regulation to gaki with konbini something the side which in leaving state is made how like this is possible it is it is not
例如712因为,没有犯罪,即使没有色情性损害真正代表性的漫画(漫画看)我奇,发生 712 There is no proverb and expression of cartoon and the te actual damage when you look at ero cartoon characteristic crime happens don t you think
例如712因为,没有犯罪,即使没有损害漫画(一个真正的代表权),发生我奇 712 There is no proverb and expression of cartoon and the te actual damage when you look at ero cartoon characteristic crime happens don t you think
信息保留2││││,而是由内容,国家││││3是非法的,说:“不好”“不坏心”或另外,他说,“非法的”──└│界定┘───────────────────────────|办公室可能会成为一种线索的二维 │
│ │
│ 2 Retention of information is converted, but with contents, illegal │
│ │
│ 3 Nation the “good incenter” stipulates “the “bad incenter” or illegal incenter” │
└ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘
| The place where it can become beginning to two dimensions don't you think?
合法性原则-这一原则的破坏国家的财产权利的侵犯自由表达的宪法(1→剥夺人类的智慧),隐私侵犯自由的侵犯结论内(这是日本的宪法保障国家的义务)法案,忽略了该条例的完整性 The infringement of freedom of expression
Property infringement of right
Crime criminal law fixed destruction (denial of constitutional government nation -> human intelligence principle) of principle
Privacy infringement of right
The infringement of freedom of incenter
The regulations amendment plan which ignored the consistency of law (obligation of nation which is guaranteed with the Japan constitution)
后来,希腊和埃及神话中创世神话,色情交涉即使日本人创造的神话了,不应该控制他们,我觉得 After, even in the Greek myth and the Egypt creation world myth and the Japanese creation world myth
Pornographic check expression however it comes out, should regulate those, with
You do not think
嘿 但是528是书店采取了类似的情况也端午Merobu Andaro便利店,在这种情况下,安置在同一层楼,但至少有区别,甚至色情的内容也采取Merobu未漂白不是唯一通道方式彻日亚 528 With and others the ro where also circumstances of… stores are the bean jam But merobu is the kind of circumstance where also the general book store is similar in that case the arrangement place is distinguished inside the identical floor But at least with and others also merobu eroero directing contents to the passing and the passage it does not expose
嘿 但是528是书店采取了类似的情况也端午Merobu Andaro便利店,在这种情况下,安置在同一层楼,但至少有区别,甚至色情的内容也采取Merobu未漂白不是唯一通道方式彻日亚 528 With and others the ro where also circumstances of… stores are the bean jam But merobu is the kind of circumstance where also the general book store is similar in that case the arrangement place is distinguished inside the identical floor But at least with and others also merobu eroero directing contents to the passing and the passage it does not expose
在我们说什么上帝的好处,“审查”,是不是出了狗屎Hiri样的?毕竟,如果同性恋牧羊人的辉煌! So, being said by some God, the reason which “the expression regulation” like droppings the [hi] [ri] is put out?
After all, brain of the shepherd clarity gay?
太多的父母放弃责任的发展比较健康的年轻人,“瓦特Warota茂木其他较正确的性教育,敲我的唯一我已包括道德妥善孩子和家长 The young people abandoning the obligation of the parent who would like to rear healthily too comparatively, it is”
Sound argument passing [warota] w
Sex education other things, the parent should have hammered ethical view to the child securely sufficient story
奥纳尼两维-阻吓作用不会是我们不希望优秀强奸后三维 [onani] - after doing, there is no reason which stops wanting to rape three dimensions at two dimensions
The control effective preeminence it is not
如果13年后,非礼他人(性接触)想要的,除非你,也让场面看起来有点性河内在Yoshi认为 If it is after 13 years old, the forced [wa] by the other person it is, if the [se] (sexual contact) other than object,
A little looking at the sexual scene, permitting, it is good because with, you think
如果你不说话,通常沿肌肉通过23个问题做出适当的规定,以遵守为你这样做,通过关心 23 Whether or not normal how it is good but Around there side it can pass through muscle securely if you follow regulation It cannot pass if in story viewing
你只希望警方特别,因为它是容易的方式使你在最舒适的我控制 Regulation how being easiest therefore inexpensive method The top is pleasant is the ro which is harboring Especially police
如果你把学校教育问题的规定嘿想问题上对旧性教育有关的所有问题,直到18岁的不碰 If regulation group takes problem in regard to education concerning altogether not touching ero to 18 years old We would like to question the problem in regard to education
我认为,普通Tteta相反,有时我觉得需要相当的性别震惊的蛋糕是知识的来源 Although you think that they are normal contents conversely that the origin was ero when you know when the shock is received to that appearance you think that it is
妄想,一个成年礼在这里和那里当时峨还认为,我们需要一种方式 In that time that this and you can think that delusion it does even in a certain semantic necessary thing as a rite of passage
它的生殖实际上使一个昔日的生活,如果你问我把房子光世羽田孜也最大年龄 Actually if reproduction possibility it puts out and only the field it can plow former times with age of the rank with household
It could live
它被漆成黑色触摸384行Stadthalle的图形小说,但如果我要说,如果我能18 色情 384 Because it was black coating and story comic touch if the OK tsu te you say but spring also the picture may to stop becoming 18 prohibition
该裸体的孩子,因为这是一门艺术不同意460行 460 Therefore art the nude of the child cannot approve OK
实际真正的儿童(女童)性虐待的受害者,性虐待从她的叔叔和姐姐哥哥弟弟拉皮条的实际和父亲对她性虐待的真正诞生的母亲从父亲他们是占大多数的亲属等的损害,这四个模式的家庭性虐待的一个,其中包括由极少数人破坏 Actually child of real (girl) to as for damage of sexual abuse,
From � actual father and father-in-law sexual abuse to actual daughter
From � actual mother prostitution services to actual daughter
From � older brother and brother-in-law sexual abuse to younger sister
Sexual abuse from relative such as � uncle
Damage from the blood relative who is these four patterns having occupied the majority,
As for damage from others extremely small amount
家教老师的事与Yoroshikunai温床教育不是更好首先处理 It is to call there is no method which deals with PTA of the hotbed of the immorality of the teacher first
In regard to education it may not and
尝试之前,你已经在这里为100瓦回読恩戴我说什么他们是不会造成不良影响的壹岐在所有的运动,即使在W You 100 times try reading here w Whether being able to declare that completely there is no adverse effect in even sport w
尝试之前,你已经在这里为100瓦回読恩戴我说什么他们是不会造成不良影响的壹岐在所有的运动,即使在W You 100 times try reading here w Whether being able to declare that completely there is no adverse effect in even sport w
峨峨反对者,疯狂之后,由于增加了子控件亲-恋童癖瓦特举行宝老,但我可以掀起了匠中心的官员说坏警察排除法律的东西早古厚治安国王和警察救儿童的对照组,抑制查看详细资料,我们需要消除儿童指导中心宝提高儿童转移到什么部四郎! ! W where group of objectors increases with favor of [kichigai] of regulation group and increases
Although intrigue of the police bureaucracy is the center of topic, also the [rorikon] [tsu] [te] fanning is old,
Rear child [po] method excludes and the maintenance of public order legal element is quick in the thick labor ministry transferring margin
Very strengthening the child advisory board it is necessary for child [po] eradication
The child probably will be rescued from regulation group and the police who obstruct that! !
平安时代,一个明确的分类和罗马艺术和色情,我没有看到它,日活罗马色情“色情”是公认的一种艺术或更高 As for ancient Rome and peaceful age as for art and pornographic how clear classification it is not done and When spring the picture and the Nikkatsu romance “pornography” are appraised afterwards as art kana
并赋予一个统一的年龄18岁,法规对行政相对方检查决定 Age appointment of 18 year old evenness and, opposite to the expression regulation regulations which is balance on administrative side
很可能藏有违禁简单出来它拥有色情图像间谍软件或病毒,但他们不打算这样做垫net m绝对不可能朱达罗 As for simple possession prohibition the ro which without fail is unreasonable The net the party no za which is done you do not intend and the possibility of becoming to possess the pornographic picture the te with the spy wear and the virus comes out
逮捕嫌犯,5月20日,他们用来分享,为发布淫亵的照片,一个女孩,而不是仅仅在外部计算机硬盘驱动器占有的目的,无疑 With the purpose where arrest suspicion May 20th uses share the wa of the girl is and releases the se cord picture the doubt which possesses inside the external hard disk of the personal computer
德岛岁公司职员(40)“在当地的古程序,并听取了青年时代的青年知道 gt The Tokushima man office worker 40 you hear “even in the district that young conversion of the age which is conscious of the characteristic of the young people is advanced
即使是当地的古程序是听取并成为时代的青少年知道的 You hear even in the district that young conversion of the age which is conscious of the characteristic of the young people is advanced
德岛岁公司职员(40)“在当地的古程序,并听取了青年时代的青年知道 gt The Tokushima man office worker 40 you hear “even in the district that young conversion of the age which is conscious of the characteristic of the young people is advanced
德的实际人数和死亡儿童的父母之一,它的年更比几百 和愚蠢的老虎机。神奇的是帮助儿童的生命,如果有足够的管制 The number of parents and the young child who kills in the certain person of the inside edge they are year no ten people or more …… Pachinko and fool If it regulates life of the suitable child is saved although
德的实际人数和死亡儿童的父母之一,它的年更比几百 和愚蠢的老虎机。神奇的是帮助儿童的生命,如果有足够的管制 The number of parents and the young child who kills in the certain person of the inside edge they are year no ten people or more …… Pachinko and fool If it regulates life of the suitable child is saved although
成人动画漫画和453,卡通一些变态的情况下,整个游戏需要每月 453 In year in the pervert incident of several people lawful age comic and managing animation cartoon and the game
成人动画漫画和453,卡通一些变态的情况下,整个游戏需要每月 453 In year in the pervert incident of several people lawful age comic and managing animation cartoon and the game
成年人将有问题的驱动tTA购买,不销售管理第一 There probably is also a problem of the adult the side which you buy but first unless somehow the side which sells
我从6月1日开始,6月4日(星期五)大都会马苏马里,截止日期是第一个,送我下世越来越多 Because the Metropolitan Assembly starts from June 1st June 4th Friday first SIME is done ardently but please send steadily
我从6月1日开始,6月4日(星期五)大都会马苏马里,截止日期是第一个,送我下世越来越多 Because the Metropolitan Assembly starts from June 1st June 4th Friday first SIME is done ardently but please send steadily
我从6月1日开始,6月4日(星期五)大都会马苏马里,截止日期是第一个,送我下世越来越多 Because the Metropolitan Assembly starts from June 1st June 4th Friday first SIME is done ardently but please send steadily
我从6月1日开始,6月4日(星期五)大都会马苏马里,截止日期是第一个,送我下世越来越多 Because the Metropolitan Assembly starts from June 1st June 4th Friday first SIME is done ardently but please send steadily
我从6月1日开始,6月4日(星期五)大都会马苏马里,截止日期是第一个,送我下世越来越多 Because the Metropolitan Assembly starts from June 1st June 4th Friday first SIME is done ardently but please send steadily
我们的基督教狂热分子和牧师,牧师是许多孩子爱好者,已经并继续对信仰的名义犯罪的历史根据男孩女孩 This Christ fanatic and the priest and the pastor the young child love house to be many, the boy girl
There are the details which are continued to commit under name of belief
我可以做任何他们想从一个苦准备应付埃勒盖低于月租费 Cheap than eroge generation of no se every month We would like to do at will it is possible therefore it is
我可以做任何他们想从一个苦准备应付埃勒盖低于月租费 Cheap than eroge generation of no se every month We would like to do at will it is possible therefore it is
我可以做任何他们想从一个苦准备应付埃勒盖低于月租费 Cheap than eroge generation of no se every month We would like to do at will it is possible therefore it is
我可以做任何他们想从一个苦准备应付埃勒盖低于月租费 Cheap than eroge generation of no se every month We would like to do at will it is possible therefore it is
我可以做任何他们想从一个苦准备应付埃勒盖低于月租费 Cheap than eroge generation of no se every month We would like to do at will it is possible therefore it is
我应填写洛里,如果它在Kimoota诱导漫画Rorireipu If rori cartoon induces rorireipu Becoming all the way with kimoota it is ru expectation
我应填写洛里,如果它在Kimoota诱导漫画Rorireipu If rori cartoon induces rorireipu Becoming all the way with kimoota it is ru expectation
我应填写洛里,如果它在Kimoota诱导漫画Rorireipu If rori cartoon induces rorireipu Becoming all the way with kimoota it is ru expectation
我应填写洛里,如果它在Kimoota诱导漫画Rorireipu If rori cartoon induces rorireipu Becoming all the way with kimoota it is ru expectation
我应填写洛里,如果它在Kimoota诱导漫画Rorireipu If rori cartoon induces rorireipu Becoming all the way with kimoota it is ru expectation
我想我会带来可怕的危险意识更为我什至90%的儿童色情产经新闻主张 9 dividing with even the product sutra of child pornographic propulsion group, the enormous [wa]
Considerably the crisis atmosphere having, the [ru] it is probably will be
我肛交传播艾滋病的发言影音妓院官方店拍摄的毒品巡绝缘子,绝缘妓院很多人都会让他们失望更绝缘体 Although the AIDS is spread
Anal sex AV is many and
The prostitution manners store it is many and
The stimulant 廻 it does and as for the prostitution manners authorized personnel who is struck it is many and
我认为任何人的愿望是看到有这样的例子,有权数学卡诺脱气对于马苏目前的趋势意味着在减少犯罪被剥夺 As for desire although the massive rock way it exists If expedient of breathing is taken crime decreasing increasing You think that it is the arithmetic where anyone is recognized but
所谓┃┃“不健康”一书的指定制度应在现行法规工作 ┃
The ┃ generally known “unsound books” designated system is the expectation which functioning has been done even with present regulations
执政时658萘乙酸这不只是一个规范暴力游戏屏障进入西部的... 658
As for the violence regulation of CERO it becomes the ocean Gaea barriers to entry,…
是什么要求较低的罪案率和犯罪率是释放埃勒盖因此,当事件涉及的监管洛里在日本宫崎,否则我将确保没有任何理由为什么一个酒吧和夜总会的国家,对人类七二九瓦特我很友好和w 729 Because the reason where the country cannot lose the manners store is there don t you think When even in Japan something being regulated related to rori in the certain Miyazaki incident crime ratio rising With eroge sale crime ratio went down it is the tsu ke w which is The man tsu te it is easy to know w
我做点海关信息中心城市的过程中,许多问题影音店甚至不认为有 The manners information office the AV shop which of course have scattered to the urban district variously as for problem you think that it is
有一次,我来驱动tTA正常行走[除非另有未满18]我觉得没有这样的善意凯塔 However you walked suitably and turned [goodwill of notice under 18 years old] you did not see
松井武田中(自民党)老将径直对另一段恋情,尽快Uguisu当选众议员→ Tanaka greatly capital discussion (our people) -> after the capital discussion being elected directly the [uguisu] girl of the immoral partner and the super person who goes straight to the love hotel
梁因为这个傻瓜,好像他们正在处理的一重罪免费色情逮。我必须让实际的真实姓名公布?事实上,和许多人等着捕捉儿童色情的法律,以防止索纳分配这些人头脑中只有与恐惧种植的潜力也得到他们的墨水祢一项议案, To handle as though such in the reason which is foolish the free pornography heavily it is crime or is 逮 Actual name publication It is possible to leaving the actual condition which it has done Actually many people have been caught with child pornographic method the so Latent fear is planted in consciousness of the man with the fact that the re and others is reported extensively that There is the movement which and others it tries to obstruct circulation
梁因为这个傻瓜,好像他们正在处理的一重罪免费色情逮。我必须让实际的真实姓名公布?事实上,和许多人等着捕捉儿童色情的法律,以防止索纳分配这些人头脑中只有与恐惧种植的潜力也得到他们的墨水祢一项议案, To handle as though such in the reason which is foolish the free pornography heavily it is crime or is 逮 Actual name publication It is possible to leaving the actual condition which it has done Actually many people have been caught with child pornographic method the so Latent fear is planted in consciousness of the man with the fact that the re and others is reported extensively that There is the movement which and others it tries to obstruct circulation
水厂销售Hettara例如,或堆栈Vorubikku布莱恩w和规章 For example the [tsu] cod, [vuorubitsuku] the [ri] [ya] calling which is regulated it is to sale of aqueduct bureau w
漫画谁没有一个良好的年龄从毕业,我不能说没有说服力的家伙,我想我什么我看漫画老鹰如果它也 The good year doing the person who cannot graduate cartoon is and that how me cartoon reading and the ru 輩 saying so thing greatly there is no persuasive power
然而681“法乎恩戴读业余却没有了!”邪恶的伊予会说我道歉面临严重的大学教授或w,这意味着该人的解释,即以鳃改变任何金额它是什么,什么你瓦特Tsuka,真正保障青年!到目前为止,如果批评你觉得这个人做相反做到这一点,与此相关的权利会发现,但我一定要确保儿童的问题甚至相当严重的性学校,那就会出现漫画是因为它只是扎西水果什么?漫画 681 That being “ law does not do the amateur reading as understood ” University professor doing maji the face saying from the ru it is bad to fact of the matter w In other words as for that depending upon taking as in interpretation ro and w which are the tsu te thing which is changed with a lot of The handle being serious we would like to protect the young people With thinking if the ru probably is not criticism to here As for the person who the chi ya is opposite it will not be in regard to that and Sex problem of the elementary and junior high school students and considerably being serious are certain But as for that as expected being consequence just of cartoon If cartoon is regulated being able to protect Even that not examining being implemented suddenly don t you think
爱知岁公司职员(49)“,不仅可以判断,如果自我调节 gt The Aichi man office worker 49 “either independent judgment is not possible if is there is no other choice but to regulate
爱知岁公司职员(49)“,不仅可以判断,如果自我调节 gt The Aichi man office worker 49 “either independent judgment is not possible if is there is no other choice but to regulate
犯罪比小学。和失踪儿童,诱导目的。我认为强奸归咎于日本,小及 The elementary school student who is the absolute weak from here. Whereabouts obscurity and characteristic intended inviting of child. And rape it is little
You think that it is the responsible shift to Japan,
现在,杂志632男孩,青年杂志,成人杂志分裂和混乱的概念是你说了在长草 632
The conceptual division, current boy magazine, the youth magazine and the lawful age magazine is difficult to understand being rough,
真正犯罪的拉,但是,高中和大学橄榄球俱乐部的成员,团队成员,教练和球员和足球这项运动的学生,运动员的惯常做法是不是疯了的人比较 But as for doing characteristic crime really and accomplishing such as the Rugby staff the baseball staff and the soccer staff of high school and the university the student of the sport section and the man of physical education meeting affiliation of the coach and party deviation the normalcy 套
真正犯罪的拉,但是,高中和大学橄榄球俱乐部的成员,团队成员,教练和球员和足球这项运动的学生,运动员的惯常做法是不是疯了的人比较 But as for doing characteristic crime really and accomplishing such as the Rugby staff the baseball staff and the soccer staff of high school and the university the student of the sport section and the man of physical education meeting affiliation of the coach and party deviation the normalcy 套
确定的色情漫画的影响是短视的,都感受到了恐惧或愚蠢的法案那些谁是不成熟的,然后估计显示驱动tTA部分修订细节进展 Judgment that influence of [ero] cartoon is shortsighted, the deterioration plan which is inclined
Foolishness immature of the people whom it implements with fearfulness is felt
结帐482线古子我可能甚至不看店员盯着孩子不在乎包 482 There are no times when the child goes to the register however it is probably will be the child the ji looking at the package as the tsu the te the salesman did not note
时间:2008 06 23不管你有购买的一般工作与482平行 482 If the general work and it is arranged together not be able to buy the te problem
自民党和公明党是赞成这项法案显示的ING,求早日通过 Our people and fair both parties showed the standpoint of approval in amendment plan, early requested formation
藤子142 121 °巳不二雄,高桥留美子,安达充,椎名隆,隆彰青山,俊介名松江,羽田孜Kenzirou,金小林,托里满公顷,赤松健,久米田康晴,彻藤泽,鸟山明,翔湾真正+冈野武,矢吹健太朗(漫画)长谷见沙贵(电影剧本)秋元修,小田英一郎,久保带人,天野明,桂正和,善彰原,手冢治虫,三美的典范,他们倾倒牡蛎,猪排阿基,甜油残留量,Nokami武,永井,瓦特駄目扬东隐藏所有的漫画 121
Rattan child F Fujio, Rumiko Takahashi, empty [chi] being full, Takashi Shiina, Aoyama hardness crystal, Matsue name 俊, field health Jiro,
Kobayashi exhausting, the [ri] seeing chord, the Akamatsu Ken, Koji Kumeda, Fujisawa it passes surprisedly,
Mt. Toriyama discernment, true warehouse Sho + Okano hardness, the Yabuki Ken it is thick bright (cartoon the) Hasemi sand your (script), Osamu and tail rice field glory Ichiro Akimoto, the Kubo band person, Amano discernment, Masakazu and optical Hara Noboru Katsura,
The Tezuka Osamu insect, the beauty water stooping and scratching [hu] leprosy, the 克 sub- tree, sweetly stuffing stopping thickly, Takeshi Nogami, Nagai it is great With Agatsuma [hi]
Cartoon entirely useless it is w
要做到这一点,消费者游戏市场的自我调节(执政时)一样,爱的元素终于禁止直接描写吴第15行,但不喜欢内衣,内裤几乎没有18岁以上的性活动有直接描写的是美好,但该议员,光,紧缩等。我认为,媒体也不会允许它只能 When you do that, self-restriction of the consumer game machine market (CERO) likely,
But at last with 15 prohibition the romantic love element OK, as for like direct description NG,
But at last with 18 prohibition [panchira] OK, as for direct description NG,
Like narrow Kiyoshi. You think that only the work it becomes the medium which is not permitted,
该动画也感觉不敢电梯一个具体的例子,去磨磨32埃勒盖业非法下载,但我不远处的场释放 32 Try increasing concrete example Animation and self control feeling it puts out eroge industry the hi is with illegality download and the hi is saying the te Runaway it is not but it is
不知道我需要更多的我只是做瓦特教你不知道的话找到485,而从具体的例子 W which does not know completely whether something is necessary above that 485 Because you say that concrete example is not recognized just teaching the word which can be searched
该条例规定已在此,人们什么措施年轻人看见Gitamononitsuite详述,如在被遗弃的漫画world不是,说:“所有,”Be as possible早应该投票,“说 It is regulated even with the latest regulations with the contents which take the kind of measure where the young people cannot see and concerning those which go too far kind of those where the cartoon boundary goes out of use So it is not” also you express “should resolve also moment quickly” that you insisted
暴力性的表达,是条例规定在目前的修订之前,这些书已出版的图书销售,限制有害的资本 NULL
这些人的愿望和对妇女的性对象,因为他们拥抱妄想滑稽妇女不要这么年轻的瓦特 和Ro怕我Kimoi竞技寻找自己的女儿认真! 米的运动员是由一名妇女袭击生病或不想要打开之前犯罪不仅在年轻妇女感兴趣的阉割?日本和受害人不规范运动早期古刚刚增加峨! Kind of w which holds strange delusion in the woman where and others it is dense designates the woman as the object of sexual desire is young How the fearful wa where with maji kimoi physical education meeting affiliation looks at his own daughter in the characteristic object Physical education meeting affiliation is sickness what which wishes to attack the woman if there is an interest in only the young woman before running to crime emasculated margin As for Japan unless sport is regulated quickly the damage woman it keeps increasing
雅我会在中间层的学校特别关于它的漫画或熄灭是非常特别,我不知道有多少影响力漫画 With about especially junior high school student in ya tsu te ru layer Now the especially cartoon leaving saying although the ru there is how much influence in cartoon don t you think it is probably will be …
达罗前他们会说你这样做瓦特Tsuka纲要调查问:你的回答看到正是层 The ro w which is this you of the handle If the investigation summary book it is not some layer has replied the ro which you saw and smiled
(因为心灵的自由,罚则无石』政策或抗议|他们可能没有任何意义,如果你不...)| |鄂如考虑到危险的逻辑,我在对照组中传递给未来|难以置信意见〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜──────────────────────┌保护儿童受害者从风1│┐───────社区。有趣的交流 Because (the penal regulations it is not it is policy, 'freedom of the incenter' protest
| Unless it is, perhaps, there is no meaning but…)
| In the point that it gives logic to regulation group, over future
| It is absurd the dangerous opinion book
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐
│ 1 From protective method of victim child, social wind. It changes to law
::我 :。 女我分别升, ¯ヽ 巳( :: ) : V j)条 i i ll he l │ ku hi lll DREPT N hi lll ri DREPT 92 92 92 It is dense the Soviet Union 92 It is dense the Soviet Union 92 92 and 彡 ─ ゙ DREPT gt REPT a ¯ REPT he ¯ 92 V j
表达自由和责任│││││┐─────────────────────────────────────┌45自由是一项基本人权,报纸将有充分的自由的新闻评论 45 ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ freedom and responsibility │ │ │ │ Freedom of expression is basic right of the human the newspaper has the complete freedom of reporting criticism