Defeat with House of Councillors selection of the Democratic party and the summer already “acquisition parliamentary seat of supposition the Democratic party 30 parliamentary seat first half” (ordinary Assemblyman)
143谁的孩子,现在我几乎是连200和小泽派秘书长是Mienaku総籍的权力结构,而现在我会去讲话中对我一个人,甚至寿美堺 The chill drain is 143 generally Ozawa group even even nearly 200 it is Now as for the Secretary General stopping Kakuei gray eminence it becomes standpoint don t you think probably will be Power structure becomes unable to be visible more from now
1人在日本的期望。鸠山内阁辞职2。腐败辞职(1)小泽一郎(2),鸠山由纪夫(3)石川哲浩(4)小林Tiyomi☆←辞职的决定(5)儿童3小泽。赤松辞职孝弘(赤松辞职手足口病)4。日本国会众议院选举同时解散→ Expectation of the Japanese citizen
1. Hatoyama Cabinet general resignation
2. The resignation of bribery Assemblyman
(1) Ichiro Ozawa
(2) Yukio Hatoyama
(3) Intellectual Yutaka Ishikawa
(4) Kobayashi Chishiro beauty <- * Resignation decision
(5) Ozawa chill drain
3. Hirotaka's Akamatsu Assemblyman resignation (taking responsibility resignation of Akamatsu foot and mouth disease)
4. The House of Representatives dispersion -> Group of people going/participating simultaneous election
315名:Shisan名无@ 10周年之际发布[]:2010 / 05 / 23(星期日)23:49:29编号:u4nWVi8A0东京武藏村山市长选举投票选举中胜出,赢得12011藤野今天最后63 33.46没有新(重)66号新规划署署长和财政6030清泽Youko保守的前议会议员选出市(经常),春日井,爱知县投票选举共产28.81为市长公民未果市长在1998年,2006年市政府秘书长和建议,前市议会议长保守54795.142公开确认推荐第二届济明,目前没有新的60 12770.857 64伊藤Hutoshi伊藤忠浩(再次)。 2006年落选市长主持春日井(点以上 315 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/23 (Sunday) 23: 49: 29 ID: u4nWVi8A0
Election result of this day
The Tokyo Musashi Murayama mayor election Poll ratio 33.46 Decision
Election 12011 Fujino victory 63 Nothing new (re-) First election Conservative system Front city discussion Former city plan public finance department manager
6030 Youko Kiyosawa 66 Nothing new (re-々) Also it nominates Original communist city discussion Citizen group executive office leader 1998 2006 mayor selection defeat
Aichi prefecture Kasugai mayor election Poll ratio 28.81 Decision
Election 54795.142 Itoh it is thick 60 Non reality 2nd period People our public nomination Conservative system Former city assembly chairman
12770.857 Itoh Yutaka correcting/rule 64 Also new (re-) . Kasugai city chairman 2006 mayor selection defeat
(Below decimal point plan. Vote Because of the same surname)
Ishikawa prefecture 珠 state mayor election Poll ratio 79.73 Decision
Election 9481 Spring valley full. Yutaka 45 Non reality 2nd period Conservative system Our support Harmony candy confectionery selling business Former Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. employee
2504 Ochiai 誓 child 63 Nothing new Front democracy city discussion Front democracy city branch length Former Matsushita employee 珠 state nuclear planned opposite citizen group staff
The Osaka prefecture Osaka city assembly Assemblyman Fukushima Ku by-election (vacancy 1, communist city discussion for House of Councillors selection candidacy resignation) Poll ratio 40.42 Decision
Election 8491 Kazumi Hirota 46 New Meeting official recognition of the Osaka restoration Railroad track construction company official
4871 Yamada seeing paste 33 Also new Party Ku life advisory board length
4296 Ota crystal 也 38 Our new Special school lecturer With our people prefecture connected Secretary General Ota victory justice Osaka city discussion son private secretary
3325 Main Masao 33 of country People new (re-々) Party Ku branch length Former member of the house of representatives private secretary
154 On. Siyunzi 53 New “庶. Meeting” representation of magistrate Writer Detective industry
Shimane prefecture Gotsu mayor election
Non poll election The Tanaka increase next 65 Non reality 4th period Our people system Our public nomination Motooka Yamagata Shimane prefecture staff
69个专业的业余爱好者总理大臣,议会民主的小路不连贯一致意见,无视政府的官僚制度,议会会,迟早你是毫无疑问的崩溃 69
Amateur prime minister and the amateur Cabinet minister ignoring the advice of the specialist and the bureaucracy
Doing inconsistent national government if democracy, the House Cabinet system,
Don't you think? as for failing sooner or later you are not wrong
720 苏代理商等负面报道和民主党人伪造的三宅我死善于 720
> Miyake it detrudes when The fabrication Democratic party operative may die
815戏剧性的结果,就像是众议院议员选举,因为在众议院的议席选区和比例代表选区不好 815
Therefore as for House of Councillors middle constituency and proportion representation it is difficult to become the Lower House election like dramatic result of small constituency
Horiemon资金来源是匿名的资助,券商李曼兄弟(洗涤)的 Money source of [horiemon] with anonymity, the Riemann brothers mediation (washing) did fund
NULL Forming of Hatoyama administration half year Summary of achievement 1st rank in GDP rate of decrease……………… successive prime minister The number of suicide people … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in unemployment rate increase……………… successive prime minister Bankruptcy number of cases … ……………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in self bankrupt several……………… successive prime ministers 1st rank in welfare applicant several………… successive prime ministers Tax revenue decrease … ………………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in deficit financing bond increasing rate…………… successive prime minister Government bond downgrade … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister Inferior claim increase … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in national property loss……………… successive prime minister Price of land rate of decrease … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister Stock price rate of decrease … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in medical expense individual payment ratio………… successive prime minister 1st rank in annuity presentation lowering ratio…………… successive prime minister 1st rank in insurance against annuity charge default amount………… successive prime minister Annuity residential gold 1st rank in quiescent amount…… successive prime minister Crime increasing rate … ……………… 1st rank in successive prime minister Private average allowance … ………… 7 year continual down
NULL Forming of Hatoyama administration half year Summary of achievement 1st rank in GDP rate of decrease……………… successive prime minister The number of suicide people … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in unemployment rate increase……………… successive prime minister Bankruptcy number of cases … ……………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in self bankrupt several……………… successive prime ministers 1st rank in welfare applicant several………… successive prime ministers Tax revenue decrease … ………………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in deficit financing bond increasing rate…………… successive prime minister Government bond downgrade … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister Inferior claim increase … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in national property loss……………… successive prime minister Price of land rate of decrease … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister Stock price rate of decrease … …………… 1st rank in successive prime minister 1st rank in medical expense individual payment ratio………… successive prime minister 1st rank in annuity presentation lowering ratio…………… successive prime minister 1st rank in insurance against annuity charge default amount………… successive prime minister Annuity residential gold 1st rank in quiescent amount…… successive prime minister Crime increasing rate … ……………… 1st rank in successive prime minister Private average allowance … ………… 7 year continual down
Tatte强烈色彩在这次选举中的民主,或直至ー不认为这点之一, As for tsu te democracy being strong to with this election you think that completely it does not become applying
125小林美哉预测,它不仅提供从上次选举 125 Because estimate of the Kobayashi good fortune 弥 only immediately before the electing becomes applying
Warota不会太硬,从席位wwwwwwww30 Chonkororupizu wwwwww [chiyonkororupizu] being too desperate, because [warota] wwwwwwww30 parliamentary seat it does not come off, wwwwww
“即使民主党未来刚Tsuyo m批评Netouyo瓦特”还是你会说,现在的敌人吸收了民主党比 “Because netouyo is critical the next the Democratic party wins w” calling as for ru now for the Democratic party The enemy compared to muka it probably will be attached and
这就是为什么我在日本和反对派之间的时间差,有足够的智慧,我的意思是,在与民主党人怎么办? There the place where it is different from the Japanese but what the intelligence abnormal play ri saying whether you say oh the Democratic party and simultaneous
不过,我゙゙元数据,如果没有其他民主党国会议员来这里净化 But, coming to the 此 place, there is no self-purification
Other democracy Assemblyman [ta] ゙ meta ゙ [me] shelf
什么比例的自由民主党14席小于274,2007年,一区几乎完全失败,他们失去了超过半数的下降和两个区,区三是超过了5个席位中的14区例如认为,选举失败,有下列情况可以采取只在10个席位比例 274 2007 our people 14 parliamentary seats going down from here in proportion as for as for 1 human Ku almost complete defeat also 2 human Ku with failing together of half or more losing Plural 14 parliamentary seats you took even at 3 human Ku and 5 human Ku If you think it fails in selection only 10 parliamentary seats or less it seems that does not come off even in proportion It is circumstance
“30个议席中的一半的第一个”将捍卫线带出自民党议席,民主党不会逆转 “30 parliamentary seat first half” were deduced from the number of parliamentary seats where the Democratic party is not reversed in the Liberal Democratic Party It probably is the desperate defense line
什么也引起30个议席将是一?更好,如果你有够厚, 1 You obtain also 30 parliamentary seats and being re ru intention About it is impudent it is
区二(12) 即使你的分钟数不好,它可以采取10个席位 Counting 2 human Ku 12 internecine amount 10 parliamentary seats probably will come off
如果你觉得S是成正比的自民党2007年参加了14个席位中被击败,它可以采取10 And 2007 our people who are crushed 14 parliamentary seats took in proportion If you think 10 probably will come off
小泽,528而不是实际上的选举本身,我将有→→→下一行解散政党多龙贪污一大,赢得了群众的补贴金额在选举中席位! →回到党,起始号码及升降机 528 Ozawa tsu te election itself compared to with election mass parliamentary seat acquisition gt political party grant in large quantities embezzlement gt The solution party doing drawn gt the next it will try going In addition the new party you start and gt first return
我参加了党的未经讨论只是第一党,独裁暴政的总席位,该铁路是猖獗 Just the political party which becomes the first party entire does to take parliamentary seat and the chi ya tsu te argument is not dictatorial arbitrariness steamrolling has swaggered
超过274选20席少,一区是几乎完全失败,他们失去了超过半数的下降和两个区,三区,区未能赢得甚至超过5年,不到10个席位中的比例撕你这种情况不 274 20 parliamentary seats going down from here as for as for 1 human Ku almost complete defeat also 2 human Ku with failing together of half or more losing In 3 human Ku 5 human Ku and it fails in plural election only 10 parliamentary seats or less it seems that does not come off in proportion It is circumstance
代理党委书记的上院的支持率舆石作为该组织的代表第七的位置一般,17个民主党人。 0%(0表示。下跌了2分),自由民主党13。 2%(1。向下0分),均下降 Position sedan chair stone Secretary General duty vicarious execution as a representation of 7 rank group As for House of Councillors party support ratio democracy 17 0 same 0 2 point decreases our people 13 2 same 1 0 point decreases with it decreases which
代表支持党的代理舆石上院,情况稳定第7号组织秘书长一职 7 rank Sedan chair stone Secretary General duty vicarious execution As for position as a representation of House of Councillors party support group peace
众议院议员选举是令人沮丧的是,如果难以一半什么是好或邪恶反映民意 It is impatient to be half reelection Public opinion reflects House of Councillors and zu leprosy being good being bad
体面(如政策语言)你有自己的权力和泥船井从未当选成员的一个体面的家伙瓦特,我不和退出民主党的 Honesty as been able to talk policy the Assemblyman how being elected the ro w which does not ride in the mud boat and is Well as for the honest person however it does not come out of the Democratic party
体面(如政策语言)瓦特朱达罗未能选出一个成员,我身体不舒服,一个体面的家伙,党脱离民主 Honesty as been able to talk policy the Assemblyman how being elected the ro w which does not ride in the mud boat and is Well as for the honest person however it does not come out of the Democratic party
小泽说,前ü或什么的鸽子,做党的民主党人,我一直在看驱动tTA邮票政策已经提出 The pigeon and Ozawa how before saying the Democratic party as for some political party If you looked at the policy which you have proposed you understood but it is
这对泥船和更多的权力,他们不进行合作比个别案件执行的政策 Cooperating with individual matter than that in addition to riding in the mud boat policy it makes actualize the one which profit
你们有什么打算?我超过30%的支持率?这次选举可以still m商会同时!解散了! As for it is dense being what, the [ru]?
It is the support ratio 30% exceeding?
As for this the [ze] where it can go also group of people going/participating simultaneous election!
Now immediately it is dispersion!
你已经做了在亚洲外交失手是“安全”的W大噪音旗像殖民帝国权力Gisuru外交奇怪,朝鲜的“泵匹配”W典型 Doing blunder in Asian diplomacy
Way you are agitated with the flag of “security” suzerain, w
North Korea model “of match pump diplomacy” of surprise
你想获得更多的权力,并释放4年,鸠山是351?如果你在政变居座的,有没有永久性的选举管理顾 351 You think that 4 years after… Hatoyama releases administration If it remains in the coup there is no either election and it is permanent administration
鸠山还626,“请请我圆”,然后说 626 Hatoyama speaking and “please fights please”
你看,我没有理由下跌如此轻易地被我小泽,知识从周围的房子流量联盟 The respective company knowing the flow from alliance front and back, the [re] the meaning where Ozawa declines so simply saying, the [ro] which is understood and is
保持小幅增加 gt Liberal Democratic Party Tanigaki 禎 one president 65 “by power of number the Democratic party which principle of democracy the screw is bent is dangerous” that it is good gt You talk the desire to House of Councillors selection victory but “constituency 28 you call total 40 parliamentary seat of proportional Ku 12” and 2 parliamentary seat increases from before the reelecting gt It is restricted to slight increase
党:56非反对派选举预测选举125 69: 52 65选举预测选举 表格共117个非选举 扭转最近的预测席位政治评论员说,小林美哉击中一大努力民主党人富士夕刊击败民主党人 Ruling party Reelection estimate 56 non reelection 69 total 125 Opposition party Reelection estimate 65 non reelection 52 total 117 The Democratic party large head wind direct bomb hit Psephologist Kobayashi good fortune 弥 with the up to date acquisition parliamentary seat estimate formation reversal and the Democratic party wipeout Evening paper huji
喜诺207席,自由民主党众议院219个议席的自民党在2005年选举,两个星期前预测的144投票 144 Estimate of 2005 member of the house of representatives election before the poll two week Our people 207 parliamentary seat Democracy 219 parliamentary seat Field under the Koizumi Liberal Democratic Party
内阁支持率的30%至40席,不是吗?Able ve了?我是内阁的支持者是没有方向的方法比较薄弱,社会民主人民新党呢? There is a Cabinet support ratio 30%, therefore it is
The [ro] where it can go 40 parliamentary seats and is?
Everyone national new party and the corporation people party indication it cannot boil the bearing stratum of the Cabinet and
Extremely the weak shelf… it is?
凡按比例投票◇,而上自民党在比例代表制投票前的夏天的参议院选举中,自由民主党18。 3%(上涨1。5个百分点)和民主党增加了17。 3%(0下4分。)据报后的第一时间带走前,切断政府更迭 Ahead proportion voting our people top On the one hand ahead voting of House of Councillors selection proportion representation of summer our people 18 3 same 1 5 point increases with it rises Democracy 17 3 same 0 4 point decreases pulling out after the administration alternating you took the top for the first time
他们采取了60席,如果民主党赢得大在过去的选举中,保留是不是发生逆转 The Democratic party large victory having done with previous House of Councillors selection 60 parliamentary seats having taken this preserves Because it is done reversal does not occur
击败执政党选举 gt With estimate of result and Kobayashi as for the Democratic party central ruling party camp 56 parliamentary seats as for the Liberal Democratic Party central opposition party camp with 65 parliamentary seats gt With House of Councillors selection the ruling party camp is defeated
现在37岁,现在我们想尝试捕捉的条件下,一个多数席位,自民党仅122 37 This time it tries thinking of the condition the Liberal Democratic Party independently obtaining 122 parliamentary seats of majority
口号“造成一个扭曲国会”口号“的汇率扭曲结束日本尾子尼亚” gt Very this time when “it is twisted and causes the National Diet” Japan becomes useless causes the National Diet” gt Japan becomes useless gt Password “it is twisted and causes the National Diet” Password “it is twisted and is dense ya Japan ends”
口号“造成一个扭曲国会”口号“的汇率扭曲结束日本尾子尼亚” gt Very this time when “it is twisted and causes the National Diet” Japan becomes useless causes the National Diet” gt Japan becomes useless gt Password “it is twisted and causes the National Diet” Password “it is twisted and is dense ya Japan ends”
越来越扭曲和选举惨败的国民大会“Jiminga”把戏,是说 Wiping out with House of Councillors selection when it is twisted and becomes the National Diet More and more it reaches the point “ jiminga ” it is probably will be…
这一次,导致国会“扭曲”,日本成为无用!口号是“阿议会造成的扭曲” Very this time “it is twisted and causes the National Diet” Japan becomes useless Password “it is twisted and causes the National Diet”
另一位党的官员说,“你说了很多人的麻烦解礼,小泽伤口采取了叛逃,甚至有可能使自民党与联合”,指的是政治重组 As for another party staff if “the person who is said tangly is many Ozawa accompanying the follower you leave a party Can be even making the Liberal Democratic Party and coalition government” that it refers political world reorganization
另一位党的官员说,“你说了很多人的麻烦解礼,小泽伤口采取了叛逃,甚至有可能使自民党与联合”,指的是政治重组 As for another party staff if “the person who is said tangly is many Ozawa accompanying the follower you leave a party Can be even making the Liberal Democratic Party and coalition government” that it refers political world reorganization
各方将票投给战犯首相鸠山!查看详细资料取自唯一的支持率,但没有垃圾定制超脱古力线新的民主选举的经验就是我的工作在民主选举和地方选举咬 As for the party of everyone it probably is the war crime which voted to Hatoyama with prime minister designation but Separated party of the democracy which and is democracy electing and cooperating even with local selection Although many results it is not separately because the refuse rubbish picks up just support ratio keeps extending
各方将票投给在指定的战争罪行领导人鸠山!查看详细资料取自唯一的支持率,但没有垃圾定制超脱古力线新的民主选举的经验就是我的工作在民主选举和地方选举咬 As for the party of everyone it probably is the war crime which voted to Hatoyama with prime minister designation but Separated party of the democracy which and is democracy electing and cooperating even with local selection Although many results it is not separately because the refuse rubbish picks up just support ratio keeps extending
顺便它是在地方选举中最恶劣的天气伐丽流线?而他们的能力操纵在自民党天气他们不知道我瓦特 The tsu te which is the foul weather in the degree where most local selections are done The psychic who works weather in the Liberal Democratic Party is with the wa w which is not known
吉见义明这个证明应粉碎成亡,喜欢思考的人很多不是谁的不仅是有利于我们的孩子,他们认为,没有什么困难分期付款 To prevent this there is no all inclusive skin to hit it is necessary to crush but Only receiving child treatment the people who are not thought it is many because is It is thought as difficult ones
嗯,我会说这是什么民主去年这个时候你在你34岁“自由是一种选择我的意思,但我敢肯定的事情是不可能打败它进入共产党”是不是? 34 You now of last year whether word huh the te it was probably applying what But “as for our people being crushed certainty Therefore with saying there is democracy tsu te selection profit being the thing shelf As for we you insert in Japan Communist Party” The ro which is
808战略问题的,好像你不介意,在鸠山附表前缀瓦特 808 As for problem of the maneuvers the air which stops in Hatoyama being completely thing shelf w
不是我很感谢很多人鸠山先生!我希望我能共产党!你不是抱怨到共产主义这个词在美国啊! The person who appreciates in Hatoyama is fairly well many However also Japan Communist Party is good don t you think In the American communization complaint word huh te
嗯,我是一个民主的车辆是火呢?该核准率显着下降,如果检察官起诉董事会被迫在大选前,这似乎非常敏感,甚至不起诉下 gt Perhaps as for the time being inquest of prosecution meeting prosecution suitable judgment for the second time Don t you think gt as for democracy becoming the car of the fire the ru it is If before the electing inquest of prosecution meeting forces prosecutes but support ratio substantial down even with non prosecution The shelf which may go down well enough
不要担心我这样的支持率超过百分之三十万维网 30 percent in support ratio exceeding therefore the ru it is such worry it does not need www
嘿,你知道吗?这次选举是座位,而不是安倍政府在最后一刻,在小泉内阁分钟我只负我瓦特冈田民主即使小泉,刚手流Naijan议席的自由翻译谷垣祯一瓦特30席的民主党,自民党成立少 Being understood the ru As for the parliamentary seat which this time is reelected there is no amount at the time of previous Abe administration and it is amount at the time of the te and the Koizumi Cabinet w Being defeated to Okada democracy with even Koizumi although the ru the meaning where the Tanigaki our people can win with acquisition parliamentary seat it is not it is w The Democratic party even with 30 parliamentary seats as for the Liberal Democratic Party below that decision
如果有人提到这件事情上,但小泉是另一个641,我想如果我们得到藤?但是这一次甚至谷垣祯一,我没有积极相当于移动?我一直在寻找直谷垣祯一 641 If the area of Koizumi refers but as for story difference if this time it becomes Eto it is it isn t But this time also Tanigaki moved suitably energetically We took a second look Tanigaki
因此,大多数的工作,更不用说成为执政党扩大民主的角度来看,保持与大多数也难以玺 Because of this as for independent majority when also the ro or ruling party majority maintenance are difficult the viewpoint It is spreading inside the Democratic party
任意如果你问这些负面条例草案今天上午即使多数联盟,并没有采取任何的了现在是通过 Temporarily wherever coalescing if majority it makes the extent be defeated which you do not take The selfish bill stops being able to pass
因此,民主党绝对防线的33个席位,下降21个席位,自民党赢得复出的情况下,最多61个席位23席 Then, as for absolute defensive line of the Democratic party 33 parliamentary seats of 21 parliamentary seat decreases,
As for the Liberal Democratic Party reversal victory condition 61 parliamentary seat acquisition of 23 parliamentary seat increases
国会可能随之而来,他们常说的人合,2031将是政治行伐丽流Me或决定什么是最好的政策,供市民 As a result the national assembly which it is possible discusses is decided being everyone well whether the policy where something is best for the citizen Politics of greatest common divisor probably will be done
在参院选举缔约方席(242席)共计28 07 2共计73个新公明党21日共46 Tachiagare日本自民党→71 133 06 05开发计划署的改革党的社会民主党06日一49人的新党民主选举→115 The number (242 parliamentary seats) of respective of House of Councillors party decision seats
The Democratic party 115 -> Reelection 49
National new party 6
New party Japan 1
Corporation people party 5
New party reform 6
Total 133
The Liberal Democratic Party 71 -> Reelection 46
Rise Japan 2
Total 73
Komeito 21
The Japanese Japan Communist Party 7
Total 28
在这个过程中,秘书负责,始终没有被迫锁定和加载,停止服药完全提请 So, while doing, becoming prosecution of the private secretary, it made regular war readiness unavoidable, medication stopped completely
在这里,我的立场说话回到民主的基本知识,反映民意,是公平的席位,即按比例代表制的选举制度,预计将会对人民的忠诚向国会,现在最猜测的目的 After all returning to the basis of democracy public opinion reflects here on parliamentary seat fairly Intention of the citizen is projected faithfully to the national assembly in the proportional representation system where the election system reforming Now it probably is most to be required
264“最后的人民意愿”是民主党人不!从说到,民意和舆论加剧了严格,公开,最终离开了民主法案本身不!和 264 As for “direct closely public opinion” in the Democratic party NO Because with it means to say Public opinion increases intensity finally the Democratic party puts out in the bill itself which public opinion NO With it becomes
坏卫队,没有绝对的见张开朗,否则我将是一个从该船上的人员也踊跃敏 Because this board the [minsu] operative is mobilized in large quantities, unless always you watch, the home guard persevering
大众媒体的调查结果弄虚作假,如果行驱动tTA的印象管理,暂时吊销牌照,罚款或者如果我希望一定比例的收入为整个集团 When alteration and impression operation of the findings from it does with the public media,
Although the fine at the fixed ratio for the earnings of stop of license and enterprise all groups it should have been
如现任总理,前总理汉字言论责备测试石井第10选区的主席,一个有价值的老兵 10 rank Election measure Chairman Ishii The valuable veteran e.g., scolds the speech of Chinese character test present prime minister in front prime minister,
富士员工休假,Yachihokoga,富士也因为员工螭吻丈夫,富士,民主党的支持率,对在政府的支持率显示细节伊坎不能 Therefore the dowel ho with the employee who densely is in the midst of temporarily retiring of huji the master of shiyachihoko the employee of huji As huji support ratio and Cabinet support ratio of the Democratic party the ro which is circumstance in the reason which is lowered
内阁的支持率仍然很低,目前,无料可提高见当塔拉政府更是 Cabinet support ratio hovers Under the present conditions where either the material of administration floating is not found all the more it is thing
小泽一郎,民主党秘书长为鄂如组织运动揉合政治资金控制管理违法案件“基金,秘书长的言论Merubeki”,46。 9%(0。7个百分点),和“”众议院国会议员的言论Merubeki秘书长以及34。 6%(3说。9个百分点),早生与血清合并。80间,寻求加强辞职的声音 Democratic party Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa who holds the political financial readjustment method violation incident of the financial management group concerning advance and retreat “The Secretary General should be stopped” 46 9 same 0 7 point increases with “Also member of the house of representatives should stop not only the Secretary General” 34 6 same 4 9 point increases with it adjusted the voice which demands resignation exceeded 8 tenths
关注的“战后”或任何你独家撞到任何东西,包括小泽一郎,秘书长辞职 As for the cynosure Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa including also advance and retreat “after the being defeated” What kind of move is struck
小泽和溃疡嗜好199赠款和党瓦特Popponainai我们并不愚蠢事实上,它也巴尔认为艾滋病的芭蕾 199 In addition Ozawa s hobby the political party crushing as for the grant whether potsuponainai w As expected because the fool it is not becoming barebare and it does with think it is
小泽和溃疡嗜好178赠款和党我们并不愚蠢瓦特Popponainai事实上,也是芭蕾舞巴里认为艾滋病 178 In addition Ozawa s hobby the political party crushing as for the grant whether potsuponainai w As expected because the fool it is not becoming barebare and it does with think it is
小泽是否Ru和徘徊了瓦特根羽说我死想呕吐的血液或蜂蜜舔妻谷 In addition as for Ozawa that the or w honey which appears in the traveling of vagrancy we would like to lick saying, although it should have died vomiting blood
山冈,国会事务委员会主席兼首席党的八届岁,大学校友,自由党的盟友Shinseito Shinshinto 8 rank National Diet measure Chairman Yamaoka The same age as chairman, university classmate and alliance friend from Sinsei party rising party free party
当民主党人隐藏,有些人可能会投票支持我错了民主党候选人,我表决前,但一旦我尝试谷歌 When it is done the Democratic party hiding Mistaking the person who votes to the Democratic party candidate it is whether By his before the voting once as for the gugu tsu te however you see
然一情报集体表决,民主是潮流,可马胜说,犹豫不决的选民更相信我会离开 Group vote wins and that ride in the horse whether to democracy it flows intellectual viewing Floating vote leaves furthermore securely
我不知道我什么小泽叛逃? 再要抛弃民主党赠款 There is a Ozawa secession [tsu] [te], whether it is?
It means to throw away the political party grant of the Democratic party it is
我不认为自由贸易协定,并有两个垄断自由狙有没有医疗区,从更积极的民主党候选人这样做,但如果民主是一个很大的可能性,我会出来两种独家 Supporting democracy plural candidacy coercively our people who is not the physical strength 2 Ku monopolies vis a vis without being good in the aim Doing from the ru at the place where democracy is strong 2 there is also a possibility the place where it is monopolized coming out
我不认为自由贸易协定,并有2区自民党垄断狙没有毅力,更民主的强行recruit m做,在民主强劲可能会在未来两年内独家 Supporting democracy plural candidacy coercively our people who is not the physical strength 2 Ku monopolies vis a vis without being good in the aim Doing from the ru at the place where democracy is strong 2 there is also a possibility the place where it is monopolized coming out
我们的战略得到60多个三个议席选区的议席。尽管它派出更多候选人 On that 60 parliamentary seats or more two seat constituency three people of the strategy which goes to taking Also plural candidacy supporting that way
我想一个人来衡量的趋势和违反选举法经常旻淳 The election method violation which gradually [minsu] improves
We want tendency and the measure manual
我认为这表明Tteru细看,但民主党的宣言我瓦特好球员,只要民主党在第二和第三的愚蠢无能的人,但我会做的是继续目前的踢 If the party how manifest of everyone you try seeing democracy and it is simultaneous you take thinking the ru The wa w which is understood immediately Well the citizen being foolish the disabled limit 2nd 3rd Democratic party continues to appear however it is probably will be don t you think
政党改革党或类似,或全部,所以我也会觉得民主党的飞行列,Tteru认为伊坎 Thinking that kind of the fact that it is similar new party reform the party of everyone this and is separated party of the Democratic party the ru Because thinking as circumstance the ru
政府还表示,反对党民主党国会议员从每1日圆。用我的细节公布!政府,每一个媒体的成员。检查我们使用的细节!小泽先生宣布,小泽先生会希望确保大多数希望保持它的良好的小泽 Opposition party Assemblyman government from democracy Assemblyman everyone one Yen Use particulars are announced medeia the government of all Assemblyman Use particulars are checked Ozawa has announced Ozawa is nice It is something which is wanted making Ozawa desired majority maintenance secure
小泽小泽先生说,这是很好的从政治1日圆。有它的使用细节公布 Ozawa is nice As for Ozawa government from one Yen Use particulars are announced
政府还表示,反对党民主党国会议员从每1日圆。用我的细节公布!政府,每一个媒体的成员。检查我们使用的细节!小泽先生宣布,小泽先生会希望确保大多数希望保持它的良好的小泽 Opposition party Assemblyman government from democracy Assemblyman everyone one Yen Use particulars are announced medeia the government of all Assemblyman Use particulars are checked Ozawa has announced Ozawa is nice It is something which is wanted making Ozawa desired majority maintenance secure
既得利益者可以利用周围的人破坏了税收的基本结构 Acquired interests, structure of tax exploitation
With the human who can be destroyed from basis as a center
既然 将不再需要一个智囊团,只有承建商 Because gt the Democratic party already has abolished the policy committee attendant upon that policy investigation function It probably means that gt the think tank which is subcontracted became unnecessary
日本经济由于民主左派,但我会卖国分裂的习惯是不信任的手流Ozawa ll离开碰到谈谈对自我利益的人都动摇我公务员制度改革 Non confidence putting out, dispersing
The Japanese economy shakily is what with consequence of democracy of treason [sayoku]
Just government employee reformation how proboscis
Running to national absent my interest selfish desire, in habit of [ru] Ozawa group
显然,它似乎是有效果的午餐Tonsurukimuchi幻觉和欣快感 Somehow the ton sail kim chee lunch hallucination and the multi happiness impressions
There is action, it seems
最终我的溃疡警告民主党人甚至采取被传递到花萼民主联盟在是不是要扔掉更比所有当选的民主可以找840ー较小的政党或类似的党4人您只需要输入自由Takattara 840 You insert in the party like small numbered political party of everyone passing Everyone being elected exceeding democracy or unskillfulness the ri ya which is done There is even a possibility of being taken in to democracy with alliance it is the ze which is After all you want to crush democracy only you insert in our people don t you think it is
但是,这并不多,他们在这情况和事实的时候,他们可以在相同的输入,但双方没有政治 The notion that and fact there is no political party which but it should insert simultaneously Such a circumstance is many it is it is not
梅塔卖国党执政的极高峰,下降座位,我看到了社会党政府解散后,村山的 The treason political party which masters the peak, administration ruling party does, parliamentary seat sharp decrease and the solution party
You look at Japan Socialist Party after the Murayama administration,
母亲和将反转复苏以来的应急储备基金647 Namapobosshi 647
[namapobotsushi] Breaking down contingency planning reserve fund, mother and child addition revival
每个人都在党的音频尝试进入一个批评民主表决,渡边吉见义明先生,因为有报道说这些工具表中没有资产,而我流浪 You tried to insert in the party of everyone as the votes cast in criticism for the Democratic party but Watanabe happy flavor it is it seems that does the kind of construction where property is not the chart Because there was reporting it is perplexed
我很绝望,有一个私人池塘湿重的工具,即使许多工作,这不好,因为我是标志 Being desperate with the people 潭 tool is it is shelf ww However much building already it is useless therefore the bare te it is
民主党参院选举失利的最后预测,由于“56”区域“65”反转形成摘录 第一,执政党阵营 House of Councillors selection up to date estimate As for the Democratic party wipeout and giving “56” field “65” formation reversal Excerpt gt First ruling party camp
我认为这是很自然的参议院选举中失败,选民已引导媒体可能不知道或愚蠢的选择和重新 You think that it is proper to be crushed with House of Councillors selection but being induced by the mass communications the voter again Perhaps it selects foolishly
民主选举失败的最后预测,由于“56”区域“65”反转形成摘录 第一,执政党阵营 House of Councillors selection up to date estimate Democracy wipeout and giving “56” field “65” formation reversal Excerpt gt First ruling party camp
然而,日本是枯燥的,但最好是为了赢得大选,如果再敏也是在看大图片 With say it is trivial Japan but if you see generally House of Councillors selection minsu winning after all the best shelf
民主党的支持仍然是这样,你知道你只是疯Chousenjin jk的自民党党huh m一旦不只是胡散臭 Still democracy support, the [ro] JK where is just the [kichigai] or butterfly plug gin
Once they are our people
Don't you think? the new party is with only suspicious well
民主失败后显示详细的向心力593小泽山口君秋闪耀的快速装载drop ll说我是管和一个打手的成员对其他稀有的联盟,不仅非小泽 593 When democracy wipes out Ozawa s centripetal power falls quickly As for the Yamaguchi of fairness saying that how it cannot there be alliance the ru As for being able to thrust the hand fairly with democracy with just Ozawa there is no pipe in other punk Assemblyman
民主选举的传单,去年夏天又喔TTP的:/ /博客,国际医学学位- 35 - origin.fc2。com /的A / R /电子/ aresoku / tumblr_kvsci796WG1qz7lowo1 _ 500。jpg图片/ blogimg TTP的:/。 / user_image / 23 / 3A条/ 2970dc755e3f985ed9366226f85caf8d.jpg修改党版的民主海报 You try seeing once more? Leaflet of the Democratic party of the House of Representatives selection of summer of last year
ttp: //blog-imgs - 35 - origin.fc2. com/a/r/e/aresoku/tumblr_kvsci796WG1qz7lowo1 _ 500. jpg
ttp: //
Alteration version
The Democratic party poster
现在,民主党人埃塔信息,涵盖了报告中的只是一部分各种问题,并没有被指控的马铃薯深追小 Now, information of the Democratic party which holds various problems is not almost done part just is reported, deeply chasing or impeaching
甲名单比例由过去的权力基础+填充你把驱动tTA离自民党组织 If the organization which is taken from the former support parent + Liberal Democratic Party
The proportional roster it becomes all the way consist of
笑话Senorita哈哈ha m得到一个良好的四年,继续贫困群达351 351 When unskillfulness it does 4 years it continues it is the ze which is tsu as for tsu tsu Joke favorite no shelf senorita
区和时间再继续3年,日本Gutaguta状态我要在完全干燥 When we assume that Gutta s this Gutta state continues 3 years after as for Japan drying rising completely it probably is the ru the time
罗山变得如此悲观的1瓦约45个座位,而不必担心,我认为选举wwww小泽踢但该党仍负说我觉得这是可怕的wwww 1 Pessimistic so the appearance w You do not worry and the te as for 45 parliamentary seats you think that it is wwww However it is defeated to election As for Ozawa speaking after all enormously wwww which you think that it becomes with intraparty
这一次我得到了自我发展的东西时,我非常担心,民主党内的媒体悲观 This time from the mass communications Although pessimism has emerged to inside the Democratic party when all right how you are proud it becomes outrageous thing
自由派利益集团,让他们有寝返小泽此外,艾达既得利益联合控制的力量拉 Furthermore Ozawa from our people
The right group you sleep, the return,
Control of acquired interests power was taken over
茹击败民主党人指望政治改革取得了内阁,但也证实跳跃 But as for the Democratic party crushing defeat decision
Furthermore flying with political world reorganization, it expects that the Cabinet is possible,
规定适用于163个国家的敌人,美国,单是政府越智鸠山说,美国的制裁 163
The United Nations hostile country provision is applied, [wochi] which America calls to [hatoyama] administration independence sanction
该方案是在4月播出的最后5天,300人共约1.0万观众,排湾族的台湾少数民族收到覆盖梁,其偏见的节目内容(Waikyoku),如日本广播协会要求在赔偿1000万日元从总数约1.0亿 Was broadcast on April 5th last year centering on the same program which, receive collection of data the Taiwan small-numbered race [paiwan] family and the viewers meter approximately 10,300 person who,
Assuming, that deflection distortion (the [wa] it was in program contents and the sewer [ku]) was it requests the compensation for damage of meter approximately 110,000,000 Yen from NHK
达罗会引起公众的支持和金钱,如果他们的承诺,呼吁Bitsukete威胁执行秘书的办公室废物流大规模污染就像是上帝的选举大师瓦特 God like election is dirty the 沢 founder
Being accustomed to calling mass rubbish staff in Secretary General's room
If you promise intimidation and money support
The [ro] w which public opinion it induces and is
这场胜利使自民党扭转“人民最后将(如果你笑)”作为挡箭牌,密切的政治调整 It makes group of people going/participating twist with our people great victory and “direct closely public opinion (laughing)” presses for political world reorganization to the shield,
这是猜想,小泽的心是支离破碎,英国去年11月接受访问是导管手术 But to the last guess Ozawa s heart shakily with November last year English visit had received catheter operation
这次受伤是644文不行,我认为这是当他广泛的兴趣债券家伙是在党的核心民主党自民党万维网只是线刷下我有,支持民主党的这一比率在698达罗的故事 644 As for the chemical injury happening however you think that the time where the party who exactly is on center of the Democratic party has used width at the Liberal Democratic Party was www 698 If support ratio of democracy keeps going down at this pace the ro which is story
支持率从媒体说,艾滋病有点不可靠,市长是有形的结果,如果省长,一 Because support ratio of the mass communications does not become applying if say it is at all the result discernibly The governor there is a mayor selection
鸠山内阁的支持率 - 31.4% - 在冲绳美军基地的调查报告是一个新的500个大城市的调查报告,2001年富士威慑5月20日至百分之67.0。这不是一个级别4★我发明的电话调查瓦特 Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 31.4% As for Okinawa US military base deterrent 67.0% The Fuji Telecasting Co. new reporting 2001 national capital region 500 opposite of May 20th investigation. Telephone investigation * 4
There is no fabrication how level, w
鸠山内阁的支持率[1]的调查是在冲绳的军事基地31.4%,67.0%和500都会威慑新富士2001年的调查报告5月20日。据调查,目前正在日益流行的电话〜3★ 1
Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 31.4% As for Okinawa US military base deterrent 67.0% The Fuji Telecasting Co. new reporting 2001 national capital region 500 opposite of May 20th investigation. Telephone investigation * 3
It is in the midst of support ratio rising -
鸠山(典型)率民主党人的“高级代表工作的真诚愿望多数(122席),席13个席位中的早期”(中)和“ 的目标是确保超过60席 Prime Minister Hatoyama representation as for the Democratic party which is led “independent majority of earnest wish 122 parliamentary seats as for acquisition parliamentary seat 30 parliamentary seat first half” ordinary Assemblyman with gt For guaranty of 60 parliamentary seats or more goal
“民主席位13席早”(中级)的代表人士预测,更是一败涂地,甚至声音 “As for acquisition parliamentary seat of the Democratic party 30 parliamentary seat first half” ordinary Assemblyman with There is even a voice which predicts the crushing defeat
一“党13席议席,民主党上半年”(主要代表)预言,更是一败涂地,甚至声音 1 “As for acquisition parliamentary seat of the Democratic party 30 parliamentary seat first half” ordinary Assemblyman there is even a voice which predicts the crushing defeat
鸠山(典型)率民主党人是“ 目标而努力的真诚愿望多数(122席)荣获”是为了争取更多的超过60个席位 Prime Minister Hatoyama representation as for the Democratic party which is led “independent majority of earnest wish 122 parliamentary seats as for acquisition parliamentary seat 30 parliamentary seat first half” ordinary Assemblyman with gt For guaranty of 60 parliamentary seats or more goal
鸡,但我仍然有日本自民党比尔英,美两方相比,633 633
If you compare to bipartisan of the England and United States, the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party how still it is [hiyotsuko], but